JAR MOTAN. . i 9 , t r i r irM a Mr tvmrir, r, to ths. fKonn.-4wirff r (4 Cii'mi, Ani,lr J.. J Number 17, nf Volume If. t1 S'l. 1 1 it- n.I u no V- ;x 'III ft,- 1 -rt i I.- . j w.,,.,.--1.- .. ) r m am - -w i -jfnx: xs;- . ri '. , r.f.-r--sr -t n " " 1 i I w" "-i ' ' "" ' ' ' an ( . " . ..... L. 1 ' i ! it irf it 1 . - - . - ........ i . . .W---. ' 1' "ft ' ''-"' ' - - . - - r" awaa.li J5'ja,af at e.S a tit ;rlU.-d eye wbicw can i" JH' w f - Mm m a.- -t ; f j ;-: : ,il..'JL 1 j in i'i ! i mi a a rTaTrrrrji if vm Arioiuc": :i ""t fTomTtiejSFdinTTjI' Mrt Horace.-Uioney, -ii, : ea.aljt, -It'awrs- r-r.- rr -rxi . aTtmT, 'irfm4. wlr 1W atvail bate tomoleled a 1 "H" in appearance. ."' . ' ..... n J --, t .r.r. mm. t-a dreeava lital be shall I. k. ' aMere ifia.... .-. ..-,-tim tar Im a4 , - . v . - f -a ' If f "- ' f !' ti-m pm.mi aaVa. "4 in, if-a t ' Wt i-ff ut r!, a-r isai it . W iad lra r laf " I J U U. i-l m aJ n U a ta . f t . . . I & . . I . - . .T rr1 H. fW IW. W -. a a. j. t. m kr tatnal a ,,,.( . ,'s, , I., , . , tita- .-. i." iW-.f lrbf a... , i.im .i r- l .n tbr.-w li-e Ui la.J- W r-j. i . t 4 1 1 i f n,- b h it k- lk awMi a (.. UU-r t arliM;". pr4rted to t4. mwh . . luninl riaHxl ami (knl '! j-iut ra ut iU' U . , trmtong atu! t-butlfi iftfi. aa U -...,.. ,1 . ... iT-tr. m-riVHiti (T lilt aSt'iMy ,.,. viia d la tlw ir tlt. .! w hittt t vr !, iixtt n.ii-t . h"p ' mfr.-try , ( Htnr nrn cm-rer. llv w-re "i-uf u nail in 'i 1.-H-L- ' t : . iitid-i!i-r .itilitd with Ihe Manner iiiwliali I'f xl ln ,rl. It wstt ttiert-h-re revived, Htm. rm. 1iHi.n.wcU thould hnnUIa no more lic T!i iTmi f I lar. " ' ' - ' ' - V" Ity Ihe -li-r.lit he nufR-rcd in the rllicc un no .l'l?.a.ik" a Im jvptftjiih'tt (?Ml .ttl'-tS ry i.f Lis thMrihulii the two column, filing .i.l ! 1 i J I.A lu.t.tta n i trv oro- -mm itirimgii f naKioiHif ii , i StaliUi i.l,ii ri fi.r ii rtitHAiff match : and his owner wiling him i ii nt' forty cimnefs T e7iilliii)is rh, 'it liuKiuuda sterling Tor tin nniniai inui al rcmk-ivd himself bo fatuous niiiong the tyjicn. thm the S. Y. Jnur muI tf &2S:f -I'OMLT, OFFICE-Ncpt ?. Tht H irfoic'j Woe. Last evening two gi ulecl ') lrcs(d voun women, one of whom was in de;; """Hiniiii, entered the Police ollicc, nod asked lo tho (,'oniner. The Cttronor liappf mtd not In be n oilko ,m the moment, mid the to ladies 1 - w - 0 k .... ,. . r'' V ! ..I. i,rr,f br I.. ! U-mi a arU tw lttith. a.. is. $ i in Mdi rr- , aoj I mft a- . ti t-j rrriin- . at -al a M. ' faj ikeil, aiai j V. k f"t.a lrtt-)J tr -, .twi,H . Itml aa tt fmn Jim r by r4d wmI iaV'nJI W" tlaTiTfe riW' I ! M W ....-. h. Hst.m lb- !-- rrici b. tJ t, an fjJUai Wja li On-ir wt'lu l.r .Tits 'K Hlftim at t rr. ti trr. TUi m mttch mxmt lutelWt in binfa, than petdc i; jHwc. An MMtanr t that taruml tbe other .kit, at a alale .(.laiiy l-U.p"a fral liotn atfttt I Ue )m nairaivi'. A lbwb, not awire ,if il.n otpeiiatte ftT-rtH- t.f iHtpowiler, 1 1! hi .i..jrr lo Luihl her ncM on a ridjje ol ihe juarr m the terv cent re hH.b they were conatantlv UtJuns tf-i rock. Al firul, aha waa. very much .i;.. .....,M... .t tn ;t n fragmeiili firing in alt '"tret iiona bul lic would "t quit her cboaen bwnlny ; r.e aoon oWivcd that a "tell rang whenever a I - .. I train wan about to be hied, awl . .J,,'CC hc''Wemw"1re4t Jew tlHva, when alio heard iho Urll, she quitted her ex- (Mrt-d wtumion, and flew .down .to wntreiiic oi men aheliPicd ihemscKes, !i or ping close lo their feel, 'llinre she would remain until the explowoii kill lahwi 4-lncS jnd itoiSUinLiltlV workmen ohaerviuj; thia, nai rated it lo tlieir em plovers, imd it was untold to visitors who came to view ihe quarry. , , . , The visitors naturally expressed a winh to wit liesa so curious a pecimen 'of intellect ; hut, as the l w k could not he ready to be Ideated when vimlors came, tin ltl was rung instond, iiihI. lor a lew ii,nca, Himvered the s-.mc punw.e.-1 hft thruvh Hew ihwn fkwtt to where Ihev rtoml, but ahc per-,-eixrd that lif was trifled wiih, and inltrie.e.l with heT-ftcca of incubation; the coicmieua 4 . - af a .I ". saat .IIU aa- - - ! J""-. a aty - k.j .. a M i M tl - - m lui v-rt; 1,1 " r'e Ma) i'.t a.4 w U t wt-4 rrcr . . rk,er m-mmw wiea, , - -v.-4. - r-4 4e M ! M awt g. Aree, L awa lai . I U j etpwrl a. Vray n-fVfMif. - w t .. fc - f , . -. t rj,e ... r aiaM. e, ; wW a aw,vMNTjsa ' - I I ! Beper i Mt w fcV'ii t t n-, nnniwa t'pnatll ) . nac ' Km avttea 4 'W , m mmvrm S;i we i-.r. ai!jr aatktav ' . awifcai aao . a o au4Hfcj eaeele I. . . . vt wai tenajUa iUea ft- am e -aaaB are. peraetal a prwiiarlMm i M, ii r t i f in .j m Stml'MZ- ' mam - t.a r-w la-e-Hijih. ! - - I a I a.! lam ii a... . www a wwary x-an, ty - - . . . -t "aaa, mt aa a4 fair., k,a mi Utga ' n at fMa aaewr ; km rraaM IU tUt iwU " aa4 awewtla aa iwau kfJ allfi . ' - i a a Sua eaMarattrd cbr-k. a a&M4ai luat aaa aa rhavtral a -an. l.r -. - - - ak4 U t-Mf .a. eat ara aat e.nael. 4 JrtWV -:aa4 Irrw f brU e firld ; M 8 a r' '. eAsr a iruiri e (f the aw. ad ti tjpa.irwiwn f atu4brr, lo fill at. t.'l.'NW a full. 1 be Jwrf a lue ii' f bna be' em V il." (ir IW-iawfia- an aVaprd' !Ka V .think f f.aaf al f . J liataigat !re be dialfi pu,), j Uaaal. U raaal. d We whatever man oo-ht lol bm. that ibe ai. U"oalaj rotate tat Cn ihe i 4ttmm ,vri lnj I., trii-N Anj i iii, tawl "" " " -oaf a - I - . at Sha i- -. . m t ; .Mm n - ' aw fcfTS7rft,eal'ati'.i' ihe n-ond, wjllj a o:cofutli:c-! f'-'' ;, I iiirr, that 'ran hardly hide" hi real joy. ! Mr. V. V,M, ai.k I . tliaii ai kl Ihe linihuuf dnlaril. mlit ihe laMim ! fwFiMrt V whtril hte tHtal , waa prtme ; -h ; I er Mime n ait It lite atuacl-jletl body "'; and liw. aptti, all pHwr. Mkcd, and bcjr,a'lvf niooita and ua i - " IU ly uhiii it, ijummy," said the old mnn, a he at) b latd tin h tmumn in 'heaven ; tlml, ; lenned on hia alarT, with hia gray lock (Imvii'j; in ti hi earthly tit aw, be never thought of hi.i aoul; 'tlx. breeze of a May morning, " murmuring pnyn neva-r It'll dnn're for the ricftca'of graceL no bill." lavetlLa..tegfltCf aujtJiiiwllivae AihIdiw briwld litabeir. I'uMcitM'd d" wcalilr fii'iy ycara, and I never saw a mnn heled out of a wbteb he m er knew lite toil of Canuu.lie be- j holo by cursing hia horsoa. He as quiet us you can, cottK-a a of i&tiuire ; autd he alao drtamcth a , for not lung will grow under a moving harrow, and trtam. The' iMinptwi ia prepared, Thf iM !ili-ntini harroma.ilianiiiiJ- JMinf m bnd, I pietb it coW in the cum Tho cnmmg-tuhle is 1 acknow knlue, but no ulcer is any iho belter for U-fore him. Nimc ami riot drive away IIkkisIii and care. The smginj: men and ihe singing wo iiteu enter. Money isUtUhed en horses, dogs, sharped, Immaais ; and no drhla regarded bul tlMMe tf false honor. Mis heart dances to the inebvly of the liarp and the viol r he pampers eve rjr bothly sense, till pleasure itself is converted in to pain or iiisciwihihty. lie dreamt on, arid 0on see ji hnuloma' of pleasure, ttie Jtbostif of depuftcd joys, dancing iu mockery, before hie ryea. Ilia oiluer of perceptiorJ decay, hia youth and health ar dk-partetl ami be'dfoopn like a hyacinth, bro ken down by a hasty shower, before l has expanij ed its lauty. Down he wnks to he earlh. into an HTic ihad(.wy Hffiir. Ihnt a grceditiess of pleasurrj what has bw.nnw jmrd ''''hl. " ' J: tsurWUiilmV ernace, aiidTol.Rd ium, m.t o.ily ol1S..riIy, Sa.nmyrl am otJerTlian you. TT.ave uniii,plv ctniic and mourns, as ua nines irom loiW life, Iwt of real enjoyiwenl during lis con- i Tiimtncer -VTiSir 'premrarwo'did" h make to re- lishjbe pleasures' wliich flowaf Gml'a right hund ; Ihe pleasures of reason, the aw ecls of benevolence, -l,.a ,.A J..,n!,ln in tlteir nature? Alas!' o.-.iirri nnJ rlntablo in tltcir nature! Alas none. Ue liad wither ti mo nor inclination, ilis soul blcpt, while his body waked with a fever ; the fiu scnsiuililiea of the apiritnal nature were t nvel oped inlomher, hile hU bdil aenses were un milnrally jaded, fidd prematurely worn out by con stuHt vigilance and activity. He drank the cup of uh-asure to Hie tlrcgs, ana me- ureg tvr hi palate. worntwcoH, and lo bia vital poison, JIOttTK ULTUUAU KXIIIItlTIO.V ."orntari.traled tailie hhueof beauty and fh- MS M It mIimmm of I ,o Mlaonw. II..II. an,l n,i. mmh lh array of c.liwn there. lUal dtdibe. ( rim tiuntmttmt.4 rg.-iablo attraction would sra-n In Ijt mil f (), ijin-aiiiMi. Mr. Mam-ay ha brought pyramid of dahlia, w-wihe. hkw a tree, and we Utieve I hero are bida a frh the mat. Tin IB ia ahui. In. m 1 1... k(Hl uf Mr. fbiiaf, a floral iiMmater.' in the forn ) arml-Uitra of the limed Hutes Hank co. and ell, completethe original cr-ali hi of . mm airt ami aumiiwr ......... ' I ... ... r.. ------ . uti u ipfi iur- grt the av flowere' deiawiied tit Ihe Kxhiliou by Me W, H,,,,.. 'V, ara braudful exceed- , M'j'r; SltU Willi mat ameVS I h.uii.l.a -Im,-! l.-.L. IK tender K-.in pii'r iu I ho atutueuUcre, of 04nm f,, rfnnfc !,e od.ir ,ry txlinlc. Tlill lady mm a ih( ! ncale akill iii hnr a.1. and ixwacaM. iUie aay, a pimmi Cr flwera; for alia giveajor war, or tyranny, or all logeiber. we bature t eweeily cotmlerniK, tlml lU aomw fof wtMmem 11 aUa.-lut. lv ihiule! Phil. Cat. f The Ihldiae were made ithn.1 euUt rH nl lo die wrnammi le ihe ro-nn. In one iduce roac an im- na-WK altan, roiiii.k:U.-y imiiUJ iboao ta. ' rwii tt-iwen : in an,rflnr iuri I eJ in emnhrr a ccduiiin of UtUo fwl IhoIi. ur- nviuotrd Ur an eatk-, ell made f DuUlua: and tr llwt d.r leading lo l,n rv.rllirrn ealoon, W at ' ww-n iar forad of PuMiaa. IWaiL the wHuknta were how with ili-iHjid dipla) a of tlieae l4eol,I Il..rr, furth in all lltt-ir bcuulv. and arlettt-d lor tin- wrfurliiin if lii;li every loof um, nwiMi4fl. im colore were Irom Die ure l!e Grundirtore Ihruugh all the uliade, mialiirva, r..,Hre ami rail ti, up lo lliC deep Kolciliu bluck (if llir " m-ro bo ." l-wi. rjaor. J. 11. Minilh. Curr. Ililibrrl. .Wwft!'A,'u',A,:v ufl.l.od libirally Voni llicirttf, I ' ,rr lrc in me nnruirrn ealoon ; on en- 1 ""'"a 'h.U, llie lint olyocl ilia' arroaled our al- i . . I - la tt nr .i ... rmi,a, rui-u ny John ueiiienil, '--l .of Chalkier Ldl .uuiir I'raukford. Il wricli- . umairea anu lludy oi-la jhmjikU, and mea- "'J 8 fcel 0 inchea m duiuicler. Think of thai, I ) i were born north of Ihe HuJ ' w wcra nonu oi mu iiuaaon, nnd inikeu ," ftt puiiipkiiia that weighed forly r "' n uiai, ye i aukce wormn thai hunt wvn "r puinpuma cxaciiy alike, ao a '" ,ne Pic"- " "' gardtti of Mch Puol,"e ("J Mr. Wetherill hni many war. " "rr' ' wu.ill in ll.o ontrc of the nation am & - . . . . . i . . . i r ' . tir -ainTuiniim mrj nouiu CIIQUnjcr UIU Lit- , iIhi eialea woild ujwl. ALote the table thai etemU along this hall, arc ai(4ncd a ho in I r of very l.irge euitlicn (wts, in wbirlitre urowina vinra tilled with vraiieN of the ui-bmi di luaie aprcio, ami near llm are other of . (,-"ri,i .. i M'to.m trnr the peltiK M llijht in'" a iu uk opjijn,! oi.uk. t neee urn nil iroui ... .!. -1-1. I, r . country aeal ol Aicliolaa Iliddle, I-.q Mr. Ilcrnard Duku hua a ulute of Oitu.ro nniiU-a . from hia garden. They arc hundeoiue, but wo auiiect their laite & gUai bflt of honey, filled aince htal 'Juno by the Ufa of Mr. Richard Trice, in Arch atreol, id iracied aitoiiitoii. " Tbeae beea follmcri, aa well aa fl, a gtMMl rs.-tmpln of industry and iierMveranco. 'Ihe dipluy ol teart waa remarkably fine. The Sickle MTined Ihe favorite. In thia room, we noticed aomo rxqulsilo aamlo of waa, iinitalive of lluwera, by Mra. C. IU Fling. " Sk-e how iliey liy lo deceive," eaid a ladf : M they jt laiv all wax bul aneni that evey by ftwd K'UI. W c Ulod ut a bunch ol new ouione, raiaed by Mr- J- "iolle. . I hoy were beau Ulul but, like "l bL-autiea, dAw I car from tlx mm) who bad moat to do with thcin. 6:ic.IJr: : t'NCIJJ DKXJA.MI.N1I 8RRMOM Not liun.V hour antl I hi'arJ I'ih'Iu llmiianiin dtecuwm tins iitatler lo hi eo, who WO com plaining ol the prfurf. holering, i ne more you groan, nio poorer you grow. " ltopiniug at losses is only jxittiug pepper into a sore rye. Crops will tail in all soils, and we nmy be thankful that we have not a famine. Besides, I always hsik notice, that Whenever I felt the rod pretty smartly, it was ns much na lo any, ' here js someiliing which you have got to learn.' Sammy, don't forget that your schooling is not tuer ycl though you have a wife and two children." r " Ay," cried Sammy, " you may any thai, and a mo'.her-in-law awl two upprenticca into the bargain; and t should like lo know what a poor man can" leuru here, when tho greatest scholars and lawyers arc tt loggerheads, nnd can't for their lives toll no! col llieio Jiray nairs unu una tiwiwu twta without some burdens. 1 could tell you atoriesof Iho days of continental mtwiey, when my grandfa- . .a -.a -II . 4 liter uw.-d lo aUid womeu used thoi i. I i,.ve -no vou ivi. vnuf dollar for a no ' uU.im mtirlil Imve laid one- inll nsHlc lor -i nn.l L.iir aui.l.i fiir a-rainv iliiv citnritv, -.w wo-...... -..v . 1 Si colldlv thai vou hnvc gone too ii.ucirnpunj'' -9 .... credit. ' 1 alwav'a told yoil credit was a fl ' Wi layow , U I m an ... im. ti.f lima rk t.aw ii. r I niJIP.1 1 ill. I J i n. for piiiand laid their tea-pot7 him. . in the irarret. Yoir wish to know what vou' n.z itiep, o.eaacu snent too wueit. i never lauini you to ow a im-. fliowt that liter its autiaK ,m, iliic, c.n, il.e aliaduw bul email My may cit fmiier liad.iwi and no wie man will i,Aow b aliaduw any fur ihrr lliai) L fan trm (he anbelanre. Voa may now Urn, (lull ynuiava rntlrtwed Ihe opinion and frialiiiMi of oilier, until jm have been decoved iiiin a Ixijr. , " "Tliirdly i il.al you l.ave been In loo much Uaile lo brcume rich. Hlow and e.y win Ka race. " iWllily i thai no courts of hfe ean be de pended UIhmi ae bUiki pro.rrmi. I am efn.,1 llie VOUnatlt face l WorLln.r man In bava had a noliw Ibal tudxidy would go lo ruin mi ihie aido of the water. I'mMca hat greal ly blcMcd ue, but ae have become preeuni(tHie, I'lflhly i thai you have not bcn tliankfur cwMiglt Ut (jmI, for hie benefit i paal lime. " Hullily t thai you may be lliankful our lo( (a iMiMoreo. We imclil have famine or iwati!iu-a 'And atly. i,j end my aormon. vou mav laarn l tifllr. with more underaianding, Ihe praytr of yuua infancy, give ua thia day our daily bread.' " Tho old man ceaatd, and Sammy put on hia apron, and luld Pick lo blow away al the forge bulluwa. Vew ik lotion Morning ir. ' TUB HARP. TBtMUTan raan me e tan, or anaaaaa. Il waa Ihe Ural week ef alio hon .mo.,ey. Net Ihcr aordid calculation, nor yet a r.c.e passing fan cy, hnd lod lo ihe marriage of Edward 8cllner and hia young bri.lo. No (boir bond of union waa a pure and glowing flection, nrovcd by lime and con aecralcd by many Iriala. 'iliey had early known and appreciated eieh other but the long delay of an exacted official appoiotinent bad compel led Je4wer to pottpmro-rhe rtatlzatton nf hll w whei. At kngth iho much do i red cmnmieeion came, and on Ihe following Babbalh he led hia trU-ved maid, en lo her new home, a bride, llio lediui dayt of ceremony and feetivlly ever, lite happy pair wae ItA to paaa (he ploaannt aummcr evomnga in the aweet communinga of their pore and confiding heart. Littto plana for their future lifo, Edward' flute and Joacplia'a barn, eervod lo fill up bourn which flew but loo rapidly away, and Ihe deep bar. mony of tlieir inatwmonla aeemed lo Ihrm t friend ly prerngn of that deeper accord which wai loble itieir wedded yeart.-fJiw ecnlhg,'anof" baring enpiyud their imiaic until a later hour than nana", Joaepha comi.larnod of pain in ber bend. Blie hnd, imk'od, iiad an attack in Ihe morning, but re. framed from mentioning it to lier huahand lent it should cnuao him noedleaa anxiety. The excite, mcnt of iho muaic, however, acting upon a conati luiuMinlly weak nerrona evsfcto. ao conaidcrnbly iltrreaaud previtmaly alight fever, that ah now no longer cKla4 hc utdiapoailion, but anxiotmly reiueted llint utedical aid might be called. The phyaician 'deeming her illnca alight, promieod an entire recovery by the next morning poor Joeepha, howv4er,pai)d ane xircnioly reitleaa flight, through tho whuloof which aha ravod inceaaantly, and on repeating hi visit on the next morning he found her w ith all the- yniMom of a aerioui ocrvoua ft vcr. Xotwiihiandinrtho amilication of every remedy which aflectionato z,ai and profuasional . intclligouco could euggut, ber iilnoaa increased daily. Scllner ail almoat deatractad. The phy. ayciuh findnv" It'Tf.H "Tiie" duty" lo riirorm"1iTin that" hia wife could pot aurvivo Ihe attack ; and on the ninth day Joaepha herself became aware that 4JLiiJsJfcaa. fef hnpa.' ilblie . ten Hint tier last hour was approaching; and with ca I in ruaignalion i wpjtod ber fme. " lb. EJ-- ward," aaid she to her husband, folding hinr in- a laal embrace, "with deep regret do 1 wave thia fair earth where 1 have enjoyed ao much happi. neaa with you; but although I may no longer be happy in your arms, yet shall Josepha'a faithful pint hover about the object of its earthly afll'C. lina until we meet again above." Then, sinking back upon horpiJUtw, she TuJI asleep in death. It wna ihe ninth hour of tho evening. What Sellner ' ' Itrwi it"hey ond the power of word to-exprcaa. Tho blow prostrhtod his health, and long he wrest led with tho destroying angel. When at length he arose from his sick-bed, nil tho strength and elasticity of youth was gone, he waa continually kliu ui ujyeriea, and waa euJeuily.bat -fading away. A profound moluncholy bad succeeded the violence ii dcsjiftir, and a silent sorrow eonae crated the memory ol Ihe loved and lost, Jle had left Josepha'a -epartmeut just ee it waa bolbie her death, iter work still lay upon tho table, nod her hnrp renmined untouched in' its accustomed place. Taking his flute, Sollner every evening mado a pilgrimage to this annctuary of hid love, and leaning against the window as in happier times, breathed in plaintive tones his aspiration fur Ihe spirit of Ihe departed. ; On one occasion he was standing thus in Joae pha'a chamber, :a clear moon shone through tho window, and a watchman upon tho. tower jr a T neiglthoring castlo was proclaiming the ninth Court when suddenly the harp, aa i( touched by aotne invisible auiritt -"poured forth Iho most thrilling mueii. in hunnonv with thoso uf hiifhmn Irrrtio- confusion of hia aurprise he ceased lo pbty, and lo! tho harp also bocame athmt. Recovering his aolf ftoaisaiori htt .tremblingly . cmmcnccd. J M pha'a favorite air, and again the melodious tones of the harp blended in sweot rcionso. Sinking te the earth io a proxUro.of joy, wal spreading out hia arms io encircle the beloved shade, he felt a breath ft of warm vernal air upon his lips, while , . . .. . ir .1. . -.,1 ....... lf.'j..J--. . . "" r . i. t.;. it,... state ol imicscrioame .,..,. .? . . ajitin.and sgxtn the aniwcring tones of the flule rt; bJt COt.S'-vmiy .rainier onu roturer vw ...i.;L..;,.a were In 1 .x..lli.r. t lt.ll !'faia re lot m expiring nanno- wrre learlully excileil no. wvii.-- - : i f 1 I;- 5 I ev e '

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