f - , - I j tw aw.iy . f5TSfti, sad a b-.u La ---Jt rf : I t W mU '! nl4 l.'.rnr lit- WeVl a IW I t if )H( Brkl linal r. M emae-'r, I Lit wa, Ut tM aeparstk v'.J Ua at tie aue at Ua- i M Be to tnfUvt af iW af ta t aagaacrr tm tto turn j mi tW dina'ry. It U' fearet IS KrtiW W Virx" (M. aaaaamt to ls tWt mm wakditatai 4m)4 kavw a C fm Wiry tb k.3 ; fct bus Ihmm wer to M w"!y . aaa' itcVry-AIf at aee to aaa cxjmwbc. at ilbW fiwci lata nWt fWiwr. f It baa aaamaaajmaMaasaat ('acacia tmk w) Mtt U WWIwmit afta faWfc. Batat , at ke aa k;w ttot t ew.y ! vs. ataaoa af da anwj mmw fawtg tin ftrmU ," Cut. aiijoat r'jf a Ckoa 4iAfua witmm w M area s"y CW ttWi aaay tW tbrrt are fv aaJ rvJaal aa aa a atr!ataaa, vstora M Maaa'i a 1110 erakai ka !& toes aiJ to ataawaa. k to tfcs i ef fr, tmmfmtvt to mjm, aa4 U aoj ffi- r cart to mcnw Cm la". Am & it at ; al bYw tfcr tan aKf (BfiWj atXa U rft, to ynyiii f mil lUt WJftU am WTf tnmum n Fiw I Wl. aAtt mh(m4 to Ito WJto to to Hktni taM wmWt to 71 cSc t r- tf to, tot mimummim at tt yciSt ifw3 toto, to tvw iiM flJ kdf Uth tttoaf lair mt u3U Qm to a Timfii'T-L 7 , ' lit kaj lU fUyt arrf I 2ll aWlfe kfl WJ cSxtoaflv atWr. Na aWM Va Ik frnai tka amli tt -al I ntairti aarftan lka ft aaaatiKi if n reir liiar i ; Liili t'jtt-i fiaax atiaiia CU aTnii) iwobili.tki atMtUwat I . a i aaj ka to f nU ; ack , aa tort, a j 'J4otmj rk kamka, Ila mrwrwt a ikaa if; I wawuVI kaiaala f traat aaa. aaai tVal it ataaiJ ' i I MiBiiiiiTTa'T f lk laaX I lil anMrai. a keg : ' t"kt ha aVaj.la Tia'l kc kl a ra aunrf imL TW ry tort tkal aoe aU ktr a aaJdaaoWaUc5crl toaWaJk paart cir ,M4M jp iiiiiii pirt at irtar tk ta t-i ai I a iv Uaa paaai tkti ti. ulJ kc dkxard. ta bnkr aarrrtaaB L. l.. c l. aaatoaa! af ike ajmu krav aarmanl ai rat it m.mrj t. ;.. ngi, I i-raaa'i i iii I'l auW ataULrv to tW carrrarr. hk ika in rrina. tij &avatr trrJ ai aojr- go Lr nothiog, acJ that tho hauka are uuai asmiaat tbe W9, akark) I ri a WN "7 t,,iuS- 1 H,,ke Iw " hem- All I in eaWtaaa. It-r twf.itt tVr fni i driri sut aa as, that the Coernnient ahaU srarate fmni af Hat Cyswaarat aa aprcaf-.aCJ crrt.hr a he ' b1 I belie lo be ii:dipeoiWe, for tha ; a aV)Bri, aa wrfi a a Camw ; iW rt- af wbica aU ke to aanrM faulty aM wr- J aaaf a ienim t mmt( attk tit Urw, tkat k Vew a tmJ fcir f at amafw t to unpulw lo Industry aixi colerprise (krm bom tbe cm to tke aurtvc. aaai (rjtm Xacti '. ,h rmrl. a of ,hcir operation, 1 doobt nol. aa Soolk, aaai kack t;ua. 2 iWa r aari af , NuauHf w re stimulating than an eipanding aaaagkaUifak. Tke s nJII k &rrctf iW i prxtiitiiig currency. It creates a dvlimve WfclWaaarawaiWA-iaat P"'" evcry ,h,n5 tk fiartamuaa ; aa aaark tW tW f rrsferaf st-; m "nt"- Eer- on frls as if he was growing kaoty w' I ka) aWt n rxrtotac"T ari-aW liar ratbrr, aa price rw, and that he has it in In now tawrtiiai iwf ruiaJitiiii. aaal wkerr'racai aahiual ,r B? (mtmIiI and evertiou, to make bis fortune, aaaaat hmj a a.nt. a. to . j kr 4av aVaaaaa. " tn oa'ure of stimulus, moral aa well as 1 Tata , likl aa a.lrmk to'y?aK oefite al firt,and todpprcaaaftnrwarda. tZb04memm.it. - - TW aVaft wiairk al firaS aa'i"" tmlrl Cat taf safBrwitr tf lis haS iU - 1 - -nr IWD' Bn energy sir to terminate in orrestnnd woefd aot k kscCfd'aviT a a CriHto . i "f & weakneai ; nor i it kai certain ' . k . . t i f m J ' i j i Ulan a rrat aaaj pmr. Il -rafil k , , jii aii aiaTa i i last rataae k wit ' uni latiaailf I at waaM aak a react Mrme-f r' law hammwnici l 'raaata. Wtw'iJT oarmarv f tke cnaatrr zi firxm icol cir. cUu-v andrr wkark Lrati bad aapr aauU ka iijainnfaTiariwa1 TVs r?-cto -V-J r-Vt a gnmi tximk f W rurUiUa aiaat la-- Ue WTkaJrtrr aVraag-rofK aaagSt ocrar.acurl WUiLml w&tsI b r .c ranuLtrcvo- waUbea I earanar a C I karl m. m mrw taaing af th aWk,a4 'wharfs auaaV! pcotlt uV i aaaaadi th aler!v and cV'ma mi tbe d4res. -htaaTatisavmiaJfa crw af th maatry 'mrecxl, aiaat withoot ' i.tlir the aVrnr ; Witit few rewaaris the csvarx'.te ertrts f,f n r iA i,. f the cmarrv, I skal oar I Vrar eMwmrisoo. What fcai k5S tiv ivhtM eifert oa the : cwrvewrr, ee 6r i. Vroe tW f iW retotiwa'ciF-cts a bawr aaJ Jewry. j I kuid a oaod sad ccnerjrr lo be skoc? vgeaaa.iatoirTaaJt! m r-fff r Tt ainl aa wwaml ar-f ffi-r-""; ' mm cai aval otrv. that ml isea wissttodkkaxaaaiaee tlsr teatest 1 Tw dwMr and taa ear! arr'w m'W0"P puuno aiitinioii ia nm-u. the aaeasar 4 tW, as tie vard amd liw bnhd ! art af -tnytflT ; aaJ what wuwU st thiatt of the! iaxwroratMKi tV ccrrar 1 rerre t txtrr ,' t rsfaed r ctKlract, mr vi .r Se-t! ih-m at pleasure, wuli lie prniirrs t" B by ike owv-; tnacred ahwrtoeed, asa! lT kf ike expanded or ; aeagtheaed f Is at b4 am thai ia wmM plwre the ; yt awdasCvw ad baNerM cf the evwatry aaJer ! that ceBtnl f saark ccaaa'nk ! Bat it waU act ! certaxefT oetS at, dsa a sisaakar rai rd - MBit It tWt giurr Kfsgii?iieaMin af tbr rnoitnu; th aneasnre f vaSar. fiat I e further, and j. asjtft coh&iratly, that tw rf pmprr rwrta-1 3kBx2iu.,ir the iadMBtr wad! fca.ajutjs e i he rvaactrT. It raises; th pric cf every liatsg, ! cwowiyaeaaty kirnftt-! es the pore ef saxawctwa atod coawa pt(i ; BiJ w. ha tha end, hostile every Usch of intaitr. I hold that yecie ass! rmrr kivr roca' thrtr pro per efleve ; the IsJleFt large aaI SHM tirant-' mj-in tVo taim Cur .JlW - sn..t tk.it tk nearer w cwaiiaa amche ro,'J ami aifver, t oaaser!v srith eaaaetaea.ce, lie letter fcr the! ndwatrr aaai the teises cf t&e emuxn. The' f ?rcie the brWer, t!l that ptxaJS. at reached. IB artaaneo, n awnaiil oottaosne in lae nearest m a - - ii . 1 . 1 posBiale degiee, sraaatorwi, aawl CuriliirT, and woahi : year, near sixteen hand-4 high of perfect -ntry ; im fcivatubh? to tlie prolafSsse cle ucierally ; j in a word, he .is, as to' form, inferior to no horse in I taaa aten of jptanitcrs. aucirSiiats act! i the State Darnvelt was bred by the late Hon. manra&rtareTs wB s wgeraiwe. It would be ! Jikk Randolph, of Ronnoke, ('harlotte co., Virginia; particuhu-ly tavnraliJe m Sonsia. Xir great' tialcd in the Fall of 1631, got by (acotna, his staples rech artrln eenr wlertf ; and Et was dam Roanoke, hy Balls Florizcl, graudain Come reit(.feBariN! by te Srjtfr frxwa Slttsippt, ' li;,. by Chanticleer, great grandani Vanity, by (Mr. Walker,) at lie ei?ta sewiflat, that we stU at ; cwsa prices, and fowpt at rtaper f races ; tkat as, I aota inv i wMwgrai a aeaanudnuf wg, .oeamercial, awd navigatus iaterrst'a wosli aUo Jeet its beseftrtal eAet. It woaJJ ckeafwa pro--ductioos and be to assaasactavers ia Leu of a pe tective tiii9; Its eSct wroa&J be to enable thena 'to meet fcrwyi eowpeCtfkn, ant kr rawinj prices 1 1 1 x - I - -T, ; l" . ' V.- ; ' r- f!.e tfcr .vff lLsr h foir!ti f, h ( mwlJ LtfUMU.i et rjf lulrrrel, nj l-lntvr fiuf Ililifilif.iC' ttirrr cut i,t I lant. Jl g llm iMilv liMitld Ln b furriii n.aikrl can etcf U- eomman ! cJ; au l c oinnutu!i- tl ki!.J br, muiiJ thi KRlrr!rIj( rjmiJ J currfi.cy. Our (nrntiily, wtof:o, srj ir!a!ry ire a'ial lo any f(-lc j aaJ all enif ttmnu(!f tuirra waul, ia aouitj currn J kfltl a tvrtt chatter, la tnrtl C(tn-li'io with ucc anY (.rf. tl ivm or abroad. I'ut ilh U aUrJ kmI fluctuating xtjirr ci rcolali'Mi, lltia ill b livpMU. Anuig i'a iimny Uraw-Ucki, il Wtia aa tnnrmuua lat n the coMimtttiity. I kat airmail alatod, that lh onununily t r luuatrj ta baft bra tiwUIjeJ lo tha baitka OOy.OOO al lb aurpaoa of prci payttx-nla. Ta iotctval h Ihia auin, rat iimlfi al aii per rent. (l aujhl la U) bi(1tr,) wMiM'giv an annual in coaM to tkna imrtiiMtMNia (f upWnrJi of thirty mil kuat aaJ ilua n ibe aum yjflv tul l-v lb com- aMfuty dr baiik arcooiiiMMlttiiuA, ilt rictii of kick sur Uatad and wrMtaUI circulation. Neer m cttcuUtiua m worikltfM, fumihd at a aVar rar. - llw much of Una raat inconw Mjr b cixtatJrrl M inlereat.oo rml raital, it il Jifltcall h valimate; but it oukI, I nfo l iikf to act down lei million to I hut licoii, which wmta fcniT tuwarua oi tarfitjr miiii'mi anwwiif i a lk frufi4 tterived from tanking privi!ravT ami aho a fair compciaatii fjf tl capital in- (rt hicba.nM UmJv muat pay, and which tnuat tcaaotry. Cut thia eoormouipiMion oriheaya. t '")iliingt M.rfl uJh UlliuLj.ipK i erwath. , Ingeiwioa mn of otlir acva. i aVwirai lbcnf lM in tain to Uiwovrr IhO art nl , ""r'tf lwl" metaia lolo gid and surer ci&rml oo a pnrtiati of lie rommu t, a art alifl bighorof coitVf rling paper, to tatraU aa4 pup.a, into lh preenx mrlala Mi?t' to ka aurprvwd, that an arlicU m ekr" ttt anaimtaclorvr, am! to dear lo tho mrt MMtflkllHllM JB V. . . t . I I. . I ....... . i t" itkoul any rrference lo the intercut or wacto of lit community t " sr krlicie tie Senator from Virginia, ' ana oiacr oo) lav bom aiar, w owe airrvnt an our I MnpfBenrs and prnanrrity to th banking ays. t Z,n rrfuro. 1 Dad supposed iiiai ue baara . a t .ia 'mi NTMonifrilT wrre our free institution : the T" od fcrtile rrgioa Mr occupy, and lh fcer"tnr wteUince and enerpy of 1 1 to stock Cromvakk we ar descended ; txil it seems, that d" aignj, ixMO now anfl loruwiy. 1 amA concur in altnlMiluig lo litem our im fmBt ami prosperity. J hat they Contributed anmnius w a rurrpiicy, cipanuing oryona " P"! uiniti, iI!ors the sanke law. it e liarr ex nua ration, and I lie depression nas sue tJt"" W" bl theWwrf getting 4nok an1 no" ?crete the pain of bccomin2 nr g J 4 il n" succeed- ao 8 'r calculation, the latter will he iodtw be grratrr than the' former. W hatcver ,mPuI" the bnnkmz syMem was calculated to give tu ,,r imprwreroenl and pro-merity, has already uium' ante lae syaiem suouw uouergo greai ana i ' . i ib b a r,icl changes; lh firxt tep towards which, wou1,1 06 ,Iie d"P(4 of lhe measure propooed by t n 7; , . 1 ba' Wr" Prefldeoe, finished what I intended os,?r' ' nafe ',K,8 anticipated the prsaem crisis, hut d,d rot Pt r""l m7 ' I its approttch.1 JT!olre4,lQjtoLny.hjly.be th caweqtienree to me what Ihcy might ; and I t Ar J lhauk ' Aut,,,,r of n' being. that be uea mR.,i?- IMpnAndlPIrJoniljf to dis- charge what I honestly believe to be that duty on great suLjct. H100 " bo.dnci.Icd, is acknow- "S t be doubtml, so nearly are the two lloiife to be divided ; but whatever may be it " prncci tuiuiuiiiio m in ' m f "f1 w,u re ""'mupniy mvesngnm., hum 1 haw 00 J?ars bt 'de I support, will prove to b side of truth, justiee, liberty, civilization, an" monl an" intellectual exce lence. The Thorough-bred Horse, BARNVELT, rILL stnnd the en- e, in HiCoinJ county, 3 milen South of Ceattie's Ford, two thirds nf b hr ti me ft he other nart at tho stable in and will bo let count.v, to mares at 815 the Season, $10 the Single Leflp, to U paid au soon a (lie Marc is envrred, with, the privilege of turning lo the Season, nnd $25 the Jnsuranr ; the money to to paid ns s are ascertained to beta r the paid as soon as the property .etonged - DrISCKIr TION A2sl) I LUltiKLI. a a . a 1 " I .l barnvelt is a ben tit it m twv, wst in nis sevrnin Meade old Celer, Moratur, hy old MarK-Anthony, imported horse Jolly Koger iniKirted horse oil ver-Eve. For confirmation of the above, reCirence can be made to Skinner s Turf Register, lor the Pedigrees and performances of those raco horses, of which Barovelt is a descendant. - D, N. ADERNATIIY. Lincoln, March 8,1 lft , Sim, ll IS THi: WliSTKUNCAIlOLINI.;;. ' Friday Erculnn 'larch 0, We aie imlvlu d lo hU t n !'i ta and IU 1 1 , fur riou intrrrMifif pul.V rfx-umri,!. 00" MaJ. HitJiai W. Cm has been apMi.t. I ruat-alaatcr at this place, iSaut'L R KtVn.rJ V concluded la our last, tti erf"l;lhy a;' of Mr. Wright oa the KuMfeaaury Bill W aouJ like to give one speech at rat tm the other aiJe of (! qucstioot but we aro ak of these long -a hmIcJ ka. rangura, and wa araccrte hi our readers areaUxv X'r speech of tfr. CUy, LV if Wf fubliah (rum lVt uda at all, would c baa ix r ifixlerraca, aa being tli moat laburail eflort agauwl to Dill, is a lmg d b4 longer tUa Mr. Wrigtil'a. W,thrrcCe,inuoCM b ludi it 'And hi a laU Ckl, w see a peh Iront Mr. Ilubbard o( New butahire,oo Ut4 asm aolyi ft, which wooll occupy lw tirt auinlttra of oat r; r. and ono'frun Brifvri llntrm of aearly tho some length I This at certsinly Amnion z-minAed era, IV think our Cungrcaamea aitghl pc-AaUy ba brought to their scorn by the oewspaprf pees--let as fotiiitcl) rtfute to putlarb the speech of any nieniber ibakirg qmito than one column or aa ia our papers, and IM evil will at Us. Tbeat meo juat speak to ace tkemarliea Ucy Will not fail to Contnto regard the labors IX tl.S printer, the patienc tod gW-oat of their eoortilo- eiita, and to eonsuft cotnmot acoaa, the purse of U nattuo and their own wlawa. TLA laat lincula RepuUWa lake its flfew4a borer in lb caue of denvjcncy, the " Pumlird," to taik ft rtinciag a djpuaiuoq to aajipnrt (mv. IJudUy lur re electionor (or saying that "the party" would proba bly aot oppoaa hia ro-elxtioo.' The RepuLltcafl aoemi to think that it would ke the eaaieat aiatter ia tha world to beat Go. Dudley and that if be is re-elected, it will exit be because bis Ofpoornt do not outnumber bis friend. JaO, so it was tar Tears Mat t Gov. IX nTinrm?B3riiieiiieiM'. miiwiitr w tl&aWl' ,nd m,,M 500 ue, ake to bear thcae aaree iue-4t wbea tho vote were counted, an numerous wet U4 deinocrats that cam up miaiing. that lle whig Gortotor was elected by up wards of 4,000 totes. We tlunk le party' even ia Ike tct$t will find it difficult, rery diflScuIl to organ Itt and push forward aa ojuuaiioa to the present Govern or, however worthy a aaaa they aoay bring oat, local ciuses msy influence a but tlie of the peo ple kcio satisfied, anaar(Laa influence will not move them. j , The " SundanT deeerrai credit t its candor and magnauiinity. Mr. as krntrti Nr. CWJl.-It is painful to witness the frequency aad,waakjoneaa of the attacks made upon Mr. Calhoun by Mr. Clay. The latter gea- Ueinaa never make a speech of late of five lines length, bat he emits some shaft at Mr. Calhoun. This propensity to assail the champtoa of Southern rights was evinced in a redoubUd degroa of biUeracaa la Mr. Clay 'a lata spooch trH'ktH"l'T r Jf had scarcely got under way be lor he began to shoot hia arrows at be Southerner, as if he u the adminis tration, aa if waa the eaoaa'of Vll oar diflkultiet, and bad brought forward this roewsor to oppress, th country still more. Bo personal and undignified Wia Mr. Clay in ihir attack,lbat at'Uie cohclas ofli speech, Mr. Calhoun rose and said.' He did not think r proper to interrupt the Senator from Kentucky while he was speaking; but it was Cut ito liiraaeTf lo"aay7J tint the gcntlciaan had rauBtaUxJaaJgruaNy perverted almost every argument he (Mr. Calkoun) hid advanced. He would say more : he intended to pay hia rcapecta to the Senator at the first opportunity, both with respect to hia argument and his personal attack on him; ind when ha did ao, the debt between ihoin ihouldhe fhHy cancelled.M j Such scenes aa this are to he regretted. Mr. Cal houn, we believe, baa lately done aothing more than Mr. Clay has, exprewrd and maintained bis long cher ished opinions, why, then, thi tone of bitterness on Vif-psmntt. Omp-l. ft'-cauai''v'aaWa-''Ih friends of Mr. Calhoun in lb South have never sop- -J 1 . II. t a . poriea mm (air. v-t lor rrwaMcai, and does a ft tney wesee vuf kmi lae aante ntip iht.hf succeed in lowering Mr. Calboua ia the estimaUon of j (he Southern People be Will raise kiowein Thi is game at which Mr. Clay, erperireed as he Is in the art, might prove the loner. Let him and hi friends forbear. CONGRESSIONAL In the Senate the consideration of the Independent Treasury bill has been continued, but no vote taken. The House ol Reprcacntatires has been principally en gaged in discussing the .Neutrality buL On the 2Sth, Mr. Fairfield of Maine, moved for a Committee to en quire into the causes which led lo the death of Mr. Cil- ley. The motion gave rise 10 -snoie debate, nd the resolution was finally adopted 152 to 49. On the 1st uist, the Senate bill " to prevent the abatement of JjuilOwljctionsMWTOndm ,, u l 1 01 inc -'. o. iiinj in; (wn was pibivuk The Bill granting Banking Privileges to the Cincin hatl and t'WWon Raff KiJ jrcted by the Kentucky legislature. The preparations tor constructing the Road hive, ro far advanced, that the Company are ready for putting unfer contract the grading of llio road, constructing bridges, &c- from Cbarlc6ion to the South Camlina line. Since th Conserralitn, with Mr. Rives at their head, have become such good wnios, in their opposi tion to the Sub-Treasury, it may nol be amiss to call to mind the former views on the currency question ol this same leader. When in 1S34, Mr. Rives was instructed by thr Vir ginia Legislature to vote for Mr. Clay's Resolution con demning the Removal of the Peposiies, he resigned, and in hia farewell speech to the Senate, he exhorted his friends at parting to bring for ward their power ful aid in an effort to restore the Government to ha true constitutional character ikat nf rimple, tolid hard money Government." The Whigs say the Sub-Troa- Miry is a hard money scheme, and Mr. Rives has joined them to aid in pcrftetmHang what lie then called the power of the " money King," tkt is tho connection of Government with, Banks, and declaims most lustily against his former party for wha( he calls their hard money experiment! We ere tempted to prooounce aminstthe honestv of all oolitic!. ' ... . :-- -f-x V - CAl liui:., .; i i U.i Ji. ,c! , "i st li ii ! i tiie n i r U . Hit iii .lni:iif '- I t's in nft.ft t-i l!a f:'ib.Tresuf and i i -4 5ir. Ktittrtitule. irriifiiin that lh i - i j i i f liini n rnmii-iit a a political rrniiirtnu t and tu 11 , luj m iiiattrriol gu rinmeut auuld prore in ti t!u tiall. 'r. t'a'lMKio C infliirs bimaelf nearly altngethrr, In timijrin Ui wtiU nf UiS ta hpsure, u e!iif)g Ida il ;! : ( lo Huhotitutr, and the Ji',"iT attnndaiit iil its tdoptiort, and Cofictumtfty ahews Hit it wmild La njtiivilmt Hi Gwmiinnt lUnk, the moat pow- ( jt J crful and Jjnrrous tluil tMt r .trd," but w wUh our rciorrs to pwru9 sml Judge lor l?em)les. . -t MEIU-'HANTii' CO.W-NTlO.Y. . The 'Aujunt Chronicle of the 2d inai., eonUins the t!,a ruLNria of the Martha nt (rf) iition t the pen pi of ih Houth and Hwnbweateni fiute, whjch we legict aiCcadingly that our, liujlt Will not ptf nt u to pub'.idi until mxI week. '' The aubjoct of tha Addreaa U of auch paraniount in teteat to the Fouih, anJ ia treated with ao much ability, tint w treat a peruaal of tt will convince avery on of Ue truth of th position aaMiaied, ami how rreally we aiiould be benchited by tha adoption, of lite measure it recommend, M only oa account of tl pecuniary ad- vantsgee thav caouot fail to secure, hut alan fioin the coovictioa that Uieir adoption is necessary to secure our independence. Aoothtr Gvenlioa la to aaaemble in Aagurta on tlv first Monday in April, and North Carolina, although not su dtrpljf fonccmad aa aome, onght cerumlJa he represented, lo shop; that ah also is awilening lo her tme interval; iad we hep and trust Uist our Mor. chants will soa to It " CanaJm.Tnm tiie recent intelligenos.'we art in a fkir'asy of beini drawa into a war with Great BHftin, The, paubts hsvn invaded the Province at several auials, which must lead to th worst burdof feeling, if pot to retalrtUon and filially war. . ; P R 01 TIIE, FRO S Tl E A 't LtorttpomJenfttflhAUMtMyArgvi,, , 0 Aoaa, Jcfleiton Co., Keh, 10, l-3 Tl atata ararnal al Walertowa was broken and some 500 muskets takea ot- irebanka. who w IL IceperVuat oUcrca a reward of $250 for the recovery of them Ther br to be Borne excitement her tiDon the subject AfXan.ida. Many loada of men and provistona bare- bceu and are now passing bore for the north. . Soma of I hem have called at tlto diflerent atorca for powder, and.hnv bought all that was far rale. by the keg. Whether H will amount lo any thing or not, are cannot determine. -j Jewi lie Drltvil Wy Advertiit r iff Feb. 11 ' W understand that ikmi hundred and ono bar. rell of flour have been taken from the fteamboat General Brady, lying in the river below thia city, and within l lie American territory, by aom"pcr son connected with the patriot rouse. 'The flour is aaid to have belonged lo the British govern tr".! 1 In last circumstance doubtless operated op'n (he Blind of the patriots, (citizen of the UpiteJi. ' f) bttt still th act was illegsl and wrong,' bacauM the property, being on iho American aide. iujuodr trwpr TrWprotectioo of the taws of (he I'. States. "4 - From the imt paper. V V f We ooderatand lhal .MrMackontie,' Gen. Vn Rensselaer and Dr. Dunoombe are in or ibouf thia city,' It is impossible to conceal that something of tit 1 igheat imporfaocri oneway .of. the. p.tber4 may aooQ occOf in Una neighborhood. The river at iht city is now frozen over. 'We have also a alight coreringofanow; which makes lolerabl sleighing. In ihe country there i plen ty m:.:-.:;:t'::'::- fem th National Intelligencer, of tel. 27. ,"C EDITORS C0RaESP0&.CE.V " The Eastern Mail Is "not "in. :TliaN6rtHern jMail brmg na aa mjwavrom-lhe frcticr Ihat a large supply of ammunition has left By. racuse for the lake shore, whence a descent was to be made 00 Kingston ; V" &'J That the whole elective British force on Ihe agnra frontier have left fin the London District, lmuble-1vinj" rwen anther and- -t -.1 That "Major Chase, late of Navy Island, has been arrested in Buffalo on the charge of setting on foot and devising a military expedition. -v This rdTjoera-of tho-Watertowa Arsenal htvtvl4 been arrested $250 is offered for them. ' f The Lower Canada papers of the latest date represent all ia quiet: but it as no more quiet than Vesuvius ia. when ther ia nn emnlion. AVain our "whole frontier, from Maine to Michigan is fla ming with k excitement, u..-, .. . - LordGoford Is expected in fhia 'ciiy in a short lime, and will proboly sail from here. . ' ' 1 bore is nothing near in our city afljn. . Fo reign Etchanga rose a littla for the supply of the last packet. - Wq have ji whole fleet of packets dun from Europe, and are very auxtous about th com mercial news. .The weather eootinue cold, and the- trarbor is lull of icci" Petroit Saturday Feb. 17i- j " IrHeHigenee reached here this morning that tho Patriots crossed over to the Canada ahore fast eve- mng, witn a strong jorce. I hey entered the feSfei''11!' according to previous - a J . a . arrangement. . , . w . . From Ihe Richmond Whig. . latest, prom florijia: .W Jtotsubeea lAWwd.wUk ike jwrussl of let ter from Florida of the 8th and 9th of the present nontli, from ttn officer engaged in the arduous ser vice of that region. ; - This gentleman writes at a spot nbout twenty inilcs south of Fort Jupiter. He' describes a dilli cult march through briars, thick buiirded saw grass, (which is strong, and, from-its name, cuts badly;) in black mud up to tho waist shd crossed where ten Indians micht defya hundred of the im iroops in the world, from tho peculiar situation oPj IHO i'ouinrv. mniun inui, nt iiiq suiiviMtiuii ui a nezrn prisoner, a talk was had with the Indians. f When the advanced guard had marched very near fhe Indians, weJound Ihem, as they always are, with their rifles cocked, to fire upon "us. When this negro found them, by a very diflerenrtraif,"the Indians told him (w hom at first (hey were for kill fig) that if he was going to do good, he mnst stop the Army, and they would believe him - On his making his appearance, the advanced guard-, as al so the balance of tho Army, halted, and General Jesup,ith several officers, visitedy or raljier met. '''''- j,r... ,:. . .. ' --Sj-' t A A''': ' ' lli ini.'iui.t. TLry ti i.ig young wait d'1 I.V U ', ' d merely oiitifig 1 11, that 1 dry were tired uf lh war, but roo d nol 1. any l-r ma, as the rhinfa wer not Ihare. ' They rt qu. ated until 1 1 o'tlo k lo daylhe tsih.Jwheri ihey wiMild guin ' 0 th General and bare a talk Irxl while I am writing, General Jrup, with aeieral oilier rs, and a frce al hand Lilrn irr,t o guard a gaioat atratagein and aupnriae, aro now in council about half a mil 4fl, and I h'a aoinething may bo done lo put an end i (his almost interminable war interminable, I any, Iktbuh th Almighty ha placed these savages in a cmmlry inhaUtabl only by llietraelvcs, and where Xrnophoo'i army Could not di'plnre Ihcm, an long at thoy chooa lo remain, lliey hlv faitncaaea and liidinf places, whore they lie in an.bunh, wail until we com up, fir uuxi th advance, kill nd wound, and ibeo rua The writer sayi there is but one opinion a ( th policy of perutilimg tha Indiana 1 remainv He paasr a liigti complinnt upon uenaral rup, who, ba aaya, ha don every thing that any man' could have done. II add, it would Ue fiil4 your Uom with pletaur lo have aeeo, on the diy uf battle, (at Locha llatche,)themencharglh hammock and awim th creek, in the far of th enemy hid behind their tree, and amidst their fire and savage yella, ' Colonel Z. Tiylof penetrated lo the West aa far aa poasihle but, on account of the country, ha been compelled to fall back, and is now, I believe, al Fort Brooke or BaaaingeN An express received la it night inform ti that one bun drcd and thltlyiiicluding uf grotvincnv women, imJ children, have gone in to him. Among them were , forty -si I men wwi tore arm. " ' " The clouds are gaiheting, and indicate lain, ' which, ahmild it come, will put an end lo lbi cam- paign ; lor the ground where I am now silling would. with ail hours' rain, be ovei flowed some inches dcr-p.' , , . 1. ' - 1 o'clock P. 51. Tlia Ceoural and other ofli- cershave letorned from Ihe coutictl, accompanied by Uadjo fa considcrabl clinracter) aodctghtoth- er Bcniinole. . lliey beg to be permitted to retain a mall portion of the country. : rbepr say it ia their home the home of their father! that they were born here, and love Ihe country, and would not leava it.' The General ha consented (bat they ahall re main until tney hear from Washington. They say they are tirrd of flghtingT fhpyrfofl'tw! to hurt the white man, nor trouble any icing oeiongmg i him. , la my opinion, they can be made useful al lies, instead of a daring foe, and would occopy a portion of country uninhabilahlo by white men, un Icaa, poaaibly aome more degenerate than the un tutored aavare. Thcae Indiana are very limid and suspicious, for they have been told so many false hoods, hy mikchievous person, that they are very distrustful.. They are rot restrained, but permit- led lo goout agaia. Two of them star in our camp (o-night, from choice.' .They did not bring in their arm. - To-morrow they will hare another tallr when something more will be ascertained. Tusto gce, who comroandtd on the 24tb ok. waa here at the talk, and will probably come in to-morrow." A letter of the 9lh saya s. Tlie Gooeral haaiuat returned from ihe council, and the Indiana have a- greed to cc me in and go to tho Wear, but they hop the President will permit thern lo remain In this aaaaiy -Tl y X aaaaa- lo tl Locha Hatches, and I still express my Ofitnion that the policy of too uuTciuoicrui vugui if ne 10 permit litem 10 r hainr , Our portion of the Army will, I suppose, go. westward, and co-ooeral with some other divis ion I though the probability j that Ibe rest of th Indian will come jo. r- " ' : ; IIARD BREATHING. Among tho remarkable feats of the great tea. iuses of ibis age, we do not remember tabave any where read either in verse or prose, of any so as tounding as that recorded by the Washington Cor respondent of the Courier, and spread before the wonderiiur world yesterday mortiimr Tlie fact w thus stated t'. HThe Constitutional platform eroc ted 'twixt wind and water, by Mr. Calhoun, in support of (he sub treasurv scheme, and acainsl Ihe banks, waa bv a r . j tingle preaik (torn U, Clay, totally annihilated not a wreck or remnant is left behind. , ThwwfUJ-wa before a war that Mr. Clay bad a sour breath on the Treasury DiTVTar do human ' icing could ever have anticipated so venomous and blighting a blaal aa t his. v But Mr. Clay it sceais ha discovered, hi fori at last on tho Currency question, and al nffhar.bcen-stngularly-stupid jn . t- : a a a. a. a a argument, 11 is very mucn to do nopea mat ne win henceforth forswear all six hour speeches and con tent himself with the annihilating energies of bis miraculous pufls7 -Ciarleiton Jilcrcvry. . ' The funeral of the Hon. Jonathan Cilly took place to-day in the House ofRepresenlatives, ;l he bu. rial service was read by Ihe Chaplain of the Senate and the subsequent' ceremonies performed by the Chaplain of the Hmi9e. The whole was deeply impressive, and. we never witnessed a scene more solemn and affecting. A vat concourse of persons attended tho ceremony :and the-body 'of Ihe de ceased was followed lo the grave by. tha members and officers of both Houses the President of the (Jailed Stales and Head of Department, Judges of 1 ihe Supreme Court, Foreign Minister, and an im mense crowd of citizens.1') Thi tragical scene baa throwu a deep gloom 0V0V lho, whoio city. Mits. k; carter, Af incr and Maiittia maker, a lew doors Aorth of, I he CwirthcKiso and Mansion Hotel, respectfully inform' her friends and tho public that sh has jij! t received the latest JY01 ilicra I'asliioiia for Spring and and that she is now well prepared to execute every vafiety or work in the above business, in the most ,ishionnlile, neat, and durable stylo. All kinds of repairing old Bonnets made new and itrfy dons at shortest notice in superior manner.-Order from a distance shall receive attention, and no pain will bo spared in packing and forwarding work done for customers abroad. Salisbury, March 0, 1838. 5t MRS. Ill TtIIIJOWs Summer Set inn will rnmnipnen liilh ina. ' PiiimIb can be boarded in the same family with herself, or in other families of high respectability at eight dollars per. month. j. - v Snhshiirv. Maich 0, IMP. V'! mm h r - f : ' . .' -,.-,v:4 :, ; - i 1 -I 4 I I 1 A A.- -T. ' !?. t 'i :- s"';-3A ltA

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