I I" " roirnc J mmnn r biiuim vmcm." Yeas 1A4 4 mrricmn TrflUr. iiid not tha )ingrig hoars of lift, lu k4 will two be o'sr ; . lu schema of kr and if ttrl&sZ ' f irtu with dueppoifltnieoU rii?f Will tea litt heart pe more And yet lb wry souls that grieve ,A nwxneot weary tracks perhaps in after years would give A world to via U feck. ' Chid )ot lU lingering Isps of Time, Nor count ilt moments dull; for toon th bell, with mournful chime, Wdl wt& the spirjf to '" Wore Wight ami beauliju A bad where grief will never ling to darkness on Die eool ; VVW hit!) eM bop aksll gladly wing .Their tetfe without control fjhid ro Time! slow tod silent houn, Though heavy they ma; seem 4 The put hath sought oblliioos shores -The present, which I lone ie ours, la passing like a dresra ; And they who scarcely heed ha track, Or wish ka course mora fast. With fraitleat prayer Diay yet call back One moment of the past fjbide not a moment's weary flight, Too Boon it speeds away j And nearer bring the hour of sight And dimmer makee the feeble eight Then work while yet 'lie day I Tbue shall Life'a morning ray depart, Without one rain regret. And death alee) gladly on the heart, When life's bright eun hath set. ftm lAe United Btate$ OafHte. THE PROGRESS or LIFE." 'V ' I dreamed 1 taw a rosy little child ' With flaxen ringlet in a garden playing-; flow stepping hare, and there afar off etrayiog, As Cower or butterfly bia feet beguiled. rTwas changed one summer's day I stepped (aide To let hire paaa bia (ace had uanboud's seeming, And that full eye of blue waa fondly beaming O'er a air maiden wboftYhe called bia "bride!" Price moie! 'twas suture, and the cheerful fire . J aaw a group of youthful i irma surr Minding. The room wi'b harmless pleanntry resounding, And in the midat I marked the amiling aire. The heavens were clouded ! and I heard the tone Pf a alow-moving Dell the white-haired man gone. Philadelphia, July 18, 18 W. O. 8. . ' SCRAPS. ' jSfnt Way to empty a Cart. An honest eon of Jinn, lately arrirea at nam more, waa employed j ! . xr 1 j . : 1 l . 10 drive a in cun. iw wing aucpi 111 me an nod tnyatenf of Hauling dirt, he waa wofully per lmt MffiMi Ka anaKjJl In nmnlv lh rmrt rmrul nl' let aa much marKcuvring to get into a proper poni (km, aa would have aufTtced to move a aeveaty-four, )m marched up tu Jbe horae'a head, anizd the bri- din with powerful graep, and aung nut with a hear- . 11 u t 1 rt it rooa win rure wu 1 ronup; micuihuiis wc auppoae, that the horea would elevate bunaelf fai ra. " s , . mecimeA of cool Imnuufince I.. .ThrowiDir a miiow. ball at a marw-j What aitualion ia remarkably awk ward id aI ecaaonaf Breaking the ice. Which ja (Wbeat, to be over head and eara in lore or in jvaterT ) winter, in love in aumrner, in water. '4 Jfaa, A brewer yea roamed, in hie own vat. aid that the verdict of the Jury should be, tound poating p bUVocrjr V; to Poor flela7ions.kt Louiaville, Ky., eeveral robberiea bafe been eommitted by well dreeaed men L. .ABmmfl. aaatlM l m a rtvaavl aaltwiBaeaacan intA aa . pectable bouaea by preaoBrtjrig themaelvea aa the pnele or couaina of thl propretor8j-aod en -being olu that the partiea were out, were anxious tn write a note to them. Thia ruse haa beentirac 1'ieed with great aucceaa oh Bundaj a, during church fime..'-". ; '!,(' ' ' A humeroua fellow, a carpenter, being sum ' rnoned as1 1 witneas.oh a trial for an assault ; one pf the counael, wha wu very much given to brow bat the evidcijee aaked him what distance he waa Em the pXrt'iea vf hen he eaw the delbndent strike 1 plantiff? The carpenter answered, ju4 four tiiivn Jticbei jtuf . hj!lPrajjlhee fellow,' aaya the counael, 'how is it possible yog. can be an n3 v aji i viw Mf'TTTr''ay eaeaijae -eaa" eewev- carpenter, 'that tome fool or other might atk me, RECEIPTS. " for Cramp or Cholle. Thn white of an egg frothed,' a table spooiiful o brandy to a wineglass, of Aot water, mixed and grated plentifully without pieg.' t ia iufallible. , WrtllnVrtr ry tnommg in cold water tne cower toe belter, hnd aferwadi rub them With a' towel, and you will aeldom, pernapa never ne imuoiea who a pannui affection of the teeth or thruau' Penny floyat.Fnrmin might easily aave the 0eeb of horses and cowa, and cooler a great kind-1 style and manner not "surpassed by any workman post 00 their animals in preventing, the usual an-jin the Wesjern part of the State. He is in the re fcoyance of flies, by simply Wasliing the parts with eular receipt of (he latest London and New-York ; h extract of penny royal, fptfi will not light a FASHIONS, and prepared to accommodate the rnomdot on the spot' to which this has been ap tajstef of the laabiwmye'at all times. y plied. IJvery man who is compasnioMte to bia; beaata, ought to know tbismtnole; ferrtedy, and eye. ' fr Men stable and country inn ought to have a ' . ' . . 1 . . u-1. ' . Chivu Aifiititie.-,K man v.lo wai areas-1 tomcj to drat hi marvel, to! J country o uxn or hie, thy fie had three great euriowrties in lm !- wioni ao Of, lliat could travel fjv hundred miles day, 1 Cock that telle the hour of the night, and t IKg thai could read m a ( ert r manner "The are eitraordinary things indeed ! I muet call upon you and beg eight of thein," aaid the eouwn. Hie liar returned home and told hie wim what had happened, eay ing be had got into scran and knew not how to get out. ' O, never mind," aaid she, 1 can manage it." , The nxl ray the countryman called, and inqui- ring after hie coin, waa told, that ha had gone to Ptkinr When ra h eatwted back r "In a. en or eight da a." IIow can he return an mtuaV lie a cuna vu on our ox. Appronoa of that. I aui told that yiu have a cock thai inarkt the hour." A cock juat tlu-n bnpprd, to crow. Yea, that ia he 1 be not only telle the hour of the night, but re porta when a alrangei contea," "Then, your dog, that reada bMik i might I beg to ene liiniT" " W by, lo apeak the truth, aa our cirr-uinetancee are but narrow, we have acnt the dog out to keep Mingling the utrful irtA the ncrrt.Ti follow ing loairf waa given at the colouration of the 4th in Churkatuck, Va. Buaiueae ia buaineiM, aaya lite Alexandria uaimte, and the proudeat man ikjv er auflora it to be wholly forgottem M By Jamea r. (j winn (Uepuly MterifT ) r llw citizena. prepare to pay your tatee, for I (hall aooo be down upon you. Ib. W have eeen the qneation aaked, who are the rich? We anawer without hesitation, thoae who are iixle pendent, whetbnrauch imlependence ariae from labor of the her.da or any other cauie. The man 4a rich who at I In end of a wetk, a month, or year, enn aay tn hiinar'lf that he owea nothing, and 1 clear of the world. Of ell poor men the poorest are llioae who, having the appearance of wealth, are forced lo incur expenave beyond their income, and enter into engagementa without the meanaoTinceting them at command. The wood aawyer ia rich if he haa more than he wanta; the (peculator ia poor if the failure uf a friend, or a eud den turn in arTiira, nwy involve him in bankruptcy Bait. American. " Vat's de matter," "t.t's de matter," exclaim ed an old Dutch friend t fours, as he tucked up his apron, and run out of Ins shop to know the mean niff of a crwd in hie neishhnrhitatl. u Vat'e de matter T" "There's a man killed," replied a by slander. "Oh, inn dat all," aaid our friend, evi dently disnpiminled ; " ish shonst a man killed ; humph, I thot it vaa a tight. Dal ish noting now a days. Forvt, llov to enjoy a Clean Shirt. Gillman, in his life of Coleridge, says : " I have heard Coleridge relate the. following anecdote of his father : The old Kentlcrrrarr bad lo take a short journey on some pro- l'eHiiHial1)uines, which would detain him from home for three or four days; his gnml wife, in her care and watchfulness, had packed a few things in a small trunk, and guvc them in charge to her hua band, wiih strong injunction that he was to put on a ch an shirt every day. Or. his return home hi wife wt-i t to search for his linen, when In her dis may, it waa not in the trunk. A closer search, how ever, discovered that the vicar hnd ainckly obeyed her injunctions, and had put 011 daily a clean shirt, but had forgotlen to remote the one underneath. " JIov to make Home knppy. Nature is industri ous in adorning her dominions ; and man, to whom this beauty is addressed, should feel and obey thia leson. Let hitn, loo, be industrious in adorning his riuiN mi in making his honie, the dwelling of hm wile and children, nut only convenient and com fortable, but pU a-aut. Lot. him, as far as circum stance, will pcrmiibe irklustiinus in surrounding it with pleasant objects in decorating il, within nod without, with ihiups that tend tu make it agree able and attractive. Let industry mule home the abode of neatness ami order a plttce which brings ratirtlaction lo every inmate, ami w Im'li 111 absence draw bark the heart by the food asaociatiaua of cornHtrt aixl content . ' LeflEuf be done, aiiiPtltui ncred spot will become more surely the scene of cheerfulness and peace. Ye parcnta, who would have your children happy, bn industrious to bring thorn up in the midst of a pleasant, a cheerful, and happy fiome. Waste not your time in accumu lating wealth ; but plant 111 their minds and souls, in the way proposed, the seeds of virtue and proa, perity. NEWSPAPERS va. DRINK. . " positively never knew a man in the country who waa ton poor ) take a newspuper. Yet two out of three, even respectable people, read no pa r rs but what they borrow. As 1 speak generally hope 1 oflend none. Il l do the greater the ne cessity to speak out. Every man is able conven iently to take a newspaper. How many who think themselves too poor to take a newspaper pay foiir times as much daily for drink I Miserable man, thou art poor indeed ! " Benjamin FraiikUn. S Uj: OF J1D LIT DAVIDSON. HAVING determined to move to the South, 1 will sell at the Courthouse, in Lexington, on Tueadayf the 14th o August next, my Plantation cituate on Abbotts Creek, near Frills' mi'4, contain, ing 154 Acres abont 100 Acres are in well tim bered wood land. Teririi of 6'ac twelve months credit, the pur chaser giving bond with approved security. For further information, apply tp Christian Stuckinner on the place, or to me in Salisbury. T. P. ALLEN. July 27, 1838. 3t N1AV VilUONS Fm Spring and Slimmer o-'38. ' IIORACb i I ESPECTFULLY informs hfs fViends and the 'public, I that he still darrtes on the TAILOR ING BUJNESS at bia old stand on main street, next door to the Apothecary Store. He ia ever ready to execute tne orders of bia customers irr a - (Kr Cutting garments of alt kinds t tended to promptly ; aod the latest Fashiona famished "at all times to country tailors, and instructions jiven in ..: - ic.i:..!....., I 1 tMj tir Mo.TAf;rr..i xiAi "Si -co AN INDIAN CL'ltr. "trTCJOTH-ACIU- fPJIK eatabluhed rej.uiation and conmaotly In- creasing demand for this e.F. ctunl retwdy of pain and preaervalive the leetb, has inuucen the subscriber to offer it to the American I'uUic Arrangemenla have been made to eupjily agenle in all the principal ciliea and towru) of tle U. Bute so u lo place it within the reach of those euffirr- ing, and likely lo suffer, with I be anusl lurraaatng nl all achea, tooth-che.) njo applied new j ding to directions given on the Utlle, il haa never tailed to alTord immediate and permanent reiuu It also arrests the decay in detective tdeth and re hovel that tortneaa which so frequently render strong tooth uscloas. The application and remedy are aimEle,Jnrjo. cent, and not unpleasant and the large number iA naraoiis. in variuus sec lions of the country, that have already experienced such delightful and aal- ulary benehta trom tbe use or me uaim, are rem dy to bear (for the public good) their testimony to its unrivalled qualities. It is an Indian remedy, obtained singularly and uneiiMwidlir. and mav be teirarded bv tbe civili- ted world as the most valuable discovery of the Ued Mao of the Woods. II. B. MONTAGUE. Peterslwrg, Virginia, Feb. 20, 1H36. U PRICE 91 PER BOTTLE. FRESH PATENT DRUGS AND MIIlllClAi:. 1 UST received, and for sale at THIS OFFICE, ' the following lovaluablu Patent Drugiand Me d'icinea, vixj MOXTAl'irs VEGETABLK TONIC HITTERS, FOB TMB AaU3 A2T2 PSTSR. One Bottle of this Medicine baa never been known to fail in effecting a perfect cure. At leaet any person purchasing and using the Hitlers, and are hot satisfied aa to il ellecia, by returning the llotlle, shall have back the price, $'i per Bottle. JIOATAli:M Antl-Spaamodlc Tincture, or HOTSSPD ooijpor.T, ' For biarrhuna. in all of its varmu forms. Dys- enlarv. Cranio Colic. Cholera Morbus. Asiatic 1 j - 1 ' LL'holnra, Alter Pains of Lying-in Females; and in this it is the Mother s l omtort. in that it ia the very best preparation for the summer diseases of children, that has yet been introduced into the chamber of the distressed. PRICE, 74 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Hotinpnrfc'ft (Cmuii) Kipnnirjna: MI XT (JUL, FUR EXTRACTING Grease, Tar, Turpentine, Paints, Oils, Ac. from Carpels, Floors, Cloth, Hats, and Silks by which Coat Collars are made lo look u freah as any part of the Coal. PRICE 5a CENTS PER BOTTLE. OCT Directions 011 each Bottle for using. Jrfl WILLIAM W. GRAY'S INVALUllLi: OINTMENT, For Ulcen, Tumours, &c Can now be obtained of the patentee, at the oJUe of the Raleigh Register. Single Pot, 1 dollar One dozen, 0 dollars. WILLIAM W. GRAY. Raleigh, October 8, 1938. The above Medicine is for sale in Salisbury at the Store of JOHN MURPHY. For five or six yean previoua to the Spring of IS34,a Negro man of mine had beco much afllic led with an ulcerated arm and hand, which render, ed hint almost useless. The ulcer embraced that part of his arm from the elbow down, including his entire hand, which was literally a mass of pu trefaction. A joint of one finger, and a part of the 'tfiumbrxgfcb and and hopeless case 1 have never beheld. -it waa abandoned by bia physicians aa incurable, except by amputation of the hand. The best medical treatment having failed to re lieve the man, I placed him under the care of Mr. William W. Gray, in this place), who, with his Ointment, has effectually cured the case, although the Negro was frequently absent, for weeks and months together. He has been entirely well for the last eight months, and I have good reason to believe will continue so. WILLIAM BOYLAN. ANOTltER OHEtT CURE! Raleigh,, September 21, 130. Tam now 68 yeara of age when in my 17th year,-1 received a wound on n y left leg, which be. came ulcerated, and continued so until the first of March last. It wtmid iccasionally heal up, and then break out again ; but most of the time, it waa in a very painful condition, the sore having extend ed to a large size, and become very deep. I tried muny remedies to make a cure, without success, until I applied Gray1! Invaluable Ointment, two pots of which have effectually cured my leg,' and reduced it to its natural size. The cure would have been made jrnuch sooner, had I strictly aU tended to the directions for the use of tbe Ointmenti but "thia I failed to do, while I took mucn exercise. igras a aaraamatasisMta1 1 11 Hawaii lianrlaft Ta rw mam MjTm ' HI HI WTtl J IIIIIM UWUItJ ajwajsj 'vg II MINI BvWFXtl leg has been well for more than aii months, during which timevl Jiave walked 3Mcb,et iLrerflaina firm and free from all soreness. or inflammation. After having been afflicted for a: period of forty-one years, I now enjoy the benefit of a sound leg again. LEWIS HOLLO MAN. A supply of the ahovt valiiable Medicine kept constantly for sale at THIS OFFICE. TV safa or retail. S2 bags Coffee. , . 10 yida.- Molasses.: ' - S do. Sugar. 100 sacks Liverpool Salt, large sixes. 8000 lbs. Spun Cotton, assorted Nos. 10,000 Jbs. Castings, ass't. . 25 regs Nailfc 2000 lbs. Bar Lead, . a bhls- best Dutch Madder. 3 bbls. Loaf Sugar. I 30,000 lbs. of wagon-Tire Moulds, Scollop, Boll. ' ed, Scollop, and common bar Iron, 1 1 By J. 4 W, MURPHY. Salisbury, June 20, 183.9. - ' Dlt.T. J.I'OV.'IXUt (Ute cf rhlladelpLia,) UAVINO locstad in Bslimry, N. C, nfT. is his rndMetunal fJrrvtce lo the public. ,'J J" forma every operation pertaining l PLNTAL BUtttiEttl.upon acientific principkM. He C"i Sralea, File, Phige, Lek rVfar.iea. and U tractaTeelh, in UietiK perfect alyhJ. Heinaerts from or to aa entire act of Human raiurai 1 eciu. He also inserts whole sets of inueexructibui aiag nambonum, Mineral of Porcelain Teeth opoo new principal by bico tley aubeerve all purpuaee of tbe natural, not only In appearance but 10 eer- vice, aairvey, with all diaeasea peculiar to tne moutk, gums, teetb, adveolar proceswas, eVo. apeed. ily and equally cured, irregularities in the teetb of children remedied in abort time. BubV cient time will bo given beforo payment in de. manded, and if bia aervicee should not prove Bene factor v. no charge will U made. THE POOR RF.RVF.n GRATIS. ' N. B. Dr. Fa. office ia at the Mansion Hotel. Dr. F. will occasionally spend a portion of bia time at Danville, Prince Edward C. II., and Farmers. villa, Va., also at Raleigh, Millon, Salem, Chapel Hill, Greensboro', nod Charlotte, N. Carolina. May 29, 183 tf VALUABLE PROPERTY 'FOR SALE. Q PIIE Subscriber wishiog to close all hie busi oese will sell at private sal his TAN YARD, Ivinc on Ike East -Square of the town of Salisbury, and four Lots attached thereto. The Yard ia an ex eelkxit stand for business, being the oldest eslab liahed Yard in Town. There ia atw, adjoining it, first-rate situation for Drrwcry', with plenty of excellent water. Also, about T2IIP.T7-0aVL:T A0P.L0 iAITD, Lying in aaid East Square, . ; 5y'.;r. including about ten acres of good Meadow, Twenty acres of lbs above Laud baa been laid off 10 Town Lota, aa may be aeeo by reference to the Town Plat A bargain may be had in tbe above Proper ty,by applying between this and our August Court next. If desired, the Land can be had separata from the Tan-Yard. JOHN BEARD, Sen'r.' N.-B. Tha above Prooertv. if not sold at Dri- vate sale, will be wild at Auction, on Tuesday of August Court, next. July 27, 1838. tt Ymaic TsTvletlanmeut..? di L INFORMS his friends and the pub. lici,n,t he baa taken the House for flirt Rrly occupied by Col. Win. F. Kel- iy, in tne town 01 jiiucasviue, usvie county, with the view of keeping PRIVATE EN. TERTAINMLNT. The House is roomy and comfortable and in the busitia part of the village. Tbe subscriber pledges his best exertions to ren der aatisfaetioo lo all who may call 00 hire. His TABLE will at all times be supplied with the best the country affords, and his B A R stocked with tbe choicest Liquors. Ilia Stables are exteo. sive and aafe, will be well supplied with good Pro. vender, and attended by a first rate Hostler. Mocksville, Feb. S, 1638, - tf NEW WATCHES JS"v7ELL3?.T 2JTD 07T13XVT. JOHN C. TALMER baa just returned from Philadel phia, with a very , . Fine Assortment of tbe above articles, of an r -i. : 1 . ? nu"""7 "w ikhiiuu a rare v.rr.')' assortment or Superior RAZORS and ErtVESL, lie can safely aay that bis asaoKmenl Is superior to any in the western part of the State.-Call andaee. (&" Watches and Clocks repaired aa usual, and warranted for twelve months. Salisbury, Nov. S, 1837. tf T1EEF I DEEFU TW Subscriber hamg made an ar-' rrr. i, .r-a ranpement to be rurniiibH with jT ; 7v BEEVES fVoa Astie oouiity.sv' W ATmar ery two weeks, respectfully ia- J 4rilT forms the citiseus of Salidbury and ilyjfi , t vicinity, that he will offer the"1 r5fc Mlne a( tha i. ket House, every Tuesdsy, Thursdsy, sad Saturday mornings, after tbe 27th inst The Subscriber, also wishes to furnish one or two neighborhood in tbe coun try, if such arrangements can be made as will justify him in doing so, of which notice will hereafter be given. HENRY SMITH. Salisbury, July 20, 1838. tf . 1VJOT1CE, Will be Sold on the 7th August next, in Rowan co., at the Plantation known aa the Lyerly place, seven miles South of Salisbu ry, belonging to Jonathan Hartadl sen., deceased, the lollowing property, to wit t About tweoty.five head of Cattle, among which are aome first-rate M ilch Cows, aome Hogs, Farming Tool,1 Household and . Kitchvw furei- ture Wheat, -zr f tt-,nd ' V1' riety or other " property, too tedious to men. mXf ., tion. The sale to continue from all i aold. ... day to day, till ALSQ 7 0n the Slst and 23d of Auffuat7we will aeli at the late residence of Jonathan Hartsel, deceased J ix miles tasl ot Uoncord, Cabarrus county, N. C, aeven head of Horse. v three Waggoni, some cattle. Hogs, ... 1 . farming tools, iiou 010 and twilchen furniture. Also, Tensa&teAjL likelv Negroes t three Men, three Women and four Children. A reasonable credit will be given. Further particular made known on day of sale. JOHN FAGGART, J. O. HARTSELL, Adm' rs. JUiy XV, 1038. N. B. Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said Estate, to epme forward and make paypent forth with j and all thoae having claim against tbe same, are requested to present them Ie gaily authenticated within the time prescribed by law, or this Notice will be plead ie bar. ' IS r? se "e-w-l' jincKwiTii-H AKri-DVErrpTir IJOR thfl Cure of slmost every Variety ttfxial disorder of the Bloroach, l!,ru. 1 ' and bplm-n 1 such as lieart-born, si id erK.t nauaea, bead acb, (aia and disteiJuni of " , inarh and bowels, incipient diarrrtea, eolic, 8.., j lr nee, habitual coativeness, lose of appetiift , 4 i kuaii-ach. sea sUkntu. A c. &c. 'IVv ,. '. , and xidnriable sperieia for Females dunr, f i a a . I nancy and aubneouent coniiwjuwm, ranctn,. a oeas al the atomach, bead-ach, hcert bura iuX a,, of the incidental nervous afUcli'ma. Lttsrary Student and most other person of sedeoury ky ! bits, find tbem very convenient. Those, w-j dulge loo freely in the pleasures of fUa Tiblt apeedy relief from the aenaa of oppttwwa 1 tenliuo wtnen loiiow, by taaing nw ruu. Xi 1 ianrr Pill tliey are invaluable. Wcm tkom drinking Mineral Waters and parlculirlv tu. i from Bouthern climates and Ague and Fever 4 tricts, will find them a valuable aunct. Tk who am eipoeed to the vicissitude f weatbt voyage or journeys, can take then at aU tit, with perfect safety. In full doses, thpyirsikiA lv effkacious and aafe Anti-Bilious Medicine, Tbey aeklom or never produce sickiDai n tb, mach or griping. Their efficacy is strongly attested by Certifim from the following gentlemen, via t BUboa lm i mm. er ate vka w w u era Rev. VI. Picrneeters, Itev.u. vv.r toaawn,gn, B. T. Blake, Guv. Iredell, Hon. Htnrr Hon. OxL Badger, lion. K if hard, liana, TW P. Devereux, Ej. Professor Anderson WaKj, Esq., Secretary of Stale, Win. 8. MW f- late Treasurer, Jaa. Grant, Esq , tat CemptrJUt, W. R. Gales, '., of the Register, Cm. Ch Guion'a Hotel, Dr. R. C Bond, Dr. & Crests, Dr. J. Y. Young, Rev. F. L. Hawks, 6lc directions accompany each Box. 4, These Pills are for sale, by appointment ia i moat everv Town in the United Slates, ins1 ItXi tale and Retail by the Subscribers, lo ftboej a plication msy be made for Agencies, j TllOMAS L. JUMP, Gen. AmoT Raleigh, N. C : . (r 1st door west of the Prttbytervuk CUrd (fc" The above Medicine kept constanrtimln and for tale at THIS OFlX Dr. Pleanant llendersoit, (TFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL Q. w VICES to the Citizena of Salisbury aal ' cinity. ' He occupies the Brick offioe of tkt at1 Dr. Mitchell. Salisbury, N. C, May 19, 1638. tf THE CATAWBA SPRINGS. rpHE Proprietor of this establishmeut wires f tice, that he is repairing and fitting it is 1 considerable expense, end in a. superior tftlr,1 will have il ready for tbe reception of corpputv' tbe 90th of May. It ia situated 00 the great Em1 ern and Western line of Stages, froraSalisbtrja' Lincolnton to Ashvilk), &tc. ; (e stage pattint aV every day in the week but one.) The vsMr: around is broken and proverbially healthy, talk' sides tbe mineral properties of the water tb ' are many inducements lo turn the ettentwoaV valid and other lowarda this place. It araiis ! tv to the lower country the cheapness of litiij- the excellence of the neighboring ocifity-tl abundance of game the rich field affordod to ence especially to Mineralogy and Boteoy.i facU not to be overlooked by the travelling eon But it ia in the Mineral qualities ft Spring that the great attractlei ward this spot consists. The Proprietor k exaggerated lists of cures to present to the fd' ' for he haa just taken possession, nor would I it it a compliment either to the good taste or mpt ty of the public, lo present such if he had lk But he ha the assurance of aomPof the matt entific Physicians and Chemist, lo the rait in valuable properties of these Spring. I IS.. Professor Olmsted fnow of Yale College) ewb 1 strict analysis of thia water, and. nrououacei ' joreign ingrciuenu u o Sulphuretted Hydrogen, " sulphate cf Lime, ; ; Sulphate of Magnesia, Muriate of Lime. j For 1 more extended statement see bia eeokr cat Report of North Carolina, authorised by id -Assembly, pages 129-30. Bprocwilf nor pre us to add the very flattering remark of tha f tlemao but any one at all acquainted will l aubjecl cannot help perceiving the peculiar aV tion of these mineral, to the disorder that v prevail in the South. ' ? - The Proprietor can only superadd hladetarw, ation lo meet patronage, by an unflinching lion to the wants, wishes and comfort of biw..: tera The Springs are now, and will be lhr!1' out the year, open for the accommodation of lrt lr. JOS. W. HAMPTON. March 16, 1838. j GO The Camden Courier, Columbia TiWj Charleston Mercury, Augusta Const it utiosifc. Milledgeville Recorder, Savannah Republic, B( Columbus Enquirer, will insert the abov UnJ. WCnlll. mnA mmnA rviik . . - -.-j , .in, mbUUHH IV Springe. J, VY. tt SCULPTURING. J03TJW 230SJD32nOH7333l ri Eai'ECTFULLY informs hie frjendaaml i f-pablic, !hat he is still at ni old oowoef STONE-I UTTING, ! even miles South of Salisbury, and about a from the old Charleston Road, wbert he is prep ed to accommodate those wishing work in hj lif He now haa on hand and for sale, a good supply MILL-STONES, of various size and prices, fa twenty-five to thirty dollars i pair, of the beY ana wommannnip ; also WN DOW SILLS, If 12 to Sa.fiO.- noon err t e r. ,o o. rvir I fwv .-k7. wfjr fin m)Q III fil iv iroro fifty to sevenly-five centixTOMB STOM' from tlO to $13 GOLD up .baft) UR1NJP, 20 a piece. y,.;V.-.-. .-. . j The Subscriber hopes by close attention lo tu ne, and bis determination to' furnish none but t-1 beet article, and on reduced terms, lo merit receive a liberal portion of public patronage, j Rowan County, April 13, 1&3W l'2a Wlifc, 1UIH. Th.e SubKriber respectfull" quest an that are indebted to him, to call settle the same, or he must have them ealki oy an ojjicer. lie prefers that those iruK would settle with him. D. KKRJ& Saltabury, July 1838. " ! 31

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