iiii:vi:i)ii:!t;.'CAi:ouMAN. IYUr Luinj.JULY 0, 1030. i ki.imir v ir-f IV e are suli-!- uff (1JUOi 4 JU.aa IHHW W " riy Wa are ewthnriird la mnxio- RL'IT.i IL HLfATEItX fc-l . (Whig.) e Caudate tw tpf . lat 0 Uwee d ! to lb Cowwoa of lb st 0ml Assembly ( ' IV r eth.ind 14 tammtu I!. C ONM, Esq , Vkf. ) Candidate to rpnw to Counties of .,V4 lM to U Com; ef the eit Geoerel J AeWy- fry We ere authorised' to esmwac BAMUEL it Gral AsUy. TO fftIKHrONDILVm M lltoflvrr loo kf fr lh linn, ini xdi jbtmMff-k to loo pmontl, t4 t kmlMt in hi Ua mtjt I JMinpiiaM Mf l th Unit! gut IWMta. L1m JuaW wa rflMffM tola Mte vhb W'JI a laaay of bia Avofita adMwiea, W fc, f ' Mp'. M Jba Tar, l&i laUroil Jmprw ,4 tj Um Fadml Govtramasl, It j atrthles ' i a aot Wa tUt Uapnlioa, aad abuai ara tSa tfpoa Wm arrartr-a rirt la aueh BMtaa ia . lain tilW feta faaliaf, MlM eavwhcu aaj irfaaxftta ara Ua waapwia to ba uaai Iba mum gacataata. Wa ara but aoticaa ia U wmj Mat af a aawapapoft bat wa baa tat out wttb iba aa (.ftaaUoa la traat aU m aaUic or art vat, of arbora v( ojty baa accawoa to wriu, aritb dacaar; at laaat COTTO.f MANITACTORIEJ IN N. CAROLINA. aaM bacaata araprMrtora of Iba Caruiiaian, a biva lakaa aowa ntaa to oUaia all Iba blmMttua viilua aur raacb, raacaraieg tba CoUmi Maau&ctoriM to Nrtb Caroliaa, kaoWMf lhat it aroM prova InUrr trtiat mmim ,0f la ia M jataoaipUto,but ttaa aa fcr at it oaa, away af oar awa Ckucoa will ba MrarM to aaa Iba profraaa Nortb Carolina baa aiada ! tbaatUblMbaifflof liiaarVctorka: H aboaM ba ra .aullaetoitbatall tbata aaublMhawnU lib iba aiera ajoa af lara or tbraa, bata apraof aa w tibia Iba pat Ibrea at fcar jaaxa, Tba LUomtng m, aa fkt aa a caa awarUia, J Ia flb Caf'ra Fcfri i artaW feriUm in L rctor at tba Tilla of Tar River, ia EJgteorab Coant;. Tba ia tba oldaat ia tba SUU ; owaad by a Coa.aBy. . JX factory Dtar Uotololon, Licola Couaij, built by Carp;. bu m warn voea' by Mr. Juba lluba. 8. Ooaat riyettarilla, aaraad by Mr. Mallat. 4 Aauiber at Fiyetterille, owix by Mr. BUck n, ibJ atbara. Si Ooa ia Gractubonxifh, otraoi power, owoad by Mr. Uumphraya, 1 Oaa at Miltoa, 'ewaed by aa inonrporaKJ Companr. 'T. Oaa at Mucbwiil, Daia County, owaad by Mr. Thorn McNecly. . Oa or parbapa two, ia Oraafa County, ewaad byCaaipaaira. m . - , ft. On at Ealeai, atcam power, recently aurtad. bwaed by a Company. . . ' IA Oua ia Raedolpb Coonty, owa4 by Ganpaay. IL Ooa at Leiinfion, Dtvidaoo Cuonlyctaani power, if Out alaaady Urted, will be, wiUiia a few day, awaed by Cooipaay. Beaidaa theae, lb re tra other oow in the progreaa of poiUioj, tod wjJl ooo ba in operation. JJM a actoriea mo kryig liuill. L One at Rockfiab, near Fiyettcville, a fine water power, awaad by a Company. 3. One Bear Roekingbaov io Ricbmoad County, w- (trptiwvr.-owaedby tcoropeny. 9 One oa Deep Rim, nu Aubborougb, owned by a Company. 4. Ooa wear Leakat Hie. ao Daa Rier, buildinf of atnee, vimti by JohriTB. MoreboaJ, Eq.-"'r -' - -, ft. One in 5Qrrj.Couoly.oo Hauling Creek awnee" by Mr.Uogtheu . C One oa tria JTadkii j fcw ajilea below B.tokea "Terry, Ta MoBtgomery Coonty, owned by Mr. Edward Jump 4 Co. 7- Ooa aa tba &xith Tadkia Rim, 10 milee N. V. af Slkbo7 1 owaad by Meam, Fwber 1c Lemly. We nnderataad that aemal wealtby MdiealuaUbara aarcbued tba Buckbora Sboala below Haywood, in " Chatham Coooty, With a tiew of erecting a Cottoa Fao. .torji hat hare not learned whether they bare yet commenced eperationa. ; , ' . It i alto aDderatood (bat aa English gentleman baa pnrehned Follenwider'e Iron Worka, intendiiig not only to enlarge the Iron EaUbliubment, but to erect Woolea Manofactory. We abn learn that there ia a large Cotton Mnnfkc toy either ia actual operation, or will be aoon, in North ' .Hampton Count. ;., ' - ," ' 'i, Btde thote, li i my probable that there may be ane, or two other to the Bute, -either in actual opera, tion, or ia the progree of erecting. rroa Ihcaa facto it will be eeeo that North Carolina k . making rapid progreaa in Cotton Manufacturing and Wa think the work hujuat commenced. Her ftcilitirre great that tba boeineee once atorted, tnuet go on. Wa hare water power abundant, and cheap. We have we raw material at band, and wbat.ia reinaiJlahle.Ja. bortBtbeWaatorn Coantiea of North Carolina, la cheap r than a New Cnslani - ' -.: The affdete of the Eriahlkhme.u foa begin to ba felt throaehout the State three eeer go immense quantitiea of Cotton yarne were bronghl Jntotoa Suta by oar Merchanta from the North, and aold toaureititenat-now. not a bank k brought j W owa establishment not only aopply our want for borne coorarnptlon, but are beginning to export the ar ; Jfcfc-Patcek of. North Carolina yartMi"be alreadr i .reidy tale at fair prufita. Een now, aemal of our Wablithineota ara making preparationa to jrotnmence U.e wearing of coerce eoltona. Wa may rentdre the rpnioi that in two year; North Carolina will not poly "Pply the demand for ber own coneorapton with the rer cotton fabric, but also wnd them out for aale tato the market of the worM.10n the whole, the Man- t,et0'r of the Northern Statea need not much longer i count North rolin, u one of. tlicir markcti; 4they , T rather regard bar aa a exwpetitor and one, who ; P the great vSm- ! tarj lraidabla " ' '4 I 1 i I -. ., t., t ...! I I' I ., I .' 3 Uf I t 1 4 ilk I : ., -.',!. it 11,,,, ,. ' , , J f 1 ?"".- J i. ...... :.-f it : : i u i i ........ full Wm wg f(aBI ,u !ui u n,,"'hr' H.4 Cl. ItVrt kUNamara. TU u wrt must b iMilf4ae I ! ( iLm part Uf tim. TU rUnlf jeia & are 4 bnt every what. W uu(, however, tia our Cmly. mea tUl tbry are 4 etituely aSm i bslng ebto to claim Umi Bl ftuiu of proon," of taf MiV. twee are tot fkr Wbmd. Mr. AUi.nJn MtKmUy ef CtbtrrM, C, 4 m4 m mml M Umw, IU ; tUt, mm J (b CmmuH ftkMn W M ftr Jir U4 CuMmi Craf, W WTcf U (it fi. I 7 Mi vim ouM product i kl.wiaj.ti Utubj U4 lUl Mr. MrlCiaWf k (U!fi!M U o. JiIkmm, i4 k Aillr rtUod to IU Jmrf, tJ 4. Uw kiai to Mk t Qcjr4 M(Uca U p to Ihr promiM. " TEXAS. The aeit rmUentlal election ia Teiae takea plaea M fWptambr. Tba can4ilatM ia nomiMtwa $4 tba oOea ara Cm. M. Lamer, aad CU, Peter W. Crtyaoa. Fur Vice rreeiuVnt, I ha IIol Jga, Row. Tba Praakleat baa Wea aalburiend by Congreaa to aa gmUie a baa fur fW mil!iM of dollar on iba !! of tha Ooeerameal, the bond to bear totemt at tba rata of ton par emt. per aaaao and to be radeamabbj ia 90 yeara. Hb apprebeaMoua ara entertained, lhat the Imlka tribe on tha bdr will proee troubloaoeaa, aa aueaa of tSa froati ktbabiUata ara deeerting their fjomea, aad eeabing lU interior eetileajcnta. Tba popolatioa of tba City of llouaton k estimated to he abort 300, From tba " Telegraph " of June 9th, we learn that tba eteeoa be brea very ana, giviag proeska of aa a buadant harteei, that tha'eora aad aottoa erupa are uav eocnmoaly good. Alau, thai a eommercial arraafeeneflihae bean rfT. tad with tha Dritiab Uoeeramenl, aad a direct trade will now ba eetablwhed brtwera tba two aoantriee, . Account from the tVwik rvprewat Uie asasoa aa batiag been that far remarkable for drouth, and back ward oaa. Cotton' k email, and unpromising j it baa been eeriouelf injured by cold weather, lice, aad other cause. Cera k very good, wheat and bat ueueually Sua. Tba Aiiooal Commeneemenl of our Uaif erslty took place a few daye a 1,-0. We understand that Iba con course of vkiteea waa larger lhaa usual, and the aier ckea bifhly talereling, rrdoeting much honor bulb apoo the BuMtoala, and th Urad of the Institution. Wilmington if RiUtgh Rd-Rl.Fnn the leat WiUiogtoa Adertier,-wa lraa lhat the Wilming ton and Rkleigb Rail-Road kopea to the distanoe of 42 milea, and Iba Car rua rvg uleriy that far The Conv peoy 'eaew boat,Te Ooa. Du" has been Uoncbed in New York City, and k aipeded at Wilmington by lle tuidJle of tha present month.. . Tba aeaenn of harvest la Jnat over, a odour farprri have boea fktured with aa bnasually fine crop of wheat; this baa beea tba case throughout the country aa tar aa we have beard. A mora abundant harvest bee not been known for many yeara. Oaf, too, promise eg Dai ly well, and corn new look finely. Cept. M. C. Ferry, ha beea ordered by tba Navy Department, to proceed forthwith to England, fhr tha purpose of examining into tha improvement recently made in the eonatructioo of eteem machinery. He wa to have taken passage ia tha Great Weetera on ber re turn voyage to Bristol. ' -'- - - A fire baa lately occurred m New Orleani f it broke out Jn Canal atreet,and destroyed pmpefty to tha armwnt of.t-250,000; it k aaid totava bean tba work of incendisrica. Tba Abolitionist reqnire 100.000 damage for the Six bond rod Cherokee paaaed through Tuacombia, Alabama, a abort . time einee, on their wa Wrtt ward. Tha Sembole India have burnt two brirlgea on (be Ouitblaccochea, and alo Fort Dade, aomelirae ainea abandoned by our Troop. - The Expreaa mail wa lately robbed 40 milea from Cbarleeton. Two ISteam boat bare recently been chartered for the United Sutoa aervice, armed, and manned for the defence of tha Frontier, to preserve neutrality,' and aid the civil authoritiee in the discbarge of their dotiee. They are intended to ply, one on Lake Erie, the other on Ontario. Mr. Clayton, heretofore famed for hie atrial etcur- aiona, baa ratelj, made another successful ascension from Cincinnati. " The lata account eUte, that 4,2Q0 of tba Chcrokcee bad been collected flir removal, that tha balance were daily coming in, and no farther difficulty waa appro. bended in the matter. Tha Mobile Examiner eaya: " Tha head of Osceo la baa been atolen from hk grave, aod u being exhibi ted in New York City. ' ' It will be teen by a notice in our advert king column, that a petition will be presented to tha next Legislature ifinn of Mimfgnirif 17 County. ' t. IndrftnifrU Snb-Trtnsm BitLTbiu. measure haa beea rejected in the House of Repreeentativee, by t ma jority of 14 votea. The vol being for it 111, against it 123. , : ,: - X-i:" Thn Specie" circular being repealed, and the Sub- Treaaory defeated, what reason will the Philadelphia fJemWroarer eie peymcntat . ' ' . y- '." I LEAD MINE IN DAVIDSON (COUNTY. - Extract oft Letter from Dr. Acenn, the aenbr Editor .Of the Weetera Carolinian, written from Davidson county, on tha 27th Junej 3 7 ' - Being in the vicinity of tha Lend mint of Memra. King, Thomas, 4 Company, I called to tea the progress , thty are making in the work. Since my visit several weeks ago they have made considerable progress, and 1 the 'place begin, now to) assume quite the appearance of a Bjinidg rttahjhoent 1 arveral hooaaa hive been I . i ; i i, j i "i f I..- ; a -.J .1 .V l.d I I .:( Cirtb r r l' - i . i.t, I' 1 j i . y . it 1 1 : ,,-! l),o Mto I t i U- R i J, I.I prrf.4 na Ui J bT.ice 1L A furnM ks f"t i '.i ') ' -f IM it t m betn'f t'nyU(d. 1 'de lnili U yi. K.i , that aUiut Hi 4th Jul;, the furMixe Will i tuU uj niHjn, aM ! Mrhiiif ftTfttf tfmmwutm, Tl. Cunaey al 1L4 tiwa, bate 1 . 1 M kiwl a( tm the MiMMupfrtMMwewooiv4 wab tba u .i, a4 it w ptuUWe ihwr hulf w Ji be bcr. 4. II. w etn, e bl of kwd, Wt eVtn)4 t4 fall by aa f the kad who nftorw.rJe OJ H to Mr. , u . . ., ,, It .11 A. Km. I 4 tr-tl-e awurptif g wlkre wba ate new carryteg it aw. )I saw the aJatBji, lit ore an aa elevated aUre in bt CsU br lh U k A the teia aoiated vwU aad urwar it to ba a r&L gr tilver vsia caniaeoieed eMikiag a abaft, aad m tba dUa of a few tort atrack lata a pertVct mnm of are, a bicb turned eut a U, to ba very nek . Mr. king, 4 Co., have aunk, ar latber are bow Making two hna eoma dieUaca to adraaca af Iba Irsl epramf, wub vkw of cutting tba vain tt depth of W or 100 fcet$ al the depth of 00 toot, they drove aa ! to the vein, tad found It to ba Urge, tad yielding uaatnka af fine ore. Tbos Ur, the prospscUot Uk lueJ mio are very fkttering, tad prumiee ample rawHUMratiwn to tba gen Ueaioa anggtd la tt, fur their spirit, aa4 eolerpnae. Tba cbarecier of Iba area of thk mine k what aiia eriluf iu tail carbooate of brad -there ar but fbw mloes of thw kind of are in tba world. It ia said last the or of Iba lit Mmta, mine in Missouri are of ihk description. klu4 breuliful bryslaU.or rauSer rlustsrs af cbrystok are accaswaally foaad in tba are token eut at thie plsee, I have Woe (lit away with ma aevtrsl i Cabinat apeckseaa. Tfaeta are also krp aiaasre of what may ba aaiUd tba aarlby oaide of lead which, from all appeertacea W e.tiite rkh a:U tba roeul ) I thiak it vary likely that three orre al a gleet dvb, or to other parte of tha Vsia, may fcasutn that ealphurot eharactar I in feet there are auosa atroag bdtcetkine mi tba cbang. I da nut taow that thk change, should k take place, will add anything to tbejraJae at Iba mine, aa I andcfataad tba Carbonate ore, are u aaeily maa aged aa thoaa of a Bulphoret character. The ervm ta Davsisna are pmnukg. Wheal k very ine. Cotton k email, bat bee a good color, and k thrifty. Corn k rather backward fuf tba llaie of year, but gene ra!!; took wttl .t- A few day ago I rkitod the Lexington Cotton Man ufactory, which k now on tba eve of being started, ft m a very fine aeublkbiwanl, and every Utiag about It enema to be admirably srrasfrd. The Company have engaged aa Manager a geallemaa by the name of blaaaa, ; who hat extenwve experience ia the bustnees,and whose kill and industry I doubt not will so abow theroawlvee ia successful result. This establish mm l Will be quite aa ornament to Lexington, aad the. gentloeiea engaged in H deserve, and will ateet eoccess fur the very epinb ad raaanar ia which iba whole enterprise baa beea got ten ap, and thus far carried through. Davidson k tba daughter of Rowan, but aba eeeme to be going abend of .ber parent. Joan & Loan Esq., of ihk place baa been admitted to Coaety Court practice. TEMPERANCE ANNIVERSARY; . Tba Rowan Coautv Tois an ana aWtote Aaaual Meeting at the Lutheran Cbnrcb la Beltaburv an weenreoay we aiB4ury. " if . 1W L Cvwaa, Esn. Praeident of tba Society look the Lbair. Tba exercises of the nvteting 00m me need by a pray or iron nev. 1 ooa. r. unvw, Hector 01 ol Uikt 1 Church. y " r Tba Dec la ration of National Indeperwenca aa read 1 rn t ci . . bj villas. sww, ' Ode on Science waa the aunr.' ' '. Rev. Philip A. Strobel of the Lutheran Church, than audreased the meeting. ' t . . I Twenty five peraona then Joined the Society. Ue motion h L JEeaotossV-Thatin lha apinien of thk ttecirty. tii aiswrvfiiv-l rS Imsntal tna an ilk aitalswatifr awauvtlaa ml aaamei atsk. aemblieaof tba people, by candidate for iopula r'autl . . f . l r 1 . fraga. haa bad a bahrfut tnflrrener npon' (he mural char acter of both cendidttoe and voter has resulted ia elJ evaluig to office men, who were indebted, fur aneeesa ia obtamfna; pertmrat, nsor to trsaUnr, then tothvr own merit, or fitness for publ ic trusts. That such pre treat nan ant which every tot ar of good order, aa wall tt every Patriot, ought to endeavor to aoppreea by all eu ruble and proper mean, and thai such a eourse by candidate k a greet barrier lo lha speedy and entire -r -- "l" e . : success m wivi 1 LiipcrBiicv iviurniBuuu. 3. RceWead, That thoaa who are now, or may be come eeadidatee thta year before tha people for Rowan and Davie Counties, be, aad are hereby reepectfuJIy, but eeraeatly requested, out of regard for their owa charac ter, from respect to the feeling and moral sensibilities of a considerable portion of their fellow citizena, and aa evidence of tttetr aetermmation to eoek the beat inter est of tha Bute, whose kw-meier they propose to be come, rather tbsa Iba advancement of their individual aggrandisement ; to avoid throughout the electionee ring Beacon now commencing, ue setnoraininr prac tice of treating with ardent spirit or intoxicating liquor, thoaa who favor and support they a ak, and whose wel fare they profess to seek. 3. JRrtoivrd, That the Socrelary of thie Society be directed to furnish each of tha Candida tee for the Lerk kture for Rowan knd Davie, and for tha Sheriffalty of Howan wtui a copy 01 ine loregotog reeotutione. - Oa motion, 4 . r - " Renlved, That tha thank of thk Society be. and ara now tendered to the Rev. Philip A. Strobel mr the addreax iuet delivered ; and aa ita wisdom and patriotism eminently entitle it to the consideration of tha Philan thropist, in Fa trior, and ua uirmnao, wa will now ap point, Samuel Lemly, Rev. SamueLRotbrock and Chaa. L. Torrenea to reqneat copy for publication in pap phlet form, and, if practicable, in tha newspapers of tha lOWOl 1- - - . , -... . , The Third Annual rtport af tlia Unity 4 Franklin Temperance eocwty, auxiliary to tha Kowaa uounty I Xempeiinu&icuittvwaa presantedi read and efpwed.-f The fbliowmg peraona ware then elected olucera for tba next year - - -x:' - -. CoL Ssm'l Lemly, President. Tboa. L. Cowan, Esq. having resigned. ; " ' C..:. .-, Vice President Tboa. L. Cowan, John C. Palmer, Rev. 8am1 Roth rock, BonL F. Fmley, Jim. MoCulloch, Joha Fraley, Abr. Hill, John Hielick,bel Graham, Newton Andrews. Elkanah IX Austin. J. JUL and J. Iteme. And AAfd)aiBV ttotieiai ir T1Joai t; co WAN, Pre. D. A. Davis, Bee ry. - TXIIRD ANNUAL REPORT, t , Of the Vnttnmnd Frnnkhn Temperance tSeeiWy, eiuw iliofjM tht Rownn Ttmperne$ Society. - tn aubmittine our Repert, we cannot boast of drunk ard reclaimed, but, on tha contrary, Dave to kment tbatVme of our members hav sgam returned totbeir old habits, and that it has been our pninful duty to die mis tbrea of them for a violation of theu pledge. And w have further to lament, that death haadeprived aa of three-of our members, their race k run- and they can jw longer Ubor with oa in thk good cause . ... t 1 '. lis.. 1 ' . t4 uut (. .: a 1 , .. s ! pm9 to a dtubUfj' f ', I T " ! .,r,i,.i I txn.a 1- Ktim !.. j m put t !, t J s.t tii fend lint sin'"'.', ami Ji'ifrm 1.0 I' a M tlis timo U r, we wiM tl-t M hm T " ""' e'ia ilta we le tt i t. i,t,g lu-l k,i, 1.1 Wom (jr UWifs. A' ii" 'b 1 Miirrof cu ih Krt rcs erfl.s W be ian;iiii!rt, we r-" Cra timm M' UUiS of i.. but fi ' eiiinuJ lu buJ-i aeHir.- finui buiM to bne, enJ BigM, Un, tiU wtWr we lhi)(M llit til pniiiili. f J f a.4 cJ tm wtrw 1" ef ihmtt af 1 be wf j,,., 4rmkt b4 ti)wflJ J . Porting iSa lemrnta la Ueuwe U.r' I 4 ae Musi thai mi labnr have a4 bsa to vsia. In tblr. tr llirse have )twi our Itoriety atnre V a tost Annual Krpert.ad aueay wl have nut pMd aa are bimg apiin Ihc Tsairwranra pla aa tliet wa Ihiak wa ess aaAly eay, that Temperance Is gaming gmoad la wtr bmiad, tad wa hope and UM tUt the lisse k md far dawaal. When all sttsll Hie pmeewty of bsBishmg frem Ibeir boeean tha krtuairating bowl. Oar rtj nuw aursbsr l4 iras'rrd wed sswreyrrw. It wss (urmed an the 1Mb ttoptoeiber, lJSa. end has no l,- to eateteace nearly nwa yeeia, e'sring tmH tuns (notwitbeuadinf Iba oppoMUon wa have t vi''0 e bate eeea mabmf to toduee aa to give ap lit cause, bul aaeb to emurag as and we are deu-miood, by Iba grace af Gud, to go on. ... la cxc!so, w would reeMnrnend to year Horiety, aod all aonnetied with It, to adopt the pUa of buldmg fWsjaent Btlua from boure to fwuea, whan, end wln-ravcr cuoamstancea will adasiC , Respxrtlulty eubxiitud. iOlUi FRALEY, Sect. Jsne Kkh, IKVt. : ' TABLE Of CONTENT Of TB ,"' 4ulhrrn IMrrurj .TImaf njer. . VOL, IV. SO. VL Original rprs. Hkslch of Jeremiab T. Chase, of Marvkad. Uie emineol aatflut and judge I by a Mary. knder. Dsaiel KbeflVy, af uurtoa, the artiueer af j aieewa kjrtuaea, beving iwea nura the leaf ay Ibe mme. IUfr Uruohe lanev, Chief Jastlea af the Ue tod Hutee; by the eama. Ntcbataa lUdle (ttetotled.) Tba IWBudr, No. I Likra, 4a. Tba lUy-lksl;, Na Labur Hevmy Machines, 4a. Frigate Cooatitu. Ima; beramvsl av Malta Kir T. IWl'I Aaecdote of Hit T. Fellowae; Celebratk af 'iM February Admiral aW ft. rlujpfeed r tVda fWiewf lfaftor uf Iba CsmstUutioo fUwardsd to tba Messenger from Malta, rkientw Miacellanca by A. D. fi. No, I.; Ilappy Accidenta Na, ILj Exceptlene to Onertl Lew. Washington Collrge, Laxlng. tun. Va; History of thk I net it at 4, from eoa mencetnenl at a Grammar tkkoul, with Memoir of Waa. Urshaw ba early and efficient Preceptor aub equcul dwUnctioa of it early stu-lsnt nrceent eon. duma and advantoseeof Iba CoHega.; ji ta agd Citixca of UnckbrsJe. NuGce of a lecture oa t'beini. try, by U. J). Armstrong, A. M. of Washington tob b-ge. Tbf Oachelur'e IVatb IWi a Tale of a Mcy aiist and MnmmianUcf by Crtlten of Booth Caro lina. Hmgrsuhical Hketchee of Liviag American Po et and Novelist. No, II.; Jsmee Feaimora Cooper, and bis Writing. Notee aud Aaecuotaa, political aad mkcaJkoeoua, frma 17W to IKK); draw a from the nort-fulio of ao officer uf the Empire, aod Iraaelalad from the French f Iba Masaenrer t Tba Conspiracy of Aatrast. Ha Tba Cooy-Dooi 1 No., IIL I Pooula. tmn of tha Wast 2 Village to tba Warn, by C. C of Potrtarf . Va. Journal of a trip to tha Mountain. Cavee Yand Mprttig of Virgin by a Near lgtaader ; ehap. ler.VIt Hsll and bulphur xirurei Vrangn Cave; RedUulphurhprtnge; (fBulphuf Uprinje; Reaaua Urowing truiliainUliag lithe epeinga; inJiturence to tba tfkk i itonday al the Springs) Mr. Durnsp; New Cornerei Farewell to tba Whito Bulphur. Tba Vicissitode of life, aa fMruared ia a sketch of two krvelv ftoiiaireL Ida V... . and Xfina Uenoveoi, whoa bright dawn ia succeeded by lha dark elooda of adver aity x the shipwreck uf a floe t ion, fortune aod frkada to the one, ana ap uocnestic a miction la ua oi.'ier ine powerful sustaining inrluanca 01 true religion in aaver. ait; ricene partly ia Italy and partly in America, by a Virginia laJy. Byron and Plagiarism, by 8. Ft u. of weabiogtna city, ueorg Hcenea, unaractcra ana Incident! New l&r, Nn, L JLiulm Jn,a mtire antierroliret (eeloctad.) " Tb Wast Fifly Yeamai nee, by U Al, of W ashingtoa Uity ; one of the Button ta V WtillM. sriili (lis rnlfmrulrr aad llsnr li Bursuo tha Whites, Vuli tlie coiii'mauder aod Henry U. pursue the eavagee to the Tennesae river, where they overtake nu-ieli-at ihem. Jeeunuie Uleraiure. eve. iron ,BlCk WOOlL r .- ir:-..-.ir- w' irwe,(at Onginml PoHrm. Tba Mockina-Bird, by Nugator. The KtsWe 4irft of Flrrwera, try Xha author of ' Love et the Shrinea.'' The) early dead Unea to a BauU- ful Child, wbr became blind by accident, by. Henry Tbompeovf Eau., of Talkponsa, Alabama. Tba Flow, er and Bur. Son, by a CiUten of Richmond. Night, by Professor C C. Feltoa f (eelectad.) A Re vene.by a Sooth Carolinkn. To My Cigar; fselectod.) rragment, by a Virginian. Lne oy u of uoluinma, & C. Affect lon't Triumphs j Part IIL 1 by .Virgt- aiem DEPARTED THIS LIFE, r la Salem, on the 29th June, at bk rseideooe, the Rev. GOTTLEIB bllUBEK. ia bin aif bty-aecond year. II had beea gradually declining for aome lime, bul was not eonnnea to ni bed until Ue day before Ilia drelh. . Tha daceaaed, waa bora in Penneylvaak on tha 1st of November 1756, and emigrated to Nortb Carolina when about twelve yeara of age, and abortly thereafter, removed to Salem, then in ita infancy ; ba waa, at hk death, the only eurvivor of tha early inhabitant of that plaea. After many struggle in bk early life, to make a living, ha built a paper Mill near balem, lha first aver built aOutb of UiesTolomae ; in thk en terprise be prospered, and aucceeded wcIL About the same time ha commenced tha study of the law, and followed jt aa a profrwion for a number of year ; during which time, he was. repeatedly returned a a member to the Legislature from the county of Stokea. Having become tired of public -T, he abandoned the profeeaioaof the law, and turned bk thougbta to divini ty, and in due timo waa admitted to the ministry in the Evaagellcal Lutheran Church, I calling in which be displayed great seal, and dovolion until tha infirmitie of old aire, rendered him unable to labour. Ilk eal for the Redeemer' eeuse.enntinued ttrtfie intrtrtd M sunk to reel, in full hope or a glorious reeurrection. "7.?. X'. - Itommnaieaed. lolif-xiogton, N. C, on the 30th of June tost, slier a nsiniuj and protracted owrrnea or nva week, iVUTi LEWI younger eon of Drr Charlee L and Mary A. Payne, aged 19 months and 14 days. To see, in one short hour, dec fla'nwpe of future years; . To feel how vain a fatbetV prayere, s.uiv iiih uwimi will . To think the cold grave now mnet cloaa OVr what waa once the chief " Of aU the treasured Joys of earth, . TAi k 4 parent' grief I . ' : --; . Yet, when U19 first Wild throb k past. Of anguish and despair, . ' ' To light the eye of faith to heaven, And mini, "my cniut m mere , ' x At neat can cry uia gushing loan, i Tit yielda the heart relief j . tTr.il ri..;oi;... k. ;4 , vu.ij ,i.v vuinu.il m vivus imua v . rl . 1 . , j lrmmmicJeeb 1 I i lit 1, .: ... . ' Uii' ii 1 1 ,f fi'iii'ii iai 1 IMiiKirU.it, a 1, ! Uc, . , '.'!. t I 1 I I 9 I I I 1 lu Urn lis'j si t.rrKn.nlj-iru'j,, i m ;. 1 we tab Hits ( i u 1 1 t ii, t'. .1 1 11 li s niilni rr tlujiiiHut darin I I m. i.r, lit )t tr,lli.il t rnl uiidrij i. iil!y b.i; .1, I ' duca t 00 board a vrs- st !! t" " r'",;i 1,1 i, r 1 if ii n if I l 1 li 1 1 Hi houra tnsr it katr Una (Ik. An .' e occurred !( wrwli, of a al ia'.'n l if (V:M .(1 . yarns, wbub W.t h- reon iba Arn-m .( tl. 1 13 h, ad nn Iba tftr-rnnon of tha th, it a nn i eiy to New York having bw rs eliij.jl fiuin ti bos I. attd lit ttsaUcWared 'J Bulled, kilhiri shout Iwawty-fW boor. . Wt UndcrstaiiJ thai alil otm linrj of lha Cof. toe) wruuglif li ibia market lha lata oi, waa ahljad dirttl to Uurope, Lt. liinJolJLtTliti I i lividaal, who oa fra Jarad a aoturmtM by fulling PrtmJtM Jadt-mi none, i fa year ago, aad ageim whom ? Ins bwa) kaujed and r-auwd for lhal assaalf ,ibiu jti never aarvad, baa Voluntarily eoujht a trial for tht oflaHsta, IU ws aware lhal lb deputy anarJ.l, at Alasandria, kaJ writ ( bis arrW, and be ram ier to tba District from Virginia, pad to. vited Iba officer lo serve it, whicb waa don, U waa lbn bailed, being bald in lha aoca of Pre bun. drad dollar. The Irul will laka place nail Otto. Ler. Mr. Randolph baa rrrjiirad lhat General Jsrksun abaU ba Minrrtnood lo ailaod M a witness. Of course, tht old Ueoaral wou'l ctw. All iba Curl can do, in lha caw, i It fioaj Mr. sUudulpb ' I lha uMmiiLJomTn, f Cfimmertn. , - ; A rwesow. Tbere'ui ta t trori at tht Philadelphia Jlaiar, Duck Street, a borwi lire IreretJd, wiihooi 1 fartkltchairooaty fartcf ia body. ? - . . , , EngUnJ ami TcjdX A "eommerclaf treaty,' (taya lb New OrWana Bulletin) ba Ue tntored into by tba Tetian Uovtmment, through bar fiiiav brter, with Cresl Britain. Il rJe mH, fjr evrlala) allied faijoa,"rec.igiiU4 IfialoJcpaoilrnt a nfTesa, but it ia ia cflLct tantarooant to, B racognittua. , amass a " A vary important case; on af a aeriel, has Iste.. ly beea decided in tht L. S. District Cuort, Jurfgt -Thompson presiding." It seem lhal ia iha Crown Oiirter of Vr retool, bj which it waa depairdant firs4 on New Hampshire, and afterward oq New York, reservation waa anad of thrc hundred icrea land ia tht northwest corner of evrry , tawnaltip to tba net of tht Epi"pt Cboreh, foi the " props gallon of llit gospel in Amarrca." Tba' revolution otcprred, and tht Cliurch, preeuming that anv claim would b use leas, ba aVpt tpon ita titleu la tht mean lime, lb lanoa wert cleared and improved by aauattore who eold out by quit rlaim or bequeathed thtm to their children until fioalty, tbey bare bacom bijTify cultivated farrus, in the possewwon oft-ateemed and valuable citixooaj who, conarimia of tbt defeel in their litks; irmv ' gined Ibemaelrs secure frerntotortl.;rf.cel since to many years bad flapecd wtlhout diaturUsnco. Jut about two yeara ago tht church wa advised l. make) jan effort for -fecovery, ami cnmmcr.cRd a nil, ta a test.. It waa decided in favor of tbt -church, by wbicb snany who bare tipended much . in improttmenla KaV bona mad beggars, and a . Urge amount cf property ia secured In tht pico . pal Church of Iba Biato '...., Tba Arkansas Catena of tht 28rd Bltimo, say a, wt itnoVrotarKl by a fjentleman from Red River, that conaiijerable apprehensiooa art enlarlaiuea! by I tht ciliirpa residing iaJIJler county, of an inva aton of their aetileovson by eon or M Deigribor ing Indiana. 8erat partiea of maraiJing Indiana - bad been prowling tbnujatoaling horses, and pi v. ' ine Wrier Indications oft boatilt diioeilioo. A- H'HE Annual Eiaminatioo of tht Pupils of tbuj " Institulion, will take place at tbt Preabylerian Church on tha 6th and 8th of August. Parenli and fJuardiaps? and friend ol . tha (Students aod o( tht Seminary, are respectfully invited tn attend, i Mas.-HUTCHISON bras leave to txpreea htr . grateful c know led gftiuenia for tht generout patron , age her school baa continued to receive; tod lo ar', U afl irda ber unfeigned pleasure lo inform tht pub- tie, that 1 ha Deparljuoukof nluklcf ia now under the very able superinteodaQC of Miaa tuna J, uAKca, from Columbia, who ia prepared lo giro Instructions on Ih Pisnu and Guitar, not only during the Seeeioiitf the Academy, but also, dur. log the Vacation, Jo auch Pupile at may rtnain in . Salisbury. , ... , . ? . , Being compelled by tht lung continued aud die. ireeainp; iodispusitioo of bar young ton, to hasten to new Xork Immediately after her Sraaton closes, Mrs. Hutchison earnestl solicits alLsho hava not alroad.aettled their bills of Tuilioo, to do ao, at it may auit their convenience, aa any delay under circumstance ao urgent, will bo to ber 1 eourca of lUiiirnSA MHil. ' ? - r "0'" - 7 . , . Uahabury, July 8, 1888. . 4t 1 1 1 i 1 . lXOTICC. Stale of Worth Carolina, Mimtgomtr county. IJURMJANT to notice previously given, a respect . . bla number of the Citiicna of several diatrkto met iTtteouiieorGeorg Cagk Esqioo the 19th of May, wi v ui furnsw ui is sing mio eoosiuerBiion in expediency of petitioning tha Legislature for a divkion of the county of Montgomery. Capt. Faaacia Locks, waa called to tha Chair, and having axnlained tha nb. ject of the meeting, Commute wa appointed, enrv swing 01 ine Following named rentlemen : I K. Ho- - ... c ri. .1 1 t tr 1 . 1 c ,. aowHfelfflrTfirwISou, . SmithTaml M. The Committee havimr taken into eonaideration tha local aituatkia of the. County, aa beinaj nearl eouallr divided in territory and population by the great Yadkin or Pedoe River; and also, the location of the County Sear, ss beinar placed two anj a half, or. three milea East, of aaid Hivnr, thereby iinpusin ao aonqal tax of little leas than fttOQ. for feniairc. on that oortinn of thn County on the West side of the Rirer in attending Courts, die, reported the flowing resolution, whicli was onanimously adopted f t ... Renohed. That it would be ret1v to lha sdvsnisirn of the Citixon to have aaid . County divkled, and that application will, therefore.' be made to the next Legi alature of North Carolina, for a divkion ol Montgomery , county, the Yadkin, er Pede River to be the line. ' ' uiyw,iWf. , , 4t "3: 4,:.

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