o 17 QHTW TP TT ir V ja O E. .ill 1 IT ;- v-v t- -- j o "The Slights ol' the States-, editor axd proprietor. .... .' .Vj IV; - J SALISBURY, NO SIT? M 'A RO JiYA, SATURN IT, OfTOR, 1, THE 1 o o o o o o .TX i .( t! la n to:i 12 en t! ins-. Corrrspontlntre tf th- I'ltititd-Jphia C'tzdte: ' I am about to detail to ou some things which I li in- seen in th.? Itevublic of U-vi.-. J - w w j Litest alligator pears, nd ran:i'st melons in all llirb iil'H.s, As ljr t'oder iH'imlc, come uloii" smc i-in iu sen tint's, item all par-ell oil d m rogues, tiiievinr woolly headed niters dat Meal tilths and s U em for dirt: but 1 keep plantation and store fr self, sar Me know what's "nod fjr a.n u.e to niu i'i;oiLi: or Vikv.ima. It has Ix-tM my wis i that i s.mul i uoi have to an I ... " . .... . ' . .i'"'o .ll in u ....,,. !... .... ...... i unit; .v.ea i j MIU.1.IS0' ) ni. ii cacli, imnres- know wU.it' .rood thr dr., .Lev i. ..1,1 I 1 " " l'" l"''ic, t.i llio miDk-cI t, f " i -"'- " i.i-j oi i j 1 1 i uin, vo'i crv loh: ii.itu.issv hot tuil I hi-u smxvs a;id chi'Jrcu mtu th'J armed service of burn j.,r Uuwr a's l.bjr.'aud make him mid drunk; the country. I in-s ivi . better nor Iat, aire ou." I :i;iVi: svc.i G.3 iiipii c!iii:iOt!. willi n it :i rnT n o I ...... ..i i i.. i.. . : i t. i . , . ' -- " j;i uiy, miu i wiener, uori l lorot o hi. tl c;r H.i:icdii-:s--, up to th-ir uodd!- m the to brtn s ,me ub litem's butr.-r, a:i l lots ..f v "s oinioou sowers .i the city, u;irde.i by half its mi-1 and ui!k, m M time lor breakia td've liearT 1 on no casion bawl so loud, Mister Fletciier, yon r-a!ly n.ako me neilxxjs, wid oor noise, to hi.Je tl c;r n.iedu': c ny sol bers .v iui, !. :-:d. s th-;r arms, cat ri --d I r ' tsniic.'ies, wth jvIiijIi the n itrivrcjlully lathed tiie h .r jji toilers, n j rc:!ia. tui-y siionl shrink fr.mi or n:-itole tu jilme mto a ule Collectio!i of thi ilet 11. lit. i invt: s -en a biyriit pree.it' d to l.'ie breast of o una l.r i'ji'i-,iu;r to kiicel in the streets when ilmi Ho-it was JMSSIll. 1 iiave sv-eu a man stnod fr nixli-ctin to dull Ins tut w.ieu ueiore t!i. Imii-ii of the Vii -m.'i, or u Oai.ii . 1 have s?en n man rowveved t!iree hundred miles to oe itK-arceruteJ, iwr iiain written ami pab.isd ' use of duty latelv iriduc d n,e to call our attemio,,. l?uf , ro c,. MJV t.,,m.. ,-OJ1 J;l eo:itructi and to vindicate mv n.o'ivrs fiomf.nl liiijnitaiio.., and further to cL-Vcf j,- u.v v,wS lt is nectary that I kecj on tiie ai uior o. uaitareafew in m Mils J sier. A f ehJe .i u t h is h v?,i m An t weaken t! ej(Ht mlfieru-e of t!. view I iiive tak- i of Ir. Va i i!u- r u s recent co.i iuct, and of the ;ir:ti His of hissn .t. ents;" to irit : 1st. In the Se.;at. f .. t su lt, iU(Ist of 1!W,8,(,V lMfo nl flic I ;'i,ii..l Vi .t.. . ... i . w - . - ! " -"' in ir.e .-peccti winch se .t. i :,nk ot tn !. ,lt ! """"" ,l M !r ,NI1 ;" aly vote he had evt r -i-, rni i'r,;l b,.,M.r ,..;;v SIW " '.V , " 1 ,1:e warmly c ufe en ser.es .,r eejits I tm.,U.i-aumai uia I i u-.ttirress to construct works .f in'er-.al ' stn a bank bill, ts jM.:emeiii ; mui. in Ins it tter to ti.e s? ni a.- - Commutee, whilst a canJs date l.r .i iee IVi'sulencN ; 3rd. in th pu;.,is .ed letter of M , . Hutler to .Mr. (Ja -kind ; and -lin, nof.v itnst.u ."t ..j he,, reiterated public exnr.-a.sii r,s ,.f Ins ..-uau, w hu-b, I ciMH-ur with him "..niit i. iiave beer, st.l- m.nai io mu- urn. ir. in lurfier i Her nva t ion ,i ' i; . t r ert . . been re . u att d a u.i bi - tria- siMjeci, m n-piy t(, jr. William,, j,ki-i- 'i..f...... : . in lis m.i iiVo-Jiu!,:- cor, tin eat , or va' !l v .,! in ie;u al ai;-! eq-uv.il I a;;tl t ie et. U'U tl.i- bra a h ef' t!;e .-rf.j'-rt, ir tl,;i . i.ti.r- .il CaV!., ( s express iiioie . . . ' t i ', ... ,t ... i.. n... . i !:iq: l.. l refjMiir- o; v! . . V,,.; Fin, . . e ihose .i K-iri- . bv w a i jmbih- itj'.. a i-e I.. r,.:i 4 tli. a ant with be y e- li i;l 'X!'I- ll - a .Mli'! t t at ne u id p'-p'i!ant acij, ( x 'it.uk s d. t ii'' i t tntr '.i i Lie. ..r ii. . i ...r. i i.ii .- lenvii i. i.i.r iiir .....i v i ....... i i ... - i '- Member, s-ir. . er !..r.r..,.e.. ta- i-. I. .. i . " ;u.im-.ii i ujve I" n w.tuu si., ., ai.nrove a uJ eharter:,-, . ,mM i . ,t ,.r .r.t.. . .. . , ... ! and one your s ulor men." ' ' i ? tcVM,,"-n-"- 1 ' it I 51 J':dv oil he f a,, tftat, , ne a ers that be ucl, e. .,t 4; ...a totn, a. exception .o ' .... f " Ayay, my lady, I Ik- pank.i, ; l,,t I sav, let m-s. f I", a ti" w a?!r f ,.!,,,,S,:,T lh' W,!l "!' ('11,k "' "tut..,,. hrs. so a mrudod ; practice . V.,- I tri;1 , , , ;. . (,. iM7 ; ; that artitlerv on.er I...,! a, ...i ,. ..... I.,... t".'5 v,'.w " valtd t ..t the argument ; o -.v, ,mm power.) 1, M.s .,, of curs-. j in bis ex-rcsn. o, ,!e v.: u.. . . 7 . . be waats to overhaul ' h v . l! i;1"1' '! I,,"S'K -"bait at o.e. I shall doae. ,!, ,t he would vet,, a bill with wkat. : nuscnrue me on th s V,,. , iU( -r l, , V ', s Me take him o;U sar, rcctlv, and show in, wi i ! a " J.1" "iitC"U' Z''t l'T'T ilUr'VCUi: 11 "U ,i,r,f' P utau,i,, because he .su ,.., )ia. p'e .Mire" and s ,e unci Ler -ddeu c iblo- " I 1 V V, '-v .' " ""' . in snbjeet .1 ab outioi, in the Di.-ti u t, t! - uh I am b!. ' -dere, sar, d.it's picture of any dear L .d Ho lu-v, me, l " Vt r i '", V "7 ' haS,!,ul -r,V" l"; ! ' TT" (VV"' ,,U:'',,:i eVt "1 1 'r:- 're ,-,u lat- evens to which I will hertv be eih him to ,J wtd Ins own ban N ,n th year J j i':1' 1 " ' '-t.-li-d o, t,c ,i K r-ad - the hist ,rv -d'hts Uf ," ,., w hieh I . adve.t, a, d wh h, u, nn juue,,, .en.ler it ,0 m 1... 1. i. , ' K" Mls t"""- ' as 'lis b,,,ij .-ut .iiiscil iiv s.,u,e ! h 1 ' tn admire, 1 have v. t e. n let ,.: ,(.,.,,,u. i. . 1. ...... ... , . . . j . i.v 1 alu 1 ii mii 1 1 . 1 v. 1 1 . " . " uuiry !UC- ier.nr.! . .1 I . . . . . ,. . . . t ... - . . - - .. i..mi ii n.t in-; e; Tore dec;, ! , ia t HiR cuihiv little i tir den. 1; hont opinions i :i oopo-,ti ..i to thos.; o! tne i v. , f n ,,. f ice ; sou notable to see bis I ack. ! i.t. , general beiiei mat Uo:t Aoto.no L .pez de .mta ! I k i-.w ebery bit of bim sweet fi-ure ; and bv (i-.r, Ana was just, and -oj, and great that lie was a ' I think I neW saw a mi.i wi.fsuch a lar'.e pi t..ianJ litviucin!,-. ,at il( ai! IIV hl. aVV!lvs wrar p,.,.t;i,,niu of,. 1 iiie seen a i arced loan levied virtinl.'v on , huu wid ribinn erv often. Oil, ue reallv clev- Here v oil see I,.,,. . .. : ' ' . ","'" -'- an.i oi tnre j u ins seaiiineuts. I ais, th- letter io Col. - i.um. I. i.i i i in: it .... .. ... I ;w M...................il....l... .... .iiw.ii.- o -iiu.sc" i .i.i- .-.I inn a.sioe u.itiortu. re-'ealed lore. ners alone, witln .it any prospect ot repay ment, the aimmiit t.f two millions ef dollars. 1 nave -e.-u more than 10 ) corpvr interred in spot , tji.; Carunn.i D.i iiu , whvreas unnv er boiiv ! but no use cry now, he is .'one tobrv up in le-beu me -r., to htm tor loti ee bun a.tiu me sure. Hone f. (ior amiiilv he no cut ad in.o pigtail, ca i:ie me know bi n 'iiifiriir a bit uln-d. j.r,o..s nave been .-...ua u, iir.jriuds or r..b!ers. j 'i.mh such a bi- un. Well, 1 s,re. vou 1 nave ?t;e;j a ireuoral ticeo-ttoiv f.r tiie b.xJie.. . :i ,;iii. t,. ti i i.. n..... " i j ,.rt,.i" v '"i i'". ..inni n niii ;i. oi iiil persons is-m.ited in the capitoi. It is bete u.j ier-tiM.J fiat the average daiiy nii.oix r ttiioujit tiie year i live, making lJ-j markers c nil n.iitd in tms o ie citv, in tne c..:irsv oi 1 ino.i. hs, (a. id tui- cou ..rv is cailed a ilip.ilHc.') 1 it iv..- se:i some liuiniieds oi I i.o not -nt. t. .V .VA an aas.ver to .c in j ..ry. Ja" ' published avowals of hi s. ntiment- t C.l.'l I il'lll Oh'll ... .... ..... I ... i I 1-1 ! i L- ..11 .... .. ...... . ! I - i lerrate tne imp raiice ot i.'t. i.Hpurv, and voeks enable .Mr. V., i !J wen's rciu-al t . answr, to Hud im-taue.'i Sllpposillo . JiesiJes, iie.-, .-,1 r;uj. C.jtjX.n;, .li eati.ii; in fiu -oilers of ti e .- trt'-is. Recollections of an Artillery OJiccr. How people lire it Toir-ri. A verv botie.-t lie that can 1 .no sue! underrate the t r.. (.... I - V .-'iep..nio.. !'S,!es; It OiV v iuuy is o l.iak as t m e J -uc!t .inti i i.--,.t, mv pri ie is to., -f .r not f , ha-.e h ,rue to s km e, and with c mim"., my fulure to ;m t an a;i.v;-r. it is a vam and empty ol.jecti o.i t- ti," course I ani purMiiri.', t!i ;f, ifn is to h ive any sensible . f- i"cr, it will i . j . i ri n t: a v iv. . tli- -....!. . I... It : 1 1 - i- t ...v. . ...no aiirt.i (j'.iir.- in .nr. an liuren, as he ha -ive:, a pie f veto bili- o a a. of .er u'aj'ct, a'so In yive a tnoie pai tieida consider;.? j. () ' '.an ie has civet,, t- :le s: bi- t of abolition it; th, a ...... -.o -o. i- .-.-o-eme i ny i,1Ml siniicient to , ,"",,:-!,,',m on tne at) oiitiou Jiistnct; an.! n,..re proj.er and ind..ee-idil I V 'l' lormer u!.,ert, alter the j se: s- the.r pr-pe.f 's -curifv, tnat tie v ,e dl ....... ... , r x,., -Mon oi tits .-.mi -.e lias evteii-j. i not c... er m him then ed a still " .f,re rt a n! a r an ! e.;l it .e.i r (r. i o. 'I.. ..,. ation j,,. pviv,,i!i,i ,a" hi- . .... j !. .....".... v- . . ' ". " .-..ii. oi vi- ever e-l luiar 7 t Tne ue d tiif. he ceiistttutioti t r the i . a. I r la" l leSliI'Mev tfie pro-p-ct of that c t iuidute I... i . . . i , i i'ii.' p. ii .i v ro'irst.. has e l eifaer el ic't Ie j-.tiat ,te ten. eeks an ans .ver, vvti.-h, it ivim and -a- or Man oi .:. ii iv.t by, and bein a quaru llo for tiie ijovr xjt ti ri. I have seen tuoii-ands a i ! t!iousand of m-n, women a, id ciil .ren, iit-lra.' J alo.-ij; ;!Jt. nave-nie.it-, i. i-.vn, in the wttn ( otuer euipi .v- r.-ai ;. .an in it oi si r.ic!u.n toetr unc verei iuubs, an i .u;uai a-istt.; ? act o ii"r in -.x;ciiia ' t ie tin other--. k'ney. It . . ... . . - . ... ii-t ifniri in i .n -;. ...i. ... ..i i ... . .. i . ceutleil J i.chmaii, who ht 1 seen !)iit littl" of the I i ieo .nun to mh aJ world, i.-)k it in bis bead to vt.-it the inclronohs. a I V;,l:"0,!!f-" ;'f'd if he ha- rcfu ed to , J place be had levtr b--t-re Meti ; bit, am.. on. :IH t.'. I svv,'r cause, in ms con-eienco, h cui I m t eivi- -ue.i a one as wo n i he satishet ,rv to tiie S .at!i, will any man w ith sout'n ra f eiiu-r ,1(ll.rr ;l;.t! ....Ala. I I mar my cur.e olj. . ,b'e br.vu-e it is :ltl 1 r '' a ho;)e tliat what I b iv- to '.' -oil- tn .. . T I . T ff. it.- i io if.jiiif . i r. .a i 1 iije: .seen inous in-js .f 1 af-rs. bin I. ii ut and I vv"n ,rrs wbicu p'-rpit xe i niui, be cnuldn't s"e tlefwiiued in every possible, manuvraa l iler -e, ex- j !,l v bcopje nil ot a lillen iijion de to.vo; they jo-i.. r 'ii.-ir hideous uli t ts to excite the comna ' "'t')J"i r walks apiut, and .l .e-n't woik it all " ! i) ie bis own experi .!, j !i"itli!) .rs evplaiae I 1iie m.-tery thus: "1 t -:i yon, I J t s ; fey b.do.v s aeatert one sifioder, au-t dat ibt's dey way dev kits dere bh'jii ! !"V eahS n.zi ies. an I ra os, u-des h w il: da l a Correct v.ev. t'.e o it in a. vi' W.-; nod at the verv s t..e ncn:,'. of t e Xorr' ) ,n. v,.n ..,; ,-..i lln. I , , 1 1 - , -a -iKi-i ...... . .o,.o uinc i ne teiuses to eer: I to t ne la' rer ! W- : s nit r- i)llliPt i i i.. ,.v ... : . ! . . . . w 're ! e.,,i.eratlon HI' Al' H.!:ehi ft the -la ve.f,..id,.:- States, it is n-jUl f - I ok wbereoie has ,, !,-,m, far, is, i relate ; t J t ni re ..fallible .sotirces tiian the met, . fthe ' b o. ,it -se so -p ets ? U hy h ,s lately an-wer- ! neooSe. at periods of rxcf u,-;t. Ti rh, .. i ,e, r rT;,?,!,rt!CU,,M,- UiiUh - .:1!o,hesi,h ofi;..e,v,,a-,sa,,d7hec!Ut . ....... .i.eteii i . I. .re, I w ;f Here ,1-. , !'. iter K;.!.is;,.i!P, I re i'.n h. I.i.iivi.!fl. ... . . ; t .... . i i . ' " -i.n-i . -x am i;i ;e u t ai;se..i tl'e 1. oi -t;tt tio; embrace f.r Mx purpose, tiie oppatu-ntv v u have j nabb- tb" r-' -do of th. lit- eo.iHHe: ta-i.'s ' tliat Wil.-- till' nth to reelHi." ?h to ir . . . i . . . i . ' ' W Til.". III.- I i lf I..:.. 1111 Ir--.... -. . n.... I ....... . I . j . . . . iic-i ; i.inni- n-, ji,irt' !,:'V .-a V S ; " 1 :ln of eonv.e?. ot tl.e n ealeulale imp . nance to .h-l'sud, r ,, under ,he i o.d.deraa , wael, DO. Il l' li ! I nil,. S'l ,1... i . i i ... .. . ..... 1 1 , .i.i l li l iter , i : l ' . i F and distracting subje t sh add be fj.; vera: 1. 1 t.t in. ii i. V. h'cb I he. s i...t . o , a.i'l tne pitr of r:; v.- f I , .. . tne ,1 . ,r "I ornate . nu. -ie, a . puMje ,.!i vrs and .?f te NaUouat Assembly pa od d iv nb -s of ar.eed men. Yet this is Ci.i ' a -p'lblic ! 1 h ,e .,-ve. -eei, a ra?cb-ro who was not nrm ed u ir .i a sword, p st .Is and a las-s . c:tv 'I'.iili'iinin w:i- no every p i rt 1 .rte lar d- s.-e-i a v.tu n l-s-Ts at in" pn ini'd f hi s; l!'.e ti'. f ri T ' i W 5!l -It e p!oU. .-errellv ai-ne I. I a ,ve li nt i t .:. a-am-' bee.-i.-r- pr .cla. tri ed m t!i- sr (, a i d ..-itie taken tint th-V s!i u ail be to t .leant t '.'..'s i.hi noretic-. if" h .vp b ;,i turi -.' t!ir at" T mv- If ii.ve b-M tun -' thr -at-T-i. an ine m m ? of ve e-i.ae are the only pr -uii-es which Putti tli c De; t Fo r First. Dr. I ' J i was ;i f o. t:t-j u is; i i, , it ,t. I. an I ::ece .trie id. !Vili..n, .t .. "..vi"- .-ieuoeo i.. of the State. I ne Or. w as one ?u i ti- . . .... . . .. 1 :l 1 in"- sittmo; to les iuee ptrm ; -t ' A-ork fr..--!i from the mother cu itry, via 1J -ton, tvlien a l .ud rao t the do .r ur.us-.J hi n. Ctaiu ir, r s.iid t !? Dr., a id in old liJy h rt V.-j I i H the aptrtuietiT, .vtii s ':it? I tii'i vry eiioilynMt ol hi t and n" i'.i "nee. Jr ' I've "ot a uesp'rat i sore toot can y u ,el;,.t"; " 1 w!l trv b't me see it. pp... ,,U crone proceeded to dive.it ber vmlcr .v'.n lit" of the a: ib.'y for a h v;!'. vhie . it w is c .vered, a id 'b.kiyed to the astounded Dr. a . .....I .-....!. .. i',x ,t I ill.M s in snirt ot sue. c-s in the eo t,inj p, J.-ntn! . etiori Aa I il by what T hive .ilr-a lv s,i i,,;,,., W!lll i,. j have to I .1.. ... t .!...... !.... m i' . . ( . v ......... .-!..-. i-.uu .nr. v ;:n i.iiien h:is . i! t.. be .;.!., i-iforreJ tliat ';e ?et'i , an an s.v r. either ,. ,. in-e be could r, ,t ttulv oivo o:,.; s;i-H-ta.:torv f , t!,e S et:,, r f, : i A ri unn J,Vy;..V.,v;;!vo'.vvrerv. - ; .Nothing cot have b in more f.reijn from my nuro -se, than to i"i"er to Mr. Van I. iron's letter to Col. M ailorv as t fid to ,'ivo ins sntiaionts ihere i i epre -d, th-ir fill f.reo. As it has been aid that the tettor d fs e mtam a i evn-'s.-i i -tro ij; -r tti.i'i eitliT of those I cited i i ftVor f in iUtii, I will here refer to it. duty of t!i t w !i S? l?f-i e:.? lit A 't'l t 1" f .it.' : Fe-l r-i' yrrrnmr-if, n to tt-e ro'is-tifi'tiot.i! ot- ir t ive-te', a- ! i prey it ll SI iv -rv i i t'ie r-iri o ,tjii?i.t 1 Iv v.'Uje -- 1 V 1 1 ; i imtwou.-. Kiconvenieiae. bv the -!av -! i Ma'es, sine, in many Mates no aid w i.at -- e e r e .iiil : it. o.- aa weu to tne own.-r-r may, Iron t!,e -itu .?i .n in which the i,artia;':i ,... n-,tl. r....;-t .. .... I ' .' ; . ..-Ol - . I; reads :i t!e p : " it is the s.iered o!" of the- l-oited ! t a - aei o . the er v i'!i w'i eh tn"v e. "'. lb .'i'l i ' the tri ?:es of the Slice 't I'ri'S St iffs. N ..v, l -t It be obs rv I, ? at Mr. Van 15 ir mi's daetriu?-, as I li ive sho.Vil it t b is, that tpie-tmus en h- i tiiv I- ilo -c;'ii' is jiii-i T! e-e J m-, c :! t l l sortie do L. roe , a r,,s.,;t" ,uV . ... i . . ' n- wi.i pn ten.l t c-'iKi.ler t:n- a! ot! well -" " t' ''..'?.' rim: 't t't i ii ,j if e v -'mefiu 's iri rd I: "act, jt e fiiiot re, ih.'e.a ? rm -nun .eil r isomn-f. Ii i tie ia -a-st I r t'a-a!om- K, H i: iJ-(l ertjccft ot O' i ,:o ! wid rt7e"-a.e to . UTtee i L.a-tern an l Mi ..!. .r 'nteiesfs of t he t i : . H Se N ;fcs t- t h Savri r-e of ? . ! .. ... .a .i . -.. "i ii, me ou'.-uo-; arises, .in VrdliMlir'.Vi'tvVi 1,c:-.,-.;thou,a i!, "(not at ,11 tin, s had Us tuU b : ; f: :ro, d a of arcom le- mi, re-e-. abh-li, .t - ' vo5'. 3 l" bt" I 'T .! -ta o:i t st fi a c i nt'iv certain that a ".at. i - IJi.i' l Mat.-- IJtnk is -tih " k tain nu irier," il is now s.ilViei --.it ...ii of the oeoo'e : -t til'" I' ilied .1 i were opposed to the . Id l?a ik, and -.re S .-...1 tn :i net.' .me :i t 1? id. lv'raiW i,;S i;-:l on I bo bank rpiestio'i, ahead of if an I its c - a m the midst . f its dioi-:amzinj: v.i?at!.: naJ been o tenor r p- tel a-.d putdivie I, t!a i t a have b''it n:i tee ah Sii qa s;i m ten, it i ; tiie iionul-ir dis(;. is o?" it, it si: ill - ver jrodee i - tr - !tl-CU-t 'IIS Ol t'.e ...r t!ia? la ioa.-t s u i t t'.r t e! in a i- oh' of th III is o 'ii;' e. w i'h '"lis N"rt'i ;,as be.rr.. -os t!.e -,( H ! A I' . lei r I !.f eoti.ia. t !" t' e e. i ! - e;. more v;o!eut! oxhibi'eil of la: than f r.nor lai: their violent actmn l as beret. .foto boon r f.il ei to t!io protection of fugitives: and I will pass -n to jja'her trout the same source, what has been the prev doi t seutiinoi.t in the ri n n- re I ;tes to slaves carried thither bv ami wih their v er. f . b.s "f'onfl.ct o bas" raue- 1)2 and o. Ju.I :e Sbrv hold- th;- kmena": I ioei hmt o' tne L .pi- - Dr.,-v nvd ithf hi s'ic.i a won., r u t, t:i.p n.;)1e.e atatives ; and I M,pt without pistol, un.br my pill ev, :lh , it-ther-V urtt -r 1 t than Mat in t ,e vo, of - jt c,!i;r, ,,. s.uJ, itl ,,e to -th - f hi-loc no, . ..... nit, lb- street, wuh ut l,". aro-ed t j V warrant e ; and a liitior ".t titan ''''j itri i , that the Ii-esi lent is invest?' 1 " w.fico.-ti the i .... V:- ae obliged 'o keep a :uard at the ! your own b ue. ,s proud a- ; r.e youn ' i tutional .w-r" ., vot, a hid, t t st.m winch th n tJ.,or i.i j it a id day. t ! y"r iau?ur r-. a, e , ., " ' . f , " is n . w ant of eonstitut,., al t .w-r. 1 - e u-utu L -' week th citv ft Oipeo wa, si upon vv ; eaoklo.l l ain uer pi.-asuiu , , ( j (j r. .j,..,,., , , h s ooi u i, t in .iv t o ... 1 i.l ..!" fiese men 1 ev ' I :;Clit. .... . . ..... . . -ii.-iti is senses .tt.. .se tail no' I... A'.,.... icki-d the ei'v. ki'" 'd the .,.,.-,rors, ..Woman! if you n. find a dirtier b, e than . - p ,f ,eor . I. .......... ;i U --id e.vn to a Uer- ttinff ill 111V l-alse. I Will -ive V-tl l '"Jia U aillCUlOj . . 7 .... ..' V!,.tie,(.v i : i st tear' ill an a?..i:a.ioa .. .-e: - ... ... . r, c ,u it :.. ...mi . ' nru isions I me o:.-i o . . -. n in- - - v- , ! 1 th I . ,f laese men t e v "'" ' 1 rv fa tins drawn fr nn lie-c-Ii-, s ! th - we, M.!v. 'I'.,. Ld -r.d party of this cj-itrv !i iv a t mvt w tn.j.ntv oft.e- people o i th-ir M but liav,- t.ore f.l .re Ueu p.cvented Ir.en nnkin! any imht.uv that in inv house, i wail -ive y-.ti i -.i -a .01 y. nr loot fir u thi 14. ' " " 'P m honor ?" -ibl H !:'! "n. n !.... !,... or ctieil the Dr. bank rjuo-tioe, for? its fste t- caa-e suklic ..fi M!i .. -f .! ot" sii.wi h i r -r ...Inaltv ' -ae.it , ... Ueti . is of th" ee .n e m! b- opt in the con d ct- 0ffiMitie1s.11 a I e r"-t t b e suhm"r;ed '.' ,!.h, : oud he .mi.dit have used the same v. .11- i i l-d rets.ii 1.' 11 ref're tcoto the abdi'101 suh- j l"''t , "v t f 1 1 e"rer ao ipiaitott to i;,l- p.u ..-..o..- . i -.ler'-st o t'i ') ' ' !.-. ! o uiso, Losuie-S llie jrreate' in rcjf-ard . . - . i. ....... tor tne nrnteotion ' l"" rtjuts f.i iiiaso-!- to rtoiies'ie fugitive sh-v.-s, there is no doubt, that t o -im principle (i . 'ne principle ..f ti e hxv of O! 1 Tat !a d'i ntevatle- !(ieCo.iim ti law o h" lion- ..ir -lave-ne:'.i 'ir States i . Amenta ; to t is. rn -laves w.ad 1 no longer be I'eon ed such, intor t IP , .nova' tliiihr." Such, I t ke it, bus aiwa been .ah...- so i -ot. 11 is .1- eer'ai i as an. i a i -K-.ae a,. . tli , j m 1 tne . v .... 1 I u t!i .t tlt ni'ivpi v .r.i,i) j 1 1 ; j 1 rtj t--.ti .fT i" . in- ' j - t .in- i t 1 1 r,in.ic? n I I1 r i m- k I...... . . . - ..... . ... I 1.0 i.i-i.. 1 .. : 1. -n ttio cuiabh impor'aeee to t.- b ti r 1 Wnieii ca 1 l" reason i'.Iv suoa s if,- V ... 'tore .'s 'ovotio'i I Ills d ei ri ie t h it " ' ... . 11 A the rtonn ar wi b .li'i-t Iw n .'i-'' 1 V ion wh i- i - of t 1 'in .pl- offie To ' .1 States depends .a. the settle me ,t r th s rpi mi vi ; w hereti-, t w i e ii;s- ; n a. i-- 1 a! ha ik Iwen raised up and as ..'ten jo e (!jU;1, ii'j ftoin that quarter ii'lmt is therein to create jr And her-- ti " .,u-iti?-n an- sii .iV.rni for the Ire l.-i p. cvented Irom nnkintr any tudibity The old wo ? an strmp -d .!l the ot u-r , al orr..lsi or lv concirronro in tie- w ,-he- r.v.v-.n-nt f.r want of arms. Tho arnM-r - h.ov- a.1(! lt .li-plaved a f.-.t that ''-".r;r".1 j" . hi a,tiM.,.,M...t lo .I..' inton-sts .f t'.- --h eer i . th" count rv; a;. 1 as the od ti -un A .-aid ,,.i: grinned in the lao o the a-tom-au . . . 4li-tv.-itio, in such event, by oxerci-i a- fit i, ...nkn ' 'f th- Iii.-'i under siuniar .;ircuius!an- .laimin- "(Jie ir t-. tie mi mm i ' t-vcntivo f...cliot to c ;i -u unite the popular wi! cesVt tae ...pl- tak- them. Cuieea!-I kno.'d ,1-1 k-.w d t I '; . ;f 0 (i , :i P) hv the !e.da'ivo an llvtae wv,M v. waus .n.-h a to im as the th,.r tre I erne here'. Vorts.mu.tU (. t.f h . ir,,rl,v; or , ,sirt. ,:) ,,r i ? the exitin- sys -i ... .1,. .. .trs le-re. uid t!' im- a .,u.rv i . tli Distriet. when that sysfen vi iv nl ict.l teni- r;......-.l :.t lm. i. a iiirs lo re, .o n.-nso rosotirr-s of ti, ir country in in a-ricutjural and eomm-rcii! p -iat of vi v wou' I s -)!i make ll become t lie first in the World." a sri:xi: at ikviivhons T h-. ' returned to th pr : an 1, af-:- ,.,f .r.niu- my ni-n th- rtM-o-i ft n-comm-. aa-t as,uri thea, mv v:-it hoeld v.! I- UseesS I W it .1 Wll L th " e, ..roul. II P I t'.-ri I two or three d mv i.nuil iuM:ap m an--.... t .... vers:.tio:i with a 1 1 iv,who received fe ir m .. ... - t ...tee oris with a:i nun it.- c .a a -. .. ... .11, r .1 in a I . !i '. ow l, ' , . I . ; - . ...item: hor t:" ae. na- 1 '. . II .!.- in-.. I'.r t hief, s. ;irM z'" a- t 'o u- . - d wh-e!i I aferwirls lea r.io a, .i a TV e.ii li a. id ken o br hz'ir?' an t c to i' :i ,i iaro" u n vc- is teru e.l ?-t i Our Unirerxity.'Yi sb any pro.tr. .-s ol i.n orovement, i a t iio vari -us b par. m.vits . t his 1 a !:tuti..n, must attract th atfeitt .n -, ill its I rem Is. .aher O un. ices, r".-nilv a i ea. a to ii of.-iavorv ii the District, when that system e.uld in I Ver 'xist. event by a i appht ation by hi ni'if of itie veto pow.T o i a biil to ah -lish it ! I'verv co m lorato man wid sav the former is the . .. i ...... i i. . . .. i, r wirn.icri ir,. wiiii mm: ana u-u; - n .- .n-... s.f- tv th" S aitii's proforiv? I know the mfeili-m'-tVf. .dor anticipates me. "it i- fds; t!?o2!, such has .fwavs b-oi, the ophdon. it has eevcr Ik- n nr dot - ol'. ot until v.'ry lbdy. It is : ot o,dv the o,,i uon, but t'aoe I r,s ! eon iccei.t and deci-iv. ac . . ... the M.;:ii '... ' .fa master carrv his -lave T i" i, as the reasoa which vlr. v a . luren na- . t-.t. ..f Ma-s-ac' us.a's. the slave l ce:nes iduce him j . . ft..released fr th- 'ate of servi- . . . . .. I ... I i o . " - 1 . . in reiitiou to , e . . . . tn,. Mnt 0 i,oi' k, would, if d bad been duly considered ny mm , , . wJliri. ij,,;,,,, cf t)le States a. I yet the Union las's aid widely slioi.s its pro phetic hoauis of i:iaipreci:.b!e pi sn 'ritv and peace. 'V ..... :i o l!.e re-.soo which Mr. Va . Ibiretl has assiiT-ie I that was -u;ticie!?t i a Hseif t i' to -arlont t!ie r iMisivo course in this counoxi , have led him with stricter pro r.r.etv and a If Iter pnisn-Tt ..' clV ct to s'lve to the abrlnio.-i tiu' stioo a ni ne parttoular Co .sideration. I wish it may be 1 was created, that a master living m one ot t -em and carrv inir bi - - avo into another, shall he hspos- sessed of his tnonertv bv the judicial tiibnnais of ithv is it he has uo done so; that he did no? nerco-.ve Cie apphcat.i.ity ut wis, r... thith. r? 1 - - 1 I I" 1" ill ill! I' ' .... that Slat?, as ih nib Ie- .. 1....1. .. i can ne r n 1 . t'.v n an this e ' a pirate n " ioir a I. aft"r.tv ..f the l'U Carrier i!c.i Dimes is 'lei Tr'e'u li CrAe. iis-ive .1 i tnaiu .-it 1......;. I neircled h- r t.-ck t i nuuvr us i i :s a io aio....... i... o atroi i I a naval n'heer. i i . .: ...I'.. I v....oiivi. t 'oiiinul tee. . ' . . ..... i i i i..liar;iiiLi:r" nne-tmn. of the tee eaeret lie aau iaoeiaii-a..i.- , e.-iu lot li'Ii'-ve tint, in I ue coin m-jeiit v, newomu - i - - .,, :' toil SMa re ot i ne o-!. o. we a7e p'-a-d I le.ire is the f .llow.u- : iU.ltv lho veto, unless he will sav so by -ivui this more tlecis.vo ev:e-eso o us oenu te, won! j of mv(. a ri).d. to .-ize on what- vo-spe- - T-.-it aav mitice .f the St e, d,.s,r ,s .f prose. p.irt,eular cuid?-ration. I.kolv to have, e anm- Iron, eo v.'1'"' ; rjos uf op,rtv nny n-'z- i of tie- North, c n.me; r,,t,,v;.iSt:.!r-s,,tb.M::.!vorsiH,vvh..sha'l!ur.j Iu M.Min;r (,rf!, it,qiIirv in lV letter to hi?n, it in which the pa rtiab-v of his fe !ow--ci iz e. m , wl,r ,h. jim, e,l ... ot our m.h satis'--.ctory evidence of -ood alents, studious . , thou;.s, proper to push it further I placed - b,m, to ca.m the troub.o. C',v . - ol t. . c t nol. , truth, a v; fen of an habits, and exemplary morals, an I vv h sdial! b" j, h.fJ ,..r..ro, bv anv . no w ho had invi- pubhe mmd. w ish it may not I- that he ot tl;e Cons.,tiea ? U there .,.,!.!,. to d.frav the excise ..t I utti-'u monev, y rt.:'-lxo a0..liun to the j ,,rcc,vo ,ts apphcabdi'v and at the s,,r time h r- ,J(), -fl hjs resoeet, a protect iit chins t b t-id ... ... the discretion of the I' icultv, 'e 'limit ..... r,.r:Jav Mr. Sherr-d ro-ved also, in .I.o North, a tor.ent so str h. 1 ; Coistitei.e I Sar?lv d.-re is. 1 1st i a r the n .nr Tnt th- h Iv S,a I pi ,- - l the ..ran i clinnrter c. . I .. . ;V .... tltn Utw. iit tl 11' l l ?l'r 1 ecU and arms; tf.l there w a. a li-cin'ition m thai at ntica banished Irom yu inoums . d t . all t'ne recitations of the Classes, tree ot any i!e '. led for Tuition f 'o-. " lUsotrerf firlhtr, thai such r.enefieiaries may .,..lMIi)v the li .. us of th- Colh-o, free ..1 rent, w hen such rooms are not neccsssarv f .r the ar.-o.ii-.odat. nofsu.di.Siudet,aspiy luitmnand Uoom r Wo hop- f l it h reirter, we shall n-vr hear re- l)eatei.u.u,f.uii.i,ni r:"vr:;x:: SchMl for ru h rtc-v .-.vt t omj : -""" Williams bad done with a respi ct to a IJr.itt Slates IViuk. With a circumspection c mim nsu rate with be mairiutude of the subject, I -trove to plac the matter ol abolition in lb- Di-triet of Co lumbia, " in a lorm studiou-lv adae'otl to present tl... ..,...;. .o in its ronti.eroil aspect' 'U st l.lV'ora- . . ' .. . . n ..." i.: , ir... S.. i than those. til- to fi oanicn'ar eii.. oi". . .i -- - - , - .... i lu" 11 ,l rlr"u 1 . ., . ...I, ..f..M. more mirttevhir cm- . . r t a tits: i i ii M i hip -in - I nut i.tu-- 1 I.:.. ........I . riti- i.MPiinl - l.Mii it In a! t II? ' It L'l'.ritl I.l'. l . ' ' . . - violence in opposition to more e.eraoie sentiments' than are th- so in bis letter to CI. Mallorv, which think I hive estimated at their I'm! vain" o the South. I wsh it mav not he that he does n' t on- eo . t Ol III' el -use of the d w..r:s: " Tli c c?:izr;t o rwi titlctl to 'ill the vririlfre a nl i "ituj o citi .. !S I '!ies,e c hn1! be rn- ri.;, i 1 1 - o" I.- iti- tortain and wid no? act on mo- decisive s tonents That ho has rehise.J n. iv jm qurs- s a her manner of le r African on-in. ... t I i.li( .rraci. ... i-.lv lavoreu i ,e oiotir o. i . '-!,. tn-with atii.edinatio, of her !ie. . I, -eaitn-too. .;!,- .ah.ta. 0 D ft I t "iv presMce drive you a ny. . -. cher intmbi'i '!t'" 'rm,:iutl I !-:ini-l lL.it 1 hid th- f iuntv of b-.-er m i do known to no .e.-s .. ... f .. 1. I . 5..... I n perso vvo' man i ' - . " Cli'l f . s-e V..'.l at 15 l : S l'C-f Sir. " !er 'a.-lv . h W". ship d-awl.l l r.h, w,d, lint ,"d !; ot -e. . .... f,,,:,.l in Crcl " l.vorv .y ktio L.V !!,.y-alwavsbri'i-de I feh-rtio lode o.n- rs. So tell whntven li'io hab, one m !.. .'..!! r.tii it 1 .r vo'I. r ; if I Ccroccc C w;ftr.Tne Counc:l of tho Cliero. koe Nation wil' c . nn.e!:ce its S-.oi, at New on the PJh Sept ml r, I r ue- purr-'- " .. . . 'C.mIv ti. lb; I cull'.', and . '! natu me . .-r- i.- ' . .r . . . ' .. ....ti. .ii nr.. oir.it )TV to I., S.-III- W '! ,r'V'" '.. .. .' '.. .. !...,( I.l,,-., rftli" im--cr.ni ,!l(,r ..,,i,.n1i,,, ... .i n-v " ,,,;; ;;, . ,,,, ,,,... . ,iv(, ,, Tis-tsi.p.. ri-,....i... ..,.1 ... lar....! rt tisiflem'ien t; e.n i .. w -. ii : !. ..!..,.....,.. i ; in'. . ' . .......I ... i i....,, I sirloration. cat .a.ot b-- !v-e;),, he .1 -euis it e.c .r.-is- tl... t.n.e .es. so far ii irallrl .is i navt i ' . . . , " ' ,. .r r ,..I4..,.T W'-v i , tent with te-pect (' ? fr, m ':ni, !o1he p..:;'.e e, in- c'h.a'i them to lie m some otnor respect-! vv M, la " " " i . snow i tie in o. ik m. . I7n;,,.,j States, to reiterate e.s ee,, ions o?i t his sub- r iti'in to iilvl.ti"!! lio civi-s lioiili-'or at al . J.l i " . . r i.iii.niii.iiM.ii ,, !iw . l.rcanso be ns d. a o so f b r;re m rrjnioii h-r. .,.. i. i. - ri a.-: ' .. " '; p f " "Y i o '"" . a i..-. ..ioi ii it car1 ti; t- ni.n im i- . , ll : mv -l?vc - - dl f tch n I r "- "i.l r.i-ii) - uoihiu? ;it ;res"nt, f.V .sb. ., l.-t'l t ie cif' to b't you k ' - ;.Ic hb ilucsd Guuva Jelly, hotlctt gv.vr, Ltsexlthttt.. v r t u. , hc h:Ml done b- fore Mr. W,.!.nu,s i,U Tr,.. bin, ; km. United States C om x m . . u , . lh ,M it , . aivP :l n, ,,e vartienlar cA .at a-n . N, ; n ,r Cutrey.supermtentlent of,, be,ore , y icqmrv v, ,s pres;.Mt.d ; I'.vo- a-.-lp.atv. ' A "r . ,rv ,(MM a( all ;( qil.,i(, ul.h Mr. -n Pure;, - C,rr.kee ':';:;':- t:( r.. wo )L,pi(n(ls.t(,n!i.wor.ruly.elus,of;.oce-sitva:-vM, ...l i..lr..pi- '''.. ' . . ., ... ' . i . 1 ....I. f ... .. I.i '.- sons III 1 no el" -i i v e. ' sntiTt of 'ho Chon.k-es a-'euliu.' . . ...... Sca 'for' Ihe Si.-lc.-4ri.7c i'.W. I have, .ud.o J, Ud routed uUd publUUcd uvo - sew iff the Zen 'foVMV S'af,"a c:t'Z-". -t t " li.Jto'M.o.'S, :o;d confi-rs, or was el.va.n 1 un--Vd t . .-; ( -r on bim rights and privi!offos tr n h t ' wh- 5.- T'n-i.-tt. Nevertheless. Th- So o e-.; C.a.rt ft -a-c'.'.seMs has lately deci:' thtt .fan ---or of a skive vu iv bin- within ti e l-mde.s of i!se State, the stave is bv that fact ft -e. - I 'he ...aster may be deprived of his prone ,-t. I a k "v-rv "'"si ,;;.r:,te man answer his ow n c n-"tofce. it t'e- ! es ;,r sbnvv that the faute-i-n -r t- r- N'ort i- 'ain- -r frrt.'!:.!! a.:d ceMso'l-'atner ion- nine ce-t e- in- I? il d C -ot dec n it d rnt ;;rl on ibis a!ur'Ji. In lieo, be en'ft.. t corsi-t'TlK rruee o - a n'- 'e to t.. i bill to abolish shiverv i -he ti.-t.i-t; tme he has a'rea H :'ivt-n a pledge to veto a bid ob-reritir . it. a. ,1 c..,iA l.!.nk. i..asMM"h as be -aid m ht . . . M . ' - nor c1 i ao s i eo'.-:-ati'l; with II 1 It i no longer r.?:r r?"?e--, T' I. tn,e t' af in r rbiimin.' 'es j t? rp.j.ia :" but it is . earr;- his 'ave w-j'b bo dispes-ed of o - tie - ... -r i.e. es !t;: n t ' .i- Mv.ac- -.i Uo ei! ? !;. ' to a: t ... ru r. ua- .... ... .. t,. Mr S'. i. o ... . - Ot rod 1 .... .n.ri ri.i.: :e:e.. 1110 I..C... .illvnul lll'IIMl I'' "el ' d'i a- f ,T ho h e.- t' a T "I V ! 11 f t o .v .... r.f ,t tie will ho pr:-.ee'eo in b" 'C --. Snnri'ii O Court's --!, i heroi T V ;dd take a A- f-A ; 1 'i.re. (piit f.d. ke- '. v "th h ' e okt lv ot :l r.t o r

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