V.iel h.4 I If tt.l(t lo 0W. poWrM. 1 1 I aa Ml I'l'i I I t ll ba Ik Crir.lr.l, i f ,, I , ImiiisI fimj lo u rHMut)n. I m t l lb" a1,1 I ""I I'"''" '"" r"7 any lb e rMi-.l i- r .. . . . i . . . . i. . . . i riled lo f"t4 4 late, whineaU t. 4 hryimd I Jt"'f felled lo J mil, a i hI etcf b pMtriJ to di when It la N'f tin I Iba adorleu i.(,'il.lie r JwS tal. I aland rcatfj to pM' t til, witbirl 1m aubrr m;i"4 bv Itta I tilulsl and to frM Ihcui bfiivl, T" Hill I!ld till tlHpbllt Iff I., ,111 l' II. C'wll artltiltkitt. Ml protreleHlof lb Vrlo, there ia b'lf I ! fie ficeptt.n, ftillll', by ifr4ij Implication, from etMfor pufieHi is lb Mietrurornl, not Im m!l' it, Which autiiotiic. rarb Hoo to rUIl!i the robn III pfeeilin;. I HUi-f I In priSvi.ioO 11,4 lil Jlouac h lull an J uiirooiroiniitr aiixwiff Vf li limits of !bir r't.nTiit wsl!, and over ilx i,L ct lo their iuibofiiri in their official eh rack r. To lint tilrnl, ifa- nnyjwe Hnd rt-eolu'iiirie. WiUkxiI the ritnil ih i:i) i.ie-ruinei uui ucjuuu that, witlnmt it, ihey are powerless. There ia m Ui cse eol r jim hy hi appro- I ljld rea be evaded. It IWdenl tt the bred f the dininitrtive d'-prl-ronl of th Government, a m icwMr reapm-ibl f H Cl mane-emcttL 1 order to hobl bun fcfcieibU', h ought U have du power in tli selection f lit agent, and pmprt contrnt u. i. ri. i. l - U.,U K fi tha irvt powerful nn1 in!!ii.'iiiMl f !! liw oc' (wefniii-iit, and Might I la b ii!mkiI lh rwrurific(lh Kcc"He. If Uiwl"Ji'ote Ihhj1 I U miUnAed, tiKj the pfirtci.! in q n l.(W br ff:'r.ltl ucb m 1 e4iJpr lU thire cm h- rw AmU ht worf Iw 11m fit 14 IIhi uftmir. Tli Kwuiic will lx WkioiI U pfititt, by tlK'HitrmnUm of it -ioiiutmo-i I rifbu th portion nf put rr clrly li'til '" drpartnwnl ky UiAt imlfgnirnt, which ull ink il impJMiiul fir it Ut fxrome a !, wi'li (he n ) oo in the twollrxi , I ha intypteihiitpdmy runMiluli ni!oliKTti'n. t I'y lo bi(Tirr ami to Lr.I. r, jmlifpf diro ti In tin terr pmdc if Him MMilutfl. I il- nj )Mir right to Btako a ;rncral dcpiwile of tlio p'jliltc r--m'o in a bank. M.if lho half of tne rrnf ol li'V may bn tracrd to ftllaciea tricinitin; in an nnproiwr n of worJ; and aaion irnt lh IriM mindi'ic'viMi i Hm ap flication f thm word !o bank tranptctHm, m a ariiMtf wholly d.tf thiiI frmo it wimiJ nranitiji Oufinally il nmnt linn; placed in liu-y, or plnlrd In be mMv f ml nrrisily kept tilt ri tnrmsJ in ilia dpmninr, wilhont bcia? aid by I Ik depmitary, whilo in ha powtMhim. j All Uiw m chmM h'o ap-Mi.tl to adrpiiio in bank. Instead of rrluraing tha idt niiral llnnjr, t!a baak ia rnderkinul to b bnuml to rrturn otilr an null vilu : mm tha rirhl to bMB t out on in'rh at, or to "ii-ix of it aa it pU-arf, with tha aint comlitiMi, tin l an equal amount b n-tiirncl, tini demandnt, winch r paricuca haa taught ia riot a'wivi doo. TopNcr, tarn, tha public looory in lpiii-, in bank, rrstrirtmn, h to rive Ilia fre u o it, and Ihrtn to maki aa tnucii aa tly ran imt of H, Mufrn Iba lima uf dt'Miir and ditHiriornt.' Wavr r u( li righi ! Tha money bnlonga to the pmi ritlcrf( il I (in I , r J r ii lulu 1 1- H-f ff U'. dllll !'. I "I ll rlUry, lilt to ! !firf w I, t,j,; i.:fi I I Ih iir, all id, m ii'J C.int.i, ui, iiM l-o tyfilKHlllI'd. If tr t r .iiillr l, il wi.ulj l 'l by .;. in i l.t ify uiii-r 'rvitr will iiidiiilinl bmi! Hi! fun r. m ftt-irr cm.U h.j ) ilrd by Ih 1'iK .iiltiUm, -t ua, f. iuiifr, mj'p-w Dial, acling o ilia awiBipiii of Ilia iiUr, tit (;ii ftinw iil ImiI4 .Immi lo wl l t,,cu i an art x)t t a ("-f"J n fxymnt id iu dinr, .a Vl J HI " M nJ,0l"!r watm- an! in wlnrh IM H.:niirl nrnflatienia are ao .;rk'aln4iyiejal( l.S)lrf' f4Unfcaj In orJ. r to i un-a mid.rTf, w b u m"4 lodi by Ilia t'onahtution, and whlrli fann'A ba don onlw ifea milii.m is which it ia paid ia ha Ueii. nwiit would bava to aiauina a grnrral MriU d wrr tlt artt afabU to oiMtMHi I to rai'ulaia iha igbl of tit hogdicad of jnckiga o auUub inaprctiona ntvlrl na own odirara iu order to tlHormin In qoaliiy, ind whs(r rUa rtniht ba nat aaaary lo inaka tla pay menu into tlw Trrawirr omfoim. Ho likawMa. if Iba till rt-atf ataidf, cimi, te arb-clrd, Tbe Wfiifht of tha Ua, Iba quality of lha cotton, and iu InarwctMin, . I l .11 . " ! ll i -, -1 wmiu an nrr'ariiy lan unovr na comrui oi ioa uo tarnmani t and uWa not tha NnuW ar that lha f ar. ciaa of a power thai irxiat b-ad to aich eooarfluaneaa CKin'irrwr mi far bryond lha ajihora tignad to tbia (iovrmmrnl by tha ('oiiiliinm, mint ba unconatitu- a. a a, i . a a . iniiai i doea lha ojrloo aiWnd only lo Uiaa and other atapta articlra. It apidiea with equal if M t'rcaier firca, to racaivin Iba witaa of Kuta banka,a pr- p-awd bf tna aubatitute, in tha duaa ol tha lern im nl and lha oiartareniant of ila liacat cowern. It uiiiat iovolvo tha Uomnmeat la lha necraaity of cotw Irolliaj and rai(uttina Hi a la bank aa thia aubatituta abtimlanily proas,aa well aa tha wlnda hutory of our ix)iin'Ctk.n 1th ' them ! nd ft" haa bran ahowo lUl bink are, at lat, aa far rainord from tha ennlrj uf thi Government aa the tuliutwa of lha ami, of any other eaaa of eitixi-na. To thia 1 mipht add anolher oJij-cliun, Dot Iraa ai rung, that O ttia (ioTernmrot to receita and traat bank nolaa ta rmaier in U duaa. would ba in direct conflict, in ila rflect, with lha in pw unl power, cf;rre4 1 iprrwly on Couarmof cotiv in if monry and reg ilatlng lha aloe thereof: but aa Una wtHcofue in with ny propriety In anawer to an ar gumrnl advanced by tb fV-nab from Maaaachnarlla, (M r. SVrlier; 1 afiall pow aiata bia arjurucnt, and to p!y to,t,k. ' . . Ila aaei ted again and acnn, both now and at tna rx and inalcad iif. aoUiwn . an. A t jmlfMo! la Wl a'iicmJ tl J jt. Mjj.e Aj jdlJ.htlloifCianif nl no otily to rr;-ii ito, but to furnu-ti, a auund cuirenry.. la- iWt.fi, it m the ptiiH ipl ariunaut relied oo by Iba nan lor in ojiti'ai to 'he lull, wlnrh ba aa) a ha n loo tli:n rn-ii duir. ,'o. if be eurrt nee bo meant rold . I i i . . . .i . ;n I . !... j. ft t willioot aim auver coiii, mere m ue uui iiuia uiurrvncu w In al!ow lnn him ai.d aiVM-if. lo that extent tha GoYrn- n.i iit h.m a cl-aranl unqueatiomlde rilit by exprnw I. uui ; but if he cxn lrther, and intemui to aart llsitl iho (iuvrrtiini ut I'll the nclit ti mako bank notca from them lorciHc lie purpo- in wbicl ihry hae a I a currency, wIik.Ii it ik Ikiuii-I to reeulatc, Uien Ina pro jrrnctal intcret-t and hr that only ; and whut tvib' ! jawiiion i n.mt ! m l iil'd, thou-jh ibflcrr-ptly exprra- nut ran we liave to git a atich itae of it to ctIhii lected corporal tun' I ank fur lha proviionol the (on fitulioo that authoiizea I aak, if wa could pnnt Ilia uae, lor airmlar pnrpi, lo rivala aaaociatini or 1ndridu.ilt! Or il not U tlifin, to imlividul nfllcara of ilia Government; br iiiKtanc-, to tba lour principal receivera utijir thia hill, ahonld it pa! And if thia cannot ba dono, that Utediatiitctioo be punlod out. If tlieaa oiKationi ba aaliidiietnnly anrrol, I ahall propmirvl other till more diflionlu I lia!l liivn ak, it tii autauittite h.'khiM bceiMna a law, and tho twenty fira, banka ba aelcetrJ, whrtlier they would not in fact k "iba Trraur- And if not, I tvnald aak, where would ba the Trearory ! Cut if tint Trinry, I wotj' ak, if public money in bank would not be in lha 'IV t l ,t ... ... i. j r : . - i hjiii Aiaj aj mi. iifiw trail ik iir nn, I irmn n I r lent for tha purnftet of tradecciilaiMin, or any otftrl ",or or ,h "'j'' i mat an ey "irovwlon of Iho Con- j aruimon in vei i . ..i.i . r . . . . ... :. ti :. . en, w iin uiui oi i:,i: H ii iuir ir'iui irK'ii.i,,nr. ivnrw,y and all tlie aru ncuin I hare ured aiiimt it are equally aphi-otilo u li.-u I hld, on my prt, tint the putter ol te t.nitriiiiH nt on tin aiilijccl ia limited to uiininj mi i.ey aini ri'L'iilniin; ii value, and puniuhing tbe cou:iti'i!'i itin of t.V i iirrciit coina; that us of the Coin niailc rnrroiil by la, the tnly numcy known to the titiitiiutioii. It h tune io make a distinction bo twveu nicuiey, or currt-nr)', if you pleaw between thai which will leira lly pay il'-btn, and uitre circulation, vrliirh ha its value from il roniiM to be aid iu the fiirincr ;-ainl uid r wditli cl iMifiralimi, lnk note, a h bi I tit or protiiM-ory noii-a if imlit klimlx, fall. Tti- jrVV'l in their nitiire private and local, ami ean ..,, inM-Miti-d to tiie lei of currency, or taoiiev, in 4 jpiauctiona uf (iovorninent, wiihout ctHinn ..iiii.I, (in,' n i j i ,t in i;.a iummii, but ni.'i tl.a tin H fhn. rut p ,1 I- l' f (.1 t arirt, and gno Ih" !i pmli, it w 11 ii " , a titl t'l li (. n ths ' p lo Ili4 l I Imn, inj ail s f lt lil. JS'ww, nhal U llo ado JjiuU hiiliiri fTii'Mt I What thia liwrrful alioiulua, wh fh il ia j.r,. ,.-, j ilm li,jrftiii)''iit alwMild apji'y, in of.Ur l rt,d,U Vit t t n k In arr (HnpUli h:a brrcoUaO lkf 'I hu f t il. al.ll ainwn i pr. .wi t j t, j., ( j, n,.( ,), r r Mil rui uUj, knj !i iii!r,l I i jr uij, n rbie a rf-n";i'"ii. Tl ti rj.i W(lM I Iu llircmitll WiUl Itimiir nn,i, a tiij ruru.i giiUiiai.y n y n r I ..1 Li , , I II I J l!f f,r ' aii' i. i'i! U. Mi 1, of reiiii,.,t.(n; tlHf ti Itwliiifitient ' .1 til.- f , ,i I If hi I. i . -.at ft - -aa :'...' fif tin r Wi.ulj (ft 1,9 buxtirBa, and in.'d Imiraaai lUi-l m.J m .-t a U : . i.jr;-. -a. a tJ 4 debit In the bank Ira thai II timid iin raj t!. ab!- li! in- l il l- aw-.w.y ar. - r . U i. ly id Iho CHinriiiniiy to pay them. 1 a. ti t '. tir 1. ..jr ". 1. 1 t taat ai aa i t t Mb' Ila t T imn. i . .. I .1 . .-. t... lt . , lltving now aitowfl intw una irajtie, i- mtnawtaiaiia Monrra aw t .. , a of bank, la'lo Im friiH-d and revivrd, tih tha dX.'iiU : pkta imm. v f t rm Vim k a lla4 lo reatlme. II : Ilea in lha w . il ri imini li ri lrra.HMi w Lit W.;l M . ia l0 a's r t. i i .a c r.- : -. Il I I '"'y 6a lha nuafl rcKt-labla (lha Cua chirai r and nature, of tha cooiUaaiawi w ka-a uf d Wai iLrw-aa, a4 tUl m't r rwb.ka i T. i vl i """""- l"ks lo ba iho drp.ji. frfmtd. It will cit of Mate lanka rtaimnj thrir i?a paj 7W I wr itUip -v :i KU lv " , ';"". and lha f.ae.l agrnt of lha origin! powrra, that of diarouj.t.r. and aU, wiUaa.1 .w lU en aif ta r-, tnz a - . V'7".! ''' " "U I"0- tx-"r w I'x a'l.hieat drjrea in.j-irej. Ta UVv U co.tt nu.,.. rr-.t,Hi t; puara,ioq w ir.a ttiwulua,-lha Aaaaoca af.,U auUt.tula po).-a to a4d Imoorlarit ataa: to tUrb s ta ti-artrr U. U t -. wo.dc.-lo amke; iba iMra of aoch bauka aa may fe. ca Ihe.r iol. a aa gold and a.lvrf in 11 pW aJora; fclia t. ,. ra, aa U - W a . -1 la to """ ' rfcf .7U ,wIaly reeai.ablo in and lo give ll.em lha iiae of tha PuUrf drpoea, a ad jalJawea wb U-v as mi a ba pubic cor. .Here la a a.ii .thinf to wg,n)I4! tlM hr4 t!ia wl-da lola oar, aUa id U.it .3 taw. aad - , ro.V' f' i t .e ''' 10 lof U.atlo;en.rraW,t.lobap:e4fladettUaaa It a k lU aiL ,M mjc. a tell the l l a. Uwlt , if ymi reao.M. we. on our dial. w,prrU.- r-l e,?ri4 . tl- rWreUrf IV aara U-a ary ba trac! iW 3 i on part, afiiUia vaka Ueiity-flve of you our Mara I ageiita aid depkt:jraof the revenue t and wefunher atipulate, that Hja wbo retome by tha lima flied, ahall have tiHTtfii"ive wivd.'ga fuftur of bavin their ftotea yetenablt in tle dura of lha Government, in comnvai with poM and adver. If Iba banka perform their part, we aball ba bound in buoor and ful Uith lo pftnruioirra.i It wotitj ba a coniplvla cutitrart, aa obligatory a if algned, aealod, and delivered. Huch la the imlutrmanL Tbe neit qv ftioo ia, will it ba adequate 1 Yea, abun. danily tMuaia, (Tbe batlerf 1 unmg rnoogh tD awaken the dawl ta lifo j lha coniklcralkm aullkient to rewunefaia the bar.ke 1 wbalear aecrifice they may he fomijelli'd Vi "ifciTie, In order to rreume payment It ia di!lkull toeaintala tbeyalua of theae high privih eg", or prefofativw, aa I might j'Mily call thani. The? are worth fti liona. If you were to enter into auuiiar coolract fill at Individual, I doubt not that ha eooM aril oat nven market for at lee1 tbtrly, f fty, or filly millmai of 'iollara, I do titan tha mover the juatice to any jhaf bia meana are ample to eGVel what be pn-p-aa. ia fllcoli ta ia tbe work of reaumption and dificu!(lt ill be to turn out to be whan tried ih induce.,.. will prove all atilTiciant. H it the rwonipi ion, hpwey-r di-airablo, may be purclmKHl too drajly;an4ru&outil pruvp In bo tla ca. ahoold the pniji-ct aucrctL Uui only k" tho ofTer too feat, but Iho mode of e ctna' it ia highly objectMNMbla. li opcnttfin wou ; prove not laliaairoiif than the tirgaui haa been town to ba ttnconatitutional, w hich I rhall now pnrrf J to eatabliah. The olT, r wrll lire a double effect It will art aa a fu.riU .tiiiiuJui, to. MUfupUw. iwt Will act. ittJ.clu ,b aalaclod, im iiH.?iod powxr aaal lbc IIhi ami Coti.'ftJ ,1 llaa Miv-rrlar tt I'jf aara tlaU M Treaaury. uw wUi ahiea all ll.ta araywnt to f , K.aU UK UUCm m. aaat tta I name Hi word-b-j, not afarUeal rfi 1.MC a aa ; tf rtn.ij. Ikr tW crnmani iMlia-.lba trvait CXVnalvtt. auM& I aaJ aUavfaaaaraaUal fTrta, Ibat ever Mled. 11.1a aUa.larta .U aa the act of inrwpotatiori am Uia f ivix dJw, ao irionh.addilmoal baukma; capita I, MKr.f a moruwly Ha powers and fivwi rt aa uatuwiled tmtJ the buaitM and aa change a iba rowolry, . - The Fenaiof from Virglana f Mr, Ritea) w r.g4,i ka iip(naiing iliat ihia new trial 4 the er"Tuwnt twaald bo maila under, very difWem circwmatancea Ironi t firat, and would Lava k dioVreot trrsiioaiaM. llaat, trat, like Una, waa a bank Government IMik,Ua. tiiiguiahed Inxn the late baak, ta which it e art a aa rival, and waa at tha tuna couaUnily aadea'f a!) in debate. Ibit the circumaUncee wow are VoaWdl tS- ferrnf very dilfcrent. and ao would ba Ike reaS a the epor HwnL 1 lua bank wnubJ wot be tWeaeaaa ritkelj concern t!ie bTmer. Tliat rthd awrav, a nd Hi ia would In Ja im.' I w ill e x pla m. The former fa ih-d not ao moc h ia eaxawoawoe the adaraa circumtlancre of toe tiinca, cr any ea -, J defect in the ay atem, a front the want 4 a bed a common aenaiaiiinv to think, to will, and deraie, fca the whole, which waa iailofwoMbty weceaatry lorwiaae crmcert and rive unity vjf daaipw and eircvU. A head will nk b wanting now." Mr. Daldle'aWal w3 aupply the debit Ilia would he not reily ooead Iba reaumiog banks aa I have whew, bait Woald ha he one of the twenty -five to be elected. If there ahoU be U temerity In on it it, tbe prewnt rjenjert taaU aliara the (at of ita predeceapor. Ut. BaidWa hawk, at the head of Una excluded, would la aa oiertamwh awrt too time wf'j ftjial lorce to axciio auorgla ironag Im lnkr, Rot OOl; to reauma theinrelvfa, but to pre. i-ot othcra Ctw rvuminjr. Tlit reaann ia clar, J'he advaoLaje lo ruh fill increaa. aa tho number of lha rcnuniinjf bar.Ll d creaaet and of coorve, the great point of eonte! a2 the Wong w.Il bo to rertrict the proffered prize io tie amallcat numlwr. Tlie cloaer ilia whole league would inevitably be orertbrriwo aelectcd, the jmailMin of bia bank ra the leagw ba certain. It va4 raniUL ita ertrDtrt nair ila auperior authority, and ha akill, WattldaM and C enee, would Uia whole. ,-aa row ; Wrarw m rfaiad. ..an. hrwra Oar tmtUmmf aa-rm; ary baa (La faxaZ UwaUalMerafip;awrUiial CaaTafaf aaa-jilai a; braw L t'wla m4 ta-4a aaaarvwtjaaat ; loTt, brae Ua? paaCraCaj at liar cwmaa y tjai i' awa aUt g r-ae ta aar amt ataal aV;aVnUaB. kVaaae IW f rnaearrfaax tateC aa-WXaKj, anf a3 tlai tfM at a a2 gm tLi kaw, msk m&m&lmi rfitafi i waat eaarr-Aaa. t'Csaar ba raaKta, W kS. aaaf w3 J U atwarwt. and wa at3 lam aaaaa yaiptct mtmmmwt Cae Caww tAaAaaa aaaf CMaar a Larw tmU mmrTj ao4 pararr. TVitl tW rHUaJtwiW Wava.aan. a af baa w aariy aval li4 tW 'imam CnTkaiai aaai er taaana." ' r tf raarraa a a aw Iwna rm i . . r s . TV tr a fTT rW Aasar by r j It aUaalrar ar aa.Wat 4 -aaVarw; mT naa, aa ua una ae aaruaaaa a, ( aaaWleal CwaMvd. Jaat m W l aabi. alaniaat aa tW aaaaa) .,.a--a a E4 bar i wafftiat uai iUm w.,4 ha maf ai ftJi dnt w iwrraaa ar ataw aa aaa IM loraat. aaa! tla at t4 IM aaawa 1 1 i at. wkaW Kb a ear twowai haaeamaaaat pilraaoe af Uar taCrr VAmat ba a ev lwrr tkat l-mrt. la a-Cawaeavf Bat aaaaaawt aaV raaua im aaaa,tafW fatrtarwkca Mat la kaaWS Waawl bar ile whatever, a in, in at at it u ( ion f Yee, a exprci frda can nwLe il. , I ek the .Secretary to read r articUf, 1Mb aection, jxl the claaae, next to the la.: w- iNo money ahall, ba drawn from the Trearory, hut n eoweqnrrteej or apnropnaiKHH m(ie tnr tawi ana a aaeular alaleanenl aial aeenont nf the reeeinlafid' M. pendilurra of all public money wiall be puhJia bed, from kiuve to time " - " ;. ' " . . I low clear ! I low explicit 1 No money lo be drawn from tbe Treaaurr, bnl in conunce of apuropria. lion made by law ; that ia, the iJjt on which Hie ex penditure ia lo bo made, lo be dauirated by law, and aha-aonvailnUoal 4afi)0t itapaoi&cdf and. yt waJtace lived in the daily and babitml violation of tbU great fundamental provirion, from alnKt the beginning of our olilical exwilence to tbia day. Behold the cone iiencea ! It haa pmutrated and en jnlfcit the Very in tttatton which ri-tve enjoyed -tttw illrrif farorr and laiuted, above all other cauoca, tho morale ajyl politica of tha whole country. Yee, lo thia must be traced, at one of the main cj-.usc, the whole yteia of excessive revenue, e.xcresive expenditure, nod exctre aor- pTavies ; ittj loluejiaVcs'peiiiill overthww of the bonk ml tho currency, ami the urn axs Hipltt.! df gbcraeTnphtiTlcritwl "Tnirrcrnwrals, which have followed. We hive auflered tlipal 1 ctton: may tlie blewin. which follows chaw iscmcnt, when ita juatice ia confessed, come in due aeaino. -' But I take a atlll higher ground. I atrike at tha root of the mischief. I deny Hie ri'il of thia fl.iverninent to treat bank notca as money in il fiscal tnneacttona. i)n thia great question, I never hive before committed myself, tliou;li not rcnorally dipiwd to abstain frcmi forming or exprecKinp opinions. In all inetaneee in which a National Rink linn come in question, I bava invariably taken my ground, 4hat .if the Government haa the right lo receive mid treat batik note as money, it had the right, nnd waa bound, under the Gondii u tion, to rejrtiiate them, en aa to make thtm uniform and at a Lie aa a currency. The reaaone for this opinion are obviotaj, and have been ao often and fully exprctaed on former occaeion, that it would ba uaeloea to repeat them now: hut 1 never exnmincd fully the right of ro. aeiving, or mde up my mind on it, till rince iheca taalroplie i i May l.ip which, as I have said, entirely rpnrntel Ih ttovernmvnt f'ro-n t!w bnnke.-'reviotte to that period, it was an abstract question, with tin prac tical hearm?; ae muclvm as ie now tho constitutional right of admitting lMiisinun into the Union. Tiling are now alfrcd. Tim connection is dissolved, nnd U naa oouom prCTfcirnje?ittofl oi-tflfrmmirmTnoe". The mover of the antttituio assumed ae n po'tnlnti-, that this Government hud a ripht to receive in it duw whatever it might think proper. I deny the ksiIi!i in wo. ilia one tn.it oiic'it not to tin nnnnvl. mu ng the very powi-rin Cotitrfu, which I etiall now urucua-d lo ahow. Il will hardly ba qoeatioor-d, Miat the object waa to fix a standard in order tofurniih to the Union a currt'ii cy of uniform and eteady ralue.aml wa thertifire.uiii teal in the ama aenlance w ila tho rvhUive power to fu tha ataadard of weiglit ami tnenenrca the objecta be ing similar. Now, it bur ccrience haa proved any thing, it ha amply aliown that ao long aa the Govern ment ia come cut! with the banks, and their rtea riv oeived in lU transactione aa moner, eo long il is impue- ible to give any ihinjr like etkhility to the $tanlard of value; aud that the power or coin inj and regulating Uiftoeaa, becoajww, in a f raaoawKMaV,Hofe.iiunit. Every dollar nwoed iu bank notca, when H I made the subaltfutc for money, drivca out of circulaiin more or less of the preeioua inetnln ; and when the isnie be comca exorbilanfrgoW and ailver almoM entirely din pearsvaa our experience at ihir ttme-pmvee, 'h ef fecta aie analoguua io alloying or clipping the coin, ae I'jr'M atable H ataodapl & concerned; and it would be not leas rational ta eappiwo, thai audi a power on I he I part of individuals, would be corwiatcnt w ith a nnitorm iU. cluillij(..currj;utnuii2r. pul I and Ireatinir bank nolea aa a aubaUtutc br'iubney by ttro-tjuvemiimiifttuntd twr-Tn. only theck orTm'y ia to restrict them to their proper aphere to circulate in common with bill of exchange or other private and meal peper, for tlie convenience of busine and trade. tio tit from audi a conrae operating injtiruuly on the peool. or frim being habit) lo ihe charge of forming one currency for the peoph and another tor the Go vernment, aa lias Veen ho otien ana vviui kucii eueci . peatcd it is the very reverne. ( Jovernineiit, by refu eiu' to receive bank notes, a it is bound to do, would, in tact, furawli a choice to the people, to take either money or notes at their pleawire. The demand of the Government will alwaya keep a plentiful mnply of the former in tbe country, ri as to afford the jieople a choice, while thdrdppito would cxp l the money, nnd leave no option to tlicin but to take bank notes or worec, as nt present. " i. T liave now shown how it is proposed to. form the league of banka, nnd have presented the constitutional impediment" tlmt Htmid in the wny. J tiese are nunie roua and etrong ; eo much so, that they ought to be ir resistilde witlj alkj except Ihe lHtituilinoua in construe aav tW raJraiaLaai ; taw aaaaaw of aenawa vatw taat at Tbe'vgW V?' aTT Carir piSaatiw at tt a matTf. wa&'U ! rrU 94 awearaaBd aaa fin. kt a3 iVeae aa a far arr aV,-w? tUai (I U2, place tt it the head, tlunk and art aaaav-at. I xl w O D ftaav- Tl. ..llu.r. ,diLI ka aa AraniUd aa kak. i . ' paJ m vi'vr, fft ar sew cirri aaai ber arwe act aa aWnamk. Tkewr a444jmaj ofLrrr ta lr aaaf ii.hi.UbJ J.:..!.. l.kr . " lar aaKalalaar, aa ataCKaaa W VaaV tKa final Imtn ll l.n...r..i It. aW-w. rt- f aW a. ti arlFCtWaa af a ivA ar aaa f ! aaM aaavul - aa..aaaaaif laa aa naailH WSbbbI " WTlm WWm vii nvi va a.ai v a aasau v. rwva ail aa a w; t aa aw uam , , - - . i-nnmrt an ra.l..l aaa l rwviU 1 ! WaajaJ ka). "V aTTW-. aC tW fcaaa. K uaioo with flio.Go'.ernmenteoold sot f n. I? J !-iJf ea-rK-wkw-a aW a Ihe lirmrhra of the late tank we al the tmbef monopoly the rreact til pmbts. la thia struggle, a ! ...uitotuai Tl.n a.h.,la iU da m entire aa. combination of a fir powerfiil and wealthy banks, the : rhml.t m hj a amgle impulee, and makg a jar iml ri-!.meUblejMteolid, as defignatcd in tlie aubaH. , cnitraat with it prcdeccwoor 10 the uurty aud cw- j mt mic, win OTcmirow anq frampie oown inu ruetaue. CrT or Ilk onerilMKia. Their fell will rpnej deaolaticn over tha land. What- km mcmu ,i, fata ba lenS dua m ever may be tlie Tab ot others in this detperate con- micrihed on trt, Im-ir isono li flation to which no doubt can be entertained: I rtforothe United States Rank of I'enn- fyhania, a lai t ia and a inloonur ; and which, for the sake of bnl y, but with no personal dierrapect to ll.e dmtuiguiihf d ndividual at its bead, I ahall call M. 11..UT... k.a. iri... -. i . ii i . f .1.. iiir. muuiv inna ' iiui, ai Irani, iu "v mrw uw mmM e-aawtawto tUmLt rfaaVtaatlW avert it destiny. Ikt aery diflerent would be theewaa of the prent. A ila intimate mm wth tbe Go vernment, Cir w hich lite substitute prawnee, to A ttba . . , - . " - - - : , iiim-iia, iiir piiilu uiv auuNiiHivpamn, uinavw, w inner one of th-wcnty-fivc to whom the pr;e will j tnurcea of pow er, and it would becoma irTrwu-tible. oo asHtgnea. 114 va resources, Its weaiui anu inno cnlial connvettuna, bofl at home and abrond, the akill and abflity of Ih iCif t at its bead, and, what ia let aa ike kwaaW. aaat, mt t Tha two, (iovemment and bank, would swita a4 stitute a amjle power; but which would gtm tine a- j ci ndancy whether tlia Government weald beooane the AalKUtaB4tWaSltearr? leraed konaia mrr tV taaaaaaaarr, awry ac;at.ai aaaal aaaat KU-aW.f tW tka psa-ya rreairr e rke saie f ua hrver. Xlr-rr Ca w- lemorable, the treat faource il liohls in tho notes of J the bank the Government, ia beither rerta-a Tr!! . IT'T!! ataaraaaw tbe lata United rJutri lUnk. of which more than m1 n,.r..,:.i c tt .ut u a a.Li Oa i imlhona have been mil into circulation, in violation, lo . a...ji r:r i. wminJ i aavsaxto ar ey Ihe leift. of a tiao. eonatilutin mora than five-1 . k.htIi.i. a i:r,.k ..,avi 'ait.aw!r nmj.Ir . waoaaw af cwjcm at It i not a little surjirwing that tbe3eiaiw twwa j . m !ii. .. . ir i a. a iana laaaavaaaB aaaara a it i mi in. i ii i. luiakj iiim aaaww r T i . At-r U ainiw.J lb- Mnhrninf a (..mfil i rB WM SaT ImJ m OraT aMSawai-J c,v.i wf gastswjta- eaaafaardl t Savl aaf Caj IvOO aaawra.mlavl, wall raaiaaaw'i. rrftnyr- aaai atdiO. 7 - vixtha d' all its rircHilaiion. and which it in not bound to rmy whti IWerWirealff atnonnt on hand, makins; in tha whole Vt,'rT vnivia nuliHma.and wlMth mav U useAii i-aaJM'iiey. ifnot aruvented would i i,.Dk in the hill, alum Id oaikaA ilia rea-ukr awraw-maa " "3 a fce irk lilace 11 bei'Ond Ll dctlbt amonir llie VlCttir. im .J"nn k bia na a aolaeiinta Out nf tbe aaeraW wawid ta ike? rase wsk Ismp aaSravs I He raruwiuVkif ivroper weurlite. and will lead the materiale of Trraaurr wrranla and drafta ta ev saLi IwaaU. Tawy.akS way from the nut--. Who the others may ba ia uucer- .he raiilor4ar-lraiiaVr foaaia (rum plaae - pi area aa l?1 taiH i thia wtill inland main Ir uoon his rood will and t the public service mifhl reuuire. and Cur Brincinal re- .wcye ' tVsa Va at nlcaeure. It ni b out down aa certain, wlnver ceiverv to kceo the nublic moner. he Iu awiared wi''-""',i' J " aawWaalskaBssaT K. r.. iK., auilt Iwt wittaifii' aitil indiipn. : ul.iiI. t a..t tf n ruifl inii.in.iu. a ImI mm tfimaira lAajercWa at avaTarfa i I tnl, and nol urifaiorable to bis interest or sggraudire-lmeal batik; whidi he told ue, wiUi tlie utera. oosda-1 il nient. But tkehtixhievous effect will not be limited dence, would ru-e like a cloud, at 6rrt aa big aa a Lsb!, j Itcatlr r-es.. aarwr k cxaaataare asOrra. a i; lu t.'ir death-like atruifplo. in which so munv unlet fall I hut which would soon darken all the hnriziaT. Nirtn at Wtrol tial aaar ka-eint-aaral kaj (Wl and be cruaed thai might otherwise weather the ! i not a little unturtnnate for bia con Went prJirinrt, ilhe tv aa eaairr ta o.wavaVv ;W raaa enrm ' The? toireii- tarmtionf 4or anew 'it will- he- in t-tlt these swrrmal orioeiolo from wtwch iWaaoavta xata; iini laaaijiiBiaa wa3 aa? sacaat Sa clU-ct. would be followed by wide-spread desolation. I snrin?, I ave all exited from the conimeocetoeetcl our o tfae ar-a? Il ia easy loS'nk to aiiprnsionf but hard to return to j Government in full force, except the four receiirr, j ajoer ita? arj m lacioa TU"ear a4aaj remmntion. Liuler the most favorable circumelancea, ! without ahotvinc the least tendency to produce lif re-'aesiwi.j ai isa wtt vawoa.twat Bkoa faasataaQM Da and w' hen condition1 moet leinurely and cautiouely. the suit he anticipates. Not onlr ours, hot evert cicihred i wkwae awaaua U CMtai uajrtt vaa i preniitire nnt?t ta nere r biiTlf cwrcrd" or "prpermia.-f Government has The power to drawTreiyuiy warrant. ted ty uinkruf law or temptations sucn ae huh, it ( nnd tranrler draiu ; nor has toe power ins sineie tn-j will be riiinoiis, To make it safe and eaiy muet be ihe ; stance terminated in a bank. Nor can tbe fact, ilnl work of lime. I Joventmcnt can do tail little. The i the money is to lie kept by receivers, contribute aa ihe i at ixytmlMm dieeane origmatf-i in rxcetwyo indebtednesa, and the ! least to nrodMce one. The public fond in their taaaaJ I far ihey only reu edy wkianicht or reuuctloti 6T debts. " It 'uj wlirbe as i.hijToridJjif.ctioliif (lie ELxtxiitH aui' J Wa TtT; as ettimatcd (hit alien Uio banka riiepended payments. ttTP" rorrfmttniTy fc-ar itdebtrd- to -them - the enormous Icn-worr, I wodd ask, how can there fcr t aamk wnUaH kiLixt IbcaT-imVa. wa sum of ,47.rMHi.O(Mk To reduce this within ihe pro pr limit, is nol the fork of a few days, and can be hut little aided ay on. The industry, and the vast re source!!, o: tlie olMinirj will) tune, are lue only reme dies to ! relief on a.r the rcluction ; and lo these, with the State IjeirisliJ ires and the public opinion, the exerram. TWr awJalWaaa fua. ar aarrrtI ewaam. TW atSraaw aaai anoU be s.2. Ta tM rxaeaaV. tlaaap ia saa aa4 IhrtB wom be aV aaaaa' at eat liar t it w si" in the vaults of the banks. But, to shorten ths-, pwJ c eVaVe ia laa aT tw nmtfL ITit atiwrk fit aiaal ri atiTtijc rviuaira VVaWaaakmeva- La -lie. Casvasavont ! the iHiwcr lo diseotint or to use lite dennwtes! and t ' vvh't eo tiaT eiaairrta ark Oar of which nf the provision nf the bill could tbe Treau-'O. ' Iheir brad ae. Wawcw wmM rwr aa rnmt i ry, by any xjsilility, obtain either, umJer the srvtre ; over lie cixiia aaai eat-asa-?- ti aW m aan i j f Il.r penaltirs ol the h.ll, which prohibits the loochirp attiKaw tewS iteae W awaW st. aa baai aw- the public money, except on warranta or drafts, drawn by J ar-TS'Srast atsat tie awSn aa-i $.J"rO those havipgautihintv, indue form, and for lie-public w r-, p?r i oawitieaa awlaaa kanat e-aArr ? jr. resutniiion rnni lie k:t To understand the subject j v ice. But ihr danger w Inch an eXCiuJ onauaatxaaauti rtrm crtM sisteLSafic as tbe jiaraat-i aXBat fawmaw fill I v. we must laok a I :tlo more into Iho real cause ol cine tea hereulter Innu the bi I .would cxit4 ia sober reaJ- 4 iei. the ditlicnltr. This enormous debthas incurred in prosperous times. surplus The al umlaut uieamt if the ba.ik from Ihe reveni.e, and a comla ution of other causes, induced tion ; but I cannot expect tliey will produce their lull elk-cL I know too well the force of long eiilertained imprefBion", however erroneous, to he sanguine how strongly the innul rebels against the expulsion of the tifd" a'ttite tfitr fldjniirfof rfcW npiniaUff':' Tcf; f trtlof ca.se, where vc clearly t.e iiow ,irnlually and silently error crept in under Ihe disguise of words applied to new ami totally different ideas, without excitinr notice or s !.i rni ; nnd when we have experieiicnd' sueh deep cannot be-pTOTed, nnd. which ir.of.h'jVAverlHTolwVa oiiiscqTi plam tn jections. Tlit peniin of our (VmstitutHin w op;w!.-d to 1 ,pir n,u' meaning of (he Gonstitutinn,! cannot hut ihe assumption of p jwer. Whatever power it'giiea is j hope that oil wlio believe thai the mcccss of the Go expreksly granted; and if proof were wantnd, the no-1 vernment depenlH on a rigid adherence lo'the Comdi. Diero-15 irrantsof powers fir more obvious -and nnna- i tutiou. wi'l lay n.-ide all previous imprnselods, taken up rently much more e!e to be nntned, than the one in j wiU.out roll. c.t:o!i, and give to llie objections their due ejuestion, would afford it. I s!ial' eitj u lew striking in.-! i if 'it. atances. . . j I .ome now lo the next point, b show how Ibis league If any powers might I assume ), one would suppose ! ih lw rovived w ptmnilnted into Jife. Till this can that of applying money to inv'thc dbts of the Gnv'ern-' he tloue, the siibi-titute, shot M it hecoine a- law, would ment. and borrowing it lo carry o.i its oieratione, would bp among th'-iii; ye! both nrc i-xprily provided for by t!iConst:!rio:i. Aim: tol'oni.'res( ispranted the nawer to declare war an I 'iiye armies n'd pa vie?; Jet the power hi grant leno.-s of 'rarqtre .nmr.reprjiwl, and toike rubn for tin; rr-.-nlaimtHifjiie. . nrmy nnd navy, arc not led to aKitniiutiou, obvious a I In v are,' but are (fiven by express grittit. With tln s, nnd other instances not Ices.ftrikiinr.'wii-cii1 might i addud, il is a bohl step to assiiine, without premf, t!ie for less ohvi ous power of the Government receiving whatever i( pleases in ila dues as money. Huch nn assumption1 W'ould be in direct cTmflict with the greut principle which the State Rights party, wifeu which the Senator '(Mr. Rives) classes hinwclf, have' ever adopted m the 0oneVnction of the Constitution. f5nt,-if the former ijnei ba aauimed i? would be in Win to attempt to he a dead letter. The selection is lo be iiiadtr from specie paiing btnfes. None but such can receive, the public ilfK-iter.. or have their Holes received in the dues of -ihe Government, There are none sucVuow. T!i whole bunking system lies inanimate, nnd must he vii'llied before it can bore-united with the Government. No "lie is hold enough to propose nn union with this life!',.- mask How then '' tho vital spnik' to ho 're vived! ho t!io breath of liti", the Pr'unelheHii lire, to Ihem to discount fre tion, and, 'vith its in prici-s ros proportion and spc( u.ation seizci ry one expected to m Inrn gave n new rmp till tlw swelling tide the land. Then begn mg (he ejK-ese. If itjliad This increased the crrcula nse, its vbIiib depreciated, nnd v. With this rise, enterprise lie w hole community, and eve- e a fortuncat once; and this in e to' discounts nnd circulation, uTsed its barriers nnd deluged the opposite process nf itlworb- M.en buck to tho ImiiKS, th winrces from which it (lowed, through its debtors, the speculating, enterprising, and business portion of the nomniunitv. the mischief would have been, in a. great men sure, avoided. Rut circula turn liail 'loweauff inurother rescrviiirp; those of th moneyed men and hiinlcrs, who hoard when prices are hifh, nnd buy when til' 7 are low. The portion thus drawn oil' end held in il' posite, either in hunks or the ty under the substitute.' There ii would rcowre ve- j luvaKjraww biM tte aaaayarawai a ta ate la ther fa lie v nor touiecture to create one. It ou 1- Uj" raei-e rftW tat il aawu ra. I afta2 mnX tvnt- itt, with nil its facultiis and enrlowments eojupHrtc; pai tle-a a fca! - tbe Ci n n'laai 11 (f; j4 discount, depoeites and all; w ith which, immense uanar. ' kw let ae r. l t&e , tkat ? alaamaMa & guided by a central and directing head, and blended ocarrtVid a wr aiaflrh I aaarc aan"aiaaL I kaal , and united w ith the Government, en a lo form one 1 fWPjio-! Ihrt ti ltr4 4 kyis jmAZjc mmo great mass of power. What a contr-st with Ihe kail " , awfcr ! crf1j of arta ai Ck Caaar-aaewxl waJi llow simple aud Inrmless the one, with ita four p"iwi- i rrmlrr tlaa is kwsi. Tear SiaaaVi .1 jsm Saw pal receivers, twice as manj- clerks, and five raprr- i Ilaarfaiane z4 tBcaxtac, (Saswrs. IlaaaBa. anal tors, com red with Ihis complex and imghtT mfrnc rf' XJea) piwed fr- 14 xal, CasS "ft kaacvi as Kiwer! And yet there are many, both mtellicen! and j tke acler sade : assi iaC va ke iat wnty tfttr nitriotic. who oppose the bill and support thesohstilwie. i bi tTtaai b tla? rtiB caal aase; n.. noossiUle to return It ! OU mo Krouuii inni lire iorii'-r wouiu (nt unur jii.iu- " -- - " - r!,.A. ;. t.:i, :. a.'. t time anr. HnViYr 'Imn Ttre liitTrr tt.i'j tflrar. uni miaj-' w paawamja m minai a ia ime an.: Bower Tlnn The latTer! Iter derful the divcrsi'v ol the human mind . . - . . 1 v 1 . . a ina. 1 ivtrr H:..a-rmn. ay u? axa asaxna ear aaar So far from being true, the very Cici fbe sraira- ;cfj3roa s.r. V.rglitj as l. fae$ prx, 3a aa I I, tjou, oj .the Government hum the haokti, pridc4.ai2! 'f' TlSfi?ni "c ; tfiu ' hiCwJiild, of i't'scit, be't'he most decisive bWw 'tanit 7! could he given aanmst (fovernmetil pstronae. awJ tbe , " waw -j aanian " union of tho two most decisive in its favor. IVbr-a ff mm ff f " their notes are received in the public due as !, atal ff -f f. ciiests of individuals, tins ns cfleciuallv lost, ae far as ' the ptihlie money deposited in their vaults, the batk;, i1 mm awa-waae wavaTtin 'tli debtors of the banb were concerned, ira if it had become the nltirx of the iim-emmertt on all-rpertiorai -aU ta ttea twitaiw-aa6?sMa tfliajataxa-at iajxi been liurnt. Tlie wean oT' payment were thus dimin-j-connecteU with its ii-scal actions. The high it axeriT le nJ. faaaui: a at a9a jur ear iehed : prices fell in priportion,and the pres-nre in- i nnd dues, the greater in revenue and enienuitnr; aod fnemm. ia ' tS i!ca.-t ; ad Hif fm &e aaaasa the larger its surplus,, tlie more tucir.cuTiiWtra iiii "re?awiirrHpwi7a business, nnd. of course, the ereater iheir profit : tiJ hence, on all quessions ol ifa&Uim and dishsreements, j fr"" tSesr cmskMrtasai wsrh tbe Ccafimaeae. aak4 he breathed into' tlie eyatetu. auow, is the question .' 1 with eaf ty. ,Tha thin!;ing,4Tifn now and have been from the first ill fnor of an early decieinn, and averse to all. coercion, or Holding out temptation to re suine ; leaving tiie disennj lo the gradual and sate opu. ration of time, with as little tampering us possible. I j. tho mcaff time, I bold il to be unwise to cease discount ing, nnd tondiipt an indiscriminate system of curtaip ineut. Iter .effect are rninpus to the husitieru of the ciensed as mey leij, i.iougli Ihe anvouni in eircnla tsm l greatly reduced, yet the banks are nfriid to dis count, lest, on reiniptinii, the hoarded mass of dovsres held by individuals or mlier banks, should be let loose. nnd, in nddi'ion to what might be put into circulation 1 should discannts lw mnilc, would cause another inundu-1 tion to he Piliowed by iiinther suspension. How is this ' dilliciilty to be safely surmounted, but by nnheking the : honrdiil rni.'iins? And l,ow is tine to be done, without j deciding the currency qVetion? This is the first nitd j nei:esearv step. Tlmt ilinje, oil will be oble to calcu late, and determine what to do. 1 he period nf mac- cio is the bajjie of banking operations ; and Ire pnea'cr ;! I sSaua jtfsjjftiJ leael tw hme&mz ajbr ask afjaa lis lion and uncerlainfy would cease, rthd that of business j the amount. Ihey can command; the grcaler wall lwfrtaitSitli. It is mJt tie ea-tas air KiAraaast revive Funds that art now locked up, would bo j their l.-isiio-s and profit; (Wt when the GoTTntlictri!iii--d CaCTtaiaBeitlia ta.avwjti; aateViaf atvwa tfks? broneht again into opera ion, anl th.' cl annels of cir-; is sepn rated, from them, and collect and psrsavraj 3!. backs tnwS tote raj ttt terfaVia he m ebaa-aaaaa-coltitHn bo replenished ii: the only mode that cm be dues in rpecie instead of their not, it is clear that 53e sjt erewwffiL:a cask ia tbe Ttms&f. lSavtSaa and the accurnultio:is of funds in the Treasurr, Ujejr intereiit would throw them 011 Uc side d tlie Goiero inont, nnd bgainst the )eople. ' ' All this is reversed, when separated. The hiiber the taxation aed d;shuraetnent8,and llie larger tie mr p!is, the less would be their profit! and their Hit-eres-l in that caw would throw sthem wrtii llie ptx3e, aisl against the Government The reason is obvious. 2- 3a bm to It &ut. as tjs -avheie liiaSaif 1 unl 4 ll jaockMisafrJae peviy-e la a ?rV ik-c.ir tbe bails iaefc tie aJ-m-4 as rali Ty be tie waacr cairatutaA, To J!' iJUt sne ee'aJkd, and I w'4 ic!bUj fmaa Jlicra era jtl.'nt. w kicw tfcry aoay yast4y clt-'aR. The S-saV-t frwo Vir-i-ra f Sir. tenes-) a-ir-ifal It lae yrai ajdtewsua, tint tine aawtasst as: tii jesV This is the task. The mover tells us tlmt it must he the work of the Government He says that it ie bound to aid the banks to resume , pay m3nts ;-"and for tlml purpose ought to hold out lo tiiem sumo atUquute inducement j He tells us that they have been long preparing, and had made great ..effort, but can go no .farther have-rolled the hiL'her the taxes and disbursements, and tlie peiVr Jj Vi.l. anri I aaaaWwraEe tia at iI! ae artja kaaas surplus in the Treasury, the more specie wi'l he draws Jtu ccesifaia -m sxrybm. It- m.rir, af rm, aa from the ure of the hanks, and 'the lets wi he x. pnc-- f "H'-i txser,neri tarear aeea? tahaaav. the basis of their opcrnlions, and, copeoqnently, t!e k! libe r-u.jir- Nor at his aehrflaai ttea Sua-jeiiai their profit. Kvery dollar withdrawn from tbca aray tf spec tvoii had a wit. )et- grmaE. Tte diminish their business four-fold at less ; aod bcrfre a .dasirer oa assatber cmrter. War at Ike Laneat aaf regard to their own interest would ioctilabh f!ace 3 htttt. wkeraa tier tie tr.aaav.tW A (mjvmaitva. ihem on the side to which I have assieiied thr-m. " 'The vast iumeif' RTtiW crniiliitiaal'i!' I A 1 '

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