THE iv casolihiam; -tii irM f ii.Mrm to ths nnrn srtrf v this .riTtrioi, sw rs oNIir Mf f T Till ifTri, Akll r.tlU to ! K fmi .,, rt tltftkV, 01 T TM rKorie. 4 ttetwf wni s tht &mililuiiinr Artiste X.- '(i AL'MTJN V e. r. rr.siiKK, I t ? tntTtwi Asn rtwrmr.Tonn, SALISBURY, N. (i; JUNK 22, 1838.; ,N0. II,. OF VQL'XIX. (AO. 7I0 W CQMUrJiCKMKST, vk) Ni:W TKJtMS TIKI f rCSlI.'TIOSJ. YV raters Carolinian t published erer Fei , , rtT IMIer per innmn af paid wsdant, m fiotlar tod fVj Cent if But paid Ufi lb .rttttsti of Uirtw monlitA e t !( sp--' U discontinued until til iwnjfm Hi. snlosa st the discretion of U Editors ( sod . j ... A. .1... V.I.I . . . . J It rtw pi Jsr, wi m OMwJarN Mf on tflltlSSt rw - Tim 'f lVt.HTIM;W- " - yrnrUsefnen's Will b Conspicuously snd Correctly jurist ens dollar P squars M II DnK insertion, j O mill a csrh csiliutianrw. Court and JuJirwl Ltrusnnente will bo charged 25 p-f cent mote thin p""". A amiMrtwn or xi per trm m-w 4 frguitr (trie Will b mads In yearly tdvertra, TO I'OaiKsPONtlKXTS. Jim vUrvm4 U tin Editor, mst in til rim U , n L 6 LTo B . T I N 'iToK X V C'Tl 1 . a rtizias rroT. (VUttri, tide Genoe, ii eituated on lb decltvi iafi mountain. It if a provincial town of some fc-nfiwice. and hat Sn sieeuttta govvrninrnl of en. I n enifi innaiMiania art, i im mon ,ft, nwotr an l occupicraof llwUmJ, mounlaina, 4 aradnefTVa forratt in the ioimcd.iie dial net ; J tMr live coolnl'-Jljf on lha annual prijcwla i tbcir in. o)ir, cheaoul, pea ra, and In. tarn, and of tho ronout other product of lliat r tad ('tlila aa1 laying tjr, ilh a prudant flK, part of rch yoar'a profit ai a patri- Lt lor lhir children. JU-IM parUMl o( jjicji. a apeak, io uaMKt fiwrabld in higher miiniatiufl than Ihocw of liOTiad Gcnuehi. Tliirt y yearaoiity hav ftn ml taunt, tnd, with ooe aolitarr. niiaertbla f un, lhy ara awapt from the face of the earth ; xk am the tflecte of Italian jnalHiy and re- At are unwillinr that tho thread of oar nar- Hi ihould bo broken when'onre we have begun i piO it out, we will give a brief akelcb of the main ptrion w!k tmik a part in it. rriro uenuchl, who at widower, )1 two ta, J.Mnni and Libenioo. Andrea Matza, three m, and a daughter, then in her fourteenth year. The charactere of lha aona of Gnnnchi formed uc'itar contrail. Joanni waa an Italian Oraon, 21 both in exterior and mannera. lie twined a , Imhlrilile inSmwt and powr over all around , more particularly over hia brother, but it waa i luptrinrily forced rather than granted willingly ; tawchl for ocrunntioo in the hardier purauita of t. If any injury waa inflicted upon any of bit TmHi, he waa lb ready rodreaaer; nor did be ne. hi rlTorti, even to the riaking hia life, until ibid pmevred ample aatiifietwo. If a wolf aa- Mred in the neighborhood (not unfreqiiently the !,) octroying the flock and herda without, or terinff the town and making bavoe uimhi the hvea Hi inhabitanta within, Joanni aingly would acck St ruthlea devaatator, while olhera dared not ita infraction even in a body ; and not unusually did a return, after night and daya paused amongst 'Ht mouMaina, with (he bleeding trunk of the Jii'a ina leant a trophy of bia euccee ami Valor. I'M, although hia courage waa fto undoubted, and ' kad oever ortre been known to eapoiiae an un- 1 cau, Jwnni waa an object of fcar ralhct of admiration. Not ao hia brother Libertw n; he aaa lloved by every one that knew him; W wai mild, placid, and amiable, yet manly, and Wtlfiftjj IrffVer mini et"erc1e,'tbe ct.ief dan-rer-et the villag piteo, awl the beet aoogatcr ia Chiaveri. No wonder, then, he obtained the ad miration of the women, or that he had poMetaed Mmwlf of the early atToctionaofTatarina Ma&a. The brothem of Catarina were hiaconslantcom ptniont tho friend of hia youth, and of bia ri peuing malurilyf Catarina, the beloved of hia Start hie eaHr, fint, and enly love. Catarina tba belle of Chiaveri, and, although many en- vied, none diapoted Libertino't claim to her a flee- tuiUi It haa atreadv been atated that ahe waa but fourteen; btrt,-in-the pucocrrynf air italiarrTlt-" aate, a sirl of that age ia considered awrrni-ra-iff,-at thirty, woman bear there the atamp and marks of infirrrlitv. The effeminate life of Liber- lino (aa bia brother atylcd i') gave Joanni the reateet cause to regret, and it waa frequently a aihject for hia animadversion and remark. Why, would he often ay, will you not ri- low me? I live a life of ever-varying amusement and profit. While I range the mountain, and in- tnmyaelf to hardship, which, in theae perilous limes, no one cat) aa? how. aoon I may put to the test, you spend your hour idly, at the wtne-prera,' or by a girl elbow. Libertino, 1 cap make no thing of you; you will bo a drone a spiritless, amaeles drone for the rest of your existence. 'V Libertino would listen with the deference of a yeunger brother, whose heart confessed the aupe- twrily of him who lectured him ; but the domes- lie quiet of hia home, the cheerful fireside of An Irea Mazm, and the affectionate welcome of hia CttaritiB were .piil'iynieiits he could relinquish or abandon willingly even for a day. iireat events seldom seem to preponderate in the stiny of man, but tho small, and apparently ia- jnificant accidents aod occurrences of the day to often, in their result, pregnant with the great t eonseauchces. Libertino'a character had ta- JtjttiUkai4kvre tera but few pointa on which it was pregnable, laion ne f ihm frw 1 veiled Id hia d'esfruction. idst the influx of foreigners who rsaortcd to Genoa, after its possession by the F resell, there re many who appeared there for the purpose of purchasing the commodities or its trade, the lead nZ articlea of which nee amid and silver tiamie. tWW'tnd velvet 5 and a house of the first con 3eratfbn in Paris3 had sent n agent there in the .person M Francois Mallet,' young snd accomi, pfrfied Frenchman,4 who made frienda wherever fie went by his liveliness, talent, snd good humor- . -A - . . ' t k ' . . I Fa Imd f. soma lima rvmsirxxl armmg the Gen ee, procuring the mot t hocs if their merrlian lie, and gaining tU heart of tUir tJauhiets. U a caaual vimI to Hunrlri Ar CVvanto, Yi ancoi fr ths Tim timo t aiigj.eaiglil of the bftrly and aspreMvo f-luref Xf Calsriot Meira, who, with Liberliiwi, dad gfwe from Chiaveri, dituore of I.KIT milea, sittier U j ho lha holy proenwion of the Fels de Dieu, or more prfUy to enjuy irtt . inr mnrniog Willi Iter uehel rranrois waa a tfu 1' $ he wa galUol aud Like (Var, " veni, ti.l., vei," hni bit wrevriiif . ilhsrlii Leu hi fortune ; snd he bad no vxnrr trt n Catarina than b rewltfH on making her acqityinieore, and if pi"ible, on delivering her place of rcai'let-e. To fTfe !hik, Ite firraw he irui inlwduc blm. elf lo hr rompsni'Hi, alihipugh oiiirihing win, penxl to hi that the rmipls were bMrolVd rhera ia enldom a MHPbdify of mialnking I list pmnt. Iove aMUtm-t s ihmitaod din iiiPt. IhiI h- ms bad iMMioerader ; he betrav hirlMf tltvrrV Llooker on. FranciN neared the obii-eu of ln nor. ui! in the rrowd j snd, under (he pies of Unn ti stranger not to Iho lahgusge, but In the ruvtttrs of the count r) he entered into frnjlur cuit verwitiim with iIm unaunperimg IjUrtiiK. Few there are who. ran repjl the advances, or withstand ths captivating manners of an aceom pliahed younj Frenchman. Many a JJ Hull, filled with anritftit and lriotic pr jlidici-, attends unwillingly hi curnsi wife and roving loving daughtera to the ('mitnienl, determining Jo detent every native simply and eUtrnctedly because lie I Frtnck Mdn whrMs asperities tcrar off, and whose prejudice are rasf otf. long ere he saain ro ll r hi natire shore.-' "An Tl iTian". TioflTin ' minT ners aod ideas, harmonises more nearly with a frenchman, and hue lew of previous diVssle to overcome, t rancoia made bimsi-lf m at agreea ble his remark on the scene before them abound ed with wit, and eiciled laughter ('alarina J as pleased with him, Liberlmo declared him a good fullow, and he received and accepted willingly an invitation to return with them to Chiaveri. Francois now became the shadow of libertino, aod soon the repository of hi inmoat thoughts in personal up pes ranee he was far below hi Italian friend 111 acquirement and geoeral knowledge by far hi u- perior. t torn week to week hi return to (jooos wa dclayrd, much to the delight of tliwe In. full enjoyment in hi society a dull evening waa now unknown rounj the supper tuUe, laden wi'h dried pacucarllv4 pears, and lultnn cheese, with the ri du pay, and tlie sweeter muacatclle, the lively charade parsed" with redoubled vignr. The perregnrdino and tho mors) exclusive lucendriua these, and msny others of ihe Italian d ince, were replaced by Ihe lijjht quadrille, 1ml Catunnn atjll remained the constant portlier of Ltbartinn. Joanni Genoehr was somelitrea a spectator of the acene ; he, however, eviwed no interest. ia i'i and betrayed a decided dislike to the lively French man. Ilia biother endeavored to reason him out of the prejudice, but he only rendered him impa tient, and yet more inveterate against Francois Mallet. " What aee you in him, Libertino; that you hays thua taken him lo your bosomT as Frenchman, be i the enemy of your country, dangerou in every way, and to every one, but more particular ly to yourself mark you not, with what an insn lent atari htilxea Jiia cyea ou Let you profusa.l love, and whom you intend to make your wife ? Have you no eye no heart 110 feeling? but go lake your course, feed hi vanity by your approlm tmri, continue to him"rt)"pretection of fttir'fortf. and a fres ingress iulo Mazza'a dwelling, and, at 1 am your brother, I swear he will play the wolf witn your fondling Inmb-rlepnve you of her, and laugh at your credulity. Corpo di liarco 7 that ever I had a brother so blind, ao infutuated as thou art ! The word of Joanni were not spent in vain Libertmo became more observant of the r rench man tid his betrothed, and, once alive to suspicion, accident gave him a thousand" trifles to pervert in to alarming fide. " My brother ha not spoken without reason,' fiiJ1iC 16" TiimseuTone evening, in returmng Tiome after witnessing with a jenl mis eye llm aflui'tiiHMite Hire we 1 1 bestowed by ( atarina upon his companion " I will no longer press bis stay." By ibis time, however, Francois had obtained too firm a footing in tho house to be easily dis placed without s breach of common hosrvtalitv ; and Libertino, whose nature It was to avoid, aa far as possible, tlw asperities of life, suffered day sf- tcr day lo pass over his head without resolving on any plan by which, without an open rupture, he could explain to his companion that he had already outstayed his welcome. , Jealousy and doubt, in tho mean time, like not ions weeds, obtained a rapid growth within his breast, and stifled the nobler feeling that had bith erto held it in possession. rrancois was not long 10 perceivmg tnat a change had taken place by no mentis fovorahlo to himself in the mind of Libertino he made lnsar range ments accordingly, andt when fie announced them," they were wtiriiiwundtn the nntiappr t who wished, yet dared not aa yet, express hix thoughts. . , ' . " I have trespassed long upon yoirTather's hos. pilality, Libertino," he observed, M and had intend ed to tiave taken my leave on my return to Genon ; but. a mv employers will not require my services the InvitatiojoMjirlrea tnmaif .in his b6use J but we shall j as much ot each oilier, my irn no, as ever, since Jfazza's doors are as open to yoti as your own,";""". ' " ' " " . Tliis was too. much for Libertino, and with" diffi culty did he suppress his feelings ; had he spoken, tbe effect would have peen BsanaertincAc,and he would have hastened a crisis that he feared to be inevitable ; for the time he restrained himself and received tho intimation jn'sUonce. For the first week of Francois chance of residence, Libertino scarcely pee lost sight of Iiim ; he also became a fonalanl gurt (although not sn inml) of Maua'a collage 1 bH b felt Hi course bf Was ixiraumg to be unaorlby bint hs wa eoariiag the spy, and hi yat unultd generniy of fee)W raiuhradtlia task repujf riant. II went Into lha opposite tl trems vidortt vied ths Co(lage by dsy, and wit often snisaiiiir from his accustomed corner al lln svenfog fireaids. Catiruia lennrtistriilrd, but ha eiadd ber toquirie, a.," was deaf to etpoatu. latino. The lerriAc fury of a thunder-storm in Iisly can aearcely U imigioe by ihose who bat not wit a,rd it eff-cta. The awful swelling of lha thuo rapidity of Iho lightning, carrying 'tcWrnrlioo m sard flash lb poooVroue rust of hsIU-aws, lay prostrate foe. Uaata ( the rw-M, si.ij aj.liu the masaive imnka of the deeply r, t rrt (Ik? accompanying awful Irrm llrmrn (l,irh wa &w 1 rna'o as eanhnnnkr) oh. j it i n t- ifiul ihl, .t rati (' t t an ipp,"s,v aaJ t mmt ! f. .- i., til! . 1 . . . for iii' !um iinir. (,U iirtii, off . turn in fiom ,f f ,!!.! C (4MI t .rt.i(, l .! M eiH If storm, r.nd, etiterm Iim home, pvrcuivnd Joam.i fitting ploonuiy j 1 dvioit rmirsnf lite firo In-, bead resting tr- iho palm of his baml, his lingers enUi.WU in (be matted jetty locks Ihul cn red it. v " An swful nijht, my brother!" " Yns," eplie l Joanni, " to fools and maidana. I like the atorm, aod am n tw ofl in tbe inotiniaiiis; CO you to betl, my gentle brother, and dream of lova and pellK oats;" he said ailU a arotofjil liiiigh. " 1 ou do mo wrong, Juantii ; I a 10 neither weak nor a fool." ""WnereTT your popinjay, In Frenchman ?" " At M.iza'. "f.. " And you no fool I Oh, libertino, have you not aeose to feel, nor arm lo retires your rongs have I endeavored but in rais la np-n yotir eyes? Did he not retnsin here pruleso lly oui of friend ship to yoursolf? H", tken, it Ao at Manatl Are ) 011 not engaged to Matu' only diugbUr ? IVity, thru, it he hrr fatker't inmale ? Awake from this lelharjy feel and act like a man ; hi is umlfimining your iiesce, snd will ruin Ilia! of Ca tarina. I know I have aeen'more lhao you imi gitie to be f rewsroed is to be forearmed. Once tfrain, I say, beware of Francois Mallet I" Libertino butied his face within hi Imuds. lie drnnk in with loo willing an ear the insidious coun sel of hi brother. After a pause be remarked "Jmpni, I am at last convinced of my error; you my guide and counsellor j I will act aa yon direct me." Spoken like a man," esclaimod hi brother, with energy, riitin f and seizing warmly his hand ; " but you an cold," said be, "and ill.. To-mor-row you are ffll Genoa with the olive, I also shall be at the market, and we will speak further on Ihe sulj!ct I To bed, mw brother, fn He seiid bis gun, snd, followed by hi dogs, left tbe house, snd, in defiance of iho pitiless raging storm, bent his way lo tho mountains. Libertino hastened to bed, but sleep was a at rang, er lo hia eyelids- He almost repented of having listened lo his brother, yet more that he had pro mised to abide his counsel j he bad, however, gone too fnr to retract, and awaited with impatience the communication of I lie ensuing day. On rising, Libertino remembered that it waa the mottling rrrd-idniwtaTnwo-the enttiis"bfotbl!IP was atrendy joymenl of iho evening dance wifhott his protec tion, added to the bittcrnesa of his fiduigs. lie fore he set mil on his i Hin.ey, he made his way to "Ma'aVdwefliriS; s'lu' Cklted bi'ddtlgbtcTl toiha door. -1 ': " Cstnrina, il is the fi le of St. -S-Yes I door lthertiwt,--and -see--shall bnf the dunce esrlier lhan usual ; remember, we are 1 1 try Francois' new qundrilles." " Curse Francois," exclaitneS he, iinpetu'Hjsly. Catarina looked alarmed ho soothed he by the softest tndearments. u I am not well, Catarina I know ont .wbal I say I am obliged to be at Genoa to receive pay ment for our olives it annoys me, for I rrmy not T T r -. r - -- ,f lie abTo to reTurn tliis night.' Cutarinn expresaed her regret in the most lively manner ; he Jussed her affectionately, and, af er a piuse, continued " Catarina, I think you loved mo onct." " Think F loved you t Oh, Libertino, what have I done f I do love you fondly and devotedly I would die to make you happy." "' Have 1 care, my love, or I may put your af fections to Ihe lust." "Nmo it," ahe replied, " and judge me by it, if you will." " Catarina, I have had a dream a foolish, but a painful dream Llhought I held you in my amis, cose to my heart, snd a wolf came and tore you from mc. It was at a dance, love. 1 am almost ashamed of my weakness and my request, but do not diinee to-night." "Il thtt lie all that is necessary to give you comfort," rjdied th smiling girl, "I will grant your rennet most willingly : I will not dance this refrain from doit; 9 so. Ah I there is your sweet srfnle again, t'er'ven bless youk Libertino 1 .you had almost i'i:tun mv tear.; but that smile has more tlwn repSid uie the icrifico,'if it be one, thnt yo'j rft':!fe, Lilrti.i'i M'Qi;! nn .hi? 1; tqd with Ijjrjhfcasd. "'aaiiing inter vie w it! his brmjier -W4whis ti'ilu iernntmng"CitCR(i of v?xation. "Tw i II lib '"longer' .J'i!!y with that sweet' girl's feelings," thought he, " this duy will I purchase our wedding ring, and next week iCiall see us married. Thec al my owtr horn! at least, she will bff safe from the insidious wiles of that crafty Frenchman." After executing thus business which bad taken him to Genoa, Libertino made purchase of the wedding-ring; but fearing, from ita size, that it would ill suit the taper finger of his beloved, he purchased another as a guard, in which a single brilliant was fixed. His brother he found awaiting him at the Piazza del Aqua Verde ,'f. Von are punctual, Libertino; but I si tall not long tTnUm you. , Do you stay bars lbs nigbl P -M I d-H Mfts wt.ll. pr boy than Cslsrina is no long er ytMirs. tm, ha stctaimed aeomg thai Libeniinj w ttbout to interrupt bun M I bad in liMl"d lo hat opened to you long train t sut picKMis that have entered my mind I I will now intrely stale rx.s miij! a inning fact, Did not Cut a rum promt m fou 4 way Id mM danrt ihit night r T. " Khe did mt bow cam yau " " To ascsiiaisi il, ytnt would say. Go wkieg my horss Ihit rooming I Piu .d bias Is toe ; I went to Mazit's lo borrow one; bo door was in sr. I beard Catarina, decline lha danc ; but aUi brarl the wily .jo-ll of lha Frenchman, aud hn io.ii1ihi j persuasions, nor did I leave Ihe spot until she hud 1 fonsrntcd lo f.rswesr hsrst I'raocoi Mallei Mill lint eteniog triumph over you, ami in I fi ant e of tlm loli you vainly imsgioe you self to ifmfm over a wumaiis heart and a woman w.ll - Lilerlino stajered agsinal a pillar, aearcely n!.! I . tUtpnri liiinself. ''Can il b pownhto T" he exclsimed. "Judge fur yourself. Itelurn instantly; I will accompany you. Witnets the dance from with out yourself umen thew j'lge the iruih of my aaserti u, antl reveoge jmirself as a man Tbe rule home wards waa aecnmpliabed with p-cd, and in silenre j aearcely a word was ex changed between ihe brothers. Jisinni bad effect ed bis purptve bo bad aroused the dormant ener- plained hereafter. I.iuertiuo had given entrance lo ihe direct passion of the bumau heart aud, like Ihe nursling pelican, they fed uion the heart's blood of their cherisher. The neighboring villa ger bad all crowded to the dance ; the lowns-peo plo bait also esmbled there in prongs. The brthei, after having changed their attire, entered the extreme, end of the building appropriitod for that purjwse; Isii remained in another room, where thi i Id-r prt of t'.io community aers enjoy ing faV'melvet v. ith ih'ir virions games of cards, " Wi )"" " n I sod at trtrttli f said ono f J.omii be dec 11 d.; "nr you, Libertino, at i. rambipt 1" ' . p. " No," iid J mi, " ho purpoitos trying a bsnd st ouirriagin, if ( j-l.ty at alL . Il was said p'enu alv.and Iho equivoque was not lost Uon his broibur. "This aceni pleader tne rA,nm'tl Josotti,-'! shsll return home j you will find roe ihere, should you require my services." With hi brother departed Libertino firmness. Me longed, ret dreaded to aaccrtain the truth; for he bad aworo within himself e revenge so deep, so fearful, "were ha Ivt betrayed, that the' very thought waa less bearable than the execution. j ' After a time, he summoned resolution to sscer lain bis fate He went without the house, snd approached cautiously the window ; by the glaring oi ihe lights too soon did bo perceive t lint he was undone Cnlarina was in the act of dancing, and ho lively Frpnchronn washer partner. Then was ;he dio cast ; and Trowi that momeut Liliertinn seemed, to lose ns former fcc!.rj and to be. swayed yet more strongly Ihfin his brother by Ine scorch ,, . :' - pioiitu, tor graiuuoua uistriuution, largo numbers Inore, anil tncJsh;(Xt wi,,in iIg reacl).-Tbe work now nubliab. iok itassions of Mm- soul. Ho rimed homea'src result of hi invet'ifntion, Isit no answer was r turned a livid p.!. neas overreai Libertino s fice. Ili hp w.-re j irehnd hi brows were so contraclcd rhlTTMcy TnM TATTifrT,"7l:r!asT7'"Ji deep aud soJtjinti.tuti 1:'.' " I Mi tSe Iimi u i',ar.y wretch you painted me. Rrt ttef 4 yUf riiue tr1 " Co oiv r ).im, oil wi!i find abler couns:;l?brs and assistant t It.un tnjelf liehiml tho door." Libi'itino mounted tbe stairs lie reached ihe ehainlr he f und liis brother' btdt spponded there. A tiIelto, c r ratlicr cobbellata, together with a braes of douSjUi-barrcied pis'"', and a plcn tiful stipply of smnai:iition, were placed in it ; snd a doobie-lsjrreli pun. already loaded, rested in iXTaTnrrtttSM-TaiinA ikn lilt lol hia waist, and slung the gun over his shoulder. lie spoke not a word as ho passed his brother; but hastening Id the festival, be approached the win dow, and witb the diamond of the ring he had pur chased that duy in Genoa, described two circles in one of ths panes, rather larger than the muzzleso! his pistols. a For a Dioment he hesitated Catarina. was smi ling, and looked more lovely lhan lie hud ever seen her. His own love knot was at ber breast ; but she smiled airain and aain, and that al Francois The demon of vengeance triumphed his pistols were r lined, aid with a b.irrcl of each, he laid the lovely girl and ber ihoughtlesa companion breath less on the ground. Screams rent the air all was in confusion Libertino stopped fr one mo ment to gam a Inst.'lasrlook at Ihe still placid fes- tures of her he had destroyed ; and then, like the ft If demon who left hia first estate and glorious paradise, he fld but he was abashed, heart.; .nnthrlated--Tirinnugli revengorrr'- To be continued LU ! J . J 1 1 IL -lj, Extracts from Notes of Lectures, delivered by Mr. t"B;ickmgham, who has recently travelled through E.rypt, and the East, and is now lecturing in oor Te mummies orjet are, as has before atated, found in immensenim bers in all parts of Egypt. Tho doctrines which they believed, and which led them to build' such oerbibable seDulchres for their dead, led them ! also lo embalm the corpse, so as to preserve the by.entire, until the spirit which once possessexl it, shall return to re-animate its former tenement. I Tho artjpf embalmment, which was applied to all, whether of hich or low degree, is now unknown; and tbo present inhabitant of Egypt, who for the moat part have -descended Irom Arab stock, bury their dead after the manner of rfkristian nations. ' Tberf are Van-Hts uwi to which the ancient inn moors ars nal 'auUervient. In the f.r.t place, hey are bought by Htiropeaii Io.IiIuIhkis, specially ihoM which are fUinJ in lha oroaiwrnifd ' sarcojihsgi, and sihibited aa sfiecimeM, of cur ; y, snd are Ihu mad lo tiirich lhir owner. A ikk bar use lo which ihey are put, is, that i.f fi. ling a place in lbs ttharinaootwia 1 and tht druir 1 koowsi by tb litis of mornU, ansy b purcUsed,. ass aovareign rurs for an inward bruiso, at almost U any of lbs apotliecaries. The ar again used by ihi artist, being pulverized and groand, and mixed iulo a eotor resembling dark umber which a taid 10 give lo lle picture ths appearance of ths antique. ISoi il, common oae made of Iho mum- mina by ihe inhabitants of lbs country, I to cut , litem up fur fuel ; snd ths traveller may view up on ihe hearth of lbs I'gyptiatj collagS orpeassnt. m-wnnnj; pontons m some nisjouiieo ouminy. Tito rnbir of tbe burning mummy i very grateful and pltuanl 1 the ignition is tjuicfc, and being full of a resinous substance, ihy burn freely, and not i unlike lite Cannel coal. - This seems to be a fortu nals circumatsnro for this people, that Son sub- 4 tlitule for ths more natural hinds of fuel is lo bo . . founds for Ihere is no cuaUn tbn land, and food is extremely scarce; there being not much cW than Iho pain4ee, which yield (hrm fod, aoJ ia thereforo loo valuable lo be col down. g --r ------ " Mr? Keed, pa want to borrow your Mwspa. -per." - .. . M 111 lend hitn my brcakfust; iTlha will do, as I haven'uead iho paper yet.' " ,1.-1.1.-: .: j. ' AGRICULTURAL M THE MULBERRV AND BILK WORM . Mr. 1'. Fotr, of ibis city, has lately published ' volume, comprising some 200 pages of letter. ' prsts, and ten or Iwelss engrsviriga, whick wo shoul J deem of greet vslus In a growing branch of industry ia out country, snd or which promises, at no distant day, lo constitute ao important addi tion to the national wealth. The publication no refer to is work 00 the cultivation and nrudue'. tion of sin, being " Summary of tht r-nVimi Chintte Inatittt upon tht tullurr of tht Mulberry , and tht rearing of Silk H'orsu." This Summa- " ry was first lranUte4 from (be Chinest Unguago into French by order of ths Jliuuteron Agricul ture und Commerce, and a eopy transmitted to our csecreiary ol Mate, by whoso recoromendatiou it . . ' , has been tranafated into Engliab, and published " i here by Mr. Force. , - ' TI10 making of Silk lias become an object of mors or leu attention ia every portion of the llo- p ton. Unlike other branches of industry, il is eon- f ' fined to no section of the country, and sppssrs well adapted to all It bos already acquired a magni- tude that will probably entitle it lo be considered one of Ihe objects for statistical inquiry aod report . st the taking of the next census. Should it be so- we have no doubt thai lha retult ssill be as surprise ing lo Iho public as it will be gratifying. Tbo V Govcrrunent deserves the credit of .baying Avon. - something to encourage tbia interesting object of indutry. Congress has, on two or three ocea.. ioria, iocurred.lhesxpense'of having prepsed tad I'f'n'cd, for gratuitoba distribution, largo numbers cd, on the recommendation of the Secretary of State, coming from tbe moat ancient silk-produc . s infi couptrjuflUba wociJ,aod cmbodytttftn-o smV - . . ' pcndiouj ftirra the fruit of its msturedxpeiiencs, - flwt poaesapecokar vaWrV-ould not these no - expense be well bestowed which would bo requi-: ; site To pTaceT3ozen or I iivo copies in ths bands of - -eacb member of Congress for distrioulion in this 1 district. Nat. JdeUigtnctr. '' BRIMSTONE FOtt. OATTLE. -It is probably not known lo many of our farmers, -that trimst one is valuable fof cattleTin tecninir: .1 r . I rtl . . 1 1 ,c,u Ta. Z2?J!JM ,ny mTnetrappcufsnce, uuf an iniurv lo cattla. A piece of brimstone as buge as a grain of corn, well pulverised, given iu salt, will cause them to drop off, snd prevent others firomgetiingon for eight or ten dsysn I consider brimstone ss necessary for a cow in summer ss salt. Ohio JTufmer. '. EFFECTUAL CURE FOR A SNAKE BITE." ; ' Last summer a black man, in Frederick county waa bit on the finger in the corn house about dark ' by a snake, supposed lo be a copper bead, from tho circumstance thai one was killed the next dny un. der the house. Immediately the' arm swelled to twice the ordinary aizo.. I applied first the breast " of a chicken cut open, next a large phial of wbi.' key to the wound. Wo also bathed, t lie arm and ' hand frequently louring the nigbl and the neat dHV tmtrl W o'clock with salt-wster wTlfiout finyrsitlo- abatement of the swelling. At that time a phyeiciaV ' arrived and immediately sent for the root of tlie" Yellow Poplar Tree, (more properly called .iho! A mcriran I omrr iee,r lie h made of the bark, washed tlw swelled part with it frequently; gnve tho pntient half ar pini every liulf hour, s 'id applied the bruised bark which was l:i..j ... . .-...: - fi... . 1: - : . - ootiin ns a uu.u.-a. ue reitni was SIOKtsI n. slnneiHJS, the swelling soon subsided 'and thepnin ' ceased allogctherii i.sL'XLQr: .that- hnd it not been fbi ; lle Bdininistration of thissim- j tie remedy, the man Would not have lied many ' ours ; and 13 m convinced frfm' what J saw, that ' had it been applied in the ffrsf instance tho suffer, t "2 wld been very Kghf-r! wish this rem: ed v to bo generally known, it may save Ihe lives of - undred.f . . . ' " J7 ' '' pruning i reci. many persona prune fruit n 1 m . . 1 vr - - trees in March or Aptil. Lxperience prsvesthis practice to be wrong Pruni; in June, and you a ill find that the wounds heal up and are covered with bark much sooner than av oilier time.' ' - ' . " s m .1? . V " 4 r A. ' ' ' '''' itSiWiiiryiiwaMiit' t

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