s t m am' 1K lit Tins JLS KR.niUUKHI2AU, EGS lesve, respectfully, in inform hi friend, lha citixeruicf adjacent CfMimii. .ami lha nub. lie generally, that ho i vi t carrying on the Tinware Manufacturing Business, I hit old gtanit In Sulitltury, where bo U pre pared (o eieeute, it shortest notice, nil varieties fif work in hit line. Orders from dmtafire fl repairing, hall receive immediate ttritiixi (r AH kind if Country Produce lakrn in exrhiinge, Ml! RIItCKIU'Al). i.L,.. th! nnnnrlimitv nf returning hit mol ainc-re thank lu those' who ' have horv-fofgre favored him with I heir curium, and hopes by punctual attention la business, I u merit lis continuance. . Wnnlrd, A young man, fifteen or siiteeti year of nge iiWi'm en ingtniovt as art A pprenliee In Ihe Tinning Rusiiiciit One from Ihe country would be preferred. E. R. B. - Rowany-March 8, 1 3H.- - if notice: T HAVE now i fir rate large new Flnt ; fully sufficient to carry any wvgun nnti U-ain acrotut the river with nfly.Bid a the Ferrviimn livca directly on the bank of the Hirer ,nt the Ferry, there will not bo any tune lwt by waiting on the Ferryman. . It i one of llio olJ:t Ferry wi tlie Uiver in tlii prt of the country, and it eiteiiMve ly known by the nane vf and haa leen nn Record for the Ium forty prari.4 It it about one Mirth mile ibove w MteiKt I wrd. Ihe Catawba Uiver, in Uncnlif county, ('. The rate of Ft-rriago are ai foJIiiwst Footman, . ., . 6J crnU. . Man awl home, . . 12 j Jo. . Ooe-lmrte Carriage, . 25 do.' To M . . 23 iK Tlirnfl'V . (;. d.u ' Four- horse Jen ro and wajw, 75 do. Sis " fl 00 Duo attention and roy Ihatikt will le gien to nil who nay cnll on nx. FREDERICK MOCK. Lincoln, March 2, IttB.' :. : Cf Will l6 Sold, Tu'5dny of next Hownn Superior Court, n ' large and valuable Trart of Lnnd, hinx in Davie county, about five mil'M north of Murkaville, near lht X roada, and adjuinin Mr. U'hitaker'a and Ijanw' plnntationa, ami ia centrally Lnown by the name cf PinchbacU's TaTCru. There are no improvement on it, but the immense quan tity of wood and rxc llcnt Tmiher reudenit truly valuable. Tertna made known on the dtiy nf icilo. MATTHIAS rENMNOER. . Rowan. March 2, 1638. V , 2t V . A oil CI) TO Dr.EiiyTts. f LL persons imlclHed to the Estate of Jnrne - raigr, wc u., oy iHe or accouw, are ht-rehy notified to come frwri mm! '.Kh f .y . 1 liatey. A fuilure vn the part of any flfie indebted, to comply w ith this notice, mar- expect to -will with tlte Sheriff or Cowtahl. The Ft.ite mutt b utthd. THOMAS CRA1GE, ( . ' " -- R. N.-CltAltJE.- V : V . Roa an co., Jan. 25, 1835. " "Z ' STAGES, For Salisbury and Jlornnloii. rjMIE Stages from Fayetteville for Salhtliury lare now in full operation. They pnveFajetteviI!e en the mornings of iMfmday ana r rway, at ftree clock, and arrive at Salisbury on the eveninga nf tlie next days to tea. Returning;,' they Irave Sl rKiry orr the eame mernince at hmr teJncki-trrjtrr me at Fayetteville on the evening of the next days. Fasaengera real nine hour at night, st Al len's in Moore cm(y.--Fare, 8 50 CCIlln. These Stages connect with my Line from Salisbu ry to Morgnnlon, This rout airrds great facili ties for merchant in the interior to visit Fayette- yillo for the purchase of lh'ir gla, exchange of moneys, Hirehflse of drnfts, ccc., occ, as it is the cheapest, most expeditions, and direct route be tween the two places. At Fnyetfcvi lie, stage lines leave every day fr t lie north and ttonih. A. CARM1CHAEL, Proprietor 4 aCk.vn : .' ' , J. RROWN, (Lafavette Hotel), Fayettcville, A. C. 'CCKKY', Carthage, f . T. A. H-GUE,SaIisbttry, .- . . i T. M. 'YOUNG, Stat(!sviJI . iV R, C. PEARSON,Morgnntu:i. . 1 "January 84;i833 (feh. 2): " " 3rrl 7 :KEW EASII10XS ; HO R ACST II. B EntJt : Tailor, Tl ESPECTFt ELY nfurimliis friemTs nnd the Mic; that he'fitift fiorrH-a oii tfio T.VfLOlti ING BUcilXESS nt hfy old Maud on main street, next door to the Apothecary fctre. Mo is ever ready to execute the orders of his customers in m style and manner not- surpassed by any wnrkmun in the western part of the State. ll?is in thi ro pulur rect!it of the latest .Loridoii mid New-Yoik FASIirON?, and preph'nid ti Hi-eouunojato tin tastes of tho fasliioiiiiMc at all Iimks., j OCT Cutting garments of nil lti:ds nttrnded to promptly ; and the latest rnsluons f.imish(.d at nil times to country tailor, and itistrucliotiH icn in Cutting." Snlishiirv, Jan. lS-S. i Lt persons indehted' to tdc Htitn nf Ani!rrsoi K. A Foster, deceased, by tioli" oi iirrnnnl, lire hTehy notified tlint niiless'they-pny th" fuuo "a or bctore the weekof -Davie County (Jourl, in J'Yhnmry next, t hot suit will bo brought uijon 'sll iiifs wi!n.nt (ii!luic'ion. IJIIRTO.V I iUl'JK . . RU1TT X. CllAHIK i ' l" Rnwnn Co., l)tw. , tf I.-o t i c e . j a-i iX LJj persons indebted to mo by Nolo. tHLjVe. count, aric requested to rail and get tie the sanie. R. W.' IX)X(V Mansion Hotel, Salisbury, r ' "Xovcrnhcr 29, l1i7. S" i " .12 In. ItUlliilM'l1 I. 'Pill J SCrofwl CJ'HjIrr of tho V commence on the 1 iiv iV commence t 1 iiv v .""""'v, " A fo more pupils cau'bo a:r.oiiiuiid,iid. I.' ' t-it Boaku may U had for rtlit dollar lr month. I' irnl II.-vm. Embracing nil the higher Irwi.chta of IVnml" . I Mnfniii.il tw sniitrtrr. . t7 oO Hernial Clni. , 1 ConfWJla Rradin-'. Writim. Arithmetic, I'mitl-h Gramnr,cVOirwyV Geography, jrqr. 3 -0 Oriental Trlnlinjc , per coire, Limp innt and Chcnillu work, d. Ws VVoik, - . do. Fmtf-h, ', . per quarter, Music,- ' , per aesaion, Falilmry, De. 13, 1937. 00 8 (JO 0 00 ; & oo 50 (H) 'II 'PlIH aUyceh;)ratfd Watering placc,titn. ited in Ltncuiu county, S'orth Caroltna, ii now undergoing a thorough roure of repain, and will be opened eat ly in the chuing 8pnoj for tlio re ception of yialteri,of which notice will be hcrcaf ler given. , , ' " , JOS. W. HAMPTON, Proprietor. . Jan. 20, 1838. ' ' tor P. 8. "The Chora Gazette, CarooVn Cim. rif?fUlurtihi.JTe!r,c,ope, tlharlwton Mercury, Auu-ta (JooiMitiitioimliHt, Millmlvillo Ueconler, and Columbu Enquirer, willjrwert Ihe aht)ve,(ps. r.loivof I bia Pitcril,) three week, and dirward accoiint to ihinoflice. f TIT -I" 1 P""' eecond hand Gig and J .U, f 'K IfirixM. in pood repair. "rf ,P7jons lsiiater.'-; PaluUirv.ot. 24, 1837. " " - 1 - iVOTlCH. -,. 'lnEsflhscriSiep Iml a'note of hand bearing dale .ahfiitJlhe fth of .January payablo six month aAer date.drawn by Daniel N. Albcrnathy, with Robert Abernathy aeeurtly, payable to Alfred I). Cnrr. , ' J All persons are hereby rautioncdvzainat trading Crf said unit fnm the finder. . DANIEL N. A KERN ATI !Y. I b. 9, IS.IS. , 4 6t , . r; young Gentleman residing i0 the i- cintty of Falichurv, is desirous cf purchasing from 25 to 30 Tamr Dtt r, fr hich Iimi highest market price will be grVenJ? if application be made soon. Address T. Frkncr at this office. " Fthnmry 23, IW. --if. ' To lc VuVjVic. jCtmCE is le re by giu-n, thai sjpliction will ! Imiile (a thn neI Tiril.iturn nf fnHK Pa. roliiia, tv;ouipt-l lltotM- (Hjrsons coninuig the Fire .Cpn'Ptny in the Tin'or Salisbury to ncrform nulitttryoiily rnrTeUU liy eiiruiieu rmnfm " February 23, 163 tn.h ;T A N:N J-N G-5M 3 1' S 1 N E S S ; Ji 'WILLIAM WOOD? & FON, I ESPECTFU ELY loPirm llioir fneiids M the iHhlio,thut t!)uy havi entered into c"piirtner thtp lu, Uie -r . v;-v f . x ... 4 4.TniisstrtzJili!infss' . . lAt ihe old stand of iVni.3Vools,'near the R'Mtie's Ford Road, in the vicinity of Gen. W. II. KerrV, U.tjiilca weal of SaIiabiirjV5'Aeywil always keepotl1imid,a large Quantity of wellTanncd Lea the of. all decr iption-ii hich will b sold on- the most moderate terms for cash, on short credit or iq exchange for green or dry Ilkles. -- ' JXlJLUtaotiuiuliTiterr Wlootk" previous to the lt Januiry, 193), must come for. wafuTfmTii comjwlled. to chwe his business. ; -. Jut.ua7 10,"l839 , 2m SCULPTURING I 31J0OS 3. THIilPD, TVISHES lo inform his customers and the puh V lie geitorally, that ho still carries on tho STONE CUTTING UtiSINESS, and is ever ready to execute, in a very superior maimer, oil descriptions of work in hi liin.'V Gold-Grinders, MtiLStones; M litdo'P and Door sills," Donf tteps and Tetnb-gtonfi, are executed in a yery tare styled His grit for Mill-Stones is very g(MHl.- Mr. PhUips also bgto inform the public that lie can execute Eugravings fof yanoua Vintlsi He will En "rave inarhle-slaUi neatly, and granite toinh stones tan he well executed if desired. His ha r"es s ! ral r n tvenys tjc TCJtonahlc,"nnrt as ai inoilating as M'sihIe. t , PtsrsnrrairrslitTifflo have work dune" in ihn alive line, will tfo well to call at the residence of Mr. Philips, srvuti riiles. lutji of Salisbury. ' - :v$0llC4V , " ; " r"nilEUE will be olP-red f..r sale, on the fhir-tet-irlh day of March nevt, nt the lute dwell-ing-lioiiae of John Trqtt deceased, all tfio pemha We property belonging lo the said tprtate, consist ing 'f ! HORSS2S,' ' CATTLE, TWO Yoke of Oscn well broke, two wagons, (me Carry -a II and gig, corn .and fodder, about JTwo thousand pounds of Seed Cotton, Farming Hiensilt. HiHiseludd mid kitchen fimiittire AUo'tl'.efX'W Mllali m ,ho 'S(,ri!n ,iiv' c-r to i rented, and a good" many other articles too tedious to mentiort. Terms mode kn.iw;i ot ihedav of sale. ! , i " THOMAS II. TODD, Admr. j Fi-hruary 23, 133. ' tf j N. P. All' trsiii) 'irnlobted lo tho estate of John Troll der'dl are n-qnented to come forward and make settlement on or before tho day of saIg as the estnie inust he .lo"ed. And persons having clnims against id estnto will present them for payment Icgally'iioiheniicnlea within the time pre scrilied hy law or'this noiicc will Iw plead in bar of their recovery. . T. B. TODD, Ailrnr,1 u :j mid vwja van nam:. rPlll". Eh.t.r of li.f! lnvi!!o Itr,H.rlr f Hers fr - i!i tl.o Vs!iiiiii,rt r , Type and Mhre f.t'un-'s lln-in t t,o Dnivillo OlLervrr" i i'. '1 li't it ! f(nl,i1,u.i i(t i tilirHt A food ss i,ew in we hsve r o ye fur it at Ibis office, w j!l wll it for a U)W price, on J ou t credit of in IIIDIilliS, - . Jiihuury 12, IH.li. 'I EM PER ANTE MEETING. 4 MEETING of the Rowan equity Terriprartr HiCitiy will hu hi ldfet th Mnhdit Epuwo. pal Church in Sahshurv, on-Tueslsy the VOih March iM Xt.at 0 oVl.Mii, P. M. i;krta will be luado to rendur tlie tneetmir irlereting. THOMA8-L COWAN, Prea'l. March 2, lW 1 3i S a 1 i s bury IJ a U cry. It ESPIXTFULLY inform th citisena of 8a- lisbury, (hat in aikliiioii ia Iter Confection ary, ihe ha employed" MR. WELCH, of New. York, who; is profeW Raker, ta carry ooolat business in all its Viriods branctie auch as tho following, viz t ( .f.oAT'ainiari), . "SOTrsabRAssarsa, .roi'.mi aid roiiii vxnr.i Jtunblca, Clu-rr AnU, Na jnr sin- ' fjcr Dread, Moumc Ginger Bread, Tea Rusk R!uIa, fpunge Bit- . cult, Torts,' I'Ics, . Spungo CINCEH BREAD, Ant! all kind of C A K E 8 that ire h kej in the principal cities. Any of the aboye artic'n-s cau be iurnislKxl to fuiii'ies, by givin? tini' ly fnjtic, . ' . lAmiA I h t KALr. 1 . Sali-Uiry, Feb. 2, lSiS. 8m NEW ViTCIIRN, JOHN C PALMER ha. ju-a returned from Piiiludel phis; with a very l ine Aiw4irtinrnt of the abote arlicies, of an large aMrtment of Superior RAZORS and KNIVE3. lie can aafi-ly say that his aasortment is superior to any in the western part of the State. Call and see. '(W Watches and Cls.ks repaired as usual, and warranted for twelve m-siths. Sali-diurT, Nov. 3, lb37." tf THOMAS J. BARROW, io, 3.1, Slrrel, IVew-York. fllTERS for sale COMPLETE ASSORT- v MENT in the above Jn", cninpri-; ninny very rhotee pall, rn imparked to order for the country trad", or in te original nnrhnge Orders by Tetter will re-fie every sfentnm. Now-.Yo. k, J.in. 3, 1 us, (feb. 2) llw mm WOR Tfie" Cifre r (ifaTiwiiireveryaHefy of func- tionnl disorikr of the siiiuunch, ISowels, Liver aiwl Spleen ; such as heart-burn, arid eructatii ns, nausea, tit aa sen, l ain iihI distention ot tho as .. ;-to- mnch and bowels, incipient diarrhea, c lie, fldlu-' lence, l.ahiluuf ciiveiiew, low of aniwtite, sick I head-ach, tirhiest, cVc. &c. They are a safe and comlortahle nierient f,r Femnh s dnrin Prrg nancy and suWquent coutinemei.t, relieving sick-, nes at the stomach, head-nch, heait burn and many of the incidental nervous aliections. Literary nun, Students and most other persons of sedentary ha bits, Find them very convenient. Those, wlio in dulge too freely in the pleasures of the Table, find spoedy rtMief fconi the sense, of oppression and dis k ML If ''iJ entire Iv nw fashimi. iftlirifhTriWs; AsTrrrffiTamf,d gnntttmrgerfHnmtms-erre' Dinmr Pill ihev are invaluable-.- Those who are rlriiitving Mineriif WftlertTiii'Ml" fia rriciilaTfly ' ITm T from Southern climates and Airue and Fever dis-1 tacts. wiUjkdiluu ,a wno are exposeu to tlie vicissitudes ot weatiicr. on voyages or journeys,; can take thctn at all turns with perfect safety.. y In full doses, they are a high ly efficacious and safe Atiti-Cilious Medieinc. "Phey seldom or never produce sickness at tlie sto mach or grioing. Jnuiremcncy is strongly attested IV Cerlihcntcs from the following geiuiemen, viz: Bishop Ive Rev. Dr. McPheeters, Rey. (3,' V. Freenien, Rev B. T. ,IJIke, Gov, Iredell, Hon. Hnrr 1'ottor, ) Hon. G. E. Rodger, Hon. Richard limes, Thos. ! t. moo's Hotel, IhvIwC. ton-l, Dr. E Di-. J. Y. YoungrUtv. F. I,. l!awk.i,&c hrcctioii!, (iccbmk.uv each Itotr. ( 'rc.iby, Ample J lieserl'iHrt are for sr.lo, by appointment in ai- i M every Town In the United Sin tea, and Whole-', n.t . ' . mn!t wi(L' an! Retail hy 'the Sulwc ihers, to whom ap piicanons rimy ne. inane tor Agencies. HlOMAS L. jUMi1, Gen. Agent. ' Raleigh,- i ; (griMdoor vctt'ef the Presbyterian Church. I'. Uevereux, hsq. Professor Anifcrson, Win. Hill, j ry npt to In-set men oi intellect anlnlenf.espeeia Esq., Secretary ,f Stntt, Win. S, MI10..11, Eq., j llv when ihoif tiine U not regularly filled jip, and late TreasAirer, Jas. (Inmf.E 'q , Into Coioptroilcr, j left at their own -arrangement. Rut ills 'like the W. R.' Gales, Esq., of the Uesntcr, Cant. Gnimi, i ivy round oak, and ends by limiting if it does not 7Yiea(orr'?JidU-inelrptr(irtfttdritfitonhtind''' Father nlwas keeps me so busy, I haviit had and for sale ut ' TJltS OVFHfF. I time to grow." , ' 4RWT. "Mint ysr bk4I I'M'EIITAINTY OF UtT sv aiaimr ihsm. air TK-nratli iur feci, mJ o'er our lead, Is npikl warninj givrns Ih-nosiii us he t'ts toinit(-a J J, AUma us ia lha heaven. - D"tli rsirs on every Mating art a ; . I la lurks on every nwer ( . Efb mmmta has lis wn disrtse, luj peril, every hour, ' Our eyes have seen the rosy light Of iuth's soft cheek decay. Aim fti ihfcen4 in sodden night ' ,' On mtahowl's dikIJIs 4j, Our eyes Uvs seen t! steps of sje jUll feebly toward Ihe UMnlj, Aul yrt hii earth our besrU angsgt Abddresuiof drs to cooiel Turn, mortal lam I th danger laow, WUrcVs thy tA esn tresd, ' The earth rings hollow from Is-low, AaJ warns thee oi bes did I Turn, christian turn I thy soul ipply To truths divinely given J JThe. Luora that a adiinetth lhct lie. .,, Mislt live for bell or heaven! M l.-CEI.LA N ROUS. ON TIIK FATTENING OF IKXJS. There is anoiler coniinunicalKifi from Mr. L lltimiitediwi, lit ilj)tt of whieh is to recommend lu f.ini ers lo soak ihe corn oVstmed for their hogs, until tt hat Urmn0 soured, iostewd of feeding it lu them dry. Much i-f hard corn M in fitltinieg hogs is not digested, and a ciifiderable portion is diehrgcd with tlie dung, which ds them no good. Mr. L enlinisles ImI me-teiith of Ihe corn It-d lo bnge may be saved by kuig. Intimating the iiuinher iif hogs annually fiittetMMi to equal the pop ulation of the Stale, leaving out the cities, or at 830,Orjn, and that fa. irbog conwined Two 'bushels of corn, the saving hy soaking tho feed would then have Ueu ;iO)(Mi; nor upon ih same rakutstinn, it wtiold aiiMsmt to abou. 4200,(H'0. Mr. L thinks S4kiug a good as grinding, with tbedvanluge of saving the loll, or tstc lciith. If corn is msJe.le undergo fermentation before it is fed, the reasoning may be coriect ; hut the nKslern behnf is that a saving of nearly Sit per cent is etE cted by grind ing ami r -oih'ng com twlbre it is fed, that the glo bules may lw ruptured, and the dextrine, or nutri live properties of the prain, msy be folly dei kp. ed. Accurate experiment, made by the Rev. Mr. Colu.in, lave shuwn that pig fed with cooked Ionian meal, gain twice as fast as when fd with dry corn; but on the supposition that twenty-live pei cent, woutJ lie saved, exchfluvc of Ihe toll, the saving u;xn the ostimsleof cisisump'ion laid down by Mr. IHniiintedieu, wmild amount lohalfa mil. lion of ihdlars, wniiully to the State of New York, byVriivhnj and cooking the corn feed for itogs. Cdtiratvr, ' APPALLING SCRNEr A boat with two men, niiemjning to remniif Misiuri at De Win, in Cnrroll county, was upset by a sua;, or the ice. Tbe men got upon a snag. The Re. Eh Uuthtie, a Mr. Smith,, and a Mr. Curoei, aticmited lo rescue them by going with a skitT. with which they unpronched very near. when. from some CBU.e, the skitf was unset. Guthrie j s,,utli wuie inftantly drowned, while Dames, bv dint of swimming and jumping from una cake i" m;c ta another, succeeded in gaining the shore Oho i perUhed viith" cold, oh tho shag, on Wemies do y, but his coihuiiioii in this awful hollaring kepi ahve, and wi kept awake by the crowd on either shore, until Friday, when exhausted naturo so far gave wuy that he fell asleep, and was swept from ihe sting by the descending ice. He swam down the river, however, for nearly a mile, when, bo. coming pressed upon nil sides by the ice, he cried Imtt tu- tha muUiiudu ou the shore tiui hetuuxid! aim! suuk.ta rift.n9,jniprej , v. . Pursuing our Interests. Every one would pur sue his own interest, if ho knew what it was; in fsct, every one does pursue it, but tho generality tWatly mistake it. " No man would-choo-ie riches before happii e.-s, power lefore quiet, or fame be fore safety, if ho knew the true value of euch; no man wtaild prefer the transitory and worthless en- joymenl oi this worm, to me permnnem omt sub- . . i ..... . re,,ci,.v ' n l,cUer " ne na a c,cnr " b"th 5 DUt B scc uie tomc "HJgU a mist, which alwnys magnifies ; and lite latter seems to I at so groat n distance, that we scarcely see it at all, and therefore it makes hut little impres sion upon our senses, and has as little influence on our conduct. " PROCRASTINATION. Sir Walter Scott, writing to a friend who had 1 oil must be uware ot stumming over a propensity wtiTch" i'asity ' IwSt 'fS-ywi -tVmm-tinr 1i-liiT"iifwrt -IwiTi iug your lime fully employed; I mean what the call 'dawdhns, ' Your motto must lie ' lluoaoe. t'o msuinwv what ever is t be clone, inn take the hours of recreation after bu siness, and never before it. When a regiment is under march, the rear is often thrown into confu sion because the front do not move steadily mid without interruption. It-is the same thing with lm. - ;iupss. it innt wmcn is tirst in liana is not tn- glaiitly, steadily and readily de.-paiched, other thing accumulate behind, till nlTairs begin to press all at once, and no human brain effn stand the confusion. Pisy mind this : this is habit of mind which is ve- ilosirov, the power ot- inarm and necessary action. I i:nt love a titan so well, to whom I ofler ft word of aiivicc, that I will not apoligcw for it ; but ex- pect to Hear von ere oeconio asregtiiaras a wuicn dock -hours,' qiiiirfers, ininutes, all mulked and . I i I. . . Appropriated. J oh m a great cast in lile, ami rmissi h ' pl.ived with ail skill and cauiiom " Loclchart.t Life of Scott. No time to in'ow. Some .one-naked a lad how it ' i . e i . t If , i: 1 w.yh Hit was .so snort lor i s nue . no hmuisu. turn ih i l f,u, s: ,t We csm fnitn hf lat'l pfr' tht P aidrnt snJ ll.icrtora ,t tk Jrwsthn -f t!.--t city luvn lrn luffiftrj by the grm.d jiry, U-rn arrctrd, Tl-o reirt ftli t"".o. who had iuvf tigted the alift of (' f f t 'II trnillh lkk hil Urn pubilid, and pn-nt ahauf ful clalguo f alm.es. I he d rrf 1 Pre. dent, L K. t'-uppm, ahjoe wt io-h U 'i to Ihe llsnk la dirrrl lnlMhttra now ouLtsndujr, ' anvsmi ofVv,H7,77J and forhktth Uok bad little flioie tharyerofui aeeurtly. . j. ssssssajasaaaast Tht TU turning. liy lh acloiiner)lifthLA New York, ibert were shipped few df everal bato i ColU Vosa. TI.i J'" from t factory in this Stale, and we tile it i. evidence that Ihe article can bt rnl D.tff the North ern rtarbels in soccesfuI competiiioo with lh.ir owu piunufaclura," Wilmington Adtxrtyrtt ' , PENITl-NTIAItU It appear from Ihe report of lle n;rlora nf the Auburn Suit Prinon of JMew, York, for tho year ending the 30th of September, 1637, that lha earnings and incidental eourcee of pnit Jolhe pri. eon, atiKHjiited lo 5fJ,747 6-1 cents. TJe average number of prisoners was 670, ao that Ihe amount' earned by rach prixmtr, (including Imileotal , source of profit,) was S't'i 10 cents. Uy the leport of the IVmlenliary f Virginia, It apfi-ari that Ilia aarnings of the prsoers!or 7 " the year ending the 30th of September, i47, amounted to $19 313 27 rents ..The ave.age needier id" prisoners was 103; an that Ihe mount t earned by each was $100 II cents. There are no ioeiihsilal .sources of profil tt tiki r!fiilenlisnr, ' ol Virginia. SPFJXII OF MR. CAIJIOCN. .' 1 . '. Tle speech nf Mr. Callwun, delivered to day in the Senate on the Treasury Ihll, asema to be re. garded on all hands as the ablest efjort ever eulde by Ihe dislinnuUIied ipeakerfricnda tnd enemirf unite in this. When, after speaking -some thing more than two hours, lh Senator took di's seal, a distingumhed olilicil opponent olsserred ia aaotb. r.ul hare nrrethenrd or read any inlrUictvxxl rforl that tqualt it. n Already .larce'orderf are .. given for it in pamphlet form, and ve altatl, as aooo ns it apjiears, hiy it U fure our reader--ICjb4 in Hon Chronicle, QUAKER COURTSHIP. Hum ! Yea and verily, Penekioe, the ipirit ur- geth and moelh me wondcrously lo beseech I lice lo Cleave unto me, ami become flesh f my'flewh and tKMte or my bone. Hum! Truly, tihadiah, thou hast said wisely, and inasmuch aa jt if writ, tea, tlmt it is not good for man to be alone, lo and behold! I will sojourn with thee, hum J, ' Yialc ilcYiannicnt. - INFORMS his friends altf die pub lie, thai he has taken the (Jnose for hmtIv l.v f.l IV m. P. k'.l. " jy, in ihni.ii or NoeKsvMiix fse " rotwir, with the view of keeping PRI VATE EN. "'. PERTAIN Ml. NT. Tlie IIouiais.my and comfortable and in the business part of tTje village. The ubstriber pledgee his best exertion w ren dnr sal faction la all who may call on biro.', Hrs " T ABLE will ul all times be supplied, whh the best the country afjords, and his U A stocked with the choicest Liquors. ilmStnblesare c.tea- ' sive and safe, will be well supplied with good Pro vender, and attended by n first rate Hostler. -Mo'ksviMe, Feh;2, lAW.-- ' 5.f- c.4tr j : y r .' v: " i ----- 5 Dollars Reward-. T OST in the road lending from Danville to Sail''.' bury, between Patterum' and Andrm-Koo set', on the 7th instant, January, a smull Morocco VOllilVV lH)OU. contninin, CO dollars of nmiiOyT-One "Hi dulbif TdtTornhp FniT ted Stales Riink ( one 20 dollar bill on the Colum-' bus Rank of Georiria : one 10 and one J) dollar bills on tho Hamburg Rank in South Carolina, and two ) dollar bill on the Rank ol Columbia, S, Carolina. Any information will bo ihniikiully received and the. u Love reward gueu for thu uurity of the mo-1 iicy so that I get it ngaiu. Address i -, IBAAC II. WOODINO, Carlisle, P. O., Troup Co., (a. 2m or tf . ' Salisbury, N. C, Jun. 12, 1S3. The IViuville Reporter will insert the above two months if not earlier forbid, and fiirwufd liia ac count to ibis Office. t , ' , . cheaper than EVif.:;; 3Iercliunt Tailor. ; 1 S i,ow receiving, froiu JStvv ork and Phi lode!- pnin, a general assortment ol Cloths and.Cnssi- rrrriona en nrs tor wmter. tnrml h whw- a general nnd lurpe cssnrtnicnt ol stocks and Col larsp BosfTins, end every other a rticlu usually -kept by Merchant Tailors. Theso. goods have, been selected by him in person, nnd" can bo. confidently recommended to the public,' arduap and good. Having worked at the Tailoring Ru. siness for twenty years, he hops that ho shall r .. ' ... a not be considered as presumptions m calling) him. self a jmlgc of cloths. He has llso jus ceived THE N. YORK AND PIULADELPIIU And tho above will bo mndo" up in a supetior stylo of Cisliion, nnd warranted fo fit well. Ho will also keep on hand a general Mstfrty of All of wjiich will he sold very low for CfJsh. or on n credit to punctual dealers. All kinds of Cutting will he done on short notice. Orders for wfrk front a distance will be punctually aftonded to The public, are invited to call and examine pri. ces fir themselves, lie still" continue nt'his for mer stand, south of.tlie Courthouse, in flih lnro ' Brick building. , . Salisbu-y, . C, r . . tr P. S. As ho is an Agent for some of the mofet ' fashionable Tailors of Philadelphia and New York " he would be happy to instruct any who may wish " to lean; tho art of cutting garmtifils. He also cot linucs lo distribute the Faal'Jons. '' - 07 Letters'lor Fashions must b.fi post ytid. 1 r I I'' A

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