: ( . r JIJ ! !y,. il ! S I i O ,r tin n i .. i'uri H, ' rm-ntt if t : ts ir M I :'C f m i ir Ji-rtrTtTKir, v ttf tat ffonr.-. A-nrmfMtft ta I'i CVf ., Ayr., .V.- o Tit ronttJ Jiof tr.i.r,fiTrr to t.v SAUsnuitv, iv. c, :iay i:v im ) A 'umber 40, vf ' JV.-r 17, r m r o o o 0 O tiic wcjt: cahou.vian. BY JOSr.i'll WADciuMfTOX. ' trar.s ir teucTiojr. L T.s We-wi t. m sAV T fi a'-t.s.at T9 l4Wt w-r if !'-.' i- 1 '''. u Twa Lj!' r.'-jr Cwrfa f JfcwJ t - 1 atnmtioa ul Uift ' . 2. Ne pip mil t aWo-it ra arfd :i arrtu?fea ' r'pi4, wains at tit dweii-UN wf ti li. '.'. a, rtutMTf ijUkiiw s!l be " ll'w f?M y-f f b4 f i'ur to .tf it fX' f titli lu Jwnunlttt-. ! i y&tr.Wiil be "wnt ilcr-J M cg..VMn. ' "" ' - 4. Aif frm w will Wa-.!wtS la ti rtr.ri.uiM. end lk bf tr'4tn ir tDMtritHum-aa? u I1 Klw. &! pa per grtjU imimgiitta naUmem. ' I 371 MM ff ri cwMHr: Wt. VMftM-acKl to ew w t w. ft ' bt eHtreJ tur hwrrf It Wr4 M U- to tottiaroJiMtsT. I. T ir frtfn: tnwrtiw to iW-N! to tW bilk. U AtM im U w W f. . Stale ot HOTii CaroYuu: row.w ua:y. Jt 1cCmiH tffrpitj, Smjmf Trrm, IS 37. G tMUiX LCMLV m WILLIAM If. HU im. Il appnn ti t iH'f ihki of 4 .C;rt, I (.a I rhi lif.'urkl HMiww IL U kwi m r..r inl.aUtaTrt ttbu jMtii Il in iHrfv c. !.-r- J, Out pti!:i iiiH W mJ( f f l tri.i in Stiis!. ii T, f .J'llriits lh '! ArfeurWl' (nrir ttl tti iwt I'rrx. f tbM 'Mrt, in be hU tlw I hi .1 if g iM ti). I4 Court il.MMit M rttirY, 'Mt (nMl MINI jM4iW, pM-l tif dWir lt C'-rtj4-M!t wtxrvti, 1 lt ( fr tM!n ! U 4 J S.MLU JAN',f.. . Notice. t Ltr jmmn fi fr. AhM S nirti, rr t!i-r Ly ftuif "w r".;c -ffltp4 ; .r. - Ilmjj !m ots c -i ly coIiu4 ia Jjr riii'i, h b-d l Dr. 3-wttu'f -t4 .flf -i, Cftdblu, which ut i liM, wi f C". -raltiajoa bin. : Jr KJSOAltf. Jlttororj ttf Or. A. Stii;!u 'April 20; 137. 5 t ri ri n- 11 LI. Rili4iry Wrt il.a 1 of June lim-ri il'-sirtiiii In pri;ffi'a at'c:iiunn. AT HAUSDfRY 0nooa, . . . r.rtpr, . . . Cutton, in se-'1, . Cor . , . , l. a 1.1 foLissri, , . tia.ijNiiU, . . . . tiiMHt. . . . 43 a HI irt . . . a a."? Sti-jar, hruwi), . H loC lClVsIt , , TO 9 . 2T a :ii .11a - . Hi'JI tut . ID a 1 2i . e a , A3 rrrlioir, , . .7t"J a (jO iVlnt, (thW) tiri Liii'WV'J liit, pet gtllKt, $1 ?5 AT FAYrrV'ILLF My4.1?T.7. ' Uswiti, . . . . Ii) trnn, . . 5! a 6 Brandy, nench, . K) !X iol!.t . . . 4a a 43 i a 11 a,v'c, . 65a7i-l Viiici.t,. 1- J, a 1 ! I jc Cl'lUhk, . Vra, , Flaxseed, j 'eethers, C a 75 a A.4:lt. . , J1a75j , tiw !Vht,. . 5') CXTra Vkq-, . . 4 a .VJ, WwiJ, . . M fecon,. . . lan.WsandlbaJs.. 3ksvtv.ix, ... Vita 2-S(i-."a", br.iua. . XToiii-, , .. , . "... I'?, ' tV lull! a ; C..5:j,v ' "'i'T'.'-""" 6 S ';lia."t4"J's:-"'i,l Torn. . . . , fj a 1-(SjI, I iack, . rtav-aoi'd, . . .1X a li1? au. fc!'t, , 'Flutir, comsinr, 5S.(! 1 lii;1 'iVta lia-girg;. d.x nor'Jicra, . if 'Iklo . Fcatiicra, . . . 4'J a 4 U'bmt, ,. . Ifiti, .... 5 a fi' W'mA, . . . .' JIulai;, . . . HO tii'WjiikCJ, . . . fcl a I? I 1 1 l!U 1 Vl7, 13 a i I'Z a 14 lUi 18 a 1"! 4i) 4"i AT COLUMW . (3. C.) Jf.j 5, KT7. Jlirrtn, . . . .k II a 11 Jurf, i;.u.o.iy. p u'li, i-J a t ! Wmm, . . . 43 a hi ajrole, . 43aOiMaclift'I,. .Kflall!; Ti' j jOi'.-c, . . . H a 1 brown. l. 1-1 13 1 CVn, --. -s---. -s JQOU fcf& if .Harj r.v.vi, . . 4 a 7 ; TV:ow, . . . Ha'.iij r.jr .. . , iv' Oi lJ s . , Hi a 1 ItAIIMIOAl). Yn. r. n ccuiiiiv oiv. N.Tiuit r.'i 4 i-ulm rtpmm . .Iw rSl x.k f "rlirjil m ttw ( Uiin Cmutwa a.Ml uu Wr lh (twiM w4 Ci', awl ai autlt lnut a Im ii f( W a-lvi.i ui4 Qircl. An jwMliwit.'f U.4Ura ab ar biiam will b iequirl al Iwe Iiiiw Mfuli.Uia2 l! C..nuniiuiur are fiKl" Ut (ifr4 iy M f4fcl, ami lli Lia'l t4 SjWnnt.4ka, lU-y tricrv, la C L. M iu 4, t4 FHictiito " I'.Kt.NSURK. . ( .Pr.F.J.ILtt, A. Cattr. , . JaitrfM ()cn, Airua Limt Akiuikr AiMcraotv . Jaiurfl liuntry, J.'ph Cji!lrji, J liu L UcUiUaA ,V. McKay, , W. f aifcxi, ,A.Tr..y, JuMtb .Maulul j", AjtUlu S;wlh. " Jutia VF. IWett,' ArcbiUU A. T. Smt Richard C. UoIUnJ. .W. IL UaK V.IL Uaid,Jf; S. l aUTMXl. ' . ,,N. A. Htcilinan, t'tiarlca J. William, J AmJ. 4Uo Juiin B. Kelly, SEW IMNOTKS. CUbCX. SAMP"ON. tUU'MBUS. J10CES0NY WAKI- r CHATIIAJL. . , . uooac t'ltarlea Ch.ilmers, C. W. lXd. RICHMOND. . . , , . AU"r4 P.kr7, Waller F. Lk, " C Tliotiui, ANSON. . , . . . . A. 5J)r. Julm A.jikTU, I , U0.VTCO.MCRT. Jr. K. J. C'utiar, Du:4U McKue, Jr., ' W.lUma. . DATlDiON . BjiduoI ilarravt, II;nr I'lMtiiburv. w.iLli-a. R4ND0LPII. , , , v Akiaixltr ti rar, ... . Jeaaa lluusliaur, . ' . :.:t". rA;-CrWfr -zr!-rT? Ji- LindaayI Joha MurehuaiL. OA RARE US, r IW IWriiwer. tfrge Klutt'. tREOCLLT . "Thoiuan" ATAIIiaim" C. I, I4vidm Kufua RniiL r Saoiuel Mt Couib, Jitfau Irwin, Aiulrew Gricr. MnCKIXNCURC. Alfred M. llurlou, John G. Iynim, - ' lohn Mi'IInliie. f . Rudcrick MnrcLiaon, ' Jolm Hardin, " J.-M. Nye. ' , , . . RoUnt C; Pearson, Iiac T. Avcrv, Jumet C. Siiiilb. " f Jotiali Cowles, 7 Natlmniiil Riydon, ' H. H. Farka. . -t , . . Williat P. H'Uih, Thnmaa J. Boucbello, v W. C, Emiwtt. . M. IL M'wre, ASHI BLRKC WILKE3. STOKES. C. II. Matthews, Futer Critz. It U fnfi(liii!?T br-lir.ved, that tho ermfemcrt ; iwurd w i!i take a tlwp uitvrctt in this work, winch, Ckfl,l''''f wt.l Mck the ritl- of (!k ; t rn, ana irpwraro inrcsccijun 01 .tuna .ro- "lly loncefoiri!ijihi!iuJriptionftfieSl3tP, i!,e ci.HNrticton m vi Riwrt to iho Yadkin and ilt- t.o LrarK'he J! m "fvitJ-i'-,id certain. ...... ... , t ...... 11JL .JLKfJAV f ilw Wr-i ai d il-u V;" F-.ir f rr'o the udvuu- JWP lH.xi itt iftiti fhtU4'lKUkA t -T-'t PVPPV Until . m .., , mm fttt.lfv. a u I!) '- v. 1 u.Vj r,u.i.aj;.i.. Ftyritcci!! ,' iVfrfw .'ail ASwi'-CWinw-' U-Xii'l'lli:.- WGaxUvvtx.Uau. !". ami Vlku.'.ua J uLU.t,(l:..ri.inr1y Gardner) thf nl.il- ;s.a of Slry UjcJ ivr, (Km.r! iivnti.it,) are .ivii J uf c ij , iii(t r lo ,4 in-r (,'t.nitti tmcl, at I W Jhtjbr(B!r, N' (,'.;' i ii(i.fii llH'Hf-t.Ki, J. liV!ll, f Iffy N. I."., tliuy int ut son lliiii; nu; tj tn 1 tiieir liid-rvt. If iKC .. r.irt'4 trii.imU ar niM jrmw Uiit, p.'w Iruufi Wiii duaa act tf jn.ticj liyctHii- i iii!!-t tii! fV' f ct iw aUi it)iii k:p., S iiih-i Ktr.rf.lt i, SJ.II, .! rovil!c, tia., vult cnuli r a vor w liUreo by insert; sij lha Niv a fi-w '-". April l- l":r7. ' . J! H H sl-IJla n k S!! FOR SALC, at this crncL Willi vu v. c;:.vv4 if : For Vlctn, Turaouri, 6.C. Cud itine 4 thiaiuJ ef the vatcrtft, 9t iht cftt - - -(JU Rttkigk fcftT..i-. Bitijtla Ful, 1 dollar Ouj Aimtn, 9 duHara. ... M1LUAM ttVCRAY.. RalrigS, OcioU-r fl, lsOU. , ' r IVr Ova) r tit ytatt revioui ts tht Pprinjti I!:3l,s Nrn man of mirta bad Wttt much afllir ird wtln an ulmatd arm and hawl, which ft-iaicr-id liini limt iih The ulcer tnhracf 4 Ihat paH 1 km arm front lh elbow down, inc-hulitip. hia r-ulire hand, which was literally tuaai of pn. irvfacivai. A joint i" finger,ant fvi of ihr thumb, pi-rifliod and drop! UL A nmr iliatrvaainft and h(hti case I liar otttt hrbtkL It i ahumhinod by bit khfaiciana incurable, ticr by ampniatbu of tlw band. Tim beat iwslical traataient laving (ailed ig t li!e thi nan, I placod him under lh car of Mr. Willioni W, Sjmt, in this place, who, wilk hi Oiiitinout, has -IHiiwaHy eumi lh case, alihouh Ui .rs;r 4 trtritMKtiv ahaeitt, lor vka and nwrriHa U g ther. lis h ut hrcn ntirvy well fur ll last ei(ht months, aud 1 bait good rtasoa to bctii)f lil contintM so. ..J , ,'. . MILLIA3I COYLAN. UXOTIIKU CiUK iT Ct Kill V, . Ralisiiiii, Hnpteuiber 21. 18M. I am now 59 years nf Bgowien In my 17th year, 1 ruceived a wound . HI kg, which be came ulcr-ratod, aud routinund so uulil the first nf March l4t. It wiidd r4ratinially heal up, and then break out again but wmel of lh time, it was in a very painful cooditi., lh tore having extend ed to a targe sizr, and becuroe wry deep. I tried many remedies o make cure, withoot lucccw, until 1 applied Gray'i fopaluabU Ointment, Iwo poiaiS.luck liar elluctuaily oumd my If g,. and reduced it lo it fiiral site The cure would hoj Jbcea mnda imich acMMier, bad I strictly at. H !hi iTectioru (!r tha iw of It? Omituent; Iwt this I faik-d to in, while I took much exercise, and very imprudently used tight bandages. My leg has been well for more Ibaq sis months, during which tini, 1 have walked much, jet it remnins firm and free fron att sore iesa or inflammatioru AnVr hnvinjbeen anlicted far a period of forty-one years I nawienjoy U10 bwfit of a sound a-niin. Lr w la HOLLQ.MA N. - - .r-Jliva saaUrCCtliUCw 4 FEW copies of the abo work m-atty print- el and eleirantlvbonn 1 1 just jrecoivedand fur sitTe at This Orfice-pricn $3 pnr copy. ftCr Ruhriber In the work at .SuKsowry and itttta-m&i cat' get tfieif eojiW by appMnf as ah.ve. ... : j:v ::' ";.T JaiuJ." 19:1TI SEilLLIL JLEL J JL , U 1 L JLa- Poetio JfsHi& Recess. 4rM lA M- trrtpfiblit Mtnrinr " NONE THftIK KMj'QUi'ALV. ' - The twiwr has his an ah, , . r - . The inercl.ant wearjf.pain, Th lover lonif doth SniJuish, Yet none iheii end obtain. The toitmjr (brmer soweth, . ;. The raapor reaps the (rmin: Tbn travellfr Cjrant joeilt Ycl none their snd ubtain. The aaiaer leaves his money, ' The murc!:ant all his etre; ' ' The lover sail srid boiipy Fur thui it is lliey Ure. The firmer in desUs farrow, Is bunl like his prain j . The laboirer on the morrow -Ftuin. laboar doth refrain ; All piy the life they borrow; For all (hat end obtain. Thny lie them down to slumber ; ' B'-ncath the churchyard atone, V'i;h all Uie woea they uumlier, Their destiny unknown. And what thus could tliry fnllow, With eucli eonluiuvd quest 1. .... Vif trh ttiTinjf ttresm wd irnltow 1 Tlias ro: bed thom of tht'ir rebt, rwcr, weiilih, or love, or leisure, Alui.e ii)M not be sought; I! -yind mut fie rorne trcufciiro, Sikiiu piiiinbini of the IhoiighC- ' Ti'iry-)ht, thus truth eonfeswth, Hut crrmj, failed to fiiM, W'hnl hcan n alone pomfiMPlh '0",rulm,atid hippy mind! )tliiu.tion.-t iiir, do you menu lo say I he T" iid a H r-im to a French getitlonmn. ' " No, sure, I wiy ik.4 dot you lik, but, tare, dt you walk round au-'Ut do iru:h' ., Yhcut J-. ll is s:iid thnt one bushel of n. v!iiel;i-d lime. L't'oimd tiiw bke Planter of Paris, in. ihe acre, ojJ cowed in ihc apring, just as the wheat liegma tt 'row will destriy th whuat fly. Alba- The mf.ufttza still ra'a throiishout the eonti eenf of Kurope with uiiuImIcI violence. .Our List aeC'inriN s;iy th.it a thiuuid fierAis. were burioil j 111 Duhiin in a siile day. T' mortulity of (his, disease is rtiuch grcu'.cr t!wa that of tho C'hol-j c;u. tiom l' Ymk f-'pirii tht 7''. s TJIljIUiir,IA.VI.a. I LLis.ioi.Li v, Kv., I tbiuury 19,137. Pi:itt-i It im il.e ..';,!, of May, 1P.3, at Oruttj; C-urt Mhi , in I it. O'.d lKMlliitii.n, (t.od Ucaa hff !) I..TS I llu lix.u', tiuil I t.r.l Mi lite late J1HMUI.111 r imttl, il was court Jny, aid hi, .nf rirtiinii by a cruad tf u ntj. ftw n, h- an ti n 1 eiy (rwMwauut irniurr, xmwwn, it- i.lw. ajr (M btidlin, unci lirvukiii, utui n.ii.ni )mr see. 1 ain a tvacber o( the art. I Tin ten tS.e am! fMovernahla horse on tins jrecn in Mie h"ur. Atid si any of ywi want r knm tote, I ail irsch )uu the tnisvr , and show ymi lha i.ructice, ou iht euudiHon. Ii 1 tail, you shall sy 010 utAhu$i il 1 stccd, and aatuly you that you ran du it a well as I.jvMand eweb of tm who are tatiM, aliail fay ten dollars. 1 will make ll burse lullow Uj4 ilbout bidU, halter, or aatUJle, Ihrotih tbiscbwd ataud uwaly while I creek this wmp repvatsdly er his Uu.ji mating him giv me any luut at cotniuandi end lie uW ll )uu rouir it., Agrrod, agreed !" cried half a A asm viocc-s, of which mm was Imi. Briiijj vp ALxhim's , and if be ran do half w but be says with her, ha ruoat dci I with lh dvil." tNn, -riitlemen,'' said buiilh, lliere iaiio oevilrnent in it, but plain cotinttoa sonsc , as j uu will see. Tske i.'ie nmre in to tiial bue cut mjJ r," (it wss h g bou sbvul twenty iet square ;) "all mines may be managed iu lb Rtttm sv." 'b mare was a wild, akittisb young thiiig, fcIj t-...;r:i ,ml Cious withal, ditpt-ovd tn kick aud txte, ami wour uot let stranger touch ber. L'ou, e-ulle-men,' said tuntii, let us o to the st .lk-. ' A b ei4 along, bo eiatMu.'d carefully a whi wbicb be rsrrrd, funned bke a wag. ,ner, Lui I'ghler; m the bMoie, aud longer in the thong ari uwli. U'ben jr.x lo iim door, Bmitb said ik man but huuaeU' must enter. M I uk tlirurh the cracks, and sm sikI I do, and Aoie I iio !.. Shut the dour ailor me, and bwten it." In he went surf. dceJjr, aud tcr$ hvidlg, and before the ti.'sre ciu l aurvejr bun, u was eivmg ber lh bwh 00 her hiitd ie-s aud Ibigha, wuii muck sharp strokes. Around sue pent, kickini', juinpinir, backing nut, aud aiwniing as U she wodVJ brc!t thmul) the side Of tbl hftuse, keeping at tho greatest povibl die taiar fm.n bio. iSo ft-ft, ou broatbing time wa givsm i the swesji b'raa loflow, and the mar U U 1 siower ui her oioveuicbt, and occiiiui'!y 40 turn lo m totr.reuu her hind legs from the lash. When sh turoed ber botd to4iJs bun, tod approached uearcti, be atonped tli wliiji, at retched Out m baud lowarda her Ind slid " c me aHmg. Our she was uffagaiii miintilly, and anin the lash w is applied. I rewnntly siie st-ped, turneil, haiked at hiui, and inclined sliglitU inwards him. Ue reach ed out his band, aiujijsl whipping, and touched ber nciB,s,i)i agimcomu alon. Jsut then was no dowo along iu bar Wiere she stood sulh uly . Agai ho leaped, and plied the lash, and si ill re-r....j- ,inn, n 4n turnitil,' came towards bim, and atopped, iluwus wicinu w,, ind tha nomemt alie tegen loidmnee, be dvd alvn so that now ha was near ber, be patted her stop ped whtppiniiid M tie nwved aiTMidrncome along." bhe began lo move with him ( but as .1 panic atrucbv ioitieMaerxtrds darted nfl I be lash was poured into tier. - bhe stopped, trem hied- jd.W4igd.-M-lWil - tnw,?1 i"dKrmth lo us M they geuerally dii this wtteii giving ipV Sua approached be patted ber neck, top)d whip. pnigrand SHiJr'1eome skn,'!-inig owlv ffwn htr " Bhc now obeyed, liiliowing him several times urjii.T.1 tho room. JIj patted ber nock, and ns she was following biin, bo audJuuly ilurted awav, and beiiiiii with Ine wbipTsvyiok : " coi7.eBlii.'r"4i. staully she was at bis sido, a id tl, whip censl iu fl4n ihrniij In) we, and h wi pnftifg- hftr neck as she M lowed him sr-und. - W'l.en-r. r Klitj bi- ged. be was away, aud iho tip api.liid. Neler alter Ihat would eh remain two fcjet from Jtim- 14 You see, gentlemen,'' said ho, the principle.- Th !': never touch hrr lo hurt whn eir ej hothing near iw, or ihnt 1 bring to bt r, is to hurl her so much a her ftur of me,ornny thing in con tact with tne." lie then took oil' hi glove, llmnt bis fist into hi armpit mid then nibhet4 it no arid in her nostrils. , AOer a few more times around the room, the mar followed close tn him, he said open tho door." .The dr was opened, and the mare followed cloeo l biro ol to tlie crowd", and throii''h it, and buck again into tho stable. He cum out, closed the door, and said, "this, gentlemen, is al ways the fir lesson, and never has to be repeated, After a horse follows in the stable, it is but 10 mnke biin do it in a small lot, where he cannot ecape you. It has taken about thirty minutes. On Iho whole, it is hu nude, fir it prevents all future con. lentlon. On euteriinr lier atable hereafier. she shonl.l be rtm-ml-d by s&lirh.vjnj!lthKyM,r-'l'' l'v proper evercisu or e.lucati.,n, niih this and "coiii alon. falie will now follow ihe sumll- eat boy, who w,. go in alone, give her the hint with the whip. Had wiy "come iilon, for a treaty has been furnnil tvilli he; in this ti;i-cl, ttwt tr-Ua nrar tren, she-i n-vr- in. o Hirm k t hut 7" tit a diMttnet and disibedttnt, she sulll-rs, not oU r the fault, hut during Ut coinmixiion, Hy this trout- merit her whiila imture will bo chnnc-d, s:tl ahe mny be taiy.'it, by tho r-..ti.aai.- apphcatMU of t!ie piiiteiplc, lu do utiy "liini; thiil a horso csn do, I will now show you lliui 'w w.li hit me ImimIIu h. r fit, Sii. so v;ti us I tenth lien wnm I waul to 4" Ha weut iu, and iloMtd the door. Klio c:iuie up lo him; he putted her siiouMer; then her arm, an I carried hi b:iJ down iho foreleg ; she dn' hieU And tri iubled. In an iiis:i;il ho w.is away trum her, and the hum applied, wiih "eme alimg." U - 'p o Cain, und he liean agin ho now himnj ' l--t ,,e rtiti ow "v',f l"'u," and soollniig bar. S.io. is ii iv 'eaiit.fi.-J, von see, that she is not 19 bo hurt hen 1 1 ueli." He thou went frunrlty tt ii1?, till she st.i,l mfeclly quiet whilo ho bandied them. Ho then !i;.'htlv tupped the jnside of llifi-lurdtig,. and auid '-U'ai. Jiji t." She rained it on the foe; be took hold of it gmtly, but firmly, raiwdtit from t': p round, and pnlted (her, the stuped a few cjonitiuijj tnd reyotted it I . . I ! 1 I- 4.1,' i I I d-H'l i.irt. fcr! V..' V? r- i. i l' "ll i..4',-r si.d tl ' It II v. i.l t.:.f tha iim a;-r 4 -,!,!, i i Wi! 1 firr l,'i Ii 11 j !' If' 111'' B .. ; , i i i,i e to. I!, f r t (.1 1 1 . I .t4 ( it it i'.r t.n i f j arg I ,, 1 . j . ; . r crf.i..;.-ie .11 i.m ii, m nf 1 I. -." 1 ; rLi: ) iMMwbip, bid iltxi Urr f.Kk, n. f-' f t u it s'.e In i..l.Itd liU a Icuf til! ahr ii.n! siotvr (i..-v, as if f. r ( rotfftion. Jji? juii..! 1,- rj shock I'l whip ever J.rr, tUaj n.crraMd it iin.lt.Hi is!ul lo. h r bi k till ft whixzrd ill the sir, wiUh ut rr t' Utlai.g J.rr .,ult r aiid louder it s-tn -d d.ltll ha ; Ugan to crarl, u i.vr her mca tH,ly d.d ls rc. tire, ai.d was l.ik a-.-r.ia imtnntW ft,r ti e mo-orf-n! ah wssiff the . It fhe k'.H." After ll.is ,e aoddenjy reached, fieJl! ,e Khip,sriJi(.id,Mcon slng, l'p ahe eant- then b.; rr.. a- .l it o.c r Iter vry lirn, and she wer n.' d ftto I . " Vou now, gi nilrrwn, thai ti e cr .ik.r lit whip is aho a tigncf pract. f he eiiicon. W it if jw do not th'ci tve her. My Mreentf In it if It area n.e, sltlmugh a qirtt r if a n.ils c-C ' PupiMia your hoiae l sfiatd (.1 in UU.breiIs,or ey Ihmg sUa lake il u.to the e'abie nake 1 iu. f V hiw yc4i with it i your aim j ti en tout u tin.,iUi i U it .er hu head, then on his buck, Bi d theft take lutn into a lot so n all that he caoitot r c.fi " y.iU, BitJ pmkt him follow there tn like umnoer. wilt MJi ft la four any ,mg wl itb ycu ihns prove to Um thai it ih4 hurt him i r if he is afraid, the great f-ar f J'n!nft hmi li e latS will cnI t Hie l w- h er of si y thing in cvhtait rllkjfou. lUh your c.lis snd fjiltea in aeci-r ! anc with the principles, appln-d ty emeu oil sense, and they will play no trick. Gne y.mr ' eoll a first reason ; at the ort, make him tr up, lay the bridle on his bead heou ! t i i' -nt in .ke him follow wiih lh bridle on wi! .. t 4 f!l'n it t then leud him. liar d'e r, 6 ".I feel ut you hsv seen don to-day. Tvscb him ali t.t bear the crack of the whip near him, ami nver his hack. These several cachings should w cury IU'. tecu of tuiuuiea, twicV. day, for three tr" four -hiysi ih yi. tilay hripff your blanket sudor-- tiuglj In biin g ou as with tlio ui"hrea. 'ill w!-!! ho I it ' e r.- 1 I jroni.J ('.r Litn. 'J i... If el. I ! ..' I'K't, fill llOW III I ' -," wlu n 1 s iv.;, i. ji I.. 1 t-) v ' hrr tn j;hm 11 In ti i', a..-) , v.1.1 ; i IV W a bo is used ta them, girt Iho li,!.rl nj make liini fvllv ith if on ( Jo tyUv, time j after that, bring in ymir a ddie ir him o Bin th asm manner. Ful it en, snd make him f l low after he is twed to it, lay ever it a I ni nar row bag, with thirty pounds in each ei.d, a id lei him follow with these on the stable and in the lot, with the bridle drawn as liuM when in lha han.ls id a rider. Repent this several tunes, and yo tirf pur ap your boy m the table r aitll'Lrt . . biin t dbw j-oui then in the lot several timet. A f .. ler a day or two, you ny increase your dutnuca .yi,r.Uilif rtitre if Ihe circle r which be wallua...Ue auijii wuix nrmnw iwmtM;....- ihn hridlo of the boy. You mny now tnin in an. ;thr gentb horse,.witb a brtJto on, tn wnlk w ith him, but brfort bini at first. Afnr a few waiki tWiwtli 4, yoo -nwy fK ihttr. wsf, Bt,4 it? '.;' ordinary care, your coil is broken and Buul, wi:h. - out bvi iiijMftjd htnax-lf tr htrider Tti-fmrh him 10 lie down is quite vnny ajrrr the Jvot . " -Tske a fore (Ixit fr:im tho ground, hold it firmly,1" 1 lap tho other Jbre leg? ttoJ ak tr i. . Il will m. ressanly ctmo to im knees. Ferhsps h will bounce up, alnnnej a: Im new p-milion. B it j nu innst hnvsj pnticnce in teach a horsi wht )0' riM hint 1 pi'jH"gaiiff brill j Lint hi tlm vv tiuienmnnrrtsal fint wi hii kuem, till ho will mmai-mtiet -ia-that, atlitudoi p"rMUuig yoit i- ,. wnlk rwind him without aiteiiiito t nv l " (his till ho is iw-'d to it then, when be U ' n his kn'B, go to a hind Px;t, aud make him give tbl fo you. When in tlmt ponitHi, tifk for the other ; bind fool ; nod. d 1.1.1 ho coum on hii klJo .. Fir- .. hnpa (if he in a timid sninuil) ho will he alarue'd nt hit new position, and rise up in-tiiiiily ; hut tuho care to pat him ns ho goes dnwn, and whilo ho is on the ground ; but ns ho rises, snJ is fairly on hra feet, ymi mu-rt rtlirt, and give him a slight admo nition with tht Itifh, Hist ho is doinw wrong to gi t hp so soon, (iong.iin and anin llirough the wpiiij fmte, be will uhn understand whui you want hint lo do. And a herxe taught thus w ill do i'.r yu anv thing thnt he can do when he understands you ; and, gentlemen, he is not el w (if un.lersfttiii.'iiisr. -The horso is twtunilly a very th'rYji.g,Ki;;i'iu ', and seimihltj aniiiml, docdo and oliedifnt when 0 .to thoroughly convinced Ot' the superior power of man.- ind his intellxe'Uiil powers if I moy itnycti without cdh'tice, are lik" tin nf tn in, u iu !t trn- reiuai Entile diiiureuee " A mm convine.-d agiot his will, " Is of the sumo opinion si ill," Not m with a hor-x'. He never i-i of fhe sim-v . upiui'iii arter Ihc arnu.nfnfiima I t'l'r, h,i on. u ciinviiicd him. The hn-on of pinn-hnKnt nt ti di-'!ii!M fniin you, and tt-nchm th-if n-.ir yni i i iho pWc of fvfy itti-J p"iife, iih t'o e n ipi-1 1 fdlowjfg y"l i'l the Ml .lili- and eit ( fit, l (w-t . . 4t'p tliis, an.) (he k-y if l!ie wiiolo sK'e-o. This first le-w'iu iuu.t he 11 ado ifl 'etu.il, hv pi-rs. verui'CH tind Cii'itge I my cooraf, f..r mms.iJ Imrsert fi'lit bmvi y in the f)ii b-waai ; never .i f. r wurds, if nuhJiii'd. If f hey nn-n lv k k m 1 1 m- toHrds you, the in of t'i r.H:n rn.ihli s n, l y keepinj yvtir eye Coo-Mollv on tiem, n,d t-u'i he j round, tn nvoid their h-eU .is yoii t,..i v "ly l!- hi'sh, I ho n' t'- will o. n tm Itr-il ol pn 1 his hind Ii-- to von. Pol if thi h r-o . v:r,.. . hiiih glinted si.i'de'n, of s.r"" nj'-, !, !. , niaiin''d by n timid tr.m , Ins I'H.t hm ..:i wle'ii he turns iih n";i i towui the tijit f w"r Ii h , mi sulfa lit tin uij'y al -i'!' h ance la-furn I eiin-r hit e entor in a very Iw.id, tU-'i i m ; tar suH'it to j.ir,;g fru:.i i ; '.' sty-'ii, ' t.t ee. '1 r . h.l'i 'i 1 , r;