' r f aw romc " c V i trxr.;,;i. "nat tar triiM t ' i fm lis S&mtSa Jltrmrf M' grr, . . "TUP. fcUM Of LUX." frrUf f ,IJ. wl.oa ! trJ algl.ll . All mm wy in mm, - ErtnfM fro all l.w' Vl,rm, Vutm4 I ill lhl IW, Who a4 WMb flr I '! BjI dalvei M lb Vphe ti.1, " Awl fu('4 ti tb Oil I MM IM W UiW Uid c flt Pvatk' M1ata rt of frtrtm rw AM bmI Ue out Ui ln. Iwaf pf worn, bm aJ brt Wua lik (hi nu In in III n. Cling m-t where am ft jin at xrt, Die If tint light 4 live Cm I UU Una1 1 f r- l- br Are W47mhiI, rd inr, GuVrej lo buj lru4 ( Here rUr ltjtft rif ilf Wax cbweka, how living, tn lli ru, Their gkjrj lafrtd to da " Lwr at Urn, (wlib tbnugU Via! 4awii4 fniw U if l.m T I' wl fUmnm bath it tuBbl, Alofting f thai rpa!rai crn I The apir lUmnwvui d-il. And ) l the ti'! f fvle, ll absent wad in f"-ir P'lng boov thy lltoutflila, rH Com i(h me, Aadwe'wber til Id prut ntuat l Beard r U tun, lui'k her j"Ad rrnf, fVo with wowy plume, Tail f'jLt lu lb u-U'' Mil Coot and bk duB Mm- Ijr l'ib KImII fcold lint i.J Uijr gl.rfi" all : Tin biuftitj Wow lh itMiily fffi.- Tb arii dfj4 lli .ivl fn Ar lf"Jlllr but I drilh t Ai uillimM Ihi lic t,ill I k Hi'- An tfijrril, tiut Ix-r lliry 4" p, ihJ tr Dm- f lurjr lixl ll' m Urtib -T A Bcrvpulont Y'tMU. An eiiunrnl U)rr VM tmplty-i in an idiun pnuiM dm pniririir U lb Koc kmjfiim eM4'b. On llw prt if I lie ik) koAutt, lh cbmn eillrd. (imt , lia in chWf Wing wW, he ulr, , Vttfef' cruM-xniinilinn, liiiifi( In M ui tli f ir'fiigf f oC Ll ri(ht baixi al llie iIim-, iih) nMitfhin)(o a Hprti' antwer loru r) (jtMMtiun, lo4 R4 to talk aknnil ImI h iihkIiI tlimk tha cuHton inaiil. h or-rtira llio; I mi drivt Iba Rockincliam omcli f ' Nn,ir, I (l imit Wkr, ntan did ywi wl Irll my krwd bro'hrr (liii hxHirtnl r ., air, I did mtf. ir I pul il loyou upon yur 011I1 (Ik yrai hk dn tha Kurkirnfliim coacli r u, air : I drita llie boraea.' An honait clerpj maa in iha country tn rrpri maading a marnrd cxiplo fur iU rri'ini'iii ilnwri dona balwafn llMin, whicli were ry iiulxf.iiiiinjr inibaeyr of Uxl nun, arvm thai linn rer brxa one. " Uh uim! rrxd lu iiuliMl arcra you In corne.by our duor aonieluiH'a, yuu would think aa were twenty. - An Irithman'i Rrnlf.lnrA Si. John brirtf mna tuna aan in want (if a arrvanl, an IrMlimiin pflrtd Inl arrvirf , btil briqir naked hal r-xinlrv a 1 i 1 . Ili man ha wa. tnpwrred an i.nijiniiiiiaii. urn Wf ra you iMtrnT anid hit lord-dun. 'In Irelaml n' Dlaevoorwirahi,' id I he man. ' llu iIm-ii Can you ba an Englinhman V aaid lii liirdnliiji. Mv lord.' milled the man, 'aiH.aen mm U.rn in I KaWa, llial'i no rum I luuld be a hurac.' air-The Now Yirk WUg rivm m romanlio arcount l a l"e allair between n uirrti ber of tha New York L'tfultturewrMl the Cli tin bermaid of tha ll4el where he bMir.loil, Sim ii 37 veH of ace, beauliful and aibiublr. 'Die yn gialator wa amilten ai finl aighl, rinI prpMd i tv avoouipaoy Jieriojua llxlr-a, - SiieiMnied ihe-caar 4a tba iaiMlrdt wixt advtaed war U -ax-i uw ni- filationf which ahe did, At tha Ihrairr, lli worthy leciiltlor prorcMMd matriinmiy. "Hie maid nfuaed. ffivina excellent n aMn. Iio a.nd ln w W9 " daughter ware educated? and ahe wna 1101 ; lic waa poor, ha wealthy he) would le mibj- cted to tha riduuleor bia Inendi, and hit wile hnd not been dead t year. A few dnya nllwhe aj;nin prn. poaed and waa again rolWd. U'ldnwrr are prr erering fVllawt, and a third lime the irn'mlier wa if bar fee', lie could 1 ot ieUl In t iinaMuiniiii; grace aod aA allureivnia lie bow olf rrd lo dir. Diali her with etery thing alie mitfht rrquire, U be waa again fiinied J nr rather, aha tiJJ him o con lull hia friends He did ho camlieit ; many of bis btnlbejjoember" atrtted Ui wretch ed condition and waa advised lu leave Allmny im- rnediately. . Nolwiihctandiiig all thin, lie returiM'il lo th6ir chamberniaid he reluctuntly consul ed, merely to prcaerve hit acitaen, and they wen married. " A man praiaing ale, anid it was excellent drink though taken in great quantiiiea it aUnva niide him fat. " 1 have eeen it make yuu lean," replied the other. , , TooA Ache. The fillowing 11 m'hI to he a " cure an inrttllihlo one"; aime person ttiink : To a tcibl-iiXKM)ful of any kiwi of apiriu, and . . the tame, qiianlity f aharp itieHr, mid a tea- 1 aooonful of titute auh. Mit Inoiii wiii togriiner ; m held tha liquid iq the mouth ao thnl it can enter the cavity or hollow in the tooth. It will pye al W inlantneou relief without any increaao id " Iin. . . ,.. IHgVj Important," Stop fcer ! atop her ! atop ateamer, af.er tho boat hnd been Miinelime under way t " I've left my briwhen on shore J" How many men there are of treiuendou imKirtHnce in their '-- wn-eimatiimrwhwthmk; the world w coming to n eud, if they happen to leave their,, " bruahe on ibure. "-f-Botton Traatcrij. .-f ' - -. " Jejuni Right. 1 highwayman and chimney iman were in ds noiiEcu ai 1110 woim be . hanged i me aame unin , When Ihey cme t ine pwcw 01 etecuiiou, mn highway nian pushed poor mlerkiqot uf the way, hlA U'. Lawn hie dilnnce. Sootcrkin, with Bmner anirit. reulied w heng me if 'l do I have aa food 1 right to be hero u you.'.' Qir.te.ori.irf Uit,. .iWp M IJrj.fri.i.ii', Ida ml') fey "Il nlr, lla rejily. "TMn," al h. "I al, H It thai, m- it m Mr. IVirikin'ttua." A !(! 4tr (J ultf, A fffain juMire lha rar wi.J ririly har of ll MMa him, ifu u iUiji fiiJid (ma, . aaid, lu raf tMh atoVa. Jlrtt! MirJff.J) Thurwlay, lha II ia4 Mr, Juwa U lUrd, if lt.iuiil. awiul l.mi,.ln, la tin chilly, riMiiiniind N jil.ujun lha rharga if haling murird hie owu (iMiural) child, a by ahMi; ihff jrara i4'l, Il avart llml Id mgM lrrNwa Il HH'rilrr, ba iihI iIh child alpt in lle mi mi U-l ! in lha Inurnm l ari, Ik k III rlnU wul lo lh wil plare, krd II diwn, and then til il b"al tii ailh an a. A iiiiiula afterward lit child waa iliartrrH in lh Mlualitm, alrt-ady dead. ItulUrd waa iiiiiif lnkly rliarKl l,U lha comai"n "f lh" rriine, he on (rmm d Dial lie del l, in nriW that he milil I" liunjf i 'hat h waa lirtd f livinf, ai d h.in ial hiiiii allenipl.! lu roniuiil m il, bl hi rirfira'- Iway failed Mm, alxl It cajld WA f on (ili.li hi .l'Tl. iMiprnJ he wi uld m.w lie buiiy, bihI irl rid of flii world. Il la th'tugM hy many lha! h utut.-Grttiuhurg (I'u ) Argus. 7r Imag innioa.- The Cvuhy .f irraeinaiion i 1 1 gn-al aprmg f lnnnan a'iivily, ami lit prn. rijMil rr if liana n in proxriM iii. Aa il di lilii n prfiliiij( lu lha luind ai eix ai.d chararlrra iimre prrfe I than Imm Inch w aie aqiauiid with, it preteo' u from ever heinjj conipli-lrly aal- in-d with nur iraul cundiliou, or ill our iwal aliaiuineiil ; bimI engagea u cmiinually to I he pur. oil id anuie uu'liid eiijoy niil, or of iw I'h al rlleni:. Il'me I lie ardurof ihe aelfi.h I" !' Ii-r thrir fortuura, ltd lo add In their k i ill in ronpliluiiiila ; ind hrrx lh iral ( ll.e a'riol and the plnioiolter t1' ultaiM-e I lie virlu ami die liwp'ina of lb human riff. I r. v llii l.irul iv, ami iher diii'Mi of iim'i will h.'oiit ai u- InHiaf) a that ot I he brulc. Duguld Sltirarl. U'hen yu are al hurth gn to aleep Sunday I a nny M rel. iMiTici:. titalr of .VnrfA Carol nut, Mnlgitmrry rovny L'UU.NT to not.ee prevMHj.lf (fivn, a recta III nutlitier of Ihe Lltili li" bfaeveral tl i-l rn-f a lur! I III houw ol ( i(f l- C 1 . n llie IU'Ii I Mv. 1 Jr, kx die purmae of Uknif min cn.i.lrtHioii tin cipoblenry i( pe.ilximiiir tin1 l ir.Ui'ire l'.r a .Ii.khni ol ilia ciiuiity U Muui(iaiM-ry. I'iri. I'iam 1, Iku. wa rlld In llie Clmf. tnd lnvin ' .lninil llie '.! j'Ct ol I'll' MK'e iik, a (iiiiiniltea mi '.iiil. .l, rim. Klinf l.f llie follow uir naiiieil I'riilli-n.e'i : L K II.. nevrul, Y . !'(. J. f'.K. J K' ImUII, K-) , .M O. biKirne, II. Ilearnu, M. lljrJ, I'. Nmilli, tnd ,M ShI-. 'I'll CiHnmilt'-e hnnnj liken 111U1 cooi.li-rali..ti II.. Il BilmlitHi ol Im-I 'ounly, aa Im-iiit uearly iiiil) diviihtl 111 territory an I population by llie frill Vailkiu or I Vile II 11 r ; and ilia., llie IkiIi.hi ol the ('on my Seat a heinir plcd lo an-l a lull, or lliri-c imlu KtI, of and Kiv. r, thereliy unburn; an annual til ot little lew than It-'hUI, f. .Ttir, on tint (tortinn f the Connly on the Weal aide uf llie Kutr in allemliiig Court, SlC, reported the following reiMilulion, hicli waa uninitiiiHwIy adoptrd : RinJttU, That It would be gretlly tn the ilvanMr of the ('ititen In have Mid County divid'-d, ami that application will, llierrdire. be mule lotlie neat latureuf Nnrih Carolina, for ilun-ion nt .MuiiIdimi iv riMinly, ll.e Vadkin, or I'edee liivcr tu be llie line. July a 1-aH. 41 Mnliabury 1'rmalc Acadrmy, I'llE Annual Et.iiiiialn.n of llie Pupil of thi lualilution. will lake place 11 1 the Prealivlerian Church on lha 6th and O1I1 of Auguat. Panmi mid (jiiardiaikt, and fiaand ol llie blu.lenl ai.d ol the Seminarv, nre-ffeaiecifully luvilod 10 attend. Ma. HUTCHISON U-k leave lo expre her jrati ful aiknow I'-dveiiM-iit fir llie geucrou pair.n. H(e her arhool ha coiitmued lo receive; and lo iv, it all irH her onfi iind pleamire jo inforiu the poll he, thnl the Department uf .Till if, i nw under lhe very aide aupenntendanctj ol' Mim Kit J. UMea,fmni CVdunibte,--wb-r peepnretl tn jw Inairticlioii on the Pi nun and (unl.ir, not only il.iri.nr iIih S'iiHiof the Acaileinv. I111I n)i. ilnr iiv tho Vacation, to uch Pupil a may rcihuin in 'v.iliabury. Ueing compelled by the long conlintied aud ilia iresatnit iii(liniti(.ii of her young son, to hasten to New lurk immediately alter her S snon clone, Mr. HulchiaoM earneaily aolicil all, w ho have not lrendy vettled their bill uf Tuition, lo do no, at it may uit llieir convenience, a any delay under eircumaiance no urgout, will be to her u aource ol jHiiiirin' regret. Salisbury, July 0, 1 3. 4t HE iuiiMWHihilily of carrying on ihe W'Htchiiian rn it imiuIiI to be conducted w lule hom-iii on collecting etH'!itioiM, and the iniMifiibilily ol'lou- .it loir.g u ithoul the large amount due me lor ait ear ol labor, have determined me lo sell the en- mhlinhment at the end of the present. The tub- script ion hut about EIGIN' lit NDRED, and on tkf increane, nnd the Job Printing and Advertising amid forai hMHi FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS year. A ientlenian ol latent ami a aounn wnig hall havo the paper on "Ike moj liberal termi. I would not willingly let it go into any other aervicr. An early application i requested II. V. JO.NhS, Editor and Proprietor, Snli hurv, June 23, 183. I T ItIK I IVLI aud fur aale, whole. nle or retail, 5.' bags Cdfae. 1(1 tihilx. MoliiH.-iea. S do. Sugar. . 100 sack Liverpool Salt, l.irge aizes. 10 000 lbs. Canting-, ass't. 2!i kegs Nails. 2000 lb. Ihr L-ad, 2 hhlabeat Dutch IMadih'f. 3 bhl. Lonf Sugar. 30,000 lb, of wagon Tire Mould, Scollop, Roll- ed, Scollop, and common bur Iron, By J. Af W. MURPHY. Salisbury, June 26, 1 338. rI0 ItUAT, For tha next six uionths, two - rooms, the old office of Ihe " Carolinian M lerma, cheap, apply at t hia office June ?., It 3d. ir fnf, !,, II l it 1,-1 rry linn f u.ii nnd a nin.Uf lVHi:i:rA,frriain jer.a l.ae l' ' ll.e t..l..l U W' I l "1 l' 4 ("' -4'1' lin pad, with Nrl i r N i' 1 ari. ! r.p. 1.0..., iimJ tripling thai lid MllK i", f l,iHii, atiiifly Vxr.y lha lh, p' ''' nxrouM al haM, f -h lu.h d by awl 'ik the adtiea'i n frm-J. It pn: lha " j lnslhrCre,i. 1.1 pnd.ihil aidlofirn atllle a hn ha U n, or n In raftr ihua rngar . from d u g lha ean-e l'iM ' ', '' lit atrfleal I'lMlly of lha law. 1 would remark, ". thai ! ! " l . iihjectiou of any r enibman of Udy , f pari of eutb, lu 6-h wnb ll-Ua end tnre. ai any li. M M. MM AY. IS Ol (O- .fio.T.tut'i: HIMll -Cfl W INDIAN Ct'ttK for TOOTII-Al'llft 'IMIK aatabliahed rrputalMii ainJ ulantly ' craing demand fc.r ihia ellual reudy ol ,mai.d prrarraliaf lha Trelh, ha mdurml the auljarnher lo ofW il In the American I'uWir. trrai.fenMtiU he been w.al Inaopply agenia in all iIh principal riliea and town of the I'. Hlalea. iaa lo place il wilhio Hi" iai h of iIm eulli-r .ng, and likely lo euhW, ith lh moal harramj. d all !, (tooth-ache.) M'Ui applied artor linn lu direction g n on the hulile, il ha nei laded lo alJord innnrdiatc and jemian-nl relief. Il ala.arrel lha decay in nVfrf ue l ih and re lievea that aorenea which ao frcqm Idly render a lrorig lootll uaeleaa. The applualion and remedy are airnple, inno end, aiid not unpleaaanl ; and the large number id (eraiaia, hi tirKio aeciNtM of lh einlry, thai have already etprriewed au'h d i;hiful ainl m iiiary benelila from the ue of lh Halm, are r if dv in beer (for the public good) thnr leeiiuiony I" il unrivalled qualiliea. Il la au Indian remedy, obtained ainyu!lrl am' iineipe-lelly, and may be rejfiirdtd hy the i ivili uA world a I he moat valuable diacovery of lit Ked Man of (he Viida. II. B. MONTAtil'K. FeteralMirir, Virginia, l"eh. VH, u I'KICK 9I I'KIl VAtmiJL i'iri;Hii iati:t imn.HA.M ,tii;iii( i.m. 1 1 HT received, and f.r mU at TIIIH III r l( K, Die lolmwuiff luva unble relent I'rii.-aaiHl .vie licinei, vizi lioxrua ii's VI'fJKTAHI.H TONIC lil T TKItS. roa Till . y - i, ...... , , , One Ifcitlle of tin Medicine Im never la-eii kmiwn to lail lueikctiiitf a uerh cl cure. Al h al , 1 .1 11.. 1 i.v tira.ai fMirrhiaimr aiul iiMin-r llu Iwlli-ra. aott , .. , ire Hot aatnlted a lu lla ell. ela, hy relurniu( llie lioltle, ahall have bnrk the price, 9'i jrr Ilottlr. Antl-Spaemodlc Tincture, or For I 'mrrlMi-u, in all ol 11 vanoua lorm, !) .iilHrv, ('nmp ('olic, Cholera Morbus, Aiaii Cholera, After 1'aiu of Lying-in Feiimlea; ind in tin it i the Mother' Comfort, in iliut it i the tcry beat 'preparation for the aunimer di-aea of children, that ha yet been introduced into llie chunilier of the ditreed. rRltK.7.1 CENTS I'ER DOTfLE. Hoiinparlr1 (f'nnip) rxpuiigiitg MIXTUKK. FOR KXTUACTINO (ireaae, Tar, Turpentine, I'ainl, OiIm, iVc. Iron Carpet, Fluor, Cloth, lldta, and Hilk hy which CihiI I'ollarupe inude to look a frvah uuuy mri of the ("oat. PRICE 55 CENTS PER I'd) TPLE. OCT Direttioti on eiich Itutiiu for uaing. UO WILLIAM W. fi RAY'S ly aluihj: oim i:t, For Ulccrt, Tumours, Vc. Can note bt obtained of the fHtlenlrr, at ike ojicr of Ike Ralcigk Register. Hingks IVrt, I didlar One Hnten,' rlnrlar. WILLIAM WY(.RAY. Riileiph, October 8, 1H36. Ihe ulxie Medicine i for 1'ile in SIibury al the Store of JOHN ML'RPflY For five or six yean previous to the Spring ol l?3l,a Negro man of mine had been. much afflic ted w ith an ulcerated arm and hand, which render ed him almost uncles. The ulcer embraced tlial part of hi arm from the elbow down, including iiis entire hand, which was htcrnlly a mnss of pu trefaction. A joint of one finger, and a part of the thumb, perished aud ilropl off. A more distressing and hipelca cane I huve never beheld. It was ttbandonod by his phvsiciuns as incurable, except I by amputation of the hand. I he best medical treatment Irflving failed to re lievo llie man, I pluced him under the care of Mr. William W. Gray, in thi place, who, with In Ointment, ha eflt'clually cured the case, although the Negro wa frequently absent, for weeks and month together. He hn liccn entirely well for ihe IhM eight months, and I have good reason to believe will continue ao. WILLIAM BOY LAX. AXOTIIKK CJIUUT CUKE! Raleiuh, September 21, 1S3H. I am now 59 veara of age when in my 17th ycarri-rocfiutid-j came ulcerated, and continued so until Ihe first of i from tlO to 15 ; COLD (up shaft) GRINDERS March last. It .. old occasionally heal up, and ' $20 a piece. then break out Bgain but most of the time, it was The Subscriber hopes ny close attention to laisi in a very painful condition, the sore having extend, j nesn, and his determination to furnish none but ihe eu to a large size, ana oecome very neep. I tried many remedies to make a cure, without success, until I applied Gratft Invaluable Ointment, two JM&i'X w tliSi? -,ave elTecluallycured my leg, and reduced it to us riaiuraT sir-rUrWuTo" have lieen made much sooner, had I strictly at tended to the direction! for the use of the Ointment; hut this 1 failed to do, while I took much exercise, and very imprudently used tight bandages. Mv leg has been well for more "than six mouths, during which time, I have walked much, yet it remains firm and free from all soreness or inflammation. After having been afflicted for a period of forty-one years, I now enjoy the benefit of a sound leg again, LEWIS HOLLOMAN. Jl supply of the above valuable Medicine kept cowUanlly for sale at THIS JJTUC& xrcKWiTii5! ANTi-DV rnTic 1.1 IR III. Cur. ,4 lne-l rvrry aarirly t-ffunr. I ,H,. ....rtlrr U II' fiioina h, Il-.w. l., I ..Jh-Unl au.'b a heart.Uiftt. ,,,,,-ijKa.lh.l.n ami di-triile 4 lha Ho- h U,.el.,i.i,i.i di.nh.a.r.lf, n-i- Irwe, Itilaluat C-Mewe. "- brail . h. 4 .V WM, P7 ' m(' h r,N...t.l4 e,irrt t-1 enlee d-rmg I rg . ... . A ...lii.tent m.lioenieiil, rlving H a- nr al I he rtonMicl, laead-arh, larl Urn and nnj. ,lh im.W.tal nervouofl-cli Lilriary nn, Himlrul. and -! o"r Vt bile, HikI iIk-w ery ciewenvr m. ITf-e. whn in. .lulg l . Irerly in Ihe pleanirr of tin Tald. TuhI edy relief from Ihe arr- of irrH-i and I die. leniion ahub bdh-w, by lading lb Pill. A e Pttf I'M they are-invaluablr. 1 boa wb are drMiking Mitral W ater and panirularly iIm (nmt tWl.ern chma'ea and Afue ami rrvrr die. irn t. aill find them a valuable adjunct. Th.-e Im ar e tuned lo lie ticiMludeof wealher, n voyage or j.airney, can lake lhm al all linea iih a ff. aafi ty. In full d.ea, they are a high Iv eirnariiaia and aafe Anli liiUoua Midicin IVy irldom or nrvtr produce wckitae al ihe ! mat h or griping. Their efficacy ilrrfifily alleged bv rertififile Ir. .111 lh folb'Wiug geuili inen, vi : lli.lmp ve, Hrv. Ir. Mcl'herlen, llev.li. H . Freemrn, U 1. II. T. I'.liike, t;v. Irei'ell, lion. Il'-t.rr I'-uer, II. hi. (i. I). Ihulger, ll.m. Richard llnv. Th. V. iK venut. I'lioaaor Amleraiajl, in. Hill. Kq.. .Setrelary . f Male, W in. H. Mhoon, IUq., late Tteaaurer, Jaa. Grant, Kq . late 'iMi.plri.H-r, VV. II. i;.iea, , of the Iteialer, ("apt. tiuHHi, IU. I, Dr. H.C. Ihmd, Dr. K. Cnihy. Dr, J. Y. Young, Itcv. V. I.. Ilattki, it. Ample lirv-r tioiia B.iMi.tby earh Itol. Tlteae l'i!U are f..r aal", by appnintmeni in al ni.l eerv Town in the I'niled .Slate, aiel II kotr mi If ami lUlml by ihe KtiWnlura, In whom ap licaliooi may lie mad fr Ajtencu. TIIOM AS I.. Jl Ml', (.en. Agent. lt.il-iCh. N. ('. (Jr r dutr trttl of ike Vrtilytrrmn t'kvrrk. Tkf ahxtr Mtdicint irj ' rnntlanllfi n knnd en. f. mlt t TlltS OF FIVE. THE CATAWBA SPRINGS. f IIC Proprietor ot tin e.liblialuiH iil ;iea no lice, thai he 11 repairing and tilling il up at ciHwiderable etpefiae, and in a aoperior atyle, and i ! liavu ii ready fur Ihe recepiion of coiiiimiiiv l ' the 50th ol May. II l uluul.d on the ureal liot , ... 7 . c . , . 1 , , , ' . I.mcn nlon I" Aalmlle, c. ; (d afu'f uatnng Ihrre ' . r e rrery day in Ihe trerk but one.) 1 ho cou..lry tr.'und i broken nnd provrrUally hrulthy, and !- lib a tho uiinerul pr.pertie of the watera, there re iikiiiv in.liiceii.enla In luin ihe alteiiti.Hi of in valid aud oilier tomiid 1I111 place, lla protiiut iv to lh lower country llie ( lien poem ol living the etrelleuce of Ihe nrighboriiig aociety the iImiii'Iiiikt o game Ihe rich field alFirded In aci eiwc ejie iiilly lo Mineralogy and II Many, are liii'H not lo be ovrrliMiked hy the travelling world. Hut u i in the .Vliiicrai qualities ol'lhr tprlnga that the grrat nllrnniou to ward iln i( c.nxi.l. The Proprietor Im imi tnggerated lial of 1 urea to pi.-aeul to llie public, lor he hu JiihI lukon xjTnion, nor would he deem 11 a compliment either to tho good taste or sagaci ty of lh public, to preaenl au ,1 if be hnd Ihent. Ii.it he Im ihe uaHiiriii.ee of aoiuc of the iiuwi m eulific Ph) xciaii and Clieuut, lu the mre and valuiiblc prnjiertie of theae Spring. In 1MVJI Profenor Olmnied (now of Yale College) innde a -Iricl auiilviii of tins water, uud pronounce Hi foreign ingredients lo be Hulikuretled Hydrogen, Sfljihute of I.m.r, Sulphate of Magnctia, -. . Jluriute of J A me. Fur a more extended niutement iee hi geologi cal RefMirl of North I 'urolmn, aiiihorized by act t Assembly, page 12!) -30. Space will not jieruul im to add I ho very llnllering rcinnik of this gen- lb man but any one tit nil acquainted with the ul.,ct cnnnotlictp perceiving the ecuhar adnpla t nm nf these mnienU, lo the disorder lliul uiokt prevail in the South. The Proprietor can only superadd his determin ation to meet patrouuge, by an unllinchirig alien lion to ihn wauls, wialies and comfort of hi visi ter The Spring are now, and will I through- nil ihe year, oieii for ihe accommodation of travel lers. JOS. W. HAMPTON. March 16, 1 ."). 0" Th Camden Courier, Columbia Times. Charleston Mercury, Aurrusla - ('onslitiitioualisl. Millcdgeville Recorder, Savannah Republican, ami Cnlumhua Enquirer, will insert Ihe alxive tico monthi, weekly, aud send arcount lo Catuwba Spring. J W. H, sculituuim;. nESPEC'I'FULLY mlorui hi lnends aud the 1 - public, hat he is still at hi old business of STOMl UTTIXU, seven miles Smith ol SalmlHiry, and about j a mile from llie old Charleston Road, w here he is prepar ed to accommodate those winding work u ?i line. He now has on hand and for sale, a good supply of M I LL-STON ES, of various sires and prices, fnun twenty. five to thirty dollars a pair, of ihe best grit and workmanship ;al W N DOW SI LLS, from ti to .'.5(1; DOOR SI LLS from 92 to 3: DOOR STEPS 8150; ROUGH DUlLDlNc; ROl Ks! gw mVh mwifmm- fety tn syvctitTvgrrjliTTrTtl M ITSTON best article, and on reduced terms, to merit and receive a liberal portion of public patronage. ...,......,p,l, Wi,l;jJ, i'n -42It A rwWtrrrr J months since, a small Sorrel Mare Indian Po. ny, about nine year old- She is in height about four feet and has her mane roached ; she was brought from Alabama in March last. WM. HADF.N. Mocksville, June 5, 1833. if Dr. Ileaanl Henderson, dTiFTERS HIS PROFEsaiovAT. ripi. tTfrX9 ,u r- , : - " . .,w, ui oausoury ana vi-; lllllu Ilea Jjimna L 11 ! l iTT f . a I cinity. He occupies the Brick office of the lm ' Ilr. Milchnll ... - - - - ..V...V ... , Salisbury, N. C, May 18, 1838. Till: MAUKKTa AT HA1J. P UY July 11, I Ibuurt,. ... a I '.') I raiitiy, am.le, , Q a "u M..!i,, , Null, , , , mk Ii, , M a Hotter, . . .I.') Cotton, in m J,, a clean, . ? a (Yd,. . , , 16 a Ct, . . . . a UMO.U, . . . n i'k, . . , Vi.Hugai.Uow, M . H.WU . . , fljTlbw, , . Hi 1 ('liter, lbtf, . . . Jtt I 31 Thcfik , , t PUlarl, , Ijuaeed Oil, ft. gl. tl 1-' l-ftf pf. duf. 7 , ....'..' ' i AT FAYLTT;VIUiU.jMl; 4, a flartjo II a III In, nfaJy, peach, rf4 a la api'le, . IWawai, , , , 23 .Mo.aae. Nllta,fut, , Hagnt, brown, lunipK Itatf, , Halt, . , , Wheat, acw Wbukey,. . : u!l . H s) . 70 i ft .l'w.ii.i . ) ii .20 133 ('iilTie, , , Cotton, , I 'om, , , flataerd,. fbair, . . r'relbt r . .I3 a 13 . 4a V . 73 a Hi 4n , Ww.1. . . . AT CI I CRAW, .Jeii 4, lew, 1 lUron, lb. IWtirr, her If, , t "onVe, , , Col I., . II a 121 lla li NiU, mi, wrought. Oat, . . Rice, . , Hafil,. . II' i4H 20 VI 4'iiao 16 IM 4-V).f'o lOiin .274 A Corn, HI Mill. Fhsir, e- unrry, ,K4) a 7.4i Iron ft 61 Htl, American, in ( r.''Kli-h, . .00 ijj Tallow, . . . JO, Tea IW alii TwSarxn, ma'nd. 1(1 efniat . . 13 14 lar.t. . . . lather, sole, Mol -, , , Orten, . 111. Ill . SM a 2 40 a M Cn.Vi ii'iivriwiivo. Of rvrry Ilrarriptiuti, A'rallf a r.jprJihomll, EjmlfJ tl Ik, I Oft. I or fcalr. The Offlpe of ihe Alabama luiri hgenrer i for sale. In mder In enable lb Pro rieior tn devote more nf hi time and aiterrtin lo lh collerimn of llie ntgn iiuii.lier of debt da) ihe office, half or the whol establishment wnukj be a. Id at a very reasonable price, either fr ctak. or mi lime fir itifnroiy pep-r. The "fle e ha an exreuaive patronage j and d the lal two and a half year, Im yielded a frofit of a nail W.000 per annum. Tulo.i, Ala. June H, 113H. m:v wiTcjiiiSe "It"! ,-. A 0mwm aaaaan aal t, aataaJaalaala. MaV Ws,,',,, JOHN C. PALMER U junt returned from rbilaikb plu.i, with a very I'inr iaaorlmrnt , of ihe alalia article, of at rolirelw tirw Tit.KinM. A Iw. aaaor'uient of Superior RAZORS and KNIVE8. lit- can aafely ay lint hi aaaortmeiit t (Mjiprror any in the western pa rt of the State. Call and art, Watche and Clock repairod aa usual, aia) warranted fuf twelve month. Sali-lmrv, Nov. 3, IH37. f I Arw Supply offaooda, ai Didr College. 'I hum i W. Spaaow, (Agrnljer Mtrkarl llnnrn,) winild infirm hi cusIoiih-is bimJ the public, that he i now receiving I nun Pinldck plua nnd New York, an exleimive alock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, comprising all Ihe article usually kept in Biuret ia Hu prt o the ci nut, . lie hopes lht the ritrst ol In stock, ihe care with which it ha been i leeteil, and the very low prices at which be eal afford, and i determined to sell, will secure, ad only Ihe continuance nf his former customer, bat al- encairage otliera lo eome and examine fer ihemnelves. He i determined that the decline ef Gmida al the North shall be felt and known hen) also; lhal Us benefits shall not be confined lo hi M'lf, but that hia customers who have felt lha i couvt.'iumne ofsSrUief W, ehall ahm tyr fVJ a llnn ran be afforded. Th'ahliTul liir the verj liberal iatronas which he has received, he hope bv Attrniiou to busincaa, to merit a continuance of the sain. JJ( Mecklenburg ro., June 9, 1R31?. INFORMS bis friends ami tha pub lie. that lie In taken the limine fi merly occupied hv Col. Wm. F. Kee Iv, in the town of Mocksville, Data) county, with ihe view of keeping PRIVATE EN TERTAIN M NT. The House Ja . jptwy.ia4 rnmfortable and in the business part of the villsgf. i-i l -i i ... 1 . n i ue nunscriiier pteaees his nest exertions in ren der satixfnetjon lo all who may call on him. H T A I! L E will t all limes be supplied wilb tlw lient the country affords, and bis BAR stockeJ with the choicest Liquors. Ilia Stables are extea. sive and safe, will be well supplied with good Pro vender, and attended bv a first rate Hostler. Moeksville, Feb. 2. 183W. jtT DR. T. J. FOWLER, (Late of Philadelphia.) ; J A VI NG located in Salisbury, N. efleraVil Professional Services to the nublie. Ha De "A-yriy-PperatiQa nertnitiing to DENTAL SURGERY'.uimn scientific principles. He Clean; cjcaies, rues, riuga, levels, Separate, and in fracts Teeih, in the most perfect alyle. He insert! from uiie lo an entire set of Human Natural Teeth He also inserts whole eel of indestructible Mg narnbouuin, Mineral or Porcelain Teeth upon I new principal by which they subserve all purpuM I I Ivi w a r (tf,he natural, OBy jo arrjearince m 10 tt mouth, gums, leeth, adveolar Droceasea. kc apeed- ily ami effectually cured, irregularitiee W I'l1 teetn ol children remedied in short' lime. oun cient time will be given before payment ia de manded, and if hia service ahould not prove atu factory, no charge will be made. THE PO0B SERVED GRATIS. N. B. Dr. Fa. office ii at the Mansion HolA uttoaiuiiouy spenu a portion oi iiw Dr. F. will occasionally spend a portion of bialia al Uanville, Prince Edward C. H.i and Farmerf ... r . ' . I ;ik. V. .i.. n.i.:i. o.t r.nck I.... n . . . ' - , ..., . u., .1,7V .i ivaiciifii. tfiiiioii. ?aieiu. vi.uk-" i ...... , auu vuariotie, i. tarouii I May 25, 1838. tf , i, i:n,.n.lwuA. - I . -I t . . .T f 1 . . ... .

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