o o 0 o TIIE WESTERN CAROLINIAN. Friday Evenins", February 2, 1038. CO"" We will attend the ensiling county court of Da vidson, which commences on the 12th instant, anJ re quest all persons indebted to us ia that county to em brace the opportunity Ihu-i oTered to settle. Also; the week following tcirg Rowan county court, we most earnestly request our numerous friends in this county to call and settle their accounts. We are sure that if our friends were aware tint wc reed cur dues half as much as we really do, they would tavc us tho pain of cuc'i notices as this. Oar oil frienJ anl LHaw-citir.et, Dr. .s:i2V.L Hmiih, Surgeon C-cneral of the Texian Army, arrived here yesterday vcnin:r on Wis wjv to Vah:ngto: City, un der order from the Tcxiin Government He f irni.-hc the gratifying intelligence -.hit t!.c country Uvvry quiet :id in the highest state of j r p-rity. He c intradict the ruruar thai General IIou -ton rpul irtty on the V.'c arc a!- inform? 1 Ly Dr. 15 . that fieri. I.imir, (I'.rmorly a distinguished m- n'-cr of the State Riht 1'-rt in thi country.) was the only candidate fir the Presidency nt the time he I of; anl that he did not an tieipnt j any opr-Ilion to hint. Generals Euk, I'clix llit i, aal Jt:ii):!, will not be c initiate. General Johnson, the Commander of the Anny, Col. Il-ckley, wC, left the yet of Hovtrnaent lor the head inters at Mercer I'crrv, on the Colorado, a few dav Uf-rj Dr. L'mith. CCr It J uar.eccisiry fbr us to invite the attention of our renders to the highly interesting letter which will he found i.i cur paper to-day, from Dr Ashzf.l Smith, our Lie fellow -citizen. The frier. Jr- of Texas will find this loiter highly interesting an l edifying. The numerous and ardent friends of Dr. Smith view wi-,i pride the ci.sT.ii. finished posit i n he occupies in tho !..urL-bit:g new republic a Miaitioii ornamented in a no loss deTie than it is merited hv hLi distiniiu scd attain Tuentd and rare powers of iut.Ikct. CO" The Presidency. Tho following- Cotnmttnica tion is from a gentleman cf as high f landing as any in western North Carolina, one who has borne a promi nent p-!it in the Presidential contests fur the pas-l I'Z years, at.d withal a ood old Republican of the Jeflerso nian School. We most fully agree with cur correspondent, that the Iriends of correct ptinciples, aad those w!io are opposed to the corruptions practised by the party in power f-r the past nine years, ought not to sutler slight differences ;f opinion to divide them, by which their enemies will Ji3xtLlpj)MtIUtja'JCTcrences with our neighbor have been of no trifling nature he has taken occasion to assail, repeatedly, the principles and men of a small party to which we are proud to belong, without the magnanimity to do us even common justice it was for euch a course that we have been forced into a contro versy with the Watchman. lLit where we can meet on a common ground, as we think we can on that suggested by our otcernrd correspondent, we offer our neighbor our hand we ro for Union in resisting the encroachments of the Fede ral Government on the rights of the States, wheth er originating with the Executive or with Con gress; for organizing our strength in the coming Presidential contest to effect a Reform of the ex travagances of the past eight years, and to fortify the South against the inroads of abolition fanaticism. Wc go too, as our correspondent says, for placing cur Ood old unassuming State on high ground, ivlire her course and principles may be known, and iv ill be respected. For these ends we go, if we go ;ith only 44 Solitary and Alone." To the Editor of tiik Caroiixian: Sia : I am a subset iber to your paper, and also to the Watchman-and in common with you both, opposed to the re-election of the present Chief Magistrate of the United States. I believe he went into the Executive Chair through a rent in the Constitution, and at the fame time treading- under foot, the purity of the elec tive franchise. If experience is of any value, the op position should have learned to cherish union and to avoid division. Permit me, respectfully, to say to you and the Watchman, that in my humble opinion, your warfare is ill-timed and unprofitable. You should hus band your strength and resources for the common ene my, Bgair.st the day of trial. I wL-h to make n fow re marks wilh regard to ihe course of" the Watchman, on the subject of the next Presidency I know he will receive them in the fame, spirit in which they are made. They are net intended to provoke discussion, but solely witn a view to aid a common cause. The Watchman Jus the Clay flag half unfurled In his paper of DJlh instant, he remaiks 44 we have watched with eager anxiety the demonstrations of ihc two parties in the various quarters of the nation, and we are perfectly a'.ined that the next contest fjr this high office (the Presidency) will be between Mr. Van Buren and Mr. Clay." In the same article is contained the following expression of the Watchman's opinion " Wc believe cj fir as the western part of North Carolina is concern ed, he will receive ihe support of the Whig party." The pignof the times have been noticed by the writer; Jt :s true, he may not be as well qualified as the Watch man to read the-.n, and then to dcclire cr ming even??. I diCer from our neighbor First, it appears to me not quite certain, that Mr. Van Uuren will be h. candidate, et on the contrary most probable ho will not. Where is Mr. Van Baren's strength ! He never had a hold on Ihe affections of the people. Is bis strength in the Kew England Stales! Is it in the Middle States! Is it in the North-West ! Is it in New York! Where ' is his Loj al House of Ommons ! I Ic has had his extra Session ; thus fur lie has had the regular Session of the 20th Congress What great measure has he carried ? In the second place, 1 am of the opinion the Watch- 'rnan has made a wrong estimate of the present strength of Mr. Clay in the West of our State The Watchman J very high term-. Mr. Word declined speaking. Wise will admit, that from the time Gen'!. Jackson became , nn lGhnlson had quite a personal and undignified aller a candidate up to this moment.he has had great strength 1 cation while discussing this question on the IGth -dt., in the Western part of North Carolina. The original . which it was at first thought must result in a duel; but Jackson men of 15JI, ve to the old Hero a warm, ' We since learn that they will not fight. Much diversi most hearty, and disinterested support The term dis-( ty of opinion prevails as to the final resull of this con interested is used, for it should le remembered to the tested election. Our individual opinion K and it has honor and credit of the Jackson men cf that day, in our been framed up-n the debates in Cor.greis that Clai- State, that they did r.ot hunger after the 44 loaves and fishes." The principle that the "sjoils belong to the victqrs," had noMaken ror 1. The people of North Car- li&a prfefrcJ Gen. Jatkson to Mr. Adams many be- lievei thit Mr. Ciay "was mainly instrumental in de feating the voice of the people many of our citizens know that Mr. Clay is styled the father of the American System that he is in favor of Internal Improvements by the General Government that he is in favor of a National Bink that he approve ! of the principles of the proclamation and vrted for the force bill. In the Western part of .North Carolina, there is a strong feel ing again.- all these measures: The people of North Carolina, have noticed the toasts at the North" Henry Ciay and Diniel Wcb-ter l)jnid Webster and Henry Cby. Is there an identity of principle between these Statesmen ! yet, notwithstanding all thi. North Caro lina might sustain .Mr. Clay, in the nine way thnt Mr. Ritchie sustained Geri'h Jackson, as a choice between two evil roost aK?urc":l v, it will require time and latxr to prepare t!tc m;ril.. t.f our citizens to rally with spirit arrnnd the Chy l!ig. I wish to i.nke one s'tggestion t yen an ! the Watchman, and let it pa.-s f r w!it i; n4.-iy be w.irt'i. I ntn fieo to i!pc! ire. tint in i.-nhin the ture-.tion, the ch-iractci of our State i. Hire i.jte-rc.-ti me than v. ho thill be the ::cxl I'res-.bnr. My fuestic n is this : that each county in the Stale shall civet two delegates opposed to the ndaiiuiatratirin to meet in Convention on the IDthd iy cf J.uie cn.-uin;', in the City of KiK ih ta nominate candidate f r tht l're-i-ide'icy a:. 1 Vice l'restd.vrcy. North Carolina i.s cer tainly o !d enough to s' t up for hcrs;!f in a jNiJitical way. I am one of ttios, who believe, that from the character (Tour Stile, and her po.s.tion, if iie was to make a move, it wouM have iu weight and inn ince. The (Icletcs t: n:A be Mlcct-d by the people in t!ii same manner a they brought o:t their deh-crates to nmn d the Cti'titiit:n. In Mich a Ixly we would have no fidiiijr, tr-fTtcVinz p diticians n Uucl.er c.)i. corn and if .Mr. Clay is to be our can lidate, let us onward, and every wiii to the res-cue. I pray yon, gentlemen, sive us from iliviiioti in our ranks ! Save the joo-J old State fn,:n the humiliation of a Dinner or Stumer r.'-mir.ee. -'SOLITARY AND ALONE." January d, CCr Abolition the r.iinn.Thn Hon. R. R. Rhetf, of S. Carolina, has come out in a Card in the Wash ington papfr.-, ad J rested to his ccn.-titucr.ti-, c.xpluinin and deter.din certain lanuae u.sed by.him in a letter to the DJitor of the Charleston Mercury, written eoon aller t!ie meeting of the Southern members of Congres-s at the Capitol in Washington on the abolition question. In our next, wc will publish this Card, and therefore, will now only glance at its purport. Mr. Illicit, it pectus, had prepared Resolution; to in troduce as a substitute for the Resolutions of the fanatic Sladc, for abolishing Slavery in the District of Colum bia : these I'c?olutions were not clTercd by Mr. Ithett, but their sutatancc t-tated to the KJitorof the Mercury, and thus having drawn forth various comments from northern papers, Mr. II has seen fit to coma out in their defence. The Resolutions are as follows : "and the Constitution of the United States having proved inaderiate to protect the southern Slates in the peaceable enjoyment of their rights and proper ty, it h expedient that the said Constitution sh.iuld be amended, or the Union of the Slates dissolved. " licsohcJ, That n Committee of two members from each State in tiie Union, be appointed V report upon the expediency or practicability of amending t.'ie Con- -r , i.ij, .liiidl-.iricr the Union These are very strong Resolutions indeed, and it is probably well they vvere not offered at the time they were prepared, as the state of excitement amor. the members was such, that much mischief might have been done thereby. But they embrace the tri e groi nd for the South the ground which she will be til'.irnately compelled to takc, or fjive up her vital spark, and we do not see why the position mi;rhl not us well Li: taken one time as another. We have so olen e.xprecred our convictions of the duty cf wiuthcrn men on thi.1; ques tion, that it is needless almost to repeat them. We have ever believed that any petition or memorial pray ing the abolition of slavery in any section of this Union ought in no case to be received by Conn-rcsj : it is a question over which Congress has no i o.ntkol, and one which it ought not to touch, and as soon as a majority of that body decided to receive petitions praying for a violation of the term3 of the Union, of the Constitution, an l the personal rights of the citizen, then the soulurn membrrs at least, should have adopted the Resolutions of Mr. Rlrdt. If we enj y our slave property at all, wc must do it jiiacrahlij, without interference from any quarter but we must enjoy it, and we will the terms are laid down in the Constitution ; if we cannot hM our northern Irethcrn to observe these term, tho quick er a dissolution is had, the better for u. These are onr view?, and wc believe they correspond with the views of a majority cf the thinking- men of the South. CO" SuL-Treasitry lull. On oer first pae will be fiund the Bill reported by the Finance Committee to the Senate of Congress, ft)r reorganizing the Treasury Department to perform the duties of a Tscal arrcr.t to the Government, called the Sub-Treasury Bill. There has as 3'ct, we believe, been no discussion on this Bill; it is given j tst as repc-rted from the Committee. Should it pass it will of course undergo modification. We have had time to examine the Bill only ptrtially ; but a hasty perusal Ins discovered to our mini ?eri us objections to this Bdl not to be found even in that re ported to the extra session. The two pmpnitions arc widely dilTercnt in their features, and until we see the present in the shape in which its friends c::pect it to pass Congress, wc will pass it over in silence. Certain it is, the Bill in its present shape will never lea law. Cyncrress. Although wc devote much cf our space weekly to reports of the proceedings of Congress, yet wc are able to give but a skeleton of the exiting and animatetl, and even .angry debates which have occurred in lhat body. The debates on Mr. Calhoun's Resolu tions were of marked ability and great interest; some of the speeches we intend publishing heretdter. The debate on the Mississippi Contested Election thus far has been characterised with much ability, and a good deal of warmth. The speech of Mr. Prentiss defend ing the claim of himself and Mr. Word to the seats oc cupied by Claiborne and Gholson, lies been spoken of in Imrne and Gholson will hold their seats, in defiance cf law and the expressed will of the people of Mississip- pi. But if so, it will he a finishing stroke to the party in Mississippi. As will be seen cn rcfeience to our report, the Com mittee of Ways and Means have reported a Bill mak ing a special appropriation of l,000,U00 for carrying on the Florida war. The bill was passed almost unan imously, without nny other opposition than that of Mr. Wise, wha seems to take a pride in opposing all appro priations, whether necessary or no for the public safety. 'Ve admire tho inrlopcndence and bold dating of Mr. Wise, and we appreciate his patriotism but the figure Mr. ise cuts ii attenititinir tonne John will d..ul tless pass the I It. use Ti:c Resilu:ion- for the annexation of Texas to the United Stales have t;ot been acted on. acted on. ,mijo. ovprinewaj on of the Co-istitu- It is really no worrier tUut otir nei i a Iititudmanan i:i his co.istructi tion, fir fie iseems to have learned the trade cf constru ing and torturing language and sentences to suit h's p irjiose t j a uicthj. He says in his I;.-t, thai we at tempted to justify a change cf opinion in Mr. Calhoun by charging a sun.br change upii Mr. Ciay. We did nt wish to be understood so. We inertly asked our neighbor the question we did, as we had no desire to rive li:m nn o.xp.anatson r t tl.e reasons r the change j of opinion, if it i:ny be called such, in .Mr. Calhoun. on me Mm; question, wn-.i v,- Knew lint the reisor s ! and arguments of Mr. C. were fully in the possession of t... i'i r ,t. w...i 1 1. . 1 .i , . I and magnanimity to admit them into his columns, that lie might the better be cabled to vent his mortified spleen at the man. Hi :iry lumpf:rftst fj" (i recr s!oroin A. It will be recollected that this enterprising and public spirited gentleman, who is an honor to our State, was indicited at the last term of Guilford Superior Court, for issuing his own due bills, as change, for convenience, all of which lie redeemed when presented. He was, how ever, convicted by the Superior Court, and appealed to the Supreme Court, where the judgment below has been reversed, and a new trial ordered. 44 Fie .'c.'if rirr This is a new epithet in the voca bulary, and is getting into pretty extensive use lately. Flclchcrized is used to designate a man who has moral ly and politically ustd hims IJ up lied himself todeath --and may also be applied to a party. The term notes its origin from the Hon. Richard Fletcher of Massa chusetts. The Hon. John Clack t one of the Mississippi Senators in Congress, has resigned his seat. Mr. Black is a true southern whig; but will be succeed- ed by a friend of the administration, as that party constitute a majority cf the present Legislature of Mi MS Is ippi. A Bi!l has pafcd the Legislature cf Kentucky for the call of a Convention to amend the Slate Constitu tion, with the express view, if the call for a Convention tie sustained, of abolishing the institution of domestic slavery in that State. We hope it wii' noi tm-ra-u, though 'tis said Mr. Clay is in favor of the measure. Texas LanJ. By a Proclamation cf President Hous ton, issued on the tilth of December last, the powers cf all agents of the Te.xian Government ia this country for the sale of Land Script arc revoked, and the 3 gents recalled, arid all Land Script heretofore so! 1 on a credit, the sale is declared to be null and void. No land Script will hereafter be (sold at less than A I 5') per acre, the money to be paid in gold or silver, or the notes of the Texian Government. American Rail-Road Journal. This valuable pub lication, in consequence of the calamitous fire in New York two years since, by which the oflice and its con tents were all consumed, was suspended for a short time. But by the following notice, and a copy of the publica tion, received by tho last mail, we are g'ad to see its publication again commenced, under the most favorable circumstances. Its worthy Editors have our sincerest wishes for their most sanguine success, and it will give us pleasure to send on the names of any of our friends as subscribers to the Journal. It is the only publica tion of ihe kind in the United States, is ably conducted ia the city of New York. RAIL-ROAD JOURNA 1-Extra. Nirw YoitK.Jun. 19,18.19. . . . .! Dcar Sir : Circnmitance?, ar:s:r'r from the "-enrral d-;, -n.nu,i . i , repression ol business, compe'Ied us to f ii.-pend, in An- gu.-t last, the pnblieatmnof the Railroad JovrvoL Uc- etanic s Mnguzine, and Acre lrr.u lamer. Afltr a much longer delay than was anticipated, when we sus pended, we have ngain resumed the publication of tho Journal that of tho At to 1'orA- Farmer will very soon follow, and the volumes for each, for lo7, will bc com pleted as early ns possible. The Railroad Journal for 1539 will be published in a form similar to the English periodica!?, more conveni ent for preservation anJ reterence, and will be more avail ourselves of Railroad, and Manufacturers' adver tising, and of your aid in extending its circulation. cry respectfully yours. D. IV. i IINOR. G. C. SCHAEITER. Kiirthqualie in Jicxico. Mexican papers to the 22d Decemlier, leceived by the New Orleons Etc, contain p.irticulars of the late severe earthquakes with which that country has been visited. The lice says; Successive shocks of an earthquake have almost totally destroyed the town rf Acapulco, while the grorgeous city of Mexico itself was sub jected to a violent and prolonged shocked; happily however, in the latter instance no injury resulted. The details of the earthquake at Acopubo are fi ihi fields and roads adjacent to the iown. When the morning dawned hundreds beheld themselves house less aud reduced to utter indigence. Fortunately for the safety of the citizens, the destruction occa csiod by the shocks was so gradual, as to afTorJ neth time to sve themselves; hence tha losj of life was considerable. , tt . , - tiortls-east. In its approach, it was awtti'lv grand. I i , - - . , ' . by opposing till appropriates, ,s most disgusting. The jav haJ bccn lc0Q a,(j F11,rv ,u,, . .erd their arms winch they hud purloi: ed t.at .Mr. Bcntot bill for increasing the standi,- ar- half hou'r preceding the storm, there was a coram- 1 f"C ew ',k A;fTU,iS a,H! 'f1 " V1? ' my lias passed the Sem.te almost unanimously. Ii nous roaring like the noise of a writer fall, which 'cncn iro' 1 reception ot the I .esuioi.: ... , . , , . r - . , . " til .i , j ,i : rfc!:or.r.!M.n, and the smiiiilnw.is arpearar.ee ( 1 vv,!l probably also pass the House .Mr. Grundy's h uler and louder as he c.Ws appruacheu. ; (IovC!nor ,lflho s?a:o f yl ,. r,H, .j... bill for the better securely of the lives of nsen. At c-lutmi ot dark smoke was ecti as-; , .v nf . . Vr , p, .: : t. rN( .n ,(t , 1C !t, q . i centlmg, which caused an obsoner to Mcatri- i'1, . 'u;rlll" gers on steamboats, has also passed the Senate and nn r Fp. , w.,Prif. ,mt;, if the I.aited States on the frontier, nn c,.- to Ivuo exclusively devoted to Internal Impro vements, Science. ailt action at Amherstburg. A g am u,,ut linn ocrt uuore. it w , e p.ioiiMiou , , j lKc arscna at Detroit, loaded a s srviz-mnniuiy. nn.i snicneu in a cover, wincii wnl to . , , 1 1 . . 1 r ,i used as an advertising sheet. We therefore desire to ' t,,G ?U d Sa,,Ctl l Amherstburg, ful. Kc-pcatctl shocks of extreme violence and de- ! rell schooner, without the loss of a man, on our y h:i.h....i- i. . .....or .o visu rayet'e-ve-ation have r.earlv reduced the citv to a ma- of UiJe with three pieces of cannon, and twenty pri- villc for the purc.iase ot their goods, exchange of ruin. The house vvere overturned, and dashed" to j toners ; amor.rr the number, a Dr. Theller, of no- moneys, purchase of drafts, &c, Arc, as it is the fragmcnts, fhe churches irreparably injured, the ' toiious memory. cheapest, most expeuitious and direct route be wails of the Campo S,into destroyed, the whole city The number of rebels killed not ascertained. tween the two places. At I ayettcviile, stage hncj thrown into a state of dep'.orable'consternation, and At 3 o'clock this morning precisely, our little leave every day tor the tiortn , and south, ihe inhabitants compelled to pass the night in the church bell sounded an alarm. Every man was at A. CAK.MICHALL, Proprietor. From the Raleiglt, Register. TERRIBLE TORNADO. A most destructive Tornado, or Whirlwind, pass-; cd over a portion of Surry County, in this State, j on the ISth instant, for the subjoined account of t which we are indebted to Josia.li Cowles, Isq., of, Uamptonville : ivhi. AV-. IlAJirroxviLLr, Jan. 13, 183?. ' GrATLCMKX : About three o'clock this a;-,er. j noon, we were visited lv a tremendous Tornado, t can up, my eve was upon il, and awful were t;.. tew moments of suspense, and supreme!', grand its ! n;,;.ro:ieh, as it en.ed to .huce and career over a ! pice of tine timber land, snapping, teari:- up and ! ..; .;. . it .i r . i i t. i : , i r , r .i .; t,,e 'er l..r an open space, where for the want j . - . . i. : tl... . r:n i i. .1. i ' ! " n.v.11 iiuji.1 ww ii i us v..sii:n, iiiki iitT .im n.- : I tion was now certain that it must touch our liule village ii st--iiu:o iu tot-r u:i iiririi t.i iiovjov iov. 1. ...I . . 1. .... 1 Hit ! yards in diameter, presenting a dens-e c: !iininfrom ; j, tlie earth to the clouds. Wliea alxint J0O yards J t t!.f Pirl i ! Il.r. r-l..mlc li.ri iluvil "ii.! iin (i., x indue lor m noiise, sntu ar.u Uoiico me tioor, i .1-11.- 1 1. I I . 1 ! and placed myself against it, cxp-eriencing a ir.o - lnCl!l ,f .,,rr,.r, such as I never before underwent, i There was a sudden r:2sb or roar a tretnbliri" of ; the hnibh.. r .... ! ,v,.r I .,,,0. I d -r to look oul"ui,li,, the scene. ' The first 'object that ! . . .. . . - J -.. 1 met my eye, was a building torn to pieces w ithin '. pirds of my door. Oa stepping out, I discov- j crctl tnat the tornado Ind spent its greatest force on the west end of the village tearing up by the roots large poplar and other trees levelling with the earih a stable and two corn-cribs, the proper ty of Dan!. Arnold, Esq., and prostrating several small buildings of Mr. Isaac Cook. It then pass ed iu a t! reel line to Capt. John Wright's now sta ble, a very lare frame building, and literally tore it to pieces. It then took through a small skirt of woods, which it uprooted thence, to an opeu space where it concentrated its fury on a bouse belonging to me, occupied by Capts. Maxwell and Nesbitt. The house was of hewn logs, weatherboarded and ceiled, with staunch upper and lower floors, and a substantial brick chimney all of which were com pletely demolished, the sills even, lieing moved se veral feet. Capt. Nesbitt's family, consisting of hia wife and four small children, were huddled up in one corner of the building, aud strange to say, escaped unhurt ! As far as I have heard, no lives are lost. One of Capt. Wright's negro men is badly hurt, but not dangerously, it is thought. The Storm lifted a four horse Waggon, carried it son e distance, set it down upon, and broke a fence without up.-etmg the aggon. "As it was near night when the Storm cccured, and the Mail leaves before day, I am not able to give a more extended account ol it. I tear a great deal of damage has been done iu the neighborhood. Very respectfully, ' JOSIAII COWLES. CANADA WAR. From the Detroit Free Press of Ja:i. 8 We learn that on the requisition f tho United States District Attorney for this district, two hun dred men have been drafted in this city by order of the Governor, for the purpose of aiding the federal authorities in executing the laws of the United States, passed to preserve peace and neutrality with foreign nations. The object which the authorities of the General Government have in view, we understand, is to ar rest or disperse the force which is understood to have collected on Friday night, if they are found organized or embodied on American soil for hostile prepcratioi.s against Canada. From the A Ibany Daily Advertiser of Jan. 23 To balance these accounts is another hv an cx- once of amunition on board the number of men not mentioned, but it is stated that the schooner lost one killed, 8 wounded, and 12 prisoners. I M PORTANT INTELLIGENCE. The above seems to be confirmed by the annexed which reached us at 2 o clock from our corresnon- . . a 1 1 . r .1 1 - . dent in Montreal under date of the lfJih ir.st. , . . r . . . . , , , , fliC rc,jcls l-lt-il nt Amherstburg ; 1 schooner 3 pieces of cannos, 400 stand of arms, and abun dance of amunition taken; 1 ki!!eJ,S wounded, and 12 prisioncrs, amongst them notorious characters from this and Detroit. (Signed) J- D. ASKIX. London, Jan. 13, 1SC9. From the Kingston Herald rf Jen. 10. The traveller also brings the accounts cf a gal ang ct pirates chooner with and fired on the town. The inhabitants had no arms, but they collected in the night, armed with pitchforks and whatever came to hand ; they then attacked and captured the schooner, killing one man. and making twelve pri soners, with four hundred stand of arms, three can non, and a large Mipply cf the munitions cf war. Thus, in every quarter, defeat and ruin wait on the relicls and pirates Si.iee the .nbnve wr.s in tvnc. we have received the HamiUon Gazette, from "which we copy the fob 1 low iinr : BY EXPRESS FROil MALDEN. Office of the Herald, Jan. 10. Lieutenant Wright arrived by express, bringing ... . ry intelligence of the capture of a his post in five ininutes- Thc old, the young, the strong, the weak, every man who could" raise a gun or pistol, joined the ranks along the shore, and coolly awaited the at tack of a steamboat, which lay on the opposite side of tho river, filled with armed men. But it seemed such was not their intention, for I. 1 I P ll.'irT'I' . r- n.t. - . -. ...... . . . - - j ... 10T o-coomsis anon er uy an cx- j der satiction to aIl who , ca on him. In press at Kingston, Irom the London district, signed ; T A ,5 L i: wi;, a a tia:cs bc ,- , j , , by John i,- Asktn, statcng that a detahmeut ofj l;C;t the country nCbrds, and his BAR stocked royahst boats hau succeeded r.l capturing, alter a j uijl t;ie cho;cc 't Liquors. His Stables are ..xten short engagement, near Maloen, a schooner jv.th sive aml ,a:e wiI wel, supp!ictI v,ith . Pro. 400 stand of arms -i pieces of cannon, and abun- VCIM!t.r. nn,i a,.OM ! r.rU" t,.r the satisi.ictoi nfter giving three vcciferou3 cheers ; the steamer's bow was turned down stream, and was soon cut of siht- Fro:n the peculiar run of the boat, we are almost certain it was the Erie, "w hich has thus far proved herself the ally of the rebels. l ours, ore. ii..wii U.N. ! J. I. Asklx, Esq. '? I :"f f-t II ti t .rir.ri:,irf'.i. micm - - trs :t iVMvy i-'an.J ta their senses, at .east e: : at- "f -V ld""f"li If l"' "rH .ih?1 crs" . rniorpns c,.U I no 1. :-vr Le carrirj on with itispunitv nnin-i i(io tcroiory nf a natuiti with w horn the United Slates are on teru i rfnp, . ... ".:....!. .x. ...!... i. ii . i ;V:,f, oi hi icv i ii.:ii. r f I rii.'H nnr t hr-.nm t . t t Ciifrav.-, J0th Jam:arv, 1S3. Dear Fir: The rales of C.tton for t!ic part week . ' J . ' lor new. aiul m .rne mstmroM nr im r-? lis h: C.I pai; So lilile of the old ero'i remains m.soM th-3l I -hall dLeominuo eicintions. Klor is -ctlin- oo-vr. lt would require a very choice brand ti rl 7 - Com is ?.") cents; Oat ft); WI.isIj.cv .Vi to''i anl J'dent itown wants; J eathers 4"s tendency ri th article sclIs ,lt .vi 50 per sack. All ctd ty and at lair prices. S cents; JSu.it is still scs.ree and her groceries are plen Yours respcclfu u.y. UNITED IN WEDLOCK. In Cabarrus Count v, rn the ult., hy Ch.?rle! W. Harris Est,., Mr. JAMES COPE to M:ss MARGA RET, only daughter of Robert T. Phmkrl Esq. Salisbury Bak e r v. "DESPECTFULLY informs tho citizens of Fa lisburv, that in addition to her Confection ary, she las employed MR. WELCH, of New ork, who is a processed Raker, to carry on that business in all its various branches such as the following, viz: T2 Xi w f- W mm mm mm w W at w.. mf mCm mmm a POi74D A'O spaj."vs-: cams-:; Jnitsblcs, (ii'ijycr IVtils, Sircar ger Bread, Molasses Ginger Bread, Tea Rusk MuSlne, pun-jc Bis cuit, Tarts, Pies, k Spunge GINGER BREAD, And all kind of C a K K s? that are baked in the principal cities. Any of Ihe above articles can be furnished to families, hv giving timely m.tic-. "LOR ETTA F HA LEY. Salisbury, Feb. 2, ls39. tineas ipa)ssss INFORMS Ilia frlnr. ,1 U vjjt -ij-tfc -' v. u.i.- uiiu inu jnn iVM be, that he has taken the little fur- r mcriy occupied by Col. Win. F. Kel ly, in the town of Mocksville. Davie county, with the view of keeping PRIVATE EN TERTAINMENT. The House is roomv and comfortable and i.n the business part of the village. o'juj.nii(.-i ue;ii;cs uis oesi exertions To ren- Mocksviile, Feb. 2, 163-?. V 9KX Im tut THOMAS J. 15 ARROW, a StC 3? -d 31 s i , IVo. So, IVaii3 street, ?u".y-Tc"!:. DIFFERS for -ale a CCMPLETE ASSORT MENT in the above line, comprising many very choice patterns repacked tj order for t!u country tra;ie, or i;i the original package. Orders by letter will receive every attention. New-York, Jan. 3, 153-. (fob. 2) H v STAGES For Salisbury and J2crsaKln. ''IIE Stages from Fayetteville for Salisbury are are now in operation. They leave Faycrtevih'o on the mornings of Monday and Friday, at five o clock, and arrive at Salisbury on the evenings of i " l' mw.ng, mey leave fcahs. ' . 1 . ) . T . - .1 ' j 'rv on the same monungs at four o clock and ar- j rive ui 1 ici uiu on iiiu evenings 01 me next days. Passengers rest nine hours at night, nt Al len's in Moore county. Fare, ;S 0 1'CZlls ri.n. v... ...... ,..... T : r .- . i..- '" r,u' " - ,ro:n eausau- ry 10 .norgamon. j uis rout atloras great fjcih- -agents : J. DROWN, (Lafayette Hotel), Faycttcvil'e A. C. CURRY, Carthage, T. A. II AGUE, Salisbury, T. M. YOUNG, Statesville, R. C. PEARSON, Morganton. January 24, 18-13. (feb. 2) 3m 'JJ T J r,i . - i. i , " . 1 uiu iivativi si 4 TT

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