LTATIJ :latui:c ' iLNATE. - , , Oa m ti m of Mr. JSjiruiil, to tn i' h of the antond e l Cuiii4iiuti"a 1 r-lai'u to t of giwrr. 'itl law re'iktin divorce aid aliinmiy i much. fLl.ii" to th alt-'raiimi of tie nime of K-rtw i euiimch at relate to tho H'itimntin- tlm' not horn ut wedlock t Mid) much hi relates to re affirm to credit oerton convicted of itifitmoti crime, I ic&rrod to the Committee (m the Judici- ary.- ' ' ' " . On motion of Mr. dopef of Martin, the Conv mitto on Ha Jaltcirr iintrueled to inquire , into Ilia ep-dieney of ao aliieulni; llio esiMihjf taxi, lawat ju llul no cua ..kb.iIJ mm iiile the 7 bLuntill or hi agent ahull mke oatU hotoro om lu-dice of the peace . in the county wlwre the de fendant rctide, Hut it U believed that ihe defend ' tot ha ao concealed tin property a to defruud the blaiotifl out of hiiluct. Oa motion of Mr. Reid. the Military Committee were instructed la iimnire into the expediency of compeliirv; militia cowpauio to' winter four tnnesj jmr. , . - - M awr. .Gmlger, Rcinhardt, IWkery, Cron, 0 tfvl t''iter wen appointed oi( Iho part of 'tho Son ' , ate, to oompow th'i JHot ij.ile.ct Committee oa the ; juliject w 11,6 Purj.iu Revenue. V , ; , " COMMON ''.,.' ' Tho Speaker hid before the il-we. the resign 1 of John B. Mow, menilwr elect for the county ' of PdwuotuiiW. Ordered that a V rtl of Election bo issued to the hri0 f eai.l count to bold an ,mttfctim (.rtJlTiurdiiy the 6th fteitibcjrtlwiiptj Mr. Graham nresenfnd a bill to ay off a new ,','14 I . I. of iti-'fi M-ii !. T.u fn W'"- 'o I" ..f fw li..ti nwh, to tt- 't"" Ml"",' tioiiK or aiiH-mluf-uli "ijht o l ",c "''' enoo hiMf -Uw Hut; and thnt the r--w; c.nk ctirritf', niosli of the (Jovertur' ni : " lnt.-xlo jImi udK-Mxim-tit i" the land for Iiu1ini, bo n furp-d to lli mid Committee. ' ' Govrrnor'i UUrtiun t On motion ot Mr. I i"ir, on Monilny liett tl two hwre mfi to examine the r:tnriwiiril eompnre tiie.jx.m oi iii,i.iic lion for Cnveroof of the Hiufe, in ordf'r'th'U t!m pPMon'elirtod bui'v lo duly notified of thewitiK,'. , Mr. Cuthrio otPsred a preamj.lo hud rewdution, dcrlamtory of the nj.inumi tho ! Minions in re wrd to tho ri''lit of tho oleri to vole oot of Iho coonliei in which they actually reido, in coiiRn!- itifmnl and prcHinlinl eli!imi m at to prouncc iiiiifwrinitv on tho aul.ject i the Ke.aolution waa re- furred to tho Jodir'mrv Cooniitl'. . . . un inotitKi oi Air. r inor.uiejuoicirT were iiwtni:tcJ.t iuveitijaio the quf4tioii relative to iho patsagq of private art, nod rep.rt whi.l in mr opininnoOghl to be clucked a pri.iie aim m jMihlic Vl ) mimI that they further impure, wlili nr tho aolniisf mnminn no thi mihi:ci,'w a epptl. cable to prowlinjpi of the Legwlaturo under the new CoiWitutiun, aud rfpnrtlia result of their if HwxivnJ a mewago from hi" F.xcellnieji.Goir.Cr ajMHni, iniiimiiun(( me jwpnn.m t."." iniHHi'Hrt for reviiricr tint digeitinjt'tbwteihlic -I,.....- l,.a,...rtU KI..I. RmkI .n(f,,"1", Of lini; to refer the whole u.j.4 JT jh Commits of i froio each houv t k a"r;ji. Mull ,, 1 P V,-l Mil, l.i M. I, M .!, Mvi'fi., : uo exji-'t 1 1. eel liiut iv,' to I-', uh-n I' i' o i t "'' . (lift )mt nn.l.H . i vUii'w f iMMiii'in. 'J'liink juti, f aU' l'ru i : '; i . . nfi' L Irirh . , 1 . . . .. . I f. .....1 If.uii'.ati'lw un, " - rt'.i .-r II.. I t u u . r.. iiii. .11 i.i..'. t..i. ,, , ... I:. II I' . -'1 11 "I . I .... I t .i- . " " ! f-, Mill Ihfir Ii u;, .il I ... V....I. . I .mi,, iiui ., omiiii'T, riuuiii, j 111 Mr mm , ., . , ,.... ,,!,,., ... ,; r. tp t .,... .ihicirs!. f Hakcri. wil hifnec"trjl'ei'noiiii touleiL'in.l riciiv , ,,,, r. ,,i ,, , i..., .. T $, ,M,.vr. Arrint.m, TMrr. Hi vnn i.f fr-iv-n. ' ti? UW tt.'J I a, noir. - l!uiiliii(f, ('u jx-r of O it. jiii J Cii'.wun, I 'Mi-r h tut, IhtVon, J'. UtriU, l.num, 1 , Hull, lliittKnm, II.Mil'U.'r IInrM'y, Ki'rr, UiMl-nr, 'Mirrtcll., Mebane, M.M'h-v, MT.irniK k, 11 id, U', tSuiklt-rt and Vftit:.k r-l. Mr. l).tH ir-rilnlo bill to nmend the law re. lulive to rin iwii Unul W lie mIT ; whw li )hI Mtj t...J ... W t-.n v-i:ri tin- tMi..,!,. i.r il., , . t M HH H ,' 111 t!u. Aorlh Br,. ,( (i, J..,t nt (li,,ii,.. i",il,. J h tllH'ft.l tl-nlirt till ..Hti rn uhoUlumtnlt, wj r(J lit ni Ii tin" lionra'lc oniric of ll.u i.turn fMniili.,.. Trrrer rtrll'iiuhj .pa f tl.'l. A- .ff 'w,,w J""'1 ,,"''!"",, !" -, 111) 111 )'; IKH Vl'l Iff II- II' 4litf MUteiH'uivi ' - v I , - umiJL tiwt o r.-u mr 1m to uUltoh It u , '""'"l' ' l'J can n e-wr kof t!,;r THE KTATH or me I'HBYTF.UfAN CllUltciJ Jt U4 iniah p!iauru la lay bdire our rrt'iirrn tint pupcr." Hul Utg. l)e. C, ,'JV ttle mill explain llm r'"Hi !ty iheTretkU- .tfrf. jt.M,iJ nii'...itr in llm I j.rn1iiiuiO IimIiiV. the fir4 tii.we and waa made ll iri?r f tlu Airy .; ; , , f.H-io-uu.rr.w. "(AuthorUca I'J magiatmht to cjOVMlxoit FPAIGI1T A.M) THE IHSTRIBC i"" tWIowmf ru-jmrt, tuwle to ti Ua Kyid ,t 3o,,, ') ... i - . . :r-t v. . . i Tt(i l.IV IlKIH'irrrciVnPTIIHTARIFK.ic Crolrnt,on wi'.rU ill the liial iiUtrUticc L ill (J,. KpaVbtinbia Mewi-e, l,ke, tho Coventor """.' r rpnwuy. iin, g-ft. tic-ia, ma1 othor leadiny Vn Jhir.-ii nien ia the South, : "'' l l""f'' fro,n - orj.q.talM and the chuiactt, owm-o the h.w l.r dUribntuir the Renej,,," n,,,"Ur, 'Ctror.! lu. a (am-erf inlluwice it, tm.4ii; the fft.-iet on th jrround uf MemutitnlMalitr; ' Cw"ll,-V J f'r cti ot thnt Chuiclj hut fied by puhhc npinam, he tmt t'.e Wiitooityhl U' jJ"Lltil,," '. ow.ider' thn, nc ivB linrnortW ThlTWlPit of tlw Van Biinn", er't'el qawBA-lhe dottrinc. of Mr. llunu-mud partiwim fc iPiming II.U u...w of w n.m h he .ubjutof Ao.dhi.H-hM I..,L wjlh u .. ..!. ;... . . . ' - i,i. .i... ....ii. 'tctnai uiHrorf. e eun'TatuiaUt Frwltrterianii. w, Mr. Iiryan Yrom tho Judiciary CoiWniittce, tn' whom tlm nMolutionJiorctofore oflired lih'injTi thiiin to ciKpiire lict!icr rertairj iiieinltnenta j the ca. Kt. hiwi were tt 'uecMry wa .refitrred,: iimdo an r'mrt thereon; which wun' Concurred in,' mid the committee dinchnfyo fh'in Uie further i'0. kidiTtHHi of the aul.jitrt, . A niniwao wat receited from the liaise of com mtaMadiMairreeiiii; tolio Smmte'a nmoonition to re fer the iiH-iooriul of a uihhIkt oj the ciir.' im of Uutlu rf.rd and Lincoln Oautliei", relative to the erection of a new ciMioty to h joint eWl rouiiiut tee of tbme uminbi from the rotmtiaiof. Iaur-du nod HotlKTrfinK and prooiinw to refer it to n Joint Seloil "o4iiU4itiee of two on lle port ff the rVrmte and foiU on Iho part of the Commons, from the aliovo unmod ciamtiea. Cooeurrd ih . teniorial f, jp - ilic himla iluf. srr inly I referj A fj COQiity froin a part of Orange, by the of i, I Mr. J. W. (iuinn hrewntcl a-wamr'ial f.L j uent. ' i , - ' J the cwt ruction of road in aaid county M, M.wim mwMntail lu!l mnkinT Shcriils olti. 1 to tho committeo bh Cherokee LiihU ' cialli'Tiuble in certain can, d Mr. I'iiber, a Tle pnp'itioii of the Semite iu wlali.m to the b ll firtheerertiooofabri.lrovertheSuth Yad- diviHicmof Lincoln and UuiUorford conntiea, wa kin River, al or imwi HaH'a Mill in Uuwiui ounly. diaajreedtOf and on motion t.f Mr. Bedford, it wan On motion of Mr, J. W. Cuinn, the committee proposed o refer the maHcrto a Joint Select Com. cm internal improvement were instructed to inquire mittte of Iwo on the 'part" of the Semite, and fur into the expediency of conrnctmg rood troio ontliepart ol Una tiue,iroiB uie coumica the town of franklin in Macon county, the near- aid. ' -T ' f nt way tothe plane where the county aite lor the -r 4 Wtdrtctdny, foetrnffcr 30, 1 8:10. j ' pohlic buildinz thull be located, in the territory i' . , KEWTE.' . ' J . recently aeqiiired by treaty from the Cherokee u J ' . Mr, puvidnon preaniited the petition of Jamca diarw aial from tcl place to antne point on the If homtwon .of Iredell e.Mintv, orayinj; the Leiin- Ueorzia liuel that will beat nflord a communication lum,. e . fctiiuti.Mi of a certain. um of money, with !h State of Alabama, having a duo regard to wnjf n VM rm on jijr, J),', niotion ref-fred to the intere of thw State. . - , l (htt Oirnmitte nn rronoititioruj ami unevunce, Oo hMtion of Mr. FUher, the Committee on In-1 o mti,m 6f JJr. Fox, the ree .lulio.i, that thetao temal .improvem'Jtit were intnicted to HKiiiire into ji0,IHl.g a,iMurn tine die on Mondnv the 2nd ol , I.: f M..' t J.f.!...l. . t . II mt expeuiei iey oi maainf( i urnmio- rvi'iu m un ji(1uaryietl7tandtliattlieUorke(4ltie(woiiMii: Ilickorynut Cop Road in the couotiea of Ruthor- ,lAm p ,tcjf iMimatea accordingly, waa takcu tip l!ird aud B.mcombe;tle Slate to appropriate Uie cwnVTaii., iMid adiipted. 1 . . whole of tho fund neccaaary ta nwka the. rood, rMr.-ldontpiiTicTV7ftom and th tolla arUing therofroin to go excluivefy to it jooa and U rievuVice, to bom wan rcferntd tio the Statu.". :;; " petition of Eliakin Cox and.Tilnti Verfal. piny- Mr. M.wre presented a bill, allowing SlteriHi or jg competwatioii for havin arrested one Jamei , their dfpuiie to adminiater oatht in certain caa J Meadow, a fugitive from justice, charged wilh the. xc.'rred in ttw jmiictary lyomimnee. '. Mr. Fwher preatmled the following resolution J . which bin; rend waa rejected ; viz. , . , RnolctiL That tlie Cotnroittee on Internal Improve- tneut be intructxl tJ inquire into the expediency of i . , , PI AT JIKTITU YZfZi - V. I I SVATCCttTJI. T1IIC ciiainviAiV. SALiSnUItY:; ; SjttTirday Morniap, DecerilKr 10, 1035 Inure to tJ.i- SlutrH. ia eiitiir.-lv at iwt'uo whh tlm truth. and the riiw.!t wliirh thrv montMo uutiadv inmrtir. C"l,-R,,"1,',e tl",N f ceumanrty tim tlw ticabloal tiii int.), beta wat to it would prute dan- b'SH bd c,,r'ta' lk "M fy'i'w'VjiwJ of ' v..,.i. ... h.....i.ui.:.i . i.... i. i . rout to Uie peace and pm-rity of tho euntry, I """" v -"- -' " w ui me m-rwrt The Governor .) tli.t Coiigreaa bae'nu power wt-: o! u tl",;4'1, lo U, t'"u..trj . lUtf u, tic tV)KTU dor thu conrtitutioo to tidleel more money "Hie r?!7w lV'M l'eoplo it u-d..J C tlie co-.miieai tup.rt of) V - " 7 "t n3nou "J crlh . (low-rnutcfit, and llitri loro the Ttrilf tbuu'd t to ri dtiettl n 'toi prevent the accurhulniion of a Surplus in the Trentiry. Now, tlto niont tctivt! ihqnHwt' Twmi-Tnuto l...M Ftt.iTi:vii.i.r, i-ruiii), ..rt,mur I, Ixiti. ( Uto i,oiaiiiiu'i'a(.j.rfiiie,i t.itH" into cHin.i rl win THE LtXilSLATUUii. In irmthi-r part of our pwr will be Ciuml the Pro ceedinma llie ljfixhiure up to Thursday th" 1-i m t The proceeding of JFruJay and Sanir lve U cn re ceived but oinitti'd to umYiTiimm for 'tir evtract' frm.i the Uejjiter, w hkh ill ba fonud uimI.t t...' Rtleili head. We aloo publinh an Mtr.ict from tH Iz-t'irof n inUligtit correKjion.lciit, w !m iaa loikeron ui rUlfi'h, en if the Ui.trifcutmu Rill never cuinnd the piwi ' tW prnt Htu- ot tut l'rl.u rii.n t Imnli. iliilii'.-il for Coofrrn. to mi.e moiify by taxiny the l'e.lf to, l'ir fepjtt, ut.tcii b.mj( r-.l. u n4h.atwl. eriki.i u-krribiae cjr-ui aimai4 thm ; and it iaan wiwarranw. ntt""; aud "ViiJtd,l.y a lew J.rt ..Wr- apfrvid the UtHhrwp.i.M,. .to, rTS.. itiMtittavfo tliat the l)irdtK B'l! Imt tlii ffixt. ln.ditaleanil4k.mct Uie t'liutch, aiilMHtAdi ibey v. tpne of the piTj iinuf the frtrmli of fCWontjeil cxprn-iuilu.Uurifii, U rww brcinc j;.-ii."fHj, iiifitt.ngi'. . ifitowa ih'nr (i'.iiii ft.)tiiili.'(l n tim.ln in t!niTmB,y.Ti; fy peHf wnr tWct 7on. "and driti' tim Hn, and it it Hi, S.jiplua whtrh they wi.h to JiMributa j euum of tr-.u,L. .kI C l.,tl, ,t jMaue and an.0..5 the IVopSo f,v4, t(h.e p,a k-t' it waa taken. J " " .MV'W ' .,?.,?.,,., ,r . wloru hfiv pMii.cnl lint imlximv niuf ..t tliuii' h. -' t" ot. h. and hit party to prate ataait . Tl, f:,rt ttl ili u. ,ll4,VMHH,.( ct ,1S. t, ,j U' numkul vxftiu'UvH. when llif.r yole objtvt in op ' uiifW(ik.'i ui our (i.iini'r h.M.ryT Tin- ryjual !.. I.y;a di.tiil.iit)..n.l' ttif tiiiqilu b Unit it inty W with ahnn en tin- M ite nf tl, t, tnund'o. .'"t g k-iul m tl.e Nu!i...wl ! r. Hurv . in t)t hat!a .4 tin ir i:,M ! fri. f ..r I, l.y turtv, 1. 1"' uhiJ m p.-ria-iuwliUL' tli. ir rtt'n iJ.t-xitav- . , . , n' L,H ". ' ,7 , . V, . . , ,, . , "( t.w ItlKn.. ..I ; an.!, . w.tli the trii.l.!- a,uce. vhit Would '..-v. hjmtlu aud party have rv , ,.,,, u ,..,.,; ,.,r,,f wt(l : . p.j j,,(,;v liuiii; with t!i Siirjiluh Ucvenuo jiw iu tlm Treo:ury, Ik ur.n.-il u r. (i;n in- iM-fnM-:', tr.s on.i.: tii'j and annua Ly ari.m; fr..ui toe prucefilia tin: ta'e ot atnwi.iM (.t.i.e..i-.-, w.i . n ji1 ..iu.i ; rfjrtr,', th l..ibl:c, if it to k..-n it jiiecWIv in Uie ' f"'"' l;" "x dtii.'r.Mi caw .,ii.iutft:fa. ... ' . , i ... i . j".i ii- tit-Wi that- twtf t.iiiN ykHt-tw V trin-w.. Ar- 1 rvaMiry, to tJ uwd at thf dlMTi-tmn i the trijKi.ii.x, . , . , . ' of the kitrhont abmrt.or to bo di-inhull arrtaipit U.e ,!m. hiK1C3, j,i,,T rt mir t i.u..h M , ,,1W,T ... JVojiip! Onii'r tin' ri'Ht t iryiNjatt; for th c'- irnij lirl; t. it-iHl llii' I J.t-iH 1 ki.. il,-.i...i,. . I lilit V1.V.', Ili. r., firU llrll crui irtljnrv (a oorinii.' imwfver, whicn iimuui do ttu- " " " " , '"n 'inwy ta.'.-u up. ti.Hlv a.ltanell ami if there he miexprew. power pit-. ,a l'r'-i.v of t.u!, u Uar tu tLc-k-d htlk have taken a atand a?ainrt North Cnrolina ric-innir: .... ..... ... ...... .... i, , ' to liw t..n..t .u mi tit: 7 - i rii w iii;rii iui tll-n, ivhiv u imn iiiv j miiiiniiiuii ., ii it will be t-on tlint the Van B:i;vn uion in th Senate have Ukrt a i-taiil iA Nurth Cnrolina rvcsivinjr iiir atiui it i ii i it- ta ii i in i at aa.t: t-ntia. i t in inn a . - m t'i i -i . i: ri . . .. ... ! . t ir .. ..i i ...i . . - ... . , . . . . , , . I out i miiuciem. jo r..-iu.u me itrm w.hji.i ihk r.- fr,i jvtaiu'a nl Ui tu hit t'i ntv, t .Ui,i,i . f AorthCurolma bulievo Uilv? Iho I .pl- nfonr htato miW,.,iieSurphif Milleattnnw in tho Treitury. TheCirt , t.l iinm.fanc- in o.,r tnj tli'mfLn. li,! pai'l itt-ar (tin oi u.ut monry i.iu, ic i n-j-M . m... ( (1)tV y!-ht ami hi jx.rv ifl th a State, v.ho wuuld t" '!- I'i -..-t. ur , i . . ... .i ...i . . .. i . . .i .... . ' p ' . .1... .i ..... .. . , 1. Vve n-irari tl,.- .triii:' of'l.e iiiiiHi'aiii.11 ,.,, " i. ..r .... ..'.. . ...i . r- " - ten- imirder of one Ihniel Rwh, reported a Reifdiiiion in hia favor, which paniud three rvadipj't aud waa ordered to be nirowd. .' " . ;' HOUSE OF COMMONS. ' Mr. Clavton presented a petition from aundry . ; m iM-tm rl new county, by the name of MaJiin. Read fiitt time. A meftaije was received from the Senate, infor- t r.t) lino, to tlia end tliat the Uutt may become tole wvprietoT of laid Road. lf. ; Public Printing. On motion of Mr. Dillon Jor- , chut, a moiwMfe waa tent to the Senate pmrjoaiua toinuna the lloua of -the rtori-emurret eo of that 'f- appoint a JHiii .Sleet Committee of three (xom each branch tothe ameiulment prop! by them to the - houaetn whomahnU be referred the aubp-cl iif Ibe Joint Rule. On motiimof Mr. Kruhiim. ihe IIhir . Publii Pfinting with iiwtructioni to inquire if the receded from their amendment. Ayet 07 Nays ' .-law regulating the tame iihiea not require amend. 55. . v . tnont ; and that th report accordingly . Tlie bill to lay off and establish a county, by the On imtiod"of . Mr.. Pattoti, the Cotninittee on imme of JcAereiin, read the eecdutt time. Mr. . the Judiciary weje instructed to inquire into the Gratam apofce. at .cunnidcnible length, iu tavor uf ; etpcdietiy of amefiding the 'law in caaea of con- the bill ( after which, mi motionuf. Fawn, it wi --fiction for TnnilLloUiTiiiitchTef, where "offimdera are laid on the table for the prexent. - njible Jo pay fur the property injured or 'tfeatroye d'. The bill to laj tTmid cstaWish a the ' 'to-allow the-judgei the diaCrtsfiomry power of mi iianie of OatV. waa alto read the Net-nod time. . ini Ih'i ..floiMtera one or two public whippings, nut Mr. Clement uried the of the tail with exceeding thirty-nine Ualic. . -, great zeal, whea,'wrmtitieii of Mr. jfiilhain, it Wan laid on tne tnble. ; 31 r. u. anul tut inotum pn-etnl-od from no lionlilitv to the bill v but he wiahed time tvetMfydnttrttt. vrhieh-he" enlertntncd e to 'he ptuiry ofaUvu-'ing counluw. tardy .iu dividing they oujlit to receive UcJi tl.t-ir pro-. XtfftUCualin, ta ... a . ....... v h.. tt.,. f . ....... , i . a....- prirtWlL-uiu .1 ou... -..H.I., ...... mm :, .... r.., B li()n(.v J(, !.: jt V. R...,.'. r..m . ''"H:r in u l.iw winue Una I ' I MMailit In a Van Hnrt'ii it against dividiinj the money, lnit wwl-i to k.-ep it f r t'onsreFS to tqimi.6r avvav. Will tlie t:TVafay, Abrrmocr 9, 1 838. Mir Refirhordt praented; rTTifiontrbrn mrtnlnl - Citizeuaol L.iik'..ii county, relative to the erection ; of a new county, from parta of that and Ruther t fjrd. canity preferred to the Sokcl Coiuinittect on theaubject. . - M eaara. M n rstcller Moyre,and M Cormic kr 1 v appointed tm thtt rt, of the Senate, to compoae the J Httt SloctCamii 1 be eutnecl ofJUij XTiDiic:rnminp; ; Received Irom tlie Ilouie of Cnmmona, the Joint - Rule of .Order, with wind ry amendment; which . were concurred in, by the i bennte, with tin ezip ...Jlinn bf Uieeiit.(ittiipr.poied by the Hotwe lor v thelTth Rule whii-Rt niven in full in our c count of the proceeding of Ihe Commona on Sat- t rd .y: A(lerjconiderable. ldt:u.ioa.--between V Messie. Edwards, Hull, Mebane, and we llieve . ' axxne othera, in favor ot the amendment j and M". ra. M rehcad, Bryan of Carteret, Taylor aud oih- era, against it ; tha amendment waa aejected, 21) .. . .j. io v Bai.iiowa,TUt Mr Fiter iMrotlueed a- mil ilechtrinj that 'the share t.f Stock Coimmnicii, in tbi Suite, idinll be deemed and taken a icraonal estate, lleatl ami reforretl to the Cotnmittee on the Jndiriarv. . Mr. lVtlv, a bill lo repeal on Act of -H&V, nn. nexing art of Wilket county to Aaho. Ruitd firtt Fihet.tntrrjhiefrfl rr.tatiftn jjiyetiliajjllie Public Treasury to receive in puyamut for Chen kee LamU, Virjiiniu, South-Car. lina, 'Tcntieto and Cenr!ia Note.. Referred tojhe Comniittee on Chen kee La ml. prate about teo.0)iT and a rt Juclimi n'lkr Turijf to iir.u'pnt thu aeeuinnlatiiiti of numer in the '!".iirr I'eople anttaiu suc.ll men ! lfs they are ready to tua. , W VM,luk, was na-tt M.strm..ei,U.l iu brcnV ainany tve wipe mat u... ..nw. m ... -;u(intle IaM.ple of the Aaith. the Tariff . tV jointure will nt yield an men on in it str.joct, imi ttana i up fir the rlj;!it-J Norlli Carolina. It it believed that the Van lluren f uiabt will bark nut from their atand i ajj-iuisl rM-.-ivin tlie turplat befure the sewion anjmirns;" ht fore two more wekt of the tessrion trntii-pire. We 1 wait to s'c, and bull not dil to inform our rctdcra of the result. j ma le to reon!.itw ijjait ftiM- The Bdl lh'e 4-t ,Ti'.: ftwM mAi te "it; attt-f of bterf eatuliil an it wi w.t vision of liowma waa called tip t eoii-ideraton iuime- ,M"n- If ,H" Cowraom-i: of 1W:J, between tlie eameit d. ui; and . . Thnrmhty, Drrtmbtrl, 183C. '. . . SKNATE. Mr. Roii! pre-teiifed the following resolution, which wan rad ami adopted : 4r ' ' RenJrtd, Tint a memaije be aent to tl.e Ilouae of CotnnMMis pmpuiiB! tAranwr Joint Slect t'nininittee, to cnnit nf three on th part nf aeh Ilmise, to take in to eonwdeMtKin eo inu n or the amend'-d Loiiiitutxiu e i t .1 a t . . I"' riHiinit'r..iion i turner, u. ...e uuieiijiinBii., juesar. Arrinjton, i, require the tJiwral Ast..hly to prtwribe, by law, lker.Iiryanorrav.en.lJuntinjr.CowperofGate. the manner in which it shall determine ctteted elec- Cooper of Martin, pubaon, Rdwardti, Kxmn, Fox, taint for tinvernnr ; and that the eonmuttee be reque-it- Itllll ItflL.iK ' ll.ull.L II. L.... T II . ... A.I tA loiwl . hifl ft mimibj. .. ... t .. ...... ! ' . n-vi.- .,l.ll. .l v. . .... (........... i .. ft nut id l!ir . .. . i. , . , . ..f Mceklenbtirir. and William l.b,n of Surry, are ; , liailiiwnil.llt ,l n,htlA raf, r. ... r . ..'U! ?" willing to deprive North Uroln.a : h. r .ar.-. U-eataw- . , . ., . . lsrf. . . , , . " L J he l ulore, or r-liAi, el lite tlet i -n.-ral In pn any cenoin- on the ua..''.i.i'plirx-r-ni-'V bimI tin- -- thm-i i ro-r ui.u il Mhi ei.iit.iin.-, til.s S n.l u.i-oiv ri.jrrts : . i:m. l tv l s ..J Itipi-ntlie people ot the Naitb.tlic T l. the ,,..s uvt,v lli.:v. lo l.av.- Uvu der. -I.e. Hi nf .ihumiMitwus .' ho were the allies in tint, lu ti i f duty, ihi tie- jwri of l!:it UnJi', we would iiMu-t Suite of the Northern Tari.T porty m lsOl 2, avhen earm!l, wlnmilv, nl ntni.a'tfuily aiMaittrate. thu South waa prtnmnir trian Ma A-land to Fhwida un-! . "'4 'n'"! !". ""ki retf-n. ru.i. lo coW" .I..', th.. hnh. hiM, T.vl -Mr V... ll..,on ...I ,mf',.v "-J! "'""" !;"-' p--'' ' w hether thit will be Uncase or not, Will be tM-eriaine,! !.. v ,. . ,K . ' . m r " ' 4 Brt'- w' r '- ' 0l" . .- ... ........ i hi.i Northern tiipivirte-a were the ten r'-ni wuo put on tll n,.. !..,., in.i -,..r,i ..t tl... it ,,! voted for the Tariff of lSS, ami Cf Spnicht nml Stamlardtofiairrhun-ti. hit pnrty in thif State are Uie verj- men who be'J up. I-aui'wifH U.- b.-en u-d. in reht,n m hnmun forlha Tariff. and threw evt-rv uusuiele thev emil 1 in Uie ' "M,,i' r.-ard a.taiii.-ert.ti.. alBl not wimu-' I e.i c. . n- i. .i " i i . ti-d, either ty the S r;p(unt if bv H:rl'i iih .-.-I. n V. c niVKTfW f)P CfirXTIKS eonKcortlie MateKmMt mrty who were laboraii? t. . . ., J. ,. ,i , -. , , ... in miMv tir "ii imim !- , - , letranl uian. w luJlv nnahle to In lp Iimiim-I!, w -it Loot We see that tpplicntion ha Ix en made loUie Igi-1 effect lit reduction. And now they praleaboiita reduc-; ti,e p,,-M aid-. ofthJ ll.-ly SmiiL lature for aeveral new eimnti -t, to be creak-il by a di-1 t the Tariff. iii, tVnsieney ! thou art a jewel ! . Tin' refti-ait the h in-neral .V-miWy lu . vition of Uio large Couutiea. Atnonj Uie ret was a i wa admitting that the Van Ddren party are " ,U,J "f Fa i2n MkHaw tor Inat pitfU-u BdllU.dU.Or. diicuwjoh, wa rejected m the H.mi rdTianin.! by . dT inu'J.PV'-'de, .wmiM U he , (:hn!!,J3n pr;ri(..jW majority iif y.vVateen voes-an' effii'rt waa afierwa'nl ; llk,!'y T,'"uh m coiis.--ju.iKet to the coun- 'f -fl Tint, tj-..- ,t$ rtt fd puxiple of th tne pn-cvpt or the Incpi-I, we wlie'u nun umi.-M'.ki- In lieeiart; Ihe dialely after th.vOn.n-re Bill waa n-ieete-l, and would wmietm tnier.- ul tne -t.-rta ami tne Ni:t, ,s ,u,re '' '"7 ' ' eertamly .-shared the aame fi,te had no, nf U,e jiuiKh. U,,.,e Jt p.ot ,. ?iro. iUat day .a, ( ZZZZl Rowaii tDeuihers Vel'r-I the Hmwe to lay it over fr a . tthicl1 ll -c w-dl be -. -dt'ay Cr thwconnlry and its Hir ,-n,wil. , ,j,..U(,Wt ,rA.--il...n.-i. r few days. A it. now ttawitvonr enrrraqamtleiit inform n-tlMtHitw file- p..w t.a .tel by, ami the otr.t- the (' m r. I A--u-t'lv thai! uiakc -.lati-L.JiJinj,' a ..le.-J THtttrnw twtaaaitrhri fiwIlietjPrAYe1 iiif 4 weanie" i-'W!WTi1eSf JrettfJiteil 1!ie !T-Jini,H" f HiTf i'la 'c.aii.riiin:.iT, m e'1fcafljt-TjrijiVst ... ... .. . .i"tt - v "T .-.. ar . i. a . i: : I frirnda in thefoTtntlzw th. lueaturc au u.ueTaTheart. ' ' Wnlfavc birllt to tae l arm ol will btCwth "n"m; ) " ." ' f" '.r .r"" ,.m! ChcartHrwUb'alt -" witfimett-ed ri2or;fVnt;navii,,fJe.,i awhdeearbed. , nnniiie .a.n. r,,u.u.,in-1:.l.revivtJtojfrinUthe' ptg SAMUlII. I. I;KII.M, 1 ! SENATORIAL ELECTION. J mth down to ra.ii. .hat I'nprmnwe entired ' STKI'IIKN FiiOXTI.-. 3 The election to fill t'.ie aeaney ieaMmd by tlie re- J into by tiie fi :emU of Fr-e I riu'e and the friend of a j J l IX V. IHUH: I.ASS. nii'iiMion f Jun.'e MHiiL'tnn. Uk plaeo on Ihe 3rd in- hi"h, ami tlieir taith pled?e,j(, it; ' J'ATRI'v'K J. MWKJIOW , . - l' i a at i u ii a-. . j -s I j4 I ' a a -f . J . 1 On 1 f n,,r 2ftv fn.,.' t. fi!rA t', i::ii j I .ith rn pnrjioe, t)ie q-e.-ti. writd.VMisl tn tin- aJu.iiitl.te, a'J . it nt;w certain, if all UmWhip tta'mf linn, Ju-lrf S. ; fir a Wirr reileetkm t'in tint act provide tor, . hd'owji, t : cannot lie elerte.1 fi the tix year; and, tint they will j will thev s f.r latin at-i:n the Tariff ot 1 or' ,, Ts '';! 'v . ' i2Tn"' l"r! '" all iftand firm, we eann. for ihemeut 'hvilit The . sinnlir tintiet! lt-t iSovernor iii.lit and hia iiartv'i,- .. ", n ' ' . '" ." . .7 oai' jfl:iMT i' ri i... i !..tifc in it r.i, a. Hi ... .-r. ! Iturwell ; the rVv. John Rotawxe:. "li. . : t!:e K,-.. I'bitqueotinn of an iinmcdiataret'iietion of the Tar-!'.Mer !bnn N. Phair. Seii Iatiis iLlwm A. tton . i.v tl.t Vati partv, k port of tliat !' '" ia'r rfc J. "pirrtiw, ,'-ft r J. !t uuuiUi, JUu slati.ts tn rtlher awkward tituatu.n, but such is b i Hyem of 4li, wh.eii has men R, fr(i.v ,w.t) o..-.t. ire, w .r.:ej n-. i .... thirst for (.dice, it is ui.-licve.-i he will accent it, mid it , oi Intevenrs t.. cale! julls indraw o fthe attititin of 1 . , v t no t . . -. i- i . ' ' I ' inimiiH , t,,-vn.ier Mefrer, t ilium tratniit Aiiriit i,i .! he ahaul.1. fad.tu jfet Uh ai-ryeart, lie vid look to an the 1 copb; frotiitn. ..f-.i.-s of the panr mpoWer, while ttm'J.i-o!i Rwta Will am I'l-m.-1- Ii'i rtor M- aiaren tor r.-tiiiinerstH.ii. In snpnort ot hit claim, he can tncy latten on lie-hhiLi l.-tli- n a the rase Mr. Oracle' la!-. hi ii.l--r Mc.aair. !!. .-tor 'r..-ll. At h il Sii-M, urif u ith trutli llmt !.e not oiilv went ak u voliui'e.T a'ld T!i.' -i. . I' O.v- : :..lei-r. .'ow-nh A. .til l-.:i. ! i i iu i..ii;,i.,,r.. r.,, i..,t -,ti. i..; Wllft'.s or Vri'iH rttitr tvi Cannmt. Am. A!t-.xau-!er, Alien -A'! around Uie circuit;, when on his official duty. ! Sie tvhntyntir , , ftiliie;i! eii-jrn' on ibe Kb THE si;ji,'a 1. a.iil-i ...rail' liale tne n ran I j'avei ,tii-ti Cliiirr if-li 1 f.-re i rl ItilJ lo iii' Uihi Irrnn idam ry hi eitiei :i teri man 'fe, rJ to w amc Intt erttr M . it t )-fi the -, ill tad lirl. '.the "Siai TV ! trh e t-ih' ft l HI. bi! Hi! iS. t e. be yui r" tie h: t! Ci fa ti. jii- by Jll4llle-IedA'iejauyiXe4 dera, Whttnker, a-t. . " . AeaiiMrt tint amemlment. Mear, A'.hmlillLir, ttey,txarHi, Uavidnn, i)Kkery,Ouder, Hurt-rave. - Joyner, Jonea, Kelly, Melchor, Montg-oniery, M a . lyt Mytt M?fehcaHr- Moory, M'Cnriiik-k.lMyera, Polk, RuddiuR.tikiuoer, Spmill, Taylor William; "?6, ....-.-r . "' ' : - COMMONa , ' ' Mr. Clement preeented a petition from manv ritizena of Rowan, fir J dix44L.uC, ,aaid accoinpanied by a bill, to establish the canity of nrwy mattie " Mr, Fkiher presented 'reiwt from the Com- tnieaioncr for rebuilding the Capitol ; read, order ed to lie printed, and eit to the Senate. On tnotion if Mr. Hartley, the Cominitfe on the Judiciary were instructed tu inquire into the expe diency of raising ilia fin allowed wilneswi, where hny are ummoood to attend court to other coun ties than thoee in which they reeide. 1 . On motion 4 Mr Putton, the resolution of Mr. Fiaher yesterday rej led, relative to a lumpike road iu Buteonif, waa reconxidered and adopted. , On motion of Mr. Court, the Judiciary Commit tee were instructed to inquire into the cxpediei.ev etetvedVotn the iloTreCJTt?i.mtnona a nte anj, prtp.wiitff that a Joint Select Committer, e.m. titling of four on th" pari nf im h ll.ajae, lie rwiarrt. mailt. Jud?;e Strange .eceiv ' lSve.amlllier,w-re andat w ill he a d-ith b'otv to rWthern riyhtit, to dis. twr1!! 'pf cS-'nTlt wi.iiid Lave 1hi-ii u ait One thut wtil Mr. an Fun-ii an i h friend at the tlS'f lm Tt esehTlf wmilj'i.a've Ih-i-ii a Tit W'-.iir who in this tryiu! erisia should desitrt his priuei-; a:iver thit qne.-tinn. pi. S Will deenie umi r 'Nve ihe laHmir o.limu of the j This piililic. Jud(e Stranye, at mir eorrepnveiit TetiiarKe, , iff, goti una., and !.s:- f. 'n r; eti.l .V- - ' run .MrliT.ii!. i ; th- lion. Unify " We WHtorAuinT from vanous mairces that wat div , , . '..'.Il.llil.i'ii.'l.lll.-lioil. li' :. -. lli.l of .-.--mhef list thet n,..,m. M. k.-n e.lHiih l: "...t J. it.i Ur.. A'ca 1 rf ntortile-1 nn.j anlmmetl o ymi. luiejhe frieti is nmh r Amiersui!, sti jta I ruiili.'kf:: li iTver-10'' 'iT Jih.-rt.y at tie- A'orth were .'oin all in their. Nay."Nroe. tii 4 kt V. VI i "1r to inqniie what alleratunw and I ttmenilinetit 'minbt lo he mane in the revenue law id the Shite ; and ihat to, thtrnid eoroniUtoe tlmll toeefi-riedao-tiiuch of the (Jovemor'a mensate a relate to thb hiv for the nswe8iirtfit of Ihi nU for hi vat ion : which, oil mo tion of Mr M.aaely, wa ordered to lie on tlie table. M. B .. .....J .L. e n . I "" i-ir. narirru pmrinrn inn iwiiiiwii!" rTsniuinjii. JLIii"'',ri'i -7.ji ... i ..t.i .. . i, .1 1 . , , . . . ..fcMa.wj-w.--.--Bi-wTTT 1 nuii-.wT, tun wuRueruii in u-ii, mere are some .pim.Kn'f-winifT it'wipieu . KetsVeMf, That a rVltct t omrmtt."e be ajmointed, capital of the. Stale twMt to be inereaseit; tnd if to, whether thrf better netle of-increasiin hbt to add to the capital of Ihe Brnika already chnrted, of ly iucort poratinir a n.-w Rank or Binkt. Recievud froai the douse nt'Cornnnui n messnj-n propoain that thv two ilmtarti of ihe Leymjnhire on tomorrow at twelve o'clock, proceed vote fvr a Senator of the Unifod States to sjtpplv the Vacan cy neentioned by Mr. Mani-oj'i'a rcsignatimi, aud informitig that theHon. Uoliert Strnnce i in nom iiMttion. The measne wait, on motion of Mi. Bry nn of Cnrterel nod Jane, laid on, he table j A.y 23, Xta?s 24, Mr. Harrave demnndinf them": .lyes Mrwta. Albright, .Btyaa of . fartcnt ' "n r ttti-iwi i.iii. t 110111 ,111 101 19 m'li . i.ira I lint I. .u ioi.-i-i ........ . sity of ;.p,i.!,Ht, aim,,,, the memlof the l,,i McrHr.r,inMyW,igMU.l r,,,. .U ,,.r. and e. t.,e 1 A J a . . - - - -A Utiiif a u, ahatj., ,IU the Snrplu V y r iaat M mae-l ZX7J line of the Pwleral ISoyemmciit. pasted over I.. North I Mvlf If nwn wlane house mon fire, while hit;..-,t. pr,,r,( rH,,u- "The SaitlM-m '.-r.t;;.n 11.-. -IjirtJinu, It at aaid Uat wane think it ott-rln tn lie -J;- wjiyiibtrs .-k in T0 gvist him in ti.yyin? Uie floniv, j hirThr.'Start-nt lit -lifkartTeleaTapb," ami "Tha In- C'K'.y ait down orta clatr anil sav, w-irk my a i-k liiwerv-r. brethren 1 shall It- mined! Save my In .use or vmi sr.. to arn. I1 it uJlSHlW!fetMWWe4S who hold that it'im-.'ht to ho divided off to the several. poitple. Rcp.rt ay tbia f the um$ af in Ixiiiorihle member ot fouffrcni of u adjuhiini DiKtrirJ; jt i.s a pm'eet" worthy in all rwpeTtSOf hlr ffealtalt iits. Thit diversity nf 1i)p'tn;or.(,ojii.ts, nf,4oure only atnoni; those who are. in favor of reeeiviitjr the ntttney. 1 Tlwre it an other clatli of men known in the IjeyWatirre, who have a plan of their ow-'aon'thi tmlject, which if adtisl, will settle the 'miettion'fct once, Uiit plnn b not to'ece the money at all, but let the other States take it thi clasf consists of the Van Bnren men in tlto SSenate, their vote tin tlie RewdutsW to teett it will thow. Will fhcc men stand in lhm(leterntiuatmi Webe 'irve tin y ill not- v When tSie j-Ai atnl nnyt come tiiji-d bi-fwoen Internal. Improvement ami tkiac-atioti: otlira that Uie Stiite Itud better make a Bank tail of it. II I III tiivt" w 1 vtn. T MJ V"l ti tl 11'ilJI 1J t MI I l-JII . t ... ct.r-,iJ"i nmm. aVe for kauiin? it trnt toU4WltrW 3 S pSf rvf,r.v ,vi,"rp ln'" Hh a inanity f five Uwu- m B'.'aniM nun. tne wit jrtven to van iiiiran. Tie New York Courier and F.miiirer say.s: " 7Vie Prri 'I'nfu. We t npie there c.i'n be lm W-aii'iiiy in th"ir diity to lhemwl-e ami tli - eoontry. rjml that in cmv-.-o.-nene.e of their ineeuihle an ! rr.m. uiTirsii;iin'eneaa, that State ha nmr for Vts Bianvw lien at the OetdHr emiteftyf eWtion it wa demmtMiriu-d that the nontwee otthe Krecntiv waa in a intnoriv tf 1 at least jfee thmittn,t. S miKh for Uiew-b-aasii-il o;ipo ! stiion to the almlili.aiistjiajid their r.pft fiepriiiciplca. ' So far at leant a Virjf inia an ! North GtMlina are con cerned, we hope never nptin tn hear a anlittry cry rais ed hi relation to ti: vetted ri-ht- of the Sonh in ihe-r1 Slave pMipertv. Iete Statea havekwit- a;y, openly, ' and infiimouj-ly league-' wijiVtrte liolitiiTnit at the .a-:h in tlie late PreS;.:ral ceitest.-ind we honetbey will' have wifficient rnrl.;y ii future to remain' ailect w hen their Xotlbcrn allien "call . Coe vs to Hre K.. - S A true extract fon the Minutes of Snad. ..-..m..,. ... 4UNVilc;--tlWaW-4Ut REPOrtT OX SLAVERY. ; jjy the Ifarmmy 'rr. ftyery, embracing the mid' dlr rwiilry in Snuth Carolina. and lah'Ts in the North-Eartamf Wert in mirna-n cm trv. have liemaineed s-lavery a oheotaay to the lav of Oo-I : eaine of whom fetre tjiferent' d WStree'iVnety hI Assemhly nf our ehtirrh rel the t aitirreKi of th: 8-. 'tion nieima-iTilt and petition, with tie avowed ttlij'-ct of brincin? into nVsraee (.latehohler, and aboli-l.inj tl rela!itanif ma.-ter ami erv. ' And w hrea, frnm Uie wkl protwlirt;?, and the atale-ffn-Hits iiainin(9, and rireitms'anret a atm-cted there with, h i tnntt maniet tlat ibotV persrint "know n w-ht they try nor whereof they affirnl and with thk Icnpranc-j dixover a tpirit of elf-rtrhte.wspeis and ejr etumt a net:' v, while 'thfy inde'?e in the mo?t reck leaatdenttt ialionof their oeilibnr, ta file in faet a th ar njoifd tu the i"rit tad Jictatr of nr itJ

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