-) THE,: WESTERN CAROLINIAN. -Tin; rowriii- K'T m inurrn to rnr. t mh o Tur nv rnr rot-mino. kor iroiiimitid y it to tub statu. a iKsrmeu to thk statin m:ra mom, oh t im rnriA.- Amrnlmentt to the Conitution, Article f 1 1 V salisuury, n. , i)i:eMim;it :j, ma j ViWrr :(i Volume 17. Poetry. ' mi ii rr sius i im wi." it;: i i in i i:ri: t. I Hi ! in (hit li f'e-r nun !. - w ii" r.ty Jl' oris r 1 r to' . t c!'1'' '"''" l"" ,,lV. i-ii L'lft w il l "in, mi I "r "". uii'l Hi t"il Of tares, win. Ii I' T liii' l.i that I' "'J soil ; I Mi : if there be Hi ri tiK-iK i txHi'i. chain 1 1 i k t'int kuHn u w nli jrm r dream L'i in. I tin' iIhmiIiI n t. v, V M-Ii !:in lo mu-o, On nil (In: Ii. iTilf.; rsptur It renew. Which seem, c.irli insUm, in lu kward uiir, 'I'll.' liiKfl In niflt:il, iml its Im t riiiu;!', Ami ii. rv ki.iii,'. U-itiKirlMit U year. I.i m.rve, l it-lhi mi Am if l "' ' ' b ELECT MISCELLANY. .VHMOKIAIiHOr' NIK. IWIM VYS. , two uia,.u. (mt.Millis M itm.v.J Prom this lulere-ting work, take the follow ,,. i'ir,ii l, ,1. -cuplm- ..I Hit -ffcHul'a.ji-m.iiKT w; Mr. IIi iii ii.h : II has been a.d ilmi no woman cnn form a fr .MH.m.f.' of hii..mV I" '"'' Uurii.ir- ,n cmthHi. ff"K "'"""i "hall 1rw upon a '- ",V 'lhrHl "i'-' rie, "f.r oVsr.f.pii.m ' H-Miiuim, wln. li, th.igh somewhat vknli.'sl, it a faitlilul to tlic trulr it w graceful)' wrilli-'i. "Kgena was Mall) dufcrcul from any woman I hid ever -n, eiter in Italy m- I'mUimI. SIk- 'I l ii..! rluiIe tlvwibliKrrt nK-. Oilwr woiik-ii iiitjfhl I ,rc coiniuiimlmg, inoro vumtilc, limn- iiciiic ; IhiI I iHvr wiwom: cx-juwilfly ftttniniw. Sin v ., Inv. ly williotit Ix-uig ltt'ttuliliil lir nt.eiii-ol- H. -n ft-niun'; hik) if bliid man Iwl U-in nvi J .. f. nhs hii limxl over llm ilUfii mnU ol t.nr that, wlion u'lbrxlwl, ll'"l f-ninJ l r l'1 v.l-tm wouH lme bern juHtifioJ in V- ii'.. ..tinrw, hiiJ l.rt of .inrvi; U-auty.nii'l a h r f..,rii.n.4 U-iutv, t- be t!.o .li.iMtoc iruN ol J r .n.nd, ii..r w.miM I'hv Ixmi .Iitcivi-I. Il. r lunli, h.-r -.l(icHln.n, Iml an- ull, tl' ."' un wiilt wtiii Ii uk Kil'K-'l. -"'l'i"'- '""I""' l,a', , f.r tlM! 1-iIiit.mI. (Im- trn.l r. tlm inn-iiiulivc, t),K In'ryic ; in hm- w.r1, the r mlul. it wh im h.-r h facu'ty ilii'HKVitiilvfti.l'iliiily ''f,! i ,,,,u-'h-ltl tliili"'-', llk(' UhUiib-'um, tm.oli. -l iIm-h. Vuh ui.lXn li'ij-t-r. 4uy tJm.ir HMran t rtii.fir w..u.iiiilf :!itr'WH ,,Pr ; '"'r k....wl.-l i-xtoioivc ""-I lar.-.i'.; m- i" Iir,l rn--!il 'f I"1'' ,,al,,r,, " l""'';, it. hi .hi in hit.irv. nrnnery. c!mri.-r. hm.I n Iwi-m h.ir.f,N-irv llwt "I' h('r nvcr" , .1 all li. r tli-miH rol.mrf.l Ml Hit .onvrr-nlimi. It r nntiiw-nl onw uml (rof.mi.il ; lt'n- no i.Ht.u in her oiiihI f-r li.l...liy. or in tier hn.il lor ....bili.Kl-o.u- u,ti!l.'.lwnh iin-tMnali. rrih.-r rnnK(1 bv t.-nr-i"'. Hor Ntn n-Ui jin.1 b.r WfuHiw-i lay .u the alSfhons ; iIm- w.ilil ....pl.!iin nak; l)-r i:ep at a worJ ;.l t;..-r i.nb-ic I..T with cMnsf i o that -he "I- I. TII.HI-K a li.lcon-hMrted .love,' and ' i renl vln In. w.iii the wnul.' I lor vi-ice wan. f... -wivl inel.Klv; her spirit remm led rre of an old poet di script ion of the ..rnnpc Irrr, with itu -Golden lampe hid m nifhl ' tfrwn," oTthiT.anMh ip'rrleh whew he yiomep.afwt cr.m iH sid the cyprwa. Her tfladnev ti hk" ' i, "UiWof "'luliAt ; and, if in her drprt-..M. -idfi rwi..hled iit!U. it wa i J t l"an i!J li'T -lar. 1 mlit desc.-ilx- and d.vnli" lor ey. r, Iml I hoti!. never smceed in port ravine K-rm ; ! wiim a liiu-, a CraOT, a vuriabl.i child, a dependent w . uwiw-ilit: Italy of;hmnm VV dd ih authnr'a toucltioi uccouM.qf A'!? -'t"?t linurs aud titml close of h.T li e : "Throu.'hmitlhe ivholeuf Mrs. ll'-'iia i's illness, was visited bv vivid and delihMiil drea.m, to hiehrnnd to tie' quietness of her slumber, she ol ten -thankfully refurird : and in iillsvver to the sym pathy expressed bv the few Jilinii'ed lo her pres. ,h. who were distress" ! In e the 'iinilanrt.nly mnri' in won u sn 'i"i"si i i i , she woum av, " nmi sli" had no need of pity , that she lived in a fair nnd bnppv world of her owi, amone rl!e thou 'His and pleasant inures, whieh were sulfi .t(.i,rio her (heeil'uln.-ss." When haunted by iIih itro.iio'in 's of too quick' n rnnscii-'ii e, which su' Jresied thi'r, that her lili- antljfklents had not been rendered i.v.'lldto (heir f.dk-si exin.t, she would Console hrrseirwilh the beautiful hue of Milton's, "Those slrioserve, who only stiind tnd wait." 'fcho spolse olien of the far-away friends whom .!. tnlmvl. and would send lliein messn-'es of kind- c..:i.f .rt ; she wn- nnus Uial one msb lti.ii.r.h -should be told of the HeliMit win. Ii her country seenes and sk. Ichee had given her that iinnlh.'r, the fompimioii of her travrr Hours. houl.l ti- assured that the " lenderness and atlectionaie "jfmtii th? Redeemer' -chawl whUdt they, bayc 4,'ften contemplated msrether, was now a sonree not merely of reliance, but of positive happiness to ber the rtcerttuv of hrs roach. n In n'mi t.du- Tin" this season of decline, sin-was resigned, num. 4,ler.iwtU fcludious tu-avtjid saying. .or.doin. J!JJ Ihiii" which mibl seem "''id or done f -relil-ei, ni-d invested by her palioiwe nnd sweetness with a dig Uy winch 'almost raised her nbove the reach of arthlv ronsolnlion. 'I'Jie feeling ran bo well un demtood which made her sister write, " that nt time it Ima almot been painful to feel one's own incamcitv to minister to a spirit so ethpreiilizedi," ' Within a short peiiod of her decease, the drop sical symptoms abated; they were succeeded by hectic "fever and delirium, the s re precursors of dissolution. On the tw ntv-sixlh day of April, she. closed her poetical career, by dictating the " Sab bath Sonnet," which will lie read anil remenilwred as long as her name is loved ami cherished. From (his time she sank away genily but steadily, still able to derive pleasure from hems occasionally'read to, and on 'Tuesday, the lweVih of Miy, still able tr rend, to, read for herself a portion of jhe hx ewith chapter of St. John, her favorite among the Evangelists. N arlv the last vtords.shc was heard 'fu uticrtTfr, on SalurJay tl.eaixUscutb of Mayvlv J ii "k li'T youngest son, then adting by lir I.UiJo, I .. i .... i i ill ,. . II t ... .1.. ......... hIhiI In. di readiiui. W hen Im told her the inim1 .. tie- t...k, fie ,nd, W I'll, d i y.Ki lik" it ?" i',.-r lhi piie lell into a Jj.'litle nleni, wlu.Ji eon. ii iii' d aliiKl unliroken, till evening, when, between i!ie li.iitra of I'ljhl und nine le r spirit puiCtj uvvuy Miihoiit a n.'li or a trtgBdft." ITIUJC M IMUVATi: IXONOMV. work iin.li'r lii" ulftv title, iiileiid-d lo sim plify the hito.'rlo-eoinid'-rc I uh.true siit " t of I'olili. i.l I j'oiininy, by Ttteoiionn S.ii..i:w H k, hie pi-t hi ide IN ii (.( tr t k; -, Irom which iho loil'. ui i ho ettract, iiihI, lhiukt a fuvurablu nj k-c i iiici of the author ' i.'iloniiaii'e. o tih: m:i ii rv or ri-inoivi. oni'TnT It has ln'irn the ailthor'K object to show "lint nearly nil ihe people in I he I'lilied Slalen will In oiiij lied lo work, imiI, however, for fin re i.wesa ne, nut ..r lliinys to enl, drink, and wenr mere y, but (if ih'-y will have tlioni) for ull that is yr.iee lul nnd b. .niiifiil- nil 1 1 ml inures u nation irtu Uf uid great. The ib siun bun been lo bIiow Ihiil there citiiii.il be in the I'nited Stales an idle, vicious spending clii-is,. (."psirtcd at tho expense of the great body of ihe Mple. Facts show this to Is- iIn- rase there; n single claiice at the condition of the people will illustrate it. "The town of S'ltickbridgf, (the author's rei ..'eitii',) in the coui.ty of I'crkslure, has b.'en iih-ii-leu. ".I. Thiii c.Miidy has Is-eu scltl.-d alfiut a hull-dr.-d years, and is raid to be the first or sca-nd best an- uliurtl count v m the Mate, u will, loi ine . pie nt Hir(H.s.!, witfi sollicient accuracy, represent ihe old free states. There are not, in each town , in this county more than one or two persons, at J in.rsl, who tn iv l said to live upon their incomes, j aii'l wiilioul lal.or. It istrue.thiil to lliecilics.utKi in c rla i oliic-r pins of the cuon'ry, there is a i larger proMirti(Mi of the people th in is ,er- silted j that can live without w.ok, but U is not ureal as lo iiHect the- slalenienls. It is true, a, o, that a j few moie than have Itcen named in tins i.rl ol tin j e.mi.liy f.mld live um theiriucoii.es, and without I lls. i ; bul lo live without some regular emp.oy- ;IIM M.iul;.cturer chisels t -,r',.-t.,.. ,i.,.r n,t rnenl or indu-irv is not reputable in lb" I i.ii'.l , !Mrt ., f.treigu lountn.s, ,.i ,., ,. -pre-States; nnd whether inen work Iroin ne.e-ily or j WM, luvt, .v t a sen - of duly, if they work I'nrlv, is of little mo- J ''to Bns-vi r i- nhiui. Th v cm rr i:i :.f i meiit in lltu public The t-r-'iit e.,u: . rtl is lo g.-l l ,,, fw; tl tn fl(My ,.(r ,,.,,, . ( , . , . , i.en to work viiluotisly and ddioeuily, eith'-r In ! Mr rich raiitalmt avl i "( -. , r':.- ... hemwlves or for others und if thai were the rte, j . ,-suiiiers of nine lentbs .,i n. ivl prol,' . if we h id in the county of l'erkshiie a bii.i'lre.: ( .,.(, cr,Mer pn.srlioii, lo-s .old -..n iml limes more than at present who could live Uism tilt. ,riMuct.in, if the- o - d !. tn- c: t their incomer, go mncii the better, ami so lunch tin-,.ril C,,r lt. i bv not c.iiub,..i an-l u-- . ' ir richer iUid happier vv.Mild Ihe (Kniplc Is-on that ac- r in fl ,,,.v r,.,, l( ,i, ,, . count. ' We are lad so fir from having an idle c!as. t that it is beeoniiilg less and lus reputable tots- lile, ! and lite sons ol I lie ri'li are e.iu. inen i,ir inuu-iii- . t . . . i . i . i . ous is:oiiptilions.to a much greuterexient than llnjy were thirty or forty years Rgo. In the cine the same is tine, with slight dillereiices. In these there is greater wealth, aixl coiupnre I w ith the populalion, morn jicrsoiis living on their incomes without labor limn in the country; but their num ber m so smill, fven in the largest, llml the idle am iml a class; they do not make up a s-ieiy ; thai utiluewr, .in ...every. way is yerv .itisigiiiliciint ; they ar.i generally those gaining, dissipated people, Ijiat uob'tdy cares for. I.alior, then, is the order of Ine dav ia the' l:n:te.T Slates; and the taborin" people will take euro licit it shall never cense to he . so. They must show- their rv-peel lor Hie indus trious, whether WcA or Hr;if tho rich bo dili gent and virtuous, they have a great po ver to do !..?. liwt ihe piW can never have. f "V1flfe ipeopTe of Kiirope nect nnt-wnndf i'i-. unexampled prosperity ol the I mtcd Stales. It is not a new country, a virgin soil, line rivers and real Jakes, that bring this about; tt is universal labor ; it iscec labor ; it is not labor for a master ; but to s a man's own wife and children ; it is the eombiimttouof the labor of freemen in u-eful works: it is happv, c lUtenled labor; it is labor with the re wards of industry ; it is that men here are ls-t'in- mn.' (though it is paint-H lo say, i.st si-.wiy ) I... rl"" . . . ., . . . ii r,.n 11 . ... i:...l it.lr sl'iwlv) an; unit uieyaruuii lenow-iaisioiti , .'......n- .i natural ' (jnality, and to treat each other with a de gree' of love and respect never More exhibited in the world. It is this which travellers remark, then ihev speak of the superior kindness of ihe people. Thoseare Ihecauses which have give such wonderful animation to the industry of the people ol the United Slates. This, however, is but the be giiviiug of the urssl things we shall see, provided tho common people shall tear asunder the fetters of t-,.!,,..., p.-.u-l:.:.i. their independence, and establish, ,,vt r all classes, tludr empire of economy, virtue, nnd reason, as they certainly may. " After all that has been said about the influence of our law 'of descent upon labor", in producing a pret drsfttWitw ed that laws alone will never bring (his about. It was not (he rase among the ancient nations gencr nllv ; and in Home, where property upon the death of tie- parent, was divided equally among the chil. ilrt-n", 1 1 liii-- tK't'ii' fctat Bit wiiat a mirntbs 44sk common people were, hxiw many slaves who had no pioveriv, and lo what nn extent nearly ull the pros riy fell into the hands of a few. '" Nothing is more common tluin the undue im portance which people ascribe to laws. Laws rem edy but a few evils; laws a a dead letter unless they conform to the general habits of the people; to make the laws of avail, thc people must be like Ihe laws. Wc have had laws against sabbath brew ing, lotteries, usury, &c, but their influence has Ikhoi slight, compared with what the raw-giver ex lectcd from them. The people, then must mainly look to themselves; ihev must be a law unlo them selves ; if they can combine to make good laws, so thev mav etien much more eliecloally combine to t.rtmr mIsiii! what tbev wish withodt anv law : lhv combine for good ends, none can. resist them ; if forbad, no resistance is wantcy, for they will destroy themselves. Com6tnaion,theii, amtKigthe laboring; people for wise od .W they wjwt; Ithey need no uiJ lo accomplish what they icasuna ! I.lv ,1..-.,.. bly dfsiru. ' Tio wer f i'ipln of midllmg pros'rty in eluding I ho laU,rer for ui xh ralf wu jn-t in lh limy ny whals'iull bo d.Mieiu nil important reM-ct I'bey mi) e-tnbhsii the most ess.-t.tinl usg-. j laihioiii, direct tin- ricli bow lie v lu.l! S'iid tli ir. Mioli" y,rtnl make ...iierl v wlloervit til l..llu-.i..Ki as lhy will. 'Ibuv Hiiisi uol, b.wivir, exjucl to do this by Ins, ImiI bv selling n n.il.le a.np.e ol wImI projs rly slii uld do. We ill!. , n m.-re en gine to do good ort do evil, us li-i- h -eu-.tid ayaiii -iisl iiL'iiu. It it painful mi l iliiusiii. to - e how iiisiiiil'ritiil lhi pm.er of llie jK-oplu is, coniptrcd with wluil it inighi, mid certainly will U . "Thisw who desire a wi and fair distribution of rM)rly, mul conspire to bo vo.cniical ; t" sjvt- their wages; to pr.sluce the in -st ust-lul kucis of property ; lotrea e soni.-lliiiit; that wi.l la-i. and may bo ueuefleially distnlsiied; ni-te.i. of ,i .rki i : for trash, and where n. work I wanted; :s-iewr-yanls,. where i,o servants. B'" ! J iifi.'"ljf!? where there ia isilhin.' tourind; .Ir.i.i i l-.r water, where thr is no w.-r. 'J'le u.nst ee.tsf lo pro (luce or use thai immense inii,.v,t nl jrinck1 Is, line r.Vi genguwa, fashiisiable Inlle-, d iiu!u. a III) Hl-Mll ous drink, (poisonous in loe ilere' m i i- h M n now uwil) 4lth w neh 'Mir persons an- . nr our grocene., store, cellar, kitehens, i.e.iirn-H hih; j,,,,, ure 0n,.M rn -,. kind .it "prop-rlv lh.it m- pc.pl.- lri)(lll.ji ,,r ' p.-n , Mj ; , t,,r ai (,,,) , yro.-iiy lln, ,.,,, u,,Mi u, (1Jluj , ,r n ,,llr ,,, Tl i- is not lh" S'0 .Ill cir e. . s', rl.'.l In, I, Ilif luriv ii i .'er- ,ilM lllt tt). ,.1V huw,,, . ,. ,,,. 11,11 ,,,. .l,,,-!,,, i,rth.e'rtuii.i,s t,,r !,,. Ir .-I,, .. -, ,.,, ,). ( , r , i,i.'. li.,.ie-, l.iltirers ( IM : lt, t t sri-s. mid il .. r cm in lal.-,t r-. help. M& lo pr,Nj(U.,. ,v, kr , ir,, , .rU i p,,, ,inv 1U( iV1. ..., i. .,, ,..,,.). .-, , ,.,.t ,', rt,.; ,,.) ,) ,),,. rK.tl , -.,,,,(,.(- i defeat the lust disirilsitioii ol nr-SH-riv .m l ke. n dK.umelvpjt down. 'Hius ihev nmlte tie' re Ii richer i,an iney sltmild In-, hik 1 0- -r !.mt lh u thev need U';tliiis we see the p .r pltvin in1' ' 1 hands of the rich, and lliroini; Ib. ir h.-IiIj' hard-earned sixpences and shillings '. ohinr heaps, where th.'-re are already thousands i'iik J sh. them rieiuiug ah tut fro n l -iv-r I . " from store lo More, einpiying ih-'ir -p. 'rki-fs' ii liiose of men who are t.'.i tunes ric'ier than Ihem selves. All Ihe ('ungresses ind l,o-jibiluret i.i the world'.' tn,iit pr.'Vedt this; the ;!. can al d" i: . V ""This n'nwer of the people o' nn !.4ti-xrtfa,rt and lati-irers for small wages, by i 1 m s h i .1 the great lirtdy of farmers, niaiiut'.eiii e , -w"ia.t- an I J i il n I 1 1 bores, out IV" o s' '-' ' tt.t I customs and liish.tins ol Ihe cu .lrv, ov r im wealth of the rich, and Ihe cup, la! b 'w h" hit . pnsluced, is n subject wi imp.. Hani, dial it will b. further consisted ; hrrr'aftrr: O.N DOMI'STIC L.MI'I.OV.MKNTS. it v Mas. sic'.riixKV. NVu havtt.been amoni'-t t n-"admirers of M'-- i'"Mirnev r$sb noetevK. and her nr kIiic'i- h t i , prose writer liave li..'ig:iieiieu our respeei subjoined extract is taken from an essav of this re ally philosophical writer. The esmv is a s-ed tn her own s. x, but the :":h"mI conclue -n-. .;;d, ,f po9jsibls. with m re l ir- - to the I S-.X. unon whom the sterner d'Ces of the l,l"' d.-nen I. lii softening and Mvueiemng the dtiti.soi pnvaf. life, are tin- obliiialiofs less bind ii'' in men than on women? The fact is, that it ! ..and exactly the saute amiable quahli. s in every . .ember ol a lamilv, to make the domestic heart'i ihe have ol happiness. " I have even thought it desirable that voun.' la dies should make -themselves the mistresses of soue attaiutnent, either in art or science, bv whim they .l.i tn. mi i, i ri .iii1.. inli-ric slioidd tbev h:' rr need to povertv. Sudden und entire reverses me il uoconimon in the history of iifflueijce. To sustain : theift without ihe means of lessening ihe'cvilsell dependence, hen henlth and int'dbs-l are at ,s,r ciiiumuiul, is sl'ltng hefpT)ssties' to oiir i" Wn lifflic-" lion, nnd increasing the burd'-n of other.- When the illustrious Henry Laurens, by the fi.rtmif! of our war of Revolution, was hdd n prisone, in the Tow er of Loudon, he w rote to his two dnugliters, who had been tiurtufed in. all '-theJeoderiiirss .srid luxury of Carolina wealth: "It is my duly i warn y'oii to prepare for the trial of earning your daily bread by vour daily labor. Fear not servitude ; encounter iltf if shall be necessrs , with ihe spirit becoming a woman of an honest and pious heart" one wh has been neither fashionably nor uffiiehidly n-li-gious." The accomplished Madamo de Genhs (iroiiounced herself to Is? in possession of thirty trades or varieties of s:cupation, by which she could, if necessary, obtain a livelihood. It was a wise law of some of the ancient Governmenls which compelled every parent to wive his son some trade or profession, adequute lo his support. . Such is now the variety of detriments open to females as instructors in schools and seminaries ot their own 'irtipi. that thev mav Wlow the imnuls ofiheir cen- ius in the selection of a study or accomplisliment, and, while they pursue it as a pleasure, can still bn propared to practise it 'at profoasioiu Among the pleasunt employ mants wbicb scow peculiarly 'I ' ' - u.K-omrolUble. il .hey '-re- e. r. .,,,.lH.or,,a,r.M,,'l,hatc.,mmu,ng;,ihlMonefl KUl-l-d by v,a and ntelhgence, , will prae.-J N.tlu.e which w r.pi!'y ,0.,csl,,g to Hm-heart. thXlTyV ilZ econ -iny. liwm- may be culled thr ' I. wu, Mt,rtU8 w(th , (m. Ul)lU , ,M.r aat-nisbuM',,., a kI returm-J a.sl n-l,eSTnv emh.'r v,,s.. ,!,. ,hy mikeup nme.tenihs .,f the r.pl.-. that ...e , er of VV,, B ws by r,,,ellt bv ,h.h.. i tZ lZ 1 tlieyhavi, thep .weriM.t only lomsko Iheluw.. but v.ailiif., Marions de Lilnvelle. whet, bo ao.iei.1 I i,.l,l I f I.',., 1. 1 congenial lo Im- Mings of .Mtr ei, o ll.iuers i.ta.1 'a CO:.-, iiiiih. S Mii'i-i,..'M(. ,, u t.Uf(i,.M M4 WM. n w'uit'dU i.,.- i , . . the . ,B rriomi- e,s n.iive rh.ne. Milt-o. in-r i.i'nitiii'r. ni ne was . ur lo enmnui i.i.r.s.11 i., who, i.u recoiled, n.t ., j.,e.tt sdv.MMt" limt w.,. iiM-n ,.ould - tuudv b.an-U..t t.'.sl," b-s f iw itt..n. eio.pt. m .l r.(M..H 4., in., iv,,,, !, r.-prr-ni . N. I I,.. ... .1.1. . . I I. I. i I- . --u ... iiimi ainu lit iii'iii 11. ill liaillllif III lifWI IH.il - r. I -u u..l ..... . I ... - . - i.ii III HIK 1'- rltl.VB lllf It-. -ip! s.r mm hhIht si be, i.i, i. a,.... W siidea-lseM iiiiAit UniW, I'bu tending of ilnwe's fnsever noiiesrivl to rnt o Is- ,i fitliug c.tr': f r the i,, beautiful. I Iwy tb' , ((,1,-n tt4 it wei) imnaig tin ir own ein. bl. ins, in..! i,i im a v.,i. ..f , :(n brMi,'i.s tht-tr em f oni lliese bnt f lil'..-s.ni,s In which they apportion i:m v and sim-bcnni. Wnile they er. nuieaie ine wee.is lli.il j loiin, or Hie etereais-nr.-a ilu.l end.in.i.r them, is tin e ist H perp- lual iik-lesi uttered , l io work lo ! done itt ll.eirowii bear I f r rout lb, Hiliir,i(oii of l. ever is rung rharn s, L"1 !iu.!IJr l!, "" lender spirit b rl ttpwuid in ik--v.. Hon in linn " s le so bund perfoiui a lV in, and viii.se M'i l p,,i .." ('.iiinei le.l will) the nature f lloueis is the dehghllol slit I v of bolunv, w bicii inpitis new M'triicli'Sts to ihe suuum r svlvun w.dks, himI prmrpls tx tli to nlt,bri.-uit I'iriiw a . . iilie 'eM'ureli A know ledje oflhe plisioogv I pi n's i ihM only interesting in itself, bul '.f (irac lied nil.' rt. The brilliant loloru." matter which 'in y sous'ti mi's Mi-Id, mid the Is autiful ml'iieiu'es whieb ili' Hnsi"S 1'iipiirt value lo mauv u.i un--i.'lill. shrub or veiiid"d pl-fil, w Inch ii.ietit oilier .ii li'iv" Iji'cn nolfi red to bl-. ii 1 1 and die with.Mit t ihoughi. "It is -lieeriug armdo'irsnlilarv ra-tibles loview l!i'- tb,ects that surround us as f, iriids I 1 . ull lo re. ii c'lon ibeir ihs cM'ine Ii leam-'e's of i 'uii.h' er, to arinv I hem w.ih n m.i.'I liiitjr 1 1 uitellience or n ilitv, nr ul lo e i , in, iiitniiale conijiaiiioiiHliip -Mill Natup. Tee '"'i, d'1 ah .riii"'.s of our cm .. v .-re disli, igui.s'i- I .In exieiisiv.. ai nnai .1 i .. i- with the me.lir-in.il pr.iM rle s of p. mils und "-.IS, l.ie l e;i: i I I Oil l' I I " ill ,(e i." , then,. Ii an in .."acn nnd war, !' -iM'iliis. I w-i.ild not conn .... . !' the piii:ian ; i i rn, i i I Iki pfi-pi'sfr'Sts I 'nt . 'i i i to alleviaie i,e -.1 of l': se li.yo by u simple lli ii have ri'Dl- .1 or galbere'1, . nli of ilia" enrsmi; ki'idnevs Inch , , arroi'.i' t. i-:jl,t lli'll;. s ti H.bivon i f ' 1 1 Il i- i lejiiimnt, b; - .. . . i, A .1 ioiv, t , inv, i , s i ii no ihe ivliole matter, lli.Hiih ,r,i , .f . ,nt'i a e'raT'i. is Hir ,.vu ov- r 1"-. It lit ' is i.ifh.' il. t.. ., si up-, t " T'.r ...... M. . .. ul, . 1 Ll.l ' '.' "" I""' ' ' ' 1 I nig su iiiiiei's lev ..fi'-l len. e .' ' s;i'n"e of woman h 'T.i.nrt.tlv rti1'-- rie.-ii! is.;ut'h rt bicll she will be expf . . ' .1 '..Ji.lit iiii-n I -re lo lea n, and 1 1 n-tim f soe w.sil I Mc.jini herself cp-di' iblv. I'll , Ig'l to C-- , er, wit i im.." on. i ! lie e c.'ljei.eii-s i n-'tlsT'tir "i in 'ire in hi' ra'tjte ol scie . q n rf's i i i -' ''V S"l lKi nrsi-'ss'' i s'lll mere is i.-eil thai d .. -s'-c 1'ifv-s I . '-.-. lii..- ne-elnl .n'l-oveii.eiit or . x:i e'ilish Iniell". I".,, eniovineiif. t iM-v'tmav iinitHdhvthlln7irBitdtsev'M"csslklwiM waain,! Brj,,:1;'v sunnnorjed in I the l''iiinlat.iu ul' these iiuahtnfs should be laid sen- tn ymtU." ().r, DAV AND H Mi' IV Tlin LIFE OF A T'i?tc.'i) cimviiit. .... iiiu., 0..toU'.r 19Uu 1333. . 'I';, ik-rny rcit f .r walk wi, a -4if.'.jljir,td-hBjk . ( i w mt ; V- i,i to load . wtin mess,i'jes up'S.se. iiig (.At fiu on my ttTft'i'itamik cloth. - - v i 1 sK"d in io call nl i oiisin i b- r the Sorrow s of W , r ,.' r a I such ii tnibv w.n!) In r .iith wi.i iTs, and co h ii iii i Is'i in-i ; II ( ! '1 1 1 ' i -but i-i ist hu ie ,' I' ... .If ' II I. v"r il t i ii I W'Tte."- i.i I r.tiK'rsbe would t ike pleaur- sorr ws mat employ her tongue in i f r oor hiiinble aeriaut. .. .... hi i.ii'ij II ( i ( ' m.-i i J K l-Slf. Xll l l-Ollslll M. S . ilrut'lful li'lv woman. Like t; ;i!l ol I n. ltd l .lo ll'-U W" ,!' in. i Iml ran I Isiar Vui ilrcatt- , lid" i, t ics, liecaaw- I aui always in ilrcail while n r . Jirennses ! rsl I sh"ii,l Lllend their -uper sm -rlalive tie,,! , ess l,y il Ull ol fcravei on ine soic of miv ho it, or such matter. U'al ;e,l in, delivered my niessajre, nnd sea'ed ,,,, , 'f in ,k f her cane hoiioiu cnairs, w hile sle .-:'.,ag.-d l'." bookcase. Forgot lo take out tttv , .nemiisf. Is iere I el.lere.l. uiul while she liuiileii, il,,. -lido risi.e. No si.iihot in the room. . . i .i . i ,l iiiilows close.:. Fl nir cat leTeil, ."itiTi' . niuisin'o I.rs.keii to live lire nine In'l o.f, lloers. and henrm newlv daub. ..il with Simiiush I'fownU Hero was a lix. I'clt tin- Il 1 of essence ofciivendish'acciMlU trtiegi -IWeiMx-Vtt-fwiaua-ilU .taytwlicj.her.ili a hist nhret,- t-wav4icttfie.la ,aro.ri..l!P now en, re.lnubthe henrth, or 11--id the carpet. Mouth , the main tie e pretty wj-ll lillort. I o add io my inisi rv she l-g tn to asK cpiesilons. -inu you ev er read this book, ' "a ' a voice m ft" rfrop torn tha liulUdn.ia.'Wli.wn.iie. f wislo e book, aunt and all, were wun rnanm s host in the Red Sea. ' II .w do you like it-' How ' i.i - i.e.: ul ..... Jovou like il l contmueri ine mui'iuuga.!. ." (hw ,y bead oo tllO naCK Ol ine cnair ..no i. ....nurd to nrcvenl an "overflow. 'Prettv well said,' L he at lust found the Sorrows of We r ler and came toward me. O dear I (iusin Oliv er dim't put your hcaj on the hack of the chair ; now d.m'l, vo'il grease it, and take oft the gilding ; I could not'answer her, having imw lost the p,,we. ..fsiK-ech entirely, and my clieeKs were uiMen.ieo like those of a tlmd under a mush-rsim- Why Oliver,' said e v persevering tormentor, uucon scious'of ihe reason of my appearance, 'you are :ir I know v(si are. vour face is dreadfully swell ed,' and before l could prevent her, ber hartshorn . - .tn.,H tn mv fitsienoea rifiminos. rs mmith wilicl' ssed inperturabtv, the orifices in roy 3 organ xvcro that lirso my only breathing s-i, llio rullureipbtnr. Ju Ign then, what a CoinnsHesi fu mua; I ho g. iwrul so. I of haru'iorii created aiiM.ng uifaolurms. 1 Loliod (or Hut disir, an. a tiearly achebeb I . . .' 'S 111-' Irimt f. I..ua il... in ii.a i.... .. .... .- . i I n'll. nrver L,i wJ.t'.L. V" I ' ' homo Inortilied. i Htfir,T Foiif mn Frien I 4 inviip.l miM.ir ....I -.r.. - w.ih htm tn h-nr the celebrated Mr preach. (Wilted by rs,8l,W A--lt.. hia w mm will- III B psw. - 31-si.ri aa usual, lull of tounrtio, aod-h.r. of horrors! fund tuVncw fleffsmlv ,!,,til ror oi lioirors!-rund tlit. pew egaty .ariej with white and nieen two or tl.rrr msboeatiy 'nkeia, and a hat sund but mi )) b..,. The M-rvii-ca cou,Minc-iHj.erv tha orgin wak answer, d by an ml, mil appral iroin my imsiih i,r a hberalns;i from it. ronient.-bul thn llm n was iui.s,ib. i,,,,!,! ( m list for a ajiil b . Iha n of turning ,nm , f ,; , crK, eta over Is, I nojlddo isKbuui m.sr. . .ed. I look out u, imuuValuei; but found i , i:,e plcnj. tudsot her ort'.t-iiaisiU'. niv 'V I .1 , (bat I (IM. f C HVri-, i"'nn.,i i u . - l"s . p- .s-i iiMrail l inv ruiiduiuia. Il' iewiaa difet mt. fh him ihe reuclir-r bad named lilt el, ny ' lesIuj ha.' ierlM'd Iheir utmost lensi.ai, u.e, 1 u iwi spit or die. I niswe, neir.l iny bat, and niaik My wife ti. lamming us unwell ( . kuijwn Is t'er,) gl up aisl follow,' ' le yui u ie I, Oliver?' said Hk-, a l e after u I .n.sm red her bv utln, , an unlucky d..g with a hood ol exp.. s cavendish. 'I wedi,' mhI ahe. M . A spit box, in thf isiw.' 'S, do I.' W. e-al.t ,inV i.: 'Ar r ' -sed I.- 'C.'of . SKIrftof i hnd a ' '! I! Iiollit i. K ,i i io.r in moouy silence. I was .,r the M-rtuon, bul bow c.sjli: I j- p ii ' I ". v h mm ie so a ..ll'-clioiiate, coiiI.miii.I ii,. h, ; f 'nn't nM-au an. lint she imylil Lav. kit. .in .f.i ailed l.ie, mii kept Iter seal. T. Ui c. T O loUcc. I Rul I'm- t!. e !s of hst day are not told yet. Viler th cam, In 'tha service along c, in e fanner Pioug- .(, ,. . Ik hail seen me go cut of cduich and b.,pi ; ;,,u opvu window whero I .il. "H.ck today, .Mr T" "lUiber unwell," answered I, mid th. vs wo- an other lie to place lo the acuaioi ol '..Imrco. " VV bad (Miwnrfid (.leacliinir. Mr.- ,K.iry you had lo go tail." My w,ft askul him ,,i, ni,J ,n h came ; she miy hi kaiw I.' w uld, bul .imu msat ...-,. r. .io ii... ako .iw. witertr bv it. ('on pltmenl over, I jiave h in my choir al ine op u win dow. Itwu he ai', a. t.l In.iibung in hi p s.ketl, he drew lortb h frnintaule plug ofiobac. .. od com menced until i -i.i.i. n. " I'lteti you l( bucco," l. A h ftu .Hicitwiaiallv, ul ik, - Ij- u- lM"-'-,'-l 1 1 4 ""'hes u, bis cheek- I inciita! I I ... ' I , . . y pue-i i who umhi more. , imi.i icnca th I .. v an ; us II.hmJ afli-r fl.ssl l-(Miler d newlv paiulel wi,il,'riH-em ini.) niii i.m Ve ." -ai I, ' bul I i i.e a darker c-jllor.' H. . to I." I, o ni '. answered I'Iouk'i share, " t., lyalhn ',,uts n v i I' .Im's5 ill, .lul." Aou ir- ii; ni .m.l juy carpet Willi tus tnvorile color. O.sal, If n. lit I, wile will todeiin r. r ruier I louiih-hiirva ul' iin.ukelf. I saw his lonv ling, rs lit iuai pariwut - fvti ,.,, which a lolt'iccecbewcr know how in put his iliits when lib. .ul to unlade, lie drew tbcm acres., bis inisiili ; I trembled for lle couaequeocs, ohould he ihmw. such a load upon j he hr.nih or the llo -r. I'.ul he had no uiif uln. Ikua lv-wsi bra This was t-io iinn li. I plead tucknesa and rose. Tin re was no lie in the issertioii now I was sick. I reiired from the tall, but my departure did not discompose farmer J,im,:hshnri, who was uncon scious of having done wrong. I returned in aeason lo see him replace hut quid in his nioulh to under, go a second mastication; and the church bell op. pnrtuu' Iv ruining, called htm bef ,r he c.sild usti bis plate for i spit hit for such, I was persuaded, would have liocn his next motion. I went up stairs a id thr. iwiujj my'!! on the bod, fell asleep Oreams of inundation, (I m.. md fire harrassed me. ( Iheught I was burni"g and smoking like a cigar. I then thou 'hf 'ho Merrimack hadovrrll iwu ilh Uiiik.t, nnd was about to overflow mo with its waters. 1 cold not escae the water had reached mv chin I tnsted it: it was like tobacco jmci . 1 ctghed uid sf-reaoied, and awakeniiij.., found I ha I . ,vn to sle p with t quid in my mouth. Mv wo en'.-r.-d at iho mn-tu'nt l tnrew away try mt'iv wcrri- II U7., if I were you, I would im un that stuff any fuore. . , l - I wont,' said I. Neither fig nor twist, piu-tail nor cavendish, havo paased my lips since, uor ever iihalf they Hhii" e '--.--. TALLEYRAND. The Paris correspondent of the London Morn in? PosVgivca the following spirited sketch of ihia p.cv'r""'!?'"ilr..v p00" : Taliev rami is ccrtriifily the m.t extraordiiiary lH'ii.r ol his kind, Ihe world has produced since the first creation. Take him in l is physical con formation alone, and think of his having outlived so long (he ia now eighty live) nil the great and goodofhis time! Talleyrand was born lame, and his fiadis arc fastened to his trunk by an ir-m a p. paraliis; on which he strikes ever and aeon hia gigantic caim, to the area dismay of those who see him for the tir t time an a we not diminished by iha !o ,k of his piercing gray eyes, peering through hi shaggy eyeorows; in. iincnrtlily lace, ntarkd wilh deep slams, c weiec partly ty Ius stock of extra ordinary hair- p .rtly by luseeorn.otts cravat, a-hicH supporia a lar.e prntrudiug lip, drawn over hia up per lip with a'eviMcul expression no painting rould rsmier- Add to this Apparatus of terror his dod silence, broken OHHjIWIhj' th?.Mt aept.lchra i gstlral raoBO-syllablea. TeUeyraodV puke, mLicK if - 1 f .-HP A.. J U 4

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