iy ll.t "-int f re-ti.ig '.f ihi rtnjf j . threw bim!f ri!r.ly i.i hi ld, "d fl!r rh dream lit" lti"""C",f '""1 were eooinmally Il "" l"10'. mj Clhau-te l bv the pliant.. of ' ft'e'''1" Mi trial kit l-"'g ""fc" 'y ,'1''J hwamal etronglv ifi..rr-eJ that i,iih.luii' Approaching. Viih Imperiim. lging be '' l,J return ..f fteniigj ad r.a.fidmit ,'"l" 2fo repaimd lo ,1. -i'tt chamber. Hy I ! 4 hi fl-W h bd woJel W lulling hnn-f , to etalo of Jf'y "I"-. " "' M,,"h T JmJ alruck' Hardly had Ihe lal lrok f the cluck eooaod l vibraw, ! ! 'rP S'9 ' v.ft and low rpotie o lb fluie, it lone gradu- ! iucntmtia urnoth, until they iwattod io " the moat full and perfect harmony. Whwi the flul becam aikiut the -piril lot ceased, ibe pale iremclou bgbl again Omd about him, and in hi ' beatitude be cooid tKily ichnm I - Jorpha, Jo anha ! lake, eh teko to wf fuilhtol bmuuu 'Ittii lime, ' ,n"k J '" j low and murmuring low ahkb were grdiIJy tort in inaudible vibration. Boltiiof loitered back o bii own room atill nwr afWU-d-Jhan on llm pro v ion anning. Hi tuilhful aertaut aa hock. ed at bii mailer 'a epeeriiee, and in defiance of biprobibiliwlaJ'WjdCrllabyiitin,b'ibiij Q ined to be eoe of Sellner' moat iniimai friend, foe physician tound him i a bijjh Svcr with ymplowa aimilar lo Uoe of Joorpha, but HN.rc decided. Tba for Mtcrwawl tbrouglt llw mglil, during wbirh b coirtiotMlly rated of Julia ami tba bur. In ba inwniiog ba waa inure C4impjd J lha atruggW paat and be fell thai bia relui wa noar. Ua diacloaad lo hi friond Iba occur rence of Ihe to etwiing, and no argniwuia could talk tie Ulwf wi Ibei realily. Ai Hie eniu ppruached I gradually grew wore fable, and at Wat with a trembling voice entreated lo be convey ed to joerpha'a aperttneut. Ilia wih a graii fied. Ila glanced about the room with awcet ao unify, greelod with ailonl (car every objoct which remindud Wm o( Joaepha, awl ajioka wilh a ealin but firm cotivicliun of the ninth hour a that of hi death. A llie dorUive moment aprocled, he iuk leave ot hie friend, and requeued alt ve 4m phyaician to retire. Tly were Uii ahnie ht Diolh. wuf atrock, Seflncr'a pale fealun iigblMl up with a eoperoatural gbw, - Joaepha T he cried, " Joieuha i greet ne ooce inore, on my departure, that 1 mv feel thy prcaence and over come death with thy lode!" Iinmliulely the ' tiajp alrinjj reaounded writh a hud and (fHiHWetl harmony, and bint wavering light encircled the dying wan. "J come, I coine !" he exclaimed, tailing lack in lb leal conflict wilh life. Hotter itad fo inter breathed the harp lonea, unlil with hia .eipirioj breath, lb at ring euddenly buret a uoder and lH waa atill. Overwbolruod with iMDotion, the phyiician led the houae and it wa long belore be could eraao the thp impreaMon of that hut and hour from bit heail, or truet hia lip to apeak, of it. , lo aflet however, ho would kometuoea repeat the atory in hia own immedmle . circle, and exhibit the aacred legacy of hia (It r caaaod friend Joacpha'a Ilarp.- - 1 O l7l T1CAL. Vx (Ac Rrformtr. our rosmo.N. If, aa wo believe, the power of the Ktecutive ia eo orach weakened aa lo conil the Anininialra r " lion to Call barl 00 IhO inooiMire for wbioh the H aStala ttigMe party hava an long contended, ahall we oppoae thoae who aualain our prtnciplo becauae we do not confide in Ihe ainxeriiy of our Joriner opponent, or becauae we are atill oppoaed to the man who are in 1 lie Administration? To do ao would bo to chance our political principle aa other meo do their. But it ia objected that the coiiao qoanco of an adlicrenco to our measure and our principle, will bo i aupport of the men I v whom we ere and have boon onu5aed. It by no mean fcllovJocusrl rflT adhem Ja out ..nicajurva and ouTrincipio;lnarr-npreiorB qotiow, or win " hereatier, aupport meee muivwuni". . p rem the poeition which wo have ao kmg foreaocn and ao often endeuvoreo to explain 10 our ni aaaocimua. ' We awrtam llm AnnitniiHrniioo wara 11 is rigni, v" " whf"w6"'6ppoc-rho opvosirtinna-hotr-irto 'wron'T: We never hive been, nor are we now, art integral part ol either of tMj partie who,os luch, ara con tending for power. We are of thai inall, but inde pendent body, who, having great end of public reform in view, united wilh I hone who rallied again! the admiiiitttraliun uf Mr. Adntn, ahen that ndinioittration wa in power and used it patron- aga-to reward ila aupporlera. aud beget partisan. Wo came into power with Ihe triumphant parly. When that parly betrayed the interest and deeert ..Z. . -.. ed lha mouMirca il waa pledged to promolo, wa rallied with thoae who adhered to thole; interest i. mid thoae measure. When the Administration " and the Oppoaition united when his bitterest eoo mie and reviler were erecting triumphal a relies and. prostituting their highest acadomic honor in homage to the Preaident, when, by their submis sion and groM adulation, thoy invited him to stretch forth hie arm and graep lira public treasure when - they-wwelled the tide f hi lr"mmjh and shouted in Ihe train of his most devoted follower we wore ' . found with that tew who looked on in sorrow, but Dot in dcepuir. ' ," ' - - When, encouraged by the homage pnid lo hi 'power, the President did seise Ihe public treasure, and those who had but just entered on a most de grading competition with hit, moat devoted follow era in tho race of adulation and subserviency, en' coursged by a belief that lie would bo overthrown by consequence of hia usurpation, enmo over to ua and waged a war upon (he President's; power and patronage, (we did not desert our '''poeition ur abn .... . ,lon our- orinciplwe liecause we did not approve ol ' their political principles, nor because we foresaw that when our common purposo should be nccom plished wo must separate. t - : We acted fairly and honorably toward Ihcm we have borne repeated obloquy and misrepresen tntioa on account of our aWialion wiihthoui we i WHI',I ?'" .,'"!,! p? rira t l lo rr or of he r (to identify u with ihoni farther than as we were tlin engaged 4n a 04iiww ptirpose, giving notice to ell that there wa no other identity. T - We have triumphc(f. Tho Executive ia hum ( bled ; usurpation U conquerod ; tho Treasury ia empty; jwtronoje is proeirnicd and Ihe question . belore u i, whetlter we nhall build up sbuaea ami '. renew tho power of the Executive by udliering to , a party with whoirt we never liave IihJ a political ammty, and with wlmm wo bve nced for ft Kmi ted period for the acconipliibniciit f a single pur. posej or abort e, ihnl' tiuruusc ln.iiii arcuiiiiilih. edrewima our ot initial position, adhcte lo ourj d U nu way. br-2h -r ., .u,,,.r, r,.a. lha Ij-aaco - '"h'"'" .., Main 'p.. I- Ml lh-a allJrn.iiva b la m ! , , " to "uM ' 'T faard U.4.! Oat -d jnarr d.ir.Nie Pn.M ; m. W.W the fro.U wf i h an w.rt,l..io m rii.Ira bj. l ilii.-H and ert.h.lird ,) r , th.a enuMry .,; .T'D-.. cuoiM-raiion If we ojr nimiuf ami j a nmrberiYyer tt !'' n.'.IU"!uii. wa.l..p. alxindon nir prinoipha bnn.i-o wu d.i m4 a-pfe j r,t,j a )miiy l,lbcr Wing i rkntUif aUai.t, U K ir.rn wi h whom a may, by atrilut, l- (W Mia IWoe, Dn, Hvff, n4 faibUft, ron.a mln.l, wa will l ihni iihhiiiI thnl , wwlj ,)ltj ((,t Uluium, and lit. Dta m'nal pw r lidi eimM- a virtu-hm and r-.luie )(, iitmij,4 t(j,ifll,i It, making ll wjifiiy 14 Kruw party, hoaerer mwII in numlr. to erci a po-1 fw ,,mcnj jn , II xjm i.pK a miUr ll--Ivnt iiifl.KJiice inauppori nf public liberty. I uki U ing b.tflocl liiietlmt bi-ly, t&M but Lfwler t-e rirrumalancea, it mul be Jiatinrl. J (J fftj f y ,,rf(, , ,u y Uu!eilo.-l, ibat. al.bmuh wa way Unt in j ' w- h w lh f,HM,iry will oppmiHi-tulbe) wlh whom we have l-.vly acl- - din , Ni(li,(Mll ed7.Mh,Sh w. wo e,,.er ,.,.0 to Mji J and ceae lo rjca in llxur liwmpli it 1 be- " .. t1T. citv we do nl concur with them in the ninrife " , " ' and wlicy whirh, uixh-r Ihe prcarnl emeig-iry, HON. V. t. rDI.vjTt)N. Ihry wwild ddofH. It altobbl e!J lie a diaiim t- ll.ia dirtiiipu-hrd cUmpwn oi the riffbl oT II-" ly uiKleralo'Nl, ibal o will, nl all time, acl wiihi Hmtoa in tirrn- lUl . pl k f''. " litem or wild Ibc Aln.iiiilrulnMi in tlai iiHrt of j ra ,js ,M frieml. Jihi1 I H'C bUwIwbiwnH of an opposition ! iiteimure, na lh mrauii-a n.(iy j (, rat'iutM, tt m.iil rn tnk n tn We lK.d cwif,.rin with, or le o(Mjed lo, Ihe grml ;nr"ie j owjrflwl YW into Miff. We lmpe. mini, of rePirm which c bv.i lMg ed crnciily au. tr4i Mjna of uc4i n.rn Ihe lailoraof lh IUUm Ai.' laincd. io tu vanity by inaiilui'ng eoinpariwiti betwern Imn ii'nr'i r-pj'd a we hove hrcn In tlm Irague of (Mj jf ((hhib. tiate been Ko jri fit o Km In Hunk, w carnxK unite with Mr. Rivca in! w,(f ,(lf rfn M (,(.k ()f g,, wofJ. Hu miI.i u, U hiacheno of rcviir. il, wHwilhalanding Ihe f' f (o0 COnacfeu of ! wftff-r.ty U, U lirve h-Ii inn tie or which il find wilh llmao hv wl.o.n H wa iao( rtuBl4)j b inri1r n.otivM ih.n a d-..r tucrcie a lately and bi.i,,ly .h-n.H,,,ced. Thai hit li nmke , ft( k, )if )h(, (!1., Iif wm,hn ri(.lU, .1 ..Jt-pt-ble .0 M.:.,r. CHy .,d WcUtoi, ami 1 J idv(i, g ()1 CiMK,n , w ,,,,,-ht (l,o N,i,oml Uepuhlican ,-ity-whwh nmk;a ilm J wiWf wn h, -ld now apprrove whnt ihpy once condemned i to u ill moat exccilionalie ! ur. 'Thelaw, a il now i, proridre thnl the J?rcrelry ahull drpcwile the public uioncy initw jiot coiivKiMr.jr picm (mj.j iriQ lljnk. Mr. !Uv pnp"ed to dui'iiule hy law the fund r-eivnlilo 111 payiiiwit fr fiultlic d-ir, and lo include the iHinf LLecifl rwyi'itf Itnnk who conform llfir iniMi lo 1I1) epecifiod donomi naliona. I il not i.:ilml.lo lh.it, if ihrae U lie piilMililo Hint, 11 l'iee lie enacted, win-never Mr. Biddb.! a Dunk mihII rtntime pocie payuiniit, ila nole will U rwi ivealilt- and u vault Uwimo the di-pnailory of the public munfyT 'lhi may reconcile ilr pinianna of that linnk to; Nr. Kivr meaaure, bulk we ere 1101 n pernmie. we moat be eicuvod fir acting on our own ene of public duly. Frida) ETenlng,, October 6, 1837. A'ljomriimtnl nf fngri.Tbe Hen to hive a.lop ted a Ileaoltiiiue to adjourn on biontlay next. In the lluuae Uie Ileaulution waa (couted al, a that branch, ol Congree h pawwd bot one nieevtire whatever yt.ei tlier, good, bad, or indiflorenL W thinb-decidiMlly that tonjtrcaa (hould continue in Feaaion until mim tiling ia done for the relief 1 country, if that be until next auinntcr. POiiTPO.N KM E.NT DP TIIK OCTOBER INST A I' - WENT OF THE PKPON1TES. Tbe Bill, which ha med the Hamate fur Potpon luff tlin uavmuit ofliia October inula linant of iJcDuaites u.iti. ti.A uuim - 11 1... 11.... Willi iiiv ivaiiBi aiai siviii uni-i ui.vai' in a".a v .- - 11 , , . ,, 1 , . ... i...i,. I church and state) in any form or ahe ; lo prevent the Kepreaeiil.tivea at on, Uum dal.-s. W are truly djl(turMnce( rf rpronilw., which i cr.du.lly re uriruwd lo ace the opposition wlnc'i has been made to ! yj,,- Clier 14 veatife of the tariff yntem ; and iiuin (InsBillndtliequarterrruinwhichtbianppoailioncoine. I Ti J,a qW my W-t cfliirls U. Kite an aaten.li nry to Tbe Whig huuld be the lM lo oppie the Bill : that the great, conservative principle o State soverei?uty, psrty wa intrumntl in efrtinff th. pasmgn of in over the djnffemu ami daapuiu d,i. .!! )epo.U a-i, under Wl,M. d ur.uui'mn taken I ,7''? U""k aT P 1 . , I men! r tu. c n m mo reduced, in puwn place, iwaisuie there was a surplus 111 the Tr.-a.urr. tnd mcins, thai it can no b.nger rely on ila M.ll.irnre Rut now that Ihe turj-lui has bcn distributed and a j (nl patmniga to sttiuo a niainty. Henceforward il defkita produced, ia fc iIm pidicy of patriotism or of j can have lu hope of huppnrting itself but 0,1 wiwloui, ecimomy to burrow money to meet Ihe current expense moderation patriotism, and devoted sttachment to the uf the Government that th latter may be able to di- lti. ." wf" ' 7'' - -, ... . . , .1 feii'.o, an sily in t-flvcling ihe reform wiucn I deem Uibuie this amount mong tho States in other wordK, 1 maJ iargva -namUle to the salvation of the crMinlry and its i'it thetrwe policy ' UtaGaneral Uoverninent to bo- institutions.' T ' ' ' " " come in debt itself lliat it may have the States indebt- j -1 lM.k, sir. with pride to tlw wise and md.le bear ed to it Wo think avert unprejudiced man will en-1 ing of .Uk little plates riCl.l parly, of hir4i it in my . 'f ' -t-t- .i i r ft pride to bo OiCmbOMlUiMiiilniut the eveutfuf pril .Wcr7!-Troe,wenevei1..TTTsrff8.rno..ntofj;iro M K d tin ppropriatio!i ma do ny Uingreae at iu iai session ury, ba been tiie atmstptmeine Mercban'.'a duty Roud; but c were xtravaganituaU4ias,aiMi wore uiaa uarivaa.fo.ii4 tirmness, and ll.rr tnrrn mndff. and murl br mrt. Aliuther rauo! In that vear. a wnicn nas none mucniq prtwuc at liM measure of tha Kxcculite ! ..They aaked it, aud i le 4iuiH-fie nf the- Fnemotive DepartuM-ut of thf n we believe that the best interests of the country do- ( vernnient. In this we.fhiled. We then tell Imrk upon ojinded an cxtctwkin of lime on thee Bonds. Ve are j ' right and sovercipniy of the Staiis, and. by the noture,thouWUit Mr. Van Huron dal wi grant the "1'" ' ? r''! b,lt r,,ll3nl ?tatfJ ',"'! 1,,irn,"-'i' "" :', ', ,',- I pitoney of its iiiteriKisuion, we btuubt the syiein to extension for the express purpoae of producing deficit ,e mMatMi it , u. u.e oppoHtion and ui the Treasury that theDepoaite Ijiw, which be and tho administration, and by the whJu power ami iwt mo llis partisana so much ilcprccaled might, iu prt bo do fuated, if it did not create (he necessity of recalling tho i reaury, of winch it was the parent, euuld not be surplus already deposited witb the Slates. But there ! rrw',ed tt mce. The surplus wa sciwd 011 by the . , . .. ,. Kxec'itive and, by its control over the banks, became is, in our opinion, no pond reason why this Ril , for'.i r -, 1 f.. , , ' l 1 b . Hie fruitful source of K.X'-cutive influence and encroach- postponnifr Ihe payment of Dcrwsiterssliould not bcc.mie I iel,c Without hesitation, we joined our old pxncnu law. We art opposed Jo Jhe .rcatjoq of. 1 NalionaL uu llie Urifftuim,bt.toih-rwr'wo fli,iinu-nb debt, unJer sny circumstances so long Is il can be ! out inerpin in Iheir ranks, and made a gallant aid avoided. For one thing i very certain-we re done 1 wcw-ful war sainht Ihe encroachments of the i:.ve- ,i e . i cutive. That terminated, we part with our late allies with avKr-Mwta in tina country for some yers to come, . , ... , ! , 1 , . ...... it.,,;- ., ln peace, ijhd move forward, Inc. or onward who may, and if a debt w made by tho Government, another will I0 q,,, frul(soJ mtr onpi but H(lccewfu Plrll;,lc; have to be made tcrpayit.Hf ii increase of the Taritrj under the old republican flajr of '08, which though take place, which i indirectly taxing the People of the I tattered ami torn has never yet been lowered, and with South. Noono at ill acquainted, with the condition of llie country can exiect tiint tho ainoimt uf revenue from the sale of the public lands, or from customs will be is Urge for many years tu come they have been for a few year past. With these p. ok pec ts before ua, the' question resolve itself thus: Shall we poMpone llie payment of llie 4lh instalment to the States, or ihsIL we create inuilicr. national dcbt4.Wa uubesita- tingly prefer the former alternative, and if there is nc ver another surplus in the Treasury, let the Jib instal ment never be paid to the States. P. 8. Bince the above was in type, we have rcceiv- ed Thb Giaa of Sept. :), which state that the Hill for postponing the depositee passed tha Ilouso on' the !fl)tb a amamdad by Air. Pickens, by a majority ot li. It will beeecn by reference loonr Congressional Syno- paiavUiat 5tt .tlie ih tht preyipu qucirtion w moved iml the Bill passed to it third reading, cutting off the aiiieadmeoi of Mr. Pkkena, 0 Ute SiHh Uiat gent(o hian moved to nicnt, which is to strike out of the Bill " until further pmvinion by law," and insert " until Uielst of January, lKIO," postponing the payment of the instalment until that time. Mr. P. delivered moot eloquent sncech (which we will publialljn our next,) in favor of recon sidering tlio vole of tlie previous day and in favor of ht aiondinenL The effect-was" force a reconsideration by 1 Vole of 149 lo 81, and tho adoption of his amend ment Jiy a vote of 130 to 00. The Bill as amended thi'ii putted a above staled by a mnjbrily of 1'J, ... A -.W- " Drore Baewe Hrmolwlird Jwiiv V,, Citaw. MR. l AMIOL'N'H HITXCIl TUriMgU lha .litrni- of Mr.-lallwun. (n. ali 1 1 Mr. Kiraiijf.) we har n-d-ived fnoi.lt cilir f 'hi fjfiner ctnilcmnn' prli on l ho Bill utlionx.nj' n iwue of Trreur Nnlf,' mmln in lhi Si-nali; on tlie JDt, gi,UH,, We li'! jurt Iiiikikhi ifk- (k tihii 1.1 m .j,, t(4j f,. tM) ,M ti liiiiaiwHi in pronouncing ( jjy Crrit elWt of Mr. Calhoun' trtily grMt.'niitMl it will mor than thni.t mncmue inJ MUBV,8,t e.tU!iof the real frtemla of Mr. , ...Iumm- ...1 . toun(r. li (y ,Mii.i Ihe palrfitie tnd taken by that gentleman in Tutor of rfi roree .4 UieGovt riuiienl from the Banking H).tcin wilh aomrrriiiJ F t tht cannot U- uwrthrnvm. N'e are able ibia week only tu gno the two concluding paragraph of thnj aprrdj, prom t 117, howrrrr, to ly the whole of it before our redi r net wttk. Mr. C ihu conclude : Vf a bv, .Mr. 1'remilcnl, arrived at remrkh!.i er inoor political liiBlury. The day "f l 2 ! iiive and Executive encroachment, of Inritfa, arnl urplii-we, of bank and nuMic debt, and extravagant exoundiiurr, are paat firf the preenl. The t.oernmenl atin-U in a poailion diauntancled frum the paat and fr-er lo cIkm: n futare fourte than it ever ba been mneo it com. inenceinont Vr are IkjI In like fieth atari. move offtind. r the Xlol.-a nylit tanner, and 0 111 the direction, which I have bt-en m lon uiovlnf. 1 n-im lha opportunity thoroughly to reform Ihe Government; Ui bring il Wk lu U orifrinal pruciilc; to relrentli and economize, ami rigidly lo enCurce accouniobil.ty. I aliall oppiwe, alnmuiiualy, all atlcmpta In originate a nw debt; In cn-nte a National Bank ; to reunite the .J - uolilical and nuiaey power (more dnjerou than Kxp.r,cncc .iretdy lieara testimony to Iheir imtrioiism, ssjjacity ; and Inrtory will 00 it justice. 1. I have slated, the turifTsvxtem triumph- ifcils oFtbe tialion." " We w Its" eTia nl or the Iwvhicjit "bjmMjKi3al Umii-a'MmiihiMtiS:- . i.-i- it J cxlravajrancies lo which it would lead we rallied on n the llAg grumble e.lMM, ,rl0 al0 preTtdent to arrest it throng, - : age of the Government, The perniCKHK overflow of 1 lne Ul"'fr n?vcr " "e witn n;y consent: (KT Hon. F. W. Pickens. T,e Speech of this gcnileinan cm' Iho 20lh( in uport of his nmend mcnt to the deposito tostonemenl Hill, is short, but will place him first among tho eloquent, bold, ami fearlea chompiona of correct principle in the I HousO of Represenlntives. For fear we may not no aiuu 10 piiiinsii ine wnoie sjh-pcIi in our next, we new make a few choice extracts from il s Air. Speaker, the proviionof that et rt?n Jepnfj,. acl of 1830, 1 mean are puculiar. They give, tn per tain oontinpenciea, pow er to the Secretary of the Tren sury to call back the three instalments already distri buted, under ceTin"liTnirtiiis. SirVil ia a (siwer which yoo yonrselt; by the vcry act ivhfeli yoir desire to enforce by refusing to rare this hill, place, itirlnc. bands of ilie Secretary of tlie Treasury. What will be the result then of defeating this bill J .Why that vW teWiptlaTr 4)acuMic,jplcmn ntaki it the -imperative, duty of tin) Secretary to execute the miyio 11 very lener. " Now, sir, look at the propowtioii. They say Ihe Treasury is einbarrsssod, that it U reduced, and liiat it will want funds, then how will tlie denoait. r-i Iw, eoled 1 Why the Secretary must, of necessity, calbj upon the Stole, for the three instalments: ..,..'' 7ul m a.ppoee,0 rcnticoum rav. that the Tmmrv 4..11 Itots..nnnM...r.en.l,n,.nn. ,1.., .L-'rClZ mnA thaaft at am .u r. J :!. . . a r " """" """. .'"" m us nanus. tm t true what a iUcto will be presented to llie Ame rb . . , . omcr,.wi8 prcaentea a uctoi statements tlr l,i'7Iri.h,ai ;!.' r ., , """"'es many to this II .d Op country .hkh.antteriylffir 1 till m-l '::-" '" "''''l i"'1"1 '"''' . 1 .. .1. ..1. I .. ..r m , ,1 1 I 111 II. i rlHM f and B,j lu. Mtii. .im . ih'H''ch lf "' '; ""w il, 1.. 1 II i ! .'" i'. re' "it ""' WH'f i.fitri'il, i'l I' "' 'f " "f ri l",,,,l,n r'"' Ul.l, t. I.l.ie ,uA u!f U. .ial-a,"d V'' tM-aa-iri.e i t,'Hi.i, tut Hio M"'e '"'. iBn ,.li In .fMrrl, il III- tiM-rc; d a"'1' ' ' lrtitufllih-crMi.iy. . . il... 1.. t mJ ummI. a ht will I amlr .-a.ilt f Tbl You , U tU hrcrrtaiy of, : r i 1 .... j.m.,1 111 untiin Ilia k.V L J,I- .W..r. WbB rMltraien .k n.o wb-iiiffi.ib-m.-n lulkalsHit this elaa depending up. aiHrfbur Isia. and all beii.g Uwuiifuliy bl-ilcd in one whn!e, I ran a.'imre Ihe tie y. It pp r intan-aling !--. Il " ini'-"l'i's' ronteii.pUte tlie parts ..f a frmt rm.iieall deprndm i.-f one great e unbi. n,l,o olllm ubrd- I ran Miei.iand H. r.b.U I Vn.lhnie 11 s cKiflnl of inlereU in all .ieti. a. Why i. it that we set ihfl wwld delup...) with kll la it iw I.. ..1. a .m.omed divianrfi l mtere.ia in sorie - " ' ly ! Wl.y ia i Ibat rerohitim sfti r re..u'ion haa swept our Ihe lurwt po.li.nl ofthia lubilnb'.e ghbi- ! Is il iw bi UM! one rlasa or nun interest in soc.ely are (J.nnil trii"sr!'nj wiiti or ni t. a.oio.j t. trnm down a not In r ..-Uf" r liil.-nnl I bia H 1 naiuru-ihia man, a .md orgJiiU.il in all society ' - - a . .all. .m ,f ,r. Jel not ciotlem... aupp-aui I am acinaled by p r - arorn sad d' ly t.wnr, wl.cther it ome Ir.un the Exe cutive, or from the bni,kin( inlen ta of this rouilr), Hir, I know lbs e.nn.rt Hint is shout lo arise fl till" ftsir. I fee and hear tho rushing of Iho . lenient, and I stand prepared lo meet it in advance. I confess I airi prepared tu meet it, ami let mrt enllciiien nipposc thev sr to call up interest in Him country powerful enoiijfh to dirUte laws and government to us. No, sir. It tiiey do piodu'Wlbi Conflu:t, I y I am prered lo meet it II h been said, that in Inet tllig till Conteal, we are prepared to brek down the banking instiluUiii tthe St a 1 -a. Sir, I rep'l this insinuation with scorn ..J ........... - ...1., Katwl..r f.tr n.rlv .f1frl - I. air. will sustain, iu Ihe last, the institution, of my own State, and Urn Unking intcn-sta she ha. nrrn.d - Hut, it, when 1 am .called upon to idcutily than with thlsFcler.KJo.ernmeut.lw.llnotdoit. I will not bring them under sub.. et,on. ami place the cr.d.t and bank - ur svstem anm it the merry ol a l.wles ...d despo- Its liiitarnnii-nl ItfTP In U If lit llm dMtmiMnf tl.i.roun. try. We have seen ami feU t,s, much of it We have ' en this union of the bank will, tiovemment for thol last li.ree or f.sir years, pr.slu. rn? the nv di.artr.M-1 n. ..liv ,j il, r,n, H,r. il waa this unsx. win. I. has duoe nse, in n.t ini.m, than any ibinc else to brtsk down the freedom of ebvliooa. 1 ...n,l I .UI . h. the manner ol the election: I sn. actuated by no oilier d.-s.rc but to promote equal liberty to all das ; tnd when men in powei Ibooac toa..rt right principles id" liberty snd of the Con.tilu - loi ky . awfaspa.ll IK I KaS im tlL Iflif 1 llall ll 111 kAIMi IhC tlaA afitHfl try fr.Mii the Government of the country. I am nreisir-1 ed, thu far, lo co with them. Sir, no iaun shall aver seiairate me. in a conflittof this kind, trom tho greal interest i have always supported. But I entreat, geu- lieinen to pause iu th.. mad career, because Ihe conflict ..,ii r.i.l..un ,n il.. k.nkin i..o.ii.ii.s ,.f States themselves if they urge it on. I de.ire they h.il iw. ...... ..-.I l,v il... si.im rn t.n. Mm ranii.t .ma.med f.ce f.. tin, mfloenee uf thia tiovemment: .ud it is !wiui I desire ihey slmul.l be H.st I am lo favor of tlieir separation. Sir, in conclusion permit mc lossy, mat I Maud where tho republican sttssl in 17!H, iu 1SIM), Si and and where the Slate Rights party stood in ISfc! snd ami upon iikisc principle, i am prejareu lo siaim, anu uie power, nf a combiiH-d piess, or Ihe whole interest of banks, shall never drive me from It. l pon an uie ouicr questions prcscmeu ny femiemen in this debate, dicurnry is they were in Iheir charac- ii:r, - ssomniuiis r.ouj n q uioum mm aim, i uestreiu reserve inys.-lf for the preat bill---for 1 cslt that the ; peat moasnrenf the session the divorce bill, I mean, i hnl bill I hold myself- prepared la defend, and I Tear no consequence j "- 1 03" Price nf Sptrie. Sink in i FarlnW'e ol- j aeryerm ear -ksV W?wVrirlr-TMipfrs.,'that Jhe pnec of I ' ' 1 '.'4r:haT crfy TromTSi" W'l jW e'etir:; since ihe proeiects of chart-ring National Hank have j been sealed hy Couj;r.s. Not heir." particularly akill-' Ik ll.a Tr.-a.urt le entac the law.or girtnwiieine rwj. ng ... .-... an i. in.iabii,t wiwl nher are the miMi y H U indrpwl dT ih dwtK.guiaW indi.Juat w coa. twtml ! lin mi w4 m a that, iimbf .h h u yni, ih whoin Iheie ia M-t a grratar 4 bi iu-r btin( Z, im- ... romH bha lo te the leaf le ihe .man who baa kea wroi.grd, deeply wroi.H t, . Lio .iwlii.nt tu .1.1 an. he a.n4 .lrw rohlnbuli. conn" rj.oen. ami to wUsn molitta are at.ll nmpui ElSStlit . bk !o ih.-aV.le lb.. ' .! had b.rtl, ia a mjnd hick and bol, tt ui . jVa l Wr. Callioiio ia M armifrd by tiwaw that l "'! . . .11 . l 1 i.i.ii tia if dMitrrae with biw a.J.tall.- 1 be a-Hv who awaa mr. in n mm rui""- m " in re anon tu nit pnwin viaiiiaai, 1 m-i - - il n thai I ..a wJi-!r vhrre I he -n aducatrd , their naif.iw. iwrciaary vw, and end it over lb T 'iivl " u:lll.,bel...hed.l.a.l,alKa.Wbyb..ar, wh.W yUi-Irf Vrtl, III. r.lilutun n. LU-rlir, of my ..I U- -me I.i.m, Ibry Mo no .nore eoinprr r,2l t Tin-re 1, a ell.ei ,4 inter. . i.,o flio tt. Um n,.Khiy w.kinf. cd hi n.m.1. lla b. tle awaa. ur ' t t.. .11 ..........ii. aixl a.l rrUile that (UK In the Cernof Ihe t real AU i iti-re 1 a ciminri o .n.-rv ril DM I I III 11 ir WU III nil il.ll.intr nun A......,..t.... Mr. Calhoun in his views of the prominent measurer now beforo ( ongTcsa.. This statement is false. Mr. 1'ickcns, .Mr. TlKMnpson, and Mr. Rh. tt all agree with Mr. Calhoun; as do also, we' learn, Gov. AfcDuffie and Oen. Hamilton of SSulh Carolina. The destruction of Mr. Calhoun being the dear id.jecl of a ceruin party in and out of Congress, no slander is loo brazen for their pur pose. . (KT Tho Whigs, to let them toll it, are the sole mourners over Mr. Callhouii's fallen greatness, as they cajl it It makes the big tear roll down their cheeks to see this great t-t.itoman and patriot in the company or Brown, Benton and Co. If Mr. Calhoun had really deserted his old principles and joined the office-holders, not! ing, we in all charity believe, coulj please the 'hi$ bet tot ; for then li: destruction would be cer- niTii , uui i.,e a i or isnney cWT make out their . i..y'"""" "s so oio w.inoueu s to be deter- mined to stand oa his old principles) and the .Whig'! ca'nH get him into the position they would wialu ' I a tuii, .v . ' , , j. .4 7" IhtnlerrtteH tirw. We copy fmm l ho .l.f r. r .1 en ! r ' 'TT' f Wg J',sl to.Ca!- !.' Thtfl'rarft-remcmliei -in po)iUc, b"4 peak tree of rwrty and good sense. " i i good sense. a i From the Mahil, Examiner. Sent 10 JOIIN C CM HOUV The report is current' in the eanrV-t in. wilhin Ihe last two davs. il.m Mr r.n... il "": n " 'ej tnrewmewdlim,.H ipenU Tlie report is 'Fl sumeienuy uni.cilUcateil lu create, firm ri;... Kill its truth ; but from our knowlede-c of Mr t'h.Z hi- ,.;E.ra ;...i...-.i..:;' h; 7nTZt, 'f'f "od noble, uny.cila- r-i - - . tj iff.iri.fii , - s'tcu to tiiat party, , ., v7..,ni..Hii. , it, ociocfc trom ind fler Mondy siexL as to the causes which pr.sluced tlie enormous high , Mr. M. Morn of Pennsylvania, presented a memo. prirc that ccio wd.l at a few weeks tince, nor as rial from citiicn of Buck' ' County, gaint the annex-, lo the particular taiiMi thai bus produced tho fall; but. ,tl of Te. ;1 leave u to our Whig fr.eU. to .n.wer these quesUo. uj m P1. ,he nideralinn of. " 1 Mr. W mo s nvolution concerning I hi inquiry in reU- .. . ,. , I ton to the Florida War. The motion of Mr. I lowrd loath ( roUa D, -legation. For the purpose of in-: to strike out that a Select Committee ho ppoilltod.,, jurmj Mr. Calhoun, llie pensioned slanderers for North- j nd insert " that -the Committee On Military Affair ba 1 ern papers, under the name of letter writersat Wash-! instrutted,M being the question pending ington, have stated for the thousandth time, that nei-1 ,Mef ('Mtm nd P"ke it eonsidc tlwr Mr. IJ.e.tmi.or any ofcJBou-h-CamiuVlSTr Zf , ' -,. MJi ' , Dli notion or Mr. Cambrclen?, the House resumed gallon in the IIo...e of Representative comedo wilh . tl,0 consideration nf the bill to nostnoiw. the fourth in- f.r ,, l.iW It. 1 f ('pi fmnfe il.nr f f f rf i f, M ,4 1 I,,,;. lUr h a Uli h 1 rt,l,l,l.i t,l.,tUfc., I a t,. ri. U ll, ait ki imi 4 tfy rh4ri ttlm li lh lute t.f rfi.in uff al.i mi u, iH Btt"aM l1ii Hf. Ntif M lha rrl.uk, 1 rullinU 11 Mr, t'nIliiHm' tiowati iij nri,t, fj ,ta kcriivd l.imiif etny rr.ma to l,itl, f. ilirg rn l"'! ein f rry d. ffaiif uj hiri, iikiifiililt J auililiirfi.eiity, lud lfMiti tfitlic Cmi .(.li fciin, We aineerrU brpe II a rrixirf mat be correct. I, will 4'it ine V.01U tifl hi eiHiniryimi inotlirr . to c aim lnwi r WMier out who una hi Kmtm 1 ton pure and di.itrr.rd lo Wlow-.re of alt ether, .1 . .1 I L 1.1. . ...I -i. .i . lamie, me orpin a. - h.,m.s,, ...,u., : of Uiu clcmetil thai rurronnu. it , 1 a- j CONGHIXSIO.VAI. fiVNOPSl.l I rlln(,, w)r nMaleef Copying rt prr. f ,m,ri.(-, m, (Hlf ri)m. .iwy U bM rrwd. ,. ,,. , ' . '1 tlu-r-by. W e g.ve a ninth aa will interest, ,, ! r.-a.!i n, 11. s coudenscl Sm, preserving th must pm. ,(,.t f. .it.r...f' the propuritivn nd debate Ukkoh, j , . j, ., ,t IE Vi'Jwy, Hiflrttihit "2, '.,,,.,,,.,,,, Md.trriif a Nalainal n.nk. Ml STllts ! I ' II tH IsB I IUIJ CIlVPtM IM , X)tmm , MMl , flin t. r - 51 1 t . ,.ii.. .r ., . 1 . .1 The ScMi.ilti then dXik up, in fiKprnittrrof the Whnie llie bill iripin( sdtlilHirial cuto-a on redain ufficra, aa ilc vitiuns in rerisin rases. Air. t aiotinn s aucnl mi-lit belli.' under cilidersliin. f.' Mr. Tsllu.n.'e sddierkcd Ihe Senate at f onsider.il,!. length 111 ..'i'.hn to the bill. Jfe Wai kllhiwn by Mi-Mrs. t'allMiiui, Kiresaml Ilelilou. On moil. 11 of Mr. King of Georgia, th i(e j. j'MiriH-d. I lot at: us Hiraixrararttta After rercitinir n. im:iU and petitioti, lha i fu,w iinpcled lo the unliuuhad business of lbs sitomifif hour, winch was llie resolution sunmiliea by Mr. Wa on the Iml. ins! in relation lo th Kkjr.l. Wat. to .birh an ainend.ueiil bad been offered by Mr. Ola. , c- -- : ' ' Mr.JMl waa 19 favor of the ewnrmtte being rad , 7 " ,b7 l,neth,!f- . . i,r- '"'H "'C sublet aouW koTfterred In "fl regular standing commiiico tn IIuwm, cmms cjw-ly to take rhargs of anch aehjects. M'- tampbell then .ddre-ed toe II.nim, abea of ainbrelong, the IInmi proee.!. d to Ihe .infers of Iho day, and resumed the Coossle- ' of the bill to postpone Ihe fourth UisUlment with 1 ""!..,. . . .. . , ' U Pickrna nM.iidmenl lo strika oat tba clause rurlln-r proviss by Uw, and lnserl';tlM U day , of J". li) ': conKler.iuii. ; 1 bl" waa opposed by Mers. C. Shepsrd and Br- , P"'j' . Messrs. Cnahmap, Ilolscy. F-irfiehl and Prket nok i in j"0 'ho bill. . Hm,l,,1 U,u" ,',"k floor, and wsa followed by Mr- 1 nhrclcng who stated that antes, they .ttrd nn ' '' of '' meiisurcN in one week, Uie rrcaaury would bo stopiicd for s snt of fumla. ''"he S.cker laid before the ll.yae report from the Secretary ol the r.e.sury.ot th Imouut of ippropri. '" expemlilure. for the current year ; which i wMUidon the table, ndorderoa' to b printed. j 1 i I ScxaTK. Sssrdiy, XrftrmbfT 23, 1S37. A Meswiire wa reccivnd from tha President of tha United Stales enclosing a report Imm ihe Secretsry nf vr: w.ucli wa ordered lu lia nn uhU mnA hm ' printed. - . Mr. fallwiun nresenteil a iw-lilw fsm ,if!.M niiiie; praying the establishment ore National Bank, Mr. Shift presented memorial foam eitiien jjf r mo.:!, ff.OM4 the nnejilmn of Texas. ' The Senate than took up, in ftMTtmitteeoflbe Whole, the bill imposing addiliooal duties on certain eflicer, a deposimric in certain eases. Mr.TCalhonnmod-' ment heitij. und"r ron.uleration. i Mr. Kinjf of (Hi.rjm, addressed the Senatfl at length,"' a,d eoncliidetl by moving nortpoocmeiil of the Whole yj'ct itntj Jhe. jotN.,..lJe,.wm JulWred by at ......... X-.t 1 1 -tv . . i n: . ( .i.i-sjia .muiihsim, .in isioowsi, j-Hmsa-atw awes. On aaotran of Mr. Cliy, the Senate iiljMifnd. IltHiMior Rmmrn-ATivnt, l It. nt.vt.An r.r T I I .... . II. 1 I 1 . ... .... .. . - . . stalment with the States. The question pendini wa Mr. I'irken s amendment - Mr. Smith simkc in favor of" the bill, and Messrs. Thompson snd llnlstcad opposd it On motion of Mr. Williams, the Committee rose ui the House adjourned. - - Monday, September 25, lOT.Wessr. MrKean and Buchanan presented several memorials from eitiiensof Pennsylvnnia, against the annexation of Texas; which were law on Iho table. Mr. ('lay ol Kentucky, presented pctittonajrnm cKl leiuj ot Wlieelinp and Baltimore, prayinir lb incorp'. ration of a natkmal hank : referred to the Committee on Finance, ami ordered to be printed. Mr. Nile submitted the flillowiiifr joint resolulion: Revived that the Senate mid llouxc of Ripretent live of the Vnited Stated m Copgre$3 nMtmliUJ, That the two Houses of Congress will adjourn, snd clot tho presnir srfston on iMoniirty Mr. Hubbard intnsluced a resolution that Uie Senate nouiu meet at II) oclock. 'r!'B s;"alc resuimd Ihe cotisklontion ot tha ',nIK,s'IT? certain duties on public officers doprisii torie in certain case. The question ponding being on Mr. Calhouu'aamnndinent, - - M. r-i i. .'. ' ' v""-' r upwnrus ni inrce nonrs in opposi- 10 the bill. , U0 sfate, that he had w.ited.to heit plana 'that 'onnld "lie brought roryrato 'b rediC.t laborert, but no waa compel- ? M to declare, that so far, he had beard nothinar from . . C(I 10 declare, that so far, he had berd nothing from I 1 DulFmy cxpeil.cnl. nod the other n g- iRravation oflhe ills instead of a cure. Nomatterlrom J wh1 C,UWe 0,.,r .ai,!trW8e P"'n?. the doty of r TT0" P"renl itovernment lo altord relief. It wa not reproacheaa, nd awaken nimosities ; undei (he extreme sufloring tiiat pervaded Uie lind, be honed that all nasi notitical slrifn was'fiirrtitten. He attributed the present state of the things to Ihe sctflin of the Government ip refusing lo recbiirtcr th bsnk, the removal of the 'Depoaites, the (iold bull, ind the Treasury Circular. . ' - lie considered the sub-Treasury scheme an" expe dient" which ought not tu be tried, it pregeanV . . 1 e u at in ma miaTM ariiarti itwl ia 11 w bbi iiicui aoaau aaiaa naiinaw aar 11 ,.-N -,.'.s'; m I a' ' - 'rl Cw v": ; -

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