iX( . V ,1 ' i i t 1 A P) nfi" - t JL r ft," m t u r r 1 1 r a v thii ioTtri Ti, o f BoriniTtD r it to Trie rti i, ra to t ttm mrri-mtuy, n to Tim r rone. Amflmri$ io lit &itityiiMi, Articl X.- p. v1no. XXXIX "OF VOL. XVIII. ii'.'an);,-. . Salisbury, (N. c.) I' i it iir' t t ini V,f-tt"V .TV I " VI At I - . f I i A, li " I SKW TERMS Trva or rriatriTio". I. T-V.trf Car4 nUj W jjmbUiwJ every I t i I J i 4 r'' ,- ... i 4 Ik ' , tit ,'"t - i . . ' " ". : at Two UdUr r-r tnnui if Mid in !iftc,l r""i "' i i . I - ... i, ..... . i .. -,..- ..i .j i!.a i,4m i r ! s-'jr at m) h ptjw S U dt-owimunl until all arrearage fnfiMifulA Ih jdiiionaUofli. t qnttrj, In p-lfif fit ill th luiw i, d by lb UOU OqltAfi; fir 2fnU lfi Trrur. Kilt plir lit Wil.li 'I imwito I i ""IrpewJeiit fm fitif, ami f la U Hit (itn i rT,'tim',t ei rtaia nl jrfiilitnr ra f M I'.l-'i!-. ' aw juhl, abSrvi al ll a,tretan of KJilf at tl ttJ of a ;rar, ti be rvtui-lcroJ a new en , , .'tCIII or ADrtlTIMHIU. AivtftiariikrtiU l!l It (iniKf tcixtu1! and c(tmif mt rtfJ,nii.JUf err mjnr iWr IU fiol inwrtMMi, a-1 CI cmta O rarh cfltiiiuanca, (Vurt and Judicial i!irft-cnrou h charprd 't t ent tixwf ilma lU atftio m; . deductma t .tJj pt-r rrnt ffi'm Um frjuUf ,tricM will M mad a yrarl adtiTtmr.. To l oiRKaroxkeT. To nra ProcnM alien tioo to IsU'ta ailifrwd lo rary Wm'r t-m ) a i tie u!nt ar- rra- j : - 4 r . t-a f44 g.-J j tli irMuuuiiy l i - TKMPCIt AN'CH NOTICIi Ja aaH U-a. j 'PHI' Vmon Ttmpermnce j$tcirty will h ! iia It h i Ui4 rma. j, mri4rtf tml . ,,1)arVrly nt tiijr, i IIkj ri .!ony ( . li v 'j. ) !; I av f f It a!t atm t rv M t'fUd, iwtli ai f. I 'H tii' - f.rfj-K-ulf irni ra i f t t . TV tjr anal vrrti ar aimj h, Jnt.- C4 ia tt fh tl. -UONTACI-K. Tt Vf4rir., rirjiwa, b. Jrt, I .lfl. la mna t.itx: wnnrisn .no Jt fT nrrifi. nJ f.raVat THIS OITKT.. tm l.t fiUcut l'm ami Mr dtkvr. ui r.tixrxui r.H VLc;i:TAt:u: tomc ijh ti.k.s r- tii a - Irijlte ) lUi JJ.J.rin" hat lift IT U'fll trt milrara uf M'udmrr, on the main riwui load in to Dnncira Frrrr.- An adJrmm ta Julivor d by tbo KeTTMr. it&)t-l. lyrlrr of the Pii'lpntJ . W ji. A.'Waltos.Sw. . BENJ. ARRV. Fib. 18. 1-3H. , .t( na) I tUii m rlWtmj a f-ritt t cum-. At l-ut j st ff fnirUMiij anil umiig llc I-.t t-r, aid , IM MlV.'M-U a I lt elJrrto, fat r !iii:iliig tin Ut& baa Uuk tli ricr, H.dU. J. A: W. Mi;UlHY.V Itarrjuit rf&'tnd ami for salt, trholriuilfprrrlail, 100 ,: Vl:'S.,i 0ch 'r,rr 8pmU ,ruu' ' ? ilo. 7 1 1 do. dn. " do. 3 1 Nova SVirtid (Jriml StiMir. 4 C'ka jfiwid C'lii,. .( Iloxca (iU, ? by JO. in r4j t'uit cd'r. " MnMia x'PiiU-d Rio Coff.'c. "i f tin ttn. tiii ('..ilm, arlcJ uiiirlirrH. ', VU() IkimI' Scutch SnuiT, nigh tont, 0 I'.of Cundlra, 4 tank p'xxl Rice. 7 Hints. Prime Molawo, 4' ack, LivpqxK,! Salt. .Ml Taintrd Iturkft. Sulialxiry, Till. fl. . Pfwr ita horf and faiUi invf bla to aparaic fmm tha brki,t'"r birarii" irvlrjvodrfil ajrwy r diabuiM ilia duUic ratioua ; aul I an tfrfirjr. ixxw, in rny 0inioii q aimula, rconoinMai, onra t'i It it ba daaira fiKtaronn-nt Biunl to km and t Qiual hava auch 1 M detr'aitd mora al aad aafr, tin irtPmmj realt of ml pnnmns a that tmlnl by Una kilL ll ia Um MfirtiH)n, and to reject it f U-iirr, (if, unlet!, a better tan M J lo rejt tb aa I turn now to Ui wibatituia. loet (a directly Ida rerenw ol that uf tbe bill, 'f 1J td rrti lha li'ilftie uf cSlat banka, anJ top fal vat Cunnrctkm with lliein, ttliich all ackiwalit liaj eitnlMitd an iimkIi lo corrupt Um emiiniunni b cfeaUt a apiril f H - r our bittrr. fur MM'CulatMin, iM-reUif'ra une I b enaU)r in ownnjj ii, t Mif-uriy or tert, liaiai lni etl cwnWeiitif. le;ii t advucitn at fift i when pie MrI'ji4n Utween it tf.it aivrfiW efluin would ba tUUwl by a bank I Wt ha alreaJy bad Iwoj and it it fr mora fmULta, that lha third would imptr,unmrllf and iivNiblr, on the f ulilic Igind, that Umfa wn tximmliinf radically and incurably ttrmij in lha fyttem, hicq would b'crw up Ilia boja concern, Ntiiii Uuk itul all If 1 may bt permitUid to aiprea an ffimon, I would aay. yoa batrc ouiuad Cotiraa on thia uLjct unAirtU' naia buth U yourarlrea ami country. Vou aia o)m- ai a bnth t lha laaf ue of banka, arvt h Hub-TrMaunr. Von pttUt Na'KKial IUnk i and reirard it aa lha onlr aafe and certain ref olafair -f ilia cvrenry, but ennaidrr it, tut iha) preavnt, ooi or ma que!, and ara thera fa compelled toehoiM brttteen Ui otlwr two. Hy auppurtirif lb Kibnitule, you will tut held rraonnaibla tur all the miarlticf and dtert that mat follow tlif raritilof lb prt bank ayatem aa it baa teen called, wilh Ui almoat certain deioat of frair nrat and cberitb ed choiea; and tbokyoii oft will reap all Ilia UiiO faifir them thea idranUjfra, tg order to nable them t jtl'liil-d Kutr I I inluily, acainai ;1 i aa do now da 'lamed biro hate "Jy or itot,thi-re x. and .1 cocnnu'iid no.Tiiars . Anti-pacmodio Tincture, or i of rffi.ro, in til uf U variou Tomm, y e- ' r, I'rini lY4c Cholera Morbus Ai;inr j r ' --. - '.- I it, Al. r Paiira nfLyinciu I'cmal'a; nihlin! Indriirilthltf Trt&lin Hill. li h ii.f M-mnei 4iunrT. in tnni u ia in' conukkssionai. -fT U t trepsniti'4t (!r t!i wininier d.M'at;ti p( aLUre-a, lLa! hm yv K-tn tuliK$Miito tb (li.l i uf tH iii-rwn. . rsicR.?3 cunts per. wvrn.K. SPF.KCH OF MR. CAIJloUX, OF 8. CAROLINA, - TfiwJ-tf, aX.fr.nrjr IS, IS., l'mn the bill " to impo.' ailLlinnjl duties, aa depnoi lurit, mn eriain public otiicrs, to a(oinl K ' ex G iHTal of public- motH.-y, and to r'jfiiIito U'e Kife-ki-ep-iu, lra!..-li.r, a nil ilihbuiscincnl ul'ltiu public moiiiya ot tlie I'uited Slate M I ri'gai.l Huh nu nsure, w hich ha been to much do rKMinrtl, a vry liltlw nxxv liinu an att'iiit fat 'carry out the pr. . i-i. .iirf of ilit; joint rrnoluLon ol 11(, nn.l tlfe depiwie net uf llt). The t'nrmer prnvMlin Mml no note hi't tliiH- .f i.p.ciP-piymS' 6ank f ha i 1 b' n-cpivod m the dues ol tlio tiovcrimi'-iii, and (In- laiti r t'mt mcli banU uulj.i44ll,tK; .li jJt.-poei t mj j pl.lbv publ c r;veii ut and lical a'eiila of llu: Govc ruiiii nt ; but it omit ted to make prtniM.dio l'r tlt iiI..mi;hk.'v d a i;iimI Miopr-iiomii ui j-iMVit'-pi) nici.tr, Kiu'h a mlh prtwnl. It fi.n.iwid, nfcorJinyly. on iliu Mii.cii.aii)ii in iv lht, which totiiily M-pairtlvd iliM (.v.-liiiu-'it nod ll.i: UhiIa, that the ri-viM. lies werf thrown into tlm h;uidn of the F.xecuiue. when' thry nave sinco ri'iiminc.l umhr He cacIu.sivc. control, uithout any Kyal provision for thfir hafc-kcepintr. 'lh(M.li).rt ol'thig till ih to uutiply thin omission; to tnke the public money out of the Inmls of tTiel.Aecur,w-rat. 1!i?t t-Hw; fl-mt tn jiTrvriil-lfwTrnewai trta wrrWittm'wWit has proved mi uplorttiiiaio tu both tlio (i'it rpin'i.t and tii: hitiks. itut .I th.s iii''iiAnrc, ori;iua'.iiiir in an xiL'i'iirv enst d hy our own acts, am! that ivn-kn ' "' ' milk'" liic '::on' t .1 clinn'firt'Clcil by opcpilion ol law. For five or aix yeitn tiviiii to tli Sjiriii" ol j instcail ofntlciiipi.n lo innovate, or t muko another ISatt.ip.irtrA (Camp) l iptiiiinx MIXTl'UI rUR KX'l I: ACTINC, (!rr, Tar, Tiirtenli!H', Pami", OiU, iVc. 'rum Crp, !Mr, Chrfh, Il4t, and Silk hv which f 'tmt (Jln iw titaJu to look .i In hli .11 anv pari 'iVtb7r ' pricksc CF.NTS PFR noTTi.r. ftT" Ihref'ioiw ii eu li I'uttlo for usin. Jl) VIIaMAH-Va-JMYVS a a "s- For Ulcere, Tumours, &.c. 4Al aoiT It ojttaiiud of tSe jxUrntrr, tit tin ojict of the lldltigh llrpstcr. - 4tiPvt, l-klUr-(Jutt j4Z4'ii, auliiIlacs. AV4 Wl A AVV;K4 V Rali ili, Ocinbrr B, TImj aboe Vcilicine i for s:ilo in Salisbury nt the Store of JOHN MURPHY. fila of tb power, talrmiac-a and indoffice, which it mar plar , hi their handa, wiihout iMurrinf any rr- 4am of lha rr..n.ibihty. Hut Uiat ia nA all. The ( eva of the aubklilul would be tho dvlcat of the bill, wfixh wouIJ, in like mannrr, place on you the rrim. il'l!ily of ita drfi t(, an I cim itoae yon op pe, all the auranlaeof tiatrinau)ortod ll without any of lb rifpotxubility tUi would hat beloneed to It, bad it been adopts. Had a ditHrrnt conrae been takenbad yotf joii In aiding to extend ht ceatndy afilie law txrrt ih pui.jic rvver ue,in the handa of lha -ccutlre, wher your own acta hat placed it, aid f which yon, 1 Ctirn, are repoaaihla, khtowuijj iha biaane al lhe am limn on lltfaw to kImmii you Mtr.lnte 1I1 prreoil didered aUl of lha nrr(ncy,tb burraiJ th re arxainib.liiy, you woijJd . a .UkxI ready loofit by riiU J 1 tbo KuUTreaiury, contrary to joirr 90k; oatiofi, ancceeded, ia ottnobsynu would have ciu to rejoice io tl titieip cixal ool If ii you would hive the credit of baring anticipated the mull; ami ir.icht then, after a double triumph of a?acity and reii;ht. tiavo brought lorward rixir farnrite im inure, with a lair propVtof rucrrM, when erery older had failed. IJy not lakin? tln eMire, yon have lint the tn y pronp'xt ot eubliolnii;r a National Rank. ?nr ha your ronrm;, in my opinion, ber. furtenate for the coonlrr. Had il been different, the currency Uf tmii tvoiiUi hire U'tn derided at the call oil M-wiorr, and had it txn dcwJil then, thw roontry would ihia day bate i en 111 a much better condition at Icaat the nianMfariun.i and coininefcml M-rtion to the North, w hi'ro the dprancnwul of the currency in ftdt llm mratt wrrrcly. , 1 he Si.uth 1 compart lively in an ewy COftw r!itM.n. , Su.-h are lb diHiculta-a that tind in the w ay of the lo eontrfr; Iheif corK- theifl ult tnle at lb fry llireKlml.l. Thoe beyond are tatly frmter, a I sh.JI now prneeH to i-Ihjw. I'a d. j-ci, aa I have utitl, is to-ri. vivc iht' Jeajuf i4 State bank; ami the fir.it queation pr. it.iit(il fur coeii.dera lion ik, how ia tin to t done ? how ia the loAur to be lormed' fw atimulaled into life w hen C f?S.Tyai what, after it Iwa been rerived. wouhl ! f j ' acter in leajne or eivnDinam.u 1 a mm ijuemioiia we must turn lo its plot a,ion.v i ex;H)r4llient, is linn hiH'tl rrroucotihly ri pr''MTll..'l,W'lllcll linn been (teni.iinrcd bnnei the name ot the Sub-Treasury wiih uneh unexampled bittern). In lieu ot Ibis bi'l, an amertdnient In? ben ofiV rod, as a Mil).ti!tito, bv the Kcimtor Irom Viririiiia. Iiirii,. l ll.tl.n Ncro man of 1111)10 li'id Iwen much iilllir led with an ulcerated arm, mill Iminl, which nui(ler ed hi": nil-lout uscc. The ulcer embrace d that part ofliii arm from the elbow down, iticlmlinj.' hta entire hand, which was literal l a mass ol pu-; lom t. c,air, (Mr. uiyv.) wflicn .e .... irms ns i th tn. faction. A joint of one fingiT, aa! a pari ol'tlie j first cliuiceuf himsell nnd thosn who airrec w:lh h:m,and thumb, peritihed anil diopt oil". A more distressing He tieijoml choico of t hone v ho n;rree with whom he i Wif-hrii'iV-CT9iI-lww 4vor U-Uhkr It wil.i'l!ied.on Jhib (pte-tion. If I may jml-ro from ap-iearon- ab3ndied by his plivsiciaits as incurable, c.f :il ', " ,"" '"1,u'-v .iui.i nnve Mia r ,1. ' tn,,, ! 'hoir hrst choice, tinner existing eirCnmtitsncea ; and "j "'"r and the recham-r of the late Hit 41 than defended il tealou-ty ihe fierce aaaautta of Ina "MWiit londi it, wheo liioae Ik then abamloned tbo tneaanre. ViSeth ia iromiUbiiic If rote ifl lit liUlcr him Hit it ; but I (ear I cannot c 1 much tor hia wk dom and diK-retion. lie acknoW nJ. with alloth- era, th diaaalrra tliat hare lolloj r t firat Mperi oo'u', but atiributea Uie failure tf aaia iciouc eiaam atincee, and im-t-ti lit Ua lucali? jnj dU IM t fJr trial... I rrant that a "ennd et;littt may nice,!, alter Ibe nntt hia ! out n.i4Ji r mt coueeii in rrtorn, thtit every failure ml ie.ri!y wrutken conful'Micc, both in the experint ail iH experimeo Ur. II cannot 0 moi Con f. lit armakinv tbia ro cnd tnal, titan Le wa id the at jaiid, if f oVtib'id tln anctewi then, and prt;ferrl w .Trealury t hit lecpiiH i4 bank, he mu ticuj nrjor atoi adhering to my opinion, ant douUlinf ltdJ if ofhi iwcond Intl. Nor ought he 10 b aurtl. that thov who joine) him 10 the hfl ahonld rr ahy r liyiej the 4'xperiinent ajiain, aftet bl "a-en biown into the air, and bolnt ami araliled by f eaKn. Rut i the Senator ht been unfortunafat ftsliej to tvcure the co-oiM ration ol ttM-i v Ho aitlt-!iifl df tle firt ina', be haa been con penMled by aecor . 1 aiipport of lhr who wore then .1 posed, to bi liter are now liu" avaloua rupjioiiera. and now, I intend nothing prn;A I lutke nochiri'i of inaoiitency, nor do I lnliy to fnply it. My ob ject ia truth, and not to wound i e (Wrnpa of aj on, or any parly. I know that aakr 1 .t a charge i f in nninist.'ncy. not only ihc quliw, I T all the material circoinetancp, mun be tbo awe, A change in cither, may make a clian ff4 -en ,'; tnJ, with a nia lerwl rariatioo in cudumft-'ri'. vfc ira often com- ru-lh .l ti, varv our Miimh in rlJ. 0 L. Irrwiu ntir nrin. ciploa. In thia caae, f frrrTJciWstancrV far aa the prevent allina Af Tr conccraedv have materially chanrrpwr, ojfnn wa t tweeu a rrchaiter in the- laii.fVand a Jmituo ut Mate oaiika; but now lb thJityr ul of the Viev lion, and the option i between" 5,i"iJ''an' and a to tal i) paraiion in in the Ucke an. Jaitf the allerna live, they may well take that wichlbiy rej.i ted in l-Jl. witaoul auujecting thcmatfei-lo Ihe charn ol inron-iirtency, or- joatlv expra4ef bp llvea to lh nn pnutiou of change of. prineip'c, ."loion, I acipnt thoin, ihen, ol'ali audi cl.ari. 'ilil doubtlosa tliink now, as they formerly did, ot j!ie nV4re which they then denounced and n a clod, irot will a elianrfe of circiiihi)i'iriCf'a''nnw totiriets Ihf-tit 1o"Jmxrt.- But in Uma acquaunir . Uuau A lha tharne inconaibtf nry, they must cxoiae me, if i niamld aw inycelt of tho tact, tint thi'tr otiinion rciuain.4 unclii'eu, a an- ar- t'li'nint in favor ofth bill 'an'le au!-titute. The choice ih between Ihprrv Th. -Ire on the oppo se scales To take from the one 1 In etl'- ct, to adu to the oilier; and" any"ohj)tivJpt the one. ia an iitiiiiment iijusily atronr 111 tltor ot oilier. I tlien il. 1 avail nivnell of their many nowil'il obnctiona m irt arntrw-the fifimtf w4ii Una JlimtoriMaj. vice, even li'-nuncmU'iit thf then red, and everv a new fitn'STTon, tortne Ttrei time preacntea tor consia- arirum:it they then no eucdi WulIvitV-d on iia.t-il. ration and decision. Stranje aa it may seem, the fUey, 110, it (H.r I w i therrliK nourjrri'conciinbly op-1 riie?tionn pn.w my out of it, a it haa existed, have nev. inwhich w now find r!rw placed, lit Ui first time, auttxiritvra and demamla that w ainll intaotiaU Irarly and fully, not only Ih cof)uem e of Ih con nection, but all Ih qimrtMina f tn'wmjr out of i, bhi tprC tally thrMCof a C"oilutoril character J n Itall, ia oUdw-nce u thidrtnarxl, return to tha qo. Ihm from which this dif reaaio Us carried m an ftr. I lav we, then, the rojl.t lo make the bsrvain pro. Cawdl Have we the fight fat besfa-w th birb privi. sea, I might aar.iiren4raUvra.0fl them of bom m-4.1. the oVpoaa'" of tb pubfi revenu, and of Tiaviar Iheir not recaivtd and treated aa gob 1 mlver 10 th due sf lb Kternnirnt and in ill it flacal trana actional Hav w th nght lo do ill ibis border 14 betow confidenee in ibe btaka, with the view lo n. bl ibatn lo rwume ajiicu'-nayineiiUl What i lb state of Ih caae f Tbe banks are deeply indebted fa me couiHiy, srvi ar unaui 10 pay and w ai asked mibvant!, and that tha aclectiwn aliall be onobrmed by tiie joint vote of the two lions1. It aim provides thiit they nliali bo made the deimaitarieK of Uie public money, a ud that their note alia 1 1 bo receivable in the dues ot the liovernmcnt ; and that in turn, for tbe aJ-vantn;-'', they shall siipolalefo perforin certain dutiea, and uunpiy with vuriotie cooditiona,tbe object of which 1-4 to irue to the Secn-lary of the TriMaury full knowN edse of their condition and buslnc, with the vicwi .iiix-nise and control ihiiir ICU an fa as the interent of the (lovermnont m corjeerucd. la addition to thewj it cor.uiu.s othxr and mi port a it BrovUionA which I'aholl f iH-t c-numeralcs becanMi-iiey -o cm fail jwitin. tie scope of the objection that 1 propose to urge ajaiout t!i mcaxorc. . Now I sk what doe all this amount to! What but a perioral on tbe part oflh (jovernotent, to enter into a contract or bargain with certain aclcrted State banka, on the terns and conditions contained. .Have we Uie right to make auch a bargain ia IheHrtfl qtiesriciiT arid to that, I givo a deculcd negative, which l hope to place on cotutiluttonal prouudiJliai cannot m shaken. to iay tiieir r!i We. t an w rrant lb kjoo ! U an. swennj this impurlat.t quel a.n, brtrin with th fact, thai our (lovernruent ra one of limited powers. It can exercise no riaht but what is piihea!ly granted' nor paaa any Jaw, Lot what ia m-eeatary ami proper fat car ry ocb power into efTxt lliia small pamplilel (hold ing itvp)C)nUiiMtli4Ciniriiluiion. Its arsnti of iw. er ar lew and plain ; and I ak gemloioen to lorn to it, and point out the power that authorise as to do what ia Proposod to b done, or to abow that to natra Uiia aubstitute b Mceaaary to carry any of th granted powers into tflrcl If neither can ba shown, what is pn?ptsi.-H3 csnvjc m eotitulw oa and fall it i - - atteenVafly pmntaJ out, 1 aui, wirraoted ia believing Ibat it csnnot b shown. , Ortr fi ijoll ia often confoonJod fcr a fnm mn ' Hacl, in tha'trimdsof rnany, nwy becum of doobt-.. " , mi conMimi-ooai aotorayoa)ctt appUeAtoaV bank, J winch won would, fur a moment, hesiut toprooonoco . jrmrl uiicomtilutiiinal, when applied to an Individual, lo fre oorls (torn Ui$ Jlluaiun, 1 aak could thia Government conditutionally beatow oti bdif idiials, or " a private SMociation, Jie sdvantstr errmoscd to be be low ed on tie ar letted banks, in order lo enable them , tu pay 1 heir di Ma s there one who hear me who . would acnture to say, yes, even io the caso of the moat.. extensive ancfthsnt or mercantile concern, S4.cn a fomeof thce in New Vork, or iN'ew Orleans, at the late suspension, whose einberrsssrnenta involved entire section in dtolres ! Cut, if not.'on what principle can' - di-crimiua'ton be mdr in favor of the ban Lit They are local inMitutions, creatd by the States t loraj piiipc, compo-ed, like private arwociationa, of iodi Vidua) citixona, i.n whom thearUof the Slat cannot confer a particle of cnrisfitulionalriplit.uiidcrlhiaCort-t-titotton, that docs not lelon to the humblest citizen. So far from it, if there be a distinction, it is against the tanka. They are removed farther from tbe control of this Government than the imliyHlual tilizena, wlio, by the (rvitiition. are expretady subject lo tli direct ac tion of this Government in many instance a : w bito tha late bank, aa conetitutin; a portion of th domestic ttt'tutioni of the Sutv, ami reMinf on their reserved Chls, ara sjotirely beyond our control ; so tnucli ao, aa Iff rrasM.a i.U iKwl tk K..f.rM -.a ll.t T.a. -fl! TTllA iO l lh Mil UPCt flf ft tMnkrUDl MW. ftUlUMkWB UlS ' 1111 ui as s'lasantatv sn viviai Ui i-0vaa o.iaif 1 1 . 4 I ' . solet twei.ty.tive apecie-paying baoks, aa Ihe fi-cal J tty to 0(" rpre-Iy grin led by ibe Con aireuU of the Government!! wbe reewr-rt. ititutkn.-w f 1 , - On w hat ain.I A UM. cia th rlffhl ih o'ira. flon bif ptacAV onlef-.iMjeed. on tbo broad principle that lha local inctitufionii, intended, for Klsi purpo ses, Uivn been so extemfaM, and bare an crmrtecied . : thenwclvcs with tbe general circulation and bu-iinea:, of fjie country, aa-to effcet the interest or'tlie whole Community, to a'o make it the right and duty of C00-, gresa to reguhtU them ; or, iq abort, on the broad prin- ' eipla of the general welfare 1 There ia none other, tlil I can perceive; out thi would be to adopt the old and explotlodjirincipli, at all times dnngemus, but pre amineutly aogS.t thia time, when auch looee and danger- . 001 CODreptioni , "f the Constitution are abroad in tun w land If the argument! itaA in'oh'e case. It is voulT'V " in.ill aunilxrcaaes. Iflhia Government may interfere ! 1 posed to thu measure) chari what we chnrred, that it sword in the sumo Imtulu; II of boundiem jHitroiiaye mid conuequenciw io the enrrej now avail myn-lf of thene, ni iirjf4;d by us, n as full lore it you wen? nri'ti 10 ns. I 4?aif it, and proved iced tin purbe ami the 11 woId Ix' the source rrupfiri, snri fatal il its of tie country ; and 1 ill other injection's, then Tlje Iio-it medical trentmotit lia'itt failed to re have lidded, that, dcspairinir of a Nitionnl Rank, tlie : (.htirt nl I J i. 1 r .nrelfrfiwi. tli..i- luit'u n.l..., ...I l.iu .....I. -I I -.1 I 1.. ll I 11.. " . ' . . ' r Hive tno man pmrcu oho -hh.v. iu- . ii. s)uf,.t ntj me only pr.aiical alti-rntRive at present. William W. Gray, in this place, who, with his- We have, then, the question thus nariowed down to Ointment, has i fioctunllv cured the caw, nl'liotij-h this b.ll and the proHised sulwlitute. It in apreed on l(ic ,'Prro yegj fri'i"!'11)-' -''nt, !'..r ueek.; :n.t j oil sides. Unit ojie or theotlii-r must le neleet.d. stnl iiHiMtln t"2r!lier. Ho 1ms hecii entire' p. 1 the laat ciilit tttoiiths, nud I have i-ond reason to gwlictc wili continuo so. ' WILLIAM 130 V LAN. ANOTHER CJRKVr rflRK! liaXEioH, Septi niiK-i 'J.f, - tm now 8 yor of tevVlwn.in -lyy 11th, year, 1 received a tt-otiiul 011. my h'lt lep. which he :aiiic ulcerated, ami continm.'d w .iinfil t ho fust of March last. It would K-casiormflv In-nl lip, nfnl tll.'ltto B'lonl or teiect the one. is !.i reieet nr nilni.t llm ! other The single quct-tion then is, which i-IhII we choos-e! A deeply momentous question which wo are now called on lo decide 111 hch ill' of the States of this Union, and on our-decision their future des'my must. dure. In compnriiit? tin relitive noriii4 of the two mea sures, preparatory o a decision, I shall touch very Urtrfy-otrThe prWrple nd -letatk tif t he-- bill.- -'I'he 1'iriner is v-ell iliiiieistiKul by Ihe Senate and ihe ec.un Uy nt Jarac. and the latter ii.is been so obly uu.l lucid ly .explained by life chairman of the coiuinitr.ee in 'Ins then break out again; hut inosl ol thfrlimr;, tl was , openmir s p' och, ns in snp'isedu lie? necessity offur- - in n verr painful cnlttton, (lie siiro l-mviii--e.v(ei(. i liicr remark" mi them at I.Ii:k Mage of the liTieuwaon, cdfo a hir-e size, and hecotno verv dorp. I tried 1 li--I"-'-, Hd.-i;, to limit myself m a mere general miih- Y , . ,i. .,rA .".iilw.ni u,,.,o ! "1Rrv, aeecinipit'hiod bv a few brief observation?. ' many remedies to ... ike .1 c nrc, w it 10. t suu. ss, . . , . uiilil I applied . tVrrr hrahahU- (hntma,!, tw., Ue ,( ,',,,1,, , ,, otll 6fl10 ,,,,,, ,;, ,;. 1;xi.ri. wiih of which liavc t'Huctually ctin-d my b'p, nnd iiV(1 v,,rr0 )m,y ldV(, 1)IM, tlrown hy uperalion of our reduced it to iti natural iizc.. Tim euro would1 ngts, i.n.i tr place them under the custody e la w ; and have been made much sooner, had I .strictly at-' to prov ide for o (rradt.nl and slow, but .a perpetual, k:- ini.,!,.t il.u A.rvi linns for Ihe, use of t lie Ointment: pin.tion between the (iovenanei.. and the banks. It but this I failed to do, while I took iiiu. li exercise pri.s.es t. extend the irnc.s of separalint' to the year nnd vcrv imprii'ntlv used ,ig iKtuda-en. Mv! '.-e.v...ff during he first year' ot the aenea-the nun vt-ry impiuo. mi, r .. notes of (inch Imnksos may py specie, end r-ducin' leg has been well fbf more than m.x-monlhs IiiniiK tilf.reuf trr C n,mmHt tecJvnle an- which time, I havo walked mucd, -yet u reiimms j ,Mmy( ,,e 'partition shall be finally1 tonsuinmatcd firm ami free lro-n all boidik-w or p iiuhiiioihuou. . Ml Hie penon nientioneui After having beat afflicted for n perimJ of loi ly-one years, I now enioi' the benefit of a wound leg again. Lr. nr iu;iiLiV'.i. piyniir p'aces and repeat them now, and, ot course, a,i many argument.-, in ef fect, in favor of the bill; adVir their strength 1 claim your vote in ts favor, un'eB.ndeed, st ill stronger ob-p-ctuins cin bo urgijd again It. t say i longer, be ca une time has pnsved the Irtli of all tint was then said againxt the nieanfe tifrtiproposed Ubi! rivivcd by this substitute, Vhnt Wiflen wediction is now fact. Rut whatever objections by- been, or nmy be urged .L.. 4. . 1 1 1 IT .1 . ' gainst lifts suhaiitute, as4ihe Government went into operation, not in any legal against the bill, however with any one ot the domestic institutions of the States. on the ground of promoiing the general welfare, it mw. wifli others., if it may bestow privilege to con-. I trol tham, irtnay also appropriate money for the earn rmrpose tnd thnyt door might be opened to an inteT fcreiice with State institutions of wbicJi we of a cer tain aeclion ought al thia time lobe not a little jealous.'' i -MlilJ. Wwcu Itili . irajm ij mwi wxoiuv.r nnumuaipornDV pn vtiegei on tb banka lo be -selected, 4mt mtnm, !k-theTrrtg'' stipulate to comply with certain conditions, the object m of Vhich it to bring them under the supervision and control f this Government. It might be asked, where ia the right to purchase or aame auch supervision or ' i control t .It might be repeated.that they are Stale in-T stiiutiorw, incorporated eolely for Sute purposes, and to '7 be entirely under State control, and Hint all aupervi- . sion on our part is in violation of the right of tho States. It might bo argued' that such siijiervision or innl rrA o .. n . . I .. , .4 1.. .. ... I. .... I... - I ,.C .1 - O... ' .v.i.iwi W VUIVUIIUCU IU...UWKC4I 4IM-IV4llIM VI 11 I7 01414CV over their own institutions, and to render them less sub servient lo their peculiar and local interests, for tbe tr yet U'cu p.esented nor investigated in reference to tlipir consli'utionnlity. How this Tins happened, I shall now proceed tn explain, preparatory to lha examina tion of the question which I hare promised. The union of the Government and the banks was ever legally "olemn'zed. It originated shortly aficr argument remain yet to bofited by the unerring test ol Iiiiio and experience. realized, must be admiltei have i ho greatest runlideii uiicertnin ; and it is the pa where objections arc equal sores, lo prefer that which f S'ther thev tihall ever be ven by those who may there u but one escape. It muy be raid, that we ; Mtg th7 nmy appear in i in. them, lo ie ut least tf' wisdom, and prudeuca, utrong naaiiist t'o inea- tet untried, to that which ba -n - tried 'fln4'foileot Against tl.1 eoucluaion enactment, but in a short order of the Treasury De pnrtmetit, of not much injire than half a dozen of line3, ns if it- were a mere matter of course. We thus glided imperceptibly into a connection, which was never re cognised by law lid leilfft (if my memory serves) ;but which has produced Hi ve important after consequences, ami has had a greater control over tbe destiny of this country, than nny .of the mighty questions which have so often and deeply agitated thu country. " To it may" bo traced, as their seminal principle, the vast and ex traordinary expansion of our bankig aystcm, our ex cessive import duticd, unconstitutional and profuse dis- roursements, the protective IMllr, mill its as-str.'tt ten. tor spending what it threw into the 1 rejisury, fol lowed m timirbl vost surplus, which the utmost ex travagance of tif Governineotould not dissipate, and finallv, by a wrt" of ret. ibutivo justice, the explosion of f sometimes compelled, in condition of the curreluyow the subject of our.. delib eration. 4 I Ntl The prov isions of the bill are the most simrtlfc and ef- ifectual that nn'able cominiitec could devise. . Four principal receiver, a few clerks, and n sullicient num- ' . .. .. . J her of agents to examine the slate of the public funds, Hi restors A supply of the above vniiantc .Menicinet n oror t4ee tlflt an is rifi.lt( at ait onnija c1(irjfe) substitute kept WttstttlUlftfqrJale i7;TIHS' f fFFlCEv'wl exceoding flirty or fifty thousand dollars, at nifost, cause, it is the miilst of the many extf .niini.ry circumstances in How a measure, fraught vvVh such important conse wliwh may. be.iilacwLl.rirefef'lliat winch is of it-1 quences, should at first, and for so long n time, hnve self the more objectionabhf t., that which is less so ; eicapeTlTio ulleirtioiT infllnritfeesTigaritt"6rttieTini because I lie former may mqV probably lead, in th'jcnd lie, rle.-ervef. n pissing notice. It is to be explained by Ut some desired result, llimi tile latter. To apply liio fho false Conception of the entire subjeft olbnnking, nrmciule to ibis ese li Ko iluil the siihsti- which' at Uist early period tmiversallv prevailed m the uop. ihooirli i Ow.'ir I.',.i,i. w i It iiriVrmk-1 g...j4hii-v. So-4y4uiMjvva8aU tliai. a..l)auk note. . -"f." "V. . . "ill., lilt., H ,-. . - t. -. - .- j - ( beta use it would morcqiroVoy lead to the establish, was then ftientif.ed in the mind of the public wr i gold mml of a National ltank tLa the hi I, which yon lie-1 "'ml Silver,tnnd a ihposite in Imnk wifs regarded as un lieve to be the only certa ifl rented v tor all .he disor-1 der the most sate and sacred custody that could be do. dernthfit ell'ect the ( urr'ei,,. admit the j-osinen to J vised. The original impression, derived from the IanU be sound m principle, but It is one exeeeiiinglv bold of Anistenlain, where every note or certificate in cir and lull of dancer in. prt c-. and omrht inntr lo be I etilation was hnnostly represented by an equal andrspe. acted on, but in extreme eios, and w here' there is a j cilic quantity of gold or silver in bank, anil where eve rational prospect of accomitjitbmir the object ultimate- j ry dentwile was kept as a sicred trust, to be safely re- v nnnnil nt 'lio tittntilili... as fliiu nncm I iniiui ! tiimiul ir the deimsitarv. wlieideniaildedAVa8 extind- V .- .'. .. "I'l'.WHI, III ui". ....... . , j , .- . tln'nk, would be rashness itifl. It may be safely as sumed, that the success of either, whichever may be adopted, the bill, or the suUtitute, would be fatal to the establishment -of n Natii.rwl Uunk. It can never put down a siiccessfur measure to take its place; and, of course, that which is irsjsi likely to fail, and re plunge the country into all the disasters of a disorder ed currency, is that which would most probably lead to restoration of a INational Bnnki; and to prefer the on that account is, in fact, to prefer it he the wont-of the two. But are von certain cd to banks of discount, down -to the time of the forma tion of our Government, w ith but sliRlit mollifications. With this impression,, it is not at all extraordinary that the doposite of the rel-enuo in banks for safe-keeping, and the receipt of Iheir notes in the public dues, should' lie e6nnidered iiiatier of course, requiting no. higher authority than a Treasury order; and hence a connec tion with all the important questions belonging to it, and now considered of vsst magnitude, received eo lit tle notice, till public attenlionwasjlirccted to it by its recent rupture. This total separation from the system, r Dromotion of which thov wera estahlishil : and ton . ' ' i sul8ervient to othci, and, perhaps, conflicting interests, which iiiight feel but little sympathy with those of tbo State, llut I forbear. Other, and' not lesa urgent," objections claim my attention. To dilate too much on one wouhl necpitsamy sacriucc tho claim of otherau-i. I next object, that, w hatever may be the right to en ter into the proposed bargain, the mode in which it is proposed to miike it is clearly unconstitutional, If I nm nut rnrtain tnat I iln; Mft.J if ( understand it rightly, the plan is for the Secretary of the Treasury to select twenty-live State banks, ia described in the substitute, which are to be submitted -lo the two House Ut be confirmed, or rejected, by their the entire Mnk ig yst in the same mode as lltcy . would appoint a chaplain, or . establish a joint rule, for the government of their" pro. ctedings. . , rr In acting on tho joint resolution, if yybst 1 suppose be -intended, each Howm- would have tlie Fight.-ot course, tn strike from il the name of any .bank and in sert another, which would in fact vest in the two flout.es tlie iincoirrolliibh right of1 ma king ihe. elec iioii. Now, if this be tho mode jyoposcd, as I. infer lioin thelilcnco of the mover, il is a plain and palpa ble violation of the Constitution. The obvious inten tion is, to evade the veto power of the Executive, which cannot be, without Tin. infraction of an express provision of the Constitution, drawn ip with the ut most care, and intended to prevent the possibility of evasion, it is contained in tlie isl article, itn section, and tho lasl clause, u l.icli I ask the Secretary to read : . " Every order, resolution, or vote, to u hickatbe con currence of the Senate nnd House of Representatives may be neeescary, (except on n question of adjourn ment) ijbnll be preset! ted to the President of the 0. tiled Stales, and before the same MkiII lake effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two-iinrds ot tlie Senate and noose ot kepresentativds, according to 1 ho rules and liuiHatitiiii prescribed in the esse of a bill." l Nothing can be more explicit, or full. It is no more possible to evade the Executive veto, on any joint vote, tliaA in tho passage of a bill, Tho veto was vested in 1 1 ' ?: " wr s t-, . ' . r'""" 1. 'h- A -v 'f1 t. C ! : ; 4S -'.

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