!) I) P'Urt, pLf I'd OH u.'iu lii ml II' JT t!iC f.s V4 ( l' iliflmm rnrrii(lkMi,-hile other wor remote and leu e.xptfed have yielded iK h ready obedience Co lb imsI of .wer. t It-vicmry cannot bin hnvr w lmn?anr tmnnym dividing iha priNM-iil trii?le favorably to the csuwi of liberty j but a regard to truth compels ni to My, that, in my opinion, iuli.'vr may be tint riwutU erf th pend ing cmiU'.l beUnn ill people and the I'miilcnt, the tune iniint cotne, iml that fur onnct Hint it In nhcipv ted, when executive influcne and power wilt forever ailenca the popular voice i unliss, indeed, tin friend of -ifcrt? ami fro iantigUww MmU fJnu.Jj awl JhswI' !y umtn in a ruminon effort to eradicate the (nu which have pi veil nch extraordinary power ami influ enee to the Executive department of Uip government, ant placed lb country in ita prcsunl dangerous condi tion. Tliey may ba alut traced u the same origin, Ui tlncal action of tha government. While million on tnllKona are heaped Hp in the Treasury, beyond tin ex penditure! (hit UieftKmt extravagant of ai) administra tion, constituting an immense fund to it on the cupi diiy of tiiff aiercenary, awl to unit in one IhI and compact band, all in and out nf office, who prefer their own advancement to the public gtssl, any ttnni to arreM tbe pMyr of power ami eornipttm jmint end in disappointment and failure. It will he fisind alniiwt iinpmwible to elect bonesl and capable luen, Or, if U li ah'Hild he elected, to f4niiniatir the government honet ly and fairly, or with a itngle rye ti the public interest. Ili-re liea the mut of llie disease, and it there be not irv tulliifejica and rntrintmm enough to anfdy a remedy, it P-quirc not the fill of prophecy to prediet the end, whatever may be Hi termination of the pfMsrnt presi dential struggle. I do not, by these remark, intend to dump the ardor of thoae who treat present no xcaloiiidy and honorably vn(rci in defeating executive imerTer ence and dictation, in what belonir exchwively to tho free and vntnntarr eW-e of the people. My object h far different, t elevate their viewa to the real mn or ilin di-a, awl Indirect thiir aim to ihe putnt. ber. - cv.-ry blow would tell, ami where icl.iry, when chie - . I ... . J !!.... I . H m,. U.....I.I 1... i,, I.. I.. Hl.il ,1 HI"H I'M Ol V 'UK II HUH T I I'lll" I" VIIIIIM' M.- Hllil , ix-rinanriit. Willi jreat jiwuh'I, I am, Ac. c.. -John c. cauioun. To D. Ilofliuan, and other." The Eillo ill? oiimhle, forcible, ami ju-rt remark are from the " Nw Knelaod Weekly Review," pnlilib4-d at Kuriford, Connecticut. Wliat a pleine HiHenmce there hi but ween tire seiituoonU of this IMitor and mine --otHereof tw-W'htt1artT at ttte-Nnrthi who pwnmt ID their iliilertiiiiMithin to hold up Mr. Webster aa a camli date for the 1'riindcMcy, tlHuih by an doing tin y ren der tli election of Van Ihiren inevitable ! " W ho art Ihe frirnd nflhc Vaiim .'Are they thoae w!k uri fiuninir tho embe'rii which are ready to burnt mi l a rhme, nuil coniinie the brittle thread tlml bimlit lii together tin t'onl'eileracy, by iniiiitiii iini a -I ill Til man fur the I'n.ilein ; or re tliry Ih.w wlm n-c willing In vield to the wi-.ie of l be Smlli iiml the Vt, and imj))rt a cuniliilste in wIhuii they run coo i..i Thi m n itiijM rtaiit iiientioii. ami it l nmi everv Irienil oi me l iiuhi hi ze n an mi i inim con.-i.i- erniion. rlHiiilil tli North. d'.,re?ar.l.n7 the f .in an I Mi.-.mof tlioS.aitlimid Woal. oMmaUdy n-fme-to ;ive 'i lon "inch rani during the au miner, in up their northern candidnte, ami linally anci.'d in elecU , otlK'r too little; but the Autumn was monl propi. iii' inin. what will be t'io pro!i.ibli; result ! Will the 1 tioun ntiil pimed over withiNit hurriciinen or ntorma. Sniili a.id West ipiietly auUtiiit to ii liMiiiiwtlii'ir Ctam H,zit fr(wl curred in the enrly p irt of liwt and cordially mute in mipportmjr bia Adiuinialratiwi! ,.,,(, , 0 f ,,e h,Kdand district, Imt ita cf- O. will they cmatrue it .n.o a ,,rct detenimmtmn to wnr(1 , king the bloom and undermine their constilntioiittl nirliiH an furt nn north- . i 1 " j , re powe, can aeeumpliah it, and r(it Ha unrnfinary ; ';" " i;1"' t -oert uoua leave, apnruarh, even to a diwoliithm of the Union lfnorih.""f,'l P''"2 the prala flie benefit of the a.io to ern men are honest MX thrtrterlri)Kmi of noo-aiter- J ijx-ta in id expuid tliem. feronce with the rightaof the anuth. they aie willing to! " Since then, tho wealhor has Wn ai drv and Ifne them all the evidence of it ni their rmwer liiey i all Uie evidenca ol it ni their rmwer luey jf to thro.v the whole weight of executive 1 iqnWe into the cithern and w.lern wale ieif declarations are mere einptv deciitnatinn, o lull the wsith to aleen, while ihe, are irrasp - are williiur imwerand but if their declnrat i ntnn.lul U lull ikAAMAilll tn iIaiih mkili lliAVarn nfun. ..,.;.. rw,,, n,o. ui.ti h. f,.n.J ..n.iim and will pertinacjoaaly inairi upon a northern I'reisident, and exert all their strength to elert linn, b-l us s.n wlui aru UiartaAaud wliu axe Ue' jirctmdiil, friunds of tiic Union !" -... FINANCES OF NORTH CAROLINA. From tiie Reiri of 4'oniitrollr, we tiiko tlm Cdlow ni',' RccsiitiiIalory statement of llie Finances of this bute on thu lsl of .Noveinlsr, l-'Xi: RECEIPTS: Rpvcnue paid by Sheriffs the Revenue of Hit. 71,iW d") Paid by the prrwnt HlieriTs on additional .Keturiia tor WW, $101. H) I'.iid bv tiirufer SherlfTs on additioiml Return for H'W, 2iH f-7 4-J0 s.7 l.i"s Ti 2.HJ 12 Krwn which. HHnef Tavern Tit, beiiai in to Uierary Fund, 72.1IS1 (HI n.;i-L.QU: 2-.Mii m 27,270 00 BVi'icnmbe Turnpike Comjiany, Dividend on Stocky . . , lkikJOu I. L''tlJ1. on unnppmprmtej .jSjojK ... D.vdend of Stste Bink Stock, ' I) vi lend of Bank of Nowbem Stock, . Cnit-received fro n Rink of the Stile of N. Carolina. fr liiterest en advance pay ments of Stock in siiid Bunk held by the; State, . .. . Do. received from Bnnk of State of North Carolmn. (Hunk Tux.) Do. received for the Rnt of Public Land, Da do. from Henry If. Cook, on his bond, Do. do. from Richard D. Speight Da do. from Dr. R. I lay wood, on lm bonrl, 021 :w 2,2-V) 50 1 (Nt 2IM I iti 0 (H) 21." 00 1:11,022 M 5fl,(W8 47 Balance due North Carolina. Jan. 1, 163.", 1,010 50 Deduct Dudwaemcnls from 1st Jmiuarv lo 81st October, 18:i5, both day inclusive, 1 11,154 21 lilfi,So6 ao Lttrrury Fund: Amount received fir Bank Dividends, Do. Cape Fear Navigation Dividends, Na 10 and 11 Do. Dividends of State Bunk of No. Ca. IX). Di V "lend nf Ban k of Ne w bern Stc k. Da received from Bank of the State nf I F mlina1jMnte.rgt on advance wy ' iiie"ntHfiir "f?fcic'k'in 'aTd1Jan1t,'' "w-r: 11,392 00 1,216 I I 2,250 (HI 2,115 00 JMtlH m .12 Da Tavern Tax for the yenr lSai-'&V Da Auction Tax for the year lHt-S5, Do. Entrie Vacant I and for the year '35, IUIance due Literary Fuml, 1st Jan. lS&V 4(i0 hi 1.47a (Ml 2:1,970 08 49.074 71 4S,fM7 Deduct Disbursements from 1st Janusry to 3Ut October, ltX, both days inclusive, 1,167 06 . Internal Improvement Fun A ': Amount ree'd for BahTf dividends on Stock appropriated to Internal improvements, Amount raeeived on Cherokee Bonds, Balance due Internal Improvement Fund, on the 1st January, l, . 12.!X)1 00 l,3ij 58 7fil 73 Total Internal Improvement Fund, 21,'J49 (iH Total Literary Fuud, . . 1,107 1H Total Reveriue Fund, . ." 4.5.H.VJ 30 Total amount remaining in the hands of the Public Treasurer on lit .November, 1335, $09,272 09 . iM e ... - . . . . ... . . . . - i ... . i .1.. t :.. ( I in; sUIK'ini'Hl in IIHIIH-U nil MHliriM IIH"I III the ( oinpfMlh-raOiuVe of North ( orolina, tl luldny "f .VuVCIIiU.T, l-Xk $ A. KTHDMAN, Cmirtr0l!fr. n Tin wwtcm raiuui.) Mkk. LniriHia: Our brilliant and tuliunt !ntirfl Incfl ainli'l Pliilu W'liito I'riulor, ami IMilw Hiht (luvtrimr. Ami that glory rnoofh ! and bml'ut U.eyUt adjourn V ' JtOl) HIIOUT. ' iii ii.in i ..rii-gi it 1 1 ii ! INTELMOKNCK, u frrm Me FayrUnillf tHnfTVT, i:MTKD 8TATM HANK. Ho intirh liaa Inn an id of rarume ISranrhoa lm. viiij; Ihmmi eokl out, llml we huve iwccrluilied, friNii on niitlieniic aourcc, that tlio following Itranclica Imw ln-eu diniMHiei of ; ItruiM Ii at I'ortunMMitli Branch at f'harlnton llHrlford, ' MoInIo, 1 llurlingtnn, N.Orloan, I'tica, Notclmtf llulliilo, Kl. Louie, IlultiiiKire, IiiiuiiA'ille, Fayetli'villo, Cincinnati, Iioxington. Tlio othor Dranclia wi I lm cloned aa am hi a lirm lirHhle.'iWiilijorl of the Rank tw.-injf to fflW't a fiiutl ('Kmo mi terina mot agreealilo to tlio rum immilv where the dclrt woa conlracU.'d. We doulit if tjiin rereuf of Ike Itunlc bcHire a powerful and '. Nftivc otiicut, will uut figure iMiroaftef u a bright jwyo in tlio history of r iimnce. 1 T0 the '(Jominerriul 1'iiUic we have only one vwfj u, u,,j ,m, a() wmr. ,, J (xwcil in find fault with the Hunk, for refixing to lake dnilla on plncca where they had Itranchea ea tiililiiheil, and which are now cloned, or are in Ihe cour! of clnaiiiK, aa the " law dirwctn," (hoy ahould weijjh ihe aiutler, and auk how fur it will be Ihe duly of I he lVxmite D.mka to aopply tin farjliiien heretofore niTntdfii. We have alwava believed tlml tho .Stale lianka oould not, from ihe nature of 4 iiiui'i, no w niu uie i uiiou oiaiea imiiik iiitu inaie, . i : . l .. i . .i . ff t , o. . n . . I. i l mid vi iin lining One boat of ten ton may do a cor J tiiiu duty, (nit ten houta of the aatne Iohiihc, tlniuh I they combine a owcr of olio hundred torn, caiuail jimviiiie n water (hitch thorn to(otlicr aa you will) u conveniently and aafely oa one vcaael of 100 limn. The (ttton Crop. The following are extmcU from a letter loa merchant in thia place, from lua correal' imk'nt in New Orleiina, datod Nov. jih : " 'eli not consider thai the pirxenlcropof Cotton " Tcr prmiuciive one, na in aotne u.mricii :n l I . i- . , w.irm mun.iier which incoiiiiuui'ia the growth , w.irm as mun.iier which iaconliuuiuj! the growth j arl;) nffltns tl! filleil, ,,cuW, weather ever known, w,rpawtinK tha, of 1820 vMl cw? exceeded that - f. " .. V. ... r , ' "f. I,e 'aBr ''"3 0 per cent; or 1-J6, i which was 3MJ per cU inerea. Wo therefore j estimate the crop at 1 ,500,000 bales, or 000,000, i 000 pounds. The Sujjnr crop has been very much improved hy the contimiHiicn of warm weather, and inuy not prove so deficient as was expected. "The Tobacco crop will be a large one, nnd with the eaeepiion of aignr,1lrer will lie en increase in nil (sir leading article of produce." A letter from Iluntsville i publi-Iiediii the New Orleans BulNin, of the 5th Nov. which stales that lioin the appearance of the crops in Alnlmmn nnd Teimessi'e, the writer bus Ho doubt t)it the quan tity received in New Orleans will be from 1 lo 200,000 bnk!s ba than last yenr. . Anotlior loltor front Nashnllu, states that the wrttee4md biKihta-etHp-id' IWi arsi ff jWOO. that iiianv of the Iss4 planters will not make 100 lbs. to thu acre. 1'aycttccilU Observer. From the Petvrtlntrn Intelligencer. ABOLITION. We have recently Hibiihed the proceedings of several rchinous bodies, cisnleniiiiiii(, in tho most unequivocal maimer, ibe acta ami the designs of j the hiiiiinriiaidoiiista. We regret to liave to re- corJ a decision of (sic of these txslics, of an opio site tenoViiev. Tlie SiMitlklrn IIoIiukmis Tuluiirauk atntcs llnit tiic Sviiod of Cincinnati met at Dayton, Ohio, on tho 15th October. "Among the com- plaints (ms the Telegraph) sent up to thia Judica lory, wc find one against the Presbytery of Cincin nati, because (he said Presby tery ' granted per mission to a vacant church to employ the Rev. Mr, Harrison lo preach statedly to them, who ia knowu to lm guilty of the heinous sin of holding human (rings in involuntary alavery. Thia complaint excited great interest, and the complninants, ReV. Messrs. Kaiikin, Aten, and Bushnel, were heard at length in support of their complaint. Several oth er speakers took the same aide, and argued the question of immediate abolition with gnairieaf. They were opposed by Rey. Dr. BoccheiyDr. WiU son, RcV." Mf. BraihCTdVintfProftjSSoT Briggs, who di lcnded iho Presbvtery. On the final vote, the complaint was sustained. ' ; , , -, The Religious Telegraph makes the following remarks upon this extraordinary decision : " This vote ia virtually a bull of excommunica tion again! ministers of 4he-OuKpel who owu acr vanls. The Synotl of Cincinnati iril I permit no Mich mtnmter to preacn in I lie cnurcnet wtrntn their bound 1 1 This decision is worthy of a place in the ecclesiastical rccordB of the schoolmen of the eleventh century. We hope our readers win Hiii)resa meir indignation ana view ine au thors of this act with pity and seek no retaliation of the insult it offers' to common sense. liut we imi!t ask, who authorizes this Synod, or any oth er, to decide whether it bo right or wrong for a minister of the Gospel to hold servants t Ila Je sus Christ, or bis Apostles, or the Primitive Church es, either by example or precept, authorized the judicatories of our limns to sit in judgment on this subject T This will not be pretended- the act must be regnrdfed a the expression of that rage fir ecclesiastical domination which has infocted'so ma ny in the church, and which at this moment ia ma king havia; of vital pieiy humanity, charity, truth, and ini.iisterinl usefulness. Is it the genuine fruit of that ecclesiastical pride, which seeks to ford it over the consciences of those- who do not vield to. its dictation ; it is the twin sister of that Argus eyed illllUlHltl, ttlie.fi M'C I ho III'! tliiiful liT'-i'S III a ni.iu'a ilnloijihy,aiii which (N rverta the word (iff jihI ir ili'linji out ita inuleilii Iiimis aiinst all who ffiiso tu laalliiw ita own crude cHiceiia. The iiminli iiliitiiHia of tin ariirir, ahMild humhle Ihe church before (iod, ulioold lead all her number to pray, esH:iully, that (Jod will piyc wi-loui to IIhi iniiiistry and t' tho ftifien of the church. The fniila of ihia spiril are deplorable. They are more to be deprecated ill lUo churth, than open awl licrco i:raocuiion. CMKiKATION WMTWARU. . . Covstavij.Lr, Ixiuxa, (M 31. Tlio AWI of Westward emigration, great as it lint Usm in former yenra, is, thia year, altogether unprecmlcnled. It U actually a mnltef of no little surprise where ao many imrtera come from. On Tuundiiy eveniiif last, we were in Laiisvilln on t!ie NatiiMml Road, ahonl IM miles NorlhwHl nf llm and that great ilioruui'hfare aeeinei oKutantly thronged with traveller on fd and horaelsitk, go- in on to nplore the 'Great West' -ami with1" " 'K to ' " . ta Ilia f I tit ret ft aT fh Htmtm , ...... , riniis. e wen iiiioriiHi'i, oy rrsnrcmoie Ben- tlemun ot L(Miisvilfl, tlial no lesa tlian one JiiiikUwJ and forty funiilies had recently pasrd that plane in tar nm owiiif In certain objoctmna to lmay. Too one day, moving westward ; ami that recently, inntr, Hsih-y, ('arson, Alciamler, JVyan, Nssh, and a, one week, brtawn aeyen end ninn huixlred (ami- "Ibera are ipoken of Judfa to supply varan- lie passed on llirouirh the tun idnce. in llie ea.no direction. One would suppose that at this rale the AiMjd of eiiiiurqliiHi must soou lie thrown hack hy tho Pacific Imrrief. , It ia supposed '.hat llie oro. ceoil of tho antes of public Irtisls foMbo -eurreiil year, will be nearly if not twice as erent as those of any former year. The time is close at hand when the region weal of the Allc-hanv M'Siulnin will away the destinies of the nation.- H'rtfcAmiin. pl,. L'NITBI) IN WKDLOCK. In Um county, on the 24th instant, by John Coo emsir, Fj., Mr. TOBIAS MYKIU4 to Miss MAHV CALUU . . In I jtvirwrfiin ma TIimm U u lint 1 f li k mJ.ni k. I,. a a s. at 11 ntt on i huipi, hi" i ri ii uima lit, wj ati Zph ZZTk ',?:,sn? ,'uu,,,,UKVIs '"' Mrs. Rl'SAN lilLIJAKI), widow of Uio lata l)r. J. W. Ililhard. In l)avidsai county, on NiiihIsv, the ?i in-Unt, by tlio Rev. Tboino Bsrmiiu, Mr. T. P. AI.LKN toMii MARTHA IH)RS)iN. In llimtavillo, Hurry csinty. on the evening of the! 4th instant. Col. R. C. PI'RVKAR to Miss 11 A. CLINIiM W. btli of H.inUville. In Irisdell county, on Tuesday, the 17th instant, hy r..,th., r- Mr jiiv i:iti n.'R ... . - A DA LINE ROBV. In Iredell county, on Tuesday, tho llltli ultimo, by the Rev. Henry Hueck. Mr. MOID I.ORAVCi:. of Lincoln county, to Mui Kl.l, WJH I'i; Iredell. DKPAR'I KI) THIS I.IKE, la Rowan county, on Uie niL'lil of Hh I instant, Mrs. N WW SMITH, wife of the late t i,. Vn-i-r Hniitli, aif.il 71 vars. SUIT m:vs ARRIVED AT FAYETTKVII.LE: Nov. l:l, 1). O'llanliai's lihtcr-s I -iy of the Ijike and union, witn tmmi tor i. t. iv t'hiipr. M (V t'hitpr. M. I farrb i Ca, Thuinas L Cowan. Kelly A (isither, W. Kirk land Sl Son, J. I'. M i!ry, A II. Lindsey, I'uryear Si Chngrtian, Clingnian & a.rrott, l A It. Fauceti, Evai Horn tfc t'n., Wheeler A Burns, S. Cnlton, W. It, Holt, (i. A. Mebane, and Monlccai, M'Kunmon i (,'o., of the interior. Also, on the lth, steamer John Wn'ker, Cm!. Dick son, with UiMdslbr !. M. it J. A. H to ti a ('.., Cnurta, W'aiigh &. Co., Wautfh V. Mnire, J.inic- v a .ucuee, i'uryear a; .i nnnn, it . i. iiracKell, ... . , .. r ii 1 ,i l- it L-ii ( luiL'man A: Jarmtt, Kelly & (ihiiIi't, (-innl & LHin William Margrave, Evans, Sfuh Co.. K. M. Holt, J. Pope &. Co., Jcsie Hinchaw, It. V It. Fnneeii, Kvan.-,' Horn & Co., Evans. Hines tc Co, Womack (sJ- win, John Murphy, Murphy & Tnvlor, l'Vi Houston, W. A. Williams Sl Co., Nullum hunt. Jr., J. Sl R. SUn, T. Ildl, W. Ajiic. M. d Waddcll. tieorgc Morse, and B. Chntinan, ot the iniermr Also, on the 13th, sleanvr Henrietta, with (foods &c. f.r Bidt iV, V right, J. Cuwh B. Utlv, A. Bine, J. Hubbard, C. Sl R. Brunell, D. A. ltobinaon, and W. X. Williams, of the interior. A Us on the 15tli, boat Auniw I'ink, and on the 17th iswts Eli-aii4 Anna J'tHJ.fnwi b-amer UaremlonJ a r'w iniies iH'iow uthii. won cry ikhm. ar, uir i J. Williams, Ricvos & Tnvlor, Farisb i Me.Nedl, W THE RliV. .MIL GWI.V A geutlcmnii of North Alabaiim, piiuiug through this place a few duys since, while here, related among others, Ihe following anecdote of this confi dent and eorreiipoudeHl of the chief magistrate, i.s highly illnstrutive of bis ckrittian charity', as his public conduct has otlierwiae been of his Ntrtizan seal. Several years ago, while atton ling a Conference of the church to which he belongs, then holdeu. in lliiutsville, Ala., he put up at the house ot Col. an old acquaintance. Jlu ring his stay the Col. request od Mr (win to christen an infant son of bis, which the Rev. gentleman, from llie press of clerical duties could in no wise attend to until the clone of the session, and after its close, he would have left undone tbe sacred rite had I ho Col. not again reminded him of it. Prepara tions were then made, and a large num- berof the Col's, friends and neighbors were in attendance at the appointed hour,to witness the ceremony. There stood the demure political )arm in NOVEMBER-rl835. his ' robes pontifical,' bowl in hand, here the parent, looking with eyes of love upon his unconscious otlspring, that he held forth upon his hands, while the company were posted around hither and yon, admiring spectators of, the acene. . Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, r nday, Saturday, Sundny. - "Wlwrdo yoifctfftt the parson, ' " " T'" Tuesday, Henry Clay, answered rhe pa- vyednesday, rent. inursday, " Take the bowl r said the parson,! Friday, his countenance lighting up with a pas- Saturday, sion that bore the semblance of any Sunday, thing but divinity, 44 1 can do nothing I.Monday, for anv one of'that name." DECEMBER " V ery well," said the Col., quietly 1 uesday, handing the lo child its mother, " you I Wednesday, can do as von please, but I'll bod -d JThur'y & if he shall be called by any other Saturday, name." I Sunday, So this little candidnV Pir nomeo-1 Monday, clntory honors, was obliged to remain I Wednesday, unchnstened until a minister ol somei i nursrjay, other gospel than Gen. Jackuon's could r nday, be b sind to perform the ceremony, which the RevTJfr. Gwin' cotucirn- GT tioui scruples' vf fluid not permit "i" dny, to do.' ..: . . ': .- ' 'Wurpliv. M. Ilo-niMille, If. M, nl.!...i..,. (i ), a. . i-t,j. iour.il, .wt4h towles, Ifc lt & Wntrhl, W. I. Wanjh, U'sujb & Murihi.m, Wam-b . Ilsrper, .McK ir m 4 l.i i,lmrv. T. Mrlasnbl. I! Itraiuant, i. Uullsrd, II. Mcl'harr, and H, 4 MiCfina, III IW MfTHT. -. I 1 i. Iotcript Kilnti ef h tier f rim a genllemnn ia Raleigh; --fVery ihmjr hrrrirat WTtaixt aevrtuNxiivMnon aimia; biHh parties, and 7ViMer on each aslnn unity of aentiinentaor concert of antiun, Kaa, aire! been brouglu to Uarou Ihe election of (iivwmor. The Van'a have $ amall maritr. but they cannot arrre ainonjr llwniwlvea, and teitf net jtnleai the rre a rr are onanrni in opperatii nusi them. If an, the must lucceed, and will hime a brief puhtical paiateneiw Uie neat AMfual tloctsin, where lue vote I tiovern- ar will be in the binds of the people, will turn the acale ami seal i oa hue ortlw Van Durea nartv in iorth y oima. mat aoiH will be the reaiilt, U aearroly aiiscrjv mini oi of mix, urn i iriua, mat wwhi w ootam pt porrril ijury euner ino merest: VUHe.haa been ehtef . . . . .. . hit test ,j ,i .,nn,i, r u... rties, but even this vote slosthan!,",,0 Aualio, wMcU caa te bouhl on reaatwnldo wa. aapectod by tliora-nl enuU have made a bet- F MC" J and reatffnaMon. Thra I-ttor was written pmlotia to he f3ectbn of (iovernor. . iew, i hrnp, and Dflriibie GOODS! 1 1 1 AVE just received, and are now openiof, at 1 ' their Store at the Vorlh-wcat corner of the Corilinua equare, in Ihe buildine occupied a the Mansion Hotel, a larje and splendid assortment of . I . g rail and II inter Good; ' Embracing almost every article Hi lhc Jiuonf, . in. ', H, H',, f.iUr.. v-. ".f 7,7" " .Z "".: ' " V.Z' " " '"''"", ii'un, -'rs, .!lf ulr, I'aitli, Dlff- Sluffx, and VifWrtUt. CmimIIv keoi ... Msm.1. . , , ... I nlv , u , 0 , ., ... . . ' .ru " -rs. CO" All kimbi of C-oiinlry Produce taken in pay mi ni, mid for which the highest prices will be allowed.' if Salisbury, Nov. I kTV Lincoln ton Mite Jcadanij. I IIK Sulicnber resiiectfully auuiHince lo Pa j 1 rents and the friends of jouth generally, thai jhe has made arrangements to lake charge of this j Institution, nnd that the exercise will commerce mi the f rut Monilay in January next. Reiug w hilly unconnected with any other pumuiln, he ' . t . l I - -1 iroiiii-s to (levoie ma aitcntlon exclusively xoine , husiucs of lciiclnnir. and will simre no iiains to interest the minds of th-e placed under his cai sn as to render instruction at once delightful a profitable. Great care will be taken lo pievr the formation of idle mid dissolute habits, nnd punctual attendance to the duties of the lnutitu-1 lion will be rigidly required. Aa the opinion to home extent prevails, that tool much lime ia siient in acquiring a knowledge l;,",,,1"lf,,.v.,irds, the Silssnlsr would observe that in bia .. i . i i.i... . - course of instruc ion on r.luss cal literature, a mi- , . , . . , . . .l .. ulo aimlv-i of words will be taught, with iheir comliinutinn in the construction ol sentences, and every thing pertaitiing to a Ihurough nCiUiinilnnce with those beautiful and im Aiiiiouiiy. The following will compose the courao of stu dies, viz : Gould's Latin Grammar, Latin Reader, Virgil, Cic.To, Sallust, Horace, (G.aild's Edilio Expur gala,) GsHlr!h'a Greek Grammar, Greek Rea der, Greek I cstuuieut, Aenuphcn, u roca Majora, DV-Algebra- h is hom d that the well known nluiJity f ....... .!..(,... I l.aa iiwJiial puuia mitl lllfiml rllH rUflAT 1 of Hie citizens, together with the cheapness and excellence of board, will insure to this Institution, a liberal share of public patronage. T3P.1I0 0? TriTIC": Lnndinge and Mathematics, per Seasion of 23 weeks, '.- - v ; in.tni English Grammar, and Geography, - 7c'0 J. A. WALLACE. November 25, 13.1. Ow rilcssra. r.Iiller, Yalo, Sands, and Co.'s Menagerie and Circus Route, Counting from Campbell 'Courthouse, Virginia, as Jldiertistd for 1835. Irate. Town. Conufietu 16 17 1 20 21 22 Campliell C. II. Rrookneal, RopublicanGrove. Meadville, Halifax C. H. Black Walnut. . Campbell co. Halifax,' do do do do Milton. k Caswell, 24 25 26 28 29 30 1 2 8 & '4 5 ? 10 11 12 Leeaburg. Yanceyville, Brown's Store. Ramsiorough, Greensborough, Jamestown, Brummcll's, Lexington, Salisbury, Mocksville, County Linn, Island Ford, Abcroalhy's Forge, " Catawba Springs, - do - do , Guilford, do do , - do. do do do do Davidson, do . do do Rowan, do do - do do ' do Lincoln, do do r " do do do do Fri.'y Ltncolnton, Tweniy - two Appointments in three hundred and blteen mm wu, ma . 3 ; ' . , VALUACLrTPLNTS ' . Sn tho Llarlibt! II Y Virtue of a Deed of Trust to rne rtiecutfif, by William I)isiniikeatfonhmirrxfea Ihefe in ttptrasa d, I wdl tap. to ISiblic 8ule. in lU Town of Wadosboroui-h. oa Momlnvi tht 114,' rfjr fifJuwrj next, the following TRACTti OK i'"i illl'- n.rt. ... ' . " van iiuur, . i , Coiilnlnliij 5 JO Af rra, A ' Iiyim'on the (Jnld Miua Urtnch.'ktvwn liy tha' flame ol Ike 1'iuion Land l thia Tract has ;UIJ1 m it, m avveral piec have bmnr Cajud by Mt. Dumukea and othera j lU toil ia mJtaLle U th flli fCum, Wbea,iMrC4lon. Conttlnlnr 35 Acrei. -f ha . one-third interest, the otfir two-lhirdi be. ' ""WW m -ttr" muslin, ano tue heir or Jon lerma, til ract contains the celebrated Gold Wine whero a niece of G4d weighing !0 IIm. wu fmod. Thia Mitt haa yielded upward of Tea Thousand Dollar worth of Gold without tbe aid of machinery. am conMent hi amount, or more, could be gotten from thia mine, if pr perly worked by men of acionce, and the know. kAj of Mujtnjr. O.MJTIHCT, ConUintng 100 Acrea, Knowo a 'the lease Barne'tt Tract j it ia excellent Land and under good improvement. Term of gale, Cash. ALEXANDER Vf. BRANDOS, Wadeaboro, Notr. 2, (Jt) Trurtee. ii:(.noi:M roil all. WILL be aold.aj the Courthouse door in Sali bury,- 4ke lar day of January, lt.lJ, uu der an Ordor of llie Court of Plea and Oo.rtna ' Seasion for the founiy Rowan, rour .fgroca, The property . Jnwph Iliuner. A credit caf tit naaitha will be given, the purchaser giying UskJ with approved security. BURTON L'RAIGF., Guardian. November 28, 13.J. . otic:. i is, peraona indebted to the Estate of Francia ' WiUhi. doceaaed. are tmri,...ilu ........i ... nuke iininedialn payment lo me at Cberaw ; and those having daimiMls against said folate will hand me their claim proerly attested. Kit HARD PIIELAN, Adro'r. Cberaw, Nov. 'in, 1h:5. 3i Committed To the Jail of UuiicomU dainty, on ihe Mb instant, a Negro man, who any a hi name ia (JKORfiRi dark complected ; five foot eiabt or inches high ; stout built ; about 30 or M year oiu ; nan on a ami o home-spun, yery much worn, and says tie belong lo a man by Ihe name of Mil- oljler, who purchased nun of limar of Augusta. The owner is requested lo come forward, ptove property, pav chargea, and take hnn away. ' E. H. CUNNINGHAM, Jailor. Asheville, N. C, Nf..vemlar 2S, 183.V 3t RESPECTFULLY inform the public that he ha located himself in VI IjLK, Xorlliarollna, of l'lli" ntl fortmtjr T ttt ArWKI N. R. Calls left at Mr. Welch's Hotel will be promptly attended to. Nov. 14, I$3A. 4 QUANTITY, of Foolwap and Wrjp plng'PATPlillr quality msiHifaciure,! at '.he Salem raper Mill, now on hand and for sale at THIS OFHCE. November 2, l"s35. tf KlatCaV Xnndlord. Tlllct Virginia. J do do do do do ' ' NorthCarolina Johnston, Callaway, 4 Clarke i" Mrs. Adams, Jackson, Eaalyv 20. 13 U. M ' " 15" y2fl-'T Farlcy- aiiIwiofci'?'rtt'f iravea, -yymx Uartooi . "f Benoc, ' AIbriglit,"""te,,r -t. tlorney, Bnimmoll, j? Simpson,4 Hague, . Bingham, Mrs. Grimn, ' Ahernnthy, Abernathy, Simonlon, Leonard, 12 10 is. 15, 17 19 10 ;27 18 10 ; Ml .1 al-?a K . iOJL -t ,f r. .a':-:;: ... . y ii va-t- -r saii w i uaiiiwa . atcuuK.'ta.u -V- - . s--V - x . - ' f ..fc,.... t - ' -p- "--i . V v tv;.Ai. L

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