Aunt Rhoda wrnl avimrtimr lo i . but each if lh younjf iwn had intcrdcted all mention of ll 4lM?r wiw. IHo " mind not lo lot lb fir in rpoii recur i lie Itua, or allowing lair friend to Li an fof Ibi, an4 Iberefor iu m I. Will, had they analysed thtr besrt they wmM hart found that, after lh lrt ebullition, an nimMlj existed between lhm, aul lhal Cilaa prild wit tli oatf (Wing thai kepi them a port." - Nwhal k ha I no fcarof finding rival in Chaa, Ta4.r llavilaml soon came to aa axplnit vnJcrrfaoJifif with Anni, and it raa settled llial ah waa to bocmM his wife when bis lima with Mr. Knot had expired, ami whoa Im ahoutd b able to to into bttsines for himself. Mora than two year rolled rapiJ'X r,7" Tr term of Cbasa'e eppwmtfcWiip haJ elapsed, and after a visit of week to'Wa native plei he had aaksn n ehop in Charlostow, and art up, on hi. wo account, aa a earpntr. Bern an excellent voriuoan.uf cheerful ahapiMilion, awl nopular man ner, be waa um n favorite with hw customer, aifl much liken throughout lb vilUif- Tudor 's term waa also out, bul owing to lb ronton iif the time, hia Cither waa yet enable or iwiwiliw. to set him up and therefore, at the roost desire of Mr. Knot, be agreed to remain in hi etora a year longer, in the capacity of clerk. The ckid had so Ions; lowered in I He po litical horaon of America were now appmarh ing b,snith, and already were heard Ike coining thunder of thai tremendous atorm Wklch anewiit systems mtn rain hurl'd, And shook th a of to AtlaaUe wmU." Th Rubicon waa croaand. Blood had alrendy flowed at Lexington and at Concord, ami tin hardy champion of their country's right had proceed! to the dofonc of Bunker Hill certainly M with hearts resolved," and with hanJe aa well prrpared aj eireuroelajcea would allow. On thl night before that singular battle, whose foriaequenoe converted defeat into triumph, and victory Into ruin, when the Americana, lighted only by the Ur, were eilrntly and secreetly en caged in Ihruwing np their entrenchment, Chase Loring (whom it r uimecessery to aay wa there) heard the clear and distinct voee of Mr. Knot, remarking to enme one who waa digging near bim, w Well done, Tulor, I am glad lo aee that on tliia orcaaion yuu can tine the sjmde aa readily as the pen." " I who il were morning," aaid Tudor," thai wa might enjoy the surprise id the llritiah at aee' ing how'we have Jirtified onr hill." 80 do I," replied Mr. Km, u I know that we ahall be Iran lo nurenlree, and In each other. All that we have to apprehend in the event of to-morrow, ia the poiriible failure of our ammunition, abnuld I lie coiiteal be a kwig one." . I conbae," re4ied Tudor, M that my ow aup ply of ball ia rather lew than I could wiah." Chaae Ioring pauaed a moment in hia work. Ilia pnrketa were filled with bulleta, caat by him aelf at hia ahop Are in the ancrecy of midnizhL He look out handful, and paaaing cautinualy be hind him, he clipped them into one of the pockcU of Tudor. With the firet beama of morning the British prepared for the attack, amated and inrcowtl aa they were when the light of day revealed to them the redoubt erected in the darkneaa of a aingle night by their cool tod indefatigable opponenla. Covered by the fire from their ahipe that were an cbored in Chartea River, the Britiah regular croee ad rapidly in their boata (be narrow water that di etdod them from the hill where their antagoninta were evpecting them. While the anldiere of En gland were marching proudly to the battle ground, In bright array' - With glittering nne, and bannera gay, And Dlu met that on lh breeaea piny, 4heir enact wa eteadfaatly awaited by a band of cititena ana nutaanamea in ineir orninary auirr, with no muaic to t xhilirate them, and no etandarda round which to rally. Many of theee hardy yeo. men had no other weapona than the fowling piece "' trith which lhejr had aougfit game 00' the hilla,the axei that they had need in cutting' their fire wood. enu me vimii wiik.ii ,ihtw i;,n,iiiiuvu w d,hin tin? mound they had thrown up during the night. - They had no leaden with artatocraiK! name, no tcton of hereditary notiTity. Bit they had the -brave end heneet Putnam the aagacioui. and liitre. pkl Preacott, and the enthusiaatic Warren. And they had miniatera of the gospel wno came fear leaaly to the field of the expected fiieht, to offer on that apot their prayer to Omnipotence in behalf of 4he aarenaera or I heir country a righta, the aaaer ' ten of her claim to freedom. The battle raged every Inch. , of , ground, waa. .flatperately contest od, and when their entrencn ment of earth were atormed, the American made v another breastwork by leering up the fence, piling the raila on each other, end filling the tntenricea with graaa, the field having been newly mown. - The village of Charleatown, whoee inhabitant had all left it an early hour, waa enveloped in flames, uecaaaioned, it i aaid, by a fire-ball from the enemy kindling one of the roofs. ' "Chase Loring, your ahop is burning," exclaim- fid hia old master. T ' - No matter," replied Chase, -1 hare no time 4o think about trifles now," and having a mukct, he proceeded to load and fire aa before. Often in he battle he pawed Tudor lUviland, whose gallant hearinff excited. Chaee's admiration fW whm aanra irnm iminr a muwuM naa brought eowne fan a - a . a a . a Britwh grenadier, Chase rawed hia hand to clap his old companion on the thoukler, but he recollect ed himself and desisted (or Tudor' dress and dome nor were now more than ever thow of a gentle marv and hae was habited in hia usual He, soon after, aaw a Britiah fusileer in the very 'act of-taking aim at Tudor. Chase inatantlV rqshod. forward, and with hirown musket bent up , nat cf the soWr4TrooB; fce neit Instant he lev elled with the grouod...;.". , Chase you have saved my aaid Tudor. I would have done th aamfl fct JkKl. other Amcwcan," replied Chase, walking away with ap parent Mrafesaneaa, but endeavoring to conceal the emouon that he (bit on hearing the voice of Tudor addressing him once mora, j . NotwithatAndiag disparity of force, the Ameri eana defended their bill with the most obstinate in. trepidity, The eoamv fell in beans herora them. and had U not been tor the entire failure of their ammunition, victory must have declared in fiivour of the patriot nwics in the art of war. Even when reluctantly eompeUcd to gue way, they turn. . ed again and again upon their assailants, striking . .fiiera wjta the hut ends of thpjr muskets, and arajl ingtinmi'lvea of every meant tf uttnk anl li friM S llml ri'iiiainrd. It mitt at h cIn '4 ihn liilll.- tlut ihl fU ml Warren recentd hi d"ih e'iol, end b Ml in tli litid't of a grKip of Mitrt pid yimng rewii, who lik biin'lt war uiiilling I inuif lhi M l, lh"iiKh le remain Juugr waa now unatailing. AcchIciiI had placed Lbaa lM"g aiil Titbit JIoiIuikI op- pornia earn other, a IM7 tcHli ci'l, aiih uuep regret, on lh lat mortal atnigl4 of Hi dynii hero. II ceased to kreaih. Tim young mrn lucked up. .Their eyaa uml, nir.d in lear. Tliey joined llmir IihimN acruM the body of I lit lilt' en patriot, wlnW i1k Ut Isillctaiif iheenmiiy wer wiiiifliing round loeir iirni. " t Tu Luring, mm! Tudor, " tin no lime In imliilti in private quarrels, titn 111 qiurifU uf uiorw nnxrl4'ir than isirs, lm h rigiitalal in uuMp urrlH'iHHow, ami a m uMuiiH-d b tloi hsine the thaine of IsHiig I Ik first lo a kMowMg crrvr. l-l us, hewrlurtk, lrrii all rMSoliMsal M Im eoemir of our country." an all mv ol, e UinxxJ ( hae, warmly sltakiiig the haml uf Tudor, "from tin imoowoI w are frien.U agin ; and trw-fuN, I y ever." In roiii ltMus, wa must U flv state, ihiil InHti the ilay Hunker Hill, Chase luring ga hiin-rll' up Milin ly to the reus of bis r.aiitlry, and till Ihi had wen l-r through ner atruggfci, he h it it im- 1kil4e lo lura his atluMiusi lo any irfhrr ojert. le entered lh srrvsre a a volunteer, and hi bar dy, liiuutU, and snlorpr spirit ws som re warded as lib the command t a ewmpany. I u.lor, lis ling secured Amms Chads irk l marking her, 4kiwH lb smhs of Mr. Kh, and ainJi'-U lor a Commission in the runlinr iil army, in which lie soon n the MtrK4c ami arcomphshod bsik soller of Comlull tletaled tu the rank of uwht general. Chase Iring ami Tulor lUrilanJ somcttmos ksrt sight of each other during the hng and wide spread contest j but their frtrnllop was in rr again interrupted. Wiithwar was ever ami tliey could calmly sit dou with lliir comjialriol lo " enj'ty llie peace tlmr vabsir wini," eai-h resumed hi (rntrt occupation. With the new impulse that wa git to the whole pnoole they both pro sired, even beyond their eijicctatKsis..... Hut Chise, si ho now commenced busiiH-ss in I lie city. made his (offline the soonest ; and Tudor first be re toe the tenant, and afterward the ixirvhasi-r of a hnndsom house, in the centre of a line blork built and owned by hi friend Irm;, who hml long since married a very pretty and intt-lhgenl Jirl from Charlestown. Aunt Khoda, (whose triangular huhitaliisi is iill staailing) felt very happy when the time arrived in which lea might be drank withiHit tmIi and during the remainder of her life she partook of it with much pleasure on alternate Sumluy evening, at lite respective houses of her two hoys, as she al ways continued to call them. POLITICAL. Fmm Ike Rtlcigh Slur. THE ELECTIONS. W again advert to this subject, iinportuiit from it own intrinsiic merit, and from the bearing which it is to have on the Presidential election. There is no time to lose. The election throughout the 8laln will lake place in less than a iimmiIIi, ami whatever iadone must bo done speedily. We again urge the importance of contesting every inch of ground, of bringing out candidates in every county where there ia a hope of success. Nothing is er er gained, in a political contest, by timid and weak csinscls. Moo struggling in (ho cause of the Con stitution in the cause of popular rights against caucus dictation, should never depond, tnm-h less despair, la a good cause, hardly any thing ia im possible, where men exert Iheuiselven, and lay the and; reformat mnbrrorel he people.- Our pro. poets never have been as bright to overthrow Van Uurenism and redeem I lie state Irom the imbocile and corrupt party, which has had the ascendency. Van Biircn and hia satellites must be made to stand on their own merits, .-They cannot .much longer ride Gen. Jackson, whom they first vilified and abused, and now Ciwn upoft and flatter in the most servile and disgusting manner. The independent people of this State never will tolerate '"or adopt the Albany system, by "which, through caucuses and the mnuagement of a few lea dcra, every oflker is appointed, svnxy-jncawe is coi it ruled, if it ia unveiled to them in all its naked iniquity and galling despotism. They never will agree to proscribe and treat aa aliens a large por tiou of their fellow citizen almost a majority for no wnnt of attachment and devotion to republi can principlea and institutions, but merely on ac count of a. ditSirence of opinion a to inen. Wiadom ia not uufrequently taught us by our adversaries. The letter of Mr. Henry, which we published last week, ahows,us how active are lo he the exertion of our adversaries, how untiring their. effort. The country will be flooded by the gros sest misrepresentation. - Every humbug which Ti is supposed can have any influence will be report ed to. Votes will be boldly claimed, ami the most codfident assertions resorted lo, to carry into the Van Buren rank the timid and the wavering. Forewarned, let ns be forearmed. Lei the com mittee of vigilance and correspondence, let every citizen who believe the most vital interests of the country are at stake, exert, himself to spread in formation before the people. . Give them the mean of hearinr both tides; and wo cannot doubt as to the-resulti The long devotion of Wrfrre-snd-TyH ler lo th cause of republican principle, their sup port of those principles which the Southern eople believe so important to the preservation of our free institutions, their spotless purity ami integrity a staresnxm end as irtenrwill contrast most fayora; bfy with tho lalituIiiwriah priiiciptw, Vin the anti southern doctrines and votes of the caucus csn didutes, and their double faced, time-serving noli tics. W hite and TV? not only agree "w hh uji Jn principle thoy areJJemincd with u in interest. They will oppose an insnrmountablo barrier to the mad schemes of the incendiary abolitionists. There is no (bar thair views on that abeorbing, all. important question will be modified or changed to suit any viewa of expediency, We can have no confidence, at least no w4l grounded confidence, that a politician so time-serving, selfish and ready to bend iocrrcurnstancea as Van Beren wbuki life has shewn him to be will aacrifice bimsplfor hia political proanect to protect the South. He haa always acrifiscd every man and party with which he has been connected, whore hia interest would-be promoted, Let it be forther rocollocted thtt White and Ty. ler are the people's candidate, brought forward to jejeat the cJbj1cf thp ptoce-holdcra anjj pljjcc wrier, to pitui upwi the people a Piciiil i lU I '. 1.. 1 li. . ' -l'i ... 1 . 1 4. .!. Vlllir HJll1. ttV llVV IPTII IWIIHIWIPI Milniautul Urnn-r, pUolen and mec hamca l the country, 111 opjition to the nominee of individ ual, iins ot whoni were already fording frMn lh (Niblic Ire4ury ami other are looking wishful ly In lh rkh put of I'gviit. One let the poopW im lion the principWof iie Baltimore Convent n, and Iho free choice of a President ia g5. The lotrceuariet elio iwarm in avery country! the nwn who wish to live on Ihe people, will dispone of lhal high ami exalted oiricC to the nsa verml ami cor rupl ml rigours. ( us therefor excel ourselves to resist the establishment of this dangerous prece dt-iil, and rebuk those who have had Oie bohhieas lo attempt Una high-handod usurpotion of poular rights. Let lh people lake Ihe management ol (hair affjira in tltir own hand, and ylace in (lie presidential chair a firm, boisist, practical stales man, who wdj rrPrm sbuaes, rutfeoah MMmlitures and ailininHer llie Ooveriintenl, Mt Ur the borufit uf pidac sUves, eb-clMsweriiig' advreiturers, and fawnMig yrophams, but fur the good-qf (hJ people smJ the whole people. The advocates of the little magician will doubt less strive to stitch him on to the skirls if the I 'resi dent. Thsy will talk a great deal alssit our en rshle President. They shnukl be driven from their ground ; one whu h is f.iUai iu itsi'l f, inasmuch ss (teueral Jackson is not a candidate, iml his term of w-rvice will expire in March ; and discreditable loan individual who is a candidale fox the Presi dency, sinre it argues that rvrn tii-s irlifins are risiscKsis of his utter want of claim or cuuliliciiltiNi for the station lo which he asfiires. jlring ll'cnt to Van llurcn ami his pruriples ami Ins ipiutitica Ihkis, and they arcstrtiek dumb ihev lire ruuler rd powerless. The niter leslifolin of llnc txll ami manly qnshties which are PhiimI hi ihe Presi dent's character, will make (he people despise the politM'sl (irimslkin, " mirrntg over fieltt scheme and iimxi-hii'' over sinister designs," iia aiiahln of isie lofiy or geis-rous aetiisi, ami rclvin' uhi hi running and his dexterity hIi(iCuI huekstcrmg and niami uvring lor w(ti. Frnm ihr Rain if h Star. T1IE KIJ.ITK.N OF GOVERNOR. The friessh) jnftge While shsilJ in l neglect the electioe of (;nVr"i"r The sjhjiIh pari) are mnking (hniperiite cflorts, bv the iihhI i liniiM'le,iaiiiNis, to operate agamst IJen. Duil Kv - They kmw that that election w ill be rcf.irtl d a dTiio is' tlie vote of the State 011 the Pre. identt, epilation. All therefore who am desirous ' an s di feal. sliould exert itienneivTH. lu inoAe j the people acipiainliMl wn me ciuims 11 uic ue, publican and Kwle's ramhdole, ami to refine tfie rnliimnie-, with which the Stale will he literally iniimlnleil bv the spoils pnrtv. What f relen.i.Mis (Jov. Sp.iighl enn have to the fint iiagulrucy ofs great Si.ite, lit an important crun, save Ini Isiing an iiiirelenting. hitler partian : 'hnt r nlence he has given of superior and splendid nMitics, or. srsind pnrliral sene, ns a latesnian, no nmn can tell. Of the devotion which his friemls rl.uin thai he entertains for resiblienii irinciles, his vole for Mr. Crawford auuM the declared will uf his eon. stitucnts, fuminhes the best commentary. His op. position to the land bill is proof how Kir we nuv exect him to promote the interest of North Caro lina, when hi pari v goes against them. His cllorts to break down ami destroy the Supreme ('.lurt, ami sulistilute lh old confereme svstein, is another evidence of his incapacity. His depriving the people, for a larjre portion of one ot the most im portant session of Congnws, by refusinj; to issue a w rit of election, of their representation, is another proof of hi disregard of popular right, anj of his devotion to party. II must indoud Us a "horn democrat;" for he does not seem in practice to piv any very great iesioct o. repuldiran priwiples or s'iilae-rjrht (ive u a plain practical republican, micti a IHul lev, in preference to any such " born democrats.'' Hisexcellencv, too seems, so much puflod up by his dignity and official importance, that ho cannot po among lue pejle to let- them kuow hw jOJHiuoiw. j W hen (itn. Pudley, some tunc since, aUJre'il his fi)llow-ciliaoa,es has liecn the gissi oll rejmlilienn mode in North Carulnm, the nerves of sonic of the fastidious Regency, prints were horribly shocked. It was lerriWy-smdigriifTcd. " I'ndienificd, imleeiff' for a candidate r the highest oflice lo uemiaint the people with htrpoltHcal principles. " We- tike no such exhibilKms of dignity. INo man 13 too di.nified to mingle with the independent freemen of the ciHintrv. lo hear their sentiments, and Ireely to acquaint them with hi. Becaue n man aspires to a higlj oflVe, Or,fils it, he is not tK g.Ksl to as sociate with th people ; and w hen ho oecornes so much inflated with the pride of office as lo feci him self above it, he may pass for a modern, patent right "democrat," but he has no claim whatever to the t it lo of a plain, old fashioned republican. From. the LvMtauAiU. """PRESIDENT JACKSON CONDEMNED liY PENNSYLVANIA ! We desire to call especiol allcntion to the reso lutions of the legislature of Pennsv Ivania, touch ing the recent course of the Executive. . We ven tured a prediction the other day, that the admin istration of President Jackson would amm be odi ous in the ryes of tho People. These resolutions are n sign of the fidlilmeut of this prophecy. It will be rcinembercdjhjil Pennsylvania was the first Stute which gave General Jackson, any decided imralrrirrhis PretrirlontiatTandidnriy. .Il wa hi? nomination by Pcnnsylvani which drove Mr. Cal htsin Irom the held, and gave the General a deci ded advantage over all hi competitors. The same advantage ia now potMesoed by General Harrison. In the Senate of Pennsylvania, on the day pre. vious ib its adjisjrmnent, Mr. Pkneosb called up hia resolution in regard to the Surplus Revenue. He was followed by Mr. Burden, who adverted in snveie lan2mr to the letter of Mr". Van Buren to his friend in Ohio, endea vering lo excite their ani mosity towards the people of Pennsylvania, and to induce a legislation on the subject of the Bank, with-the -view of humiliating; the Legislature of Ihe Key-stone Mate. Retolveil, iy the Senate and Hovitr of Rcrc tentatipet of the Commontrealth of Penntylmnia in. General Attemblg met, That any attemp by the federal government or those who administer il, to encroncs upon, ortratre, Interfere with, or control, the States in the exercise of their rtterved right t, or to extend the power of the federal government beyowHhe limit expressly prescribed by the con skiiution of (ha United (States, is an usurpation and an infraction of those principle! which constitute the basin of pur Union, and thusl be dangerous and jktal n jts cqnscrjgonpes, ' r! lo-Ay 2, I . Thai llus general assembly ticw with prof smd regret lh inrit smisiisc f.i rsirer Ac of thi Utnrrul t;,mrnmtnt,n!l lo wrbl those whM'h are cunferod, t ''( in infutiu-t prrr Ike Slant, to hhrtrt with Ikt ihmtttt sJicjt Xlatt (Jonrmr,ti,a overawe ami cmilr.d litem in the free txcrcise it their resi rved right, ami so to CmmoIkUio llie Btaieby ilcgrees into one aovercign. ly, Ihe oUiou icmk-ncy and inevitable result of wbkh w.hjKI he to Iran-form the presenl re publi. can system ofthe I'nileil tftalcs into AS l oa at srr mxro noisiai mv. AgntJ lo Ayti W, .V.ic 12. Ttiat this general assanibly consider the project lately male in the Congress of the Pnited State to invest the surplus revenue of the notion in stock issued by llie Slate, aa a measure fraught with danger, calculated lo give the federal government a pwer, which, if wieklcd by corru4 bawls, would be inimical to the liberties of the country in n rn.iiynl deifree and Ulster all circiimstanres in- iiiriisis. It would fisrter ami encioirage a system of gambling and -culalii in slocks, giving to Ihe agents of llie government lbcopor1iiuily of employ ing lh siflic nvsiey In promMr wieur tnltrcHt, lo rrirard cistks" faeoriln, ami acquire an iuler. est aimsig the community, Wading lo servile de. vol ion to those clothed with lh s.wcr of the gen eral government, A urtt,l hAyrt SO, .Y. I -If to this is added an increase of the siandinjj srmv or nnvv. Is-vchhI the necessities of the Cisin trv : ami if we further have ennrnwai exendiliire of the (sihlic lnasiire in ihe rofmlnW lion of fortifi cations necessnrv in a cismtry where the govern nienl mnt keep the jieople in snhjeelion, Isil here only to lie tolerated at pomls essential lo (Wfi-nce frmn foreif.n fiss, and if in this course of policy. worms i.f officers, civil and military, are requireil who rsn inculcate political lenrts, temling to rnn-1 ami monarchy, both by indnlgencies nnd severities, ami can act as .pies over the fiee ryrT. cise of human righls ; if all these measures are nl once fsirsiied by the getieral government, v , m,ni nir fmrlhr ItmlrartH fo rolMil,iliim unit irnm Iki profile of upproiirhin ilongir Aprrtil lo tinanitmnikli. ries of these "resolutions, with others equallv decided in thrir ti'mr, were onb'nil to 1st Irani niillel bv the (lovernor to each of llie Senators and Representatives of the Slate in f'sigress. This Tore was rnrried by 2(1 Aves to 11 Nis-s. On the final tvissnge of the resolutiiMia the vole strssllt to S.silh Carolina; Ins Honor, the Mayor of II. The snme resolutions were passed in the if sise 'hetily.t. W. Liwreme, l'.s. ; IJen. Sihiiiim i, by the triumphant vole of nrrv-ix lo n.rvRX. j Masaeliuseiis; Mr. Culhoun, brother ol the II Who will denv that the ivple of this conn. ( Jm" CallnHiii ; Col. Ieis nml&ijr Noiiou, trv are Is'ginmng to fei-l s,nihlv thai ihev have ' cxian ( ' iiimii-hh.ih i h, oc, c. The Nu al'ie. Isen nirr.ivr.n, nri i-urn. m run ni:l, that thev 1 "ideula, at ihe oilier exlreim-s of the tables, were are beginning to umlerland the Covernmenl of Vlderiiian SliUell und Willis Hall, F.mj. 1'resnlent J. irks. .11 ami il dan:erons tendencies. j Among others preM-ut on tins interi"ling irea The snnie fii-lu.g cannot hut become genera I. r- i 'Mf l si-veral ol the Fditors ol lh- prin n one enn coolly eontmre the nromises of (lene. ' cipal Nis'rs ol this city, who have been unswerving nl Jackson the candidate, with the practices of 1,1 "dvocucy of the cause of Texas. 'J be (Jenernl Jackson the President, and not be disri,.i. 1 g'ut and all -Nwirful altraclioii, Is-sides the nu rd with the mean hvpocriv ami the Isise fil-ho,sl ",dittle obji.i t ofthe celebralion, was the pnuenee or which he has been guilty Is foic the People. j' ,,lul ,rul ehspienl mid talented statesman and .. jorater, Mr. Preston, who, ulter the cloth was re- 'rem ,) R,rh.nJ H7g i ,n,,V0,l '" "' a ",,,,r "d Mrllll- ?...a- ,k r ' B.uph! y '"-So id Mr. i "T ,m"' ,hP ' re",,,,,,l K'n. wa. call- Randolph of Mr. Crawford's friend, and so with I 'V ' T"'!" V "' " I"''" i ' 1 , m .. . , thl and inaiilv defis:e o I exas on the llisir ol Iho much greater reason ma v the friendsof State Rig its w ,.; , ,,, . , , , 1 e ' 1 ... . . I . iv, iNenate. II would Is! u ler v imiMiSHib e lo exclaim in refereiv-e to the universal disposition to1 ,,,.,.... .,,,,,, ,, . 10 L,Lin,l,.ra.n:. .. ..rr.J 1 . . ' l",r,M lho ,n "'' kdighi and protound sileme ... ,.,,v 1 imiai vjiiuuuum UK 1UIH: s,Hl (-- Unction. The- mul.,rri.s,. omees. the lucrative salaries, the high sound,,,, titles in the patronage of the Federal Covemmen,, or rather li e Kxec ,- live Chief, make, him a king in effect, nnd the an -! lations and the avnrici.HH hi? d. J In ,7 The Fisleral Coverntnen. has hougbHin. d its n,,m,.lnii,,n .., ill -...i.i.. : onrchase p"d,e he,, talents of all the Ik a. its' more recent demonM rations. A corressmdetice ha.lsen published in the New ,i4pc'M,. beiweou Samuel I, touvemeur I- .. III,. ... ..., ine sursele(l l ostmasternt lie citvol New 1 ork, and die t lorks in his otln-e, trom which we copy these pregnant paragraphs ; "Ofthe simple fact, gentlemen, of my removol from otlice, uncoiiiit-crcd with a few circumstances to which I shall not at present advert, I do not know ilml I ought lo compiatn. Never having sought in the first instance for the place, 1 have had a tolerably fnir participation in the 8sjils ; ami as the tenure of my office has never been distinguished by a mean suhss'rvieney Jo any individuals, it was as little to be expected that I could continue in its iliet possession , as ii waa 4U,ur .tfi cisild have held it so long. The I wondered how I loud ami urgent culls, too, w hich surround the pub- he crib, srl,app,stlv demand an o, cai-io.ial sacri- nee, in appease ' "ry exp.ctants ol a share, j ami myself, accept our united ackmiwledgnicnts. r fij.v s,xjitj ni mvianiiiv rear not, gentlemen, lor us; with the smiles oP . . . .. . . . . I rovidenee, which we shall invoke, and my own i.uiii'Hij, m: win inive rare 01 ourselves. How ever vcre at the moment, the unexpected stroke which severs oflic.iul ties, and for the instant with draws the resources on which they have taught us perhaps too strongly to depend, I can assure you, gentlemen, it is succeeded bv a sweet repose anil a -, . ...ill ...I... c , Uioyant reliance on one's own resources, which, if it last only lor a time, may well excite the envy of the whole host of dependents on the precarious sinitesTifiixrityy-favof: "Offering to everyJriend, whether among you or elsewhere, my most grateful recollections to those who are otherwise, a fearless defiance and to you, personally, gentlemen, and all in whose be half you-address meyMearneiit. .ffejprccatiua aaJJ. your good feelings ami gooJ wishes, 1 am your friend and servant, ,' "SAM'L. 1- GOCVERNEl'R. " To J. Benedict, t'. Goodwin, and others." In noticing the ejection from office of the Post Master at New York, the Fredericksburg Arena says: Mr. Gouvorneiir has long lieen nhnoxi nis Id the powers that bc.buf the President was afraid to displace him, iu consequence of hia possessing, as executor of Mr. Monroe, certain letter connect: ed with the Seminole affair, which it waa not de sirable for General Jackson should see tho light. He waa also fully apprised of a dirty mission upon which the late Mr. Rhea, of Tennessee, waa de spatched to New York when Monroe was on hia death bed in hope that something might he con ceded bv the venorahlc Patriot in his last moments. The ossosion of these letters and a know ledge of .1 a t i . mar . incse-incis nave aione aepr air. Uouvcrncur tt his office for sonio ycqrs. )'e presume he wil) now iscloso thon." I'HOM TLOCAH. . TEXAS, The following e .tract from ihe New Orlcan !ull;tiii, contain llie laical ii.ltllijjeme we havo received from Ttxa t ' . , Vnai Ikt AVsi OIal HutUlin of July fl. llie schr. Col. Ksnnin arrived this day from Vclasco, which (dace she left on the VUlh of June, By a isjasenger we are informed lhal the Mexi can troo were advancing towards tiuadakiupe, wbers the rexian troojn were posted, Uil who a wa presumed would march towards Trie iTiorodo, there lo wait the advancing Mexican. Col. M. B. Lamar, kite Secretary at War, had been raised to Ihe chief command ofthe army, and Mr. Homer, ville apfsanted in hi place a Secretary. The people were returning from their farm and cotton plantations in great numbers, flocking to their country's standard with lh zeal of patriots determined upon the expulsion ul the invader, or in the conflict. We are further informed thai the schr. Fanny Butler, Ctimanehe, ami Watchman had been taken at Cosinn, by about twenty Tcxian cavalry, ami ilelaiwd in consequence of lieing ladened Willi pro vissinns for the Mexican army. Snnta Anna is still at Columbia, on the Hrn.os, in close confinement, ami under a slnsig guunl. 'llie schr. I'nioo, on Ismrd of which wu Col. Austin, arrived at Vclasco on the "ih. from ihr As 'mk t'.trning Star. THE TEXIA.N fEI.EIlRATIO.V. A splemlid iIiuimt was given yesterday, at the American Hotel, by the frieiiils of Texas in tlnt city, to those iliHtnigiusbcd strangers iu town frnm Texas, am) from dilfen iil part of iIk- I inii-.l Stales, who have advocated the cause of lliut .p. presM-d country 'I ),,. mmmr ( ,,, ! was sueh that it was im mhmiI,Ic to issue as many lu kets as cisihl have Is eu 1 desirable. There wen- altogether alssit (s i. ' Hlm present, among whom u represi niative ,IM( ev,-rj Sim,. , (w l'HI) particularly fr.Mii i,c Sisilh and W est, a section which has constant. v ilk.mlested such disinterested und isrsonal de. ... lotion to I exas. Samuel Swurlwisit, ITsq., prcsidi'd. The following were the t'lH'sIs : On the rn-hl I iiiij n -in, 111 kii 1 1 .1 11 1 1 1 1 1 ii 01 .iulli aro- luia ; (ien. Kiplcv.of lsnsiana, fonwrU of ihe army ; the lli. Messrs.' Peyton und Forrester, of Tennessee. On his left, the, II. mi. Win. ('. I'r... ..f.i.- i .1... . ii 1. . .1 .. u ifK .,,.t. It,,. T. ............. " f il .1 'd' V" f. ,hw f "",,"M w" ' " " f "c l"" '"" "T ""'T , "'"i' ,' , U" '"ard ,,,,n ; ,M "M,'v"l"n ho was fiTe I " "' ' V"' CWi,t'"" ' rf Tl r,n,"", ,aMW .....-.. o. ii-ppinuueiiorioi i ncx-ajroiiua orator pro State..-lr,' "m,'nan toy " "iv,'r 7? ST"? "' l? 'f "mI tirecian oratory, nor by our own Patrck Heuiv, unless as fias lacn said, the mml of thm Vir..i,.',n starcniian of the revolution Im? been hcqucajUicil to InV relativT- bv nn,i ii.l...,i ,,. i ...i i . I J " " OOIIOI Ulll- eenllein awoke Ihe slumbering (ires of his ancestor. So.-I. was the absorbing anxiety created bv Jo; informa lion whit i, rapidly: spread thai )L Ptcmut was mI drcssing the company , thai thenr as n general ru.-li of the lawrders of the house and jrsoiis from llie street into the apartments, among whorn were crowd of Indies who were olitcly accommodated by the gentlemen of llie company wuh seals and refreshments. A deep stillness 'reigned throm-h- out this compactly crowded audience durinir the ...l. i .: i . , o he wJ ver loaned and il.!.M.H ln.,,; .. i'.:..i. ..i.. u Mine inai inev were isleni lev Weil? I SlIMIItli, In or lourr. ((;rcd and dazzled ,kc the course of a meleor through the heavens before those who had the in- comparable lMppincss to be present on this occa Almcst every other sentence of his beautiful, va- ried and in.n. ssi..l i n. -. j hemcntly cheeied and applauded. In fact the scene was indescribable, and the urea- lest acting. of Kean, or Cooke, pr Tuhua, never could have pnsluccd a more intense impression than did this spontaneous, yet herculeun display of oratory in the (srson of Mr. Preston. The attempt lo give an idea of this speech on paper is impossi hie. It will he in the last remembrances f 11 who heard" if, aiiJ'we regret most sincerely that wowcrc nutihci e4u4ak-miimles of M rrPrr!r ton concluded arter about an hour, which did not seem over 15 minutes, by giving the following 8cntiment,which was received with six chart and the appro-priate air of Hail Columbia" from tho band. progress of our language and our liberty. Speeches were .also miccesanely delivered hy Gen. Ripley, Gov. Hamilton, the Hon. Mr. Pey. ton, the Hon. Mr. Forrester, Col. lwis, c. A."c. All breothed the most devoted ardor and war mest sympathy for the struggle in which the Tex ians were engaged, and tho determination (6 push forward in her defence by every mean that could be employed to secure her liberties. Her cause was deemed that of our revolution, and therefore doubly dear to Americans as it was a struggle al so in wmcn me oest ol our own blood and kindred " bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh" w ere indissolubly united. We were gratified lo hear, on the part of the distinguished Southern and Western orators pre sent, particularly from Col. Preston, Gov. Hamil ton and Mr. Peyton, tho most devout aspirations for the preservation of our happv union. Gov. Hamil ton, ss well as Col. Preston", Mr. Peyton and Col Lewis, also paid 4 very high compliment lo tho gt-

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