I Some cT'oir modern tVdiiiitcrx, and writers greatly increase the intercut of their eflusions ;by imitutioti of the following laconic, and Spar lt.it.lika' reply of a Chief of the Poltawatamies of ,,e Vabuh umilo in answer to a Jong Speech of CtJ' rapper i persuading them to emigrate I , j My chief have heard and considered upon . ' . II ... I 4 .1.11 !, ul,.t 1 1. ni hil! yOU OW UB, SOU yU iioii awi, "" iut now any. ,. oen youasKcu my i-uhjibiui n lion ef their opinion relativo to removal, they were lad, nd . appointed Mia aay to give you an an er. - .V " - Me Father Ydu We asked, my chief and all present to go west of the Mississippi they have all lout nio to-sny tuoy " - w "Juiril desires ua Jo live in eace with all men,, ,Wc Warn WO UnilCeHMIIies H ty wr wtiiiunjr, uiiu dau't know but that we will get our land hack aetin, arid thi is the reason my chief are hoi wil. ling W gn wesi ft iiw juuwmMpi'i. ' gu when yon nreniitmed our G reat Father, the Presi dent fie doeanot wian to be at variance-witti any got, and neither do we. : V;A V' v ' My Father We heard whaJ yon raid yesterday, aod you baye heard what we have just said. '.-We jo not wanl you to aay any more on the sulyoct, "or if you do, w will not listen to it." V; ' .-. Tb Indians then immediately arose and depar tad from the Council. " " , vri Tlrmaint of Nanoleon. The Siecle of Pa ris ssye that one of the objects of Marshal Souk's utimion to England wa to obtain permission to re. movethe remama.or4npoleon to r ranee; and in this, it ia aaid, he has succeeded, with the aid of the lHik of Welling Unv-Jtia. AtaieiJiir !her thatihe j'fincc de JoinviiJc f jilo pr(cct'd Io Sfrtlelra"1ri command of a frigate, listing on board a aoldier from cfry reRiaietH in France,- and that' the re mains of the Emperor are to he tlejKwilcd under the column in the Place-Vendomcr, with solemn rcli. gloua ceremonies, at whiclrthe Oukenf Wellington will he invited to be present;, (t has long been the aim of, (he admirers of Nnptilconand ali French men are entranced with his glory J to gei iu remain from St. Helena, aud to don wile them in the Place Venifomvin the lioart of larrrobahly Iuis Philippe would efrengtlietiliis dynaaiymiire liy that movemmrt tbati by any other he ptiuM jnakc. i..J.i''l:.i.Liimii.i.li.iii v . 1 y- .CARRIED. " - ' In TtKanskton. Goo, on the 3rd iant Mr. JOHN 8. MARIJN, i.rmerly (4 thts Cotittty, to Aiii RUTH JiUNTEtt WATtJON, of perry County, Ala. oiin I AIIY. DIED. It lecomea oiir painful duly to announce tho death ,X THOMAS DHA'8, Jf. K. Attorney it Iw of hii place, who departed tin lite on Saturday me in mil., aged sbtot 80 yesri Tbe eircuinxtsnccs attending the death of' Mr. D. art truly dlatrcwing. 1I n a candidate to reprexent this countr in tho next lcwlnture, and irae returning fi04it toe fiwer prtol the comity where he had gono iniitoad a'publicVatrierliigra few ilyra?vtiiUl"T5ttlff' I.letth. On arrivitiir within six miles ut this, it was dia. cavercd that IkT wsa in a stata of mental derangement On the evening of his death he started for home, as was mipnoicd, but not reaching ihia that night, Mtrioussp (irelienaions were cmcrtaiitcd by the citizens of our yil ItfC, that aoine misfortune bad hffullen him, and im mediately aearch was made for bun tlwt nivht in the neighborhood where he watt laot seen; his horse was found en We bank of "Brosd Rlyer near by, but no traces iti owner could bo seen. i)a next morniog aearch wti arain made, and melancholy to relate, he Was found ia the bottom of the river, having apparently been drowned the cveningT)revwua. ' ' 'r ,- In the death of th young man the community has Wca dcpnitd of one,, who, by bis natural endowments, brflttod fitr any station in life, and by the exercise eft highly Rifled mental capacity, might have reflected lasting honor upon hit native State; mild and courte ous in his demeanor while a the Bar, he gained the es teem of all his legal asaut.ialea. Ha has left kn aged fatheraud Mother, a brother and several sinter, lo tie plwe a ka which to them ia indeed irreparable.!--JJufa-rd OnxtUt, . v. i. - On tho morning of the 24th oft, near Ploasanl Gar. sVoa,Btkacg .:iaiMAUUJA-M'anlf 40uU.of. Joaie (iraenieetlvBgcd ten muutitaaiid tweuty-two SN u u rpilK SICK are all inking this wonderful Me - dicine which is aatooivlniig Europe, and Am lira with its michty cure. ".--? '. . ' For Snle at the PtMt OOice, fulUt'own, Irtdtll ; P.y JXO. YOUNG, Agent. August 17, 183a -', ,. 3m ' v-.X TABLE OflCONTENT Soallicrn Literary Ulcsscnser, ' -yoL iV. yo. MiL ' : ; ' OricinalvantTi.--Prom FraffmeuL Bv a Bachelor. Hcckfenliurg Dcclaraiioitof Independence In teply to saSrticWtn the April number of the Mefsenger enti. tm. Koto, and Aaecdtttes, political and misccl- latwous, fiom. 17.W lo 1KIO, drawn from tbe port-folio el aa otriorr of -the Gaipire, aod translated from the French (br the Meawoer; Bacon 'faylcr nd tlie Pyc .myds pf Egypt;, the Pacha of, JVypl ; the Slipper ol Mdt PeVronnct '.The AdventurtTs; DifTicnlties ep" eouDlcrvd by the early settlers of the State el Maine battles with the Inditns,1reMie, &., by Horatio King. Spring Jovs, by the sutlior of H Lovs at the Shrines1 "The Sleet Storln,,' &c '" Leigh. Hunt, our Sonnet. Vritinand Sonnet-Writers In general, (from Black wood's olaRiwme fur J919) .Tlie 'Dewiltory Specula. ,l; tlie Rose, its origin, snJ Ihe estimln.jn which , n wu tictd y anCient-WTitem; Uy W -n, waanm-: t.'- Recent Visit to lastly llettef 8unhbpo, copied fmmthe May No. of the Democratic Review, to which k it was fwrwarded by Hon. Letis Cass, -our Minis ter to France,, Rernrk's on a Jnte review of Bacon, by aaativo; not a reoitleot nf Virf inia. Lncile; A Nov. elette, Cha'ptets 1 V!, V, VI ; by the sulherese of The Cutw," Lc., ltt be continued.) Jouraal o a Trip to .the Mountain, Caves and Springs ol Virginia ; Cbsp ers VII antt VIII. h a- M-.F.Krl.mlpr. rnncliull(t.t Biogrsphlcsl Sketch of . Captain 8a iiiuel .Cooper of worjfetowo, D. C. a patriot of the revolution, by i crt- oi t redcrict County, Maryland. - JJenouis ot tne Reformation on the "jlapjitHM) of Jlau, ia Ti)y M ill article in tho Marc h ami aubpf()ni N'.w f.t t' Mi-s-scngor, by Nutive of Cuachlsud, Virt'itna. l'.iocra pineal Sketches f Livin? Atnerii-nn IVta and Novcl itij No. IV, Will mm Gil mora Kuunm, Ij., of yout'i Carol'". lVlayo, a Romance of the Goth; Extracts from this new work,, now in the promt, and to bo pub litjieii in a few days, by the author of M The. Yemaa- see, Meliichnmpe,' "Uuy Kivcr," " 1 no 1'ariwan, 4c. 4c. Francis Aune; a Romance, bv a Awica, ChaoterelH and IV, (to bd continued ) WaBhinglon, and the. Patroit Army ; Remsrka on the biographical skeen ot Jutife jeremian i.. uiiase, puDiisnea in me June fin, of the Messenger. - f V Original i'otry Nidnight ly' C W. Everest. StHMiet,To Mary, by L I Heaven; Taken from a Lady'e Album. To the James.' There's a flower; ta ken trwn a I-sdy's Port-Folia Expostulation, by C. W. II, Camden, ti C. Lament of an Old Bachelor, by I.yricus. Ronoct, to the Mngnjlii Grsndiflora, ey C PC. WStdiington City. On dreaming that I heard a Lady engaged in Prayer, by L L- To a beaut iful Creek Roy, the evening colore hie emigration by Henry Thompson- ' Bhe Was Not There, By E A Sonnet to the Honeysuckle, By C P C, Washington City,' TOTICl V ALL pert ma indebted to Dr. T' Asiibkl Smith, either by note or. book ac eoiiiit are requested to call on the subscriber at Tli os-1 Cowan's store, n the town of Salisbury, during August Court for 1838, and settle the same, or not complain if they find their accounts or notes hi tbe hands of an officer immediately afterwards. ' , JESSE K1NCAID, Attorney. Salisbury, N. C, August 10. MIL1TAHY NOTICE. v '. HEAD QUARTERS, SBiibury, N. V.t August tl 1838. L rpiIR Commiwoned OlTiceit of tho 64th Regi merit of N. C. Militia, are hereby command ed to Parade t the Courthouse in the town of Salisbury, on Saturday 1st of September, at 10 o'clock, A. M., equipt for Drill and Court Martial. 15y order of R. W. Lono, CoECom't. J. M. BROWN, Ad'jr. 2t 13 f 31' CAY I flESPFXTFULLY informs his friends and the ! S- w (MiKlir Ihnt tia i nniv rMitu in nftAnrt tn pa ceiving and forwarding goods to the interior, ' SHIPPING COTTON, 4r. He will make libera! advances on all kinds of produce aenl him for sale or shipment. Intending to devote himself exclusively to this busineea he flutters himself that he will be able to give sntiafttct ion. ' ' Georgetown, S. C, July 18, 1838. Ot:10 -MILifARy-OTICE; 4 LL person boloniug lo the S.ilis- Iwry Bent, subject to Milii itary duty, are commanded to Parade at the Court- house in the Town of Salisbury on Friday the Slat inst.,at 11 o'clock, A, M., equipt as the law directs, for com pany muster." Bv order " K. W. Lono. CoI. Com'tl : ' J. M. DROWN, Ad'jt. Salisbury, August 17, 1838. 3t CIRCULAR. Tlie article published below, concerning the new and popular doctrine advanced bv tha illustrious Goelicke of Germany, cannot fail of exciting a deep and thrilling interest throughout our country. Trsnslate3 from the German? LOUIS OFFON GOELICKE, or onHAKT, The greatest of human Benefactors. Citizen of North' and South America. ; T Loria Offon Goelicke, M. D., (Europe,) behmgs the imperishable honor of adding a Kcw and' rBKCiova uoctbimk to th? Science of Medi cjne a doctrine which,' though volicniontly op-, posed by 'many orTC8" 6cutty,(of whkh he is a valuable member,) he prove lo be aa ell founded in truth as any .doctrine of Holy Writ a doctrine, upon the verity of which are suspended the.hvea ol millions of our raca, and which he boldly chal lenges his opposers to refute,'vlz; Consumption it a ditcase alieayt oecationtd by a ditordtrei etalt of Tit -Vita (or Life Principle) of the human body : 03" often tecrctly lurking in the tyttrnx for ytan before there it ine lean compiaini oj me lung frand u-ktcH may beat certainly, though not to quickly, curta, at a common com or a nmpie headacnet An mvniuauiy precious aocinne mm, as it imparts an important lesson to the apparently j hralikv or botn sexes, leacnine mem inai.mis in sidious foe may be an unobserved minute of their "clayey houses" even while they imagine them- " 'ZhJZLitTf i IEH?.E, iJffi ,i mem mai ETTJF PRESER.VING HEALTH 13 to PLUCK OUT THE DISEASE WHILE L THE BLADE, AND NOT WAIT till the FULh GROWN EAR.1"' . '-,. - - m i- .. . - Thie illustrious benefactor "or man is elso entitled to youi oiifoigncd gratitude, and the gratitdde oft world, fiir the invention of his MATCHLESS 8A NATIVE, whnse heilmg fiat may justly claim for it each a title; since it has so signally triumph ed over our great common enemy (O CON- SDMFriON. both in the nrsi ami. last eiagea, a medicine Twb eh has thoroughly tinea the vacuum in'the Materia "Medica, rul .there by proved itself j the CoxarEBoi op PbtbIcIans medicine, Jut which all mnnkind will have abundant cause t bless the beneficent hand oT kind Providence, a medU clue, whose wondroHa virtues have boon so clow. jngly portrayed even by some of our clergy, io th.ir nfttniul visits to the sick ehamber i by which means they often become the happy instruments of .Unmnff rfflsnondencv into nope, etcunees mw health, od sadness of friends nto joyfulness. . " ay . . . - . as t , ' if GOEI.IUKE'8 ilIATCIIIJiSS ANiTIVI a medicine of more value to man than the vast mines of Austria, nreven the united Ircamires of our globe, a medicine, which is obtained equally fiom the vegetuble, animnl and mineral kingdoms, and I tins rxD.ses.vs a TitarnF-Cu power, a medi cine, which, though doaliTited aa a remedy for con sumption solely, ia possessed of e mysterious influ. ence over many diseases or the human system, a medicine which begina to be value) by Pkyaiciatu, who are daily witnessing its astonishing cures of many whom I hey bad resigned to the grtep-of the INBATIABUt UIAVI. ' IK)SE of the Sanative, for adults, one drop ; for cniiuren, a halt drop ; and for inlants, a quarter drop j the directions explaining the manner of (a. king bait or quarter drop. : V' ,. , " reicETbree endood-thirdri dojlara (f 2,50) per HALF ptjici.'". ' r, -' '" V " A German coin, yahie 75 conta, ' ' A. brief iiiatory of the immortal Experimenter, who has' sacrificed a large property and nearly ui ytan of mental and bodily toil upon the alur of human benevolence, must be Tniught with thrilling interest to the Western as well as Eastern World. He is kinsman of' Dr. Andbcw Orron Gog LtcKC, the well known author of the "Historia Medicinx Utiiveraalia,' who gained great repu tation throughout Germany, in the commencement of the last 'century,, by zealously advocating the doctrines of tbe eccenrric Dr. Stahl, Having loMt his father by Consumption, Goelicke was left with largo estatoJU F-arlunale or ua, Jid.furta itaie fur pierat tone yet linbbrn, hie polartar was the good of his fellow men, and he ' vowed, in the name of the Deing who made him, that he would spend his .last shilling and his life wifb it, ere he would slop short of the dikeowry of the Lacs and Cuhi: ol that dreatlful disease which had torn from him a beloved parent." v The lofty spirit of Goelicke waa rhafod by the too just reproach cast upon the healing art, that " its imbecility end ignorance serve but to court and foster disease," and his aspiring soul would dot permit him to grovel on with the great mass of physicians, in the dim twilight of medical knowl edge. u What I" said he, " haa the God of nature been more provident fur the earthly reptiles that crawl at our feet, than for the noblest of his crea IttWrMaiit Has he not kindly provided ah ahtP dotv to the maladiei even of the kateful toad, in the very leaf that was designed a ila abetter from theatonn? Dare we.then.impioualychnrgeourMs- ker with a Want of roKBSioirrT Heaven forbid! Being fully persuaded of the existence of a sove reign remedy for Consumption, then undiscovered, this giant -minded philosopher and experimenter commenced ransacking the throe kingdoma of na ture, vegetable, animal and mineral, and, with tbe key of chemistry in hand, unlocked her ttacred ar chives. Not satisfied with surveying the beautiful exterior oi her triune temple, this zealous chemist made bold entrance into the inner courts ; and tltere, directed by the Great Chemist of the Uni verse, (ibtaTnefl from Natpbi's Mbdki.ib Ciiest, hia Matchless Sanative. " Dr. Hehman Etmvllrr, and two other of our most eminent physicians (whose testimonials will be found annexed to this pronpectus) publicly ac knowledge ita mighty eflicacv in curing not only Consumption, but other fearful mnladica which they have heretofore believed incurable. They fiankly confessUia! ft is the ihost unaccountable in its action of any medicine ever yet prepared by human hands. Such ia the demand for Ihia mighty health re storer in Germany, that Mr. Anthony Strumer, one of our booksellers, sold, in one month, 147 phials, being more than six packages ; Mr. E. P. Manhuttan, 128; Mr. James Sevier, inn keeper, 105 ; and not a single agent, who has made returns of money to tho depository, has sold less than 100 per month, since he received his sppointment. An association of gentlemen, with Mr. Manhat tan at its head, and comprising twenty agents, recent ly offered Goelicke $40,000f trtheoBtelf . BECire for preparing the Sanative, but this was refused. M r.. ManhaUan haa cause io. ftm this medicine, since one of his daughters, anom Dr. V an uautt atteuJed in a long sickness, and whom he ecknowl- edged to be in a "confirmed consumption," lias been perfectly cured by using only 44 three quarters of a phial. Also, a young man, who waa former ly a clerk in hia store, and who had, for several years, been subWt to fits, waa restored to uninter rupted health, on taking ten than half a phial. Several other very important cures have been dis interestedly reported to the public by the before named physicians, since their conversion to the Vis V it doctrine, as will be seen by their annexed tes timonials. Of most medicinet before the public', the patient is directed to " take five or ail bottle, end if these do not cure, persevere in the nse of ten, er even fifteen ;" but not so with the Matchless Sanative. It is here worthy of remark, that in almost tve 17 instance where cures have been wrought by th'13 remedy, Zeis than a phial haa removed the disease and, in no case, whother resulting fatally or sac cessfullv, haa a patient used two whole phials. . The Sanative is above all estimate, as a general preventive of contagious mekas es, and by many it ia said to be a never-failing antidote, though the inventor does not clothe it with such inlullibility. Masters of vessels, who may wish to furnish tncjnseiyei and tneir crews, eacn 1 wun a pnini mbmi, can obtain the article oT my agents; at 0 percent discount by the package. . ." . All persons who live in unhealthy climates, whether hot or cold, all openitivesand others con nected with manufactories, and all wbo lead seden tary and inactive lives, pre exposed to various in sidious maladies, which, may be silently, preying upon then ionslitutions while their, countenances wear the glow of health, and while they "suspect po danger nigh" maladies which an occasional a of tbe Sanative would check in the bud. The patient, while using. this, medicine, should oat and drink (in kind, not quantity) whatever the APfETiTB dictates, and not be compelled to force down, eajast nature, every medley which the ten defeat friends and kindest nureos often imprudently recommend. ' . --K." s NATURE IS TlIS GREAT PHYSICIAN (the doctor and nurse only her servanta;) and if we would prom ny ner aavice, wo must . aanere strictly to ber infullible recipe.- if she order for the patient water, porter, or hock.etce cr 4 if she direct fitdi, fowl, eggs, or a beef-steak, regard her voice. In other words, the patient ahoulu cat and drink whatever his appetite crave, not forgetting . 1 -f. 1. -it i.: . 10 00 - wmporio 111 ait iinti. 1 ,t 1 In biiruiiig'fcveM, nirxk not die patientV initinc. live call for coolinr drink, bv siuilv tnoiHti-ning(!) bin parched lips; but placo by his beJ-biJe a ves sel ol water, put into Inn binds a cup, and let him slake his thirst at pleunure; This is reason 5 this is common sense this is nature., y . TO AGENTS. The Generol Agent for the MatehhM Sanative, io the Western Hemisphere's Ur. UAV IU S. KOtVLAND IlosTO.inthean. ciept 8tato of MAssAriii'sETTS, North America. I o prevent any attempt tl counterfeiting, the dircc lion accompanving each package will contain i private check ewrlr, made known to the general agent in Jioston, wbo is duly authorised lo employ an inspecting agent, at the expense of jhe deposi lory, to viait occasionally the sub-agents ia the dif. ftiirnt ecctioiHi of the country, ' ' ' - it was deemed bsolutely necessary by the in ventor, that the general agent in America, should be a gentleman acquainted with medicine -but wbilo said agent has power to create' additional agencies, 10 any town or city whenever he shall think proper, he ho it in charge not to appoint ei ther drt'ggith or apothecariet aa agent, aiwt eon. sequently this nedicine will not be for sale at their stores. - - ''; As Goelicke does not wish' the reputation of this remedy la America to depend upon the eases here in reported, but upon its own merits alone, he is perfectly willing. nay, he tskt it at a favor, that publishers of newspapers, throughout the' whole country, will throw open their columns to PIIY8I- ClA.Na, for tbe free admission of all their argu- mentative communications (over real names) which they may offer against the validity of the new dec trine. ', ' . . " ''' . ; ' ".."w-r-'t- '" ' In regard to the SANATIVE, the public will probably prefer To niaVe actuaT Jrial of ils worth, rather than rely "upon what mar be aaid w it, ei ther by its Iriends or ita foeS. Not being at all de sirous nf a certificate reputation abroad, the in ventor would not have consented that th following cases should have been 'published, had not the an- nexed lesumoniaV which corrohoraleilli8 lacts, have been so kindly and unsolicifedly. presented to him, by three of our moat distinguished physicians, who were, till very recently, hia bittbbbst opto- icrs. Having designed hie medicine aa an anti dote to only one disease, he ciiuld hot have believed that it possesses such a controlling power over the human system, were dot the cases here given, at- tinted to by gentlemen, who were individually knowing to the facte, and whose veracity no one will presume to call in questioit, vii : 29 of Incipi ent and Confirmed (msumptiodpPaleey-plS Fita 21 Venereal ; 0 Dropsy 5 Insanity ( 1 Emaciation J 15 Indigestion ; 7 Pleurisy ; 3 Gout; 14 Piles; 9 Dysentery; 0 Gravel and Stranguary; 2 Diabetes; 15 Rheumatism ; 5 Spine Complaint ; 7 Rickets; 12 Jaundice 1 Partial Deafness) 17 Nervouanetts ; 8 Ague ; 35 Weak Lungs and Spit ting of BIikkJ ; 3 Delirium Tremens; 7 Heart burn ; 18 Vertigo and Headache 12 Lost of Ap- iietite and Debility ; 4 Liver Complaint t 32 Obsti nate Coughs and Colds; 9 Asthma j 23 Diseases f the Eyes ; 6 St. Anthony's Fire ; 10 Disturbed Sleep and Watchinga ; 2 Cancer ; 1 1 Ringworms ; 8 Ulcer and rever Sores ; 0 Wind 10 Stomach and Bowels ; 6 Hypochondriac;-10 Nighf iSweets - 8 Strains; 13 Scurvy; 12 Scald Ueads; 4 Carbon- cled and Pimpled Face ; 0 Leprosy 5 0 Tic Dou- loureux ; 1 I'oisoned ; 4 Sickness in f regnsncy ; 3 Tumors ; and many difficult female complaints ; besides numerous canes of Humors, revere, &c. All persons whom the Sanative shall eave from threatening disease, are particularly desired to eommumeate their cases (post paid) to tne deposi tory. fr . . . t t t t t .t t 1 A certificate from three merobere of the MEDI CAL' PROFESSION, in Germany, in Europe. We, the undersigned, practitioners of medicine in Germany, are well aware that, by our course. we may lorteit the Irtendship of some ol the facul ly, but not of its benevolent members, wbo are uninfluenced by selfish motives. . Though we shall retrain from an expression of our opinion, either of the soundness or unsoundness of Dr. Goolicke a ntw doctrine, we are happy to say that'we deem hia sanative toe valuable not to be generally known -for what our eyes behold and oureare near we oiust believe.- -..jtt. -r..i We hereby state, that when Dr. Louis Oflbn Goelicke first came before the German public, as . 1 1 . 1 - i 1 . 1 me preienueu aiacovcrer 01 a new aocirtne ana a new medicine, we held him in the highest contempt, believing and openly pronouncing him to be a I importer and the nnuce of quacks. Rut, on hea ing so much said about the Sanative, agamet it and for it, we were induced, from motives of curiosity merely, lo make trial of Ita reputed virtues upon a number of our most hopeless' patients ; and we now deem it our bounden duty (even at the expense of I our sell-interest j publicly lo acknowledge its efhca cy in cutlng not only rotwumotion, but other fear ful maladies, which we have heretofore believed to be incurable. , Our, contempt for the discoverer of this medicine waa at once swallowed up iu our ut ter astonishment at these unexpected results ; and, as amends for our abuse pf him, we do frankly con less to the world, that we believe him a philanthro pist, who does honor to the profession and to our country, which gave him birth. . 1 he recent adoption ot this medicine into some of our European hospitals is a sufficient guaranty that it performs all its promises. It needed not our testimony, for wherever it is used, it ia its own best witness. . .. JIERM A NET M ULLER, MV D. .WALTER VAN GAULT, M. D. ADOLPHUS WERNER, M. D. Germany, Dec. 10, 13B. 4 - I I :4 fit apoeara by the following information given lo the publio by Ur. Kowiand, that 4liu much mX ed of Matchless Sanative is indeeiLwliat it profess es lo be en effectual and valuable medicine, wor thy the serious attention of every consumptive per soo and the tic generally. .-. -, ' "Iflafcltless Sanalhc. T DAVID S. ROWLAND, the General Ameri can Agent for this mighty medicine; (invented by the jmrnortal Goelicka of Germany,) haa great pleasure in publishing the . following highly impor tant letter from a respectable gentleman in New York, which ,he has received, with' many others of a similsr character also very interesting tntel ligence from several of his Agents, aa will be seen below which, together with the certificate from three eminent German physicians, must forever sasasiaaaaasjai ,"'.'" ' " fe r lf?8 Wsshington Street. ttiWihh the clmrofter of the Sanative os Lein" out a parallel in the hi-torv of medirin " : v-i. .... ... ' . .Tinmoav No. 1. . ' " A Lfltcr from II. F. S!rru'U, Eia,, nf,a IVJL t t t t t f t J Nvr Vobe.Ocu fl, 1837.," Pa. D. S. RowtAJto, Sir : About the miJ.!le-' of July last, I Bccidontly noticed io a new;.Bper the advertiseinent of the Matchless Sanative, ir Which I perceivod you were agent, and which pro- -fussed, lo be a sovereign remedy for Consumption. As my wife was thee fast wasting away with this ' dreadful disease, sod aa our family physician wal daily and anxiously endeavoring to restore her to' health without success, stepped over to his houie, and asked him if he bad anv ohjections to herlaking ' this medicine.' He replied that M he was perfectly Wilting Mrs. Sherwood should take that or any other medicine ahe might choose, but he though ' it could do her no good, as her lungt were rapidty" consuming; and no human meant eoutd nave her," " Still, (be Sanative, being recommended by throe physicians who had used it in their practice, she. , concluded lo give it a trial. ' I sent and purchased a phial, which ahe commenced taking three timet . day, giving a free indulgence to her appetite ao cording to the directions. Dy pursuing this course, the suffered considerably for the first eight or ten day, but was shortly able to eat aud driok freely, without the east inconvenience. , . ... " Within (bur weeks from her first using the me- ,.' dicine, her feeble health and wasted form began'to -put on new strength, and ahe has been gaining from day to day until the present moment, to the utter astonishment of our family pbymcian and friends. , She ia now enjoying a comfortable (though not per . feet) state of health, is able to bejaboul house and atteni church. .. .'.;,' i. , v;.- v"' j." -irs.ooerwooq ano myseii are now luny 01 opin- ion, and so are all who know her remarkabte case," that tk meet ker life to tht Sanative alone t and . as there are prohsbly niany consumptive persons id the United States, who have not yet heard of. ' this medicine, measures ought speedily lo be idopr- J ed to have it more generally kwtmn..-JivS- '-t'J A number of persons in our neighborhood, I un . demand, are taking it for other serious complaints, wiw very great neoenu r-V: r ": ;' - I think of going to the South, with my rmiiy, - sometime this fall, and in case I do, I will proclaim -the virtues of the Sanative ia that quarter for al-, though some of the Physicians here are actively. opposed to it, I do sincerely believe heaved my wife from an opening grave. -" ..1 ; " T., ,-. ' - ;Jf you think this letter-will eem the public geoe," you are at liberty to publish It. - : , - v. - v itespecttutiy, cc. - 1 ' V r H. F. SHERWOOD. : .'TBtiitojrT Np.'3;r,,,v . froai Ia Brsnsteic AaWt'ser.) -M One person in our village, who was considered by hie physician to be in a Consumption, has taken t j the Sanaice, and ia now well. Another person, subject tn epileptic fita, has been greatly benrfttsd by a abort course of this medicine." .1 tiers can be no question but this medicine, haa performed woo. - derful coree in a host of cases, and that it is wor thjrof fenral attention, 'y' - .v j'V'". B Tbstiiioiit No, 8. 1 ' ' ., ? . Tie Matchless SaaaWee. Ry an article in our ' paper to-day, it will be seen that this medicine haa -- ost none of ita virtues by crossing the Atlantic for 1t appears to be working similar cures in Ama- ' rica to those which have astonished fcairope. , , - Atosfpsj Morning rest. , WAR! WAR!t WARM! -V , r' .BBTWBB - V, . PHYSICIANS i tbe MATCIILCS3 SANATIVH.,, ' 1.' Why are some of the American Physicians making such strong efforts to PUT DOWN. the. Matchless Sanative 1 JLt the public answer. . , 2. Why did the German Physicians at first OP- POSE Pf. Goelicke, and afterwards acknowledge ,. "" hini to he a great' benefactor to mankind T boC no puoiio siiawrr. . . ,. ri ... . ,ty . 8. What medicine HAS cured, IS curing, and WILL cure t . Let facts answer. , - ' 4. What kiod of apple trees are SIGNED and CLUBBED t.'LM farmere answer.1 .7 6. Why are physicians constantly TELTING- - the Ssnative and saying nothing against OTHER ' metlicines T Let their day-book aiis-ver. 6. How did Dr. Adams attempt to convinco Mr. . Webster, who had bought a phial of the Sanative ; for a member of bis family; that it was a I) AN GEtJ KOUS medicine T ;Xet one of Ibe daily napera answer. I he recent exnerimonl which Dr. Adams tried with the Matchless Sanative jn giving a largo - : dose to a dog without killing htm, clearly prove that the Sanative was made to CURE and not to -KILLm v. -- . . -7. Whv do some mWieians SECRETLY buv the Sanative and MIX it with their own medicines, which they nse in their daily practice T - Answer that they may have the CREDIT of the CURES. 8. W by is a nek young man belonging to ooa of the first fsmilies in Boston, now using the Sana- live without lettingths attending physician KlNOW it T . The recovery of hia HEALTH wdl shortly newer. ' . . . 6. Whv are nhvsioians trvinr to Dersuadeasents to give tip SELLING the Sanative! - Answer- they known, if it should be Tor sale in every town in America, thev would be obliged to resort to SOMK)TlICrUlUSINFiorUSTARVE 10. Whv will the Matchless Sanative soon be the ON Li medicine used throughout the world T Let PHYSICIANS answer. II." Why did a certain physician trytoHIRB ----- an Editor of a paper to write againatlbe Sanativef ' Irft his UU.NSCIKNCL answer. ' The alraye precious medicine (the original disco -very of Dr. LOUIS O. GOELICKE, of Germs- i ny,) is for sale, wholesale and retail, in Boston, by , P. 8. ROWLAND, General American Agent for ' ! tbd disrovcrer, where mimeroue letters, certifying " the good effects of tha medicine, may be seen. Also, for fale by retail, in most of the towns ia America. OST In places where there ia no Agent, the poet. - master 0 any Storekeeper who shall write to the General Agent al Boston, will immediately be ap- , -pointed an agent. For tale at the Post Office, FallsUncnt : Iredell county, X. C. - ' - JNO. YOUNG, Agent. August 17, 1838. tTm . - 'i t v it ,. J ; - ' " , , - .... . : ' r . -