! i La THE- TT JN I AixJ . -rnr rowiBi .vr mrimi-o to t.i ritiri arms rur. i ..nTm. va ri,,Tr., r ir TO Tinimri, I (tvrn Tl THC f TTr.l arsrwrn atr, n to tr tt-fti.. AwuImrt$ la lit Cunttity'it, ArtieU X.- BV JOSEPH IV. HAMPTON. SALISBUnY. (N. C.) FEjJRimY A l3S NO. XXXVII OK VOL. XVIII; t tr"V Tt- N K W Til RMS Ttmi ur rruu.UTio. L Th" Wofera Carolinian la m.bliahed every 1'ai mi. it Two Dollaro per annum if paid in advance, To D'1'' J fifty CcbU if tui paid before the Momlmn "f three mount. St pap"- 'U to discontinued until til arrearages irt pa hi, unless ii Ibo Jutcrctt-Mi of ibe Kdifor j ami a .Jure to iuHiT the Editor of a wih to discontinue, t th iJ of a year, will be cooaijrrod at a new en- TIB Or ABtfcRTIBIXO. ' - . AJtrrtwcniciiU will bo cmpicuouly ami correctly hrtMl, at one dollar per square lor tho first iim-rlson, d i c-nu for each continuance. Court ami Judicial n.rnu wilt be tfiagcd per cent more tlmn i stove rtce A deduction of 33 per cent fmm tit fi-s'ul if prices will be made to yearly aJfertbem to roinwroiPRSTi, 7,-i insure promK attention to Lttr addressed to KJ.Ur, Ui pools;; should in all cum be paid. CONCIUi&IONAL. sfKlX il OF Slit. WKKJIIT, OK NLW YORK, I'pun ike lutlrprnJrnl TVref ary Ir FictAri:, Jjuutry 31", lit. N ri;M aaiJ l.c entered upun the dcUlo with piiwl cuciMianii ii In iitalfiliijr U) do yK U llie a,i (n- hrld in reference to Uo tmtture ujxm tbo ji'r. Thu diUMiion of it mutt involve uuotion ol M aiirhrtt wipurtooco in pihtca, of tbo inut bcrrt- in iU;rel in finincc, an l, a be tUuufht, U ejnl iijwlude 10 the tours! f (lovcrnment Tin' oii- M were ta bo dirurcd, dulibtuatttl upon, and UVci M4 br the Smate; ami upon linn tiwl 1nih- 1h duty tfrninjf wch a debate btlore UtMbigh tribunal lit taid llie bill a b.ied upun twg ft-.tl IimJuic rMip'.rr, ami that all it provwion, d Uiied md nu tto pf hur f ti trad-, hr; d,J Dt brlicve'tl.al the OjirriiMma ,f tl.o Tfiur; w.mM uirr fcr tlt want of them dnnnj Uit trry almrl fcaiba which wa to inirrvent between that and the prm-nt mm,m of trijTej inj It waa then intimated that the de UXU in that bill CuuM It MJpftlivd now, Tb ioquirtr w hirh the cvnm.tuw have .inr t ml ao efl; at the 'Wiry Depitiutit, but at mmt of the place named. han truvcd t tM.i .i,i,r. ..i..r.-. ti.m thai thu addition-f nflicer rill be reiuirod that thefoj'rctnrioftrie rtom it t!. nL.- tain! at aome of them, are already ehri't mtU mm mpmie anl ff.p,miHc dutiee ae ajr m. man, wtMtetrr mar b bm iiMluMry ami capacity fur bum. np dicl.arfft ; ami tliaL at tb irl of New imkat Kat, tluine duUit wuuUl iti.tl bvm'i di(tim. were it w4 that, frwn th ir nature arid cltaracU-r, tho eann.it b dirfdl. The mmn tnut I nearly tho Uuih aj litnn, and eannnt tary rry mUeritilly fron it at (JharlutbMi and Hi. h Thr rV-rp-a r r nf Ttii Trn . ury aupjxifcra that ib nr,v' and ilfrbgcimnra 4 the Mifi y nrdinri! rollect.-d and dubtir..! at each f i!nwo ptdniK, rill occupy tho full tim of m cimipr. U-ut bunncM mani amt wi!) any oiw um tw tlmt du. ' lira bo one reunnu ro rwpoiuiWe ran bo sdriwl to thew at prcarnt to be performed by tU colh ctnfi of the cu. wroei hi any erne diDre that aucb dutia and r- iprtoaibilitie bImkiW be cjiifl.hd to a mere eletk in the office of tbo collectml. lie tb.t-ht exit. Then th pnwwi(, or aotne me of a eumiar rharaeter. aa in. dkpen-whh', and its fej"CtiwvwooW rndan?"r the aafe. the nuf.ir. ti nol u t at. llie aue- cpmiuI actum of the h.i!e Jy of the puU money, einbarras Ui opriiona ol Tri-wury, end rwtt in jyiafdy, if not dc fiat, the i criui actum oj the .n.i!e Muteut. Ihflan'h aertKin of the bill waa, in ubtar,?, Uc ilrat toction of the b,!l r'p.irte.l by Oie ctiiiuiittee at the tra efiun ; the only alkranorm being t'e-ie re. juirod lo make a conform 01 tln protHttona hkh werf oeiuru it, a it.) u in;:) he hid already iwtH-J. It declared what nfliccr nl t!.c Civpibiiteiil ln.uld be drpiwiuriea, eiubraciii, in add.ti n tj lb.? mmed in Uif lttwr aect!on, collector of ti rustome, reteivera of public ir.m a ihcy wore, becarus pcccaary, in the ju4j- money at the land if!ic, p-t;niittr, awl wiv.e otl ir ,vnt ol'the cuiiMiiitlee, u csrry tUuae pnavipka uc-, eian, and a,Mipei! genera'ly Ue c'utica ta Us per- loruteu uy iftoni in itnaeaperily. lie would now pnm to .-ei',.n ten, which rejnireil but a in;'h reiuark It conferred a BnPral power up.jn the ,S?cr.Urv of lh TreaMiry to tranfcr the i.'muet in tho handaofanr depoa.UirT to the curtod' Stroud. A jrndml cbnnje i.f the currency ! be , end keeping of any oti.r dtpitarv, a occamon mwht " . .'.I 1.1. I C A. I r.u, ...... I . ' " ... ffu!lv into practice. These pnnciiil. a wc . ' . . . . v i . f rraf. A prnctical anu coi' Jt i srparanon ntiween Doblic trtawre, Uio nnmey ot t..e i'oplf, ami the ,'ia..Mi of indiv idual anJ curpora'iona, und specially i.H'n tliii immt-y ami thu bukiiM'a vt bsnkui acler. It ta ll. klcotiiy of the artltinJ lie pmper ty in u, winch jive u the cbafaci I aptcial dopo. ait $ and if that article be conrrrtit y the bank, aU tiKMigi inatantly replacod by as cv aituilar artcle in evary tvmrt, tU idintity and peity r bmk PM, kni the optHin of the d poait., .no mH deter, mine wbctbey b a indemnity ImI1 be .a rpinmb.liy v the lmaiiutM,n 14 Ue artwl Unid mi eachaoge. lieoce the d.m rent Imbiliti. of tU.nk ia Ue two caaa, in Uie drat, U purUaea tWirmnef with it credit, ami thua eotitracta a debt wtb it U uncoodi- Itofially perty tn withHit eomacntatiott, a its contra depowt4 ahall flelcrmint 1 but, in e.Uwr caa, onl)lib!e in taae of want of Mdinary care and Igilauce hlut aafvkocpuij wi uw 'iimf eniruaieo 10 iui krepinr III lltf rruviiu.jl f .r the o, tl itv.ltea erniJnd fur, therefijri', the Uweniment 0o!;Vropgera to bire Uieiecurny ofifio raulta and aaleiirihe bank, for Uie fceepimf of ita mwiey, and the IJiMry care and Hfiiance 01 tin oHicera, in guarding while tnere. Jleyond Iheae, it l.ae nji:i,ir lo tiCkitb lle capital. ru.v!!irr, or rejir.ibii,(y cf the ititutMia, IIow, linn, on it oe iwip;M4d that tl. prbkma are intend ed to carry Jiatruat opun Uicir fuce f nnt the aolen cy ar.d reapwuaibility of the laoka Tpf ihe 'MulU be aafe, and the integrity of the ofCci tbeir eigilance and care, tried and known, aa inaolft bank m a m(e a place for a aixxial depueite aa a afv ent one ; a baik uoabie to pay it debta, a a bank a beyond it 1 abilitie. Kithrr can raithlully thu property of am4hr, while U.e crit'iUirv of neither can epccial depoeiie, whatever it mar attit and aid ol the officer d Uie lu.'uiwri. IIow un meet, Uiereforc, to declare dliubt upon the &ee of a law, when almnat all intercut p tbe jut (rroiiu ia b r that feeling w put at ret by tlaiatore and charge, ter of the depueite to be made I Al how enattural to a . i . tuaai n namran en nfuly and r4 ia it vault. .a r ill meaam ol a h, without the a- relfd in na v infill .it tne imnix ifiica, irum that nu Umfitd to be received by tho resolution or(.o:i;rcr ifl"!'!. to the lejjal currency of the Lniu-d Statej. A apViicible m th fir- ohjeet, the bi.l Cviinriienceil i!i the 'eatahlmhment of otDevr and vaalta, at t:'. ited po.uU, fr the wfe keepin.' f the public money, V: tirxt a'Ct,.m il fined and tublilnd tho Treasury the United Sijte. and p!.n . 1 it under the care and Juree of the TreaMin-r of tie; I nil-d State; and, lingular aa it bad apptifed to him. and 0 be tljfKi;ht would appear to mot ol Uie cmtitueiitj 01 every . .. . j 1 Senator, thu was me nri aurinpi. ho rur bh inn re. Wmiies !id cuahled liini to i!ir-.i.-r. to erfiiMit-h by j Nitmiial Treasure Mi.ml 1 t!" bill psf.-, an l ns sect. ho retimed, le? emifkk'tit it would be 'ie flr-4 art of the CMiirr-M' of ine United tStnfe ;icb t'l gneu, nol a uaine, but M a loc al itiitaUui," jtbiaiu.a niiportaiitinj'.itiit .m. Aa U.e object of tho ;'! a to pfnee the futlJ of I"vcr.ioieiit hereafter uu a llie control of tho public TrcOMiry, and n. of pn rclinkinj in.-titoten, it wmed to the committee Ifiiliarly proper lliat its fir-.t eintUnent should be to fii&w and eslablu-h that Treasury The eecood section onstitul,'I tne mini ni rnniuoi ,11, and t!ie branch mint nt Now Orb an, also place ,ru; d.'poiie aifl tale keepiatr of the pub!!.: fnoney ,!. .'.nd ut tiiayj place, or transferred to them by tie wr.:,r ,-f-tiw Hecretary of tho -.Trvsaujr. . Tbo U'V f.(..,rUe minu napectiveiy were aw 15:119a co m- kiam: and euM.xty ot IW Uioaeys iiirrc .ueposui. J. The third a ction directed the preparation ot i-uitatdc Sices and vault in tho enom-houses now erecting t New York and Ilo?hn, for the. d. posite nnd -fb iwn.n-r of iho public money at Ifo pr.ni.s nnn 1 r ' - . . ... . 1. . the u rmilH n , 3 till' Mr. TI, .point AllCII, 1 pi.,.. r.o'frera were to lie an- lor their troublu nnd risk, nte 1 l.v the President, by and with the consent of I information as to the rate of commission which it would ie So l ie is other oflicera o( une unpttriaucc wcro oo hw i r uiiyra m ju m a I- were to hold their unices tor uie snmo 1 cur me cancer 01 w nmunig um vf'k 1,0 1 t. 1. 1 na I ,n,i.. ti. )imL-a ii n-fniie the fleTvtfite altiurcther. TIN O' Hllir V ears I nnil Were u iin.aw-u, uu.- , -... - t - . - r. ' . . J . f .1 . I 1. . ' .t 1 .1... kill it m Il,tc fz.cru.rt St. Ioiij to Uike the cliareo 01 lllv1 omcea uuu vauius uiey nave rcjniuu io um m maim ... ... r . .. r.ipitre. I lit provwim wa nccer. t Hell toirive the Department eonind over it- own anjira, a to ena bio it to connlt 'he fety of t!iC public money, and the calls of the public rrv ice. If money accumulate, at any given point, loan amount which, fiom Uie Bmall it nt the olheer'a bom', or fr.fi any other ctie, the Seert tiiiy ,a-.e rcani to fear is or may I. un safe, ho uliould be authorized to tmisfcr it, or any nor. Imn of it, to a pin e of nifty. If money accumulate n: poitu wnerc it 1 not wanted for duluiriemetit, lie !kioIJ nave the aauin aittnorrty to transfer rt to a pomf here it t ao wantrvl. depotanr he Incited at a place remote from any bmk, and any office of rife Leepiic, Mimlar autWity will be retpiired to t ranker hisi culleclioiw for depmmo. Tbcee, arj l many other oee?ion. will arwe fof jjia cscrcira td M r.ir o mak tranfer. " 'Hie twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth section, coatained pronbiotis to authooio rpeial depfitet 1 of public money for aate-keep'nr. at all place wliere there was no otTice fin-the eaie-keepinff beloncins; to the Goveiiiment. Tho only inrtu of the scc'uoun which it would be materinl for bun to run ice, arc those which defined the chiracler fif toe dennoitc. Tltey are made Mnetlv snefini. and a hroaii discretion in jivcn to tho Secretary of the Treasury as to the tnea--un a he will ai.'opt t secure to .them that character. Id case ha m!l think .itww to do wu.Tio authrvrired In pr'ivide ' iron wife.4 to lie pl iceif in the vnult of 'he hn.ik.', for lib cx'luiv.' l eepinsr i.f t'io l ubhc money, and an con 'trucfed tTn't tliey may be uml-t Itie joint control of the bmk and the depositing ofl'.ccr, w lhat neither citn rain ace-s tn lite nxwrey witljetit th etm- enl unJ n(d of tne other. A lurtinr condition ic, that vaualty riccedcd a tuc pmfortins to' tbo anMwnl cured bj bund of loo Acet ; boa tks part of th si ctioa be Cootidered of sbucbj lea importance thao that be bad bafore ooticoJ. lie coewdcitd its pnoca pal uUiiy to ret ia tbo antiwrit- lasprwot aa a teat tinkAOwa to Ibe officer, and who loifbt cmbo epuai kota In an unorroarrd aUle. If lb armt wrre U B on peroianeotiy a ppuiutrd, ad publicly known, 000 wboro tbe oJucer iniU watcb ao4 fMrd turnarij ipnet, be iotld couaafrr sua awrt reUioinf. lie w aa a wart that, u ita nreaent shar. tt waa ottrctioaMUO lo of tbe friends of tbo k!l i aod, wiia tiiie ipowUm, be auUnUtod 11 Mt4mo ot fejectM A Uo mm of IM rW-uaie. It oaa ta e tact tran-wnpt of s acctioo ctaa. taiood ia Ibe bill which naaed Ibe body at lie tra araaion, and as it was ntaerted apoa tbo aufjeatiosi of Uie head of tbo Tree Airy UrpartmrBt, M prevoiocd Ut KiggniHM Lad pnsJl fiots a siaailar protauoa) co laiurd in tbo lawa wbicb R-fulaU tbe 1W tfik Ie- partuictit, and wtocu bad two ul freat awe IB dctcctirf fraud Coo netted with tbo estetitled operation of taat ! rtmt nt : ut alwtibi at be tbuutU tbat aca a pro awitm wnubf not be bctiruVia!, aa cwnected wiib tbui bill, be aliouid Dot coanairr its resauval as materially marring tbe ay Uiu intended to be confuted. Tbe Mtteentb srrtaaa smde it Ibe duty of tbo Bur f ryor of tbe CukUam, naval oflicerw ittatrn of tbo laud odces, directors of tbe sniala. and some other offi cer, al l'e cx:.ralioo of aweb quarter. U examine lata, sod report to the Secretary of tbo TrewMary, the state d tho accounts, aod inonry ea koad, of tbo dewto riee lo their dtau-ictiL or iwuedle coonectaM. Tboao were cheeks oUaioed Uaooglt tbo BBBtrwsseaUlity M ejitatuig oskerai were tboHy wit howl eipaoao u Jae public; ,wmi!4 at Moot if o of aaatertal errice, as guards epuo tbo rpuailariee, sad as raotribotbp; lo a uniformity aod fyUeaa ia tbe keptnf l tbo accooBt of iboao olScera, and be prrauowd wool! aaect witli 00 obpxrtioq from any quarter. - ' j lie would pas ww to tbo tweiitrtb sectioyk, wbicb 1 reuuind every tJicer. charred wilb tbo keepioz of; of payment, uub-as the proiai now pw poard, or some one of wmiUr character, iboti'd enable bira to make tbe payment before bis jotirory is etanmeoced. Tbo eipertaoco of (be Mat bad proved lhat that was tbe ctMira poiwtcil by Ibo CMigrauta, towarda Ue bank ia tbe ttcioity U Ueit former reiudvocee, anaT fmraoed ISaw CtatipuSawai bat bo bad bees inform! that during tbe abort period, ia Ibo runmer of 100, wheo pay ateflta for How were actually reci(d at too oTies ol ibo Treoaurer in tbw cdy, hrf e aaounia were paid aod rseeiml, and Ibat tho bank bare, aod ia tbo odkiioln; tStatraof Virginia aod Alary Uad, taseneoeed saaaMUe nd aiairrial relief from Un pracuce, . 1" ' . lie would bert cko bia e aauinatioo of tbo trst claaa of tbo previaiuoe of Ute bill, and five a very brwf atteatioa of the second t Iboao relating to tbo jwepnaed cbaaft to tbe cunenej to be received ia pey meut of tbe public due. . .. . , , 7 it principal and coeinjUin; protMoo apoa liiia sub. . ject was lo a found 10 the Iwcnty-Uord aectiuo of the mIL lie sectno waa Ions;, and Contained tawch de tail, but tbo principle adopted by ii was atmpU and to talli iUe: it was men-lr rradual chanere, fhxw tbo csrr-itry of specie pay in; bank outeo, to Ibo bftl cor rfiry of the couatrr. The chance was to coovtneoce alur tiie cfoae of tbo preaent year, aod oaa to cover tbe foil period of six years, makinj tbo hrre opfdt cable to ooo-autb part of tbe accruing reveaoe of each, beyond tbet of tbo oetV preeediof year, - Ilo-eotttd sauat raailr snake tbe Uenaie acenaintcd with tbie He ine, ty saying that H was, in subalaDco and principle, tbe proaMi otTered by tbe honorable Heoalor (rota South Carolina, (Vlr. Calhoun.) by way of ameodment lo tbe kill reported by U commiitee lo tbo Svnato, at tbe itra scsaion, ia iVpte ruber last Tbe only tnate rnl chang enade by the committee-, had been ta extend tbe rradatioa of tbe chanje in tbe currency from fourth tosutbs,so as to require sis. instead of far years to make tbo cbanro entire, lis section mieht not bo drawo ia the same words used by that Senator ia bio amendirent, but, with the exception joat named, Uie public mooev. ta keea'aa arrata acroootd tbo kmd. ubJanco was identical of oiotjry received aud paid out; Ibe obyt ol wlich - Tbis was a feature of the bill wbkh former ejpori waa to prevent ibcao oTkerw, Withoul dclcctioo, firora eocossMired hirn would be more alrorly conteated, rvceivioff snJ pyics out to the public ereiaore a de- pet hap, than any other of its proviakioa. It oroold be ttcciatcdcurrcurr. and alao from matte- eatbas?eaof recollecUd by tbe innate thit.it Uio extra Booino, the the currency receive.!, ia a maaocr sbica sboold be ut-1 eoomiitieo bad incorporated into their bill no pcovuoop jurious to tfie public i::tetitiv or tbo r'ta of thco reference to the currency ia which the public duet who uiight receive pat uteris fnnfi the icer, ot af uuw so rccriveu, ana inai uieiropioioa dm ocernnea M.inds against lbs UKcfument Tbe same scctioo at expresvd to the body, thai it would bo Boost expedient so declare that soy use of tbe money iu ha hands by to lej-adate upon each of tbeao freal pninu aeparately. a aiuereiH opinio wBaaarongiy re. 1, not only to ive bonus Ut 119 nithlul penarm- oe imprujoacd for a teres ot But io than two, our cre Alter lull aeoate, atfl ay oeiinerate votes, tbo amend- 0 of their trust, but a breath Vf that trul, in the tUo fire year, and shall pay a fiaeeqnl to tbe amount aneot proposed by tbe Senator from South Carolina waa of tlm money, pr invetmeitn Wana, or in any o:h- of Ibe money so used, lie believed Ibta waa a new adopud, and m.!e a pnrt of ihe bill. Under these cus mnnncr whataocver, was declirld a crime winch feature ia tbe lerKlatioo of totirre- He bad not cunwtanee, lite committee bad 6t toairnioud, tm na- mfr-r rucli i!i!n t from lan'ua 'eihtch doe not ne- ceirily convey it, when the charfler of lie conttact propcti to be nude does not rcquP the inference.' 11 waa turuior allejefl Uiat ihewtwmnacinveyeu inmutatiun at'smit tho iute.'rit?ol the tfHrcrs aa.1 lU'iniecrf of the hunk, and that, jerefore, they would not contfaci with the JSocrrtarr olho Treasury forlhe depoa te prorxed. Wa this a fJ conalruct am of tbe pr or ii ma of the hill f Vis1t aa ripfrwr or unirerier mis ditrua' of the miczrrty of tkob who had the man a'leirent of theo inntituttofl. an. the care and eutv uy ot me priM rty i-iaced in the Irmarire, lo set tuarfla aor denoaiUrT. bv wav of rave meet is anv luvd of boo ey separate o.na. orer tier nmdi.ct ! What did ties bill propose in re. pronertr or mcrchamW. or of Lava. with, or without I eipreed at tbe time by several Sena tora, and different f. r. nce to tbe cllicer who weit be' entrusted w ith I interest, or m any way wbs!secrr, ahall be a lih rais. J aaiendments loocbms; tbis rabjectof the cunency were the wle-kcepinif of llie public nottf 1 1 hey were re- demeanor, for w U cb the ofEeer eonvictcd thereof, ihall j "fly ofl.red to the bul wbaeb the committee did report. ;'iirei, not only to pve Domli lr 119 nutniui penarm-1 oe laipruuacd for a teres ot But !ea tbaa two, our cre I Aiier mil oeoata, atft ey oeiiuerate votes, tno amena- a nee Use er run Khould siilnert ihe rMrnetntrr to inlictmehl and infa-1 fijond anr esse where a Ia w imo-vH crim.nal so a f me their report at this session, to include this Wo- moiia p'iniihmcnt ; to proiractc kerwwat "laiptbawf mcnt for tfaa tnnmae cr wiaappiiratiriB wt sweaey by a i awtuois) uav sep.nl, aswt to snake st a poet of tho swmo . . . a ill a - aan a . . ,a a. a . I suss 111 si ast-k (mI . a I . af r.t . incut, an.i lo a nne ccual to the fioncy einoextieu; puoucoiucer; botsxiu oe aeiievea uie proviwoo aouoai nm irtH.in; iu.:uiim:ww uecoun. ar.d. con u ientlf. to neroctual distrace and infamy, in principle, and lhat it would prose aaluUry in prae-1 "7 twnXing intereaui of Uio country. Heme Was this a iigjjw.tion, upon Iheltea of the provi-lttce. He had examiued rery superficially tbe ke-islo-1 the setUm now found in the bill predated by the pw of other cf on!r;e upon this point, ana no lounu 1 twuii K 1101 a pan 01 ineir n-mer Ij4t mnj e uk nuhM. vf Dni Avw s.w I rf'- Sitt it presreb a quealioa of deep interest, uu cupica mou 01 our p'ibiic la we, ovvue thm act a teso- reai magiuruoc, anu upon w hich there sa freat direr- nr. With much more aten n.m;. nl t!tan ia here laity of Omniuu Bud rreat dehrar nt n!iw nJI prvpl , He bad beard noobieclioa i, aial ibis fra-1 throoehoUt tbe couutry aa in this and tbe til er Liuwi uire 01 lue pili from ant tjuailer of the Hcie, sod he J of Congress. - hflped there would be none. It wa n4 L j purpose, at this time, to diaron'thc Mr. Wricht next foes into a dcfcucc of Uie twenty- xtwo' ept in one sapect, but in lhat one be mut first aoctKK. of tbw ftlL which nn-eo I. make rt the 1 1' "! T'T ?&n: !c " the pro. dutufiheS..i.r.i.-TM l .i.-1:. " r -i""" .r"yi"i wno ouie uus,im j - t " o; 1 a -arj' 1 wt urtiriri tutir 1 11 aavs sa. 1 riiidhuusi aw ita ava.. 1 a. . lie could not so auniwee Ho cdld not wihsenbe to acerues in the Treaaiirr more ih,n Cr f JJ. I rJtst he n,. ,i. u l. . ... .1- s j - .... - - - -v w miv eu'LCinnniB 111- n at nrafii rra mo sraw this doctrine : and tie would asitf inwrnoratiorw. in- !. in int iu ......1..- o.l. i.:..fTfi nrr.n. l. J...n . A : . 1 "... I w,.nus mi ewownu, mn i - - r1-- -Sim.iir,(.,iir A ierm-OI corpiireni rjw.Hn, wriu o w i ai.-u more, ueiicaie- .h- .1 . l .;.,... I Some ail r MeirM MM ,l. - 1, in r.nr-rf.1B1itiort. tharthat h4 feili,na """ ",,"t,w w ai mi Mr. ... ... ' xmr rartpi 01 V ------ - "'"If-Ilw i . , -t: ... . i '"CK P01V9 Ul PBVmCUIOI U)D4lM.e.de.llhnMkK.. won doe eerecledbr t!o lrc-.i.JI. and anneoved bv e orau ir.w pan 01 uiespeeca. I .. 1 .. .r . r r 1 s a ' aer. sis. uisr a;iiat h riar 1 ca r vims mbk k.,o bi.. hv tfie Senate, for hich and r.nMiblo public trust ! t i,:t CWJ renwinmT t:oa which he wtmld notice, ,;-, --...-.ki J:.- Z rTZ"; .? 11 co.'iimu'd wi! 1 1 1 nm m.i k. w r o. 1..11 l . . . . .: . .luwiin Y smt.ier.at inerr DanKmr house, wherever that mis be aiona, of distrust of the honet-ty t.s5rec;(riMotine country bound lo reject Uicae ultima, whfft tendered to them, urcause the law unaer wtch they must act, in providing penalties hx their iiKocHluct, or jjuanls a-'ainnt it, conveyed to the puoiita oistrthst of their in tejrilyT Nad any atateamaa etr suppoeed that, in naming n'na!tiea and punihmnna in a law for viola tions ol official duty or official tpst, be wa drawing out iniputtiir m egawt the intejity and trutvmrthi nens of the oflicr r who were to bid places under it ! All muJ answer no: and. ao anatrin-r. all must con. ceile that there was no toundatioinr this objectton to ,lw wenty-eventh. 1 his ect'n snthomeatfae Tree- j locate j. ihe provision. Incorporations ml not b euhjected 1 urt r.of the United Siaios to receive, at tbe Treasury , I pr f th. The ohj.ction ia, that this reiectioo of the na. -.n on me panot tne national Uovrrn- . I. 1 ,l..w. I UOLL.HU u;.l ' l .1 auo niliui. a;ju Ifl'iTl i3ui.-ii uuun im. I ii inuivii'.ii. "nu ... " ... rii l ' vw. r.,.. usiiiRiit, 1 iiwnr miii en rr At1. i . i .. of the oaiCCrs 10 nnvr .no "?J ' s ' ',,.,. , ri, lK.riil Mnon whm ihe mminhmedemld he infl.ei of IWrnt e. m sdva.lCO. lor the narefca nf nuhfie l..U . ' Jl -iV-TL'. Uiail geamUf ) ; and th, fourth rXZ ! Sein pfW their otlicere and totfre. rec. for each p., men., whcb sfc,lf utwutLTkm lXT" f' tK?ney!r..i,t..T .T'l f aiteb - thekinU ' It Vf,,r,h. r PwiJed. that all de. who wan imilty inform only, andlbo in fact, when vote e-Te d lands. Since ti b,U bad beer. rr.TC te ot NWH iroaua, aim uie oi.cr i. f . , . - . . f d . m, he hd become onvmcJ iJi.ttiu.aecu ... tan c." .1 t - luu criers 01 ine ' Stat" "' SJ',,urL . , . .e cr-dii of the nllieer in ikin the nVnosite, snd m I discretion. If. then, physical retrU are inter...! ' ' Jrawn, unJ n-qntrei! tcW amended. V. receipts that tho circulat le lLr1!: . - Wh-U biai.onJo rta.c u-; -n .., o1 lttU l f,a.lirir ...f the Un.'ed St,t. ; as to th.-se inslitui.on.-, to aecoipi the enda wh.c. ' w lak.n s.hI Ueaied as neg-.ius.We paper. and the wh.de Union' Is it t' at those rarfel t.1 . f ..J tt'TT XTSVKr)"t,n-lvra.J... . .... ..r . I. I ....-.,. .,..1.. ,.1... I I (lilirht. aa .!.. ux-fw.n . . 1 L.. ' . I . . uum . is II J..ai IIKWC ROtCS Snail taitO mmiliee who trameu uie - "- "-""- lint neither tne i redor;r, nor i;ic cccremry 01 uiv are rem-neu uy o i. cwii.iini.r ..m: I., uaiurnii . "' . , , , m" , ue jura in a soriu i with them, wherever Uiev mav irn. th taiih an I er,l i as depositories of the poblic'ferentie. Treasury, shall draw upon the bank fr .W-irementa prwm-, w the o.Tence to delicacy rising, Ihe srTront h.cb would tiuke i then so or t.ieir (see. This f the United StateN and be tL legal curreucT ofbo P tilth -.action of the bill, ho ss . , provide.1 fT.r tho or trmsfers ; au.l met me mor'ey oep.ueu suau not oe 10 nonor or imecruy, s r.-r ... ...,,m-r n w ...r ....pu,,, amnorizmy fetlen (iovemnient at every point and nlaee in ike etitth sictwn or 1.1 - mo. i.- . i-,. .i... ffi,,, . wl credit m tlm latter! e con Id nit see il it was: and he rmianon of a neper cwrrencr. bawd the rh. ... o..... , V. p 11 ."r3 PIace 10 lhC! mcnt of tour aniiiionu. N...y -i '"!'""-. ' I . "c ........ ,i... i...i..f ,i,0 Anu' . j .ic iaols: a n.i.. i. ...... IT'S, '-tu7tA. ti RO scn wea ever entered in the draft of th b , the committee !u:i, to . it siancu, wunoiunu orucr irom me o--. r.-... ... u- ..... 1" U t, j ,nio me mind nt any man, who, a a member of Ibe Le in int unn .. . I . . .. . . , . ... iU rwrat, . f ... nr. w mm rhf nihil ttt till ' thn ha . L.im I BnO lie WBS Sure Ikit hr anv nwinVut .f !.. : I .. . .. . ui m h them from tlm receivers t puiilic money ai ; 1 reasury mr i i.- ir.iV.ue::i. n u .o... ... . ' " ., ....5,.- . ..ri . rajamre ol h Mate, has voted for a local bank char V,... . .., i - rm.ei.en. .r, n... ! m,me , ervited is i.rooosod to bo a buvd to the bsnks mstitulions of the conitiry wiucii ui aaeactoua uiana- " o ue rcpirt ot tae oOL lie had. there- ter The ftffif- fTVsrvtsra.l iiimn I , C k. al. . I tho s.ile.keein? of the public money ot llioscpoinU ctn'.lv, and ot tne money piuteu mciv... 11c wiis well a ware thHt" tfinr was a leauire ot tne li;il r.yt calculated to be popular, u,wn a siifrni exarn n. tiun, aiul tint it was not palatable to fomo 01 111c trtenils of Uio n.en-ure ffone.aiiy. il was 1101 ma j.ui :-e to discuss this provision at ltsrjjt, m mis piace, as liec.ure he Imd marked oul tor nimseit vvomu re- .nr u. im ,ihl nrrnm rc'cuTtb it; but a tew ro- .iiarks uivin the ncce .. .... . werecnlled fir here. It was inuispemnoiy neces-siry to the finern'ioiis of tho Treasury, that it should have iio:is and disbursements at them oil mane mis im- . i ol. (rative, Riid it il was tiesineu w u.weoimuoc u.e Fr7GsciTB?mitW Tl.. uuuld be apparent to oil. merely from recurring 't-e names of the places anuio ineir uuporumrv '.trcial tmt1lk"lt was trne. thatv in mo nni ro- ' '.I ty'tho commiitee, at the extra sojsion of Con w in'S. ptuniber, no provision was rnadefor this ad. "ii to tho exist iili; officers of the Trcasirry Dopi rt- nt. Tho duties Jiovv proposed to be fissigfneti to these n'w iilTi.'i.ni. were, hv that bill, devolwctr to upon 'e-rpspnciTve collectors of the customs at the places ,!Ti'.'l; but it was then slated to tliQ Senate by him fi'i m ins place, that this nnd many other matters of ail w.-rc purpaicly .omitted, that the bill then ie- "cil iniirht ho mhtic: as simple as possible, and. era- yi)' the ;;reat principles intended to be"aec"nrcd by it ; MvJ, as the commhVe did know, the strdng desire ln,i.!cl'nnialion of both Houses of Conj-ress to limit f' Fission within the shortest possible period which 'ho Diil,!,.- hn.lnpeu u.niihl slhiw. Tliev bolievod that ideli.il. iii.-!i.l:nir ns well t ie' provisions or tlio actions before notic:d. as the-one now ton, a-n-l others which follow, would ho calculated to trtract (liscntision. delay iictwn, and thus, either ex- '"tiA'the session, of nreuent trie final nassa''e of the They woro then convinced Uiat tho recommenda m el thl 'resident nnd Secretary .of tho Treasury, These prrtvisions, it would be seen, were very close; and it had been su?;'estjd, as well by some ot the fiiertd, asbv fhe oppooenls of tlm -bill, lint they were so close as to render it iis-:blc, if not probirblo, that the bankmj inhtitu'icns would reject lliem on that sc ennnt. ..nu'. tho (rrouu.l Unit, tliev carried uiioil their Tnd reKpoiis'li'lity of thei V institutions, or of tho l-.ilc. ity ot their olhcem ana tnaiinffers, or both. He would Hetiin the Sei.ate n few ty of so i e provision of tho sort momenta U exumir.e these objection? ; and, first, it he . . II I I - . 1 . !. . .w......- r. I I. . In ... ,Krt i.ner, till. IlllllCrSKH) 1 lilU IIMllCI , "III. 'II' v " m idea of distrust as to the solvency and respoti-ihihiy of 'tngwTTtt1'wyrslrsy" Vm'''"t?rrr,g" proviyBinsr'sei'med-to-him to b a forced and umiHliiraj inference. If such an idea could grow' out of any part of them, it must be that pMrt. wmsr.ltt the ..&xl.fA4XJ.Alf. ihTlWSlU discretion to furnish safes for the exclusive keepinj' of the public money, 10 he under the join' control o' Uil bank and an ofjicor of tho Government This would constitute ihe deposits cnlirely speri.il ; and, as lie un derblood Uie lavv. t:ic bmk would' not. he responsible fir such a .lenosito lievond thu ol.Iii'-iliofi of orttinnrv i care and vigilance in ifS'sile-keepmg; In the inci dents of property, reponsihiKty, an I "rik, t'l.T" vvas between a Opposite or tins cinr- gera would see should not govern There waa a ain-'le other view he mart present, and he would pa? Kion..of the bill It was the intetJ tee, who drew and reported the l.il jxisites strictly specrtl ; to prevent one of the mnnrv dennaitwl : and he1 sions to which ho liad referred, if vvoul l occomiilish th.it intention, receive the money, under this un !t- an intention on their putt to carry what would be th.'ir true interes conduct subject which to other p'ovi of Ihe commit, make these de. nanus rrom any leved the provi- ifully exocutcn. ie tMtika should idin?, and with it in good faith. i mis muter! icttl disehilitii .1 of the p iblie hservafion and nlacfld bevond nuestion ! I o have interposed between them and th il p trenwure committed to their charge experience must, nlready, have tool them that the distrustful eye of public opinion follothe public trt. tirev Brf-ooleo-lii: roost .JtiBcicot pjl fare provided bobc Government, and absented tolhe Iwnks, will not tho most irtjurious suspicions of lreach of their trust be like'y to rest upon them! tit they not, for "their own indemnity, to -fleslTe' ttnnfws'i-tlim moneys should-be-placed beyond t la power! An.i will '.hey not have some just reason l.prehend that. ohj -clions on their pirt may give risaHiispieipns as to their disposition taimttiiir to exes mo trust in conforiuitv with ita intentions! Tim fifteenth and sixteenth sectior.lvided checks upon the various depositaries constitnjiy the biil. i he fit st niithori.eii me secretary hi 'treasury to tore, prepared an amendment, declarioe that the re. ceipw io oe pven by Lie Treasurer, pursinnt to the provisions of Uie section, siioald not be nemitiahle r a A- lit . . . f irjnbierraoie.i.y assigo.nent, ordelivery.or in acy other wauiicr wia:.-er; oui tiiai eveiy such receipt should be presented at the land office by. or for, the perwm to whom it was given, as biwwn upon iu face, lo this rhape he hoped U.e section would not be objectionable upon ihe grtni id above slated, while be tlhXight it would Le appareut that its ceneral provision would be i of ereat convenience in I'm. r..,r..i... f ,i.. m.j u-i... ... . . . - . . . . a we.? ut cinimie irotn the ok Mates, and are pressed upon the State Iislatures is, tbe accom- unxiauoo w me commerce and busmesa in the imn.. . dtate vicmily of tbe proposed Iocatknof tho bank Lflok at the sutistica wbicb ace always made a part tbe argument in favor of a particular" State charter. Are they die statistics of ibo -Union! No: thee the atactica of the village, or town, at emmir - bnemg the location of the prontved bank, and th. ... intended to prove the nccenaiiv of the banking la ties proiKfc-ed to be furnished by the darter at lhat point Did any man ever suppose, thn, that Ihe State .jju-n-uic iu qiui;ii iiiecv appucaiMMis are so enn- lauos wno were lo emigrate from the old States, and lii erri. it i.h iiu, . , l .!.: L I TTT: Ta 7TTT u r intrTrreratTddfesie it would I save them Iron, from the tr.Hiblc and rk of selves, in tiir Very liberal grants in thi wVy l,X ran.rt,ngn)I)Cyof.nycW.ptHm..0d.lsofnm authorizing a currency for the Whole pUleVtK me danger of Ukmg u, so djst.nt a porta, of the ' United Slate-, and especially . SSJTk m couiitry a currency w Inch would not an-wer their Pr- for the Treasurv oT the' United States No. Sch l SSt. i .. . P-ition would not be assumed by any m beSoJ ..T:.L,:TX!!--FTi.'-w- v,w-ma.wi,avM..,.t..axJk UUUI UIMULM t n-anl It . haa as. , sa ciwsmti Mtiti hnfuocn flnnt ,, La. e.,erKom,n dnnosito. In the latter, the yuuioi'iit siwcisl Hj-cnts, whenever ho ilfmd it-neces- tlu mnmmit the deoosite is in adc ! su v. to inspect t.l.o bo.ks, r.cconnts, ley on hand, T . n,o,,ev becomes the absolute property, of the bmk 1 and other business of any depositary. Ve orincipal M. I J ,' . . . . - .- I I I. ..I t V as much as -its own' capital, nnd tho Government re-1 object ot tins section, os no uuuu.s.w.. . ... ; if-r...rtir5t. i,f tn ,.nl,le the Secretory, whenever tne CCiyes IIS cretin, or fiuniiBt- m y " .--- . . - . , . .innn-if i ,. e v,-h ...r f or th s mono v. No lualter. then, , fleer, information communicated by. m ' i : ' ? . . l- i- . ;..-:...)... t nn ..i-.Br ;.,r,,r,.,niir.n thonli ant horize (low the money ue lost, n u ue iom, i:it; min-iiiruiirw . llie institution uiwn its certificate is not changed f..cre-!ll wag not right with any one of the oil by, nor can it be discharged by any act ot th- debtor , wmi me sare-Keep.ng m .uu.. ,.;i.. n..mn,v. In snrh deMsites. then forf. the ! competent citizen, as a special .agent, to UUJCI UIDII 'IW" IT ' ., .., il '..a. a..Mvn, i . . . ...... i i i l . . ii.. ... .... n rt j i, ii.ii i' aiiT mm v 1 1 a v-.va i under iliscus- solvency oiirt)ons.hility of me nanK oecomes inc. ; mi , unou, ... niwi i.ynminnTinn .or rim ur ui.- viai Liuiipfii;tiuiiD ..." lirijl BOOJ.1.1. o. HIM'..;. --r. - r .. , ... , . . . .... ktj., ;.. ..Cuminl .l,...iii There tho error, if error should bo found to exist, ..." ... il... Wnee'ifio tbintr derjositrd i and brine the officer to punishment, in casl,pnety L.i:i.k....rt.U.Ls.4nr It ir be monetr. should be . detected : and to justify innooj jf BU3. finct. was of theof- rsonj, or ciun that ntrusted int gome nt him- ithc offi- f correct fraud remains uie ui.i:iiiv vi ' ... - J'i , . , , - ...,Ai it would ba violation of the, law, any! rules of Uie dc peeled w.thoul foundation. It waa trtiN WteJk4tea I ',e cxammanona cornli ryt aUJ section iiervaU urcrrett as places where these pay .uents might be made. A certificate of Uie u-Ka.iie of tlje money at any de- Mnitieu pami, iransio:r.ed to llie I reasurer, would command (he required receipt from him, as well as the actual payment of Ihe money at the Treasurv itself": and as this coul-i be done ihivugh the mail, the party iiiokuig the pjymenl would be a red t'ie expense of a journey to Uie Treasurer's office in this city. A further and materia! advanUre to the bsnfcfrV in stitutions, ho was assured, wotilo derived from tne .'idopUnn of lhi secimn, Tbe iM.tes of specie paying banis are uow authorized to be received tor all 'pay. UKm"t, exctj!t tor lands, aod if this Lii! m.s1. would leceivaUle, as well for hntts as ether pabke dues. In j IK IHU IH the EfflHltre; WUn ' Per.l . r..... it.. ..ki;,... c n . . . . I . . ..... . t ..viT. iiK-uuuatiuii ui ii.is vii.vernn.eoi to receive tiit, naps ut points at w hicli it was proposed to keen off-1 ruatcaaa nl thaausa muf ft ill iknn ak.l J J f sr ees for .he depositc o, the puUic nUmey would be sof- VI7n fkaiidrhso fs, selected with .. creased convenrncc lo .he public, j -to no one wm.l.l contend, in case the nmew . "L receiyed, that they should be kept on hand as the mo ney treasure ot the whole people. How, Uien, were they to be disposed of in a mannT to consult the safety of the public fands, in case tliev were to be perpetually received ! Tils question ad" mittiHl of but one answer.- They must be presented, at short intervals, to the Links .which, issued them, and convened imo money, into the legfll currency of the country. In conformity with this mmifest principle, the bill provided that these notes should not be made matters of depostite, under the regulations it contains for special depositee in banks. It would be folly lode poite, merely, for safety, the representative of value be a greater or less extent, for six or s. ten years yet to come, smiii a citizen ot the old Mates, about to emi jjrate to the new, aiid having the money for the pur chase of his lands m the notes ot sjiecie paying banks of the old Sutes, would net venture to rake those notes as the means of payment, bcause there woal l be a danger that the land officer, to whom he might wish to make payment, would not receive the notes of even specie paving banks w remote from the place where aJoue could ho converted into specie, ihe emigrant w ould he compelled, therefore, to present the notei jtivcrt them hrrrrsrlf. and trke the (w rrV mean in the place of the value itself, where (he open nnti.-n. existed to constitute the deposiieof the one or the other Which would, then, be most useful to the State banks' to receive Uieir rutes as cash at Uie Treasury, and con stantly convert them into specie, or gradually to dis continue that receipt altogether, and collect the rertv nue in the legnl currency only To allow them frcra six to seven years to conform themselves, their i.... ness, and their conditions, o the cliangcd state of uiiiiga; or to commence immetiHitely to receive their notes for the public dues, so far as those notes are re dcrtrraH'! n spin- npnn t?emrif T?!rtK" A. .C. If -V jr ks . j 'V giii!jtj.iiyrisA ,J

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