- J. . . j j " k; -TIIC POWfKI NOT DELEGATEp TO TUB V KITED STATES aY.THR 1'ONSTITlTIOK, WO rBOHffllTEO BIT IT TO THE STATXS, ARK BEIERVEO TO Tin STATES EE? IT.CTI VKLV, 08 TO THE TKOHH. AmtnJmetJt to lie CoUltiO, Arijde X V,.. . 1 B'.:AUSTJN ;V-C. I'V FISHEU, V; Wans. :r Vy7 fV 17;.15?8.i . -: .;. . (m coAfczv ' EDITOR iSt PRQPR1I. !lt uf fttt; 1 a-j ilk Jocr! ilita? 195;' id (DCS rms at! Skf raw. N. lavliat aw T1 11 lint! 'v, H 8" m t it, 1 li i ; TKRMS OP CAROLINIAN. :" v . ; " I. 1 be Wwlorn Croliiiian is published icrj Fai-; pit, si Two llollsrs per snnum, u paui in iut.iic, w Two Dollars sod Fifty Ceuu, if Dot pud before tbe ex piration of three months. . ." ' ' . lHo paper will be discontinued until ll arrearages are Pul, miles st the uiacrvtinnor the Editors; and in iiuLI'v Uie Editors of wiah to discontinue. at tba nod ot a year, will be cousi lered as s new en- Advertisement will be conspicumwly snd corrector inserted, at one dollar pur square r Die first inwirtion, ind 25 ceuu for each cotituiusnce.' Court, and Judicial Advertisements will be charged !t per cent oime tlmn tlio above price A deduction of 3J per cent froai the regular prices will be made to yearly advertiser lem addressed to Ue Editors, must 10 all canes be pat paid. - ' . ' '.'. I0 riCIi. .The Subscriber earaetrt- ' Itf reoiiests all tltosa indebted to luni (or subscription to tlio " Carolinian," and wImi will be in Salisbury during tlm wteh of August Coit, lo call on Messrs. Autin it Fulier,' wlio will t Town, "and cloT'liiJif iccouiitsi" lie Ijoiion tltis rwiutfcTwiirba cdmplwiT wlOi, as Ins eonoeiiiMi with th-papcr liuving Roused it m neuosaafy ttini his accounts should bo aettled without lirtliwr di ,y. JOd. W. HA.dl'TO.N.', August 10, 183?; - - : ' aB3SLiA:Tada7a. from the Southern fAlerrf Juurnul. made tin ir way up the Edistoea, concentrated in tMgeliela, and attacked 1 urner station, ; he re. sistaiK-a wn gulUnt but unavailing. Ttie garrison surrendered and was put to the aword wi'h the ex cation of a ainglo hiho (Wrreii Ulficlior.) In I ha: allmr foil two of the uutkrs, lather and son, Passing from II'iyes'statioo to lha went aide, of Ln lie llivor,'CuiiiHiighinn cr!d ut O'NduU's iiiill." Tins he burned. The owner, HuhO'Neull. on the tup1 of tlfthill's iinKiiitain, had in sorrow and audui-iw witntHsod llie muw-icre of his" ihm"Ii. bors at Iljies'statioo.r.Fro(U thu same lofty stuud lha f rand lath-r and uncle ui the prcsetit Governor , lie saw his afl, n a pecuniary point of iow, we RVNDOM RECOLLECTIONS of KEVOLUTIOX. ARY CUAIUCTEIUJ AND LNClUENTHj i oat who has wrriu. hbaeo thm aateo at TriiI"ACTa I THcmg roma ot tbui,td it mok- "liiain CuiininKbam, (tr as lie was commonly called Bloody BH Cunningham,) acted too promt, nent a part in the partita warfare of Lauren, Newberry and, ij.ijfi'iwiu iimi m "" ii..iMi. not to be first remembered and firm noticed He was a native of Iaurcna District, ami, a distaot rehttise of Ueu'la. Robert, MWk, and i-hn I :,.on.o..lmm. Ut Uia parenia nine w kihiwh. His futher wu ar. old man at ine iime wneu ma sou s career i uiuw - - y- from tlw inrideiil which waa ine nri in n.iocapd himself aeaimrt the violent. Willinm Lunningnain i reprom3u ivn uii a oian of great physical powt-rs.anuoi nue per.n. .1 .n.rnrfi. One of liw coutoinporariea (llic late Wm. Caldwell) used to any , - mat ne nao oiie-i hmd Tl 'OSidrCoi'tinnstiHiftas a cowara j oui, ..M,. whoever suiU soioiu nm auow nuu . . tirave a man as eer wmiki'o mneanu. " About ho oninncemenl-of hostilities at h 8oulh. iu 1775, hu euluu-d h priVHte a-ddier m the service of the Stale of South Carolina,- in conHxuiv.coiiimandtd by Capl. John Caldwell in Col. TUnihsou's Begiuieiil of Rangers. H" served redit i ao tuuctl orTtw B 1 apinm wis about promoting him, over the head of bis own brother, Wm. Caldell who bolond to the enm- Company, oonie ihtihi toiwuw .- mfliron. and ieni mm iwiorw uuuri-HM.iwi, ; . - . 1 1. ,i.iK h wa flsnteueod to bo winp wa ; aua no wc tually luflered the degrading pumshmeiit! "-With k.. an fiie. and vewrettnee his predinnioant . - ' i i feeling, ho deorted tho llajiul his country niw W' VnAn. While there. William Ritchie ktckec hii aged father out of tjoors. , uy mmie. means me i,...n.A.rt rt-n. tied Cuuuinehaint lie swore that ha would eeeli anu nave rvcnj m mo u fih,V nni,n!ir. He sliiHildertd Ins rifle, ainl ' - t.i, 1.1 mnui MT oiostiy tn4wH iraverau 'w ww . Augwrtio wuiUiUeuaislnclAiuL ui Kilcliiea owihouiajT'fiie "pTmiiccror his Tuniily.lie" con- a t : .1.,1 ...rf ilii mu tau nu uiuuii umiiitttea nia cuonicu buwit iah Kim rlMaii. llu hr first tasled blood: and like e tiger ibe luste created a tUirst which could never be .i.,.K,t After that time lie watoneofthe limel ..-,.;iM n( tKn Tnrv blood-hounds who scoured the conntrv, and huuted to the death her gallant il ae4 imlependinl ooi'nwnoiuited loyalist. They were like Dimaoti, o"m atiu ... iXthem like him mitl aireaa VII lav a Vltava J ' a. t.ia.i iiui i.Lwwtnf nriiaie revenue'. Some of Iheir """" I - . . ,. . j.... ,.nn. r .till mnomberea luiam -j urnet Henry Parker, William KitrwMoiwtruin ivituier, II. II Ptflr. Jaii-e Gray. William Dunaho. IaanC, Aarim, and Curtis Mills, icu anu.wica -aurHor, Mattliew Love, Bill Kltnoro iiuouies, aoiin n M.M.ltrw. Ot imeol these men, m inene ran dom recotlectioua,' we may hiiv occa4loi(, to apea further. . uOnu of lus cartiesi fams a a ! '?"' ,M peer, waa a visit to hwld commaiiaer, .Majoroi 1UI1L wSi had retrrod to- private, life. .11 found bim on ft Mmmer'a day, sitting "in bia 4iwn Lou, without ahoes or stockings. amuso himwlf b lamuinff on hta toes and kicking ' J rt . i , l,m.. .nt nuwluded his Visil by lulling IHtnitini Ihifr waa ample aatnduciHui tor iaft.woippwg rocoiveJ whila'toder bis command. ; . y. I il. ;.r.t f L'niii. Sun. ! Iiore anjareti at fiend-like dispo.ition. 1 uey mii mm ptl,er. Moore gave way and C RV? " e" lleot'lmrsouien, and both miles Cunnlnghatn wa nt ayorora " low conversational style irgd his Hying foeja re double his exertjond ta esca(w; i' Piwh la rowela u Sammy, hooey," was,!" continual wanna; no. aerntioo. A tungfh, hko rbvcatttwdTif bw play; hs eut hl-T Bdvernarv down, and in hw.dcaih re -jawed aootber object of "private hjit Wi'iw Ilia deeds f"MoooJ-wJiicnhwwwr,w and Juilge Cutler. Bleiclief was1 saved by 'Aaron Mills. .- Ik waa' a rule. of the company that aiier Cuiinii'phaui had at-lecud his victims, each mem ber might a Iccl the vhj'xis of his yengeance. Sonvtims mercy ruled the hour, tnda soldier was allowed tosavea frwnd or acquaintance. Bleicher: wan known to Mill anJ was protected' by him du ring lha mansacni. iWhcn ibe company left the bhiody acene, it was ddertfciiiod that JM6tcber should be conveyed as a prisoner to the next hall, and there prohnbly bis lite would have paid the fur. foil.- lie was mounted bi liind ,Mill.. As the com pany proceeded at a round gallop,' Mills arectcd that his i borne'was ovcrlMirdeued, and begun to lug liehiiid ; huJHl back txliiml first one audthon auo Dior until he wa entirely In the 'jWtiJXJ.. payliaTcrood a'Eraitch grown up with cane j as he approached it, Mills said toBIetcher ! "Jump i'ff and run for your lile." Hedid .' 'Mills suf fered him toaia the covert .before he, cried "out : " The prisoner has eucaped." Pursuit was in vain. '. Cunoiiigliain waa noxt aeeii hi -New berry-J)t Irict.' Wtit!Q he croswd Saluda (erhdps at the Old 1 own,) ho met with and capluid John 1 owle. e had been concerned sending oil the women and children' of tW Tories, and bad been 'especially engaged in driving In their cultlo. Cuuiiingbain swore he should die in bis trade, he theiefore bung himrwirh a'pluce of an unlaiined cow-hide. At Knsley s shop be killed Oliver I owles ano wo oibera. The only surviving member of the Caldwell family of the Revolution, Mrs. Gillam, then a girl, visited bis simp alone soon after C'uu- party bad leu it. to see what Crtuno- quouces had followed from the report uf their guiiM. When she reached it alie found Oliver 1 owles and two others, bur arqiinuiliiucca, dead. Oue was stretched or laid out upon tho bier bench. On bis march to Ivk'ehill's, lliye station, h" pawd the bouse of bi old coiumandpr John Call well. Two of his men, Hall Foster and Bill HI- more, were hi vidottea in advance. I hey found Mujor Caldwell walking in his garden, shot him iwn, and charged their h'-raos m and out ol in cardeu io houd like aport. When Cuiminuliamar rived he allectedw deplore Iho bloody deed J no pnitcatvd with tears that hawnuT(Tas joornave seen hia own fither hIioI aa Major Caldwell, et in the next instant his Iioiish by bis orders wa wrnot in flames, and his wid iw left with no other shelter than the heaveiw, seated by the side of her riurderd husband. His gnllunl brother,- James Caldwell, whnae scarred face testified to his gal untrv in the most callani of all auiiirs, the bn'tle f the Cowpens, flndinu her in this situation, forgot every Ihmit elso limn venjeanre, and on the euc ceedimr dav his sword drank the blood of two ol Cunningham s stragglers. Hayes was a bold, inexperioAfod, incautious man. lis station wnsst Col. rilcohill'is in Lanreiw Im- nci. enM of Little River and Simmon's Creek, m the old (Charleston road from 'Rubuo'a Creek to Oruncoburrfi. The Jelliu!i house built of. logs was his fort. lie. was told by Wjlituni Caldwell to put himself in a position of deeuce ; pointing to iho amoks, ha said. Mthut is niv brother's house, and I know Cunningham is in the neighborhood." Haves was at work in a blacksmith shop, making a eteat to hold a Jadr'a netrinarandlwutcd aLLal jM;uaauggUou9vaaving tbatCuuuingbam Jiad too II1UC1I 9CI1SC til CUIIIO will .v..vm will not stay liere to be butchered and mounted and fled at lull apeod. As he went out at one end of the old fiold ha aaw Cunningliam'a company eouiu in ut the other. -The surprise was complete and overwhelming Haves' and InV'iiioii aimoHt witlutut restsiance were driven "into the houao, " and Cminingham'a pursuit was s;fcln;that Jo1in .Tinsley 'alruck a full blow fwrlb his-wr-CJrHaya- way jjy the fire brand 'of him wiu) never knewto ty or sparer - tin the next nay be and some others of the neighbor committed to the earth (lie mun sled bodies ol the idain at J Iu via station. - Two araa pits conaiiluted tho graves of all wbb foil there; and Ihere Undiminguisbed and almost un known they still remain. , - Cutiiungham encamped on tlte ntg"it succccmung the massacre ou the Ueaverduin, at a place now known as OJell'a mills. From this point ho com menced his retreat.. His bloody foray had aroused lha whole whig population. Col. Hammond (Sara'l) rom the UnieJLuiininghaia.im8jd was in hot pursuit. luimiugUain a company re Riamed embodied .until lliev 4iMd Little Sal nla (at West's.) It wasthere thfi late Ceo. Botler Ending the van of the pursuit coTi I routed almiM a lone the whole of Cuiiiiinclmni'a compmiy. Num- vais in i ins ineaire, toe young, ine niguooni, me t summoning rraoxiitoo, and trying to feel I be ao. Deautilul and brave i wlio once ejoict'd la your j V ratal r 4 Ibe dary laspuaed a p. mi kim, be praceed nclie nd power, anu lived as if there . wailed, lie fiuMbe4 kaa dtscoarae, but it cost hiat mora no grave!, where a ye. now 7, L.veutna very, etlbrt ibae any be Aire or Mw.--Jiommt erno toinliS whose open doors are urttching away iu Walckm&h. ' , r, - " i , . long range b fire the eyes of lbs wandering irav. rErrqfDtiUlfiirw---Mmi asotaera eoa- eller, cannot teveal youC doom. 'Your dry booea ! aider every eiprewaea of saeassotMe aa aa ind tea- are gone. The robber has invaded your grave, audi li of appetite, aod broerer a child erica they, your very sbe hsve bed swet away to make j oder it tbe breaM again, ai:bou;h Ira auaute may roomr nhe wandering Arab of the desert. 7 J oot save eupsed asnee rt pnccdio tepaat. Aa- . odeacriptionwilbout the aid of platen, can give 1 thing caa be more mariotas lhaa Ibis custom. Ii an adequate conception of tbe ruins of this wonder overloada and oppraawrs lbs) atooMch, excriea gri. ful cityf Budlcienl may be gathered1 frota the pre. ping and bowd caeaplaiata. ttesjlasnaeK and tew,' Cteduig Bi'coutit, to cmvii ce every reader, tliat Pa and oot erfrcqqeoUy leads to fatal dneases ia the -1 tra Waa once a populous, wealthy aod luxurious ci- brain. , It does hnm aba Ky wiUtdiawmg tbe bq ty, adorned with lumpiest arches and theatres; aod tber's aaioe frora ibe real aiiarca of amafauesav '. that it was for a thousand years utterly forgotten, It Mastoiuito.iadeed, wita wkalexcltMiveoeaa ' and that it is now destitute of a single iubabitant, of anderstaodiag waling it irgardtes) rea by iatel. u I he moat interesting and important cotutideralioa I Itgent parents t Ibe graod wotaXnnior eaoacea tor colinocted wUh thewiy ta,tltUiurtttftk dtfrfinrt jallrbepaiM fulfilment of the bikh-uI, prophecies. " Jeremiah, If a'cbtld falla esAsr a atoaa aawl aratsrs iu jes, ita " bors forced hiin to pause, and before his exlmuatod comjianionB could , reach.him, vunitingbam iad re sumed his rapid flight and breaiiiog into o-'lncht-dj parties, .ho and his follower! plunged jnlolho pine barrens arid sWatnisi of Iho Ldieto country, and by diflorent routes reached Charleston. ' '' . On this or aotrve. other occasion, Butlef and hia company chaaed a party connieting of Cunning barn, hosier and llooe. Here again riuikir kept nearly equal jace with tbe pursued,but his coinj)ani)rM cihiIJ tiol"Iu toTniidii "of ilieTaos "Cunimigmint's horse sunk in a wire.' Wbiw be' was struggling imf of il.Cuniiingliam's trusty r.oaimiiione turm-d like lions at buy, and again Bu'ler'a vengeance for a father's and brother's blood wo prevented from akiug effect. On an ithur occimon, it ia m 1, Holler atnglo lauded iiumued CiiiininaUni uloi.e for miles : each of tltcir horses, straining every ne rve, run in lha. jockey style, noee and tail.. Bolir was often poar onnuirh to have slrurK CumnnglHtu's noblo and generous steed and thus disable lam; but tins his umierout nature luroade, the rider not tim sieoa waa theobiPct of his vrnieaore. i,unnin"tiatn a ustol was often ihrown orrliix aiiouidorund annp pod at the pursuer. At length Holler a horse sunk in a hoU in the Woods, and before In ruler could again resume pursuit Cunningham was beyond it. The noblu war horse which had borne Cunning ham thPough ao many of his bloody adventures, and never lulled rum ai ms greaiest ueeu, oiuu in Charleston, am! was buried almost with the honors of war bv his hlood -stained m inter. . . ' Of Cunningham I knhw no morrr crrtainly, wive i hat in him waa not fulfilled the scripture.' I bo violent man d.d not die a violent death. His life was sought mt diligently and fearlessly by the surviving kinamen of his murde ted victims, lie lived to a good old age and died quietly iu hia own bed in the West Indies. aiah, Amos, Ji.,Obadiahl and Malachi, have BnrerierarCimiaedi . nounced the desolation of Edoni, and some of tbem atufled into na opea aaetnli. If ita temper ia die in lanuuttgp, which Dioafgraphicafly deacrtbeathelcomuoaed br tba lose ef tor. at as lortbwKik situatmn of Petra, " in the clefts of the rocks," and I aoothed by an csSrr 4 awdHmeaU, the aJtimate ef- iti "the height ot tbe hill. , Mr. fcteveos says: I feet of which as to aiaia culicky pain m iu bow. Amid all the terrible dwnuncialiota against the I ela, wtnch ara wxrf tbaa ibe acurual eiL and lot ' und of Idunien, her cities and the inhabiionlstbere- r which ia llieic taukas rwiraetUMwiik aaca aeo. of, "'this proud city among the rocks' diMibtlesa for J pereniat dropa. aw soma other equally pteaat aa- . iU extraordinary ami. was always marked as a sub-1 ltdote. Iraaaa tbe aauvlb aaopeaaaea tbe child ' ject of extraordinary vengeance." "I have sworal ia cryirox, andjaa aooanb Inda to tbe stotatacb, psv - by myself, ssith the Lord,-that U 2 rail (tbe strong I rents jump to lha coaclotaoat Uaat at h eoea fur tba . or fortified city) shall become a dee dation, a re-1 purpose ot betag 3ed, aad proceed to crasa it to." proach and a, w.sto and a curse, and all the cities eordtngfy ; forgetuag aQ Ibe while thai the; aaoota the'reol shnll be erpe.fiial waste. Lo, I will jnake leads aUo to the wiedptpe,aail aaay bs opea for lha thee small among the heathen, and despised among admtsstoa of 'airtoTl luoga aswQ as oTCmxI to , men. 1 by lerribleneaa hath deceived thee, and tbe the stomaxaiM that ulbry atua it with cue or pride of thine heart,' O thou that dwelleat in thalpuddinc wbca it ieoaca for tb recrptioa of air. - clefts of tho roek, that boldest the height of the bill ; 1 tbey ma I be ruk tsf aufllicaiin tba Cilia innocent,.' thou aliouldst make hy neat as high as the eagle, I when tbeir win as eaiy to snotk biia Vtdifil will bring the down Irom ttience aaith the turd, J Aatcnxmf. , r - . They shall call the noblea thereof to the kingdom 1 - Dtmxtla baa llemiaisceacea sera Tial hia but none shall be there, and all her princes ahall literary afiqtsireaueata were pnacipadly owasa to tba be nothing j and thorns shall come up in h6r places, I strict obaerraoce of tbe foar.fuUowiag rulea : ' oeltles and brambles in the rortresaea thereof, and I. ie direct nu attention to at literary objeat ; it shall bo a babituiiou for dragons, and a court for at a time. ' . X - , . , - - owls't 2, To "read tbe, best, book npoait; and wbera I would that the skeptic could stand as I did, tba subject wu comroreraaaLto read Ibe beat book among the rutna of thw city among tbe rocks, I on each awe. - , ; f t nd ihere mh-ii the sacred book and read tha words I ' 3. To hnd out mea of latoTanatioa, aad in tbeir of the inspired penmen, written when thia desolate J society to listen, not talk. ; 4. To very carry namg. aad a aysteiBalic flivuv . too of time. - - . . .... ry?.f-f- - Wa shoo Id tnenaga oar tbougbta ia coopoaiflf The followinsr account of the wonderful sud deeertod Cirv ol 1'ara a is extruded from Stevena Travels in lb East. Pktba wbs once a celebrated .City and ia situa tod in ibe valley ol Edoni, near the Dead Sea. 'This ancient extraordinary city is situated within a natural ampitDeatw otvtwour mroe unlei tu isireumfereuce, encompassed on all sides by rug t;ud mountains five or sit hundred feet in height The whole of this area is now a waste of rutna, dwelling- huh, fwibieci, lemplea, aod truuitpha) archesraU prowl rate together to- ttothattflgutstmbte coulustou.JTf aide '.'tiflheTouWaTtiOreTcuV atriooih, in a perjendicular direction; and filled with Ions and o-'Uliuued ranges u dwelling houses, tein pies, and lomW, excavated with vast labor out ol ft.Jtt w.Ai niifl uliili lliMir Hiiinmitd nrpaA.kl . 1 1 W .Wi IV. ivn.n " - ' - - i Nature in her wildest and savage form, their basma are adorned with all the beauty of architecture and art, with columns, and porttcoea, mid pednnont I and rangers of corridors, enduring as the inwiiilaitta door. ' A few fluns were bredc-. One w uunmnsr I. mii'ii men naa killed in the assault, and one ol HnjW men waa killed inthe hoee by a ball .hoi between the logs. ,, Ji pole 'ipjied with flax, satura ted with tar, waa sot on fire and' thiowq upon the houses II waa nvin iu flanies.;.,IIaB and his par. ty on a promise "of good q-tartera, (us it has al vay been said,) stirrendered Cuuumgham f selected J lay ea and Maj.' Dun V Wiltta m, (a son of C l. Wi'lliunis' who tell at Km M.ainUuis,) as his vie- tons.- , lie Was about hanging ibem on the poo of a fodder stack, when he was ccoeted by a younger aai of Col- Williams, Joseph Williams, a lad of sixteen or seventeen years, who' had from "Infancy known. Cutinioijham. ,MCan. Cunniiigham, how shall Vk no,ne ""d 10,1 my hcr that you have hanged brother Daniel TV. Cunningham instantly awote that he ahonW twit havethat melaiwhoty du-. to iftVrCm. lla hunir biro up with his brother stomach, was swallowed from time to time. At lite end cf six days the little fellow waa -quite re stored, and we rarely see a finer specimen of re bust, juvenile hralih and happiness, than in the per son of this hard-headed boy.. A wheel of half the wciirhl, rollod over a dry skull, would have ground it to powder. To the admirable carpentry of the ntered ttootiHthy--a m With his aword-iie. lileritlty hewed them to piecea, VVhilo wining bt reeking aword, he observed, that bue Xhia comrades iu culling a captive to piecea had 'iLtobwwulba jrailyhaiideiLtohim hi- -ohwrviii-. that il wouldn't - breaks Jamos T.n-Uv: Maior Wtru Dmlsu and l.hn Cummids wera tUn only survivors of Hayea purtyt James Tinslevand bis brother were. I had. supp'aied, saved f by" their TfiHaut kinanmti i'Jvihn Tinaley f hut wrthirr IthrtlaKt low Years, JdinesTiiwIey aasured me,' that 4iifh;tti uoUhji. .latlr 1-JI: said their, hyes werf save! by anollier of CmUiinglraniV partyt(whos9 name l myMrea-f4?;i. naa esocu i..7 tUce was one of the greatest cities in the world. JerTaO : 1 3, 16: f Isaiah 24 i i 1 1, 15. . any work,' as bepberda do tbeir iowera ia making a garland : firat select tba cboaceax, and then duv poae theqi ia tba aaeat proper adacaa, abara tbey - give a lustre to each caber, L " . . Many tnea bava beea capabta of aomr wiaa thing, more a canoing tbmg, but aery few a geoa- rout.tbM)C - -' -r : - - f -i ' Power of Remittance t'a the Living Shdl.K boy five years old, a son of Mr, Maraton,a farmer on 1-onii Island, in the harhor ot lMtoa, toll acci- dently in following hi i father by the side of ao ox team, with hia head exactly in the rut of the cart forward of Iho wheol. Itelore Mr. Marstoo could possibly snatch the child from the dreadful impend tug danger, a heavy liny can wheel having a thick, broad iron tire, rolled direciU over hia child bead rising up over the space between the crown and tbe ear, and down to the ground again' from the templo.- l ha agonized lather rn wiH the sup- j Whatever may be iho nature of your aod. j. sed mutilated, if not dead body lo tbe n- j an(i aitualioo of your fkraa, remember that there ia REMARKS ON THE GENERAL PRINCIPLES O.i eiamination by the mot her,.! he scalp was found to be cut by the edge of tba tire, aa though knife had been drawn over it, yet little or no blood flowed allowing the white bone below. "A no tn. jury of the akull could be detected,: she closed the external wounu wuu a etmpie orcssmg, wnicn aepi no soil ao good, but it aaay be exkaasted by bad tillage, and I bat tbert ia Bone so bad that, canoot be rendered fertile by good Ullage, erea barren - heath if it caa be ploughed aad swarded.; -v 2. The true art of fwsbaodry cofHuta ol euiier in m frrm la a-mar aa xitir LxwL tbat arifl ma tar thn AnirMtt in mvla.iiAMitt.ifi. I hn hnu hihilMI nm. 1 . . . . ... -..b ... j-- - r........ . ... -f .... i exbausa your eou aa w aeawoa ta vaiica at joar r.t aidoraweoitlusio, out it could Hardly ba cawed Uucceedirir ertwbat a jucJx atw oar " a u.iii mill, aito uv.wivroaii v viiji.ou wiuwijtiww ij , a week, tie also bled at the mouth and nose, it i is' plant, therefore, that the blood thrown from the J work of a jieueratioji scarcely yel gone by.' Noth ing can be finer than the immense' rocky rampart which encloses the city., Ktrotiir firm and iinmov. hid as oature itself, it Seems to deride the walls of cities, and the punoy fortifications of skilful etigi neers. . Tho only access is by clambering over the wall of stone, practicable nulv iu one place, or by an entrance the most extraordinary that hafure; in her wildest freaks, has ever Iramed.T the tuftleat iwiirtiila evi-r raised bv the luii Is of man. theoroui! est monuments t.f arcloli-cl'iral skill and daring, aink into insiitnificance by the cot nptrt soil, (t is, perhaps, the, mont wonderful object in the world, except the rtiitis of the city to which it forms he" ontraiico.'. Burkhardl had becti'accosted. imtnedi. ately tipon hia"rntry,by a large pirfy of Bedouins, and had been auflfered to remait but a very short time. T I expeoied a acene of aoine kind butaf the mlrance of the ify tlierewaa not a crealure to die 4ula.oucpamingf : lUpmialaWeiu. wirto opim.'a'rur wo passed jajpojj the streain 'down into the area, and still bo man came to oppese uv 'We moved to the exlreme end of the area ; and when iti the act of disinouuViDj at,lhe lutiljof liwiotkn. which stood the temple, that bad constantly faced iw,' we aawMioe solftary Arab straggling along wilhout hay Bpparetitljwt,V mete, waitderer atnopg the every direction, together witTTflio reL9taTiceof flie yean - : . , .... , - -v 3. To avoid tbia, auSer no one crop to grow twa ., yean aucceaively apca tbe saaue piece of ground, excepting grass, or buck- beat without tba fertiS- ting aid of nca maoarea to support tba at reegtn ot the eoil ; and etea thea, a cbaag of cropa will generally do beat, excepting ooiooa, carrota, aad 4. Every plant aVrfrea frota tba earth for ka growth,' such properliea aa ara peculiar to itself j hi jrfaiwbeaMlowed wcorsvly fof;Jw9Jre more yeara apoa tbe aasne gTOond, will exbaast tba . . . - ... .... . . . i j living pnnc.pie, vttatitywiicn t ouiy Known oy thoja fn -ecoIUr to itself; without its name, are we to ook ,of me proaarva.ion 01 mis y, iu -o, n pdur mm ether plant ; viinu. ii"i iuiH.u iw ""is"'" I ih . (.- im mtmJ dntac a. Ihsrlvanr lit aihH-lt will not bear fa be reaeated eAener I hia once ia Antodote While travelling in Western Vir- aea and k iaeomoica toaJcrooa. with tba ... . . i . i- .. i. i . . . . gima, na opening one nay tone in a qry gooos store, eicepnoa of. taoae noticed aa above. situated in a small village, an old lady from the Iv L- To avoid tbia MiLairasiMToerfaramaaeb counlry came in.'. She purchased several articles I diyiMona aa wdl eeable yoa to iaaprove aB tba ya rn ine cterK, ana ai lengin, pnservtng a noau v pamv riety of cropa your fanda saay reoairc, ia auch rega- ed and varnished pair of bellows hanging at a ! . tor wicceasioe, as to fbraa a raatina of 9, 6, or T she inquired what it was. The clerk perctMvmg j vetJ. lo (be saUare, qwabiy aad aitua. ttiarine pia may was ramer ignorant, ano .ueing t t;(HI fjr Towr ft. somelhtngofa wag, informed, her that it was a J , ,Thia cneibod will make poor lead giod aod goad Mwjasnioneq. jan wmca ne nau lawty receivea i better. Try u, audi iiom iqo Jastanu, ai me vaine fiuie imi uhj bellows down and puffing with it in his face, told her that;waa the m ide bf operation. The old lady repeated the onoration on herself,- and waa ao de- FTZClZTZy 1 ' tirad ibem, ar ia the arra.aX befoTe they leas .un.iwiio mm Awparieu.. : ; yiz.; . t thU Mi, on las. .askWl.kaa ikwea ll.i ilia nnl cliiu nor inrnrmant. IhA fninialAI1. had I ' . . ... ... .... , j, -BiM( Km. ta rn ml an.1 rati T Defn CattermUrs-Twk atrong Soap Suda. and with a broom ar brash sprinkle at ttHr nttt -nur in Ihe ttmuaj afbstvtbay bassM psledthe Jblysc jy scow. , f.rrr -v.rr.r.r: : . r , j rc.,.:-- aia j cution of fiov RulietL'e's imtvd t doMer diraciingioi, uuumvuhv h i" "rift , "i - " - V,tZ Sy aShSr.y hoTorWralh. BrjiUI. no vneihen veveryincisouU k .i.J tint wivea and ciniuren oi taa i fiachaf .red the next tnoromg covered witjt th erw. in m win m- to n o in "" - ....... i li-'..-, .... , , . r.: i ...j ilii.,.ni hMnir OF9.v Ji) Charleston. 'This was.wcll calcuuieu jo..ru. - - - --- - i tcommouij' cui.cv ivw.,-.."")-.-'!- hn Cummia was too much. an qipotntment to preach at a school-houjie in the twighborinsy eonmy.- The tmngregarion: beingis-" seuiblnd, while the minister was m the act of read ing the. hymn, who should pop in but" the old wo man with her, new fashioned fan; and having taken ruins j and it ia not an dtiihtere1trig fact that this her sftat,1mmediatol poor,peOoutq wawnwonty uvmg uemg we aaw iu m- . v . a ..-".'. f ihedasolatritr of Petra. ; Aller gdiiugat us for a few momenla iron a instance, na came iowt;a us, i'nd'ia'a fo w inomeots was aiti'uig down (o pipea ami cte wh tny companioriH.-, r y; ' Amortgilie.rHiua is a circulat"thctre, cutput of the aohd roctf, containing 83, rows of.ieale, and capahlo of holding -81)00 pwiplcH' Although the front piHara hav f dhn,ye tho whola Uieatre; aay Mr. Sterens, is xn auch state ot prepervation mat if the tenant of. the tombs .around Could once maesaa, wilbuat aay aeeeaaiy fos ciaafang or born- jng thaaa,. ....;- .. T Prrtrne Cattle froaa Dim ta the iTia- ter. W beo cattle are kept oui m in winter, it rimmeoded as 'f . waefal. praica to rub armie tof . aV the iot of tbe awira, whack prevea tba wet from jretltng beiareHi tbe root and the skia aad it is said, cmunbtitea to pmr-rre tbe health of tba . . t e .v : A - atHrnal, ami aerp im- imaj mwa. ooeaaca to which it may otherwise be liaUa. goodearnest.ne.congregati knew not what to make of it-j some smiled and some locked aston ished, but the ludicrous prevailed over every thing lse, and to auch an exlenrithat the minister him self wits obliged Id stop reading, and to hand tba book to his brother in the desk." Alter the usual preliminary aervicea, be rose to preach, but there , TIs male Cream yiVW Bmtter pkhly im roil sat conspictihsly the olj lady . with the bellows in trailer. L'reani wilt readily yield up tbe batter it front, a hand hold ef each handle, the nose turned contains is tbe coldest wrwibr, if as aweb bealiog up toward a her face, and with much aelf 'compla-1 water be poo red in, as wiu aria H to the fvamera- eencv. nutTms the tentle ' breeze into her face. 1 ture of oew aailk, thai is, aaitk job froea tba cow ; r,how to proceed he knew not, tori cream aojnanaged, win . requara tary utua caoro. east hit eyes over the congregation I ing, and oo other diadanuge aeeroea, except that meeting with the old lady At length,! the butter Will be white for a day ar two. i I ii,. ,:j:.;. r.i,ur..,j-men asuunuinuouiu ft v.- :i' ' . v "" . ' t. . . .

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