7: t Is :r .... l.., i " . ..I.:.". -r- ,r.v . - i - .'- Tt i - I - . t t ,4"T ; 11' , i " i r . ton- ; THS I ' nH -r.eC TUB Wtsrtn. - 1 r T o !. M K N I rm-p-cifuHv inf-irm , S i ... ( , .i,f( U, t ii"-n!r,CnuUi,inil 2 u .tT t .,f. i -J" ' that -y b J n. . , I, B .t, ; .uU J iu iiptfii I'Jfie.oa the j lJT,;UNf . ttfr lirtetiflltm. ' k , 'J ' " " ' W U'l I 'H .l .... ... Wlt tlWHMk a A . iih;u wtu - i ' , - . all V, t V. vt of e a vwy considerable 1 ..! !m made fronxinr rrgw prf' i Hit ws tjwy not m on n"'i, . . t . ?.,. J .1 .ll .llk .,..,..,( JjJi( llinll Urnn will r i I . .. .i I . . m aB1l Cru rtLf W lljuiui i ana i p c t - i l IB Uf .' 1 4 and m-wt f xiieditK"! manner. -llaaBBfaw V iht. tint, hvu i tn i--rtrmmt nf t'tmf J lJ la frttl III HiifM J-Aa, ina jvo ; 51 , Mubor.JiMwtf.lm .: TUB CENTIXM AN SI , f ' Ot T fronTis a pmTic Corwio, 'rortniUiii filebrttrd winning !l(ri, rjiUutupiuv Ml Dd NtturU phMKMMM, l,rileuiii, ie. , ,: M 9 I . IT b "I mnnth Moe tb-i p lUictiiud Wk ram imc4 la nubd lphi nd illltouyb lh publuii trt b -mmmI go eiirBJMWM imm to Ciicukt Loowledl of hi awnta, yH mtch k lb ntu&cikm tDMB(tUi by tint partiafl of tb publw who !- biwn - aKU tcuuautted vith iu chinctr n4 fwitrnU, UU , itt M Mtroet oooliaiteo omMteatly uwl mpuJIy to IncrcMic Tin fpw k bow duHribut4 rrfvUrly oro jry wwl or fviuam U lb Unwo, inJ Ui mart Mti-fkclory uwininm iro ree'iwJ (htt it will rtntiwlly hecono out of th moat popular lnH Iba amruj excellent ariodkla whicli iano from tbe Amoricaa dtm. No asortioM will a aiiar4 to oat. fctub iia pnnangt repuutioa nnra xtr-ly and if tftf liberal aaoctw M Bwaa w WDfxn n aapacwuT Vaiipted ahaU wtrrant, Ua future improramwit both a mnrda typrvnpriicaJ naatiieai aa4 aubellii-ment--will Co mala ially adraoool . - , , . ftTbo -iflwt Playa tw! Fire thtt will ippaar ia Dm eottrao of t year, U thetnanlvco, will ba worth mofi than Fuor timi tba amount of -ibmcriptico. Tha Wlowin W a liat of Uwat which karaalWy appaared: Cbariea tha TinC Miaa MitM. h Blia a Unftml R. P. Hmith. J. 8. Knoirk I. R. PUaehv F. Reynolda, C A. tkmwraat. T. Morton "" Tha lluncbwck.' . , Tbo Dip, Deep Sea. Cheap litviflf. . . . Hltabpearc'i Ear!; Daya. ' nprm (jnifla. -i- Quiw Correct---r- R. Pi Smith. Bejsrmr of Bethnal Orten. J. S. Knowlr- ' lluabanda and Wirea, MaoofTeaTbouaaad. Tha Udiea Man. . ' Til Tell Yoa What . ; Tha OoU Farmer. , . Vmculation. , 'Thomu Hulcroft. VVilliara Ei Burton. . Mm Incbbald. . s Benjamin Webater, . F. M. Reynold ' OImidm Devila Planches Dane. Amrlwh In InJia KtwkHMwra PeatiraL ' , The Ewt Indian.',..!.'. : Friend too Gorarnor, ";t Victflrina. , W. T. MoncrietC W. a Lawk. -J. R. Planeba. , a hi. hlUnar. r The Omnibua. Tha Child of Nature.' lira, laclibald. - Tha Rencootre. . , . 1 r The DueL . . , . . R. R PeakaJ The SMtoi2-Ii- -WIUnynorB,r Vklocv , llernanL . Jamoa KeuDfyv Iruh Tyrona rower. Alfred Bunn. lly Neighbour! Wife. Aladdin, or the Wonderful. Limp,- ttV The Sportin. Intelligence (at homa and abroad - :.i..ki. -r .!... .-J i. - onllectad uotn tlia moat autnenue toarooa. Amnngtne m' , Portraita of celebrated Winning Uoraea which have wem m gircn, are . Tba American Trottiog Ilorae, Edwin Forett, The Iinoorted Racine Florae. Meteonirer. Tha draurita Racing Mar, AneVaLd her ft!, n fkmi't eelebrated Trotting .Ilorae, Jforfulk, Phenomft. -' Tbe Iran blooded popular Ilorae ChatW Mar jaox. Tba well knowa En.luh Race IIotm, Touch. ma. ial: - f-a. Tha noted Blood-borse flundig, tia winner of tba Derby Sukea in June, 133.V - , - A eorract Picture of IUca Courae, occupying the .ullh of aaven colunuukL A complete treaties, on Ridin?, with Tofirtwi Til u tretiont, fur tho iniprovetnent of Ladiea in that moat ; healthy of all exerci : Explanatioa of iba Automaton Cheaa Player, Qluatra- ? tod by Ueven tngratnga. - " 03" Tha aubjecte which are particularly embraced m uia vane niucum win oe more aimincuy anaeratood nora me Mtowinj tuuimary of hem J - ' -, The Turf and all mattera connected therewith, Oq tba .Structure and Character of tha Ilorae. On the Improvement of Horned Cattle. . , Rn!"i fi Novicea is Shontina;.,T.;.- rr vi WotiKid hj Feediiie a-id. T'Tning Dfn -f-"-"--. B oraphiea-of cluUau.l Lraea, With tJielr'Tort , Appioved Garnea, from I luylo anil olhefn., - Criticiaina on Play and Actor.' ' Tlie moat popular t. f t tn muta, , r The Art of I'nrdeiiiH in llliixtrited, A rnrM-ty of Il cipf.a adapted to IKmicfltio Economy. , .An lipilmne of important psiii7 avenu. ' ; . ?y To A""'it and other I'remiUrtC eumntini; f 'I, in VA'l'Hiii 5iJH .pap andii'iieM'y,4ioiratf,lhV'r ,i'n (isj $ X iuum', ci'mtiitung ii?lit diflereiift Novell), y Hip moet pujml.ir nutlmrH, .wiH be presented -to an A : nit or otliera wlio elmll pmriire fcur namea to the rn Acting Drama, or tiia Ci. iitlHiiisn'a Vade Me- amt'twffiit- t!w iiKWnt'6i(a-yMrife'tTpUS (vl) (ir each. , v '-'-.t '.V Tlfia ioitrrial Is printed wo k!y. on largo imperial pa ' )ier, with new typo, at Three lUlara per Annum, pay. j able in advam-e. KiwciiiM-n nimibera will be aenl to " any pan ot (na Union, ny a'tilrn.nitf the puhlisiiera, -roaTAotraiaX ' .MiTU & AUiXANDER. Na3i, Athenian BiiihiinRa, FraiiV.iin Place, Phila. 5 To the Entcrprizlns I T MILL GIVE an admirable acat fort Factory, - or otiier watr machinery, to any neraon who ihp In enter into ench purmiin. The acat ia on tl.a 1 aJhio Rivrr, 2 milea below Stokea For rj. in Montgnmerv'tmntyVvl will alao give with it u nall qunntity of LantJ. Tlie ecito ia unir- f r con vciitencn a&t. water powrr. Apply m itiC treuusca, to . - y. . lituiAUti. i. . ........ ., ... 'S; .. -i .. IZdno cf Hacka; ANXIOLa toiled aery fccihty lo tha Tratallinr I'ulWic. now aaiKMoea tliat tliy bara eoMipli!Uid 11 Uimr arranj-re-aunoil ran with truth mf, H f UM fom arw4 a Lint llutki fouruing mJnantrngn r wn ihrr ,r ' t0 Kft " 'M'rA.-f tiring ouaimxl inai f rai ornrmm wiui all Travfclr-o Jtttiiu tm iA rV. U a ao ar fanJ aa to corpui)d, la IW amvU at Rtciih, with lh drriira of Ui ftAUmmg Btaf fiat Tha Oraal 1.WV- tolcl,NirUi-(Wiua,fK'Mintljrmc UnUuip, War rati too. and (UlifaJti at lim luiiiaUc a f.iiM oT Hiajf nimuntcti with tha PurtMomith lUii-llmi k AWoik i by eouttnuinf on lo Blaalry, yoeriha tha petursbura; Bail-Road; hi 00 rcr ar fivil at tliat phita run bara tlia choiea of twoiJoea either by land lo Waahiogtoa dry, via. Riehaonrf and Frederick tiorf, of by tUant-Ct to Korf'4k. Tbera a alao lino of tUafreo from Kak-iykio aiurfutk, via. Tirburuaffh, Worfreewbofiiiifrh, WitiUm, aV-, orpr ooa of tha bt-t KaUiral Ruada in tha Udttod Statea. At Nurfclt Itxita iU ha ao duUnliuo, aa thera ia a Una of ntcam-Buato It tUluiiara hi caoaexiua wttn Una una. Thai lino alaa aonaaeta with owe from Raligh toNewbora. Th anivpla at' cVUabary at fesutaUd alwigetber by the dupartiiraof tha Piedmmrt fjne Hnuth, id.'.0 GfMt Veiant Ioe fbr Kaahrlti Trtnt'Vnia LiaouIuU kdthnrrdluo AbavilR Knoaullc, fc& Learea tha lliiiii,'a 1 IitnL Hl iWr . TUESDA Y and SATURDAY at fi o cluck; A. 5I.-Hr tha arriral of tha Piedmont BUife from the BrHith ame in Ril-irti aext days at 0 a'clflch, p. Mr-l Raleigh TUFA DAY and HATlRD.iY at I eYlock. A. V., anirea in 8a!ibury oext aayt by 4 o'chtf. M.-aJlowiD-auf-Boient tim oa the road tut MLR BP. ' . . . -' " Kr Tha Ilacbira Albany make, entiiwly nrasand rannut he aurnaaard for cotnfijrt and oaaa; ibo Teama are rxcollanl, Uia Driven careful and attentive, and tha Kara low-e 8E f.V P0U.A13-U Inter, mediate diaUncea 7 eanu per aula. bT raaaamrari (torn tha 8ueAh who-wtah to take our Lm will aa careful lo eayT la Slwar aay. , Ojr All Eondlea and Patkagea at the fik of the owikira, tvtr i ia lmmvn ' . .JOSEPH L MORIXG. P.S. Tu Lhti, from 8oiiaArf ro tUttimot U tfi thMfn (n mnj atacr. Jte Fare from Rnlrigk to tFathtngton City .mmmf to tit ML a folLnct; Proni RaTeTfh to BUkley, Stare Fare, . V . f7 Kakley lo Petrliirg, Kail-Koad Fare, X Petoraburv to RicSinon.l, HUfn Farts . 1 SO Btcnmona w r reuericuoorg, ouge r are, o : Fredericksburg lo WaJiingtwt City, Hleam BualFare, ..,.. . 3 The Bteam-Buat Fare from Petrrabarg to Baltimore, tia. Norfolk, ia W DoOora. FOR aAlilV THE Bubacriber, having determined lo remove In 111 A nuth.arftat. nfTmra fiir iha ahnvn nrru - i perty, with or without the Furniture. Tbe Plan ration containa about TOO Acrea of Land; be. Iweon 95 and 100 acrea are tow-grounde, cleared, ditfihed, and in good order otherwise; and ia ei- ther gaud for Grain or uraaa - there being about 12 Acrea of the latter, (via: meadow land.) " About 200 Acrea of the high landa are cleared and in fine order for cultivation. In all I think it good for 8,000 buahela of Cora, with a proportion, able quantity of amall graio. Tba IIiHiaea want do repa iraod-are.. tiiflicienti ibr enlertaiiiing' Wor 70 boardera, with fine Bta blery, Carriage-house, and Threaliing Machine. No buiUtng-of any description ia requiaite lor the place at preaenu - Tha nropariy. ia new waaitively -t(hni at a price so low tost it will pay for itaell in three yearn, by aneniron to tne rarrn ana tiouse. Persons wish, iog lo buy bad better loae no time, pa it ahall be uld, and the price at which it is offered will force it initnfdiatfJy1J4ejtere my addreaaratnhia Office, will meet prompt attention.. E(J R?E'f "S?aSl Aijian al 6ir Bricea."r'"'r''". ' Application may be made, for pricea and pay menu, to the following Agente, viai Maj. H. W. Conner, of Baliahnrv ; Jamea A. Johoalon, Eq., Charlotte t C. C. Ilenderaon, Ejki., Linoliiloh, andj. M Burton, Esq., of Bcattie'a'f ord, who have thb terms aod will ni;TT.T? ;'tt;JTi '- "i i: i - w m. a-siwnxTfj?!.- , P. 8. Attached la the PWtotion ia a Itna'atock of Hogl arid Cattle, and" an 'Uiitaiiliiij Crop of UmH-amj 2,000 bushelavfciuuh may be had with the plantation. W 8. o. L Catawba Springs, September 20, 1833. tf FALL & :: for is33. IIOnACE IL tJHUlDr Tailor, ': fl EfiS Irnva to iuform hra&iooJsyawd tWanWrc -fritt genernl, that orders in his line v. ill always be thankfully received by him, and executed in the moot INeat, t ashionablo, and JJurahJe manner on erm ns rrmsnrrable as any in this section of coin. try.. II. It. II, hopea, from hie long practice of bia oiiiiier: ia niimoer or vwira oi wnicn una ne xeatdcd-iia iIh city of ' PrSiUidctphia,' and Trora the CTieral aad)4uitKia h trBjrrerrfafbW iVfrfl lofa nutnerxHia rwpeotable and fatmionable tiwtoniera, to nient and receive a portion of the patronage of the public in general. . v ' Z U . He fWt mTTI'rajfienof' to any" uVme tn this State,' as way be tested by tlie undisputed elegance of fit which atttmcLi gnrmnnts made in hie e.-rtaWitshnvnt. . He ia in IHe rejrulttr receipt of th Rcporta of the Fa ahioi as thoy change both in the Inrge citic w tnw count ry; and of hurope -o that gvntlemwi rnny ba uttiMflod that thoir ordfi-s will lwaya be executed m the very latent eh le. . j uruure from a distance will be nttemlcd to witb tlie aame punctuality and care aa if the ciwtoniei were present ia poraoo . . - Salislwry, Stember JO, 1833. ly. 1 , : - To Itlmliantn. nud others. 4 I. A ROB QUANTITY of execlJent white WRAP- a. PIAG PAPER, of newspaper now 01 hand, and may be had oa, Very cheap term, fcv apiticntinn at ; vcu tu. t : TUI3 Oi i itti Lalral Improvf mcnt du. rit ten's MlVrIiIalC TU13HH, For Ikt immtdialt llttirf ami radical Curt of 11F.RS1A or RUPTURE. r TUB BubecrlW, having Iwb legally author!. 1 9rA la tNiid anil annlv Dr. Prirf' rflrbrated Imprwfd Patrni Mttalht Trvu,a the fctatce of North Carolina and Virginia, lakea plnaiure to proecnting to the citixeoa of I bona Statea, the ad vantagoo of ihia highly approved iod celebrated luxtnmicnt ; kit which purpota ha ia now viaa.og tho principal towoa of Uhw 6u(m, remaining few wneka in each, at which lima all peraona wiah ing fa bn relieved of the danger and incoovenieiir uf Rnpfurw, Vid makn application. ' i lu olhrnng the TRL tW lo tha aniicled or Kup. tufa, we do it. tpnfidently believing from I he one caaa Dr. Price baa had in curing Rupturr of long ataoJing, and of every deacriptioa'on one or both aidet, old and young, and lite leatimony of me higbeat authority IA favor of lu auperior utility, hat if ia lb moat valuable Instrument tot their uta. It Can be worn with convenience, day and night,' which' fa the eatimatinn of l,h moat diatia i i n ii. I a a . a Swnea ourgeoae, ia eeeenuaiiy imporwn 1 a permanent and apemfy cure of Rupturr). No cure), no nay. Tlia foot alievwd gratui- Lj:. JAMES li.i)LlVE4,M. 'tLL Hera follow aumerou Certiftcatea. '. -Tha Subscriber ia authoriied by Dr. Oliver to apply Ihia Truea on ha conditioua abpy'a roeotiod. ed, vii-s oo tura ao pay. ASIIOEL BIHTII, November 21, 1834. Baliabury, N.Jp. UJklD la. VOOli, JEWELLER & MILVCIUVIITII, RE8PCTFULLl in- Public, thai be still contT-t pues to carry oa the above baaineaa. in aU its various tfiKr . . V branchea. &Z "i 6oop Xil kept oa tha Mi-stratriai 8ahtbo ry, one door above the Store of Samuel Lemly du Son. Watrhea and Clucks nf every kind will "be REPAIRED with neatness, at abort amice, on reasonable terms, and Warranted fOP 1 2 Months, He will always keep on band a variety of artt clea in hia line ; such as Patent Lever Watches, (English, French, Swiss, and Initch.) Gold and Plated F.-b Chains. Gold and Plated Watch Guards. Gold and Plated Watch Keya, Gold and Plated Watch See.la. ' " ' Gold Ear-bobs, Breast-pins, and Finger-rings, (latest fashion.) " Silver Ware; Ever-pointed Pencil Cases, and Leads. Silver Spectacles, and at eel frame a and glasses. Fine Pocket and Dirk Knives, and Silver Fruit Knivea. Pocket Pistols and Dirks. Breast Buttons nnd Musical Boxes. Gilt snd SlocI Watch Chaina and Keya. (r Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for artK-les parchascd at his ahop, and in payment for work done and debta due. D. L. P. Salisbury, August 22. 1835. If MOICi: NEW JEWELLERY, THE Pubsrriber has just return ed frni Philadelphia, where he purchased a rich asaortmentof ATU1TE8; aT337TSLLS7. &0 Qf the most recent Fashions. ntlernejiXWolio)L Si) ver Leyer, ' Do. do. Duplex, Ladies' Gold Lever and " ' do. WakktS Plain English and Swiss . Fine Gold Fob-Chaiui and Kevs; 4. 'iiie Plated. Fb-CBift and Keyrr Ladies' Plated Neck-Chains; ' Plated Neck-V. hams ; ' ai-ortment of Breasr-Pina Indtuigir st Ring? Gc4d ind Plated ; ' i Jet, Silver, and Gilt Waiat-Buclles : j ' n. j m-Aj. t -i. ' A ricH i Fine Ear Ladiea' Shell Music Boxes and Silver Pencils ; A large assortment of Spectacles for all Eyes; Ladies' and Gentlemen Fine Pocket Books ; ' Superior Wade and Butcher Cencave Razors; PofftH Kntvea and Sclsgora( Leather and Silk Moncy-Puraest ' j . . . .v 4JHUK9 tai&v a UI auu uiou-vuiiiuv , , ku Snuff Boxes, an Thirnbleal" . Fine Plated Castors Iod Condle-ttkli, Together with' Chains, Pistols, Seals, and Keys, dc Alan, 8ilver Spoons and Sugar-Tonga; He hopes that hia Friends knd Customer Vil) call and aee hia fine assortment, and B Vf T -4Ie will sell low for CASH, or on a short credit. Orders from a diManre will be promRtiy filled.? vWatchea and Clocka repaired well, and Wr ranted for Tvtlvt Month. 04r Old Gold and Silver takew-in exchange for JeweHtry.' '" v -"' L JOHN a PALMER. Salisbury, September 12, 1833. tf ' " .I'MicSale! I N pursuance of an 0,der of the County Court of Rowan, I trill eTpotw 'M I Pulilic Saleroa t he nremisMC.) oaltAe iota 4a j of Dtetmber next, f - Belonging to the estate of said Upright, together with a email quantity of Corn, Wheat, and Hay. A tttedit of twelve montTu will be given, the pur chaser giving bond with approved security. w THOMAS SMITH, Administrator. ' November 17,1833. iV-; ' p t , $100 LOST ! A ONE Hundred Dollar Bill, pnyable at the Patriotic Bank, at Washington city, dated 1819, Ne. not recollected, waa lost by the subecri bcr between Morganton and' Salisbury, on the main "stage rood, between the Jlth and 16th inst. A reward of f 20 will be given to any person find ing and delivering s&id note to R. C Pearson, Esq., at Morganton, NC,ii: '',. ; ,-. Non21,l835.-!4 F, A. MOORE, , p. S. I think it probable dial there were some two or three small bills lost at. the same time as abxvav;v;';:-,.:-.'. --! F, A. M. iBat t.-.grwfjw.aiiu. iyiy) Rullirrfbrdlon iifiia l rsALa-D2:::i.r.r. 'PIIE Truatees of ibe above Institutiona having - Ircted Mr. Alexirvlor A. Hall, and Mra. M. R. Ilall.aa Pnncipala, would reapeitfully announce 10 Parenta and Guardians, that the first season wider .Mr. and Utm. Hall's- instruction- will eom mouce oa Momjag, the 167 tf , Sfovtmbcr ntth Hates of Tuition: Reading and Writing, per acaaioo, $6 Natural Sciences and liellea Letlres, . 1IU Lenguagear - tj, ; . .. . 912 30 t Extra charge's for tha Ornamental branches. Music will le taught at lbs usual prices as ear ly as arrangements can be made for a Music Tea a her. Tba Recitation Rooms being conveniently aitu- aled, tba Latin, Greek, and French Languagna, logaf hoc with Drawing and Painting, will be at tended to in both departmenta. ' CO" Hoard can be had, in respectable lamilea, at tl 60 per weak. Tba Truateea hope, that the oiaoy advantages derived to their Sc cools, from location, good mo ral society, and the qualifications of the instructor and kiatrucireae, will induce' a liberal portion of patronage. . EDMUND oKY AN, JUIIN JHcfcM I I KK, W. B. RUTHERFORD. MARTIN BEAM, - WILLIAM TW1TTY, JOHN WILKIN'S, Treasurer. Rutherfordton, N. CM Oct. 31, 1833. p7 RECOMMENDATIONS. LiacourroR, N. C, OcU 23, 1935. 1 have attended the several Examinations of the School taught by Mrs. Hall, in thia nbjee and vi cinity, and I am of tbe opinion that the different branchea were taught wnh great acre racy. LAWSON HENDERSON. LiaoOLJtTClt, N.'C fjct'23, 1833. " 1 take pleasure in saying, that I have occasion- ally visited Mrs. Hall a Scboola, taught in thia place and vicinity, and alao the Examinations of theastneTthe progress of her pupila gave evidence of great attention and ability in their instruction. 8. P. BIMPSON. Ctirrae, Iredell Co., N. CH Oct. 28, 1 35. This ia 10 certify, that f attended the' Examina tion of Mr. Alexander A. Hall's School, at thia place in the year 1831, previous to bia entering College and completing hia atudies, and lake plea sure in testifying to the care and ability which had evidently been devoted to the instruction of aiipupiia.' - JAMES McREE. MORGANTON , fpHS Exerciaeeof tbia -Institution were resa 4 nted on ikt 1st Xoadtf in this monik, under tbe conduct of the former competent and very ac complished Tutresaes, Mra Polk and Miaa Doug lass. Tha Trustees renew tbe assurances they formerly gave, as to the great advantages of thia School. If health, hod (reat inorat and literary instruction be aimed at, they aay with confidence, that there are few institutiona mora likely to af ford them than this. THE TRUSTEES. Morganton, N, C Nov, 7, 163A. if PUIVATE CaNVEYANCEr FOR I?i:BIaAt:i;0.IUOIATIOi 'pilE Public are respectfully informed that the - Subscnbers bare provided themselves with a neat and easy -riding OMNIBUS,' team of first rate Horace, lt)d an obliging and experienced Dri ver, for the parpoae oi Aceoroinodating. H -who may have occasion, or desire to employ private conveyance from Charlotte to any of the neigh boring Towns. TtrxxiaiolIIlreyYery ReaaonaUev The vehicle ia capable of containing araen peraona ;: " " "r -"-"V" -"r;7"". 'Si'lE U'"' ll'.?' ?1" T" ZAh ,-pw,?T t "TTT? Gentfcmen or Families who stop In Charlotti MtaV tha f reateat convenience, and. Is so construct. I passengers. atop in Charlotte for the purpose of visiting the Gold Mines in the neighborhood, can be accommodated w.th an Uia nibua, and a driver who ia acquainted with the country, at alt timea. B. P. BOY D dc CO. diarhrtre. Nut. T. 1833-.- : --i- M. B. There are two line of Stagea from Satis- buVy to the North, end tiro from Yorkvitle to the South.' '' " v - " 7t Tq iCouhtry Merchantg. rPUE Subscriber begs leave to iuform his cus- Dtomers and friends generally, that he is now receiving his r all supply of Oooas f which con sistsof a feoeral, heavy, and well aelecfod assort. Bientof , ,vi'V?" orossiss aits. saT-oooDO.4 Hardware is Cull nraTl HATS AND SHOES, VL Dnift and Kcdicines, C1 yVWiSIWtutmMiimt his Stock com- Of iaea-altnoal Svary artrHe now iw cetrrmon main thia country It i inferior to aonr in Fayetteville. r . ' C. J. ORRELL. 4 N, B. Personal and atrict attention wiH be given to tlie receiving and forwarding Goods j receiving Cotton and cither Produce for Storage, Sale, or Shipment aa the owner may direct. C. J, O. - Brick Row, Haymount, Fayetteville, September 19, 1833. .L 6m CORN and PORK Wanted! Ten thousand lbs. of PORK, and twelve hun dred bushels of CORN wanted at tha Conrad Gold Mine; Tor which (he Cash will be paid, oa contract, delivered at the Mine, in DavHiima county, North Carolina ; tiKNJAMIN AUSTIN JESSE SHELLY, ' November 14, 1835. " Agents. p3 Rcrktrlth's Antl-Dj apepfjc 1 Wdik&a WE extract, from the Hand-bills accompany ing , each Box, the following testimonials to' tha cOiracj of Ibia valuable Medicine I From tit RuRn. Ltri 8, ltx$ D. DitUfof North Citnlimtu V ... R aibign, March?, 1833. Having, for the last three years, been intimately acquainted witb Dr. June Beckwilb, of this City, tidJ enjoyed hi professional servicea, take plea surolo staling that. his character a a Christian gentleman tod experienced Physician, entitles bia leatimony, ia regard to tba use of bis A oti dyspep tic i uia, to toe entire couiKiooce ot the pono My experieoea of the good effects of these Pule, for two years past, cauafre ne of their eminent value, particularly ia aiding to impaired diaeatioa and warding off bilious attacks. Having brew ft a long time subject lo the annual recurrence af such attacka, 1 waa in Ibe bnbil of resorting tor security agaioat then, and with a very partial suc cess, to a jiberal use of CeloenH or blue Pill. But since my acquaintance will "tbe Anti-dyspeptic rui oi ur. ttecawitn, which tie prescribed u tbe Erst instance himself, I have out brea under tba necessity of osinj Mercury in any form, besides, being wholly exempt front biilioua aiUcka. Seve ral members of my family are experiencing ibe same beneficial effects. L. 8. IVES. From Covtrnor htdtlL Acerrr21, 183S. Dr. Betkwith'e Anti Dysprttic Pills have been used in my family, which ia a Urge one, with Ibe moat beneficial eflrcta. A number of my frieuda who have been afflicted with the Dyspepsia, and Other disorders of the stomach, have spoken lo me in atrorg terms of the relief they experienced from Ibia remedy. Without Ibe evidence I have received from others, my intimate knowledge of the professional and private character of Dr. Beck- with, for tlie last twenty yeaia, inatihVs me in de claring, that be would give oo assurance of facta of hia own experience or of prvfeanuoal deduc. lions, of which he waa not perfectly confident, and on which tbe public might not aafrly rely. JAMES IRI.DELL. Froaa tke on. Georgr E. Badger. R4LEiai, Nov. 7, 1831. For several years past. Dr. IVckwith's Ami- Diiueptic Pills have been oned aa a domestic me.' dhine in my family. I have myself frrquniily used them for the iclief of head ache, acid and otherwise disordered stomach, resulting from im. prudence or exees in diet, and 1 have had many opportuniliea of learning from other their tlKru, when used by them for uka purpoaca. My expes rieoce and observation justify awe -ia -eat to that the relief aflbrded by the Pilla as generally apeedy, and alttxiat always certain that they may be ta ken at any time without dunger or inconvaoiencc, and their operation ia attended by no naasea or disagreeable effects whatever end though I have knowa many persons use theaa, I have knowa none who did not apprwv thrm oooe who suatained any injnry, and none who failed to derive benefit from their ue. And upon the whole, I do. wot hesitate lo recommend them as an agreeable, safe, and efficacious remedy in Dyspeptic aftWtionv, arid beliett ibetn myself to be tbe beet Anti dys peptic medicine ever offered to the public. u. E. BADGER. ... (T A constant supply of these Pills on hand and for sale, at THIS OFFICE September 5, I m-k me Current Prires of Irodure, JLc AT S.1USBIIRY Xomhbb 3ov Wft Bacon, . . . Brandy, apple, 10 a Mnlsssei, : . . 50 ttt a OtVN'aila, .... 9 a 10 30a3.VOats, r-.- a i eeach, Butterj 121 a ;ftye. . . ... T7 Cotton, in wed, clean, Coflois,T"","".," Corn," . ; . 2 J a 3 Sugar JrowB,X 00 a 121 3 I2 a Mi -foaf, . . I6a 20 r iflalSalt, . : V 1 12 a 15 . 23 a Wallow, : . . 10 sWiTobecco, : ;'-: $a20 .6 0 a 650, Wheat, (bushel) 80 a 100 . 100 Whitkey, ... 30 a 35 res there, Flour, . . . Flaxseed, Linseed Oil, per gallon, $1 23 AT FAYETTEVILLE November 19. ?. . . 4J a 5 Bacon, . , , Brandy, peach. 0 a 11 Iron, a auaioi 32al apple. 27a M)Naife,cot,. . 23 a SViSiigar, hrown. 6 a 7 Beeswax, . . Coffee, . Cotton, . . . Corn, . . , . (ill a 15 16 a 17 65a 70 a 115 a :) 16 a 13 Vi a Uk lump, . U a 14 14 a 141! 55 a 60 Salt. loaf, . Fbuweed, . . Flour, . . . Feathers, . . 140 a 150 Wheat,. .600 a 700ATikey. a 33; Wool, . AT CIIERAW, ( C.) November ift; 1835. Bacon, 9 a HiNails and Brads,. 71 BtMSWI ver r40-wl- Coffee, 14 a 171 da . lump, . . 141 a It Cotton, . 131 e 14V do- foaC . . . 65 a 7."iSalt, per sack, . .100 a Wi da husliel, . 16 a 17 OaStlO 65 a 75 25 a 30 10 a 12 113. in al "40a4? Corn, . Flax-seed, Flour, country, .750 a K)lCottoo Bagging,. da northern, . 800 a DtK'iBale Rope, FetheTcr T7 TSRWheat;' . trnn. ..... 41a5lWooL . . arouuees, . . . w a a-jiwnisiiey, . 1 RATES OF EXCHANGE At tke- Merchant's Bank of S. CWiaa, at Ckrravt r & CJwcka on New York, fwr.eent prem. da Charleston, . per cent prein. AT COLUMBIA, (S. C.)--Novembrr 20, 18? Bacon, . . . Bramly, peach, apple, Beeswax, . . Butter, . . . Coftee, . . . Corn, .... Cotton, . . . Flour, . , . IroiV . 8 a lOllard, 12 a 14 75 IMolajwes, . . 40 a 5flj Mackerel, . . 15 a lfl Saltern sacks, 20 a 25 bwsheL . 13 av 16 Sugar, brown. . 374 a 40 .H10 a AT0a273 . 75 . 09 a 11 62a7M toafdilum,19a22 14al4JSTallow. . . . 11 a 12 900 a (Teas, . . . .100 a 112 . 5 a 5i,Whiekey, . . , 40 a 45 V AT CAMDFJV, 8. C-.. November 21. Hacon, . . . 10 a 11 Brandy, peach,. 46 a GO Da apple,. 35 a 40 Cotton, . . .l"allj Corn, Flour, . Wheat.. Whiskey, 75 a 90 JSOa 1000 13? a-l-O- 35 a 40 ft v'-t$'4 .... - " ' - o i.-Ijx-iialJtl .V-,-.. ..1. .;wTSaiKW.., ;..-ii: ;-1. . --;" '"'.ir'-V'V!-""i-V ' '-":T ' . i ,i . ... Lrt- ,y (.,.'. i jCii'1' ';1T':5" i-w. I , x 'y " ", r,,T L VNi

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