i -A o an J S- , s .' in w T1- op ni?i2icvii Krvirw. i...t:.,fi'. o the S nthcm c- - Iinll I.I fl'L 11'- ; view won ut'ivstet ; 111 the s.!i'.:.r-r:i air r ... .1 ;.;.'! irnc.S tro;" n.rvie it, i.tflT a t!:- r"5 W ;:- la- to. Review, caring In- t ISt'-l.f-, ll , . ... ,,... -,., en it.-.! Vv r K, v. line -..-Y c ..rand ,-i.r.or atta..- , -I! ir .4i y I'm'. i 1 ' l -, n , . oi.ce a:.,,.. ti.-3 .Uul and be.-t i)cr:o.lu-a!.- lhcJZV- ,.,! S,at!.. and the crisis prodi..- ,...Il.wil that th. re . -I..'.:: .V tae Revolution in ix i 1:1 .,t ll'l. l , , , . !4l.,,.m.,iu., lOUICuJtu . 1 .. , .1 i. r-.t i, .!.-;. r nrro P"f-":; 1 Jl ' V .T. I Jttv. a. i ut - v. ,...,,. liitioM in wi.di pUr.ois oi every " n.t.o. , in w . ' .. , rviit.on "i : lo i aia . :! t;x. T ' !- :i.juio;i! ;,fs th'i U'.'I' rr-.L'ii- 'i . . .-ill rtM.itllit rite i! t'W i) l i :n;f..'!iii . t iiikiii .-mch. a.i'i ' ! 1.'.IV imze c.i.ii:.:itit-H, :ui'. ' tu?rv..iiu'V tf.eir r.-sp.-c tivu daiis c.t.-s, cn-.tu !i,tr:ns. uWy .-.u-u iu l.v.-iaaU as m.y ! t Mihr.:.c r.t Mauv j...r.MUj.i...... . . r r. ' a u.li.TKM.eL; to c.triUt,- a t : i t. U U:,r.:; !!.... ,hn.M .alary. an. m I n'vnt I. T r- i. t...i ,i.-.t t iiLrtnM' a I .ic rni"(ii,)!H. li i?.--:!:.'-"" . , . i i. . . -, ! lien n:"I. I; m i.i II ;!V, s ioi.ii u.; inw -i , , , ... i.. tl... I',.-; i -i.t a.i.i Ca-i.'ar ot the an 1 the rr -i 'i c..-li:T;iU- f ?? that r'ir;V. l .S,M, r. iUv,oW -11 he pi.!.;.?l q-.-rtcilv :.. t. ...,,. C!..n .Utt.-es. or IflilULitH . o ' M;!-crih.:r.s will lrvvarJ the an I m,i - r-toWa-l.in.t.,,. All c,t ; l - -it..rI tuM-t will ho tvurh-l to tue tap . t -r .4 I., li i .,k of C.u..ri.-.t .n. on.t l-'. iced to the C.C.M oS t... c . Ill I nit inal tuaJ cf t:-J Siiaihorn Kcicvv -.',:-?.'. hy Houtli Cur.Iitia i. cicty f .v.!d'iici rnnt of Learning. RcS'iIu'.!'..!! .i in-- S:i.-tv a'i-rove of ( ?irr : Gn-t'iiV i tier th-.- 2 '.tO CI". th- lhr.: u.ii t.j r-. lie Itie S ,uthern Ilevi --w . ...I ch-ir-o of Ju.L'e lp-hur. nn.l. t.nkni: , i!j.j"chini! vh:cli it will hnve n, - . : the iluty of rvery .Me to 'i-.-:-l :n i'i :k a pn;'..ruin coti.Iitain, ui'itH "r;: . . . -1 1 v tie? in.H.bers of thi S.-f?y, : li..- v. w . 4, . ..-cr;bers an-t r..riiriN! !'-- n.-i-. VM. ll.MUT.fi. Acli: Prt--?--Jent r.fS.iiMi Car..-lu a S -sciety " r;',r the Adv.ini i-E.i.iit "f l.'-arr.ie i!,is is r Vrvr .ta'A 57s: :ilic!li" 5 - iv b oi;er r irr a ! h'iiteuts to her friend ;' .'. the p- ' the vr . i'tral pair- . - go Uu I.-. :e Ii.itrutte!. t her care- to at ? tnat amj in re-pect t- 1 ird, l.av. 1 ;il m '.- .i ; -.its and u::r litis as n i.-n o pi .c :vrj and wauls u i ier her entiic ..irci ?! t. o: trf nrcoinmodate.l. ;-! n vdl commence on tl.e. lu- ,.,1. hi? i nin's may e-ter at any tloie pii': 1'n.Mi lie- t. i . f their e'.ti o.Cf. f i ; 1 1 ?i w kv v v.-J i-- 1 ' p;ii :i .-?t. Suh-burv Jan. 21, 1S37. . !I(l!e-ison. .i '.3 v. Dis-ulutiou oi Copartnership. 7 1111-. i .rfier-'tm neretoiore carraeo on 1:1 tie -l ... I'. -,i t Ellis tv.H C'.mo...ed of R 1.. W. F u , J m Wih Ebis ov Rob-it E!h H.-..to r ihe firm " F a; Ediwall o-iiM.-t '.;Hrf W- Fojr ; vV RoW rt Eili, who will con tt 'ue the hc-r j i-t n reived . K -.V ifrvs nUh lornuT stand. iin yiiave lar..; A a - rtment ol IMiSJIOA"ABi.K J?1 W'-.i--. :: wnl s o a: l!iMii't rcaso:ia!i pr:c Terms as v:-r'tot.ir". :-,:. li.irv. J..:i. - I. 1 "?37. i)jsoi:itioii oiX'opartin'rsliip. rJV,? Co-partnership hcrctfjr o vi tio Iv-tw eeri tli0 s,i'-.erilers, under the firm of WaJs' n V Eii: -tf. i - this day di-ohed by mntn 1 con'iit t tl.e . arties. All claim against the firm wil' ! seM ! I iv Kmchen E!!i(tt ; and p ay r.i nts of all ac cvu:ils dae thc-ui will be made to the nv. II . W. WATSON, K. ELLIOl'F. Till .'T FULLY informs the Public, the cu-- totii.-i i the old firm, and his fier;dj iu genera!, that he w;',! his own re-pon--;ht!it y contiuoo in Lu-w! :. at tho old .-tand, w !;ere h w ill always k-ep on hari.l ' .:cieral supply of ( I . !.-, and will be happv t and acconnno.latr his old fiieuds. Sili-d urv, J iiry 21, 1?37. N. II. 1L Watson respectfully tenders los thanks to hi fri'pds and the public for th verv Iilral patronage lestoved up n tin; ah iw line, while he w:'S connected with it, and w ould i-ani.M -lv sdi'-:t a -M 'oance of that patronage lu his sue- CO - T J m. dr. E' iott. Ol tf SUPPLY of the following BLANKS is kept j cmst.iu'iv on haad and f..r sale at This OdVe, ao' U'ar.ks of t.t:y ttUer Ies-riftiori -!eireil by officer-, will le famished promptly when called fi.r. Marriag- Licences; C nistab'."-' Wan ants; do. E morions; C.asos, and Casa Uomls ; IKdiverv Bond--. Deeds i f (Joiivcynncc ; Siiei ri.i's D"cd. S'ti!v"ri.r ('ourt Writs; do. Sub; n-nas ; do. I!xe curio'is; d. Wite.s Tickets. Conntv Cotitt Writs ; do. Subpfrrias; do. Exe. cufions; do- Witness ': ickets. Juror Ticket ; Letters of Admini mtion ; Let ters Testamentary ; Admi'iisf ratio-i Bonds; V"rt'!i tioni Exponas-; Writs of Fieri Farii; S ife Fa cias; Scire Facias against Exeention; Inju- c-ioii-ti stav Proceedings; Gnardiati Boi:.!-;; Proseemion Bauds; Constable Boe.ds ; B.istr.rdv R.-ids; Ap-n-- tire Indentures ; Writs of Httachment ; Writs of E':ett.ient ; Entry I alter- Warrants, (fir enter iter v e' land): Bail Bonds; Jury I,r--epmfiiT ; 1 tr tike Deroitiops , NOIL.S OF ; it cf Xr. wiili miiiY olhrr I5:nn m rr: i,rr.i use in this State, all of which will bo sold cheap. I If 'J fi f.5' v 3 V'-'- a ili : i-i 9 nnr. SMTiU'rli.ts i it rrtunied from Pliilu- - ('.Ll.iliirt utli a very liioli Aortment of U itches, JvivvUcry, ccc, c ov-isriN: or (Irr.tlemcirs Li in s ln' hi I.evrr vvatciica ),,. Stiver do. ih. lln-lirh, IV. rich, nn.l Swi-s do. i-iiiR CoM foil (Jh.iiiw, ami Key. dailies' Col.l Neck Chains. ln-11 Mtiic lIoe. V erv ric h :i-ortir.eiit of Hret-pii-', l'ar-rins, jin.l I'iner-rines. - !v r, ri.ite.!, liii l Jctt Te lt r,.ick!e. !,tr -f as-ortnicrit ! silver jeetae!e-?, wit Ji con cave, ilivi'lin's iirfiMit am! oullo e. iscs. ii'.vei CoinleJ ami Putter knies. tiv r I'ruit Knives and ThiiuMcs. ).. Pencils nn.l Tooth Picks. r 1 l I... 1 .. vcrv -i!i.enor a-s.rtment vi iva.ors m iue u "rs, Slie;.!ienl, ami WnIe .V llutcher. d Uo-r.rs'.Shejn.erclV, Wailed ISulchcr's Dirk, P..ek-t. nnl Pen Knives. Kine IMate.l aixl Paper Castors ami Candle-sticks-lennati Silver, 'I aide, Desert, and Tca-s,.on?, warranted superior to silver, and chcajior. ilvt-r Sp'xm. Fo-jeiher with Purses, Ftcel Chntn, Keys, and I'i.m: Pitos, and Percnssion-cajw. He invites tins People to call and sec his ns. - rtment. Tlen living at a elistancc will have '.-ir orders lillod on as cood ternn as if they . ti present JOHN '. PA KM I'll. S.ili-hury, N. C.Dec. 1 fa". n aval JT'JBh. ffT'S C?W S VVJ 4J tCt ? O UTI I C ROLINA r the fa 'i' FIRST CLASS FOR 18-57. 'o drawn at w avtt!ivil!e, ll On S.tarJay, 1 1th of February, 187. 'o:n.i nation Stcui, 75 Xu:-!cr Luliiry drawn ballot. SPLENDID si 'HEME. 1 Prize of VAMO DOLLARS i on 20 20 20 20 30 .i ilo. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. rizc oi' 3.000 Prize of 2,100 Prize oi" l,fU0 Prize of 1,100 Prizes of Prizes of Prizes of Prizes of Prizes of Prizes of 1.000 noo ;u;o :u)o 200 100 Besides many of aiO. -.)(). 810, ccc. Cj Amounting: in all to 0253,390. Whole 'IicketH 6" Hal'.- 2 "0 (u iriers 51 2" A ccrtnioate fr a package of C" who! ticko?-. will cost only 874. Halve- and Quarters in t!i m;ii projortion. To be had, iu the i.ate.-,t varh -t v of tiun lx .-rs, at At til" p.th"carv S'ore, Siljs'j iry, N. C. IScJjato antJ iarerrliiJ";N i run m t i i FEW copies of th ab ivework neaiiy pri'.t- ed mu I e. intly bourid j t t received, an 1 f r sale at ThisOstice pri'" 53 per co;-y. ClT" Seb'crihers to the work at Salisbury and .lor.-.frif.V, can get their -copies by applving a tlve. Jan. 7, lh37. DLNJ A.W FIJALKY, r . . e . , , . . i j c AS i-t-t rccenid the latest lasluons torn New' 2 E x- i ti t i i i i t loik and Philadelphia, tuinottcd In mi Lou- , ii, t aueu 10 anoru immeuiaic anu ncrmaueni ititii. d .n and l'ans. lie ct ti'inues to carry on the i, i . . . . , , , , , r nntM.'- , it also arrests the decay in detective ft t th am r -- above b isuHss at 1 lib bAhl.l. BRK Iv ROW,;. , , ., , , , , a 1 1 f i . iievcs that soreness w hieu so lieouontly reiiuers a rs.tltsb ar , , w hei t: he is prepirod to do all kinds i f ,, , J Tailoring in a very superior style, durable and ta-hio:i.ihlo, and warranted to fit well. All orders from i distance will In? most fuithfidly exocutet!. agreeable to order r proudse. Ml kinds of cut ting will be done by him on short notice. lit.' ill coiiliimes to acl as A;eitt for son. e of the most - I I 'f f V" I ItJI l III- , .. ,,, .. ... . . , then 1-re any laif-is wishing instruction m the .... - . . . ... ..rt 01 CutJing can lw mslructed by ca hug on Ben- r 1 . 1 1. ) . .t 1 i 7 i f.iuiin I-ralev,S.i!is,tir , at the !ai t-Bi ack Row. - : : I 'V r - 1 j Move cvocs WantcAl rHl M.bscriberm:..rmstl,ove having PCcgrocsj - for sale, that he is still in the business, and is j desirous of purchasing n !ar-;.- number, for which ' he will at all times give the bihet cash prices Persons wishing to se ll would do well to give him notice 1 fore they do sell. Letters on this sul-jeet, directed to Salisbury, I . . C, will meet wilh prompt ntter.tton. ROBERT HITE. N. P. Mr. John Jones, my Ajent, will at all limes be f-und at Dr. B-vd"s Hetf J. m Charlotte. prepared to make pm . ha-.-y. All letters address- d to In in at Charlotte will be promptly attended R. II. Salisbury, June 11, 153G. tf Oll? VOW SiWiR. WS sul-fcribcr is desirous of sollin" aT.uct o. v"r in Surry county, " view ot the Town of Jonesville, containini; with bi:twi:i;n lO ami CO Acres or iiit rate Kofr. Iniu I.aiu!. MoM part of the Land is uncleared, of strong s-ii, .it.-.l.l.. i ( i th,. rnltivation of Tobacco, Corn or Wheat, witli a quantity of excellent meadow Land. The Lund lies within U or 7 miles of the route that it is supposed the contemplated Uail-Uoad from Favetteville to Wilkesborough will run. iv. :t.;.w, ir. r.nrli:ir valuable land would 1 l'?l't..l n --lllli; v.. -.v-..-- do well to call and view the premises. Terms made casv to the purchaser. ,T.T THOMAS HAMPTON. Jonesville, Surry Co., N. C. Dec- 1, lWb Stale Bank o! Aorth-Carolina. fT) UK SUA NT to a Uesolution of the StockhoM eis , f this Hunk, at their last annual Cent ral Meetin-r, all persons having claims on said Hank lor Dividends of Capital or Profit sDcposites, or Notes isued by the Pi incipaUiank or its Hranehes, are. earnestly desired to present them lor pamen t. 'IV. I'lirt-i .' iIh Hank, on or btd'ore the tirst Monday in November next. Otherwise, they win Ihj barred, as the Stocklndders will then make a final dividend of the Dank. S. F. PATTLRSON, President. Ualeib, December S3y 1S3G. 3 3m (r To he inserted in all t!ic new spapers printed within the State of North Carolina for thrtc months the bills to le sent t the Treasurer of the l'ank, v ho wiil pay them to order. IiTsiTva' fluids a.Vs f EST rf J the fv.l EST received, and !,r sale at I HIS Ul in i., .Uowing Invaluable Patent Drugs ami Ale- ocuie viz: bUOVS ANTI-DYSPEPTIC ANU A.YT2-RI5-10VK YZKiSTARLS: Which if taken in time will prevent Ciltous Fe vor, Jaundice, Spleen, Ague nnd Fever, and i- cc cidc-iiiy the bet medicine yet discovered for tnat scourge Dspeps;a, that ba unstrung the nerve., and protrated the most vigorous in our la. id. They relieve Cost i vt ne. -s, Head-Ache, Dr Tongue, Shortiiess of P.rcathin, Giddiness, Dunnes- ox Sight, Drowsiness, Restlessness, which will secure comfortable sleep at night. If taken w ith cahnu i, they will nn viMit any bad ciTocts from that mineral. ' PRICE, SlV-I.! PER BOTTLE. MOXTAUrE'S YEGETAliLE TONIC HITTERS, I' OK THE fine P...ttl of this Medicine has never been ! ar not satisfied as to its edi cts, by rettirnintj the ISuttle, shall have back, the price, S2 per Bottle. Auti-Spasmovlic Tincture, OR For Diarrlaca, in ai of its vaimus forms, Ds e:,iarv, ('ramp Colic, Cholera Morbus, Asiatic Cholera, After Pains of Lying-in Females; and in i. . - , , . . . . : ,t,.is it i tiie alotliers v omtoif, tn ttiat it is the very l-ji preparation tor the summer uiseascs ot children, that has yet been introduced into the ciumber of the distressed. PRICE, 73 CENTS PER COTTLE. jOiiaiartc? (Camp) I-xisissinr MIXTURE. ro i:tijaotixg (rens, Tar. Turpcnline, Paittts, Oils, cVe. from i":i;'Js, 1 doors, Cloth, Hats, and Silks by which' (';..' Ui'tlar.furu made to look as frcsii as any part of the ( oat. PRICE cC CENTS PEPv BOTTLE. Cc!7" Directions on each Collie for using, rvj S INDIAN CURi: fur fUOTIl-ACIIE. '5MIE establi-hed reputation nntl consrautiv in creasing demand fcr this etli-ctual rei.- edy of nain and preservative of the Teeth, has induced . i.'4e sun.-ciaii'T to oner it to me American I'uOhc. . ri as'-eua-itts have be n made toMippiv itiroits in i all the principal cities and towns of the U. States, so as to pi. ice it within the ice.ch of those sntK r m, and likely to sutTer, with the most harrassmg "f !1" aches, (tooth-ache.) hen aiplied accor- . , , ,v- ' ., dmg to dinrctions given on the bottle, it has never . i i . ., , . , .... trong tooth useless. The application anil remedy arc simple, inno cent, and not unpleasant; and the large number ol persons, in various sections of the country, thai have already evperirnccd such delightful and sal utary benefits from the use of the Balm, are rea- " " w ii 1. IH1U1I1. i;J-7 I I HILll lt:StlllllJllV 11 jl,- fr, I 1 Cv lw. rit'.ti, . . . . ! ,tt., . . . . tts unrivaiietl qualities. 1.: ,11 , 1 1. 1 11 It is an Indian remedy, obtained singularly an r ,,0 .1 ..I 1 1 1 .1 -i- unexpectedly, and may be regarded by the. civi 1- ' .., , J. , 7 , ,. ' ' yeii world is the most valuable discovery ot the Rid Man of the Woods. h. n. moxtauue. Petersburg, Virginia, Feb. 20, Is:iG. ts .7 Sl'iwhj of the riuul'fi valuable Wn!icin kcji! constantly fur sale at THIS OFFICE. PRICE J PER BOTTLE. Wa ntcrf, fJOURNEYMEN TAILORS, of good babits.and good wank men none others need applv. 07" N. B. Also, one or two Boys would le taken to learn the trade. Apply at the large Brick Row, Salisbury. N. C. BENJAMIN F. ER A LEY. Salisbury, Jan. 7, 1437. olw3 VALUABLE JLtmul ami Negroes '1MIK subscribers, Executors of the last Will and - Testament of Auders.Mi L Foster, deed., vmI proceed o sell h his rei-lence, IS miles Aorin m Salisbury, and 5 miles Southeast ot M :ck ;. in the Forks of the Yadkin, on lucsday, trie of IWruary next, bet ween .f ft T 7f VT?"1 Ali' ; f riU SLLS XJ Olf i i!ivJLVVJLi-. , ; Vmong tliem are Men, Bovs, Women, and Cl.il- j 0 a ,,,1 e.rt r-it l dren, and two tirst rae and a tirst rr.te At the same tin e an-A place w ill be sold TWO rati-: thactjs or One of them t ontaiiiin 500 1RKS, hair hundred of which is Wood Land, and Twenty j Acies new eleard Meadow, wa ll set with Hen s . Grass. Th other Tract adjoins this is situateo in the I'ork i.i a.le by Dutchman's Creek and the Yadkin, ami contains 300 ACKES OF LAND, WITH ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-1 FIVE CLEARED. And m a high state of eultiv itr-n, one hundred Acres of the cleared land bem S0 a 1 ?Js, an-.: then break out agar. ; but most of the time, it was ..Mai to any land on the Yadkin River. To oik ! m a very painful condition, the sore having exteud- . sirens ct settling a larc:1 farm, these two Traet- ; to a large rize, and l ci-me very deep. I tried together would make a most desirable settb met.'. many remedies to make a care, without success, The Latid produces Corn, Cotton, Wheat, Rye, . until I applied dray's I-ivnl t.able Ointment two Oats, and is believed by good Judge.-, to be e.pj.ii ; jM,ts of which ae i i;. . na:ly cured my l.g, and to the Dan or James River Land fr TOBACCO, j reduced it to its natural size. The cure would To one desirous of raising th s last productive ar h'.ve been made much s-os -r, had I strictly at ticle, a chance seldom met with for an investment, J tended to the drr-cliens f r use of the Ointment; is otlered. ' but this I failed to do, w hi!.; I to.di much exercise. At the same time, will be sold between and very imprudent iy used tiht bandages. My 1,000 iSd 2 000 IJjWtels Ol i'Ol-Sl t ' fc-'- well formore than six montlis. during 1 i which time, I have w alned much, yet it rou.ams; r- . l ' J TKon J!a L- sO . Srt. M L- 5. rf" i os, Horses. Cattle, Sheep, Fann ing Utensils, Household and Kitch en Furniture. Pork, Two first rate sets of Blacksmiths' Tools, an j excellent Wa;on and Harness, and a firt I rate oke of (Ken. he Sale vill commenco o: Fuesday, the 1 1th day of February, and continue frm ,i u to day. until all is sold. Terms The N' -groes will be sold at a credit o' twelvemonths, bonds U-aring interest from date, I and well seemed by personal security. The LAND ! .... and other pro;-e.y will be sold at a credit of twelve mouths, n!i the exception of ali sums un.k-i live dollars tor w h;eh cash w ill lie !emanded. If property is bid offby any one, and they fad t coniply w it!i the terms i'sale, it will be rut "papain, and llie deficiency mi:-t b,; made un by lite first bidder. BURTON CRAIGE. lmiii-'irr v i i iyT' i-rs. s1J December 31,1 b3. ts i , V Id m in hi rotors' Safe. 5 MIE snb-en'.ers If .vi .g unified at the N -1 veinber 1 crm of i ovan r.-iu,tv I "ourt - s . - r. nsirators, on the Estate of James" Craige, tlecd. j v. ul oiler for sale at public Miction at the l.ih- resii c- of the deer used, on Tuesday the 2 -1th ol Jaouarv 137, the follow ing pro(.erty. to wit : Horses, Cattle, l;oi;s and Shee: ; ALSO, 1 Corn, Wheat, Oats. Ilav and Fod der a good Wagon and Har ness. ALSO, Household and Kitehcn Furniture There will be Hired at the same time for twelve mouths, Tlirco TAZicly Ac-ro IZoys. Also, The Saw TiTill on the Premises, v i)i he re:ited lor twelve months. Sale tri continue from Jay to thy till all hr sold. Terms of sale a credit of twelve months, the pur chaser giving bond and approved security. ROBERT N. CRAIGE. t , TIIMA! . i lMir.r Ad.nrs. f'owan co. DeceridRt 31, I "s.30. lw CAROLINA AND VUiGINI V vT 12 1 08 J JE-a, zL tiS vls J 2 Ls'l received and for s.ile. at THIS OFFICE. J PRICE. 10 CENTS h.v. For Ulcers, Tumours, &c. Cn nine be obtained of the patentee at the ojfee of the Raleigh Register. Single Pot, 1 iluliar One dozen, 9 dollars. U I L LI AM V GRAY. Ualeii-h, October S, lroG. For live or six years previous to the Spring of lV3-I,a Negro man of mine had been much alilic led with an ulcerated arm and hand, w hich rentier- - d lu. ii almost useless. 1 he ulcer embi act u that ) ir of j arnl tVoin the elbow down, including; his entire hand, which was literally a mass of pu- p. - reiactiou. A joint ot one finger, and u ju t ot the J A joint f one finger, and u jart of the thumb, perished and drop? t tl. A more ditresinij and hopeless case I have never lehe!d. It was; abandoned by his physicians as incurable, except i.y amputation of the lai:d. " The best medical treatment having failed to rc lieve the man, I placed him under the care of Mr. William Wr. Gray, in this place, who, with hi Ointment, has etieetually cured the cae, although the Nerro was fremientlv absent, fur weeks and ! months t "t ther. Sic b;is been entirely well for the last eight months, and I Lave good reason to hciieve wi'd continue so. WILLIAM COY LAN. ANOTHER CURK! Kai.kioii, ScjjO mberxil, ItuL:. I am now 58 ears cd ae when m n.v 17th I year, 1 received a wound on y left leg, wn-! la?, came ulcerated, arnl continued so until the first of j March last. It would ecasionaUy heal up, and firm anii free fio-n all sore: ess or iidam;:.ation. After having been aiUicted for a period of Iatv-oi,o i years, I now en; y the he;., -fit ."a si tiu.i le aain.. LFUIS HOLLO MAN. HE subscrders liav;-..: qnaliti. l, at the Nr- 1 vember 'JVnn oi Rowan County Cant, as Administrators on the Estute of Jan-i s Craie, ! d 'e'd., hej ebv request ali persons having' claims; against said Eiate to pres-iit them legal iv unihon. iieacd withm the time piescril-.cd by law, or this notie will b'i jdead in bar of their recovery ami a's persons indebted to said estate are reoucstcd to ii. .ike tiaviiiei't with liont oei.ay a oo louto-enee iv - t i ue given. ROBERT. N. CRAIGE, , , . runs, nicr Adn. s, Rowan Co., November J7, 1 s:ir. Remaining in the Port Ojpcc at LU.YI.XG TOX X. t, 0.7 the Ia7 day of January 1 7. B... Henry Beekf-r. 1'...A1k;i!.h:i t ';i'i)tri.ii ( f ' - ... T j - t -.v v.., .,: ... i ,, ... ' ' ' K..Caf hnrte lul' U,:. f ;'u-'"?':... t. E.. Joseph Ev.MtS, i...j);nii.- Gruidi, Willintn Grimes, Jic-rnJou oV Coon, William Hatre.ve, Wil ;aai F. ililoatd, Thomas R.n-.-rt i lampion. L... J ' s'.i L":'. M...Miss A C. Ma:.iid.:. U...IIiratu Rattles, J.,; n lU.dinrds-. R;..Sar..h U . Suae, Mi .aLI Smith, William Seaiord. U'...Ai)saInri P. Wm.le.-s, J Ja:uar;- 11. i iu:at;,s, J; ;erson WjIoe, John 1 ;; Ward, Polly Wim.ird. M. ROUNSA Y1LLE, P. M. 137. 3v. rex AT SALISBURY 1S7. Bacon, . r. r ,-.-. , 12 a lo 7.7 10 o ;i ; Brandy, app! a ;.ads, 4o a fi 1 ;.ts. p-aci:, :er, it n, :n seed, clean, l.j a 2v? Pork, a a 3oi Suga. 12 a lo Town, 121 a 15. 20 a 25 a I'O 10 a g; S a 2'." a !2o 2S a 33 h , - - - la a h' '-!, . . . . ot) a ai Tallow, . . . ers, . . ,-;;) n "iT.iineen. -OiTi. ! li,nr ,70' ;, SNVWlieat. fbi'sliVn ixsecd, . . . lti; jWJdskey, . . . Linpeed Oil, per gallon.-sl 2.1 AT FAYETTKV1LI.B January 10, JS7. bacon, . irantiy, pech, apple. Beeswax, . . t'olil-e, . , . tMtton, . Corn, Flaxseed, . . I iour, . . . Feathers, . . 10 a 1? lion, . . (5o r. 7il .Molosse?, . . 51 a 0 -13 H -17 7a a H b a 12 H 18 a U GO a i0 ,r0 a i li 25 a 00 a o7 iN'nil?, ciit. 21 I2i a 14 agar, t.-n.-v. 1 Jiiiiip, loaf, - bv a Salt, . . loO a li-o Wlient,. . a ;:."!! Whiskey, . . I't a r.o;'oo. " . AT CIICUAH , (S. C.) January , l.iG. 14 Bicon, . a 17 Nails and Braes.. f-A a '. . 20 a 1-Sugar, browD . 12.1 a 11 . 1-Ji a It! t-:o. lump. . . I ll a If; ileeswax, . Coiiee, . Cotton, -Com, . . Flax-seed, . 14 1 fi O. h::t: . . 10 a It 3 25 100 1 a 25 12 a 14 1(0 1C alR 40 a 45 . 70 a 75,SaJt, per sack, . .100 a I2i:; do. bushel. Flour, cou.itry, .S'.Ht a lots .. '..tton llir.injrf . do. northern, . 1250 a h H.-de Rope7 . ' . Feathers, . . . 40 a 4-"' Wheat, ' . . In,n 5 a (i Wool, . . . . Molasses, . . . 50 a 7f "Whiskey, . . . AT COLUMBIA, (S. C.) Jatmarv 21, 1:7. Bacon, . Dr.an.H-, peach, apple, Beeswax, . . B-iMcr, . . . C?re, . . . Cra, . . . Cotton, ... 18 a 20' Lard, . . . . 14 a 18 75 a S74 Molasses, . . . 50 a 02 45 a 50 Mickerol, . &." a 12(M . . 15 a 10 Salt, in sacks, .SIX) a 350 . . 25 n ::o Insliel, . . 75 . 15 a 17;Supr, brow 11, . 12 14 . . 87 a kxif &. lurnp, l'j a 0-2 . . 13 a 10 Tallow, . . , 10 a 12 . 1200 a 400:10, . . . 11 a j,) hisk-c, . . . 4.3 a 50 Flour . o 1 o o o O o

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