I. r ' i t ; f , t .ir ' 1 - ( w I ' r ' . .1 U .1 " ' 1,,1 , lt . it:. V "ZCL'I W-fh V.UM IUUI III W'F w si f , uf my put put-.- a.-, -. ;'7 JrTi ST!- - oUk I., TrJ2 ,f , rt- .i - . ,M MX MM, tww m"" - : lea m oo-f h wri-UiN" ' fc""P '"' citiy or to !V .f bne. , At (r, I 1 Hh iniw-of rhl ti'M rtl 'io '"'P f M, m feet, il w to f mrn if""ij e,,'' Uu( iy iM, i3 kim rfb" w r,A,r,y " .i. k. r-i. 1 a fi m vear aii. hi Ix i t?iTJ. iTCT Alihob b. be I m UCW i W wti at tall i, arwbi f .r t!fwl.ni. IU,foiiianl!y rff.r to II peri'Mi he b WM Mmitcf of J u ij0 Al fiuraVi wJ Hio lbi (xwlrf to lie ilhil a!et-p eo , ahled biip ! i out aiwJ arek informalion, well ? pleair, w -UIV till oon o'cbrk. , At b 'l bo.ii ki ralum-d t- bi OMtMU Niera lUt bd arripd,put marginal WImo oTllw uwmenU, lw rMurwd, wl on wakuiR fet . rfwl it .i . I Jiua Im iMVniuni'A III II 111 tiff (I IW ITIinn wruiv w wi- fjrm. Wb Tallfyniiid m ipJ h - pro. IK ) bari, h u-'l t- Hi kit hi ywrj c"' - -ha b tHiW ii-Oiuwlnip''' !' J" " n tol'ir hw, hi fyea ra wide open iIuW lird Palnvrl'Ht ab-pl. To Ihi J.yral f rn iMmnr "M in" n iia Ml one nu-nl Uv Aftaf wrvidg hn wbicb l toatato on d'tiit-, U (ulf biwa bib after dtli, Juii ltot-tler tbal wnuld anliufy boatoiwlric. tor. aaaaMaMWaMaiaaMMaaaiiMaaaiiaaaiMaaii LO'JWVILLT, CINMATTI AXD CHAUXTON RAIL ROAD. t Ksoviii.b, Not'inlr 19. It wi!l b n by the aJfrtieinrm of tlm Cen. trnl Connniiioii in our poiur of fa dn.V, Uwl lto 40,0011 han owMMry tnec iw Ibe charier, ba WnwbTild, nd lh atockhoblcra are reqmni d t CMivoii lhi plice, either in por.n or by pro;, on tb fllH if January, to elevl a dinTl ,ify, WiittmSiinrtandtliaCouiuii-iwba liana milted lb aiWauit aubacnbed, In Gov. CunifMi, f r ' t ha nunvxM of nlnninini bi auW ri)(KMi on bnhalf tl ika ftat and we are bapoy to learn thai the Ojvenx will promptly auUcrilie fi'r ne third of the aatunatea cut of cooatructing I lie rmw wuniii thelimiia of Ibia Bute ibie third will.pMbably he about a million of dollar, and when aJdcd to the amount already aubacribed, a ure wore than fire millifM to the capital etoch. We taw a let ter a few dar ago from a biahly remieelable gen- tle nt i i'l K!'iiUi'ky, itntlngthal tw milliona nwrtf mVii Wm&tnttly tMircted Onin itial Slate. Wort.l ir404 W oo uouui, mm nuw cwiii tap a p rtiiri of bur irlui, nfid Saiih Carolina wrm a-l a id libnliiy nevr pjr.nit "anv thin- tofatl Vhirt abfl mirtnra)trw, wiH MiH -mikw ivilb'i - aff'rtii, if it be ntniiry u.c,muUUi Mw.woik. . 'lim CiHwtiis mpr!iw a unarly accurul-j lii't of lb aiibicnptiiine lolck Ikr aa wn hae been able to (pthor it from the report of ibe Cernnl Comminn, and from oilier aoorcra,. OCT 'e tno4 eameatly reqnnel all thoae who wvr appoint Jto npen ik fr aiihcriptiui ihr Hihont thn i everal BiatWlo report the Main of their oMk uffkialljf Iii llipTCerrt 1 Commiwitio at thi place, without dVU ydtrtailinjr the nainea'of ilie auUcri-' ; fcert and thw amnuni eubacribML iy eacV a . witb-. out tbia the Connnia-iou will not bo able to nko ; up Ibwr auwk book., , . . - -Ji Lut f Stack laJlraia tie Loumillr, CMmiM iU CWu-afoa Rait Road, aaar ufkrarit from lie fwt afeatna; Ik BtxXt i ik CMral Communion. .Z, . . IS ROLTIl CAROLINA. At CbarloMHi, 15,000 ahar J at, Lauren Dixt.' l',m nt Nobairrrl 75 J It Columbia IfiM at Vni 1,1 13 ; at FairfielJ l.OOj ; nl Cbmiier 7S1 ; lWloton, 7i)4j at Abbeyville, 650 ( al Yoikvillo, ftUi) i nl tnMivillc, 439 i Sfiartanburg 407; at gutn'emllp, 8 DO; S atebnrg 803; Bnmwell, 932; at tfeaufirt lt. 334; at Oronburg 819; at lionnfetowti. Hi at Pickena, 2 ; Andoraou C. II.,! at- L-vintt. 146; at ' I'Mipfield, At); al Cam-1 ilett,51:al VVlicbjrd7 53 h at lWu, 219 ; Hcmiexvill.i, (in Marlnom UtJt.V 80. 'IVtal, IX .VO.lTrl CAROL! N' V. At BuriiAviUt, 0; Aiiivilc, 41 1 ; ut IIuvwo-kI county, 61; at Rutherford 370; at Lincoln. 173. Total, 1.020. IN-TEX.VESSEE. . ' V TlAt KltVllIn, ,33t ftfter ctV i ?3 IJIt kinaci'y. W.'at Datnlnde, in Jeflereou Vty. 44; ta RutMolvilb Jo., 20 at New Market, do 32 ; at flreenrillo. l?5;nt Jnvbnrough Vil ; nt Bkwita villeoOjut Athena, McMnmco. 10 J jot ini'orvm pi,, (rep-irloil) 80 Bluttnt CO., (reported) 65; al Juan co., 43 New Port Total, 3,431. , y .! IJi KESTCCKV. - - ---l,Iesinf.'r'I;rnonittoii of Lexington, 14)00 aulUUI.tf02i'aUSita ley, 43 ( at New Port, (reportod) 150 ; at Cbatt nuli, Ohio, (reported,) 1 J. T.dal.T. .009 aharva. A eonaiilantbia number of shares taken aince llie Central Crwnitfi bae onen"J Iwoki -C7.lii- YRHY LTS AXD IMPOilTAV? FROM TIIIJ PAClf IO-ATfL.M t ITf) RfcVOLU l'J . I.N CSID.I.' -" t 4 'ItiTTIOHE, X.v: If), . Th f-tst-ewiilJini ki r'jh, Cttplam Cudoiitn, arrired at ibia porMt.it ntt, in tai'y 7!ny fr m Val,wraiw. The E vhtmirr Roaditij; UiMuna lmv receive.! ppert I., the Slat d" August iuchwi.e. from u lii'.b ,we gnther'lbe f ill'twiiijr Matenit nt of an eU-'iniM.! Kevidulum orvhilt. , Iibifnaii'Mi" was received at Vul:rai-K bv (he Cltili (Jowrumwit, from tbeir Minister al I'ora, that Ex-Geterl Frewc, rm rty Prewdeiit f CbiH, ' wm filiiny out au eipt-difiou at ('alltio, (con-iting of the tw.i) .'4oUtcaq.ia.la. an I nwa-of-war hrij Gen. . Urb-'ifoorH chartered fntn the Peru Covcrnmenf,) firr I'm hland if Chiloc, iirthe .iuth part f Cbili, to e'lVci a revtiltition in that qimner aninat tl. 'txt , jhilc- tfoveriifiiaut of Cbili, and. sailed from Cutko J't'v. Ifir fwta .enneafeil of nbont fourti-ta jo tj'-'b v8Av.'od aljcul. 8tf tum aad-oS yJltsHtip"-- The rrl.Mt.nd I Hit Ma 'fKC lh'-tot H 1 Ml- !Kir ImTk'K, W CtM.fl l llwio ill tf-IM I" .Lfc rfiiL.l,i ll.n iTi VitiMiri on IImi S.b r 0:ln-f AuftM-t.'Mft l t"'" br up, U Mr- ri..i LM-r.I. l- Hit CI'iW J.wnnn.iii, V!r4 N. "" .lMJ. ami a ffluli.-u ikH.l l by mtiv. Chilian rjuvni'iirnt l.Kik ry r'n; M em'tgm. U- m.iiii.l(ifiU'.ii fil Krfic. Titf' iiknIIIv ib U Ih'iJ mmllu Tb A bM' niu of.wM bfi;;, iJttp M mini fjun In, anH limcf (,'.il-bib, r, fui"! mil, anl io a liirl linrfl ariul 'mI imriin' un b?r lb" Chi lian flu, and imtM titnmfd riw In CluM, in (arclMif FrtWamW ra!l,llH' v"i. Orl h UHT buarJ lliut lhJ with hi bl oHicpr", anfily of iiuull arni',Mnu iiwtt'-y U HJ- cl l.m.U. An.mimrSnw,,;UJ.H,,.,K,r..in,!ien?rth Cuil4n the auiu July, awl lulei n-nu,iie .'"in Augunl at N alwraiHo, JUit wa lill a'pi t other porl. dm-kail, wure fiilii'l up lor mo pro- teclwti oT aljuirai! Unroor, mwi nianiai eiw ff r laifncd. ih I 'hi '.'Jib AupiH inf..nnnlimi renji'il Va!pnraio by lh biripie (JivjrgfniKl Henry, Cap. tain Smith, of ISiltunoro, fr .in lW-ptifti. wkcb I Iwd been rnU-afcd from llie unViro to bring the new down that tJeneral Ffeij IwJ made good hi landing m th i-t't of Chila wilhont much dillW-iiliy, ami itmr iIhi troop and inhubiUnU bad liia flag. INoollif mlornuli'Hi r-peciing Freii Iwd iratwpirwd previiua toltie I at of Septem ber, Jehen b Argyle aailed, but il waa generally Ihmiahl thai he wmiTd an be put down rd Iran ipiility restored, u Iho pruiejil (5eninKiil were wr eiMrviiG iul ilociiled in tlieir movernecil, and a a irealor part iJ" the wealthy ciliwma of Cbili came forward m the u)or ol Iho uoTero inent. ' Dn-inem hnd beim to regime ila ueu:il activity after iho rmlairyi waa raid, and Iranqnility wa rcetnnxi l Vl,mriio. Il wa Kenerally Irlie! in Valpnrniao, and ali by tbe Chili (overnine:ii, lhl the GovrniiiHjnt of Teru bail aivreily awialed Froiafl in lhi eidition ujnimf Chili, and it t thouhi by many that there would lie a war bet Chili and Pen. A sreal manv wL w I" tninetl al Valpni" during tlineinb.rj'i. ."u'Wo. STATE LEOISLATURE. Hiving Hihlihd in our liil ).iT the iwo firi rtaya' proeeedin j of tho IejjU! iiure, witli llie rx ceplion oflhf lift of I'm mA Xny$ in erch ILaiae on Die eleclion of 8ieak"r, we uuw aubjoin beiuw tho votnon that queMnrii: In the Senate, llxMf who oted f w Mr. Wddle ( W) were, Mi-aara, AHinlil, Unrii -t, Uurrwv, Iftv-in of l"ar lerct aui Juuoa, t'jr.n, Duvidaon, IXjek -ry, 5ud;fr, llwgri, Joynt-r, Jiwca, Kolly, Moutgoiu- ry. M,cly. .Mi. ye, My.'W, Mi'letn. Mon-lical, Moore, I'mk, He ' dun?, S) wilill, Tiyl'Wilhama VI Tn- s who foteJ fr Mr Mn ly, (V R ) w-ro M - th.i pi etU vf 41 t ! IKaaeti tr.a " y . " "'N IXaVaiaa, Cum, RJwarda, Vox, latl. If iwk n. t .-ill-i-r. llusev, K rr, Lu .'iy, Mjr.t Ih-r, Mcham , V.'i'.. -. mirk, Rt'iil, K -I'lhmlt, S.nmd ra, U'l- t-iJo-r -..'. In the t'oTTT-of IVimnw, th.w n-Hr, ih.--' fr Mr. :iaywaod(.V.IL) wrc. Msw,AV a-e..-.(W) J, F- l-ee, -IkT. Mil.tll. I. A.'iwyn, W A. f-,, (.Vttcn. Ilartlt-v. N'-ale. H dliiumwortti. TT.' X inTi ri A7 Parkin.', iJanti.-l, Uorp, ILturerton, Mart' ., i!h'i ;. H'luk'-r, .Si:iium, Hmiih, 'IViili-nam, K fivi.. !Ioke, Cannier, Ke-tan, ll:lnit, 'Var',' J (5ii.ni.' llnooiicJt, MdtrhiaoM, Caidwoll, Dunn M' V .i!1, t VValk.tr, Uenrv. "riit, Mtoekar'l, t'lwmlvrs 'A'.lln ,i arn, Mye, Kjiuth, Vaon, "futon, Ir oi, RiupuvII, J. W.' tane.-Hloan, XJrni, Roberts Ca I hwaT. tlwri. Cone; RT Whittyr Byrit, hma;'Jn-iirin-jrt. - TImkm. wlw voted fur Mr. (irahvn, W ) wit.-, 1h ura. IkTRaw, Gillcawle," ClarliMli tliwm. 7"1T. Ti-." R P. Mill-r, VV. H. l-nia, Pri'cli-rl. XIV. -r. ,., i . liuthr.e, Miiakins, Maultaby, Hmnnn-H, t'tnk vi. (5;1 lianJvtToMon, Corincton, llu,tn, tirj.lv. Mil1. Kii.f. ' RiHhrnlflif. Lin laay, Aii;n, J. Milil.wa. (5.'.'. M.i.i.-. Rayner, Frrr, J. -A. Kin.', LwU'tnulit, llow-tr-I, 'a .. ,'lurrtii, B'lfi.rd, Manenpof, P.-'tv, Siltcrtinv- . W.' KJordio. nf:rntei,-N. .-Kr.IVs ; v. t t ' w.U. t.ine, i .iiwr, tnowHiHii-iti,riv,-f, f , ft.nl, Miller, C. Matthews, Gil.n.V. llfrfffy, .VoreaiW 'id, 133 SENATK. Mr. Canton preented tho I'dlowiiit; Ro.!u'i n, which were read and ordereJ to lio on the t.ihle ; tt-toiuJ, That it is expedient Inr the S:a'eof .th Carolina to accept audi portion of tho Snrnlm K -v. mi" j of die Federal Government, aa ;n iv. on il:. i-imn, I'ul I , her artaro, accorumj; to u Aciol t-i.iijjr.ita vi.eil ii the la-4 .m.i, entitled " An Act to rujfulalu lliiiduo-j-sites ol the Public Money." - itWsei, That a Joint Holect ro-nmittoe of Fiv on the part of each ll niae, be appoint.1 lo draft a Kill for tlie acceptance of our proportion of a.d Kurplns (Ave nue, and Hr itasafe kcepiaj when paid ove: to the Statp. RmlvrJ, That ao utucb of the Governor 'a MeHi as reJatea to thesubiwit and all accompanyin? piper', bo referred lomid Committee. Mr. tJudyir presented Iht foll twinii Uesotull,. .: Ut tnliirJ, T,liat a Im.jaira hn ami fl.m 0f Coinmona, proposing to appoint a Joint S.ilert Cninmit t-e of Five on Wm part ot each llotw, to tike un)er oiHiKHhrntinn the-pitblect of tlm (Jbeoih-.-e Lands; arid tint so ifiuch of the Governor's Measure as relate to lliUaul.jcct, together with all me accompany inf papers. te referretg ai4(mm'tiee., , " Itead nmt ajlttptei. Tito Feiinte ifien adjrmnictf.' ; IIOI7-SE of Commovs. , Joahua G,: Swift, Iho oiouilier ifiire-ietitiuff the emmty of VrYhinjtott,' and J. T. 0 rtiivrry, from . ,ISWM;W., .BU.';f?.1 a:i l were qiiyiti.; !. ; Tlt!il.Hm proeea:leil i vote f r on B lorossin ClorkatM'Jamea J. Tito, win i o..'cti.l. Il co.v-d !rmi HisCxctilicepy, Govprnor Spihrht, by h,s P-tw tSA'ruisry, Mr. Tnomas R, Haywood, the toileting ' ' ' .' ' - M E S ( R ; .'1 To Titic Grir.BAi Assembly or thk SraTB r N.tn Cuotjai: '., v i Cknilkuki; l i meeraTt-yai, it is t vibjoct of jrrat- uiation i aiato, mat tDoosji Uia promctiona of the l bare-nut bieii so ahiimlant as in ftrmor years, yet the ijicrea)- vtliie of the ffU't of Asriculturetf,iril uch itnnkr reinutmraliuo to tabor, as to ie unnritbnted prtajpority totheeo-ititrr, aw.l to stimulate, tlieneutoritriie of our cittirwst , T) vuit, th tlrst Iteeteliture conviiJ under ths nnK'ndej v Hwti'u'.i.m, the nxorkm of aat. israeiion at the terminition of tho auiiatinj; qneation, a'bich.hi bewtofore dUturbejj r eounciU and n'i'ote vaa ditded people, ii both Just and proper. It is bonetf that, with the adjustment of the question of the ratio of tnwW.tlion,- ail the dift-renc aiitinathiea. and atitk.1 i;ik. :r k...a sia.'. ...t : W:-JI'l UHIlt?0, tlfltejf ICtltT tt -7IT3K14IU, WUl Qfm mihnte. It wtCatdt'Bnrtitoa, be bm Wn'-clne in m to expect 'Unt in a tiiiort epat-elif tine-, the fettling which i yea,. I pr-uceu, ?U a- a want vf knowlcd.. , f,.l. jt. ,-Sj ','.- " ''v.- "', A- . -'.'. ' - . . ' -'- ; ', 1 ' , 1 ' ' if''-'" ' - v '.;. - - ' , flh. Liilnniii)a.UaiUTUiotfiafiB'rUI'''.tt twitrcd ir il.Jika wrtilj i.pm,J,n! i nx-l ey UiA&t&OML-X-jm "..'" ' ".,,nd- nJ." T lint lioa .i.-rlirfi w.U lia In ' . IM-eri' t'l-t? Jif-fiicpii f.-p.n.' will Hon !''' hoi n l-l.ijii.r ft. to fit" pnwnl. li pol huto ilheHuv. TIki'i.'Ii H iae(wt!"J v xi 'H """ the fwlmtra of ynt rtitniM, yl IJJ eMmol" ml ciu ( 'W ein a I upon IImiih. To ) '!'' ia ilifurlml l!i Bii, iitiiui tJ I l.i' nliK-fia tin' ht lU'l and iimi you, ih a r i.iili.f4,.!i' il'f.'i' i).il--i. U wln-tli r tlie lKi- a of Ibn 1'atnit U pmlil'i-jd, ir In f' ara e- iilift.!. In tn$iir j lliii, Uiy firt eownuincatnai l y u, I tin! call y-Kir atli-nlioii, a ol ;fiiiiify niiirtnn,-. .or Jij Jii iiy )!i.-i4. 'Hut n l .It l"i t', im "in wii Wuy. Kane, if n. all, i4 uVdrvu.u ar.i to lr', i-i.'i mi frrt wi-iital aJ Ul.ly !'r m tU Jn.!jje Ih.I I i.f lint C.hii!. ami IIuwiiil' I lilll'J li'-' ! ' I'm. iniaiiM -a bi-flire llin- tribunal. Tim coin"-ni-iiC-itlii ile ami a i.'tfl In j.nlMP, rijtnre Unt 'i,e llU'rafiima ahoold Ic midi n ilii-r a nrr ni;" -ntorit ol'Uewi imw t-airtinif, of Hi.' i?j.Ubiij.!t,i.-(il ol imi' it imru adililuiim! i.'in-iut wouM renmly t'n- i nl, Pr loyoiidelnrmitio. A''firin tiillriil'jti, I lr'n imt browiiit l. tncfiKiri-il of atMiiui.lU'i-ot l!e hk-ih-W of l!i i fUr of tfifl tlr), Jurtirml Crreoit lmiral A.; i.l.lri -.1 Ut tlte fy gi-latiirc. Th" in -oi'if kl wnl ui mo with ifiii!i Out I w mid h '. H " y i In llm etiT.itwo f me crniifiiil I . o-riU ttt ri U triu-p lii ilir liu'liL'a L-ri'U... I'ii- .-' i L'ni'-rli l mirli , lnnt lu deatroy Mim.t ul ilf 'ut'. int. n l-I ly llK'ir i-i.i'oreiiiM-iit. Ho (frpat a ! -i.i!i J ti .u1 In pa Uir,-n oniinniKn nf th'-T.iii.-, en'n il iii-rty bo imnHlial'-l apprnhemliil, an l thr fMiiii- i n' n:,,t Ilia aWtiarttief lirt fel tt ill ci ii'm on, i I ! i ic'ii aiwriUju iIhi aujfnii't. ra! or iu;)R t. of '!'" crimnl. Pity tin. otiimd-Y I -n 'ii.'.-.Hmiy t Umi ofM-nt, awl palliatr the pm!t of t'l- iml vllu ti the law i bjukod upufl aa h irli and !. n I the p r ton, undergoing it aenumiw, ta coiwilefd U"' M'i'.n of ita aorerity and not a pr'iprr nrrili. e li.r lhi (?' "I aocM-ty. Tuna, at th aam" time, t iciiiu I J r -tf-t (if the law, and arri.i toen-mv IK 'ay rrmlra p'in wtiiont unerttain, afTdin; in rtniict-a in teipine IIhi penalty of law. Tim pnnnlun -nt 'ailit b' l1 'i, d and certtiu in ini))rtioii to th oTJ-nce, g:viui the accuwd pniprr limx and MM-ana tr hia uoleuce. Iu ol.jeet ia mK trrrrcl the offender, or cut hyo cfT a bail niciober of il,i. roiirimnii. but m al ik4 yry in utaiipi', lo -b-'pf "!ln:r-i fr.Kn lln? cvnwawail of cihim-.---Ttie mure iipoedr and rrrtain, therrfnre, the jreal. will br tlie e i'.-ci p.- ei-irw). Tlrt-w re asik" arr mam' lo ill-r'-rl iimrr ;nnien'.irly ymir Htti'nlmn to wtwl I ronnir a "rusniii; evil, tint you may, if y.m lake the iine view nflb nil.M'i-t, which i preaeutil to me, a;ly III" pro per reine'y. I I fiMif-.r nity w.th the r"'iiili"i" or the mir Mil lion, Hi- ft "i.-ril Awm'i'y in l "!", (ii-iel llieiel ere. tlinjfthe l,iiri.rT FiukI. m Iprondinptiir 'tnin ii'iiiiUiK.ii Phil fund iinw roni"f id l!MJ'hirr nl tli.i I'apitnt Sl.irk of t e l ink of th" tftili; of North ("ir.iliofl. "l hire of tliM of tln P.i ik of ('n;e Fi ir. Ml 'inren Roik ol VewSern, and 1 'ifin e in the Stale llank of v''rth CiroJuin. Tlie 'Mir vnhie t 'to two first dex.Tip ..'. of S'.k .Mii , !. !jt9.l,Jtk'l, bnt aa bttb of tiieae Sia ki'are a hove inr, cfi; it pre i.inm, llie firat al a ... 'me. tli";r xil'ie n .v fur'v eamnated at the au.n ..'' ia:,l!lf rn .,,J.Vi"', wh.rh, with l V ("nth on htni, auiotii t',.i Ct 'fl. 'I'll ' vil i- i' l'. ' S'n-t tam,-.t , . .nlwl, it .' p- . . i -i hl elninio mi, -v-' '.'tin t';me ri-titiit oti The adv.ii.laj;. ' '. -i i .n. and Ho li "i fit? r.- .!.' " from ita .o-n.-r I I Ti-, .11 1 n i the iwo i!.1, it .11. J ' iiiiiiiht" rv fur "i" to nr" n .-'i the i-'.ijn!.'r . .,1 1 1 an e ili',flil -ii.-l ,--! r.i'e It i f ir V "i ' '.teninr'e. w hcllier in or l( r 1 1 . .' .in the nhjerN iii!cii.Ii iJ by the erriti. n of the f 11 ', .rl a rw-riol m prirtnvible. w I'.'i'i' . r.i-r iVh o 11 ,. mi the pmirmM, von will pnn nit J ' it .:i -n-i-.-- .v t id t:'i '. H ill -il ol' o'ln r iiieana. 'I '"" "i r '" r" mm tn ,t r?n iiiaiter imy r. r."v .'.r 11,.' r.- '.'.'iti1 .1.1, ml the peotile erjie- rieneo 1 w '.! ,. nt ir '.t us it vi puriv iiiv wiirh tne intilil illjiu. 1 no'i'its 1.1 m. : .-r'cil.. tld Iff. T i" hi " I 1' 1 1 1 ! iinro' 1171, 1 .;'i t, ifHwIra Oiir : fx wUuUu.j li.it It jjjick heret-irf oSj -rt, whi, .vol V 1 i-rv I S i" 1 V-'J ! rt -f i-n. of 1 'w ni'l not .11' ' 'it.- a.. ii f irnr" ... orcate 1 -io:ier i r 1 ' - ik Li n i.h. - ir ' .ic j.r.ount of t i. ,'i in 1 n 1 .'io r- '. Th" f'tn.l m 'in -. I' h ti.l- ' it' 1 O'n : t-i i' rill to ho an- nnoo to any w,,-k o , t ri. 'e II I kIioiiI i be t ne in-t-ntion nf t i- !-' ..iri :o c'-J.-e 1 1- State n a?v wurk.of. iM;it;t4ji.:',.a u;l; '.-cj.-itcj.('Ci;iry Ui prai;, f,,f il I" -it shotld b-your d-leriniiia'. .ii to w"V""1n "'VP f-i i -irrp-n of liiten.l I nprivem-nt. I a' m' 1 r . i i, n I ; hat I ip ,iper aiimj a'l t lid be c .,n-.nc-'itir . , i-. -m ! ii -irh iiiim-'run to r.'ii ler , , V h v - i f,i, w'n'v-r w-.rk n'l-tild be d ne ; ' ' ke f i " vi -, I .- from the fun i, .a verv i.i.-jro IZ'"' "J.'';:L11 r'l f.?'t!.'J.'1?-.ia-ijo,.ie.ne;ij-,r b' n?. "ATPrpr,i.'iVi n'r'inr fort of it."' fiV'mi'iiin f , 1.1. C. l.l.J-k, .1 -4.Wt ti)-4 4-if)tlV-.fv,T.ri I"1 e i ' ' i. 1 '"I -. - M'-tv ih-"' road-, if I n ,i r.t-..r.y ,.t.- '.-j. Ia-n ri. 'ii.et -" -lit 'lll r'l n vo. rv r f r''o:l iT he moiey hns !rrn mist unp'.iS'.i t,'? ien. At t'i" "e.-i.ttry D.-mrt-n""!, during the l.-t ii-il v 'ir. 'I, -r ' n, :,,'n fp,., iv from all aotirccn, tlie sum of "j'k 1 1 M. via : l'-n;i th- lm:i-plfi-cted imder the n'ot V..., nn act ni l at the last Seinn of the G-n-ri' ,',',-, !m.fl, from lu"s ATI, 31 1 .-.! fr.fi TI."' d-videi,.!., J. Sill.-j.avi V). The dia h.irc,.nio.,.j f,. f,, , F p..r; i jnrl(I i,, payments or 'twk Stor"!, i.'ri.intfi l hi ii i-),i!R')i'2: oiVkimr a dff'eiciicy f!7'..'R For ieveral yoarst'ipisbiir?e. in-ntshavebeen morothflii the receipts. Thisliasiri-e ', io iu,-).iiosi.-ii j.nhijd a o nmw inot p,iN,iimj ei v 'nda in the "iatfl. The prenntno f valnvi.ini rorratis most uneqiially, th- conscientious, pivinj tlieir full nunta. if n-. mnre, while the Iras' Mninifmisevade the piTnient of their jnat ironortion of the nx. Tint nasi oftiie refine system rp'Uliiij' lo lh aane-HMm'nt of larv'a. rnenir"-: amei lment, snd I recommend it to vo..r eoii.lerit:on. By a ;mperaaewmitif, it ia prona- hl-'4 (TtP nr--nl ralwof Ur. Ihw roceniia (mm ,l.i ore.' tvonl i tie tnernmml at e:mt liltv nr centum. Ii ia 'be duty of the l,p(jilitiire, in iinpiwinij any tax no rm the neonle, to c iuo iu o.ration to bo jiwt and oqui ta'd" 01 all The Aet oe 17, rejnhtin? the Tren?urv f)enrt- . c.t,; .j... . i i-, J.. ' iin-'u .i. io.:- ne- -.m -me mofiticitiirw I ha-nen. t. r i. . I ',' . . ' to orovent anv invi fro n becmnin? Public Treasurer, unless pnosofia I of w-xittli liim'lf(rtrhavinjj friends and eonn-xinna terv weadlhy. Tlmobject ed'the treat oe'i- jitv in, nmio'iDt, to secure the ion l of the State. It is SHbtnotlod, tint a 'hmmntino in tho amount of fhn penil ty of the bond, e"..n!,r" mide wijhoiit jeopard! zm" the ijiteresl of th- State. . ew jy.ird mfrjht b placed around the Treasury. Thu time rmiitod by the Act (hf teen d iya) fiir the portion electedtn ri-febmid. tston short. Any caaititlty titiifht prevent it beinif done within the time; ami the individual without any fault, incur the fijrfo'tnw presc-ihby act, ami th- public be put tn coiisidrtrblo me.invrriiienoe. fly inereasinj the tim" or alf-iwitfir annw 'discretion in the perwna anthoriaetl to receive th hood, In judtrp of I'm suffic inevnf tlt exeumi, for Iho oV.-,y, tlie incnnVpnienco mh ht tie ob- vtaipu. . i wotiia rectMnmetid the first measure, hermit in ttif onti.ion, a littt- discr.Jion shon'd bo ntlHlif Alpti.ui.iiinM ni ia - 1 1.1. .1.'- . , .............. v . Ku'upanwu wiiii jub llllrejif ot t.i.stato. . ..' ... . . .. . . The enditlon of the 'Yb of the Sute. earmfly demand tl( (t'tentiort of the T'wlatiire. V,y that f.rce, in cae of invasion or inaairrection, w'tl. in a rent measure, depm l the welfare and fetr of tha Stato Without Jiaeiuliae and prer organization, whit wontd be expected trim it in tho hour of PoriH , A tSoron-h reform of the vteia MiMiitrwt.. rrn,i0,,i 'r- ot tne l onM.i.iiton. Until lately. ntndw!Mhe anmint to f ment f all tivwwl a.rf Field'Oficera Wontred to thn assemlilr. l.y tao amPTlinent. i-,., no-y-r In nnc. gating kez Miia i - t .ji,m't le I y ,.,1,14 t. ;-o-it' '-i -';r. j, Jii " ,.i. Vr.,,.,,. Hrin.d-f-:r.- hel - Ihit th- One'. r ';lil I" a "fn.in-.ii i ..." 1- , ui,- I-- . ... ' ..i".i 1... . ...1. ...rii,,, -vent .oil.-and 'IVn.l'.ri 1. . Li i It. -! Hh mil ! Ii.l"l" on'lheNe mr ., n" '.. in li-' "' no joviw.n ) Hlni'h t ie IIL't-r-e mi l In-1 'i "''"I' S,f,,.. t, W.e ol 'he 1- "''" "' "'" (""r',, A-H iobly,a Treaty In. l."'ii roir.t.l. d nh He- :: k-e Ind.ana, ly hoi 1. tlfir lil.e lo t'i' - " ,! '') now 111 Uu'ir o.:Cu;.. -.. I" -"'' .'I'mt'oi-n' -l; a put ol wli.th t-rioff. 1- fie d'num aiwl '"'r'')' 111 Siau. A c.y .4 l!.- fr. !y. f.nark-d il.)aiT..iiii n,. thia rei,inuii:ra t11.11. 'J'Mf.mir. ol tit" t'mt'-l S'.'e., Al ll h-l .,, an A'-, .ntif.-d An lo r.-oo.i" '' tt p.ti.:. 1 .')-,' wuw'i "i;,f ','"1 hv llie1V.-il.nt of the I'm! d SMI.- ahull t' d. j..i ... iii, th .S'.tea. ,..iir. if.miy . - n.e 1. t,f,.v .I,. Ii,rt!t .(' k- ' OH. ' ol 'he lai'.l"' '. , 1 i- .J' ll.u A i i feera,ia fi.en lo lU Uivr. in li-ir; an I a llie .nliat'" a:.n in-. - -, . uruvue for antb pjriteC it ia .m-lrtftMwl I -'I . ,, tl.e In t.M a l.""'L'"' .'" "'' """" if ilia m.eot,.,,. ),7vt.a-.li.av..-A.'.llol..'.'.y tr I'J .-i.cr, anl artirn?nr!y n him. J li. I.Ki-1 ..' tive lit pr.a'oniU - . t. aa:--J.I. ( ) trrt. Willi a pr.:' n U Ihii.' ... ' ' t...Mril.ilt irra'.to.ily the Im.-r, U w.hiI.I U. tineon- p,,n r- re'. r e,! by li.B Su.t ... ro.j.m.. U I .titntioinl. th-re Ii-in 11.1 p.v.'.-r rfiveil In I'o'lKie.e. lol.J Ju.H-ial Di ' wl. tiiaitAhtb,na!.ftnef.i1''nfthePi'derHernfnr1,M irf olherw 1 1 .i,ie of them, than W carry into riitarfnoiiie other ptw.-r S' 01'ed. U wuld ta.uiirwril-, able in u. to n .;' tint dieTi es uu-lef the prel-.m'.' I of prtjtiiii a t'oHiiu'intnl ' r, uiiend.ii a d.f ' kllltdl.! of tin Illtrl.-llt tOllHll it OW lt ' Xiot- eiini. We unift Uierefjre, c-'i'iilci A't b"in? whit it porp..rta lo be. Tlie 13' h SeclaUiof Iho Acl i re..ire tit SiTii liry of tho I roamiry Ih pid.oei.t, a' the trnetliri.-iii i-iniitintird.loi.'i.ite lib the M il'-. the money of the JVleral (iimriimi'i.t, the lnih ol the Hint hem-' nlmi 'ed fi ri f. lnril. The (i. iternl A- t-.nbly will hive liidelerimno wiieilierlhe di-ite " ll 4... ......... I . - .. .1 .1 m.. .... ..I M,,,k.,f(, WJlId IhTJ.II III I IP! I'i'Oril.lllU II IH.ri-i( R "ii' ' , rei'.-ikO It. a.l-l liM'.Ue I.W7 lla iali-Kifijii.'. 11 j i' ii ive 11, il w.mliile your duty, Ul ord'T to lanfi'Tiii what !itT.y aol j.rn leiire ritliJ're.tomik iMjebdiKjaantioii of it, n woul ,einh!e the Matetn return. TIm IliVI-t-inent ol t i.- 11011 , li;-. 11 uii.ii.4tnawbleei!uriiy, would not only pr.ni.ie f.r it .ib-iy an.! uinrn when demand ej, but would enable, ihc hutf lo iim; the nit-nut ae cnrtij fro u it. e ther for th- pu.-e of ddiium-; 11 ucatiiMt antonj: Ibe penple, or lo nine other object A rojiv ol the act (marked ('.) i in-nl herewith. The act oft '.-il. -re of 1-C'l, (he r.-aoilof a omprin ini" b. t'vri'ii NulliliritiiMi ami a IVttectmj Tarill'l.n pmd.icml a Mite of thiiij.' heretofore unknown in the anmUof (iovcriimeul o mnth revenue Ihii pmerii lileiit ca mi' t di ;-w of It, enilairrasnuii; both it and the people. The proper remedy t to rerfuee the TnrilT In the wan'-, of llie l!ov..rniii".il ; thi will pr. nil rc curreuceof tlicevil U-t ;t not I' -:d it u- aco ..iproiiiiae, nd oil -lit not to b- toncTii-i. Did tin) fnp!j author ih.' comproniiM' ! It u bnl an act of (Vijrein, which like nil o!li' rn. cin b,. alter'-d or repealed by the leymiativu power. When it exacts from tho p-iiph-nrethin i reipiireil f ir the cxiM-nie of the iov..-rn-in.vil li.i'l it no' bealtere-t ' Shall It atid remain, to t ik" foim the enrn:r? of their lahr, in limp up a irea ire hereafter to U' ipi.i.,.'iiil a ml thrown away or u d to corrupt litem ! l)r t-li-.H it b.; mi moditi'il by I ,eir repr". !,t,'il:CI-. h to a-i;iil It to the leitiiinH-eivn- oC'h" (Joaerinuent ' The latter ia the II n t'iltean d'f.rine, ami held aa an axiom :n every com ninni'iV where tlie iiitcreal of the penult; l.i comuili'il. I'li lt ran act of the I it session, beinjj n;;r ! of of lht!calh of one of the liie'libera ot the N-n tte, 1 --ito-! wr.M of election. Not becau.ae I waa witihe in i' the liw w t.a valid, hut knowing; there wa a triWi nil befiiff. ,v Kt-H lii- ii,i..tion Miyltl beacttlod I urelur r. d acliiu', and lei. .in to tjiat tribunal ita ilvcisioii Before the ('..i)-litnti,.ii was ainiMtled, the only inotle of supp'yinj t-iciiiit-, ui either h uise, wasby writa of election, isU'.l by Ih- .i r.Ttion of the Mootte." A re cent amendment to lip Cwwtrtntion dcrlarea that wrtta uuy be itiund by tlie Gau;iaur i CDlatiunal'l! aa iu ty ! prescribed by law. lo till vacancies ocr urriiiij lielore th m-et n,r of tim (,,.eral A;mbiy. I!y the ordinance p ovi l m; f,,r i,e ratillctti.fi of the amen,!, "lent, it i.il-flireil lint they shall if ratified titkc t-f-I' ct and li.- in firce 'umi ami after th- first of Jaiiiinry Klfl. Th- LeifTrilrt'ire tiat pisiteal 'he net adjourn "l in Deceiuher li t, helori! (he am-ndiii'-iit hittl t. iiert .eTeratii wliH,. the Jlytst ' uuly .aulaWtly. to rif'fer'wVifa of c1"cV'on. ' T'n.Airent," siitimn.tl to et-ttle fhe c!'i:ms of the St ile ajjHinal the (:nit.i St.it s for crpt n.liiurett du riiir: the last wir with (5it-at Kiitam, liivin.' reported that the claim could mt U- n-ftlnl wiihoul aitaci uf r.inijreaa, I requested our Senntohiiiud R-prestrntativea to hrinir th suhjpet bVliire that iKidy. It him been sub ihift'Ml to itii '"Ctiiiimrtrattoh, tiiif no decision hta as vet b.-ii obtained. I h ive accorduijj tmlte instruct ol' tlinliener.l As.oib'y, wnt tne re. oris us. ,ireci''d bv tlie? R-soIutiiyis, and I have received from Manuclm se'la tltr tMH"4 ol llw Reviwd Sfitiiles of that S'lte. and from Krn'.ti'-kv copipa of D nt'a Reports in two cn'nnes ami Kittd Dtrjraiof that Htate, two volumes. I h"1 Drtiljrmsf .thchiue has been sold under tho au thority of the Itesnlutioo passed at the last s. ss;oti, and tV ne'f nmount, ettjhty-seven ilollam and six'y-five ciitiitier piyment of claims presented to me, w is ptic- I in tho Treas'iry. The nccouuis of ih, and claims an I rxpens.-, are herewith submitted, marked D. I herewith ;'end communications recpivetl from the .States of.H-i-'t't Carolina, G-orpia, Vun-iiii.i, New York, Ahbnirn, Mtinr, .Mnseichiist tts, Kentucky, t'ouiiecti cti, Missisnjjij an l Ohio, on iht; snbjecrof lu. ndiiny (Mibliratiotis, AlNtlition, Sbvery, Sic, in tile marked E. I nUo s'vtd r.'Iutio'is of tho lofislnturei ii the fol lowin? S'rt'-K, viz: Maine and Ohio, relative. In the erection, of I "resident IWd Vice. Prfsldeilt h! uir Jmi-d Sia'na, (m-irk'il F.) New Jersey, approving l!i- Presi le it's course (nwar's France, (marked G.) I'enusyl van:a r-htivc to the Public lAiid... (marked II.) G.iir. giT'nn.i fntiif.nT, rg:U'i? u tin' nncinHatl' lU'.V Rbaj;- (rnlirkf I I.) r.'ii. the chp nf the last S-Hnn of the Genenl As-sp-nbly, I h- received the resii'iiit.on ot' iV'm. J. Aipian-b-r. !'., a .Solimtor uf tiiP (j,ii ,ln,ie. Oremi, -5 nd. Louis U. ll-nry, hUj.., a member ef t'.c C .rmcil ol S;5!.e-Ti,'L.C,vS!i.i'lio;uaca communica tion. '' "" """ "" ' JMe mnrltej I. contains the resijjiitttiou of Justices of the Pen -e, 11 ml Militia otfictir.t. F'om the State of Vermont, I hiv rnceived a Map of (hit Slitc, w hich, thoiti'h sent s.im- tiint; since, only rwirlit tiie Kx.'cutive Offre iluriu',' the lust Sumner. I hove recited from the St-crotary of State ofthe I'm- tea Palestine tM'lijl I'ulilic Wieumehts, lor th" I'm nt iv o:n.-e. onset f,r the irniversiir, and two u lor . . ... the Lejfislatiiefn Whom rest the disu-jsul of them. The urocee.il ii' had under the act iinrhnriyimr th loan, and the rc?ohi!iop authnr'inir the s ilo of the Cher- fcee H'kI-s, surveyed and uns tltl, will b.- hertftr im ie m sepirt-t.' cjtrjiniinications; and such other muter, i.s it nny be required to pl ice before f!ie Cen'r4l Assem- stMnbly, ahsil bo conitnunicnted. ' Respcctfullv, vuur obetlient servant, " RICHARD D. SPAIGI1T. Executive riermrfmetit, i Nov.Hlsej-l Mr. Fisher, from Ihe Commiltee raised fir (hat purpr-eej reported Rules of Order for tho Oovfern merit of iho II .use. Tlrt II .tie t!in pmceotletl to ijjp npjjoinSmcnt of the Standttii; Ommitlwuiaa follows! Cowmt'.-vo Ciiw.Mew'ri". Ravtmr, Move, Urn ry, TW Brwwotli Wr '. J. P. fe, ypor; Maclm, Slnch-trd, ( ottiM, Jtl-rson, Ct' o.he'). ' 'r.iMti'in.'t tn (rirviMivM v-Mi-erj Vim;.. . Z'J II. .T..., IV t '. .,... .. ,.J, ,M't!.ew,, Mr..!.raJL'eton. N. J- Ki,'' " 1 11. 1. A. I.",, W. F. .V" j, ,,. . ... 1. ,,.,. 11 ,,. - , . . . - I,.. . t It .1 t.i " . ' M, (irsidwrry, I arr-w-, . . ,, y.tWI. r. l. iiy, HoHaid, l.vuui, II'''. el' 'O 1: .1... r..' r J w (hi, no, l'i t'y ..,..,,.,.,..', ...iu V. -i rn'i-itarn. .tli-r. lltait.-..A.i-lC. y Mmi. on. C.iM". Il K-. i,r.!iV. il.iv.i.i.. S., !i.u oo. W. II. Une. -s I,. .i-n r.. ..!!.. H i M.4 on of Mi. I,. . (twv , lt.,,U..I, Tl.it t lii-"..'" ! 'Hl I""'" S.-nn .... ., . 1.. , . ... a J 1 S, !! t ( '.. I'l1'"'! . .-t 1 oe l'i nr-, 10 .l'i. r.-i .1 I . on . inn. !. ol I i' 1 ' 'Vi'io.'i i. ' ' . I'' ill.; I 1.1 f-ni.il air "" , ( I ,1 ll.ul l.i; i' 1 ' b t.'l I., Ill in .lion id ,lr II .li- Hi 'Ir'il, Hi1 a ' -1 " mwiii ' to ri" a Juiil .'l' 1 -. nt 1 I'.e S- i. t , mii, 'li e ol Ion', , f, . tl.o ..1 ll.ai.. li. un 1 11 li 1 1 . i I" b ri ii I 11,1 ' It Onmotpmot M r, t rfwHo, ;( .01.1.', T:.l a iiK'aj..' U t tn th- fVmti' p,-m;; ,(,,( ( J,,mi f, , :!'. r of F.e on '!. ,Hft ,,f ,.g,-h 1mi. ( him, In v. !-.. m .mi' h n: I . j,u :IW r' u,-t:-- r-ls ' p" f-'-oii ol tin ;,L. rP,,l, ' i . ,11.11- til V,ll!l C.l,.l.l III .III t...- u.,. u,.t f i,n-r.a cut .. liiit U,:i." pj.ill lr. r,..rnn w .(! ii,.tiir(n.ie :.ir. rt a bnl iii'nj', : ,,. .,. t, ri.ot'.'liV "' ".unuir tin ill, i- 1. it be .1 i rolil'iloy inn -! t in in.,!, n o Mr o'l ll -on, I..- 1,1 to the Si 11 te, pr -h. i e 1 rhm'li M -m. 1 in iV 11.11 and Inrei 4 nrv I'.i-.-1 ii.unlti i- ol I'nt ii.tu.U ih Id ui'v '. I l.i.t a n.e..i; ikpntir to reler 01 much ol iut'-S to I'ip uie. ct ol .'- liralioita to s Joint Sclt i t I on Ih-pirt id irsi'i'i thai..' On iiiuli Hi id" Mr. J A. liui'iii, llimlinl, Hul a liuiitO' ( ' w iit Ui Uie Seimfe, pjalli- to raises Joint Se e,;t . 'o iinn'tee i4 F w , i u,, part of rt !i Hon', on t nun li .1 the Go.i in r' ' -..pc as rotate lo t'm lit.la luUly acquired bjr u --ji fr.su Iho ("iR-rokce lutlnos. On itiotioo of Mr l i.lier, ('aov.. That I rtel'-t t I'tH' nutter ! nomiM, ,; l,t eaauiiiie 'in- arraiijji ini-i.U in tin; lUi! lor : : , ,, ;,i , -datinn of this House, and an'crlain if li e ..; f.o lie Hltore.l, sosalomske liie II til more rotnen;. nt : j the Hirjres of jAjjiiflation' Tho Speaker .Jaitl before lie- ll'-u-- u '. n-uut .- cut loll iMin SttilllM'l I. PlK'l mil, I'uh ie Ti- -im I. transiiiil'iiig tho Annual Hi') on o- lie si.,.e ,, t , Ti.'usury. Oi tool ion ol Mi. ClnM ii, onl'-r.-it tint it I sent tn the S -riute, will, n ,r...s si.. n ! .nut llie same. An .Writ ait .1 tlo Report will be givfii in inn int. Lo- ('.:: J Thurx'.n-j, ycrtmhr 21, It'M. si:. vi i:. Mr. Polk, from the N-r,t ( 'on.ti.il 'ee on t! d siilij-et, ii'ifTted Rub ol 'Order lor the fjmcn, . e. I r, li.e Setiiit' , which wiic rcuJ and coiii in r d in On motion of Mr. Maistclli-r, a mrsnnne wm --iit lo th" lloust of Cuiuniitiis, prupohiny to ru.sc . Janil Select Coinimlirr on Vihiary Alia r. Mi. r.dwnr,lirisi i.ti J tl,r fiMlowin' , . ,,. 11'H'lveJ, Hy thu (iem-ral Awtnbly of orfil ,-r..-lina, Tnat the power to lax, ia a ru trei', li r i1 -b-nefit (4 lliu people, snd liiiuletl by th. n. nil .- ol Guvvrurncut, and to call from the peopit: ,n toe s,i : of taxes or dtittrs, more money than n rteman lr-' by ti.e wiuua ui .um.nuvtrrjnieui c .'tuioni .:u..u.;1,.ti. 'f",fl"'f 'bat tuist ktiiv' ,i, i ;mt uie itci un.ui iiion in tin- i re.Mirx the Uii'tcil Stjtes, of a lure Miipius He ini'-, u' -wise, subversive of t.-ieirin'-pl'-s ot'fri-" (io-r; in.-n', danj-rous 1 1 puhlic liberty, ,'init ' ...lit to be n . '.!. Rriitlvt J, That Ihe Senators fro , this St t , i the liiior.'ss of the United Stales, he instructed, uti i'ii;-liepr- .i iilittves be repuevteti lo list; their eu.'t ,vTr- io ..'L1.;",';" a. Jn'.!i.fiv!l.llOU;ol. IllQ. fljug ..Xaia!i- of. i .-. t '-a as will bringdown tho Revenue frum in,.oii.-. 'o the wnili of GokTmiient, oouiiuiiiicalU adiiiiiiikti i, J, h u ina "dm- re.'-'nl toall the irrat inli ri -t of the c. . ,.tr Read, iintl ordored to lie on the luule unil ir prin- rr. r... T , . i . . ., . . ipu. Tlie Resolution t.fP t-t-r! yeatrrday bv Mr. Car- "n, on Hlbjtvl id til-; Suritliw Rev ie, were lakrn up 'or consideration. Mr.' F.tlwnr Is nrnvt il liter ftilhrw up. iUbsTimte tf ertf or; which accept ct! by tin; inoVtr, a' ' then udon;e,.. t .i .(, '"..-. . Ai, .. .i. , may be st'itt to the lion-.-, ol Cmn111uut141r.UiJt1s.Ju; U ra .at a Joint Jickct Cuuitu.! I.'.' of Fun frotr.vji h lloew, whow Outy jt.liall bt; to I'litpitre ml 1 the t-i,e;jiency of iiweptuij.' thtt porlit.o of the Surplus ReviMiui', vnu-h ii-y tK- allotted tnN'or'ii Carol ina, under uu Act tf Congress ms.-JHl al tlu inn; Si-ttsion, . niilltil an net, to refcuiatr Ihe Puhlic h u.f lles, and of ii!'t'stiii)i ennitf plan lor the wife kt-.-pi..,; uf saitl iorlion of Ihe Surplus ili'vennp. The Speaker niintmiiced to the Foiiale, th--lowinj; Coin.eittees. : O4 Vopostit'itiix umi fli 'u roijcrs ?,'t4- . t l ifomry, Humu'v, Gudgor, M e, Myers, L'okt ol . .r tut, Rryitn of Oat-en. On Inltriml Iii,uinv(m'i:t- Messrs, joy lie.', Jii.-e, Albnjjlit, LKtbso-.i, Ury in uf ''.iit.-retjlSauiidi'ri, iie.u bardi. Jmliemrp Commit'?. Me:i-rs. Hrjan of I'arji rt r, .Moieheiid, Mosefey, I'iir.s.i,, !:,tnr,.s. Kt i! , I hir. mu . '... Fiimuft - lie sr-. I'olli. .MarblciKr. l.i.wk.n--. i'linos, Mi-it-me, I ckory, ''.joo.lv fit. C-iWwe '.'WI MJ fo,f,T,,. f ',l mmtr T .1, Moor, la!or, l avn'Mim, Kerr, Sprnlll, I't .v. On I'r . n. l.!,c ,.:. Me -i--. ,i, I lturiie.ll:tli. R; , , f;.riit-t!, M. chor, li..ul.;ei. fi i'iuim. Mtis-io. Keiiy.'lJitker,' IU-.tUtu, (Wittick, Wh:to!t T, I.iihIs;.-, Cow per. Friday, Vo'-rw'er' 1KMK SKNA'I F. Mr pruill nr. citi'il lot- lajtition of u miir,? ,- of the ct. z-.-t-.it it1 Tyrrell county, pr;ii;i thm K ,. ii -z-r l.:lli-row be inillioi iZ , to en it 11 Fr :r'if.' across Viipis rnoue River. Keferrt'tl, i i'ii m-.ii ton , I .Mr. hilw inU, limt iMtrlio:i of t!. : t.'vr.....,:. . u... i...:.. - . .i... r . l- ! " 7 T ; 55 ."'"M",J ' a I rt'lrtii tf tlin I lOnntllttO ttn fl it on!. .. On inoltuii uf Mr. J.ynrr, t!utl . rl f nn of if, ro- bttlit to liilerptil I iiprov." ent, was reierrcd to t!ic Coiniiiittee on lliut suliiect ; nml On inoti'.n of Mr. Marsteller. tint portion ef it r'if.'-ri; g to Military 0:fir.ers, ic. was refern.-J to that f ' nimiilee. On n.ot. on of Mr. J. W. Rrvnn, the Trestlv Uiiido wif't the Ciierokoe. and the li i.tiil Aati were or, deretl to he jiiintrMf, totjether with nov rttntnttntk-ti-titiii v.hich in:iyliiive he-n received fir m tin- i n n. miry Depart nu-ul d 1I10 Ltiiu.d Slate-; bx the crnor. . ' On m ition nf Mr. Mos.Jcv, that . nrt of tie (7,--vcnim'a Mes. g"rre';Hi ij to tl.e le.i. i.-cv Fu-.i', w.i9'r-!-t'-.-rai t th.- C..i'..:-, itf-e ntijlTiiKMti'on. M'. tlttU, iron t ').' -Joim 'Ipet Coien.itt. on ne tr: tee.K reoort.;.! ioio' i ' -s of Ofj'er lor ti-o v, wiiidj, wer'j'Jn.-4 ' ( !. . ,,mi .1 ,a" t',. . ' ' . Sw ir.jcu ia. JO '1 r