o O O o in 00. V-ithorizrm- the making a Turnpike. U.a.l ! ctt.-d J,: rxcludv r--r--v-.-d r-Wi,:, !i n'i:V r,!,;:i of IIavVrrtl'cMi:;tv. " th--mri.ures f th.- French (V in :, with n di-pb.y 01. F I 1 o ;:ritSJ ji'a Act fi---l i i l--!, author!- J of inib: mce tenrt fly I vs t'.i i the u.ico.::ru..cd s'.ur sfmir the caunlv Court ot ionlce to upp-unt i -m-ini-iouers t-' View mil l.iy !i "a Turnpike Road from the Lincoln !i:m to Jacob .'Iti'i's Mids thru' the Enure! ( lap, cv'C. (Id. To amend the Mil-tin Laws f.r tlie nicur- nenvnt of Volunteer Comp.i:;l es i:i the cou.ity of j Mecklenburg. 70. To incorporate the Mi'.t n an 1 Salisbury Rail Road Company. To. To repei I an Act concerning the t own of Ashvi'le, prvcd i:i ledd. 70. To repeal an Act passed in 1 ?2'J, Concern in" the 1st Regiment of Stokes Militia. 7. To incorporate the l!pi-c pil School. e ). To prevent frauds on (lie Revenue ii the asses-mem of Ian Is fr taxation in Yaney county. bo. Directing the Entry taken in Yaticy county to i-ue warrants in certain case-?. To authorize the hying; out an 1 establishing a Tunmiko R.ad from the South Carolina In o at some point near the Plock I Ions'; i:i Ruthciibrd Cotmtv, to C'aia Creek bridge, in Pimemide. To ameml a:i Act paoJ in lSJ'J. concern ing the comity Court cf Rowan. '".). To alter ami amend Act, parsed in 1 1 , a:''iufmg C mi ni -sio.iers to lay oil" a roa I irom Morgantosi, i:i i'mke comity, by liarivjllo Metro:., to the Tenn.-ssee line-. ii'). Ammiditory of an Act relating to the town of Enwrencev ille, in M:'iHi;r.c;y county. 1(H). Securing to the Trmt c ( f the Ihspti-d Church in Chub;'!, the 1 t o:i which it Maul. IV. Appointing 0mmi-'sio;.r-. to ! jy (if a from tle Phm Ri Ige to Stephen Thomas's, in Adi e. 10. ". E-pea!mg an Act limbing Comp"iis;itio:i to Jurors in the Superi r Courts .f i lay v. I. 107. To a her in part the dividing line between Eouun and Surry. f the t'raad monarch. I'verv in -a. ure which Louis Phih'p has vtrtii nJ'j desired, he has cnrri.-.l ia tho Punch Chambers; an I every new 1 1. -ft ion ( f Deputies has given him aa inr"3-c? f .'.trem-th toe re. The con trol of the Pros enables liirri to f rta l'ulhc p:a'oa to his vi.hc5; to tVen.Ty the ia!ads '.' hl p-op!, f.,r war on ?'cco'it:t i f allege ia.'-al'-', f,r to :i ::.t his in la-ation of the national honor with t ie pre-; -rviition f peace. Mi -reovcr to cn:.e pnyiuont t f the In !. mnity to be inn do or not, wit! i all t!;e con.rpii nces (f c itiier cniir.-", lies wlio'dy at l.i.s option. And v.e hive t:o d uht thit l.e will act sticli a pnrt r.s Ik may think will I'.'C !i::n more ilrnily on his throne, with a . n.Thj di-re-rard of jtoon ftith, and a goit nur:'nit in h;" renco to the waste of treasure a:il Llood which wnrs always occasion. Tint the citizens of the. United Stues nn 1 the chivalrous t-uhVcts of France do not w Ldi to war naia-t each other is pa.-t a dosilt. ?,cit!:er Ins any thine; to therc-hy. ik:t it i:' sn'.ociently surprizni- that int. k;j"nt A:neri can.s j?iordd conceive it, po.-sihlo t"r a Kur.r to fdlow any dictit'i? but tl.r.se ,f th mrrov.a-st se'.aVl.ness or tint the Van Ilureniivl i.-ers of t!ie Tr-sclent cuul 1 be ae'.nit ! hy any nollor m jtives than ilvxo cf per.-:o:al n:in:;''!T'.. TCo hmr.ilintin'j cxplnn it i'-n t Tinnce of t!:e l ist .,! -p; I.-ive L.'i-a ma ! . ia the prcs-n. one, and wc Prc-id -Til's c.-. i:;-tnce thnt n oie wul be maoe. t!:e me 1- . ' M.V.ViP" r.f ici il ?tntomnt of the vote f r a a-ai;.st the Uatii";cat'u cf tii'e Amen hncat.s to the I COR TilS Wn-r' "5l.N C Ar.OLIN! VN. f - V'TT. 1 . - 1 . ! l.i' fi'- v o.'.it:;t;o:i. i:j all t..e l.oitatiesol tae tate watch . , t' ,.:. , . ! uis -rtin'-- inv cem'uemc.ition m tmr p:i!er ot too -:.a we were jrevented from puldi.-haig last week by the u.ti.lKS jln.l'beir h'ave to tron'deVo-i aeain. pres.;. other mutter: I tu, resocet t )"Co:mv!i no" our slave sy-0 cn. the Aisi.ii, Asd.c-, or Co.... Aidhnri.iee; tlie Commirtee ff rinr-nee to b::rn Treasury Notes redeemed I.y tlie Tita-'iier and tnd'.t for circnlation. j. Aut'i u i.i:;- l!:e Public Treasurer to procure to cie coiini: :). Directing tlie Trea-'airer not to coinunce s-u'ts on Cherokee b :!- uiitil Ieeom'.r, l-oO. 0. A-dvi ie; aid of Congress to deepen the e han- UCl ;I Voii- .aia i. 10. O.i the subject of Northern fanatics v. ilh the o;nis of t he interf -rence e.f tie 11. Ihreetiu.' the sal -sol the Cher. iurvecd l.v th- i-'tate but not t titer.-:!. on .a. :ce la::!; -: -r i itice of (Jen. Jackson in h: ; f .rutvr i.: :".ee, re.neli earne.tlv we : be i. .len.hly r.vo:. i war w;th I lance, ii it an ra.-t i; : or to be .-a'.iected to in- t!ie !.r.-t IlepaMic n.-.k::;,' rr.te ct t!n.- i l-jv r- t an 1 r :i pivor, iii.ar the name of an on iat.at.o::. hat if i rni-ce i.- ;n me t.i-m'uce of c-nhUoiil rcpiisiis a tudVh at cms of war, on that government r,:t the ie.-p-.t..-ib.ly :'; !i ci..r'.!i;r it. .oil!, if wnnnurt nee. is eo.ne, 1 e il fo in t!:e hot I:eadodae:s of un ill-;u' is .d old mn, or from the f ot!t!.'.-;ic.-s of the i'rcncli kin:', we tha:I be f -a;.d 3!::i'ii: the ikremort in ii-; mp;vrt. Of the o'd.cr portions vf lh-i m-s.-ie we s-hall not s ty ii.u.li rio.v if over. There is a ::oo !!y sin re of r'.i'J? doled out about tlie limk, inoiv ; hes, k,c. . :".e mjo, !. i !. n. i: -odhrr, trke, "1 I !!-SWiCiC, IJertie, Cabarrus, Cain.ilen, Carteret, ( n swell, Chatham, (h'iowan, Cobim' es, (.'raven, ( 'ii'nhi'rlanl, Currituck, Pawl-on, he.pliu. S . I :'!T' m.)C, I'rankbn, (J i!es, ( Iran ville, (Ire il'', (bt.PV.f, . II -difix, I I IV W( o, I b-rif rcl, llvd-, Ir-:-!!, i.'-u.':r, F.h:c hi. Macoi. a .. i ; . J'OlilhC.V. FIlAXCIk The li.-t ia'i !hje;;cc r.-ceivt d f.oni Trance, by the L'tiea which brin.-i Paris (Lt.s up to the :uth Oct. fiu.ii.dico i:"t!iier dec i.-ive r.-.axt in r the Inlcmnitv. Cd. Ajrop! rooms iit t. I. . ' ( American Coer.T .Mr. JJart..n v.tioin (Jen. Jock iir. clc 1 ta r; ti.rn in cao- t f t!i - rci.i. ;: . . ' ' ! I Mo re, ..- . -I I'Olover, ...... .......J.. - 'l 1 ,1..- ().;o ;e. I'll" I- l Per-, n, Pf.-r.pmri.'es, I'.it, i v a. .. .i Kicle ', a, o a i .U-e f.r the I . o '.TO it'. r m" I). L. f a ri .-.-rv r. "0. :;r';ori-'::i" t-ie Pubtic Tr"a iir'T l ) h:,4 ij l,00. to duray the e-.irreu 't.-.le (hiioninirit, if n--e. s ;.-.ry. ( lovemin". t 17. In fiv. rtW, not eooe l.or- s - FIAT JI'.STIT! V r n i:c vr f orr.f !. I I. iv ;4;o in ; rn:iKv vix:.i.ui i ;ri.i-T v.,-;:i.i '.va.:;t.!l in Paris, an-! sod t..e t.n ti rms of frieud- i i :: !v I c":-rte.,a im.-nt. The J. rc '!;!- .r .1. a o w .la t:.e ; renra ... eru fails the .-.'-ni-odieiai j.mr- u :l, stys that if Mr. II.irt..:i be rccr.Ib-d, Prance w ill re cal lie r charge and wo;.'. Accor.lin 'o the 'limps, there U5 a dUairi. etra-nl l-ctwccti two of the French Mmbiers the Dakef iho-be an 1 Mr. Ihim::mie:i the ct of crcplannions th ibrmer bein;: uau iiliii th it a co:. 'revcr-y on a matter of f .rm .-h-a.ld int. rntpt the 'i:r:-: .nv of l!:e two nations: the latter in.-i-1 iMLr on full Ib-ckin jiiai.i, lb e.v an, j iol'.!;crI -re, 'o.1; -o:i, .VO(.:., Si.o.-y, TvrroII, Vakef Vui'l'll, W.ohin -tun, V:.yu.-, Wilkes, Vaaeev, !.;.:: t. io w j. i..Ci rv -: laua L,-u:.s lh.ilip w.U ;is pre io::.-'y t n.auin.r pay- ikii ! : this to t nit hid own AmCV'.i. iO 111 ;i 17.) t)7 11 :;i e:;;) 71 s!;i J'U 7-i Jilo .. 'J10 7 :ji' 17 fJ; V.Y) (oii 17;? 7ii 1 d.;ii V7 ; l'd: 1 17 . - 12 7 OO l Id 1 is . c.-o r; '." .;:il -i'.'t! Ill r.-jo n : I 7:-: lo t-1 1 ' V Ihd dr.;', 'Mil 1:h ::17 s-::o 111 0 .'.If. Mo -!fv l,Ojd (i 0 l,t.:)7 Do ir.H (.1 :'.:? f)"0 mi l.odl od Id d:d ! i7 1 1 7 l.F't 7 ? ;0 rd ,Vi 1 1 1 J'7 f,.'S 10") s Id !-7 10 od .oj. ; :: Id (dd 1, o70 1,V,7 1 IS l.sM 1,7 "l 1 1,777 :il Rr'f-r. J fact is that he knows u.tliinrr a'.Hut it, although he is SI' a. n ware of hi.? tv. a i'iaorance oit i:ie subject, the ihbe reprcseutatu.as, t. roci ns and tanat.cal pr.Wieat" 'as tn oar .. n co-jri-rv, h ive kindled up his mitural teoeaera- I ! meal to a o eh of cxelt'mtent, but 1 uitcilv do ,.) ) ' nv thnt lie lias used fJl the udbnsive hiiL'inse towards (7 ! I'i's c;uutry widi w!:ic!i lie is charged by his enemies; lo : I f e! ;ays !f warranted, in savin r so. The many sneec'i-:U-" i es delivered, and b'-tt.'-rs written by him. on various oe- Id ! casions, in favor of our country and its ins' it ut lorn?. ?,:".) ; l:i order to maintain this position, I be leave to r-u'-join : an extract honi a Letter written bv Air. OW n -.. ii, in d-O I to Sir Ilenrv W. Jervis, 15.:"rt.. a Terv an I an rab- i?0i) ! arist.M-rat, who called urv-.a O'Cenncll tiiroa. ! lie press to oxpbr.a to him ' what he inten led to he an :;oi d7) -p'.o Ho OO town whose- rwmos would no doubt he added to tin?? Circular, if there were an oooortuaitv of coiisultimr them. Pro!:i tb.e folbnvinr extract from the Charlottes ville Advaeate. we 1 aro that the Vice President honored the University so tar as lo pay it a visit. . lie doubtless was particularly gratified with the i!!i:;:::;ifiy?i."' .ore's i j If or iosf. " Air. Van Huron" last week paid a vi-ut to tin- Fniversity, and was received with as much coraialihr as cu!d have been expect ed. For his amasiia.r condescension, the Students at ni'it, had a soiendid Ulufaitaiict for WllITlil ! der.-te ! bv t;:e fi'dewi.i" toast," rivo-i bv Mr. OVon- nell at a Public Dinner hi Ireland: '-The People : the jrenuiue s.-.-utc-1 f all Political Power.' " Arain, sir, von pros-unm to :ssail tlie spirit of democratic liberty the onlv r iti iiial saifil of freedom, by callimj a tlemocra- ,":V2 i cv "l!: tr !, ..- m-ts! brutal and sr.-.isihss t"ri- l.H Jo ! jU C.v-l Ilea vims', how ifnorar.t you must be of ; tlo lirst t lemceld c f iv ,'otical hi.-terv, and how utterly ."(!. s b'.inil .u nsu-t be to the scenes tliat are pas-mjf be tore o-.s yonr eyes. What country ia t!;e wor! 1 -s it, m h;ch rd ::. j tlie national debt is -ntlie yerpj of inevitable extinction ; rrt7 1 in which taxation is on the point of bom reduced to -111 the lowest pos-ibie onantify ;" " in which peace reigns Witinu its borders; ia wn.cu alamuance crowns lae la bors of the i 7, i: li- trv i'oi! i i-!i and rcase ; in wide! ! s . j ..-.-; row; 71o i citii-'.r.s ; r-Js the private virtu-. r.n I rilte uai iiapp:- of t: .- r n ! it is proso or- u :!, ii 'us at !i '--ac f; o? .:M rda,v"v U'-O '-Stand ibith ! S-r Henry, rnd arswer my euestien. li'i i What State is thus resp-.-cted by tbrc:-ja powers, and 111 t I . i - !:....- i Ow ' .rn-.l r. !!;. w I 70 " j cy a dentoer.-.cy wiii.e'tt one .-imde rj.:i) i i:arc!dcal or :oi t. Ci:':c;d priacip'es !.;: 1 I m-'; v..u, ;.: th -men, if vi-n can s IT. i i vnt, t liat t!; man c-mceiviter : 7" j !os-ertat:.':i nr c. : r 1 Jua.I of cahe.mv an entry an.; i: mi.-represe . ! p . o -trillions, i It is a dc; x! u.a i : v i 1 1 . .i i;u,m: lor a mo ishi;:': the abave .3 I 4 cra- oi mo- :-rve: A MFoT.MCP. A ?Cew York paper, in noticmj, a f w day i-itice, xiMie of the steamboats that ply on the .Misi-- :vi tatod tliat the colored serants were some times allowed to sit at the dinner table with passengers. The Iuiisviiie Journal takes tlie writer some what se- veroiv to P..-k in reference to this statement and closes its remarks bv saving, that " if any Captain on the Ohio or the ?d ;sis.-oppi i re to be -uilty of such an outrniro, ho would, be thrown into tne river without time to say m prayers. .Mr: ' 4 A'M 710 10: Id ) 0- t it ion !:ic!i has been s ! Voa wi'd ;it once h. :.;-'! mn h'mi bv his eneni answer NO ! eak-ss you are sv. ayeJ by prejudice Yen int'-nate that Iris!-men in New York r.re inila enced by ( 'C, niedh It is t-ue his countryman owe him a d.'bt a gratitude jhr t!te signal services he lias rendered their' mtive land ; but r.s citizens of the Uni ted States, I deny that he, or any other foreigner, has any indueiiee whatever, l.ike ad otiier i -.it :::. ns ot tins mmhtv republic, thev have civil and ; -I Ii io il ri::bts, oad are ih-termi;.d to maintain them. 1 dcty yon, er moet mvoterat ! iV(V v.. 1- or lb. enemies of O'l'euncil, to p-;uit out a hi of Ik-in, iiative or ado.aed, who has ever jo t -1 70 I : r th rd ! tio'i of FO ! c ,,. :0 , l.i riva-n c-.'im.cr.r. s-ii-fn m.ticn ! pH-'Abiditionists. Wlnti ! The l ri iahv dhi ::i:-,u..d:e-a nnionst men r ina very, t; er Jove ei . -1; 1 o Ii I... 1 o. . !V ) v,- t; ,! O ! h-h r-.jd ! ty me ;-.:: ..; lit. No matter h ' .. lv c i. .en alien; l.i reit l ilt: wtisna::. cAuma. i vs. J J. A. .'jL Itj Js A 3 ,i 1j l O i' O J Sturdy rIomiii, December 19, IU3: Tin: idx.ihATLiui; Adjouree 1 on Tuesday la t. The povce Iier?of the lat week of the session bein.tr antieipiteJ by the Cfj UtMS tf !h- Laics pissed, and by the.- items from the n.'i.-ler, we have concluded too:. .it them; p. amsm ; t.. pive so uvach in our n-xt as rel .t. s to th art ion of .1 i 11.. ... n.. 1 i.nr r'.n-.'i.i! t h Senate o:i i..e iiu . u o.-, po t c lutions whieh pi of Mr. Wan do t SPAIN. The Span:ardj are fi r tinr nnamrr tbrmseles ns nind Iv an 1 f i di-ddv .as ever to c'.ecidc u I: c!i of two tyrants dd no th: m. Af-tf-f lhurli-ii nshentun rs m j.-.ncd one paity in Spain; a lr,ml ij'ul il- i: rove.-. Ittx.'rulioii o iuni-in!t.rft rt urc i:i the domestic concerns of a nation a doctrine mucli 4 lIouri.-!ied about' fur vears arm when it suited laud sh Policy to suffer Po l.i nd to he ravnrr -d, r.:: I her citizens to be exiled and murdered by tho:-e Polar Pear.-, the Pu .-Litis. The lhnperors of Ilu-sia imd Austria and the King of Pru.-.-.ia have lic-1 1 their conference at Tu litz. One t ubic-ct of their del. be ration was how to ukpvoe of that lie House of Commons on the 15.11 f. r d'.vi iiu.r K -yi j eribte voluptaary and priest-ridden debauchee Charlci '.uuty. The Senate bii 1 on the tab' ; the I,au 1 Peso- t!,c X, and the illegitimate i..-u-; of the duchess of Her- 1 the Co u:non and ad ti si vole hem- :; " to d. , ' :.o..P I th- i;.:i :, a ? ; ri. it is sa. 1 that I ran.ee an i 1 .aoian ! have i.oen in vited to o;n tlie Pand a.ionium id this II. dy Aliemue. t , . e i . t ':.,UJ f.r d:i.lin t.i-i co :::!y was vo'e of i" 7 1. On the subh-ctyf the Lit: I Re..-l-it';.m., ti; rc : : ti r hs z llv rt ferepec "to the proceedirrc f the f'-irite, on tdie subject of the Puldic Lands, it wdl '.nj s.-eii that, after laviu ' the Ilesoht-ions on the table wm- '. p: tt... llm'-o of Coin il ia?, th Senate spent several oays inth - die-.i-iiv.i o those subu.it ted by Mr. V. ;vh :t a a cjrlv ti.tmiatc s r f tiie se.-s:on. .'ur ' r:s wr re ...f.iT. " i i.v n i . i . i 1 1 i- f i i i . . t . - . i '.-.V . ' ' view, tt.ev sisti':; all attempt.! t mo'.ify them. -To our are iUi'.e.:..us r.i ia or in io-. o ., . c - ft't Av-i.-a-.n of tlie trim eue.tion. What wib Pie 1V. pi of '."ort'i Carolina s:iv to the f:ct, that a i iaj-.r.ty oi theT Sunt, rs have k dared that Conrr- -s ha-; ::o ,-thl-iliiulim.-il rhl.t to lb. tribute the proceeds ;: t.,ee lin Is it not himoumbh- that arty r-p.r:t s.ioui I mi bh.id th- m --rit.il virion of mm I This vot may decide the future dcttay of Xortli Care kna. (iur- let our ci tizens cive in to t'ne notion, t..al Co:i -;ress .:as i.o ri-.it to distribute these proceeds nin-.nir tlicm t..r tin purpose of improvinrr t!:cir moral an 1 p!,ys:.-!il -o:i.htion, nn-. her 'lory will indeed have d -parted, i he cm-u .t O .ih-rthe rre-nt year, at tlie I nv rate ol i- l:. . per ficre. the Presidrut states in Ins Mei-e, te be ,!:rc.; jul'lians r! !'n r of which our share woui.: be . ADOLITIv. X :dO ImlliMT IN CONCRH-S. A petition si ned ly 17 d ft t.n:!ts to ab-di.-'i i l iv !:troduced TV At n Meetimr of th" oitbvns of Luteal n county, in Liiicduto.-i, on the l.-t 1 .-cetnb-er, l"-:.". on tiio sui jct of the c n-emplate ! Kail lb-d frosa Charleston, S. C., to (h-ieiuatti, )i:io, C. h Jo!ui 1! w !: called to the ..ahnemat; ()(' ". sue: i as the ia the District of Ccdu.nbia a Mr. ?s of o.n o'iii ir.. f. r foir it m iv m:urc tn-: ;jro.-'pe: Presidential can-lidate forsooth, a patty in N-. i th C.ro i; , r.- wil'.in r tint their S.ate sh-ud ! b-r.-eo ad the l,o-0. f,, !, iTorived from tiie r..-: oicn ol t!i This is .1 plahi lhi-lis! 1 ot :t it .--urn. ti:ue lhat the attention ot toe p-.i-ple suomi i.e .i.-.-t. - ' jrtant subject, belbre their rijhts are -arterc away. More anon. it ... t Tin: MiissAf;::. PiJANcp. w tt.. n-ihih':tti..ii of the Prc-ilet.t.- MZC in this Pap?r. Our bu-t c mtams that portion of it Which passesses an rdmo-t exclusive in '.rest tiie portion relating i the Preach Qu .. on. 'n'.-n.rh tiie U..ne of the President's remarks on tms topic, is tempe rate and even pacif.c, as was anticipate I we do riot. ;.:..'- tint tin orosnect of r.n amicable ter nutation of ' 1 I .o--f:ind:n ' wil.i ti'.e 1 rencu v . atuf.et, anv loe ni'sun.jerei.iu uure flittering than it v. as bef re the eppeamnce of the Message. Tiie decision of Peace or War re-ts with Lcuis Poikp al .me. II the r-teration of fri. ally in tercourse between the United States and Prance tntt bis views, be will affect to consider the Mt .arre a full and sufficient explanation, nnd direct the indemnity to be paid. Otherwise, payment will be withheld. This wdl in all rrcbibih'v b-. fd'.o'Aed by nn r- of ia n-i: t.n-Miir.-o o:i our part, to be r-ueeo d.il alm-i by a declaration of war cn the pat cf Prime v. as i I'aof'dd of Maine. A motion to print the petition was i.o;.;t.vcd, and it was laid en tiie table by a br-e ma jority. Not with -tanJimf lliedi.-daimer td any iir.i.ictiv'.c :onue.i-m between tins moment to abolish slavery in tiie Ditriet, and its .reneral and immediate abolition thro-T.dnat tlie Southern States, we doubt not that the abe!itio:ih-t regard the f -rmer o' j-ct as an r:tU ring icr,Ic to the full accomplishment of their dcsijais. Some of our Northern brethren, win, no doubt are Imncstly pp ,.-cd to the !: firimis projects of the aboli tionists, seem to thin!; that the South is ovcr-jealotw an 1 captious on this s-u'.jvct. If we are mi, they more ; Las the following fact may id.ow. Several JonruaU were ii d. a little im.n -:i-nr?d in tlieir indignation that a kire r.-ward was anonymou. !y o-Ii-rod sjmeuhere for the ep prc.hcr.iou oftiiat cura.rred alwdit ionistTaj:; an-the notice not sp cifyin; v. d,ere or to whom he was to be deliver ed, nor whit persons were rc-pom iide It r tiie payn:erd of the reward. They denounced loudly the illegality nnd injustice cf such a pro-.-edure. If they were so warmly and rihj excited by v. hat they regarded as a threatem-l abduction of a s nile f.-do v citizen ; will v. .1 this rejection teach them in what !-.:!. t tboy s-!iould ..'..): on iho a'.ohti-.e.i."?.-, wi.-e schemes would lay tlie f re-bra ni to tiie dwellings, and place l!ie knife to the thn-at- of c-vtrv ceje and sex throughout whole ceiii luun'.ties. To those who arc ddalel with a false idea cf fire- dom-ei mscu. O. . 1 r I -! T .? ot : i-. . r'ht of free di.-cm.-;on on a sut-ject where po.iucahy sj.eakinrr, there wai no jv.wer to decide. Discussion was the antecedent la cehborati:i ; deliberation to de cision; and the people of the r.o.i-?-Iavc-S.o!dm;r Stales UaU HO ril'iil IO UCt.ii. o:i i.ie- pi..:i..oii n .-uiu). Chair, end David Keinhardt appointed Secretary. .Mr. J5. M. Plney moved thai a Cou-mitt: e of Pive persons be ap-unted to repare a suitah'e inemori-il on tiie sul.j- ct t4' the I load from Cohi'id.ia via Vtrk-ille, L'ineoh.ir-n, and Mordant. n, lhat they report to a meet ing in tiiis place on the 1 1th ia-taut." (James T. Ale.v-ai.'d.-r, P. Roberts, L. Thomp.vju, lb Td. Iddney, xiud D. lleitihardt were appointed.) JOHN IIOMP, Chairman. D.vviii lliiiMi.vuDT, Secretary. The Cemiuiltee nppoiiifed hy the citizens of Lincoln County, at tlie in.'etinjr on the 11th December, having bad the subject of the contemplated Pail ih-ad from Charleston, t. ('., to (hncinnaoi, !iio, under considera tion, make the f dlowin- PKPOUT: They believe the most direct route, and, in their epi- j m m, one that presents ti:e tewot ot-.-tacies to t'e con st riK.t ion of the couteiurbited Kail lba l. is tVo n C lumbia, S. C., vi.u.Vorkville, passing Kinj's Mountain, nn 1 via. Lincohiton, or a lew milvs west of I.ii'.coh'.t.'.n ; the.::-.- up t!m s ut!i f.rk of the Catawba River, pass.n-f t!;e .'. a,!i .Mountains at t.he Laurel (Jap, on the roa I ! a !:;ir from Lir.cokituii to Morantou, tin e.ce up tlie ('itav.i'i river to the norili tjrh, thence, purt.'iiiu.jr the ii' r!i ibrk of said river to the Turkey Cove, cre.-sirm-the Ph. o lli.Ve at (Jdb-spie's (Jap, thence down Toe ri ver to th.'' Tcnnesses- line, thence down Toe Diver to Id!-, ibep.'on, in Carter county, Tennessee, via. t'-tells- vili in Virginia, thence to the hea l waters cf Lickiue; Diver in Kentucky, and thence down said river to the Ohio at Lmclimati. Your Committee believe this route to be more direct, tna lual il presents iever o,s;acies to me cansirucuou ,f the cent' uiplated Kail lb ad than .any yet p-fn'edout. 'i he route pointed out by vour Committee pursues some waie-r course the greater jirtii:i of the di:anci., and that with a less deviation from a direct line from Columbia to Cincinnati than any other yet prcpo-ed. Py nn oximmata n ot voitcueil s .o ipot tue cotmtr)- . T I ......... .. . .. . ... . . ....II ...... .1 . . . . I ... J ... . 1 .. I. m :M,;i v. o.t-.i it pa?M:, n. ..i cij-p.-ar i::ai i::- iiio (ij In.!, il v ountv pro o sed lievuites m no instance more than in) or U0 miles f om a direct line from Columbia to Cincinnati. And it is also believed lhat the route will pass thro-mb a f hotter distance of mountain country, ami that these man.! ah'.s are of less elevation, and cf more era dual rise than that o;t.on of mountain country thro' which ;iy oilier ci the contemplated routes must necessarily I"tv-. . - ........ It is worthv ot consideration, t.iat the route hre pro- nosed, prsses tlireimh that imrtion of Virginia w hi.min- i o: . : .t i, c'-.e.-ci-1 litioni.-ts I The character sii.-taii V: ui ti ne im.n-. .;. ri tl wonbl forbi mueli tiie char.ii ter ti Iri.-hin-ei I to be denounced by the ii;e-r:int, selfish, and hi trot ed ; yet, i-o man of iiithrm itioa an 1 character ever had the temerity to charge thei.i with want of courage, gallan try, or rencrositv. 'The 'New Ydrk Truth Teller, (which you cad the O'Conn.-ll or "an in th:-: comitryA dev-mmes the Fa at tics an 1 nl; d.;ion;s with n ) suirie r hand. In my last communication, I : ;U that your j.erir.tl was the only one I was nc.pt.-.'into.l with, tbr.t Wouhi venture to take extracts rc.-peclinj t Cone.eii from lite New Yoi k C.u r: t i.n 1 Pu -piirer.' I wish dt'nctiy o imd.'rstaiid tiiat I was nwa re that j-iauv routhern U 'W. paoers were !-:s r a ii, and country men; but I find them to b- ticr' tamt'f: ml Utile;'!! Richmond Whi.r. the Sou'h-rn Tin: Teleoraph, the the Charlt-.-ton Observer, clc. 1 had no nPrnJon whatever to t'ne spi rited, talemc-d, ar.d liberal S....uthern Press, such as your Western Carek-nian, our ow n Watclm.an, tho Newborn Spectator, uc. it is w ith rihictmeo I introduce the subject of Sla very, but be;r leave to state that I am well acquainted with some of tiie manufacturing districts, and also the state of tlie peasantry of Croat Britain end Ireland. I am also well acquainted with the system carried on by the planters of North and South Carolina, with respect to tlie tr atment of tiieir slaves, nnd have no hesitation to say, that the slaves are better fed, better clothed, have better habitations, do b-s hdvr, are attended to in sick ness, and, as f:r as con? within my observation, are trcatej wiili humanity : in a word, they are in every resp ct b- iter o.f than the ore't body of tiie manufac turers ami peasantry of Great ihnlum and Irchin.1. u: s, ' ctiiioy oars, iw ' v PROCLAMATION By the Corcrnor of the Stale of Xorth Cardina. The Convention which met in the City of Ra leiodi on tlie fourth day of June last, having adopt ed certain amendments to the Constitution of the State, and Imvir. hy an Ordinance, directed them to be submitted by tb.e (dovertior to the people for ratification or rejection ; and tho said Convention haii:e; directed returiis of the votes to be made to the (lovernor, to he by him opened in the pre sence of the Secretary of State nnd Public Trea surer, and that in case a majority of 'tho votes liiven, should be in favor of the ratiiicution of the said Amendments, the same should be forthwith made known bv a Proclamation of the Governor, an the said amendments having all been so sub mitted to tlie people, ar.d returns of the votes hav iii -JT been made and opened, and the result ascer tained according to the said Ordinance : Now, therefore, I, DAVID L. SWAIX, Go vernor of tlie State of Nona Carolina, do hereby declare ami make known to the people of the State, that a majority of all the votes so returned, was in favor of the tatifieation of the said Amendments, which said Amendments so ratified, are become part of the Constitution of the State, and will bo in full force and eiibct from and after the first day of .January, eighteen hundred and thirty-six. In testimony whereof, I have caused the Great So a! of the Shite to be hereunto affixed, and sign---.-j. ed the same with my hand. T Si: .... j ikmo at tiie Citv of Raleigh, the third : day of December, A. D., one thousand eirht htmdred and thirty-five, and of the Indepen dence of the s.aid State," lie sixtieth. DAVID L. SWAIN. ly tho Governor, W?.r. T. Coi.i::ian, Private Secretary. O lj .) jt j rJi rvd. ff om ihc ,llmisi(ni Hotel, some time during last Govern!. cr court, a "uc 'cloth UriUl-CiLlT, but lltHc worn. .'?; a- rson ha cine: said coat, ic id confer a favor on. mc hy replacing it. . GEORGE 1). JfJIJISEV. Kdt,-h::n, Dec. 10, 1-33. ,H ttcst an, we commend tiie foHowi.i; renin rk.- No man was m..r.- tue auvica.te ol t ie u.'slo:i tlian him-elf; but be denied the i ineit:d-!v W Cm not overrate i.ie iv. ;i .eiau i.n.ie..ve c i..t Kinrr in ike decisiou of this matt r. 1 nr., tho St.it". fiid Luis :IV. I aa t!:e..-.':.v- milicu raid iAiti'.s Philip inhd; and he bus time indi-1 u- . this to matrim--ny. of one V'e na.-t lz the pardon of our Yourrr Stulent, and of the Con ii a People for delay ie their ceiu mimiv a'Joi.s anotht-r wee!:. We have rece-v d several letters from Job Tinker or M"j. Tinker, as we mi ler.-tand l.e disvrts himseh i ii cy art. cat.-u " I.o.cy, s .ac ts row but wilhd so rs .nal t ".t ue tear T 1 n m i.:o. n. r.d are (pi the const-, uenees f tlieir t- si:ici ai.a:r to the vdiant . .c 'er. liotl lid, -hi to r- fr- The Lc-irb-tuie if this S'ate, at its recent fo- ,!i, r.t'n-i. ( i i i'iici. ilather a lir.:r hu.-:!- U:,Ii;;i) IN WPi)LObdC, In this Town, on Thursday eventntr, the x? 1th inst., bv tlie Pev. Ticiles MeDonal!. LP I ICO MITCilPbL, ils.!., M. 1). to Miss dAXid I i i : M i : U S ON, d a uh ler of the late I on. Arciiieabd 1 lendt r.S'i). In this place, on the -J'Jn .i not., by William Cham bers, Usq., Mr. IlUiPi CLILPMltllOPSlI to Miss PP CPCCA WOOD, daughter of Capt. lleb'L WtK.d cf this jtlr.ee. These people were as sly ns a meu-o In jdaimmrr for tlieir future pool; And in five minutes they made a HOUSE Out of the bct of WOt )I. On Tuesday the loth Inst, bv the Rev. James Mc llee. Mr. MOSPS A. VfiHTKto Miss MAPCARET CPRllV, s.'cotnl daughter of Maj. Joseph Don-lass, all l'iu::it!ir C'urntc (iuzillc. CIRCULAR. "Whereas, the news of the late very destructive fire in ibis place may have an eiibct injurious to the busines for the remainder of the season, in con sequence of vro:vr impressions i-.i the country ; now, the undersigned, met chants of Cheraw, do I.erebv notify the public, and the planters in the DR. PRICES t- T7' , T ir " T iO -,i 2 r the immediate Relief and radical Care of HERNIA or RUPTURE. pIlK Subscriber, having been legally authori--- zed to vend and apply Dr. Price's celebrated Improved Patent Metallic Truss, in the States of North Carolina and Virginia, takes pleasure in presenting to the citizens of those Stales, the ad vantages of this highly approved and celebrated Instrument ; for which purpose he is now visiting the principal towns cf those States, remaining a lew weeks in each, at which time all persons wish in cr to be relieved of tb.e danger and iiicotivcnieuce of Rupture, will make application. In offering tho TRUSS to the afdicted of Hup ture, we do it, confidently believing from the suc cess Dr. Price has had in curing Ruptures of long staudimr, and of every description on one or both sides, old and young, and the testimony of the highest authority in favor of its superior utility, that it is the most valuable Instrument for their use. It can be worn with convenience, day and ni ..Lt, which in the estimation of the most distin truished Surgeons, is essentially important to ef fect a permanent and speedy cure of Rupture. No cure, no pay. The poor relieved gratui tously. JAMES II. OLIVER, M. I). Here follow numerous Certificates. The Subscriber is authorized by Dr. Oliver to apply this Truss on the conditions above mention ed, viz : no cure no pay. ASHBSL Sr.IITII, November 21, lSoo. Salisbury, N. C. i . i - i i i i ...... i , i . n ...v .-till fr-..-i,"Tif ciu'ics iue I..-1U air v iy j'suui .u.irs, inu cAieu-ivo in-n count 1'V paiaicuiarix , initi ioe;i: soo ivni.uto i.-- r ii.i .s m Tei.nessoe, an I tlir-m-.!i a 1 irgo section of tire .duce, "and there is'd .ilv arriving, every variety of most fvtile part of North Carolina, which embraces the , lJ"M1j!s Wares nnd Merchandise, in the greatest Cold Rojili.a of sjid State, and tho inexhaustible Iron , ' ? . ...;it .n --'. tnw . , ... ; . ia.-cc, w liicli v. e ol seii tin a ia i.i ao.e ti.rnis 3lines m tkirho and Jane mi counties. ..... , .i..,.;..i.' 'i':an,,,,.f.!,o..M,r,.o;rilT,ao1 i,, us wc have always been ia too habit of Doing. transMiittod to Col. (bidsden, at Coltunbia, and tint the citizens ef Voth, Chester, and Fairfield be invited to co-e iterate v. Ith this meeting. D. RIILN'ilARDT, J p.. pnxiiV' : L. THOMPSON, 'Committee. J. T. AI.IXAM)i:il, P. RO LEI ITS, J Drorvir.vn 11, 1V Col. J.!m Hebe beln absent, Robert Williamson, Psq., was called to take the Chair. The mooting then adopted the f dlowmrj Resohitioti : Tiie citizens of Lincoln county at this meeting have b ard iho Report of lln-ir CoiniiiUtee on the subject of the loute i f tlio Rail Road fn m (hiarle.-ton to Cincin nati, and fully concur in sai l R-:ert; .and request the Secretary to transmit these proceed nigs, with a copy of the Report of the committee, to Col. Cadsdon. at Co lcmb'.i, S. ('., a:i I that the Se-a-tary inf.rm tlie citi .ens t f York, Ciiester, and Fairfield of these proceed ings. 'jy sn7ir?. That these proceedings be forwarded to the- Editor of the Watchman, at Salisbury, f.r publica tion; and that the Western Carolinian, Miner's Journal at Charlotte, and the Yorkwbe r.n.! Columbia, S. C, pa-, pers be rc-ie-ted to publ'sh the same. 1 POPEUT WILLIAMSON, Chairman. Damij P.limi.uidt, Secretary. 'Ve will also pay the higb.est prices for Cotton and other produce which may be broimht to this mar ket ; and we confidently rely on our former frionds and correspondents to continue their conibbmeo, support end bo does"; with t: s : r.:d te.at we shall not (with our other losses) have to deplore the de struction of the trade of the place from any mista ken notion that we are unable fully and satisfecto rilv to meet the wants of tiie whole Pee Dee coun try. . . , "En cost e o McKay, Drown Bryan, Jn?. V, rint, . Muirbend Co.," IVii.K LoSg, L 5c C. Powa !h M. ec R. Ilailey. dolm Evans ec Co., A. tV: R. dd -Konzie, Chuke" ec Smith, L. S. Drake, David P. vudeisoti, Miilcom Duchai.an, J. Lazarus e'e Co., N. S. Punch, R. C. Davis, R. II. Crockett Co., M. .M;acde:m, L G. TvIcKe'izie, 1). cc J. Ma'doy, G. II. Dunl in, J. ec W. Eeuk, Scott tV K eider. Jo- j osepn Peers. T. IL Tibleu, v MeKeimh-, Jr., (MHulrieh ov oi;t, Join n;uewoo,i...s.T;i Ilervey. McKeu.ie N Adiuns Frai-klin Turner, Daniel" Johnson. John G. McLendon, D. P. McAl u, A. Pdue, J. L Wi-tervelf. Cill it.vw, S. C. 1-th Dec. d fj A E just received, and are now opening, at - their Store at tlie North-west corner of the Courthouse square, in the building occupied as the Mansion Hotel, a lare and splendid assortment of ITtiU and IVhiicr Goods; Embracing almost every article in the line of Dry-Goods, Hard-Ware. Cutlery, Crocke ry, Gliss-ivare, Hats, Shoes, Medicines, Pa -ids, J)ycStns, ami Groceries, Usually kept in Mercantile, establishments, which they i fie r for sale LOW for cash, or on credit to punctual dealers. AH hinds of Country Produce taken in pay ment, and for --which the "highest prices will be tlIOWf.il, Salisbury, Nov. 2S, lS:Jo. N extensive stock of PLANKS of every kind, 1 i. neatly printed, on line paper, kept constantly on 'lillSO 11 ICE. a nu nd ier ', at 'o :fei42sa:l? a sis! other. 4 LA IK IE OPANTlTYuf excellent whim WR m CO- A few of the 3IercliaitU uie ubs.ent from j PiNU i'APER. of new -spy per size, new oa band O