lYcir, Cheap, anil TJoIraMc KcitltcrTorilfoii PRIVATE CONVEYANCE, FOR VALUABLE LANDS En tin a Kl&rket ! 1 Y Virtue of a Deed of Trust to me executed. I5cckvriihs Anti-Byspeptic f JMIK Trustees of the above Institutions having selected .Mr. Alexander A. Hall, and Mrs. M. HAVE just received, and are now . penmg, at j It. Hall, as Principals, would respecuuuv their Store at the North-west corner of the j i to Parents and Ouardians, that the first session Cour:h .ue square, in the building .rcupted as the , under Mr. and Mr-. Nail's instruction will cm M. ..!: Hotel, a lar-e and splendid ns-ortment of , mence on Monday, the HIA of November next. ff7 T S'J, I Rates of Tuition: JL illl Will WW 11111,1 Vl.ft0 y j Reading and N nting, per session, . Kmbtacing every article in ti e line of j m,-;,! Sciences and Belles Lettres, . Urn-Goo Is llud-W nc Cutlery, CrocAt-; Languages jy G iss wirc. Huts, Mi-irs. inucine$ Paints. Dye Stuffs, and Omen its. Usually kept in Mercantile establishments, which! SO 12 50 Fxtra charges (or the Ornamental branches. Music will be taught at the usual prices as ear ly as arrangements can be made for a Music Tea- i i thev off-r for sale LOW tor casb, or on credit to, cnr' . . . . . .:or,,iv B:tll , , , The Recitation Rooms being conveniently itu- icy- All kinds of Country Produce taken in pay ment, and tor which the highest prices will be allowed, tf Salisbury, Nov. 2S, 135. .1201:2: xcw .is:i r:a.f.Ki:v. TIIK Subscrihei has just return ed from Phil;.d Inhin, where he V purchased a rich assortmentof WATCHES, 'ated, the Latin, Jreek, and French Languages together with Drawing and Painting, will be at tended to in hth departments. Cctr Hoard can be had, in respectable familcs, at SI 50 per week The Trustees hope, that the many advantages derived to their Scciols, from location, giMul mo ral society, and the qualifications of the instructor and instructress, will induce a liberal portion ol J iLzs-i ; , jr. ; V md m-i - - w j 0 us recent Fasnions. Watches Gentlemen's j-.ld and Silver Lever, Do. do. Duplex, Ladies' Gold Lever and do. Plain English and Swiss Fine Gobi Fob-Chains and Keys; Fine Plated Fob Chains and Keys; Ladies' Pined Neck-Chains; A ncli assortment f Ureat-Pin and Rings; Fine Far Rings, Gold and Plated; Ladies' .!!, Silver, and Gill Waist. Buckles ; Sic II Mu-ac Boxes and Silver Pencils; A large assortment of Spectacles for all Eyes ; Ladie.i' and Genlleuien'.-. Fine Pocket Books; Superior Wade and Butcher Cencave Razors; Poeket-Knivrs and Scissors; .Leather and Sdk Money -Purses; Ladies large Tuck and Side-Combs; D i. Snulf-Boxes, and Thimbles; Fine PKted Castors and Candle-st icks, Together with Chains, Pistol, Seals, and Keys, i;c. A'i), Sder Spoons and Sugar- longs. patronage. F. DM I'M) P. RYAN, 1 , JOHN McKNTYRK, W. B. Rirj HFRFORD, ? .MARTIN P. FA M, 3 WILLIAM TU ITTY, J JOHN W ILK INS, Treasurer. Ruthcrfordtoti, N. C, Oct. 31, 1S35. p7 RFCOM M FN DATIONS. LixroLXTox, N. C Oct. 23, 1S33- I have attended the several Examinations of the Schools taught bv Mrs. Hall, in this place and vi cinity, and 1 am of the opinion that the different branches were taught with great accuracy. LAWSON IIFNDFRSON. Lincolxtcx, N. C, Oct. 23, 1833. I take pleasure in saving, that I have occasion ally visited Mrs. Hall's School, taught in this place and vicinity, and also the Examinations of the same; the progress of her pupils ave evidence of ereat attention and ability in their instruction S. P. SIMPSON. C'Evrnr, Iredell Co., N. C, Oct. 20, 1S33. This is to certify, that I attended the Examina- Ile Imp" ih it h.s Friends and Cusfon.ers w ill ,, ,,f -.jr Alexander A. Hall's School, at this ca'l and m"' his fine assortment, and B U I . He, part, ; t),e year 131, preiotis to his entering will sell 1 iv fr C AS II , or n a s'ort crelit. College and completing his studies, and take plea Orders f.- in a distance will be promidly filled. Sure in testifying to the care and ability which W ;.t Ins n:.d loeks repaired well, and n r- , j evidently been devoted to the instruction o ranhd for Tirtht Mmths. (r O'd (i"M and ,,j M1)i,, ' JAMES Me REE. Silver taken ;n excliange ..r Jewell i. JOH N r. P LMER. Salisbury, September 12, l3o. tf MORG ANTON l mm mm mm V lincohitoit mllafc Jlcndeiiuj r 'HE Subscriber resped fully announces to Pa - rents und the friends of outli generally, that h has made arrangements to take charge of this Iiis'itiition, am that the exercises will comiii'M ci fTMlE Exercises of this Instiiutto'i were resu- ,ie :rsf Manila? in January next. Being whtllv i.nconn-cted with any other pursuits, in iiK .I nn ihf I at T,.,ii!i'i in thin mniA. under the conduct of the firmer competent and er ac complished Tut reuses, Mrs. P .Ik and Miss D "ig PUilMC ACCOIIIODATIOX. IMIE Public are respect fulh informed that the Subscribers have provided theinelves with a neat and easy -riding OMNIBUS, a team of first rate Horses, and an obliging and experienced Dri ver, for the purpose oi accommodating all who may have occaMon, or desire to employ private conveyance from Charlotte to any of the neigh boring 1 owns. Terms of Hire, very Reasonable. The vehicle is capable of containing srrrvi persons with the greatest convenience, and is so construct ed that a distance of forty or fity miles per day may be performed with perfect ease to passengers. Gentlemen or tamihes who stop in Charlotte for the purpose of visiting the Gold Mines in the neighborhood, can be accommodated with an Om nibus, and a driver who is acquainted with the country, at all times. B. P. BOl D & CO. Charlotte, Nov. 7, l3o. N. B. There are tiro lines of Stages from Salis bury to the North, and two from Yorkville to the bv William Dtsiniikes, for the purposes there-j in expressed. 1 will expose to Public Sale, in the Town f Wadesboroiigh, on Monday, the Wth day of January next, the following TRACTis Or LAND ()NK TRACT Coiitaiiiiiipr 2TO teres, Lying on the Gobi Mine Branch, known by the name of the Pinion Land ; this 'Tract has GOLD on it, as several pieces have been found by Mr. Dismukes and others; the soil is suitable to the growth of Corn, Wheat, and Cotton. O 7'?.7f'7 Containing 35 Acres, The one-third interest, the other two-thirds be longing to Jacob Austin, and the heirs of Jona IE extract, from the Hand-bills accompanying " each Box, the following testimonials to the etlieacy of this valuable Medicine : From the lit. Rev. Leri S. Jrcsy D. D., Bishop vf Iorth Carolina. Raleigh, March 2, 1635. Having, for the last three ears, been intimately acquainted with Dr. John Beckwilh, el this City, ai.d enjoed his professional services., 1 take plea sure in staling that his character as a Christian gentleman and experienced Physician, entitles his testimony, in regard to the use of his Anti dyspep tic Pills, to the entire confidence of the public My experience of the good effects of these 11113, for two ears past, satisfies me of their eminent value, particularly in aiding in impaired digestion and warding off bilious attacks. Having been for a South. 7t FOR 1H3.3. HORACE II. BEARD, Tailor, I EGS leave to inform his friends, and the public in general, that orders in his line will always le thankfully received by him, and executed in the most Neat, Fashionable, and Durable manner on erms as reasonable as any in this section of coun try. II. II. B. hopes, from his long practice of his business, (a number of years of which time he resided in the city of Philadelphia,) and from the general satisfaction he has heretofore given to his numerous respectable and fashionable customers, to merit and receive a portion of the patronage of the public in general. CO" He Hatters himself that his CUTTING is really superior to any done in this State, as may be tested by the undisputed elegance of fit which attends garments made in his establishment. He is in the regular receipt of the Reports of the Fa shions as they change both in the large cities oi this country and of Europe so that gentlemen may le satisfied that their orders will always be executed iti the very latest style. Orders from a distance will be attended to with the same punctuality and care as if the customet were present in person. Salisbury, September 10, 135. ly. promises to devote his attention exclusively to the business of teaching, and will spare no pains to lass. The J'nislees renew the assurances thev ir,t(.rt the minds of those placed under his care formerly gave, as to the great advantages of thi j.,, !1K r,.tuler instruction at one delightful and Seh. M.J. If health, and great moral and literary : profitable. Great care will le tak:i to prevent instruction be aimed at, they say with confidence, tP f..nnatioii ,,f idle and diolute habits, and a that there are few institutions more likely to af-! punctual attendance to the duties of the IiMitu- ford them than this. rrt1T? rni.'rpi.v. ition will be riL'idly required. As the opinion to some extent prevails, that to-i THE TRUSTEES. Morganton, N. C, Nov. 7, l-3.. if - . i r mueii time is spent in acquiring a Kiiowieogeoi 100 IjO.S'P words, the SulxcriW would observe that in his 1 ONE Hundred Dollar Bill, payable at the; course of instruction mi classical literature, n tni- Patriotic Bank, at Wasnuigtou city, dated ' nute analysis of words will le taught, with their ll'J, No. not recollected, was lost ,, the suhscri-; combination in the construction of sentences, and ber between Morganton and Salbur v . on the every thing pertaining to a thorough acquaintance main stage road. Udwecn the lllb and lGih iust.iwith tho-e beautiful and imjMirtaut Languages of A reward of -$20 will be given to any person find ing and delivering said note to R. C. Pearson, Eq., at Morg.ui'oii, N. C. Nov. 21,13.1. F. A. MOORE. P. S. 1 think it probable that there were some two or three small bills Iot at the same time as above. F. A. M. fc .V V X -V AA 11 U 4 QUANTITY os Foolscap, ad Wrap- piflSJ -AIlJR, lest quihtv tnanutactured at :.:e Salem Paper Mill, now on hand anil for sale at THIS OFF ICE. Xoveinlier 2S, l'i3'5. tf To TlciTli.'Uit., ;m! ol!ier. 4 I.ARGK QUANTITYof excellent white WRAP--kV lj.'i i'AI'Kll, of nevvstap.r siz, no-.vni hitnl, and 'a iv m ha I on very chean tons l-v .n lir -tion nt Oct. 1(1. f ' THIS OFTI F. Antiquity The following will compose the course of stu dies, viz : Gould's Latin Grammar, Latin Reader, Virgil, Cicero, S.dlust, Horace, (Gould's Editio Expur gafa.) Goodrich's Greek Grammar, Greek Rea der, Greek Testament, Xenonhen, Greca Majora, Dav's Algebra. It is hoped that the well known salubrity of Lincolnton, the industrious and moral character of the citizens, together with the cheapness and excellence f board, will iu-ure to this Iu-titution, a hlieral share of public patronage. IP To Country 3Ierchants. rIIE Subscriber begs leave inform his cus-a- turners and friends generally, that be is nw receiving his Fall supply of Goods ; w hich con sists of a general, heavy, and well selected assort ment of W a W m .B-NJ mmt mm mm m, W W W mm Lltivdu :vv A: Chiller v MATS AND SHOCS, 25rii .TSediehic. V tthoiit furiher eouiiu.. ration, his Stoc k coin prises almost every article now in common uc in this country It is inferior to none in Favet'eville. C. J. OR R ELL. N. B. Personal and trict attention will U given to the receiving ami forwarding Goods ; receiving Cotton and other Produce for Storage, Sale, or Shipment as the owner may direct. C. J. O. Brn k Row, Haymouut, Favetteviile, September 19, 1 "3."i. O n a s: ; no Va i r o iz s .1 a . than Austin, which can be bought on reasonable tin,e subject to the annual recurrence of terms. This Tract contains the celebrated Gold j&ucli attacks, 1 was in the habit of resorting for Mine where a piece of Gold weighing G lbs. ! security against them, and with a very partial sue was found. This Mine has ielded upwards f: cess, to a liberal use uf Calomel or blue Pill. But Ten Thousand Dollars worth of Gold without the ! "ce my acquaintance with the Anti-dyspeptic i n ii c 1 l 1 : -1 i i i i .1 aid of machinery. 1 am confident this amount. ; 1 111 ur- nt'CKwim, wnicn ne prescnoeu in me or more, could be gotten from this mine, if pro perly worked by men of science, and the know ledge of .Mining. Oa'E tract, Containing 100 Acres, Known as the Jesse Baruett Trac ; it is excellent Land and under good improvement. Terms of Sale, Cash. A LEX A NDER W . BRA N DO N, Wadesboro', Nov. 2S, IS 35. (7t) 'Trustee. TUB GENTLEMAN'S V A. TO W yi C 13 1 Or The Spoktinq axd Dramatic Compmon, Embelislied vvitn a multitude of Engravings, inclu ling Portraits of celebrated winning Horses, Philosophi cal and Natural phenomena. Legerdemain, &.c. IT is now six months since this publication was com menced in Philadelphia and although the publish ers have us"l no extraneous means to circulate a first instance himself, I have not been under the necessity of using Mercury in any form, besides, being wholly exempt from billious attacks. Seve ral members of my family are experiencing the same beneficial ellects. L. S. IVES. From Governor Iredell. ArrsT 21, 1P35. Dr. Beckwith's Anti-Dyspeptic Pills have been used in my family, which is a large one, with the most beneficial efleets. A number of my friends who have been alllieted with the Dyspepsia, and other disorders of the stomach, have spoken to me in strong terms of the relief they experienced from this remedy. Without the evidence I have received from others, my intimate knowledge of the professional and private character of Dr. Beck with, for the last twenty yeais, justifies me in de claring, that he would give no assurances of facts of his own experience, or of professional dednc- L-ruiv I...! irf of it-j merits .-t i.rli k ihe at ist;iff ion manifested by that portion of the public w ho have been , tions, of w hich be was riot perfectly confident, and made acquainted with its character and contents, that on wlncli the public might not safely rely its I'st of patrons continues constantly and rapidly to increase. I ins paper is now distributed regularly eve ry week over a wide portion of the Union, and ihe most satisfactory assurances are received that it will eventually become one of the most popular among the numerous excellent periodicals which issue from the American press, rso exertions will be spared to esta JAMES IREDELL. From the Hon. George E. Badger. Raleigh, Nov. 7, 1S34. 1-or several years past, lr. Jieckwith s Ann. in un- i.'inv yyiLL be sold, at tin Courthouse door in Salis bury, on the 1st day o' Jn f y, IS.Jd, u i der an Order of the Court l" Pie:is and Quarter Sessions for the Count v i R wan, Four JW'jsror, The property .f J eph Bum. r . A credit of six months wiil be given, the pu-ehaser ivmg bond with approved s ni itv. BCRTON i RAICE, Guardian. November 2S, I "35. tf I Tv l l i i blisli its perma. ent reputation more ext nsively; an.t it Lpepllc .us huh- ueen ueu as a uomestic n.e tlie liberal sanction of those for whom it is especially diciue in my family. I have myself frequently designed shall warrant, its future improvement both used them for the relief of head ache, acid and as regar Is typographical neatness and embellishment ( otherwise disordered stomach, resultn-f fiom will be materially advanced. prudeuce or excess in diet, and 1 have'had n OT I he different I'l ays anl t arces that .will appear 0pp0rt,,nities of learning from others thtir effects in the course ot a year, of the;nseives, will be worth , V , , , . , - . i- u m, ttlini Used b them tor like purposes. Mv exne- mnn tlsiti Four tim.s the amount ot siibscrintion. ihe . -. ' ' ' following is a hst of those which have already appeared : j nence ad ob-rvation ji.stily me in saving that and almost always certain that they irav be ta ken at any time without danger or inconvenience, and their operation is attended by no nausea or disagreeable e fleets whatever and though I have known many persons use them. I have known none j who did not approve them none who sustained any injury, and none who fail, d to derivo bmefit from their use. And upon the w hole, I do not hesitate to recommend them as an agreeable, safe, and efficacious remedv in iKsneotu- anu oeiiere tueni mvseit to he die best Anti dvs. Charles t!ie First. Is She a Ir gand. . . The Hunchback. . . . The Deep. Deep Sea. . Cheap Living Shakspeare's Early Days. Henri tiuarte Quite Correct. . . . . Beirtrar of H.'t!mal Green. Husbands an I Wives. Man of Ten Thousand. . The Ladies' M:in. I'll Tell You What . . The Golden Fanner. . . Speculation 0:V"np:C Devils. ... English in India. . . . Sh i kt)" are Festival. . . The East Indian. . . . .Mv Friend the Governor. Miss Mittord. II. I. Smith. J. S. Knowles. J. R. IMar.che. F. Reynolds. C. A. Somerset. T. Morton R. P. Smith. J. S. Knowles. Thomas Holcroft. William E. Barton, 'and .Mrs. Inchbald. Benjumn Webster, peptic medicine ever offered t the public G. L. BADGER. F. M. Reynolds. j IM i'ich 1) nice. . W. T. MoncriefT. W. G. Lewis. J. R. Planclie. v ictortue II. M. M ilner. The O nmbus The Child of Nature. The Rencontre. The Duel. . . . Tie Sisters. . . . Vidocq I Iernani Irish Ambassador. Mv .Neighbour's Wif Inchbald. R. Ii. Peake. W. Barrymore. Public Safe ! mmmmmmmm, m mm mm - ,W" T - " . " r ! I N pursuance of an O.d-r of the County Court LanLMianes and Mathematics, per Scsimi of 23; g of i( i -M . k .,,. o. OW, ,1,1 , ' ... . ...Ml, k.IH-, IMI llt- weeks, - - - 81 0,00 English Grammar, and Geography, - 7,50 J. A. WALLACE. NovernW 25 135. 0 ssrs. JSilillsr. Tef ale. Sans, & sjo.'s Counting from Campbell Courthouse. Virginia, as .Advertised for ISJ5. Da; NOVEMBER ;C35.i iMonday, Tuesday, "Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 3Iondav, DECEMBER Tuesday, v ednesdav, J Thury sz Fri.'y i Snturdav, Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thurday, Friday, Saturday, IG 17 1 10 20 21 22 23 21 25 20 27 2-s 21) 30 .Camplll C. II., .Republican Grove. i-Meadville, 'liaiifix II. Biack Walnut. Milton. Leesbtirr;. Yancey v ille, Brow n Store. Ramdo ouh, Gii-ctisb-jfi ugh, JamestoAn, 1 -m 344 5 G i fl 10 II 12 rummr II s. B Lexinytnn, Salisbury, MK.-ksvdle, ('amphell co. Halifax, do do do do Caswell, do do Guilford, do do do Davidson, do Rowan, do State. I Landlords, jlih' Virginia, do do do do do Johnston, ( 'alia way, Clarke, Mrs. Adams, Jackson, Easly, NorthCarolina1 Farley, County Line, Maud" Ford, lx inathv 's Forge, ( 'iitaw l.:i Springs, Lincoln!, i,, do do Lincoln, do do do do do do do OZr Twenty-two Appointments in three hundred and fifteen miles, will n,nle nn average of inir;eeu nines eacn cay. JOHN .MILLER, Advertiser. i tlo do do do do do do do do do jVanhook, G raves, Barton, Benoc, Albright, Ilorncv, BrumnK II, Simpson, I labile, Bingham, Mrs. GrifTm, Abernathy, Al? rnat by, Simonton, Leopard, 12 20 12 11 14 15 25 12 11 13 12 10 10 12 15 17 ID 10 27 premises of the late Samuel I'pri-dit. deceased. i the 10th day i f Decunber next, Two .(5n Tlfii, I Bf b.nging to the estate of said Foriht, together with a small quantity of Corn, Wheat, and Hav. A credit of twelve months will Ik? given, the pur chaser givinj bond with aimroved security. THOMAS SMITH, Ad minist rator. November 17, lw35. .VOV7C . 4 LL persons indebted to the Estate of Francis Wilson, deceased, are earnestly requested to make immediate payment to me at Cheraw : and those having demai.ds against said Estate will band me their claims properly attested. RK HARD P1IELAN, Adm'r. Cheraw, Nov. 28, 1635. 3t 12 10 14 Committed To the Jail of Buncombe county, on the btb instant, a Negro man, who says his name is GKORGF: dark complected ; five feet eight or ten inches high ; stout built ; about 30 or 35 years old ; had on a suit of home-spun, very much worn, and says he lielongs to a man by the name of Mil ler, who purchased him of Lamar of Augusta. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pav charges, ami take him away. E. IL CUNNINGHAM, Jailor. Asheville, N. C November 28 !835 3l To the EntcrpriziKi?! IWILL GIVE an admirable seat f .ra Factory, or other water machinery, to any person who wishes to enter into such pursuits. The seat is on the Yadkin River, 2 J miles below Stokes' Fer ry, in Montgomery county. 1 will also give with it a small quantity of Land. The scite is unsur passed for cenveuience and water power. Apply on the premises, to W. C. BURIAGE- " . . James Kenney. . . Tyrone Power. Alfred lunn. Aladdin, or the Wonderful Lamp. frp-The Sirtinc: Intelligence (at home and abroad") occupies u considerable jortion of our columns, and is collected from the most authentic sources. Among the Portraits of celebrated Winning Horses which have been givn, ar The American Trotting Horse. Edwin Forest. The Imported Racing Horse, Messenger. The fivourite Racing Mare, Ariel, and her foal, Eclipse. Bond's celebrated Trotting Horse. Norfolk Phenome non. Ti.e true b!oded popular Horse Chateau Margnux. The well kiur.n Engli-b Rice Horse, Touchstone. The noted Blool-iiorse Huadig, the winner of the Derby Stakes in June, lSt5. A correct Picture of a Race Course, occupy ing the widtli of seven columns. A complete treatise on Riding, with Fourteen Illus trations, for the improvement of Ladies in that most healthy of all exercises. Explanation of the Automaton Chess Player, illustra ted by Eleven Engravings. The subjects which are particularly embraced in the Yade .Mecnni will be nior" distinctly understood from the following summary of them : The Turf and all matters connected therewith. On the Structure and Character of the Horse. On the Improvement of Horned Cattle. Rules for Novices in Shooting. Methods for Feeling and Training Dogs. Biographies of celebrated Horses, with their Port raits. Hunting, Fishing, Fowling, &c. Apptoved Games, from lloyle and others. Criticisms on Plays and Actors. The most popular Songs, st t lo music. The Art of Legerdemain Illustrated. A variety of Recipes adapted to Domestic Economy. An Epitome of important passing events. Gentlemen's quarterly Review of the Fashions. fjj To Agents and others a Premium, consisting of Two Volumes, 500 pipes each, neatly bound, of the Xm-f list's Magazine, containing eight different Novels, by the most popular authors, will be presented to an Agent or others who shall procure fair names to the Modem Acting Drama, or the Gentleman's Vade Me cum, and remit the amount of one year's subscription (s3) for each. This journal is printed weekly, on large imperial pa per, with new type, at Three Dollars per Annum, pay able in advance. Specimen numbers will be sent to any part of the Union, bv addressing the publishers, postage paid. SMITH &. ALEXANDER. No. 3, Athenian Buildinps, Fra klin Place, Phila. BIiA.hi. VN extensive stock of BLANKS of every kind, natlv printed, on fine paper, kent constantly on A constant supply of these Pills on hand and for sale, at TillS OFFICE. September 5, 1 '35. lrf; Current iruc oi rodtu-c, &c. AT SALISBURY December 2, 135 - 10 a i Molasses. . . . 50 . 25a(HVXaiIs, .... P n 10 a 4o'Oats, . . . . 2f a 25 . 12'v a Rve, . . . 75 25 a 3 Sugar, brown, . VA) a 12 . 12 a 13, loaf, . . Ma 20 . 16 h l-.Salt, ... 112 a 125 . 25 a 0O"Tallow ... 1(1 a 3'-jTobacco, ... S a 20 .6 0 n (vV: Wheat, (bushel) f-0 a 100 . 100 Whiskev, . . . 30 a 35 Bacon, . . . Brandy, apple, peach, Butter, . Cotton, in seed, clean, Co tie e, . . . Corn, Feathers, . . Flour, . . . Flaxseed, . Linseed Oil, per gallon, Si 25 AT FA YETTE V I L LE November 2G. Bacon, . . . Brandy, peach, apple, Beeswax, . . Cotiee, . Cotton, ... Corn, . . . Flaxseed, . . Flour, . . . Feathers, . . 8 a 0 Iron, . . a 5u Molasses, . . 30 a 35 Xails, cut, . . 22 a "J3 Sugar, brown, 12 a 14.! lump, . . 13 a 1-1$; loaf, 55 a fit) Salt, 1-10 a 150, Wheat,. .01 R) a 7K Whiskey, a 35; Wool, . 4 a 5 32 a 34 a 7 0 a 11 a 15 10 a 17 65 a 70 a 100 30 a 32 16 a 13 AT CHERAW, (S. C.) November 23, 1535. Bacon, . . Beeswax, . . Coffee, . . . Cotton, ... Corn, ... Fh.x-seed, . . Flour, country, do. northern, Feathers, . . Iron, . . Molasses, . . 9 a lliXails and Brads, . lv,Sugar, brown, . 14 a 17j io. lump, . . 13i a 141 do. loaf, . . (5 a 7-riSalt, per sack, .100 a 12 j do. bushel, . .750 a (M0j:"otton Bagging,. . 00 a 9t'b Bale Rope . . 35 a WijWheat, . . . 4 a ."jWool . 40 a 40iWhiskev, . . . mt 10 a 124 14.1 a 10 10 a 17 (I a :mh 60 a 7( 25 a 30 10 a 1 115 10 a IS 40 a 47 RATES OF EXCHANGE At thv Merchant's Bank of S. Carolina, af Cheraw ; Checks on New York, . . I per cent. prem. do, Charleston, . per cent. prem. AT COLUMBIA, (S. C.) November CO, 15. hand and for sale., at THIS OFFICE. Bacon, . . . Brandy, peach, apple, Beeswax, . . Butter, . . . Coflee, . . . Corn, ... Cotton, . . Flour, . . Iron, . ft a 10, Lard, . 12 a 14 . 371 a 40 .tCP ! TO 75 Molasses. . 40 a 50) Mackerel, . . . 15 a 10 Salt, in sacks, . 20 a 25 bushel, . . 15 a 10 Sugar, brown, . 02 n 70 loaf & lump, l4- 2 . 14 a 14? Tallow, . . . 11 12 9i0 a rPr,P 100 n 1T2 . 5) a 51 Whiskey, . . . 40 a 45 20 a 275 (0 n U AT CAMDEN, S. C November 21. Raeon, . . . 10 a U I Com 75 a 00 Bre.'y, peachy 4o - 50 1 FW, . . . S50 IPOO Do. apple, . 3 n 40 J Whent 137 a 1"0 Cotton, . . .13i a 14 j Whiskey, . . . 35 a 40

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