wjjaT. Mil ( 1 U' W (In I : l i ; thi nMi nr tritusrsa to rm rents rrt ay rtioirirtft, Moniairna lf lf raTH, BB.aaii.y.iya ,r,TM iwriM-riVEtr, T TMB rigrm. 4 awiW.s tol4r tWin '0,tri, , X. utr"iaS' jsjr-'J I), AUSTIN A: (J. F. I'J.SIII.R. KDITORH ASD PROPRIETOR. SAMSDUilY, k C, JULY 13, 163a NO..Y, or MIL. XIX. (AU TfOA CQMUnXCtUKXT, fill.) .- M ISC IXUN LOIS. , the Timne naiDM, - Towttdt lb tlose if chilly afternoon, in lb Unr irl I Iravsihsg to new- ll.n.n.1.1 U bom-bark, im rued was Solitary I " . a. A i t ..... ted ruf . end wni aiong mruuga tioomy pin fufrata, abrupt and stony bills, I alopyej tl as inn, try bnch UiiWrng, stsodwg a Mil ktrk from the '"J In ihe o&rning I roae early end took k4 from lbs window, M tl prospect ass ry vu tiling. Aisr, " I'M w" ymam pri v, im wru . bus wss bnaily engtrej in digg teg a grave. I sasard on where lb grave digger wee pursuing kit peciiMlkrfk 11 emered ay morning salulaiiott tWClf SOOUgb, bUl CWilllH-O Ml left! UpS) bit MI. lit wss man of about Cfir years of sge, spare but eimr.2. " f "' sunae elxwka, and esr ma linrsele-ul lb mouth which argued t prope. n la indulge ia dry ju, though llt atarntiaa f IK. MAn onpli mortiinr, ir, to work ia lU tftn atr. i.1 I. Ibal r(aru(n Ilia tuHi tltall i4 rtan, rrplird h jr-lii'f f, Mill Uiil ) inf bia raJ1 M lratli alalkt abroad, fair an-l loul daya, and that follow ir) il fuudVpa, mual prf j-are fur Ua dad, ram or iIikki. A Hf Uncboly occupaiiiHi. A 6( "n ' nmrati S"i would find hWdire in il. Draroa an aure. wuuld illmjjlif be in my lac now." AiJbtH Thi vrava it fr Iii iii"," rtulei le ra dlirer, luJiinK up (roio bitoccopaiMin wild a di niiU- thai i ink led hiiaIUw cbrka and dialurled bit ilifunkcn li-a. IVrraivmg ibal hia rtXTfinirnl wai nl infeciioua, 1 rMinivd bia twiAoy niriii and ilut to aiduotialy, I In I in a aWl lini lit ha.1 knlloaed ilia lal rfli( ulare of Deacon (.iln cwrt. TTii dona ha accudd from the Umm-Ii with I lik'lilnraa thai ati.'prwed m. and walking a few pcft frro Ida im-w ftatv, aal duwn upHi lufnlattinr. and brrkoned me to appniach. I did " Ynunf man," il l., action and Rrate dipji-r, if ha ia nna who baa a zeal for lutcallinp bfroinea amm lliing U a hilorian, ainaxiiy rrmtiy a curioua lain and tfranga Irgond ronreriiin llm ppou!e with whom hf Ima lo do, living and dad; fori man, wiIq a lade lor hia yroWmt, ranm4 pmricle for lb Iai4 fapoae f hi f illown, without taking in inlerrM In thHr atnrv.'tlM inaunrr of thw drath, and Ibe enncenw of ihelr rrlativi who lUlow their reniaina ao fearfully tu ihvir gravn." Tbrn. nuliHl I. lakin arai boMl IU Iff tatrt"miliiiika you could relate aoiii iiitereating lab-." Ainin the wiibtring amilr, that I had befor ntwpnrd, .mated over the fuce of the eexloa M he " I am no tinry lellrr, atr, I di al in furl not fir ttim. Tea, yi-a, rHill rhroiiicle me atrnnge r mt. Isul ot all llungf I know, there w nothing itrangfr to me than the inf luntholy hiatory of the three bridi-a. "Tliree bridca!" "Av. Diyou aee three hillocka rnrnter, aide by ai'lei Thertt they a'Tp tnd will, iilL the bat trumpl cornea, wailing thnmchlho heart of lb lone hil'a, with a lone ao efrangeand alirring, that the d ad will at art from Imir graves at ita nrst aw fit mite. Then will come the judgment tnd the retribution. But Id my tale, lywk There,' W", fur yonder hill you may obaerve a lilile il iled houae t attngghng fiwrln frrmr,-ndi fuWTnuntcd ipplfl treea 04 Iho ascent behind it. Il is aailly out of repair now, and the garden is ill overgrown with weeda and bramblea and the whole place baa a desolate appearance. If the find were high now, you might hear the old craiv shutter flapping against the aides, tnd the wind tearing the gray shingles on Ihe roof. Many years ajrn, there tired an old man and hit in, who cultivated the few acres tif arable laud which belong taj it. I he father was a self taught man, dceplr versed in the myaterieanf acience, and at he could tell the Dime of every fl-iwer that bloaanmed intlie wood and grew in the garden, And used to ait up lata of Bighti aliiia hooka, or reading the mystic story of theatarry heavens, men thought he waa erased or bewitched, and avoided him, and even hated him, at the ignorant ever ahun and dread the enlightened. 8n they all deeerted him, and the minister, for the old man difTred in tome trifling pointa of doctrine, tpoke very aliizhtlv of him : and. bv. and bv. all looked upon the self-educated farmer "with eyes of aversion. He inatructed hia son in all hit lore the languagea, literature, histery, science, were un. bided lo ihe euthusiastic aun'of the solitary. U at length died. 1 cannot D&int to vou the e-rief of tne son at this I O bereavement. He was fur a lime at one distracted. He sought to bury his grn f in thirst for fame, Af lariribirst waa gralihed, he began to yearn for ' the companionship of some sweet being of the other ae, te share the laurels he had won to whisper - wnliioo in hit ear in moments of despuridncy, to supply the void which the death of hit old lather occasioned. He would Dictura to himself a refined, intellectual arid beautiful woman: and aa mty still be done, h AA not dMiwir or mvtn Jo Ihisvillaire lived three sisters, all beautiful and accomplished. Their namet were Mary, Adelaide, aa Madeline. I can neiei forget the beauty of three young girls. Mary waa Ihe youngest, and a irer haired, more laughing damsel nerer danced P a green. Adelaide waa few years older, dark haired and pensive, but of the three, Madeline, the eldest, possessed Ihe most fire, spirit, ultivaiho and intellectuality. Their father was ' man of taste and education, and being somewhat boTt vulgar prejudice, permitted the visits of the Uro of my story. When ha fbund an alloc tiod Htrj and the Pwwt.aedil fck"W UrtiMi Um asr snarruc. and rm t.re m im s4,iary mmmm lbs Viwe M SIS SOTCUMMW wn, Mr, 114 bunt tSHIIMd a M asprarsnc tubus and ukt. Um ""w w Ibe gerikn, jrMN.me, prvuMl ihroik 4 rarcM c.lnvai. Liable mm km ik Utile parlor M ihe .;. and imjiv a ii.os wuuld the bwe(tr mm kr ihe sard ! i mkm 4 sweclaU ir.is.ir, brssikwd by cborsl vukee frora lU collage. If the sjyalariaut silrl sud his m were neeitcl4, what eared they ! Tkeiraa. dcarieg and mmiImsI iIKikki smoW tUir hems links feradi ImiI oValb cam la liJwi. Mar t il audoViily irk, and after a lew buura etckaves. airft, in Hie arms ufbrr hu.bamL )4ya and montht paaad on. tnd the only aolare M in u rrarcu was lo w I wnb Ihe rami Iv and lalk .1 . . : . ' . ilU b one. At ttiftb. lo Adelaide, he .nd Ins WKbiwed beart. KU came lo the looe boma like the de, Uariof the 4ive branch of aeace and coo-oUiion. Hut tkir brtJl was not one of revelry and minh, for a sad recollectm broodad over ibe hour. Tel they lived lianpy ike bus. Land again amilod, and wub a new owin, ibero rt apm Uwmied la iheir garden. V beu the rows withered and ihe leaf fill, in lbs melhw ttt- lumn of ths year, Adelaide loo atckroed and died like her ai.iar, in 1 be arms of her buUud and eft MaoVline. rerhapa you will lliink il atranee, thai after all the wretclnxj aurvivor stood at ihe allar ini.L Ilia third lriW waa Madeline. I well remember hrr. hive waa a beautv in ihe Iron mnm ot lha word. Ii niay m trani;e In vou, to hear Ihe praise of braiHv from aucb loa as mine 1 but I can not avoid r initialing upon ber. Sle was a rvd creature, with a tall commanding fornt, and raven t recall, thai oihJ, dark and clouJ Iike, over ber liouldera. She waa a ettieuUrlv tifted woman and powod rare inpraiin. Mm loed lh widower for bia power and faine, and sIki weduVd a si . . u niir. 1 nry wre marriiMi in lhal Uhuich. II was hi a euminrr afternoon I rerollrcl it well. Du ring the crreiriy, the blackest cloud thai I ever aw, oerpf-ad the heavena like a pall, and at ihe moment, aln the Wide pronounced the vow, a cUp of ilmouVr ahook the buildinj to ihe centre. All Ihe femal-a ahrifkrd s but the bride made ber . . . respMie with a firm voice aa she gated upon ber brnlrirroom. He marked a kind ofsmoberence ( Itcretpretaiorie as they rode komevanl, which sur priaed him at ihe time. Arriving al his huitae,ahr shrunk upon Ihe threshold, but this swift he timid 11 y H s innHK-n. hea Ittey were aim b clasnnl ber hand H was as rokl as ire. iff lookey iota her face MadVlna."aai) he, "arfcat eneaat ibitj jrnur cheeks are as'p-ile as your Vfdding gown I J he bride uttered s frantic ahriek. M 91 wedding gown 1 rielainfd she M no no-ibis is my aider's aliraid I The hour of confreaton bv rrived. Il ia (fod that imp'U me to sreak. To win you ( have bwt my own soul I yea, yes, I am murdcreea. Site smiled upon me in the joyous Roclioti of hr young heart hot I gave her lb true I Adelaide claajied her white arma about my ktr, but I administered the poiaool Take me to your arim! I have lost my soul for you, and mine vou must be I She spread her white arma," an id the sexton, nsing m the f tenement of the moment, and a ami minif Ihe atlituue he asrnlied; " and inen con. tinned he, in a hollow voire, "at that moment came the thunder and the fUtli, and th i guilty wo. mnn fell dfid on the floor. iTie countenance of j itMsractwtnretsrrasedeH iheltonwrehat hmMu "And the bridegroom, asked I, "ihe husband of the deal ioy er, and the victim," what hat become rhimT- u He ttandt be lore you I " was the thrilliog an ser. DI3ArP0INTolENTS OF THE AUTHORS OP IMPORTANT INVENTION'S. Almost everv one wIm hat rendered a great acr- vice lo mankind, ly striking out inventions, whose objects are misconceived or impoifeclly understood by Ihe world, lias had to complain of Ihe neglect or coldness of hia own generation. Even his best friends are apt to suapect his motives and under value hit labors. The real recompense, in such ircumstances, as ia all othora, is lha euosrious nessol doing one's duly. Fulton, the inventor of the steamboat in North Amerira, which, in a few years, has. produced such an astonishing change in that vast country, by connecting together lit moat distant Slates, auatained the. mortification of not being comprehended by hu countrymen. He waa, therefore, treated aa an idle projector, whose acliemcs would be useless to the world and ruinous tu himself. At a discourse, deliveied si the Me. chanica' Institute, Boston, 'in 1829, by JudgnJBto- ry, Ihe feelings of Fulton, upon tits first public ex periment, are thus rela'ed; "I myself have heard the illustrious inventor of lite steamboat relate, in anwmmated and affecting manner, the history'of his labors and discourage. rnents. When, said he, I was builJing my first steamboat at New York, the project was viewed by Ihe public, either with indiOerence or with con tempt, aa a visionary scheme. My friends, indeed, were civil, but they were thy. They listened with of incredulity on their countenances. I fell toe full force of Ihe lamentation 01 toe poet, Trutht would you leech, to save t sinking land, -- All ahun, noie aid you, and lew understand As I had occasion to pass daily to and from the building-yard, while my boat was ia, progress, I have often loitered unknown near the idle groups of strangers, gathering in little circles and heard various inquiries as to ihe object of this new vehi cle. The language was uniformly that of scorn, or aneer, or ridiculeTha loud laugh often rose at mr expense : the dry Jt 5 ne wise eaicuiaiion , 'v.- .a aa. o( toaeea tDAexpenditurea j the dull but eodlesg re-1 printing p Unwrw u.f.I S .1 - I m ft, a t . . 'a. Cr.a my palU. b Wix uf wst Ul po liteneaa. veiling ita tjoubta, 01 biding it r'proacbVs. Al tsegisj Ibe day arrived When lU tscrimenl was U bs put iiibs opera! kns. Tu mm il was a moat trying tad inlerswting occaaion, I invited many frwsidt IA go mi board In w(oa I be first succaaa. fwl Ins. Many of I kens did me the Uor lo at , as a snaiier 01 personal respeet I tail il wat manifral ibal Ibey did it with Mluctacct), fcsring to tej ine partners of my snorlifktlion, snd avt U see Iriuifiph. 1 was well awara, that, ia any case, there were many rms-ms la dowbt of say own sue cwaa, TW marlunery; waa new and Ul made j ajtaay pant taf it were conatrweted fey mecbanirs arMreustMisrd to such work ( tnd.sneipey-fad difQ rulties might reasonsldy be preauu-4 to prewnt Ives from other cauara. THs) snooietil ar ivsd in which U word wss tu be given fr the vesaH bs move. My friends were it) s soups on the aWk. IWt was amirty nviu'd wjik Ut among them. They were sitenr. and sad. and wesrv, I read la their kt nothing but disaster, and ajmosl repented ol my eflorts. THs signal was given, and the b-wl rrn yed 00 a abort die-anre, and thea stopped, and became ssjinvoveable To Ibt silence of Ihe preoeduig motnenl on aucreeded murmurs of diaconieoi, and agitations, and whiapsis. and hruga. I could hear distinctly repeated, I bdd yow it would ke so, it ita blith at heme t I ih we were well out of I elevated my .elf upon a plai C fin, anil addrsaand lha asaemMy. I staled that 1 knear not what waa the nutter ; but if they would b qiiel, and indulge me f.r half an hour, I would either go att or ahaod-m ibe voyage for that lime. Tins shorl reapita was C"cedd with. out olijnrlion. I webhtw.eiaminedlhenMrhiwe- rv, ami diaxnvered that the caue wis a slight nal sdjitatneot of Mia of the wort, la short pe riod H wae obviated. The brail was agaia put motton, batonnliooed lo move no. All were still incredulous. .jSnne aeeroeJ willing lo trust the evidence of their own sensre. n left the fair city of New York ; we piaaed ihrevgh the roinan. lie and evervarying e-enery af Ihe bighlajrida ww descried the rlutrrig bousrt f AHny J t reached ita shores 1 and then, esea) 'hen, when si! seemed achieved, 1 wat I hi victim of diwppoiot. menl. Imagination eapereeded ihe rod tence nf fart. Tl wat then doubted if it Could e done again or if done, it jvas doubted if il could be made of toy great value." i JYsat (JU HVsrrr Mmmgtr, ft fund, 133L " I. , INrCXESTLVO INC1DLNT fV JIJ IKN.TUCKY HISTORY. , aooui ine year piJ.ir AaCrnwlUwsn embarked U a barge at ibe Pall of Ibt ' thiu, (where lNjwvitie ikiw auiHis,)aviiii a party lo desewod (lis river. I be boot having atofiea; it Ibe 1 elfow Banks, on the Indiao tide, soma distant belowi Mt, Kowan. borrowing a ntla niaoe ef th cbmpauy stepped on short sod str4k d mbj the Uatom, prob ably rather in pursuit of amusement .hao game : for a.-t a . . . iromnaving aiwaya onen oi a teeble CoottilulMm and averse lo sciion, be knew rxt how lo rinV, and besides had with him but uVearnle charge (H amuniiioa wnicn was in ine gun. lie uncon triousty protracted hit stay beyond what he intend. ed 1 tnd returning lo ihe spot where he had lanoVd, aw nothing of Ihe boat nr Ihe ctMiinany he had loft. It being a tirrmt hostility with lha Indians. and suspicions or their approach having alarmed lha party ihey had s ,i ,aW-anaiiw4JowsKne stream with all possible haate, not during lo linger fhf their tompanioo on aJiore. MrfR. now famd himself alone on the banks of the TMiio, i vaal sisWI trackless forest streching around hi 11, with but one charge of powder, and himaelf too unskilled in the use of the rifle to profit even bv that, and Ikblt at any rnoment In fall into the handt of the savage. The nearest settlement of lha whites Ymcennes, now in Indiana.) distant probably about J 00 miles. Shining his course 14 near aa he could calculate for this ha commenced his perli-wa and k-HMlese pwjrney. Unsccustoiued lo travelling In Ihe forest, he soon lost all reckoning of hia way, and wander- ad about at venture. I iipellnd by Ihe (.Maims nf hunger, he discharged hit ritbt at a deer that hap pened to pass near hi n, but missed !. The third day found him still wandering, whether toward Vincenres or from it he knew not etausied, fain. hed and despanng. cVveral times had he lain nwn, at he thoiight to die. Rouaed by the sound of a gun not far distant, betokening, aa he weii knew, ihe presence ofihe Indians, ho proceeded towards the spot whence lha report had proceeded, resolved aa a last hope of life, lo eurrender himself to those hose tender mercies he knew to be cel. Ad vancing a short distance hesaw an Indian approach ing, who, on discovering him as the nrst tmpulxe wat 00 any alarm with both lha whites and the In diana on the fronliera in time of hostilities drew op his rifle to hit thou'der, in readincm to fire. MrvBlP?gdJliaJjUJhM find the InJian, with a French politeness, turned the butt of his also. They approached each other. The Indian seeing hit pale and emaciated appearance, and understand ing the cause, look him In hie wigwam a few miles distant, where he cooked for him for several dava, tnd treated him with the greatest hospitality. Then learning nf him hy tigna that ha wished In go to ViiiitmiiMi4him ing, took hit rifle tnd a tmnll stock of provisions, tnd conducted him in safely to that settlement, a distance from hia cahin of about eighty miles. Hair ing arrived there, and wishing to reward Well the generous Indian to whom ha owed hit life, Mr. R. made arrangement! with a merchant of the settle, ment, to whom he made himself known, to give him three hundred dollars. Rut the Indian would not receive a farthing. When made to understand by Mr. R. through an interpreter, that ha could not he happy unless he would tccept something, ha replied. pointing 10 a new Mantel near him, that he would . a ' t . . . . take that, and Added, wrapping hia owo blanket P-uiMiaj m in r unon rniiy, nsver tm a am"! MMiraging renairk, a briaM lf.' mf a Warm round hit aVatklera, wbea I Wrap myself la I will ibink of vou." . Wbero wss there ever a while man, thai even ia a lime) of peace would have aa bafrleuJsd aa la diae r Fim Ms iouikrrn Uini) Jonrasl PKUYO. Cxtract from "Paltro.". aew wutk by the Astbor Of Temasasst - Tlwre ia after alt. only a certain auaotity of pow r in the world, and the ias of i from one liM airav plyaiunemcet ilitr4mlerloanthe. Ourlsirmnts Uf the oWayed foe a or lha ruiixsl amiiira, grate ful enough to ihaamiil of poetry, are not even cail m reality. Tlieee eveota usually result from airtrie leading necrwaiiy, which, drphfable emsjgn at lha tune, lha foresight of a benevoleut rruvidcnce di-Igna for some lasting and general benefit, (y,f regrets are most usually pmcirelaia air sorrows, in hall (be number f case, in advance of their orcaatiMi, aial iinagutaiion, in Ibis way, loo lrqvjetitiy usurps Ihe province of eiperienre. t'baage ia lh sutjer of lament for ever wild the men who are lheialvre stationary the men iw feceiea. but never trtnainit, ntiinions. lonovstion, tirretimes niinioaI taalwayt w good import, aince It Naliestea menial activity Ihe lck of which the worst fbelure in the bitorv of aVn tnd nations. Even reeolotfona, the horrors of which arammmil. aide, are injurioua lo plaeea ralher lhaa tu peopk. 1 ne great bulk of mankind grow wiaer upoo them anif,! he diaruir-ryufa new abiding place likeihada eovery nf a new truth, mual always alTtrd an added empire lo thought, and a wider realm to lha wing 01 liberty. Maimeri ia Mismri. k member elect a Ihe lower chamber of ihe Iygilaiure of this, Stale, waa last yea pemuaJed by soma wags of his neigh bourhood, thai ff he did Mot reerh Ihe 3Uta House al 10 w'rkk on the dny of Aasembly.hs eoald ix be aworn and would kaaa Ma seat. !! jnirrxxli- Blelv miNMiled. witti huntiflw fmrk. Viftd ar hn.i. kaile, and bputrwd till ha got l4tbe eWr -tf the nenale lloo-e, wherw he tiitchexl his fl4g. A trowd wete in the chamber in the lower House $01 k groon-l floor, a'king.atout with their hats aw and smoking rigsra. I buae he passed, ran up stairt into the Senate chamber, set his rifle against the wall, and bawh d out, Strangers, where ihe man Ibal aeart ine in f at lha asms tune taking out hia credentMb. Walk this way," ssid 'he clerk who wat at the moment igniting a real rnneipe, and he wat aworn without inq urv.' Wbes) iheTwIU-r sssse u count notes ha foutuj that (Were Was pa ' Senator too many present ihoejiisfaka waf anon discovered, and Ihe huntsman was fnt4rmc.dtl.at be did not bebmg there. "Foul M I with year es bread P ha roared. M You cant Hunk thia child no how yea can fit at I am elecuvJ to this here Le gislalur, and J'll go against all banks and eternal improvements, and if 1 her a any of your oratory gentlemen wants lo get skinned.jesl ssy he word, end III light upon you like a lugger on a wood chuck. Mr onatituents sent me here, and if veju want to fl. mt this two legged animal, hop 00 just aa soan as you like, fir though lm rrom Hie back country Pot's little smarter than any other quad ruped you can turn out of this drove. After this admirable harangue, ha put his bowie knife between his leeth, and look up his rials with, M Come here nld Suke, tland by me I " at the tame time presen- ted H to the chairman, who bad seen such people hefire. ' After siime eip.istulatii. the nua was jiertuadi-d that he belonged to the lower chamber, eon which he aheathed fait knife, flung hit gun on haviuiouldur. and. with a prof Hind congee, remar ked, " (Jeiiilemen, I beg your pardon. But if I didn't think that ar lower room waa lha groggery, may 1 be abut. " Tie Font of CireumJanctt But all was of no use. It is a m tsl ezreirious error, and one which too many fall into, to tOppoee that what one man csn do, every other man can do likewise, that what one man hales, another must hate, and what one man lores, all ahould love. The mis chief is; we forget that every man it differently or- gams in other words, there ara.no two organi sations exsctly alikt in the whole of animated na ture ; consequently it follows as a matter of course ihst no two can love and hate alike ; hence the vul gar but true phrase" What is one man's meat it another man's poinn,n a aaying which ia but lit tle understood, although assented to', and often quoted, by the many. My father aaya to roe one day, " Here, Tom, here is money, go buy thee a nurse anu can, ana try my lonutie in mat calling : I see a good many du well at that occupation, and why mayn't thee P Well, to it I goes, tooth and nail, for 1 was determined to try every thing. Well, down 1 goes to the wharf with my nag fully equipped, amidst a whom posse of the carmen tribe. Uut here my confidence forsook me, and I found, mat where I made halt t HQiiar-A-ils.sr.mii tmn.1 peers took two or three; and that uulest I could undertake to cheat, and lie," and cozen, aud bully fur a livelihood, my new calling would be a mere dead letter. Twat evident my genius was not suit ed to the task, so I gave il up in despair, convinced the more, if conviction were, wanting, that we are really and truly the children of the circumstances "Wwual organisations. Bock I tnttnd to Write. The' Persians relate of one of their Kings, that, being one day on a hunting party, with t hawk upon hia hand, a deer started up before him; he let the hawk fly, and started it with great eagerness; till, at length, the deer wat taken. The courtiers ware all left behind in the chase the King, thirsty, rode about in quest of water,' till having reached the foot of I mountain, he discovered some tricktiog down io drops from a rock. , Ho took a little cup 1 outiif hia quiver, and beht it to catch the water, Just when the cup waa replenished, and ia waa lift. I aMaMaapananaMa-MM. mm., w-, , inf it ap to' bis mouth, lha hash shook t ' pun -f f tod overael lha cop, Tbs) king Was veied al it accident, and again applied lha cup to a crevice i Ilia rock.. Wkwa the cup waa rrtlrtihc J, and ha wat lifting 11 i kit avajth, U hawk cUpped Ml aiings and threw it Wa tbej ecord linas. 1 La king, swjrseed, flung the bird wnk a . htWatgsinH lha giismd, ibat II expired. Al ibis trxuet the UWe-dcckfr CaaJfl" ap The king bavieg ss.: a great mind la teste the water that tricked down the ruck hut being t impatient to was) t 1 it waa aiainodlacti d by dxe, ha ordered ihe uU derksr to go to lha lop etHw rurk al CJ tbe cp at lha fwmain head. The uUavdotker, oa rewctf ing ihe lop of ihe reel, faitd en imtnrasa serpaot lying 'deed, and hit s-asonous Lam tmiuis witb Ihe water that fell evar. He drst ceded, relates the fact to lha kiag, and presKnled kim with a ea 01 roui water out ej mt own naoa. As th king lifted the cupta hit lipa, the tears gwahad from kis yes j he related la the iablsdecker Ike adsawtursj f ihe hawk, and reproached hiissielf deeply O ita ratal eooeoiieoc of hie anger sad peectnitanry. During the remainder nf hia life, ssy lb Peesiaes) ' in ihnr figurative style, tb arrwwaof frgrat coav tinually rankled ia hit breast. : im art the cersW Wa have ofUsi thooehl that flittmeiioq of pursuit was) the rork apas) whiet) most minds hsd plil in earl life, ' Let the) voofb. I his mind ;" a ktavkUe pn4otmtmM there is scarcely a casein a multitude af common powers of intellect, in which he ceukl Dot go ap lodistioe lion and emiewftee. That snaa is k-arnd wb4 rat concentrate his Waoing uposj the pursuit of his Ue,V If be cannot thus draw in lha raiiuficettoa of bia kmswlwdge what is his kswwladga good sWt lit may read Hebrew, Greek, and Latin cos verse ia Ihe Oriental longuea, and be perfectly (smilWr wit!. all the philosophy of sniiquity, and yH he iocspa' !a H stnsiruclint7 1 house, aniline' a shin. dr.l,n , j aerroon, blending a law soil, or Cultrvating a farm. Thai man is lrarne.1 who cart bring hw koowled : dows) lu a practical utility sadit hasrverstnirk wa a af Use utmost; importanoa, that lha youth p f rostMry sw-jid be first impreswed with the idea 1UI hi only it learned who anderstaade correctly ibe details oThis bn prole.. Te he Uaraeaf it ia not fecesesnr to k now very thing, bat lha ra , woo konwt til thai can be toaroed apoa toy laods. -Ida pursuit of life, is a learned ansa, sjotwiibataaj ; he may be ignorant of ibe cVtaile of all othera . Soma men and ihair il strikes us, 1s tba great at rorof ihe day in which we lira are learned is) eve ry ibing in general, and bra prafooodty iworaM in particular nf all pursuits, professions, er trade. pj useful emrdoymttSajftrratai Owrtrr ; . , , , a6ricultural department. . Tmipa Now it thw aeaerxi cf lh year wbea) farmers ought lo begin to prepare their ground fur Tr. nips. Sume farmers aiwaya clear ap a peica of new land for a turnip patch," and tow the ia broadcast 1 This is not a bad atetbod when yo have (he land, and where care ia lake to break Ihe anil thoroughly tod mil it welL 8ome fsrmert sc tlesee4 and tbeiitWsA theni ' in. I nit It a bad plan. Il there should be sa. I raina and a good deal of cloudy weather fur 8 or 10 daye after the seed are sown, ao at to give ih yqungptaate a xbmb takwT0ot,'lhur,p!an wlU"' do 1 but if t dry tpeilof wiisiheaucces)d, tbe seed will vegiitte tod scorch out, that is, lb hot sun will hill the young plant, it having ao deep root la sustain it. Very uAaa when lha tender plant ia ha -thia way scorched out, the blame is put on tb fly, where it ia properly chargeable to the shallow planting The proper tod only safe Vsy lo put b , turnip seed is to do it either wtth n Ireai tooth harrow, ot with- a right sliovel plough. They will not come up at eooowbert covered hi thia way but when they do come ep the hot tua will not hill them for ihe want of root. Broadcast it the most usual way to sow turnips ia the Southern State, but ia the old countries (hit vegetable it genera!!. town' in drills, or ia rows about 14 inches aparU w hen they come up and tne leaf geta lo the sits of dollsrlhey are thinned out to one every 6 inches. ' Thia is (lie most productive way to raise turnipa. If the farmer intends to plant or sow hit turnip in old ground, il ought lo be well manured and well V ploughed and harrowed until! th ground ia mad very fine, and a lop dressing of manure and asbe ahould be applied, ao as to give quick growth to . ie turnips at tb start, which isilt efloclually pr. : vent the- ravagea of the fly. Turnips town io old ground are not at palatable Cue thf table aa thneej" raised in Tresh land, but they grow very large tod for stock are the same. ; " Whether turnips are town broadcast or ioT drilhi - they ought to be thinned out at the proper lime. - AN OLD FA&UES. ow.ToCiiTNnuvvAiuCTiEs.osTcrrA'mza. When the vines are dona growing and are torn in brown, the aed is ripe Jlhen take the ball string thein - with a large needle and atrone and thread, hang them up in a dry place, where they ill gradually dry and mature without danger of injury rrom trpet. In the month of April soak Ihe balls for aeveral hours ia water, then aqueet inem to separate-ine seed irorn the pulp; wbea washed and dried they are Gt for towing in rowe; ml bed well prepared art the srarden they wiT sprout in a fortnight they must be attended to lik 9 othir vegetables heo about two inches hih they may be thinned tnd transplanted iota rowa. 3 . - t. '' - - ; ,. - -. A "" " " "" ' " 1 " ' " ; ; ... , i; . - - in '1 "T -v-"''."1" ; ",. ". ' ''T'' $hj