i':7 : J s "1 A, 7 A .ii L .LUi J!JJ ...X r . . j ...... -fas ro ' iota " tm tint n ifTi av iuj utiin nm, r i r ti ir v via tr in, Aft It rmu T't ti rr turn iinii, o f- rna r nn -.1 , .... 1), AUSTIN A: C. V. VIHWVM, entrain ash wopRwrnn. no. iv, or vol.. (,va J7;7 cMu;t :: HALIsnUllY,' X. C, JULY (J, JKW. r. -1 NTfW TERMS u MSUrno. TMlMwiirt fifl; ' tfn.4 p.J U er 5 Pprr will wt 43-citiiue4 antd stl arrearage. sad at year, Will " gaaaauL lWiMMnu will e cooawuooaly and correctly . . . XJUr hi Minn a the Aral inaertton, iljllal Hck cor1,aaaea. Court end Judiaiel A Wuci of it! I pr cewt ffw lb frjaUf (ica will b wad to yearly advertiser. . - . . to rosmroahni. fjKtmadaWscsJtolb Wtora, muat la ill case be tid. M ISC ELLA NKOUH. TiUUT QUENCHED WITHOUT DRINKING. Ii maf M irfxruliy Known lo iur reaorra iKat wawr, frn aslt waler, imbtril lliruogh Ihe akm appraara tbirt almcwl aa writ aa frrah water kr iaf Jit. It lltuaralim cS lliia atilji-ci, a irtpuwWoi baa ent tta I he follow in jr abriilj'd muUimI (font ' ?arratia f CapUiu Keiifn-d)'a loj bit Vaaaet, "im! hi dilfraa 8rwar(l,, al ama a4rl in IXxJalrj'a Annual IUs"r t4 1783. I cannot enciui whihmh making tutum of lit grvat aJvartaga I received front aaakinf my clotUra Iwict day in al water, ami MUMf iImo m wMhnul wrinift. Il waa a coo Arabia lima t-fra 1 rnutd make il people com- fh wild Ibia inea.jure, aniKxtgn irom anein ine t Sta afodoced, thy alterwarrfa pfacliwl il . i .i T. ii,;. a ay cn ioir w "iw miiv" m, I mmt itli iiMlica atlrihuta thn nrrarrralion 1 a awa lifr 'td other peranna, who mul ' . . .... t :.. .. - '!! aeriabt-a u il " rrn pui in u. i no hn4 vu 6rl cotniriuiticaleiJ In in from (he p ru al J a imtue written by Dr. Lind. 1 he water aaBxhtd throMgh the prrt of ihe akin pMoiK- h every r-pt Ihaaama tUK-l aa wouiJ bavn re. auhttl fmm la iO'oenite'driiikiitj( of any liquid. TWaaline priita, honnt-vrr, hick remained in aur ffothra rx-caine iitcruitH by H heat of the aan aoJ llial of our -own btxli larerlut( our Uin aiwl b iiig o4haria inrmiteninl ; hut we faiid tbM by waaliiiiK oil III"- arliclna, attl ! utotly IIiiik our cluilnwtthiHii wriitiailwire hi Ibe curM ol a U), ina aaiti m caiiia cn in a abort lima. After tlnnw operationa e uniforinly fumai Ibat the vtolmit drought wetil oil, an j the parrlxd tongue waa cured in a few miiintra alter bmiUuii and ainx ourcJutlieal and at 'lieuina tiaje wa (iid ouraulvee aa much rjrfrtwhed aa if a bad rrct tved eouie actual iKMirwhmetit. rour . . . . . . . j . arrow m I be boat who orauK aan water em uo Itritaja and died t Ut lbw who avoi-lcd thiaand flowed the a bote pracu'if Cffcrk'ncvd do auch avBptoroa." f rRARFUL ADfEXTUREL VV recently nniccda worlTdacrtwiive offalv am.' Dvairotiaur a littlo mora uccuiatw i..trn a- Itoa oa ine charactt-r of the m-rcbniiK! of thia aart i f Italy, we turned to the leiiere ol IVnl Lkjis oantr.wUoae worka are UiiW knuwa id UiikUimI. Our reaaVre will pn.bnhly be itibrrted by Ihe ll- towns tail rtory, which we lraivlaie lor tin If eu. tfVuftnn.-He w Trritinj labia fcnmtoTmiiiii; (Eatcea eoejptrt de P. L Coat ; 4 ok. Brtit- 'I aa one: day travelling in Calabria. It ta a ceaotry of wickd peoole, w Imi, 1 U-live, have no treat liking lo any birl(kiid are imnicularly ill A j . I if i. TV- ...II .L. japoaea tuwjrna ino rrencu. tv on jr 'u ri) wuuld be a Ions allair. It la enoiiuh that they lata iu to death, and that the unhappy being who ahouid chance to fall into their liamfo wnu d not paae his (iota lii tun moat ogiueaule uiNoner. J bad for iny coroptttiion fine youjia fellow. 1 do not My I lite to imereit you but became il ia ibe Initbi: In theaa mounlaina tha roada are precipi- tea, and our horaee (rot on with the greateat dirti culty. My cooiraue rmng brat, a track, which 'appeared to bun ntoreprntf itublo and a!f lr lhaa TMieruur path, led Ha astray. It waa my lauit. Uu;hi I to have trusted to a bead of twenty years T I W( aoughl our way out of the wood while it was jet unlit; out the more we looked lor the pth the farther we were off it. It wna a very .black eight, when we came, close upon black house. e went in, and not without tuapicion. Uut what wu to be donet Tberw we found whole family ef charcoal burnera at (able. At the lirat word they invited us to ilia them. My youns man did not stop fur much ceremony. Iu a minute or two we were eating and driuking in right earnest ne t fcat: for my own part I could oot help giant- eg about at thj place and people. Uur horns, in wd, looked like charcoal burners; but the hoaeef you would hayOabrLiiJWflArnaL There waa nothing to be seen but muskcta, pismls, hre, knives, cuilan-. Evert thins diauleast-d w, tod I aaw that I was in m4MurjBiJLJlx I "lororade, oo the p.t ra ry , wa Hon one of Uie funi- ny. lie laughed, he chatted with thorn ; and with iatpruuVnee which I i-ught ta Imve prevented, he at ence aaid where became from, where we were going, that we were Fienchtm n. Think of ' wr situation. Here we ware amonsxt our mortal 2jen,'f"j lne,lienighted, Cr from all human aid iikrwtgrirfwiTOrtr -s;trr,",--','- -rI1T ... L J . as 11. I.. .nwJ is " n f L9 ' y "ttrTi et must plav tlie rich man foraoolb, . fremimng theae folka to pity them well for their pt'Blity 5 and then he must prate aboutliia port fcMtCau, earaestly beneeching them lo take sn-at of it. tnd put it at the head of hia bed. for he 1 ffanted no oth'r pillow. Ah. youth, youth, how k pitied! poown, they might have thought we carried the diamond of the crown : the treasure in hia portmanteauwhich pnve him 7" annetf consulted of the fctlera of bia muitre e, Supper 0mM, they rft ua. Our hoa a!-pt low we on lha lory -vber we ImdVrn rating, laaaoit of !atlrni raiwd aevvn r ctjeUf ft, where we ware t ! by UUU-r, wa lU bd ibal awaited ua a nc iniu ehirb wa bad l ta IriiJuca i-.i !, by jtin.ping over baricla tlM with proiMiM fn all the year. My rowrwii ifd Hjt4t Km b-d bia, and waa enon f alcrp, with ln h'-ad vp'k lU prrcioua p-iman. waa dcleruiHnJ In keep awake, an I mad gf"d Crr, and w.l m) ai-lf down. Tim night waa bIhwwI ptw d over Irai rjnilly eouugh, and I waa brfiunmg In be rHnfoftLle, whan, J4 at lb lime whin il appeared Iu tuo that day we ab-ait In break, I hVard our b'w4. ami hie wile talking and deputing Uduw mm; a ml polling my ear mu the chimney which coiomnnica 4 with the lower roojH, I pwrrily dianngiiMied llwae eii wt.nU i lU Iiii.UikI i Writ, re, Ut t ttt im$tt vf kill tkrm k4k V Tu whitb the wile replivd, IV.' end I heard no mre. M How shall I lll )nti the real t I eld acarc. ly Urea be, my whole body ws aa e4J aa nwrUe to have aero me, you C-4.1J oot bava told belli, rr I wav dead or alive. I Ira vena I when 1 )l lliM.k'upon il I We two were aliraet without am; agairM ua wi re twelve or fifWo wIki bad ph-nty of wenpuoa. And llten my comrade (hid of aleep end ftiiguel To call him up, to make nowe, waa more than I dared In erape alotie was an im poaibiliy. The window waa not very high 'hut omlcr il were Iwo great lioya howling like wolvea In-agine if you can the diiree I waa in. At Ibe end of a quarter of aa hour, which termed an age, I heard aowie on i the atairrave, and through Ihe clunk of Ihe door I mv the old man, with a lamp in one hand, and one ol his giral koivea iu the otb. ee. II ovMiiited, hia wifa ader hiiu; I was behind Ihe door, lie opened it ; bill before he caaie iu he put down Ihe lamp, which hie wife look up, and CMiing iu, with hia Var oake1, oo, brmj brtnnd In in, aaid Ml a ettiHhered Voire, hiding the light paitiaily with her fineem, Grnllf, go graZy. When he rearli-d ihe ladder he mounted, hi kuife belween lua leelh ; ami going lo the head of Ihe la-d whore that p"f )aing man l-iy, with bis throat unentered, with una hand be look hi kniir, aiMi with lite irtlter ah. my couii, lie i d a ham which hung frimi ihe roof, cut a vlicr, and retired aa he bad come in. The door ia re alm!, tho light vaiiiahre, aud I am left alone to my rvflTlinna. " When Ihe day appeared, all the family with great ihhm cune lo roune us, aa we had deaired. I ltey bronfflil ua nleutv to el l(tev aerved ua a very proper braklat, a capital hr'nkfaat, I a-Mjrts you. - Two cwpnttii H-roHl art u it, wlnon, ami the hmitea, yew mnat eafonc, lawl carry awoy the tlier. Wbeel anw Ihe capons I at onfe Compre temleH tlie .meaning of tUAu worde AJiut re kill Ikm bolk r ' THE DOTH K ST. UFRVMID. The ciaivent itiie Orral H'. B-rnard uaitualeil near the top of Ihe mountain known by that name, nearMK) ol the mo! daiicernuHa;jj,,'f ile alp. U-lween Switzerland and Savoy. In U- regiH Ihe traveller ia overtaken hy Ihe mt m-vere wenlh. er, een aftt'r daya of rlaHlea b uiy, when t . ulaciera glitter in the wki-Iiwh-, and the pink II era of the rhHiodeiidiwn appi-sr an if they m re mv. er to he mi i lied by Ihe tetupcM. Bit a t(ni aud deidy comes on ; ihe roads are rendered iuiMuu4ble by dtia ofanowr; Hie avaluuchea, w hich are huge mM-wed imewrerrf enoar or fee, are awepf into the. valh va, crr inn trees and crags of rock Ik fire )tt-m. tfiw-kitaakviMiwikevlhougn Iheir.reve- nuo ia araiuy, open their doora to' every stronger thai prt-wiils himself. To he cold, to be wear)1, be beinchtefl, constitute Ihe title to Wjt'ir Connor. table aheller, thoir cheenng meal, and their vi able converse. -But twur alleution lo the dK rent ed doea a-4 end here. They devM theinaelvea to ihe d ingeroua leak of searching for thoae unhappy nerwwia who may have been overtaken by th aiMl den storm, and would periah but fr llieir charitable aucoour. Most remarkiTbly are lliey anUted in theao truly Christian . ollicea, .. They . have . a breed of noble iogt in their establishment, whose eitraordinary eagacity iHenenables them lo rearue the traveller Irnm destruction, itenumneo wim cold, weary in tho eeareh for a ht1racV, hia aerf. wa yittldins to Ihe atuuirving yjituenre ol irnet wnicn . ' ' - J j l oetraya me exauawo aniicrrr in a m-cp .ct-i, mv unhappy hrnn ainka upon Ihe gpiund.andihe enow drill covers him from humnn aijaht. It ia then that the keen scent aud the exq'iis.te docility of the admirable doir are called into action. " TMugh Ihe nerishinc man lie ten or even Twenty efeer beneath the anow, , the delicacy of the smell with which py i him offers acna"nce of escape. They can trace ecralch awny the anow with their feet; I hey act up a continued hoarse and solemn bark, which brings the monks and labourers of. the convent lo their assistance To provide for the chance that the doira. without human help, may succeed in discov- erinir, the unfortunate traveller, one of them has a flask -of apirita r inrnd hta neck, I whieh- Ihe lamf ing man may apply for aupportf and anotner naa tf-io If 1t ritK- him. These woudenui ; exeruon! arp fP"" ttirt'fBwfill j lt" IhuyTail uf restoring him who has perished, the dog discover the body, so that it may he secured for the rccog nition of friends ; and such is theefTect of the lem nerature. that the dead fenttirea eenerally preserve llieir lirninnm lor the snare of two VCafS. 0(10 of ihoM noble creatures wna decorated with a mrdtil. in if omtnemorHhoiT orfnaTia ving saved the lijrnr4. have neriahod." Many traveller who have crossed the passace of St. Bernard, since the peace, have seen this dog, and have heard, around ihe bUzing fjre of the motiks, the story of hia ev.iraori!inary career. He died about the" year 1818, In' an at. tempi to crmvey ia poor traveller to hia anxious family. Tlte riedmontete courier arrived at St. Bernard iri a very stormy serison, hhouriug lo make his wav lo the little villnce of 8t. Pierre, in the vsh ley beneath tha mounfain, where bis wife and chil- irrn dwell. Il was in vain that the tuc ks attempt. d In cberk hi reJtMe) ' r 'I hit ftHoly Tin y at Ut iva bint le oJ . eacb f wba waa a OMtipanif d by a dg, Y bh ntie waa tlx rinaksl4e creature w hoe arrvirea had tcan au vaioawe in nwnaiinw iiffiwiii iton im v.Mirw vimn im no. vcnl, thay ware in aa IraHant overwhrlined by two avslsnrhea end the same romnioa dVsirvctrfin awaited lU family f the poor courier, whw were toiling up Ihe mouiitsi i ia the b"p tooUiiu antoe oewti tbetr ija'C'ed Iriwl. I hry all pcrM4. A aJoy m I 4d one of Ibcw d. ga, wa-s Lav- mg found a child unhurt, www moiwr bid oVatroyed by en evaUnrbr, Mucad lb f"f by In mount Upii has bwrk, ai4 thwa carried hint to I the gate of the convent Trai lk A'neavt fatly A2UT. leaf Allatfie Slrcmrr. VVa ftod in ha New Lw;oo (( ooo.) Uaariie, tho Mhfwmg panicuUra of the firwt Bieam Mvigalim of the Atlantic They were con.pajnii ated to the Csi-Hta ly rap lain htcpUo ftogera, of (jrobai, whw waa aailmg mister of lha ship Savannah, o wnjch M.aco fto gera, of Crotoe, vaa ihe commaodcr. Kite tu eeeo from the telegrapk Malms) at Cape Oar, on the wnuthem cet of Ireland, and re. ported M a ship oh fire. Tie admiral who lay in Ihe Cove of Cork, despatched ooe of Ihe King's euliera lo her relief, lot great wet their wder al their inability with all sail in a viwl, to come up with ship under bar poire. AAererve. ral alfrfa were fired from the cutter, the ngm waa soaped, and Ibe aurpriae of k f err 4 the mints ke Ihey had made, as well as their curioaity lo we the singular Yankee craft, nn he eevilv imagined. Tbey aked pern4iiai tu go t a board, and were much graluVd by Ibe inoeiioaj of Um naval wowliy. Oil apfimarbing Liverptad, bun dreda of people r a me off in boats tu sea bar'. Kite was compelled lo lay outside the bar, till thetle should arrve for ber te go in. Durmg ilie time shi had Iter Colors all flv ina;, when a boat fro n a I5fttih shiop-of-wsr came ahmg sn'e ami hailed. Tlie aailing.maMer wa on dt k at llw tour, and auawerd ' Wliere ia your roaster ""In whirb he pave the laeooie wJ - I hav ai ma'r, Hir " Where's vour aptein then r HA He low do you winh to aee him H "I do. Sir." Tite raptain who waa tbeu hehiw, on Ut inf railed, silked wh it be wanted Att which he answered , Why do yai wear thai p-tiaitt, Sir V " B cauae my country allowa me to. Fir." Mv cooinml er ihinka it waa dooe lo inoull him, and if u rlon'l tnkn it drwn, he will a forre that will dn it." Captain Roirera then eicUimcd to the engineer uU-t iIm hot water eni'ine readv." Althoush there waa no socw n.acU e- eteMl iuw eart, t b.d ihe (!eir-d fleet, and John Bull waa plad to rmdillu ofl as fast aa poWi'e ()napr wchifg the eiiy, lha sl.itt'ing, poire and rf ol houa were throii;ed wiih pernoa rlnering the adventurous rmP. Fevrml nnval ofU'em, nobtemen end mer thams friKii Lnn lon, caaw down in visit hep, and w re verv ruri u to e-rertain hr areed. iierdee. inalnMi. dee. Aa it waa mn after Jerome Bona. irle had offered a larjre reward to any one wh iml I oereod in taking hia brother Nnpol"on from St. Ilfletia. it waa auspecled that that was the ob jeet of the Pavnnnah. After remaining25 days in LiverrtOfl. during which lime ahe waa via ted by thousands of neof4" all pink, andner'flieera wrra, treated with umked attention, ahe h-ll lor CopentiHgen, at which place ahe arrived in aate tv where fclic exriled almnaTcTiroieilv. f5he pro reded I hence to Stockholm, in Sweden, where she wrae vwjied bY lh Rnt raitiiry.tbe? freelso ndwt: tera, naval fifiVrre, nnbilitv and otliera, who, by invi'nfinn of Mr Ilughea, the American mn.st dined on hoard, and took an eieuraoin awonz the neiehhoring islanda with which they were much. dehtfltled. Lord Lyndnck. of England, who waa thm on a tour through Mie North of Europe, bv invitation of! our minister, took naaaage on hoard of the Savan nah for 8t. Petersburg, which place ahe cached in due time. Here ahe waa visited by the invitv tion of our miniata t 4hat emirt, bv aevernl wo4 btomen, military and oavsl oftVera, whoa!n teed ber superior qualitiea by a trip to Cronatadt. Her officer received eeveral valuable preaenta. of jdate. Sif and" we, ha ve'now. before ua ann-rh jyold aiinfl hot, which, waa presented to her sailinf maa ter, Capt. Steven R iffer. hy Lord Lyndork. She sailed from ft. Pelendmry to Cormnhapen and and thence to Arendof, in Norway, wVnee ahe re. lunioil lo Savannah, where, after a abort pawagw of about twenty-five dava, ahe arrived in sefetv beinjr ihe fiaat ateam veaael that ever croased the AtlantKS-and after nerforminff vovam hiirhlv creditaMe to American inrrennily and enterpriMe. 8he uaed Eierpnnl,cnl for fuel, of which ahe took seventy five font ; aa well as twentv five cords of wood for kindling. She had no freight, and on Iv used her eneinea when not able to go at ih rate of four knota with her anile. By the crest fire in Savannah, her owners were compelhd M 4wr;ndTrh! waa pnrrhased IrrTun aa a pnekM be tween that place and, Pfew York, whilher slie.waa bound, under Captain' Nathaniel HoJdride now mnalnrof lha Ijiveriool paeket slop ITwifrl when she waa lost on the south side of Long Island. A certain lady had a custom of tnymg to a vorile little dog, to make him follow her, "Come ahmg, air." A would be wijly geutlematistepped unto her one day, and a'ceoated her with 44 1 it inraBia with great composure, "it wa nother jnippfTT spoke lo. When a king asked Euclid, Ihe irmthefnetieian, wiii llier he could not explain his art to h' in a more enmnendinus manncr T be waa answered that there waa no royal way lo geometry. Qlher tfrkig may be seized by might,or purchased with money, but knowledge ia to be gained only be study, Snd study to be prosecuted only in retirement. THK Vfir MAN. (TttkMua eaoe tu taw) A youn I'aiMoia) aUo Wri.l WitU liUiefou patty In Lyou lin i -v ll.a (-ii .( ot aemg IU wcid city i I '.a kiuJjin, liiwe uUisaa auo We wrra .ljrH at the ht Un, and found Cellenl cwniiy llwre. 1U evening b l-ra our depanure, I waa lit the court yard atjt A n.k, wba-N a iou oiocied trading bis horse by Ibe bi tfU.. : . ' ' . ' Take rare of o y hre "stud U lo tha aervaoi. "Hi hate w4 n im lt stmt lior"," r- ..i ! .1 .. . L ......... - w M 1 oal i ritia,'' aaid the U4u, " I aliali lake en iil ton l.. tiM , to . ' I tidd uu, aaid Ibferrvaal,. thai we bad Do rnm, iair Make i toll. t rry wall, rtpltrd Ibe man, " ou look like a good U y, lake car 4 my Ual.n M I bolieve I hia auin la a taJ, aaid I ho boy, sremg bim walk lo ihe hiiclwa Mwbal cau be aa roe lo n wuh be Lvra ! M I ibiob be i oral," aaid 1 to him, " lake rare tf lb borar, y,t will be o p.a.ailiJtt for him," I pilloWtd Ilia? tMli to Ibe kilcoeo., Ihen'Wtes wo htm Ibe sarnw coinplnunt ai her ativanll be rphrdk waa anuth obligvaj to her, and be. ged kr IM Iu faaigwa beio 4 y n akuig bun com plinMrnia, or he waa au d-a that be naiUl ftot beat a caoiaai ahol be luaw-oianVjiuok a chair and eraied bimavlf near I Imi fire iaiB he waa at boom. I be hoaeas aw there was uo nrana of art'im rid uf Ibia au who was detrronne lo lake a alunber 10 hi chair. I witit loto Iheparlot, where I t ld Ibe con .puny uf ihe klee' eiobarraaauiOnl ) they laughed at it, and I, above all who did kot Vliete that I atMMld be Ibe dupe of the adventure. Hip per waa served aod our geotleroaa came and araied bimwrli y thad-ju -walked wtwMo cvo to the table aud im4 aaako hiuaw lfa at ranger be appa rently IhoUihl we WNhrd to put bim hi Hie umt diatmguiaiKd place, for be replied that Im wa loo polite lo pot liiilut- fat the beaJ ot Hie UbiO. tv I0i that it was iuVl'1J ' oiaLa bim bear ua i ll waa iMceaaari Iu lake pa lV ; be at,' as nucl aa four mix-re and wltt-n ihe biil waa or caroled lo lum he orew U.rlv roots from hiap Let and threw it 00 ibe labbi. Toe viaMe of rath one of iu was much inorc j this they tried to make hint un uVraiand; but he elaaya reptivd that be waa not a man lo aubVr olLera to pay bis debts, end that he waa much obli-vd to o Cr wiahing to defray it J aud although be waa meanly arvaard, bia pocket was full id HHioey, which be doubt less aojd because they give.biut back hi aiouey in order that lie mishl tive more. Ia the mean tune he mailel aw uu weiunut, fraTTTiT i,x A'. l with JjW'n ler. A minute aflei the sarvant catne in and tCi me lo go and defend my bed, of which tbi man had takea poaeeaaioa ; we all went up ('but be had barricaded the dour, and we knew that it would be ua-lce tojlnocli. Asjhe joka to himself, we listened. 2. M How miserable ia my condition I " said he j "tbey try to force mv door open end I shall not be able to hear themt 1 have no other resiurce than to watch all night with candles burning so as lo be sb'e lo Has ray pistol if they undertake lo rob me." y He had not ihe trouble; I passed the eight near lb fire and willingly pardoned tho man who ap peared to me so much to be pitied. He arose ear- Iv the or it momine. rave thirty centa for the ex peite laTT.Ii hiirse and having mounted hiuj be ad. dreaaed them 1 k . e I k j our pardon, aaid hev dr ha ving takea your Ud. lha? of my fricifcU, alio had been pa fnaed Wing here, bet me twenty looiadora thai I could oot got accoamiMidated ; thia aum ia worth the trouble of being deaf. Aa to the real, air, I ttnderatand hy your rnrrvcmtioa that you: are go ing to take the etraruhoat. 1 shall nioet you there, and vhall beg you lo accept a good breakfast to re- pair the Ud night you have passed. He baaiiiy oVoajted alter finishing the words, and left ua much astonished at the sangfroid with which be had played hit part. What a chimera is man ! what a confused chaos I what a sublet of fftntnidirliiml-a pnUoased jmlg uf all thing, and yet a foeblewomTifiheEarlhl ihe great d punitory, atid guardian of truth, and vet a mere hixldlc of uncertainty ! Ihe glory, sod the scandal of Ihe universe I A' - " EXTRACT FROM BDLWEIL H Wha. a mintlike, to suppose that the pasaions are aloMigest in youth I tho paasiooa arenotalron ger, but the control over them ia weaker. Thpy are more easily excited; they are uore violent and apparent ; but they have Vaa energy, less dorabil. ity, leas mlepse and cmwentraled power, than in maturer I'f '. In youth paaxion aocceeda to pua- sion, and one breaks upon the other, a wave, up on e rock till the heart frets itself to repnee. , In manhood, the great dcp fluwa on mre cslm but roorw-rofntiiHif its serenity, Ine protir or Ihe might and terror of its course, were the wind to blow, the storm to rise, a young man a amnuton a thouaand tovs. As with one passion, ao with the rent. i yor. tore ft tetr oa rn lso.l lvt, like thtUrdt i April it laj aot yet antT its nut.' With so lonir a career or summer aud Hope. before it, the disappoint nien! iof to-day ilstieereded. by The hovetty of to-morrow t nd tber aun thald imet.i Mw iwojt baiAtilMJ&mM But when vae have arrived aTlhat epoch of life. if jhp ji2j,t fm un trtb last oo Wither, we foel that the luescs'inot bo retrieved, and that the frftel and fhejlarknf s are at hand, love becomes to. us ajreawiro thatwe watch oyer w! hoard with a miser's ca re J3uryounseal hnfiioff-ctionis our idol, flie fondest pledge of the past, ihe moat cherinhen nfT ouTnopealir ineiuture. , a eena.n me ii j Snt oTu lo come.' Our other lila, inr j?.y f -tt i f ' "u e, 1 ga.iia pinie hate Ui 11 am ..:.,.. I tnorw h'a W4e, Do tin l.-t lu I. - It i or alt t to Ms fiail Ii ifl-iil W fiwunl in The S'ar Ihut guu.'i a il la i.r (-inile, ai.J leoira lhal Daiiacri, Wa U Ii.n4 Kir doom V 11 1 11 1 ii. 1 1 1 . AtiUlCCLTL'UAL PKPAia MKNT. uluaL IVO.NOilY. " 1 Tit -CkmcUr tf a CVarr Jaravr. Te lat in a (uier iioo.U r iaT tins Juomal, tl... , K.r acier id a i'rrooh farmer's w.Ca On toe prtwtit a raavm we pUcw Wi our reailrs a sk u b of what e larmar hioiSjtll iHiht lo hi. We oVn Iheanola from lha N llai.d Farmer a'd 1 1 'r- licuttural Jouioal, a work aUajtoding ia) cictUeot matter. A Corep si farwrf jj a bjat careful, Industrious, and Irugal, a well wa rrputabm and uselui m and Unlcn camrulnoaa, HKlualry and ecooorriy ai umied 10 lb character, H will ua aa in pvrxci vt-x. All ho iHi a urur caiUiU live willioui labour, by lubair alone be sa ver ran grow tm U and reputable. Much denendt uran hi Ittnmg oot eaaf tMrfarmmr Cfriai Lii.dt p lo Poar la Ike Ziavj tmd . rAra lArjr (ekt to V trfurmed. It oa wtj wu cart out Ins summer clung, OaW pLaijiQ ll.oa; UimI ia Ihe tall, winch M mean to P id to (Imi k b.wu.g sjtring- if he Will wot put bis seed mio IU gruui4 early, and as aa Ihe snaaua) will sdil-tf la wdl out attend lo bia ktuii-s and a that Ity are aulftrieut aod if bo will Oot cut grass when il w ripe aod di avary thing Rnreasary I secure it ia 4 order I ne will 0 perptlualiy borrw-4 Iroaa ewi kind of tabour Iu amnbtr. and every mm will , be alighted J hit flat will put Im well C otr.ttuc k jr grata properly Cited out J hia corn will be ahortew. , ed lof waul of being wcl hoed, tod bit graaa wUi brcome duad, and dry aaay in the f Id. , Let every kind of labour, jhortMe, be perforo. aJ m due ana son. A coau.leto farmer is also mam ort rarefulorss aod wJicitud witlioui - care, the st-verwat labour ea the brat of (arnvrj . a . . never prod ooe rtchca nor plenty. 11 tas urwer wdl w4 miik bis cow in sowm- sea that they are properly tended go to the anal lo the right time ir Ihe nevi year profit sad that. Lis dairy ia neatly and taie!'u.lj n.aoaged, ha any later wuh- m . out ceasing, will have a small, poor krwad of cattle and never ei joy a fuilnosaof g'md butieMod choeaw. It ia care which makes a flock increase aad grow lo a good atze'wlrich brings forth the profile tf dairy; and whiiji filla tha bouaa of the (arnv r with good thing. , If nt will not carefully ioct foul hekls ind meadow a. and are that hie force are ia good f '. r, hti rraa and hi corn will b? rt"H l-y itr!ik- r M will liOtgalifr a- ' ( eat . up can fully and p duw aeasoo, Imi Will Uta m rt and nMHjtdy crop. If he mows, rakea, and fodders hiacallU m a esreloa slovenly mannar, hi fl..k till be pinched through Ihe winter, and lrerne poor aod lousy iu the spring poor 01 an, too poor to do the labour of the aeasoo poor tows, with httle or no milk, aud wretched calrea aod poor horsra, too feeble ta draw, and loo weak to ride with safety. If hia swine, poultry and stock ia l general, aud ! hta carta, rake and lord of all kind, are pot carefully attended to, ihe farmer t rer can grow rich aod respectable.'. It is mttentio which gradually collects from various auwrre, and covers the soil with manure It ia atteutioo which cauaea the bills, and fickle and valleys tu rid J! -ir "'- increuw, aod advaucas and complete the moat b- Dcficial ifnprovenienla. U .. , . . There la.a jhird virtue without the practice of whvehjihe tartner Can pevcr ittato to ii.!,li a 4 "'' iiidepemlenre 1 1 Rteaa rtaoma, .Without Ihi, both labour ia raiaiug, and care to preserving the fruits of Ihe earth, are absolutely thrown away. Economy ia an excellent ; untie in any man it it iq. dispensable in the allaira and profession of a fanner. And of thia he should bever be unmiuuTuI whea he look into his barn, hia collar, or hia garret, or even . hia pastures 1 to say nothing of hi field", mow-in land and uieadoAa. Out farmers, ea well as other men, are loo apt lo forget, that in their pursuit after riches, almost every thing depend upon ecoo oftty joined with cart aud industry. - - r I Afrii'ial, indnsirkajB man, blessed with but a eomirron phaTe rf lihdi tatanding, will uiMioubiedly succeed and advance hta interest, beyond whatever he expected, whet) U4 first set out in bfe provided no singular provtdonliul wvil ahouid overtako bint. -More is gained hy paving thsu by hard labour. A farmer, . therefore, wlviwi atnioat pn.fits are small and alow, aa he cannot grow rich suddenly from bia profession, ahouid be a rigid and steady econo mist. He ahouid couaider tle eaving lie may make in every Jhing 1 in hie fuel, tool, rkxhea, meat, . drink, and pocket expenaesX above all in his time, which ia equal to ao much money in hand.' Every ". day that hi neighbour run down to market 00 hia hoise, with a pound or two of butter and a foweggs, ' if he stay at home and kecpe stendy to hi labor, he gel two, if oot three day the start of him. lule his neighbour wastes Ins tune snd spend TiTs nioiiey by llus inipruoi-tit and trifling pursuit, he savoa both timtf and aaoney, in dressing and im proving his Jands, and which demand all hia alteo- tranr-Tnera U ho UKu70iuryobe lifuiMl oa a farm from ar!y tn. the spring, till late in the fab. Through. all jhat whole period, a good iknowa how toenend vey hour ; profitably farmer on bit land.' lie Van have no lime to paaa in tdd jachatliiijt with people aalhey pass by ia mfektng medlfsa vinita in attending coprtvhorse race. m B'2nyeayedjfany 01 piiaiow, corn, ,ousoi . aa-r worrf rf tlmmo lv... become Pj druikl hah. -,,,lo tiZZJ, i , he farmer, which WfifJfl ri.o.. m.,) raMS. win ne-. rc",uw :.;rr" a.oOie w tie neann, aiHi picuriaw m. uuu... the inroad of unrulv creatures, which commonly . - . ,h, d begina to Clc mowing .V careful raking, wjlej. 1 able him to winter ent cow extr.ordio.7. r.c. -.A V w.k.:': 38-1 aw T V J,, - iW v ' : - ' --' a'laai-aa.ii awi"'aaala1iiiiar1aaiiiiisi.'iial a 1 ..... y--. waBjaw;. b wiJaai.--.!- -