r TRW CAROUNIAN o -Tin: powiies .not iELrATrr to the united states by the f oxstitihox, ok i aoim-nrr v it to the stateIahe ke-ekvei to TnE STATED kksi'i cTivELY, or to Tin: vzovir.. Amendments to the Constitution, Article X uaji Wo laAiUip-jpcDife J SALISBURY, IV. Cj FEBRUARY 1!, 1837. I JS'h inker 3G, " Coioir 17. ! o o o o THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN, T V JOS E I' II W A I) II II A M l'TON. TKKMS OF 1TULICATIO.V. 1. The Western t;:ir,)liniaii is pt.h!i.-hod every Sv Tt nhvv,,tt Ttt'j Dollars per a;j;iii:ii if paid in advance, or Two Dol' irs and Fifty Cents if not paid befute the e.m ration of throe nioiihts. if. So paper wt'.I bo discontinued until all rroarascs nro paid, tin loss at tho discretion of the Rditor. Sabscripti s will not be rectived thr a less time thui one year; and a fiihire to notify the Rditor of a ;. .': to d..-:eonth:ue, at the end of a year, u ill be cousi-'ji-i cii as a ii'.'W efii":vriier.. -i. Amv person v ho win r.-curo s:x sunrmcrs io i:iv ((r!..:i.;.. and tike the trouble to olivet and ir.insu,:t th.-.r ..l!, rr:ptio:,-uo:iev to the Md dor, hall have a a- I'lt 'ri itis d i r it.-" tiicir co;itiuaai:e', .r. i?'y Per so. is uiir htr.l l thr. jiifnr, ?n-. y transir. it f" .'u'.t tt.ro.iixh the M, til at his ri.-k (nni in t'u ? iff thr ttrkno'vl. -tt iwnt of any rrsprrfuUr ; r.j.-t to pruJC t!i.:l s.it'i rciiiihiiict it,'. liti'i iily iiiiidc. T;:ii.ns or alvi:i: tisi.m;. " 1. Adverti'm-nfs ni'd be cen;:cu.vis!y and cerrect lv insf.t.;!, at 0J.' c ats per r -jUrv- f.-r the first invrti. m n'n 1 '.',!. c-iits lhr"eac!i contmuinre: but, where an d v, -rtiisefjient is ordered to r. in oidy twie-'', i cts. wi., h chiriT' d f.r eieh insertion. IforJenit t'-.r one m- berrion only, sl wdi in all cases Ik cm irr? .1 IW.-..tw v L n .'...irt'l.i i-iiirn'ic b'.' t he V ''T. W v!1! h a".vi;ar,to'l;ited iva i eason iblc u'edticti ja froi L.ic above ttVjr;'L-s f r trui?;ci:t cutt.m. TO CoRKESrONOENTS. 1. Ti.;ns;!re prompt ut.leation to Letters nd.'re-sel t . the r. i.'or, th- p -st iL"- should in all ci.-es In; pjid. Poetry. Mrou VET Br.HUNs iNsrv:.' I,Y S".!t'.!l J. H!-E. Tl.'TO is no liua::in -o so p ir ',- r.oii-fiij.t and -o kn:d ; Tit'-re is n ! .ve tl. it doiii endiue Like th.:- v.itniti t!ii (uind. J ,: iy a -..ft rlieek presses her?, "t".r.t ana ha;. I ori s.-, A;..! throng! thr.I.m bo; it if?, 'i ..- M.l.cr tendcrae.--,. y,nw pile yonr irld m ,. '. h- h a. Lav'!! i..!c. !i !.i s .um; P, it -.v .! 1 dtb tii it tl.r. , -t; i ht h I -'a '. l..:r child re An '.a id-.b arcf 1. i ' - .-:ii.h-?! b;-r c::rv n-'u:e Ah '. r'.'.i b it t--w '' P' 1 "rt As t!t..- I r . t os -ci'-i" s:o;i.. Ib.-.v stiii -h- t d- b i.h: bi- bed. And '.v.iit i'r ies re t ! An 1 oft hi-' i'.t'J. b'dt.le.-.-i t I Sh" l'l!'iA.. O'l iff b. .i: f. I ! :rk ! roiii" th: vrr! o iliver ni'i,- 1 ..if .n-Us u. r !.::u T" pierce his !:eir'. : l le:.:,;s hh'1: She hhjallis it in r o'.'a 1 J w.-d or wo, life, de o' . the -.-i librae m her arm-, or , .:" -:v ;v ; Siie ifii-ir.ls b:s era ile or !i. i il r kiss . ill ne'or b-tr iv. J,r with her k's.-T-s :!rr:b pr.-iy-.T -A .b th.-r's !i.'-irt un.-t pMV ! 'iJue bat h- r (ioi can kn-r.v h-.T C'l And inu.e but lie repy. 7 "" T.- V 1 T' . D AKTICLE3. a xir.v .MlVfiiOD )!' LilUilXiN; iiUTTRK A cot respondent of the London Mirror, who respond. .nt 1 hid resided i.iauv ears in Russia, states that a mob! of inakir butter had been inlrohtjco.l in thai cM:?irv, i.i whi -h the milk was boiled an. 1 simmer ed w fids', s.vet t, f r ah-aut lii"ieei minutes, the heat bein so graduated us not to bod it. He says that no ihdiouiiv occurs i i making butter from milk, thus prepared, by the ordinary way of chui uirij, ti : i iore hyalthv. It is .;.!.d toat shot,!. tins . mode b ef n. r d!y-a.le-,p d, tic. vessels contampio a .: . , -.,.. .t:i..twi i ve-v s i ar or n 1 ahtv to t hat winch had undergone ' ' u r- ei i-y ine s am luutis r.r any pari oi rietn sua ,.....,', 'ii e hu t r oieoared an:i:i(!ii'' tu 1 Treasury aforesaid, or hi-a a.-rnl or Jv;iis, s.icli ' el, to co:.tract with our? or rnore per tais jdau is aU ; p: to keep i..n-'.r, wbib-.t the milk i l"rions tl Public Money o wi;ie!i th,. ;tlte i street c in it, ditches and other work tiiat ma' i.'ii.,h.i U.-jn:' s-Atet, ts p .-s.-.;.- e, of u- mitlc'! af .re-iid, and to eeente - t( h ae;) idMnces ' ! for the purpose of reclaiming t!io sa'n the san.u value b.r i .na arv ouipaacs and is J,!,d ac;jovvlodc;.'itentn br t.u saint in li- half ot j uch terms au-l conditions as ma the nulk h:d; b-:'of t.'i - ii a -shap ! as to a J:mt ,,i res:iid, and when sr id money shall lie received th-ir stand. n- in a k..t:lc or b ib r, bv u:i;ch.,,y t,' l-l,,5'c Treasurer, ho sh ill do, ,s:te the i:,( aas the itii of burnin- the milk vvdi be avoid- cu. (iruim ift. fz'r. "Of what use is all yourstudy in:; and u Ixmiks !" tai,'. an honor t Farmer to an in-oeii.u-! ;t.st. " Th dua't inuke i!,u corn sjrow, it r pphs'lC' 'V jf'.-ta'.los for market. .am iioea more o-.nl w.tl his plough in one mout!i tliati yi.u Vtith Vf'if b'x;s an ! ptprrs in one year." caa do ptprrs in one year. U'ht pLeli does yoar s hi i j ! raid the artiit ' piietl v. W e nre-- -s plough, to be sure. He can ! do not'rnwi i any other. I,? uuijr tins tuis panii I, we ! ... . ., i,. ,: js as much as w e t sive h ilt Oe laiior, .tn i raise three tun Old with tl-'o!d winhni coiicerr:.'' The ar!r' eaietlv tin turned over on of his sheet? on of his sheet? t m'vI thov.al the firin'-r a draw in; ot the lauded phupjli, ,siyin, 1 rta the iavniior of your favorite jdouh, and mv name js The a.-'dui-hed firmer s!iok the nrfi-t heartily by! J" hart.', 'rid inv ited hi'ti to cull ut tie iarni-iiuUr-y unJ Yam the Sh'U.i-viHe ('A nn.') A hnra'r. AW ft! J, fiCCHRRKN'CK 13 V FIRM On Tuesday niht la-t (the 3rd u!t.) the dvvel line; house of William Carter, F.sq., in this vicini ty took tire, as is supposed from accident, ami which, in its ravages committed : renter destruc tion, and produced more melancholy calamity, than perhaps, has over occurred in this country, from the barmn;; of a siiiile mansion. The fire, broke out at a late hour in the niht, and before its progress wus discovered, it succeed- $ .-n it 1.:. I... ; KL.. I I 4.'- . - .i i i- , . j i j. ' ,i i i . .1 i- ., , f iv Ti.r. I'nl.'ic Treasnrer shad keen tb.e ac- i o'er tr.e direct ion oi .lr. vv . v . iirRcir and .aliss ., c m .- i i v...,f Mate of ra-ih tirolina.and it is ht-rrhu J.narted '.vardei! to the proprietor according to the Jaw i.r IV. I lie l iin.tc aioiai.r.r s.,.tu i.c, ji n... die fullovnriivirtiseiiient appeared in a Savannaft J ' I, , , 1 ' , , . -. . ,a .:, . c-.i,l Hoard in the same manner as i K. J. W . Hakkr. Lrrfs are constantly making Jo Lai :-' All per.-ia,are heieVv n-t only warned, but ; h'J outhont.j of the same, 1 hat the Public 1 tea- , the laid, and upon the payment there.,! tne title ot courts oi tu. si d hoard in tit. . au.e n-nncr a- t ptrona ae"d we feel a!s,V,te!y fabid, to eive u.e ere ht on Lv pretence surer is hereby aiUliorUeJ ui.tl directed to net. said land sh-ll be veste.1 in the ,id cor,ioration iieretolbre, and for that specm. pur;,:se may , 'C wliatoev'er, -s from tie.s d.iv forward I shal! not pay any 1 tiate with the TrusP-cs iiftho University of thi f.rcver, provided that tho nse-snept cfsaid vabi- ploy a Clerk, at a sum not -renter tnan three J- '1-! m'' . debt CoutracteJ by my.eif.'so help me (,.,1. ( State, for the purcbiiin- i.i o! the scrip, issued by alien, the lvet.efit that will accrue to the proprie- lars per day, fi-r the tune he may be cn-aged as j nas comnu-ieu v.it.t brighter pro p ct ta n th. -John Hr.wnT." the State and now heid Iry the Trustees of said , tor, !,y reason of said improvement, may be like. su h ; Voro'i., That his compt ns ition s:.a!l not present. i-- 4in7 Fnivcrsitv, atnonhtiue to'one hundred tluHiirid wise reckoned and set offa-ain.t the said ,lan:a-rs. exceed, the turn of five hundred doil us m ai.y or e Clemn-ionsvi..,, .N.i.-., Jan. 4, -ii. .a .it. fed in effecting the entire destruction of tie dweb Ih.r, !.,..... .....I. . I ... 1 .1 "".- "ij'-iiivr wuji .i i.ir- aim v a uia n-j a- mount of househedd kindluie. 'i e mii uke.-houso and kitchen, tomllicr with their contents, were wise- consutnetl. I5.it the above Iss,, however cohsidernha: they may at first seem, are hulhiug comparatively to what remains to ho told. .Mr. C. and Ins wife, together with threu of their children, betwei -n the a-jes of one and seven yeai , likewise poridi d a midst thr; llan.es. The evidence that all the above parties were consumed !.y the fire, exi.-ts in the tact, that their hones were, to be seen bleachin" upon the ruins next morning and that thev were " ' . " J t , ' . , , !!! consumed, or nearly so. 1 he lrdae.ee ) ' niu.f. i una iu i a i i.ii , i; I"JJJ Ol some lV? ! or six other children, together with socne servants, succeedrd in makinr their escape. It is said that Mrs. C. at one time cilected an c l escape from the ' that her children i:es, s!h; instamlv bun.in ruiiis, hut n rocollectin were sleeping amidt th" Han; yielded to the impulses of onians generous na- ture, and in the r dcnifude of maternal aficclion, ru-hed to the relief of her d inr t h 1 rtn. Uat alas' unfortunate woumn, ber strength was too I weak, tlie fire overtook !)"r, and .s!ie pciitditd in the i.miJs; oi its parching ;iime.-'. .Mr. Carter was nn old and rc-pecfed cltizf u oft.his county. He lived a peaceful, hapj.v s'd retired lift ; and acquired fr lum-olf l.-.t Pope calls 44 the mblest work of Cod " the haiacter of " no honest man." His Io.-s to t'io comtnunity in which he lived, will be properly appreciated, t rid the unfortunate and untimely r ive to which him self, and a portion of his fimily bvo lMen brought, will lx- srioii-.ly lamented by all the generous and the oimI who knew them. AN ACT. To receive the proportion of tbo Surphn Revenue, to uhieh the State of N'oith Candiua is entitled. tuider the act of Congress, to regulate the De- positcs of the Public Moneys. U'iu:ni:is, by an aft pa- f d at the lat session of Congress, it w:n directed that t'e nenev which shall le in tht! Troasnry of liif Cnited States, on lhe first day of January, eighteen bundled and thirty seven, reservia;; the smu of f;v millions of d.!!ars, shall be d Kiit-d with su h of the st vera I Slates of this lTnion. in prop.uii n to their re-j-.ec- live Representation in !;e Set:ate and Moh-h of ; Representatives ofth United Si ites, as shall by ) law authorize their Tiea surer, or the competent i authorities to receive liie sau.e on the terms se. cifid in said act. ! I. Ilr it Knnrlnl hn thr Gx.rtil A- :r. t,f tj.r Sratr of nrth ( ? ti,il if i 7nn Ijj '! jot the Surplus licvenue which is ai'wt'od So li. Slate of N'oith Carolina, by an act o' C ni". ? oassodat I lie last s. -i.ni " - s i? It i . I An -', U r i late the tJepriti-s of ihc p i h! ic money," i;e ai.'i f i.e ame i heivhv 1, by n:.d in bdi ill f tai. . ."lute. II. Tail th" C ivcrn r-.f ld f, lv" Jifter tho P'l--sil.': Oi'ii.is !afe, i T 'rv,..i.te- t nr.! ii t. .fit-. j '' ot the i iaarv o! t;:e h!, .:, o! t! ! :erc,-;..,nee bv th:.- t-il.-. ., nr, -ior 1 1 Hi I- ' S.lrr-'M, ? . . i i - , ' ' . : .t . I it in . conn:. .O tbrt P"-'jsh (., f .e nr '" rn'" j'fl.re.iaid. ".; ; Stat- is here- III. Tliev, Tn asur-T Hi ! nv aini'irVi, s.-:;:- i.v r a a : : thr: -'u 1 f. o-erutf in behalf of th:-; Si.;P such a .tincates of deposit,; for sai l ni.inf y. pled : Mir the faith of tb Slate f ,r the safe I.ervMMtr and T,r lite re. payment of tf o sa'ee, ns may be prescnVn.l ,v n,.. Secretary r.f the 1 leas'irv o, toe l,nitet -, s -n-.-... -f :ct;ai .hiifj to the nnt iiniis of said act of Cuiorc IV. The Public Treasurer is h r..V o' ri.. nuo, as may oe prescnii.; ! or requinai, ac- i foia,m? lo inn piovisions oi me act ol l.fii'ress ",r Keeping ,n ;i,e proem i.ati.is ot this i rF:iic, ns a separate nun oisuniu iiinn irom ine re- venues of this State, and not subject to draft except by special order of the beii'Tiil As-hmiihIv, or un less the safety of the same shall require it. which shal be determined by the Covernor, who may order it to withdrawn. . litis act shad take cii--ct and be in lorce from and after its ratification. AX ACT, rr i r .i i .- r.t I l provide fir the redemption .ftbe scrip isiet ' . , , . 1 . . . . ' . . by liie JMate, under the act of the tioncrnl As- semblv, pasd in the year one thousand ciht hundred and thirty-live, andenti'deil An Act to provide for the payment of the ips'abnettls on the shares reserved to tho State, in the capita! stock of the Rank cf the Slate of North Caro lina : dollars, principal : and to ctTct such purchase, the Treasurer atbresuid, in the name and in behalf of the Shite, is hereby directed to transfer in lieu of said scrip, one thousand shares of tho capital stock of tho Bank ot the State of North Carolina, now owned ami hold by the State in said Rank. II. The Covcrnor is hereby empowered and U. reeled to a,,po,nt an A -mt whose stta. lie to purcha-i in, if poetic able, tho s. tip issued by the State, and S.,!d to tho Sectet.ry f the Treasury oflUc Fnited State-, for the u,e ol the directed to appoint an Airrnt, whose datv it shall i I. i'e it Isnnrfcd !u the l,eneral AxuviMjI i of ti,r ,n saul work, the ib.. of wbodi sha'l bo n. i to three, bundled i mou.. -r.i -: ;;nj to Aet su such purchase, the Covernor i auhio-ised rav Ranks of ii-o Shade havin";iii it on anv Rank or or tlieir posses fion anv n : t f the ions Kcvonue ot the ; I'mtoil States which has Uii or ivhich has leu or may be deposited ( with this State , titider the tt of the twenty-fourth . Conixrcss, paseil at its firssession, entitled, " An Act to repuhitethe deposit of the puldic money," lor a sum not exceeding ih;i hundred thousand dollars, with which said sui, t!ie A;ent afoiosaid may purchase t!io said scii directly, or purchase such other stock, and tiatder the same, to the holder ot' s:;id scri; in li- thereof, as shall he agreed on between said A-nt aad the holder of said scrip. III. Said scrip when pecha'd in under either of the foreroinr .sections, f,!,,il n,,t bo cancelled nor be deemed in any wise to I; cvti:i-i;i ?hed by such j puichae, but shall be . doodled i:i the Public Treasury of the State, and . u..-,ssued, c.cut in ca--c of a C1'' '' lhff led'r.n '(vern- I metit on the Siefor Surplus Revenue lejH,s. ! itcd with Sbile und-;r the before rceih d act of Conor's" nf, J iL'-i-.-ueJ then onV, by resolution of the General Assenddy. IV. The cxponsos of said A;e:it,and s-u-h co:n r)Pi.:;tiou for his serviecs in ei f innanco tf the duties herein prescribed, as th Covernor sh.-dl deem reasonable and r roper, shall te paid him bv the Treasure! on the warrant of the Governor. i'his act shaH be in ilico fiutn and after the passage, thereol. AX ACT, To drain toe swamp lands of this State, and to create a fund for common school-;. T. Tit if j'-iddrd bif the 0'iiM'I A.wmMy of tin State of North CtiroHna , cad it is hertoy enacted bit the authority of the rant(. That tho.-e shall be a'baurd of literature in this Stat', to bo denomina- ; trd and called by the name of the President and Directors of the Literary lVid of Xrth Carolina, and by tha' name they are incorporated into a bnly politic and corporate acd shall be capable o! sueii x in any Court of Record in this State. II. That the Covet nor of this State bv vir'ne of bis office shall be the Prestdent ol' s ii 1 R ,ard, and t!ere shall be three other members of the said Roard, lilenid d!v nop. i. rated and upp doted as such by the Covern ..r-d" this Sf.ite, undv r and v. it', the advice of bis r.iiivi!, but in east, a vacancy occur j the s:n.r)" shad b? !:dcd bv the other members oi the Roard. III. Ti:a! a'l the wm,o hu h of tin - Stat", no herepiflue dn'v rdeied ,;:id r.oit- d to individ i i's j is!, .ill b; vested in the cni corporation and sueee s.rs, in tru-t as a pu'.li ? fund f -r educ itioa and the e :b!i.s:KU:nt of rota;n.n srh...;' j IV. That iu al dee.:, to th-- - laud-, the f !- lr:r:j prapei tv air; tuuds lel!l o e -p saul a r..'i n an 1 their uecesors, mtiu-t a; afore ! tares o y k o.;,d bv the - :i i, to w it ."rn'o of No. i . , ' 1 1 a i :o r-d'-'-i- i -aii i.;o.:. : id! the I I I o.i I i I ill un.i::a, in m-.: i ijo; oi me rM ire rolina, c ..':ii h a!! tiie ; '.e na ; e -l i:.. !i-an s'ia re.-. '; k now bet I in i'n-ident an Hi- five reCic l .s La' - it I.i-or.: : v I'.n.d, leaking in all i - and o :..e t!:.!K-:;:d shares cf ; p: J u. c . iral ot t". Rank of Capo ';.. r, a . ' thvideuds arising from sii ! sf- c':: '. .- shall be ro-K've-ted by the s.i-' P Directors from time to lin.e as t v ar- : ii ? ;nt crue, f t the use of said find a- they j i ' i- !est ; subject however at ..li times to the direction anil control of the (Iener.d A-'soniblv. V. That the said President nod 1 )i recfors f the Literary Fund shall be and thy are berfdiy inves ted with fill power nnd authority to adont aM ne cessary ways a:.d nean;, fir ran-dnir er io ic'i of the swamp land- afrcsaid. to be surveyed, as thv may think capable of b?in reclaimer!, and after II b survey sons to cott- s necesarv 1 lands ii"o" V be proscribed ov the said corporation, trie' contractor or eoiitrae- tors oi rprh ra ; 'lvtri" Pon l :i:i.l co itn!v tor t he faithful performance of the a 2reei?"iit. VI. Whenever it s:!a!l lie necessary to construct any of the works of said corporations on the Ian !s of any individual proprietor-, the written consent of such proprietor, w ithotit anv f -rtnal dee Is of con veyance lor the lands neees -arv to the wo'-. and its future unrestricted or. jnvrnept shall vest the ti tle t!ierrof in the sai l corporation forever, and whn any infant or person non comwm mentis or feme corerf s'nll Ik; owner thereof, the rruardian if such infant or peren rev? rontons mentis shad be and he is hereby authorised tu eive such con sent, and the feme rorert with her husband may do so- without any soarate examina'ion, and the consent ! ivcn shall in either case, be eood and valid to all intents and purposes. VII. That whenever the consent of the propri etor aforesaid, shall he withheld or refused, it shall lc lawful for the said corporation or their agents t. .t.. . 1 I I . I I .V l. f iii-iii'.i i'ii nn; miii i., 'i-, ;i,. i.iy t i. j-o iieiLH Oil i.i . ! the same, ns may b no'-cssarv to bo u-ed VIII. That when there are lands wood bv in dividuals which can be reclaimed bv reason of tb.e canals, ditches or other works of the said lands owned by individuals shall be assessed to contribute an equitable portion of the cnfsof said works; which assessment shall be made v the said Presi dent and Directors, or bv a board of Commissioners appointed by them, and the assess-rent so made appointed t.y them, ;,d the assess-rent so made shall bo chared on said land--, p-ovidod however, lha! s.id corporation may, bv contract with in- div ide! proprietors, n-ree u ,n t!: sai l assess- Ci-erok'-e I 'll'!- .-.nioiifinn- ... ' . I. " ni?mt, and accept payment thereof in I.ibur or mo ney. IX. That the said President and Directors shall have power and authority to appoint an engiirr and surveyor, and othfr servants under them, to j plan the wo'k herein contemplated, upon the most ' reasonable terms, they can be procured; and thev may enact all necessary rules and regulations for j surveying and retlainmi the Swan'p lands of this! whole capita! as aforcsajd, has leen actually paid State, or any of them for asessin the lands of in- j into the hands of the said Treasurer, ai.d that the diiduals which may be improved by tho works and j rcnviuider of said subscription is either so paid, or for collecting said assessments, and the assessments is made by Sfdvent persons fldJv able to pav, a ad so made shall be published weekly, for five weeks j tin; said Hoard shaU be satisfied of the truth there in one of t ho newspapers publi-ditvl in Raleigh, and; of, ihc.' shall be and they are hereby a-itaori.ed ah-o filed in the offire of the lerk of the Superior J ::i.J required to su-crile on behalf -;f!ho State for Court where the lands assessed are situate, and it : the remoinin-- two-fifths of tho capital of Com no objeclions are filed at the Court next after such j adverti.-ement, tho said assessments shad 1 e ce.n tirmed by the Court, and the lands adjudged, liable for the amount, auJ execution may be issued for the sale of said lands, to satufv the same on motion to liie Court for that j urpose, and if any reasons be shown against the s;sid assessments they shall he heard and determined by the said Court, and the said assessment ba'! be increased or diminished as i!k- ,iurt siiTxll a-'!i ide is rts;bt. X. Th. a: :or; :; :) an.- fi:ir oS:ieers or a- L-euts. ;a!i ii i'.i: j iiMt to ci;er upon the lands oi dl ms '.. uo;nouvf r, i r th'i purpose oi TV N I ' j, a:: ! ad grants an:l deeds for Swamp !a-,.,s ! :i ct o ore nr-ute. s has ik orovt'il a:iu re.nster- h. tu ::.e 'bin t. l.ouai y wheie sucii lands are situate, I'ivo tn.a:tiis. .-.lio every sucti t'raiu ana a , left, fi' said. -. foiii s i reisten d within the time a'ore- I, -hid be n 1 1 1 1 v void and of no effect, and the title n! iho ir. nrie-t r io said lands, shall revert to the Stales of X 1 1 1 1 Carolina. XL i h;it tiie said corporation, may sell and ' tvevanv part of the lands which may be rc- I liou d, t r the best price that can le obtained for sa and th- tirie of the purchasers shall !. UOod and vahd in law o.d eo-iitv ; but the cor,; ati ..." .dial! not sell any canal by them constructed n:t !. r th;s act. XII. That the. corporation aforesaid shaii no! e;i'-o i anv pair ..f the us'-r.eys aod stocks herein Iv l. r v.-stod i:i then, fai t:.e purpose of reckntain !!..- -a.d l uids. XUi. 'I'ii.U tv.-.a hnndred tho sand dollars sh o: i'-. i i!e;e' y nporcpriatod to :i;e ue of th - , . Li'.'si.lt i,t a. i id Lh-e i.e.s, and thev aae power '' ". -o ;!'.;.'! reel;: i m i a iho S-vao.p c I - - ii - - t;iy" apidie-i t-a th it obie-M. a:, tit til tv. it . - I.-" I : !: '1; ' ii e ;i clots .tu ::ave p. ci t and iro-?d s-.c.ri-i, :: ; or n.iiiiv-. at a rea v may see lit until it ; a pro -a led lor. i. p v.---- i;erein i.eioro Xt fi'.n: a"? wives be re toie te- D:?":etors of the I,it also w;ih all powers - 1 1 fa ivclainnn'j : : i's c;-iie, n.ij lor ohhifinj; ine t 'e .-i:I binds t: l:o:! rt vaO'e an i.i t f the ev;.,.. :es wii -aiwer such .'.ljf.'.ttd h'V the work of tile conpnmv. rr ih i awn . "V ( ''t Interna! luioroventent of tliis State. ; o I. I ' ! e-i . he (it .trot Awntbi of i.i .S' a.-rd Yt;...7 C.J-e;' td if i S ?trr(h.f .'.- '., ll 'if if of th,-si ;;ry h..t -idc s V.w la.,-' . !Vit....r antrt for Interna! Improve- ) meots, lucre .shall bo :ddcd m l appwpria'ed f-i th a p irp-e ad the Surplus Revenue received by 'o - Stat- from the froa.-urv of liie United Slides i.i .er the iati; act of Co:i--ress, to re;ed,ite tho de- i (sites i,i th - pahiic money, after d- doctiii-f tlie siiai ,.f tun e b'lu.hed th usae.d lo'!ars which is t, ii devoted to the redemption of the pui iic debt of a- St.de, t!:e sum of three hundred thousand dol l us, wi: r a ;s to If paid for Stuck subscribed in the Rank '; t; o-Fear, and the portion of said Sur- 11. US W III.. i I o to be a toad totiic Iiterary ruiui, i died lo ilrainm the Swamp Lauds,' the pr i-i ais of sundry actc: of the ; A-eiiil . -.ird of Ii.terir.il Improvements shall . insist i,f the (If)vernor of trie State for and to b. accori.iu jV (-S i.t t II. T heiea'p r the tin e u 'i.i;', who sb.all be e.c officio President t it" roof, and id' tw o Commissioners to be appointed annually by the Jovernor, by and with the, advice of the Council of State, any two of whom shall constitute a Roard for tho transaction of business, and tlte said R an! shall have the same pow ers and authority, and be subject to the same duties and re strictions as the Roard of Internal Improvements heretofore cxitin-, and in case of vacancies occur rinir in said Hoard, the Coventor and Council may fi'.f the same as before directed, and they may in like manner remove any of the Commissioners, ap pointed ns aforesaid. III. The .said Hoard may hold its sessions, wherever and whenever the Coventor may direct, and the said Commissioners shall receive for their services, the sum of three dollars each, per day. ... ,1- . C ...,!,,-. !-., -rid their travel in expenses lor the tune tno ina . . . , . be omploveu m ine poom, ai oi1-- year V All the monies which are herein appropria ted to the fund for Internal Improvement, a.; we ..s-.nv other monies which may come into the, I J, persons indebted to the Estate ol the late Tre -niy r f -aid Roard, shall b"e deposited in the j Jo-eph Pearson, dec d., e,ther by note or ac Pud's of ihis State, until they shall be di-posed of, count, are aitn requested to come forward in in n a-.P-r as hereafter directed. "-f a"d th 83 "' ; n? lonr. pec ; " . ,,,,,., bv a certiti - said Poaru oi Iuton.al 1 .t.uuve.ittnt bv a cerni cato und,r the corporate seal of t.,e . . ; w n and UulciU Had Uoad Company, signed bv their VI Whciever it shall be made to appear to me urer, and O 'ti.-.f r-tncd by their President, that at least three-hfi!i- t the whole Capita! Stock j ofs-iid Company, which uiav oenecessarv to cui- struct said Rrfil Road fror.i the town of Wilmin- ton to Weid-m, on the Roanoke Iliver, have been subscrilxvl for and taken bv indtvi duals or corn ra- ivns, and that at loa-t one-fourth of such private subscriptions of not less than three-fifths of tho pany, n'vl said su use rip, ion on the part of the State, shall bo paid in ir.ann?r f dlowi-.cr, that is to say, one-fourth thereof, shall be paid upon such certifi cate as aforesaid at the time of subscription, one other fourth upon a lik certificate, that another fourth of such private subscriptions has been paid by the subscribers, the next fourth upon a like cer tificate; and the residue upon like ce-tifica,and the said Board are also nuth rTf,I iinti ifq-iircd to obsf riln ;md pav cn behalf of bc Stat', to the Favotb vil!e arid We-tf rn Rail Uoad o rji pan v, two fifths of the capital Stock, which may So necessa- to construct said Rail Read from fl . j0iVn of Fayetteville to tho Vndkit. Iiiv r above tt, nar- r.Mi-:- ,. l.:r.K a,,.!I ln nc)..i.t..M.i.1 K.. .v...... veys nnd estimates of a competent eivan- '-r, they shall likewise subscribe and pay o-a be ici h' of the State, to the North Carolina Centra' Rail rm Company, two-fifthsof the capita! S'oek v-hjeii may be rf eossnry to const met the Rail Road last af ins-aid, from the P,rt of Reaufort to the town of Fay. etteville, which shall he also ascertained by a -l.i'-ful enin'-er as- a''iresaid, the snliscripfious and payments to the two latter Companies, kin;' under tb" s.tpp rules, rexub' ions and rx--trictions as are herein before provided, as to the R ;il Road Com nanv first tnenfio.ied : provided that the said Ibaard to- virtue f-f such suh-c iofions and nvnii-ris on half of the Sate. slvt'f anoouH fwo-flftbs .-f the vbo'e rvmiher of di'er-fors eaali of the f;--,ra-ionsa faresr'd r-n I ') : in ?dl (Jeneral a't c i-:2s of the Stockholder- ?u -rsv of said Cooipt-rtics. t;-e said coma jssjoners of Internal I it-prnypmeiit or anv ''ir Repros"r,if!,-e of the State, whom t !? said ard niav ap...V,t, -r a'l be c-ntitb-d fo two-fiflhs "f th-" whole number of votes which mav be '-iven c. a1 eit neelina. VII. V aril the sahl Fond- fr Interna! f nr-ovc-. nents shd' r aetofd'v re'iH'"s-f f-r t!ie pav inent of the sulisci -rttioos herein daeetcd to be made, or f -r sni' rt'.er o'dect. to "Inch they shall be devo. ed bv the Leois'ittiro. it shall 'ie the duy of the Tbard nf res.'i J. an'! they are hereby nutViriso end rNpdf-d ;o ior! tiie same upon o-vl soenrdy. ,.;)fir to i'ldivid'5 or corporations, taking lionds b-'roH-.r, tvtysv'.o s'd--innua!!v, but capable of re. newn! shonl: ffie li .ird T.Zt direct t-'ly 1 bearinc i-terost froj date, vvhich said Ivapt's sha;i reeate:1 by the Treasurer of the Roard, in a bvd, ,ept fir that nurixasp ; an! shall !e deposited :s -eei it deposites in one of the Rank.-, of this S'lte. VHI, If anv of (he nfuesai l Incornora'ed Com-.sf.-b.s. -ba'l fiiil to obtain the requisite number of nri-'"'e aibsrribers, to rie t such C.xivnnv a corn'-irnfe evisfence. bv ':t terms of "'ts charter, p.- f,!o vear from and r.4"hr the n-ljournment of the ;i'-Kpr.t eie ,,ft'e Ccneral Asemblv, or shall f!1 to r-aiiiiieTire the construction of their Pail f,.nj .-:vi to :1 .,. rorojVe one.t:nrth of tho mvwit on tl.e sobcrotioi as afore -aid before jt.rt prt rem ilar biennial session of the same, or sl-a!' fad complete the same, within the time Hmi'fd bv their acts of inroroora lions, then tho State s'rdl ' no nrr l"und to make or to pay "jr. c or.,-j nt ioes a trer. nl. IX. No other fund than the nortion of the Sur. nb s Revenue first nfiresaid, shal! be considered rs pled ged for sri'd subscriptions, and that the State mav cense be n cfdicriler pftor so id S..rpb;s: m exba isted. bat strdl !e a -stockholder to tho a mount of shares f r winch she has aetan'h paid, in nnv of said Com na rues. X. Tt sh!' lie the dutv of the ("Jovernor as Pr-e? ident of said Roard, during the recess cf the Ccn era! Assembly, to cause publication of rmv sub scrietion or payment ma Ie in pursuance ofhis act, to be made in one or more public newspaoers prin ted at the citv of Rabnh, ns soon thereafter as the same -nn be conveniently don,. XL AM tlte profits nccruiur to the State, from her subscription.-? under this act, to aid Internal 1 mnroyements, and from loans which may lie made by the Ro-trd, shall he added to the Literary Fund. XI L This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Clcrnnioiisville Academy, (C-Icssmsosisviile, Iavid;5i comity.) fgIIF Trustees take this method of infiirmin-- the public that the eer,ises of this Institution i were resumed the 2d of tins instant. It is still un- JiAST NOTICE I can o -.k. v . -.-..c ...... ...... 1 said Estate, are directed to present them to tho J0H FO UD, A-cnt. , sub r. Wti n i 1 clmurj 4,

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