New and Fashionable As- Rortrr.cnt of A Valnable Tract of Land ADJOURNED I -i I ,: u r KK IX I NM ! i e,, l.t- Saturday t'otnifC. from iiomi:. " Mvyest th'ju -Hi: auinng thy ki-iure. Fvstlu.n Say i no. RAIL-UOAD vv MEETING. TIIK meeting w hich wa- held ul Salisbury on the 1th ( f Jul) hist, having n solved :ni adjourned meeting (-1 the citizens of llowati, shall take place at Salisbury, on 10th of October next ; it is earn estly hoped t lint all those who have the least regard for their posterity, or that of the community in which they live, will tin ir attention to tils; subject, iiml come to the rescue of the State j from the charge of proverbial iiidtilcre uc to pub- "U'hv have v brought nr so fir awav. . i .i i t .: I . I i . . . . . f rom mv m uatam n.n.e, w re-re tn w n i unus w. j,c n,atters. .Matteis ot ejreat uitcust and impor YeU ll m there a health m t.WurrmuT air, t,iC,. wjji then ho acted on, ami a fail attendance And I kn ix the skies are lovely an I lair : But h i tuy youn heart is h witiierm r hand, Ami I to die in my lutive lu.d." " R.-st. wear a I one, r? t the flowers are sweet, B:u din in fr irance beneath t y feet: Tiiy native land is barren mi l dd I, Too bleak Ibr one nf a jreutle in nld ; And faint an l fe.v are the si; tdows that fill From the fi -tree top-", u thy father a hall." Mv f:i!.erd hill ! O i. woul I I were there, Brs'iiMmr tii'" health of its mountain air ! I hear the son; of the murmuring lce, Hut .leir t the sound of thy waters to me : And the huntsman's wild horn, a . he tarll-'s the deer, Would be music once more in thy forests to hear." " Loveliest! look from thy blind y bower. In theVahnm ).ml hi iss'i C thi fH-nsive hour: The un lias r-r.e down in the !,irk L!ue sky The reaper has pud his sickle Iv The huh sleeps n its mother's knee -Ail are at p'-ncc and in rest hut tin e." " My mother s.ts sad an I lonely now. Sickness and f.rrow have .-haded her brow ; My httie i-i-t r.s h ie WW their jd.iy. To talk of mil' who is ta r away : O woul.l I were of th it rhcri.diM band! Have- I left shoe, f.rever, my native land !" " Cotit- nt tlicv, i'ear-st, still el-oily to dwell "Wit.i t!i. friends of thy youth, who love thee well: Seo, I have broug ht of the fre.-lo t fdooin. To cheer th lieart Willi its r-ch ;.. rt"mne Aiid In re are diamond of beauty r ire. To twine with the wreath of thy raven hair." Ye are kind, my t"ri-:.i!s, ye are kind to me. But my wearied heart stdl pant.s to flee (Like a ttnek'-n ilove m her vvoxllanl nest) To the bosom of sier who loves me best. () lor a fold of that meek e.i.bnce ! O for a "luxe of tint tainted tace! " Gifts hive n ? 11 nu id the ii-virt to cling", JJjf t ie name of home n holy Ihin;': I'r. .;! cannot it--d with a mot Iter's rye Wishes tj,it il -et i ke sludov.s hy. Thu ;s a hir ;ui. a lovely spt, Jiat my .heart vv tli ita iailness abideth nof. " II! .-soins nre et. but they vvitlier and fade Thus. .m tuv s .it he r tin i dec.i ! ; O f.:' ...V o-.Cu cherisliVi 11 e.vers rimfit v.ave. is thereloru reque-nd. (Signed) A URL G All VM, Chr'n. Jo: in F. ."McCouki.i:, Sec,ry. V;tii i.'.' ir bal ! v ' r at i, Vr u-v early Ptve: lis r-.-l t v tie- mo tin breez s fom'd Jvt rue me. I I 1.1 -::e in my iiitive inl !" ify jOoiiPii vai)i; Hampton. TnnMs nF rrrtLtcvTtox. 1. The Vc--tern "ir l mm is pi.' 1 saed pvry Sv TLKDW, at Two Doilo- per aumtai if paid in advance, or io Dollars a-id Fi;y Cents if not pud b,-:"ore t!ie exnirTien of thr monhfi:s. . x . rr u l. a.-- i - ,l ----- - ere pai o .! .- at tne tiori oftl.e Ivhtor. 3. S i . ;'. i- v. .il no' I. - received fhr a hs tn:e than o:; y ; vv :.s.'i t j -e dered -is .1 . v ' i I A iv r i Card.n -i. ao : j." their sa ;-c o i- pt?r irr i - 1' i fuhire t uotily He IMitori f a , s t'j en i of u voir, will be con-i- . "in nt. . wdl pp-cun s-ix i ihs.-ribors-to tie- t rro'iOl t-j co'l ana troi M e to t:ie i to , . i til i rive a j - : I.- r eo l'inu nc-. .is i i f. b' t lit tlir i'l 'i!rr, m i' ti n ismit "lirFi hereby invite t! e attendance of Delegates from the several comities, interested in the subject to be bmujht lwfre the People ,,f Rowan countv, on the 10th clay of Ocf-dVr oevt, to as-ist our citizens in cvnein to a safe and inti lliei nt conclusioij on the matters then to be aeio'' i. John cilhs, II. ('. JONKS, u. u vici:, An-it-t QO, le.fd. C. FISMI'II, 'Three JWnroea for Sale ! I II I Subscriber wil ej-ose at public sale, on Moisd iv the "rd of Jctoln.'r next, at the house of Samuel 11. -s, ( Lunatic) one mile nor !i .f Stiro vvalt's .Mill, about y.irs of ae, ai.d her two ('! II LDIi EN, one about live; e.irs obi, and th otlier about three. And also at the same time and place il! lo sold. i'iAJVlin Minn Vi ii:: iT, aial vari- us otlier articles too ted. - us t.i i, ei.tion. crc lit ot si and twelve uion'hs will be ejveu, hood and security require :. JOHN STILL. J.-., Ci ward inn. Cil-nrius countv , ;ep. 10, l-:?!). -ts Who will ir) to Texas I tl.VJOK J. II. IlAliitY, of Lmcoluton, has jx-ea . j 1 1 1 1 uiz by nu', with th" co sent Ma j r-( iejiira i IIvnt, an aent iu the Western i'i ii .ii s ul' ,,'ii I 'nr i!ni, i i ri'i-i'iv" o ' e rol . Voln ltrcr Emigrants for Texas, and .v ill e udurf siudi as :iri i-!i to eu.i.'iale to that Republic, nbetit the 1st ot Oe .her m i. at the ex pense. of tile Re-..u'dir . t" Tex . J. IMNCKNLY hi:NI)i:o!s()N, I'n'. u. of the Tt'xian Army. Linef,"-,tnn, pr. 1 :)(. KJ Z O V 'JlrT ' 3 VILLof -r I t s.ilc t'.,. preo,i-es (if not fi Id b-!".rot:.v (.,. ,) , M ij i ;, :0th of Sep. (r,:,?,rr, at VALTAULi; L TAi; LIS1I ' I'.N 1", of tn hi hi .vi ', Ih" M til it h:s ri-k yr -rr j "' ( 'i Ite; u :y, oi . , . ma, consist j: o thf. Mc.v.e.t ' l.ywat iJ my ri-; rlnhlt p rsuu to jhov l,oh) Ai Ol- LA.vD, i ulO a6res of which that sin 'i r '.. c- ic.t mrl"rh,' fid-. f'rst rah- ianl I .1 lb en t.,ii i.( (I'rain, Cot- rr.KMs of advi:i:i isic. 1. Advert. .-..'merits will b" consp e i n-dy and correct ly iuseite ;) t-e-its j.-r si,'i ire t r tne first insertion, an I IV c :iu- tor eiclt cm' nu trie : but, v ,er" m ad-v,-rti,oneut is trdeie.l to Lr in onl twice. .V cts. will bo ctiared for each insertion. If or re(l tor one in sertion only, xl will in all cases c r-racil. V. I'-Tsan- . ha riesir,. to cn,'i. v the yenr, will be rcc :iun l ite.l by a re.tsona d ,'de li.- " i trnm tlie above charges ibr transient cu-toin. to co:tnr.sioMr.-Ts. 1. To i i -1 r pronint at'.eetioa to Letters addressed to f'l" II- f a pi.t tee s!i n! : a!! ; --es W' nod. ' too an I I'.dme ab ti: rt- MAM'F C Cr "Si TTAS .n ha., ! :'; c -s .. i. kee; for sale, S eel u.i l'-...i-l r C'"tl'rt Gills. e..itai i 4HJ .at thirty t. fifty ,t.iV.i, i e vvili Warrant t jter o- a- well in tie- Siate. II' di al - ' e; " ir sal (i iii S i vs " S "ej r iroi.-Vl ite, w' 4 o ' ii at;ri il an I wi.rkuiai: -!.ip. Alt p . vc,i i ! i i r w r !i d 'in in the ah ! line, ore invited to call ut Ids M amilactorv in Salisbury. ?S orth "ii roli- ii. ()-!'r fr u.i ;i dista ice -hn'l !e f litlifully nti ! putic i o'v I at the most , is-.u ib! prices. N. t. 1 rrso.'is !i iv i ! r -i-nirio z '' d-'iso iu t!ie above Ii i-'. r fij'i --.t -t t it in ii ihie time. S. Fit A LI iV. Salisbury, X. C, July 30, ld,. ri'RI.N(; MILL, wttii t vv p.tir ot Si.ui.'st Saw Mill, (..Ytto.i (on, all in o. iei..rt and on a ne v r filli;i Stream th Land Ivutir on th Soutli Y.riki.u T en., is ;.l.s , a iirst i.n"e LIS I I LLLR Y oe.i r tie M lbs. I will ios . otM-r tor stlo, two W'ACJC'O.VS and IT. A MS, CART .D OXIIN, FARMINtJ i; i i:nsil-, cv.-. A reilit .f one, two. l!ir"e, and (our years will be etve n, bv the purchaser ivin R .uj," with ap tr v , tl scni .1 . Then is a comf rlab'o ) vr ulm Ilon-e on tin j.i i -: i . i . , ,ii ni a i ; imari'.u surueumt . wi.rli six or eiht l;.i. !-. t a Ivautaje, all i a -jood repair, and a hedi st jte if ni tivatioti excellent Water, verv c eoir-jt, and in every resp-ct a lenlthy j!.n-e. I'lirtia r p uticul irs iire d eua il y, as :m persou wi hin t purcnase, ;ne rerpiete.j to cab and exauaue lor theiiioelves, . thudav of sale. s( 'A r Lirr ; l asc oi k. Smtein?)r 3, ls;.?tj. t,s .M AX," I'i I'lidnl to't "'"it roiis I'm- , c frrt!. e. Mi or two rjood J Of L M LA rAIL. ry I h rai nitron:!''.' I"-tov d im...u In c B-Ij or ivvu ooij ui'i ii.iiw.iu.a i .liyj- ; ry i . iral piiroriae- in-toWeii t x j -r his e.-f.:n.!;ini-iit, ' (.JUS, vi can con.e vei.. recoiiirneiuieil. j in 'be wiv f A ivertssier. Joo I'mitinL', .-md the ;iie To soc i, constant un d -neat ami ffood vares ! ,: M mk,A:p., w-onld .-ta'e. that ihiht nu i' Invini' will U; ivcu, bv ap:,b- ifi ;i f tii subscnbrTS at AJck-i.! -. " MKIIO.NCYS vk: I'AILLY. -Ma 7, l"s.!G. t f tn NOTICE. ll is to i o . uviic in fjeneral that there fj - i-.tiii hetvvca the sub- scri .-e:-s at tm- tune, it r has t er,bet-n strict; tlie jQrst av of J on iry la-t. t. W. 'ONNHU. R. W. LONth Ju i , l dr. t f a wider c.-cu' it on .;:re c-pilly in tiie Western t Vin- ties or .vo.t i (. in ii.n) t nti :t his cvci ha !, Merchants t:r! iher huiue.-s mini wish re to com rmntcate with t!.e pu'i'cc, won lit d it reitlv to the r ..Ivnntaye to advertise in its coiimiri.-. Tiie terms i,r" AdvertM are v ry c u an- i ce !s :, r ,r(. j;,r j,0 -rl tiuii .Hid o--.' cent- r e u .h continuant' !!v i ry kind ;?' J S.P mB srcii .s ii.:ntibi:lJ?. Pjnp-:Jet-, Chca'ars. Card?, ! Labcl3, Tlclictz, Ui.akr-, vvay-ill -, a very mi ; r o ; mrn-r, w iih expcii.i ..., ;,-;.J i, very me.'.c rate ter .-. 1'er-ons-it a li-tance vv ( n to have Vr.'i1. m s on . !.- i'.rw inl.'Az t e;r orders l- mid. wiil ihave t n as iroi;ii!ly aiid c -rr . f v atte- , . to ns .f TII'-R; W!' b application male to the next!':,f-y re !res.r.r n person: th v.-: e;r iillv G'.; Ass. .t'.l -i Nortii Cin.linj to erect a tie v .,' .a out of a p irt of Uovvan, tnat part &i .va -stn; Forks of tue Yadkin. .MAM' CTTIZF.NS. (Sopt. 17, 1&0G. pic ,e ; up u:i I torv ii-.J- il. CI -r!.- f ' il.'-- i ) others can at n'i ti n -1LA.IS of e erv ilt scnption .-ii, r.,' on tine piiMrand the e,. ,. t ;t. i,rv der a d reunciioit will be i : .-. I U.S. 'v- " w IN . nrmf A con.-i- f u their rt ulax fci.!y cf illats fo thosu who i urchise July i. e ' r' - v - V f - -v . e tJ t isah' - w u n : . Ii ni" V t .1,..- 1....- r.ltnr. ' , .. : I T. iMIIM-l lilt I II. IS JUi - I . v-.v,..- , i f .;:,-!--: '' '.- . , r ivMt be N .nti Y .dkin, on the u.aui r a.l kadi : w ti;i assort meot ot VV atCH- w. , : es Jewellery, c. ttc. , v.rti- ; Clente Hum's a. o Ladies' t;. .Id Lever atcbes. 1 -i.U A lxlO. Stiver do. do. i There is a :;m. j '1 A It -l' A RD. and also a Dwelling !i-f, Fr ht li, and Svms do. j n,ls,.f a ;uv ;iU,j. :js f,,r a fari" Fir;e tiold Foil Chains, ii. als, and Keys. J er at.d ail in j-ml retail. "'I bis is a fine stand for ledi and Tin Mu-ii- boxes. !a A very i ich a-s .rioe nt -1 Breast-pms, Ear-rinfis, Ptjorc.;j.ilsC S5o-C Of Eaitcr- atm Fi:er tai:SiS:I. . I. i ii. i..t. i t i.... i T-riLL be ii Sal.sbtiry, .. tiie first j iver, i iaieii. ami jui ot.i imK... The situation is hvaittix Wtih T sooth A f Monday of October, woet. she will, by leave j A bir-e ass..,tment ot s.uer ,ec.acies. w,u. coa of Fr 'Videuce, make it her pnnc.pal buni, ss to .v, dividing, gnm, ami imubie oscs. r.....i.. it... io.r..ven,ent ol ad lii; nutiils commit- I Oliver t'ond s attit Lultei knives. ted to her care. Having, .luiii.e the present Mnu.'r Friu: Km. - .oid Thimbles. lo. i Oiii n-. iiiei i V very uperior assortment f Razors mnde b Ro . .." w. ...a i i ..' x l.,t.l cr-, .ni mii-iu, iiiiu ii iiin vv o i v I . ..,!,.. . . , ..,;. .1 . .. , , '. ,, , ,., r . , TV1 UUIOI.ll lUlllii :c "11 ill' ir IP. so R - rs Shepherd's, W ao.vk liuichcr s Dirk, h 1 vr. V'iVV SEStllJW'lll I, mer, had a renewed ..pportu nty to observe t .e pro ress of education at lie- North, she pledges leu seif to the public to conduct her Sch ol, (whether it regards its govern. uent or tuition) upon the most approved s stem and to spare no pains to make the Salisbury Seminary, as a place of instruct! u fur females, equal t similar institutions in ail) por tio:i of the United States. Terms of A.d nission: FIKST CLASS : Comprising Mental, do, !, and Natural Philoso phy, Chemistry, R .iauy, Jjoie, Uiietorie, As tronomy, llist.uv, (' .ieo-!iio:i, Ce ..netrv, Al eebia, vVc. cct. A.;-.. r -r e--i ;i, v-1"? 30 suroN!) rii ss ; Ue uloi r. Writih;.', An ii "tie, ti rauun ir, and (le- oraphv, per session, i:rit v in: NCiri:s : .Music, iter se-slo ,, (I'r . fs- ii'- charm ) Fre ich Lanir't'MX' i P'r sesj ,u, Drawin and Paintiii":, do., S Emhntidcrin:, I see and oruameuTal work in silk ami w orsted of I he neatest and most be eiti'til patterns, d 3 Parents are respectfully dicited to !i--,. dauhter-s with plainness. a ! to d.rect w!ilii C-. ; they wish theui to ato- i l. N. I. Mis- IIirrjMVNCK ir mi tlie vicinity t ba.iv will assist Mrs. I lulciii -on. Sepfenibcr 17, 1 -:;. ny per- soii wh may w:s.i to j u chae t his phiotation would ilo we. I to exaimoe the sau:e, ami in so tloii- iu duce:ue ;ts suhicient wV! be .tiered to prompt any one to purchase. Col. Caswell Harbin, of .Mocks,- v il If, will act a my aent iu tutsale ot the ab props rty, wiio is autii uised tu ";ive title upon th September 17, lG. 3u Pocket, and Pen Knives. Fine Plait d and Paper Castors aed Candle-sticks. ; German Silver, Table, IWtt and Tea-spoons 1? O 'iGE'Ol. waininted superior to silver, and cheaper. . Wsi i., ;,!,!:,. I Oi'TV ,.r nt-' rv e Together with Purses, Steel Chains, Keys, and j il (JROLS, f.-r which I expect to pav libeiarpri Fme Pistols. ; c,.s A: v p(.rst;!l ,jj .,svj , st ..j vvi.n , He invites the I'eo lo tt cnil ami see nis as peisoa lii.-poseu l.i SOU VVOldt! I'll Ml Ji tti iv me u e ii!, eitiu.-r in pers-m or b ietter v. ' sortmeot. Those livinjr at a ditan--e wdl have , wm a alj ... .,.,,.,, rt their orders fillet! on as eo d terms as it tuey , S:I EL RE VE were present i5 JOHN i'. PALMER. Salis! v. Ju! . S.nlishnrv. N. C. Mav 14. I:i0. Gin - i K:S EOr r :'!IE estab!i.-l,c.! repu't rtl' "-.'-J k1m creasing (bunami lor I III" St disc ri her wUhes to purchase a few NE- fx.iOi.S, s. r -us inn us". Ii will ;;ive the jdkN tiie twenty-f tilth day of October next, at the ' best ot piace. for vviiat he vv..ots. Ail letters ad- v 9 town of Frank!. .Macon county, North Ca.o- 'dressed to the .-mb-sci iher wdl be nroteotlv ;tt - li.ia, a t;rl' ;4 will com nence ; to. Letters on t ais s-ubject ;v.lh ssm! to .he Eeitof and U: kept pe tor tr.e s. ace oi i .. we. v and o td ibis pip. r will alsi. receive prompt attention, loaeer. f.r the purpose ; f setUn- all llur Ln.i !, : IL 'SLAUtiilT R. wlucli ave been snrveved and i-'nmm . .s. i, ac- Salisbury, Jur e 1 -o5. t f I'Uired O', f e;;t iVo :i t .1" Cn'M' k"- I:k!i pre- . ! don to lviO. T;:e Sale wii: i c -n. n. ted by! Ai i- ill. i i a C.MtiutiM...i-T Jl: a it i fr tir o ! o;. S ()ST or taken from the mail. !ialve nf tt-0 C EXE- V lYE i'EPA.i. P dENT. iJ , wr e hii;s .;, tne R mk of the E, tted Stared, J-dv 2:l, I-dd. :hu vz: On- bid No. -,!)! 7, I -iter I, tur 8 1 (., n! - T-fe ". tj , i ISi,ld!.', pr-.-au..'ot. paaiie at N v O-h ;u.s, if.m-.i o .f i .. , j. - j , i'. - .i . .i . io, n iii i i, I 1 1-A CUE. : for 8lo), N . !h j.; piesi-;e.t, p,rv ,.!;e -,f Chai !;- ...ti. i !.,,. ...I .) I 1 l t-..- . - "'li' .i, ii uu i ; liie- I B K INDIAN CUl;i: roo ton. ation and constantly in- ! do. No. oil, letter R, for 80! , N. 1 'i . u et esif ent ibis ell etna! rei. etly of pa thh-at U aslan-Miai, datou .'ilhh May 1 s-'s ilE Subscriber lT!'rs for sale, I; .. ... , ,,,,, :inl prest raie of the Pet ti., has imbu ed Italvs of the :tb vc bids ne n. iibil at Motint 111 the Town of S.iii-b.u v. , on in-.- : t'leit- , .(.,. - , hsc ri be r to olT-r it to the A ican Public. M nine, North Caroiirra, ihe l-:h ;Kr t'S (fJ-fiftfl r$ ''. i' - . i;i: -eint tits have been 11. ad; to xij plv .1 "!!!. in l-:J3, and directed lo M. -sis. Oiiju & Elliott, V-, j o, il;e principal cities and ttoviis of ihe . States, Puiladelpl.ia, Penn. LdnniMiio;, whTi r-spett oC with tii. .. -s.iry, cv ., aad iwo Per- i it within the reach ot ' ihost suficr- or d. diver of the :d I Ii dves .-f bills, v 3- hlV niiiiient Sjni, e;,. If .'esir.dtle, tle-waier a; d situ- .uei like' to siiil'r, with the most ha ri assiiir ' rail regarded bv ihe subscriber at Vom.t une ti o w. ui.l y v rv suitable I .1 builiiu either a ..f neiies, (tooth-ache.) W hen apple 1 aeeor- Ired 11 countv. North Carolina. Ri c' or Di- d'et . To any one w ishi. orto , iti to ilirections jri en on the lioitie, it has u- yt-r : RUFF ' REID. can - ii toe F.n..i'i Rusiui ss, this property i.nii d to all- id i;- :m diate anil perinauent relh f. 2,10. would be v rloahi.'. Il not sold priviitely b"toie uSo at tests the decay in defer live teeth and re lieves; that soreness w inch so lVeq:u nlly renders a the first .in d tt "t January, it w ill be sob.l then at Pubao An! ;i. Term- -( 00! n t s at tine ar.d tvvo years, with interest trem the d iv td "sale. JOHN REARD, Scn'r. Septon.b r I, 1-dG. . : ! :s,.: ? .tt, .e 1 1 ,, ,l . 1 if , r '': lU)lr I ANDLO M : ' .weo' St uja. 'I l.e pr -per I he- on ie . 1 . i-st e, t ,"- . C'-t.i t Iiimim',1 ni I he c iroer of he t h 1 ; d s'j 1 1 -e. an ' ' :o i a" two fust rate L 's u.i J-r . ' : ; ;. .,,... vhi.di i a Dvveih - a n ,S ;. . -,S? i'.!"s. Oy. aid hi exce let. (i ,r. . !' : ' -ir us .i re mo v inn to the V--i , . : : . ') the aiiove pripeil'. c . Terms. C'asii. Per- . 1 relerred to M r. .S m. ; Ii , to make sale. F.LIZ A RETII r-OIJO K. Sept e tidier 0, I "-od. 1 M o v c c 4jv o e s Y ; V e d strotie tooth use. ess. W ILL ilif the aiive rewan of three buedretl tio,;.ts I r the tic! 1 very lo mo in St. Finc-s The a-e.hcati ii and remedy are simple, inno cent, and not unpleasant; and the !arre number of J rk;l!' -' HILL alias NiXON" persor.s, m various sections of the country, that -' ICl , n wa con.:t :.; d in b- u..i...n, 1 I re iiave iiirt any e M'riei.eetj such tbdieh-ful ami sal- 't' ' ou..t. North an.hi.a, fn .Ne-ro t-i-.-uT uiary bemdits from the u-e ,.f the Ralin, are rea- u'vi -'"'d' r. Said Curry it; .d- !si escape from dy to bear (for the public .-ni) th. ir testimony to ' Njrth Car.da. a abeut t'.uiteen vea:s a-o, a .d a its unrivalled eualities. " ! 1 'vv "!V'iS r as ial,e;( up au: 1 u-i.niiod u l o o s : Teiili--. trC ' s. , .1 -is -M't'l. .r j. f E st. hsc i iber i foi ins t luist br. vu e CJTrO - S for sale, that lit: isstiil 1.1 li e oneness, ami -t!es.,us .!' purt hasiii a lai. i.undx r, lor wh-eo Ie vill at ad times eiv.. tH; bioln-t t;,ish piiees. P. rs.iiiS vv isiiini to stdi wi iil ido well to "ive him notice l. ton; ihe tlo s !. Letters on Him subject, dir cteil loSilisbut. N. C, will met I with prompt ati idinii. RORER P 1 1 1 ' I E. N. Ii. !Mr. Joi n Jones, m A. nt, wi I at ml times be foiitid at Dr. R..d's II did, in , prepared lomake purchase.-. All letters ;,.. 'ress. d to him at Charlotte will be promptly aite . . 1 It is an Indian nioedv, . btained sinmdarly an-' !I V ' Curry ana committed to ciisffKJy, am. on th unexpectedly, and ma be r-ii' rdc.l bv the eivilt- mad his esc.;p- . Said John li- I aba .ed world es he most v;ibiab!e discovery of ti 's u Cony is six it ei h;-h. h ,s blue eve., j.n:i:, Retl Man of !." Woods. h ir .e.-I wid w ie, ujc.vitrds 1 iu,. hn-aid ...,m ,,5 II. R. MONTACl; E. : 1 : - ;1 beahh. lie w. s i, t .:;.eui thteo Petersburg. Virginia, Feb. CO, 1-?:J0. ts ! " , : ?!.s ajo. th'- b.. .-h!ered ti:e liS.t h.east y.iA 1 ah - rne tup,e a:. : tame , : t 1 ii tr.e p. i,,f ..ft ho - - t thf ahoi'C Vlttt (-Ie .' Han 1 ' " lllvy hl '"V" :" a r -d a dru. hard, J : p':i s trie 1; :'i:e a: d Is fond .t i .fc r -r - I , ,1- - ., :jr,tr,!r f TtilS OFFICE. . , J 7 PULE PER ROTTLE. ,,,, -r ;:.,rt lt:!s;.. t( ,i::S ; , . , 1 J . . .M . . v- r x - r .-'i;S x Mi -f ,u'!';'' '' thineei-; y-Urs n:,.i has ,..... ;i j i ' - v.- i it-.. ."V I Nti .-- '-". .i i 1. .ij .ij 'o.Ait OF i"0.ii:sk ino. j Yt re it Li u-r m e.-e -. trh--ihcr tr- J:t,u7J h- v a a i'i- nt ' irit:t.-it .. ,c.t-.p-1 , .- irspu jh rs ' u i. ' ' ' i'i- r "c . sti,m!J no! ii. tiiiau in pn j f .- . i, r:. r." hum vs ji.rFi:K-o.N. j Scrf of Francis co-.r' Ju -e :o. 1 -yo. T. I AT SALIsTFLi .vcj t-i, Ur .S. 2 ... io A:,,;;isst, to Sab-bury, June 11, 1 KW. tf R. IL 4 ?i i'iMiV t'l i n loibuiiiu UL. NKs k.ijjt A C a -t on hand am fr sale at 'Phis Odiee; n:e! li; i;ik- tt" any "t her tles.-ript ioi .iijr-l bv officer-, will he furnished pnmptly when called f.r: M u rid'M Lit-Piiccs; Constables' Warrants; do. Executions; Casas, and C.isi ('o. ls ; Deiivei Hon Deeds of Co.iwv ii o ; Shei riif's Deeds. Superi ir Coiitt Wri's; do. Subpcvnas ; do. "e cntio,:s; tl .. Wit :e-s Tickets. Couul Couir iV:its; do. Subpoenas:; do. Exe ct:tions;do. W'i'i i s ickets. J nor Tiel ? ; L -tier f Administration ; Let te. s T -sfi . iit;ir ; A ni -ust-aMo'i Juds; Ven h tioin Evpt.nn : Wilts, t Fi--ri F..eias ; Seii" Fa cias; S.-i o I". cms a m, .i-t Ee u u'lori; i :;n "loll- l.i. I. - .A'.i tait lf:e .-!'.:!! mnent of a press with- ' ft-o.en .u tii 'jur.s . ci. on t.t i i;x vs. vvotiid be u valnable . .'iraiaiy, at pie, . r-'.-t ',-.':s " iiti.v.Mirv ;it i n i ; s- o i .n.:ep;!;c ,.'i.i'i Dei !!.;.: n.- " i s iu ....- . i n ! o o.i: 1 : II e i t .ni i;ll.i Ie 1 ! ii? t. r 1 ' : I .... . . . . i.t.i.'I, . i ., i i' k, with t ie e-' lis i it . :e I . f -1 Nt I ! - s: :. 1. 1 t - r. . I . . l . . , 0i um, ;u s-t h:. . .. :v . necs.try t .r Lie e t sm'.ir.t and ni iint- 11 m. e , f a j clcur- i , 1; in the .li.'iiw.on o! c;ii . reli-i, .n.s phertv. .V c -,l I- ! tr " ' s . . . . .. . i . " - . i.ii.toii ... .s., nni .-..suit- !,, itp r :or on v - .t r. vv f ... t ,ir.. .. - i- : . , . .... ... vo, . ..s iiMitini ' ,:e.- n ;, e-.. ... i ... ... . , . . .. i .e eoinn.ns ot ii-: , i-' ov,,,,,! i,. , ,w k i ! s,., . . . . t liisKey, . . . . to:; i -,!-..--.. i .,.. V. .--. o-ii.l, r-.l 0.f:.ri..-;,,.l ,a tl,n ..... ....... .. ' " 1 "ovll, .-l j ........ i . ..I........ w. . . v.,,.j...i., ui ; 1 1 i .-.!. r:r. ! rowi:. !-; I, l'it, . ... - :l -e i :i ; it - W. if. ii .o i i.'-,. i v -- ivl O' s. i;.---.e- i i f ntronte snill : ."eriiime. :-T. will contain nccurate ep,.ij--ip' 9;. :-J ! a J 1 a S 1C? a 15 a '. S II ". a 1.6 1(1 O o.ns, vvcot tae repun he ot e.-is and t.,e lej.cnt) AT FA L'l '1 I A 11 1 1 fccrtenNr st oes, foid ;tlso ot th --fi'ierent tr;; es ot In ii-tris mo.-r ! t;....4,., , 1,ui l(r , n ut wdl he vtbn'.Je to tiiec.':-: -Jr-.e v ne-'el. "vfi - . . . . 2 .i i i i , . . "lai.v, p a 11, . .ft! a I.;, i o! S.-CS. . A t - rU zens ot the tinted tates. In a..".hnon to, it! api,iCt 4 ., 4-, ; ' " ' w-ill (ietid tiie movi me n:s of tut urmies, an I o;" th-dit- i ii,,(Mv. v ' " .!"." ;.,",' 4 - !, a ri fei-en. U-mles; a err ct b,t of lolled "nni ! v-:' " ! .J-tV !-!' V!-Jr' i"' "3" 5 wouniJes!. t '-Tether with tlie mot iutnort.-int inri.-'.nis ! ...... - Y u.i.j, . . 1, i. which in;!' occur; and those who il,st.:ntili thrm-,' i-n s-ehes, fh-iil receive 1:1 aii.otio'i to the ot t..e ! Flaxseed present jroueration, a more Listing mouiunto ihr.t i: ! i",,r ' llie St ir, w'ucli, i vv Ii be tiie en-Jet vor ot" li.e rour:- I . r,t;,'ers tor, to make worthy the t. tlo t-f History's text hook. I loiif, fio a 7 'Salt, . . a IS, Wheat,. . i- a s- Wi.kev, . n -1 .-, v ',,, . . IS a L( . ii- it HI .l-Jo :J I-) . i i a 40 la 1?. Mrijor-'vi.'nenl M. Ilt vr, I ma fully s-ttfu-l t ;f i. AT CflEKAU. tK. t dcm!cr 10 Kvf; ... ....... ...i.tou 1...- j : - - , s anu Jii-aus.. a ! 1 H'.- r,; .--r- ii.t I'lii.-i ... - . .ri .f i?;.-; I t.-. i to I. -no ,t-- I ' s, .i.v. anl to tise furt!i.'rim t" I he object. Tn.-e w hti uc v ' "':"'" x-:, it Hi ,;ij. bJtiip, . . UJ, a ltj v:i to c r.frihtitc, vr.) do so, prop.:il!y, or by,; "Jb' 11a I!' tin. ;.f; . , ll a H post pa. il. ?o (len. Hunt, or any one of the b.i.-?eri. tf Coru 75 a r-alt, per ssur-fc " l; emigrant's under his ciiviihh who a re ..utliiri.set to! Kla.x-seel. . . .1!Oh l-t ; ,,,. bua-I.e! " receipt ibr the same ; or whe-n money is rsu.-ed, i v ix.n- j -''"nr. cur .try, v a etton lr..-ir.rr " ir: - - r umuiioii tu s .h'm 1 1 . i ii in o one tu more, u .vi'y no. n-... aern, . I1;'vi a;!f i:ne KopP placed in tiie ''ejiosito b-inks, at the I'uJi.ivyjtvr places, I i'etither.-, . . . 4.; a 4 , it ' i t H l t aiS a do sutijeet to tlie ooier of Gen. Hunt, or one of his uthor- lrt,tt. .... i ,H " " 1- ' h'.e ot!ioers. to -.vit: (oiaib'-ston, Nortbik. Xevv Vork, i Mc-!as.,t-;s, . . . 4." h ."i." !",-," J.jcic,-..- ' l.l Xashviile. Mi':ii!,i,;s bursvi!!-, it.i! Orleans. j TF's c-"' i-'V'N Cvcn It a stKncieuT nunint r tit sm'seriburs s n-.n d not he 1 .,,- ' . . . v. . ,. oi,,,;,,.. ,. wiik-iiiw i- ,..!.) , i . ; :.-v:"". t"rul,,:"-" chcr"w vvol Rn'). ;;riate.l m tlie sone mt tier as other io- t stay Fioee.. itnrs; '. .u irdiau V. .d ; s- mi a Ibevis; s,.,hW !!.:.!; Ibisf .r'y l?o -Is ; ,,. 'f, tit., f. ..ieiiiures ; Y ri t s . -I' " I Ma "h . oent ; Vit- i,M o'-.s, : : -vt'ject to vv'therj.-:.! bv the '!.- r be e .ite.: ty an asttK'; ition of irentl ine , c.innetenT to th" t4k. p. -r.'.-s w'sll re particular an writinsr 'heir names and ! h:r f their pos ti.iice, h-iribly, so that no miituk sh.-.! ( -ner j F. . - t ;:nd over 1(K) i Ch,ks r 'ean. Lt.!u'nh:a, and Fayette- " ot SCJOil of Fi vtment : FntrvT Ut r Wa t rans. f br eMer. ! occur. in v.catii hud); n',,1 fl M: J ir Ib es- t..,e-s ; S.-:oe th of the Texian Star" w t,.t ; fbmon, . . . r f. taive I).v, -oi XOIFS (F:,";f, '" '"iter has rece-ved,. ;r si.f-j Branny, ,v-,ch, i. xr. v .u ,, .., , hc;ent t . e ; .re us pn!ilicat'..n, bnrst.-i ,t to .:. Tbcvv.. nciny t'er I .! o-ks , . .eera , ;s c. j ; he issued, hetbreactive hostr.i.. s-n. 11! Heeswnx ' n-e , i'ii- S'a , a" of whicn wi:! .e Sw ' c'.eap. have a im c- mne i. j .Sal.sbu-. X'-.,., t. ?s.-:n;. . " -. S V AGF, Proorietor and Pebiis--,r h''-e.." ' ' 1 1 vy ii I ijf e i For iale at THIs'oFZICS. 1. S. deni:!' u-.ces ratdc (post paid.) to tie- ut J! r her, w il Se alter, .led ta, prior to the 15th eptiejbe. or is direcle I. previous to that date. Oilb:d, Sent. 3, ' W. a Co'l, Cot' Floi.;-s 1 to 1 pr. ct. .Vi cts. a P-r- ct. ' bii , (S. '.) ptembrr 21, 1---,G. a 1(51 ar,: i i t S - t. Mo!-,-e, . . . 4() a -) -l .. Windier-el, . . KW) a I fl,) . 1 t K'.alt, m .svtcks, -0(f Vo a n Ltls hel. I ? 1 loaf & lump, 1- . jo ; - . F. a ! ei. . I" a 1 -surrar. br.ivvn. .7". - s.--; l.'1. F- IvvA" . . . 122 a l.,0 -3 linfchey, . . . 45 a 50 O o o

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