fl.VT JCSTITIA RUT CCELVM. THE CAROLIXUN. SALISBURY: Saturday Morning, December 5, 1035. " STATE IJXHSIATURE. Our columns are very much crowded this week with the proceedings of our Legislature, which we deem of more interest to our renders than any thing1 eke we at this time are able to give. On reference to the proceedings, the render may get a clue at the manner in which "the party" managed the election of Governor applying the screws- of par ty, and forcing the election upon the House without gi ving the members tiui to cotieider the qualifications of the candidate proposed. We bespeak attention to the sensible and appropriate remarks of Messrs. Iuug, ot Iredell, and Clingman, of Surry, on Mr. Hoke's motion to go immediately into the election of Governor. From the proceedings of the Legislature thus far, it is evident that the people may expect but little wholesome legislation from the present session. Elated with their email majority in that body, the Van Hurcnites seize upon every opportunity to show their power permit ting no office, (in their power) however trivial, to be tilled with any but partizans. By this course, they are palmiii" upon the State a set of officers probably with out qualifications and breaking up all cordiality of feel ing among the members, and all attempts at judicious action on the business of the people. However, there is one consolation the Amended Constitution being Ratine I, the present boJy will s.ion be disolv and we arj very certain, never to mevt again with a an Buren majority in it. At the next Au-u.-t Election, when R pr.ei:r ition sin 11 V ecm llizel, when the large Whig counties of the West, which now send three re publicans, shall then send mr; anl the small Van Bu ten counties of the East, which n;.w se.i I three an Buren men, .shall then send one. Van Boreiis.ii will give its h.-t gap in North Carol.ii.i. Thes- things will certainly be so. " M.irk them down I" The Govern or' election will al then be I lb. he P nple, .. nd the Van Buremtes will find it not qu- so easy to puh their candidate through the great body of the Sove reigns, withoa: giving, tiwm time to examine Ins coai ii:on. OT Flections the Lr:'ifaurr.Ti. official Vote f.r Governor was S; light 103; Means Hi; W. J). M-ks lv, of Lenoir, and now Speaker of the Senate, (not m noun ition) 4; Joseph M'D. Carson, of Burke, (not i nonmition) 1. The Inauguration of t.'ie Go vernor elect, (says the Register,) will tike place in tlie Hall of the Hour! of Commons, on Thursday the 10th instant, tt 12 o'clock, meridian. Nathan A. Stedn,in, Esq., has been re-elected Comp troller of Public Accounts without opposition. Mr. S. lias pr vj i a worthy ai I efficient officer, anl deserved a re-election. On the 23th, Edward Stanly, E.i., of Washington Lenoir, fjiri Lincoln, 1,779 Macon, 591 Martin, 0 Mecklenburg, 1,015 Moore, Nash. 2t New-Hanover, 123 Northampton, 9 Onslow, 31 Orange, 1,6 IS Pasquotank, li Person, 112 Penmiuions, 12 Pitt, 23 Richmond, 359 Robeson, (2 Rockingham, 21 Rowan, 1,'JttO Rutherford, l.f.H Sampson, 116 Stokes, 1.137 Surrv, 1,110 Wake, 370 Warren, 76 Washington, 20 Wavne, 5." Wilkes, 1,033 147 12 7G- 113 - o53 505 301 4M 111 320 Ml 511 730 15 4-1 M 1 522 152 29 901 433 317 KW 141 51 502 11 1,097 105 8 53 12 07 1,031 16 10 32 26.1 16 012 1,570 1,557 1 1,061 1,731 213 46 11 2S 1,777 220 U2 19 795 For our pari we do not deem the acquisition of Texas by the United States as desirable on any account what ever. We are in no lack of territory virgin soils equal to the best in the world. When the Union in 163 ' its present extent shall become as populous as some coun- 757 j tries in Europe, France for example, we shdl number , about four hundred millions of souls. Tlie bands of our r., Union would not be strengthened by the accession of o jq I a proviuce differing from us in language, manners, laws, 44 1 and religion. If Texas in the Southwest or the Cana 2"?7 das in the North ever become severed from their pre 431 sent connections, let them form separate and indepen- ; dent sovereignties. Q-y$ j We would here express our sympathies with the (;3 I Texanians in their present struggle, if such expression 24 , woulJ be of any advantage to them, and we greatly 2 j doubt the propriety of interfering more actively in 4lj? ! their affairs. 4 1 ' 4 I 1,124 5-0 409 DG6 a OUR RELATIONS WITH FRANCE. The prospect of an amicable and speedy settlement of our difficulty with France is not at the present time very cheering. One point is clear that there is a want of good faith in the professions of the American oi French Cabinet perhaps in both. A9 well as we can judge, the proceedings of both Governments in tiiis af fair appear to be expressly intended to render the peo ple of the two countries respectively ready to engage in a war against the other. If war be the result, it will I We have received Gov. McDuffiVs able Message, which the crowded state of our columns obliges us to defer noticing until next week. niection. A writ of Election has been issued to the Sheriff of Cabarrus county, ordering him to open polls on Monday the 7th instant, to eh-ct a Commoner to sup ply tlie seat of Col. D. M. Darringer, resigned. OZr Whic Victory'. Hugh Waddell, Esq., a staunch Whig, has been tdected from Orange county, to supply the vacancy occasioned by the death of James Forrest, Van Buren. Thus goes North-Carolina. OCT Chfering from Mississippi. The Whigs are carrying all before them m Mississippi. I vnch fWlii '-') be well fir the advisers of the President if they uc- , ;s rnost certainly elect -d Governor, over Runn dls (Vm ced in turning the deep-toned execrations which they iur,,n) j,, .Madison, Hinds, and R-inkin, Lynch has a will richly merit from the American people in0 in lig-. majonty of 521. ldext-r will. mot probablv, be re nition at the hollowness and insincerity of a Frtc.i King. , eit,cled to Uu. ; s Stinv. If ne siiouid, it will be We confess we entertain h high an opinion of Mr. V. j anj wurr.,.lVufvl t,, the ms. IJiiren s adroitness, that no statrt of public opin.on in re- guru 1o a 1 reiich nr w ill s.irpns-.' us. It seems to w admitted on all inn Is, tint Gen. Jirkson is this ear to The Y-jrkvil! .- Times 'hat the owner of a drove of hogs which p i- '! through t t it place, had th ",jo; strous conscii tcr !1k i dollars gro.v fir his txrk." We tliink the m in !; id no ru unci cr.ee at all, or at least that he was an uavmscionable fellow. m n 1 a pucitie m -s ige to Congress and to throw up on it the responsibility of war m- tsures, to be brought f r ward in that body bv t i Kitchen Cabinet tools, in case it q deemed advisable. j jn tjie Alabama Legislature, the friends of Judge The prompt appointment ot a .Minister by the britisfi White have a majority. Mr. McCIung, a nephew of (loveriiment to succeed .Mr. augtian, while ti.e Liuled ; JuJjre White, was elected speaker of tlie House. States have te-n fir a long time h ilf representcl in England by a (Jharge, appears to indicate that that Go- ! OT" Interesting Corrcsjtowhncc. Although friend vernmont do not regard our French relations in the way Job is rather late with a part of his intelligence, we to an amicable arrangement. give place to his communication with pleasure : We much apprehend the time is not past for the ap plication o D lira at rrges, plectunfur Achivi ANOTHElt LIFE OF MARTIN VAN I1UHEN Has ji-t mide it? appearance, as we learn from some extracts and notices of it published in the newspapers; fbr we have not seen the entire work. It is from the pen of Win. M. Holland, E.-q., Professor of tlie an and Greek languages. This IViography we presume is inteneed lor the Aristocracy of the spoils party, tlie rose-colond supporters of the Kmderhook Politician, JOB TINKER to ROB SHORT. Ilovsi: of Commos, liOBuv, Nov. 23. DeaE Short: Spaiglit is cdectd Governor at lust ; and I have adopted a new motto on tlie strength of his election. I'crsi vcrancc is the word. Yours, JOB TINKER. N. B. When you write to Ned Backet, tell him Jim Hutchison is expected to run for Camp-colorman. Tlie follovving Stanzas are translations cf the song of the Archangels which forms tlie Prologue in Heaven to the Faust of Goethe. The tirsi were done into En- f ir that portion of his friends, with whom, in the lan- guige of their organ the Washington Globe, wealth is glii.li by l)rd Gower, the second translation of the sane prima facia evidence o f trtrrlh. Those meager, bald, stanzas which we have subjoined, is by David Syme. The disjoined sketches, Ihll Emmons' balderda?h Lives of bold poetical inspiration of the ideas and the ricii melo- Matty Van Buren and Amalgamating Dick Johnson, dy of the versification cannot fail t strike every p.Tson stink in their arisUKrratic notes. Martin Van Buren who has music in Ids soul. Faust has been but little must needs be exhibited in a manner euited to the corn- read comparatively in America, and a friend of ours of UNITED IN WEDLOCK, In this Countv, on tlie 26th ultimo, bv the Rev. W. A. Hall, Mr. ANDREW GRAY, of Rowan, to Miss MARY E. ROBINSON, of Iredell. In Anson county, by the Rev J B Anthonv, Mr W II SMITH, of Montgomery countv, to Miss EM KLINE WADDILL, of Anson ; Also, by "the same, on ttie 19th ultimo, m Montgomery countv, Mr WILLIAM AL LEN to Miss ANN CRUMP DEPARTED THIS LIFE, In Randolph county, on the 17th ultimo, Mr. JOHN B. M )SS, about 60 years of age. Mr. M. was high ly distinguished for those virtues which constitute the benevolent man, affectionate hu.-hand, indulgent parent, and the pious Christian. lie 2i- 1, as h by all who knew him. ELECTION OF JUDGri! THE LINCOLNTON NEWS. " Truth our guide The Public (Jood our aim.'' The Subscribers, believing that some channel of com munication is wanting in Western Carolina thro' which its citizens can interchange freely their opinions upon tiie various subjects of Politics, Religion, Literature, and the Mechanic Arts, projxt-e to publish in the Town of Liiicohiton,a Weekly Paper under the above title. True there are papers in Western Carolina, but in the weal thy and populous section of the State west of Salisbu ry there is none. We believe, from our knowledge ot the intelligence of the people of that section of the State, that they can, and will support a paper; and we therefore are impelled to the undertaking, fully relying upon tiieir liberality for such a measure of support as we may deserve. In proposals of this kind, it is usual for those who make them, to set forth their political principles ; and though we are not politicians by trade, lest our silence upon this subject might be construed into a want of can dor, we will briefly give an exp-we of our political opi nions : As the first article in our political creed, we place the accountability of those who exercise power to those who give it. We believe our government to be one of limited powers, and that those who are entrus ted with its administration have no right to exercise any, hut such as have been delegated to them by the p M;ie, in such as are clearly set forth in our wr;tten Constitution. We will therefore oppose all encroach ments uimn the rights of the people, let them come from whnt quarter the' miy,and will sound tlie alarm when ever danger approaches. We will contend for econo my in the administration of both our Federal and State Governments, an 1 will oppose all lavish expenditures of the public funds, believing as we do, that money in toe hands of bad rulers is the most dangerous engine which can be brought to bear upon the liberty of the people. With regard to the approaching Presidential elec tion, we are decidedly opposed to the nominee of tli3 Itiitunore Convention, and will zealous! v, and hr 1 1 1 v Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman in Raleigh, u.i der date of "Monday Evem.no, Decmlicr 1. "Dear Sir: John M. Dick of Guilford was tins day elected to suoplv the vacancy on tlie Bench of the Su- M f . I i X WW . livfwl Wn.l ; Perior uourt in place ot tne late lion, iieury oeaweiL Jiveu, lUVLU . r i'' .-ill . i ne lvaieign papers w in give you tne numieroi uauoi ings which the party, who have the numerical strength, thought proper to intlict on the State for the sole pur pose of ascertaining whether Mr. Henry of Fayetieville would serve if elected. Saturday's mail brought them his absolute and unconditional refusal. Sunday inter vened a day here appropriated to the most unholy of purposes the screws were applied, the party rallied, and, after performing one or two political evolutions, were dismissed, under the orders of a Drill Sergeant to be punctual in their attendance on the battle field at the roll of the drum or rather the ringing of tire bell. Monday came, and the party, who on Friday, l their votes, pronounced Mr. Dick incomp tent to the task of a Prosecuting (tfneer, were fully convinced by thei? leaders that he was eminently qualified to preside oc the Hatch.'.' Thus we go God save the State!' The Lincoln Cotton .12:)iiufHctmiii Company IJESPECTFULLY inferm the Public, that by - mutual consent, the company have dissolved their Co-Partnership, and that they now inform all those indebted to said Company to make im mediate payment; and all Agents to close their agencies as soon as possible. And all those ha ving demands against the company, to present them for settlement to James Hiving. HOKE, S.M1KXK,& lilVlNGS. Lincolnton, Dec. 5, 1835. p5 Iafcsl Improvement. rn. price's 'or the immedi ru- lltli'f and radical Cure of HEX MA or RUPTURE. authori- united '11 IE Subscriber, having been legally at zed to vend and ap.dv Dr. Price's ceh- oppose his election. We are opposed to the Caucus Sys- I nprored I'aU-nt Mef-.il he t russ, in tl a'J'os d what it may. H e believe tiieiAonli i aroluia aiM ngium, Hikes , t- i ot puoiic servants. j I,,lrun,ent bus briefly, and candidly laid down our e rples, anl we will maintain and support' 1 , nines, but at the same time, with a re-j fvv uf k in pit ..Vile in. presenting to tiie citizens f those relate?, the od vantages of this highly approved uud celebrated i Instrument ; for winch purpose tie is ik.w visiting 1 towns i t those States, if.n.aa.iisg a each, at which time ail persi.- msIi- nc e i i t : . !. .t li 1 1 u I it I ir. county, was eiccteu rxincuur m i i-- ., CUii. i ne vote uw . ou.i. , "i , . . n.ii i. i,i:.i.:.: v ;.ir.Ttrr Ft of' prenension atvi leenngs oi everjr ciass in tocifiy. jj;h nne I'isie ius sui-an-u iu u icpumit n m pins in l.-t. 'Jn I 3 11 - h wit!i!rawn. 4 3 U:i Friday, the -J7th, John Stoke? county, was elected Solicitor General of the State, on t!ie second balloting, as follows: John F. Poindexter, Jo .n M. D ck, John Scott, Joh.i S. Guthrie, IKnifc, O l Sit'irhv, th-3 2ifh, the Li-1 'ture w-nt into a ballotng, but without effect it seems, fr a Judge of the Suu-rior (Tourts, to sur;dy the vacancy occasioned by th death of Judge S Mweil. The Iie;rister gives the following state. ueiit of the inetf ctuil lallotiugs: "Tb l.eV,s!-.ture find rrreat tli::icnlt in making a Jiid re to weli'o de poots corner." But we fear that the deep plnlo- Fmmons" mannessof f tyle and coarseness of sentim.-nt our were do community carr: age-wheels of tlie ollice-holding lordlings of the understind the bold conceptions and daring flights of Party. Kat tin curled darlings of his partizans re-t the poet's genius. leemeil be.-t adapted to jjul 1 tliat portion of the , sophy of this extraordinary poem would bo appreciated i havi leizure, and who are friendly to our undertaking, nitv. fro;n the .-weatofvvho.se brow areoded the but by few readers, while tinny would not fail to mis- j to favor us with communications upon any subject of tem, let it be named people, and the piitple alone are the proper depositories of power, and that they, and they alone have the right to select their public servants. e have thu jvditicai pnnci them with firninos?i KiuMfiil ntfonti-.n t,a ini.,r, rS tli.i !,,, m-iv-tifL I UIIT tO t0 relieved ! tOO (Ull'L C Ullll lllCOl'Vf fer with us. Our paper we intend to be free, and nn-j of Rupture, will m ike application. shackled, and will therefore wive place to well written In olll'rin the TiiUSS t tiie aSlicted ot llnpi' coiiiniunications, let them come from what party they . tre We do it, con'i k ntly believing lioni the Mic- m;iy, !o that tiK'v be treo trom low invective ami abuse, n.. pr;o Koo i,.,,l i-.r-i,,;,. . li o,,tor.. ..' t..,.rr winch never subserve the great object we have in j standin r and of eVery descr.ptim on one or both view in the discussion of political questions, the truth, j ., , j ,i ' ,f ,iA but alvvtys have a tendency to degrade, and lower the 7 . , ? , .- . . . - .,. public press. hignest authority 111 favor of its superior ut.iity, The adoption of an enlightened and vigorous system that it is the most valuable Iti-iruuicnt for their of improvement by our State, hirrhterto so mucli neg-j use. It can be worn with convenience, day and lected. being necessary, as well tbr the prosperity in ii- night, which in the estimation of the most disfin- vidually of our citizens, as for the State at large, every j Jjjj Surgeons, is essentially important to cf- measure tending to this end shall receive the cordial -r.t a nPI11!1,M1, 1Mi needv , nre of JJijeture. .,....rt -,fn,a 4. vrivvj" v i's. J We will devote a rxirtion of our paner to Agricul ture, Literature, Religion, and such other matters as are usually found in a miscellaneous weekly paper. Our object will be to have something for the. palates of all. and we will take this occasion to request those who The poor relieved ratui- quir for their contemplation, the ments of their idol toj he d-srribed in courtly phrase and .stately periods by a learned Pro'ess.T' of Ianuaixes. We mean no dispar- ; agenvmt to the high endowments of Mr. Holland, by mentioning his name in conjunction with Bdl I'mrnon's that paltry party drudge: it is as a specimen of Van Buren t ictics. Thi Life by Prof. Holland is intended to promote i Van Bure-14 election to the Presidency, and from trie 1.. :.. .: 1 ... i..,i ,.. 1 1 ", if,' T ere h ive been ..even biile.tm- wit!,- evid-nces bef ,re us, ,t is undoubtedly an ingenious and 1 o- . . -.. .. : i - r... . -m ...,11 .!: out a ch-'c-- O i t!i fir.it balloting, J aa I., iiiiley. ( aoie paruzan .irii'i 1 m ii'.-nvor. 1 uc- w u ui,r Fred 1 -;ck Xish, an I V. C. Stanly w-t- in nomination, 1 lined mini of the author, m 1 his skilful use of language and th; vole -tool thus. Biiley'47; Nash IT; Stanly omi.ieotly .pnl fy hhn t mike "the wor-. afpear tlie blank and scatterinir 71. Mr. Tixj .ier's na ne was ; iHttpr rr.aso!i " Mr. II illand is an able Lmrtrr as well then added, a.i.i the ?eron t balloting was a f .11, .as; as jt.arnfl(j prof,., nil,J perhaps the practice of the Jluley 30; X-ish 37; Trrl funn-r proH-ssion-e indiscriminate d fence of right brattennT Before the thml ralltinir tiK place, tne nane'of lllvvarl Hail was a i ied to the no-nm itio ., a.id tcronghis had with him its usual pernicious anl it resulted in jivtng f r Iui- i). He:Uy (n t in 110- miaitio-i) 37; Ba-Iv i; -Nash 31: tanly:l; IIiUUI; b'ank and .Mrattenny 11. Tie fourth balUur- st.xfl : Jlenry 5J; Hi.lev'3-J; Xash 31 ; Stanly II ill 15; Too-r.er U, blank and scatter n. 1-. On tlieoth ballot ing, (.Mr. Toe liner's name having been withdrawn.) Hen-rrece:vL-d 51; Bailey 40; Xasli 31; Stanly 'JO; Hall 15; blank anl scattering 10- On the (ilh, Henry re ceived Cr2; Bailev 51 ; .ash ; Stanly 10; Hall 13 ; blank and scattering 15. Previous to the 7t;i balloting, the names of M.'ssrs. Hall anl Stanly were withiravvn, and tlie vote stood : Ibmry f5 ; Bailey 70; Nash 10; blank and scattering 11." Qr The fnal result. ll -Iow, wc give a list of the votes pdled in 55 Counties at the recent election !hr and against the Amendments to tlie Con.-titutiort. Tiie Amend uents, being adopted by the People, will go into effect on the 1st day of January, 1S3. We al o, f r future reference, publish the vote given in the a;ne Counties for and against the call of tlie Conven tion : Ao ( 7m. Counties. An.xon, A. -lie, u:icombe, Bladen. Ilea u tort, Uurke, Cabarrus, Columhus, Carteret, Chowan, Cumberland, Caswell, Craven, Dividson, Duplin, fMgecombe, Franklin, Gatesr Granville, Greene, Guilford, Halifax, Hertford, Hvde, Iredell, Johnson, Jonee, For Con. 7:U 2til 1,100 Jl 41 1,353 50.5 m 74 30 550 tiJ7 1-5 1,014 74 57 73 00 270 4 1,271 10 5 1.010 45 1) 411 41 470 W)7 11 71 307 2tH 315 MU7 201 210 47 v:v.) 07r 473 X 37l) 143 301 43G 473 27 1W0 Rat. M5 4GG 1,3J2 G 00 1,0-J7 507 3 3-J mi l'JG 121 l,i.)3 1 50 20 K" 12 133 9 D71 ! r 4 O 1,1 oK 73 Rcjec. 41 - 501 G30 G7 40 .101 :2 :322 430 102 207 3.3 5:2 1.3(H) 017 5rj N 432 2.57 411 510 331 V 770 230 influence on the mortl jvrceptions. Mr. Holland avows the " most ultra democratic doc trines, and no doubt in all sincerity. With him in this resjtect we cordially and fully agree, unless by demo cratic he mean agrarian : for no tyranny is so unequal and intolerable as ihat of a inob, nor any aristocrats so insolent and servile too, as the leaders of a mob. Bat we are at a loss to discover how any person of Mr. Holland's sense can find his beau ideal of democracy in Martin Van Buren the impersonation of aristocracy and anti-Americanism in bis manners and private life, and the type of all variableness and undefinability in political principles We are sorry that a gentleman of Mr. Holland's de cidedly high order of intellect, can find no more wor thy theme, than one which must needs be so ephemer al as a partizan life of the Kinderhook Intriguer. TEXAS. Col. Robinson, the agent of a colony in Texas Ins stated in the Nashville Republican that Mexico has ce ded Texas to tlie United States. This is unquestiona bly an error. Texas has not, we believe, been ceded to this country; nor is there any probability that it will ever become a member of this Government either as a Territory or a State. The eyes ot a great many per sons we are aware, are directed to that country, as to a " promised land,' with a vague anticipation that it will either by treaty, or by internal dissensions with Mexico, come under the protection of our laws. That this will never happen is certain from a single view of the subject. Texas from it position must inevitably be a sdave-holdmg community, should it ever be a member or come into the possession of thi9 Union. B.fore it can belong to the United Stiles, there must be some action of one or both Houses of Congress. In the Se nate there are thirteen non-slave-holding States repre sented, exclusive of Mar land, every one of which would oppose even the gratuitous cession of Texas to us. In the House of Representatives, the opposition would be much stronger. Constitutional scruples too would not as in the case of Ixmisiaiia disappear before the powerful and urgent reasons which rendered tlie acquisition of that territory indispensably necessary. PROLOGUE IX IIEAVEX. SO.VG? OF THE T!If EE ARC1I-AXGELS. RriirL: The sun his ancient iivtnn of wonder Is touring out to kiriired spheres, And still pursues, with march of thunder, His preappointed coure of years. Thy visage gi.ves thy angeis pi.ver. Though none its dazzling rays withstand, And bright, a in their na ii hour. Creation's dazzlmg rays expand. Gabrikl: And still the earth's enduring motion Revolves with uncomputed speel. And o'ec the checquere I arth and ocean Darkness and light by turn- .-ueceed. The billowy waste of seas is buling From deep iri.nev.il rocks below, Yet on their destri 'd marc 1 are toiling The rocks that stand, the waves that flow. Michel: The whirlwind and the storm are raging From sea to land, from land to main; AnJ adverse elements engaging, The trembling universe enchaiij. Tiie lightnings of the dread destrover Precede his thunders through the air; Yet, at the nl of their employer, Tiie servants of his wrath forbear. Chorus : Thy visage gives the angels power. Though uone its dazzling rays withstand, And, bright as in their natal hour. Creation's dazzling realms expand. TIIE LORD, TIIE HEAVENLY HOSTS. The three Archangds cotr.c forward. Rvpiiaf.l: The sun, along the void of space. Is sounding with his brother sphere?. And rolls on his predestined race At thunder speed : his aspect cheers The angels, though none understand What his mysterious music says. The works of the Creator's hand Are fresh as in creation's day3. Gabriel: And fast, beyond conception fast. Yon fair Earth on its axis flies, Now in night's dreadful shadows cast. Now shining bright as paradise. Against the rocks the broad waves strike. High foaming from their depths profound. And rocks and restless waves alike Sweep on in ever rapid round. Michael: And tempests in contention strain From soa to lan I, from land to sea. And in their fury weave a chain Of deep works through eternity. A fierce, far desolating tire Before the thunder "takes its flight, But all thy angels, Lord, admire The gentle changes of thy light. THE THREE : The angels may not understand, But gain new vigour as they gaze: The works of thy creating hand Are fresh as ia creation's daj-f. . mteret. The paper will be issued the first of March, upon a fine me mini sheet, printed with tair type, at C! per j annum, payable upon the receipt of the 2nd number, j Advertising at the usual rates. I E. S. Z FA ELY, Dec. 5, 115. R. J. WEST. 1 Elitors throughout the Sta-e, frien ilv to the under-, taking, will confer a favor, by giving the above a few insertions. No cure, 110 pay. tously. JAMES H. OLIVER, M. D. Here follow numerous Certificates. The Subscriber is authorized by Dr. Oliver to apply this Truss 011 the conditions above mention ed, viz.: no cure no pay. ASHBIuLi SMITH, November 21, 1 935. Salisbury, N. C. Ql&M A Splendid nwiB ii. pool, mm , -w V mm'm W m m m mmm i i RESPE r 1' U LEY in forms his Friends and the Public, that he still conti nues to carry cn the above business, in all its various branches. II the .Main-street, in Sali Esiiae f Hacks, i'KU.-.i Salisbury. C.) o Calrigfc, fl .8 V. A??' m mtm mm W mm iJ -mt u - m mm m iW j VNXIOL'S toalfbr.t every facility to the Travelling Public, now announce that they have completed all their arrangements an ! can v. ith truth say, lb pre sent you with a Line of lluchs possessing- advuiucges ovtr other, if you wish to gtt on with t use and despatch having obtainct that great desideratum with, all Travellers no dt tuition on the road. It is so ar ranged as to corresjHVid, m its arrivals at Raleigh, with i S!inr i still L-ent nn I the denarture of tiie iollowin'' Stages, viz: I tie Oreat Salisbu- 1,ai'v Line to uiiKeiy, onn-oaroiiiri. passing through the Store of Samuel Lenily & Iuisbnr-, Warrenton, and Halifax; at the ttcr place , , r 1 j 1 j 1 a Lineot Stages communicates with the Portsmouth I Clocks of every kind will be ; R ., r-y-.Mu. tiv n . nn ,() nhklev. 11 f r 4 1 r 1 ...:.i. .. . ,1 : - . Jv.ni.Ai u n i' vviiu iie.iiiies, ii mum 1 nonet.-, . vou gtne nlc Petersburg Rad-Ruad ; and on your ar rv, one door aloye S'n. Watches and on reasonable terms, and Warranted for 12 Months. He will always keep on hand a variety of arti cles in his line; such as Patent Lever WatcIlO, (English, French, Swiss, and Dutch.) Cold and Plated Fob Chains, (iedd and Plated Watch Guards. Gold and Plated Watch Keys. Gold and Plated Watch Seals. Gold Ear-bobs, Breast-pins, and Finger-rin, (latest fashion.) Siher Ware; Ever-pointed Pencil Cases, and Leads. Silver Spectacles, and steel frames and glasses. Fine Pocket and Dirk Knives, and Silver Fruit Knives. Pocket Pistols and Dirks. Ilreast-Buttons and Musical Boxes. Gilt and Steel Watch Chains and Keys. 07" Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for articles purchased at his shop, and in payment for work done and debts due. D. L. P. Salisbury, August 22, 1935. tf - One Bushel of Coal Reward ! 1UXAWAY from the subscriber, on Sundav, the 20th day of November last, JONATHAN KIUMlNGEIt, a bound apprentice to the Black smith trade. He had on, when he left me, a drab Round-about coat, brown Iinsey pantalons, and a small fur hat. He is 16 or 17 years old; 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high; dark skined, and tolerably ugly. All persons are forwarned not to employ or harbor said boy, as I am determined to enforce the law against any person or persons who may do it. The above Reward, but no thank?, will le given to any person who will apprehend and deliver said Krimingcr to me in Corcord, N. C. SOLOMON WEAVER. Concord, December 5, 1835 p2 "rival at that nlace vou have the choice of two Lines either by land to Washington City, v ia. Richmond and Fredericksburg, or by Steam-Boat to Norfolk. There is also a Liise of Stages trom Raleigh to Norfolk, via. Tarborough, Murfreesborough, Win ton, &c. over one of the best Natural Roads in the United States. At Norfolk there will be no detention, as there is a line of Steam-Iioats f ;r Baltimore in connexion with this line. This line also connects with one from Raligh toNewbern. The arrivals at Salisbury is regulated altogether by the departure of the Piedmont Line South, and the Great Western Line for Nashville, Tennessee, via, Lincolnton, Rutherfordton, Asheville, Knoxville. &lc. Leaves the Mansion Hotel, Salisbury, TUESDAY and SATURDAY at 9 o'clock, A. AL after the arrival of the Piedmont Stage from the South arrives in Raleigh next days at 9 o'clock. P. M. leaves Raleigh TUES DAY and SATURDAY at 2 o'clock, A. M., arrives in Salisbury next days by 4 o'clock, P. M. allowing suf ficient time on the road for SLEEP. Cc5 The Hacks are Albany make, entirely new, and cannot be surpassed for comfort and ease; the Teams are excellent, the Drivers careful and attentive, and the Fare low only SEYEX DOLLARS all inter mediate dist.Hnc-es 7 cent- per mile. (Cy- Passengers from the South who wish to take' our Line will be careful to enter to Salisbury only. (tT All Bundles and Packages at the risk of the owuers WILLIS MO RING, JOSEPH L. MORING. P. S. This Line, from Salisbury to Baltimore is $ cheaptr than any other. April 11, 1S35. tf The F.ire from Rafeich to Washington Ciiy amounts to 819 50, ax foliates: From Raleigh to Blaklev, Stage Fare, . . . $1 Blakley to Petersburg, Rail-Road Fare, 3 Peters-burg to Richmond. Stage Fare, . 1 50 Richmond to Fredericksburg. Stage Fare, 5 Fre lencksburg to Washington City, Steam Boat Fare, 3 The Steam-Boat Fare from P ctersburg to Baltiraore via. Norfolk, is Four Dollars.