I "7 no, . 'U h. I ow . la Mil cet AU' ike. h vtr dor J. tell lim, out wlf dt- L Iff rllith po m il wlief liianW iliur. est of , and horli' jiianti millet t ilMiKH . IU..AL. -'- ,UU$,Jur If, l-M, . '.L.ie Id l.nnj iM I bill lo ab..li.k lnipiu. reifuf In mini-"-re. llUl hn-dihai . .1 . I. ..I., Biyil.l liatit lira iM v' . . 1.1 i .,.... Mr WIIUi wm - - I ..eda Ml fir !! r'r-.-' rJi ihrt ..3tl '' 'l".fe ,l,"""u " ,M ' ', i ' 1.. I-..il a. ilia ;iiTf-M" h"1 ,"n, (a f"ul liA from IM MlttW t't f M';w. , Mf Grunty t lU dmirirwii uf lU Comniiilvt on lU iUatrj, ttptt hii ilHnorM lo tcl mii -iih lin) A-lay P'1'!"' f 11 Iihe 8rntW mi.lt U u'in-l cl no it wiibnul , rtftrcnet. Tht bill tlwrl, in.! proitHl ro , jLr Ibo ',t, ",Pr1"cn, '"M tlrf tJjf tbuIitliM. , . , . ft bill lo l"l'li itttiriMiitMiil fur dtbl in Mr. Talbnadtft Mid Ihul tome r-cntlon hnd mi. cfdcd ibal it btd beHcr refrrrcd lo ll Com. jjijtlM on II JuliCi4rr. Tbo bill u .cci.rdini;. j- refrrrtd. Turfing, Jf 10.' HM-acr HrtwurTtTi . INDKPKNDLNT TUKASl'RV. f)u nvrftoa of Mr. (.'nibrcbi'tif, lb If'maa rr jvd l"lf into CwnniilUt of iho WhuUiiKi llo iiti of il l'nt Mr. Ciwiiier in ll rhir. Mr. C'anibrrk'Ug tvved lli niJ"rlHrti illie yi t protiJo fr llw eMtcitrnt, wkmtng trwfr. tud dialwrw-iiicnl if lb" public tenw." Mt. Htianl mottd ibe M barbur bill i" bich, be wid. il wa erjr important liuld bo aclhl i p a. Il iHild rrnl, ht bcliertd, contunit itmrli UnJJr, Carobn lmg remarked ibal II mutt b otol mm (bat Ibe bill bt bad nvivcd, bf injj llm only d bttatUa rnaie rcmaininjt fr Ibe pMWit. hail Idler bt tliftpnaed n Gral, afr wbich tbt ir Jt bmincti miubl l prrl:d villi. Tbt qurttiKl being laktn im Ibe firm motion, by lellara, and there bring 131 voting fur il, more iluu irmjoriiy of ibe bla Hhjh, the M liulrrw inb-iit Treaiury bill" aaacrnrdinj;ly taken up, an ! Iiav to bwn rrad tknuigb by (be Clrik, Mr. Cambrrfcng, bo waa of coume entitled In tbt floor, gave wy, al bit rrqiirkl, to Mr. Thompson of Balh Carolina, ho moved tbt following tubelilutes Sinkt out ell after the word, UIU il tr.nctrd," rtc. and iwert i u Tbal all dura lo the (lutermiiwi uSall hewafirr lie col Ire led in (told and ailvcr coin, Trraniry notfii of lU TniltHi Siatet, anJ tl.e inic of tound apeeie-pavirrg bankt uiider audi rrjuta lionannd mrtiiciiona at may be preacitwd by art of Congre, or by Ibe SerreUry of tbe Trr.nry j PrmJed, Ibal no bonk nntea aliall be received n CirnMid, eieept aueh at ibe bunk of deptmile abnll arrte to receive and credit aa cnli. 2. Be il futthrr enacted, Tbal tbo Secretary of ibe Tre aeury be, and bt la hereby, required lo led t iprcial dpoailorica of the public funda, and t tucb placet aa may bo neceaanr, anund apecie payiflf banka, preferrinc, in all cvet wbrrn wicb eiitt, bankt owned it whole or in part by tl.e Biatea in which tbt tame tre aitunted. 3. Beit fwrikrr not rtei, That Iho Secretary be, aiy) be it hereby, directed to i-ontmet with the bankt eeleeted at dojKwiitorifi aforetiiid, frr the lfeLeepiug, trana'er, tnd ditUireinnl of Ibe public reenoe,'on mich tcrmTlnil lor aueh com pensation, na he may decin right and proper; alipu Uiing in alien?, under aueh (pmranliei ai be may ' tkiuknecoMury, llial tbo public fund iepn(iied iih nid bankt tholl be in no cae ued in their boincaj nofotherwiaa. tuit.in :jymcut:of nillaTfornihTreaniry. Fran I lie Wilmington AirrrtitrrEtlrt. . . ' , Jirnt 20, o'eWk, A. M. -JOYFUL INTELLIGENCE raon Ta WRECK ED IN THE PULASKI. We are truly gratified to atate thnt thirty of the rulaaki'e passenger were picked up yesterday worriing, aboot 9 oc!ock, 13 or 20 milei north of Ikt New lulct, by the achoonci llenry Camcrdon, o her pasatge from riiiUdelphia to 'Wilmington, and were Inndud at our m barf about 7 o'clock same day. TTnir pilTering are more rcndily imagined ibao described. We have nut time fur further panicuiars now, but hope lo rteepatcli a second cut . a . . . . a a Jim of thia Entra by to-day'a 1 o'clock mail. - Tbcst unfortanats tuffe'rers wert ihrmediatelT In ited to the private residuncee of our gentlemen, where we foe) assured every effort will lie made to ootht their cares and to alleviate their tuffi-rings. Vessels are now cruising along the roast, with tbe hope of rescuing others of these unfortunate' being" from a w atery grave. k We hero annex Ihe nnmes of the thirty. A Lovejoy, Camden Co., Geo. Maj. Heat)t Baltimore. Maj. Twiffge and ton, Riclimod Co., Georgia. Edward W; Innie, Philadelphia. Mr. Greenwood, Augusta, Ga. -Mr.O.JreKni7rVa07-- Noah Smith, ' - do. M its Rebecca Lamar, do. Robert IScabrook, Ediato Island, S. C. masters T. & W. Whaley, (2) do. do. Mr. R. Hutchinson, Savannah. - Mr. Ar Hamilton, Augu-ta, Ga. " pt. Pearaon, Baltimore. Mr. Filing, Edistq Island, S. C. Mr. C. Ward, Savanmh. &"Cbickc-v favjaJaMjtssasraiawejei JoaepHKew YorV. ' S" Clifltbn, Canton, Mississippi. talker and nephew Tboma Downing, pharleaton. . .. - -v - -- JVerrenTreeman, Macon, Geo. , Burnt, New York. Mn Cape, fireman, Baltimore. . , Urneliua Lyont, fireman, Baltimore. Ptlrick and Bill, deck hands.. ,ht)'nah' negro woman. . ' ' Adeline, belonging to Dr. Stewart. . no vL We DaPP7 to stale the thirty have rbeen ooe night among us and ore much ro. d by a comfortable nighl'e restat leaat, ail Irm hom vvChave heard, and it it aiuCcrely . . . . . nuloitiyfl, Llath Waiter, who IixI aurt, Lrra . i ! Hiinrn Bir'H'ti i i u i a .. ii. ,.-! in !s lum j wiieio. . . . . . . . ,U dtU rf ' ' wr, . Un m tMi duly, mm 1 1,. cock, tod ,l..j-fj ll.jl it- JT W.il tl u'.. w(f! ,,uC,rl io rrium to ii,,r f,H fl'btiimi r.uTn-L'i.Aic.1 ur Tin: or Till; KTCAMIXIAT ri'M-KI.a ta MU.TT OF TUB lib Jt'.NR. We tl.tttk l highly impofU"! I j sift ialh fin! (dare, that Kri,ilrK.n of 'irimU cUrlr i ... i . - i . . ' ;''gi-m rwiciir in )oig it ail ihlfMUKi was ewi.Hf b I Or MfOM twt'l J, ..... - I'm ... 1 III ihoae who I. be dim ttu of il. mat biiK-ry ' iiie wiiur hai gMl, loo low, ao.1 ibat ibrr waa)MareliMnrily that nt Mrua wat on Ihem. iinmiiRiii danr, .Mr. Couner, Xr. Loriiv and uibrr fit It at their opinMm, lUt Ibt blowoeb had letii be-ligemly brt opto thai Ibt Uxlare had bren aniKi-J which aUrmed Ibe Fjiginet r and ttuwd bim, in bit fnglu, lo fill I Urn ridJrol with freak water. Tbe UhW bring healed to red. m-af, ihia body of water wat inatanll eoomtod into aleam with an etpaiaitt (fee wkicb Ibe mom of h biileri were loo&rble lo ieit. It w fur titer wihtcftf tUlcd lUl during the whole pa, aage, within trrnlf minulti of the ealalr'..li, ibe atram guage nick iolraied frorn 27 lo 29 inclct of tfeam. IXe f..rl wliieH imuiodialaly followed are gim cofrnily by Mr. Ilibbert, ai puUiahad in our lltlri i.f ihJeih, unlit il rearhe tbe alateinerit of lie Mi.king. 'I'lim wat not Ibe raae, Lul (lit ImiI puiiinl mln three ier. In Ibe bfoekinjr up, l!i whole boat wnl umler weter, but Ufun llm mjxiiU'ia of lite ke from the iipfx r i ut of ili" Unt, the bow and atern en.rg-d ;. Vry .l.ortly ader lU fwardl,,,, w, irr, n l lU- hift.lrr poriiim eltatcd iulolbtairj iinmi ibe Inglirat p.riii of which were from fiO lo 00 peraooa; in in than two ibiedt if whoto wart ladir end rhillin. 'I'l.ia continued wiibin Ihe vii-w o." I hm. j mn jnc $ urun the bow of the boat, (IVki.i whom tin aibt-meiit it made,) a boot one tvjf, w!ir n it et,!n'1y diaapieareil. Tbe keel af ter it w'piihIhim mine lo the aorf.iee botiuin up- (!, when it (biod in immediate contact wiin li.'i b for ( half liour when il wat teen oo mora. Tb' re ti no ono or thia fragment. We will n iw prticeed lo apeak of the bow and 1 lie fate of iIkhmi whom it contained. Upon Ibia portion of the wreck there were original! H. AH imriteJiately prreoded lo lighten tlieir fragmeol, b) throwing into the era every thing oot oeceaaa ry to eeeurt aalvalion, which jraa il greater buoy, aocv. O.i FiKlay about 12 o'clock, while rVmting uikmi l'ii?oreon, two aiiU wi io aen. ono in a N. F.ater!v and tlie oiltcr in S. Wtterly direction, itlnit 5 or 0 mi lea dialant. On Saturday morning, early, a portion of Ibe wre. k wat discovered, abmit 5 mile distent, w i:h a amafl anil and a flg Hying, thin remiMint ms'le a rocceful attempt lo reach ihoee upon tbe Uw wlKm they joined about noon. They were rW runlet, thxy attached Ihemtclvei imi.ediaiely to their fullow ai(Tcrir upn the bow, who niuiiUr they awell5d lo i.', and abandoned their rail. Tbe then proreJd to erect a jury-meat, up on which a wpuue mil was boiaied tho wind con tinning to blow from the S. F (in which quarter it haJ Uen ever rinee the wreck,) Ihey were blown tiaij Um, which became visible about 4 o'clock P. M, At siuiW't quilt a atrip uf land waa aeon, bud trra ditcoverod. Tlie night waa paaacd without any mnierial chance, and on 8unday morn ing upon tlio occasional lifting of fog, land waa jjite appnrcnl, about three or loo r miles, off, which tlxy coniinued lo approach until they got wilbin a half rtiilo. The wind which bad been gradually coining round aeltled down '.o N. K. about 1 1 o'clock, and blew tho wreck along the coast, about thn annin dittratiro from bmd during tbe day. The wind gradually increaeed in violence, and Ihe rain poured down during ilw.bole of Sundavuniil ft o'clock, when it lecane calm and the rain ceated. O.i that night tht wind eame out from tbe S. W. On Mondav it won clear and quite ealtn.. At 12 thai -da-1he-wmd blew Irght brme fronr the 9rW." About 4 o'clock four vcMcta naased w ithio three miles atnering East. On Tnendxy morning about aunriae tho Bchr. Henry Camenlon, Capt. Pavis, waa teen about 5 miles off in an Eaalerly direction. She conliuued lo near until, within 3 miles when the exhausted sufferers were discovered, alio then immediately squared anils and bon down lo tho wreck, wbidi she spoke about half past. fl o'clock A. M. fhe then passed by, and anchored within a abort die lance, Cnpt. Davis lowered hi boats immediate ly and succeeded in transferring Ihe whole of Ihe sufferers to his vessel, where every proper com frt, at hia command, waa humanely furnished lhcee unfortunato being. Intelligence waa given 1 by ihew thnnhey..riad aeen another portion of tbe wrecV Juring the whole of Ihe preceding day, and early Ihnt morning. The Caption immediately bore down in tho direction designated (ensterly) and in about an honr rame up to it ; from this he had the gratification of rescuing Mrs. "Noah Smith and Mine Rebecca Lamar, Charles Lamar, two gentlemen and two negro women, in an exhausted and worn out condition. This work of humanity buing finiahed, Cnpt. Davis bore away immediate ly for Wilmington, where he arrived abont 7 o'clock on Tuesday, P. M. To attempt to describe Iho fooling of these 30 persona towards their pre server, CaplL pavitliqjympatby.ot-thft xrowd astenibTod at tbo landing or the mingled emotions of l hose companions io misery who had been sepa rnted. and here met again in safety, though in tiifr Riring liine does not allow, nor Tinman languago adeqiinto. , P. S. Sine writWig the above we have received the followingn?ifilional intelligence i , i 13 more saved, among them Mr. Lnmar. Tlicy reached shore near New River Inlet. Mr. Lamar and aevertl others came ashore in.n boatf-thef nthertfljllgjnejjkol to be war town, 17 iiiilbs. All are thid to be likely to live.' Two of these have just arrived. Samucl Bryfey, Talbot County, Md. ' Owen Gallagher. The.only "other namet of this 'party known, are ' -Andrew Stevens, ' G'. B. Lamar, G. Y. Davia . ... R," S. Hubbard, Nw' York, H. ,Eldridge,Syracqte, N. Y, . Mr. Bennett of Miasoui i, , - . Lieut. Thornlori, U. S. A. B. , W. Foraliek, Ikton, t- ,ti Mr. Merritt, tyohile.'r We cau only add tat 59 aoulj in all have es. caped t watery grave, of wbopj 52 have already - r. in !.( Il It . 1'fiJ ul fti"f 4 tlU' if lliliimi Tbe Rioir'l NoriU Carolina rot it V. rwUy u m, it ttartN ih'wa kcj m dm I'uU.ki. I'ptrfi amtmj( al the N L.M l t rerlaincj lhJ out or nwie nl4 bo4i tdalrily pio op-m S aaiiHi imwion. When (i Ibt Fry. nil ran aVal dif.l bf and a linor 'm'ii in, ran d.n l-i lUm a ad tM-rrtaua d Ibt mik l be Ibe JliUrnia, ( apt. r"ir"irrs, from (SbMWater, VI ua. Capt. renJcre i.wtmrd M lUt U rJ paavd LI morning two aM of ibt wrnrk bf Htrai..S, oe of wbieH bt rtcsnitd lo be be Mem thai he rta-rd tufftcientlv hear lo Tbt Captain of lU whom r ttalet lhal abe oast. ed aettral pant of lb wreck, but taw no ptroa mi aay of ihein. From ibeae faelt il it kopad llr tufferera were removed froiaf ike wreck by eome alamUl or veaael, at tevtre! bad paaaod in Ihe direction Ibt wreck had drifted a day oi wo previout. Pilut boats art atill at aea, and it is aipected ibev t il in with ibe parte of tU wreck about 0 o'clock ibia rooming. A. P 1 . -a ...i'.'... 'j THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN. Friday Erenlof, J U N E 20, 1838. Wt art gted to poreoire that Congrrts basal length thougbl it tipedient lo take note netaurt preveat ieg steembuet trchicoU Tbry bsvt now under con- one, aotburiswg the apfintmeut of a Comonttee by tbt I'rendcat to I'M h WMfulma of laveq'ioua to rwe4ef safe the ae of steao engines; Ihe other, a Ibll tf peios tad peualllet againat caieleas natigttMMiaf fkeaBtbuaia, They will, it m lo be hoped, make tume Ugialalivo aoactntaflU thai will UwJ lo cberk the rondwet of ketomnisadcre M iwhiuf tbt lives of their paajregera, Tbt recurnjKt of lhct aeckJeoia, pur tume tift.s part, has been so aiaretinly frrqotot, and tbeir awful 3ecla ha Ibe loss el lilt so great, tbal they call l powerful, and eSactoal remedy. Witbia tbe paat year, the number of lives sacrificed io tliia way by tbt ainiinal aegligance, or perfxt retkleaaame of the oficart having dirvctlaq uf aueU, bats lar eicceded a thousand. Itosidea many that bate occurred dh the Weotera waters, aa the loa of tbe ilea oWed, Daa'L (TOmm, and MuhIU, wo have had two moat disastrous events of the kind, iA our eoaat, tbe wreck of tbe Ihmt, and be eapb "oa of tbo PhUmH, both regular pacbota bet waa ibe Northers and Suulbera porta, h will reqire tbe stMngsrro of the law with tbe penahiee praeorUowod to tbe oflcnee, and strictly enfcreed to tweure that cart wbicb tbt trust committed in Un lives ol passengers deuiinda. LATE rXREIGN INTELLIGENCE, The arrival of the 8team-ehtp Caaar Waaraaa snnouaced. 8be reached New York City after a four- teeu days veysge from Enc-laod. Tbe Hiane has alto arrived. Tbe Cotton Market ia Liverpool continue lair. Prices remain about tbe aame aa al the laat datea, aad tbe demand ia pretty good. , All F-fiUnd seems to I aaeiwd wiUi tbe aaikclfa lloa oi tlie grand display to be.Qtade tt tlie approaching CoronalioB of tbeir Qaeaev-the ceremony takes place Ibt laat of tbe present month. It ia elated Ibat Queen Victoria had honored our countryman, Mr. Sully of Philadelphia, with a tilth and final tilting for tbe whole length portrait of br Majesty in her robe of stale. By the Great Western -we have intelligence of tbt death of raica TaaMvaaim, which occurred on tb l?ib of laat month, in the 83d year of hia age; Uiodia- east "wuTcHTt-roiinaled bit ciUtewe wsia soro Uircwt wnicn nu.m gan.rv. i .iirym, wm in some roapccis on oi in moat aiiraonjini men or urt ageji aai diplomallat be waaiiarwaWed-b hie eoceeaa, Ht poMOMed great talent, and a powerful mind. His death has produced soma aematioa in Parui la an ar licit oa the tnbjccl the Courier Friocaia aaya : , . He quilted life with t ulmnot that could not hart been eicceded by the pureat copsetence, la death be preaerveJ all tbe etpiciam (unpaMibiliU?) of 'lis life. tie went out of ibe world like a true courtier, by uaing flattering wor.Jalothe King, and like a true diploma tirt, by negotiating with the Pope, with whom, as a consecrated binNop, a married priesV anj oownmuni eated Calliolic, be bad many accounts to setlle," . Since tbe tucccsHful rwtewtl of Ihe experiment of navigating IheAUsalic by means m 'rm vensels, a number of comptnies bsve been formed in England-fur building sUam-shipa, and enpging in thecnterpruo. Tle Arkanaar pepert inform na.ThmSS CreTi In diana who havt lera lately removed Went, are already beginningjo toanifert signs of a hostile feeling ; they tay " as soon as the green corn i fit to pull, tbe white people most look out" It behooves the Government to maka timely prepara tion, and takt efficiout ilepa for tht pi ot action of tlie Frontier. Tbeee Indians bavo all been forced to emi grate, many of them urged to desperation and resis tance by injustice, bunted down like wild beasts, and carried in chains from their paternal inheritances on (Lit tide of the Mississippi, bsve burnt twty a bitter, andondjing liatred for the whole rice of tbe whito man ; and if they should be te to unite smongt them selves, and induce the wild tribes around them into an alliance, w may chance lo bare a wj vm ft, t . ... i. . - i:..i ' Zt vi' 7 " i Uiat will coat a little more, both of blood and treasore, than the unfortunate and disgraceful Florida affair, in which tho Government tut already expended nearly $20,000,000, ia attempting to subdne the miserable remnant of a single Nation, and it is yet unconquered. Tbe Prince de Juinvilb) hit been received in New York City by the MtPr, andeify aulhoritics wUbaooio ccreSibhy Hfmviii'nwnii; nf dinner provided for the occitkMi. The bill which passed the Congress of Tcxss remo ving tbt Seat of Government from Iloueloo to '..Im? Grange, haa been vetoed by the President The paaaengera tared from the wreck of tbe unfor tunate Pulaski, have published a Card jo the Wilming ton Advertiser, returning their thanka to the citizens of j Ibat Town, and lino to the inhabitanti on the coast, for the noble, and bpspiuble manner iq which tbey everted themselves, to alleviate their, misfortune, by every poa sible means, ". A' acepunt concur in representing tbe accident it tbe result o( the moat culpable c,rclesa nees m the part ol tba Engineer of the Boat, . arm in (!,. r i(i,Hi. and t I t r 4 I ; A kit .irl. 4 loan v. I it ii- li i un i;,t 4 ii Jjtr. Wul liU t at III Ctr We cummroct Ibis "- pu'.'. ' it. C!Ihiii' !jKrli m tba Cyrrefy, la f. j 'r ' WtUlar. Tba NlKjml M una irry tU-frl 1 tnd iKci irl Coning flutt t hUlrMe atfciaf la laleaia, tad autwa are at If 4 worthy U aa au tie end dwpaaMnoatt emmJftHiA. ttr WearasmbaruadUaawiiwart WIUJU H fill ta'ajttaaa. a. a M a i HAn f huh, lq, a t leadMiat r a arai aa v of I'ontmiufia uf ibe Mit lgatalur, kT itowaa tnd Davie. Tbe liiwt a lbir edjHaroawwt baa Bat Ure y et Vb-j t'Uly flJ iipoe by (anroaa. TV bate wow bttot tbein m-U bnpiaiael btt.iorM wbicb will rxweat la W acted vpjobiCiratbry trparttei it Mei;rrlsrd,Bwt-r- tr,by a WsahingUai awpaf tbsl lory it) tiymrm tat miO!l J ja'.j. Il atwiaa thai mm af Urn bit mofnbrrs ire Wouaaing tired, and aaamwa te (tt koett if an, they wilt inoat protsMy wae a leulo am dwpttrh la tranatclingtUirrrmaininf duttbantLcy art accuatuoted to d." aixirr ordinary cwreaaaca. T Tbe Uat Virginia, lgaUtere ptawd aa an aWliaW ing tbe karUroaa praltra af braedMg as twt bawd. Jm$ K. PyUig, of New York City, baa bora ppuioladHrcrt-tary of tbe Naty lo fill ibt vwcawry caaumed by Hit reaignatiue f Mr. Dtcaeracw; a a apukrn o as a gcntlemaa wall ajalined b tbestatiem. Tbe rj-jondary liat Wtwet tbe l'and flaataw ewi Tens baa b?en perwaoeotly aatabliabad by treaty. Aceouala fruia tbt Canada frontier state that, a wary bad foelwg tsiaUofl bulk sides of ibt liwe, tad tbal si i every day becoming worat. Get. Maeoaab baa bore ordrred lo ibt command of tbt trunps fur winds awg p-avt, and neutrality. Ta I'irgiaie fMtavrri if Vaaeaiaw, baa cbjaed its aeaaion. Il reeorameeda, as owe of the taoat a tial meat-s ( a4vtaclng tbt objecja la view, tbe ibe JiUerent acberoes of interact Imprwtmtni goiaget) ia tbe aUW, mwum be ptuaecuUd with twevgy. U eJae reumimenoatbattnotbaf Coavewtioa bs beU saNrfiaa ie tbt month of November Beit, aad tbal dalegstee ha appointed lo tbt Georgia Coevtwtina. Tbe Prexwiptioo Right Bill, tad ibal wwkmg fwrtbtr appropriatiun for carrying oa tbe FWiJa War, asaard both Ilooses of Congme.. (cwwajcaicaTC. Te lie Oaaainiiaa trt f .WiaOary Gairruwra: Aaxief tbe Tow a Oniinanees tbrre are atveral aaniury regulatiotie tbal shoald bU at ta Uiae be Berlseiea. Uwe or Ibe a km tea tt w 4ttt occasionally lo appoiot luntctm lo fo arwauad Tww. sod eiamine the llaca-Yarosof ever Qlaew. to af they art kept clean, and clear of all kmds as alia, Tbe wckly etasua it bow coming on, aad tba beahh at law Towa rreetly depends oa eakvcinr tba w gulatioa. 1 bor, wbea tlie Inspectors ge rewwi, iWy will find many filthy sruUls bolee bduad kacbiaai many aceuaiulaUma of decaying swaalswoaj M back- ytrda, end oilier things prnKioua is eealtb. It ia well aacertained that aothing is taore set It gender eieeaaes Uiaa IM accemoMlatK cf 4ecaywg aubtUDcee ia tbe aaca-yards and loK of Tewm II m a recorded fact that Ibe Yellow Fever, bt rbUaeelvW. waa once oecaaioned by Ibe acetlie bolea ia beck-yarda; and it it equally certain, Uwt whole fctaulea aa towns, bavo aeen afflicted with biibows tever.woi - W. 1 1 .1 . - weatberieajow warm, a ad Ibe OeoomaaatUaa aad raaaav rnlioa are rapid. There aboubl be e genera! hutrmtmm. aad cloamnf op in owr Town. This should not bt neglected or pen eft eiria wwek longer. A LiriZX eae23,183i INTERNAL IMPOVEMCNT,VECTlXG. Purvoant to notice heretofore givea a saeetiog cflbe ciiitent of Rowaa waa held ia tbe Court I Iowa of Salav tJ4-eV6fAeW4a,i44j(-t BawJ. the meetina wai oinnised by tbe apaointaaeat cf WtuJAH C(U)IIU s Cbairavja, aad Josn IL Haaaaa. Jacoantarav'. rAl"- On motion of Chat. Flaber, Esq. a committee ing of D. A. Davit, R. Macoamara, AbeJ Cemaa, IL C Jooea, Tboqiti G. Polk, waa appointed to prepare, aad report rceolutioaa suitable to tbe pwrpast of thia aaaav ting; and on motiua C. Fwhor waaadded to law sjimn. Tbt committee submitted tlie following reeoltfliawe, which, after a diaeuaaton io which Mean, llewderwow, Fiaher, Davit, and Jooesfarticipalod, were enaiaisaeaav ly tdopted, via: - ' L 'Rt$oli, Tbtt is eiliaeiis of Nortk CsiJaaa, i we fee) a deep interest ia tbe Internal lmaw.waa mf tbe Stole; and while we have oar (oral prnrl Hart maw, tnd would be glad lo see them prevail, we era aeair tholeaa al all times willing to make a liberal afVr of them to the genera) gimd of the State. . 2. AraWsed; That the present artottioa iLe. Cape Fear an Wenern Inu-reatt ka North Carolasa ia aocb, that we must cease talking and eoroetowoe eaerb ing, or our native Slate, inatctd of ranking e tbe (bwrtb or fifth ia tlie Union a her wealth and popqlatiea ecu tie her io do, must, from apalby and iodiflerewce Be her resources, become tbe least iwpurtent ia theCoav fednracy. 8. Rc&olofl, That it is extremely derirable that a Rail-Road be made from Fayeltcville to the Wram part of the Bute, and that we bail tbe eailmg U ibe Convention at Greenboro' aa evidence that tbe ewbject baa not been eatirely abandoned. 4. Retolved, That the encouraging proxperis 4 tb Weetern and Raleigh Rail-Road give promise Ut a new destiny awiits North Carolina regard ta Inter nal Improvement, and that the time I tot disiant vl our tellow-eiticens will engage ia that walk wna a rpint that will he wortliy or the cauae. f ; $ ftggai, That our JjeJfgMtri h. Itiil ire lirH I directed to inquire concerninp; tbe report of Ibe Eari- nceraon the fajettenJIe and VV cetera Ra4-Road,and tint they communicate such information at tbry may be able to obtain to our ciliscna through tbe pubic news papers at aa early a day as possible. r & Revived, That IL C Jones, Dr. Pleaaaat Iteav derson, Chtrles Parteo, CoL Robert Macoamara. Joba Beard, Jr., Dr. laaae Burns, Dr. David MebaacCoLR. W, Longt Rev. TJlotnaa JF-. JJavie, end JiaSa L Hafflos tffffflTuK niorlDlcrnar Improvement CuuventioB to be arid at Greensboro' on the 4th of July next aad that lbey bare power to fill vacancies. . . W 11X1 AM UIAMDER8,Cbi John II. Hardib, Sec'y. From the Buffalo CemmamdnkJtertiMer. AWFUL CATASTROPHE. The atearb boat North America ia just ia, hj passenger on vhich we learn the particulars f a moRt heart -rendering calamity Tit iretrpttum of tkt ew and elegant Steamboat II aaaiagtoe. fcy fire, offSiIvercrenk, about 9'ciock this taorwng, with tHa eeiimated lose cf jtlf Ute$ !f :- Tbe Wsshington passed the Nortk American while tht Vtter (ty at Erie, ia theearry partef tkt 'at- rri, i i ' - J tm, tt l" f t i - J .i t b l W (rem aVaimri.a. j TLe 3 Cav4 U ! .--; jkaat waaer, wa.1 ka4 a,!- w waa bt..!t at A i ... t t 'rri. ?.a bit mo tl ( pf V i ! Tba Ire cau, .t ix-ur l'. l ark Bwf wa be a) di '!.' e eVfj aJ araraife bt e uieur it. Tb- brl.rt wat swetwrly pad akxet, aat tbe boat keatb d f r ikiee, kaat aa a aVw aassaeare lb wkeel ropet wert awl aC eaad slat mm I SB i nj at) Baanegebbv w ercfu Had mm m awaaouateal, ae watLuiicboi v eaaaa-awace) iaas taawt at) tbt) MiniBaipwi, Ihie a;w paHang laaaief Ms aa kern a atevttd ' Te kaau tlaaf t!a warvwawg peawrwrauf ikt) Waah. aagiaai awaae aa artriwg tba sw kmtatj wat tUri&uta U U Cept. IVaaiw, ik cowaikr. We kwf aaal taawal llaaC tbt) rvporW luat f lie, aaatatrd saaaw.aawy f test taaggtraied. Wt) kato tjraW laate tite i mm sag ttaa awkle, tb lo vaj testify eefisiatr l trwaa Pa-vay ha tirtj. bfar.y 4 tbe awrtiaera wettj Uj Imrmi WLre Ibej left tbe Bust. i I -. 1 OF IXTCIJJGENCK. ciisrjcuxa We bbtow iwraaWL saywrl Arbeao Whig, tho- 1 rVb. a Irtjwr firwaa CtfC. Uirwry.eWaJ Foil New- U Jaaar. gtiwkg keabl actount eC ibt) avaancsa) ad aare ka tb CWroite count ry Caea. Ii. aaaar ibal tbe IsJiita bjw very weaceav Ue eaal -, daat tb eery smb ttT wby lav bt aflaed taarwa sjb ipi iraeasrw etT aWftg ef their rtv. lb njvaseoto aaant) of tbe M Hitdrd ladjaan, ae vertk frwm two to five JUey mt tiarwo awnste karvw marred the Cotp-t lbrewg tea katora aef MawassnM, and tbey bold taw tart rrt awteaaig. Kosne at ltioa legattl tW kaaals Weat mt tae) Meamp. aw tbe laaal eff teat, anal ara Brvtoj wpoa uetr bttikttai te gjw mf mmt aaawewa it. Oft mmt lerssa. TU LooJos pa pert ad aWwaaaau rscrttng tbe poaaiU.. m ea-aaa pgw ut koraee. Tb rW Xr.IL.aceck, wbt) baa n- Sprctatat aarra Ob eValaLeo) a baaSd tnrwaa n England, art ead kW &iatie) IVw ii mf AenI at la aAeroooo, m ef haa mw cawjstrwctioo, altendedby tweefkas (rwwJav 1U ibhiI ibjauab several of slitwtt tLawkaa. aad rtaaaiaed a coo- aaaWeiJeiMBewafW CwiUk-JI, aaaoofwvnrg and lawBarV,taretULacuiotiCmv,wi ettrasnfisairy aaoLiy. ; ' ' " Ff mfmmitntfCmgnm Tbe pty sd all Ibesaawbrntawa IJaaaw, kwcbaiiflf tbt) Vic Prrwdrwt. wbw rvtife gOCO pet aiinuni, aad ItV ralaa-asTtVe IWaa wka receive tl5 per dv, aisaU by UiB Madotjasa. la aawuu It) $1,11,67 atartV;. - Near Priftaaa, sirJk at iaily aaauJart, aaJ (at that arai ed tba yawrj iai LaaaXt, aHIgatora, aug- aiaee Sat m wwiwreTOaa. iTilr- - Tbe WW. w ia as. kawww New Orh a. asal bad aaeake are wry iatl rfrwa-tract eaJj w r art. 1 1f tbere ke aay ptacw.la ifce SuaaWia caaawajy wkack aaocw thaa ethers, prrwente acLaiavaffcicacr;Bt it?ire Oittan. The AaMeracaa part ef ibe ciry ie a weO pat eJ and ad clean a envy caty aaibc tjateav ao4. iia strtl.a-v mmitmM& titipwMmjmmw m tm4n aay etbrr paarJt) aa tbe vmm'.rf. We viailed it two weaka taexaaeat awn rteffy ckaraaadi with iu We Ibabk tW it if tWar! e not only tbt) gTaadeat laat tb aanat leartil city ia tbt) L'nioo,- JU attic , t.NrrEaui wedlock. .. . Ii Ma laiii aanfanat wat ty aaawl Msrlm, Rm. Mr.CimCC a TAU11. aw Haas MA&U CDY.- : .. .. DCPAXTED mis urE, " la tbat Caaatty, eat Ae 2Ub BaaaMts. JOHN W, io Btaaaaf Jsitiiii I Xan tH0t,TnLljmt,9 aiootbe. aalKawya. t - Yevy mmUtmff im liaca&B ceoafy em the 13Ji inat. -Vr, JtL Vt ILTOAU. Sew. az 74 jrara. AXem KwTppIy mt Gvd., at Davitbrnt Ca-ew la-je W,raww,(i1rril-r JtfaraWf aaraxsnaj wwaf I mtrm mm cuatonirrs and tbe faxUic. tbaw be w Bwar rrcetvwg Irona PbtLid.:)- ptia aad New Ttafc. n ealena stock af SPRING AND EtlSSIEal GOODS, cwriHiarga3 t!be articiea awomQj kept,ia stores ia taaa part al tbe? c naffT. llw bopce that tbe extent tf bub tteclc, tkc caiwwki wbick it kaa been ae- lecVd, awl taat iy kW frarew at wlick he can af vd, awJ it tairBiBBiil a arS, will atcarw, not eailr ike cwattaaESJBct eOi former eastanieravbot alas mmnmmf aaJWera ie enmm mad examine for ieaaarJtcak - lie ssaVaiisiaaeil that the decline of GmJm al thm Xawok) akaA be ljdi Inrma ilCtO- kw; Uad si irajrlee aaaU pot be confined to binv en wat tW kits taaosaeYs who have felt the in- caemaiwaassj ef ar&g Lar, anaS alaa ivy aj hm , aa uauda caa Sat aiattaeav TuaklU lor the very ldaera fMsmmnpm wiach It) kae received, he kopea by mlxcmimm a tuiirrti, ie aaaril a ceauinwanct) cf tbetiatae. . 3t , Mw I IraafnaJA-jB tX CIXOl LJ3 aM t $, whole a aatoevtetaal, kJYsUara. - - r: 9 5a.' Regan ' QO aacis Liverpool Sft, Lrg aucee. 3900 Ibe. fna Cattea aaaoctedi Noa -10 La. Ctaas-, a. : "v;.,, - ISkejaNa. . ' :::,J y ...r:;-' ' StJOi lka Car LVai. .. J lUa. fct Baack Mailer. 3UJ. LoaXSr. SdKI Eba. af wagoa Tire Bfeukia, Scollop, Roll- . tsL SceCiee aadi cocaasoaj bar Iron, ' tj J-dt YF. MURFIJY, Sdkwa.JMt;!