The Wclcni Carolinian. BY ASI1BEL SMITH &, JOSEPH W. HAMPTON TEKM3 OF ri'BUCATIOS. 1. The Western Carolinian m pnlI every Sa Ttov, at Two Dollars per annum it' paid in advance, or Two Dollars and Fifty CenLj if not paid before the expiration of three months. 2. No paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the discretion of the Editors. 3. Subscriptions will not be received for a less time than one year ; and a failure to notify the Editors of a wi-ih to discontinue, at the end of a year, will be consi dered aa a new engagement. 4. Any person who will procure six subscribers to the Carolinian, and lake the trouble to collect and tran-uut their subscription-money to the Editors, shall have a pa Ier gratis during their continuance. 5. fjj- Persona indebted to the Fdifors,inay transmit to them through the Mail, at their ri.-k provided they fret the acknowledgment of any respectable person to prove that such remittance was regularly made. TERMS OF AIVF.KTISIN. 1. Advertisements will be conspicuously and correct ly inserted, at 50 cents per square for the first insertion, and '.3 cents fl.r each continuance : but, wlere an ad vertisement is ordered to co in only twice, i i cts. will be charged for each msertio.i. If ordered for one in sertion only, Si will in all cases be charged. '2. Person who desire to entrae by tlie your, will be accommodated by a reasonable deduction from the above charges for transient custom. TO CORRESPONDENTS. 1. To insure prompt attention to letters addressed to the Editors, the postage should in all cases be paid. To Country Merchants. Till' Subscriler begs leave to inform his cus tomers and friends generally, that he is now receiving his Fall supply of Goods; which con sists of a general, heavy, and well selected assort inent of Hardv.nie A; Culicry HATS AND SHOES, 23i" ami 3ffcIieinc? m in Without further ennumcration, Iiis Stock com prises almost every article now in common use in this country It is inferior to none in Faycttevillc. 3 C. J. OR HELL. N. 15. Personal and strict attention will be Riven to the receiving and forwarding Goods ; receiving Cotton and other Produce for Storage, Sale, or Shipment as the owner may direct. C. J. O. Erick Row, Ilaymount, l'aycttoville, September 10, 1H35. Cm " PJM'UBLl CATION OF THE London, Edinburgh, Foreign, and Westminster, HVXWVVaWIX kkvikws. rill IE numbers of each work are published separately. JL and f rm an exact reprint of the original copies. They are issued as on oTor they arc received from Huron:, as is consi.-tc-nt with their proper publication. Price fbr the whole series, comprising the regular numbers of the Imdon, Edinburgh, Foreign, and West minister Reviews, jsS per annum. Those who take less than the whole, the terms will be as follows: For three of them 7 per annum. For two " 5 For one " 3 " These subscriptions are invariably to be paid within three months from the time of subscribing. Otherwise an advance cf 25 per cent, will bo made ujon the sub scription price. Subscribers at a distance must enclose at least one half of the year's sidscription in advance, otherwise a se cond number will not be sent the terms leing so low as not to justify any hazard in ohlammg payment. Any individual forwarding .830 free of charge, Iiall have five copies of the entire t-eries of this re-publication sent him for one year. It may be well for American readers to understand that although these publications purport to be issued at regular intervals, they do not frecpiently appear for ma ny" weeks, and even month. from the time indicated on their covers. They will be ro-publi.-hed here as soon after they are received as it is possible to re-print them in ono of the most extensive and effective printing es tablishments in the city of New York. THEODORE FOSTER, Publisher and Proprietor, No. S) Pine Street, N. V. Advertisement! Peak Sins: 1 wish you to give the following Li bel three insertions in your pnor, viz.- "I hereby certify, that whereas, I have charged Jesse Elmore with stealing money out t f my pocket-book: I hereby acknowledge that the said charge was without cause, and do fully acquit the said El more of the above charge altogether, b.M.g under the impression, that to express an opinion against nnv man was not actionable. Given under my band and eal ; tliis 2nd Mav, 183."). (Signed.) " V A LENTIXE CLEM MEU." I have enclosed you the money for publication, and hope you will not neglect it, as the tongue of tdander should be silenced. Thr original of this Libel has leen proven and registered in Lincoln County Court. Yours, with respect, JESSE ELMORE. Pec. 19, 1835. P- Five Cents Reward ! "f ANA WAY, from the Suhscrilr, on Sunday, the 22nd ultimo, SAMUEL GREEN, an in dented Apprentice to the RIack-smith trade. Said Green is 19 years old; 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high; stout built; dark hair, and full-ficed. He had on, when he left me, a light mixed coat and blue lin .v pantaloons. The above reward will be given to any person w ho will apprehend and tlolivcr said Green at my house in Cabarrus county. And I forwarn all persons not to employ or harbor said Green, as I intend to enforce the law against any one who may do so. JOHN LIVINGOOD. Cabarrus Co., Dec. 19, 135. . 2 4 QUANTITY of Foolscap, and WrapV - ping PAPER, best quality manufactured at the Salem Paper Mill, now on hand and for sale at THIS OFFICE. Novem!cr 2, 1835. tf ISLiAAKS. 4 N extensive stock of BLANKS of every kind, j neatlv printed, on lino paper, kept constantly on and and f.r sale, at TIIISO FFICH To Jlcrclmiitx, and other. VI.ARGK QUANTITY of excellent white WRAP PING PAPER, of newspaper size, now on hand & .siLVi:ir-s.inxDi, RESPECTFULLY in forms his Friends and the Public, that he still conti nues to carry on the above business, in all its various branches. His Shop is still kept on the Main-street, in Salisbu ry, ono door above the Store of Samuel Lcmly & Son. Watches and Clocks of every kind will be REPAIR I'D with neatness, at short notice, on reasonable terms, and Warranted for 1 2 Months. He will always keep on band a variety of arti cles in his line; such as Patent Lever Wall'IlCS, (English, French, Swiss, and Dutch.) Gold and Plated Fob Chains. (Sold and Plated Watch Guards. Gold and Plated Watch Keys. Gold and PJatcd Watch Seals. Gobi liar-bobs, Ureast-pins, and Finger-rings, flatest fashion.) Silver Ware; Ever-pointed Pencil Cases, and Leads. Silver Spectacles, and steel frames and classes Fine Pocket and Dirk Knives, and Silver Fruit Knives. Pocket Pistols and Dirks. Hreast-Buttons and Musical Coxes. Gilt and Steel Watch Chains and Kcvs. OCT OKI (Job! and Silver taken in exchange for articles purchased at his shop, and in payment for work done and debts due. Lf. 1j. l Salisbury, August 22, 1835. - If The Lincoln Cotton llniiiifhctiiriii Company I ESPECTFU LLY inform the Public, that by a-J mutual consent, the company have dissolved their Co-Partnership, and that they now inform all those indebted to said Company to make im mediate payment: and all Agents to close their agencies as soon as possible. And all those ha ving demands ngainst the company, to present tbem for settlement to James Ilivings. HOKE, SCIIENK, & IUV1NGS. Lincolnton, Dec. 5, 1835. p5 nnilE sixlh Session of my Classical School, near -"- Ileatties l ord, Lincoln County, N. C, will pominence on the first Monday in January, 183G UO It CUT G. ALLISON. December 12, 135. tc TO TEACHERS OF YOUTH. V TEACHER who can come well recommend ed will find Salisbury an advantageous situation for a school. The applicant should be a good Greek and Latin scholar, and capable of prepar ing a pupil for the Sophomore Class of the State university. CO" Further enquiries can Ikj made of the Edi tors of either newspaper at this place, and letters post-paid will be promptly attended to. Salisbury, N. C, Dec. 12, 1835 THE LINCOLNTON NEWS. Truth our guide The Public Good our aim." The Subscribers, believing that some channel of com munication is wanting in Western Carolina thro which its citizens can interchange freely their opinions upon the various subjects of Politics, Ileligion, Literature, anJ the Mechanic Arts, propose to publish in the Town of lincolnton, a Weekly Paper under the above title. True there are papers in Western Carolina, but in the weal thy and populous section of the State west of Salisbu ry there is none. We believe, from our knowledge of the intelligence of the people of that .-section ot the State, that they can, and will support a piper; and we therefore are impelled to the undertaking, fully relying upon their liberality for such a measure of support as we n ay deserve. In projHsals of this kind, it is usual for those who make them, to set forth their political principles; and though we are not politicians by trade, le-t our silence upon this subject might be construed into a want of can dor, we will briefly give an expose of our political opi nions: As t lie first article in our political creed, we place the accountability of those who exercise power to those who give it. We believe our government to be one of limited powers, and that those w ho are entrus ted with its administration have no right to exercise any, but such as have been delegated to them by the leople, and tsucli as are clearly set forth in our written Constitution. We will therefore onimse all encroach ments upon the rights of the people, let them come from whatmnrtcr they may, and will sound the alarm when ever danger approaches. We will contend for econo my in the administration of both our Federal and State Governments, ami will oppose all lavish expenditures of the public funds, believing as we do, that money in the hands of Lad rulers is the most dangerous cnarme which can be brought to bear ujon the liberty of the people. With regard to ihe approaching Presidentia elec tion, we arc decidedly opposed to the nominee of the Riltimore Convention, and will zealously, and firmly oppose his election. We are opposed to the Caucus Sys tem, let it be named what it may. We believe the people, and the people alone are the proper depositories of power, anil that they, and they alone have the right to select their public servants. We have thus briefly, and candidly laid down our political principles, and we will maintain and support them with limine, but at the same time, with a re sprclfiil attention to the opinions of those who may dif fer with us. Our paper we intend to be free, and un shackled, and will therefore give place to well written communication?, let them come from what party they may, so that they be free from low invective and abuse, which never sulserve the n-reat object we have in view in the discussion of political questions, the truth, but always have a tciiJency to degrade, and lower the pui'lic press. The adoption of nn enlightened and vigorous system of improvement by our State, hirhterto so much ne lected. being necessary, as well fl.r the prosperity indi vidually or our citizens, as for tfie Mate at large, every measure tending- to this end shall receive the cordial support of the "NRWS." We will devote a portion of our paper to Agricul ture, Literature, Ileligion, and such other matters as are usually found m a miscellaneous weekly naner. Our object will le to have something for the palates of an, snu wc win take tins occasion to request those who have leiznre, and who are friendly to our undertaking. to favor us with communications upon any subject of iuiereu The paper will be issued the first of March, upon a fine medium sheet, printed with fair type, at jk2 per annum, payable ujhhi the receipt of the 2nd number. Advertising at the usual rates-. ziivrciw fc WEST. SALISBURY, Dec. f, 1S35. Editors throughout the State, friendly to the undeo taking, will confer a favor, by giving the above a few in.rtion?-. OCT" Subscriptions received at this Oilicc. A Splendid SLiine of Hacks, FROM Salisbury. (IV. C) to Kalciglt, (A.C.) 4 NXTOUS to afford every facility to tbe Travelling IX. Public, now announce that they have completed all their arrangements and can with truth say. We jtre- sent you with a Line of Hacks possessing advantages over any other, if you wish to gel on with ease and despatch having obtained that great tlesiaeratum w im all Travellers no detention on the road. It is so ar ranged as to correspond, in its arrivals at Raleigh, with the departure of the following Stages, viz: The dreat l)a v lane to lilakelv. JNortli-CJarolma, passing turougu Loufsburg, Warrcnton, and Halifax; at the latter place a Line of Stages communicates with the Portsmouth Itail-Koad for Norfolk: by continuing on to Blaklcy, you strike the Petersburg Rail-Road; and on your ar- rival at that place vou have tlie choice oi iu w either by land to Washington Citv, via. Richmond and. Fredericksburg, or by Steamdiiat to Norfolk. There is also a lane of Sta-res from Raleigh to Norfolk, via. Tarloroii'rh. Murfreesboroucrh. Winton, &.C., over one of the best Xatnral Roads in the United States. At Norfolk there will be no detention, as there is a line ol Stea-n-IJoats for Baltimore in connexion with this line. This connects with one from Raligh toNewbcrn. The arrivals at Salisbury is regulated altogether by the departure of the Piedmont Line South, and the Croat Western Line for Nashville, Tennessee, via Lincolnton. Rutherfordton, Ashevillc, Knoxville, &c. leaves the Mansion Hotel. Salisburv,TUFSI)A Y an: SATURDAY at J o'clock, A. M. after the arrival of the Piedmont Stage from the South arrives in Raleigh next days at 0 o'clock, 1. M. leaves Raleigh 1 bhb DAY and SATURDAY at 2 o clock, A. 31., arrives in Salisbury next days by 1 o'clock, I. M. allowing suf ficient time on the road for S' L U E 1 . Cc- The Hacks are Albany make, entirely new, and cannot be surpassed for com tort and ease ; tlie Teams are excellent, the Drivers careful and attentive, and the Fare low onlu SFYKX DOLLARS all inter mediate distances 7 cents per mile. Passengers from the South who wish to take our Line will be careful to enter to Salisbury only. OCT All BuuJlcs and Packages at the risk of the owners. WILLIS MORING, JOSEPH I MORING. P.S. 77is Line, from Salisbury to Ifullimore is $3 cheaper than any other. April 11, l3o. tf The Fa. e from Raleigh to Washington City amounts to 819 50, a folloics: From Raleigh to Rlakley, Stage Fare, . . . J&7 IJIaklev to Petersburg, Rail-Road Fare, 3 Petersburg to Richmond. Stage Fare. . 1 50 Richmond" to Fredericksburg, Stage Fare, 5 Fredericksburg to Washington City, Steam ISnat Fare, ..... 3 The Steani-IJat Fare from Petersburg to Baltimore, via. Norfolk, is Four Dollars. Lilncolnton JfTalc Jlcadcmy ''jnilK Suhscrilicr respectfully nnuouncc-j to Pa -- rents and the friends of youth generally, that he has made arrangements to take charge of this Institution, and that the exercises will commence on the first Monday in January next. Dei tig -j whclly unconnected with any other pursuits, he promises to devote his attention exclusively to the Imsiness of teaching, and will spare no pains to interest the minds of those placed under his care so as to render instruction at once delightful and profitable. (Jreat care will be taken to prevent the formation ol idle and dissolute habits, ana i punctual attendance to the duties of the Institu tion will be rigidly required. As the opinion to some extent prevails, that too, . - . 1 I I c much lime is spent in acquiring a Kiiowieugc o words, the Subscriber would observe that in hi: course of instruction on classical literature, a mi nute analysis of words will be taught, with their combination in the construction of sentences, am every thing pertaining to a thorough acquaintance with those beautiful and important Languages o Antiquity. The following will compose the course of stu dies, viz : (lould's Latin Grammar, Latin Reader, Virgil, Cicero, Salhist, Horace, ((ould s Ldjtio Lxpur gata,) Goodrich's Greek Grammar, Greek Rea tier, Greek Testament, Xenophen, Grcca Majora, Day s Algebra. It is hoped that the well known salubrity of Lincolnton, the industrious and moral character of the citizens, together with the cheapness and excellence of board, will insure to this Institution, a liberal share of public patronage. r-r ! - pi - mm mt mm mm mm W mmA Languages and .Mathematics, per Session of 2:1 weeks, - - - 810,00 Lnglish Grammar, and Geography, - - 7,50 J. A. WALLACE November 25, 1835. Gw mm FOR 135. HORACE II. BEARD, Tailor, leave to inform his friends, and the public in general, that orders in his line will always lo thankfully received by him, anil executed in the most Neat, Fashionable, ami Durable manner on orins as reasonable as any in this section of coun try. II. II. R. hopes, from his long practice of his business, (a nundier of years of which time he resided in the city of Philadelphia,) and from the general satisfaction he has heretofore given to his numerous resjectable and fashionable customers, to merit and receive- a portion ol the patronage of the puDiic in general. (T He Hatters himself that his CUTTING is really sujtorior to any done in this State, as may be tested by the undisputed elegance of fit which attends garments made in his establishment. lie is in the regular receipt of th Reports of the Fa shions as they change both m the large cities or this country and of EtirojM? so that gentlemen may be satisfied that their orders will always be executed in the very latest style. Orders from a distance will be attended to with the same punctuality and caro as if the customci were present in person. Salisbury, September 19, 1835. ly. BLUM'S AUOLLA and VI KO IX I A Calculated for the meridian of SALEM, JV. C V SMALL SUPPLY of the aUne Al manacks liave ben received, and may be had at THIS OFI'IfK Price 1U ccnt-i per copy ts. Mm U VALUABLE o N the 30th instant, I will expose to public sale, on the premises, if not sold at private sale be fore that time, the following Property : All my Wihiablc Lands Lvinir in .Mecklenburg county, on the Avaters of the Catawba River and Long Creek, 12 miles to the northwest of Charlotte, and 12 miles below Deattio's Ford, containing 720 Acres 400 cres on which I now reside, and 320 Acres in another Tract on Long Creek. A portion of the tract on which I live is under good cultivation ; and the tract on Long Creek well adapted to the settlement of two families in low circumstances. Also at the same time, 7 or 8 Very Likely Negroes, Three of the number most valuable FELLOWS. My stock of HORSES. HOGS, CATTLE, SHEEP, FARMING UTKJVSILS, and a (iianfift of GRJlIW A credit of from one to five yers will be given, the purchaser giving bond with approved security. If an opportunity oilers, previous to tbe above day, I will sell the above property at private sale, on very advantageous terms. JAMES S. LATTA. Mecklenburg Co. Dec. 10, 1S35. p2 V ALU AB LE LANDS Em tlie Blarliet ! T Y Virtue of a Deed of Trust to me executed, by William Dismukes, for the purposes there in expressed, I will exjtose to Public Sale, in the Town of Wadesborough, on Tuesday, the IQtt day of January next, tlie following TRACTS OF LAND. TRACTj Contain k 21 "21 0 Acres, Lying on the Gold Mine Branch, known by tlie name of tbe Pinion Land ; this Tract has GOLD on it, as several pieces have !een found by Mr. Dismukei and others ; the soil is suitable to Ihe growth of Corn, Wheat, and Cotton. ojvii rm.ACri Containing 35 Acres, The one-third interest, the other two-thirds be loneinj; to Jacob Austin, and the heirs of Jona than Austin, which can be bought on reasonable terms. This Tract contains the celebrated Gold Mine where a piece of Gold weighing i2( Ills, was found. This Mine has yielded upwards of Ten Thousand Dollars worth of Gold without the aid of machinery. 1 am confident this amount, or more, could be gotten from this mine, if pro perly worked by men of science, and the know ledge of -Mining. b:E TRACT, Containing 100 Acres, Known as the Jesse Harnett Tract ; it is excellent Land and under good improvement. Terms of Sale, Cash. ALEXANDER W. BRANDON, Wadesboro', Nov. 23, 1S35. (7t) Trustee j5,3 egroes : On the first day of January next, WILL Hire, at the Courthouse in Salisbury, for one year, to the highest bidder, on the usu I al ternu, about Belonging to the Estate of Dr. Stephen L. Fer rand, deceased. And at the same time and place, I will Rent, for one year, the Dwellinsr-House and Lots, with all the improvements thereon, in theTownoff Salisbury, formerly occupied by the deceased. Also, I will Rent for a like term, several unim proved Lots in said Town. R. M A CN A MARA, Administrator. December 1, IS 35. 4t 13 C J TX pursuance of an Order of the County Court of Davidson, I will expose to Public Sale, at the Courthouse in Lexington, on the i?th day of January, 183(, consisting of Boys and Girls, belonging to the es tate of Catharine r rank, deceased. A credit of twelve months will be given; the purchaser giving bond with approved security. PHILIP GRIMES, Aministrator. Lexington, Dec. 7, 1835. ts SVi.c ot "SovVVv-CaYoYma : LINCOLN COUNTY. uVorcrnhcr Term, 1835. In Equity : Melchesidick Robinson, et. al. vs. Petition. John Robinson, et. al. j IT appearing, to the satisfaction of 'the Court, that Jjicob Iloyle and Leach, his wife, are not inhabitants of this State : It is therefore ordered and decreed by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the Western Carolinian, for them to be and appear at our next Court of Equi ty to be held for the County of Lincoln, at the Courthouse in Lincolnton, on the 0th .Monday af ter the 4th Monday in March next, to plead, an swer, or demur, otherwise Judgement will be en tered up against them, and the Petition heard ex parte. WILLIAM WILLIAMSON, c.m.e. Dec. 12, 1835. (pr. fee 82 10.) p6 Notice! 4 LL persons indebted to the estate of Elias Mil ler, dec.'d, are hereby reouested to make im- iiiwihiu jmij nit in. j. 1 lost; uuving claims win pre sent them authenticated according to law, or this . : ...:u 1 1 , :., rii I -ii iiuun; win uu I'ltrciu 10 nar 01 recovery. f r ii'i tttnii.-i . j. i . iAjiiiij?, .dniiuislratpr. December 12, Is 35. p3 Rcc-kiY itli's A 11 1 i-Iy spcpl ic IP II 2i IL S o TT7E extract, from the Hand-bills accompanying each Box, the following testimonials to the efficacy of this valuable Medicine : Frofft the Rt. Rer. Levi S. Ires, D. D., Bishop of JVorth Carolina. IlAtEioir, March 2, 1835. Having, for the last three years, been intimately acquainted with Dr. John Beckwith, of this City, and enjoyed his professional services, 1 take plea sure in stating that his character as a Christian gentleman and experienced Physician, entitles his testimony, in regard to the use of his Anti-dyspeptic Pills, to the entire confidence of the public. My experience of the good etlects of these Pills, for two years past, satisfies me of their eminent value, particularly in aiding in impaired digestion and warding off bilious attacks. Having been for a long time subject to the annual recurrence of such attacks, 1 was in the habit of resorting for security against them, and with a very partial suc cess, to a liberal use of Calomel or blue Pill. But since my acquaintance with the Anti-uyspeptic Pill of Dr. Beckwith, which he prescribed in the first instance himself, I have not been under the necessit- of "using Mercury in any form, besides, being wholly exempt from billious attacks. Seve ral members of my family are experiencing the same beneficial fillets. L. S. IVES. From Gorernor Iredell. August 21, 1835. Dr. Beckwilh's Anti-Dyspeptic Pills have l-ecn used in my family, which is a large one, with the most beneficial ellects. A number of my friends who have been afllicted with the Dyspepsia, and other disorders of the stomach, have spoken to me in strong terms of the relief they experienced from this remedy. Without the evidence I have received from others, my intimate knowledge of the professional and private character of Dr. Beck with, for the last twenty ycais, justifies me in de claring, that he would give no assurances of facts of his own experience, or of professional deduc tions, of which he was not perfectly confident, and on which the public might not safely rely. JAMES TllEDELL. From the Hon. George E. Badger. Raleigh, Nov. 7, 1634. For several years past, Dr. Iieckwith's Anti Dyspeptic Pills have been used as a domestic me dicine in my fa mil'. 1 have myself frequently used them for the relief of head-ache, acid and otherwise disordered stomach, resulting from im prudence or excess in diet, and 1 have had many opportunities of learning from others their etlects, when used by them for like purposes. My expe rience and observation justify me in saying that the relief afforded by the Pills is generally speedy, and almost always certain that they may be ta ken at any time without danger or inconvenience, and thMr operation is attended by no nausea or disagreeable effects whatever and though I have known many persons use them, I have known none wiio did not approve them none who sustained any injnry, and none who failed to derive benefit from their use. And upon the whole, I do not hesitate to recommend them as an agreeable, safe, and efficacious remedy in Dyspeptic afiVt:ti(nsi and beliere them myself to be the best Anti-dyspeptic medicine ever offered to the public. G. E. BADGER. (r A constant supply of these Pills on hand and for sale, at THIS OFFICE. September 5, I S35. niG "VnLL be sold, at the Courthouse door in Salis bury, oa the 1st day of January, 183(3, un-v der an Order of the Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions for the County of Rowan, Four IVcsfrwcs, The property of Joseph Burner. A credit of six months will be given, the purchaser giving bond with approved security. BURTON CRA1GE, Guardian. November 28, 1835. tf Current irice of" Produce, Jfcc AT SALISBURY. December 23, 1635 Bacon, . , , . Brandy, apple, , peach, . Butter, . . , Cotton, in seed, , clean, CcfTee, . . . , Corn, . . . . 10 a s Molasses, . . . 25 a CtVXails, . . . a 40 Oats, . . . . 121 a fork, . . . a 3 Sugar, brown, rentm. Cllt. 50 9 a 10 20 a 25 00 a m 18 a 20 a 1J5 10 8 a 20 80 a 100 SO a 35 . 12 a 13. loaf, . , , 10 a 18 Salt, . . . . 30 a 00 Tallow, . . . a 30 ToIkicco, . .000 a 050, Wheat, (bushel) . 100 I Whiskev, . . . Feathers, . Flour, . Flaxseed, . Linseed Oil, per galIon, 8;l 25 AT CIIERAW, (S. C.) December 15, 1335. Hicon, . A a ft . 10 a" 12 . 14i a Hi . 10 a 17 275 a 300 Beeswax, . Coffee, , . . Cotton, . . . Corn, ... Flax-seed, . . Flour, country, do. northern, Feathers, . . Iron, . . . 10 a 18 Sufar, brown, 14 a 17; do. lump, . . 13.J a 1 1' do. loaf, . . - 00 a 02 Salt, per sack, .100 a 120 do. bushel. a in .750 a 000 Cotton BaETfrinir,. 29 a 3S . 725 a 750. Bale Rope . . 11 a 12 . 35 a 30 Wheat, . . . H.4 115. 4 a 5.',;Wool, . 10 a IS 40 a 4T Molasses, 40 a 451 Whiskev, . RATES OF EXCHANGE At the Merchant's Bank of S. Carolina, at Chcraw J Checks on New York, . per cent. prem. do. Charleston, . per cent, prem. VT COLUMBIA, (S. C.) Eecember 10 1835. Bacon, 10 a 12i;I.ard, . 12 a 14 . 37 a 40 .KKfa 950 .275 a 300 . 75 . 09 a 11 Brandy, peach, apple, Beeswax, . . Butter, . . . Cofleo, ... Corn, . . . Cotton, . . . Flour, . Iron, ... 75 (Molasses, . . 40 a oOjMackercl, . . 15 a lO.Salt, in sacks. . 25 a 31 bushel. 15 a 10jSurar, brown, . 70 a 75 loaf &, lump, 18 a 22 A'n a 141 Tallow, . . . 11 a 12 9tX) a 950: Teas, . . . .100 a 121 . 5$ a 5ij Whiskey, . . . 40 a 45 AT FA YETT E VI LLE. December 17. Bacon, . . . Bi'andy, peach, apple, Beeswax, . . Coffee, ... Cotton, ... Corn, ... Flaxseed, . Flour, ... Feathers,, . . 9 a 11 Iron, .... 4 a 5 a 50 Molasses, . . . 32 a 34 . 27 a 30 .Vails, cut, ... Og a 7 " 22 a 23 Sugar, brown, . 9 a 11 . 12 a 14 j! lump, . . a 15 . 13 a 14; loaf, . . 16 a 17 . 55 a GO Salt, .... G5a 70 140 a 150 Wheat,. . . . alio .0-50 a 775 WhUkev, ... a 30 aSoAYooh. . . . 10al8

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