E 1 A PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING A332IBI2IL 3211131 ASJID Wo 02 EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. JVumhcr 28, of Volume 1G : wmVjCY tYonbcgmV.ig S0. CAROLINIAN. SALISBURY, NORTH-CAROLINA, DECEMBER 12, 1835. O The AVctcrii Carolinian. BY ASIIBEL SMITH &. JOSEPH W. HAMPTON TER3L3 OF PUBLICATIOV. 1. The Western Carolinian is published every 8a ti'RDay, at Two Dollars per annum if paid in advance, or Two Dollars and Fifty Cents if not paid before the expiration of three months. No piper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the discretion of the Editors. 3. Subscriptions will not be received for a less time than one year; and a failure to notify the Editors of a wish to discontinue, at the end of a year, will be consi dered as a new engagement 4. Any person who will procure six subscribers to the Carolinian, and take the trouble to collect and transmit their subscription-rnouey to the Editors, shall have a pa per gratis during their continuance. 5 (jr Persons indebted to the Editors,may transmit to them through the Mill, at their risk pro tided they get the acknowledgment of any respectatAe person to prove that such remittance teas regularly made. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. 1. Advertisements will be conspicuously and correct ly inserted, at ."0 cents per square for the first insertion, and cents for each continuance : but, where an ad vertisement is ordered to go in only twice, 50 cts. will be charged for each insertion. If ordered for one in sertion onlv, ssl will in all cases be charged. 2. Persons who deaire to engage by the year, will be accommodated by a reasonable deduction from the above charges for transient custom. TO CORRESPONDENTS. 1. To insure prompt attention to letters addressed to the El iters, the postage should in all cases be pi id. DEFERRED ARTICLES. THE SOUTHERN CHARACTER. The following tribute to the character of the South is copied from an essay in the Portland Cou rier : -v "The writer has travelled thousands of miles in the Southern country, and for several years he has been an attentive observer of character as it ii de veloped beneath a Southern sun. lie has mingled in the various grades of society. He has met her citizens under all circumstances, favorable and un favorable. With these opportunities of judging he would certainly come to a very favorable or different conclusion. Wherever he has wandered the hand of hospitality has been extended towards him. How sweetly has the cheering voice of welcome fallen upon his ear. Many are the offices of kind ness lie has experienced, and not unfrequently from the hands of entire strangers. Grateful is the re collection he will ever cherish of scenes that arc past, but which haw obtained the moat hallowed place in his memory. He is aware that his .en is incapable of doing justice to this subject, but he would do violence to his feelings were he to sutler this op portunity to pass without recording his testimony rvrtf.f tbft citizens amonir whom he resides. After wandering through the distant parts of our wide extended land, he feels authorized to say that, go where you will, you cannot find a more geae rous and patriotic, a more enlightened and high minded people than those who have received such a liberal share of abuse from the northern abolition ists. Does any one doubt this assertion? Let him come and examine for himself, and he will find this to be the language of truth and soberness! A " Little Monster." Oae of the State Hanks, in Vermont, having been suspected of a violation of its charter, a committee was appointed, by the Legislature, to overhaul its affairs and report there tfi.it Jxxlv. In their report, the committee, anion t other devclopcments of the mysteries of ... ..i i - : banking, states that I ho " namung room oi mis in stitution is in a wooden building occupied as a store ib-.t the nlac.e of deposit for notes, bills, t apers, and specie of the Hank is a icootlen desk and that the books of the Hank consisted of one or tiro sheets of Htper jnnnert or stitched together This no doubt, is one of these well managed insti tutions which is to tako the place of the United States Hank, and is to supply the country with a currency superior to the rags of Nick Hiddle ! ! Iilaele-legs. It is stated in the Wilmington Pns-(. th;it a Faro table was recently set up in that town r and that a meeting of voting men took place, at which Lynching was proposed, for ridding the place of the nuisance; but that alter mature reflec tion, thev came to the conclusion that it would bo a more peaceful remedy" for them to refrain from visiting the Faro. They were right; while the nuisanco is legalized, ii '3 better quietly to render it innoxious, by shunning it as though it u-rm .in infectious disease, than by violence and tu ttiult to attempt to eradicate it by physical power. Aianaara. Superior Court. Thursday, Friday, and Satur 1av last, w ere fully occupied with the trial of a case, than which none has excited as much interest in this community fr manv years. It was the State rs. John Waddill, Jr., Joshua W. Cochran, and Jas. II. Mv rover, on an Indictment for killing Jo seph Hubbard, on the 19th of Sept. last. Without entering fully into the testimony, it is sufficient to state, that the deceased came to his death by a gun shot wound, whilst attempting to make his escape from an officer and his poss;, who had arrested him, or were endeavoring to arrest mm, under a warraut for a hih misdemeanor. The first day waa en tirely taken un in forming a Jury, the second with the examination of testimony, and the third with the arguments of counsel, lho Judges charge was delivered to the Jury aftar dark on Saturday cveninir. when the Jury retired, and in a?xut ten C5 minutes returned with a verdict of Ao Guilty. The annunciation of this verdtct produced, as we understand, a very audible expression of the appro bation of the large crowd which had thronged the Courthouse from the commencement to the close o the trial. Faycitccillc Observer of Vor. JG. POLITICAL. EXTRACT From the Message of Uovernm M"D UFFIE, to the legislature of South Curulina. Since your last adjournment, the public mind, throughout the slave holding States, has been in tensely, indignantly, and justly excited, by the wan ton, officious, and incendiary proceedings of certain societies and persons in some of the non-slave-hold-ing States who have been actively employed in at tempting to circulate among us, pamphlets, papers, and pictorial representations of the most offensive and inflammatory character, and calculated to se duce our slaves from their fidelity and excite them to insurrection and massacre. These wicked mon sters and deluded fanatics, overlooking the numer ous objects in their own vicinity, who have a mo ral, if not a legal claim ujoii their charitable re gard, run abroad, in the expansion of their hypo critical benevolence, muffled up in the saintly man tle of Christian meekness, to fulfil the fiend-like er rand of mingling the blood of the master and the slave, to whose fate they arc equally iiidiilercnt, with the smouldering ruins of our peaceful duellings. No principle of human action so utterly bathes all human calculation, as that species of fanatical en- husiasm, which is made of envy and anibiton, as suming the guise of religious zeal, and acting upon the known prejudices, religious or political, ot an ignorant multitude. Under the influence ot tins species of voluntary madness, nothing is sacred that stands in the way of its purposes. .Like all other religious impostures, it has ower to conse crate every act, however atrocious, and every per son, however covered over with " multiplying villa- nies," that may promote its diabolical ends, or wor ship at its infernal altars. Hv its unholy creed. murder itself becomes a labor of love and charity, and the felon rencgado, who Hies from the justice of his country, finds not only a refuge, but becomes a sainted minister in the sanctuary of its temple. No error can be more mischievous, than to under rate the dander of such a principle, and no policy can le more fatal than to neglect it, from a con tempt for the supposed insignificance of its agents. The experience of both Franco and Croat Hritain fearfully instruct us, trom what small and contempt ible leginnmgs, tins ami des noirs philanthropy may rise to a gigantic ixwer too mighty to bo re sisted by all the influence and energy of the gov ernment ; in the one case, shrouding a wealthy and flourishing island in the blood of its white inhabi tants ; in the other, literally driving the ministry, by means of an instructed parliament, to pcrjKjtrate that act of suicidal legislation, and colonial oppres sion, the emmcipaticu f slaves in tl.- Hritish West Indies. It may be not unaptly compared to the element of fire, of which a neglected spark, amongst combustible materials, which a timely stamp of the foot might have extinguished forever speedily, swells into a sweeping torrent of fiery desolation, which no human power can arrest or control. In the opinion of intelligent West India planters, it is because the local authorities, from a sense of false security, neglected to hang up the first of these po litical missionaries that made their appearance on the British Islands, that they are doomed to bar renness and desertion, and to be the wretched abodes of indolent and prollignte blacks, exhibiting in their squalid ioverty gross immorality and sla vish subjection to an iron dosiotism of Hritish bay onets, the fatal mockery of all the promissed bless ings of emancipation. Under these circumstances, and in this critical conjuncture of our aflairs, the solemn and rcsjonsi- blo duty devolves on tfie legislature, ot " taking care that the republic receive no detriment." The crime which these foreign incendiaries have committed against the peace of the State, is one of the very highest grade known to human laws, it not only strikes at the very existence ot society, but seeks to accomplish the catastrophe, by the most horrible means, celebrating the obsequies of the state in a saturnial carnival of blood and mur der, and while brutally violating all the charities of life, and desecrating the very altars of religion, im piously calling upon Heaven to sanction these abo minations. It is my deliberate opinion, that the laws of every community should punish this SK?cics of interference by death without benefit of clergy, regarding the authors of it as "enemies of the hu man race." Nothing could be more appropriate than for South Carolina to set this example in the present crisis, and I trust the Legislature will not abjourn till it discharges this high duty of patriot ism. It cannot be distinguished, however, that any laws which may be enacted by the authority of this State, however adequate to punish and repress olll-nccs committed within its limits, will be wholly insufficient to meet the exigencies of the present conjuncture. If we go no farther than this we had as well do nothing. These outrages against the peace and safety of the State arc peqctrated in other communities, which hold and exercise sovereign and exclusive jurisdiction overall persons and things within their territorial limits. It is within these limits, protected from the responsibility of our laws by the soverign ty of the States within which they reside, that the authors of all this mischief securely concoct their schemes, plant their batteries, and hurl their liery missiles among us, aimed at that mighty magazine of combustible matter, the explosion of which would lay the States in ruins. It will, therefore, Income our imperious duty, re curring to those great principles of international law, which still exist in all their primitive force amongst the sovereign States of this confederacy, to demand of our sovereign associates the condign punishment of those enemies of our peace, who avail themselves ot the sanctuaries ot tneir respec tive jurisdictions, to carry on schemes of incendiary hostility against the institutions, the safety, and tho existence of the State. In performing this high duty, to which we are constrained by the great law of self-preservation, let us approach our co- States with all the fraternal milduesd whitih becomes us as members of the same family of confederated republics, and at the same time with that firmness and decision, which becomes a sovereign State, while maintaining her dearest interests and most sacred rights. For the institution of domestic slavery, we hold ourselves responsible only to God, and it is utterly incompatible with the dignity and safety of the State, to permit any foreign authority to question our right to maintain it. It may, nevertheless, be appropriate, as a voluntary token of our respect for the opinions of our confederate brethren, to present some views to their consideration on this subject, calculated to disabuse their minds of false opinions and pernicious prejudices. No human institution, in my opinion, is more manifestly consistent with the will of Hod, than do mestic slavcrj', and no one of his ordinances is writ ten in more legible characters than that which con signs the African race to this condition, as more conducive to their own happiness than any other of which they are susceptible. Whether we con sult the sacred Scriptures, or the lights of nature and reason, we shall find these truths as abundant ly apparent, as if written with a sunbeam in the Heavens. Under both the Jewish and Christian dispensations of our religion, domestic slavery ex isted with the unequivocal sanction of its prophets, its apostles, and finally its great author. The pa triarchs themselves, those chosen instruments of God, were slave-holders. In fact the divine sanc tion of this institution is so plainly written that he who runs may read' it, and those overrighteous pretenders and Pharasecs, who e flee I to be scandali zed by its existence among us, would do well to in quire how much more nearly they walk in the ways of Godliness, than did Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. That the African negro is destined by Providence to occupy this condition of servile dependence, is not less manifest. It is marked on the face, stamp ed on the skin, and evinced by the intellectual in feriority and natural improvidence of this race. They have all the qualities thottit them for slaves, and not one of those that would fit them to he free men. They are utterly unqualified not only for rational freedom, but for self government of any kind. They are in all resects, physical, moral, and political, inferior to millions of the human race, who have for consecutive ages, dragged out a wretched existence under a grinding political des potism, and who are doomed to this hocless con dition by the very qualities which unfit them for a better. It is utterly astonishing that any enlight ened American, after contemplating all the mani fold forms in which even the white race of man kind are doomed to slavery and oppression, should suppose it tMjssible to reclaim tne Alncan race from their destiny. The capacity to enjoy freedom is an attribute not to bo communicated by human iMjwer. It is an endowment of trod, and one of the rarest which it has pleased his inscrutable wisdom to bestow upon the nations of the earth. It is con ferred as the reward of merit, and only upon those who arc qualified to it. Until the Ethiopian can change his skin, it will le vain to attempt, by any human power, to make freemen of those whom God has doomed to be slaves by all their attributes Let not, therefore, the misguided and designing J intermeddlors, who seek to destroy our peace, ima gine that they arc serving the causo of God by practically arraigning the decrees of his Providence. Indeed it would scarcely excite surprise, if, with tho impious audacity of those who projected the tower of Babel, they should attempt to scale the battle ments of Heaven, and remonstrate with the God of wisdom for having put the mark of Cain and the curse of Hani upon the African race, instead of the European. If the benevolent friends of the black race would compare the condition of that ortion of them which we hold in servitude, with that which scill remains in Africa, totally unblessed by the lights of civili zation or Christianity, and groaning under a savage despotism, as utterly destitute of hope as of happi ness, they would be able to form some tolerable es timate ot what our blacks have lost by slavery in merica, and vvliat they would gam by freedom in frica. Greatly as their condition has been im proved, by their subjection to an enlightened and christian people, (the only mode under heaven by which it could have been accomplished,) they are yet wholly unprepared for any thing like a ration al system of self government. Emancipation would bo a positive curse, depriving them ot a guardian ship essential to their happiness, and they may well say, in the language of the Spanish proverb, " save us from our friends and we will take care of If emancipated, where would they live and what would be their condition ? The idea of their remaining among us is utterly visionary. Amalgamation is abhorrent to every sentiment of nature ; and if they remain as a scperate caste, whether endowed with equal privileges or not, they will become our masters or we must resume the mastery over them. This state of political amal gamation and conflict, which the Abolitionists evi dently aim to produce, would l the most horrible condition imaginable, and would furnish Dante or Milton with the te for another chapter illustra ting the horrors of the infernal regions. The only disposition, therefore, that could be made of our emancipated slaves would bo their transportation to Africa, to exterminate the natives or bo extermin ated by them ; contingencies, cither of w hich may well serve to illustrate the wisdom, if not the phi lanthropy of these superserviceable madmen, who in the name of humanity would desolate the fairest region of the earth and destroy the most perfect system of social and political happiness that ever has existed. " It is jierfectly evident that the destiny of the Negro race is either the worst possible form of jk litical slavery, or domestic servitude as it exists in the slave holding States. The advantage of do mestic slavery over the most favorable condition of political slavery does not admit of a question. It is the obvious interest of the master, not less than his duty, to provide comfortable food and clothing for his slaves ; and whatever false and exaggerated stories may Le propagated by mercenary travellers, who make a trade of exchanging calumny for hos pitality, the peasantry and operatives of no country in the world are better provided for, in these re spects, than the slaves of our country. In the sin gle empire of Great Hritain, the most free and en lightened nation in Kurope, there are more wretch ed paupers and half starving operatives, than there arc negro slaves in the United States. la all res spects, the comforts of our slaves are greatly su perior to those of the English operatives or the Irish and continental peasantry, to say nothing of the millions of paupers crowded together in those loathsome receptacles of staiving humanity, the public poor houses. Besides the hardships of in cessant toil too much almost for human nature to endure, and the sufferings of actual want driving them almost to despair, these miserable creatures are perpetually annoyed by the most distressing cares for the future condition of themselves and their children. From the excess of labor, this actual want and these distressing cares, our slaves are entirely ex empted. They habitually labor from two to four hours a day less than the ojerativcs in other coun tries, and it has been truly remarked by some wri ter, that a negro cannot be made to injure himself by excessive labor. It may be safely affirmed that they usually eat as much wholesome and substan- tial food in one day, as English operatives or Irish peasants cat in two. And as regards concern for the future, their condition may well be envied even by their masters. There is not upon the face of the earth any class of people, high or low, so per fectly free from care and anxiety. They know that their masters will provide for them, under all circumstances, and that in the extremity of old age, instead ot being driven to beggary, or to seek pub lic charity in a poor-house, they will be comforta bly accommodated and kindly treated among their relatives and associates. Cato, the elder has been regarded as a model of Roman virtue, and yet he is said to have sold his superannuated slaves to avoid the expense of maintaining them. The citi zens of this State may not aspire to rival the virtue of the Romans, but it may be safely affirmed that they woe! 1 doom to execration the master who should imitate the inhuman example of the Roman paragon. The government of our slaves is strictly patriarchal, and produces those mutual feelings of kindness which result from an interchange of good offices, and which can only exist in a system of do mestic or patriarchal slavery. They are entirely unknown cither in a state of political slavery or in that form of domestic servitude which exists in all other communities. In a word, our slaves arc cheerful contented and happy, much beyond the general condition of the human race, except where those foreign intruders and fatal ministers of mischief, the emancipators, like their arch-prototype in the Garden of Eden, and actuated by no less envy, have tempted them to aspire above the condition to which they have been assigned in the order of Providence. Nor can it be admitted, as some of our own statesmen have affirmed, in a mischievous and mis guided spirit of sickly sentimentality, that our sys tem of domestic slavery is a curse to the white pop ulation a moral and political evil, much to be de plored, but incapable of being eradicated. Let the tree be judged bv its fruit. More than half a cen tury ago, one of the most enlightened statesmen ' who ever illustrated the parliamentary annals of Great Britain, looking into political causes with an eye of profound philosophy, ascribed the high and indomitable spirit of lilierty which distinguish ed the Southern Colonies, to the existence of do mestic slavery; referring to the example of the free states of antiquity as a confirmation of his theory. Since these colonics have become icde pendent States, they have amply sustained the glory of their primitive character. There is no coloring of national vanity in the assertion, which impar tial history will ratify, that the princplcs of ration al liberty are no less thoroughly understood, and have leen more vigilantly, resolutely, and etlectual ly defended against all the encroachments of power, by the slave-holding States than by any other members of the confederacy. In which of our great political conflicts is it, that they have not been found arrayed against every form of usurpa tion, and fighting under the flag of liberty 1 Indeed, it is a fact of historical notoriety, that those great Whig principles of liberty, by which government is restrained within constitutional limits, have had their origin, and for a long time had their only abiding place, in the slave-holding States. Reason and philosophy can easily explain what experience so clearly testifies. If we look into the elements of which all political communities are composed, it will be found that servitude in some form, is one of the essential constituents. No com munity ever has existed without it and we may confidently assert, none ever will. In the very na ture of things there must be classes of persons to discharge all the different offices of society from the highest to the lowest. Some of those offices are regarded as degrading, though they must and will Ikj performed. Hence those manifold forms of dependent servitude which produce a sense of su periority in the masters or employers, and of in feriority on the part of the servants. Where these offices are performed by members of the political community, a dangerous element is obviously in troduced into the body politic. Hence the alarm ing tendency to violate the rights of property by agrarian legislation, which is beginning to be mani fest in the older States where universal sullrage pre vails without domestic slavery, a tendency that will increase in the progress of society with the increas ing inequality of wealth. No government is wor thy of the name that does not protect the rights of property, and no enlightened people will long sub mit to such a mockery. Hence it is that in older countries, different political orders are established to effect this indispensable object, and it will be fortunate for the non-slavc-holding States, if they are not in less than a quarter of a century driven to the adoption of a similar institution, or to lake refuge from robbery and anarchy under a military despotism. Hut where the menial offices and de pendent employments of society are performed by domestic slaves, a class well defined by their color and entirely separated from the political body, the rights of property are perfectly secure, without the establishment of artificial barriers.. In a word, the institution of domestic slavery supercedes the necessity of an order of nobility, and ail the other appendages of a hereditary system of government. If our slaves were emancipated, and admitted, bleached or unbleached, to an equal participation in our political privileges, what a commentary should we furnish upon the doctrines of the emancipation ists, and what a revolting spectacle of republican equality should we exhibit to the mockery of the world ! No rational man would consent to live in such a state of society, if he could find a refuge in any other. Domestic slavery, therefore, instead of being a political evil, is the corner stone of our republican edifice. No patriot who justly estimates our privi leges will tolerate the idea of emancipation, at any period however remote, or on any conditions of ecuniarv advantage, however favorable. I would as soon think of opening a negociation for selling the liberty of the State at once, as for making any stipulations for the ultimate emancipation of our slaves. So deep is my conviction on this subject, that if I were doomed to die immediately after re cording these sentiments, I could say in all sinceri ty and under all the sanctions of Christianity, and patriotism, " God forbid that my descendants, in the remotest generations, should live in any other than a community having the institution of domes tic slavery, as it existed among the patriarchs of the primitive Church, and in all the free states of antiquity." If the Legislature should concur in these rreneral views ot this important element of our political and social system, our confederates should be distinctly informed, in any communications we may have oc casion to make to them, that in claiming to be ex empted from all foreign interference, we can re cognise no distinction between ultimate and imme diate emancipation. It becomes necessary, in order to ascertain the extent of our danger, and the measures of precau tion necessary to guard against it, that we examine into the real motives and ultimate purposes of the Abolition Societies and their prominent agents. To justify their efficious and gratuitous interference in our domestic aflairs the most insulting and in solent outrage which can be offered to a communi ty they profess to hold themselves responsible for the pretended tin of our domestic slwry, because forsooth, they tolerate its existence among vs. If they are at all responsible for the sin of slavery, whatever that may be, it is not because they tole rate it now, but because their ancestors were the agents and authors of its original introduction. These ancestors sold ours the slaves and warranted the title, and it would be a much more becoming labor of filial piety for their descendants to pray for their souls, if they are Protestants, and buy masses to redeem them from purgatory, if they are Catholics, than to assail their warranty and slander their memory by denouncing them as " man-steal-ers and murderers," Hut this voluntary and gra tuitous assumption of responsibility, in imitation of a recent and high example in our history, but im perfectly conceals a lurking principle of danger, which deserves to be examined and exposed. What is there to make the people of New York or Mas sachusetts responsible for slavery in South Carolina, any more than the people of Great Britain ? To assume that the people of those States are respon sible for the continuance of this institution, is dis tinctly to assume that they have a right to abolish it. And whatever enforced disclaimers they may make, their efforts would be worse than unprofita ble on any other hypothesis. The folly of attempt ing to convert the slave-holders to voluntary eman cipation by a course of slander and denunciation, is too great to be ascribed even to fanaticism itself. They do not, indeed, disguse the fact that their principal object is to 0erate on public opinion in the non-slave-holding States. And to what pur pose ? They cannot suppose that the opinion of those States, however unanimous, can break the chains of slavery by some moral magic. The whole tenor of their conduct and temper of their discussions, clearly demonstrate that their object is to bring the slave-holding States into universal odium and the public opinion of the non-slave-holding States to the point of emancipating our slaves by federal legislation, without the consent of their owners. Disguise it as they may, " to this com plexion it must come at last." It is in this aspect of the subject that it challen ges our grave and solemn consideration. It be hooves us then in my opinion, to demand, respect fully, of each and every one of the slave-holding States 1. A formal and solemn disclaimer, by its Legis lature, of the existence of any rightful power, either in such State or the United States, in Con gress assembled to interfere in any manner, what ever, with the institution of domestic slavery in South Carolina. ti. The immediate passage of penal laws by such Legislature, denouncing against the incendiaries of whom we complain, such punishments as will speedi ly, and forever suppress their machinations against our peace and safety. Though the right to eman cipate our slaves, by coerceive Legislation, has been very generally disclaimed by popular assem blages in the non-slave-holding States, it is never theless, important that each of those States should give this disclaimer the authentic and authoritative form of a Legislative declaration, to be preserved as a permanent record for our future security. Our right to demand of those States the enactment of laws for the punishment of those enemies of our peace, who avail themselves of the sanctuary of their sovereign jurisdiction to wage a war of ex termination against us, is founded on one of the most salutary and conservative principles of inter national law. Every State is under the most ka- c