i - IJii: H'ESTIiUX CAROLINIAN. FrUar ETcalnff.JULY 13, 1830. CAxf'lAT-1 IS ROWAN AM 1AIE. fUmt. N. rusisa.indrUtufc j.s A. tust,Aets RS, Kltie II. f,tMTi i. H ITU C. , WllAUsl a lasW. J. II. IUt . Jwsxa, Sirri Jfcwwa. IS DAV1DHON. Pr. Wei I. lb?, sad Jue W. Tnoaa,-.Va. fcautM Rarsan, Pr. B. L Dnx. sad llsav vVsiasev"" Chsmsas, CL Joss II. . 1 D,, Jons IL Moswam,-MuwmJ lusigoreery. MONTGOMERY. Worn Wa. tSwaatseass.Kso, Tawaaa Fraasa ro- Oaiataa. . jess Ilsasss, Air- JtrtiM i Caaeraauai EmrnJtiri U this wesk'i pep will l found a sU tamftfit a"mo the Be. ereur of lha Treasery, showlag ih t mount tipra. dilaree, uclwiN of IH public debt, for sarb year fioie tM t ICS. Fmw Uiw it will be area that tlt ex pmduars of tha GvtmDt sre rapidly on tha ia Crt, I it devpl behooves lit people to look lo Una l m folly to he talking about tbe abuse of lbs Eta cvrtvs aluos, wbilt Cowoscae continues la goon in ernn the tproprijtKJM. Congress requires a re fcrai if aiueh 4l tba Executive. Tbe whole Govern ptaat la all we bftndns and departments reform. lilriu.oa ia individ'jale always leads to ruin, ex tnninc ia Govsminent mast lead In tha mm and; (U dial corissonenee la ia taxation, and unl -as tba peo pit will arouse tlisuwelvca, atid call for tliortwh re. fens, tad retrenchment, they WtJ soon bf ib to look oat fur aa iecrease in taxes in some ships or other. la fret, that " P'rty in Congress eompnaad of Whip, aa wall aa Administration man, wlto desire aothing ao much aa to tee tha Uses ineraaaed. To (taU a aacaaail; for doing this, they vote ewty mil liona andaf aay pretanca wbatavar. Tba eatimaled lacorna fcr tba pfmt year ia 22 millnwe of dollara, tod Conpeaa bt ippfopnaiad at U Ibirly milliooa. VYbrra ia tbiadriknt of aigbt imthone to coma fhxnl ConpMa may certainly borrow it for a while, but in the rad tha import dutiea will hara to be raiwd, and tbee of eoaraa h cornea oot of tba pocketa of the ponpla. Let Uh propla look to theea tl.infa now ; inateaJ of tafleriof tbeir lUenlion to ba drawn off fnxn important pointi ay idle, and premttare carillinp abrwt I tie neat Presidency, )et nearly threa yeera duUnt; Irt them how tba fUgof Rtruaa a ad dnclara tha' they will vote lor no maa for Confreo, nor any Candidate for tha Presidency, who is not to open adrocata for retrencb neat tod reform. Al the lata Commencement of our Unirnraity, tha honorary oVgrw of A. M. wa conferred upon tha Rar. Patrick, J. Sparrow of D rid son Ca4lege, and Iba degre of D. D. upon tha Rj. Roliert II. Morrison, President of tha nrua Inatituiinn, and tpM lha Rer. Georga Howe, of tba Theological Seminary in Columbia, 8. Carolina. (&" Thn - Register " aaya, that an official letter from Gen. Scitt to Go. Dudley, had been receiv ed, and atatea that, u elnuwt the whole of the Che. rokee Indiana in N. C, had been already collected fort migration, and the remainder could not con tinue out mora than a day or two longer." Tba Hon. John C. Calhoun, Gov. Lumpkin, and IIoo. Mr. Haleey, of Georgia, pnaaed through ihia place a few daya eince, on tbeir return from Wash injtoo City. ,.JcrtM of tkt Uiu4 Sialt Armj. Cortnm kas paaaad taw for- adding 4,500 men, rnnk and 61a, to tba) prevent army of tha United State , that is, nearly doubling the establishment aa it now list. Where is the necessity for thia great in treaae of tha atanding Army t We cannot for our life tee any. Tha Seminole war ia finished, we re told j the Chickasaw Indiana have all gone Wen; and by Fall the last of the Cherokee tribe will havecroaaed the Mississippi. In removing these Indiana, h ia well known that the Volunteer militia bate proved at least aa efficient aa the Uni ted tkatea troope aud we are well ensured that at toy point where military force may be required, it ia only necessary that a demand abould be made, iod thousands wilt flock to their country's stan dard. VTbere then was the necessity of adding 4,500 men to the Army f It waa i maxim with our forefathers that large atanding armies are dan geroua ia times of peace ; but the maxima of our forefathers are growing out of date. The danger of large armies in our Republic, consists not ao much in the bayonets of the aotdiere aa in the ex traugaoce, and corruption resulting from large ex jwodituree ; One of the objects ib increasing the Army, no doubt, ia to provide another means for squandering ihe public money, and in thia way to create a ne ity for increasing the taxes, and getting up Mother National debt; thia ia to the interest of certain partiea, but W is not for the interest of the people, and least of all for the interest of the Southern people. This act of Congress has not JSll JWWMWl 4h ArmyOO-weri, bat it has si ' craaei tba pay of Office re, and men. These ore thiaga that many of the newspaper do not onsider worthy" of notice,' but 'according to our judgment they are mattera that deeply concern the Pph tnd if the people are true to their country, ad ihemaelvea, they will not forget them when the xt Coogreaeiooal election comes round. Money is so abundant in England, that holders tclually at a loss for schemes of investment, in sequence interest has fallen m Iow aa tvo aodt halt per cenu - - Wa iW,i a t!, ft0ftf ,:,,, j;..lt Jta l..ii-ri.. u,()rirru,e(,t i:SinJ i!i ,utr j-.U-Urtu.m it fj.if .tJ t il,t E.i.Ufy ff,. Wt wu..,ly bt fw,.! , ,u r w a rf y Ud Ua fjn.t.Ud as. King l'k,tip, one r U fWamswU lts lut Ut.ly d.oj m UMrdta MmiMwpoi Unm), l.i'st m t way la Arkaama. The tw containing the amigrating part ra trtwgtw ht, (U lJy i Philip waa Wt We ) Urd ith Iba konort of war. Ou sMiiidrrd (wm vrt Crrd otar hi grave. A IJat t4 lha Siram kJ al pieaenl Mvigtis Iba Weatara and rVwth M'ssra waters, has Imv recently puUiJc4 im Cinciixteii. The waUaMiad tMimbar ia 401. The first &4eiu t.t tUt t bornned mar the buatHn i Iba OUa, was I to 1911 1 llta year It'.'Vbotr Mtbhrr edlol4Jj-in l3-)lo400. It baa been prmiicud thai lha) prtMol wm4 be a LocuMfrmr i it aeme that tb iMMciakavasMeV Ihvir appearance in lha VVratra CMtry tbry are said to le o! a pawni., asti eVsrrati na ture two children bars dted M tba aeigkaMbwd of Leiington, Kaolucky, m cotMrurara of tWir slings. Farmer? Rtcr.TU Jwly tHtmbrr 4 Ibis faluabla Agricultural Journal ka brea ractavad, it contents shall be noticed ia our aeit CO .VCR ISA. Tle Iweniy-firat Cortgraauf tbe Uotted fUles has rlMpd its first eeaewa after a kwg lerea of seven toon I ha. From Iba great kxtgtk 4 liaaa consumed, wa should naturally ewtwgb rwscUda I list mark important Ussmeaa bad bwa trasMactcd, but we are a rry to aay that upon looking back aa review, as are able to give tbem cfdM for bwt frw enact menu of any importance la tbe Cwatry , its financial concerns stand preiarlv' as tbry were before the aewaoa ; no pla baa beea adoptee! for eataUialiing tbe Curreoey oa a fixed, and perana Dffil bams i tba lime baa beaa sprat m tbe due us sion of propositions, all of which have bee rejnet ed, and we are now just where we started. The difli-rent brancbee have, however, bnea entrrtaioed at limee with amusing peraonal aliercaiiuasi be tweeo hooorsble members ia tbe course of sV-bate. and on several oceaaioue by actual boxing aacma lera no the of I be House. As lo the Currency, a auhpcl apoa which I bey have talked much, aud acted little : tba qveaaioa ia relumed bark, and tba issue rests ia the people, ho are now called upon to decide which of tba plana submitted for the keeping of tbe Pubue Mo ney, they approve aa beat i Whether it shall be under the ammediata control n '.ha Gaiariisaat through (Wal a gent a appointed by itself Wheth er it shall be in tbe keeping of a National Bank, and under its ronlrol, or whether tba " Experi ment " of l be Stile Bank system shall he tried a gain. Another attempt baa lately been made lo fire the city of Virksburg No doubt ia entertained of its having been the work of an ioeeodtary. A new Bank of 11,000,000, Capital ia the process of organisation ia New York City aa der the general banking law. It is ssidtbat Cap!. taKsts are rather ahy of going tot the srbeiae. A large supply of arms, and ammunition baa been ordered to Arkansas for the protection of the frontier. .... . ,..-. - -" The Expreaa mad baa been robbed on the mad between Natbville, Tenons see, and Louisville, Kentucky. A provision has been inserted in tbe Post Office Bill lately in Congress, directing tbe Post-Master General, to put a Mop to tbe Express Mail, as soon ss practicable. A royal edictin China, has put a check apoa the cultivation of Tobacco ;-becauee it is of ao value in au staining life. Amerienn Rail-Road Journal, if Nttlanici Magaiie.Vi9 have recieved the first number of the New Seriea of ihia scientific, and useful publi cation ; we can aafely recommend it lo the patron age of the public aa containing matter useful and interesting on subjects in which all are concerned : the prngreee of Internal Improvement, and tbe im provements in Meclitnica are particularly remark ed: It is published semi monthly at 95 per an num, in advance. We will forward tbe names and transmit the money for any who may desire to become aubscribers. The Yellow Fever haa again made ita appear ance in New Orleana, but baa so far beea confined lo the trannent population. G. A. Miller ol Davie haa been admitted to Su perior Court practice, and Junius M. Clemrnooe of the same county, to County Court practice. ceived the July number of this excellent, and inter esting magazine ; its table of contenla presents aa usual many interesting subjects,- tbey will be no ticed on our next. We publish this week a Card of the Editor to which we uivile the auWion of those who desire to become subscribers to tbe Mes senger. - A fatal duel took place on the 23d of Jane at New Orleans between two respectable young anen of the City it resulted in tbe immediate death of one on tha second fire. f fas .1111 (. 1.I4. ftc4l yr pa ifa pro- t-li I. j., l , r..i,' i fjVmt Ur. mk, la Havh U le sMi U mm r.i1 as re-v.i.f a tmtuf, m uiit ttins Um UWi I k . W ,.M p., Ikmt mlt ( at tra-. Ma aMfiUav V Ul twf let It mtf tew: Tha Is w r-rUi.f n Ttf fVarua, . sUa ihaaVy tt l.U 7 U a.v-la ' - 1 aa iwiiw m im iiaaa af U as aa fc X r-.wts isms aa aa Ualkok. U rwa wmif mmm aa aa Um kwaia a0 U sMhskMWMbiiMM 4 h m aV4 AMvket ffeM mmmlrt tk rki, a tU iUk I rra.rr Ummm m Km 0 wNltM oa tw Cass m tie nuaa naa raiaaa ia hmh tkm'k 4 ka m-Am. HmilU llmmk trm n Ma.a. sol trwth U- -sUaS mf lha K w af rWfc I'snJm" mm aa fcsase aT a-w shsfetaer. The Cm rt mm alaata baaw daa.d W Smmss a wTfal !- atWf B.sh M ca-nik. It MkifS Urn that tU paaaia .4 tk WasUr CswMx miuU bUtUpinMefasdMajaaamuia U kas bane Vmrm for aafal yeasa aaal will aaatie aa ( raar.taeMaaV.spM aaateajawt ha aaada an the ),rt- baa a Vmmrtumrmt Ufa paht-s tsaeaan pmM, aaMy UWy mmfU tm as alWad la pa; thelaaaaaiUaj - mrreary. Nnrusra fnfcf mnkm WJUtn prt ef U tMala BMia ss af BU Cmrwimm aad iMrpa nmaoaa4 wa can- aas say aa aay uw awl af om mum mm4 Ua. U Ike Bsahs amald pttaaaja, im M auasa af lha ! set of .Wa vaoHa, w d ml4 not ka gtrat, art rVey kaep u am UarJd ap aa lWi rsafta, sad ill foe the pm. sia M pev ml trt, as uW mm ajataa; w oT wks are m eMcwtala aataaaj na It Uansral jvr tana's m etrnbr was aay waras than ihia, I euHaas I raaaot dMcaaat a ham. That state af Usage caaaot emv te : tha Paka asaal SOW Uka aach saeney aa a Ue. as lUy bmssi taraash aw with a m-4,mm thai thy wiU UU ll inrt de not at toiaa&r.ly mi this saynrt. the aext Lrtslatnre aafit aa ado4 ataaawraa la force tVa la a cWaa ml law flf. It 4 o ly M njtrm, Imm aukj-et. hot aUara, tlat lta policy al the sUais ia tavy ssjajnoaa la the psaaiaad the W aa lerat'eeaHamj The traaarse for taa aUaksIa pnr aae as la reerste AmAk CmreUmm huX kt at l pay tWaa(. Aa fostaa tWy eolWt thaaj, Ut Ihaes be sent haaae, aad forra tha Moath Casoliaa Baka to r deeaa tVaj ia , ar ,rtWrs hsaak TW course waaU auaa thafa UW state af lliiao aad h tha rant of aiiMg taaaassrft af sUkra la Oa aoetde f .1 . . - . . . a a. m. a tax iv wre eaaaaira at ,-vsrra Caeaiiaa. -1 araa ya tim IrW raaaarka slh a vatw af caltiaf year sUsslaa, sad that af yaar raodara, la tha mpcL aXE Of Till TAX-PAYUUi "rest lia aJr4 Krgmtr f Jmlj X ' Ot t CXtTCROTY. TW tasar haast haarh esaaa, when lew arlklaa a a. peartaf in lha aapetx are read ah aWnrf lwl.no of Ibsm thaaa pHsIim Is aay Varverartv. aad. aa. pacielly. noCrxaaf s V serai si days. Ia the mmmm af saeay prrsoaai, Ihm raaaaabrsara an!! ha swsk'nedat thai Aasutvrasxy.saitacraTTvd anna tea. twvarty ar thirty yrrs snara. cVrn, aa lha hay -Say of yoath.laB.sa, recaavadrJat hsnDtsat the Lamtatma aad tartir,saUd im the eaetcBRjoal tha nria n Or, wnhoat haviag eampWkaJ iWrerlar CotUTaU;oar they aaay. aa asessWrt af eoaae ana of Ue Oasaes, have shajajd in the general eacaVaarntf aa lha welenajpe MaodaUosi at hit lmm ami bnabt ya gmmn pwnag ia la five a aew awpasas as the aWigaaea of stadioiM yaath. - - -VVe aaih raiaad hat tha late P a.aeaiB waa, of the ward, a tnbaras aahir ' Thi at vaaawa was taach rreatar than aswiL mast the esfeaatioae sraa aa have Mt a aVaaf tusraai a oa lhaaa who atleasM. act a) of tha teSelhaWaat ae-awira-.sMa el the Klaissaa. Wat of resected bnar wthy 0 tha diUsaaaVd la.Tsry revautioa, aaal sad Mtirilfvwee at the heads of the Cottar On Monday sad Teaa eawgs Baleet Oraiions wrrs eVhwerf by lh iUlcmiag gU?aar, vil : srmras na mondat triLvi.ta Law. Crabast, (DupU emmty- Tyler oa the TsntT . lE.l XltBVr. (Cnanlk, & C- Clsy au tha Efpajofwr Rejoiinna. 2. , X W. L Clark, (lUfh,) Gatoa aa Null.nca. 4. Fraaria XI Paianss (Aaaon,-'Oa tha intcllec laaJ characm of W aaaaa.' ' 5. J J. .ora. (GrrmviBa, a C-' Pickans oa the rort.bcatnsi BtlL & A Jaa O I1jt, (FUletgh,) - McDuflUi's lasa raral Address, s. ..... z, ..- 7. TW II JVrtW.tf'JT-Ikw.a Leah's EkctsM.' 8 Saaaaad IUH, (Wuainglu-'Oa the pleasures afCoUegeLdk' SPCKERS FOR TUESDAY EVEMXQ. L Jsa. H. lleaJrn. (Chstha.-Wise oa laveati ptwa of Cxeeative IVpartasekU. X Wiiusll htcLeod, (Juesuj-Weaste an tha rkh-TrraawryBiIL" X Walter A. Ilaake, (FiyertaviIWJ-CUy oa tbe RcaaoaaJ ol the Ihrpu-a.' 4. J. IL Mli!(Waiaa:tna,-Mcti(fieonda . & F.IL IUU(VV0sMjtHJliw,ollthe Ewht of mArwtlf Slaafws Tod K. CaUweil, (tWrte,)-Prealhajoa tha 'Con tested Msssimpni Dsjetaia. 7. Thosaas IX Mearaa, (WiIojuizVm,) Oa the 'Proapecisof tha Cewai a EJwin tt Thomsaon, (Oraage0-Oa tie -Tran-cendratal PhiloSDphy.' Oa Wedneadsy, AdIreaaea were delivered, apoa the in nation oi the tare Lumjj SwieUes, by William & Steps rd and Charles Msnly, Kaptirea, wbirh araspnkea of by tlMse, who hd the Tteaanre of hearing tlieni, i.i terew of joqcnl n-d admiratiun and ptsNu. We hope to ha Airashed with a mora particular accoant of Lhve Addressee far v next atpr. lha baste, with which thia aruclo wa prepared, pr -chad log a aaore extended notice of their aserna. We aaheratand that thev are both to he puhldbed. however, aaJer the direcUoa of tnsSooeOea. Oa Wednesday evening; Orations were delivered by uea, viz: 1. Wax. IL ITPheeters, (1UliHgh.-On the d'uad vuitares of an early entrance ieta PolOiea life. X taaae N. Tillet, (Qiaabeth City.)-On the pemi eisas mflweoce of great talents, Baeeconjpaqied by aanral mtejrrrty. 3. John W. Caaaeroa, (Hoots county ,-Ou Party opint. . - . j,-, , ,,. .,. Pride. . J.N. Barksdak, Tens. L Dt D. Ferelee,Cnitock. AAW-'Shouldtbe CofjatiUi'ion receive a atnet or libera con struction V Th, nradar wu Cisnmencenisat. aad the subjoined Schecae will show lha order of Exercises oa the oeca- rOSENOON. '1. Prayer. , . . Stlsurjr Oratioa ia Lata, by Green MCuth- ben.Newhem. .. ..; ft . .. ' 3. Oratioa oa the hnportaace of an exchanve sppli- cation to the proscribed coarse of Collegiate Studies, ay Josepa w. crass, iiaoeriand. 4. Oration oa the infloenre of Steam NavigaCoa 00 ' everr aeeaa & thtuia on t.'.aajj ia If.s l?.t-4 t t-sta f . .J I A ... k. tV. !'.. ft IV.'.,. S ll'.ia, ib avffiMs h.fl irfe t Urtj. ii.e. M I'UilicMna, If Hll V. liofgaya, IliiU 7, o,.i u h riowaaf tU we a sros c.iw U oaf Cmmiii, ky NradUm W. Hen tag , lmt .aUy. H. A Ih-tala mm lha aMrfwa. " IOmiuU lha ( WeHl T.r4.y W auliai.s! by lha liartad H.! r ay Cvtm rU a. f fiMMaviUa, Sad WU-un W. VVh.Uk-f,' Make caay ArTCK.0U.t. i L Ontma an lha rsaae al.N k kataretariM A mar ie a laratura, by AlWrt t) lluMHrd, laaharg. Orataai en lha minmxm of tMr Aatatiraa Ciat. rraaa oa laa U)-c of the Country, ky Jovph J. Jrksoatlhati4 a e-uury. Oataa mi tia aaiare aad UaJrar t of CuUvt Paw. by Ki.m II baa, T.rWu'. 4 thauoa oa the naaiaiy of educating rVmuWa Yaath at Aarthcra Inatrtaiiona, by Will not J. Iag, tUmaJf swi.iy. ft. Oataw m lha evttea! TwUlluM aad bleesaUaf V sad North Laid, hy IVaaisMa hL Itohaun. IUIiui. Vs. & OieUM en tha spirit ol lha America a Cover. a at. hy (;aujn IL Wiidar, Wske euwtty. 7. VslrJtory OraUua, by Wge JL Uavis, Wih oin(ta. .1 , hVvt a the PebliC axsmMMtaja. H. Usipssa a'aWiirrai. 10 Piayar. S-. . ! J ITKM. OF I.NTKLLIGF.NCK. iMtttk if tJkuUg. -Two ymtng la.liea.rlsoH. tore4 Mr. vViluara L, of hj-ariantwrg thai, went out, on yaarday eveuing, lo gather aoin. plume! while they were out, 0 HMndor ahowar a roeu, sod they look aheltar aoJor axe Iraes tbal were near at band. While they were there, be Iran under which tbry stood was struck by light sang, and, aad le relate, htb the young UJea ware struck dead on lbs sail. j A gen4Sema;i, wb wasataoding about lea pace from ib, waa a Wo knocked Ansa, but soon re covered, and bore the heart rending intelligence la the parents of the young UJiee. Medical aid at immediately called, aud every exertion need In restore animation, but in aio t tbi vital pirk had bccotneeitii-cf , aJ tbetf auoU bad wmged their wsy lo espanence the reali:iea of aitother worlds Rmtkttfordton tVss. II. The aitaainheat Tueaeehiebi, arrived at New Orleana n the 13th mat. witn 233 Bemmolea aud 30 nerroea. WhiUt off the Baltae, on the mora trig U tbe 1 1th taau she burst one of bet larboard aibtra, by whicfi aecihnt, nve men ware acakjed the first eagnueer anj a deck hand, aa rarely, A most painful event occurred Ltat erauiog at Weat Paant. , Three dauklerao( Mr Cotxena, who keeps tbe New American Hotel ia this city, went lo the riv er In hatha. Tba line waa low, and al toe place whacn they had chosen, the bank waa rocky and pracipttoua. The two youugeat found tbemat-lvso ewddvuly in tba midat ofa current, ion strong ( them to resist, iod were swept away frota the anore. The) eldest autar oaw I be in atniggiuig, anJ made an eSrt to save them. In dotng Ibia, she was also carried away by the current, ind all tbreepertaiied. They were very yoang, between the yearaf twelve and atxteeti, aa we are informed. Te how many haa the week which closes Ihia ereuiug' been a week of mourning New York asif J'ost , t "- Jaraaoaviixa, J see 21. 4, P. M. Atr aafuia Vjrkl. By the ateamer tiautee, wa have just received lutelligem-e of a bailie with iba luduuie, 00 ins dy btr.re yesterday, within a fee mth-e of NewuanMrille. Capt. Baal, of the Dragon, s), with 30 or 43 men, Lieut. Hone, of the seme ourp )ih I'd men, and yapf. " alker, a vol uotaer, Irii tn anh a booy of about 40 Indiana, who gave ihem a warm salwia. Waikr waa killed, and a of Beat's couiu-aod wfre wounded. Five hoiaea were killed-among them Boat's and Howe's. Several Indiana said to bo killed. Um. Taylr,With mi companies of men, arrived1 yesterday at Black Creak, and wa trust he wilj som tench the savages butter maonira loan to crowd rheinstvef thus iota Civilized aociety. Great iaaaJution, ana! Jemtrvetion of Ike public works ia Ptnniiylvamia. In conMuence of heavy raina, a prtidigioue riao of tho Juiata look place 00 Tuvisday tight laat, a bich has done vast mischief to private property, and tba Pennsylvania Canal, ajd destroyed several lives. Thirty-three .miles of tbe canal, 00 this side of nollidayaburj, are rendered usclcaa, or almost totally destroyed. Three dame, thre locks, three bouses, aqueduct are destroyed, tbe canal towing path swept away in many place, and the canal completely filled up, beaidee other damage. Tbe expense of repairing a estimated at $400,000, and it will probaly require four weeka. The railroad also ia much injure Great mischief ia likewise done to private property, and U the towns on tbe river. PARRICIDE. kef with Tbe public sensibility ia but rarely ahock tiiia hJrribl crime. A late i'uj'ace, however Im occurpd at Kaltimore, the details of which are giv en irttiin pnr ol tl.at city. It wji tlw case ol Benjamin Stewart of tambridge, Dorckeater coun ty, Md who waa ahot, stabbed, and k icked wilb a hatchetby .hia aon- Wm- Mewartr 9 the night ol Tbursdst lat, in an unfreq iei.tod portion of tbe City. The son has been arrested. "It eppegrsjhitJrpmiaeffajr William Stewart, the son, and bia wife, had been in tbia city for some days boarding at the house of Thomas Stewart, iha brother of the deceased. It waa anderatood thai the father and sun, were to have left here for Cambridge in Friday's ateam boat, for the purpose" of closing their affaire there, and then to return and depart for the West, where .... 1 f n u . A between eleven an-l twelve at niant the son came in alone. Oa the following (Friday ) morning the son left in thu stesmboat, ana Mr. 'I uomue Stew art, not seeing the Cither, waa under I lie impression that be bad also goua in the steamboat, aocording to the arrangement refered to. I; waa not un'il he saw the cor pie tu Ihn afternrnm and indeiitified it to ba tbe body of bis brother by tba clothes, that ha waa aware he bad not left tha city. . ; William Stewart, tbe son, wss arrested on the ' return of the Steamboat on Saturday afternoon from j Cambridge, and waa carried before Police. Magis- trate W. A. ScTiaeffjr, Eq. On examining hia person spots were found on his pagtaloooa, to abich '. Ai. H 1 ' t. 1 1 I I I I j 1 1 . j )!. (:.' "!!,il!'f ' ' 1 flU III t MiKf . uiii'ig an aoix end a ursrrnii. In ih I of bis ht an f oihJ a 1 ! 1 l.s fl!,. r, J I only ao lha I t'U inat., b( to bisa a In t of &f acrae iaT lanJ. ' . A pairraT pia olt waa pmdod by 1i ywU, abich William, tba son, bad tft ia Lie hta, 004 of w'.i k waa Lsaiad to the munle, and l,s otber , as if diai barged, with pan prn and hsminet i-u. Mr D.ake, hardware dealer, leatirW tl .l Will, iaro Btawtrl was the man wt purr based id him en lha afUmoist if Thursday, Iba bsirbet which hd been f KjrMl near IN uiurdrad body, W 1UU111 tStewart adnnllej that be bs l bougM hatchel of Drake, al the lime apif.!, but that ha had pWged il with Mr WbilaUy, la Pratt Straet, )fka taatiM thai the hatchel eolj oTborwisy waa lha only one sold by bint for soma days, and thai be alms sells thai kind. TU stamina 1 toe was tlm4 by sending Willis a Stewart In BftaitSI. " . '1 1'l eft j ; si ( ,'l 1 ll a a .' a f a'i'-jsj tl.l tn ,; 'fainboaf , bo hi ! ti'-'t lie a, . I I ' p"-k' t. and I I bit t ' We haer thai the womaa under arrest has made diw ltaaiiea, implicating ima or two w4 bars U the iiHinlrr. A mrrirm. - "- '1 1 . ! BgfTtf - l.MIEJ IN wr.DUX IC, la Davlaeoaaiy, aaar I "Waa at Gar4a,oa tha5flk" altiroo. ay J.wph Hall, Ran, Wr. TIIDMAw ilN. m DRIChlo to Mwe KATHARINE BhtOOT. DEPAalTED THU LIFE, At KiadarhaiA. ealhe 10th in-t, Man JAXE YAt BURr-N. water of the Prsdsat of the Usitod Butea,' ; uilhaoOt year of her age. nil 1 it 1 iBn-.r 1i i a aJ Juuaaaaaatapjaa .MalUUurY FriUAle Acadcmr. 'PIIK Annoal EfSmmalma of tha Psmla of this laatitulion, will eoMmence at hall past aina or lor k, on Tuesday 7th August, and dose 08 lha following day. Parenta, GuardUne, and frieoda id Ihe Pupils with those of tbe Institution, are resjccifolly inri led In atlenL ; Mas. HUTCHISON beg Wave to axpresa her grateful ar know led gaiMMitS for Iba ganefous pata- ' sgs berscbuid hasroMioued to recelrej and to ear,, a afLirde bar wnfrigoed pleasure In inform tba pub lie, tbal lbs Departmnot of Jlaalr, la now under . the "Very aMs sopenatanrlsaoa af Miae Eaia J. Bisxa. front Cuhinibia, who is' prepared to give) loatrucii-Nis oa iba Piano and Guitar, not only m , " during the Soaatoni lha Aesd-tny, but also, dur mg the Yecatiim, fa such Pupils as may reaia W Wiabury. - T . Being compelled by lha long Continued aud dis tressing indiapiwilioa of kef young aon,lo haatrii to New York immediately after bar 8rssioo cbawa, t Mrs. Iluichinm earnestly soficiia all, who hare not already settled their bills of Tuition, to do an, as 4 it may suit ibeir omvenience, as any delay anJcr rirrumataucaa so urgent, will be to her a source of pMgtejtf regret. . ' Haliabury, July 0,J 438. 4t HTlaA.MQO A.T 'A!fBOHe 4 X npiUS new and substantial Steam Boat, Coppera 1 and toppsr fastened, bailt sipresatv for tha ' trade between this plsrn, Georgetown and ChtrWs. ton, will in a very short time ba is readiness to raas ceive freight. .. 8hiprs are eonndeutly assured that in cases of a brw river llieir goods will not be detained, as a sufficient number of lighters bare been provided to "" insure the delivery of goods, directed O ba ship. -ped by Ibis boat. J EL! GHEGG, Lpreajderit .of Jlm.banty ; andPUnteraR B.jCom psny. Cheraar, July 4ib, 173. . Cl . I 1ST OF LETTERS remaining ia Ad ihn Posi-Olfice, al Lawrenctvillt, Moutgoras ry County, N. C , . J John A rjdVewfcrtrwtl T. Berrtotffjessa Brnwhr Mary lWxleyrThnmaa Botter,-SenM-E.-D; Bur rage oc Uo ttenjamin V uerry, Jun neuoen Duatoo, Francis J. Ueaton, Willia Elkins, Joaiah Fraxer, Angua Gillis, James F. Harrel, Leonard 7 Hudson. Joshua Hurley, William Harris, Eiq., Joiin B. Killey, Peter 0, Lilly, Nathaniel Macon, William McLeod, Edith Mann, Duncan McKte, . Wm. B. Oliver, CaMWall P. Pool, Jesse Prichsrd, MV W.- Smart, Giltey Singteto,-' Joseph. ""'Bhemn,'" Benjamin Scarbrouah. Frederick STeed, John 8a on- " ders, Patrick Thompson, Rebecca Wilson, Thorn." : as L. Young, Henry Yarbroufth. ' - SAM HAN, r. Ir July 4, 1838. ; LIST of Letters Remaining in tha Post Office al iVxiagfoa, V. C. . Jesse Alberison, Geraldiaj Anderson, George Bouris, Ssnd) Burkhead, John Barritt, Jacob Bur. ly, Mack Crump, David Cof.rad, Elisabeth Carrick, Elinbnth Darr, Wilis Ellis, James Ellisa Isaac Greer, Isaac Griee, Joeeph Gordon, Petei Gibson, E'lZbulli Galiimoro, David HufTinon, Geraham Hunt. J. F. C. Hutman, Jesse Holloa, Daniel lied rick, Elixnbnih Hedrkk, John W. Jarratt, William Kennedy, Enna. Lanning, Jacob Lawrence, Alex. Michael, John Mikel, Henry Milkel, Daniel Noah, James wnn, Barrel Rush) Volenlioe Ratts, Hiram -Rattles John Sowers, Philip Sowers, John Sanders, 1 01 r n a u.nL. GLu. Tl t jacoo rnosi, tHisper ouuin, maiinow moon, a Mrs. fliifTrraiii. Himpaiinr Iliildah Si George W- Thompson, Christian Warner, EJora WkJ, Jacob Walaer, Gramliaon P. Wall, Thus. Webster, Francis Willimns, Heor? Walser. r M. R0UN3AVILLE, P. M. July 1, 1839. ?.r c . 8t ; ur Suruir and Siimmtr of- Jo. nOK lCD II. BEAKD, Tailor, RESPECTFULLY informs bis friends and the public, that be still carries 00 the TAILOR. ING BUSINESS at bis old stand on main street, next door to the Apothecary Store. He is ever ready to execute Um ordera of his cuatoroers in a sty be aqd maimer noi surpassed by anyjrorkroaa in the westeni partfjf the State lie isla the re gular receipt of tba Intra London and New York. FASHIONS, and prepared to accommodate tha tastes of thn fashionable at all tiroea. " 0 Culling garments of all kinds attended to promptly ana the latest l-ashions fornished at all tirnea to country tailors, and instructions given in , cutting. .(.Salisbury, Jan. 1, 183&

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