"Vri li' Ihe Spire of MfV. From Ikt Nm-Ymk Eig Hmr. A NOBLE ACT, I bata jus beard fibroh,;H a fri'iJ) of a sery gallant mJ heroic ftfrwd by a young qotlsmaf during th bieaafu! Ciofhj;rti;n, find tiwk it i but uliC to him, ta J il l'J t fir frail daman nature, that it aMilJ be mad knmvn : JWnf tluog an of th atr, then pray the devouring eWment, hi ear wf siiM th th aroaiaifif erica of a fi-tiialn, lu whom hr iiit- kwdiaialv rushed. and no bearing from her that br only child, aa infant, waa then in I ha upper part of a house already in 8ma, and w.sihl ineviinMy b burnt up, if soma on, did t instantly fly lo iu rea cts, ha frd bia war up stair, ntrtwithstandrnj the rtpaalad warning oftb Bnmwi.aiHl otor spec Utort, that be would inevitably perih in th at' temot tad there Csind lha innocent in beJ, who, on conscious of iff dnr-r. waa daying wilh it little band, pleased, on doubt, at lha brilliant aeene, (for the room itself waa then on Bra !) I la sciied it, a id baooilv ice4)d in affecting hia escape, restored it to tha embrace of it almost distracted mother, bo, with frantic joy, threw her arm arotin 1 hi ink. etclaiminp. with a heart overflowing with 'gratitude, " My Uod! my God ! thou hast not for taken me r Aa audi heroism ta always aecom Denied by modest v. arvl by feelinz easily overpow trad by a arena like Ibis, ha mails bia eciip" from - tha appbutling crowd with aa much prpcipttaiian a poMib!a but te will, I trust, long have to ret (em ber (and when called to " hit account" find llicm true) tha word of ore of them, exclaiming a ho passed,' for that act stone, you hare guined a plttet in score. ISo reward that could ix oner ad to hint on tarli can equal lha satisfaction that auch deed carries with iu Bui I beg him to re eeivethe following hasty lines aa siy tribute of grst itude for having ennUod our nature by hi gallant action ; I only wish ihcy were more worthy of him aod tha occasion : Brave youth ! thia diwd of thine Uat night Dual honor mora thy aaina Tbun , TTctonmit W th flyftt, Tbou'dot raiaed thy country' fhma. For, to gain the wreath which now I Uy Upon thy youthful head, Not erea envy' loo cue can my One drop uf bluoJ wa ahed. When, to'd npoa the atormy dnep, Tbua walk'at thy watch t night i Or, when in thy "cot" below,aiilp, Thia "babe" will be M in light," And like " the Church" o'er thy path, A "lo. out" kocp for thee; And. if engaged in " bltle' wrath," From daoger'il kp thee free. A " mntkrr'i frayrrt" will now, each night. For thee aaceml on hiifh ; And he will hive, O ! b?A light I Her infut kneclinj; by t Whom she will teach to lip a prayer. And nine iu litte hand, To bg that thou may'ftt be the cure Of Him, " wliom all conmiaod." The author of thi rallant ct wa a young tmn. by tha nane of Loui Wilkin, midilnpinan, returned a few month rincd from the ficthc. The Cdlowing awwihle apeech w delivered by tha Governor of B irbadoea, in opemnft tl eein of tha llouae of Ascmblv " Ppweed on your du tie, gentleman I have no obaerratioa to oili-r on ny Mihject whatever 1 A reiifiou man mE iglandhaa invented Black ing ao pious lhat it wimt ahine on Sunday. Tha republic of Venice were once prevented hv only one vole, from totally abandoning the city and removing to Constantinople- A late article in Sillitnan' valuable Journal, aav, that in P.itter coiintv. Pi., wthin the space of five mile, are found the head waters of the Allegheny, SuMuehanna, and Oeneaee rivers the first flow ing into the gulf of Mexico, the aecond into the Chesapeake, and the third into Lake Ontario. The italic letter was invented it) imitation of the careless hand-writing of Petrarch. Dog stealing is a numeroua and lucrative profes- im ia the Hrjtish .Metrnpoiia.. Latent IiuprovruienU DR. PRICE'S !ITTA.liIalC For tke immediate Relief and radical Cure of L- HERNIA or RUPTURE. rpilE Subscriber, having been legnlly authnri. -- xed to vend and apply Dr. Price a celebrated Improved Patent Metallic Trau, in the Statea of .. i- i tr- . t Iortn Carolina ami Virginia, lake pleasure ii present ini to the citizen of those States, the nd vantages nf this highly approved and celebrated Instrument ; for which purpose he is now visiting the principal town of thoan Stales, remaining a tew weeks in bach, at which time all persona wish ing to be relieved of the danger and inconvenience of Rupture, will make application Iu offering the TRUSS to the afflicted of Rup ture, we do it, confidently believing Irorn the sue ataoding, and of every description on one or both aides, old and young, and the testimony of tlm bighet authority in favor of ita superior utility, that it ia lha moat valuable Instrument for their use. It can be worn .with convenience, day and P'gh ."Mcft in J he estimation of the niost dWm- guitinoa surgeons, is etseniiauy imvinam io el- Joel a permanent ami speedy cure oT Rupture. No cure, no pay. The poor relieved grntui toualy. ' . " JiMIIf. OUVElt, M. H. Herw follow nunn'rou Cortilicate. The Subscrih,!r it auilionaod by Dr. Oiivr t' apply thia Truss oo tltn conditions above im mi m d, vii : bo cur no pav. ASHDEL SMITlC November 21, lS3-. &ilisbury, N. C A. QUANTITY of Foolscap, anj Wrap, ping PAPER, best quality manufactured at the Salem Paper Mill, now on band and for sale at THIS OFFICE. N-vramherBf, 1. . 1- m1 Eiino of Haclrs, IIKlU Naliaburjr, (ft. t) to IlaltUU, (.VC.) I .V!'t' to d every laeUity U B jravrning .1 t iMc now anrnium that U have completed ll thw.r arfnmenuan.l ran with truth f, Ht aurril bNii aaa i ai m turf any uhrr, f ym ? te g H a milk ftm W JfpntcK hav.ng oiKainei trial rreai w"" all Travallera no dtttmtum aa fa rawd. It la ao ar ranged aa to eorreapiiftd, in U amvala at Kaieigi, wun the departiirgi the fSdlowmg BUgea, via : The Great 1 JM m tt .ke v. North-Carolina, pawing turougn V.rre(il.n. and Halifki: at the Utter place Ijiianf litim rummonicate With the Portamouth Rail-Koad 8jt Nnrfidk: by contipuing on w iiej, jiM strike the Petersburg Rail-iUaidi and on your r ivl at that place you lava the choice of two Line either by land to Vhinjrton City, via, Richmond nd rrierKkburg, or tv mm ii io .othhb. m lo a Line of Huge from rUlei(h to Norfolk, via. klurfravMhianMiirh. Winlon. ftcoveron nf iIim h.-l Natural flsniU in the United Hute. At Norfolk there will be no detention, a there i a line of Sieam-ftaiU 6ir Baltimore in connexion with Una line. Thi ImealaoeonoeeU withonafroai Ilaligh toNewbcrn, The arrival t rkliaburv i reffuUted lngather ly lha tirnrtiir f I he Piedmont Line ftonth, and the Great Western Una for Naalivillc. Tenileme, via UrHioloton. R'lllivrfofJUio. Aehcville, Kujiviilc be fHive the Mannion lf.itel.Slii.burv,TUK8DAY ml HATURDAV t 0 o'chek, A. M.-Ufter the arrival of tlie Piedmont Stage from the Booth arrive in Knleigh neit day at 9 n'rlork, P. M. leve Raleigh TUK8 DAY and SATURDAY at 2 o'rlork, A. M., rrive in Hulmbnry next dy by 4 o clock, P. M allowing ur-HcM-nl time on the road ft 8 L K E P . frr- The Hackiire Alhaev mke, entirely new,nd ranmil be onieJ fir conifinrt and eaae; Hie leant ire escellent, the Driver rreful nd attentive, I ml the Fare low-Wy SllVES DOLLARS U wU;r mediate dinUnce i cenU per mile. ftT- Paanuntfer from the South who winh to Uke our Line will be careful to rntfrjo JSaluburg oajf. Or All Bundle and Package at the rik of the ,ner WILLIS MORIXO, JOSEPH L MORINO. P. 8. Tail Linr.from SalUbury to Dal 1 1 mart u S (hrnfr thnn any frthrr. April 11, lli -tf- The Fare from Rnlrigh to Washington City amount i to $19 SO, a Jolltruri : From Raleigh to Blakley, Stipe Fre, . . . 7 IlUkmy to Peternbtirg, Kail-Koad Fare, 3 Petersburg to Richmond, Huge Fire, . 1 SO Richmond to Freilerickaburg, Huge F'are. 5 Frederic kidnirg Ut Wellington City, Steam-fV-t Fare, 3 The Steain-Roat Fare from Pelnrnburg to Baltimore, via. nr!iik, la tour lMlar$. l)YU) Ii. YOQli, ji:vi:u.i:it & kilver-ktiitii RESPECTFULLY in form hi I riend and the Public, that he atill cool nuea to carry on the above buaineas, in all it various branches. s Ilia Shop ia still kept on the Main atreet, in Salubu ry, one door above the Store of Samuel Lenity & Son. WatcheM and Clock nf every kind will be REPAIRED with neHineas, at short notice on reasonable terms, and Warranted for 1 2 Months. He will alwaya keep on hand a yariely of arti cle in hia line ; such aa Patent Lever lYntcllCA, (English, French Swiss, and Dutch.) Gold and Ptiited Fob Chains. Gidd and Plated Wntch Guards, G.ild and Plated Watch Key. Gold and Plated Watch Seals. ....... Gold Ear-boha, Breast-pins, and Finger-rings, (latent f.mhton.) Silver Ware; Ever-pointed Pencil Cases, and Lead. Silver Spectacle, and steel frames and glasses. Fine Pocket and Dirk Kuives, and Silver Fruit Knives. Pocket Pistols and Dirks. Dreast-iliittons and Musical Boxes. - - " Gilt aod Steel W'aich Chains and Keys. 07" Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for arimle purchased at his shop, and in payment for work done and debts due. 1). L. P. Salisbury, August 22, 1835. if LIST OF LETTERS REM AINING IN THE POST OFFICE AT l.lnrolnton, IV C, ON THE FIRST OF JANUARY 1936, A...Y. J. Anew. . R..Mary Blalock, Ephrism A. Brevird, Philip H. Benick, Mary A. Benick, Ephrmn Black, Joshua B'-sm, John I Bxird. C...The Gironor of Lincoln County, Jame Cook, J. cob Connor, Henry Carpunter Miller, Uthern M. Cosstler, Mrs. Chetixn, Jephthea Clark, Jame Cody Soft., Rev. M. Curti. "fl...jaaac Dniiglaia, Mary Davi. . j E... Alexander Edwards, Peter Eaker. F...Susanah Fanagm, Jame M. Forney, Mersu For ney Frederick or WiHism Forney. II Abwilem llouser, Logan Henderson. John T. Hsllett 2, Mary Hooper, James P. Henderson, Stephitn lluson, Daniel IIallmao,Tbo. R. Harris, E. .S. Hayes, David Hoyle. , J...Andrew Jingle, Able Jonas. K...Jacob Keener. K..Jatnes R. IW7. Andrew Ijeonnrd, M.,. Richard V. Weihaux, Cornelias McCor, John Morris, Mitcham, Nncy Morrison, Edwin MuU.n, Elvy M. Mr.Elwco. P...F. Plylee, Ooorge Poplen, Sah L Pogwe, - '1 .Midi let Qim kle. . HJ:icofi Reinhardt, Jame Rhoney, Able N. Robert son, Ely Rhvne, William Ramsey, Philip Reap, William Roburson, Michael Riely. S ..John Sliraimce, VV'iilwm Blade, Jainea M. Smith , 2. David Seagle, Dai Stredwkk, George W. Shires. T...Anderwin Townsend. W..A. L Watts, Thos. Ward 2. Alfred B. Williams, George O. Williams, Peter Wian, James Wetli erspoon. C C HENDERSON, P. M. January L 18-m 3t To Merchants, and others. 4 . LARGE QUANTITYof excellent white WRAP ft. PLVG PATER, of aewpe aixo. now on band is.ilnididj tr ' iS'' i rilanoion Hotql- - DA2jIQ3TTH7" it." o.v - SUttiattk, NORTH CORNERtktVomrtkut, milE Btihecr ber relurn liti sincare inanaa mr ... . i I- iba ssrv liberal Datronag that lia been be- Slowed Upon lb M AIBIW3 IIUI CU l"r ym twelve month. Thi well known estsblishment, ia fitted up in fery respect to accommodate re gular or transient Hoarder, and travelling Oen- tlemen and Families in a manner wnien no con fident caniHit (ail to give the moat entira tifac. lion. He i prepared to furnieh Dining Iloonis, when required, and lome for private familtea, arranged in the most neat, convenient, and com- fortable tyle. tjenllemen ol the nar.wno may alleitd Balibury Ourts, are miormeii mat ne na A How of Olllrra, terv eonvenient to the Court house, and unconnect ed with any mherlniildmg.which is ready forlheir reccptKW. Hia TAULb ue iuruncu ith Ihe best that a plenillul marsei can aie.ru. The D R w"" R'nreshmcnl interior w rftiigcnienta having been .made wit h a gent le man in Favettcvilte M rurnih him reguiany whd the choicet w Hie, uiquors, oic. To Stage Pusscngcrs: THE Btagee on the main No. Iheni and 8aithern Line, Peck, Wellford cV Co., Contractor, and known aa I lie Merchant's Line, srrive at and depart from ihe Mansion Hotel, every Monday, ... 1 ,11 I... '11 I... lain. su. K. 1 uewiay, weooeauajr, i iiuiuj, bin iw. turdav. The splendid Line of Stage direct to Raleigh, Messrs.' W, At J. Lr Mwing ntractra, arrive at this Hotel on Sunday and Wednesdaya, and depart from Ihe same on Tuesdays and Saturdays The direel Line of Stages lo Chera w, 8. C, via. Wadesbnrough, W. Allen, Fjw., Contractor, ar rive on Wednesday and Saturdays, and deport on Tuesdays and Fridays, from this Hotel. Person wishing to secure sests in sny of the shove Stages, will apply to R. W. Long, at the Stage Olhce kept at Ihe Mansion Hotel. RICHARD W. LONG. Salisbury, January, 1, 1838. t -f REePUBLICATION OS TUB London, Edinburgh, Foreign, and Vt$lminMert QUARTERLY REVIEWS. m 1 1 K number of each work are Dobliahed eortelv. 1 am! form an exact reprint of the original coptea, They ire isied fcxm after they are received from turope, is ia consistent with ifieir proper publication. Price for the whole series, compriiinfr the rewuli numbers of the Uimlon, Edinburgh, Foreign, and West minister Keviews, ml per annum. Those who lake lea than the whole, the term will be. follow: For iliree of them $7 per annum. For two . ' 5 " For one " -t These suhsrriptkm Ire invariably to be paid within three month from the tuna if subscribing. Otherwise an ad vi nee of 35 per cvoL will b mad upoa th ub- ac not ion price. eubiicriber at a distance m uat enclose at least one half of the year's subscription in advance, otherwise a se cond number will not be sent the terms being so low as not to lustily any hazard in obtaining payment Any individual forwarding (30 free of charge, shall have five copies of the entire series of tins re-publica tion sent him tor one year. It may be well for American reader to understand that although these publication purport to be issued at regular intervals, they do not frequently appear for ma ny weexs, ana even mnmna iro.n uie tune indicated on tlieir covet. ' They will be m-published her as sum afW they are recuived as it is possible to re-print tltem in one of the miwt extensive and effective printing es tablishments in the city of New York. . . THEODORE FOSTER, Publisher and Proprietor,, No. 25 Pin Street, N. Y. VALUABLE LANDS In the Market! II Y Virtue of a Deed of Trust to me executed, - by Willinm Dismukes, for ihe purposes there in expressed willxpitse to Public Sale, in the Town of Wndesbormih, on Tvetdau, tke 12A dag of January next, (he following TRACTS OF LANI ONE TRACT, Containing 230 Acre, Lying on. the Gold Mint Branch, known by the name of the Pinion Land; this Tracl lis GOLD on il, as several pieces have been found by Mr. Dismukes and others ; the soil is suitable to the growth of Corn, Wheat, and Cotton. o.i: TRJICT, Containing 39 Acrea, The one-third interest, the other two-thirds be longing to Jacob Austin, and the heir of Jona than Austin, which can be bought on reasonable terms. This Tract contain the celebrated finld Mine where a piece of Gold weighing 26 lbs. was found. This Mine has yielded upwards of i en tlmysnndjillsrs worth of fiold without the tident thirmounTT or more, could be gotten from this mine, if pro perly worked by men of science, and the know, ledge of Mining. OWi TRACT, Containing 100 Acres, Known as the Jesse Bnrnett Tract ; it is excellent Land and under good improvement. Terms of ale. Cash. ALEXANDER W. BRANDON, Wadesboro', Nov. 28, 1835. (7t) Trustee - Thfe Lincoln Cotton ITIantifhcturing Company H ESPECTFULLY inferm the Public, that by mutual consent, the company have dissolved their Cu Partnership, and that they now inform all those indebted to said Company to make im mediate payment; and all Agents to close their agencies as soon aa possible. And all those ha vmg demands against, the company, to present them for settlement to lames Rivinga. - ; !IOKE,8CHENK,dfBlVllfOS. Ltncolntony Dec, 5, 1835. r . , p5 i oiwiana it A T r-UUk i Rutkrfar4to S. Caroling , X WEEKLY NEW8PAPEX1 . To at cttii TIIK CAHOLISA CJ AZETTI- TT m well knows, that smcs 1930. a ea iwblMhed ia this pl.ee, (though aadaf a d.Srraot asine from that which tha aobr!t-rM.a.pi.; J . 1 1. .Kmtia. HlOSa MSI vart revioa of eosotry, We aad ""t.? ry, inchiding lha oounlwof UocolB, Bur.s, u- V... ir...J Hung. Iredell Wilkes, iwiw., . , t.nsi-.l. nd Ashe, ConUining 1 popuislKM ' 7 has been wiUtout s aawspaper, and eoinpe led to seea. abroad what ahoutd bar seen furaistiea ai m. , Almost this whole regtonoT couniry so awunci m iwUrifi t Cur Mute encompsaaed and k. U.,i.ftt.in in Umi slaikeu wnica nirv ii urn u. id it intereau ia ma neon sno - - people, a lo lorm a pecniiar, aeucnea pwnj,r tewing much ol Hie wiw eiiierprwng po, I ;-' lh iU-weal. vcl. lempnrea in a great - prdem"e,andniodcrBtimoftbaEast. TIkh topics, met suresof Government, and wmtemplsted worksof Internal Improvement, hwh agitate lha rest of the people ui um Bute; scarcely attract the notice of ita inhsbrtants. it o-uulry. tuu. oT great rcrtiliUtaitnouf n n. s aeareelr bemin to be develooed. In beauty and sublimity of scenery, fertility of sinl, aalubrity of climate, the extent, variety, and value ol it prouuctinoa, uw im portance of it mnufacures, and in ihe extent and value of H mining inU-resta, it m decidedly super to sny portion of uie Slate, Reeeiit discoveries, in wet, go lar to prove it mining interest much superior in richness lo sny thing hereUihire known in this country. The ldiiutum dt lha Ainendmeuts to the Constitution, has added fourfold importance to Uie political influence of thia portion of tlie Nate. Il is, that he may be useful to a people possessing so many advantage, bestowed upon them by a bountiful nature, by a wkening them to a fhie sense of their own interests, by direclin their attenls In, and demonstra ting the practicability of, some iystcm of Internal Im provment, calculated to develop their resource, by dimiwng a taste (it education and leamlnj.and by a tem perate but firm and independent discussion of Slate and general politics, that the subscriber ha a undertaken to supply that want, of which u-h frequent complaints have been made since the discontinuance uf tlie Ruth erford Spectator. In the discusmon of general politics, the subscriber will be governed hv principle, which now-s-dsys is so little regarded. He is no msn-womhipper. He pins his faith to no man's skirts. He has no political prospects shesd to consult He will not write for office; but will support that man Sir office, whose opinion most nearly coincide with hi own. Influenced by these reasons, he will support Judire White fur the Presidency, ia prefer ence to Van Buren. At the same time, a fair hearing and a freeacces to the column of the Gazette, will be affiirded to all parties ; but the subscriber will at all time feel himself at perfect liberty In express his sentiments, without control from sny ouarter. He bnssts that be is a native North Carolinian, and will not, by any appli cation nf party screws, be forced lo justify what he coo- damns, or censure what be approve,, JOILN GRAY BYNUM Rutherford ton, Dec, 8, 1333. TER 318. THE CAROLINA GAZETTE will be published on a large Super-Rntd Mhett. noes a week, at rvW Utriandm half per annum, in advance, or ikrrt iottmri, if not paid within Uie first three month. Agents pn curii.g ten solvent subscriber, will be allowed s copy gratia. Post Msst'is, and others, to whom thi I'm, pectus i lent, will confer s favor by returning it early in Jinnsrv, ss Uie first number will be bued about that lime. Editors will please give this a few conspicuous insertions. J. G. B. Lincolnton Male Jlcadcmy. rPHE Suliscriber respectfully anuounces lo Pa A renta and Ihe friends of j with generally, thai he haa made arrangements lo take charge of this Institution, and lhat the exercises will commence on. the jirtt Monday in January next. Being whclly unconnected wilh any other pursuits, he promise to devote hi attention delusively lo the business of -.leaching, and will spar no paina lo interest the minds of those placed under hia care, ao aa lo render instruction at ooce delightful and profitable. Great care will be' taken to prevent inn loruiaiion oi line a no oiseoiuie naDlla, and a punctual attendance lo the dutiea of the luslitu tion will be rigidly required. - Aa the opinion to some extent prevails, that too much lime ia spent in acquiring a knowledge of worus, tne cuuecriuer would observe lhat in hia course of instruction on classical literature, a mi nule analyaia of words will be taught, with their combination in the construction of sentences, and every thing pertaining to a thorough acquaintance with those beautiful am) important Languages of Antiquity, The following will compose the course of stu dies, vis : Gould's Latin Grammar, Latin Reader, Virgil, Cicero, Sullusl, Horace, (Gould's Editio Expur gate,) Goodrich's Greek Grammar, Greek Rea der, Greek Testament, Xenopben, Greca Majors, Day's Algebra It ia hoped that the well known salubrity of L.uicoinion, tne industrious and moral character of the citizons, together with the cheapness snd .HmIIhium nTl....! It : . I ' win insure io una institution, a itoerai snare ot public patronage. TSP.140 OP T7I7I02TI Lnnguogea and Mathematics, per Session of 53 TT : : flfJfl hnglisli Grammar, and Geography, . . 7,50 J. A. WALLACE. November 25, 1835. 6w Stale 6t OTlVv-CatoVma ; UNCOIL COUNTY. November Term, 1935. In Equity; Melchesidick Robinson, et. al. ) Pelitioo. John Robinson, et. al.. j . . IT appearing, to the satisfaction of the Court, Jacob Hoyle and Leach, bis wife, are not inhabitants or this Slate: It ia therefore ordered and decreed by. the Court, lhat publication be made for sic weeka in the Western Carolinian, for then to be and appear at our next Court of Emii; ty to be held for the County, of Lincoln, at the Courthouse in Lincolnton, on the 6th Monday si ter the 4th Monday in March not, to plead, - -wCr, r oomur, oinerie Judgement will be en tered up ggaiusl tbem, aod the Petition heard ei pdrtAa WILLIAM WILLIAMSON, C.W Ieca21835. (Pr. fee 83 i6i!) . TIIE XJNCOLNTON NEW.. ... f fruii our g aids TU Publit tVasd mm afca TV.. KuiMrribera. believing that soma chaanel ofoaa. munic.lHSi m wanting m Wsstera Csrobua Ihro'aluca Ms cilifD ca interchange free It lhir opinion e, lb varioaa auhjects of Pwlilies. Redgioa, liutsujra, aoi the klschaoic Arts, propose lo publish m tha Ti f UnaJnUsv, a Weekly faper utwer m soovsuiw. insj 1 1 aiai aM MbMm M Western Carolina, but ia the we, tby and sopuloua secUoa of thertiat wast of Kalub. ry Iber ia wsse. "wyi , tha intelhge ,!, P"?1' U"1 ,ct'w Bute, that they can, and will aupport a papers and aw therefor are impelled to tha undertaking, fully rel;H pon their liberality IU auch a measur of asppuriai w may deserve. ..... , In pWipoaski of this kind, It U 0usl fi thost W mska tbeWto M H"?1 P,nc,P1; Uwugh wa are not politicians h1 1coi upon this suhiect might be construed into a want ufct. ikar, wa will briefly give aa expas of our political p nxm-. As tha ftrst artkh is) our polilical Cteed, place the accountability of Uk- bo exercM power t, ihnm who rtvw iC We Ultsv out goaeriuncsttaW one of limited powers, and that thost who are tatras led with IU adminurfraiioo nave w ngm w usrea ny, but such ss fiave been delegalea to inenj sy 04 people, and such ss ire clearly set forth in oar wriua) Constitution. We will tlieretor oppose all enow. menu upon the right of the peepis, m wem coma bsj whlqurter Uiey oiay.snd will sound th alarm uke. ever danger approaches. We will conUnd K cos my in Hi suminiatraiion oi tsxn vuw t.i Government, and will oppose all iamh etpendituns of Uie public fuods, believing aa we do, lhat awaey a the hamla of bad rulers i us nw which can be brought lo bear upon tlie liueny m Ua lin regard to the spprosclung Presidential tk lion, we are decidedly opposed to tlie nomine of tU Baltimore fnvetitkm, and will iekawly, and irmlj oppose his elect. We are njipowd to Uie Caocaa 8t teim let il be nmmed what it uiay. We belwv u people, and tlie people slone sre tlie projier depnsitw of power, and Uiat Uiey, and they alone have tbA-M to select their public servsnla. Ws have Uius briefly, snd esndidly Isid dowa politicsl principles, snd we will maintain snd suppst Ibem with firmness, but st the same time, with s spectful ttlenlion to the opinion of those who WW fer wilh na Our paper we intend lo be free, sad a hackled, and will tlie ret e give place Ui we" wnttft communicatMsis, let Uipoi cwne from what P msy, so Uiat they be free from low invective and a bow, which never subserve the great object we Jisva view ia the discuMsm political, ijueationa, the Irstk, but always have a tendency to degrade, and lower U public prem The dption of aa enlightened aad vigorous systea of improvement by our State, highterto so much sej. lected, being necessary, ss well U the propcrity k4 viduallyof our citiwns, sa Sir the State si Ur;,e, ewj measure lending lo this end shall receive the eoni support of the - NEWS. We will devote s portion of our paper to Agnrsl. tore, Literature. Religion, and sorb other metteM ai are uully fiaind in a nuM-ellanroos weekly sasrt Our object will be to hive something for Uie patalela' all, snd we will lake this occasion to request those b have leiturv, snd who sre friendly In our iindertlit lofiivor u wilii coiuaiunicatkMi upuar anflnojecil interest The psper will be issued Ihe first of March, mi fine medium sheet, printed with fair type, st AJ wt annum, payable upoa lha receipt of th 2nd aumket Advertiaing al the usual rates. ZF.VIXY Ac 11XST. 8AUSBUUV, Dee. f 115. Eilitors throoghout Ihe State, friendly to tlie end tsking, will coiiter s favor, by giving the shoves w hiserlions. - - ." (JJ- Subscriptions received st this Office. CLADCICL 03S0 lws THE siita Session nf my Clnssical School, near . BeaUics Furd, Line-In County, N. CH ail ctuntneiice on tke frtt Mndy in Jn tuitry, IS3& RORERT AlJiSOX December 12, 1885. e Currrnt Fricea of Produce, Ae ,AT SAUSBURY January 13, 13 nmn. , s Bacon 10a Molasses,. . . St Brandy, apple, . 25 a OUuNaihv r . - . fV peach, . s 4IMstjv- r Butter,. . . 12Ja iPwk, . . . . i Cotton, in seed, . a 3 J. Sugar, brown, . OOilii Clean, . 12 .13; Uf, . . lSa' Coffee, . . . 16 a 18 Salt, ... a 12 Corn, . . . .30 a (Tallow, ... 10 FeaUiers, . . . a 30Tobacco, ... 9tf Flour. . . . .6 0 a GotliWbcaL (bushel) 80 a H Flaxseed,. . .100 Whiskey.. . . SO a Linseed Oil, per gallon, $1 25 " AT iFAYETTEVILLE.. ...January Bacon, . . . Brandy, peach, apple, Beeswax, . . Coffee, . . . Cotton, . . . Corn, . .- . Flaxseed, . . Flour, i , FeaUiers, . . V a 11 Iron, . . . a' 501 Molasses, . . 27 a 30 Nails, cut, . . 413 S2aM fill" Wall a IS 10.1; 651 alii 22 a VCV Sugar, brown, 12 a 144! lump, , loaf, . 13 a CO a .V) Salt, 140 s 150! Wheat.. .600 aT75! Whiskey, aSolWool, . I a TXJIEHAUVS.-aJ.s.rylSrlA:- Bacon 8 a 11 Nails and Brads, , TJ ' Beeswax, . . Coftce, . . . Cotton, . . . Corn, . . . Flax-seed,, , Fiour, country, do. norUiern, Feathers, . . Iron, . . , Molasses, , 16 a l"Siiirar. brown. . 10 a I" " 14 a 1? do. lump,. . 141 a 1 13J a 14 do. loaf, . .161' 60 a 62 Salt, per sack. .275 a .100 a 101' da bushel, .750 a (!0(l (5ttton Bagging, 725 a 75(i Bale Rope, . 173 29a ll' 16 W 4047 . . m a an wheal. . . . . 4a5.' VVool, . : . , . 40a 45lWhikey,, . . RATES OP EXCHANGE At tke Merckmnt'$ Bonkaf 8, Carolina, at Ckert Check on New York, , 1 per cent pre, do. Charleston, , J per cent preo- - sssBasassMsaaBBBB AT COLUMBIANS, C.).iJsnnary 8, lP3i Bacon. 0 . in t ...1 12 all Brandy, peach, tlCCSWsIX, . 75 LMolasses, , 40' a 50Mackercl, . , 7o0 ,275 a8P0 S.ll 15 a 16jSalt, in aacka, Butter, . . . Uai busheL Coffee, , . . Corn, ;. . . Cotton, , , i Floor, . Iron, . . 15 a l'RSugar, brown. , mown, , v - - loaf & lump, 70 v 19l a 15J Tallow, nXA ,.Jm 11 .1001? isju a 11s 1 ess, , , . a 51jWhikey, .