o THE WESTE1K CAROI1NIAN. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING A3IS22212i SJStUm AHID D33i?ia Wo 02AI!2i?3)5J EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. JVumbcr 31, of Volume 16 : SALISBURY, IVOIiTXI-CAIlOLINA, JANUARY .83C. o o The AYotern Carolinian. BY ASIIBEL SMITH &. JOSEPH W. HAMPTON TERMS OF 1T15LICATION. 1. The Western Carolinian is published every S.- tirdw, at I wo Dollars per annum if paid in advance, .r 'I'n-n H.IIii-j or,. I V, ,r i 'r.r t if nn nn il lu.f.rn tl, . ' xiiratio of three month i. 2. No paper will be discontinued until all arrearages e paid, unless at tlics discretion of the Editors. are Subscriptions will not be received for a less time (ban one year; and a failure to notify the Editors of a vish to discontinue, at the end of a year, will he consi dered as a new engagement. 4. Any person who will procure fcix subscribers to the Carolinian, and lake the trouble to collect and transmit their subscription-money to the Editors, shall have a pa ler gratis during their continuance. (fCT" Persons indebted to the Fdi tors, may transmit to thrn through the Mail, at their risk provided they get the acknowledgment of any respectable person' to prove that such remittance was regularly made. TEKMS OF A1VKRTISI?G. 1. Advertisements will be conspicuously and correct ly inserted, at 50 cents per square fbrthe first insertion, and 33 cents for each continuance : but, where an ad vertisement is ordered to go in only twice, 50 cts. will be charged for each insertion. If ordered for one in sertion only, 81 will in all cases be charged. 2. Persons who desire to engage by the year, will be accommodated by a reasonable deduction from the above charges for transient custom. TO C0BRF.SPONDEXT3. 1. To insure prompt attention to letters addressed to the Editors, the postage should in all cases 1h? paid. X h e IV t xv 1 o v crn or. INAUGURAL ADDRESS OF GOV. SPAIGHT, fellow Citizens of the Senate and House of Commons : Called by your suffrages to the high office of Chief Magistrate of my native State, I should Ie wanting in courtesy to you, as well as regard to my own feelings, if I refrained from tendering you mv most grateful acknowledgements for this proof of your confidence. Accept, therefore, my thanks for the honor you have conferred upon me. I consider it a duty incumbent upon me to make a declaration of the principles which shall direct my conduct in the place thus intrusted to my ad ministration. In doing so, I shall bo as brief as Hssible. I shall not attempt to elaborate the sub ject, but merely to state those general political max ims, which 1 conceive to be sound and correct. A republican from predilection and education, my course shall be regulated by the great princi ples of that paTty the political creed of a Jtflersnn, a Madison, and a Jackson. That Government is established for the benefit of the people, the wbolo people, and not for a few at the expense of the ma ny, is an axiom indelibly impressed upon my mind, and has heretofore, and shall ever continue to bo, the guide of my political life. Our Constitution has given but limited powers to your Executive. In the discharge of its duties, it shall be my object to pursue such a course as will promote the huppi liess and prosperity of the great body of the peoplo, and the welfare of our common country. In ccmii inuuitios like ours, blessed with republican institu tions, where the sovereignty is in the people, and where every place of trut, and every office is made for their advantage, and is filled directly by them or indirectly bv their agents, and where the laws are but the emanations ot their will, dec lured lv their representatives, virtue and intelligence- ought to pievail. It is therefore one of the primary objects, and by the constitution it is mule the duty of the Le gislature, to diffuse the benefits of education among the people. Any feasible and practicable plan for such a purpose would, so far as the co-operation of the executive might be necessary, receive my aid. To developc the resources of the State, to improve its internal condition, and exalt the moral character of its citizens, belongs to' the Legislative Depart ment. Whenever the assistance of tho Executive shall be required to effect these objects, while I oc cupy the station, that assistance shall be cheerfully rendered. Eeonmy is a virtue in all Governments, more especially in republics. Not a parsimonious saving, but a liberal economy, accomplishing tho greatest benefit with the least exjendit!ire, avoiding waste and profusion, but securing in tho service of the State the most honest and capable oi its citi zens, and obtaining those advantages to the com juuuity that are obvious and palpable. A correct economy draws only so much from the earning of the people as will properly administer their (Jove rn. ...i,t leaving the remainder to be used by them according to the dictates of their own judgment ; thus tend in" to increase the wealth of the State by adding to the wealth of its citizens. Oa the con trary,0 high taxes, and profuse, improvident, and wasteful expenditure upon chimerical and visionary projects, tend to diminish the wealth of the cithtens without adding to the service or resources of the commonwealth. Responsibility and accountability in all public functionaries, has ever been deemed to bo an axiom in the political faith I profess. And if we wish to preserve to ourselves and posterity the blessing of liberty unimpaired, we should never deviate from that maxim. By an adherence to it, we confine all those who hold office and place, to a strict consti tutional and legal discharge of their duties, neither arroTatinT to themselves powers they do not pos ses nor omitting to execute faithfully those that appertain to their stations, never forgetting that they are but trustees in the situation they occupy, for the good of the people. Having stated several general rules, upon which depend the correct administration of republican governments, and in fact that of all good govern ments, I shall now briefly notice those which ecu liarlv belong to our situation, as one of the United States, and which shall be, as they have ever been, principal guides in the determination of my course upon ourlederal relations. I presume, in doing bi, I shall not be accused of intermeddling with affairs not belonging to the office I am about to enter. I might plead in justification, the fashion of the times, but I put it upon higher grounds ; as the duel Magistrate of one of the States forming the confederacy, it is cxjectcd and required of inc. I am in favor of a strict construction of the tow ers bestowed bv our Federal Constitution, limiting the operations of the Inderal (.ovcrnment to the lowers expressly granted, and those necessary and proper to carry thetn into execution a necessity and propriety that must le obvious, not far-fetched, and requiring great casuistry, and fine fpun, meta physical reasoning, to derive them. The exercise of all doubtful powers ought to le carefully avoided. If any one, tho right to exercise which is doubtful, should be esteemed as leneficiul to the coplc, that M)wcr can be obtained by an amendment to the Constitution. Our fathers, knowing that all human institutions must necessarily be imperfect, have wisely declared the mode in which the Federal Constitution might be amended, so as to make it suit the condition and wishes of the jeople at every period. To exercise doubtful powers will cause jealousy and dissatisfaction, and may endanger the Union, the Palladium of our lilierty and safety. That Union which has made us a great, a happy leopIe, resected abroad and prosperous at home. Who is there among us, who docs not congratulate himself in being a citizen of such a government -the inhabitant of a country bestowing so many ad. vantages ? The history of past ages, and tho events of the present, show us tho value of the Union. If it were to be destroyed and broken up, what would be our situation T VV'e should be divid ed into several small confederacies, or into twenty four or more sovereign independent States, each acting for itself sejKirately from the others. Should we not then be like the States of ancient Greece i whose history is a record of war of State with State, of battles lost and won, of towns and cities lx.'sie:red and taken a narrative of human suffering and human woe ? Should we not exchange our present condition of strength, happiness, and pros perity, for weakness, misery and internal dissention? If at any time we should consider ourselves ag grieved by the action of the Federal Government, we ought to bear much, very much, before even a thought of the dissolution of the Union should be entertained. In the language of Je fferson, I would say, " If every infraction of a compact of so many parties is to be resisted at once, as a dissolution of it, none can ever be formed which would last one year. We must havo patience and long endurance with our brethren while under delusion ; give them time for reflection and experience of consequences." A common name and a common fame unite us. We are brethren of the same political family. Let us not then forget the advice of the revered ami illustrious Washington, the father of his coun try, when he admonishes us to consider it of in finite moment that" we "should projerly estimate the immenso valuo of" the " National Union" to our "collective and individual happiness," to "cher. ish a cordial, habitual and immoveable attachment to it," 44 watching for its preservation with jealous anxiety." Such, gentlemen, are my opinions ; and enter taining as I do a most sincere conviction and belief in their truth, soundness, and correctness, I may le pardoned the reiteration, that I shall endeavor to administer the duties of the station I hold accord ing to them. It will be mv inclination, as it is my duty, so to conduct my official actions, as to make the people contented, as far as practicable, with their government, both Federal and State. And if in the progress of my administration, I should so far forget that respect which is due to myself, as well as to the station I occupy, as to cater to the mad spirit of party by attempting to render the people dissatisfied with their Government, I should reproach myself as guilty of a dereliction of duty, and a faithlessness to the trust confided to me. That the Almighty disrnxscr of events and dis penser of all good, may take us under his peculiar guidance, preserve unimpaired, our free institutions, and render us a satisfied, happy, and prosjwrous jeople, is tho prayer I shall ever address to the throne of infinite mercv. (KT A GOOD 'UN J .eg From the New Orleans Commercial Bulletin. Our city bids fair to be full and running over. Al ready is our I,evee lined with forestsof masts, and sooty cylinders the products of a foreign and domestic world crowding our warehouses and shops the dust has be come thickened to a palpable consistency, and thedesert cd streets of cummer pregnant with life, and all so recently carried tiie pale and languid aspect of the sum iner months, now puts on the livery ol busy, and active commerce. The change is exhilirating to the body and mind The springs of life recover their wonted tone and elas ticity and the lull faces, new modes and l.isiiions ot returning emigrants and foreign visitants, furnish ' feast for reason ami a flow of soul." A word on the sub ject of fashions. How true did the Avon JJard, in sneaking ot the servility paid to uus gou, say "iasmons, let them be ever so ridiculous, nay, unmanly, yet wil be followed." We have not a word as yet to say on this subject against the fairer and better sex, for, upon our lives, we have not as yet been able to discover any marked change in their mode for the coming season ; but it hag been impossible not to be struck with the change in the appearance of the selt-styled " lords or ere ation." Pantaloons that make a horrible inroad upon the cabbaging system of the tailor so far good am bury the wearer in their ample folds, fbnn the nether extremity of the tashionalde bipeu wnue upon uie head, with organs ot liod knows what, strongly display ed, stand3 in bold relief tho little crowned chapeau, with its gently curling rim. Here and there, thus ar raved, will be found some additional items to this niov ing picture ; perhaps a hedge-funce of whiskers nobly flankinfir the bristhntr pikes of well greased mou&tacii io. Upon the whole, a figure in which the elements of fashion are so mixed, that you might hold it up to the world, and say, "fti i a thins. IjcI such grotcsoue fashions, "much more honore in the breach than in the observance," be handed over to those little animals called monkey and thus the dignity of a nobler creation will to epared from ridicule "The apparel oil proclaims the man," and it needs but a small legacy of Solomoa'iJ wisdom to I discriminate between the man whom the tailor has made, and him, who shows the lustre of an intellect derived from God. Xntioual Finances. AIISTIiACT Of the lleport of the Secretary of the Treasury made to Congress. " The receipts into the Trcasur, ascertained and estimated, during IS 33, are computed to be US,13U,SS1 07. Ol these, the actual receipts during the first three quarters, are ascertained to have been $:3, 10,81 07. Viz: Customs, 813,01-1,189 20 L;Tnd, y,10G,oj0 -9 Div'dson Rar.k'Stock, 500,160 82 Sales of Hank Stock, CW.SOO 00 Incidental items, 130,520 10 23,4GV?S1 07 Those' during the fourth quarter, it is cxiected will be $-1,1)50 000. Thus, with the balance on the 1st of Jan. 1835, they form an aggregate of 837,323,730 49. The expenditures of the whole year arc ascertained and estimated to bo 818,170.111 07 Of these, the expenditures during the first 3 quarters are ascer tained to have been 13,37G,111 07 Viz: Civil list, foreign intercourtie, and miscellaneous, 2,827,19G 16 7,555,819 41 2,929,219 39 4,750 01 59,150 07 Military service, including fortifi cations, tC. Naval service, .Vc. )uties refunded, , iblic Debt, S13,37G,141 07 The expenditures for the fourth quarter, it is exiecied, will be 4,800,000 00 Thus leaving on the 1st of Janua ry, 1830, subject however to the deduction hereafter mentioned, an estimated balance of money on hand equal to 19,117,593 42 nil.: . : i i .r Aina uiciuues vviiui nus ucreioioiu been reported as unavailable funds, now reduced to about 8 1 ,1 00,000, making the comput ed available balance on the 1st of January, 1830, 818,017,598 00 Computing all the existing charges of every kind on the Treasury at the end of the present year, to be about 87,595,574, the balance of avail able funds, then on hand, would, it is estimated, be sufficient to meet the whole at once, and leave, to be hereafter applied by Congress to new and other purposes, the sum of 810,4o0,024. JJcfore the close of the -ear 1834, ample funds were deposited with the U. States Bank, as Com missioner of Loans, to discharge all the public fund ed debt, which was then outstanding. Of the funds so dciosited heretofore, and still un claimed by the public debtors, there remains in the iKissession of the Hank, the sum of 8143,570 03 The receipts into the Treasury from all the sources luring the year 1830, are estimated at 19,o0,- 000, viz : Customs, 15,250,000 Public Lands, 4,000,000 Hank dividends, and miscellaneous receipt-', 500,000 To which add the la1ance or available funds in the Treasury on the first of January, 1B30, estima atod at 818,017,598, and they make together the sum of 837,797,598. The estimates of expenditures, submitted for all specified objects, both ordinary ami extraordinary, for the services of lou, and including the contm gent for the usual excesses, are, 823,133,010 The imports during the year ending Septemler 30th, 1835, are ascertained and estimated at ylol,- 030,30-. They show, compared with the preceding year, an increase of 8-' 1,509,030. Those during the three past years have on an average been about 812',550,G70. The exports during the past year arc ascertained and estimated at 8118,955,239; of these S98,531, 020 were in domestic, ami 820,121,213, in foreign products. Compared with the preceding year they exhibit an increase ol ? 14,0 18,200. It is a remarkable fact, that of the whole quan tity of land surveyed and otlered nt public sale, from 1789 to 1831, being about 122,000,000 of a crcs, not one-third of it has been sold for any pur pose whatever; and that tho whole receipts, being a little under so0,000,000, trom the whole sales ot public lands during that period, have furnished only a small amount, not exceeding three or lour mil lions of net revenue, beyond the whole cost, in vari ous ways, attending their purchase and manage ment. 15ut a considerable net revenue from them hereafter, if neither given away nor divided, can with safety be expected, and they would then tend to furnish that relief under tho common burdens, and that aid towards the common and legitimate objects of the Union, which were intended to be promoted by their original cession to tho tieuera Government. The whole sales to the close of 1834, deducting about six and one-third millions of acres, which ro verted under our former system, have been only about thirty -seven and a half millions of acres dur ing forty-five years, or on an average, only about three.fourths of a million of acres yearly, for im mediate cultivation, and every other purpose, A bout sixteen millions have been given away, as bounties in the last war, and for schools, colleges, internal improvements, and other public objects in the now States, being together almost half as much as all the sales." In treating of the Surplus in the Treasury, and its disposition, he says : It has been shown that the available balance in the Treasury over ail outstanding appropriations, on the 1st of January, 1830, is estimated at about ten and a half millions; the expenditures for the ensuing year, for all purposes, whether ordinary or extraordinary, enumerated in the sche-'ides at more than twenty-three millions, and the receipts at less than twenty millions. Hence it follows, that ifthe appropriations made, and the revenues received in lt30, shall be as large as the estimates and no larger, the nett surplus now applicable to new and other objects, will probably, in tho course of the ensuing year, become reduced to a sum between six and seven millions. This sum, therefore, would in these events remain on the 1st of January, 1837, as a nett surplus, unexpended and unpledged. j Consequently, most of it could now Ikj applieu to t other purposes, not included in the estimates, aud i liberally aid in promoting any constitutional objects, which Congress may deem most expedient. "An unprecedented spectacle is thus presented to the world of a Government, not only virtually without any debts, and without any direct taxation, but with about one fourth of its whole annual ex penses defrayed from sales of its own unincumber ed and immense tracts of public lands, and no re sort to even indirect taxation necessary, except for the other three fourths ; and the proceeds of that indirect taxation, though largely and freely redu ced, yet accumulating so fast as to require further egislation to dispose of, or invest a considerable surplus on hand. Whether this state of unviable irosperity be justly attributable to the form of our Government, to the administration of it to the character of our people the physical advantages of our country or to all combined, it is a subject of strong congratulation, and exhibits a very re markable phenomenon in the history of taxation and finance. Without dwelling on the primary causes of our fortunate condition, or discussing any secondary ones, such as the great demand and re ward in this country for either labour or capital, the more appropriate inquiry, under these novel circumstances, and on an occasion like the present, seems to be to discover the most judicious course to pursue in using this surplus, or in preventing or regulating its luture accumulation. J he balance now on hand, or anticipated, does not differ so much in amount from that at several prior periods, as to require any extraordinary steps, ifthe same avail able mode existed, of employing it legally and beneficially, without new legislation. There were three former years in our history, viz: 1815, 1816, and 1817, when our balances on land, on the 1st of January each year, were res pectively over 13, 22, and 14,000,000 of dollars, and in 1833, over 11,000,000. Hut these balan ces were either unavailable for a time, or whenev er productive, were soon able to be applied in the discharge of the Public Debt, and thus to prevent longer and larger accumulations, and to save inte- t. In that way being reduced from time to time, they at no other period have exceeded 10,000,000, though on four other occasions they have accumu lated beyond 9,000,000. But, happily for the coun try, it is no longer compelled to part with its re sources to discharge heavy burdens imposed in for mer times; and in the present prosperous state of our finances, it is respectfully submitted, that m or der to reduce the present surplus, there might be first, and judiciously authorized, for purposes not enumerated in any of the estimates, other benefi cial expenditures for objects clearly lawful and use ful. Not considering it the province of this Depart merit, in nn Annual Report, to enter into minute details in relation to the selection of those objects, the undersigned would merely advert to a few promi nent ones, about which no constitutional difficulties interpose ; such as the erection of suitable and ne cessary buildings tor tne use ot the iienerai vio- K ft . .ft vernment, whether in this city or the dille rent States, and the earlier commencement of important works contemplated, and the more rapid completion of others already begun, which arc essentially connect ed with the commerce, tho navy, or the frontier de fences of the country. This Department takes pleasure in stating that the public money continues to be collected and de josited, under the present system of selected Banks, with great ease and economy in all cases, and with renter in some than at any former period. The O m transfers of it to every quarter of the country where it Is needed for disbursement, have never been eflected with more promptitude, and have been made entirely free of expense to the Treasury. The payments to creditors, olliccrs, and pensioners. have Leen punctual and convenient, and the wliol fiscal operations through the State Banks have as yet proved highly satisfactory. Incidental to this, the facilities that have been furnished to the com mercial community in domestic exchanges, were probably "never greater, or at so moderate rates." Under its new valuation, the coinage of gold at the Mint from the 1st of August, 1834, to the 1st of November, 1835, has been 85,471,505, or over treble the amount supposed to have Itoen coined in any previous period of similar length. The ratio has been somewhat lessened the last six months by several causes, of w hich an important one has been the desire to provide more quarter eagles, and a full supply of silver change, to meet the increasing de mand in several States from the withdrawal of sm:vll notes from circulation. The coinage of silver has been extended in the first eight months of this ear to over eight and a third millions of pieces, which is believed to be much beyond the number in the same portion of any preceding year. When Socrates was one day walking through the market, and looking at the various articles offered for sale, he exclaimed, " How many tilings do I not want !" I once had a troublesome visitor whom I tried many ways to get rid of. First, I tried smoke, which he bore like a badger; then I essayed fire, which he bore like a salamander ; at last I lent him five dollars, and I have nut seen him feince. Dcstructioii of IVew York I From the New York Commercial Advertiser of Thurs day December 17, 1;n35. DREADFUL CALAMITY IN NEW YORK. New York has been (or fifteen hours in flames ! They are not yet extinguished. A large section, and that the oldest and most wealthy portion of tho city, is in ruins ; and whether the progress of the Destroyer is yet completely arrested, we cannot tell. Since the conflagration of Moscow, no calami ty by fire, so extensive, and so dreadful, has befallen any city in the world. The fire broke out in Mer- iiant street, in the triangular block formed by Wall, William, and Pearl streets, at about 9 o'clock last inht. A tierce wind was blowing from the northwest, and the weather so intensely cold as to render the efficient working of the engines impos sible. The consequence was, that the fire held the mastery through tl. night spreading with great and destructive rapidity. It was an awful night for New York, and for the country. But we can neither describe the grandeur of the spectacle, nor its terrors, nor the desolation brought more distinctly to view by the morning light. The arm of man was jowerless ; and many of our fellow citizens who retired to their pillows in allluence, were bankrupts on awaking. The fact of the powerlessness or the firemen, from the almost instantaneous congelation of the water, and the benumbing influence of the cold, in creased the consternation which prevailed among the thousands of the agitated multitude who were witnesses of the calamity many of them doomed to stand and see the destruction of their own for tunes, without being able to lift a finger, for the rescue. Fo arrest the flames was at once seen to be impossible, save by the blowing up of ranges of buildings in advance of the fire, that its progress might thus be interrupted. But the difficulty was to obtain powder -none of consequence being allowed in the city. A sufficient supply, therefore, could not be obtained short of the Navy Y'ard whence, also, the Mayor was obliged to send for a strong military force, to preserve property from the swarms ot robbers who are ever ready on such occasions. Such is the confusion that prevails, and such the difficulty of working one's way among the smoke, and fire, and heated ruins, that it is impossible to detail particulars with any pretension to accuracy. cm hi tti side ot vv all-street from Vv llliam-street to East river, including the Merchants' Exchange, and excepting some three or four buildings between Merchant street (formerly Hanover) and Pearl. Also from William to Broad, buildings not destroy ed but injured in the rear. Exchange street, both sides, from Broad street, crossing William to Mer chant street the Garden street Church was em braced in this section. Merchant street (formerly Hanover) both sides, from Wall to Hanover square. v illiam street, both sides, from v all street to Hanover square. Pearl street, lth sides, from Wall street to Coenties slip, including the whole sweep of Han over sounre. Stone street, from Hanover square to the lano leading to the head of Coenties slip. Exchange street, and part of Beaver streets, from Pearl nearly to Broad. Water street, both sides from Coftec -house slip to Coenties slip. Front street, both sides from Coflee-house slip to Coenties slip. South street, from the same to the same. South side of Coffee-house slip, from Pearl street to the East River. Both sides of Old Slip, (including the Franklin market) from Pearl street to the East River. North side of Coenties slip, from Pearl street to the river. Jones's lane, Gouverneur's lane, Cuyler's alley, and part of Mill street. - Seventeen blocks of buildings, of the largest and ' c most costly description, are totally destroyed ; tho large block between Wall street and Exchange place, bounded on the west by Broad street, that between Exchange place and Beaver street, fronting on Broad stiect, and that between Beaver and Mill streets, also fronting on Broad, are greatly injured, and may almost be said to be destroyed, except tho single ranre of stores fronting on Broad street. The number of buildings it is impossible to ascer- ! iriin, but it is estimated between 700 and 1,000. The amount of property destroyed is incalculable. ThosH acquainted with our city will at once per ceive thai nearly the entire seat of its greatest commercial transactions has been destroyed. It is not probable that the destruction of any given sec tion of any other city in the world, of equal ex tent, would have involved a greater destruction of capital, or ruined the fortunes of a greater number of men. The destruction of goods of every de scription that can be enumerated, has been immense; and what yet farther magnifies the calamity is the fact, that the portion of the city thus destroyed is ne which has been alnjost entirely rebuilt within the last five or six years, and was covered on every hand with the most noble and substantial ranges of mercantile edifices perhaps in the world. Before the gunpowder was used in blowing up houses, there were many !oud reports, from occa sional explosure of powder and casks of spirits. Durin the whole night the scene was one of awful terrorrand indescribable grandeur. The drought of the season had contributed to tho combustibility of the matter ; and the rapidity with which houso aftor house, and range after range, were vvrapp-d in flames, were truly astonishing. The wind being h'i"h, large flakes of fire were borne whirling aloft through the dark vault of heaven'with fearful splen dor. From the direction of the wind to which, under providence, the salvation of perhaps the whole city is owing the city of Brooklyn was consider ed in danger ; and the flakes of fire were borno along in quantities beyond Flalbush. The buildings on Exchange place having become involved in the conflagration, the flames communi- i v.

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