of the Treasury should require it. Ti." term pw posed bv each'of these institutions weu- nearly the saun varying 'nly in this particul ar : tint the Bank of the .State pro;--J to reeeiv the reim bursement of the money, at any lime wiui it mijht suit the convenience of the State to make it, or in other word-, that the Public Treasurer should be at liberty to fix the length of t ie eriods for which the loan shou' 1 be made. Determining, however, not to exercise the authority given me by the reso lution, until driven to it by necessity, I refrain; 1 from tikiog any further step- in t!ie matter, until bv the timely declaration of dividends of capital made by the State Hank and Rank of Newborn, on the shares owed by the State in each, the Treasu ry was so repleui-hcd as to remove entirely all ne cessity fr further action upon the subject. The sources, however, from which such opportune re lief w:is brought to the Treasury, during the past year, are now nearly exhausted ; ami it has been determined by the State Hank, that no further di vidend of capital shall be declared until the expira tion of the charter ; at which time it is contempla ted to make a dividend of the whol of its means, and bring its affaiis to a final close; so that all hope of revenue, from that quarter, will le cut off, until after the ri-st d iv of January, loS. Whit cour; th" Bi'ik d NevlT;i intends to pursue, in reg iH ! the riual ci -se of its concerns, is unknown t i :h l"oar;rn?nt; na certain calculation, therc fr. (M i mad"? i receiving aid from that source. It is per.-" .-try "vid nt, tlivi, from every view of the p..:,t it it of the Treasury, that a loan will be require 5 it a very early fenod of the ensuing year. Tie i n ! it ;i --!vicv ' be birro.ved will d"pend, in a grep degr e, eo u th" cir u.ust iuc", whether or not an ad Idioe l appropriation shall le made to e i u th" -v rk i,; o the new Capitol, and to whit in !";t ? Vi-ii nt i -i.'-sti in i determined. a m" s on it in av in for. ned as to the r-ina!ji: aoi vi i required. Lr 1! r 1 res 'ufi'J i passed at the lust session of tf H 1 -rti Av- noiv, directing tho lublic Trea- m iV' " ! ''!! in: ' Co ;r ," is iods, .j ud- 0.1 II ! o given lor v ,: 1 on f urth of the nriuci- pi! .i ll i i'-j.-vs. d i; -nil n d o pu.i on or Ivf r-- tfie 1 -t i iv of !);!. nfer, Is:J, I proceeded at 10 early period. d"r the lj ur-i,.i.?ot of tiie last ses sion, to noiifv every in livid i d purc';iasn of th Cii'ro';e;-. L ttidn, wh-.s !.nds non .ined unpti-l, ( th" purport of tii? re .i itioit rcf;rred to. and reiprrst cl tunir it i.nediate aiteotion to the subject. I re gret to siv, tost but very few of tlinn have, as yet, avi ii.' f 1 y.T. j, t 1 vriv. s 01 in n'.-ms 11 i" an"o-i, uov nrii'j.'w win r n resp ited tiie co'.mty . i . . . . i . : . ., o 1 1 of Mac ':i, in the last f egi-i ilure, that an error has beri t .iitt-.d in t!i-i ',.tin A of the resolution ; th it 1: sh vd I have been l3d," i osteal of " H So." I iifutioo this circuuistancc fr t!ie purpose of direetii; your attentim to tlie .subjee.t ; as in the ev::at f u pr ,vis. t ljag made to the contra ry, before the 1st day of IV'ceinVr U'xt, I shall iecd it to be my duty to proceed u.uLt the resolu tion as it n w exists. Another clause of the resolution ah'jve mention ed, authorizes the Public Treasurer to institute an inqutrv into tho s tl veuey of the Cherow I :;,ls How doe; and if he sii uld tiuok proper to com mence suits on sue 1 f th en as nny U; deemed doubtful ; or peri;:.t i'm'iii to b renewed un der in pr viions . ' f 1 re .1 iUo-h on t h-tt sui ict, i)ks';1 in 1-.'J. fois rinuirv J b-'u in- h'itnfed but the n -nit not Md vd.'l.iet only as- c;;: n k' I. S soo.j is it .s!ia!l b', I o d vu leavor to e :r"is': the hscret.i .i, vd? 1 i i me iy tiie re 6.) ufj i.i, io .i h n in i i ier as will best promote toe int t .f t:-..- Stat?-. 15. .t i Act f t!i" vi'-.ieral e.;ib'., rn-fsed at th- l ist a 4, en'di d " An Act direct mg tlie c- ;v "V-in-e oi Vn ':;!:i, t ' Ki it i , . a I J i : t'.- ii uo is a lOining the towm of ; l';iairm..a --f M i. --ti county c iurt," d it y of i iv- -t-iv.'r.ior, to rune a grii t in ,!su?:J to t i : said ( i iirman and his suv-c'.ir in ouiee, f r the la. ids lescrin.'d, wheue er 'ly n execute to tV St.ite binds witli secu rity to th ; sntisfaeti n oii!r Public Treasurer, for the pavm -'it f 'nre;; do- ars p ;i acre, lor each and everv acre of said la id, p.iab:e in four annual in 6tahue.:ts. U.o J r an .tner ;r vi-i-n of tae Act, a surev of I he land his been ma.l'; nnJ fmr sever al o ids, b'ari ig date til. l-t day of February, Ir'Jo, tor tne su n of I .vo hundred a i l seventy-fi v. d o'lars a. id t ve ity-fiv i cents eac i, hav.j been exe- cured, as requin. ! ty the Act, by the Chiirman of Ivlacon County Court, with security deemed ample by the Public Treasurer, and are no.v on file in this Department. Toe st ite;n.nt marke 1 C, accomanying this re port, will s!io.v ne a. uou.it ot" Treasury Notes issu ed u.id.r the several Acts of th" L'gi-liture on that subj -:ct the amount at dillereid tii.i?s redeemed an 1 burnt by tlie Committee of F.o-.nce; and tin am -l it v d unredeemed. Of tnis lader amount, viz. 85'i.5U O'-i it is Udieve I that at least two thiris, p-j'-ups three-fourths, have bc-u l-st or de stroyed, .'dost of the bills which are now present ed at the Treasury tor redemption, a-e so exceed ingly mutilated, as frequently to make it difficult oven to tell th"ir denomination ; and, almost impos sible to, detect those that are counterfeit, anil those that are composed of various parts of bills arranged and pasted together. The withdrawal of so large an amount of change from circulation, within a few years, has pr odueed serious iuconveuence in the payment sif small sums of money ; which has not yet lecn overcome by the etlbrts if the IVmk of the State, to furnish a wutiicieney of specie-change f r or li iory circu!afion. This iuconveuice has bee j particularly f-lt in the trans u-tions of tins de p.irt:u .it during th last year. I i"t of the Trei sury bills no-v o'F'red fir red notioa, are prseuied in -teull amounts, and n-t unfrequeidlv in a siuj.1" bill at a time. It is thref.re rej'cff d!v suggest ed!, adc'ther the Public Treasurer should not b" authirized to incur a sm ill expense, t procure fro.n the United States Mi if, or tNw here, an anion it of specie change sii.Tieient to rediem these bills, and to ficilitate tin busirvss of receiving and paying in ibis department gene rail v. The suits hretof re pending iKdwreri the State and the Hanks of Newliciii 'in ' Cane Fear, were deci ld at the ,t ter n of tin Suo.-e.no Court, in fav :r if tlie Hanks; for tie grouuds upon which Ine derisi u was made, I beg Icavo to .-efer to t!i- rt.jort of the eisj itself. The tax of twenty-five cents per sni are, f r the last year, i-i.posed ly t!i" aim . id 1 charter, on the Stock held bv individuals in the Hank of Cape Fear, amounting to STT7 ."id, has b" n paid ; al though th? amount was not r--e-i r-J icit-l after the ncco-i in tor the fiscal year wer- c A divi dend of eleven per cent h is ! -i -.'i lared for the year, ending on th firt dav of November, instant, on the St ck held by the State in th Huncomhc Turnpike Cornpauy, amounting to ijoGO, vjhich amount h als b"en. reeeiv? the first of the present month. Such liank exhibits as have department, during the past year, ne.xed, and such others a3 mav tlie sitting of the Legislature, The statements accomo unvin" this report, ( mark- t v.. a . II '..,..Jn J.;n iw. iTu.,,.1 to rootnin ! all the information on the subjects to which they I I Will & I IV I'll ' "in - - - - - , ' . .... i i relate, required to lie furnished by the act regula ting the Treasury Department. In conclusion, it is deemed but an act of justice to the Sheriffs of the several counties, to state, that they have, with great promptness and punctuality, accounted for and paid into the Treasury, within the time prescribed by law, the whole amount of revenue with which they were chargeable. For this faithfulness in the discharge of their duty, they deserve the highest commendation. All which is respectfully submitted. S. F. P.VITERSOX, Public Treasurer. STATE LEGISLATURE. CUMl'lLLD FROM THE RALEIGH UKUIsl'KR. HOUSC OF COMMONS. Mr. fJuinn, of Macon, said, that in looking over the IJenirt of thr Public Treasurer, be found re- fornnri undo to :i l!ts ibition miisspH tho ,t scs- ! iti ir t!ie I .orri sl.itti p.. di rerliii'T th:it olllfer to commence suits on all bonds given f r Chemkee j kr,cw Personally but little, either fr r against. San Is, on which one fourth of tiie principal and in- IIe ktl(;w ,"ll' that ,,e wa on a Rrticular side as terest due, sh ill n d b paid o i or b;f re the first reg ir.ls ivdeml politics. He protested against ma day of Icemb-r, I S3.-,. Mr. (lui m said a ma- f : ,er:,! H'tic the pivot on w hich an election terial error ha I b en committed by the U igr M-hg ' kl H " ,u! J l,,ni- 'a 1 of exim.uiug (rh io e;,p,.lti ,.r ih .t .. , l..t ion. .t -., ,ed I "f? ,l'; principles of can h dates, to ascertai i wfie- tV' lA.. rUJatur... the time snocind w;n I) cemh.-r. ! ls3G, i ioea.1 of l-s.T. H theref re m ve 1 that the Co .i:nitte-3 on (".her ikee Lands Ik instructed to report a Ke.soiution making the one, adopted at the last sessi.m, confirm to the true intention of th" Le-i-.'-i,ure. Agrd to. Mr. il ke rn ov'.f that a mssago Ik ent ti the Sen ite. oroo vsjnj to bal'of immediately for (ioveru or of th" State lor the ensuing vear, an I nomina ting fir the station diehard D bbs Spaigiit, the Se nator from Craven. Mr. Dudley said, it was with extreme reluctance he opposed any m tion of the gentleman from Lin coln, and he trusted that, in now moving to lay bis proposition on the table, he should not be consider ed as acting disresjectfully. The v.ve on Mr. Du 1 ley's motion was announced to be A s 37 N es o7. S the in diou was lost. Mr. itavner ni ived to amend the motion ;-ub- milled by Mr. Hoke, by striking out the word ' im mediately," and inserting "on Thursday next."- And sup;or?ed his motion at some length. Mr. II ke said, tiie gentleman who bad just ad dressed the House possessed a most exulerant fan cy. He had said a gool ileal about chivalry and magnanimity, but really he could not see what they had to do with the simple prooosition bef re them. A very substantial reason, be thought, why the elections should all be made, was, that those leing over, th Legislature could then proceed to despatch the necessary business, fre of excitement, an I go home to th'ur constituents. 1) mht had liecii ex pressed as to the vievvsof the gentleman nominated by him on particular subjects. Is there a man hep, said Mr. Hoke, who des not know the ji nioiis of U-c!rir I I)obls Spaight on public matters? He nail Ix en in public life for twenty ears, and nvrr fit c-filed bis sentiments. He jcliovcd he knew all his principle. :md he was sttisfiel with tuem. lie assan-d g 'nt'.eme'.i h me mt nothing unfiir, he wished nothing unfair he thought if was w-l unders'o k1 that this election was to come ou to-day. Mr. KlXfJ said, the gentleman from Lincoln stated that it was well u rierstood the election of (lovcruor was income on to-day. lie would ak, by whom was it understood ? It might have ben by the lea lers of i he party with which that gentle man acted, hut certainly the understanding was not general. As a free man, lie protested against the application of party h .rntx.i, whether it were to serve political friends or opponents. The gentle man however was so lesirous of despatching the public business, that he would consent to no delay. The party to w aieh he belonged, arrogated to them selves, he ldieved, the exclusive merit of attending to the public interests. .Mr. Ivmg said, he recol leetcd distinctly, that the election fir a United States Senator last w inter was precipitately brought on fr the very same reason, viz : that the public business might In despatched. Gentlemen were invoked to give an impetus to business bv having tin election over. It was done, and in a few davs we had a beautiful exemplification of the manner in which the public business was to be despatched. A string of Political Resolutions were brought for ward, disgraceful to the State and to the party bv whom they were introduced, which were debated for several days at an expense of some xKOdO or 3l2,0(i) to the people. This was the way in w hich "th" public business was despatched." And lie had understood that another political dose of like character was now in preparation, the one admin istered last session not having proved stromr cnouirh for the purpose intended. With regard to the gentleman nominated, he felt for him great personal respect, but he was a poli- tical racer, whose notions he did not like, and he com i not vote f r him. lie imputed nothing de rogatory to the gentleman from Lincoln, but be could not hdp remarking what a sudden revolution his feelings h id undergone with regard to his can didate. He knew the time when he was far from bing a favorite with him. Rut, said Mr. King, I deprecate this precipitate action. What is to le gain" I by it, as the gentle man from Hertford. (Mr. Rayner,) has emphatical ly asksd ? If the party are confident of success, they can lose nothing by a few days delay. Are we to le f rced into a balloting, merely to gratify their pride of power, and to allbrd 4h"in an oppor tunity to exult, as they h ivc already done, at victo ri"s not achieved exclu-ively on party grounds? Such baste is a departure from established usage. Are we to have no time to enquire into the fitness of candidates ? Is ri opportunity for deli!er.itioti or consultation to be allowed us ? Or has every tiling beu arranged out of doors, and ail wo have ti do is, like Iige vassals, to register the decrees of th" junto ? A a free man, be protested against it. 'The annals of every Legislature in the Union might be consulted in vain for a precedent to justi fy tins mode of hurrying on elections. He did hope, however Ihey might djf:.r in their ideas of the qualifications "f candidates, that tho election would be at Ica-st decently conducted. lr. lloxe. 1 as! Dai ever, reminds me of the story of the man and the great black dog. that he heard always trotting just ; t . - ' behind him, but which never came in sight. It j was all fancy sir the workings of a disordered imagination. So with the gentleman lrom Iredell, : in regard to the Mangum Resolutions. They are everlastingly present to his distempered imagina tion, and uo doubt in his view are infamous. Mr. CLING MAX said, the chief reason ad vanced for bringing on the election now, was to i save time. It there be any sincerity in this nrgu-; election on party grounds, .viv reason tor wisnmg me v.u i v ment, why was it not brought on 'last week ? It j a ostponement"is simply this :" It has been rumor- authorising the entrv of unsurveyed lands acquired was known then that there would be a vacancy, led that Judire Martin intended to iesign, and if so, j by treaty from the Cherokee Indians in 1819, re and that it was to be filled. We bad to adjourn . it will probably bo made known in a few days. ; ported the sanie without amendment; and the bid from day to day, because we had nothing to do, and If that event occurs, gentlemen who would other- j having been read the second time, so far as a savinv of time is concerned, it would wise be candidates, will not compete for the pre-i Mr. Cuinn explained its object. The lands re certainly have savoured more of economy to have sent vacancy: he might prolmbly go himself for j n raining unsurveyed were refuse lands, which had attended to thU matter then. Wliv had" they not : the nominee' if he found out that he was w. 11 u d-1 never been br aight into market, because it was done so? Has any new light burst upon them i tied. 1 he West is not disposed to come m con since that period ? In this country, said Mr. C, ; llict with the East, if there are two Ju lges to be it is jerfectly idle to talk about going for principles j elected; an 1 it was to prevent this collision, that he and not men. The onlv wav of nusliimr nrincinles was in fivor of a ir.ore distant day. is bv jrettiri" out men as candidates who are identi-I !..! itl tl..i llr i r.nl C.f. rirtiiii t r i up i ir . He went for certain nrincinles : IIM WILII IHVill himself, and he ! believed this election would affect j them one wav or the other. Of the nominee, he t l,1r lh" ar ' lavor of measures calculited to i elevate the condition of the S'ate, it is en u ;li for soui" gentlemen that they belong to a certain par f v. Great questions are now agitating tiie con dry. There was one particularly, and he did ot a! u I" to it now (or the purpose t discussing its menu, ( inasmuch ash? had laid ties Millions on the fable ; i!i refreuvo fo it. He meant the proper disp-isi. j tion to le made of the Public Lands. Iln .vas de sirous of kno viag the opinions of the nomine" on t.us subject. North Carolina has an immense iu - trest in the settlement of this questioi, and the Governor of tie State, as he is incline!, may "ita"r i 4i . w? l i ...J :r . promote our wishes, or throw a stumbling block in tlie way. It is the duty of a Governor to atten to measures of State policy to develope an 1 f .!' r our internal resources and leave President-making to others. He wished time to enquire into tae principles, not the political pr"fereuc s of the can didates. Iiv Thursday, the day meatione.l, lie could make up bis mind. Suppose, in our own cne, a candidate f r the Legilature was to come out b" f re the people on the day of H -ctio i ? Is it not certain he would fx? beaten ? O a g?it the members of this II iii-io, then, to pay less ntte-dion to consi derations of propriety than their constituents ? He shoul I vote f r the p stoouement. The motion to p-tpoue was negatived, and the Hoijso proceeded I tae election, w lie'i resulted in the choice of lr. Sjiaight, as before stated. Tuesday, X:rrmlfr 21, 1 SEN TE. O a motion of Mr. Waugh, the Committee on Internal Improvements were instructed to inquire into the expediency of so amending the road laws as ti compel the County Courts to assign, in pro per proporfi the ban Is who an; required to per form duty in their respective counties. ; p'f uteri. liv Mr. ills m, a bill autho rising th" Governor to issue bis warrant to some one f the Ju Ige of the Supreme Court, command ing him t fill any vacancy that may occur by death, r"ngoation,or otherwise, of any of the Judges of the S uperior Courts of law' and Equitv, of this State ; and by Mr. Wyche, a bill to provide for the payment of the tnstalme its on the shares re serve I to the State in tiie capital stock of the Hank of the State. Il"al th first time and passed the last mentioned bill referred. HOUSE OF COMMON'S. Mr. Manly said, that those gentlemen present, who were members of the last Legislature, would recollect the eventful history of a bill introduced by him to establish tiie Merchant's Pnok d New ben. It passed info a law, and the li t ok has g me into ojH'ration ; and notwithstanding the nunrr'iis difficulties it encountered in the outset, it was now of fair prop rtioas, and m as s mnd and healthy a condition as could be expected. Toe Charter, how ever, contained one or two slight blemishes, which it would requin the plastic, hand of" the Legislature to remedy. One of these was in the clans.; author izing the Stockholders, at their annual meeting, to elect seven Directors, five of whom shall Ik neces sary to transact business. In its practical opera tion, this regulation is attended with great incon venience, as it is frequently difficult, csecially in me more stcKlv periods ot I he vear, to form a i Hoard. It is desirable, therefore," to am-ul the bill, as to authorise the appointment of nine Direc tors, any five of whom shall constitute a quorum. Another detect in the Charter, which required correction, was this ; IU- f.e nmvi;,)iN of the ct incorporating the Hank of the State and the Rank : of Cae.I-Var, those institutions were authorized to j iue Notes of the denomination of 83 and upwards, 1 while tiie Merchant's liank is restricted to issues of js-j and upwards. A little reflection, he thought, would convince every one, of the propriety of ma king the issues uniform ; fr if they were not made so, tlie cutlers of the Merchant's Bank would be continually drained of sjecie to make change, a large quantify of which is need"d in commercial communities. So long as the Rank of the Shite pursued its present policy of issuing no notes under So, the Merchant's Rank would not require any alteration to protect it. Mr. M. said, as the Amendments to the Consti tution were most probably ratified, this was jerad venture the last time that !h" to.vu of Newbern would be represented on that 11 or. He hoped, therefore, lofore his constituents were disfranchised lefir" night fell on Athens that this act of sheer justice would le done them. Mr. M. then submitted a bill to amend the Charter in tlie par ticulars specified, which was read the first time. Mr. Clarke moved that a message be sent to the Senate, proposing to ballot immediately for a Soli citor of the 2nd Judicial Circuit, and nominating fr the appointment E l-vard Sfaelv. Mr. added the name of St"ihen Miller. Mr. Clarke said, there was ati 'th"r situation to fe. fi'led, which he wished to bring to the notice of' the House. He alluded to the vacancy on the Su perior Court Beach, occasioned by tho dsath, of Mr. Clarke hoped the House would not sustain this motion, unless some good reason tor it coma be shown. On yesterday, the cry was, let us get . . . through with the important elections, an t then pro- ceed to the despatch ot business. iiu cirtuniMju- ces alter cases. He presumed delay was now de- sired for the purpose of organization Mr. C.nimi ronlid. The mmtlemati used the word organization. If he alluded to tmrtt orgam-: -1 - f zation, I know of no one who wishes to place this The question on the proposition to amend was j i lioi dfd in t!if ii fTi r 111:1 1 i VP nnd n llO-iiT rr w:is fir- ! decided in the affirmative, and a messag" was ac-! cording sent to the Seriate to ballot on Thursday ; for a Jud je rice Judge Sea well, dec, winch was concurred in bv that Ik1v. VrJncsIii'i Xorcnbrr 23, IS33. SENATE. Mr. Polk preseute I the tetition of Flibeth M'Caue, praying to be divorced from her husband. R ;.,-.rr:..j. Mr. Wyche, fr m the C immittee of Finance, re ported a res :uti n, requiring the Public Treasurer to or H-ure pe-i ciiauge tor th ; redemption oil Tr isury notes; which was read three times and or,,or,..i r., t engross I It subs.qu dlv passed ,,. JI.s-, ne i was .ir-'rd t.i U enrolL-dl ?:. .1 liv Mr. N .r.i. Kill i., n-e-id an ajl ot I - J J, tor the invasion ot Uiwan cru ay. Iiv Mr. V mgh, a bill co iceruing th-r County iC,Hirts j this State. These bill were read the ! c1Pt ,:,., fu c.rv. i .ra filf. .hle 5.d t!.e ii . ' . nanvd refi'rred. O i motion of Mr. Cooper, of Martin, lli'.io!eI, Tnat the Committee on Internnl Im pr eve n its be instructed to inquire into the expe diency of amending the Road La vs, so as to com pel all overseers of public roads to repor: to their resective County Courts that may happen after tlie 1st day of January in each and "very year, the length of the roads over which they are ov-rscers, and tiieir localities, and the number of hands sub ject to work on said roads; and that it shall be tiie duty of the 'ourts to apportion the hands on each road, and to compel the Clerks of the respective County Courts to make mch entry, and to transmit his order to each overseer, within 30 days after such order is made and that they report by bill or otherwise. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr. Guin a, of Macon, from the Committee on Cherokee Lands, to whom was referred so much; of the Public Ireasurers Report as relates to a mistake in the enrolment of a Resolution at th" last session, in which that O dicer is directed to co nmuce suit on tiie bonds due for the purcase of Cn r ok"e lands, made a detailed report, accompa nied by a Resolution directing the public Treusu- rer n a to commence sua i hereon until uecemoer 1S30. Read first time. A message was received from the Governor, transmitting a voluminous Report from t!i" Com- rnissioners anooinfed to revise and digest the Statute Law of the S'afe. lcen rea-l, Tiie Communication having Mr. Graiiam remarked, that the sublet of the Reort jut received was one of great importance. There :ppear"d to lv some difficulty as to the pro per coui.-e fir tiie Legislature to pursue in refer ence to it. O le view presented in the Governor's communication, was to have a number of the re vised Statutes printed in a cheap form for ore illa tion and examination, in the interim of the Legi slature, but to postpone fina' action on them until the next session. Another view which had occurr ed to h'mi, was fr tlie Assembly to take up and j (Kiss on as many of the chapters as convenient, at j this time. He 'moved, therefore, that a message le s"ut to the Senate, proposing to print th? Go- verpor's Communication and th" letter of the Com missioners, and t refT to a Joint Select Commit tee of b-th Houses, the entire Report. Agieed to. Tiie Rill to amend the et chartering the Mer chant's Rank of New hern was read the second time. I T r. Til.ir moved to ctrd.-e nit en niird tC tho KIM ' as give, tlie power of issuing Votes under the de- nomination of So. Mr. Ma dv . no -sed the motion, l . I i i i i - and repeated - .;" arguments idvan---" ' bv him ves- tcrd.iy o;i iutrfrtlucing the bill, king out was decided in fhe n" Toe vote on dri - king out was decided in the n"gative, SS to 34. The bill then passed its second reading. Thursday, November 2f, 1S35. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Hugh Wuddell, the member elect from Orange county, rtrc James Forest dee'd., appeared, was qualified, and took bis seat. Mr. Graham, from the Committee on Education, to whom was referred the Executive Communica- tion in rel ition to the Stock reserved fr the State! Belonging t. the Estate of Dr. St-phen L. Fer in the Rank of the State, reported a bill to allow! rad, deceased. the Irusteesot the u m versify and the President and Directors of the Literary Fund to subscribe fir such number of Shares as may be convenient for them to take not exceeding 1,500 Shares far the firmer and oOO fir the latter. The bill was rea I the first time and ordered to be printed. Mr. Watkins, from the Military Committee, re ported a bill to amend an Act passed in 1??25, di recting bow the Regiments of Militia in this State shall hereafter be reviewed. This bill makes jt the duty of Reviewing Oificers to review at the usual Parade ground, and repeals so much of the act as gives power to Captains to muster their Companies only twice a year. Read the first time. Tlie bill for the more effectual suppression of Gaming was taken up f r its second reading, Mr. Pippin moved to amend it, so as to make the fine on keepers of Gaining tables 8500, instead of 8200, as prescribed in the bill. The motion being sta ted, Mr. Manly said, as a member of the Judiciary Committee, it was proper far him perhaps, to state i the reason? vvhicii governed tho Committee in in. calender month : and again, others might occur, of such aggravated character, as to deserve more signal notice. Rv leaving tlie penalty unlimited the Ju he will have the power to go, in the way of fi.ie,as high as figures can carry him, and in the term of imprisonment, to the full extent permitted by the Common law. The motion to amend was rejected without a i -. i i: count, and the Dill passeu us seconu reaumg. Mr. liur.m, trom the Joint ?n?ieci UMimimre ou certain th-v w mid not bring the minimum valua tion of 23 cents jer acre affixed on them by tho L."i.:is!ature. The Commissioners appointed by the Estate, had surveyed and entered all the la id which would pay the expense, a -d had till left regions iho.isoids of acres in the more niountamou thousands of acres in the more ni.?untai u survccd. This bill was to enable such citizens, io! that section, as chose to do s t enter these lan-'s whir a b ate bad refused to i nter. i he people of that cm dry, Mr. (JuLm sai .-re har dy, industrious, and e iterprisifig, and if th :' pterin"- hand f t'i-- Legislature were extended !o them, would make that portion of the Stat" d -nri-hing and prosperous. Not to ps-s the bill, Mr. Guinn said, would I" totr.'at tiie citizens of Hay w d and Macon with great injustice and neglect. Tho bill passed its second reading. Friday, Xorembtr 27, 1S35. SENATE. Mr. Wvche, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was referred the bill to provide fir the pav me .t of instalments on the shares reserved to the Sf.;tc io t -e Slock of the liank oft!: State, report, ed the same with sundry amendments Ordered to lie o i tiie table and be printed. Mr. Jov.eer, from, the Committee on Internal Improvement, to whom was referred the bid to au thorize a subscription upon tiie part of jbos State to the Capita' Stock of the Oeonahiftv Turopiko Companv, made a report thereon, recommending its passage info a law, with an amendment. Where upon the hi!!, as amen led. was re id the second and third times, parsed, und orderd to 1 engrossed. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr. Graham, fp ui th" Cnmnittee on the Jur-i-ciarv, which was in.--trncted b Resolution to report a bill increasing the Tav : Pedlars, ie;,orted a billt regulate th practice of hawki-'g n d ped dling in this Sr.Tt", which wis rend th" ot time and ordere 1 to he nri tc '. Th bid pr-'. i i-s that no one -hal' v ;-;te m lh" S ne without r"ri-.!-sion of the County Coiir t b - grant" 1 oidv o proof of good character, ar 1 th" nee'icnr to pay f r the privHeo-p a tax of -dollars. Per sot s r,e.;djirtr with ut regular lie-ic", to be fl ,ed and imprisoned en i.vlic'meot and C i sctioo. f t T - C .1. . . t I m r. 'rsm ie" same ' ooimme, to vvpom a R"s oheion was referred, i:i-truci the-;) .t jn. quire iato the ex?edi"-;cv ,f m : hog th Road Laws, reported agai'i-'t sec'i onvii'lu.rvt which was con-nirred in. Th" C -mj-nitt"" state in their neport, t.-u u is inevn" o": t ?o ; nk" any c -ange, unless the w hole sv-deoi : - revised, f r vhi"!i tb.-r is not time this session. r.f fl;e cmn'eiiits on this subject, the Com do,.-" think, aris ra. hep from a want of the ri I administration of th i ws itlran from defect in the s sen,. TUE Subscrib'-r begs leave to inform his friends j Ff ? ds th ,i,,,e Pio' Complete auJ l,,t of cIothes in entyjour hours, in cases J of ''li'PI 'rericv. ' r . - ' ornmcn are waraea, wno can lume "Ae" recVi,.VV. . , J ill-Ml r O. Ilt.MlllwtVJ. Concord, V C., D. c. .o, l:3.o. p3 n On the first a j of Jnn-jory ticjf, T WILL Hire, at the Courthouse in Salisbury, for one year, to the higlo.-st bido'er, on the usu al terms, ab ut And at the same time and place, I will Rent, for one year, the Dwelling-House and Lots, with ;!! the improvements therei n, in the Town of Salisbury, f.rm-rly occupied by the d ceased. Also, I will Rent for a like term, several unim proved Lots in said Town. R. MAC NAMARA. Administrator. December 1. lS3o. 4t TZiifi'd and l,A'V Valll 4 LL those indebted to toe late firm of Murphy c Moss, ,ire requested to settle the same by the 1st day of January next: those failing to do so, may expect to find their accounts and notes ia tho hauds of an Odicer aft -.- t! at da. WILLIAM MI RPHY. December 5, 1?35. p3 BLU M'S CAROUA .iu! T!RGJr Calculated for the meridian of SALEM, X. C. Vo.MAL.Li hUlTIa ot tiie above Almanacks have been received, and mav he had it TUlsa oppipi. iliLiL Price 10 cents ner copy t?.-