tt w I V i it u 1. i ' I l,.o i I ! .,i o nny i ,j llio cup. t I t ,!o I . r. Ml I. J ! .it ( iiruliiid fat r c. ! f lh :i-m let U ! ! f m of the United or.', i !! tl.a j a:. i ihrrcnl not Mi J. A'iI ejieciHy li m : tiff tail cn;t;ir0 win autho- ' ri c .ni. 1 1 . If .. ' J.c ! i ir sanctioned, or has bef u avow. Bii'!f,n(ic or cf..eert, or any ( tly i thaia. At.' fcwu to o! ! i Gflt lit I ' locomiiHK). t!.. !, it trp luvo teen taken by 1 r ficiioii ffoni Government of i account t,( aaij outrages. AnJ 1 1 the !! lou :fl any ceffi .,i,vVi,co rcLttivo lt'rr to, Inch Lis pad Utuccu the Go vernment &f t.'iO United h-tate and Great. Britain, any of the public authentic tf either which ,wsa egrrrj to. ' s , The then coiitifiucl tL consideration of f!,C.ut L-t I!.!!. ' ; Mr. Ctrtan.l of Virginia, on leave, LM km the Ue, with a .CW of bavi. it printed and offer, jug it on ihe nr it rc-tutiurt .dyf I ho following re RrtJeJ, That adoct coitirniit of en Ik ajjxtLltJ tu Uka Into cutuideratimi thr pruprktjr J projxwii an mrndntriit (u flit LW tituttoo ollm t)uit4 Uuiu puhititioy ihu wre. rl tiule, frutn ificurporating banka, uf other ao nt9 koJts ffvi aullntr icmjj Ik oj of rtotr of lb mom doiM!niwtii of thw coin of tho Unite J atc,er umler. , i . 'llurvLty, Mirrh HI. Tl cu-iJertttiuu of lUo liwh iH-rnknl Trennury Bill ja cutitinW, aitJ g tlcUute between Meer. Ctlbwon and U'eUttr enruc J. ? . . llocai or RcfKMrxritint. Nuuwruua pettttiM wrr prearntrd on t)i t? Jort of lh Uta durf, which were referred tj the bekcl Cmuttr t itut mi! j.t. - -- f RrjMfli from lh BtamJir CotnOiittera were cw!teJ lor. - ' The Uousw aja'ui to..k up the Ci il Li4 Bi!L"' , Frulay, March 23. lit SrxATC 7 ' Mr. W!l apoka at len;(U in favor of the IrvJo anknl Treasury tiltl .v, - , Iloewa or RruieTATiTt" , Kuneroua petition, in relation to tltc lata duel, were, prrsvutod, and nfcricU to '.be Sci Com- mute. ., - . 1r Iim Rt-.f;.. f ' n...t ! Mvafwitw ewa av iHwuaii wvuvtnitlWi wasaiV1 ' itt ' -i 8eerwl Etecntive commuoicntiotia were taid Le. fore the Ilouee by the Fjx-aker. The eoeaHderwtien of the ISvil List Dili -wna thro reaumed. . 20 DOLLARS HE WARD, For a Negro Boy namid Aliiistiad. AN A WAY from the eubpcribcr'a fartnrfn - Cliretrr- lhtrict, C tie the Ut of Octbr. I8d7. ruv t fl bov miimJ AUMSTEAl." He wus rvouiKd to complete it; I can reply-to only one T . . ....!.. . manunr tKaif aa thai t.HrrA hftVft He the next momins ranaway asaMi, and iwriued the atme route, and was committed to Salisbury j Jail I sent for him again ml pot him back about I l oiilea Of Unariotie. wiien m Drone awwy- omi r nmde hie escape. -I euppoao he i trying to get to Caswell county, N. C, w hore ho wus raised. When be left me he aaid ho got in with a North Carolina wagoner by the nomo of Wrn." Browner, of Caswell cjcuatjrtfiho ilm by mid ItTtfl-tfiyh. ed him oil; and promised to take hi in where lie waa rai-ted ; and I suppose when he marie his lust caoe he waa nakinir fuf. that coan'yv This hoy u .l.i U . IA . . .,r man ,f a il.irk liiullltlO! ' " , "6 7-Ti I..A ! color, he is four leet 8 nr 10 inches, he is k fl j haoded. and has a scar of u burn on hn left wrisl, and his left big tee is cut oil above tho twil. This boy, when he waa in tho Salisbury Jail, called his name George, and aaid he belonged to JainCs Pat terson, of ftJouth-CaroIina, w hich was tho man 1 jHirchased him from. I will give the above re V i i f 1 ard for his apprehcnsiou in any Jail so thut l cuu i get htm again. JOHN hM-LS. March 80, 1838. Gw nnttr a mn nvrrr'nrn iVUfVP ' rlil V ATE ENTEUTAliNMhiN 1 . j ... r J fiv rnnhrS!VTr.T.R. V. C. fes 1 aatejM n A m M V M SV tJ al-a-l htsu- f P11E Subscriber still continues to keep a IIoum: Jk 1 rtU'i v iti.'. KXTKiTTAlNlltENT nt the iOld Staud. near the Post Office, opjiosito to, i hut a ahort distance from tne Court House Sriua VI sk a m v at - and ire. It is conveniently situated for those who tuny visit jhis pluce to attend the Courts, or on other busi- lown. is auflicicntly retireil, and exempt from noise. Jseteral rooms, each witli a jiropTace,1ind a iiuiii bcr of Stables, have recently been added to his Es tablishment; proportionnbly increasing his mcana. if acconjuiodating bis friends, and others who may call on him. He respectfully solicits a conlinu ance of public patronage. ? L. BINGHAM. March 30, 1833. ,, ' ! . 3. NOTICE I S kerebv iriven to the i comninnltnt large, that aome time in the spring of 1833, tnrWarch r Apnl7 1 irchaseL negro girl from Margaret Penny, of Roan Co. for the sum of 8100 to her in hand paid, oil condition that the negro was to re maiu with her during her life, and then to be mine. The bill of aalo was executed to m for the above. mentioned sum, and I forarrt all persons not to trade for said irirl or rcmovo her, as I am the pro oer ownAr am? I mithnriwi lrrx)ah Wrtee, of Rnwnn, and Francis L Penny to he iy lawful uueiits, to uct fdr iij?, to pup that nid tiecrri is not Carried Hway. A?. U. ION ALIONT, lVaukliii, Jlaoou Co., ;-..C ) t J tf ?." .- March" 19, !)". Hm li l.:i ('AKOLIii'IA.N'. . 4 titli ao, 1033. cfau!lir.' ltHi.ii .uiao JDII.N . IlAliUli 14 a (-otiJtaatr, lur tv-vUxV.m Ut t'Amtff, at tUi nau jii lit tiwii lit ttua (Viiititjr, Wfl ar autVnirc giinouiica JOHN JONIu a faiHjuJato l-r itnj i ,!icg tf Hhenir, at Iho ti.uui tli ti.ufi in r.ij C i-i,tjf, Wo nj rcjiin''-u U tniKHinca Gl'.OHCl'. T. LM IJlL.'iU.N h a cjii'lu-'jia lur tin) lion rj cf I wii.iii"ui ia tl,j lait j -jjinLturf, trout Ui Couiii l luilcll. tiii: ULdUTU. . Tho amciiJuiciil c:!i.rc4 ky Mr, iCivt ti a uUt.iuiu f.jTtlie IndepfBiluiitTrcaiury till la Utd rfjt-cttjly a otu ot UO U) 'Zl . . .S' . NUItlll CAUOL1NA Tlut our Suto Nuuc'a witUm bemcK all tha ale wtita of pfojK.'rity tlii-ru ta M Dju Jci doubt Tht niuuUiiKMi )frt m rjul if not aupuriur U an jwrl ot lUo UuitcJ .SuUi a graiuig eouuuyi Uo riitoJlo cuimtry iq w tiich wtt rv.mi;, w well cikuU'W fur lha I La laiMfi ol gf4ia ol evvr lcrijtu)l iii4 aUtuugb o4 kaluialiy au luuiu at Uia UvouriJ tt, tn .y ander (ood tiwU'uftieiit, ta iiiaJd to orodac iitue liOce neaofltftf m tha greatest abmuuocav Tiiafcwratani part of our but ia at rich ia oilnml treat urt, Irud, Coj'vr, IxjJ, sa4 uuU Jjsv Uvtt fvum); aul tlta (ur KMitoU of Uia touutry marrinu lha telid lint Utcy a ut m ahuiicJauca. Tho lower ciaryjfutaj itfJUaia' ikMi intt proULly cuouiua Cual; iui yet. with ati tiotufal adiit'itaea, il ia wall knaww ?vn: J Carolina U gtoeral!y adrnlikd to ba'a jof Buta, oil ta u.e reaaon i dua v oovioua w every r fli'ttuij; unuJ. Wa bate all Ucu deroiau 14 ooo ur uit witliout Uia meaiia of iluuoaiiig of our aari4ua in exchange (or other arliclct, we hiva all bcea farioatf ; anJ no country cao pruxper under audi circuinataneea, eicrpt whore great fertility ofaoil atxi 'eliuuta.ara umtAl to ei) ineuua of lrtiiporlauoii, aciiLtr of w Inch iSofth Carolina puaaeaaea. What then woulj uia la oa p.operoua1 That aa liuprotemetil in our roeanaof traojiorutioa vouw add totwrproaflrtif ! will admit,' hut tht saturw of our Siaw u luch that uu wnproretnent can 'auflkieguy cheapen the nnna of traiuportation to enable be to cooipcte aucceaWully to agricultural prwJudi vtu Uta mure faoreI portion! of our couutry ; aid thia being theeaac, It mut le aJjuiwJ by every one, thai the only wray4 increase oui pruapeTity, b to create a mar. kct wrabin ouratlrea, which can ooly be cuecttd 91 divcri.ty in out purwiU, or In other word by efUh ItahiDL' mauuf.icluree of diCurent kuiila. In orth Car olina labor ia lower than in any other titaU in the L'n iiii ; wr nvera anJ atrewina which are not narii,tUoon account i4 their prrt. fall, aro well calculated for water jkiwvr, end pnviaionaof every dsacription are cheaa. all of which arcowential to the eucctaa of man- ufaclurea. What thi-n a to prevent our beeoining very properoaa if our pi-oplo will but a waked to their true ioteu-ai ! Nothiuj. AnJ that euch would bo the caae iuait be evident to every one from the good cflecteel rWy produced by the .eaubllehmeiirvjf a ftw totton Factor wa.. , ... . y .J.; Thw AJIowui comuiuiiicatioo from the Stakoabd, in reply to certain qtietftion erked by the Editor cl the Caroluia GateUc, will wo doubt ioterr at cir readcra: KuctoH, March 9, A lrttr Sir: tin regaru io we qucaiaxia w ui vr o!ma U Miet which you handed me to-day, about hon "the State " Caw lot ft i'to'be fiuBhed,"aa well aatlie ...,Alri.aJv anorooriaicd and how much more will be aw mt) v - (1 . w..rt ..,, iha mmint till Hie meet- (,f lJl0 nPXt Aembly. In the meantime, the Wo,k;iicn are bumly engaged with thfrfvoond mrching - .vnicn wrniF m ui vc.g - - cei as well a tiic lioor oi ine iibub. nuu lion that botidea the fhrce employed oo the Square and Quarry, we hate ertuwna employ -d modelling Plaster liiridimenta; wood Carvers, carving Moldings and tapiUila of Column!"; Cbmet and Chair makers about i nrwuw i rltoa IWucr Abuul cast iron oniamenta y and aim that the doors and windows being made, we have the glees aa well as the stair railing on the Square, as well as other materials. In short tl Commissioners haTo nofloiT a moment in forwardm? the operations of tl - iscreat work, with which they ar JJ j am, rar Sir, ith which they are cnirusiea oj we Your' r'a respectfully. . DAVID PATON. -.. 4a- I'rom our Cheraw CorretjonJent. J CncaAw, March 20, 1838. '. T hivo been from homo forfoUf weeks 1MB. J li va ' -...- , dl ri;.C(J I110of the pleasure of writing you. vntferdav received accoflnVfrom Liverpool to fi 2tih February, which market waa, aa it baa cou- stntly been getting, lower einco the 1st January last, ThuJ advicc; will make our marketa little more dull ; ft8 sa les have been mado a t full aehigh prices since, 1 make no chauce in iny quotations. I now quote I Cotton from 7 to ct; and, in some instanceB, a ' - liu tlo ovor this price fut strictly prime AVhibkev 4a to 50: Brandy 70 to 80; Corn 75; Flour 7 ; Bacon 11 tjllj; Lard 11 to 11 J Feathera 45; Sail 3 to 3J per Sack. " " ' ' Navy has furnished to the House the information called for,, relative to the South Sea Exploring Ex. nedition. Tho Secretary says mo expeouion m sneodilv sail. - The expenses up to lhe 1st ol oiarcn ,ntl in 8703.570 which added to $8S0,U71 the estimated expences lor tiro next two yeara anu a balf, make the whole cost Si .osy.o t. une in n.l ih store vessels nronosed in the origtna1 plan, are to bo dispensed with, which will consid-l erably reduce the exjienccs. The whole number of officers, includingthe scientific corps, is 84, with salaries from $1500 to S2500 per annum. -The Chaplain is to perform!! he duties of Historian to tho Expedition. f ' ' N tA Si. Virgil A, Stewart, of Murrel pamph i ..ioi,ritv.1ndicted for larceny in Mississipi, has found it necessary to apply for the benefit of ermr, to be taken to Choctaw county, his Jrial will take place on the, first of April, i Four-fifths of the poo i.. u,t .reeeHii'hij 'hiinibii.catehpnny..Miin. Li......t1irri.I h!ininfiletrlufiiili a.inost fiKilish exritenie-iH, tH.W.,ciu)t'cfcs .)liovisoia to have . been , r : - ' '. 1. (i ' ( ' :' j r I 111. I ,; I, a li.,il, r 1. 1 t;. I l.i'K I y ri 'i n I I y 'iilslaug, .c. "T" r tirtu;atr I'.r i ll 'j country nh u. 111. i -1 Wll.l loair. ita r! .m, m Hul rita tlH.n a 'mi u i t nur imii litt-y mav l j atflw ih.i . .iri.,. ,.,t lOK-rvaica in iinrrij.itt ( tmoe, WMlhvr drawn Ironi tiuhiy cf ficiiou.-J.IAi V. 1'rtjtn ike .tulTn tijlctttor, INIT.UNAL lMl'JiOVt..'dKNr JVItCTI.NO. A Ijro and reajx-ctablo ciiw of the citiiona ofCailc ilI L'ijOoIv. a h I..,!, I hi ,Lu I I -"""Jay uo i jin a SJarch, 1139, r the jm oi utgihg iiiuu ConJrcae the oronrictv ol im li.edialcly ciieMricMiif okcuiwimi Lt ikrneiuni Cre BKjiiJf ro,a lUfyour Jj4 to the Port of lkaufuit.Vi'he Rusting wm vailed to order by Jaconiae i'lgotl, Ujjn CtuirnuiiH and Jamea .Man. aula this....... ... f i - 1 - tvi.ij. jM oi'jeuect i3e inovting were liy cj4al Vy ianWa W. Uryan, Eq. 2. Wa Borrow, Ekj , t Wasuington, I arton. then ad reiud the iiiaeln.g, eod urired witn treat forre lt. iijortaice Uiua natioiul jmjirwemeut, iiot wify u ye eonnuetce of the btate, but the facilt. tWa it would give I be General (Joveromcnt in time of war is) IU tretisjiunaf iou of man it ions of war by thia iulnnj cooimwiicaiion with the otore northern Hates j owl eiprcaaed hu) couvicdoo, that lle IW pie of the Couoiiee bordering oa the Pamlico and Albemarle Soooda, will heartily jmu in our endea. voors to hav thia twtional work commenced b Hie il. Butce, without furtner delay., . The lollov ingentlt-wcu were aniMntod to draw iipiutftioiiadrKl-ffwotiorta, ;and Trprirt 'hilUi' meTing iivtiiorrow, Jamej Mamify, l$mn W, Uryan.Joho f. Jwiea, lsae liellwi. Jam W. lUut, Beojaniia Lorcrafl,TlOMaa Marshall, Isaac ftaiiisey, Jouea Mace," Wallace D. Strion. A.. Canada, Ambrose Jones, and Elijah 8. Bell. The meeting waa Inca adjourned until to-morrow . 4 o'clock, V. hi. ' ' - f aw a a a . : um March, 1839. , rurruant to adjournment meetinir of the Citi. w vancret fjountf,"waa field at the Court liouae thia day. The cha.rmaa called the rneet- a W-i . f ta order, and the committee appointed to draw op p, memorial to Congress, then reported aaid Bieniortal, which was uoaoioiooajy adopted. . The following resolutions were then read and adopted , RetoW, That the Memorial to Conereaa shall be signed by the Chairman and Secretary and one copy forwarded to the ttenalor from thia State- em! one copy to our Representative in Coufrew rum tnia iriatrict. The meeting wsj then adjourned, aine die. JACONIAS riGOTT, Chairman. James Makhey, Secretary. 7V the Honorable, Ike Senate and IIouh of tit p. rtKiitaltvu ol We LnUtd bla'.ci, i Congress , aseniUd, Ike following memorial of tht citi tens of Carteret Cunty respectfully skevetk ; '.That your .Memorialists are deeply impressed with the necessity and importance of improving the navigation, of Core Sound, froiri Harbour Island io the Port of Beaufort, for the reasona hereafter sta ted in this, Memorial. The operations for deepen in? the Swash at Ocracoke: aDcr thaeinnnrlilure of vast sums of money, havo been abandoned, and the navigation at tbl Port la (tow worse than it was before the attempt waa niaae-oy me u. a. Enirineera to ImrrorO it- It as therrfoie evident thai tho Fort of Beaufort must become the princU pal outlct for all the produce brought down the nvera emptying ' into Albemarle and. Pamlico Sounds.' 1 ho Port of Beaufort bavins a bar with 3 leet water, and a rapacious harbor where more than five hundred vessels can be moored in safety, during our most violent autumnal gales, oflbrs ad vantages not ooeessed by any other seaport inihe eastern part of thia State. The largest merchant t . ft.- :r : . -;- -r i- vessels can ue ai aea, aim uiscnarge uicir punta in lera than one boar. A few email aboala between Har bour Island and lleaaforb reouire to be deepened, so as to enable loaded teesela from Newbern, Washington, Plymouth, Cdentoo, and Llinoclh Lity, to come to thia Port and go to sea, Without the CJtpenee aod detention of lightering, lthaa been ascertained 'that the Josxes austained in (lie first instance by the merchants, but ul timately deducted front :-tha jMod.uee of '-the Tarmeny:, the difficulties of tne navigation at Ucracoke, amount to about live hundred tlioustnd' dollars per anouin. which sum can be saved tolhe people of tins section of the Bute, by the Improvement aelici'ed by your Me morialists. It M tne opinion oi tne oiaest and most in telligent men, residing upon the mrgin of Core Sound, that when the shoals are deepened by dredging, that the improvements will be permanent, or continue for a great many years. All the eastern States which have vessels trading to thia section of North Carolina are deeply interested in this improvement. The numerous disasters which occur at Ocracoke, with loss of vessels and cargoes, are generally Known, ecpeciauy io uit- m surance offices in our northern cities. This is truly a nation imnrovetiienl. Congress has appropriaiea twenty thousand dollars towards die improvement of . . n U t . I - i m. . k. M Uore Bonna XH. . IVBoruey una piaac um utmimii surveys a dredge boat of great power has been built for this work at Baltimore the lighters tocsrry ofTthe excavated earth have been built at Beaufort, and are wl thumfore . earnestlv solicit ConeresS4 to have I ' ' . . eulod with all possible diligonai to lU completion and your mouiorialista will ever pray. Vom tAe National Intelligencer; H.tiMttiM ru .nncuinAvnrV'iLi New Yoaa March 21, 1838. "trlinux; Fnaeketahie.) from Iverpor4rl',eb. 22, brings us dates ihree days later, Tho Canada fever was all over, and the best of feeling wa displayed to ..i. kia ennntrv. The American Minister, (Mr. Stevenson.) had been presented with tlie freedom of the citv of London, as a compliment to his country, which J .i . ......:....l nAn.mtu nw'il.ii-litiiriir he was under me coneuiui.imni n.iii b- Mr Hume demanded of the British Government the! pane's reportedfo be seized, which implicated h.m mi the Canadian rebellion; and the answer was, no such papers have beun iscized. f rom tne ionuncnv mere nothing rfuiarkable. Tha Hudson river ia open to Albany. Gen. Scott cariie Uown io the steamboat list night. Ti, AiPi-eoants of G. eat BnUan are as earnes for an am- icaWe arrangeinenioiinoaroiiiieauau a.i mv u.. chants of this country, Thus the twoGoverntnents will not find it difficult to, make an nonoraoie aim an aw lia ble settlement Acoitespondantof the New York American wr.tes .i... Ti-n mill rAfinine enecic payments when IVew I III . JJ.TO.VM .. --.- , i- .. .' . . ibl:. l. .a tha Kvi liBHirn M nrtr YorK oe. una limy uv " o. nu iuii". -- rvi.n. I pi,, and as Boston has been rapidly culling down its sjx POmpanies ol nrtillery under t olonu eirculation. ; ,,' . , . 'BankheaP have been sent from Indian r ' Thew is a propwitmn irtlte.Fronch Chambers to - .itl-.-Vne wheie they nrc to take boats, and bolLhsUve?lnhe French (lionie,, with re,unl to , h ; intffl!. pMre. Ma children hereafter bbtn - jproeee.i , i ;.U"i 1 hi; No;:n!- iloxwm V.. ... i i , , .... ' . i - ir truth i-fl i iMi.irt ),,! ItaJ. J '1(111i ims . t ..1 1,4 r,,.i ,. t j,,cf jt , 4HJf tu;nilllll tt ti . jr.tliil I'o.'imi I Mil im. it. P. .i.i. . n ' eooiiimii it.. I 1. .. .. . .,- .1 . 1 "- it imw nuaiiB i i ir mimi . m. m deuihineiit fCtfultr rml.t.a, tn khumwo-s of which hMdpred tolheeiiha.le a tl.s Mi.hI to u.trrrtN Urn retreat of the Invaders ta tin Anw-fatn ile, -miipi ua iiiuiafTii umird u, )ljdj, f (j dfl)tt morn wiora bun. J-Tnulmg Ihitivr4 ifinmd In, thy aitrmpted to aacape on Iho wib ai.J , and here sncouniereo ua twe ciar'i e itmf there. Ansa. f.gB.iiciii nui, in a, men t),s invtiUira ra foetid St ad. I m. ? 1 11. . i a . iri sah, wraoiy, Mtnr 04iry, atxJ Captain an i KeWaer and McKe-i, aod aovea others, dd oo the field, several beetuVa Ukn prtjorera, many ef whom were aevrely wounded. The Uritiah Ue u atated te oe two anted and twenty-elght avr!y wounded. ' . Tlie following account of thia a&ir te ttsa aaothar quaruTt , littct of a letter front a g sntleman at Sarvluakv elty . w iiku m mm viuagr, oaiee Jlarvh 3, lm "iotf will find an account at ilia m.Mn.i,li i, PlM in the tjanduakv Clarion. hirh this. The towo at thia time. (H p. u k i. a atatn of eaciiemeni a t -mail nnpsralled. A part of the officers peion-in in the rauiot array oo Point aa Pel lee IiJ and, have just arrived. Thry had a Uttle which lasted three hours, when th'y were compellad to relroat with the low of from fortv to ek'htt men tif!,l. mmtnAA and prisoners. I waa ptrnmally acquainted with two of the bffiettra, who left here on Saturday full K, Thoir bodies are now stiflenmg on the anui of the (al and. Thw battle muet give a final bhev to all Hie bopee of the Patriots in tins quarter." float Jfew linef. A sil-weTit (rapsrrh from CoIdnerMaitirnd an- nounces the capture oi ihe renowned General Hutfaee. land and a voung man of the nuis of Hpeoee, whom they ay is bis aid decamp. He wu sent andec escort to 1 orwnto. As aome of oar readers oiar like to know who thai Sutherland really n, we stale for their intor- mauon, inat ir they can recollect a Sereejot of Ma rlnra who t few fears since Was daily seen in our pub licstioneffice, wheie he called for papers taken by offi cer! eUtwned at (iovernor'a Island and the Navy Yard", the may place before them the individual in question. He w4 a Sergeant of larinea, and deserted, taking with him a turn of mnoey belonging to the corps. I- . , i.a ,. ii INDIAN DISTUR0ANCES. We entertain aenoua fears that muh .difficulty ia about to be eijierienced, in farrying into eiecu lion the Treaty with the Cherokee Indians, which provides for their removal beyond the MiseissipjH. tve have a considerable body of tbem, it n known, io the Sou h. western part of North Carolina, and ao nlarming are the indiratiwis ofhoatihly among them, that the General Goveruineul has made a requisition upon the Executive of lha State, for a force of VoluolffJiifsiitry. The Adjutant Gen eral hav.lccorJTiiglv, by direction of Gov. Dudley, issued orders to the projier Commanding Officers, to cill out tlieir respective ICegimeots, with a view to the immediate organization, if prarticablo. A one or more olunteer Companies in each. IlaUigk Register. Cape Ftar Branch Bank.T Cashier, Mr. Winiate, has reached ihasCity, and the Institution, we learn, will commence operations to-morrow.-o. t- - . . 1- . n J PROM FLORID.V. t'HAiLawTOX, Marcti, i r. More Indian Murders. We learn from Capt. Wtuld, of the achooner MaryetU Ryoo, arrived at thia port this morning, fniin Key Biacaine.that, on the 6ih instant, Cj; IJiuw and the head en gineer of the steamer Alabama, left their respec tive vessels, and went up thax rieer in a boat, about (bur miles from I he" encampment of the forces sta tioned in that quarter, for the purpose of gunning, and were both killed by a party of elraggling In diana. A negro who accompanied them made hie escape by aculling the boat to the opposite aide of the river, after having been wounded tw'ico. "Aa soon aa the intelligence of the murder reach ed the encampment, a portion of the troops were snot in search of ihe boat, but-returned without having aeen any thing of her. Col. Pierce ar rived at New River on the 6th instant, with his command, and would leave in a day or two for Fort Dallas, on the Miami River. Courier. Gallant Defence. tin Tuesday night laetisaye the Tallahassee Floridian of the 3d met.)we learn Ihe Indians made another attack upon the dwelling of Nr. Chatlelts, about 8 miles eaat of the Ocilla. His family were in bed and were awakened by the iischarfioof the riflea and yell of the savages. They attempted to force the the door, !Ir, Chatletta allowed them to buret on a puna ana wwiwu pa tiently until he diafinclv saw the Indian, when be discharged a double barrelled gun at tho otiening Ihe contents of which had such euecunai me ma-i - I rf . . I . .L - rauders took to flight, carrying or? their companion. nodoubt mortally wounded. 1 he trail was tottowea the nextd .y by a email p irty under Major Scott McGbee, until they dmperaed in a mica nammoca. Rjt for the callant stand made) by Mr. Chatletta, hie dwellng would have been plundered and perhaps burnt, but the unexpected warm receptionot the In dians completely disconcerted them. On the night previous, the dwelling oi mr. ieuieiu, wui ii r .. '. i , i - J l.. .l A same party the family being absent at the time. LATE FROM THE ARM y. Information has been recieved at the War De parUueQU.rrom.Fort Jupiter, Florida, as late as the 7th March, which states, that up to thaf time, fnere than three hundred Indiana and one hundred and an.;...1i. nea-roea had come in. From inlor- mat ion derived from them, it was believed that a.- taand hts oartv were Ivinir concealed on .kor.tin.ta nriheEverirlade. AtLiOATot nndhis n M. etof the O hee-cho-bee : and Lo-a L ih hi hand in the swamps of the St. Lucie, It was reported there, that many of the Mickasukies were making their way w . parties of two, three and four, iwck ,o u.e La Withlaeonche." It is evident that they will not -in. if thev ran avoid it, their aole object in, 8 ii... . .pi o,.t of the way of the whites, and pro- cure the means of aubeiatance. It u betieveu . . I .1 i nearly all their eiltlo have nccn u..j-t . i a s.. m , -vt - tpam at ranuiir.ui . 1 1MB " ' - left in the nation. h t'ae Everglades, an.i u piwsi- 1.1 . K...I o...l ftwl.vlun tlllf IllfliailS IHMI tne isi JfrJ '. and a coir ran t!.u 111 a; f-ry tii -r 11 u!rf- am AiHKraiiii are a'r 7 cn ruff, tai g ruarcfiej from IVrt J Lieut. Powell of tU tuty is to to crrs:a in t' vvmmml, whf, ,;i e,8 Co. a ti, ' mg force f noarly i huivfre J psa-UJ. LKPAKI'KD TUL4 f JPf, h Iffk lis bad Uan L txan tM,'k . .A., i . :. vnn, m uia ain.i-aeifti.Pi ofUeMeUMlitKpiac.jitChuriu. In Franklin, Mar on ComhIv.K. fl m ii,ir,k . t February last, Mr. Jull.N A. DtJNAMi.iil Igtd TI years, 0 months and ft da) a. , . ; Ia this Cooaty oa the 25th mat. Mm MATTY: afrit aort af Mr. ftebort H TrotL-alsu ner laa infant r.J a " w -m was drea, i . . . Tlie Charlolle Jocky Club !Ucc, " IVILL commence on Tuesday, lU 1st day f f f May neit, and probably, continue Vi week. I ! day, a tweepstake for 3 years old, mile heats entrance 11 half forfeit to cioee) the evening before the race. sd day, two mile heats. .... JJJ dsy, 3 mile heats free for any horse. The 2d and 3d daya the Club will furniab the'. purte amount not yet known, but eipected te be uu seen day. i - The proprietor resides within a few hundred yards of the trait, and la wetj Vreof4lo accom" uvidste sll who may call on him with the beat,!! country aflorJs, and on rood ternwu. He has good large and dry atahles, aulTicienl (of the accommo dation of 25 or SO horses. We anticipate a very interesting week from the number of fine horses now in training the course) will be in first rate ordsr it is undergoing entire alteration and repair. ' Gentlemen of the Turf and all others food of this truly rational a muse meat, nay reasonably ex poet a pleasing and interesting meeting. WM. 8. NORMENT, 8ecy. March 30, 1839. 3t W 1 .1 The thorough-brcdIIorsc r CHARLEY BRIMMER, IVILL atand the ensuing Season at Lexington ' one half of hie time), and the other half at John W. Tbomaa' atore, ten miles Soutb-oaat of Lexington, and will be let to mares at IIS tho Sea-ton, or 910 if paid within, the Season, 93 the single lesp, 915 to insure a mare to be in foal, dee when it ia ascertained, or the mare disposed of. All casual injuries, if any should occur during thw eeaaon, must be at the risk of owners of tht msreav Pu and constant attention shall bo paid te thus who patronize Charley. ' ' v DESCRimON.7'-. ' T Chablkt BaiMMKi is seven yeara old thia Spring, ties rly five feet three inches high, and ie etitTgrowing, baa a fine coat of slick hair, of a cheanut aorreL color, beautifully taaiked with just white enough to add to hu beauty. Uia form U. fine, his appearance gay," bia action good," hie tamina great, his ayiutnetry beaut i(ul, hie dispoai- . tion mild and tractable ; with all these protxipent and requisite qualitiee to recommend him, it asj hoped he will, merit .and receive a liberal portion of pubhe patronage, not to ije. repented of by tnoso who favour hint with their custom. PEDIGREE. T CnAaatr BtiXMea waa sired by the justly cole brsted race hore and foal getter, Sir Charles un questionably one of the beat sons of the renowned Sir Archie, whose name and fame aa a racer and 1 atalion, ha yenp equal.oiLlhfljlmricaa tootioenta. his dam was sired by the distinguished race horse old Thaddeus, one of the beat sons or Hails Mori wsl. he half brother of the above Sir. Archie botltL having for their sire the imported old Diomede, whose fame increases aa last as the wheels oi time move. Without the blood of him, Sir Archie or aome of their desirable stock, it is hard to Cud aV race hone. Ilia grandum was by the distinguish ed thorough-bred race horso Little Driver, he wae the aire of the celebrated Bay Doe, and many oth er fine horses, and was sired by old Bellair, ao knowledged and recorded to be the best son of Ihe imported horse old Medley, whoso blood is at this time sought with great avidity by men of the) turf. The dam of the above Sir Charlea was sired by the imported horse Citizen, and he the grand sir of the great Monsieur Tonson w aa got by Pacolet in England j the dam of the above Thad deua was also' the dam of Woodpecker, Calipso, Contention, and Bluater. ABEL UNDERWOOD. March-3uVlA33. : 31 The beautiful young Horse BUZZARD, WILL be at Walter Burn', in Anson, Rocky river, on Mondav the 26th, and at Dr. Wort Vs, Saturday following, in Montgomery Co., Kine'a iold mine, Beaver dam, and will be let to King a goio i . . 87.50 the sin- maresatme i.m.-6 r-r-'".- " ... the . i .v.. Minn in. nr Kll OUli V" the 10th ..erv ninth day, Sunday excepteu, um, .... 1 1 . .. :e i.ui lv All het time will ue mane up ir.knee or.liiili waier, tog"-"". - r-- - ,, . ... a aa. iin nri viivricv. k 1. ......... r witn nrivue . :.,.A.aa tin at his hle Twill not Ik, liable for ay arc, eut'has ha,.,-, d in two years u,Xo theresent time. . 11 . ,f March Is ( " uaaaJau . a

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