0 0 T Jl-STITIA jTL WCJj I. 5 5 that Cily, the Rtor, Atli.-, anl all the leading Whig papers at llic North wen-, and are t-till tin? uncompro j ' ran party after using all the power and patronage of . ' his udice to whip the tiini'l anil dependent into the smi- I I"OR Tlln W (".STERN CAROLINIAN. R Ml. RO i) MLT.TING. Statesvvere 'suSered to w KU T cirLr.-.i. L'nu.i vould come next." Thes,... .'rt, Mexico - .a i 1 I I! ""mg oploi.cnU t the abolitionists, and have actually "" 01 Ujf no,,u 'fsot this convention, an.! to denounc; .t a i.irir(, m...njn., ,f tjie citizens of th-3 county of ston, mueiieiidetit of its tiiter-st a.rV-J- ,ru refused, mtt rvv, to puMish the proceedings of their and destroy th,; refractory, he is now m Ins own proper Wilkes, at t ie Court House m WdkesU.ro'. for the oar- J showing the views of t-e British CJ-.ia Pt as ne-'tings. Bv i.w tcu-i uliMmMe t ts-it is 7 T' iul ? "'J rT'1"1' I"15" "f 1 '' km 1 '5' r-.sidention the subject of a Kail j relation to Tex.,s and Mexico, cm.anmlh. in evident that th- Who, , r - ft - 1 1 r charging him Witu a,. abandonment of his pnnei- ,.oaJ trin F-iyetteyilie to the Mountuns v ol. Junes r,, nectimr ,he J,v. in 'e tint v- jn- I l,1Jl 1,12 u "S I'r, sn ' l''e . rlh, and ol course pies, and a de muiiem-v of , utv as a Sen ai.,r. A-iinst u-.m.., J ,u...i 1.. ei. : 11 : - f h.ro.ution rt p etmg the slave tru a., that v.t .. ie boJy ol that iwrtv are ,tHisl t. th. .nlwi.r:! ;!.. these charires. made to his constituents, to whom alone i. , t:.., e.-i i Tt attention. 1 ne brilisu Cabinet ilid u... d 'em THE CAUOLlXlAiV, SALISI5UU V: Saturday Morning, October 1, 103G. r THE PEOPLE'S TICIEr Full iiii-;sii)i-:.Tf roil viciinK.siiJi-:T, J02I. TVM! OrViiKiLMv. WHITE ELIXTOItAI. TICKET. el, :.nJ J m-eruu, d.uruics of the alolitioiUts. while he is res;,w,ble, Judjre Wl.it has the undoubted riht ,v i.,,l . On .notion If 1 1 M L-e. 7hU f.llowuur ! ,! H'Ces.sary to inteiieie, and the motion was Willi on the other hnn.!, all the- Mip.rt tl,oV receive from the mak,; Ul tincc- .Aid from any connexion which ; lr..aml.'e ami Rosolutions wore unai.i.nouslv a.lopted": I drawn. res-.of anv ulitir..l o.r.v v-.... r. . n.a" 'y ave with tlie lT.Jency, Ju I-.- InU- Whereas. tie Citizens of the county of Wilkes deep- ' , ' . o, . a. i uiiii stainls be tore the neonle o lenuessee as n; ot thMr .. . i ... .11 un is a, as regards the public pre.-s in the , Kepresontatives in the Senate of the Unit-1 Stit. Jinn . i,o were t.ie first to rais3 the voice of! then, he owes, in tbis capacity, 3 hib responsibility ; warning to the .Sor.tlir-rii people on this question Was 011,1 U,'re t is his duty as well as his pnvileje, it nut the pre,KS opjcd to the li-dlunore Caucus! ! dl',Vnd '"S fleia nduct fr.n .n.-srepre.entatn.u W. dare tii.. v, ,r! ' . ,, a" ' obl.xp.iv. Ills sp.Mcl. wasdelivent-l to his co.atii- u -n-rh . r - ' V r a"-V Ut iU aIh'- Ut l"!,,t a , cut-, and the sentiments, drank whh such eordhh.v ..e l , - ls o. thu party that bus, enr as yt , taken unanmity by theui, pronounce a verdict of triumphant a told 8-tmJ in favor of Southern princfph s and in ..- ! aciu.ttal. " .... - "i 10 ai.iiuun:trt. Don't di.-turb th- public mirsd ! il tloo.l .. . '. : .mm , . , " '"i xiLuiion : ins Ixen t H-ir nr. w !, Ie the Whi- prees, with a vo ce M.Hlca ntlv feint. iiriie, have been s.ainding the alarm n, the -ars of' t.ie Soutnem People have hr.,-r, warning tb.-m of the ty t likes tleep- ly impressed with the spirit of improvement, that is pervading thLTn:ted States, from the Kikes to the (lulf of Mexico. .nd M'lisihle of the importance of :f fordin every ficii.ty to the Agricultural and commer ciil ititerests of tiie count! v, 1 y uch m. atis as are best a .'apt."' to the wants, and Muted to the loeahties of tliat pirtKi'.'ar section of Xortl. Carolina, which Wilkes couiVy firms a part; do sincerely enter into the viewsof tiie citizen.-, of Fayettev die, with reganl toa Hail i , Irem t!n place to the Mountains. The peculiar pro-do- ts .f the intervenina countrv, as vll as that which . . n.-....,f l FIM'il WF'.Ilf! (,n,.ii..r..ii' i . i v!iin:iiv tu i'ivm ... , - ; UJ i-' roi.s coiiseimenci's a l.,...r.,, ..: ; i i .. . .ni'ij:w-i'.i .'II O.IIi.1,1,, ol 1 ' '-ivii 111. IdluCU I u W. J. Ald-:A.I)Cil,of Mecklenburg , ar ns tl,e war.l inarch of abolition principles. '4 t JOl IX iILMS, of Kuwan. j Ar.d now let ns turn to the la.t Con-toss: Who ;'A " .! Vuv' u Vi u'i pV!" ll'.l"rh',nU St",, ly th': SuUtU a'"1 '"r ri-,l,s louse, when r', JiMl.N -M. .w UK ti 1 1 j A 1 1, .it tfi.d!..ii. i i.-t.tioii-. f..r il.i. -.1 t.t; i b ! i, m v I) TitnM'l .ft:., i i i i 1 abobtionof slavery were llmxiuie; m trom 1;h " J(M1 1 ' V.:: lAx iA 1 i':"berLud. tlX.rtl.T V';.. ;..... .. ., . . j.i.um D.ai i ii, oi wran-e. - i if A 11? I.". 1A ':h lies Xorth and West of the Valley of the Yadkin, (con- Uilirrr ofC.ltuM '!,v.- f'.ro '.:.t !!-. IVit FXP1H1XG AGOXIFS OF VAX HU11EXISM IX F!,, ;e.,, Rlon; n,,,, p,;, .1!Vm' .nust MA11YKXI) rv 'i.e.ins of l.,.d o-irr: i f-, mv vva- by the partisans ot Mr. an I'uiencai. ecit ttetfi . -ms er s-anlar veh files. Jiol.ev .!--, as -e m. that in sin prise in the mind of any one who ha nan-. ; ' ; to the jrreat trnde, which might he o.ncentra , ... it . i ' - - ', te I at ilkeNip-,' iI.mm, or Fa v- tievi'le; a very 1 ar-e observed these bloated n in:o:Ss of nv-r...o f,l ; p,.r,it offh., Xi)rih ,rru COs!:1( s o- T. IHi.si0, :)Md patronage. The au-laciotis attempt of the V a ) lu- , the S.tat!i-vv'ern -:e-: ot Vu ria. uouiti mtursllv Vort the Jiafn'iri Register of Sept. 27. Tiie ' StanJard" styles tiie recent Wing Festi val at Hillsboro,' a 4;reat Fe ieral Whig" least 'I "here were fro,n twelve to rifieen nuadre-l Orange voters present, and if they are " Federalists,'' we can otily say, tiiat we wish the whole State was of tht same stamp. The "Standard" however, had better take care bow it speak- of the the constitu ents of Dr. MoMtgomerv , til t ;reat Apostle of the Van lliiren, Democratic, Rack party, or it may get itself into trouble. Toe "Standard" says, that the Election of a majority of Whigs in the Electoral College of I i o act of tlesperntion, recklessness or corruption ; ,.,..,,r j.,.,,, uri,:. , CU.KId:S MAXI.Y.of Wak-. WILLlt: lMIKIlY, of Fi.mklin. WILLIAM W. Cl!i:ill!Y, of H-rtie. JOilX I BAILEY, .f Pajuot ink. J. O'K. WILLIAMS, of i,. ;ur'Tt. HLOUX T COLF.MAX, of Lenoir. Ji;iii:.!i.U I'LAKSALUof Duplin. j most consp:cuouintheiropH).-.itiontothe Ildtimore can- ren fiction in Maryland to thwart the laws n-id j s,;nk in !)llTlct f"r ,h'!r t""phis pro.j.. coons th.-oagli this i cus and its nominees 1 Win mmcl in i .L ,,, , ciJ,. ,-. . r .. . , , , ; Valley, in pr,.rt rence t, ,, Charh .-ton an 1 Ct.icinnut- I . " II" IIIIIW (1 IO kirk (IIII (l U1C I I lillslll t llll III I IPir nun St-itn j .... I f r. I I I . I . - ' . . 1 . . .... II)ti- of Kei.ns nt.tiv..-tl... l t. .-. .. ! tr or the t ire t v e.-tern route, tbru-j'i t he Valley ot rein e . , , l' "" UU,Kt a"d ,0 "t however tl.o less merit the dee., mdi;rnai m V-rnia; sh ml i either of t.,.se cantem ,1 -ted ra.I wars e,,nny of the JlTam , .T"' - T f vcrv unbought freeman of our Ilermb'ie. Fn, b- t :.y future t- elfec'ed. A d,r,ct l:ne of IiV.il ' sucees.rs, ami in tins motion he .. . T 1 ay. from Wiike.-horoi. -h to the O-i .-an, w ould tn r-Hy was st.nnni Nil l.t, t , .... .1 . . israc-lul a- is the cooduO of these in Iluren- ' ...... . . .... . - . j.j .. nu,,.- l(. ijii- oiiiMiaiiion ini'iiirir-i . i".t"i.ij i w o -iii!i.:rf.i ari.i nnv . in-snhr Tiirnii"ii .a j trom the Samth with the exception ofoue or two reue- 1 ,tC:S to t','idves, and discreditable to the coustitu- j coj-itry, where pr.k-i;ous aild hi -or are c!.-u). and the .jp i-iii-M a:-i;.e s-u p(M oj uiaier ioi u ar.-iuLi iui :i;n i so long gorged themselves on the puhlie treasury would not relinquish their hold q ueilv. r MADXFSS OF 1'AIITY. at Uriti-lletown, iuw oj so....? uuie uic urn iae ; i.jy to credit the as. rtion--that the nuKifiers ui' the ..a:cn,.in .. .. .... ...................... - oth who are MipjH.rtmg n Incident himself a ; K r to the I arolmian ut tint oilice inlormed us tli.it he , ,. . . .. . i..- iniu.r -.t .i. ,r r vv., ....... ive-h.-I ;cr, ure leagued with the a-H.Iitionist.s to ii .t l irned how it was ut other i.,to.Iic;3 in t!i.- lhs- ; mt down Mr. Van Il.iren! Which would be t'.e most Prom the AmuitoHx Republican, S. mht r 20. jricL ' pl .u.-ible to sup;ose that the abolitionists would unite j l hecou.es our most painful duty to a-eian-ice to 'he ' We hate tins explanation of ti.e affair f.om ore of v. itU thnc-hnl.lcrs to elevate a l.n-v.hUvr to the Pre- P,NM'1 ,"f Maryland, th u the iim- t.-eu Lh clors of the t:,o Subcontractor, between this place and Sale,!.,,- sA in or,lor to etlect the abolition of slavery ;-..r oXnS ll-em were' in k Sri!!' n Or, the same evening that the papers we alluded . ... , . .. . , ,lu"ous" l" UI "'t!l1 w.re in t!.' it, je?.er..av, ie . t VerepabI ,hel.they werebro-.-hto.iL to Ml. Mol,,,c 1 ,nl ,!'"' U,J"M ua,U' w,t, a I,;,rt' wl,u a,e ,d-t!Cftl yterd.ay was the day on wh.c, t e Coal:iu! -a, re- I O , 'Si miles on the read to 11. i place, in a pn.rate i w.iu .ueui in je.ning aim principle, in me eievaium ci 'iuuca i.i.n invy nuuuiu nieci in ro.ismninaie im -r,j h i Ii .r ant there tae stage c.river mrew iiiem out, aua o in.au iroui ineir own mxuom oi me union, wno is j .. v ... . .a,?l'A teas directed to leaie them there , 0VoweIlv opposed to slavery, and who has more than I U,t'1 'J1' ""';,' Jbr that punne. It .v -s un l-toivi. .. Wo J.on! 1 not hive noticed this niatter had it not . .- . .. .! r-i . . . r .. i i 0111 ' ",rs 11,11 " Ii. Id it priviih .)! at t .! ( tt v Heeiiouunoinivciioiic.il im. nnu- r an n. noi ltice J,v 1,; uris went to the fudest extent of their doc- 1 ., i T, ,i.,, . , . . , . i ,... ...h.Mia f tho r. 'I'i,.. C.i,, ,r,mi - -lloiei ma report al.t, that a i!"ihi!i! 'mi 'i-. ! :ittiMi: )'- jSd ,ti,!i,.r. -" T ; ,., PI,rol,,'. ., . !.,., ,, :, ,lli;:v. , '. ...i.-..;.,. rii,ia n;ilr.. T .............. t . Congress has the iio.ver to amdi.-h slavery m the District . afterwards tie a'ten dm g td.a tor-, w h '. re'.: t:on-; ri fi' ivrv- ki'i.i iiiii iiiu i-i.i a. t" uioioi . , - - i - i . . :. ..,.,...i o , ...i ..,. ...r..r......,l .:i n i ,t ' i if Co! ii 1 1 ibia ! These are f.cts which it would be well winch, however, were returned m tn .ao election. This statement shows that they icrrc i..r the People of the South to look well to. They t-hould K,i;s.',urv PnvfTS. W e stated some tune since that ",lICs and opposed by the un Iluren m, rt v , ,t t..v flits who elected them, it is nevertheless m ,K. S.ihtiury poH-rs, winch were due in this district i The.-e are facts which can be i.l,,t:,ti,o...i "l.v .I... ..r;.. iiimortm.t iM.iut .,fn,.w. ..irro rtf p.-il r. I.debvr i ' " ": - . '. ' va " rnt ir.c-, ; :-s or lat.uct. c-i n oe rea e .r.iijv -rev ions to th- r lection ;m,i i.i, I m .r i . . ,- ' j ililv .ol! c.'ieaniv ot .me;!. It Viotild not he haz;r loes to i itler'c .Ic..!m.1 lo a-!:, ihe ",,!,:V,s ofU," I r , -r:,;,,a,.l'rWC,0r ,,., S,,er,,n,t. It is a as-n inasi. mid a prmaneet and centra, rail way be I J - coiifi" to cnrrectcori citisio A.re not r-- ' ' r,?"t;"' or nulblicatto,, p-irty of the South, to a j pr..f that the actors a:e beginning to regard the "pene.1 from the Uor-l to the mountans, ten. n.- V-''r;U . 1 , .on." , i n an, have been most imc.-i-.iiw in tl,..ir on.ui.'t ;..n ... I it i -i i ting at or near Wi!k.l:-rnu-di, that the vat and imw- ,.,.,vel at t.is place nor at Urmdlctown u.it.l atier the ' 11 1 un.t a,uig it, their ep.Kj.ti.in to , caust! ol ;ui liuren and sp,M as i'iteratP. Ami i, ,,, T , , .. . r.r 4. ,.;,:.: . ,-t . lvct.ua. We at the M,e time uod it was the t!5 "''ti-ni.-ts, and all their movements and would w, - , , t ..v,.,. ., 1.1 ... ! . ' i i stable bM. of In n Ore, w:t,. v ntchtne sp-.s-.t tae 1 tC m m,.i-i... ....... , ... . . . . was to be expected that tie? I-eches which have Alie.d.auv and Iron Mo-ntains alxnm . won d furnish s.iu- . tr. - - , .... .. .... .. - .. . - -in ii ji noi ih- now ii r i roi ... ... e! ;",v' ri!l. P:)' "eavy anu utnvmr.aoie tax "i-"M Ma, v laud reeentiv, proves nothi-:-' r-Hiibt Van Huron's chat.ee ,,f" success in that Sta'e, lecause the aggregate V-... Iinren vote exceeded I be aggre gate Whig vote by some 2000 n.aj irify. And vet tins consistent print denies that Dudley's majori , rising odd-d, a fjords nnv sort of gtom.d for the h;.i"' that the trie -.ds of Judge White will can v North-Carolina. It is a bad rule that will not woik b all ways. Robert Potter has left Texas, having disgraced himself in that cou dry, by strikiag a feeble old ni'iri. Our Governor elect. Gen. Dudley, arrived in this City on Saturday night last, with ins family, on their way to the North. () ir ?tticcritj. We were highly gratified by ; visit to this Institution, a few davs since, not having been there before for maiiv years. The number of Students is near 90, and at n- iierind of its hitory, w e learn, has it lieen more di-tingui-du d for the good order and studious hahi's of the you g gentlemen who compase it, than during the pres ent year. This is doubtless owing to the kind spirit" of frien Mv counsel which characterizes disci pline of the Coliege. Believing, as we d , that no I . t ' i t ? m in the Union can boast of a Faculty jx-sses-ing ; .ore dis tinguished talents, ar civater industry, w-- are re-joiet-d to perceive tiie.t . ns r eiuze-is t)eii: priperlv to appreciate t'-ds, our only College, as they ..oght. NVIiv are the C Hegiate I -Mtuii -is f S nth ( ro Ima and Viriiini , so w !! .sp(.i ted ? Simplv, be eans : ? v ar-- ch- s :-lel as State Institutions bv t'.e j... i;::eT w ho f el a j-'ti iotic pride in vatroeiz ing u:.l ' -v;i!i!ir tfem. Iet this feeling In-come more gei era! i-. X- rf i-Car- lina, and t! eie i nolh- -eepii.-s thr a es to come of a material, i-i l -sii.'i:.- ble to very tr:nch of the ue'chatiic -irt; and in all human probabiii'y, lay the foundation of a manuf .ct urhig towa, wh eh in the course of t ime vvon'i l rival Birmingham, in le-r end less variety of Cutlery and Hardware. This l ist source of width if it e,-.j., at all, lias not yet been developed, upon either of the propped rail way here tofore attf nied to. Li furtherance of the oi j cis of this me"t;ng, bo it therefore resolved. 1. H-suited. Tint we heartily concur in the eiTirts now hong male to coastruct a Had Road from F.iy-ctn-v i'b.' to the Mountains m a c-utral direction, witli in the bmit- of X. Carolina, and extending North W-.-i:.rd'y to the State hue. "2. ti'.'h td. That ritu'ea delega'es be appointed to : R ui 'load Convention t te hel ' in the tow n of S.dis!--..i . oa ta. pth of ilet.-h r ,i.vt. to cons'ilt u;oa p. t--. '::;ty ot con.- rucling sa'd Road. ; to fix reception was jet lined m tiie m co.i i . a It All! be M'cn tiiat the St ite is ;.:.! . i.V I noon i;- !. !:y, and to retirement the views and iutcr- ,n,r:J. Will Messrs Jones Ilauipmn take the IK-t permit tlieuiselves to be duped into the up,M.rt of ts,. .rv I n k f t t f I " "' , " puasta ascertim by uho orders they were kit at ; cUlU.d aboht,unl,t by lhe falH. .ues and cu-ming ar- ne.-asnr w hici,' 'a bsap 'nomte ..mior.iy AnV'n.rtin' .N.ount .our!ie. . rUn,eiits of the organs of Mr. Van Buren in the South, to, to d- Jroy .iie State I.ivertmient. We are oblige! to friend Knmn, f r his repeatrul . . ..;.,.,, ;,. .,.. :,rh 'I a- Government -the La.vs th-- C..t,s-ition m: , I'.illOl .I.I.J lIVU-iib ill" .ic.' n.. ..... .. t .r..-i in terr.-tin -'iiilt ;i sn-!)ose,l .alinse. m ree .ra to ...... ....... -vi-.t...i-.. . .: ... .. !. . .. i :,. !,..., . tli-; tr.nsaiis-ion ot our pap.-r. W e oi.serve;I a Mmiiar n t;ce t-, the above in his paper, iinvi -diatfdy aft r the j clectif'ii, an i made the enquiries of the Po.-tma-ter her-', t . i ... . i . i .. . i ! : . . , 1 1 . . i . I ... VI aa expta ne-u me i .i:;.re s i-.io a n . ii s-' . .n- m n- tr.p previous to the Uh August, the Po-tmaster at 31 . iit M 'am?, tnnugh neglect we Mip;io-. tailed to s-mi.1 down a small mail big,. to contain the pajiers tbr t i? eitertne 1: ate oilioi'.-, as was cM-t- nary, which coa jv ilc.l the P-)stnrister here to put all the papers and le'drrs for We.-t of Salisbury int., one lirge mad, and direct them to Mount Monrne, giving th driver direc t i-ns Lj toll the Po.-nn.-ter at Mount Mouri.e, that the pipers tor his od'.'.e wore i i die large mad, which he i .-i it .- and send ot, ; but whether this wis done, or existence a a J-liite wh it 1- more t!ian a and ci.ar.tcti.T of Ma.y land, are in i-timm-m i Stifl Lut i r fr.m l.nj!iin .'in,- Bilti o- ( icle of the 22 i ultimo, .-ays: 'Pliv Shite it ioitbn.it a S- :i:tc. T';" t ie !in,- .';r..: !- i ui t Marylind came up at s o'clock last ni di' ;V -;i n.! oils, n.vmgnu iio.r.l ..n'iteeii ol t:.. nire ri.m Llcctor. th? nui"teeuih be n r b f; Standard) solely to do the dirty work of deceiving the People, for the benefit of their greit h ader and patron. MOIIF. DlSCI.O-l'RKS ! The following ar.icl" from tlie Knowille Register, the organ of Judge White in Tennessee, --till further lavs open to the view of tie; American People, the svs- ten, bv which the great pnncia! -s of our tree institu tions are to be converted into the most accursed of mo- ! narciucs. Let the People r-dl.-.-t calmly, and then .s.iy 'whether they are willing to .-arreuler up their .ital ! privi'eges as American freemen to gratify the ambitious appear in tne College." overbearing spirit of Andrew Jackson. The fctateuienta of thl article ar doubtless drawn up with the approba- fjy- The l.l"ct'rnrrr':nr tour. The Nashville P. :n- . . , . ...... ...... 111. .rr...i ll.n . . f .1 .. .!... i . ..: ... .11..'', tionolJudge vv n:te, anu w e suouii. oi o ti uii.-o i o-ii .i. ner tu uio jam luuin-i, .-iiu-? laauu-' i r-'.-iu-'n no i:s !'i . .1. Res !'.:. to f" X rr. ( t a.j n , t ug, an . to ai o? t i That a i , :e. t ntherau ins a. it th- country. Ccunittee of t'.'jr persons be iori i! o li;" next Le.yj-d o.;: e . f.r t a - ii.-jecs of this -a o; to the General .versitv from ry resiect. Ii v -coming thr; : ii a: O: i . Ol'.r.V per;. i ! ot its a -loll. T iii'lf has lice no i-l.-c-l ion f ii t n an r. h e I sc. t ion of wt: Co I.. G. J,. iV-.-t. T !.'.,. I ! I f'l'i-i.i : Ftidev. .e.'.l amrnded on "io- t"i, i. .-a .if M i j ' n. C. Fi.i-ie. tiie '' atr-n:n a- pointed '' I'-gi'e- t . tiie S -lis '!ry 'on ve-it !U, to 'i a... P. W i-ijh. Col. J.viu Mai tin, Doct. . cird .Ml.-!. Mm,., lap W. C. Kirn t, 1; ;: ;e'!e, .1 A VaniiOV, Mai. John ' . B-.--VV... C.,1. .1. J. Rry-.nt, Maj. Vtl iV pa I thit no other couuiiinicationst tin tho;-eof M e-I between the parties. Tie twenty one W-.-g K'- c tora were in session esterdiv, a- on th"two nrec.-d n-r days, and th '.an Rureu Licctois, as before, failed to i i .... i vvnelner tae mail mil papers n-mainen , ..o...,e. , C(,lna,ns at the time of publishing the die :i fi:W d .y.previ.ms and cr- Mourn", anil t-ius occa.-ioneu me i-aie.re, .n- .r-.m-.s- ter here d.rs not know, but tie- driver says that the lat-t-:r was taecuse. N-ey. if this be the case, the failure h . attributable to n -gh ct of tlie po-lin istcr at M unt M ii rue, and a n::sunder-tindiugbet vven lie an 1 the Post master nere, as to w h;ch !nad w as to b" ..prned at the fr-i-ierotlice. But .ft he large mail .v as stop nd -,t Mount f...i-.,r- .n t. i.i. h were o-ir niners. we wimiH like to peecl f Judge White at the Ki.o.wille D.uuer, but it aius into A"' ntnchj intending to proceed on to Wash was mislaid. Here it is: ington thr. ugh t hi? Stales ot A' '. O'io.anu '. DIXXl'llTO JUDGR WHJTIL jh,iniu Waa the like jvlt w lin-sed in this coniitry. Tlie proceedings at the dinner given to J udhi: Win i n occupy so much ot onr piper m.l we lit.: out no... n kiii i "let! fr comment. Tiie Judge's si ech was lis tened to with great attention, and it tfartling truths with no sm.ll degreeot astoui-umeni. r ron. o.cs.-; We have receive, the 'rcount of the great Vi'iowav, Cel. A: .Mitchell, and .., ; -m motion, lhe C'liir uau was a;:oit. .v It U p-iwer to ap-.o.at, or a i.i to the si:-),.. 'fiie C-.airm.a.,. r p-irsuarce to th"' ol ksohi :n-i, ap-Hvnted C.d. It. B.owu, Col. A. Mitchell. G 1. Vil !' W.-.ugh, nn M. Stokes, F.s.., a Co.n nittee todrae t!. proHsed .i.emorial. Oi -uttion of ('.intae. .! . i Vanuov, Co o-iei William P. Wa,;.-:., C.-d. A. .Mitche and it- M. Stokes, Rsq., lent bad left j uore ?p;v.iite-i to answer the Fayctteviile le tter. 1 the Mount- j On motion f Wm. C. 11 R- s ce,, That the foregoing pr--"ed:ngs be publi.-'ae.: in ti.e Jvihauury rui l Favettev'db papers. The me. tree- t'icii a-'j n;rnel. A true copy f:o:n t'te minutes K.pt. 1 loO. J. WF.l.LBORX, r-Vir'i. II. M. Stokus. -V e'y. irig to prevent our I rival -t l ale im every respect. 11 lias peculiar ndvn'ifeges io the quiet and r-tire.-,ie,;l its bari t.on. which n-'eessjirilv e.M.pt the vouti; fr un tlie te j, a'ious of idle .ess end ;:i--ioation ; ao 1 I n' few pi n s can afT-rd nn Tlducatioo t i, ihe in., ierate terms bv which it is secured at Compel Ili-l- CXTTKD IX WEDLOCK. In Salisbury, on the 27th nit., by shbol Smuh, Esq.," Mr. THOMAS RiMCil to Miss MARY RIMER. Also, on the 20th ult., by Ashhel Sunt!., F.sn , Mr. GEOilG!- ELLEll to Miss SARAH HART : AXr. WWWIiiTliHl. t M if l 'I oni'.-i.ri'iie 'pmo i.n-'u. In t.h:s Coiiity, oi th - 21st mst., HSXRY I1EL I.Aio), a -red about 4" v--rs I i tins County, on th-- r2 id last., Miss MARY HEL LRD, age., atH iit 27 yens. In Lincolntiea, oa Ve uesaav. the 2dth nit.. Mr. JOilX KESLEU, aged a. Hint 2d years. Mr. Keslcr w as an nontst an i worthy yung man, a ad higiiiy es t 1 med !v all who kn-'-v him. In E. am on. on the llth ult., Mr- MARY CATHA R1XE CARXilS. aed:U years, w.-eot the R.-v. Will- Whig f-'-tival at Hill.-horon on tii l-e.i ultimo. :.-! wall give some extracts next wa -k. tv r.. fweci. this and Rutherford, lor we know to j uA m ,i;st ,,w., nominated h..- sttreessor, and Alitor of the too 1 observation, that the o'.llce in ih'-s place ' M j f, v,..i uicii Mr. Van Buret, as the pi p-r jH-rs.nl P.oph: of Noi imnit to thr I'n.-jdr .Ver'f f' rroli-ia. The North Carol un tand-ir.i, mi-: think tlie rth Carolina a very pretty set of :o!ts. ne .,.m tins adniinisiratio.i. JolureJuJge v m.e s..-- ; hjs last m:'.'r. m hatching u , reasons 'or the! into this arrangement, his nam.' was to be run for the (j,.',,.at f i)(l;,i,s s-vilgl.t, ?hat th" Wh-gs t.u.k a.lvar.t-j !. in o' I i.essee. U;oi, hisainval at Washing V.ce Presidency: ami t u:s arr.. . f ,, riro nf ,!. Peoo'e. and where thy tiiv t TI! COVI-iJ VO!J RITRTOX. ''" ''''IirHsnTru-al atWashhigt-.n 'in lSll. the were not well inf rmed in Hit teal matters, an I not ?)MUl sr:re a paragraph up, .eared in the Pr.-si.lent, hriding that Ju-ige White could riot be indue- well acquainted with the polities of the end- .ate-, to.-l j jy,;,,,, J -j, ,r:..r, stao.sg that a let! r from ome ed to enter mto aiiv plan other than that .iovi-od by those ignorant North Caro'mhns thit Gov. Spaight j , ...dihe !'u.-ieio:arv had been f ai d among Gov. coulmud f.ithfuliy and correctly. Th-corrut-r ..m or m-id . ct is somewhere on the route, and we shall take Measures to correct il. " f ?. hntrhrth !ir rh ruril'i to hi !r its A tnost di-d.olical :.tt. inpt is now be.r.g tn:e!e by the 1-a.hr.T presses of the Van Buret, party in the South l.eade,, hv the (, lobe at Washington city, the Rirhuiolid Iliiquircr. the R.leiel, Stainlard, Ihe Charleston Com-- ut i-'...!..r.l IT,,,.,.,. Milledg-'vilie, Gt.. the Flagofi .. .. i- 'p., At. .c . to n.islead the public j .. ',-',, fr4)I11".tie P -"!'.e." Tlie ofhei d org:, ,i accord ng-' t hav that they do not know ... l.. ll. on, in.. ., t . 1 ... ..- .1.:. tr. ti... .... I .... : . . n .. t . l. i I .. I t l.r. II'T V O. IIIIS O'llH ... S ill Hi-' iimiini"-!'- 1 )i - a .1 '..il,.. . oml i',i i.llio lnKltl the two great pol.taa.l partus ... .... ,'. ' . to to carry it fo-war 1. i lu cutive iaoi mi- -ii' : ' - APi'Ol I .et'.NT OF i'illlM'il M I XiS filllS TO THE UN iTEi STATS. A Pii-1 paptr of Angost 10, says: "The King, hv ae -evil ,1-ice of tie d:i, i:st. Ii;is app uuted M. Si',;tiu-S!KU - be his Iviv.-y I'xtra .rdioarv Mi ii-ter Plemr, eentia rv at Ri- Ja.ieiro, and M. i 1'dvv vk Pi nt vis. hi the sa ne quality, to the Uni ted S.ates of America." lilooe Sept. 2G. lam If. i aril' s tvecioi" of tut seven davs. r of that Pur.sh, after an iilnets "3L r- VI .--I5iA"" kT .TV i T be Dri'teii : 1 cr.uauiii the pie, changed his on oeai purple of rutmmg vvas t!l. Whig, and Ge .. j !l..v the V.m R Judge WhU'e as Vice President and s .hstmit-Ml ( .. . Verily, w h .t a sl o..! -' u-m Go. .e -i; M. u : vr?..., c. n-ces-Jirv to get up a cuveniion of delegates a compliment lo the h,, i.-.-t -.,." ry o. t- i. .." o.M,..!e." The other. 1 organ accord ng- ' ., . sav that tln v do not know :l.e pr.nc:Ie.- tiuri I -s to the ii.oveuient ... 1 ...... ,..rl... re at ion w h:cu the two grea. po..m..o il.i.e ii ri f ft 't r 'i I I . 1 I ....... 4. ...1.1 I V . m i. ...i.l..- m I he olhce i.oi-iers uu'i oi.-;-.. .v...... .... .... . - - -O ... .- , - . ... '11... i..l to to carry it io-war a. inc. . . .- -pi .. . i-uiiv.' i. ivor e- - j t o'!... t'i.,.i. u i..t. ...... ,., . I- I ... .1 .. K Ii. e.I latiallCS. Jill. . .. . . . l.l . ..,.nrv III if" Ill u:l '.- -''i ..s ... c.. " ' . .. ... i great no.. o. i" a . , .. - , th one or the ..therofthe can- . -. i ' 1 ' - . 1 1 ...... i .1. .1... Xi..... .......... ... .a . ... .Ir f I. - i... t : i - ... . . : r -1 aU.liti.-nists irH ult miatcly give tneir him-" j ,iu. .p-more Convention it origiuaie.. w.... o.. .., s.- , taf ...... .... ..c...., ... -lidat.-s who are now l-t -re ; u.,ukV;is cnvok-I exire--iy lor tae pu.fs-.- .,, ss- . . to:,lluilg his nomuntions, ati.l v as a , . , ' V' j M a ca,5es, meeting of the State Rht: .1 , v ot l.iose WFIO live, iii ... , III. I . ... -. ... ...... m t he suiis.iiue ol ne. ui.- . .:. arei, can-i j. j, j,:in,.r infuming iii.o that Texas wa uld -:"ht, o ..o.iired bv tie- Lane ! tates a.i.l pro .a-mg ' he -b .ol. 1 be its Governor U. A. l.urlon of F m r Cr-'e! h .s er i-tlv puhhsht-il a letter de iivmg ti-?t ai. such iettc. , has lwvi found, ami rati'',- the .np.siii .i, ra;ers f.r givi.ig pabheity to 4 .. " . - .... . .c ' ..... .nv -i'leb ru r. rv.'verai eorrfslo..ue:ns o. .ne B it six Ri- i'.i.-o ' Wbur, i reply state that G. v. Ihirton i - a e-' dilf i. nt imiivi. iials that -uch vvas tee u-!.;- of ti e P'esa lent. The Caroiioa pteh- - I .V'l.i ' uru y which , ices. the People, o one will pretend doubt ; is there is r.rolibdev of anotm-Fs coming "it- Seeing ties, a - . . - T .. r'v It was an impor- : Charleston, to no innate :. ciiio.!::te in ps ti Mr. . :.:. -'at "s th it ihe same th ciar it,. a.s were repeat e Mv o ad 1 !,i o, iu S disburv. No y we sav, to it a:elin this to vn,tivit l.-xas vv-.ild bi 1 it' p.:p:;lt .S;;.v.V7?, At Greensboroiigli, N. C. on 2Qtli Cel. FJilNCIPAL rr.izE?. 1 Piize of 0,000 DOLLARS. 1 Prize of 5,000 L. 1 Prize of 2.000 do. 1 Prize of 2,000 do. 1 Prize of 2.000 do. 10 Prizes of 1.000 do. 10 Prizes of 500 do. 10 Prizes of 400 do. 10 Prizes of 500 do. 10 Prizes of 200 do. Resides manv oi SlO'i 8-0. ecc. I "..!.. f ,., . ii, iT. r i ri ; ii1 i I - i ;n i . i i r -urn . . . i - , r : . ... t t-ing urged on by the spirit of b-ar wh en ai..as o- t u,.tisp..iibb v.be-1 in ihat grand political ma- I I :i, v l Pmckney, O:. Isvxc I.. I.olmls, wa ti.uni- t ..,,,,;, ...J l,v t- c. am'rv, and that lie nad 1h?h as- tribes to ioe.lt, tie se f.-Misnf ?dr. Van Ruren, or ra- j UU:U ,fcK.rr, politicians have discovered to u.anu- moU!.iy noa.a.at.-d. ,.-,..i of lhe (loye -,IOrhip. Ho also .offered the tie r cnaturrs of the President, have raised the cry. t:iC.ur lr..M.ie,es f.r the pe-.-de ot the Lmtpl States - , I Svr.-hrvs'ii;, to.in i.idivieoa! :,f this place, and a I- Vnt the abil.Vonists have intri',. with th. I, hk ;u,d w e now to-- t ct.,:er;,is The Elect mnsji. Ma.ne an i Vermont have res-, ; v,, a:,.!t-r, ,, t. ..nhntk bis capital in this vvh nulhtiers. as thev hme be.P ordered to call-he j ttotis ol th.s mat . n j.f;,,;' t roiud, the of- in a manner w inch his rn ,r thatl rralir, ,1 the most ; ,,,, vxvv, lt , exis lands, ass.ginug as fr.ends of the Constitution, to def-at the wri'irUf J7rr;n nth, t Oft;over,.u,e,.t. and prom-dntes ! s.angu ne ant:cipit,,.ns of the frrendsof th- Const,tt,o. j a roas-n tji:lt iv m , tnun the highest until -nty nominated democratic candidates Mr. Van nr.".i. and ' uij, f ti... g ,-at R-p-iblicat, party. TU ns- Wrui ut, the Whigs ha.e c.rried all before tae,.-, (!iat ,,.,1 .OOI1 constitute a portion of the con- C.,t J. I n nnd .,-.,lv the Cnion ! and at.r.biite all piriIlts f r odice, and those Hlrva.iy Homing oun es. are an , j,, M llIl, ,it!ierto the u-o.-: slavish to the nier ap j Jeder acv. V , , '"it .nt of Con rre.-s during the Hast r.ip.ired to appoint del.gatestoa convention on piri:s.j . saccee dr .1 m eb-c ag an in- j We have a word to sav to II. A. Burton, F. C. the exc.te. ent m and ,1 t C. ,. r J. notmnations All w !,o ndn.e to . ,11 I r . lo tl , .t.,,twrf., I X ve aItarked the ehatacte, of his lathe,, .wess on of to a c.mcer te; ,d.i. I. tw Xor,h,rn i" w'th th.s arratig m-nt are to betre.te s t. U- " 1 1 0U m a mi aority, ai d what is more j He was enmhatieadv a -hh! urn:,. No one has in- op-H.sitH.1, members ot Confess, and th. are to be detiouucej as apostate fe c is i t,:tt ,lU ..oldn-a? nrmcihles w ere m-nhrted j nn. no former services no n-i ir. vo v,w .catering, iney rnm- ...... i V ' ... t x' ., ti e ,re all fiW i-su-s mule up f.r th tim MIW;.nN , cxeaq.t an individual from these sAeep-; ,)r (,,;, olu. 0f the mo- corrua ef the abandoned , hv this promised olliee. lX tin un ,ue ren -ctions .oa'' ' flemf c as they are base, w icked, and deponnciations. If J, Ige White had in IS 1 sub- j lhp 1CO at Kington. ThejiW be cas, upon the . h,g press. Me know i;,g as tals. m tail, a. t . ,vn,l..Mi u.issiveiy yielded to the Present s plans- if he had .,.,. th o well, arid we Un-.w Mr. liurton well ; and we - la Ihsh in their purine, and are Zt the ,no- consented to run f.r the Vice Prestdencey. and cl,,, d -te t. us r,,a. ,f !lH ,r,at, (h w;th iup.sM e again, j T.. ..tt I... -Uh t ,'arrive nt the truth a-to lie m ,.,,,.r.,,; ,,f il.is nev Iv uiveiit.-.l jM-httc il Br.iks, ( big) d, .u.u.i," . lfurvui o,.v . ,:!,. .,r i. .::;:,.n,l ... - -.i it ( ii. iii. i.l' .1 - j ... . - - iii,.. t..-iiio..r i.:ivfr- ..!.- lit ii ii i.io.v... .........,1 l ... . - .i.l.. ; i ..... i . . . . iiii ..... - , , . i t : . , llw.ir -..i roCtlU sS. VV C Will UI tne ot inese cu ari.es, uiiu ....... - rect a few remarks. In the f.rst pkar-e, we would direct the attention of 1 .ti. a n'h fl0 .lor to the act ami a inosi v.- ce, .... , ,.r of the last Congress, uie n organ of the Van the reader to that nieviou-i to the meetin New-York Evening Post, the ch. Buren pirty in . . . . t . mch.ne,4ie mi-ht still have reiameu in.- conn .cue. and commendation of the Executive and his minions he would then have been the same v u tumis ami consis tent statesman wh. h the Richmond Enquirer -said he w as but a few years ago. But believing that the pe.v n'e and they al.'.iK' have the right to nominate nnd elect I iheir President, he refused to enter into any srrange- New-York city, wa- nl-o a most acuve j jifnt ,(y XVl,u:h olh.-nl p-.wer con I I come in connici Ion, i f eh-ct'otis he uei. ruiineu io nave al- ft l 1 .9 mt iMlPil lilt ill1'' 1 - - i WHil I Ilir H ' oruan ot tne .-vuo.u.u.os.. . , . ... . lllt.,,s. s or c o.iv options, which .. . ,w,n .Vr . niu also me .... '- u-iiuoi, . .. . ., an tueir mc.-vus, . ways have a 4e. en.-v to abridge an l circumscr.ue me rcn organ in Boston, was touched w tth aK,, i-mi-.n jv. . the Post; nt.d in like manner, lirge n-imaer ot tne f pM f f rlocti(1neer,ng nnchm pr,..s of that party, especially th..se caltt. d and sup- I noW ?i)ms, in State. The Presioent, af tKrte l.v foreigners and foreign intb.ence, were, and . tor nIuili;itrng his f.iw.r two ye-iw ag.-aOer or- . - i iv. ..... i i . ..... ,..f ... ..I otf.n.i ii, ...ii-rH ill .,i'i iii hit niii Scattering, P.alire opposition, .ll :i,aso when they let him out of their bands. Carol hi a Gazette. woioimti -r in all to iciOJOO. Wiioie 1 icKeta d dodars ILdves 2 dollors ().a it tors 1 dollar. A certificate for a package of 1 whole tickets will cost otdv S-3. Halves an i 'iuarters i.. tiie same proportion. T !k had, a she - rarest vane tv of numbers, of W11F.KLFR BURNS, At the Apothecaries Store, Sabso-iry N. C Aditiinistr ttor s Sale. jTfi'lK Subscrib -rs having taken oujspecial letters '.; A-'mi. isf ration on the F.stale td" F;t I. img Sla- er, .Ice, will ppn-eed to sell at his late ret-idei.ee all the PKlllSilViLE PUOPEliTYed tiie dec, op the 20th O t. --v;. Terms of ale, 12 Months credit. THOM AS CRAlGE. ( , , IJURTON CRAIGC, S AaniTam Salisbury, Sept. 20 16. FIVK FSiiM !?EWAva! suhseriUr, t'-- 13th ... . . . - 1 - . .1- . . I t. . . .. . i i if. . ...ir i-ii.-i!iitjiiw..'..iv- ....... are st .11 lavo-aMeto me aimmimiiM,,-- - - ... . .V the o-reat renuLIi. .. i .il l , .-. ii.r irt t-ciiO tills iivui.auju iijv..i 6- . vprv interestim debate took place in the Hrit- ; AN AW AY from the Onnosition maj. 201 sh lloti-e of t om moos, on a motion nrougut mr- -o-...,...., ... o . . o. .tx A major it v of all the votes polled hemg req-urea to vp r,j j,v Mr. Hvt. t ,irct that such mo-,-.re.s rau m.u. "-" " v"u.o.u, up- mav lake:?, may seem nrooer a to nts , ( w:,n: .-o. i . ;:' "g" ,: r to secure t'.e fr'iiment f !ie evt-tiu-j treaty U- j'.!!.'. gray eyes. I will give the above reward tt tweeu this c tint, v .'md Mexico; and to prevent the; any jierson who will . apprehend and deliver the said make an election, another trial w,0 have to be made: No doubt is euteruined by the Whigs of Smith's final defeat. AVir Bank. The Rank of lhe Slate ha deter mined to establish a Rianch d" that Institution, r.t i:i,s;ibeth City. John C. Kiikin:im t s, F.q., lias Ifcen appointed Cashier. Raleigh Register. establishment of slavery, and th- traffic in slaves girl bi me, but will pay no expenses. I forewarn .. - .. r - .1... . r. .1... C f,.-; . ..1! nnto.iic nr.t t r trarlr. .e..h or harlior the -j.i.I ir.rl It, ttie pri alllC Ol . t. il, in .or; ii nun .tii.ii- inn ivi.-.iio.h. ..-.- ...... . .v. . ..w. ... . . co." In the course of his remarks, Mr. H. s;,i l,;as I will enforce the law stiictlv against ail tres that the war now raging, was n t a war for ituh-! p -ers. LEVI GOODMAN, pendence, but for slavery, and asked " if the United j Iluwan co., Oct. 1, 1933. 3t. ork Conner cc i.'i""Oi i"- -'o t