JKOKE AKW JEIVEIXEKY, THE Subscribe r bus just return ed from Phi'.ad dr hia, where he purchased ii rich assortmentof WATCHES, Of the most net nl Fashions, Gentlemen's Gold and Silver Lever, Do. do. l..p.ex, I jrafciCS Ladies Gold Lever and ex plain English and Swiss Tine Gold Fob-Chains fcnd Keys; Fine Plated Fob-Chain and Keys ; LadiesM'lated Neck-Chains; A rich assortment of Rreast-Pins and Rings; Tine Ear-Rings, Gold and Plated ; Ladies' Jet, Silver, and Gilt Waist-Buckles ; Shell Music Roxes and Silver Pencils ; A large assortment of Spectacles for all Eyes; LadieV and Gentlemen's Fine Pocket Hooks ; Superior Wade and Rutcher Ccncavc Razors; Pocket-Knives and Scissors; Leather and Silk Money-Purses; Ladies' large Tuck and Side-Combs ; Do. Snufl Boxes, and Thimbles; Fine Plated Castors and Candle-sticks, Tcether with Chains, Pistols, Seals, and Keys, A-c. Also. Silver Spoons and bugar-1 ongs. He hopes that his Friends and Customers will call and see his line assortment, and II U Y . He will sell low for CASH, or on a short credit. Orders from a distance will he promptly filled. Watches and Clocks repaired well, and War ranted for Twelve Months. OCT Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for Jewellery. JOHN C. PALMER. . Salisbury, Septomher 12, 1835. tf Lincolnlon Jilalc mlcadcmy. mriF. Snlisr.rihnr resnectfullv announces to Pa- JL Fonii nml tli frif-nd of otith renerallv. that l j he has made arrangements to take charge of this Institution, and that the exercises will commence nn the first Monday in January next whclly unconnected with any other pursuits, he promises to devote his attention exclusively to the business of teaching, and will spare no pair... to interest the minds of those phiced under his care, so as to renijer Instruction at once delightful and profitable. Great care will lie taken to prevent the formation of idle and dissolute habits, and a punctual attendance to the duties of the Institu tion will he rigidly required. As the opinion to some extent prevails, that too much, time is spent in acquiring a knowledge of ivords, the Subscriber would observe that in his course of instruction on classical literature, a mi nute analysis of words will be taught, with their combination in the construction of sentences, and every thing pertaining to a thorough acquaintance vith those" beautiful and important Languages of Antiquity. ' rFho following will compose the course of stu dies, viz : . Gould's Latin Grammar, Latin Reader, irgil, Cicero, Sallust, Horace, (Gould's Editio Expur gata,) Goodrich's Greek Grammar, Greek Rea der, Greek Testament, Xenonhen, Greca Majora, Day's Algebra. It is hoped that the well known salubrity of Lincolnton, the industrious ami moral character of the citizens, together with the cheapness and excellence of board, will insure to this Institution, a liberal share of public patronage. Lanuaes and Mathematics, per Session of 2H week", - - ' SW,tJ En-dish Grammar, and Geography, - - ,50 ' 9 J. A. WALLACE. November 25, 1857,. Gv $(i!grimsti 7" KSlilVOTi VOW &3aVa IN pursuance of an Order of the County Court of Davidson, I will epi-e to Public S.ile, at the Courthouse ia Lexington, on the Zlh day if January, 183fj, consisting of Roys and Gir's, belonging to the es- t:itr sf Catharine Frank, deceased. A credit of twelve months will be given; the purchaser giving bond with approved security. PHILIP GRIMES, A .ministrator. Lexington, Dec. 7, 13"). ts RE-PUBLICATION OFT1IC London, Fdinlvrgh, Foreign, and Westminster, OUARTERLY KEtlEWS. rff v. t i-:.vi.(inir,TrT,n"' "j rIIE numbers of each work arc published separately, il and fv.rm an exact rcpri&t of the original copies. They arc issued as soon niter they are received from Europe, ci is consistent with their proper publication. Price for the wlndo series comprising the regular numbers of the Iwlon, Edinburgh, Foreign, and West minister Reviews, per annum. Those who take less than the whole, the terms will be as follows: For three of them 7 per annum. For two " o For one " 3 , " . . . These subscriptions are invariably to bo pud within three months from tho tune of Mibscribing. Otherwise an advance of 2 j per cent, will be made upon the su!- gcription price. Subscribers at a distance r.itist cnclo-e at Icnst one half of the year's su'oscription in advance, otherwise a .-e-pond number will not be sent the terms behig so low ls not to justify any hazard in obtaining payment Any individual forwarding 30 free of charge, shall have live copios of the entir-i twries of this re-publication sent him tor one year. It r.ny ho well for American readers to understand that although tliese publications purport to hn issued at regular intervals, they do not. frefjuently apjvar for ma rt v weeks, and even iconths from the time indicated on their covers. They will bore-pu'dished here ns soon after they are received iS it is possible to re-print them in one of the most e.te:i-;iv(! a-.id etTective printing es tablishments iu the city of New York. THEODORE FOSTER, Publisher and Proprietor, No. i" Pine Street, X. V. To llerchanf, anti ol!cr, VLMKIK QUAXTITY of excellent white WRAP PING PAPER, of new sjiaper size, now on hand, 2nd mav be had on very cheap terms by application at oct. iu.-f Tins office. IVciv, Cheap, mill iroira)le I? A IB ID & TI WK int rerivid. i.tul n ro now oneilinir. at r a ----- j , r-. A their Store at the North-west corner ot the 1 Courthouse souare, in the building occupied as the Mansion Ih)tel,a lare ainl splendid assortment oi Fall and Winter Goods ; Embracing almost every article in the line of Dn'-Cnotl Uard-lVarC, ClllkriU CrOCKC- ru Class-ware lints Shoes, .Medicines, ' ' JJ ' ...l. I sually kept in Mercantile cniau isnmems, m, ... .... -t i f . i punctual deal OtT All kinds of Country Produce taken in pay ment, and fur which the highest prices will be allowod. tf Salisbury, Nov. 2S IPS.. FROM :ilM)iiry. (IV, C) to Ilnlcili, (X.C.) 4 NXIOUS to aill.rd every facility to the Travelling! V. Public, now announce that they have completed all their arrangements: and can witli truth say. We jre-st-nt you with a Line of Hacks jmssessing ail vantages our any other, if you xcish to get on tcith ease and dtsjwich Im ing obtained that groat desideratum with all Travellers no dcUntion on the road. It is so ar ranged as to corrc.iond, in its arrivals at Raleigh, with the departure of the following Stages, viz: The (Jreat Daily Line to Ulakelv, North-Carolina, passing through LouUburg, Warrentou, and Halifax; at the latter place a Line of Stages communicates with the Portsmouth Ilail-UcKid for Norfolk: by continuing on to IJIakley, you strike the Petersburg Rail-Road; and on your ar- rival at that place vou have the choice of two Line: either by land to Washington Citv, via. Richmond and . " . . . . - r i i fll I retlericksburg, or by toanl-Jal to .orioiK. lucre is also a Line of Stages from llaleigh to Norfolk, via. Tarlxtrough, Murfreesborough, vv niton, &.c, over one of the best Natural Roads in the United States. At Norfolk there will be no detention, as there is a line ot St.eani-Ho.aLs f jr Ualtimoro in connexion with this line This line alsoconnecLs with enc from Raligh toNewbern The arrivals at Salisbury is regulated altogether by the. donarture of the Piedmont J.ine Soutli, and tin (Jreat Western Line for Nashville Lincolnton. Itutherfordton, Ashcville , Tennessee, via , Knoxville, &c. Loaves the Mansion Hotel, Salisburv.TUESDAY and SATURDAY at i) o'clock. A. M. arter tlie arrival of the Piedmont Stage from the South arrives in Raleigh next dajs at 0 o clock, I . M. leaves uaieig.i i ui.r- DA nn.l SA I UKD.W at o clrk, A. M arrives in . J J - . - .-. I i -V.. i n . v t d-iro Km .1 r I its L- I l :i I Ir VV in cr w: 1 1 1- noit-iiL unit; vn uiu ii mm - . , , iT The Hacksaro Albany make, entirely new, and n wr riV,i'i llont tln Irivrr mroful nnd attentive, nnil ' the Fare low only SIZYllS DOLLARS all inter- mediate distances"? cents per mile. 07- Passengers from the South who wish to take our Line will be careful to enter to Salisbury only. fr7- All Randies and Packages at the risk of the j - - owners. WILLIS MORIXG, JOSEPH L MORIXd. P. S. This Line, from Suliscury to liultinwre is chfaper than any ulhif. April 11, lSiO. tf The Fare from Raleigh to Washington City amounts to 19 50, as follows : From Raleigh to IJIakley, Stage Fare, . . . 7 RIaklev to Petersburg, Rail-Road Fare, .i I'eterburg to Richmond, Stage Fare, . 1 50 Richmond to Fredericksburg. Stage Fare, 5 Fredericksburg to Washington Ciiy, Stcam Roat Fare, ..... H The Stpam-ltoat Fare from Petersburg tp Raltimore, v ia. .Norfolk, is Pour Dollars. PRIVATE CONVEYANCE, FOR IE Public arc respectfully informed that the Subscribers have providetl themselves with a neat arid easy-riding 0??IPvIBUS, a team of first rate Horses, and an obliging and experienced Dri S.a t 1. Ill ver. tor ll:c purpose oi accomniooatin: an vvno may have occasion, or ilesire to employ private conveyance from Charlotte to any of the neigh boring I owns. Terms of Hire, very Eeasonable. The vehicle is capable of containing seven persons with the greatest convenience, and is so construct ed that a distance of forty or fity miles per day may be performed with perfect ease to passengers. Gentlemen or Families who stop ia Charlotte for the purpose of visiting the Gold Mines in the ne ighborhood, can be accommodated with an Om nibus, and a driver who is acepmiuted with the country, at all times. 1. P. ROYD & CO. Charlotte, Nov. 7, ISO.j. N. R. There are two lines of Stages from Salis bury to the North, and two from Yorkville to the South. 7l THE Subscril)er legs leave to inform his friends that he has JUST RECEIVED the Latest Fashions ; and is at this time prepared to complete a full suit of clothes in turf nty four hours, in cases of emergency. OCT One or two Workmen are wanted, who can come well recommended. THOMAS S. HENDERSON. Concord, N. C, Dec. 5, 1835. p3 WA llll Ay 'IFF. DEEDS For bale UFllE. V ):' ra 1 IScckirith'M Anli-Iyleplic I WE extract, from the Hand-bills accompanying T each lox, the following testimonials to the efficacy of this valuahle Medicine : From the lit. llcr. Levi S. Ires, D. D.y Bishop of . i Xorth Carolina. Ualkich. March 2, lSoo. Having, for the last three years, been intimately acquainted with Dr, John IJeckwith, of this City, and enjoyed his provisional services, l tane pica- sure in stating that his character as a nrisuau - il. .,,,; mrri rl In t lir lisp if li V nli -flvnpn ,.c p.nto confi(lence of the pubjc uruiiiunt . .i.v " ...... "'i i- i value, particularly in aiding in impaired digestion and warding olfhilious attacks. Having been for a Ions time subject to the annual recurrence of such attacks, 1 was in the habit of resorting tor security against them, and with a very partial suc cess, to a liberal use of Calomel or blue Pill. lut since my acquaintance with tne Anti-dyspeptic Pill of Dr. IJeckwith, which he prescribed m the first instance himself, I have not been under the necessity of using Mercury in any form, besides, bein' wholly exeniot from billious attacks. Seve- ral memlers of my family are experiencing the r sajno beneficial effects. L. S. lLb. From Governor Iredell, At i;i sr 21, 18r5. Dr. Heckwith's Anti-Dvspeptic Pills have been used in my family, which is a large one, with the most beneficial ellects. A number of my friends who have been aliheted with the Dyspepsia, and other disorders of the stomach, have spoken to me in strong terms of the relief they experienced from this remedy. Without the evidence I have received from others, my intimate knowledge of the professional and private character of Dr. heck with, for the last twenty years, justifies me in de- claring, that ho would give no assurances of facts of his own experience, or of professional deduc tions, of which he was not perfectly confident, and on which the public might not safely rely. JAMES lllKULLL. From the Hon. (itorge F. Badger. IIalkigii, Nov. 7, 1834. For several years past, Dr. Reckwith's Anti Dyspeptic Pills have been used as a domestic ?ne- dicine in my family. 1 have myself frequently used them for the relief of head ache, acid and otherwise disordered stomach, resultm? from im- prudence or excess in diet, and 1 have had many opportunities of learning from others their effects, ,ior, , t. on r .1,.,c.r v,r . 1 - I 'I I ripnrn nml filivrrvntinn llicti.- mo ill snvmrr th:it i , i- r I i i . n n i , the rebel afforded by the Pills is generally speedy, I, a,mosl a,w 7ccrtainthal thev may be t'a- and their operation is attended by no nausea or disagreeable effocts wbatever and though 1 have known many persons use them, I have known none who did not approve them none who sustained any injury, emd none who failed to derive benefit from their use. And upon the whole, I do not hesitate to recommend them as an agreeable, safo, and efficacious remedy in Dyspeptic aflections, and believe them myself to be the best Anti-dys-peptic medicine ever olfered to the public. G. E. RADGER. 03" A constant supply of these Pills on hand and for sale, at THIS OFFICE. September 5, 1S3.3. mG To Country Merchants. JHE Subscriber begs leave, to inform his cus tomers and friends generally, that he is now receiving his Fall supply of Goods ; which con sists of a general, heavy, and well selectee assort ment of C rS v oa(4 ESidunrc cV Ccillvry HATS AND SHOES, WithoMt further eunumcration, his Stock com prises almost every article now in common use in this country It is inferior to none in Favetteville. C. J. OR K ELL. N. R. Personal and strict attention will be given to the receiving and lorwanling Goods ; receiving Cotton and other Produce for Storage, Sale, or Shipment as the owner may direct. C. J. O. Urick Row, Haymoimt, FaycttcviJIc, September li), 1 Om SUve ot iovUvCiuoia: LINCOLN COUNTY. November 'Perm, 1S35. In Equity : Mclchcsidick Robinson, et. al. r.s Petition. John Robinson, et. al. y "FT app;aring, to the satisfaction of the Court, tlsat Jacob Hoyle and Leach, his wife, are not iiih .hiiants of this State : It is therefore ordered ar.d decreed by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the Western Carolinian, for them to lo and appear at our next Court of Equi ty to be held for the County of Lincoln, at the Courthouse in Lincolnton, on the Cth .Monday af ter the 4th Monday in March next, to plead, an swer, or demur, otherwise Judgement will be en tered up against them, and the Petition heard ex parte. WILLIAM WILLIAMSON, c.m.k. Dec. 12, 1S35. (pr. fee 82 10.) pG FOR SAS.E. Tl LL be sold, at the Courthouse door in Salis bury, on the 1st day of January, 183G, un der an Order of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County of Rowan, Four rVcgrocM, The property of Joseph Rruuer. A credit of six months will be given, the purchaser giving bond with approved security, BURTON CRAIGE, Guardian. November 23, 163.1. tf VN extensive stock of BLANKS of every kind, neatly printed, ca flue paper, kept corrnntlv on hand and for cale, at THIS OFFICE, Ip4 "5W.T 6?533i K ii. s l' u i t u l. Jj x in forms his Friends and the Public, that he still conti nues to carry on the above tti:in in sill i f various '. 7' 1 - r t'??Sv hranches. ' h : - Jii if 1.1 i a. ins cnop is sun Kepi on the Main-street, in Salisbu ry, one door above the Store of Samuel Lemly 5c Son. atches ami iocks oi every kiuu oe n is y i i; i-A i j u na nearness, Ui mhul iwuw, IT - i - Vc. ' iiiuiiLuai He will ahvavs keep on hand a variety of arti Patent Lever Walchcs, (English, French, Swiss, and Dutch.) Gold and Plated Fob Chains. Gold and Plated Watch Guards. Gold and Plated Watch Keys. Gold and Plated Watch Seals. Gold Ear-bobs, l.reast-pins, and Finger-rings, (latest fashion.) Silver Ware; Ever-pointed Pencil Cases, and Leads. Silver Spectacles, and steel frames and glasses. Fine Pocket and Dirk Knives, and Silver Fruit Knives. Pocket Pistols and Dirks. llreast-Iluttons and Musical Boxes. Gilt and Steel Watch Chains and Kevs. 07 Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for articles purchased at his shop, and m payment for work done and debts due. D. i r Salisbury, August 22, 1835. tf fjMlE sixth Session of my Classical School, near Realties' Ford, Lincoln County, N. C, will commence on the first Monday in January, 1S3G. I p , 10 io- ItDP.ERT G. ALLISON. tc VALUABLE LANDS In tho Market ! T Y Virtue of a Deed of Trust to me executed, by William Dismukes, for the purposes there- in expressed, I will expose to Public Sale, in the Town of Wadcsborough, on Tuesday, the V2th iIay af January next, the fo L4ND. llovvin" TRACTS OFi ONE TRACT, Containing B.50 AlTCS, Lying on the Gold Mine Branch, known by the ..r n:.,: T . T u i I nn it - o orvorr I nippr hnnn f(tiiiw1 xr I Dismukes and others ; the soil is suitable to the growth of Corn, Wheat, and Cottou, OA R TRACT, Containing 35 Acres, The one-third interest, the other two-thirds be longing to Jacob Austin, and the heirs of Jona than Austin, which can be bought on reasonable terms. This Tract contains the celebrated Gold Mine where a piece of Gold weighing 26 1I. was found. This Mine has yielded upwards of 1 en 1 iiousand Dollars worth of Gold without the aid of machinery. 1 am confident this amount, or more, could be gotten from this mine, if pro pcr'.y worked by men of science, and the know ledge of Mining, csr: TRACT, Containing 100 Acres, Known as the Jesse Harnett Tract; it is excellent Land and under good improvement. 1 ernis of Sale, Cash. ALEXANDER W. DUAXDOX, Wadesboro', Nov. 1835. (TO Trustee FOR 1835. HORACE H. BEARD, Tailor, a? EGS leave to inform his friends, and the publi in general, that orders m his line will alvvav 1C le thankfully received by him, and executed in the most Neat, Fashionable, and Durable manner on ernis as reasonable as any in this section of coun try. II. II. R. hoprs, from his long practice of his business, (a number of years of which time he resided in the city of Philadelpl-.ii,) and -from ihe general satisfaction he has heretofore given to his numerous respectable and fashionable customers, to merit and receive a portion of the patronage of the ptiohc in general. jva- . II 1 1 ! ir1 ,1 . ? rtTTrnmi ow lie nailers nimsen mat nis i.u i nu is really superior to any done in this State, as may be tested by the undisputed elegance of fit which attends garments made in his establishment. He is in the regular receipt of the Reports of the Fa shions as they change both in the large cities oi this country and of E:;-t-pe so that gentlemen may le satisfied that their orders will always be executed in the very latest style. Orders from a distance will be attended to with the same purictu.liy and care as if the custonici were present in r-on. Salisbury, September 19, 1935. ly. On the first day of January nea fy WILL Hire, at the Courthouse in Salisbury, for one year, to the highest bidder, on the usu I al terms, about Rclonging to the Estate of Dr. Stephen L. Fer rand, deceased. And at the same time and place, 1 will Rent, for one year, the Dwelling-House and Lots, with all the improvements thereon, in the Town of Salisbury, formerly occupied by the deceased. Also, I will Rent for a like term, several unim proved Lots in said Town. R. MACNAMARA, Administrator. December 1, 1S35. 4t- Notice! LL persons indebted to the estate of Elias Mil ler, dec.'d, are hereby requested to make im mediate payment. Those having claims will pre sent them authenticated according to law, or this notice will be plead in bar of recov v. J. P. WINDERS, Administrator. December 12, lSb'O, p3 Tlse Western Carolinian. BY ASIIBEL SMITH & JOSEril W. HAMILTON TERMS OF PI BUCATIOX. 1. The Western Carolinian is published every S.v, TtRDVY, at Two Dollars per annum if paid in advance, orTuo Dollars and Fifty Cents if not paid before the expiration of three months. '2. No paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the discretion of the Editors. 3 Subscriptions will not be received for a less time than one vear ; and a failure to notify the hditors ot a wish to discontinue, at the end of a year, will be consi dered as a new engagement. 1 A nv nprson who will procure six subscribers to the Carolinian, and take the trouble to collect and transmit their subscription-money to the rlitors, snail have a pa per gratis during their continuance. 5.fC5- persons indebted to the Editors,may transmit to them through the. Mail, at their risk provided they get the acknowledgment of any resectable person to prove that such remittance teas regularly made. TEEMS OF ADVF.KTISING. 1. Advertisements will be conspicuously and correct ly inserted, at "ill cents per square tor the nrst insertion, nn.l :U t cents; tor each continuance : but, where an ad vertisement is ordered to go in only twice, oU cts. will be charged for each insertion. It ordered tor one in sertion only, will in all cases be charged. '2. Persons who desire to engage by the year, will he accommodated by a reasonable deduction from the above charges for transient custom. TO CORRKSrONDEXTS. 1. To injure prompt attention to Letters addressed to the Editors, the postage should in all cases lie paid. THE LINCOLNTON NEWS. " Truth our guide The Public Good our aim." The Subscribers, believing that some channel of com munication is wanting in Western Carolina thro' which its citizens can interchange freely their opinions upon the v arious subjects of Politics, Religion, Literature, and the Mechanic Arts, promise to publish in the Town of lincolnton, a Weekly Paper under the abov e title. True there are papers in Western Carolina, but in the weal thy aijd populous section of the State west of Salisbu ry" there is none. We believe, from our knowledge ot the intelligence of the people of that section ot the State, that they can, and will support a paper; and we therefore are impelled to the undertaking, fully relying upon their liberality for such a measure of support as we may deserve. In proposals of this kind, it is usual for those who make them, to set forth their political principles ; and though we are not politicians by trade, lest our silence uon this subject might be construed into a want of can dor, we will briefly give an expose of our political opi nions: As the first article in our political creed, we place the accountability of those who exercise power to I those who give it We believe our government to be e mrntea powers, ana mat mose wno are eiurus- I leu wiui ils iiuiiiimuuiiou iiite no iiljih. lu iLifts jjny, but such as have been delegated to them by the people, and such as are plearly set forth in our written Constitution. We will therefore oppose all encroach ments upon the rights of the poople, let them come from whatmiarter thev may, and will sound the alarm when ever danger approaches. e will contend tor econo my in the administration of both our Federal and State Governments, and will oppose all lavish expenditures of the public funds, believing as we do, that money in the hands of bad rulers is the most dangerous engine which can be brought to bear upon the liberty of the people. With regard to the approaching Presidential elec tion, we are decidedly opposed to the nominee of the Baltimore Convention, and will zealously, and firmly oppose his election. We are opposed to the Caucus Sys, teni, let it be named what it may. We believe the people, and the people alone are the proper depositorie of power, and that they, end they alone have the righ to select their public servants. We have thus briefly, and candidly laid down our political principles, and we will maintain and support them with firmness, but at the same time, with a re spectful attention to the opinions of those who may dif fer with us. Our paper we intend to be free, and mi shackled, and will therefore give place to wel! written communications, let them come from what urty theyi may, so that thev be free from low invective and abuse. which never subserve the irrcat object we have in view in the discussion of political questions, the truth, but always have a tendency to degrade, and lower the public press. The adoption of an enlightened and vigorous system of improvement by our hirliterto so much neg lected, being necessary, as well for the prosperity in!i-r vidualiy of our citizens, as or the itnte at large, every measure tending to this end shall receive the cordial support of the " NEWS." We will devote a portion of our paper to Agriculr ture, Literature, Religion, and such other matters as are usually found in a miscellaneous weekly paper. Our object will be to have something for the nilates of al!, and we will take this occasion to request those who have leizure, and who are friendly to our undertaking1 to favor us with communications upon any subject olS interest. The paper will be i.-sued the first of March, upon a fine medium sheet, printed with fair type, at per annum, payable upon the receipt of the 2nd number. Advertising at the usual rites. SALISBURY, Dec. 5, Editors throughout the State, friendly to the under taking, will confer a favor, by giving the above a few insertions. Subscriptions received at this Office. The Lincoln CotSoifi 3Iniiici:Erszzg Company FSPECTFU LLY inform the Public, that'by -k-" mutual consent, the company have dissolved their Co-Partnership, and that they now inform all those indebted to said Company to make im mediate payment; and all Agents to close thei agencies as soon as possible. And all those ha ving demands against the company, to present them for settlement to James Rivings. HOKE, SCH EN K, & DIVINGS. Lincolnton, Dec. 5, 135. p5 . . . i One Bushel of Coal Reward ! T UNA WAY from the subscriber, on Sundav the 20ih day of November last, JONATHAN KRIMINGER, a bound apprentice to the Black smith trade. He had on, when he left me, a drab Round-about coat, brown linsey pantalons, and a small fur hat. He is 1G or 17 years old; 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high; dark skined, and tolerably ugly. Al persons are forwarned not to employ or harbor said boy, as I am determined to enforce the law against any person or persons who may do it. The above Reward, but no thanks, will be givei to any person who will apprehend and deliver saict Kriminger to me in Corcord, N. C. SOLOMON WEAVER. Concord, December 5, 1885. p'2 BLUM'S Calculated for th meridian of SALEM, AT. C V SMALL SUPPLY of the above Almanacks have been received, and may be had at THIS OFFICE, Price 10 cents; rcr copy-rts.

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