,'l -I J 1 ' 1 1 ' 'Y j-J . JiliJj.il 1 Ll -Till? loWKKI Nr lr tl O ATI II TO TlIK I 111 I II R FA 1 1 I BV JOSEPH W.'IIAMPTON.J . SALISBURV. (N. C.) JIAKCIl so, m mxur OF VOL XVIII "vxr" l! I j.All NEW T Kit. MS TIBHS Of 1TIII.ICATIO.X, , L T''f Wffcro Carolinian it pul.lili (I every Eai Wf, it Two Dollar per annum tf paid in adance, Two Dollar and E,fty Cent if not paid befbtethe (iiiiri't'M of Utrcd hkwIiU. . i N piV't wi'l ha discontinued until all arrearages rf puJt-nrittwM lha distrt-lmi of tlx) Editor j and t.:.jrfl t notify tlio Alitor oft wudi to dioitinar, u,e end of year, will be cwwi Jcrt4 as new cn pjCMCIlt. ' TKDXI AP ADrr.lTUIXO. ' . AJrrtiMiin?nti will I compicuomdy and correctly ,- rt'il, at one dollar per squiro (or the firnt insertion, i eeuia fr each continuance. Court and Judiuia) Mi-rHm-nta will bo charged i prr cent mote tin .twte prr- A dcJurtion of :i3J prr cent from ir n;ulr I'l'icci Will bo undo to yearly aJvertiiwrs, , ' TO CORRf 1105 DCMTI " T Infir prompt attention to Ixttera aiMrrMfd to I' III II'" postage Ihoold in all cam M paid. Till: CATAWBA SriUNCS. J. t i ,.; w 'PIIE PmpriPtor of thU eatoWUhmciit girci no A tiff, thni Iw i rrpnirin ami fiftinjj it up at (.. Icrabli pxpmae, and in a mnierior to. and tmtft it muiy for Ilia rrcopt n ofcoiuimnv lv i thi- T May.' t ! ntuulcdoii thetrput I .a ul tra and Weatr.ro line of Sjum, fror Sidi-Sorv in LuicnliiiDn to Asliviile, Aic. ( (i itaye Kitting ihtrt nrrf J-ijf in iht vtrkxbut we.)m i'lm cyu. Irv ir-unJ i broken mid prove rtiallv liealtliv, nrd le- W the mincml proprtina of thw wniera, there irt minv induciiienta to turn the dltciiii'm of in ii'i1. and other toward tliU pln-e. Iia pruxi.ui ty lo the lowrr country Uie cIi.imi-m of laing ia cc,!l',iic of (lie ncijliboring soci'?ly the iliiKlanef of pmne the rich full ulfirdm to aci- ocees-KH.inllv to Mineralogy and B rtany, are ucu out lo b oTerliKikrd hv the f ruvfltms world. Bit it i in Tl literal nn!itir( ol'ISio prlaKi the great1 allraclum i tarda tin "l"'! cmaiat. Tlie l'rpnot'r hns im agerjl d lit of cures to present to the public, Jitr be ha" just tnkcn posawsinn, nor would bo (Jcrni il a coiiuilniirul ei:hcr to the good tuste or saifnei- ly f.ftl.e public, to prcaont bucIi if lie bad tbein lil he baa the aHurace ol aomfl ol iio i.k.si aci- , ' ... . , mlihc riiyaicwns ami v-iinniso", u ioc rnru mm tiluulile pntTtie of iIicmj Sprms In IWI Profens t Olmnicd (now of Yule Oollejr) mndc a arrk-t analvsis of this wuter, on! pronounces lis freign iDgrrdients to bo twipTnircifcff Hydrogen , " ' Sulphite f Lime, Sulphate of Mugnrsia, Muriate of Lime. Tr a more extended Htatenn'nt we Km lvi ci H- it irt of North Carolina, nniliori7.rd by ael . f Avnb!v, jiaee will not permit inmi i.'ii one at nil arrri.iiotci, Willi I lie ul.rct e:iui...i 1, perceiving the jtim r auapia- ..n ol' tii. m uiiii'r.ils t the disorders, that moat Tin- Vt.iuti r i-an onlv mineradd Ins iletermiu- r - I Vi lo M;f t l aTonagC, 1V nn inm;iu-nm mini I iV. I : . .a in: a ii, is. wishes nml cotnlorts l Ms visi- i.c noi's are now, and uiil be l!irniiab- ' it tlic year, openfor tbe ncroTrmTM-Ttf"ttit'trHvel- Itff. ' JOS. W. HAMPTON. darrli 10, 193S. 0" '1 Kt; Cuindcn Courier, Columbia Times, I'u.iricvl.m I,r.-tirv. ll"list.l Collstlttltloliallst, Iiiit iti villfj llt:cord:r, Siwionali Republican, nnd lunibiis KiKpnrer, will iiiM'rt the iiIkivo tiro vitlts, weekly, and seiul accounts io i.at.jwoa i(l"S. J. V. ti. Temperance Notice. ftlrros Cmmiy Temperance Society , will hold a meeting at St. John--, -r the R.-.l ciin 11 misc. on Good Friday, tlio 1 Utli of April , "... . . ., ii ieiV- A rci1ins nnrt Incnrt are resm)ciniy ...k- H-i!eil toaltenu on mat ac.caston March 23, ISM. ROM the Suhscrilier, living m Ca barrus County,. 0te miles cast of ii' uil.oti Suiulavtlic inn insraiu.a En:y man. taa.iilsand upwards high, G or 7 years old, al 'turnl trotter, dries not iace or racK, wun a aa mirk, and a white mark on one.ot her lore K" jhst above the hoof. I procured snid mare of Mr. Leouard Hielick, in Rowan county, and will ! a reasonable reward to any person delivering r io me, or who will give information so that I Ft her again. JOHN G. IIARTSKLL. March 23, 1838. 3wr PIULADEM'IHA MEETING. A very large meeting of the citizens tf Phil ihIoI fhiawas'held on Monday Iast, at which lesolutions i"cii!ertly favorable to the SuHreasury uill were '"'.Dti r d. We are told that every political econo f I, .!" ju tlio nty javn'rs tlie 1iM, ntvl unites "I'ltiVin thiit n HcpB.ritli.oii of tlaidi nod Stale ilii(i-lv iu!c!Msarv to oresprve oitr lOHtiliiVi tiw 1(K t1(. currency. ll'isf ighw ( 'hrluiidr. "m (ii tar Btauiaa imcmj, " M:V ENGLAND, v; New England ! dm New England f M birtlnplura proud and tree; A trit4r'a curve be on my licad, t U'lieo I am faint to (hoe , While rvlU tbo brigbl Connecticut, In a.lvcr to the w?a While old Wachiiactt reaw iU Lead, I will remember thee I , ' Hy every recollection dear Uy fnendahip'a hallowed tir, By acenea engraven on the heart, Jly love that cannot die AikI b; tK awwotthe JarowiU kia Of dean at ILrmt'ie, New JU.gl.nd-Ucar New Kij;land I k. I will rt'ineiubor thto! - -1 tnar not climb thy nilaty IiTI"t"" At purple eve or morn, " .' Nor hind amonjr the tanbinjr firla The yellow al.eavcaot corn. I mny n tread the r lajja that bear 'J be thunder U the lea, ' . Cut by the bright autumnal iky, ' , ' I will rcineinbcr thee! t Though in the far and aunnr South, y"v The tyn of love may arunc,-- And limbic at the revel charm," ' "K, " ' Ami tx-auty prur the wine, " " I will not lintcn to the harp, Nor join the revelry, . But in the fountain plunpe toy cup, . And drink a health to thee I . And when from weary wandering, At length I haatrs back, I l.w blilhly will I tread again 'i'bfloU iauuliar Uack, - - - And if my Koaalie be true, , (And I'aliH? Wie cannot be,) ' New Knjland! in thy niountain atreama, I'll drink again to thee! AGR1CUL From tkt iUnrtet tmrmtr, The v$t of Lime in the cultivation of Wheat. I here is no lact connected with agriculture more incon'roverlibly proved, than that ihe preaence of luno id Ihe Boil ia indi8iensabl to the .production iA wheat. Dr. Mitchell, one of the ablest ober. vera and writers Ibis country baa yet seen, appears to have been one of the first to call the attention "f farmer in tlua fact, and attempted an explana tion of tlio reaaous which led to such a result.-In ll.e niuaiitiiiK), llioso stiifldught philosophere, the (erinaiia of I'enn) Ivanu, had by experience dis covered ita value und odopted iImiiimi, in preparing their kimU for tbo producto u of tlua atHplo crop, and were tbua ouabled to keep up the fertility ol lUcif HUj ln,.,r ,)r(KlUcii verier for wheat; while the Dutch and Kni'lish farmers in the once rich vuliicM of New York, nndon the banks of the Muliiivvk and Scoliarie, found their farms growing worthies for wheat, and have long been com K !ed nearly o itbuiuloi) its. cultivation. : n New ftnjgraiiTtTie nsult wa ttie same, only the exhaus tion was sooner p"rfrrnej, a the Block of calcare ous matter in I lie earth being much smaller, and iilx? eljrtet of tlt nlkttlnw mibataoree produced in j clearing llic land of the omnia! matter eiiating in i the soil, wa more ouieklv dissipnlfd. Art ia be- rrinniri" to n-ston to ihe earth the lime which in some places was ib ficicnt by nature, or bad been .UuMt4 Iw toju4v hum- Wwm-gTand larUUty um (lie capability of i.ii.sui u hcul m returning to thohe S;ctioiis,"tt hirc for y ea r's the "pow er lis becn'un known. The method in which lime performs the cflbcts wbirli it h undemublo may lc ottnbuted to it, does not et upjM'iir lo fully understood. Were not its eilinency, niTn tTie case ofj;Tpsum, owlrigTo some eliemii-al rather than mechanical cause, it woubl 'i - t - m hardly iossibl that so mall a quantity as is ' sioiietiines used, woold produce ho Immediate .r re sult, or w here larger portions are applied, that the benefits should Ik? so permanent. W'ondrrn from Cultivation. There is icarceiy a vegetable which we now cultivate, that ran be 't'.indto row naturally. UufTui has alated that ourwlieat is a faeti'ious production, raised lo its i j.n . ot mditiou by the uri of agriculture, . live I rice, barley, or even oats, are not to be found wild, ' that is to 8hv, growing naturally in any part ol the j n!ir,h, but have been nltered by the industry ol ',,,,,,,,1 from plants not now n-scmhlinj them, ,.v,.n in such a degree as not to enable us to recog- . . . !. J I J: i l.. ftHe their -r44awua- -i uuacriu .nni..iii!n;t;oir oi'iom nraveolens, has iK-en translerred into deli frtmt celerv f mid-the c?Ih wrt kv .plaut if.cauty leaves, mt weighing, altogether, halt an ounce, has been improved into cabbage, .whose leaves weigh many pounds, or into n cauli flower of con sideratilo' dimensinn?r, brinyr-only-ibe- embryo of few buds which in their nu tu.ru I state would not bavo weighed os many grains. The potato, ngnin, whoso infrj)duction,bas ndded many millions to ur population, derives its origin from "a small bitter root, which grows wild in Chili and Monto Video. English Paper ,Cvrt. for ihe wounds of Cattle. The most ng. gravated wounds of domestic animals nre easily cured with n portion of the yolk of eggs mixed, in spirit of turpentine of Eloromfe. , The parts affected must bo bathed several times with the mixture each day, when a perfect cure will Ijo effected in 48 hours. Farmer and Gar dener. . - ', The Stale of Pennsylvania has disbursed for the construction of Canals nnd Rail-Itonds, twenty. two million two hundred and twenty-nine thousand di'llars. In the lat vr i,csf vorks broiiglitji i( tt n viiiii" -of near live percht. on tbe cost. r I'ittshhrzr inlrr. mi.sci:lum;I)Lh. I'rum tU U'Kkautk'er, or tht Lytct $nJ Ihnngi f ? . flhm&tUk.- , 6I3TER fcALL'd WVlimilV. ' '. - - - .! i " b ' - There coca oo of ibein ,' olea n ht budget they rr 6 better than a i I.m.i Iiap or critter a teff.matd the tloekmiL-r. 'M. rciiiiiMt nio ol a trap Jim MuuM ,,U bia foot vu Hi.H, mu near about niaUe otta leg balfa Ird longer than tul,er. I Ulicva 1 told ton of IMii. -uai a uicriiW tuie teller lit) a- bocomefroui uiiuhi cuuiay In CouiMScticuU Well, be va court- mauler Ouit-ahe waa a rcalJiaiiHlaunj luok,iiig gajlj you acarca) ecr acod a more cut atJ .M.i cowpltle critter Umii alie waa a fine figure bead, und a bouutilul iu.Jt U a crallM any in the Slate, a ieui cupper, ago aa lull l luo anJ Irohc a a kit tvu. Will; be faiily turned bel( 'a bead the mora we wanted bcr. lo giro bun op, I be more he wouldu'and wo got laguy about it, Tor bit cba-racter waa of the bf. - (J waa a uni veraul lavonta wuVi Iko gallt, and tin b didn't bubavo yery preiiy nciiher, forgetting to marry whoro U pruuiiaeu, and wbere bo hnnd't tmclit to lorget, loo j jet m it waa, be had ouch au UDColtl. tuoti wuintii way with litm. b coukl talk litem over lu no luooball waa fairly bvwitchiid. At laat father aaid to lain one evenmr when he came a cwlrtiu, Jim, aaya he, you'll never come to " yK ci like oil! acratch aa vuu do i vou ami fit lo co mo into tw decent joaii'a hou-', at all, and your bae6c would be tru tinica moro agree able than your company, 1 U w 1 wou! coo- aenl to ball a going- to tlio art huakio partiee and 4umin iroitca along with you no uore, on no ao- count, lot you koow bow Now dou'i raya bo, now don't Uncle bam r say no moreJbout that; if you know'd all 0U wooldul lav it was n,v l-ull: abd betide, I have turned Viglit about, t am oil tother lack now, aud the long leg, too ; 1 am atta- uy aa i pomp bull now. I luteiMi to awttla myself and Uke a farm. Ym, jcb, uvb father, but il won't do. I knew jour father,' be waa our aer. geant, a proper clever und brave man, he waa loo; liaj was one of Ihe heroes ol' our glorioua revolulnn. I bad a great resjct for bun,ai.d I am aorry, for bis sake, you will act as you doj Uit I tell you once for all, you must give Op all bopeaof ball, now and for everla-Un. Wban ball beard iliis,abe begun to mt away like mad m adeaperate Lurry abe looked looliaO ouough, thatV s lact. First s'.ie H ied to bite bar breath and look as if there was no thing particular in tbo wind, then abe blushed all over like scarlet fever, but ah recovered that pret. tyaJon, nd 'then ber colour went and came, and calne and went,' till al last she irrew aa white. a chalk, and down abe fell slap od ber seat on the tbr, in a Umii in fitr -1 ane, -says fotl., I - now, you eternal villian, and be made a pull at the old fushionad aworJ, ikal alvaya dung vici tlio fire place, (we used to call it old Bunker, for bis iori always begun wlief) 1 was at Uunkcr a Uill,') and drawing it out be made a clip at him as wicked as if he was stabbing a lat with a bay fork ; lut Jim, be outs of ihe door like a shot ami draws it too arter him, and father semis old bunk er right through tbe panel. I'll chop you up as fine as mince meat, you villaju, says he, if ever 1 catch you inside ruy door again ; miod what 1 tell yadoini 'wthgfr It jeh" Well,' lie mJ.le himself considerable scarce arter that, bo never set foot inside the door agin, and I thought he had giv'n up all hopea of ball, and she of bun ; when one night, a most particular uncommon dark night, aa I waa a comin home from neighbor Dttarborue'a I heard some one a talkin under Sail's window. Well, I stops and listens, and -who should be near Ihe nsh saplin buf Jiin-Munrocl a .try jn tQ persuade Salt to runoff with bim to Rhode Island lo bo nmr- rwd. It waa alt settled, tie should come wrth a borae and shay to lho gate, and then help her out of the Window, jit al nine o'clock, uboul Ihe time she commonly went to bed. Then he axes her to reach down her hand for him to kiss, (for ho was proper clever at nod aawtler) and she stretches ii down and he kisses it ; and he says, I bcleive I must have the whole ol you out arter all, and gives ler a jirk that kinder startled her ; it camo mo sud den like it made her scream, so off he sot hot foot, and over the gate in no lime. Well, 1 cyphered over this all night a calculatin how J coukl icciprocuie tbo tn. k with him, and at ast I bit on n scfienw. I recollected father s worus al partin, "wiimi what I tell you, yon' twingfop il yet" and thinks 1, IricnJ Jim, I'll make that Hophecy come true, yet, I guess. So the iicxt night, jist at dark, I gives January Snow, the old nigger, a nidge with my elbow, aud as soon as be ooks up, I winks and walks out and be nrter me wits" !January, can ypu keep your tongue within your teeth, you old nigger, you ? Why mussa why vou axe that are question 7 my goodness, you think old Snow fie don't know that nre y et f my tongue he got plenty room now, debit a tooth left, ho can st retell "oiit" ever so far j lifie a liille teg' (If a big bed, he lay quiet enough, mussa; neber tear. v t il, then, savs I, bend down that are ash saphti softly, you old Snow baC and. make no noise.... Tho.aupliu was no sooner bent than secured to the ground by a notched peg and a . noose, and a slip knot was suspended from the tree, just over the track thai led from the pathway to the house. Why my dogs, niassa, that's u . Hold your mug, you old nig ger, says I, or I'll send your tongue a searching arter your teeth; keep quiet and follow mu iu pre sently. Well, jist as it struck nine o'clock, says I, Sally, hold this here hank of twine for a minute, till I wind a tritle on it oil; that's a dear critter. She sot down her candle, and I put tlie twine on her iiands,1nd then I begins to wind and wind away ever soislow, and drops tlio ball every now and then, so as to keep her down stairs. Sim, says she, 1 do believe you won't wind that are twino off' all nighty do give -it to January, I wont stay no loni'er, Em een most dead asleep. The o'd feller's nun is so plaguy onsteady, said J, it wont 'lo ; but buck, .whal's that, I'm sore I In ard Knmethmg in the ah sMpliii, didn't y-u Sail T I hecrd thogcese ilivre,' that's all sayH fhe tbey always come under ll.e w.ocJow al n.gl.t; w aim MeJ acafo.,als Ml aK I jr.iw i', ,J , wllilJI lM ( ai. ibia way, and 1 o.,t Jo it any longer i and luwu a i- liitoid lho i.iok iMi tl u'ii an) a I, l.p onM4jj.ult',oi ur,liJI iwiid 0J jfc.w. ty wit l ati if any body there fj-rrhaw aome u ueh!x,r DrarUrnV f f have broke into , . laarco cart! I M ix Ue. for Luk.M,. .'....i .i J ihy !) T cloaa to ih houae at aijr7.t for Icar id the variiim. Vrtvetalv in run Ai.n with bia hair alundiiig upin eeod, and Ilia whitca if ma ec lookin aa biaatl.tf rims of aaoupphiU:; oh l iirtia-a, iua.a, aaid be, oh maaaa, oil Miaabal. ly, Ofill What on arid la the mailer wild you 1 saw cany, now you rigbU n nw, I vow I believe you re mad ti goodness said bo. oh I n.... J. Jlwu-oe he hsnjj bimaell on lho ash aaplio onder Miae Hally'a winduw oh, my dogs I If 'nut abot waa a Miller, ll Uruck por ball n-bt atwix wi. aoa water sue gave a lurch ahead, thea hr!H over (and sunk right down-in another faintinfitt mI Jutto, buow'rwrte Tarried her ofTaud laid U down mi I bo bd poor thing she full ugly enough, uii puppune oil, laihor, I Ihought be'da fainted too. he waa su arnica up all ol a boap, be waa compleloly bung luojtered j dear, dear, auid bt , I iho't it wouldn't J como lu paas ao aouo, but I knew it would e.oin 1 1 I r ... . . . . - loreioia ii, Mid ne, the lust time I aced him : JnU. - ..a ... F -ys i, miuu wnai i asy, yu'U $ciug for it yet, Cite me tbe aword I wore when 1 waa al BuuWa IIUI, may bo there ia life yet, Ell cut bim down. Ihe lantern waasooii made rtndy.aud out we went to Ibe aah aapliu. Cut me down, Sum, that's a go.xJ lillow, said Jim, all the blHd in my body baa swaabed into my. beadaud'e a lunum Mil t,,u noae, I'meeiia u.oat amothcred bcquick.for hea ven', aake. The Lord be praised, said father, lho poor slower u not quite dead yet. Why, as I'm alive well if that don't bent all nutur, why be haa k l-a . naogeu mcnseii oy one leg, ami 's a awingm like a rabbit upaide down, that s lact. Why, it he aint snared, bum ; tm u properly wired 1 declare I uw una m bviiic- o jBiir uoings.jsuni well it was a clever schome loo, but a lililc cram too dan-pr. oua, guew. Don't stand stariu aud jawin there all night, said Jim, cut me bown, I fell you or cut my throat, and be c d to you, for I am choak m with blood. Roll over that are hogshead, old Snow, said I, till I get atop on II and cul him down ; ao I soon released him, Inn be couldn't walk a bit. Ilia ancle was swellod and sprained like vengeance, and be swore ono leg waa near about ix inches linger than the other. Jim Munroc, ays father, little did 1 think I should ever oe you inside my door agin, but 1 bid you enter now, we owe you that kindness, any bow. - Well, lo make a lone alory short. Jim was M rboo fulleii. am! so uowtriii trio moirtri.ne otgaea lor heaven s sake it might be kept a secret; he aaid he w ould run the State, if ever it got w ind, ho was sure be couldn't ttand iu It will be one while, I gueas, said loihar, aforo your are able to run or at ami either ; but if you wtil give me your bund, Jim, and promise to give over your evil ways, 1 wiiot only keep Ir aecrel. but you si u II 'be a welcome guest at old Sam Slick's once-more, lor tbo sake of your father he was a bravo man, ohe of the heroes of Hunker s Uill, bo waa our sergeant, und . He promised, savs I. father. i"lor the old marr had'strach- trisr rigtr HMtuuC rh'e uy!fre aiwuys stood when he told about tbe old war ; und as Jim couJdu't stir a peg, it wus a grand chance, and tic was going to give him the whole revolution from General liuge'up lo Independence,) he pro " ' mises, says 1, lutuer. V ell il was all set lied, und things soon grew as calm as a pun of milk two days old, and afore u yenr whs over, Jim was as stfuuy a giHii mail as Minister Joshua liopewcIL and waa iiiarrieu lu our bull. iNnthui" was ever saul about tbe auuro lill.arUtr Im weddot. - When the miuisicrhnd finished axm a blessiu, father goes up to Jim and says lie, Jim Mutiroe, my boy, gi.viu In. ii u lousin slap on the shoulder, that sol him a cougliwi lor the mutter of live minutes, (lor be was a murUj powtjrfui uiaii, was i.uimr,) Jim Mutiroe, my boy , saa he, you've got the snare rojiid your neck, 1 gut bsiiow, in.stL'iid of y our leg. We had u most speiiul lin.e of it, you may de pend, ail except l!ie miiiihter; lather got him into a corner, and gave bim coupler and verse of tlio wh ,e war. Every now and then us I came neur tlictu, I heard 15iinkei's Hill, E randy wine, Clinton, tiaie, iiinl u on. It was broad day when we par led, und tlie last ibut went wus poor minister. Fa ther followed him clenn iown to (he gale, and says he, Minister, we hudu'i tone this hitch, oi' I'd a told you about the erakyation of New Yoik, but Ell tell you that tlie next lime we meet. A-JSNA KtMSTORY; ; A curious fact iu Natural History was related some time smice by Dr. Anseiui, professor of Na rural History at Turin. A Miake called io Italy, Serpe Nerva, lho Coluber Natnv of Linnaeus, is w el i'kuow ii to bo ox 1 rciricty foiid of mnk and the Italian peasantry pret, nd that it makes its way in-j lo dunes to grainy its inclination, lhey even as sett 4hat it is-owitHiies entwined -round trie tegs of cows, drawing milk from their teats. Of ibis fact Dr. Aiisemi himself had an opportunity once of being an eye witness. He says ; "Walking, as usual, one morning, on the road called the I'ark, bordered by pastures containing a great number of sheep and horned cattle. .. I obser ved an old but vigorous cow, operate from the others, aud looking, with her head raised in the air, her ears erect, and shaking her tail." Sur prised at the noise she made, I seated myself on the bank of a stream, and followed ber with, my eyes, wherever alio went. After running foraome minutes, she suddenly Stopped in a sequested spot, and began to ruminate. Inquisitive to discover the cause, I went to the plaice. After going into a pond to brink, alio came out, and waited on the hunk for a black enako which crept from among the bushes and approaching ber, entwined lumseli round her lei, and began to suck her milk. , 1 1 dbstived this phenomenon two successive days, withowt informing the herdsman. Tbo third day j I informed him ojf it ' jtnd be told me tiwt fir sohiej mo ilm cow kiefce,! al the approac !i If ber e.fr e er done euch . thing i all my l,fe-MiJg cbap th,V f ' d I upon to hold forth, - but if ,5; b,I J- H tpcik for nM IK AoW ha hat , Two travelers beinir rohbad i j to frees, ,ne diai.nce frorn each otber. um ofll, ewlaimed, mdeaoa r ()h. ..i . aaid the other j 'then I i.h 1 1 undo mo." ' wr w " A Methodist preacher one dv ... -L-r.. will, .a old lady', wha he a-id ZLVZ V ! oarth bat ever committed a enmm k..i i, c i out bafor. ,ly died." To wbicb lb. old Udrve. ry knowing replied: "Ah. air. I L,..u, , ikaw ii yei jaro now, your gument camt doo. ' r Either uay M do Will you bavo mo EH. za 7 aaid a young man to a modest girt. No Jbn said .be, bu, yog ,Miy ( ' The papers have so long amused ibemaelvea with not,cea of tall men. that bineda of Ih.l rl... " c "c,,)r "ua ? Neil cornea tbe short o.e. We have beard of man , abort that be c.Kild at reach high enough lo button bis own jacket. Another so abort that he eould'n! look over a fence, after be bad climbed to tbe lop. Almcc tf Mind. A man tliioking be was at home, a few evenings aincc, laid dowu.n tlio com mon, and put hia boots outside the gate to be blacked in the morning. Another person after getting home one rainy night put bis umbrella io bed, and leaned up in the corner himself. r Another gentleman at the supper table dropping a biscuit on Ins pocket handkerchief, wiped bis mouth with ihe biscuit and verv dnlihnrnii.lv u,..i about buttering his handkerchief. U'MM. U... n (.oymcwi wt,w, oatng unwell, covered up a mil in the bed, and awallowad A,. W7 Another. A i.nKani taring risftrtl'W.. , perance agent, just as be was about to take down his morning bitters, kicked the decanter out of doors, and swullowed the agent. A Sailor's Wedding. A tar just returned from w?a, oiet one of bis female acquaintances. Ha was so 6verjoyed that lis determined to marrv bcr: but at the altar the parson demurred, aa there was not cash enough between them to pay tlie fees': upon wnicii Jack ottered a few shillings, nying: MNov. ox.miiui, bojber, marry utsu far a it mil g A Yankee Trirk: An eastern nedlar latelv dr. sired accommodation fur the ni"ht at a tavrru ia the south part of irginia, but from the prejudice frcqueully existing ngauiM this class, our host for a long time refused. Al last he conscntod. ou con- ditiou" that the penlur should play bim a yunkea l"ck yforeL'.eJcli bim. Thet&r-WM aeewu: On rising m the morning, Jonathan carefully se ur4 ikMHivcrlet-ftf lie bed,-which among other articles he pi eased the landlady to purcltuscr Tlie low price of the coverlet operated at oiiee on the latter, who insisted that her husband should buy it, adding that it matched her's exactly. Jonathan took his money, -mounted his cart ami had got fair." ly under way, when our host called io him that he had forgotten bis yankeo trick he wus to play oo bim. O, never mind, says Jofiatbah, you will find il out soon enough. Indian Anecdote A son of lho Emerald Isle, travelling iiitlie Cherokee country, met a native : " Good morning," said tlie traveller. " O ste-u," replied the Indian (meaning good morning.) 41 You sec me," replied the Irishman, be Ja sus, I see you too." " Skene-unake," (meaning mean white man) said the Indian, somewhat offended at the rough lan. uut ui ma icuuw iruveuer. i hi ... akin my neelc, cried the Irishman in a burst of passion. Uy the height of the hill of Hoath, I'll skin your neck first and he forthwith began to pummel the unflirtunate native most unmerci- fully.-"-' - - ' "-' u" '--- " Xcik-wa," (meaning quit) yelled the Indian. " es," waid the Irishman, I'll knock vou till your- heart's contented with the bating; IU give yei" from the " Sketches of Western . Adventurer e" , THE TWO JOHNSONS. Early in the Fall of '33, two boys by the namo of Johnson, the one twelve and the other nine years of age,, were playing on the banks of Shori re.ekT near the mouth of the Muskingum, and occasional, ly skipping stones into the water. At a distance they saw two men, dressed like ordinary settlers, in bats and coats, who gradually approached them, and from time to time threw stones in the water, in imitation of the children. At length when within 100 yards of the boys, they suddenly threw off masks and rushed rapidly upon them, took thent prisoners. 1 hey proved to be Indians of ihe De laware 'tribe. Taking the children into their amis they ran hastily into the woods,- and nlier a 'rapid march of nhout ix miles, they encautnpd for the night. Having kindled a fire, and laviiii' their ri. ilea and totiiah iwks ngainst a tree, thev lay down to rest, each vvith a boy in Ins arms. The children s may .he readily Mipposed. were too miii , agiiav - -' .. ,' - it it -.-) -0 ' if: