mi fc A Splendid of S2s,cks5 FROM Salisbury, (X. C.) lu Italcigli, (X. C.) mm - - 1 A NXIOUS to afford every facility to the Travelling Nit.lir. nnw nnoiin that thev have completed all their arrangements and can with truth say, U e pre sent over you wiihli lAne of Hacks isrssinv any other, rf you tris emJ""l despatch having obtained turn niivmz ouwuicu uiaii,v. all Traveller 7io detention on the road. It is so ar is also a Line of Stages from llaleigh to INoriuiK, via. Tarborouo-h, Murfreeborousrh, Winton, &c, over one of the best Natural itoads "in the United States. At orfolk Uicre will be no detention, as uit'iw ... - ---- - . t. Kteam-D.its for Baltimore in connexion with im line, i line also connect- withonefrom Raligh toNewberru The arrivals at Salisbury is regulated altogether I tho departure of the Piedmont Line South, and t by ie Great Western Line for Nashville, Tennessee, via Lincolnton, Rutherfbrdton, Abbeville, Knoxville, &,c. Leaves the Mansion Hotel, Salisbury, TUESDAY nd SATURDAY at 9 o'clock, A. M. after the arrival of the Piedmont Stage from the South am ves in next day at 9 o'clock, P. M. leaves Raleigh TULS DAV and SATURDAY at 2 o'clock, A. M., arrives in Halisbury next days by 4 o'clock, P. M. allowing suf ficient ti'me on the road for SLEEP. 0r- Tho Hacks are Albany make, entirely new, and fir comfort and cane; the Teams arc excellent, the Drivers careful nnd attentive, the Fare low only SEVES DOLLARS all u and mter- mediate distances 7 cents per mile. ' 03- Passengers from the South who wish to take our Line will bo careful to enter to Sulisbury only. (T All Bundles and Packages at the risk of the owners. WILLIS MORING, insF.Plf L. MORING. t q T,;. r.;nr. from Salisburu to Baltimore is S t-; ' Vtriijj' l until. ..y l April 11, 130. The Fare from Raleigh lo Washington City amounts to 819 50, as follows: From Raleigh to Blakley, Stage Fare, 87 50 Fredoricksburg to Washington City, Steam- Prist Varo The Steam-Rvit Fare from Petersburg to Baltimore, via. Norfolk, is Four Dollars. . 7 1 JJinCOlntOll JflalC ICaaCmy. - .. tr. p. 'IMiKaubanDer rep rents ana tne irienos oi yum., he has made arrangements to ake charge of this jusiiiuiion, uuu iirni me " . tho first Mondav in January next, lieing tK nnv nther nursuits. he. I ranged as to correspond, in its arrivals at luicign , w,m v u . ;n MercaniiIc establishments, which wsumnny, m regaru to . --f-rr the departure of the following Sups, viz: The Great J L w f , dil t0 t,c Pills, to the entire confidence of the public.-- Daily Line to Blakely, North-Carolina, pacing through n,G ' My experience of the good effects of these Pills, Wsburg, W'arrenton.and Halifax; at the latter place Puaa" for two years past, satisfies me of their eminent rival 7t that Place you have the choice of two Lines- lf Salisbury, Nov. 29, 1835. long tune subject to the annual recurrence of either by land to Washington City, via. Richmond and . such attacks, I was in the habit of resorting lor bv Steam-Boat to Norfolk. There Tllil'tl and IjASX Call- security anainst them, and with a very partial sue- Pl,L- ou tn lfter. hiirnr. uail-ltoau rare, o 1 ..mr, r;limnrwi. Stmrfi i are. . l TIJrhmnnd to Fredericksburfr, Stao-e 1 are, o promts to devote his attention exclusively to the Languages, . . . . . SL o0 business of leaching, and will spate no pains to Extra charges for the Ornamental branches, interest the miud3 of those placed under his care, Music will Ik? taught at the usual prices as ear go as to render instruction at once delightful and y as arrangements can be made for a Music Tea profitable. Great care will be taken to prevent ciicr. the formation of idle and dissolute habits, and a The Recitation Rooms being conveniently situ punctual attendance to the duties of the Institu- nted, the Latin, Greek, and French Languages, tion will be rigidly required, together with Drawing and Painting, will bo at. As the opinion to some extent prevails, that too tended to in both departments, much time is spent in acquiring a knowledge of 07- Hoard can be had, in respectable familes, words, the Subscriber would observe thit in his at SI 50 per week. course of instruction on classical literature, a mi. The Trustees hope, that the many advantages riutc analysis of words will be taught, willi their derived to their Sceools, from location, good mo combination in the construction of sentences, and ral society, and the qualifications of the instructor every thing pertaining to a thorough acquaintance an(j instructress, will induce a lilwral portion of with those0 beautiful and important Languages of patronage. EDMUND BRYAN, , Antiquity. JOHN McENTYRE, ? ' -I- -' - . ... .1 The following will compose me course 01 &iu. dies, viz : . Gould's Latin Grammar, Latin Reader, irgil, Cicero, Sallust, Horace, (Gould's Editio Expur gata,) Goodrich's Greek Grammar, Greek Rea der, Greek Testament, Xenophen, Greca Mujora, D;iv's Algebra. It is hoped that the well known salubrity of Lincolnton, the industrious and moral cnaracier of the citizens, together with the cheapness and excellence of board, will insure to this Institution, a liberal share of public patronage. Lanfniacs and Mathematics, per Session of 23 weeks, - - - SI 0,00 English Grammar, and Geography, - - 7,50 0 J. A. WALLACE. November 25, 1835. -Cw- jvotici:. " A LL persons indebted to the Estate of Francis Wilson, deceased, are earnestly requested to make immediate payment to mo at Cheraw ; and those having demands against said Estate will hand me their claims properly attested. RICHARD P1IELAN, Adm'r. Cheraw, Nov. 2S, 1835. 3t Committed To the Jail of Buncombe county, on thn nth instant, a Xeirro man, who aw w say his name is GEORGE i dark complected ; five feet eijht or ten inches high ; stout built ; about .50 or J., years old : had on a suit of home-spun, v ery much worn, sheville, N. U.t Aovemier oi QUANTITY of Foolscap, and Wrap- A ninST PAVEU, bct quality manuiaciurea at the Salsm Paper Mill, uow on hand and for sale at A 111a ur r 11.. November 28, 1S35. tf To llcrcliat, and other. t tp.p nn wnTYof excellent white WRAP- P1N(; PAPER, of newspaper huo, now on hand. mav be had ca very Ciieap ".VVVFPirr Oct. "10. f 1 11119 Vl CJJ i u ,n nima t.i n man uv uie iiamuui .mi- con nisiivu mi t .-"-.-, I .1 11.1 I.. a .. I i.lli t ff Vt- M ht , uA v.'.m nf Lnmar of Augusta. ass. 1 he I rupees renew the jer, wna nurcnaacu ...... . - -r- - m, :-. retort tn rome forward, nrove formerly cave, as to tlie creat auva iiie owner n . i- , ' 7. , , , , - . v obnrres. and take lum awav. SchtKil. If health, and great moral 11 V. H. CUNNINGHAM, Jailor. instruction le aimed at, they say w IVcw, Cheap, and HcsiraMe HAVE just received, and are now opening, at their Store at the North-west corner of the Courthouse square, in the building occupied as the Mansion Hotel, a large and splendid assortment of Fall and 1 Vintcr Goods ; . .. r 1 Embracing almost every article in the line ot Uard-Warc. Cutlery, C Crocks " Class-ware. Hats. Shoes, .Medicines, .- . A Lb those indebted to the late lirm ot .viurpny o wr 1.1 & JIoss, are requested to settle the same by I r. w - .1 1 I ! 1 ! , ,,,. ljnn,l n(1,Min . t rit .i.inii.'irv nft: mose iiiiimir iu j i o, may the hands of an Oilicer niter that da WILLIAM MURPHY. December 5, 1635. p3 npi,K Subscriber begs leave to inform his friends that ho has JUST KKUElYhlJ the Latest I . I . a full suit of clothes in txecnty-four hours, in cases of emergency OCT One or two Workmen are wanted, who can come well recommended. THOMAS S. HENDERSON. Concord, N. C, Dec. 5, 1835. p3 Kiitlicrforritou IIIE Trustees of the above Institutions having selected Mr. Alexander A. Hall, and Mrs. M. R.Hall, as Principals, would respectfully announce to Parents and Guardians, that the first session Mrs. IIairs instruction wiu com. m Mondayt the IGth of November next. J , ... . . ueaaing ana ruing, per session, . 8G Natural Sciences and Ilellcs Lettrcs, S10 W. P,. RUTHERFORD. 5 MARTIN REAM, WILLIAM T WITTY, J - JOHN WILKINS, Treasurer. Rutherfordton, N. C, Oct. 31, 1S35. p7 RECOMMENDATIONS. Lincolnton, N. C, Oct. 23, 1835 1 have attended the several Examinations of the Schools taught by Mrs. Hall, in this place and vi cinity, nnd I am of the opinion that the different branches were taught with creat accuracy. LAWSON HENDERSON. Lincolnton, N. C, Oct. 23, 1635. 1 take pleasure in saying, that I have occasion ally visited .Mrs. Hall's Schools, taught in this place and vicinity, and also the Examinations of the same ; the progress of her pupils gave evidence of great attention and ability in their instruction. "S. P. SIMPSON. Centre, Iredell Co., N. C, Oct. 20, 1835. This is to certify, that I attended the Examina tion of Mr. Alexander A. Hall's School, at this place in the year 1831, previous to his entering College and completing his studies, and take plea sure iu testifying to the care and ability which had evidently been devoted to the instruction of his pupils. JAMLS McRLE. M ORG ANTON mmf w) m m mm m m m m m a mm fflDE Exercises of this Institution were rcsu med on the 1st Moaday in this months under the conduct of the former competent and very ac Mrs. Polk and Miss Doug- assurances they ntaiies of this and literary ith confidence, imai ineru msiuuuuiw unviy - loru tnem man im. TE TRtjSTEES. Morganton, N. C, Nov. 7, l35. tf To the InterprizEu! -ir WILL GIVE an admirable seat for a Factory, jl or other 1 water machinery, to any person who wishes to enter into such nursuits. The seat is on the Yadkin River, 2 $ miles below Stokes Per rv. in Montgomery county. 1 will also give with it a small quantity of Land. The scite is unsur passed for convenience and water power. Apply on the premises, to , o. lUttlAuL. BailllS, JJyelllfS, ana urocerics, I gentleman ana experienced uy&iuiau, i-imucs Becliiritli's A.nli-Iysicitic WE extract, from the Hand-bills accompanying pnrh Boy. the following testimonials to the e(ficacy 0f this valuable Medicine: prom te jrf jjfr. ,rj g. reSt D. J Bishop of Xorth Carolina. Raleigh, March 2, less. Having, lor the last tnrce years, ueen luumaieiy ..-in,. WIth nr. John Beckwith. of this City, and enjoyed his professional services, 1 lake plea- Lure in statin- that his character as a Christian cess, to a liberal use ot Calomel or uiue i in. uui V.. . . 1 11 Il-ll IV-. since my acquaintance with the Anti-dyspeptic It'll r Ik 11 M ...I '-t- l. in i - iii ni ir. upckw i . which 11c ucstuw-u m m.. ;,Kto,n i.;mcir I l.v not hrnn under the ... ... necessity ui usui iiruuiy m iwim, uv- .uv, being w holly exempt from bullous attacks, seve ral members ot my lamily are experiencing tnc same benenciai enecis. i. a From Governor Iredell. August 21, 1833. Dr. Peukwith's Anti-Dvspeptic Pills have been used in nir fumilv, which is a large one, with the most beneticuil ellects. A number of my mends who have been afllictcd with the Dyspepsia, and other disorders of the stomach, have spoken to me in strong terms of the relief they experienced from this remedy. Without the evidence I have received from others, my intimate knowledge o the professional and private character of Dr. Leek with, for the last twenty years, justifies me in de claring, that lie would give no assurances of facts of his own experience, or ot prolessional deduc tions, of which he was not perfectly confident, and on which the public might not safely rely. JAMES IREDELL. From the Hon. George E. Badger. Raleigh, Nov. 7, 1834. For several years past, Dr. Beckwith's Anti Dyspeptic Pills have been used as a domestic me dicine in my family. I have myselt Irequently used them for the relief of head-ache, acid and otherwise disordered stomach, resulting from im prudence or excess in diet, and 1 have had many opportunities ol learning Irom others their ellects when used by them for like purposes. luy expe rience and observation justify me in saying that the relief afforded by the Pills is generally speedy and almost always certain that they may le ta ken at any time without danger or inconvenience and their operation is attended by no nausea or disagreeable efiects whatever and though 1 have known many persons use them, I have known none who did not approve them none who sustained any injnry, and none who failed to derive benefit rom their use. And upon the whole, I do not icsitate to recommend them as an agreeable, safe and elTicacious remedy in Dyspeptic affections and be Here them myself to be the best Anti-dys peptic medicine ever onered to the public. G. L. U AUGER. CCT" A constant supply of these Pills on hand and for sale, at THIS OFFICE. September 5, 1835. mG THFI Subscriber has just return tti C-r I1 tl lr1 .l t i ii'iin.il A -U II lllll X UUUUI l'IIIU U 111.1 U 11 i.jlj purchased a rich assortmentof Gentlemen's Gold and Silver Lever, Do. do. Duplex, Walches Ladies Gold Lever and do. Plain English and Swiss Fine Gold Foh-Chains and Keys; Fine Plated Fob-Chains and Keys ; Ladies' Plated Neck-Chains ; A rich assortment of Breast-Pins and Rings; Fine Ear-Rings, Gold and Plated ; Ladies' Jet, Silver, and Gilt Waist-Buckles ; Shell Music Boxes and Silver Pencils; A large assortment of Spectacles for all Eyes; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fine Pocket Books; Superior Wade and Butcher Ccncave Razors ; " Pocket-Knives and Scissors; Leather and Silk Money-Purses; Ladies' large Tuck and Side-Combs ; Do. Snutf-Boxes, and Thimbles; Fine Plated Castors and Candle-sticks, Together with Chains, Pistols, Seals, and Keys, &c Also, Silver Spoons and Sugar-Tongs. He hopes that his rriends and Customers will call and see his fine assortment, and B U Y . He will sell low for CASH, or on a short credit. Orders from a distance will be promptly filled. atches and Clocks repaired well, and W ar- ranted for Turelct Months. 07 Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for Jewellery. JOHN C. PALMER. Salisbury, September 12, 1635. tf roes ! Dal On the first (huj of January next, T WILL Hire, at the Courthouso in Salisbury, for one year, to the highest bidder, on the usu al terms, about Belonging to the Estate of Dr. Stephen L. Fer rand, deceased. And at the same time and place, 1 will Rent, for one year, the Dwelling-House and Lots, with all the improvements thereon, in the Town of Salisbury, formerly occupied by the deceased. Also, 1 will Rent for a like term, several umm proved Lots in said Town. R. MACNAMARA, Administrator. December 1, 1835. 4t 4 N extensive stock of BLANKS of every kind, V neatly printed, on fine paperf kept constantly on haud and for sale, at THIS OFFICII iiii.i.iii.iui;i..i..-t..L.Ji.. PRIVATE CONVEYANCE, FOR PUBLIC ACCOJIJIODATION. THE Public are respectfully informed that the Subscribers have provided themselves with a neat and easy-riding OMNIBUS, a team of first rate Horses, ana an obliging ana e.xpenencea in ver, for the purpose of accommodating all who may have occasion, or desire to employ private conveyance from Charlotte to any of the neigh boring Towns. Terms of Hire, very Reasonable. The vehicle is capable of containing seven persons with the greatest convenience, and is so construct- J ed that a distance of forty or fity miles per day- may be performed with perfect ease to passengers. Gentlemen or families who stop in Charlotte for the purpose of visiting the Gold Mines in the neighborhood, can be accommodated with an Om nibus, and a driver who is acquainted with the country, at all times. 15. P. BO 1 D Ss CO. Charlotte, Nov. 7, 1835. JC. B. There are tiro lines of Stages from Salis bury to tho North, and tico from Yorkville to the South. t VALUABLE LANDS S21 the IWarket ! TY Virtue of a Deed of Trust to me executed, by William Dismukes, for the purposes there in expressed, 1 will expose to Public Sale, in the Town of Wadesborough, on Monday, the 11th day of January next, the following TRACTS OF LAND. TRACTj Containing 250 Acres, Lying on the Gold Mine Branch, known by the name of the Pinion Land ; this Tract has GOLD on it, as several pieces have been found by Mr. Dismukes and others ; the soil is suitable to the growth of Corn, Wheat, and Cotton. OWE TRACT, Containing 35 Acres, The one-third interest, the other two-thirds be longing to Jacob Austin, and the heirs of Jona than Austin, which can be bought on reasonable terms. This Tract contains the celebrated Gold Mine where a piece of Gold weighing Ihs. was found. This Mine has yielded upwards of len ihousand Dollars worth of Gold without the aid of machinery. 1 am confident this amount. or more, could be gotten from this mine, if pro perly worked by men of science, and the know ledge of Mining. OAE TRACT, Containing 100 Acres, Known as the Jesse Barnett Tract ; it is excellent Land and under good improvement. Terms of Sale, Cash. ALEXANDER W. BRANDON, WTadesboro Nov. 28, 1835. (7t) Trustee FOR 1835. HORACE H. BEARD, Tailor, -I kG S leave to inform his friends, and the public in general, that orders in his line will always be thankfully received bv him, and executed in the most Neat, Fashionable, and Durable manner on erms as reasonable as any in this section of coun- try. II. II. 1. hopes, from his long practice of his business, (a number ot years of which time he resided in the city of Philadelphia,) and from the general satisfaction he has heretofore given to his numerous respectable and fashionable customers, to merit and receive a portion of the patronage of the public in general. o C3- He Hatters himself that his CUTTING is really superior to any done in this State, as may though we are not politicians by trade, let our silence be tested by the undisputed elegance of fit which upon this subject might be construed into a want of can attends garments made in his establishment. He dor, we will briefly give an expose of our political opi is in the regular receipt of the Reports of the Fa- nions : As the first article in our political creed, we shions as they change both in the lanre cities oi place Uie accountability of those who exercise power to this country and of Europo so that gentlemen may bo satisfied that their orders will always be executed in tho very latest style. Orders from a distance will ho attended to with the same punctuality and care as if the customei were present in person. Salisbury, September 19, 1635. ly To Country Merchants. f MIE Subscriber begs leave to inform his cus- tomers and friends generally, that he is now receiving his Fall supply of Goods ; which con sists of a general, heavy, and well selected assort ment of 1 W mm m a kbk mm mmjjmm. W mmmt ' mm 'CW, Hnrdivnrc &, Cutlery HATS AND SHOES,' ariis and Medirincs, WTithout further ennumeration, his Stock com prises almost every article now in common use in gpectful attention to the opinions of those who may dif this country It is inferior to none in Fayetteville. fer with us. Our paper we intend to be free, and un- C. J. ORRELL. N. B. Personal and strict attention will be given to the receiving and forwarding Goods; receiving ntln .l t .or PUpp r, rs, s,iD Shipment as the owner may direct. C. J. O. - v.., Brick how, Haymount, Fayetteville, September 19, 1635. 6m IVEUXOUS FOIl SALE. "V7ILL be sold, at the Courthouse door in Salis bury, on the 1st day of January, 1830, un- der an Order of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County of Rowan, Wiiii "-i'iw "M1 it' vJ, The property of Joseph Bruner. A credit of six months will be given, the purchaser giving bond with approved security. 1 . - BURTON CRA1GE, Guardian. November '28, 1835. tf BLUM'S CAKOLIXA and VIRGINIA Calcirtuied for the meridian of SALEM, N. C. 1 SMALL SUPPLY of the above Almanacks have V been received, and may be had at THIS OFFICE, Price 10 cents per copy ts. DY1D VOOL, JEWELLER SILVEK-SIITII, RESPECTFULLY in forms his Friends and ihe Pnhllfv thnt hp still OAnti. 2 nues to carry on the above S iLill hncinpcc in nil ita v;i rimia branches. His Shop is still kept on the Main-street, in Salisbu ry, one door above the Store of Samuel Lemly &. Son. Watches and Clocks of every kind will be REPAIRED with neatness, at short notice, on reasonable terms, and Warranted, for 1 2 MontllS. He will always keep on hand a variety of arti cles in his line ; such as Patent Lever Watches, (English, French, Swiss, and Dutch.) Gold and Plated Fob Chains. Gold and Plated Watch Guards. Gold and Plated Watch Keys. Gold and Plated Watch Seals. Gold Ear-bobs, Breast-pins, and Finger-rings, (latest fashion.) Silver Ware ; Ever-pointed Pencil Cases, and Leads. Silver Spectacles, and steel frames and glasses. Fine Pocket and Dirk Knives, and Silver F'ruit Knives. Pocket Pistols and Dirks. Breast-Buttons and Musical Boxes. Gilt and Steel Watch Chains and Keys. C7 Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for articles purchased at his shop, and in payment for work done and debts due. D. L. P. Salisbury, August 22, 1S35. tf One Bushel of Coal Reward ! T UNA WAY from the subscriber, on Sunday, Aa- the 20th day of November last, JONATHAN KRIMINGLR, a bound apprentice to the Black smith trade. He had on, when he left me. a drab Round-about coat, brown linsey pantalons, and a small fur hat. He is 16 or 17 years old: 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high; dark skined, and tolerably ugly. All persons are forwarned not to employ or harbor said boy, as I am determined to enforce the law against any person or persons who may do it. The above Reward, but no thanks, will le given to any person who will apprehend and deliver said Knmingcr to me in Corcord, N. C. SOLOMON WEAVER. Concord, December 5, 1835. p2 The Lincoln Cotton ITEmicifhctnriiig' Compnnv T ESPECTFULLY" inform the Public, that by -B-J mutual consent, the company have dissolved their Co-Partnership, and that they now inform all those indebted to said Company to make im mediate payment; and all Agents to close their agencies as soon as possible. And all those ha ving demands against the company, to present them for settlement to James Divings. HOKE, SCHENK, & DIVINGS. Lincolnton, Dec. 5, 1635. p5 THE LINCOLNTON NEWS. " Truth our guide The Public Good our aim.n The Subscribers, believing that some channel of com- munieation is wanting in Western Carolina thro' which its citizens can interchange freely their opinions upon the various subjects of Politics, Religion, Literature, and tne Mechanic Arts, propose to publish m the lown of "ncoinwn' a v eeKjy raper unaer me aoove m e. i rue th and ppuous gection of the Statef west of SaIisbu. I .,, w ki;. f-., i.- the intelligence of the people of that section ot the State, that they can, and will support a paper; and we therefore are impelled to the undertaking, tully relying UPU their liberality for such a measure of support as we may deserve ...... . r In nrAnici j rf trtio rind it i z" iiomi I thNcn 1 ,i "CT" ZrC Z" 7' Z, " - 3 tIlose "ho Sle lL u e 'eve our government to be tcd -m its ad llini;jtration ,Jdve no riht tn xrri any, but such as have been delegated to them by the people, and such as are clearly set torth in our written Constitution. We will therefore oppose all encroach ments upon the rights of the people, let them come from whatquarter they may, and will sound the alarm when ever danger approaches. We will contend for econo my in the administration of both our Federal and State Governments, and will oppose all lavish expenditures of the public funds, believing as we do, that money in me nanus oi oad rulers is tne most dangerous engine which can be brought to bear upon the liberty of the people. Writh regard to the approaching Presidential elec tion, we are decidedly opposed to the nominee of the Baltimore Convention, and will zealously, and firmly oppose his election. We are opposed to the Caucus Sys tem, let it be named wiiat it mav. We believe the people, and the people alone are the proper depositorie of power, and that they, and they alone have the rirh to select their public servants. W e have thus brielly, and candidly laid down our political principles, and we will maintain and support them with firmness, but at the same time, with a re- shackled, and will therefore give place to well written communications, let them come from what party they ay, so mat mey ue iree irom low invective and abuse, wnicn never sunserve me great ooject we have m view in the discussion of political questions, the truth, but always have a tendency to degrade, and lower tho. public press. The adoption of an enlightened and vigorous system of improvement by our State, hiijhterto so much neg lected, being necessary, as well for the prosperity indi vidually of our citizens, as for the State at large, every measure tending to this end shall receive the cordial support of the "NEWS." We will devote a portion of our paDer to A"Ticul- ture, Literature, Religion, and such other matters as I are usually found in a miscellaneous weekly paper. I r oDJecl U1U ,)e 10 have something tor the palates ot auf amj vve wiH take this occasion to request those who have leizure, and who are friendly to our undertaking, J iavor uswim communications upon any suojectot I lutest - , - , c t c ,r , 1 I hp nn rfcf-r will hp l ciiAn thp fi ret rt lareh r-. fine medium sheet, printed with fair type, at per annum, payable upon the receipt of the 2nd number. Advertising at the usual rates. ZKYELY A: WEST. SALISBURY, Dec. 5, 1835. Editors throughout the State, friendly to the under taking, will confer a favor, by giving the above a few insertions. Subscriptions received at this Office. WARRATEE DEEDS For Sale HERE. l. A r. iff' I