o n NEW FASHIONS I1GIMCI2 II. ISEARI), Tailor, r RESPECTFULLY informs his friends ami the public, that lie still carries on the. TAILOR ING BUSINESS at his old stand on main street, Xiu.xt door to the Apothecary Store. He is ever ready to execute the orders of his customers it) a tyle at:J manner not surpassed by any workman in the western part of the .State. lie is in the 10 gular receipt of the latest London mid New 101k 'FASHIONS, antl prepared t' ac commodate the tastes of the fashionable at all times. (r Cutting garments of a!! kr.ds attended to promptly ; and the latest I ash ion. furnished at all times to country tailors, and instructions given in cutting. Sab-bury, Jan. 1, lb'iS. APOTHECARY STORE. IflcfHciHC, fftatrir:2l, gj Faints, Oils, Dye-stuffs, Wines, rviP Spirits, Vinegar, Xricark Cider, Porter, Turpentine, and Fancy Soap, Sperm Tillow Can- $1 Ctmsr. Snd.i 111 mi it. Crack ers, Fine Tahk-Salt and Tea, Urusttrs of various kinds. Stationary, Spu visfi Cigars, Fine Tobacco, Snuff, And a ariety of I'criHJIlCry, Jus-t received and for sale, bv u'hi-:i:ler & burns. Salisbury, Jan. 5, 1837. p-4 CHEAPER THAN EVER. Merchant Tailor. IS now receiving, Iroin New lork r.nd riidadel phia, a genera! tissortment of Cloths and Cassi meres of various colors f r winter, together with a general and lare assortment f Steeks and Col lars, Coson.s, and every oliier article usually kept by Merchant Tailors. Tlu'se goods have been selected by him in person, and can be confidently recommended to the public as cheap and good. Having worked at thu Tailoring Bu siness for twenty years, he hopes that he shall not be considered as presumptious in calling him pelf i judge of cloths. He has .ils. jut received THE N. YOKK AND PHILADELPHIA YiYS 111 CVS S , And thf b-vo will be made up in a superior style of fisliion, and warranted to fit well. Ho will also keep on hand a general assortment ' 1 i:EAIY .1IA3JK Cf-OTEai, Ail of which will o sold very low for cash or on a credit to punctual dealers. All kinds of Cuttinr will Ix? done on short notice. Orders for work from a distance will be punctually attended to. The public are invited to call and examine pri ces f.-r themselves. He still continues at his for nier btai 1, south of the Courthou-e, in the Iarire Brick building. Salisbury, N. C. tf P. S. As ho is an .rcn ror some ot tt.e most fishio;.ab!c Tailors of Philadelphia and New York, he would harpy to instruct any who mny wish to learr: the ;t rt .-f cnttifsc: garments. He also con tinues t' di.-U;U;:e the I'ashions. Letters hr I'asliions must be post poi!. IV o t i c v TV LL persons indebted to me by Note or Ac count, are requested to call and settle the 11 II TX.-" tame. a-ou. Mansion Hotel, e-1, Salisbury, ) f er 29, 18X7. $ Novenibei ADMINISTRATOIfS NOTICE. rpiIE Subscriber having obtained Letters of Ad ministration at August Term of Ilow.an county Court, on the estate of Peter 'i rexler, dec, here by notifies ;dl persons having claims against said eMte to present them for payment, legally authen ticated within the time prescribed by law, or this n,t:ce nil! bo plead in bar of their recovery. Al s., ail persons indebted to said estate, aie requcts-i-.l t iiifiko iimitediatc piivinor.t, hs tb: estate mut Ln setih.d. JAMES OWENS, Admr. Antjwst 25. 1F.,7. if ildmivAstYalovs' Sue. rgHE subscribers having obtained letters of ad ministtation on the Estate f David Long, deceased, will expos- to public Sale.on the premi ses, on the fith of February next, the following property, belonging to said Estate, viz: Horses, CailZe, ITIuIes S2o, SSZEKP, Goats, Five WAGONS, one Cotton Gin and a TilliESIHNG MACHINE, A set of Blacksmith's Tools, with Grain of all kinds such as Corn, Wheat, Oats, a quantity of Cotton, Farming Utensils, Household and Kitchen Furniture, and numerous other articles, such as are geuerullv found cn farms in this country. ALSO At the same time and place, a number cf valuable pegroes will l.e hired until the 2-Jth cf December next, and the Tract of Land lying on Caldwell ('reck rented.- Terms of sale made known cn the above day. WM. A. LONG, . , JOHN GIBSON, $ Allm r3 Cabarrus co., Jan. 19, le'S?. :2: P,t J. A: W. 3IUR1M-2V, JIare just rccviced and far side, wholesale cr retail, rarHUEr- ca-s bleached Don.e. tic. 5 bales, brown di. Ilt and Net Anker Bnlting-CSuths, a very su perior article and low price. 12 boxes Raisins. 40 bids- and bags CofTee. 1.C00 11 Loaf Sugar. White Hnvanna ami white Tlr.'.iM ugar. 10 boxes Window Glass 10 by 12. 30 kegs cut nails, assorted -izL-?. SO do. white Iynd in oil. 500 lbs. Sprinjr Steel. Salisbury , Dec 29, 1637. rf f? MA WAKE-FOREST INSTITUTE. Tim Exercises in this School wili be resumed cn the frst -tf? lf:W Monday Monday in ribrvary utxt '3!fr-V-S$ Since the chisc of Use last term, the s-crviccs of two a- , tzzrr-rr i -- -y- !i 7 2 l'!c and csperie; ced Prut's Iff j . Z - mts nave im'm secured ; ai.o i . .T. . V - t- - . lili 1 i l . 11 they will Lo in ptaco at t lc ; commencement of the session. I he fiiends of the lars in advance of t ;u h SY-ssion, has proun 1m:I: !e!rimetital and incfnverucnt to the interest of the r i -ii i ii r l in.-tituie : ami wi.i in mure l ri"iui cniorceu. No Studei.t will l c a.lmiiled to recitation, with- nil liisi r 1 1 1 i . v I ' II J ivii.'un i ivmiitiin. Wo hope that in this renui.ement, we shall riot be esteemed cither rigid or illiberal, us it is the com mon requirement of schools. JOSEPH 15. OUTLAW, Prest. January 5, lS.J. pj Iflrs. Et!tc2:io:'w School. TirrA Class, Embracing nil the higher branches of Female Education, per quarter, - - - v oO Srcosstl Class, C(nfincd to Beading, Writing, Arithmetic, Enli- h Crammar.cc Oiney's Ceorgraphy, per qr. &3 0 Oriental Tcintini, per coorse, - $'9 00 L -i nip-mat and Ckcr.ille work, d. S 00 Wax 'Woik, - - do. . 0 00 Frtnch. - i-er nuai ter, - o 0J .Music. per session. 20 0'J ' mm- Salisbury, Pec. 15. lS:Vr. tf TANNING m BUSINESS. W ILLIAM "WOODS & SON, RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the public, that they have entered into copartner ship in tha At the old stand cf Win. Woods, near the Benttie's i . i u In-!iiule have, now, rMich to rncMirage them. VU lM .....i r,,..;i ri:ni!'M"i and (i:n-. 1 pain and preservative ot tlie leetn, has inuuecu 'I he annual expense of each student at the In- jj.j 'ct'd W'in4hU!fC to Phisliint, L. I. l'10 subscriber to oiler it to the American 1 ubiic st:tn:i..n, is One Hundred I).,l!ars, payable, Fifty j Ne. y j wUv' Ua tliWl't Iloaling rxtcllsivclv I Arrangements have been made to supply agents in at the l-egu.t.m.r ol e;u !i term, (l cbruary and July. I if Uo uhoy(J ljUS,illPS!lf a.,fl Wl lje al ;in luues cni. all the principal cities and toxvns of the L. Stales, ft is decn.rd ifiir.ori nr:t to .state, that the r.edet . , , i . . .... .i :.k ,:.... so as to idaco it within the icach of those suller- iiilht rto of the I;e-..iufion, requiring the fitly - - :., lt i:,... Xmlr t!se r.-:i:er nart of anJ Hcly to sutler, with the most harrassing ryifll. . I ...... ,.C ll.. U'i..lir Voinn n-il! 0 ! a handsome profit, some explanations may bo . - .. , i . i- i ! quisite in rearl to mal.mg sales, ivc. i nev are !..t.t lr. m.iv !! 1 1 : f ! f.ir i odit dull.irs nrr iiicnth. .J ' ' . 1 ... -J - J ionl a i:iol:t (1 IUU Ford Koad, in the vicinity of Oen. W. II. KcrrV, : , , rc;,i.,ce t vrrv u Jieio the crmmon White Mul ls miles west of Salisbury. They will always ' iJ?rr' -r IM",rihment of silk worms, sorb is keep on hand a large quantity of well Tanned Lea ther of all descriptions, which will be fold on the most moderate terms for c-fh. u short credit or in exchange for irrecii or dry if u.es. i.. . ..u - i previous to the 1st January, lb-5?, must come for- j k. ; .mil nnrcio ini-f , ni'" z i ii i f ua mi ii iiiu k ward immediately and mao setllenxnf, as HO is , compelled to closo Ins business. January 1 9, 1S3. '-'m TIj'OIt tiie Cure of almost every variety offline tional disorder of the Stomach, Bowels, Livcj unit cpleen ; such as heart-burn, acid eiuctati'in. nausea, lieau i ich, pain and distention of the Slo- j Af Is, incipient diarr hea, colic, f! itu-j macli and b-iwris, incioici lenct, habitual costiveness, loss ef i:pp tile, sick i head-ach, sea sickness, Sic. cVc. They are a safe i and comfortable aperient for 1 etr.ahs during I Veg nanc' ai.l sulscquent ronfinemf nt, relieving sick ness al the stomach, head-ach, hci.rt burn and many of the incidental i.ervius afiectr.ns. Literary nun. Students and most other persons of sedentary ha bits, find them very convenient. Tho-e. who in dulge too freely in the pleasures of the Table, find sjeedy relief from tiie tense of oppression end dis- ; tcutioti winch follow, by taking the 1 il:s. As a J)i:mcr Pill they are invaluable. TIi-jsc who are drinking Mineral Waters and particularly I hose from Southern climates and Ague and 1 ever dis- j tricts, wiii find them a v;.!uab!e adjunct. Those who are expo-cd to tho vicissitudes of weather, on voyages or journeys, can take them yt all ti ..es w ith perf-'ct salety. In full doses, t hy are a high ly efiicacious and safo Ar.ti-iJihous .Aiedicine. Tliey seldom or never produce sickness at the tto mach or griping 1 heir t Jiicaey issfrongiv attrsted by l.ertn.cates i - . .. -, - . . from t tie billowing gentlemen, viz : Bishop Ives, ,, ,,. ? r w i' i ? Rev. Dr. McPheettrs, Rev. (. . 1-reemen, Rev. B. T. Blake, Gov. Iredell, Hon. Ihnrr Potter, Hon. G. E. Badger, Hon. Richard Hines, Tin s. P. Devereuv, Esq. Professor Anderson, Wrn. Hili, Esq., Secretary 'f State, Wm. S. Mhoon, E.-q., late Treasurer, Jus. Grant, Eq , late ('omptroller, W. R. Gale., Esq., of the Regiter, Capt. Guion, Guion's Hotel, Dr. R. ('. Bond, Dr. E. Crosby, Dr. J. Y. Young, Rev. F. L. Hawks, 5cc. Ample ilirertions aecompany each Bi.v. Tiiese Pills are for sal-, by appointment in al most every Town in the United Staies,:i!id HVic'c sale and lie tail by the Subscribers, to v. bom ap plications rnnv be made fi;r Agencies. THOMAS L. JUMP, Gen. Agent. Raleigh, N. C. Ci7 1st door icezt of the Presbyterian Church. The abore Medicine hcj! cofsfartl. on l.Tr.d and for safe at THIS OFF1CF.. Vnlnf!c PSnnlafio: Ihv Mr.2r. -j&ij-L THE subscriber now offers hi valu a'e ':,n,:if ii T " de, on reas 'iiable iVL"-.-! terms. It li"s in Rowan county, im tnet'i itelv on the stage road from Ia- jlisbury to Lineolnion, 12 miles west of Salisbury, I WW mm .mm m-mm mmWm.mJIW Of gvd land, and is in first rate farming enn I Hit ion, situated in n good neighborhood. Fo- I' terms, apply on the premises. JAMES OWEN. January 6. 1535. atf To Merchants, Agriculturalists, and Gardeners. II. GAERETSON has removed I. is whole- j '. ()f js -st.j mi,cr ,"s .,ors,.al at. tent ion or direction, or where it is necessary to un- i . rf r i ,,, r,. r r,.i,r..t (V.,m it mrt j ' h!e stcd''establi.hmei.ts there, and their j qualities beinr tested to his own satisfaction, their accuracy and ri.'anty are cxprtssly warranted. The vendin" ol seeds is a business deserving much greater attention from the mercantile com munity than is at present bestowed upon it. There is scarcely a farmer or planter w ho would not pur chase an assortment of superior Garden Seeds if I they could procure them easily. And as thuv j ie!d rc- per cent or more, at tne ew York r:tail prices. For convenience they can be neatly papered and labelled and assorted into boxes (oi-t:t up in strorg p::pe rs, thereby saving theex-j.T-pso of m,x) each suitable for a family garden, which will be supplied at ftoni 81 to S'Jii !iie lat ter l eiii r M.flicient to cio; a ganh'n of one acre. j Or tli. y can ho pvt into Ci and li cents papers, j neatly labelled, and assorted suitable fur a retail ' deal r, each f which by the quantity will be j charged fo i s fo allow a pn fit of c-0 per cent n ! the New i ork retail prices. Any one wislung to f m enngfi in the vending of seeds, and not having ex perience, by addressing the proprietor wid have the necessaiy information-given, and they may feel confide t they will be setved with none but articles of the very best quality. IIFTY THOUSAND PL A NTS or the Chi. -- nest; Mulberry or SJorus Jfulticaulis, forsalc Of all the varieties of Mulberries for silk, this cp- j pears nvt eminently entitled to preference, and ! siueo i!s ii:lriilin-:ii!i into Frariee stems i It ! r I its su;-erioiiiy over all others. The tree is beau tiful and of a rapid grovth, and will thrive well in almost any situation, ar.tl a levy years are sutTicier.t lo misi- t-nnshlernlfV fields of iheni in f.! vior. . - i suincicnt t support nnimmcr.se tiumner ot silii VVor,ns. The raising of silk is as easy as the rai- s-,(,r f j- lf.nt anj Inuc, loss 1 inorioiis. F. or a n amlier of ears pust it has been a regular and I profitable cn.ployment of many of the farmers of Connecticut, during the early part of the summer, and is emphatically a ho-mess, ol Hie ttirm'.T i.u ...... -i. a simple labor, m which females u.i t child en who do not essentially aid in supporting a ifiiiuly may turn their services to profit. Every j family 'f the most limited means can raise the j mulb',iry arid produce cocoons, and for a trifio can I pr enre a p iu pidct which will give them the ne- ce.-uy inlorniation of iceling, eve. 1 he plants can be ic'i.l so ns t'i be transported fo any part of the Union and will be furnished in quantities to suit purchasers, and at very modeiate rates. January 12, li-s. .3t 7KX WATCHES, JOHN C. PALT.IER has jist returned from Philadel phia, with a very cf the above articles, of an - ' . y w - ' j n ls .J?z? entire Iv new fashion. A large - n.-sortrncfit i:f Superior RAZORS and KNIVES. He can safdv s:iv that his assortment is siieriorto an v in the western part of the State. Ju!i and see. Cj Watcl es nml C'rv.-ks repaired as usual, and warrar - ted for twelve months. S di-bury, Nov. If, l'i" tf 1 'IP HE E li or of the Pinvi!'? Reporter odors for s:du the Washington Press, Type and office fixtures bel.ingnig t the "Danville Observer -rn. .vi?,.! T..., ,!,!. j,.onf s,tfn,.o t.. ! , ... ,t.: . ..it. 'as now ,is e mtv . i n-'- i"i n : ... ,. . c . ..,i .... 'will sell it lor a low price, and on , 1 this othce, we rrfs:. f.f- .-. J a creun. oi six j I mouth January 12, good second-hand Gig and Harness, in good repair. Apply t JOHN I. SHAVER. Salisbury, Nov. 2 1, loT. TO t I.T. per-vs inb'oted ft 1 .r .!..n.'.l. I.v b hied to the -t.-.tc r f Anderson B. er er account, pre hsrel-y noLife.l hv unless tlicy'pay the same on or before the witnvt Davie l u;fv Court, in I eurinrv next, mat ta.t will bo uro:i2 ;t upon all dt:es it '.out distinction. JlUKTt)N Cll.MC.i:. f ,, . UOK'T N. CRAIG B. l x r CO. tf rtr wnn To . Dee. CO. Five Dollars Reward. TOLF.N from the Subscriber, lesidin" in Cabarrus co, eight les LortiTen-1 f.f Concord, n 7ho S' lilY" mih (iL.ft.jJLtf&w-ti-r.i.i of the lTih inst.ii.t. a BAY HORSE, about 10 hauls high, and about 13 years old. '1 he above reward vv ill be given for the re coverv ol the horse, and Ten Dollar 3 dr the detection and arrest of the thief. GEORGE GOODMAN, ScnV. January 19. 13. 3t . . . . Mi-in ipi liv tHiiinil r hiishel. :inI will 1 1 - is. FOR SALE, rrp WO Lots in the North-east part of the Town - of Salisbury. The Lots are enclosed by a new post and rail fence, and the most rich and valuable in the Town. For terms apply at tl.UOfilce. CO" JIOTAWUJC'S ISAIAH $ -CO AN INDIAN CUUKor TOOTH-ACHE. 'TMIE established reputation and constantly in creasing demand for ibis elTectual remedy of of all aches, (tooth-ache.) When applied accor din" to directions jriven on the bottle, it has never failed to allbrd immediate and permanent reiief. It also arrests the decay in defective teeth and re lieves that soreness which so frequently renders a strong tiK.lh useless. The application and remedy arc simple, inno cent, and not unpleasant; and the large number ot persons, in various sections of the country, that have already experienced such delightful and sal utary benefits from the use of the Balm, are rea dy to bear (for the public good) their testimony to its unrivalled qualities. It is an Indian remedy, obtained singularly and unexpectedly, and may be regarded bv the civili- . T . i- , - I lea ian OI uie " OOGi II. B. MONTAGUE. Petersburg, Virginia, Feb. CO, ISoO. Is .7 supply of the above valuable Medicine kept constantly for sale al THIS OFFICE. PBICE SI PEK BOTTLE. I'ltKSH PATENT I5ISL'iM5 AAD iiisicii:. j UST received, and for sale at THIS OFFICE, 9 the following Invaluable Patent Drusand Me dicinf s, viz: MONTAGUE'S VEGETABLE TONIC BITTERS, FOR TIIK tm W W erj ' mi ni W Or.o Bottle of this M.edicine has never been known to fail in ellecting a. p-erfect cure. At least any person purchasing and using the Bitters, and r.re not satisfied as to its clll-cts, by returning the Boltie, shall have back the price, 2 per ISoltle. Anti-Spasmodic Tincture, on For Diarrhoea, in ail of its vaiious forms, Ds entary, Cramp Colic, Cholera Morbus, Asiatic Cholera, After Pains of Lying-in Females; and in this it is the Mother's Comfort, in that it is the very best preparation for the summer diseases ef children, that has yet been introduced into the chamber of the distressed. PRICE- ri'VT! DVI DATTI T? MIXTUK'E, FOit EXTRACTING Giease, Tar, Turpentine, Paints, Oils,d:c. from Carpets, Floors, Cloth, Hats, and Silks by which Coat Collars are made to look as fresh as any part of tiio Coat. PRICE 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. OO" Directions on each Bottle for using. WlfiiLIArtl w. GKAS tm m tm r.tm . mm mmmm m. mm. mm mmm, mm ml V O mlmtm. mmi mmi For Ulcers, Tumours, &.c. Can r?o;e be obtained of the jnitentee, at the office of the llahigh Register. Single Pot, 1 dollar One dozen, 9 dollars. WILLIAM W. GRAY. Raleigh, Oeiobcr S, 19:?'d. TIvj aliove Medicine is for sale in Salisbury at the Store of JOHN MURPHY. For five or six years previous to the Spring of !o4, a Negro man of mine had been much alilic tel with an ulcerated arm and h.and, which render ed hint almost useless. The ulcer embraced that part of his arm from fhe elbow down, including his entire hand, which was literally a mass of pu- , . , J. , , tliumb, perished and dropt ell. A joint of one finger, and a part oi the A more distressing and hopeless case 1 have ne ever beheld. It was aoanuoi.eo ov his pn s.eians us iwtuiuua-, e.veeiu . r- . t " , -i i i i... i.:- ..i . . : 1 1 . iy nnipi.iaaon ui i:te .i.iiiu. The lst medical treatment having failed to re lieve the tu.tn, I placed him under the care of Mr. William W. Gray, in this place, who, with his Ointment, has effectually cured the case, although the Negro was frequently absent, for weeks and mouths together, lie has been entirely v. el i for the last eight months, and I have good reason to ' believe will continue so. WILLIAM EOYLAN. ANOTHER GREAT CUKE! Raleiuii, September 21, 130. I am now 5S vears of age when in mv 17th year, I received a wound on n y left leg, which 1- came ulcerated, and continued so until the first of j al arc u las:, it w nni occasionally neat up, ana then break out again; but most of the time, it was in a very painful condition, the sore having extend ed to a large size, and become very deer?. I tried i many remedies to make a cure, without success, until I applied CZrays Invaluable Ointment, two I,, of Xl'ich Imveefiectunlly cured my leg, and j t I'""'"" l" " , it 1 h ive lcen made- much sooner, had I strictly at- ; j tended to the directions for the use of the Ointment; j but this 1 failed to do, while I took much exercise, j reducctl it to its natural size. i lie cure would and very imprudently ued t'ght bandages. Mv ' -;nT j leg has been well tor n;or than six months, during '. which time, I have v.ud.ed much, yet it rcm.-;r.s tlrm and free from all soro::cij or iilla nui;; a lion. Alter having been aClicted for a period of forty-one years, I ci-.v ep'oy the lnefit cf a sound leg ngain. LEWIS IIOLLOMAN. I a i .t l 1 1 THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN. JOSEPH W. HAMPTON, Editor and Proprietor. OCT" The proceedings of the Editorial Convention re. ccnily held at Raleigh, having been sanctioned by more than two-thirds of the Editors of the State, we now ar range our terms in accordance with the prices there laid down. The terms of subscription to our paper ara not varied. NEW TERMS OF TIIK TFRMS OF PL!. LIGATION. 1. The Western Carolinian is published every Fai pay, at Two Dollars per annum if paid in advance, or Two Dollars and Fitly Cents if not paid Leiure the expiration of three mounts. 2. No paper will be discontinued until all arrcarcrcs are paid, unless at the discretion of the Editor; and a failure to notify the Editor cf a wish to discontinue, at the end ot a year, will be consiJercJ as a new cu 'arenieiit. TEK3IS OF ADVERTISING. Advertisements will be conspicuously r.nd correctly inserted, at one dollar per square tor the f.rt insertion, and 23 cents for each continuance. C-.-nri nrd Judicial advertisements will be charged 2 per cent in re than the above prices. A deduction cf pt?r tint from the regular prices will be made to yearly aJvcrtiseri TO CORRESPONDENTS. To insure prompt attention to Letters addressed to the Editor, the postage should in all cases be paid. SCULPTURING ! 4 m WW m 3 r4 "VlSilES to inform his customers and tl;e pub v lie generally, that he still carries on the STONE CUTTING BUSINESS, and is ever ready to execute, in a very superior manner, all descriptions of work in his line. G old- Cri rulers, JIM-Stones, Windoc and Door sills, Doer-steps and Tomb-stones, arc- executed in a very lare style. His grit for Mill-Stones is very good. Mr. Philips also begs to inform the public that he can execute Engravings of various kinds He will Engrave mas b'u-slabs r eally, and granite tomb-stones can be well executed if desired, f lis charges shall always be reasonable, and as accent rnotlating as possible. Persons wishing to have work done in the above line, will do well to cali at I he residence of Mr. Philips, seven miles south of Salisbury. November 3, tf LOST in the read leading from Danville to Salis bury, between Pattcrsons and Andreic Koon seys, on the 7th instatTfuaci a small Morocco 1? O Cli.li Y O OIL, containing CO dollars of money. One 20 dollar bill on the Uni ted States Bank ; one 20 dollar bill on the Colum bus Bank of Georgia ; one 10 and one 5 dollar bilJj on tiie Hamburg Bank in South Carolina, and one 5 dollar bill on the Bank of Columbia, S. Carolina. Any information will lie thanklullv received and the above reward given for the security of the mo ney so that I jret it arain. Addre- ISAAC H. WOODJXG, Carlisle, P. O., Troup Co., Ga. 2ni or tf Salisbury, N. C, Jan. 12, 1S33. The Danville Reporter will insert the above two months if not earlier forbid, a:;d forward his ac count to this Oince. ivotece: TO 15 2: 15 TOILS. LL persons indebted to the Estate of Ja.T.cj Craige, decM., by note or account, are hereby notified to come forward and make payment inline diately. A failure -n the part of any one indebted, to comply with tliis notice, may expect tj scttlo with the ShcrilFor Constable. The Estate nust it scttli d. THOMAS CRAIGE. ? . R. N. CRAIGE. ,ur Rowan co., Jan. 25, l-33. 3VJST HCYAYE., And lor S.ile by the Subscriber, DR. SHERWOOD'S JZlec'ro-Magnetic Remedies for Chronic Diseases, of the class Hypertrophy, including all the forms cf Scrofula, viz : Tubercular Consumption, White Svvellinr-S Dyspepsia, Scrofulous Sore JEyes, Chronic Diseases of the Liver, Of the the Heart, Scald Ilea ?, Of the Spleen, King's Lvil, Of the Kidnies. Leucorrhoea. Of the Spine, Chlorosis. or Female Menorrhagia, ) complaints. These are but different modifications of the sarre dis ease, arising from the same cause, distinguished by the same diagnosis, and curable by the same remedies. Their com men cause is an irregular action of the Klec-trn-d'ahantc forces in the system ; tiiey may all be de Ucted by pressure upon the sides of the veitebrae end glands of tiie neck, w hich elicits the Flcctrn Galvanic Systems, and they may be cured by the 12Itctro-M.:g-nttic remedies. The latter are accompanied by a compendious medical treatise, explaining the principles of the discovery upon which they are founded, and sta ting the manner in which they are to be applied. Ia this work Dr. Shcrvvcod demonstrates the fact that eve ry part of the human body, together with every parti cle of animate and inanimate matter, is cither in a negative or positive state of electricity ; and that every motion, in all matter, whether in the largest masses tr in the stillest particles, is produced by the attracting and repelling forces of this universal principle. Thi morbid action which produces disease oftl.c organs cr lhr.b, be proves to be eccasioned by the undue prepen derance of one cf these forces in the system, a r.d Ida remedies restore health by subduing this irregular ac tion to an equilibrium. By this mean?, the very sccdi of the disease ari eradicated, and a permanent cure ef fected, even in eases where oil hopes of relief from oth er sources is abandoned. The KUctro-Mnneiic Re medies are the only preparations applicable to this pre vailing class of disease, and they never disappoint the ciMi tide ace reposed in thorn. The symptoms of the class of diseases to which they are applicable, can be discovered, under the directions contained in the work which accompanies them, without the aid cf a phvsi- Ician, and they can be used with perfect safety and n eXr " lur- - nrmciles noon v w.zii mese pnrc . are strictly" sriei. title and v.ith their unequalled success, as ci discuses mentioned (which annually anncipies n"vn v n'.:ii liiese remeuica sre pre- as tnch, together cure te agents in the ? consign thoussnda to the grave, and among them many of the loveliest of A the human race) have already eiTected rales to the amoi-nt of Sl'dCO pr n-onlh, br tlic learned and talen ted inv entor and among the nut cinders, are many of the ablest Northern and Western physic.ans, fur their own practice. CT Price s.10. J. B. IIINTON, Raleigh. Jan. 2.3. 1S23. 3t o O A 7 o O D 0

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