o ( - as i km iv never contradict d. I l;;.vc often leafd it from thc members of Dr. Joht.es familv. m It is scarcely prssib!e tlit;t ihey should have been deceived, arid their charucfr is are too well know :i to suppose them willing to deceive i ti.fr-."' a:, d yet his Lor.ds da." w wr.s m-,.u m unc-ccupieu ru the o.e J'-" -i ir.u ie v.:;-: in I. I-":, I .VI. to buy. i nt.s excuse nus net admitted by the litis- J weie sent to Professor K others, of Virginia, now "row Vc Cincinnati Gazette, of 2oth July. tso oerlormed tuts dutv Iis-$ - f wnen ;. clergyman ; krv, w.ueh m sumo ens s is humd more ctlicacious I anthracite. The bed of coal nnnarentlv covering Ultio. in me cm ua ui .muv, uul Mm Miming We shall o:dv add. on this point, the fdlowiri" : wn present au ir-hmco of indecorum vmv mi- ; than the arguments of individuals, no matter how j a largo space, is situated about Hveaty-live miles weather conmicncctl, in our unio vai.ev. it has from a volume of senr.otrs recently m.bli.-hod bv 'e?:ir.l with him. Jbdng to'..!. afmr the cler;;v man's ' persuasive the latter mav !k. His Honor, the. j above Danville, ia the immediate vicinity of the j continued ever since with a very slight ltiterrup. the Rev. Dr. Chapman of Pwvkir.d": ' .'epurtm -o, : th- incivility, ho expressed l.js'iegret Justice, jMt.i!..!cnI judgment n gainst A7ry, who j Dan. Trio l iver is navigable for batteau.x of three j tion. Sunday afternoon, July 'Jhd, we had a hue or k-ur tons burden, 50 miles above Danville. lo. shower in ..mcmnau. im-uo ut muiea- Itiotis of wet weather m our northern horizon from when he agreed .-tent to jud-c, mmht tost it, several specimens i imported lot) bbls. tlour, and this year she will prouaeuv ujio . ni uuiuiii j-oi i. The author mentions that lie alvvavs said cracc ' h:mo, w ,,o oi.-eoveiiug that Jhnu was not to be I employed in makin T a geological survey of this at table. On ot.e occasion, from the force t habit, -.'.v.'?ec.-' out of the cash, resolved on a resort to the j State, who without hesitation pronounced it good "lie (d'eoro Vahiiptn;i) lm i :i . ..r;(! e i.ver.-i:.t, but added, the rovcrt-sid gentle-, was thus rtri:,-il i.i his attempt to saudie another wlicn there were les-i veTbal jrete:ion o-i t;,(. .' ti.riti wiil at b.-ist 1"- assured, that nc are not en-. man v. itli Ins wiff, r.nd doomed to bear his burthen subject of region, than have ticrome c-xce'efliiU' ' ''b' procf!,. l Mcut.t Verm.n, hnwev:-r g: icvous he m-.iy liod ir. lie was some- Ihshionabb? in modern times, and the con-reueaec S" Ir:iir!l "r U adiin-tou's tegular observance what oKcneerled by the tb..:Mo i, and immedmte is, that in his life, we hive more of the suhtance ,S lUr !-U'i"'l- W r.hioL 'i here are a No, ly wer.t Ins way, it may be in piest of another f'.-in fhn n-.fwlo rt' nlr.'.'- Ki'.W l., .... .1 1 i v '! r : , i 1 1 1 M e- ,i j m r facts i !lus t ra t in ' li i s itu ';!:; purcha-er. W Mr. !); n it as quite ditlerent, .t.v. llll ill, 1,11 , 1.1 . . w ... L ' i - m I I L I I I"'1 i e::i; i It'fi. one . f h; at' si r-iii.:i'ini;i;c i i iirht' -oc-o, aiio it v, as so cvmont -carr.p in the ' that be .ts ii.nardiy congratulating himself that 1 i and avnweil follower of the Lord of glorv. frum the hps of a lady of undoubted verneit v,' . t livinir nnd a worthy communicant of the church, I re ceived the interesting fact, that oon after thee.'o-je oT ihe re i .!nf i ir:r rv w:ir y7tr .'tiji t.:irf: U r- .f' the consecrated symbols of the body and blood of llu:iiJ l!MM i U knr' s :i( h; dtotion." p. in-. ; The uoman is said to be young and pretty. !';er.cii .var, our author informs !-, h is oibn b' en ho was t.ot a;;r oer, that the im:resioii of the ard to say, t: t:at :i into Wii-!ii.,-t(.,; - Mr; reur-e .id l !.r-s u:'; v.-it viators i- wii! heri;aftjr be cautious how he in u-t ii.i.n o;k , , '' nhoiit ;"rio-:-i tn it'.ers. Chn'-t.in Trinity Clmrcii. in the city of Ne.v Vuk." p. 11 y. In 177-1, Washington w as a mem":,orel tiie Vir- inia House of Ihir-'esses, r.i Willi mh-oui In- y)nr leaders wu doul.t es.i tenn'n.b'r toe ar;.c-' ,,,U eriair.aliy lecorded, we I t llce. in tint w ! i:n sical production, " Wcem's Life of Waiiintoi!,"' ; respect ii'ir the cunitnander.'m chief being ueciden- voit.m; .mi:x. '.ws jiavi: an ocj:: i i. view. 1 he lnirliest ot .ject vou i a. have, is to irierov formation having been 2eCe,ved of the ihton Pert t:li!v .c-oveicd, by a ,!r. P-tts, at us pmate .10-; (.((, a;u ... Udl, passed b thn Hriti.l, P.uhament, fo tr.ke v"Xl' :i "S'")';1 near the momorao-c T:.c IiCXl j- .j : to houor v Clthor a:Ki t eilect on the l,i of Jane, the houe i.ppoiuted that t i.ca.npmei.t . t 1 all.-:, J or;;c. o- have ae.vays . mM;.r- !r,V "lo 1. .-,.f :.r.,,f n n of T, -;r ..r looil,:,. I COM, LU: rd the Story mCU.mt poer p.Ull. Lot; .... ,,,.- f I. ... .,. ,,0; ,, Miri r n t!i-cpir tion, and prnvcr," The following imtrv is f und ""' s'-,;"'r ln m 11 .l'VI,iWit l1 " 11 r u,.'ut " i: a diarv, k.'-pt i,v Wnshie,r.,, at that'time: l"1,.1'- Kv '' l':iu "u r ,;t;sr !h:it ' 1:'ce'. . ... . ., . , .winch slates t::a! t.icre was a man bv tue iriiir ot " 1st.. W cu.iodav. ent tn ( huren, and ; , ,, ,. ,- ,t " , . ; ,., f ' a!l ! ' " iJJcsnmt l. a.er, inen living on im pof, o ear ' ' " ! of age. who said he had heard this fact stated, bv las that our 1 peared, very mu we are to judge by the leadin ottlan,V ci-ntempHrarv has " reap- i grain are flattering, notwithstanding the unprcce inuch improved m externals; and if dented drought, which yesteroay, for tne first tuno m two weeks, was relieved hy a shower 01 ram irticie m ..lonuav s , rauci -it ' 'P! .-v r-. . . ,i-;il 1 10 nliiitiil.nnt rt mninnlv iii'tlnwA i.nner, W illi no diminution ot courage or spirit. ..ir. ' Ormoit 1 Ji.nathan fcmitli mav tiuJ, heiore : e ..." ..- I rauci he ec ts well rid of the business, that this meddling ; voted themselves to the culture 01 tne termer arti with the Liberty of the Press, is a dangerous un- i ole. Owing to the neat ot the weather tne cotton dertakin The attack imon the Courier, merely lias sufiered severe.y, and what nasnot been pareti f ,r copvii.- an article from another paper, was of od by the sun has been sadly ravageo by tne grass that peculiarly mean and coward! v kind, to be ex- hopper, bill bug, and numerous other insects, the " in tiie year 1 (., he was appointed eommai.d-cr-i-e!ii' f of the Amoiican ai n: . 'The d ay r.frer bo took omm md oi ihe- urmy, an or.'cr was i-;::.ed, in which we l;nd the follow ing injunction ; "'The (ieucral rem tires and expect-: of all offi cers t-nd soldiers, not engaged on actual duty, a punctual attend ince ori divui'- s-orico, lo jmp'o: :; tiio hies.-in." it heaven u:on iu n.ea:: t: d ibrour afclv at1 tli i.ee. Mr. Potts and his family. ();;r author adds, that j (ee. Knox w.i also ai: arehb ntal v.i:ne-s ol ti.e! sai.-:- tiling, and was " fd'v apri:'.eil t!:at y;v;rr! The n"f. to scre thv country honestly and f.iithfuliv, i:i whatever station thou art c-dled tori!'. A' 1 the i;ef. to chove jheo a wif in tliy youth. Hut be careful in vcair choice. Do n .t marry a fool. ii.i!i.-.s- vou wii to bt"! t for yourself ttouble. Uei-.embcr, y.-mg ,:10!i", alwaxs to have an ob- i ' criptton list jeet iniow; and !! o ur :ioi in kfo L-e '!evated. j 1 1 . t 1 . ? pected from such a sneaking i.oltroon as Smillt. , enemy 01 tne punaer propeiuv. Do did not lare commence an action where he JNc:."-1 ork. The Rochester Daily Advertiser could not have a flm-or in packing the jurv. We asks " henever bad any people greater cause are Inppv to learn, that ibfriog its suspension, the ' br rejoicing w ith reterence to the harvest, than Courier his receded a lar-e accession to hs -ub- i I't with winch Western N. York is now b!csed ? was the ob'-et ol t..e .ommander ll'f-ouei.t u:s is tne s de gei .1 1 -t ol iKiiactcr me ma! to tea; grow, and that the rea--oa ol his h -"ltmg ; there was. I bat, hir, rp.tarters in a tog but at that . ot.eampu t n; weie no? such as allowed hen rioperj nvaey tor -:u 1, n du'y. The f,!b;ii g extract will iv rea l v. i;h h. forest. ; "In the year l'KK : cier j tp.-iu f this S'ale, spring e. i xet c-. j T!;e result of the ."Maryland Congressional IV.cc ti 11 is, ihat Ibur Administration men and four 1 in.:.. . i 1 t.,, . 1 ' oi"s iiiiii i:;;vioi y : .v. , I the parties is th: same a last year '..! : 1. . r on s e o-mg m?o sor-ndir: g t :i vir ! i- j ti- -s ot" the Admii;;tiatioii party are, re It- lis ai son o "sort ot gaming, or other idle j much smaller than ibrmerly, indicating .1 01 ( .1... wi.: ... it ? .... t;i. 1! is a ;-iie j-ti inev neer w:.i w- tuusi; o 10. u i.igs. utfi'iu Tt-e ndativo force ot TI Imagination could not fancy any condition of wea ther more favorable than that which has hern reai y; d during the last ten weeks. The rains falling often onougii, nnd not too heavily at once the temperature just light for wheat, potatoes, and al most eerv tiling in the firming line, excepting e majori- , corn, lor wdiieh there is chance enough vet in the iioeer, uarm weather of August all combined to bestow : slow ;n- amu-eh;! " A fnv days after tin's order was pu!.b-hed, the being in coinp-u ; IJev. William I'mers-.n, a c-hapbiin in the army, : ' ! Ceo. as!4:;i; writes to a friend : "'There h a great overturning in the eamp as 1 ue Lt neals Washington and art' upon loe lines every day. New ordeis from h:- Lve!'o:.cv n.-e read to tie; respect ie regiments eerv n:' in i;:;:, aUr 7 j;rr.':, vv'e. " The subjoined extracts, from orders i-.-u. d fiom time to time will sere to witnes-. the great care ot f-r Ve t!ie commander to etieonrage this dut : b en ( '.- w on n, had .Maior tion w itii Inui on tn con er-ati-'ti was f a control ersril uatun; in t!:e 1. - -- 1 - ' .. , I.ut , a ! .ative ; !:f.tl rciiViT-n- cl of ( 'i.i ifia;;ily. Tie- j e i no 1 :i:ev will men. .'shun tn no. r make good bu -' -and-. A bran, diessed out as woine are, is like a cinnn mnn tt( ike b.irk is worth more than the In iv. upon the country a most luxuriant vegetation. The weather has been excellent fr haying, and iho crop of that article promises full supplies ut A Nashville correspondent or" 1 he IJeston Atkv? states, that Ir. Ilailie Peto:i, the able and intre- th.o res fo tnose v. 00 may have, calt; '1 the rrxt winter storms. to b n i om' w irn'tii ; ;e est the m:prolita!d to th an -o rt w a man to ai - ! . I o; i:.i..:.s of 1; t s , ! 1 .. . ; -o, i 1 V . . - I i r Mil I , ' . . I 111 4 1 4 .-ucu l! aux, I trat.-H-iTv, sle r t-o v o. 1 uretf" in th- iv s-.n.-iii; I- ; pi.i reprc-sen n ligiou- Ol til Tiio so i !.;;; -m 'in the sni "Ci f th CSC 1 0.1 r and f : ing his 1 : .mat i: n t- , as ages. leiation ! o :.IU o " I'rom tue Orderly Hd, Mav 1'th, 1770 o-i!''i:a s iiof.y guatd, ouiin: e re. ;!;..' e ', t;.e e tumu at.d the old little a; ,r o! o, them. nen ;:"v f er 1 t e::. .are t: if w inmr. il-. They look u.u.i'r : but, poor :i pnt'oae 1 1 01 au- t 'O " 1 : i -t:ve bom t t'tme te'or. f : ( m t:u the pieseu j remo'. e to I ' O-i t i Vi w Or'.eau- it Cii hie i cm v.i!i, J r. P. will 'u-oba.blv O i - . t I iiie pur o! le-.ve their t.'iat is t!;e enl of i p: aei.stug n.w . lie v. id, hewe : petal n:s tun: FilOM FhORIDA. Hy the ?e!.ooner Jlere, (.'apt. i:.m:y, ru riv- yesu-rday, v-e have received the Jacks-die C-u-ro'i o' t-.e "JTih ult. Irom winch we ooj-v tiie f.-i- ;e I s on ms n;rm in . c rs.-ee. j .; cc :: g Ylrc ugo in tne g ii ot a gen- a greater : t ot tun war, and ' The Continental Congress have ordered Fridae , " -pportt:!:ities of l.-arning i u- c-w '.--ed the be-t and habit-. l! -man. a ddres.--s in the !a: .jnae of fulsome ' DKCLAIiATIO N OF WAll IlV bUilXO.-? AYKIIS Our pb:e eti.iMci s in ti w o I . ! 1 ' o - J.vcKsoxvin.r, July '-27. iv- been on tire ri sevr-ra! vtemity, br some dnys past. c uiery, vo :i -i the prey. '1-lgUi the I7th tnsfa:i to be observed as a dav of fa-tin" lu answer to ;o. m -tu.n, !.e ,!:-erv ed, after ; then: an bu'nili-if ion. and nrnver. bii!?:b: v fo s:i'!!k-:e!. the tat:n ' for a i.uoment. ' (i'.-o. Va: -hir "Id'i v :-. rrr. . J' V". mercy of Almighty Cod, that it woul 1 piea-c him ; tainly a pio-:s imm, his opirm ::s being i;i ia,or of j by clothing and money, to pirdofi our matdtbid sins and transgressions, afid teligjon, and lis habits all of that character and! in prosper me arms 01 tne 1 niton t-oiomes, ami ; o -ci ipwon. i.--mg mriaer mu.-rri'ga'eu as to ms finally establish the peace and f reedom e f A mei iea ;nnbits ne replied, that hi- uncle, he knew, was in is o: , ituug !a he.-. that as b-. .'.-ts of prey. e:i counn j.ucate 1 1 saw them blazing on either hand in coming up the ; t-JT'OI : V. 0-V :ofO - frt too r-!- la-i in l!i-if tl v toe snip lru.t!s. Capt. Adam-, we cave l ue- , 1 ..-to . 1 1 ' rii 1 J V :i 1 POO 01 :t 1 1 . 1: "v!nn -r-..- L-o-o AdALNST PiditJ Irutus, Capt, Ad in nos Ayres p ipers to the . th of .May. The i't iti-di re the .'cw York Kin:, of July Ig. CANADA. We spoke a day or two since, ol the state ofaf- upon a solid ami lasting foundation ; the Ccneral , the habit of praving in private and with the ani- eomuiands all officers and soldiers to pay strict unt ion f an old soldier, excited bv prof-.sionul I obedience to the orders of the Continental Congress-; ' iccfdh otior.s, rafher than sympathy with the sub- f:.''rs Oauad'. Ilofore us now is a paper, the that, by their unfeigned and pious observance of '.p'of, he related the circumstances of the following Kingston, V . C. Spectator, which contains a series t heir religious duties, thev mav incline the Lord . occurrence : While encamp' d at N. J., Kcsi.Iutions passed on the ."ih of July by a meet- and (iiv cr of victory to prosrier our arms-.' i a sohlier arrived otie in. ruing, about d '.y-!re;ik, in l betweMi o.-n:. at. -I persons, h.-.d in " I'roni the Oidorlv lb .ok. 11mul tM T'iiJ '..itii deM.atelies f,r l'-e Coewo parlor. in. Che I fVo,i. 1 M- Lawrence, maj.vCt S(piU-. .Montreal. It tiie troops may have an oppoitunity ofattem public wornip. as well a to t.ire some rest the great fatigue they have gone through, the h.m of the bodv IT .-.-r . .! t ..;... .....1 f .1 Sunday, except at the sliip yards or 0:1 the p . h the (cn ti.'f eia! occa-mns, until turther onler-.' ro?:m mei leaci.mg i::e n me, 1 p..u; to p.o aioie "In a Oircdir fmrn the Conun'itifJer.in-cliief to . n tiarrow passage fsoiue length. As I : . . . - - a ill . I 1 f ?:ie ori"aiticr gen'Tai--, dit'il the 'n ot .day, u iu-oo.u, 11 m a;g le-aiiv e;;i!i, 1 ..is aire.- Packet of that elate cotitains a Di:clai;.vtiox or j Wai; by the Pcpubhc of Ituenos Ay res against I'eru, now under the Protcctio!i of (leu. Santa I Cruz, w ho is also President of Ibdivar. Chili de ! dared war against Peru some time ago. So there are two against two: Chili and Jbjenos Ay res against Polivar and Peru. All the Republics of South America are thus mingled in the strife, ex cept the Ibmda Oriental, and the old pepuhlie of Columbia, now divided into the iluee Republics ol as .New Switzerland, has been p-.ii under contribu tion by the devouring element, for a considerable distance, in either direction-. Tiie buildings at tiie plantation of the late Mr. Motto, together with the fences at Mr. boring's place, aie burnt, we are told, to the ground. Tiie buildings at Col. Hal lows7 plantation, and those also at Dr. Simmons', are said to have had a narrow escape, the fire stav ing itself within a short distance e:dv of those luces. To persons huiitirv in th t. w - KK' t riiiei cmo kw---'-.- n o i...L,Ct.JI ' - Ti... 1 hi. i,.l., C r- , -wW.... .,.0,. :.. f u ;(- r ' M. Law : nee. market seunr". Moufrea . It is hi- : l-',...-,.t. XV . ( t r.,,-,.,.?., ...,,1 V.. I, .- :i ' - 1 ''"". -- ov.s, "- '--"' e- idin-a distant division f the arn.v. A so-,11 as his ..': obcerve that tins is the e-timafe of the Speeta- ! he diihctdt for t!:Cse to avoid bem drawn into the ".T , V' "V 1 K',l.w;.'rK ." - , . ,.- , .... 1 ,1.... ,. , ,- t.-w. 1 1,..! t i . 1- 1 1 , - . , , oegmi the oi.-i year, about tins time, by our Indian a.'ior "mess was know ti, he was directed to me as C-p-, f Y l: a..d tla.t a t..c . t. g mis been Iiei.i j voriex, L.pmdur particularly, whicv. irm its local : p,.--.,os ' ti-.. 1 fain of the b-.dc roird 0. w', 01 !e f .1 1 ' b the !o'.r:!i-?s hr oiguumbei jog that of the ma!- hiosition is imsf evi5os--'d. The fWhir.-iMot-. I np. : 'l ,i'"5'" 11 io, 01 ,a in ae .: a- ... 10- pap -r-. I n-;- oic. miut'i-. On i:.v way I Hii- 11 01 - to i.i .. 1 , ! " c m: an ' I ' ! a:nst cert; j position is nn st e.xi;-'Sid. , It. iliv. fitiil- resolu: i a:'i( acn- 177 7, arc the follow ing in.-.' met tons : It vice , by toe sound of a voieo 1 pm-e,i and p-r. an-1 immorality, of every lciu !, lie discouraged a,- ; lor a moment, v.heti I di-titciii-hed i; as the C !i ns possible; i;i your brig-tde ; and as a chap- ; nil s u;ce, m.d in another m, p.e; idiO Declaiatiou is ac- - -...t--., It. ,liv. I iti : I-. ,1 O.iJO-l.-, WHO .1 so.emmv pro.'ests ;m;::r.si certam ; verv lorer okoo;c-.!o .ottiror f-o to :ho .j.I--r !,-fo. "; cting tne aii'iirs of tiie province : in the orutuon of the ( .'ov.-m-mmv-iu . in: 1 educed by th" ministers and pas.-cd by ti.e Prit- j pecessarv i-!i Paili-rmct.t. The measure i denem.eed as j The Ibuula Oriental (eapitul .Monteviedu) is al sauetioning a sv-'en: of sp .1! ita .n wliich may serve j in arms ; not against Peru, but against itself. as a j nro.f;,! v. only tor tee rivaMiit,, hut lor the t (Jen. rrticil 1 litCil.'.l o eornpames r-t mounted ne-;) imve r cently been mustered into the service of the Tuited Stales, in this place-, to bo held i:i readiness lor the operations of the ensuing campaign : and subject, io the mean lime, to sncii duties us circumstances mav require. This re-u- j -.a v. ; only tor tee i-iva-mr,, but lor the ( ;VH. Fmciuoso Uiveta, former President ol" lbe: nxnt S I,Jace x:i''1 command of our gaHant lel- nptr-ii ns possi!!o m your brigade ; and as a chap- j nil s u;ce, mj 111 another m ti.oei : end that p... : - i"oi".i u i:gu.-s .ua 1.0 m.-o. u.u i,nl5,:i , uepuhhe, and wliooi.iy a few mouths since was '-oo,l, ut. ..onu aneu, uti-w; mtinguish bim is allowed to each re-drirent. see that the nan was engaged m aud.b'e piaer. As j., Pis oar-.-sf. ides. The - i res,dvs that the Confidence of, tlefeafed in au insurrectionary attempt against the ' , ""tLV services m our protracted Seminole war, re-mlarlv attend divi-io worship.' ' ness ho had r:( t heard mv footstep.--, or if la- le-i rd 1 1 l:irv 11 "'l,'' 1 -'o tureut is antnuila- , government, is again in motion, havir-g c.dlected a NVJ" lor um :i repute worthy c-f tiie name lie " iVoin the O-d-rlv P ,0' ().-; 7;h The ! ! J.' ' hoe: e to J..." u.u-n i.pf. d I n tired p, i td, an 1 : : : : th- C.m i h.m pen!, can expect nei-j ih,Te 0:1 the frontiers id Prazil, with which he in- . bca,s- V-j::m r. M 'tion of the army iVenuentlv t.ot admittin- of l!,'e ; tVont of tic- de!!mg, til! such tun a 1 sap- ' 'T ;';- - f . a.;;.c. s, hr reseeet foMiie.r po- ; tends ,0 march to Monfev ideo,if ho can. Pre- i . Vtis7:hton. Letters from goo.l author. re-,dar permrmance of divine service, ,-t. Surah vs. I"- llilis ,;: Tg.-.ge.l : when n turning, and no ; 'dm::, um.eu.it e - I. n. tne government o4 tue urn-, paratmns arc making to give him a warm reeep- ; jt.v -sure us that there is great perplexity in Wash the chaplains of the r.rmv are forthwith to meet h- !-':ger !c aritrg his voice, 1 knock, d at tie- do-r, ': a ; -'npcua tive ; Sou . ; among the powers that be. The broad dif e.-thcr and agree (.11 some method . fpeilbrming if 1 u!'i:l1 h' '" promptly opened, I d. hv ere.l the des- outy . U:- (.ami nans to ri-ist tne vio;aao:i o tueir j i he Prazihan brig tdeisa hern seized at fences oi op;u:on between the P.enton and th-j 1 1.1 -i i-i.i ii! other thics, which n;cthod thev will make known : P"t!.Cs. rec :ve: an answer, mm .: :.ii-oi ti.e to the Commander-in-chief ' i " !:!,!:'r' ' I'-Dh KH. t , 1 t f 1 t i-. , 1 o give cn!v oiie moie ai.eed' en tins n,- c t, "i-.-o.Ti the Orderly Look, Iec. Ito, Ii.i, ... ,. . , . . , .t mi 1 j ; -nii.i. .r.i. .'i iMitii. ,1-01 11 i t - J i t s li 1 1 1 i j m 1 , llOll t a-ii'ii' I., i.- in- '.hi 11 1 11 11 1 - 11- O 1 1. K r. . .1 . I 1 '1.. ti ..! ft... I ........ 1 1 11 1. I'll ' ii'i , 11 i iii i .i" a o'i. ::chn ! .-aged rights by all lawju! meaup, atal to ' Pmonos A P. I C S d condsceden, in c. : '(y.ienco ot he nunora thanksgiving and priii-e ; r it i !f- r 1 tirv or . . , , .. ,. v. men ince; it.;-. , a- urn T;.i. i-ii,-.., n,,- owes .i.l .i.'iiiw i' ..I- 11-.I...1....V . . , .1,. ? . 1. .1.: . .' ..-1.1 . - . . . . . . . Iti- lil.tli. It I 1 I 1 !'!.!- I i . . ! I : - ' 1 i Io i ..1 11; til ami only cai us oe- ... , . ' 11 -Klllll'lli-!! ' vout v to express our graiemi ac.inow ie..gm"!.,.s ;. . 1 Lives facticn ot that party, nuzzle Mr. V;m V.,.. fiain fr-m In, ing recourse to a lo,Jy (Parlia- j being about to depart from that jo:t, ostc-nsi'oiy f,r ron n! to he course it is proper to pursue. 'j'i.e moig.) wh: -h has declaie,l its df determinedly hos- j the Cape of Cloud Hope, but ready for the West 1 Oh'he is cleat !y drifting 'hi: her ward and thiiher tde to t!, - ir lib-rtie-r. The fourth, that depending i Coa-t of Africa, to engage in the Slave Trade. i vvard, wilhout niht. ru.lder, or sail. Col. Pentou it is believed, will insist upon bis Humbug, and Uives, Tab'madge c Co. will as resolutely nr-nose n t.e ir own meg-m , a:. ! on toe sympathy of t.'ieir i:eigb!;ors on tie- American continent, it is their duty to pr-'.eirc f u- tiio e-;ienev, by rie ir! econom v. u tied for tint manthdd blessings he has gr.mh t!io (ieneral directs that the army remain i i it--present rjtiarter?, and that tiie .-'.. p! am- perform 01 vtTiT - s-ervi;c tritii tticir m-mt;:1 f-.rp' gade's ; and earnestly oxh ufsaiJ odiee-i diers, wiiose absence is n l i.idisr:'msa sirv, to attend w itli reveience the soleinid.'ies , the .la v.' '!';,., . .. ' ;ri'l 1 .: 1 -and .sol y iK-ces- 1 " Ihirmg his re-idoe.ee in Ph ihtd'dphia. re- IVesi- tlt of the United State:, it w:-s .e h;.iut of v. iuo-r ari'l M:!:.:u!r, to eiirc to lo ta in hour everv ni i :f . I ; t The Cotton Crop. The .Mobile Chronicle of -and tne' advancement oi t uucation, agncudure, o-i- neo iiiiernai t r.u.e. i iie httn, u-s of the Pio'v u ee a:r- pillaged itv -f t!m:' who have ;.wavs i . Washir-to: o -!v at a !e! o ;it oii-.( enndie in hi -- h in ah" avs ha it: a u -li: 1. 1 . 1 mrs.:e man: that when I ' to S l I - f V to tidi -A himeuts thv; pro-: efs that pi .; lets oi i... .. .: ....1.... .. . 11 l mo hhuim 1 u.-us Oiamers win ne swept aw iv V the 1 . v 1 :: efs. i he i: wm- Ou eM:-e-.-d f!:e h n.!. e. '-i;;g the ooi.-r .-e.re.u.i' at'er h;m. 1 '. I -111 S ot t ot ti- f.i .Ofl.OllsO l-fi ij Viot--. I, l-I l.ll.ttl "1 III, . Vll.ll 1)V A xeutnful u.omber . f his hoti- hoi ! a;' ! maunf icfures, an. pe.-pe, it is toeir da ;-h g h from 11; home produc ts ravages of worms and eth toil Herald sa vs : " (wing to the neat ol tue weather !b Iins suflered sevepdv. And what has :mt bt en it. me p.ropo.-itions of Mr. Van ihueti to Con gress will depetul sometiu'tig upon the tesnh id' the us m Jiar ia-.d, ;u.d much upon the result 11 .North e are. ma, Indiana ami Tonnesce. The most favorable document which has mmr-nrrd 10 a; cotoui Vi'nJ,;,,,.!.,,, r ... r ...!.;? 'J.... . .oic;unn,,i 11. 1 ,i. n..! was UiC iUJ CioCU- IPflKl if 'P-.l.l ,.. I' ll I. I 1- - I . ' 1 1 .1 1 1. , , . : ""-in. 01 1 mull .in ii. ni. 11 iias uii n r 1st ei 1 tt.e oarened lv the sou h:os ti.e-i -o-.,-.. .-.-. 1,,- ',,, .-. . .... - i i.int u lie-- 1 - -- -- - - ..... -' vt 1 it .0 v u 1 ; v . . . t . 1 .... ' f . t - . . , - . . - i lvueneo auiner Cv v,o. m sO. b-V. i ion 1 . 1 ! :U " A he interruptions winch sometimes occurred, preventing divine sen ice being performed in can; p. did not interfere with attention to the i'o - on the part of the Commander-in-chief. Por one of hi secretaries, Judge Harrison, has nfim i f en heart! tn si v, thit "whenever the (bnm-ai cadd be sparcil from camp, on the Sil.dntb, be nev r failed ml ing; out to some? neighboring cimici, to join tlto.se who were publicly worshipping dm Croat : Creator. 'Phis was done bv him, we presume, when there was no public worship in camp.' p. ; 111, 1 bk Speaking of him after he h- c.;n:e IV. s',.;,.:it j'- the United States. Mr. MMeire s.-n s : ' In this oralfed station his coronet eon timed to be distinguisnC'd by the same mulorm and punuc- 1 tual observance of religious duties which ha i al ways mat Led his life. As he was cim lly resident in Philadelphia, during the eight years of his ad minis: ra:ien, he had a pe v I:: Christ Cheieh f that city, of which ti.e veeera I be lb-hop i bite v.e.s j'icn the Hector, now near his ninetieth year. During all the time that Ire was m the got ,m am enf , Washington was punctual in his attendance ma db h-e r if an was i. n sieuv. Pern" pi-t ecro-s the passag", oli-t-rv i.'-g this eia;.-f-iut practice of the Pi-.-i.-lc:if, had his t ea ghis exeit'-.' in refeicueo to '.-..; to obtm tiie c'lnsf (.' - u-iUorui a cns'o.-g. ..-o-i.i.i- :'v or; 1 m: o-cc-a - e m . in i ho in undone o i.i' a ju v mm eu riosity, he lookrd 1 to t!:e r o-n :. .m.-:in.-.r :d.; . r Pre.-idei.t had gene in ; am.' to Id; surprise saw him m n b:s Knees jtt n so ail tab:.-, witii a eau.de ;md open ii: 'e there, nd' p. ICm. -.- if i- fii:.-." - . n - ivi!i-iii.;ii-t ::iiirix i. ii.ti, n ........... ...t r .,i-,.-c inn ,,n i ,i,.i .i. I.. ............... 1. ........ c .... , , o.miiit- ei: as pay dufn s . rare bre.ugb.t from j p, . J ' - ...o... ,ou, o ; insets, ; thc co.ltirHiaiK.e lf whseh depends "noon the I . , . i i I ho enemv of the oi mt u- s pro-mrr it . i be nrc u- : .1 - - i.m. I i.-; r:oi, tu-;t have a posi- I ' 5 . - . V ,- ', : t-oniing t-iections, the , v) to be denounced if the n :.:-:urms ami m the i , - ' ; " ' y " ' Z . ' .. i to be adopted if they suc- o:f, s.ut v.oeu tiiev w a. ve tins lit - ' . ' ".lJ ; ceed. Potii t he Cabinets are yet premiaut with ex sS m hrslaudu-g.ie.ttliere- fS(l .'M!, . T " o remmn l.rnu A sale j ,p0 eIl!l:rvo 5oct (if u Trt.a?" uU IV iv Vn-yshdi b" tli.tribi.ted by & " " l is believed "Lh foP' a Hank - 1 ' .....ii..., ,--iii.s..ns.ii;.-n.,,i,iim .lilt I I -t m ; p's ti, i:.i e. ' .--.::- Jit i-S' tl; arid that wi.enever th.!.-. contract is do-t re -.! hv tiie j ev. entiv e. 'ir by any t" reign authority, the p opie ; are rep r s . d ,,!"tle. ir natural t ights ami absolved .Nov;:,'. TiiiAb f.w.i: op a wipp. lin? Ann::: o.is tt.iz"tte ot i miiSoay coii'ams i: i 1 1 .isoii maue. v ooc bury, Puller, Kendall Oc Co. are for o.oro pvn,ri. SPKP(J WIIllAT. j metds; but the fact is, there is not a man among The P.iItimore American cordes from pipers in ; them that knows what to do. Thev .are all now Irorn an moral obligation to contribute to sucu j tne interior ot t hat Stale, paragraphs strongly re- banging upon Providence, praving i'rovidence to revenues. i be .-.-venth v. o qmte entire. commen-duig the sow ing ot ; g IV u-ai, as a : tJrag them from the ditch into which thev tumbled " That next to the productions mil manufactures j means of getting rid of the extensive injury which themselves. A". 1 . Jxpra-rs. of this provmee, a preference should be ; ivrti to I has of late years befallen Pall-sown Wh,.;i; i pas- We learn that some little ,'a.na w as sustr,. tho-e ol tne PioUd Mates of Amen-a, that can be j sing the ordeal of the severe winter weather. Thc i cd at Major McKay's ohnmrion M, 'fa''n nr. re ver ing sO stood liefween the kitchen on on J 1 ...iith .md a de.-id the repot t of a .rial which took place h-'fuo a Jus-; l'f Vcnn"1 u:!jl,!l,t i :i d.h.es; and tnat it is an " Cirrodtoman speaks ef a crop of Spring Wheat few miles south of this, dm in- the thunder stc, tice . J fh Peice ol that citv, la-t week, in hich ' '"'J'-"01 tne greatest importance, to u to cultivate j tu that iietghborhood, which has turned out to ho j on Friday evening t!;e -dish Those wp0 e ti.e plainfill brought hi action for five dollar.-, : n,,"r' tn""dy relations with a powerful people, a most luxuriant one, the staiksstanding very thick j present state that the skv was nerft.c!y c)anT 'ov, w hie!, he claimed to be due him as the pnrcifi -e v ,:,yi -M-""r:,i---' P"-'t" ""dical mstiii:- j upon thegrouno, and the heads large and well tided. ! head at the time, a smafi speck to thc Soeth beii mo,:.,y for his wife, whom bo bed o!.i to the de- ! "'' f-!d to m.dm them -nr natural allies, and up- . Ttio seed was iir-porteti from K.irope, and was i ah.ne observable. Ma jor McKay's dwc'Iin- Je n Ibn-l-ud. f Antr'tcar:. 1 n Ui!t,,!! U;" :,.v " iur ,hnt s-v"'r;thy that is i sown thc 1st of April. Thus in the space of less ! stood between the kitchen op one 1 . m! m.A ee- v me v.ers.np t !m II is po .v w lis studem vac ml wim . . . . ....i,. .. ,.T ......., ! . " I .r I ii. . 7 : i 1 I ; . " It ;:--.el!,,.,M;-orn thsclosaro r.,.,fI., on the tn-: , " ' ",ni"u '- , , a ueauum, ciop nas sprung up; tree on the other. J i.e li-htidim struck the tiee la, that s..::--time k'-t week the phiintifi, Kichird , . J iu o ;.::.. .n o u : . o. i :;e v,aro. -ne t .on.; .vuvt rate hae- ; and passing without injurv over the dwcllin-r bouse- i Kirhv, sold his wife, o the de,eod:mt, Ceo rge Punn, ,ru " iis a "ndr l a (.omm-ssmn whose i wie states that the experiments made with the Shattered the guido end Ic tbo k,teb-d, a niunber ; for five dollars. Nobo.lv profiled to know t he 1 K' ts :,r" ren!. te witu bascnco.j, pr judice and , Spring W heat in tliat neighborhood, with the view . of thc boards ol which were also knocked clT md : motive that it.liuencfd Knby to makethes.de; it :iiK ' . 'du-es in Canada, that word , ot testing its adptationjo the soil ami climate, have some negroes w ho were it in stunned though "ivt .1 . . 1-C I l nopio-m form f. ir I Uili lidt'i 1 1 r 1 ti t :i i ! f Pi 1 f ir"ii t sttepo. I.i I! - mnn-nelv t!rs . . s . . : ? ' ".may have peen the .,e ot inor.ev, or tne want o; -o-. ........ .... ..... ; .-.-..... 'ui o.o- un..-i oiner.-. ise -mjureu. weather wouul permit mm to atteml. In re- fl,,.ov ..-" it n.w 1 -e t,.n s,,!,dv to rt-lipxe bi:o- i WVli necu.-oime... to wmuv resof.it tons to put explt- farmers have oetermmed lo reserve a portion of- ird to his habits, iA that time, the living grandson : ,-,.,,, ,jiC l,i,'rtS1(.ns 0f matriuionv but certain ' clt k'" Ui r:'' t-:" vtntoments of a heated p.irti--an, : their Wheat laud for Spring seeding. j oi .Mrs. asiimgion, uco. . v. v urns, i.sij., ot it is lir.it he did .cell his w if; ibr the be to re men- i ' 1,1 Ui- ,li!i cso;mumns am. ueioism m a pu.me. j,yncnourg irgiruan. I v- ' , . . -;. ' J a,v -o"- i. hnmnr, Arlington, bears the following testimony ; o;,,,,,.,,,,,. .,o:! it,:,t t. v.-oi.oof .- m.t. :J u,. I informal n.eeticg. but the above are certainly re- ; ice-I resident of the Republic of Texas, arrived " On Sundays-, unless the wecther wa tmcom- ; h.ting at the tiuv, that it shi.idd be paid m gold' or dutionary euoueh. as fir as the letter goes. ' WHEAT CROPS. j 1:1 .aeon, on I- neay kist. He was escorted into .." n -i . .. i vt. if., i :.. ... .. i . j , r. i ' vV it i ri.,t,i'i-f I., lie hd!i!i and cooiti'' to nix i' I .... i -uc Cll U the Ijlhb Cavalrv :o..i 'it....... V.,!n. n V severe, tne rresu. em, ;m.i .'ie. n a-mugm:r, snvcr, ami not t: pri rtaua i.nm; p. -.per. ncarcciv ; . - Ar.v.'.vcV". T e Pari-- Kv Citron tiv V, ' , i ,.n i - V " "-""- - - .... .... . i - !. ... . J . .. Mnt. no " r-.i n.- ' t .it old rip ernroi vn " x 'K L lU 1 , " ., v,i , !..t il sav s . e .CC r, W licre lie was ivreiven tv.i . v..,.!. uied divine service at utinst nurcn ; ami in : novtever, was the bargain concluoeu, Detore Wiinn, t ' . . . " have rnnered with ,,,,mh,-r r.r r :,: r . . : . 'undhMin- e evenings the President read to Mrs. Washing- ' who is a married man, repented of having made ; ilXt V11 ,iC ,i5l?"?J' !lud,.,V't l' " ,l,'0niC';; ! ,mo:i the subiect r-four mesent Wl V nr ,Z . - " " V' . " palnUt" m,at 'vc aild lVce' ; oous nurrv even i ion. .e re- uio no sue.s, to an , .... . , .w .. .. mo atte; ti: ton, in her chamber, a sermon, or pome poi imu it, ;:nd began to bum the old -ong, which runs from the Sacred Writings. No visiters, with the , -Sic n wife r. s Willie Ind. exception of Mr. Speaker Trumbull,-were admitted i I wad m gie a batten lor her." t'j the presidoliad on Sundays.' ; l:tt it v. ;is loo late, tliere wrs no backing out, J questions a j choice, at bargains. ristht and He delivered an address to th( whom united iri the niininn lliit tiio -i-.s, ; . ........ "i I'li.ii'riri rvi'r,- r.i.ioi ; ? t' iii i l lit- t- ;ii -frnco . . tl advantages a;.d disadvantages in all ! -om!' "ni1 tne "t as exeelmut and ,ur- j Methodist Churcli, relative to the condition of Tex- oi oio iiiiii we nave miu lor smcn in? e- io,... , , ,, . -. v.. , ...m., .miilii, o lumtisonie ru ,-iiion wn oassi ij t years oast. " After bis retirement fr.m, the Chair rf State, he had consented to take her, ami the husband hmi ' dkth:r.- It is estimated by an agricultural -en- I th-'mi atarv- ami ctl- lie still continued tiie same in spirit and practice. 1 determined that he should have her. The plain- Xor.'h C:rtJ',;ut (WJ.-W o some time since, ; tieman of Maine, that the product f when in Tint1 Cen lv " ' ' ' J .'iC Thc Church in Amxandna was a2niti his place of UX prolibred Drntti a bill of rale, and detnand.-d the j noticed the th-eoverv fa bed of anthracite coui in State this year, will be about 1 .nt0,i)miT bushe's I for -every v'V A ,,,a!lve,,corN!an -'tuign:shetj worship. The distance, indeed, was inn i,.i, ! money, v. hich Dunn rcf.istd to pin.!: up, nllrging 1 Pockingham omi.tv, N. ('. ; that .-ome cue com- ' equal t.j riiO.riOO bids, of flour. La; t VeRr Vmi'jo ! t-o 0i,pkr C ' ' U.uUx onxsr Ul Senl,e,uau iia'1 o The Portland Courier was recently compelled to about 1 e clock, A. M. J o-day, we have calm suspend publication in consequence of a lib"! suit, sun shme again. During the period noted, the Q at the instance of the Hon. Mr. Smith, a member heat has been moderate. of Compress from .Maine. The cause of the action J Prom our whole count ry, we have most favora. was the re-pub!icatior. in the Courier of an article b.e reports oi crop. j no -eu from a New Hampshire paper stating that the to great advantage. . , Honorable ecntlemau had " gone bv tim board. ' ! Alabama. JJ.e Irwinton (Ala.) Hera.d ot tne We are bapnv to learn tbiough tiie P.oston At- : l"?th, says: " i he prospects ot our farmers tor o 0 D 0 0 o

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