i i J. i 1 4 c:ii:Ai'i:n f:iiAn r.vni:. r.Icrcliaiit Tailor In now r im, from Ntw 1 01 k 1 J.iu U' l phis, a ii'-iK-rul ilniMil l Cloth's Ui.J Cab mere of various .o.is (' winter, together with r a gw rl and larj; assortment of Kt k ('-ob Isrs, luii, and every 'other artulu usually kept by -Merchant Tailors. .Tin's 'good be been rleclc.l ' by bmi unperson, and, can be coilJmly recommend to !.o ulu ch'-up and good. Having forked at the Tailoring Bu lne for twenty It hope that h aball ttui bt coBh'd a rauiiiiiiH in celling Iiim. " aclf i Mx of cloth. IU h iU j't received i THE N. YORK AM) PHILADELPHIA And iba above will I mad up in a superior etyle of fiishion, an4 warranted lo fit well. , ' lis wtU a 10 keep ou band a general aswrttneiit uiiinv haiis: ;lotiiim.j, All of which will be sold very low f.r cash or on ' a credit to puncltial dealers. All kind of rutting will be done on abort notice. Order for work from a distanc) will ba punctually attended to. The public are invited lu rail and rniirie pri ce for therm I ve. I lo still continue at bin for liter aland, south of ibe Courthouse, in (lie Urge Brick building. Salisbury, N. C. f P. 8. As be wait Agent f.r M.m of Uc muht fashionable Tailors orPhilmh'lphia and New York, be would be" happy M instruct any who may wish to Iran; the art of cutting Knneuts. He also continues-to distribute tlie Fashion. ' lyllrri br FaMhions nmt be ;hm paid. LL persons indebted to in by Note or Ac- rttiitii r n-niu-tliwl Li mil niul wllln llic at me. II. V. LONG. Mansion Ilotrl, FlHioTniry, 3:" November 2, lk'H ITS' Look at This ! 3 e. r:bmckiiead, BEC3 lene, liNprct fully, to inform bia friends trie citizf na of ajnrent Coontira, ami tbe pub lie generally, that he ie yrt rarryin on the Tinware Manufacturing Dullness, at hia old mud in fialiiburf, where be ia prepared to execute, at aiioneat notic", all varieties of work in bia 1 1 nr. Ordera from a dittanre and repairing, ahall receive i mined ial attentiiMi. QlT All kindx of country IVmiuce taken in exchange. Ml. iilktCkHKAD, Inked tbirf opportunity of returning bia nifl aincere thuuka to llxme whu have heretofore lun.red him w ith tlicir custom, and hope by punctual at tent ion to bumueiui, tu merit its coutiauance. Hunted, A youn( win, fifl n or sixteen yeori of aae active caW ittqtniouMm an Apprentice tu the Tinniaj ftuanDesa: One from the country would be preferred. 10. U. U. Kowaa, Mcreli K. MM. if I HAVE now'a fiiwt rale large new Flat ; fully sufficient to carry Miy wuuo aud team acrum the nvcr witn aafety, and ai tho Ferryman lived directly on the bar. of the Kiver at the Ferry, there willuut be any time lost by waiting on I ho Ferryman. It ia ona of tliu t ldot Ferrys on the Kiver in tbia part of tlig country, and is extensive, ly known by the name of and has been nn Eeruru1 fr the last forty year. It is ubout one lourib mile above the IblHiui Ford, on the Cataabo Uiver, in Lincoln county, N. C. The ratca of Ferriage are as follows: Footman, . . . fJ cent. Man ami horse, . . do. Oiie-m7S 'CarritigrV . CI5 ' "'" " Two " ." . M:i Jo. Three " " . . H7j do. Four-horse team and wajror, 75 do. Si " " 1 UD - Due attention and mv thnnki will la given to all who may call on me. FRKDEiUt'K MOCK. -Lincoln, .March 2, ll. 6t STAGES, for feulinbur and .Tlorgaiiton. rPHE Stage (rom Faycttevillo for Salisbury are now in full wrntion. They leave Fayelieville, on the morning of Monday and Friday at five o' clock, and hi rive at Salisbury on the evt nin of the next day a to lea. Returning, they leave Stlin- bury on the name mornings at tour o clock, and ar nveTraycuevmr! on thinvf nlngs of the'herr days. Passengers rent nine hours t nttfht, at Al len's in Moore county. Fare, fH 50 1'entK. These Stages couuuet witlimy Lmu fruai SaLuhu. r 1 JA V,riVt?Iit.s.t-.'i'i,j . 'V 1 ,a r d s ft r e a t (41; ili-, ties for merchant in the interior to visit Fayette ville for the purchase of their goods, exchange of nioiieyf), purchfisc of drafts, '5ccV cVc.,"a'ir it is thi" clieapest, most expeditious, and direet route le tween the two placet). At Fayttcville, stage lines leave every day for the north and south. A. CARM1CII ,AEL, Proprietor. Ai;i:ftTs: -J. BROWN, (Lafavetlo Hotel), Fayettcville, A. C; CIJKUV, Carthage, A T. A. IIGUE, Sfisbury, T. M. YOUNG, Slntesville, l R, C. PEARSON, Morgnnton. January 24", 18:W. (feh. 2) .'Jm Ivo TIC e7" "TMIE subscriber lost a note of hand bearing date -aboul the 8th of January lB.'JS piiyablo' six month after date, drawn by Daniel N. Alliernathv, with Robert Abernathy securiy, payable (o Alfred D. Carr. All persfns are hereby cautioned against trading for aid nolo from the finder. DANIEL N. ABERNATHY. tab. 0, IW.' (iv f1Ii: F'uh.rril-rr l.ii Un ; ,- d f r a 1. 1 ' !' I - i)cr ujwBri!f l 'i- - ! I.n i-irf I In f.rniiiisr Ci'Hiwitni by wl.n li mm hm'-r- . I rubrr wuirr or lu.ru hw r.con b run v.. it rr, end IhmmI mtin ly free Ooui tn-.il i r war. li llni method, Ida troute nr boxinj and oomoii;', ' .. III,! I l ... - ..,,1.1 as wen as ninaing iiim, n r ( inwin lo well tu U w4ie of ihiik.mUlii, as I will aend wnlleti intl ruction with lh -r-M who do bui-ne-s Cr me other the (iihliQ will fmd not to be Itenuinv, llugh they may mko Iretf In f ibilit my band bill-. , . L. Mi (II LIMIT. Urcb io, m.s . at . Wanaway 4 He ia about 10 or 17 yaart of aKs, ntui bad mi when be U ti, a seal akin cap. Now i will pvc one eertt ami a turfy nail to any person who will apprehend and uVdivcr said boy to me, but 1 can't say my thanks besides. I forewarn all pern from harboring or haviu any thing to do with said Joseph C'bambers. T. SAW VERS. March 10, J 8 39. fll ELOPED 'ROM the Subscribers on the 12th - irisl., an" indented apprentice to JCvJV tbu TaiTorinxz liusincss, tv ino name J of Mb. V. W'rtt, about 10 years of U age ; be wore oil a blue cloth coal, checked satinett pantaloon, bih! a low crownej Hack furred bat. 1 will give four ami a half cents for lite apprehension and delivery of said boy to ne. but will not thank bia apprebenders forlheir iroubloand kindness. I 5rwarn all rona from turboriue, employing, or having any thing to do with aid West, and am determined to puVlhe law in force against any such person or dbisoos. TI103. 8. HENDERSON. Concord, N. C. March 10, W. The TliorotiKli-Lrrd Ilorae, BAU.NVKLT, kuioir SC'iHon at my Stable, in Lincoln eountv. 8 mile South! i f lb;attie's Ford, two thirditof hid'lime; the ..Ik.., .u.ri i iWa iI.IiIm vi 1 iv. 1 m of in 1 county, and will be let to mares at 15 the Season, $10 the Single Leap, j ta be paid as on as the Mare is covered, wuh the 1 privilege of lurniuji to th Season, and 2." the j liiKUranre; the money to be paid as soon as the' Mare ix ascertained to U? in Foal, or tho projierty changed. DivscnirnoN and. pedigree. Barnvelt is a licaotiful Uv, just in bis seventh , year, near sixteen hands biir.li of perfect symetry ; . 1 i - r- 1 1.. : in a woru, nu ih, as 10 lonn, interior io no wiw m the !tate Barnvelt waa bred by , the late Hon. Jno. Randolpli, wt' Roanoke, Charktte co., Virginia; foaled in the Fall of 1831, got by Gascofgne, bbi dam Roanoke, by Ball Florirel, graWam Ooimo lia, by Cl.anticleer, great grandam Vanity," by Meades old Celer, Moretur, by old Mark-Anthooy, imported horse Jolly Roger, imported hoso Silver-Eye. rk l- z- . v -' For confirmation of the above, reference can be mad.; to Skinner'a Turf Register, for the Pdirees mid jerformances of those raco horses of which Rartivclt is a deiicendatit. Lincoln, March 8, 1635., 19t """-Niiv-FASHIONS - : s'Oax yica w'jorn-os1 .1003 ..An V.-aa ia.itst :i IROM tli BuUcriber on the 17th , March, int.t an Approiilica boy la the lilaeksmithinff' liUNineM. by tbeoameof JOSKriI CHAMULUiJ. W1 v.s is. I'U'iiui, s.iiiiu, hed whIi au uli'Craieaarm and haiid, which reitder- UF.?rFJTFrLLT7i;fr.rni!t Iih friends and tH' e4 Mm-nlnW uWwCTltUiTctr -CLrr?t;tdtbnt -ptintre, that ne -uh carrier on iiui i .w i,uu- IN( Bl IM.Sa af his old M;uk1 on main street, n jH door to llio Apothecary Sforej He is evrr ready to execute the orders of his cu-toiners in a style and manner not tturiamd by uny workman in the western part ol the State. He is in the re- 2u!ar receipt ol the latest Liondon and iew l ork FASHIONS, and nn-nared to accommodate the, tastes of the tasluoimble ut ull" tunes. (T Cutting garments of all kinds attended lo promptly ; and the latent fashions f.irnished at all times to country tailors, and instructions giveu in cutting. 4 Salisbury, Jan. I, 1 H:JS. 'lDiTmtS. VI. I. rH'rsons indebted to the Instate of Anderson R. Foster, deceased, hy note of arconnt, are hereby notifi.'d that unh sc they p'iy the wirne on orjw tore Jtn week of Dnvie County Csirt, in February next, that suit will be brought uion nil dues without distinction. BURTON CRAIGE. ROUT N. CRAK Rowan Co., Dee. 22, If So. 8.1,ia:ni Mreel, Iew-yorlf. rFFERS for sale a COMPLETE ASSORT " " MENT in the above line, comprising many very choice patterns Repacked to order for the country trade, or in the original package. Orders by letter will receive every attention. New-York, Jan. 3, 1S3H. (feh. 2) II w " mTlfm r y notFce! Attention ( Hirers of.llie Gltli i:i:(aii:T I . "1JARADE at the Court-Ilouse in the -- Town of Salisbury,' oh' Saturday the 2nd of June next, at 11 o'clock pre. ciselti, a rtged flnd equipped with musk et, for Drill and Court Martial. Cap tains will then make returns. v . R. W. LONG, Col. Comdt. Salisbury,-March 23, 19t. ( - , tp ' . . . j ' A INDIAN HO i ii-ACIIK. i ',',( i. 1 t ' r.Aly l'i- 1 rrcu.ioif i.; f ! I r l!.H tl- tu il l i r.ly ! painaiMl prto- n i f ll.e Trrth, ln ibi d the suli-rilc-r to t r it to the An.rnnin I'uhlii', ArrBiignneiits bono In i n madq ta supply s nl sis all the principal Ca"iel and lowtis of tl.o !..Siat . au a to plre U viithin the tetirli of llmio suffi-r-ing, and likely to ullr, with thq inot hanamg of all aehea, (totk.ache.) When 8 pplie-1 otcor. ding tu directioru given oa the bottle, it lm never lailedl to aiTord immediate and permanent n lief. It also IrrciU tbe decay In defective t lU and re lieve that so re tws which ao frequently rcruluri a strong tooth uteless. - Tlie apjdicatioa an3 remnTy are simple, ioii' cent, and uot unplf-asebti and the large namber i pcrwMis.'in varioaa Mctionaof tha country, thai have already eiptrienced auch delightful and fill utary brm fil Troin tiiaUsa of the Uajin, are in dy to bear (for tha public geod) their Uatinonjf to ita unrivalled qualities. ' ,t ' . , It i an Indian remedy, oltained aingtitarfy and unepectcdly, and may ba'regardrd by lha civiTi. wd world an tbe vnoat valuabJe diacovir of the RedManof the WoocLj.: V - ' " , II. B. MONTAGUE. PeterilMirg, rirginia, Feb. 50", 130. ta y PRICE $1 PKU BOTTLE. aassMMsaaw ! t VSY IMTU.T IlIUfsH AIU. I L'ST received, and for sule at T1JIS OFFICl!. " tbe following lnvalunble l'alout Drugs and Me dicinea, Viz: . - ' ' -' " MONTAGUE?.?'.: VEGETALLH TOIC liimR0, roK the " - One llottle of this Medicine baa novrr been known lo fail in efloctini' a perfect cure. At Icaat any ersoii purchasing nod usinf tbe Btleri and are nut satisfied at to tU etJocts, ty returning ine Bottle, shall buve back tbe price, Mfrr UyttU.', .TIO.TAtJtT.'N "S Antl-Spaunodio Tincture, or. - , eii-"ri-5rt nnfvcnt 1 7 1 LL ntainl tbe en. For Diarrhu-u, tn all of it various lurow, liya vv kininT SciHon at cntarv. Cramp Colic. Cholera Morbus,-Asiatic Cholera, After Pains of Lying-i Female and In this it is tbo Mother (Comfort, in that it is the f very best preparation for the 4iiiimr diseases of ! children, that ha yet been introduced info the 1 rhnmlwr nf tins nialrriMM. - 1 -- - PRICE, 73 CENTS PER BOTTLE. IJonaparteN (Camp) Iiiiiicins - MIXTURE, FOR EXTRACTING Grease, Tar, Tnrpentinc, Paint, Otls.cVc- from Carets, Floors, Cloth, Hats, and Silk bf wbteb Coat Collars are ruadu o look a fresh aa any part of the Coat. . " PRICE 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. OCT Directions on each Bottle fur using. 9 WIIJilAlLAV. ai!AM Foe, Ulcen, Ttunourt, ii v Can now be obtained of jke patentee at tit ojict 1 ; of.tkff Raleigh llrgisur, . ' Single Pot'I dollar One dozen, 0 dollars. - L Raleih. October 8. 1830. . . - - Tlte abovo- Med icina U Cir-aafo in Salulury at .1 - t7 e iaiiv unnMiv ' . . - r- , ins euiv 01 vuinij'iviii 41 1 1 1 jr. For five or six f ear orevloii to the Sorini?of 1 1 i 4 m A ff tutlwt lifiAll murk n 01 1 r 1 B' - "T jurt oi -hi arm irow tne -eiuow-Oowii, laciuuiwg hi? entire hand, which wa literally, a inaaaof pu trefacttoo. A jmflti)f -one finger, an'! a"wrt nf the thumb, perished anddroptoff. A more distressing ; and hopeless 'caw, I have never beheld It wa abandoned by his physician aa incurable, tscepl hy amputation of tie band. . Tbe best medical treatment having failed to re . Iieve tlie man, I placed him under the car of Mr, f William NV. Gray, in this place, who. with hi I Ointment, hna efJectirallrryred 'the oae, nlthough the Negro was frequently absent, fof week and months together.1 He baa been entirely 'well for the last eiht month, and I have good reason to ueiicve wui conuuae ao. WILLIAM BOYLAN. ANOTHER mm IT CUUE. Kaleigii, September 21, 1836. I am now 58 year of age when in my, 17th V A11 1 1 a?,HHfi"' n tafrttsrvjl aw t..ri iaiiiTa Ian." t j t wwrsi- si mar 1 j I' '1 1 l 1 ca mo ulcerated, and continued so until ih 'first of March last. It wvuld occasionally Jieal up, and then break our agio;but most of the time, it was in u very puiniui eonuiiMdi, ino bqtq naving cxtena' ed td' I largizetandb ttneri many remedies to make a cure, without auccC9, until I applied Gtatfa lamluahle Ointment, Awo pot of which have effectually cured my leg, end reduced it to it natural size. The cure would havo been made much sootier. Jind I stricllv nt tended to the directions for t'h'e use of the Ointment; but this 1 fuiletl to do, while I took 'much exercise, and very imprudently used tight bandages. Mv leg hns been well for more than i.fnoolfis,Nlurinrr which time, I hae walked much, yet It remains firm and free froTi all soreness or inflammation. After having beti afflicted for a (icriod pf forty.one years, I now enjoy the benefit of a sound leg again. LEWIS .IIOLLOMAN.-. si supply of the above valuable Medicine ;Mlt constantly for sale at THIS OFFICE. 1 YOUNG'GENTLEMAN residing in the vi, cimtv of Salisbury, is desirous of purchasing from 25 to SO'YVima IJnr, ' for which the highest market pneo will be given," if application bo made soon. Address T. Forknerat this office. Fehnnrv 23. 183J . ,7 tf ' ... ' 4 i 'I !ii:.-i 1 1 i.ii-oio i . in ( Olid I1 " fii i(i r. In! L' H 'f .IV. I I . ..... w I I ,r stom: cu i'.TiNc ihjhini;s, nml is cvr rrady t-i rxrrute, m a very if f iniiiiiipr. nil d" riiti'.n f 'if k in hi bn'. (,'oU (IrindrrM. Mill ! , U'i'i..e and W.j tilti, J)iHr tJl and Tomb f'ono, Br. rxeruted a very lire ste. Hi grit f r Mill ! 1 -. iivt-ry Mr. Philips also U to infi.ini tbu public tint borno execute I'iix'i of vtin.rti kied He will ligrsvo maiblo-sbiU neutly, and gr.vuie tomb-stone t an U will ncrult d if ilenirrd. Hi rfiarge shall alway U n ax-nahlr, onJ a accuui niMlaiinf aa fxiMiiblp. ' 1 . - 1 1. .1....- I., it.. .!-.v t IVrwn Wninu 10 iiavii wum hhw h line, wdl do wi II to call at the remdenca of Mr. Philip, avven mill' outb of Balmhury iNovrmbcr tf tr P. S. TU Mnroln Reblican wilt ln-" the abuv 3 time ad Mward Ut atctaiul to tin w.iira. , J. A' W. MUIUMIY, Hate rrcr'tt land for mU, vkMiaUorrttiiil, 1 0f 1AUS 1 1 Tire' 8"",, r,,fl , y 5 Jo. 1 cbw do. t do. -3 i Nv Seotia Griral Bionra, - . 4 Ciwka good Cbeeaa. v ' -20 RoxeaOUsa.8 by 10. I -. .10 Cul Uoffrr. ; - c - - - . . - 25 . 'onjj Bccmiti iio vonp. 3,o66 II. Bp Cttfo. atisorted number. . j2(0 bwttlca Hcotch SnuiT, high oat, -f 6 Iloira CandTra. ' ; ' " 7 ; ' .4 Caak pood Jtice. . V-. Hilda. Frima Molasses. , . .. .. . . ,. 40 Hacks, Liverpool Salt. ' iOrointed IJorrct. r ' .l,sUiry, FU 1, ... "AViaVij;-Ycranmcni. - - INFORMS hi friend and tba pub f i i If A Ge. tliat La baa lukeu lha Uouav. fur. J '! ' nverly occupied by CoU Wm. F. Kel Ci.,.'..".J 1- in tlx town of Mockavill. Dnvi aouuty, with tba Jew of keeping PRIVATE L.N TERTALNM h.NT. Th Hooae , is roomy and comfortable and in the busiueiMi part of the village Tim suUeriher blude hi bet exert ioni to ren- iLr aHliHlaelUMk la all who t))BV CU C4I bi(B." Hi TAD L E will at all time be supplied with the best tho country 'afford, and hi BAR slocked with lha choicest Liquor, Hi Stable are eiten sive and safe, will ba well supplied witK giod Pro. vender, and aftrmlcd by a nrt rate Iloatler. Mocksvilb?,Feb.2,t8.. tf MRS. K. CAHTEK, H f illlnrr ami Mantua ill Maker, a few door North of the Courthouse and .Mansion Hotef. reKPCctfullv inform her friends and the public that she - ha just received thtliftcst r - IYrrthf ria-rlrlslcm rprisR ul and thai ai I now well prepfed to pxecutc, every rnrii'iv iir i in inn nnovo uuaiiiciia. in ibq nivai FialiionabU, neat, and durable style. - Alt kiudf repairing wch as coloring, bleaching and alter ins t in Hiw Wi Bonnet" niada new and iuv iUmio at hortest hot ice in 4 superior manner.Order 1 . .. .' .. .. . I from a distance shall rrcctre attewion, ana no pam r i n: 1 ' 1 1: 1. Will .OV vpareu in packing nuu lurwaiuiug woik dona Tor customer abroad. -SsJ'ubary, March 0, 1838. rt AOTIt'U TO DLHIOHS. pt'LtrpoTaan a indebted tn thr E"tate-of-Jatne Craige, dec'd.jbynote orjaccouuinre Jiereby notified to come fiirwaruaniT niake paynnfnt imme diatcly." A failure on the part of any ouc indebted, 16 comply- with lhis Hotice, mnyXpecL to settle with ihu bbcrdfor Constable. The Est Ue mutt be iMttltdJ THO.!A3 CRAIGE, i . ,,r .Rowan co, Jan. 25, . . MAiir.i.iKr, BRED by tbo late lion. John Randolph of Roan oke, will stand tbe present season in Statcsviile, at $20 the Season mid $30 the insurance the money lo be paid aa soon a the mure is ascertain ed to ne in foal or parted with : for a Single leap, $10 will bo charged, payable as soon a the service ia rendered, wuh lit ty cent to the groom. The Season commenced the 15th instant, and will ti.d 00 the 1st of July next. 4 DESGUIPTI OiNT MarbliCHis a rich brown, withoui, any while full 16 hands U inclres hrgh,-and ns tinety proportioned as any horse in America. In short, he ia just the hurso to make glad tho heart of the true aportmart to look upon. 1 o the gentleman bleeder, I have but to say gee bun, and I have no fedra a to the balance : pedigree; MARBLIEU was got by Tonson out of Jet SfiTby BTiibter ouTof bHitira SlaHra fiv Alexan der the Great puiof Roso by Swcelbi iar Roae .8S"lStif!lI I 9sTt59 j!5iiapj--8no tint of Miss Wind sor by the Godolplnn ArabuuV, (&e Turf Regis Ur, Vol. V. 'jxige Bluster wa by Orlands, llio son o .yv iuskey, juoL.nl a, ILgh-ilycr mare, lia by High flyer, her dam Miss Tims-sister to Maiden by Matchem Saltrum a Son of Eclipse out of a Calash mare by Herod, her 'dam There sa by Matchem; Rcptifu by Godolphin Arabian. See Turf Register, VoUU. page 01.) 1 v RICllARD v. miciiaux. March 23, 1838'- . ' CERTIFICATE. ; , .. Ihvrng bechtedOeiit Jr bv Mai. Mie.hnut 'InmL amine th Tiirf Register On the subject of those 1 edigreei; I id so, in cinpany wfih Vim, and find tlie abovfrstatcnitirt eifirtjy accurate f " f V FL,C.r JONES. 03 SnitTTOTG "' EECUTKl) NIJAtLY AT Tills OFFICK. sister to lseape by 1'egasns, his dam by Squirrel Pegasus by Echpse, out of a Bosplnrus mare sis ter to Grecian Princetss. Oi landa was out of Ame a u 1 V Mil1.'.. VU.MaUV PLITI I'LLV i '.1 tbo ritu-r. i,f u. III li Iib.irv, lb .1 in 1! t Iit Confection. I t I ti l l . 44 '" rilii ' j ' 1 " "i.u 11, of ,v. loik, who t a j .,, . 1 .1 l turrrwi Umvj$ in all us unoui Lrai,r!,r UlU k4 , following, vizi :f,o.ivi,:irtvnf,i)l SUCiAU CUAClillUH, roi .Mi am hii'itsii c .ui:t JitniMrR, f-in,;rr INut, Nttx-ar fln gcrnrcacJ.r.IolABsci Cingcr Bread, ; Tea Rusk MuOiifl, Epunje CU , : cult,Tartn, licf U Bpunge , G INCUR DREAD, And all k'mJ of C A K E 8 that are Ulu-d in lU prlnrijifil citir. A ny of the above article ttt L? furnished lu families, by giving liuiely imic. LORKm 1'ttALEY. Salisbury, Feb. 2, 18iH.y . 3m NlTVAV ITCIIIN,"; .TSTTSLLSr-r A1ID 07TLS?,7. TntfM n TJilTMnn villi Jt A ilLulliJil h M )us returned from rtiU-t. phia, with a very rine AMortrarnt r it... 1... . . .. ' I . r VI linr iii.y Bllivirv, 0 m t'ir"'r. ritirlv ow fashnm. A Israe aisonincnt 01 Superior RAZORS and KNIVES. He can aafety say that hi ataortmcnt is suprrMirt.. any in tba western part of lb State Call anj OCT U'afches and CIocV. repaired a uusl, warranted for twelve month. ,Bli,Uiry, Nov. 3, 1S37. . If IOR the Cure of almost every variety oflune ttorial disorder of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver and Spleen ; such as heart-bum, acid eructju-nm, nausea, head ach,'paia and distention of tlie Sto mach and bowel, incipient diarrhea, colic, fUtu lonce; liabituul cotlivcucas, loss of appetite, tick liead-nch, aca mckneu, eVc cVc. They are n wfe and comfortable 0erient for Female during Preg. nancy and subsequent confinement, relieving nek lies at the aiomacli.beud ncti, heart burn and many fifth iucidculil uervtusullociun. Literary mni, Student and most other persons of sedentary In bit, find llicm very convenient. Tlio, who 'in dulge too freely in the pleasure of the Table, find ctidy relief frotri tbe aunsw of iipprctsion and di tcution which follow; by taking the Pill. As a Dinner Pill they are invaluable. .Those who aw drinking (iiieraJ "Wateri and jiarticulnrly tho from. Southern climate and Ague and Fever dis tricts, will find :liero"a Valuable adjunct. These who are exposed to the vicissitudes of weather, on voyages or journeys, can-take them at all times wuh perfect safety. Iu full doscP,they are a high-i-.rr;Ahi-t;.iiJ"fctt: 'i-f irtmn. Al..lim,M f viuvnv iwuo taiiu cxaiw iiinr inuu vuimov They seldom or never produce sicklies al the itu macli or glTjaiig. .TUcir tflicacy is strongly ollcslcd bv-jCcrlificatci from tho following gentlemen, viz: Bishop Ins Rev. Dr. MclMieeters, Rev.G-W Freemen, U. B.,T. Blaky,, Gev. Iredell, Hon. Henrr Pott-r. Hon. G. E. Badger, Hon. Richard llines, Tlu. .PPcv.cruxEsq.Prpres.-.yrodcrstin. Wu, I hi!, TqTCTuTy-rV late- Trensurer; Ja. Granr; Eq , late Coinptrnll'r, W.'Ii. G.iUa, lq of the RegisterTCipt. (ijini, Guion'rt. Hotel, Dr. R. C. Bond, Dr. E. Cr.lv, Dr. J. Y. Young, Rev. F. L. Hawks, Ac. Ample directions accompany each Box. These Pills are for sal, by appointment in al most every Town in the United Slates, and Whole sale and Retail by the Subscribers, lo whom ap plications mny be made for Agencies. THOMAS L. JUMP, Gen. Agent Raleigh, N. C. OCT ls dW west if the Presbyterian Church OCT The above Medicine lept constantly on (""' and far sale at . THIS OFFICII. To rtvc Yu)Vc. VrOTlCE U hereby given, that applicolion wi'l b made lo I lie next Legislature of North f-'n- rolina, to compel those persons composing the I'iro r . t 0 i- "i.m vompeny in me iown oi oaiisnury 10 penuiut ftiiiitary duty as tho regularly enrolled militia. v.:v.i.FvbftiirvA23y 1 8'3dr,K-'i'"--MBi'4iiilv',',v" THE MARKETS? ...... IT TTSTIITnV March 30. 1838.' Bucon,. 0J a 10 Brandy, apple, , 60 a 70 , . .peach, ,.85 a Olr Butter, . . 10 a 121 Cotton, ih seed,. . a 2 - - clean, ,7a 9 Coffee,. . . . 15 a '18 Com, , , , . a 60 Fealliers, . '..ai a 371 Flour, . . .52ja750 Molasses, . . Nails, . . . Oats, . . . Pork, . . . Sugar,brown, 1 loaf, . Salt, . . - Tallow, . . TnlincpiY. . . run ,65 a 11 . 25 a";1 .(ilHlB'TlHi . 11a, 12 . IS a 'J) .10 tl'ii 8 a 25 Wffeat, (bushel). 100 1W WKl-n,. 45 a SO 1 laxced, . . , . 75 Linseed Oil, pr. gal. 1 lsJJ. Eggs pr. doz gall' AT FAYETTE VI LLE....... March 21, la Bacon,'. Brandy, peach, r apple, Beesn-ai, . w 9 tsS a 00 73 a 80 Iron, . . Molasses, . . Nailsj cut, . Sugar, brown, 11 lump,, loaf, . Salt, . . Wheat, new,. Whiskey,. . 5J i: ii 4H 0 23 . 55 a GO ; lis 11 Ii,! ColFee, , i ' . Cotton, . . Corn, V . Flaxseed,. . Flour, , Feathers,'. . -) :tz -:- lf : lHa a HI' .IlKla lilfi JJ 4?UVwl.-. . ' ' ... . 1? 1? ' . A JJ- r