1L JoLlOJ mm C AKOJLENI AM 0 SOf TO T1IHJJ.I1 KD mTtl BT Tilt COHiTITWTfoi, BOB FBOHIBITBB Btf IT TO TUB .TTB, ABB BE.BVKD WBSUl!?'??.', ,JB? to tub rrATMurecTit,-oi to tub noi-LB. XweArfawnf to lie Coniwm, Art Wr X- L AUSTIN & Ci F.; FISHER, I EDIT01 ASD PROPRIETORS, SALISBURY, N. O, SEPTEMBER 20, 1838. NO XV, OF VOL. XIX. (NO. FROM C03tMEyCMENT 051) WEST V at V I I! a. tk yd af tot"' a at m Tm K lati aft Mb ao wkl .'ra r.fta. r arrat srfl AW iaat? psloc iV- BtorB TER5I3 OF CAROLINIAN. . i TS Western Cnxtnin M jKililishedivery Fai . T rwiars prr annum, if ptxl in advance, or Puikr nod Fifty CeuU, if not (aid before the ex- IT.. A Unless at tit discretion of tlie Liitutt i inu a ' V . j: .: . ICVi:...., . ... I . r Jtto Bubfj be Editors of n wish U discontinue, tirttmnU will be eonrpieoously and correctly Lntak. at an dollar ' square lur the first insertion, j j qui for MCB continuance. Court Bud Judicial tfrtMcamU dl be charged 25 per cent mure than r A deduction of if3J per cent from tttrmUt tkt will be made to yearly sdvertiscr. Luer addressed to the Editor, must.in all cases bo gjf Beware of a Swindler. ttfliXDED. afw day since, a fellow, who cH- V l amctf by the name of JOHN DAVIS, and L t-m htrt aehl for the las three mouths -in r. a. 1 t I 1 1 . .. j 1V and Dai, clerked for ate at a shooting ' match, I ia Zlw laaL, ami aa m cos-omary, conafii an v oio L U Ike shoot to the amount uf twenty dollar, wilh it tbaeoaded after sight. I la is about I feet 10 Ism ltfb, spare t-aade, and ha a remarkable bad A,aaa ai very hoarse, lie had on, at the time that 1 kit, a alack bating coat and pantakiona, black fur k. and yanp made of grain leather, lie carried (i as atacr clothing than these, which he wore. Aim character ia lae aetUemeut where be hi a been Letts is aetoroealy niai s U titer and disturber of mi ailogetter, be waa looked upon as any i bat an boned mma. t fnm adtertnwawnt ia pat lurth,. merely to Wi I uuc la be en the look oat for a rsacul, and that rn the other lr not be swindled aa 1 hate been. r' to a a tin LUA3 UJU, lnemtSl.19. 3t i tk W ert ats part of the State will do well tra Ike public ef this acoucdrrL NOTICE. BLIC Notice ia hereby given that allies- Um will be nandw to lb (Jeueral Aasenibly of prth Cnrutinn, at its next Senaitm, lor an " act to tarsorate the Trustee of the Sulinbury Female ademy." AagwjlSO, IbiS. toil. NOTICE. niS nntk application to the neat Legislature for an Ant to menrpurate a manufacturing company by h aaawof the Yadkin Manufacturing Company, or by tot etket name. CHARLES F1SUER. NOTICE. piIC Subicnber, hafingr uken out letter of Ad- f- anawtration on tlie brfaie ot Mary Brim, dec d., 4e BHrConaiy Coart for Rowan, requesta all per- a iadiiaaaaaij Mary Brmydcc'd., In make -pay-4 rat BkUotit seity ; end tame baing clainu aifaumi mat to present them within the tune prescribed kw properly authentic! ted, otherwise this notice u be pleaded ia Bar of their recovery. R. W. LONG. Adnfr. SiEtbery, X. C Sept 13, 1-S3a OLD CASTINGS WANTED. PfE will purchase, any amount of old Castings that any be kroaght to u ; such as old cotten screws. f aaii-gearng. old pots, ovens, mortars, &c, and Will J an cent per ponnd. ' CRESS & BOUKK. SafiABry, Sept , 183 f Dr. Plraiant llrndenon, rrCSS his Pntewtoaal Vertices to the Citizen ' ef k!bsry and ito vicinity, He occupiea the tk efiet of the k!e Or. UitcheL !Waay, May 18, 1S39L tf D. I SlrliAY. )ESPFXTFULLY iofonn bis friends and the a .mIjj. ii La l. 4. . iA m "g and finranlinj goods to the ioterior, SH1PPINQ COTTONryft Be wiB aaake liberal adrancea on all kioJa oft px aeei biaa fur ante or shipment. ateadmg t devote himself exclusively to this was ox Batters Himself tbat be will be able I to rsuisfactioa. Geargetowa, 8. C, Jly 18, 1839. 6l:l0 COMMISSION BUSINESS. TWS. aadenigned, thankful for past favors in his Em k.u..- D-.:: v i: inuuu, ncu;iiiu miwu 1 uiwBruiilg,, notice thai ha still etntinnen at his nM atsiut . . , r" sas taade such preparation as is necessary. paopea, by aaatUuity and attention to give gen- ruauCMOn. B wiB receive and fbrwad cottnn aa usual' ae. rd to direriinM. I Tateasta tnd merchants who are desirous ot fP5f their cotton to N- York or Charlestoa ia make liberal adraoces. k , j FELIX LONG. Vt - """ 1 '" J . ,U:E,VE1) "ad for sale, wUesale or reuil, 1 WNM ttrrm mm rhI-rrooi, I. 1 eeroo. IiidigofSpiw) lutcb liUdJerT IMsTUutcb 25frSteel. SWfcahW,,,, 10 pr. Smiths' Bellow, OU da Trace Chains, 40 pieces cotton Bag -.- ging,42and 43 inch ' Oa, Kaik ...I nj. haT.hgbtlO, 100 narrow, 22 & 21 inch, 80 coils Bute Rope. J. & W, MURPUY. vy y.&pt 8.1938. OEUCkl?S SAIH'ATIVE. oiut are at takinz this wonderful Me mi 6,CB " Bstomshing Eawope, tod Ame tb its mighty cures. " W Jaftlal aaJ iLa D. .a . if n , a as A'. C. aaaaai a ibu.i siriaa m w r awAaaaaa mmi itt i By JNO. YOUNG, Agent A"poll7,1838. am ' 4 . .r ... t1- -ft 'Tir wi -fcj,. 4aa itui-itmtn BBja' l'lll-W ,i-a"pt'T''Jt;' ' A7UW miscel'lawkous. KOM ANTIC STORY OF A CYGANL The Wlowiug is an T extMordinary instance of the rfHiKnuice wilh which the Ilungaaiaii pea. sants, and even tho more elevated class, regard the Cygni gypares tf Hungary. Th nlory occurs in an article on the subject of this peculiar ruue in The British Magazine," and is from the pea of the author oi " Stories of a Hride j" "A beautiful Hungarian girl, named 'SuKclte, had formed a strong attachment for Maygar, a youthful gypy,.wh(we fine figure and noble, nay, intellectual countenance, were cortajnly quite enough to justify her partiality, llfsalmoat need. iea loanu mat waygar fsturned her passion with t rvor for the vehement feelings of these children of lh Mouth are too well known to reouira ra. nmik; still, however, there was no hopoof the lo. vers Uing united. The Either of Suze tie. thouirh nominally vassal to bis territorial lord, (Maseased f fWTOitih in Morwiml bards ; BmJ, jprldVimr self upon the purity of his blood, shrank from the vganl as Trom creatures of a different genu;, hilat the fathers of tho tribe, the immediate and x relMtions of Maygar, were equall onnoked to hat they also considered a degradation. Not. ithatanding theae obstacles the vouinr neoole's love remained unshaken, and the happiest moments of fcuzt tie's life were those which she spent in the open wooden gallery which ran round the upper story of her father s house, listening to the wild songs which Slaygar chantod to his cittern, or guitar, in the woods below. 'fcpring and Summer bad passed away ainca the passion of the unfortunate lovers had been discov ered by their resjiective relatives without the least prospect of an amelioration id the hardship ef their destiny. Fortune, however, at length seemed tired of frowning upon them and charitably threw an op. Coiiunity in the way ot Maygar or being services le to the family of his miatress. It waa Autumn. and tho abundant crops which hud blest the fields of Suzotte's father had been carefully gathered and stored in the large wooden gallery we have before alluded to, when, during a violent storm, lightning etruck the dwelling, and the whole was instantly in a blaze The terrified inmate rushed out in a state borderjng upon distraction, all but Suzette, who fled instinctively to the gallery, and was there wen amidst the burning ttoies, apparently devoted to destruction. The agony of her father was in describable, Save my child !' vociferated he, 'and will give you whatever you may ask. . For some moments the spectators stood aghast, but anon buast ing from the crowd was seen a young nrtn, mliap an present immeu;iiuiy recogmsog to tie maygar. Under tho influence of such rttdngly excited feel ings his success wss certain ; for, when powerfully agitated, the human frame can sometiiiiis almost parXurwwwracUa be awung ttb fowling raAers, supporting himself by incredible exertions, and en countering the, most imminent dangers with such intrepidity as to obtain shouts or ar probation from tho crowd, till he reached Suzette, and was soon seen descending with hi lovely mint re iuhisarms. ti . . ..e il.i j- i . i . on transport oi mo miimr was unuounneu . mil, las I when Mavgar claimed, as his promised re waid, the fair being he had undergone so much to save, he was chilled by a look of the bitterest scorn, and reminded of his gypsy parentage. " ' Had the poorest Hungarian laborer in the fields saved my daughter,' said the stern father, I would have given beirto htm, but she shall never wed one of the Cygani. "It was useless to remonstrate, and, without da ring to complain of the father's want of faith, May- gar determined aim to win nis aaugnter. I he Iunganan peasants are slaves, both in body and mind, to their territorial lords, and Maygar knew that if he could win tho favor of the graf upon whose estate they resided, the rather of suzette would be compelled lo give his consent to hisdaugh ter's marriage. It would take us too long to detail the. means which Jlaygar employed to effect Jhis purpose ; tho graf was okl and unbending, difficult of access, and heedleslEof the feelings of others. Patience,' however, never tails to conquer in the end i and raw had stronger motives for pe raeve- rance than poor Maygar. r ortunate circumstances introduced him to the notice of the count : and, at length, his services in the defence of his patron s castle against a band of predatory VVallachain ob tained for him tbe wished-for mandate. Armed with this he flew to the residence of Suzette' fa ther, and had the satisfaction to find the old man perfectly submissive to his lord s will but an un expected obstacle still awaited the ardent lover, and this waa of a nature so strange, and yet so in surmountable, tbat his hopes withered at tho blow, and his reason fled never to return. M Notwithstanding the length of their acquaint ance very little personal intercourse had taken place between the lovers. Suzette was naturally romantic, and bad been so oowartuiiy struck witn the fine person of Maygar, his almost silent ado. ration, and the enthusiasm with which he bad en countered every species of trial for her sake, as to resolve fas long a she considered their union im- practicable) to live single for his sake, but this case ai quite altered when she fqund tiim come aeto ailv 10 Claim ner nana. uen an ucr cariv uirju- dices recurred to her recollection the wild stories of the vampire-like propensities of the Cygani, their unholy rites, and the disgrace which attached itself to all associated with them, shook her with horror at the bare idea of giving her hand to one of their tribe, 1 tie ayipn-UKe lover 01 ner ime eination bad vanished, and the gypsy youth, in al the decradinsr circumstances of bis real situation, stood confessed before her. The struggle, though short, was violent. Tbe deoted love of Maygar his sufferings and last, though certainly not the least, his handsome person, weighed strongly upon her mind, yet could not conquer ber aversion and, strange lo say, the pride of birth in a peasant girl of one o? the wildest and most uncultivated coun triea in the world, was sufficient to overpower all her better feelings. Poor Maygar was -jefuiied. SJK.i-l.b4 and flie shxk overpowered him so completely that lie became a helpless idiot, whilst hi re-ionianl mistress, agitated by contondins passions, and una ble to boar the sight of the misery she had occa aioned, sank gradually into an untimely grave." TOPPING THE QUESTION. The desperate etruircle and ilounilerin-r bv which some endelvor lo get out. of their embar rassment are aiuiiaing enough. We remember to have been much delighted the first time we heard the history of tho wooing of a noble Lord. now no more, narrated. Hi Lordship was a man of talents and enterprise, of stainless pedigree, and a fair rent roll, but the veriest slave of basbfulnoas. Like all timid and quiet men, he was very suscep. tibia and very constant, aa long as he was in the habit of awing the object of his s flections daily. He chanced at the beginning of an'EJinburgh win ter to lose his heart to Mis ; and, as their! families were in habits of intimacy, he had frequent opporttHiilies of meeting with her, .... He gazeo and sighed incessantly a very Diimbiedikea, but that he bad a larger allowance of brain; be followed ! her every where ; he felt jealous, uncomfortable, 1 savage, if ahe looked even civilly at another ; and yet, notwithstanding his stoutest resolutions not. ! withstanding the encouragement afforded him by the lady, a woman of sense, who saw what bis Lordship would be at, esteemed his character, was superior to girlish affectation, and made every ad vance consistent with female delicacy the winter was last hiding into spring, and hn bad not yet got his mouth opened. Mamma at last lost all pa tience j and one day, when his Lordship was taking his usual lounge in the drawing-room, ailent or an occasional monosyllable, the food lady abruptly loft tbe room and locked the pair in alone. When hia Lordship, on essaying to take hi leave, dis covered the predicament in which be stood, a des perate fit of resolution seized him.. Miss sat liending most assiduously over her needle, B deep blush on her cheek. His Lordhip advanced to wards her, but, losing his heart by the way passed in silence to i he other ond of the room. He re. turned to the charge, but again without effect At lost, net ving himself like one abuut to spring a pow der iniue, he stopped short before her" Mis will you marry me!" "With great plea- sure, my Lord, was the answer given, in a low, somewhat timid, but unfaltering voice, while a deep er crimson suffused the fnce of the speaker. And a right good wife she made him. Edihburg Lite- rary Journal. . THE DEVIL'S LAKE. In the northern portion orfndiana there are ma. ny beautiful little lakes, which gives great interest to a country somewhat open. About 25 miles from Logansport, and in the vicinity of Rochester, there ta one m these lakes about twd miles in length, half a mile in width, and of unknown depth. Sound ings were once tried with a line of 13 fathoms, but with no efiuct. There is a tradition of the Pottawattamie Indi ans relative to this lake, which has been handed down from generation to generation, and is now re ceived by the white man with confirmed credence. The precise time at which the tradition was first received among the Indians cannot be determined probably not long after the emigration of the Pottawattamie across the hard waters ' of the north, some cetituriea. since, fct Ihil district of coup. trfi which was then occupied by -the Mianws, by whose grant the Pottawattaimoa became possessed of the lands. It appears that tbe tradition does not owe its origin to the auperstioua fears of tho red man ; but that some gigantic creature inhabited the lake, and does at tbe present time, is beyond tbe probability of doubt. This lake is called by the Indians " Lake Man-i too, "or the Devil's Lake: and such is tbe terror in which it is held, that but few Indians would even dare to venture in a canoe upon it surface. The ndians will neither Dsn nor bathe in the lake, aucb. ia the powerfuTcon Evil Spirit, dwell in its chiystal waters. It may elicit a smile from tbe incredulous to assert grave ly tbe fact tbat some very extraordinary creature claims monarchy of this beautiful lake, ttut the ex istence of a monster in this lake is not an object of more surprise to us than the remains of the Mastadon, whose teeth measure 18 inches and which were found but two miles from town, in prairie through which the canal runs. Were there not assurancea from men entitled to credibility that a monster had been seen within a few days in the Lake Man- Moo, it might be supposed that the above atory originated in lhe superstitious fears of the Aborigines. When the Pottawattamie Mills were erected some ten years since, at what is called the outlet of (he lake, the monster waa seen by those men known to Gen. Milroy, under whose directions the mills, 1 believe were erected. 1 here are person in jbo eangport who quostionod closely those ho lately saw the mysterious occupant of the lake, and are a . 1'. ! a . 1. ' i now convmcea oi trie reamyoi uan..-ioo owing ,(hjh- ded on omelhtng more substantial than (he basis of fish and snake stories flenerally. I aaltt aMaaaalf a aaitaTal mA mtn hu Ihii JfkakfA if aarwrtytcvr4 as sn,taa!WTawTew'F""aja',aw'-ww' w"sna?aF,sr" Robinson were fishing tnjhe lake, wben they be held with surprise the even surf.ee of the water ruffled by something swimming rapidly, and which they supposed must have measured 60 feet. The KobisooS are respectable men whose fears are not easily excited yet euch wat the terror that this nondescript caused that they made a hasty retreat a .... -a to the shore, much aiarmee. since mis circum stance took place, and but a few days since, Mr. Lindsey who is well known here, was riding near the man-in of the Lake, when he saw, at the dis tance of 200 feet from him, soma animal raise its head 3 or 4 feet above the surface of tbe water He felt the security of the shore, and viewed the mysterious creature many minutes, when it dis appeared aud re-appeared three times in succession. The head he described as being three feet across the frontal bone, sod having something of the con lour' of a " beefs head," but the neck la per ing, and having tbe character of the serpent; color dingy, with large bright yellow sjiots. It turned its head from side lo side with an easy motion, in apparent suivey of the surrounding objects. Mr. L. ia en titled to credulity. So convinced are many of the existence of the Monster, I hut some gentlemen in (own have proposed an expedition to the lake knd by the aid of rafts to make an eflbrt to capture tbe mysterious being, which is a terror to the super stitious but which become an object of interest to science, tbe naturalist and philosopher. 4 Vitittr to the Lake. Am Undeveloped Grata. The "difficulties in the way of an undeveloped genius," are thus so liloquised in Noal'a Charcoal Sketches." - 44 How," said he, " bow ia it 1 can't level down .my expressions to the comprehensions of the vul. gar, or level up the vulgar to a comprehension uf my expressions! (low is it I can't get the spigot eut,fo wy verae wiU run clear ! 3 know what I mean myaelf, but nobody else does, and the impu dent editors say it's wasting room to print what no. body understands. I've plenty of genius lot of ii.ior i oi leu want to cut my tb-?atkend would have done it long ago, only it hurt. I'm chock full uf genius and running over; lur I hate all sorts! of work myself, and all sort of people mean enough to do it. I bate going to bed, and I bate getting up. .uy conduct is very eocentrio a4 singular. I have the misi rable melancholies all tbe the time, Bod i m pretty nearly alwaya as cross as thunder, which is a sure sign. Genius is aa tender ss a skinned cat, and gels into a pisaiui whenever you touch iu When I condescend lo unbutczum mvself. for a little sympathy, to folks of ornery intellect snd caparisoned to me, I know very few people that ar'nt ornery as to brains and pour forth tbe feelings indigginus to a poetic soul, which is always oiling ; tney ludicrate my situation, and say tbey don't know wjiat the deuce I'm driving at. Iul geniu always served o' this fashion in the earth, as Hamlet, the boy after my own heart, sayst Ana wnon the slights ol the world, and ot the prin tern, sot me in a fine frenzy, and my soul swells and swells, till it almost tears the shirt off my buz zum, and even fractures my dickey ; when it ex- pansuatea and elevate me above the common herd, they laugh again, and loll me not to La pompiou. The poor plebmians aie worse than Russian scurfs I l is the fate of genius; it is his n, or rathet her'n, logo through life with little aympathytatioo and less cash. Life's a field of blackberry and raspber ry busties.. Mean people squstdown and pick the trtrijo matter bow they black their fingers, while genius, proud snd perpendicular, strides fiercely on, no; geis noining oui scraicues a no notes tore in us trousers. . From m lalt Nnmbrr oflhi Edinburgh Reviete ASTONISHING FACTS. BBLATIVB TO A VoBHCB OBOASIO WOBLD. Dr. Huckland now proceeds lo the most impor tant and popular branch of hie subject to give a description of the roost interesting fossil organic remains, and to show that the extinct species of plants and am mala which formerly occupied our planet, display, even in their fragments and relics, the same marks of wisdom aud design which have been universally recognised in tbe existing spe cie ot organized beings. After giving some account of IM supposed cases of fossil human bones, and establishing tbe remark able fact of the 44 total absence of any vestiges of the human species throughout the entire aerie of geological formations, our author pases to tbe gen eral history of fossil organic remains: i 41 It is marvellous that mankind should have gone on for so many centuries in ignorance of tho tact, which is now so fully demonatratea, that no email part of the present surface of tbe earth ia dorived from the remains of animals that constituted the population of ancient seas. Manyextensve plains and massive mountains, form, as it werci, the great charnel-bouse of preceding generatious. ia which the petrified exuvun ol extinct races of animals and vegetables are piled into stupendous monuments ot the operation of Ula and death, during almost im measurable periods of past time.' At the sight of a spectacle." save Cuvier. 44 so imposiuk. so ier- nble, aa that of the wreck of animal lire, forming almost the entire soil on which we tread, it is diffi cult lo refrain the imagination from hazarding seme conjecturesas to the cause by which such great ef fects have been produced." I be deeper we descend into the strata of the ear th, tbe higher do we ascend into the archtulogical history of past ages of creation. We find successive stages marked by varying forms of animal and vegetable life, and trwae gener ally differ more and more widely from existing r.. i species as we go lunner uownwaro uiio ino recep' tacles of the wreck or more ancient creations. " Besides the more obvious remain of testacea and of larger animals, minute examination disclov ae, occasionally, prodigioua accumulation or mi croscopic shells thai surprise us no less by their abundance than their extreme minuteness; tne mode in which they era sometime crowded togeth. er may be estimated fiom the facTthat SoldanT coFpaovenTheui bo grairillial wai"uol firniritouT lected from an ounce knd a halt ot stone, lound in the hills of Casciaoa, in Tuscany, 10,454 micros- cope chain be rod shells. 11 In several spe cies of these shells, four or five hundred weigh but a single gram ; of one species be calculates that a thousand individuals would scarcely weigh oue grain." Napoleon used lo say, ibat be wanted in his pub' lie functionariea, more head and less tongue. The remark may usefully be applied to persona in olh er stations. Many false things have more appearance of truth than things that are most true, Every branch of knowledge which a good man possesses, he may apply to some good purj-ose, - ,aU pB DEEP PLOUGIIINO. ContimitJ from our tutt. In the Spring uf 1708, with a large plough and four horses, I broke up part of a field 1 measured Ihe ploughing frequently, and found it ia many pi, cea eleven inches deep, and no where less than seven so that ihe average waa at least nine. This piece contained about four acres, on a gentle declivity j the surface too much exhausted, to pay for cultivating any crop in the common way i this . ploughing brought to the surface about five inches of earth, thai had never before been exposed; which - was principally clay j at the upper ede a the ,- piece, 4 a bright, fellow, which became gradually paler, further, down, and of ..a bluish appearance ' near the lower side. . After several stirring, it waa sown with bock-wlieai the asms yen ; thl crop tolerable; after the buck-wheat came (he ground was plouglied and sown in rye, in the' eleventh month, very little of which came up, ow. " " ing, as 1 suppose, either to its being too late put ia tbe ground, or the seed not good. It remained without further tillage, until last year (t 800) wbea ' it was again sow a in buck-wbeat, which grew so largf, as generally lo fall. Before it was nlouahed in the Spring, I took several of my frien-la tv sea tbe diQurence In tne appearance of thia piece and the ground adjoining, that had lain the same lens-tk of time out of tillage it waa discernible to a fur ; row the deep-ploughed piece appeared of a fine ' open texture, and oWk color, thick eef, with white clover; the adjoining ground, compact and hard. ' of a pate ashcolor, bearingacarcely a bladeofany . other kind of grass, than that common to old fklda, known by the mom of poverty-grass I in short, one had the appearance of an exhausted old field, and the other of land lately manured. Those who e ipresved a sentiment on tbe subject, were of onW uiw, mat iu iih-s-s who um not snow wnavocca aioned the difference, tbe derp tAovsked nieen: would aell for double the price of the other. Part uf another field, front having a very reten live clay near the surface, was of tbat kind called cold, or sour land, and was thought unfit to produce any crop ; either water or ice generally appearing on the surface, in an open lime ia winter. This - was so thick set with white flint-gravel and atonea, m that the first ploughing could nut be deep; hit ha ving cultivated several crops on it, taken off the) ' . largest of the stones, and consequently been able : , to get a little deeper at each succeeding ploughing. ' tbe nature of the ground seems tillered, s that now there is seldom either water or ice to be seeuj on its" surface, more than ia common iu othur pla cei it is now in red clover, very little of which ' has been injured by the late open Winter. 1 his piece has been manured t it is, therefore, unfair Iu , ascribe the quantity of the crops, which have been good, to deep ploughing only ; though I araof opi- "" ' moo, that on such land, manures are not of much consequence without it. : :': 1 might have before observed, that one of the objections that will probably be made to deep ploughing, i the greater vtrerrgtb of team that will be requisite to perform it, and consequently an ad. ditional expenae. This I believe, on cousiueration,, ... will also be found to be without foundation. True it is that the first ploughing requires more strength of team ; bat then it is equally as true, that if the . plough ia a good one Ier the purpose, almost double the quantity wilt be performed to a given time. The four acres above mentioned, wa ploughed by .! , : four horses in less than two day ; the furrows ave raged seventeen inches in width. And at ground ploughed in this way will net acquire tbe aaote de gree of firmuess for many years afterwardtf, al though it should remain unfilled ; it will be found, that three horses to a plough will be sufficient for. after ploughing, even fur a grass lay; and tbat two auch teams will perform as much in a dsy aa - six horses io three plough of the common kind, " and of the common description of ploughing. Here then is a ploughman saved. In addition 14 thia, it is to be remembered, tbat for reasons before - . f given, rand cultivated in t hi way, will be preserved in good tilth with much fewer ploughings than to the other mode. - ; . .... ,,.!i... . , Boiling and tteaminr Food for Sloth. Those farmers who intend to ssve from one-third lo one. half in feeding their stock the coming Autumn and Winter, should look out in time, and procure and put up a proper apparatus for boiling or steaming ' grain, roots, and cut hay and corn stalks. It will - lake some tune to think and talk about thia very , important, though not expensive fixture ; the place where it should stand, and the particular manner of its conslructioa will claim due consideration ; and after these matters are determined on, tbe ma terial must be got together, and a workman en. ' Figed lo put it up ; and by Ihe time all this is done, fear it will be needed for preparing the food for the hogs s sdT'Ial you had better begin lo think it " over aoon, and not leave till another year what had better be accomplished Ibf season. : A farmer who put up a very simple and cheap affair for this pur pose last Fall, thinks that it saved him the whole expense incurred, in fattening hie hogs alone. . lie ... Soaking Corn for lIortek gentleman who , resides in Baltimore County, and who is one of the most successful formers in that vicinity, informed os a few days since, thai he saved at stone. third of his corn by the msnner in which he fed it out lo his horses. His plan is ibis i He has two hogsheads placed in his cellar, where they are se- ' cure from freezing. These he first fills with corn in the ear, then pours in a sufficient quantity of water to cover the corn. After the ears have tteeu thoroughly soaked, he commences feeding, giving to his horses but iwo-tkirde the usual quantity al lowed. As one of these hogsheads become empty, be re-fills it j and by the time tbe other ia empty, (he one last filled is sufficiently soaked for use. In thia Way the cob become eo soflohed that tbe - , V ; '1