: M 0 It A L D F.PAUMTl'NT. W'lirii j!,., ;,rt culled tltt'W for tit (iltl4 H, hmi civca noi il, ,i which it in tbv Inmr!. Hurt art guilty of thai hypocrisy wlnob is cowardice, and tutu tioceii which is penury;; f IliuliiU-Mrf tl.ui ktlini?' was . ..--a- cuu:i'r m, u rn.'i'fc"- - - i - jduli'jnl 6,iii-t,. dreu, fg t'.cr wi h oo cf i.ii tin'.W cli' irvu, j who lt i'l'.ii-d i le i!nr el the time four ii.ly, ' mil iJ I irtln ,,!; tl.r-ir -r ne (it li J tuf4 i ........ , -J. . . . . - - - - - . i. . - i i .-..! itdii t ini'n a i ii i rviiir - ... - . - i - . . i i r in ill nij: il b ii:' I nrni r "ii" "t -r utiriivr I xt "'new. 1 i-v i. uf.(3rfd and burnt lite iium lo llt . z.: i. ,,., ni their lx in?.' ' ' n x ! L . .!. LIT . ' r L I I Jl CI BUt M w - - ground. lnu.:Jiatd -oo ttj a!auil tu ig given ; u,'t ,jf ti,.ir mUry, they would look upon her Willi C4-! p-M-- EwenlnST.' AUGUST 17, 183 U A prouV-nd man p Hi, UW- liv MiW mn. uh ianriacf those eacsned. ',..,,. n.r,air..it and afterwards, transferring t Jim. I'lide, tif lite I intra Kiai' 1 'ragout, w4tM-Ulw feeling from the intiiouwiie ,use, wtcy woom u 1 . - " ' F . . ' ...:..:. J....I.I ..... I... I mtl.rittf I ELECTION KKTL'KNS. peas in the power of eyery fool he inetits." The lute Mr. Wirt, in a Ictfer deecriling tie ef fort of Intemperance, say t It piralyves tit trin. lb bntin, tlw heurt. ' AH -the U-trt kfieciions, nlll ute energies oi me inioa wi'ner uncer ps n.nupe. Mr, Gibbon remarks! The fft, and imlis. pensablo, ri quisle of Jiaiiiiintaa It clear ron- cience." - . , M Truth it ftlwaya eonsiattnt with itaelf, and lteeU nothing to help it out. Jt ia alwaya near l j hand, and tit upon ottr lipa, and ia ready to drp out U lore are are aware ; wlieroaaa he ia trooMe. ome, Ana. w a man a invention upro Ui rack, j and one trick needn i'grei qmj more to nake it j ffood." ' ': . " ' " ' 1 ..' ' ,i A (frtoj word ian eay Abtijration ; but pot to apak ill, rvjuiriM only oyr ailence, which coata ua 'jKlhing.f '.' .. il'-, .: . " . He that j good will infallibly become letter, and he that ia bad will a certainly become worae ; for vice, virtue, and time are three thitthat orver giapd BtjU." - . ' , ' )fll (liaAvil nrinctnbM which Ikh1ui0 toltuman '-pature, imhe, perhupa, ia more prevalent han pride. There arc aoriio, however, who are mure uitdt-rlta IdAiMinM ll.an nlko ' .44 u Vw. lk...L . T ..,tli!n kill .. ,"-7--1. . --'tr-, r' : ' ' CI Ihcmaelrea, srtd wi)l imagine all the world lhir&e about tbeiff too tbey aujK)ge they are the subject of every conveiaiio, and fancy every wheel which movea in aocietv halh aume ri'lalion to them. Peo )lrof tlila aort artf very denlrou r knowing what ta aaid of tliem ; and, aa they, have do ronception (but any but glorioua thinga are aaid 6( litem, they are citremelv aoItciiia to know them, and often , JhiI tbiaquewioni-Hhod men aay that famT , One day.-when Alctbiadea waa boaaimj of hia vhirh 'generally blow tip the pride of young peo ' nm (iTmuiIitv. iSnrnlM mrrwd him In onuvrBiili. 1 V " - "I " - jcM map, and anked him to find Atltca ft waa an mall,' t could acaroely be discerned upon that draught. - le' (bund it, however, Ihough with awnui .rlilfimilttf tMaft alMrtn IvAin tw Aam'twA aakanl pav aaaa'a f vww, w " v wv vu w v wuini pul nil own eatate (here ltia loo autau," aaya he, 44 to be diKtiiiguwbed in w UuU a apace." te; tbon,"- replied socratea, H how much you 'art eflocled about n iqiperceptiUe point of laadl Tbi reaaooing might have been argrd much fur ber Mill. ' For what lva Attica cnpard to alt tUrcece. Greece to liurone. Kurone to tlie whole world, and the whole world itself to the vat moot pf infinite orbs which' surroiindii! What an in sect, what a nothing, a the moat, powerful prince fbf the earth, in the midat of th abysa of bodica and immense epacea ; and how lillle of it doca be DCCUP1 1..1 j. ;. v-e. 2Jtr - ' M.A nothing is more dogrodinz to the character ' pf 1 man than pride, to lulling ia morn fruitful of pro, or n9c,a oiuii iu iiioic wreicuruuro iiiu miaery.". A vaat proportion of tit impatience aud fretfufnosa of fiia.fikjnd (m) Mr. Scott) reaults - from a fulno eutinmte of their Awn uieritv and con , 8Hfuence. . Tliia itJitcn them to cnromlcr their finals grej!t itii'jrjriiiff.wtrirting.ttie Itraat auxout 4 )ntolerabliT, but humility leconcitt-s men to obscure stations, mHd circumetances, and common occu pntioita. Such men r rdy to atoop, and, in - konotir to prefer ptbora, they do not oomplaio of lcing; buried in aituatinna where they are oftder yiiliKd n,d neglected. They think soberly of litem helves, ai fliey ought' to think; and thia acur them Ijrom manifold djsappointmecta ainvntoo$ - fo-wbicb other men are exposed. That will break proud iiuin'a heart, which will scarcely break an lumuio man s aiwp sua it is certain, tuattnany of the'troublcf of life allift our pettce almost in ec sct proiHrtjtm to the degree of our pride aud bu- OTreifHlu. ill nb-.il frtv men, weiil iu porsmt nftbo IihImu. atd rvarbed lite place by otie Itour by mn; the ItuIietHi ere tln gvue, but not more ihaa blf a h' ur iu -Jjit-, but aurcenicd in rmclimg lh? swamp brfare the trxopa could over tnke tlteifU . Il aa at conaioVml atli'iwUe that so small party of men aUouM enter so dent a vamp her there .waasoiiiucb sign."-- Slaitiigt tUlt lltcorder. ".''- : MRS.' ilUTCllISO.VS ADDRESS,-' Delivered at tiir c!iee of her Him'tlion,oo the Ui of August, l83Hi 'f Mv Dcjui Pcrna: ToJay cluaea our Andemic year, reltNa from our mutual cooaeiiuA a 1'ocler and PuptU, aod aefralea o idely freui each uVr. To me it m a time of Stdira. , Sorrow baa bea t"T ao quaioUoce tor mtay Jong fart put, aod I have learned. UNt however efmrt to the eye of anitpau a scpara. Uon may aeemyit may.ie IheeiJi provaelernaL IS1I, to many nt you, it may beta buor of frolic and flee; you are now released from daily ata-iy, aal the rule of acboul, and eipect aiactr pbaaurt in lite aociely of your frienda, Full well I koow tbecrunamted purpM ckwb of MDimera ete.ire nut atore bf ii'ht. more lovely. tln Utevtac yiuor youi .nt i n 4i..(.r.'iitj,f a iwntal ser- :t CAWAKllua.w, a eia wii"H f'ia " 1 . ' v i vaut, and the, wtw wirorniel to be me eociaie f Ooaeraor. uuoien equal of man, became ihe servant to wain the tact of 1... . .I .1. hu-i her. na nutltl how 4eS WS VIV I VIM "f ' wind ear way into the Uofled oiaae of butory, we al wayt od W tho iwme ufieTmg ami degraded being. Nor need it be aflinned that neaul iutertortty reduced her to the eonditioo of a slave. . It waa tier mitrtunc to k bora a woman, and contempt aod upicioo were ber btrthriftit io amde lronmJ her nitoeawter, ao approving Werd C-il apun her ear, - noy (tladoaoed her hurt, ert-ry action, and Word, yeafookv Would be autseclcd of rviUdenpair would aeiie Hp lit wwl;. andue ntAUl power, trwm long inactioffJwoiilJ be Come a rtagnant pud, from which latnl .fjitialatMiS Would arwe, acatterhig pestilence on all around; or to eirry ui iba figur,atoial evaoofatutn would tak place, leaving tfie rentmnr a coinplote vacuum. Tb lufiieat hot mo intelligence that ever priced our fallea world, if eitbie te eowicioaa graapof auperior powar.and oitdor tb unvarying influence of auptcion, and lutred, would give way bctora it a Ux:ke, or a Newton, woulU grailoally Lave aunk to the imbecility ut aetage. Kutb, 6 more than four Uiooend veaw, wadtr lot of woman ; auch it ia atill in the dark cor aeraof the earth. When our iboughta turn towanU lit a eheerleia lot of woman; caa we wndi-r that eo ma nv iirnorant and reeklea of a hereafter, nhrniWl volun- tarly rcora the brittle thread of temporal eaiatence, Jfoat daring . A1 u7itn.-ThI morbing. abouj nai; past, ".iiree p tlui'a.a moat atrocious mur der connriittoil at the market house, on the bo , 3y of CdgHf Uoulli'Mj, a imiiye of Philadelphia, but kr the knit few year a resident t f Havauua The (!ecl waa committed within tbe view of several of I he market worpPn, who were fKen aa?mbling, but jfiC murderers were ijotdintinguinhcd. Sirong eua, piriona, however, rest upon Jhree iudividuftls, wiih tJioii the deceased was seen in conversation, and - (wof whom are arree4. Anewiwry bythepro. ' per aiithoritjea is now jn progrea. Iudependco trf' j",onjii4oraliona of iy inanity, we always deeply de itiloro a transact ign pf this nature in our city, mn lending f crtnte abntnd an errotwoui impreaeion of the character of our comnimiity lor it ia our am cere opinion, there i none in the country, mnde up of eucb a herterngenous ma aa ours, where more nuiet and order prevail. The notion i prcvaleut, and we have frequently heard U repeaiefV that hu- pan lire ia held cheap nng gi,- He aooul the id-a, and venture the assertion, thnt man walks nowhere more free from personal apprehensions thanamorg ua. We are now ia the midst of a rrON heated aod violent political conteat, in which brother it engaged prainst hrothher oljaml long confirmed frici)dtihirH broken up, buj jve hear of no broils, no outrages - fnlho streets; warm auJaniawttJ d4ciwsLna are held a every copier, hut who neea the hand of man ! e trust that our city ,lice will he nil int and tin in, tfi piifpmt nf the pfirpctfaliri u ihe guil ty deed, Mobile Jlxamintr. spell about them that (nods utrooi'lr Ibaa Detilah's, -tbe avenla) powers f thwr willing vicuna. They tell you U.t to-morrow aball be as to-day, anj situ aoore abiiaJant ; tjul fet ibeai oevef fervf oil to Cirgct bow often the Brightest baSoot the' incru ag L.n be.a trv.; barbtnger of ao overwhelming trmf, and tbe suit, which rose tit apbmUir, baa, before it ha reached it meridian height, been enamiJed m a night of ekaide. No power ths hoa nuui is mur Ukely to ksad s astray Utao the iraagwatioa. Protows bke, it auwiss any form, or wear any hoe.. Here tt arcb-aomy diav pirys hw rusictilees skill ta punung. lie knows eaca la ate aod iociuuitioo, aod ao arrays beCce tbe wtentat eye, bis mot alluring r4ieci rubtd in Uttiir riclte drapery, tHt be larely tails to ensware the hewiL B oo your gnard, tbea, agamst this CfrrnaJbrr, it ia too oftea aa igoia fatoua, h:ch chevr br a dwompi, but lures to destrec-tiuu. Be not too nneaine in np ct two. Blighted hope ia the lot ol earth, and we wtio bat beeu longest acaautled with it already see, ia anticipation, a ibounnd dwappoinlaiebis, suspended aa it were, l.ks lite glittrring swore tmm ths gnded ceil ing of tbe tyracuB patace, trctitUtogotcr indSs and ready tu cruh your futUsi wish,.-. Yno do noC believe it, a i well, '.e4 !ke I).vwic is k's terror, yoq sh'SiM reject lite eoyiyatenta now proffered to your scxeptaoee. N'll yuu ought to be eoosiderate, ad you will sutler me tu brins l; yiur recollectioa, two events of our put hiitiir)-, wiitcb may help yoe to lerl how uncertain are all our hopes of earthly good. But you ynunrlves can not bave forgotten bow svuldculv, and nnepeeiedly, two of oar number were Ukea fawn cs. One drooped at the edge i our daily path, like some sweet opemag flower, banging as it w rc between life and death lur one short wreck, we wa letted ber eoik tng, and then with many tear CJIowed her to the ai leal touts, and wbiU Ut eU cbahiu lbs vaiiay Ml ttpi the l vely bwi anosMciniis rfatain. we dropVed a frail memenlo of our tSTtion among them, and left hvr all alooe to sleep is her narrow boose till Ihe timr oiiis, of the resurrection. The eJherf rUnd, a you now vtand, to reosive the parting wortls of your teacher ; rory health blopttnl lair opm he young clu-eij; pka lure bea.i,e4 in Ler bright (lark rye ; ahe bad, like you, a joyous scene in aiiltctpaUai, uvi khe wu entering up oo tU eniMywcal faU if fpec!st;tf : but. alas! On- kndwn atU unexpectedly to u. the angel or oeam iuki received his cotpmiasion, and w one single day alt that yonth and health and luveliitess were laid together in thalumb! And which if no is sere to-lay, that the but arrow is not already sptd loiter own boAMa! Andwhoaruong ua can aay that die feet of tbnse who cameQ one of thcae out. shall aot carry ber out also ! Let as, then, it n prove tbe prearct moment as if we knew we sbuuld not "ntcct agsm. Vou bave, n-y dear young friends, baeo given to yoor parrnla by a merciful Piuvidenee as blesaia, more precious tbaa siker or gol.i, and it is in your sn power to oonSna. or annul lite eift, by your wnproveaieat or nosimpitxr jfiit of the talents bestow ed epoo you. ju esnoot forget that of him to whom uiucd was given, much was required, and bo who made m iQpiuaawDt cf the UlecU entrostcd to i chsrgr. re-'eired w- rvew-rewstt waii lta who tad- bis Low ei mimty waad'iomwi to -see- take away 4!at hcb we soewttsj so bave. Thm m eoe mt valcable talent. Iui nptd Sight admoobbrs us to waweaxte4 diligence, it earriew na ils ewrit Win?, aa tin pa rial account of all our thoughts, au4 words, and actnna, to the bar of retribu tion : ear was it rer knows ta mora in gtve'to any a arcood oppnrtonrty. Ilow important to improve it to inr eppiDuauua n uv innne wmt : in itow muj Wrap it in the napkin ot fully, aod prepare for them selves the tearful doom at" the anpn4t!able sevsant 1 Cut VH1 have Sf Jof dea yoting trienOs. many Ulents cootuiilted to your charge; think atjmt birth in a cljrMtian land, tliiiik UK kittdnesa ot Tar inerxTn, t' all Uw joys 4 bonte', sad Ihe privileges of educa tion. Hut you cannot apprecaite tbese tslems, wnltmi yHi gUoce st wliil waiusn was oestgiied lo be, and view tbe clJinges sm has made in Iter lot. Let as hk then, by the iwcrerf h-'hi of Holy truth, into ihe garden of rjeo. opott the long' dark strestn ef )man ItW as k -rolled in its troubted wrerrf from -the ltcrb-- guarit'd gate". Jon the Jfflwre ' tif tins. We can have, even by ail the aid ihe-tScnpture gite but little vie of tbat al.Wul gardes, which Jhfl great Creator hinwelf planted Cs our trt parents. r C!tering fruits of every name bung, ripe from the dependant branches, attd flower ot every form and hue glvUened tbe eye, sod pcrtuined the pure and refreshing breeze which murmured among tfie Cduge, while ai) the various tribe of annual life grazed inoniiooa up. in the luxuri ant berbaar, or !led thcu- thirst amona U-trystal waters thai laved tbe borders of tbat delightful resjioavi. Andean any d'Wbt u;n f .te benevoteiit Creator Mtfigue all ibis to promote the e nl happioessot tlire upon w)kw it wis K'.wed1 Iwr weie tlmiied iw ihe soriow :- or tbat the hand uf the mother was dyed in I.L.-.I -r i, iintil .Ik fulfilment I . in. nuM V' 1. 1 ii.iir ... . tut Ua protM five to our 6r-prH-i4M Um advert i l our bloeed si wui) tltat woman sa w tue ow n of a brighter day, a day which droll yet illuminate the while earth. But alas ! its cheering beams, bave not yet reached tbe benighted bnd of the .Modem, and tbe PagMi, nor yet albcied, even in christeihlom, that atMktMsraiKa tf the evils under which riursei na SO long been placr 4, and which it wsi calculated to produce. Il has iitd. e4 healed the hitter water uf strife at the dumertic tourriain,audelevated woman to the companion. hip of the other sex; bulltow ha it fitted her for this de value I A alave.clnl in ta tiered garrner.t, needs seme thin? more limn lit freedom, to fit him to be aa aao- ciate with a prince anion? bis people. So the mind uf woman, freed fntsi the Uirclat'e under which it so long had gruaueri, n'eecM thit merilul iuiproteinent which give t virtue itsbrighti'st coloring, and to society its bnghteia charm'. This Mewing, my deur yoonf frieiida, may he yiur4; tl; n ut!y to uiiprove lite opportunities you enjoy, and in order to slue them aright, look bsck again and again, spun tlie wltole history of soman, that you may feet uw tsvored a lot ynu enjoy. Culti vate every power bestowed upon you, whether mental, moral, or personal. Read profitable authors s certain portMio of every diy, hot the Holy teriptwvs above al! ; no other hook cm til you for lltst eternity toWirds which you are hiitfcfliug. WrUe daily ; lie y who omit this mans of iiuprjvament waste by tar the greatest portioo of what iliey gain by tlieir intercourse with the wU: aa ir Uts savnd nav be said U be twice irained. Accuxto.ii yonrilves, like the follower of r thatroraa, everv one of v n. to take a strict acoouni every uight of yo own conduct, to see w hat you have gain-d iu knowledge, what you have let in time, and wherein you bave laiied in domg to ol Iters as yon would that ihey iihouM do tu yuu. Wrthoot an silent io0,uril- pnhnwi and eoociemioufs to this moat sacred precept, UM-re will he no usetulurM in lif;, no peace in death, no joy beyond the tomb! Tlii life is a sea upon which we bave embarked. Tlie fear of God and his holy comma ndineoU ought to be our gutdiug Mar, and this atone ill hrmg u to tlie haven of eternal rest But alas! too many steer by tbs maxima of this world, which in fair weather, and Mill waters, )ffy-riem- smnMhl ami wpefpwWy along; but Ihe long dark nights, and tempestuous wea ther of r'Miiin" w inter, will founder their frail barks among the yawning arywesol the deep; or, what, if pawbje, is yet iikire terrible, strand them among thej breakers upon a he shore. And now, my di-ar pupils, whet lie r of thie lat Aca demic year, or ot any ether which I have tau.'ht, (fur I would stfettHmsU'ly addrew, at this time, each one whom I hare ever called my pupil,) you sit know bow I hare been in arid out before you ; my instructions are with you; our last great accountability is bound up in una bundle, and must be made together. If I know what joy n, it is thia, to see you, who are as children to me, rui rilling yoor duties in your families, and ia socie ty. To sew you honored and happy, is among my high esfjearthly : atiifiuajuo--1 iuel a prnle iu your lm pnweoeet. and I rjt?ic in ihe hope that i rctura you HiiF 5n pTJfOW edge, and virtae, and grace. I entreat you all, hT the rotollection of the p, by the hope of that which ia to cume, to bear on your hearts the memory of your teach ers and the school in which you bave been educated, and to recommend it wherever you go, by that most impressive of all recommends tmes s lite or consistent piety, aod virtue. And now, with unfeigned sfliction, I would thank you fi all your kind attention to my sitants and to myself, nor would I forget that notice you hare bestow ed apoa my orphan child. - May a inrrcifiil ttedeemer be your guide and yoor portion fiuever ! And with this wiiih I resign aty charge over you, and bid you a ma ternal farewell. To luy friend f the Villnge, who have, on many oc easioQit, atinwiered to my co;iifnrt,'and happtneas, and to that ot my pupils 1 beg leave to oftcr, to each indi vidwil of litem, thia public acknowledgement of my seasr of their uniform kindness to us all, and ss I ex pod to Uve noopportuniiy. at (his tiove, of taking per ponsl leave of tbern, I hope they will allow me to offer them my kindest wishes, and lo ssy farewell. To the paltotis of the sehiol 1 otler my think. and respectfully solicit a eontmuiiHin of their pitronage. The arrangements now in progrefs, fi tho accommo dation of Ihe school, jutihes the hopn that we (hall make it an honor to the Ktaie. I wonld enlist every pitriolie feeling in its behalf. If il besurtained, Wes tern North Carolina will receivo a hic h accession of praise, when the next generation shall fill our places. . Branch, f M. Baiier, , SraaC.!Kelchor,(whig,) ; . OssMon- D. Boger, (adm.1 - . ... f . . Wm. llama, (tiig,) ,- Sknif.lk U Kimmiger, , . . - MONTGOMERY CO. f3wrwer.-Dlley, - Branch, - . - . Sewofc Dr. J. Montgoroeiy, Common.-W. Harris,-, ' T. PembertoO, - T. J. Bright, Wm. waringeu, (withdrawn) (all wings.) , Hkrrif. E. Ilea roe. . , f CHATHAM fJO. Censemor Dudley, - ( Branch, -St nmle. Albright, ( w h ig) , " h'-eii, (ad.n.) Crtmsvons.Clegg, (tuthrie, - WaddelW Coti-m, . Fushee, - AUtim, " Ukrrif. Hsratsn. - SURRY COUNTY. tiattniaDuilteu.-!!. ; : - -. ; . 25 . '4(W ; . ... 407 " 4fll ; - 605 (whig.) 'lb (adm.) 019 - 48 633 546 4J0 014 1,026 2511 541 392 91' Oil .900 eoo 675 3C0 1,1 IT .1S5 618 1! ranch. Senfe. Frsuklm. (whig.)- " Dohson, (adin.) - Commoa. Puryear, - (hig.) Buydjn, " - - --Ogleiby, " Roberts, ' (dm.) Calloway, - Douglase," " - Psrker, , " Sheriff'. Hampton, - Zaclnry, ... IREDELL COUNTY. G'ovemer. Dudley, Branch, -Senate. G V. Davtdaun, (whig ) CumMMM. Ju Caldwell, - - ' J. A. Young, - ' - Jan. It klcUughlin, G. T. Emcraon, " Wm. King, - " Cautpbell, - (all whig) Sheriff.-J. M. Bogle, - ' J. F. Jobusuo, ORANGE CO. b'osemor. Dudley, - - " Branch, - - Senate. Gen.-Allison, (adm.) Vvmmfm. CoL kiiockard, Col. fiitns, and CoL Frollin. ger, (idm.,) sod Wm. A. Graham, -(whig.) NORTHAMPTON CO. Senate. W. Moody, (whig.) Common. Jame II. Fsiaon. (whig.) -WARREN CO. Governor. Dudley, " Branch, -Senoe. W. N. Edwards. (din.) ConusjoN. Eatoo and Willmma. (adm ) GREENE CO. Geremor. Dudley, - - - - " Branch, -Constant. i. Williama. (whig.) .LEN'QIK.-. ,:LATE rOIir.lG.V IN'Tr.LMGn.N'Ci; The "Grwat Western" remind New Vurk City g on the 5th this month, after a oynj;e of 1 1 J j j, Lnglsnd, bringing iniolligcnce lute is the 20;h , The sales iu Cotton bid been dull the wouk previa holders had refused I decline in price, and buyers , backward. ;. ':-r): " Money continues to la to abundant tjuf cpiu:.,-s are entirely at low lor investment, ifc 't ,,, The crops throujjbout Eugland, Ireland, and Funui are said to be.venr good. . .. ' u . , A bill; to abolish imprisonment for debt, is Wor Qm' British Parliament, ind Will thia session, become a hw. ' - -THE CII ER0KEES, V , ''-Th Tlie business of collecting, snd removing these pie bu Ibrtunitely been conducted ao far witlaait th, ocenrrence of any of the difficulties which bad been ip preltended. According to uie estimites made, Ui whlo number of Cherokee remaining in the nation the Ut uf May, was I6,00(r-2,C00 of 4lse were aUrled 'm their way West ward during 'the month of June.. C. Scott after that time, suspended- the emigratioq Bnijj the IX Sep'ember on account of the season. At Uttt time tlie work will be rccornmenced, indbelareiitW winter, in all probability, the Cherokee will have kek. ed bis last upon the hunting grounds oMiis fkUiers. ' ; We see it stated, that st a Convention of the Protca. Unt Episcopal Church of MeryUnd, recently held, uW Right Rev. Jackson Kemper, missionary BUbop in uW Mississippi Valley, at the present, was clectud loth' office of Bishop of that Piocese. , - ' Tf . V v -- -.1. '... . The last "Advertiser" states' that the number olpii,' 'sengera on th Wilmington aud Raleigh' Rail-Said s so greit, that thcCoyipsny wcra coinpelTetl to locreuf their facilities for transportation. - "M10 tiL 64fJ TOM 615 135 Ml f?6-2 717 610 2 6N4 ei8 1,480 1.808 106 (iol 61 We were requeued by Mrs, I.luTenisos to sty thit her School will be re-opened on tho 10th of October hextr TTie Muslclir clinrge of Miss Biker. If the number, of pupils ksuf. ficient to justify it, tlie Rev. Mr. Front is will asmnia the instruction of the class in French. Miss Nye, fror. New York, will aist in the Literary Department, ltd M iss Aniaoda S, Nye will teach Ihe ornamental brncbra. ' Gonernor. Dudley 221 " Branch, . , , . . . 200 Commoa. V. Davie, (adok) SIIUI AB UHOIB. Senate. J. Harper, (whig.) HALIFAX CO, Governor. Dudley, . M Branck . Senate. A Joyner. (whig.) Common. M. Wilcox, W. Daniel, S. Whitaker. (all adm.) -w wwsww Vwrwsff i liAKl AKCl tU. Gevfraor. Dudley, . , ' , Branch, . . " Convmowl. E.S.Bell. (whig.) JONES. 4oH 321 428 -48 A most destructive fire has lately occurred in Ilix)' son, N. Y. ; at the time of the last iccounta soul7 houses had boeo consumed, and Ihe flames were yet nU ging unsubdued. The whole of Front, Fleet, and Far. ry streets, and all the houses on Still street, both aUs' of the way down to the Mouth Bay weredestroyed. Two fires have lately Is ken place in Now Haven, Connecticut, both supposed to be the work of incendit. ries; the last came near consuming a"partoi theCaf lege building. " ' Statue of IVsjAington Four years ign, Congree ordered thai a titatue of Washington ahouldbs nada, to be placed in the splendid rotunda of the Capitol at Washington City. The work was committed to ths hands of the celebrated Sculptor, Mr. GaiENovoR, who, the death of Carteva, stands first m his fnhmim- Mr. F. Cooper has recently received a letter fn Mr. Greenongh, giving the information that the Statae is in rapid progress, and will soon bo finished.- It ain't ceruihly prove a moat splendid specimen of the sculpt tary an. J ne pioci ot marble trum wlncn. n. m in king, weighed, when il first came under the bedt of the artist, 130,0006. or more than titty tons. It mi not IS liasy Jut, the netting this Mofck out of (lie mm.' tain aome 20 miles from Rome, and conveying it ia it rough state to the studio of the artist, where ft lecaivM its form, and figure. . . ( ,' .. When finished it will be conveyed down UieTib to its mouth, and there embarked fur the Uuited SuUa "Brernorr Dudley," Branclr;" Comma. Wo. tiuggioa. fwhig.) caaTaarr aud joaaa. Scns.'e. Maj. Enoch Foy. (whig.) CASWELL CO. Governor. Dudley Branch, . . . , Senate. Maj. Jaa. Kerr. Com swa. L A. Uwyn, and L Parker. person ca . Gswrnor. "Dudley;-;-. -----j - Branch, - . . - . . : -' ftraer. J.W.William, (sdm.) Cummnm. R. Jones, and M. Chambers, (all adm.) ROCKINGHAM CO. 848 870 3G0 Governor. 4, 11)0 London Court JiNinuil aaya thaf Mr. Stl Jy's portrait of tho (juecn bus been exhibjted l a purQcntvl and distinguished body of visiters Tim Journal is in the in un good authority in the Tine Art, and therefore the following,, tplemlid Compli. snent Jo Mr. Sully's abilities, conte wilii posiuve ftrce, ( A4 likenesa it is estoemed the moat ad rninble aa jel painted ; a a work of art, it re nutH u in jti execuiion more uf Sir Thomas Liwrsnco than any of our own niixWn jwinti is. HEMINOIJ WAR. , We have authentic intelligence of the murder cf ;t Junnly In Ware gounly, by Jhe Indians ciavcealtd in the Okefynokop swamp. A l?t;cr froui that rr uiify dnM on Ihe 21th ult. $nys, thiit "on Sun ii ,iy mornjng, 22nd, bet ween day brenk nml sun ri, t'i house of Maxey M. Miles, resident aboj aeveu milea from Waresboro', was attacked by a parly of Indiana, suppoeed to be about fifty in number, and barbarously murdered Miles, hia wife, and nixchil- same divine. wtage, ttey rccet'.eJ the same divine blessing, were endued Willi Ihe sany. authority, and appointed to the same occupation; tltey ware fktrmed ! for society ; but sock t i perfect on!y wh. r there ia rOjUahtv j inferioriiy would he implied imperfection; tlie slf-w'we, infinite Creator mvile them perfect, and pronounced the oxe '. Such u ere they ia Paradise who can think of Oieir inhocenco and their bartptneM, and not Khud.hr In vie of the evils' ."ta has brought upou our nee! Ambuion, prule, and envy, temple,! hem lo break tbe divine commands, anitogetlter they wjredrivea from their I: allowed home, to wander among lite thorns and briers, with which their IraasgresmoH bad pUnled our bt-utif"ul earth.-. Sal lot to Ujre who had enjoyed the bliss of Paradise! hut they .were fin tfrtr, nd suffering is a pm cf Jheir yvrr coititulion. But our oiiject ia to' uv;u're into the egect of the fall upon the A-raai sex, and thefery first domestic circle to which aa open dune bivrte tn, sltews the bitterness ot dmuortio strife, and tbe tregradalion of wbotaa. Far he it frota me to mnmiar at the divate diopfsHatioo rifie who waa firrt in the transgressioflL deserved to be proatiinenl in sudbring. We ail koow how ewjjt r Rebecca, daughter of CoL It W. Longfof Salisbury. '1 tsarah Ann, daughter of Dr. Scott, of Kowan county I CvrrtfunJenr of tkt A'ncarft Dwf AsWfiser. - WwiiTiiT. Morril C. July 26. I hare witnessed, during the past night, ore cfj Ihe most diatreiNing srrnea thaf ever toli place in our village. Mr. Jarcee IWge, a respectable me ehante, nged aboot 24 yeara, died this morning about 4 w'cloeh with- thai iroly awful dieee, 17 dropkobia. The "first symptom of the 'malady were not.ahown until Tuesday evening, (24th irtst.) witen h irtemis were about io app'y Warm wa l e-. ,r. t j, , ... ... irrionnjeti. tie anuauereo ai mo (ignt. - lie ate a hearty breakfast yesterday morning, but did not it rink any thing with it. iic iii.jnnT-u u, iikj uwncr ut mo uv uiai nil mil awur aji wwks since, a ne thought tbe dog waa G'oeemsr. mad An evasive answer was given, when he re plied, The dog was mad emd lam a dead ma !" About twjo oVlock, yesterday pimrnooii, he had sorne light spasnm, which continued ki increase un til lie died. About II o'clock hut evening we auc eeetled in gtt'ing a strait jacket npon bim, whon be wamiajiM J? fhe (adm.) (whig.) Dudley, " Branch, . Senate. Reid. (adm.) Common. Caldwell, and Braswell. CRAVEN. Governor. Dudley .' . , , . Branch, . . , . Senile. Biddle. (whig.V Cnmavoar. Hymin, and Wsdcwofth . J-RANKLIN CO. Governor. DuiMey; , - ' . , . , - . Branch,. . , . . " Senate. Uswkiiw. (adm.) ' CoatMoas. Williams, and Ilowerton. (all id to.) - i axson ca Governor. Dudley, - , . " . Branch, .. . . . . .. ' Sawfe. CoL White, Cotttstflur."" Geo; DtToia " P. A. Winston, R. B. Murchiaon, Sherif, J. II. Allen. v'.-r"- WAKE CO. Gmotrmtr." Dudley, .- . - i Branch, 509 M9 309 5254 460 161 i. ffW4 488 037 020 talk as rational as ever, and agreed with. n up- the propriety of his confinetnetiir At one lime he cifjed out," u A'ifi yovr jngt Itti ijmtr' dogt f-n Senate. ' Whitaker, (adm.) . - ... -. Csmmona. Rand, Massey, Mingnm, (all adm.) - t- RANDOLPH CO. Governor. Dudley. . .." " LUii Senate., J. Roeing. (whig.) .. CsmawMs. CoL Z. Rush, and Dr. Wm. D. Lane, (w'a) '.. : ' GUIIJOBD Ca At a meeting of the laembcrfof th Mobile Bsf,coa vened on tlie occasion in that City, on the 24th all. Resolutions were adopted expressive of their regret fir tbe death, and respect for the memory of their deces1 brother, Richard II. AiKXAWDxa, Ewj'.; it was alw W solved that the members wear the ewdomary badge if mourning for 30 days, and attend the fsneral of ths 4V In addition to the list of Factories which we publish! some weeks since, the rFayetteville Observer,", m " 12. Tbe Csns Creek Factory, in Cliitham Comtfc owned by a Company, and which his boon io opsrttioi tor a year, or two. . r;.:,,i . 13. The Alamsnee Factory, in Orange Ceoitlr, owned by Mr. Holt, w believe,' ii Sorcia Pywenf..We observe that many of lbs country Bink of Pennsylvania, and several ol Uie Pk adelphia Banks, as also sorgo fsrther South, eommsDcct redeeming their notes with specie, the first via month. The balance of the Philadelphia banks, 1ft; BiddleVmongBt the rest, were forced into the mesf on the 13th, the". dy fixed bjr the Governor's Prot malion. "We. inny socio expect a general resumplke throughout the country of such aa will ever be shied resume at H."!'f" , ..' " j f 13U Branch. . Sewole. Morehead, " C, CotnmtAK Liadssy, Doak, Thomsii. "" " ' :ASHECa Corr.vumt ff. Ney. (adm.) ' . ' ; WILKES CO. . pvtrrnor. 'Dudley, ,.., .- , -. Branch. . . . fnmnas. E. Petty, and Wm. W. Pedcn. (wli-a) '", WlbKEa SJID A8BK. - p Scnatt. tien. Jonca. . The following extract from the WatchmaA a Florida paper, has been sent lo us for publicities, The Rd itor.it will bi seeo,ay that Gov. JJnndt has iiever become an actual Citizen of ihe Tsrri torx-r-rr-tvTj Tl: '.' , i; ' ".We eliwr've by corrcspouijcnce in tlieNo'ls Cafoli-ia papers, jhat. the Hon. Jdhn Branch's nrlrdste rrr UoTernor'uf thgl SlAlfl. ' ."' ' ;l " We regret thia exaeeditiolv i we had hof that Govl B. would bo a trierubcr of 'our Conre twin to be held at El. iosepb, in December next- Ilia long" experience in public life, the cbniistewyV integrity and injlependence which have marked politicsl career, toads it an oLjecJ of great desire with a large and rerpecluble portiori of Jhe peor1 of thia county; to-obtaio his services in the imp tant work, of framing a Constitution for tfie peepl of Florida. There will bq no little disappoiiitroca!. on this subject. We had ourvqaexpecte4som Ihing diflereitt aod we had a right to do so. It however, but fair to' add, that though Gov B. M been a winter residou' in our noiglihorhood fof VDral year past, and has a large planting inters here, he has neycr participated in "our political testa, oof exercised hny political righu in Fkrii and has never, therefore, been strictly a'perinanenf rcsideot of Florida, nor a citiMn. Our law r iiuiung ni aeryice in me capacity mentionett, s irienas uetcrmtned, at already aloted ta m themselves of the defect and reqiiiftd bis syrv-- accordingly; " ', , : , . -j &

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