r . 0 r. ... ,. Gr.rJAT nTuT IN BOSTON. 1 E..:.Ti:ro:tr, aurn lo. Finn ;r, ;.rc.-M':;5- S'e-F t: ir ccr?.-!e taerselves ana their 'rd 'ct.3 &$ !o . r..r.' scc-n t',;Vi;i'crc ia the cpcratior.s Th- Hc-tcn. papers of M-nlav fira-i-h u v.ii!, AV,T:;f. FT .. d-p-hCn-h. or MVCS A ?n ) IM- VCI.TAIIiH AXI) PAUI, COM?AF.i:i. , Cqt ri"-cs -"n;erc poiit f,om the h -mis i the. thai they ImoaSj.. , if I have not ffiV- ' f n..v: ' ' .. f... ., r: . ,, ,, - J 'I.-N.Vl-; DllVUC HON OF l'lUU'EitT V. V,.haire. There ,s i.o Go 3. .Executive. It has hecomo an ordinary '-er tor the Atxauin uio-- - - t frefit . ;;':-;:-'-' ;!,:-l"'!':r";JI; ; f The Cty o Hahm-ie w,s v..-ited, abut one ..auh Hut lo us then, ,s hut or,. God, thr F.-! . to e0 t. Congress, merc-h tosori,.. - -.t h . ; of bj . n Lt.d in the c. .,iv ......... occurred trf L0--.0U oa .ru-uaj - .cl:H,k lti! , ...onung, n i.h the m. -t l.tructiv3 ca- ,.,f.r, 0f v. he-ui are all thit-s and ne ia hiffl. 0:13 1 u "hty i' terra or two- nr d tn' u rcUre "n 1 ' ,:i;r'51' ,r ; " rto. t hdution than a !uv 2,-c.-,.r.Vor::.:,7 ;.::.;!y p.. , , vor i,, .;;ll:?n ;t. Dljnn., tKe ;it. j L , there is ope d.,d. In snuC T.ccure comperm-e. U hat at. ascend..- : pie. p-n.y ot : -a- "" lathers. Never, sir, A farm!,? c-oim.ct commenced ye-Tf!.-y a. tor- ,.r ve.rord.tv. there was n ran-iderah!e fill i-.......;,... y - n.,:.., :.. : ..... cv ihui rivoti 1o iho lVe-i.-.t:t over thi- aclu. .fa! uo.e":;c.a;.t ot. the F' fe"m . .... ,.; M. I I , . . t iiiiiiiu i .in , i,":?H'ii r . . . . . .1 ,. !, v rii5P ! L'.iHt uni'i'1-' .-ti- r ill-. -til . ! rk, holwrn I ir..'.' fu ir.pru.v . n vry Ijro In -:: I'.T.cr'il pre ri :i i .c-jI Ar-t '.. 'i'l.cic ure nearly ::! ".!., r :r..ors i : '. ;rcui.i!i' ;i, to the o: iin .:' t:: ilist trfvtsice, t v.fTt; :-i!ti''ii fiitii'i-.i! ia it. As far a xv. t:-,iM airiv:- at tLe facta, th'.v rir pcar to h; :io fji- J ., I.' . D, t! l!.ttin'iiaher, hau jtj-t rct'.irr.o'! 1V i:. f r .a I.oL.iiy , h;.d th ir i.'i'.i'; u t'.- i. : 1-.. ci ti: ttici t in h i t f tho :iir." 1. .h u t.r- p:ot -.,: fi c !t:iv !'V.u ! h .--trcct. rvce-.i'.! o:.!c!fl tht; 'J lr in iho tr rt a:i! the c:n t . f .. 0:,c c:i 'i,ifi ti it: r j va l i 1 .! a-iiL. Ti.-l-; v.u.3 n'r (. r:t- 1 l.v , L-:-;jj r-'c-"V ""t:!Ji:ihci'J, th.-v if ! () ; .. '1 rroees th' n .f rain, whu !i ii.rrt.'S ! ;f:er iii!.t fall, v.:A ;il; u! loVlu-.-k i'l t nvti' Aho.:; I: x! fa iter luc!'., j water -f.lnii'; l'-iila L : i J rif: t-. an a!ari:i:e: li-ic'lt, aj.il v.t.i It n;r ;.:u r, ::c i t' t!ic vcf.f:',a hr:-l-Ci ,vu- l!ie .lis ui I! ith Ktrtr-t, was carrir.l an ay au-1, rasi ! .v : i th ; sir-:itii, IJoJ againft the to.'- h:i- 'c at (Irav ftrect. Tuuh One L,; J Jeu, Christ, hv Whn are alt ! A .core ot ofheeekor :n that hod- t can I h.-c. i .ay ct ! o , h tf x jsJ- thiniM.anluehv inn, Hus i, afaithfu! savin.; ro ueh to carry all it hp-!ati :i ia accord ry rrZS ft s oh-Mully and Nvmthv ofUl ncv-ptati.tu that Clv.tst Jesus ace w.tu tt vir-: ,!tl;e ivxecutive. is t.us u- ; n - , . " the bUc-! Bih-I- r.s can,e into th- ,:ri ! lu' ,s, .iuner,. God was ! P'V!aJ' ? this 'J !,c iVoIe r', f . LVecv - ff'cte.l nnutuudc ret, red nvmiffst in the l!.V;3. Who U-in- in the form of;Jt!y served when tne eyes ol tae.r rcpresenta- ; feit, and whwc tht. t tc,-. ; r cnreading thvuaht it n..t rohh,rv to hcuul with Gci.it.v are turr,,J to t!.e Crown-os the source ot ia- . tn their h,.;e n- n tu o i -. b Ci.rit c;uue, who L GcJ ever a!h Licked Trevor. vo, ,,.d teuntatn oi honors ? If Grneral Jackson the I,t, ey ' s,nKt0 boii:t. Thii. .f coar;.-, s .-:i , cr::sio?:c.l an innrd iti.-i, Voltir-. 1 am noarv of hcr.r:n- p.p!e repeat ievt'r "'tc-rcd a sentiment t!;at would go crcf.it to a : son:s as uo st - a::Ud tho lov.cr puts ,f the n-i jh!,i hc.d wrre thnt TVJ-:LVi: wca I a've Leea"a;hdent to..tab. U integrity aa-J sagacity it is that which we jed man. , , t t trcPt- percidy oxerthn.w:,. Tho rain rontituu'd t. fail H.t. rhriMunitv. I uill prove that ONt:-mav ! iuuc placed at the head oi this article ; and if he , W c have.reauy ; n . niih ,u;eva.p!,'dvi.,!.,';c.ior v.nl hours, ineroa. sutU,e to Othow it. ' Pe-cd a tithe ot the henesty whicn hts nar- ; ah;e -rant K-r prcpcra.H . yv,vCy sia- th.. w;u,..,m .,f xvater to such xiUi- -r.i , Paut. Ard arc Luilt on the foundation of the ! tizans claim for him, and had ctrcctcd Ins autr.m- s:on ct tne Gc?Te.,;. 31y - - -v;rp aa the Ih,aar Ilri.e u-ar Ihihim ae ,t. Ap-th-.s and IV-ph,. j Mratic-n en the principhs by which he obtained j hut by devotu a iiui rf the F.,.t Uride ha di.,2 trot a the l'i,!, marker, and Voltaire. ChihaaUy "violdi nct!:in- but poi- the lresidency-Ili,t..ry wcuM have renuerrd a j the wmk I have t.as uay t"i-;j.r,;i;r.or,.;a:ld the I,aw Ihcat the fity Uh-ck. Tho St,lQ vo-ous needs. verv tatilucnt account ot it. s tor .-!r. W bn-j bf. Matthew. It pi nam- at fci-- t ' I l,u!. If any mav Iks in Christ he is a r.ew n-n, th.e eto t,et ot t:.- annrmttr.ee.ts is suta- I have rercivta tr.e urt fr:e.- o, prcr-Tv. . creature. The fiud of the Spirit U love, joV, .: ot-a: to in-aeate ta-; sp.ru i-n.ca aoanm j ;m.i co.p..,. i.-,..o- . peace, Ion- s::!i::rin, gentleness, guodac,, meek- trati-n is to be nipn rted-ain wn s h-u! renuue na.y or two. !- teniMerat-ee j no better reason for the tnost decided atid tincom- Our I'rt version wr.s made bv a learned tatt.cr "Voltauc. Crush the n retch Jesus Christ. promising opposition. r .de r Z "I' r l'auh Wc preach not ourselves, but Jesus i " m u, i .am iea.er ei .,e i a,,,,, 1 v . :. , ; , 1!lf,.mr,. , --i . iv i. . ... ... ! Hr t,-. t.- rl.iinir.tpr of an hu ei-ctu'ent l-urnnb be ; pn.vtncf.ts. .;t i! is kit jib! to t::o nu.no.j.t x ;.e i. ojui ;k i j ni'-n, in me.sit- ,i. : a ....... . r.i i .. .... a 1 i : . 1 I , I 1 . . l i l . . Oil.,.', .1 I I I .1 I I i M ..!. . ..I ..il ... at...... I- - 1 lo 1 1-. ... ii. i. Kcii i in;; iimtii iii-I l : . i a i; f.u t nr ;' the- itt.. Mr. 'res at (iriv rtiiet, lLdiia oie st, Water an i Ihait '.ti( ti were n t canh.'d a'.vav, but were - .', a. ; ii'i'.-r an :d ir :: of i'.i i ij v.a s i.a:.;.-ijatei --uce- ihl ia ca!!iu;i -m . I I, Cataract, v. i.-aa :. crier.taHy h-II in t!-- p: --;.:i)a ; t:,e jur e' i :i ot ! J It i ri in:" U ! e to timalo ar;ciu atelv tin i .ss of prr (ci ty cjeiiMaaed by thiscalamltv. It can- i;'.t, v. o .!, )u:d sa; pne, o,si!,.y Le e.--s t i in a iw!- I... . . . ... .. ... umu.er i.ii'i i preac t'a-.t we may jircscut ctiy n.aa pertect i:.' ; ; ...;at, tu i c-ii tny v.c il ..-a: pr: t tli it the I :r " a!'! c;i iii of i-e'ae ti.v r ui in anioair were f. e . r, ."..' r. a fa;"ra!. 'i':;- Iri.d. a- il i: iloaar.s. 1 ('..'epeu'it i.u y m tl.e lo.-.s to t!. -City by the- i!::ua;,'; to the pulkc l'.rids tli-? de stru ti ju f lh;j Cef.tre i-'ouut.ii.i ami tin- injury to the CVntie Maiket Iloiie, ths .-tree-is, t!:e- p.tvo iiK-nt.-, o-e. ca-::;ut lepaiied, e.voept hv a verv i hid.; the hai.d that Aws the blow. -M.;.t 'so kind as to fior us with its candid opinion on the u e v.-i.erawe trairor io.., .i o i.ity ap;..h,toieut of me,:.ber, of Confess to ra-r y ! i,r-;hb!e to the pe-p!e, and I ;5 priced m many native otKoes ? Is sach a course calculate.! to vt-x rrs to mr;;e tae ue:enoiu v.,. . ..... 1..,..... ., ii..- i ... , t'..,.r- t.. nntl te i s:i ; vat ! i. Il.oi the i!:ctor lived to re v ise ms ver- :!, iio'.vev- ;.: tt:cy c ;a.e to rea-.: -v ti:;' l a in r con- ll.'et, i.:. I ;.f once cca:;.;i-..ced a a attack on tiej men ..l ti::' . A 'i'l.e cai'pany def rded theu.v!vv,.s us well ns tk'y C'-i.!-', and were soe.s reiidbrecd by No.--. J, 0, t'; TO, ia and ti. and stxa'.iu;; ir.emhvrs cf the :..;;' !!. The i-ji.cr"! n u s ty It is time, at ire- ,e.;v v e'cne.itu ; c. t : i up, M.d'lhe Ii i'.auea f il b.ic a : 'ect, ; I.ete ! J.:.ts the-a be;j.n t t r ' a: - en. 1 ne i ehri:: their mr.-si'.os, Lat -;rada the iuth. A t'icv have r-u C lino they ii'.ade a dau.". Urieks v l!,, ul. l dea.'d'v UCi:iiu'j sallies, ve way daeli- iri-.a ii::..: flUUKTO I S ;ada.-d!y i i if . r . s oecupie.i oy ine.r cia)i..ry n.vu w.:e a.t;u:.,ea, . ,jm cUtJrr,. One ot the children, a -i the niadovv:i a:,t every mvt nl,e r.rfub tie- an inf,ti,, v... ia iN cradle ! Tno ic,t had Waited, r:--",yJ- ,n;l,ro tJ a; y.hateier, t. be; ...jVij.ted, from tle ir bub", oidv to ilol the niter J.:va; t.V.t. the hou. Iha u.r wete eeeuied ;U,.41S-I,,:;tlv of ,-.,pe, f.n'the tori cut nhich ly toe Irishmen who v.. ro oj ,:i t..e aaray. j Si?.,4 Voarci ar.amd th.-m, Id'in- their apait- I his onti.-eotw attack wu.s a s. ..y made by ' ".s j M ,..it fr,lln t ceilii C.ooee. a-h i.t lG-to 1"3 year.; ci ae. 1 eatucr bci.s were j l it the liM. I !;-.res-i,; part of the narrative rt rrmai-s to be told. X.,1 less ih.ai l OUUTKlIX I'i;!h"()NS certainly, anl, il is f.aie 1, n.anv to arc, were t--udd-tdy anil mest alh!!y huiiied v.a eier inty by tlie udd i " ri-i.iir cf tie water-. " 'o .-.uddea and overwhelming v.a:; ti.e r:i-!i of ti:f? iu unda'iou that these ui.foitunite p-ersoas had nor time to Csc:irc fi.aa tlair dwelhes, urn were found dead ciiher in their beds, or evidently ia the act id a Miin ( hi!'.vor to escape. In a hon-e ;itu:eti.d ia the rear of thtj (it-rrnaa Jiinheran C.'mieh, at the coriior oflhIhdav and S-iiat )v,a lreets, were found the dro.vne.l badiesol ( 'ni'.isn.iiT :u Wi.ist, iho stxtoa ol thikt ci..ireh, Vi.ll.iItP. 11. lit l!-..- i.v. lhi? Ktritai ilcn 1 bnt !ei w j . ' .. i i n.-i v iii" ::i::or t i i r i un : . :n u i :e t---- t . . . 1 t.-:. " i... i, ......a.? ,l.a!- 1 4 vo e-erh iiTnrArd it : Paul. 1 am not ahna.l of tho Gospel of ; n: V ei ear democrat ic ins. stations : 11 u . a., ,k . - , -; y , " ,-.., s,i t -l'.,. , It d-huded, we should hke much t be apprised i s btir he ts- o.,M to an rest, and u oev oh . s, up-.a it,, . . ,, ri , , i- ,- ,i ; f-. la.h, ..f c oi. Ic'"i it' is. us the enh luror-ns ueceanitt-o wn.i ti.e iaa- oitaire. Ilea?. .a dcthrouci the km;:s ct the . -1 .-a j . . ' ,, ..; . , . i)0 .., j ri;-iw, u 1 ill I v ' 'I ' i' i " mk'i able eartii. Ail reti ai:.ts ofeivd .'oven.ia j.t are l; rrrtn t'ir F.-ff ttcvi! e Observer. i Shonl.l mv h be snared, 1 a tend n.akin.-' this. in.K,:ailv.!iS. , " w .- , .. ...I. 1 1 ... ,.r ,rr-U 'ir, f l'auh l.?t evenv seal he subject unto the hi-h- 'iAe A'a Ho;! Zurvey.-l c.mu- tnc atten-; ae.x. o, my , o. ... - . . ' . . . i i ....... : . ..r,t,r, :,.tv i,.v .....in nhrl. nm leneeo I r'.''ar a it as liiO or powers. For racn are not a tenor to j.oed oie iu-....c i, ir.e s.aj ..ae.. mutoa ....... vyv a ;7 - - o , fMt ti, evil lex'- it thntf.ie tl at tir-t ' iVM.hn.t of the FavciteViiie ea.d estern Hail , ch-r, i-itnoe for waic'a I vi-!i to live. o.i..l;UIIOeVli. 1 I .,ull. Ul-Kliil , li.;ll IIIM , - T . . . it i . , I ,n ! i ci.. ol- .nppheun ns, pravcrs, imc-.ce Ms, and i Hoaii Company, wc cannot help remarking tnat , I u-rd not f ed yon, sir hou much he me-sau .iun-.fthanks, he made" tl.r all ...en; mr kin-s I we have beet, tiecpty disappoiated in the expocta- wei,: is needed m tins land of dullness and the T I . 11 . ,t , ,.lM ,i i ,V(. , ... p.... .....t 'nans we criteria! - !. (and had a n-'at to entertain S shadow rt oeuth. I hive just returned Iron, tho a :.d . oi ia I a ..I i.oi ii , taat w e t ua a v e .1 con- i a mi , . . . ,. r ,.. , . ,- .;' ... , , 1 f'-oiu I'-, i a S t-a'--;n i oi at I I rent tno (-.s'ern annual t-'tival ot Jujccrnaut,dp-tant fiom Cuttuctc aole hie, m ad .it.iness and hoi.ttv. i.ouii.a.. i a . t.i... i.j i . i i lipped o,'.en, atal their c- uteat.i poured et:t at the v. usdu torruh.'ij an e.:iet imltati:!i d a snow ..ha rr-. 'I'hii - w a k !a-:te 1 u;nvardi of two !.'! r-n tle lii-.h eea d -eahv Uini-.u.;; int. . . . . t I. rr:i .V. 1'. Ih-ni; St.iry L Jor rf Miytioiuiric.i Act'tt;nt if t.e IIul'j ,?..--- Pi'ain j' -.' !. ' Ji rui.uli i: . .'ii rer.-r : f'j ! mi ,r siauiuai !.:.ors, cur . 1 1 .e.cnce ot tne liottsc-.-:. I ae .uavci wi-,caii, o:i j . . . ' ........ ... j .... i .,:,.. i . ; , ;s i. . ... N e will sa n m-';-e at pT?ent. irr? is vet ; tv ot i , it c. iY j i a ve.iur.au mis u :at e-- p.j.cr.. ny ; el i;i.-iiuet. (vt.i vvvtaannci o. a iiUouana. aia. i iae j3 i.a- i . - . tha ground, an 1 :a u::e oi me sallies w,is knocked . , , , , , ' , . ,..!...;., ..ii lin.i: ir tho neon o oi the Ur.t to reajc-tn th-. . ( .a v.e i'i : . i . ea, ; a...a .-j i a . i-, en t ; nv iia eranusiaef!. oi n. i i ... .V--r. I he a nit irv were ou-erea uf, but as t .e '. .J , 1 . - ... , . . , ., t.. i! o hi ti-r ... ,.i.. u .r' w r- v -e. . , - !'.- r v c (a j.-i. c, :.ter 1 i-";;--' ; ii f i"..-a Id turv Vo'.iuio. Deati. is an eternal s'.een. ..ai .u it n w,n i..e it u.. o'.itna v.!.r.i..i i ..... r:';!T 41 Ci':r:ir: iC;J "" 1'v II- v-t t.LS,. . 1-inte,; -tie:: I.,' i tZ Th, dead hall be ,a,,..l crn,r..n.!. ! -i-i-v r-runr the; .Ml ,t (-,- lat .-.c,) t , ; .hdesp-r.,!,.... o,i:l,:t..,.Ji,,:.u,a t.p:si:.c!, . .,,her h,ria.. the! r exten-L-. Thu cerrun-tihle .ha'.l pat on incoi rupth.a, and thb t uh I here ii y t time tor thvmo reeurc to; .ac,a-,, a: eu:ryal I ,a . peramb.da' ions in remote .pirateo: of the ea.th. vbali put on minu-rtahty. 1. r we kmov if t'ienelvos the 0v.-i::f.::es oi this great ee.terpn. Ja I..t....r-. una a (..... I).. , ... o r,ir c;:;p ,.,lcs (ll,m a :van.a;-e over thi, ca, thiy h..n,a of this taba uae!e be di.l ved, T U aa.au ,h. ir a,d. (not ctl-.r. ,a w i a-!y voids.: v.. were -u;,p. at-rd hv ...a h,, . m I . .t n iy , ; ( wn;!:d Si.arrl.;v vr.ltur,. , n t we have a bmhlin;; of God, a house not made n.th i ,u sn!.-'ant,al .at-.cr.pt.on.A ..o,,:,; be dene. ' Th, :':w:rlVv..lVVi.r:.. .V;'; :J; ;':lV:T ! vw Vrfikm lv then,, lie mo-tbar. ha..dS eternal ia tiiO heavens. ! . " V'" ! 'duumtioa ot the i n ,,o, anl tMc ;!(;: . il-aroustrd -n.-r:.l!vUkun...h-MxC,th de- V.dtaite, ,m hi, de..th bed. Oa, that I had ; .yt-ca.,. i'-rs .. t ;,, I-.yet tevme an 1 W cryca btui - 5 , y ' ' . ' ' ' u e , f re-- -,f. 'i he're ;:r- ::o ,t o .v.-. :-o,. , , la !., J...... i.'iaNt! I at.. Company, I take ti is apportuu.ty ot t'rtivr. j;i x' V'"' -"l-:,,;.Cr;." !;VT l;'.'4 ':5i:;f'-!:':;:, ' ia .uSr count. v,x-.? !,!, o,c .-Vn.dlv mu- band- ii'-d by vi-Bmm,. i will give ! -.If that ; at a a: en a4 m" thy I- -f i:rrcTer-, ,t : , . , i ... v we:.- so,. a leu.. ..icon oy . a -!" ,. . .. .... -.,.ft. tito .v.: ...th.- I ....i.-r I.-:!, i wa.s ii:..:;.iuiou-!v n .s. ..;-.., i out tlie tiirvv and , ,, ... , W-'ire r.ii i it?- lUb' " lo.umi.-s. V:..a wcio we protm.c.t trem these ah. -a oO n:d s, and thorghvit wa tne tnmnePt at- l'auh Aii.iitare is given bv inspiration of i Counties ? eare-dy one ot them that did tea, ; tended of y;v similar festival I aayeseen, yet there G, d and is provable for dJItt.inetar icproof, for i throng 1. i;s ...ihi-ndial n et., p.-mne to ratu at , yeas ptoh ib.y m-t less than 100,000 tmmtal be ivni -ti hi in lia'a-- u--i.s !e; f,t o'd,U0c, aa-i some of then, as much as 20t,- i ums pro-tratct t-rtare that bloody iomch. but ' Vohiiire. Aav ii t,aint'upoa the appetite is an What .are t!:ey subscribed ? The v.lmle ' we ha 1 not a sute G -pel to bestow upon thera ab.id.;eu;eat of the lighis cfman, and ought lo he mat regmn west ei racuense, nova in - y.a, , abolished. ! I'ear to the M,-iti?mi-s, has suh-ctihed about tvaO,- laiuh '.Mortify the dced.s of the body. Ana K and of lhat the to;va ot baSb'aury claims the ew-rv imrn that striveth far the mastery," is na- bo!ir of puttm t!twa about thre.. -fourths. Fay porato ia all tid.us. lbs not drunk vv.th nua'. ' Hieviiie has suhseribi d s.early l-"iO,UK), and seme lrm.kard k .li not inherit the kingdom of God. j of her wealthiest cnlraeiis have n t y-t com- tnr- V..Stau-e. The marriage covenant should bean lard. We mas say, therefore, that she has re j..a;,.a. j tiet mod her pied'n t ut m.f .rttuvdiy, s'ac is the l'auh it everv tana have his own vvif- and i'any cianmuuity v.;:eh aas. nothing f the prripoircs but a few b.-ur.d Tes ta Tents an:S a eedec!i f) of enKaixf-s from the whole I;i!-'e pri;;td as a tract. I labred hard to cc.t a a o-'pi on i.f aFa.tt how printed i.sY in time, bnt sickness cud f be h ss' of types prevented its necemnlbhfrer.f. I U ;:v e it witli vour Committee to determine, when lo. Uing ova- the wrs'e places f tie1 eui'h, wheth- r 0:a--:i th-ey .;et d-aineral their n;. 'c dis-tii-I u'e a rrrcat manv rorti-r.s of Sci ipture in a varie- - : t;o-e we cati ii'i;;'v c.'.-iia vrttrsa i? the Janttu-ti e cf tlie i a: a ::s ia e-,e-,- re. AMO SUTTOX. i.ooTv our ron a .Mnxinxn. !-. s;;!or-;o '( a J r" '?.'? is np-- .vjM- li e j Mfv. .dii Ir.i ii.t ry , Cit V (.lear-l-, II.. :;""- : ljt.fa vetto f Hard -. ire?: U.c V t'.y.i .Vfzs. G.:r city yc-;:erday afteri.-'a u j '. "-d rt pr t iinP;r fc;!!crs en M"pvs nn-i i;rani sue .sy to.nts an-i ..v t frem s-.urces that sa'i-fv i.-j .n 1 1 . p ' ra. is eve:; r -o, on ;,!! -imt-i-;-'; v. tl." 1 I;l" U-r-t 'Ci. on II S T- 7 1 1 mis i.i.ates atuead. The Cor-v tti Jcu.i.al or i i'anl. lor I am imw ready to be efiercd, me! ( exammatmas oi the o -m.try i-u a he urgt a ier.ih? Treasury M er ,f s-.r'rt nr Wr-;rr:. L'mtnarv, is am.:- ,U ,.,,..nt bs tiete of mv ch-pm lure is at hand. 1 have fjiiht I wani vith ad p,-sah!e s. ceo. 1 no eanana! u u s t,,r j,,. f;r;, f p,:, ri::..(,llirh ahridee ft em t!:ut" pert! r f ;i ho r 1 C-a, dat- 1 : 1 ged tiglit, I haw finished my curse, I h .ve ; have by, rnrnuty, onmmeia x a-., tne s;;ct!oa oi;, f;. v . tj .;.,i0;.,u.e ::. c.l!illllri a, V,co b.r.r :--it, fcteud r 1 ;'h Ain-r -h-' hopt the faith, lb neahi th then; is laid up for me country between tne t. ape I ear mid au.vm ivi. - , y , : ;. pri- j,,, .,,-), Iir.j., th, f:.t:t,. f ,c cxt raotdinarv cordi' !; and f xc'ce": t ;m )r- -j Pm:. u, t.J.v. ;.,,,J ...,p., -is ;-.;:-!'. rrowai of i ihteou.-iiess, whieh the liOi.i, tie; ers. I ,i i,-cat of a riot ci the Uir -1 s"ri- us ci ura' !"', ti.it J u'i, the p trtv p"r-nr d t'hf ir touie tnv. ards a a'a, ! li.d.tt ous .fudge, shall give meat that day ; and win be very shortly conuveted an.' as :n ,t i.-.j osahed n. a lan.-ia.-.'e d-tructie. of pro-p'-r- ! ,.tt the lad, read t . .b-ra-! an. '1 1. ,;.;,.. a hg, j i'd b.r iiie only , bai unta thoai ai-o lii.lt hoe Ui . -'M! the C.net Assi.-tattt l-.n;:m.eer smul auyt-o .tJh nneh pers-a.al epiry ta ag'i x;? have r, ... or ri-hvr-s of s.a.d, tie-fe..; rxeetfca.t garden appealing. j otylas lea-.hoess, the ileport and t'StlUUiles V. hi l- i-..;ti ! hehtve. v.itha'it to3- .fide. !(...',, .. 'Ph- -ol-r f- , tie wells is raeel I V -'-n.e of the ir.a k-l sentiments ia the ah- ve an- sabtai" t d. j rv f. l! eornm axe I de,:.,;; the pr -gr-rs of the v - M j ,Z ;r d oxen, r.c:-nr.i-.- to (!:a 5mt:e-Jatcd tisi- "'- Voltaiic's o.vn words ; but they maybe con- j The I.h?ectors further agreed, that the proper : ( -; ;,y a . .-"rvic-i f ftho itft;rnooa, atid s i no h-arn ia j ..; ,.pn ri,;iitrv xrt M.-.-ia'ta the itn-.rcss of i,team ' s'mVrf.l as sahia-tially his, as they mew out ot ' ei an -e w . ml he, to cad a meeting ot the Mock- j , m ;'..:.dv,vte roturd.o; fVon, the f:r.; ia lbax-bury J S.:,,.V arc '.,.! ,:p into ;!:- n.!!::t rv b -rd e i. I -rah' is.1, aa.t which finally caused tho "French tut.fcvdie) and to them thouid be leit the decision i pu. ; r:v ,iv.t f.f !!.r,f.Vhev )nh v-Vth nn eye .v. r:i rut witii the lali-eos to nlii-h they h.-'-e tj!f. ,-oa t. The country is midakitir.'r fls ir one.- j r.-v -a' ion, w ith th- d- ,U uet.oa of about three mil- j ' b;' her action ia t!as scheme. h:n:d- to tne patrat-e and trJn-t5rc cf the Co. . -a f.r i lie la ,t fortnight ni-'v ..., t. f!M ; ,.,,0,., ,..r j,. ; o J'ja p: !ds .in;J1M,),i0l,,! I Homs of ne-.ple. Hader, which system d.-t thru i tie sahscriptiens m the Western part ct tne ; Cf .-,.,. ' - -..-car htth-ito with- at a pv-dhJ. Tae : .i0 :lf.,. (,p .,. !)VMn. ,i:iVJ t.,.j,,. j G,o..e i '1 h-.t of iatidehty, which nill prove u Slate talimg- tar U h.vv what they baa the tt.oogt.a ; t tail? of Mr J oV,n'-nr.,ir prri-r' J i si'nated iaEets;ie'. Tlie f omp mv ; ,.;rr-Vorne c.;!:',-, w;. s - ;ea bird nijch bui.t ! i'.oad ie. thy con-cience, md a thora in tiiy p.do.. 1 -' ns lor hehevie-g tie -y would icach, nid 'M v, e are ta.' snilh:":d v iniorre-d to ---ah vvit', er-- ideal and Gen. Jaekan. IVobihlr ,h - -! d 01 of a Trea-nry Ibmh. r e d, will ho adopted. "The pnrty ' or vo t!ie co-.trei oft!:e puhiie trcasa t'!"ir j!i-.ro?:c.a power. From the d, eoh-.L'errd Wiil of the peopt t'.e" e, r-cpo.-r. Tucir beiid of cobrsien. atal one, is tb'ar own iu!nrest. at-d I .-: p: t re.-, one I it, ;mJ nne u. -ait lue:--- m toe v..t the sod is rich and tami.pi t, t.d. This is c:-:h.e, when they came in c di. ma with an fndC,;'c p; ,.f .Sharon the f Hirers of Com. Elliot's fdacral. Several -j-tat-mci-ti have ca.-es to a '.r? ffl,;;3 nt Jalft, vrera preieiitcd with a oac-Wuitf tho lira laovo-a., a I tit a? r-irly as v. e ' .r x j.i.. at the Am-i -i.-n ( ' t's. Il was s:iid v: Ic-am tl..- pai Ucu..n-i v.e give thctn be low. t ih-y-t-.t fr. a, Jalll. to d-ro-den. ia about ix I four.: toe di tattee i c r e un-d at od na'es. The Mayor to !: th" preetutien t- plaee a faa rd Fan u:n;; 1 to r a' II. frota Itamlt, tb.o mi sion- at cverv churcii ia tne cite, to prevent nay he -.: ; ary party loan , the e ..1 5 '.a richer, and no sand i.!arm that mi -.lit art-.? dorm: ti.e mg'if, n i'.U a; vet t.acv.'aivutvd !nt h .u-; and there in spots. t-.adc-nev la ro-nev and proh.n.; the ::r ia;m of. ! Pas.-:-. d some j a hut-, stud small villages, and ;i Ikjtachn.e.im t, on. t!i? mdda rv c.tae-aide 1 : v. ere ! :eat!er;d authvdving had or that ol CiirUtiai.ity, xthark a.ld-ti. a.al liotalmcnt tioai the t nhsci 1- ; 0.-. 'I h feia a-'d h afir-s o'th" Moo- nill enable cu to die with a "lorious hope fif ,;. oers, a notice tor the payment oj winch has t- en ; xvjy , 0 .p,,.;. p., (!..vta..(!(..i ,, t' -i',,; ., ,rf.,;.. lfl() ! laib.ioh'. ih and which thev hoi-e vvih be nrnmjMlv ' ,. . ; r V J "'' ' -, in-anaiity . JU-o. ji . ' , ,' ! can ne pretty weii eeesseu irom it 3 na!ernt?T.-. met. t he ihii ctois nave aciea mmcr tne inn oc- j I hc-t, that Fii.se who have pat a band to this work, Ha mo. id, X. II. APFOIXTMCXT OF X itERS OF COXGItDuU TO OFFik'E. " If important appt.int ments continue to deva Ive with a deliberate d.'tero.ination to carrv it on, ii poshle, at ail events, so farms ta demon i v ALhUta '.v. lllu L-UililbACY. stiiite t.i tiie people of the i ;ip" I'ear and the W ti. i The deman i made f r the celebrated speech of upon the lleorescnt ativos ia Con-res, it rcqaiies iU d to the - tale of .,o,th Care,:e.:i, the practicabib Urn- h. t.th Car.) ma rai-r, by all classy, is qait no (ientu e. iii-.'.mei ta i.e ouviueou t;,at CO u. 1 pvaed darieg the ni-dd a!o:!g Ihoat ::vi Fureliase rditr .a c and rna.;;;, nalhr.-. Not a jangle roe I thiongh thi:t cfuut.-it! that the in ot,!c :ay crrcct I -.anoaru. j ceverai oi tne pap'as have r-rn pnhh-hir.g vie. r-r.vts tt pre-ere tlie peare i i! e c.-y. A t'-e p, r h! y wail.:.-::, i km"- the hill co.n.try to ta- tn'.'ac.r.v.' i.-i tin. tr avvtHutionul sGrcrrtxulv i,w""-' -... , ........... j .v ... , .,, o.u sane; .ejeta some ot rae'at t.me, 10 oVl-rck, cverv tbing iq-akt : and ' tl cv fund sou e d; .!;,.;';; and tai.tles-.iill a j and when ttin:f may b- apprehetaled to saritgr l exei K.-ncc-d men to gatlier all the facts .yay. j ta.ua r.a i to have been spoken by Mr. Clay. Mr. s,, Ui,prekca?iou exists of any .onevval oftho rivt. n id.? wa-.tt? e; 1 f.ae with th- sua? exeeptinns. ! up in f.om.o favo rabtn emerjeaov." (h:.v. Jack- ary ta rai etaightei.ed atm correct Keporj. .11 the j v eh-ter, and otaors. Wl!ho-t tmy ileprccintien r- No-.v tt... ha. -ton- i-w-ks hori.-.a-d anl sirath j :;'-; letmr to the b.-idjiaro" ol' 'IVu-cco ia ,:at- ol the caiiitry and Uie condition d our c:ti- j from the !sd me'nllie. properties of any ether a.eat r-, .; , ; .... led iceifd dag in- tin OS a wall, ia other lft'7. ' sha'.l c.m-e a delay of this war!-:, we shall have 1 .u.an, we may ho peru.ittetl to state that tho Nuhi- r;,1?1.;:;:'-.; rl :lvn -.Kv n,, l,(ter cultiva. Thus .aid General Jackson the Candidate ; ! V1 U ou, tier t.f the ,nh stands out rdonc-, a philosopher, a v.:-.a 1.... 10. .. ..., ... ;. . -; , , ; , , , ., , ':!t! ...,.,. I? tho.i-h wc need not s.-.v tluo: Ceneral .b.et.s,,., tJ. !"ty. .vurrt;, a u"n:H, faessed will, the rift of nro-rhrrv i ( t this heat. tin. t Plain of i timi uilt ae.::ac the order . the n'aij. It 1- it? it v, the advantages, a:d tb.o ri!;i! nnportanee ot a ; en'etiaun:"' ;tvj met ive. Mc.:?rs. Clav and union of the Western port tea of Carolina with the j Web-ter r.re far gotten. ceveral ta t he papn s have r-en pnnhcrar.- v a pronaet ri ehh t-'41 " ....' y- l.ViS 1 o; - ,. ;. iT:,..y.u., I ,,.. t had: aver Pre.Md.mt mrsiol n vrtv ddlerrnt course. Within I ia mow i the prcsex-.t ttymg .state ol ati-.irs, l!,o :,nd laresight, ;,bi.t cnual to ; V . 1 I,?:';' ,'.1..:,.; -.r5,' I the beautia.l Plain ofJ...,rc.,.. If ten one a unsafe j f.ar years after his Inauguration he had appended ; "'Z .:s ot t;'r V10 rcch:ctJ V1 'a:'T V" I M5" ana,-vsi"5 o!'lhc currency is the tm -t clear and yjliy,,.;d,iulvra..t.Ja,u..... 101 o-'- ()!, ;iCC;.lltl! pst. rolars (.hdl -) to ti.,vil the i Ihu.ea .Senators and twenfv-six members i,f i ciicukamg memum ot the country oi-aa-ad, t,.e ; -cier:Uhc wc have read his remedies fr.r 1?:?1 nro- aitheaa.a). .route, but Ibrahim IV.-ha has rut a Mm to tin 1 1 .use to alliens of profit and trust. The moraiim- i Vil!"- lLo ".'I'-t-""-e tins load is thuly more ; r.e,-;yeuy good now. . The .-Huston to the fetv At. intense excitement Pvai.e J ;!y u-na , !U1Ip1(:;. U:, apm-oarhia - Je, t.sahua v'c t i.-.a.,, 1 cf Corrupti.-n had become as familiar in C..,;mss!i mote apparent. , . , i d sys-mn ks pregnant with nn,,,.. To tl't rceklne.s and asre-,r.l ot la-s cxm.itcd a, a. I J t,,S ,,v (, ,l:;inv 'rw , , tlu,n(.. 'i'he table land ! as it v as of parliament, when tfir Iiohert v alp, i Tho means ct carrvm- on this woi. a.o m the : hahhle the invention of Martin Van Huron-ia ne!i s.eea-3 were dr-p.iyeu ia every larrrtmn. ...... . -.... l ' t . l. ',..., !-.. ,-5re af.v..rv ; . i V. estern poitton ci IWith t aroatsa. vN it!, toe ;(he nation taJehiedfhr t!m inerea-e of t,rm'-rn Wh:a thy multitude r cache 1 ta-- corner o broad wilJi I1:1 ;,(. ; (,p ,,,.o ,;JU. t()Wtr.3 , , ;.,the NoUse, except threep'rr when Mr. Ihrckford i ! '-ea aad pleog-d ,n tne Caoo I-ear, witu tae nt;d Purchae greets, tney r?f tae wmnows ot . vh v t;in,. int- vicw . ,:i: , Vl f the!a-ked with so much emphasis " P.av does tp,. j tate .nuahug ready and anxious 0. o her part, several house maa.-dod ,y h, ! "i y s, t-i te r j xv . "i I -. ami soon t K d an : es , miner .s a . ia vv ae citv. ! ieiitlo n - an imagine there is a sine!" member of this i Wst 4'ut a3 liii' a,iJ ! ed th".? I.oa.scV, brcy..a up t a s tantiture an., .--mptteu Th . ... ..t; ,.t. u p; ., ..j !( i,.,,.c u!:o dac'i m-t know vvhat'Carraption is V 1 we shad g, on. ! the cvu.-.rs ot the e..,er ne-y. I ne mr, l-rj thecha:.nel of the rivulet (Jib n, with it.pls Mr. Van Huron has f. Hawed ia the footsteps of lts" ti-'is of V. estern Cure ma, wd! you; 1 . C :n ti sr.ecie ) i vn.en.ts. a.::e di.-Umca about the soot was tilled with ihath- cTJ. .Meai'vhiie the tight continued three or f- ar : h j.I :ne:i and b .vs b. m g a;tive!y cnga :'cd on me cry i --ti. i ae root; ceiirou in m ,n. tamo state, with pr-. rip:; a.1-- Link-, o-dy v.asbe ! when I then? are rain- that till the bed. J. rn aleni i : on ll.e an;.la or j aictioa ci thc.e rivers, u. .alht.r beds or ravines, nrwnn-io' the st.ara l.dtt''":i them. ? . ' i i As hranvn can ie-rn, no mama can i.rj attara. rphe Cltv declines ta ,i,e ,-ast it tera.i i-.trs both rd t: the F.re Drpaitamnf as a b...!y h y,-n 1 t!:a-j o:i Sl!l,,h UI..l c;i,t lV t!.0 :ihru,,f deep raviees. excitemcar -rowing: out ot fie in-prc-aa:, lhat one !'p..t. hjo of Znai is in the .S. Ik corner, and one of of their companies had b.-'Ct; uaja, deibty ass-ided, j ,,,. I.ig.hot ir is now u tJreek l.arvin"-rrnd, r.:r the common error ot ta t,::i a dist...-s;t! .a l;gside the walls, Mr,. Thompson and Ir.'ltodge, t take the parUhm.ent lufi l.vtr own hands. ,.f j,,. An.eri. ia incision, are Lartc.I therethe 'ibc;e ,4 i.a reason tar charging u .on them any oi ..n..,,:, has,, aw a banal lot on Mount Zh-n. Mount t..C exce.-scj-;i,ar oecn.iea i.. i.it- n.-a.H ,u -,o- i .XloriaJi is a at .? i..-n!. M......r S'h.n. thi : -tjoi the Ftii!de, ;i-,d no'.v the u;acpie of JSt. Omar. It was foimeilv s. patidcl from Mount iv;,. his p.redcccor in this respect. Already has he rd"ul ltli-? a,: : V ,;1 o;' ca- a!!" f.r."ver. ,iMI ..... '. cU- .,...,;.,,r;,r ; Or.,,. mm.tltPrc r.r'( I prospect ot sccuruig the mighty he,): ;:? which all fcr service. rau!uxd-im live of which has i VVi11 Y 1:oal lii0 Cotifi"'!clini ot' lS,b Il hern accepted ; t tile vvora i Ik L. WINSLOW, Prcs'f. Favettevihe, June 10th, 1S3T. Ltl'cr frem a Jlaj tit .Missionary in lnJia. Clxtick, Oitiss.v, July 18: JO. fir:v. ai Du.vi: PiR : Pernnt me thron'i . . r ., XT-..,,- .-. P .!.. . .r-: -I. :..j I . ' -. j oi i ae i.o. .- . . -1 . j ... .. .r .. ... ;c act ally retire J to their eagi-ie bej.oa i-e.'l.;e the rorams-a'j:i ' of any outrage upon tho piep?rtv at th i Trislu We ilel br.tm.l to make thisr statement, in ju--'ce to a very respectable and t minentiy u-'ah clacs of car v tmg men, whose unwearied o.ver tionSf nigl.t and day far the fact three wet k-. . prorectn.hr the proprtiy and live, of their tollaw --J,5-t-r; en: ill-? then, to th ? htghv-t decree, to tie '-rj...".a-e: an i co IF. IF. .li.'.', member of Congress from Pennsyl vania, Navy Agent, Philadelphia. (rtcr?e LoeuH, member of Congress from Vir ginia, Navy Agent, Norfolk. Jhrnrd Tjt;cas, member of Congress from Vir ginia, Sin; orintcnder.t of the Arsenal. 12. A. liannran, member of Congress from Indi ana. Register ot Land I) I nee. Ah-, h'f untor 2Zing, of Alabama, alinister to A tria, (flecln.ed) sir. Gorhitxi'rarhsAV.Qiubcr troni 3iame,to a Post : taousand d n.ars to aid ia the circmcdion t i tlie sa-1 cent, disconnt. rrm the I', i : .lar.e?fee- Ji.r.v ! Ti.e People have bern teb fa- the past r-gh' years, that the timca were n-r,.,v. iag better Mwi t-'-iier every year, under t! ;-. anl pr.'t.mt Aflmiidsiratia::. limv stands the aeeount no?: ? Eh ht vnr'a we had a United .Statrs Ika k of 8:Jo,00 djlGd cA. ta!, tirrnty ration., rf vrie ia the ccantrv, ai' a cut res.ey equal to any in fhn wnrld. The United States Hank has hetai vetoed, llrj deeed;os movea imo me pci mm:is, and n; y, witl, cihf-i mtltlnnscj .y,eci hi th ecap-:t,y. we have rhh4 i i fa iK.aress a ongn you ; n:, currency at ad, or one of thr. r-rr. . a line or two to th.e American Hihlo So-; WOrhl. ! ciety. At the Antmal Meetnng of the Orisfa .Mts- j Eight yrir an a man could travel throu-h V r us- i sionario- at Cuttuck, I had the pleasure of inform-j United States and Canada with Liihs n t'-e P;.H ing my er-lleagnes of your gvnen-us donation of a j States Hank, and without havin-r 'to Vav 'Z- - t - Ti.e J.aTi gate, which nt? entered at ; the Zion ale, which h. s ea-t of the Jallli, and on the hill of Zn.r, ; St. tder.hea's g -.te. which opens next the vd.ev of C' ..'roil, a;nl u,a th of .Mount Moriah ; and iho Dim cu.sgate.nhich lies on the north side o the city. The highest ;art cl the city is a little ; we-;: ci ::.e J.ih i ;t .-. ' men, L-cr.s of Congress. Ve would a.-k if morel ciety for their liberal giant of a thousand dollars "pen and profligate bribery could be well practised I lor Orisa Scriptures. j Eight years ago, with twenty millions of sppCi" ,!1 the country, they were at par, and all the batiks in any Government. We freely confess that we j It may be proper to add, that the Missionaries i paiil their notes i!i sueeie. can conceive of no combination of circumstances, ' now laboring in this province are fair Fngiish Mis- j Now, none of the banks pav it, and one hvndrc T which would jastily tho President in making sucnu 5tt;narie. two of their wives are English and two i av.d ten dollars of t'. best hank t'n-v-r m,i-'t '.I;-: -:. Fi; e re;rentati;o3 of tho People have so their wlvc-. I mentis. the-:e ratticu'ars that itj Eight years ago we had soecie Cov ckanre; nr.-; Zioa hv a vidh-y t:w ti;! -f! up here lios"the pool O.diee ere. 1 .Scriptures ia Orissa, when it was cordially j Now, the pet and other Innk bills are from fi" ofSiloaai. Jerusaloai b-'s a strong wall around I Ir re are no b's then six appointments .within 1 voted that the giatofut acknowledgements of this j to i?n per cent, discount even in th -tt lhur gates ord , onent.l the rest walled up. the first forty eight hoars of bis administration, of j conference be presented to the American. Uible So-1 which thev hclon. --iei, tj o 0 o o r

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