I I j i f . I ,t 7 a ..! . I , ) I i ' A l I i, I- I 1 La Jj'i ! I 111 1 , f (U , a 1. 1 ,, 1 r f.l i.i', , frm, e 1 rti.y La V f bf the Cullival- f .... ,1.. . " J ,,n ailaift I t ar ia, I'd uil tba p'g. I jm'J j f'ff gaito-ring i! . frwfl po4at-f . f fJ kiwi. The am r , ffuf aead Ihit obtained will be fy J'). tiv, aod i' cxiiii aw f wany yaare, (' loal If oVttrtorelinf, wd J I hay Will again 0ed I rOS hi by lb etoe pr iX. Tftiag lit pmtip of Af J,Tbr are "' toda who II eeg;r-d Id lb dairy Uanuaaa) aba bav MniirMi of totting lb quality tf tnilk I it) by Ihfttr diTrtml tow, alt bong H rt ie eaaily riM I end h muk laf MM COW Will, l lb Mill I pause c ktw-ptng, ytold dovbto lk tjitebliiy aaf C raw ra to lUt f toberr--l)crp slender glaess are taed fT Ihia parpoaa, wbef lit' bu -tie ie pn-p-rtjr tllMiUd lobtih)j4la!lchmreiae) U , pr wber I he are not I b bad, d-p comuaMj tambtor Will iMtfff lb porpoer, Il oujfbt In lr reraeailatrTd, rtowwaer, thai tb dacpaf I ha rolumti aa milk M pmptirtio to Ml dfrtf , Ik inor Ml. Weetory wilt UlUtraC F.ll lH-S MOM dpk tib t'.k from lhrfif1i-r4il c ! k lky kartuj au(Bf v Urn; i tuk turn U tit rUai erarnm can be mrnmtrrd m tSMliiaoritaflaaa. Hj d4ittaaf liw, thavtMo'wHeoartMadajrj cvtcaa Uknuwn. (7arf ranter. t 1 : ' i 1 I f I : i I' it 1 t-a I f i' - i . t U .1 MORAL DEPARTMENT. ' A KAUTirUL AX0 DEXCRIPTIVB EXTRACT raosi niKX)rc.i hrciieil TSe b4 lU aua g down vjurn lS TUnh, M4atMJ(aaqvi(alllMflrp4ili'hr ilralb Ui Wm aoeptr4 ovar Iba 8u ( Gm1 ( Mill ami aUni Vm hour' ptaaad on I Ha tiari)a wpod b) I hair fxMt, lb rajaaf Iba mt4ai(lil ejiian (tcautrd mi ' Ibair balintt! and on tbair n ; Iba rfwimr . . . cCbritt aiulted in Ibeir mtewi lh hrana 4' tin friaada vara avnk ia dxl:oey and m aurrw ; Iba amiil v( Ijtj a!iiLjn anii'iua au-jwica to bahoU Iba aaot, and wondered al Iba aVpOi tb vaa el Uod Aa length lb muffling Mar artain( ' ' 4lt lb aaat anoouuKad Iba light Iba Ihirddajr b 7 gia ta dawa uouo lb aixl.1, wlim mi a hUhi lk ! earth trambVd from iia cotra, ixJ ibn f-arar ol baavao wrt tbakati j a angel of J iImcikW, ' " Iba guard akrwik back (torn iba larror f bia pn. aoca and lull pro rata on lla (hmjimI ; hia eona. trrmnc Wal lika ligbiniag, and hit raiment fea kita aa now I ha rollod away lha aim) from iba door of tba aapulchra, and aal upn i. Bui whn , iatbiatbat eonvih fnh ffwn iba. .fhb, uti djad (armarita Craai Iba bad of Jialhf Ha iballaglo roaw ia bia apfwarrnra, ara'king in Jn" gr-ntm af btaatrengtbl II lhv rnnr,Un tt m ! Clm tiaa it ia )our Ixrd. Ho baih tridn lha winr. . . raaa tl'Mta kalh aiainml hia"rainntnl with W.mrf; but aow aa Iba 6rat-Wn from iln) womb of naiurr, ba naaU lha anominf of hia raaurraciion. II .. ifj4M t emtquaior from lha gra- ha rfluma with , , Waaainga frooi Iba warld of apt. la ha bring aalv tioa to lb aona of mao. Naerdid lha moniiau . . " aua naber l day pura gotkw I il Ibf julx Va ol tka vnime. T1a morning Mara aung lo. gvtbraod alt Iba aona of God ahootml alt-iid for T ! Iba blbar of marciaa rooked down from bia - ' ikroa tm Iba baavtnat with eomptaerncy ba be bald kia world realored ) ha aaw Ina w.rk that it U good. Then did lit oWrt rrimce ; lb fare of eatuia waa gladiloned brfore bun, when the Weaaingt of lb Kiernel drwervird aa lha dew of bee reel lor Iba refrcahing of lha naljpna. THOUGHTS, MAXIMS, Ac X Thrift, diligence, and math-J in buaineiei, are ne- . eeaaary qualincatkma lo make a man rirk. Tbera eanoot b a greater inetanc of a weak, and pueillaoimooa temper than f r a man lo (mm hit wboia life in oppnaiiion to hia own eenttmenle, . not dariof lo be whal ba thiuka ha wiht to he. A OHM ia WTandt ln lite 4 the wnril Wermi Pot keep bia Uttper, bia scrtt, aed bia menry. . Injuria are eeldom forgotten, benefiia are not . often remembered. . . Thara ia nothing nmra diflicull than the art of ma Ring auma agraraoiv "": y Censura ia the tax a man paya lo lha public for being eminent. la peaking of Ihc anperatiiiim, lhaf Friday i an Mnlucky day, lha tUltnuore Anvricanaaya: mu Every ooa kn a thai, according lo lecvived Botiona, to eotumeiice an undertaking on that ia lo tnaura a diaaatroua re milt. An old fuahiiMU Bailor would atare il one wbo would be i raHhavio ; ..." think of gfjjng In aea oo what ba been ceUt-d hang- aaM afay, and lha luckleae aea mat rem who, l chance, might cuj out work and not rima'i it M'o.v euh-dowo, would go lo bed with thu full nmut nice ' that aooM miahap wotilJ attend the article ihua begun. Wow, atrange aa it may apear, ihia on . lucky day haaaerved lo uaher in atMiie of the mi importaiit oenta of modern tiinea. It waa on Fri day, aa aacertaioed by lha calendar, t hut Columbia ' aetaail on bia aucceasful voyage lor I be diacovery , of Iba American Continent, and on a Friday that r ba flrat made the land." It waa on a Fridty I hat tba Pilgrim Father of New England lauded on : the rock of rlymouth, and it aa on t riday that jyuhlnglon,Ma dame wera bora. Whether the fuel of being connected with tba hietory of Ihe New World haa anv thing to do with deriring Ihe auth day of 1(19 week of it unlucky character or not, wo will not pretend to aay, but if our information bo correct, the charm aeema lo hare been broken, oa the occurrence bova mentioned took place 00 that day.1 A Mv 9Mterial foe0Paper.--V' have seen a quantity of writing and wrapping paper manufac turod by Mr. 8aiKieron, made of coarae beach rreje. a material which may be obtained in abnii danco and ia of no alue for any other uae. It A MM. nf a LrnaitiLh anf.ir mnA S . texture. It la. not of fine quality fr writinc or , . a. . I. 1 alter paper, but it aeema well adapted for a coarae kind of wnliog paper, and ht wrapping paper and - paata board. , We doubt not it will cotnt iulo ex- Hm4 aYfa Advcrtixr. V OLITICAL. I I'l l ll (if ill C'AUlot'.V, ; (if ."wf4 f'wWiaa, I ff'j ia Mr ltl."f, a i irrtff. ll.mfJ iia 3w fik t'mn4 X.,, .t0r, t 51,131. j (( 'maa'V"M ) Ham, eifanar! fii tta HW, I amp-ad M any lama lit X IU tf a- rbrtt aeMte I ha 4cliv4 al II.m an4 iba aura wwm, ana aa raa And a-akf ta jw fy kutavrtai. Ta put lata aryuai all ty; will ) ahi 44 ar.aad Iba atf Ibiaf Ibal I r 4iJ aUI i4 aHu4 km ta a fwrti am twrrivira. Tl 'i rfaV are lakaa fnaa my r aatifc al Da aitra ataf, : tnirt i la fr aib Pf. Il wnatd ka ImpnaM. Ma. wiia f ral a ift f operattaM, to aaf awaaura wmKuwI Iba aupyt of lha Aaiataar. Imi and, if H ',! oaght a4 la aa aiUHa)Ha whaa aa m mm4 a'apaea' an tba Mania af atarof mn 1 k-al nrira tiel ka Jat aaa airM Ikil, aad M- kaa a ket) rr"aaVlil( oa lU aaUaa-, eiiW-ai It witk ila bany aaMulajlMM of thcaa wbt are to aia- ruta N. 4 Ufa (jWaia'Arwaarfaf r,"fl' a oHer to aarra Ilia r U .1a of .aba, 4a. flrltevMi that Utara a.iM be a eed aarf aafc par carmt a4inM Ota1 eradil of Iba (iotaranewl rtctaKftly, I aa irnva Ibal laae wan are rafan and have tba apf ahrxiU bate aaild lUnv la of lha Pta,tinHt of tba Itmjmtf 4tJUH N) tba I rraMitr, an4 lha pr.MMraMri ( lha K'tb metal ttiafit llilnnaoa' to ba d fatfd WHb the hUtaa, W iban aa im na 1 aSrimg a rifaUix fr raa ptrnl r.luf af II raa-ff tixl Iba ai. darta (A ararrM a tffiimg ikrm frH 14 Oaarta ym," Ac. f a not a W'fd abmtt prnov-trtf ; oa tba Coatra r, I raealy taiJ, I yy tUmt i fbal I ait iirw Mil fr fnrl. IrMlead uf cteli. iMf all pta r f"m tifruli'Nm. mjrgaatad Iba aaa (not of Traa-ury w. ha atiird, ur any other f (wr roMttimnjf a oiajn to py aaawy) toil ataioly ooa whirli aoH eoi.uiw a foiaa to ba a(4 ia tba au iIm (rrfieiit anj tfitl.WA an It to tba aa l..t arrajary (44 ro the tr,rffjr aV&ril of iba Traaauiy, and to alktiala tin- !-- of arparaiiflf Inaa iba bai.ka aial lh ba hia eiartrarilr ronWroad nd prtrtl to auit bit pirpa ia tba aaner I bate bw a I l m a rral m'Trlun fill there atmold ba bmoftit into lha Ckanibrr lb bUU contracted at Ua br, Kara aoWat a" U ictirfj, ilUout bainf Brrupulraia aUmt thr ineana; while brra Iba oaly caV jrt ouiftil to be Uulh ana Ilia l 14" ilia evwftiry. All mba etaMMletaUi-na tmhl to ba (afiiltra wi.ha ibiaje w.lle, and tha iwily airula ourht 10 ha lo atcertaia whalj true and rU uUinl to onanuie liar bunur and baspweatot taacanmum'y. rrat mdiriduil mjuatiee tadiuaa by eurh maaKU-nvni of trfinirnit. Tbe rVniortprvb will ha puliMuM nA cirtolated M qaarrr wbrra my exf-r.tion ol k't atatotnanta will ater faaei ; and Ihouatnd will aitribua opiemna to bm Uiat J mt uitorad r rntfiiord. Tba auaavwtkina whicl h bar to perrerted bate bare a fcronu tpa of attack the prtof the rkiaav tor, W ba b nerr yet atatMav; na t what I rl!y pHi ItMiy and fairly i aixl, af rr bit many and iioaoc cril lu-m;M lo ttitiw whal I airgeat(.J to be arro pmiiiCl now uruirruka to afCmt pi.ilucly. and with- mil tha lrt trtr, llial I Cn a" anawcren, w itai ra mo- f. I bate but wi.'B. atod; that a uan-r aiH by ( tmiiwiit. with Ilia aiiniile prnia" to reeaiva rt m all lU dvea, Ifivinir it rrdnaa lo take it, or pA4 or ail ter. at Ihnr i4mni, wuuld, to the ratdil Uial it would (irauUlr, bam a pt-rlvcl oaper cirtuUlNCW wbickrould not ba-afuatd by lha linternnwni, thai wwuiii be aa tea l atal uniSioi in taiur aa the met la themaelvea, and that, if. by f. aalhili'y, it alnaii:'dfreciale, ll.eVaa wiatM tail, m on the aipto, but orulhcUoterBment iba!f ka thaaity elTt-ct of d-tr em'i. n woaM ha tir loal'y to rnloca U10 late, lo .,iwi t alt.eb tha inor at uf the Go- eminent wuulrf bv a ...Ljch-oI guaranty. I hll n4 pn titr (he dHKuaMni row, aot oa a auiia bl i( i.HK) i .liall be abb to make p4 every word I hate iillerml. I would be tble to do Wgra, la prote that it ai within the i-nnatitution! piwi-r of Cong real to ae auch a uapar. in lha iiKoajrenK-nl of iia flnaneea, arcnding to I lie ireaa nrid rub of enatraiagtheCon aUtution ; and that lhe, at b!, w'm think that Co- grr- e.n auilioriae Ibe notoa if prittto Htate corpora tion lo ba receited in tbe pontic dwe, are atopari from drnying it ri.'hta to weive ita own paper. If il eta tirtually endorae by law, On the ne of epecie-paying banks roceitable 10 payment of the public du't," it aurely ran onler tha aanie worda to ba w ritlan on a blank pw-ca of paper. Kocli ia the character of the patav I upg'etiid, and which the HenaUir aay would (to auore lo centralize the cirrulalMin and earliansea than the unH of tbe Uotrrnnwnt aixl the hanky, wUk-Ii. howrver, ho ai(nal It railed lo pro'e. That it wmiM Iiavt- a irrvitpr trn- f.'ncy thn Iheeaclua'tc rceint in iti?iie rf ;n)IJ ann iifVirJ l feiililjf irSaowliiJjfrVa'iid io"iWt V xb iit'I tWnk it objectiiiTiant" r tori dii tit a-ie with Ihe NMiator that there thou.d hi! emnf one (real enipnriinii, which Umd liave rtmtrol ! the etwiiiM'rcf , -urreiey, and aa chan of trie Union. I h hi it b-irbl 111 i'.aiih'r a nolilicil in cronmercial point of no, and 10 lie con- trart lo Itie eniu of our iiittitntHHii ol the tpiril of tbe Coofiitutwrn, which enpiraaly p-.itHlrM, anions oth er ihin)fa, thai no preferice aiinild he r;ien n the porta of one Slato over aimtlier. B if Ihit a nt-eitble pl r, och aa I o2grt'd, would hate a greatnr, or aa g real a tendency lo Cftur.lii Hie cmniiMTce and cur rency of the country a th union w ith Hip banLs I ut-tertt"d-nf ; and, if I hl no other reamh.tlio veht'innt (ippiwition of the Senator, who priroi .f auch tcn- dfMj, wcMild ba coocluMte ; but mere are ouirri that are ilecia.e. TImi cniraliiing ten.lenry of auch a puper would rc tult excliiMively frotn the fariliiy it would tfTord'to r niiltniieu from dieant purtioo of the Unon, in which mpcil il would it id jiiBt on a par with bank notea v U n rcceiviil in the duet uf the jiut lir ; w-.,lr lh Nt. !er wouiii, in adilitioo, fiite lo ll.e fiitori d vorl, where the mother hank mijtil be locitisl, (or lha head ol the league of (Slate bank.) the 1 mine line profit In in th uae of the public di pcmitra, and the atlll greater fnxn hatiujr their note received in (Joveriimrnt due. The wo united would llonl unbounded ficilitiea in the pay ment of cinUm-houie bomia, and give million ot'prutit annually, derived eicluaitelt from the. line of (iovern- ment creiiit Thia great facili'y antf- vt innreaae of profit would gite a decided admntage 1o the cormnprce of the acction where the bead of the fynlnn miplit be located, and which, in a great measure, account for the decay of the commerce of the Souih, where there ! were rw banka, when thti Ouveriiint'iil wna "matrtrgfiP and which, ot courao, five to the other aectMin eiclu aively all I lie benefit derived from the connection. If epecie had Irwn tha firal been axclutively receited in Uhi publkl dueav th prevent eommercwl inequnlut would never have cxttied tnd I may add, rt never will reaee till we return to the constitutional currency. What the Senntor haa eaid a to Ibe tiiruii of ihe pulit iful and irmiiea no'jkera. arid the tendenct to extravi- pance lYom the uae ol TreMnrr note aJjircjaies, etirrtWJirilffW to llie deicriptioii -of paper I auzfrceted, tbat I do not deem it neccaaury lo waete wonla in reply to it r Havinbow repelled hia reply to my rnmarka at thia and tha extra ace ion, I ahal) next proceed to notice he? - 1 argument on the queetKHi under diMUaaiw, which, ex- ftnwrdinary a it mayhem, eonatilntea by fir the murt meire and incoMiderabtii "portion of bia apeech. The tfUC!ure ht J".! i.f ta little centre ouiiuing, 01 oie iwemy or niriy tee; whh tt. W1D on etch .iHe. ire! a ponieo jB fro it .1 have,! uoat, effectually de- moliahed tbe winga, and propoae next to go through j the nma proceea with the centre budding. At I 1 . t'-' m.f" !. d r . t t , el li-a :, (.r a; ..u, d.i. ' l l l 1. . - a J jn ( J ; !. I' I iff, ( .'..a 1 1 ,t (aM'! tjtia to If l" "r t. ; a.i . . . 1 liii.il in : B7 1 Jl aj 1 1 ' t-T 1 1 a- w. ,, toa.M. . .U(Ku,...,b M I to to. jrj ;Xlt STraaibj rW,,,. .1- . Ll, -m a i.-e a. e.a.rUa. tat HaaJmti ( -. ra f ad aad Hlvf l- rrw Zi MV.aw.bat all dA.,U II. U awF-1 "Pr' - f IT? r-4 H-t It ar.f a pr lvWJ ba a to drita. ilTV: iUy padUa aaaMiliTaad lb. atar.fa d-jawiiaato,! U f lki 14. W-j UJ ta Jiyaata. II ,1-ae-i.a-tod.b.t lb t.4 aaold jV-a $ mU. la batatob. a-aiit ft 1-. to a y-r. and J U a. bf rarrrar, 'Z 'TXxZ. Utoa M..O.U. thai rt wawaJ rui.a a.gM k-adrrd paper a-a bating U-W 'p'- "'" ttoaa aWlata lo be cietad daily. ba:b weaW Ta. lha i;.teroav bad bra all.gad, m im .adafaat - ,u,ra. bo-of. 46cari,t. h-.-p.aa-. to r iba rr,.,.., .'' V'tJ law .1 thl 7. t -. . . -.1 . I. ik. t, in atdl. na ahirb aaa 144 reCi'trniaHl (y It ai in placa, li hVotUit baa atat-a-aiaailaa) the ater.ga re- .aoay o in e aihiry, ana wnicn --. 5 , ra.pt. by at toaM rata bairad pl o. F" to deptrcial. 4. Ae. Thia wta tl aril. I Jru,hl labVa.acb aaarer Iba truth than thirty.- Whal r.a b. m-a-r dr .t. 1 hat rnor. pwaird I Etaa lUi I regard aa eirradiag what ll- riK"d.ire Tl-y ara the any d irtriuea wbicb b' n the d-ny oaf hi to bi od I ra(.jra to aaatit, Uial no Ad.rn.ua. h.toi of dao.-inrmfi' n'r Ihe ntnie of -o ea iratoaj wk. aaa-ada 00 ta atar. Ha" the nail Tb fVoator may hrrr.fier be rre.f, ed a lha I. to hw yaaracaa a-iataia rtarlf. ur.1 itora alaild b !f (be rarry ; end I drrm il nt a Imle unnatural ihtt aottw anripaeiH aamand oa iba Tfraaary. la iba : be WJ b ao bir.b and emi-l to bi tomj eat piece. Sweaty ooa Bullae ia al IraM A.alMMvbai Dol it may ba atid. thai I ! adorcd Ihe nrfe-U.-. ,1 . ' Kka.U In bill aaa. ' d-. Ita it ark nd It b'llowt ll.tl hia auUaa-ily anH , 1 ira nar to BM taa, 1 I bia milaa wuuld be lioMh ne-far I lie Uutb. Wa ahall bear ao ne of aorplua., wbra iba retenue a. j eultoiuaj in gold aod a.lter. 1 bw would mMa ft rat 1 dadarlaai to hia rdufaala uf Iba lioubl tod UboT la ! eoaetiaf. ftot I gite Iba ranataf bai ewa eatiinal", j aad aaa him af ba art, haaid of otbar and ahnrtajj ajaato lba ea'if, of eerertaining Iba anamnt Mi j eutnt! Itoreba 1x4 k'W that il can ba aarruined wrth t Morb carta ml t and eiectaaaa bt weiifhl aa ly ! cxooliar, and wiib mora deapaUb. wbea Iba amount la ; Urteln corn tbaa in bia latutita bank nutoat ll I am ant mwtrilrarmed, U i Ilia n4a ado4ad al Ihe Kn(lwb Kacbaaiiar, aad thai rt b da with lha grrataal paa bia pro.nM.tuda by npfwriced ibdiriduala ; ao thai bia toiati4.Ua atjactwja) tanaabee. But Iba Heaaior aaal tail tie, that I irttlcJ. in my remarks thai Iba bill, ehould it pr, wmld place the hank and fba U'lterometil in anuria?' reUtaai lo awca otbrr. wbicb ba eunatJrrai a tert waifhty (-1 jectloll to It I I ft at aur? c arret ba) atitoatenl I awtda aa aock tataark, I lodaed aaai, wbael Ota bank , The eel etarlrl tterntia wta, it thai par!, ba. war Cut 1 ore led wnk tbe Itovrrnment, Ihey bad a di- t.p b-apue of Hit fa haeka ard a Rind of lha f 'rii ract mtrreat ia iacreaaing lU fWal aalxai Tbe fret I-! in) SlaUa. a th rural aeeol of ibe Gotatemenl. I tot Ilia retanua aod aipendiUirea, and tle Urgrr the aarpiaa, tit gtwatay womM ba the profit, but, worn twy were teparmlad, tha ateraa would take place. That Ibe greater amoofil of gold and adter collected and itbdrawa from ctrcuUtmn, tba lea would be left banting opTrttvaia, ann, of enurae, ina tea tneir proot ; ad that ia ooa aaa lory would be tbe alliea, and, in lb ether, Iba opponent of Ilia (ioternment, ao far it Ha 6acal actajti wt concerned ; 1, to etpraaa it ne eoocipaly, wnan anited with the Gotrrnmeot, Ibey wuuld ba pa the aide of tbe lai-cimau men and, wben ar part lad, en inrt of the lai-rwyer. nucn were my raoarkt; aad ltMTal,ia il out true' Can any one deny H ! Or adiiiiitinr in truth, can it impnrtnce be darptita-l 1 Ware there a otb t rcaion in fcmr of the bill, I would eunetdcr Ibla of itarlf dacaite ll would be klmoat loipfaxibl to preaarte our free inaiitulfaia, with tha weight of tha entire hankma aylemthrown on iba tile of high taiee and eavittiinl diahuree. mental or todeMroy it if thrown inUi ibe o)piwite acate. But tbe Hen tor rertrd Ihe eipremn of Ua - cnoau - otara and Ul-patera a mare eatch-worda, of dtniferoua import, ad tending to ditida wciety into lha hostile panlat of rick aad poor. " t take a ry dinVrent yiew. I hold thai tha naeal actauti of tba Government mut aa eewaarrty ditirto tha oratimaoi'y into fh two great claaeea of laveayaawand Ut-cortauinera. Taking ta ra tio) and daahireatneata togetkajr, and it ia BMtoidable that ooa poruai of tba aontmunity mnat pay into the Treeeury, Hi tba ahape of taiaa, more than they re ceive bark iadaburaementa,arid another muet receive evre tbaa Ibey pay. Thia la the (real dudurbina priaeipl ia all (totemmanta, eaprcially those that are free," around which all ether cause of political divwoc and dittrrbolama finally rally. ere it otberwiae, il the intereat of every portion and claa of the communi ty waa ihe tome in reference lo tar. lion tod diaburee. tenia, nothing weald be more ee-y thin to eauhliah and ffeservefree inatitutiona; bat aa it ra, it i tha met difficult of all 4aka, as history and experience prove. Thia priaanple of disorder lie deep in tbe nature of aaen and miety ; and extend equally to private fiationa u lo raJrtiral communitiea. There will ncee. aanly spring np in both m tlockhnlding and iirtclinn tafereaf ; Ihe latter of which, without wise proviaiont am!-ineaaaant tigilane. will abaorb the former, of which the winding up of many a bank will prove. Tbe two remaining argument of the Sent I or have been often ttaerted and ta oft an minted ; and I ahll dea,ilca) ibt-m Jailh a few orrbv. Ilatoll -oa,' die' ba pftrn done, that we ara-buood to ragubito tbe eur--renry ; and that the Constitution ha given to Congre the ejrprr powar to reculate it; with many oilier ex preaaioii of similar import It ia mamfcat, that Ihe whole argument lurna on Ihe ambiirnity of the won) eitrrency. If, by it, ia meant the current com of the United Ntatae, no one can doubt that Congreat haa the rijht to repulate it The power ia axpreaa'y gtten by the Cofieiitutiori, which aaya, in an many words, that it hall hate power to coin, money and regulate the value thereof ; but if rt ie intended to include bank notea, a mnt b the intention of the Senator, there ia no auch exnreea power aiveo in tha Constitution. It it a point tn be proved, and not aaaomed, and every attempt of the Senator to prote it baa ended in aignal failure, lie ha not, and cannot, meet tbe answer which he receiv ed from the Senator from Pennsylvania at tbe extrt aea ion ; and ia repetition of the assertion, after so de cisive an answer, eervea but to prove how omch more eaey it often ia lo refute an arguaaent, than to ail"oce him who advanced it Cut I do not dpir even of ' leneing the Senator. There ia one wlioae authority on thia point I am an re he mut respect : I mean himself When ihe bill granting a charter to the late United Bute Bank waa nnder discussion in tlie.other House, in lalfj, he then took the opposite aide, and argud with great force, agamat the aery right Sir which he now so obstinately contend. Ha then maintained that the framert of the Constitution were hard money men ; that currency meant the rarrenf rait of the United State; aid flit I Congrrea haa no right to .make ant other. But tha Senator shall apeak for himself; and that he may be heard in hia own words, I thai! read an extract from hia speech del:te-ed at the time: . ,i . Ti . (retted the manner in which thia debate bad been com menced, on a detached feature of the bill, and not a .itw m imier, a iu I r- question tfToeting the principle ; and ex pressed hi feara that a week or two would be lust in thadiacueaion of thia question, to no purpose, inasmuch aa it might ultimately end in the rejection of the bill. He pro- rrrM lo repjr fo Ike argunxenli of far oJocatrt of ihe btu. 11 waa a mtataken idea, best id, winch he had board uttered or, thia mypijaiJiboMM frym nrmmWreMr nftwramiTcwrrea ctrrrenry, be aaid, than the United Sittet; there wa no nation which nad gtrtrced ita currency with more care; for tba frame ra of the Constitution, and those who enacted the early atatute on thia aubject, were kmi money ate) ; they bad felt, and therefore duly ap preciated tAe nil of a paper atediam ; they, therefore, aedoloualy guarded Ik currency of Ik VntU i State from debasement. The legal currency of tke I'niteJ Store umu goU n Uer rata ; Ihia waa a aubject in regard to which Congreat bad ran intone fblly. 44 What, then, be asked, waa ibe preeest evil ! Ha viHg ' perftetlf aoand national currency, and fie Go vernment karing no poster it act lo mmk any iking !.rt Ui pta a f hii. i ai fif af . I ik ll.a 1 ..i to r; f-J ail !' t'M.- lt r. h.h l ry f Ift friia-rtn ? SlKtl IMt watainaaiof -p- r fl -I, . 1.1 I . iu 1. t ..ll. mine atund a epn nf q.ialila.ai lb '' M of an ee,ulH; and I fwl fmiVlrnl Uat ina rvrnauir will rradily admit that hi Wilt, at leart, ba eufficMnl In rtrwtrot mine. raadily arknowWee that my oramoe. after ibe trmm f npwarda of laenly yraia. w lhlli llfbl which atparionre in Ihit baif prrmd hbl on Uie Unkinr irctem, hat iinitorpieeroriaMb-raUeebanrea. It would he atranea if it bad r4. I a-e more rb-erly now. than did. tbe true character of the ryatrm and n danprroi tanl-ncy ; but I owe it to myflf and Ihe troth of tha raoa. tn aat I wta. een at that early pe. rvd, ItMrom beinf it adrnrate, and would than bat baen npfvd to lU em bad it been a new qnr-atwe Riil I than ranrrird Ilia enonactire bafwaan ma tab farnment and Ihe bank indiaanluble.and acquieerd in a ettte 1 thmiri thai I rooW not control, and which I ronn.Vrrd at rattbliatwd Tli Governmanl wtt ihrn racaitine the no- irf non awir natinr hankt in it Hiiea. tn it own divraiiit and hettt baa tn iia creditor ! prrfrrr1 then, a I now d.s Ihe UHer to the f. a-er, more efficient and d a whit niore uncaiatiiulional ; and d I were airain oltrad in the a ina attti. nf , thinpa thai ) than wta, with all my prraar.t fnlinrrnd ! tiewt, I could hardly hit a acted differently from whal ' f thai, Hid. ! The Heea'or rrealle miafake. in anmrainr that f,v anr dianition to rnatdnta or retract what I then J aatd. Bo far from it. I hate, think, jnat rauae to ba j prout n( the remark I mad on lb orcaaiim. Il put ' ha qnaatmn uf Ihe Htnk, fa- the flrat time, on it true taaia. at Tr aa thia taernment 1 concrmail. ami th I noe im which it h ever ainea Mood ; which I no email , enrrplimrnt to one ihcn -an ineiperiencad 1 wyaalf. ) lnti jfc that tha report contain but a vert hty kach a mere ootlina. aa the rnnrW him If ! aataof rtty ramarka, in which fmir-fifth i oniitled. '(as that it would hadoipa me pre I injuttK-e to reaurd Koni.in'nf a full eprition of my iawa. Dut.-aa jhrto aa it U. what iarapnrted cannot he red. in a apirit , f fiimeaa, without areina that I regarded the nuaation it (ha timti mere practical one. to ha -WW nndar , inf rirenrnatanre of ihe ctep, witliout intoltinj ! iha biahec e.ue-ti.-n .which now. That the eonnoctioo' between the.. Jmrnrnert and tbe btnk ia benken, eome riahtfuIW into diCuaina. At that time lha 00 It qaeafirai, a I anpraaaly 'elated, waa, not whether wa ehould be ennneetad with Ihe bank, tor that waa exiat. inr in full frea, hut whaiher it wmr( alviahle. ad mt'tinir the exianre of the co.inM"ion, Ihtl Ihe I'oi led rtatea, a well a the aaparat Slate, ahm1d fxrr cia the power of hnk:np I hata mad" thaaa ra. mark, not that I reaard tha miaatioa of conaitency, aftar anfrral a chan?" of crcumatancaa, of much im otnre but bacauaa I d"ira to ainH where truth and juatice place me on thia e-reet qucation. f To rrmrlJnl in our nx'. The Spanker laid before the I loo- a letter from ihe Pecnary i.f the Traaaury. in answer lo a reao- lutioo of tbe 25ih iuatnnt, ahowinir ihe amount of! expenditure, eeuive f the public debt, for each . ... . year, Inm toH3i. Ihey are aa fid low a, tix : ' For the vear 1 f24 $13,330,144 71 11.490,459 04 13,002.318 27 -ia,30fl,04l 45 12.680,480 82 iy,229,a33 33 13.884,067 90 16,5I8,38 77 22,713,755 11 18.425,417 J5 17,514,950 28 30,868,164 04 Ditto Ditto I'ato . Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Din. Ditto f Ditto Ditto 1H25 16 ,1827.: 1828 129 1830 1S31 1832 183.1 134 1835 1838 1837 39,164 745 37 Thia turn is euhjnct lo small variation on the aeltlement of the accounts of lb Treasurer. . Note. The above auma include payments for Trual Fnnde nnd Indemnities, which, in 1837, were 5,61 0,404 38. ON THE ARMY BILL The amendment offered by Mr. Reneher, to strike out Ihe lth section of the bill, which pro. videa for the employment of chaplains at the vari ous military rawta, being under consideration Mr. Reneher said he waa opposed lo the provi inns of this section, because it was a new feature in the legislation of this country, and proposed a di rect connexion between the Government and the Church, which, in other count riea, where that con nexion existed, had always proved demoralizing to both. The Only class 'of neonle in thia counirv heretofore free from Federal influence and Ef.ec ulive temptation is the Clergy of ibe counirv. This , , ... . 'IBmjiince. at tlm iIhimiwiI i,r lha I'l-eairhynr-w! 1 I'.'i sevciny eeciesiaaurai appointment, worth nearly a thousand dollars each, with which he' can reward hia particular fitVorils those who shall prove ihemeelvea'miwt devoted, not in the cause of reli gion, but to the cause of those in power. The bill doea not require that they shull even bo licensed ministers, but au'hnnzesihe appointment of any SpS! think . proper.M The CoUuf JkdttetotrtitKet nr eminently pious minister wouw lie eel aside lo give place to a brawling par tisau... He deprecated thia cntmexion between Church and Stale a at war with the spirit of our inatitutiona, and dangerous to liberty. . There are some case in which thia may tee in to be necessary. He alluded to thoae posts upon ihe extreme frontier, where there niijiht not be any religion aervice whicb the officers and men could attend, but auch post were few. At most of them there i regular preaching, by almost every reli gioua denomination ; and why ehould not these of ficers, whose pay you have jin-l iocrea-ted, and the rf r nfrel 1 1,i f win j.iy ) i I i .e frriil. ,i n .v tliUiin fi'im f !it ( liifir tiiita li Ids a. j. ,j ll,a li : I s II a, liie ii.en S.aiil.nr lU f4i,f r llii l 1 liaiii'' I iUtoli d llial, while i a,, j gits ail iri.o af (lii.iij !i l, a 1 luir Wmild bad lo fl lit i H i CM 1 am, lie eaibd D a aiirniioo id lha Knua knu hi.lmy of lb llrittah arn y in r latum in ibi felW jeel, I here II, i llir di lacuna a aiiimiiii a 41 toriltrdiait. t l.ai lail did red (,fT.( ll U W toiii, in 1 1 U , (rih-la AberetwniLt rtiari an ai my fo aiaia tgmial lli Frrurk prawaaua in Anwilra, l aumilMa-J lb rMtdain lo ailandj ie army in prrMt, anu lot rteren4 grutknira n fiiwd, io lb grouial llial lltcy I tad purthaard ay rerled lk ollat wixlef a d fX retil UixlartltraJinj, He icfi rfed Id Ilia i-oiHt of lin hiatorv 1, Ihiw whal haj la-en lit frvitard ibia impmprr Ci4Mftii4i bei wieu ilmrrb and Hata liter, VT are ar joal e..wioociog (hi rntrtietion, gtag j a tri ed geiiileiiiea that what had Itkea placa tb. wIm te we nilit rtaaiaialdy aipecl would Uka (J.ira here. H ioaxl, lUrrfore, thai aowaeet gt nltamrn uiighl be di.ocd In enlarge our aland, ing ariny in lime of eace, Ihey wuu!J out teeapl 'be Mi;ity uf ihe Aimricao rlrrg,by creaiing . io4,j tin in a miaorabM acran.w tordlict) and prt leriiM'lil. a ' HOUTIIERN COMMERCIAL CX).VVE.VriOX The all Editor ff lite " Farmera' Regi. iiiirluce ihe llepoit of Ihe Commute of il ia lha Merdiaots' Contenlioa held al Auguata, witk (lie fjlbrwi'og very t iiineul, and forcibla mmarkt, Wa commeBd theui to lb aUeotioo of our readera, Eoa. W, Ca. H The wretched and deplorable elate of ihe car. teocy and i f exchange, Ibotigh (i of lb Boreal evil ever inflicted our on country by aiie-gutra infol , will be coiiipenaaled lo the auuering aiajik, if line date f ihn g ahi-uld cailinue lurtgeaotik In pniluce the cflect lo which it manifeatly lead, of diari uramg Ihc ciaiiinuattre f Ihe artificial t) t. t-lit id Hie Sfiihcru Stale trading with Europe ihriMigb New Yoik,. and pe)ii.g he Nortben .Mrrchanl, a ag nta and nmbJIe pien," a profit ai rvert aabt and every purchase, mad oa ar ciunl id the Unuttirrn producer aud cooautnara. On id the advani. gr of a paper currency whicb ia most frrqueiilly r h rred lo by ita moat tbor. uogh going advinBiee ia iia furnisliing mean fa the e viral and chepest pusatlde tranainiaaiua of lurvla brlwerndiatarit place, row.il coata taai dilim of at lea at five per rent., for exchange, (a? a debtor in Virginia lo imy nw creditor in New-Tori, or for a cah purchaaer to obtain good I be re. la oilier words, it ciaii five dollar expenae lo eon ret Iroio Virginia I iNew York 109 paper dollart, ala) fo m ibrice to five linie aa much, from aomt otbtt placet Yel there ia no quealion, with any ana, but that the bank notea of V irginia,on whicb 6 per cent, mual be bait in New York, are juet at good, at those of New-York, which cominaud thai pre. iimim in exchange; or jutl 01 bud (in revert ihe propxaitiiKi ) Ihe bank of both being alike a ble, aud yel U-lh alike rel'uaing, In perform lb false promise to pay, wbe h ar diaplayed 00 tbt fjre of every one of their note. If we had a currency at rumbroua and bearyM ilver, il would cost but on half of no per cent. Ie convey il acroa ihe Atlantic ; and even if it wtr tn rojiper, it would not coat ao much lo transfer it to New York, a it now coata 10 the light rur. rer.ry in (he wnrlJ. But to retorn to our pneitioa. The efPsct of ibis enormous diflereiice of exchange, i o coir pel 1 he Mere hanla from V irginia, or N. Caa. iluia, who now buj a foreign good (aa heretifufe) in New York, to pay 5 per cent, more than tha price and all other previoua charge ; and of count ao much more than he wduld hare paid lo Ihe di rect importing Merchant at, or nearer borne. Thia additional 5 per cent, ia too heavy a deductioa for ordinnry proRra to tie long Loroe. and It ope rata ljlr' If.j . . a an much additional inducement lo carrV on a di rect foreign trade between the reciprocal consutnrri and producera. Keaeon would aufhcienlly show tha) to he the tendency, and ultimate i flocl, of Ihe bilk er price nf the inconvertible notea of Ihe South; but lact aln have proved that the c fleet ia now ia frogreae. I he-few impoTteTt 6f Virginia Jiav aoto otrt their tocka of newly Imported good, U good profit ; and ao rapidly, that some of Ihe emn try merchanla who stopped to buy, in prefereoc (0 pa ing the additional Northern tax in eiefaa"g, could not be supplied. Now is the lime for V ginia and ihe more Southern State lo Ibow off C yoke of cornmertial bondage ,n Low black benr leavea made into lea ia eieeed. inely benefiVjal for a aore mouthy rjccaaioned by tamng calomel, or from any cause. 273 W T3K2IO For tke remainder of tkt pretent Vol of tkt ' . SOUTHERN LITETARY JOURNAL, In consequence of repeated application lot the lft acioia for a leaa eeriod than an Wire vear. Lha Pah lisher haa concluded 10 alter tbe coruliliona, for tkt preent year only, so far aa to receive new tubscribnt for the remainder of this volume in mmmenee aiti either ihe My or Jjily number: the xioHTnumhen win coat fvl 34; the a:xnumberi.j(or half veaOta 5ft I he heavy expense, which the publication of tb Meaeenger in ita present style renders unavoidable, tad the with of the Proprietor still briber to impmvall, in. aea ii sueoitueiy necessary mat be should hereafter receive all subscription tosertoM ta mdtane. Appeal after appeal haa been made to delinquent and still many withhold their just doea Why thtois so, cannot be conceived, une it is rannwladaad. at all- hamls. that the Mraatanra ia akto- il4 amount charged for it ; no better evidence of whict need De menlioiied tlian the fact that the eohseriptir price is. known to have beea frequently paid ht old voluinea. I A heavy drafte have recently been made oa the Pre pr.etor, for expenses incurred in establishing tnd con ducting the Mcssekokr, it is hoped tltoa wbcribn who are stilt in arrears, will immediately hand in at remit tha mtnUjBani,,, Wotlgh iuwff when conaidered arparately, yet, takes" the aggregate, present an amount of considerable pa portance. la fact if one kalf the amount doe bt could be obtained, the Proprietor" would be enabled to discharge every clairmagainat his publicatioo at once: that done, be would bring out the next volume of Ibe M reaitou in a new dreaa. aod improve it ia ana other rerpects. Tbe risk ot transmitting subscript ion by mail, mil be susUined by the Proprietor. But every subscriber thua transmitting payment, is requested (beaidesUkiaf proper evidence of the fact, and da to of mailing,) to re tain a memorandum of the number and particular mark ,of the cote wot. - -- ."'-' T- W. WHITE. Richmond, Va., June It 1938. a ataajslsassaaW. 1 ... .