I V, . r. it.viJ !l')iiffo j' y rn f !! Ij' ' h Aujju' i IK" emit hi nothing of materia) In-i-retl' the t' counts of Invaawn by tha IiiJion ft ikcauu I I rrniit1t i "I proved Ja'u alarm "Trmijudily Ih-u.U in every eccli. of h ft.yubllc," M)t the t i ihtr exacted that In (ha event vf the French ,ei(ii! k-in raia-J.an invaa.neof the country would again fUxiipti'd t; the .Vetirtns, 11 tiny have bvvn 4y faced to unilii among 4 thotwwlvet and bruih up it mili'try a little no eppruhvniMi amyn to be en .i;Jliowevtr,of the C'ia quencof auto ta stent. The erf throughout tha country ire Mid to prom wo Ttii twiiliful Riil!ic is not w behind some of her Jer jieililwf iu tlit warmth of olitieel ditoiiwkm. jers ii now healed cuittont a-ting on tin qumtmn Preeideutis, Wa ice 1'ronnivnUij election. i - il.. .Iih ill fjil. flrivwin. Iftlfe iLmlit aiwma In tUCC iiw "" 7- V- ' 'i " ift of tlte election of Gun. foiner to the Pretideney ; , b oppoiod by Uobert llaon. . TU Citv of Huuton i Mid to be in a state of im- ovemtnl in ill moral condition, a well i in bjijm nr ;iod population. . . David G. Burnet it recommended as a Candidate for 0 office of Chief Justice, to fill the vacancy Dece rned the death of Judge CoIImgaworth. TERRIBLE CONFLAGRATION. , The tire in the woods of N. Jersey, which Im been lict4 bj the papcra at existing fur some time peat was iha lute account raging with incroascd violence 1 .iiinaoi Drooertv hate been consumedthe confu tation extending over a apace of country twenty milce UnatMod Mr Won in breadth ; the timber chiefly me and cedar. The New York Htar, Mya : "The ...i.nfamoke are aeon twenty mile off", 'and at niiht L .ir ia filled with a lucid blazo which dima the moon. Jb wood, and gran are eo parched with the drought, L the ftainee apread with lightning-like rapidity, pre liiting at night a acene of unparalleled tublimity. , houaca, and thotwanda of corda of wood are dc- (rojed, and it ia foared a number of pcrtona hemmed by the flamee have perwhed. Emancipation ia Jamaiti.Un the 1 at of Auguat, Le emancipation of the negro apprentices took place tke Inland of Jamaica. f root alt account, tbia oc- Irrence bu been the eauae of new troublee to the poor nteri. before ereatlv herraaaod by the apprentice ya Jin. The N. Y. papera contain extended information a late data from the Uland. The negroca were at Yri inclined to be peaceable, and quiet, btit being urged, U jnatigatod by unpnncipieo iii;e men, not to laour thoot eaurbiUnt wagea, they had become diaorderly, Ld refused to labor at all. The Inland remained en- rely aocultivatod for 10 da ye, in conaequnnce of ia the cropa 01 augar are falling to the ground, and $ dropping from the treee and rotting. If thia atate afbiraeontiDoea, the Ialand will toon become a waste ie St Domingo. Hore, that moat humane, and cliria ia futernity, the Abolitiooiata, may tet a fine illuatra M of tlieir propoaed achemca, carried out A Cue for Ik htttyr. One of the Siamese twins, r. Chang, hat been lately arrested in Boston on a large of assault and battery; hie brother, air. ng, iry properly refused to be arrested with him, and reatern in eaae he it molested, to bring an action 6) line imprisonment Thia will fiiroiidi a knotty caeefer le eipoondera of the Law, in Busting. MARRIED," r. p.... t.. 1.. ,1.. 11 ik k. r.ut. nee A. Brinele. Eia., Mr. JORDAN WISE to Mies UZABBTir BUTNER. In Uni County, on the 1-ith instant by Uie Iter. A. Lockridge, Mr. JAMES E. ANDREWS to Jiaa AHY S. BRADSIIAW. la Dividaoa County, on th 18th of July, by Jamee irckhead,Eaq., Mr. STEPHEN G. MILLER, to Mwa lly SKEEN. Alao, in the same County, on the 25th Julr.Mr. ALEXANDER SEXTON, to Misa BE- 9 NBA CODE Y. Aim, in Davalaon County o the Mot August by Hiram Ward, Eni , Mr. CHARLES jAV'13,toMlat ELIZABETH 8M1TII. Also, In Da wson County, on the 5th of Aiiffnst by the Re. Wm. Psnan, nr. YY1LUAM LUTtlEK, to Utsa XMANCY FUN. Also, in Davidson County, on the 10th f tiw.WM,;Eaq;iMftJXlIJIIQMSO ia RACHEL RILEY. Alao. in Davidson Coun. , oa the 28th of August hy the Rev. Benjamin Ia- f"r, Mr. CLEMENT LAMER, tn Miaa ELIZA nRTII EWBY, daughter of Mr. Rix Newby. DIED, lo Concord, Cahirrua County, on the 17th instant, AVID STORKE. in the :)l)th rear of hia aire. be deceased Was a son of the lata Ret. Charlm Ntnrk I Jung, and auxienaively -k new for- Wrnmgs and leli llu l;u..l i. . ..i. r 1 1 Ped in the mercantile business, but. for the part four r me irara na liaa lumn rMullit uT Hnnlm.tn In iha ttte of iliasiaaippi. In the course of last Spring he ft PontotOC. and cam nn In NrlK Pjirr.liiia nn vim I hit fiienda. He wat on the eve of aUrting back to .isMMispi.hea he waa auddenly taken with the die. u which, in tha course of four daya, terminated hia '"wigience. n Thedeceaaed 11 ramrkKU kiB I In A IwlinM N friendly disposition. Ua seldom made enemies, " au nis acquainUncoa soon became hia friends. 1 till Uduatr and MnAimnpa t,a nramnl in thia NH He lived greatly esteemed by ail who knew O T uwi"y nttc4 by a long Hat of irienda V .in 1 urns. . I M U GransteAFtTette Countv. Tenn.. on Mondav C!" Augiit after a severe and protracted ill- L-r- rtuur SHAVERpf thia Town, aged aboj THE MARKETS. AT FAYETTEYIIXE....Septlmber 5, 183a peon.. at Jxan. I - fi a lflti Molasses,. . Naila,cut Sugar, brown, 3oa 42 80 84 7 a 12J 1 . 8a" lump j . "loaf, . . 19 a Salt . . .70 a om. . w (Taaaai .75 a 80 100 47 tfcVi . . . . 40 iV,7y Wheat new,. .lall2i others Whiskey, Wool, . 4.) 20 a 25 AT rriifn I 111 a .... . . rw w rtnn if , i. Mt,. . 71a wroucrht . 18 a 189 . 40 a 50 .450 a MO u a Oata, . . .121 15 otbin, Rice, . . Sugar,. 4. . itf a 101 . 75 a H? J "try, .650 a 756 . 10 a 121 ,2.ri0 a im Salt country Steel, American, 10 a 124 '"i v. ' . . . a . i- i .; . .;. w a ua 2l . 5a .111 a . 22 a English. . . 00 a 14 German. . . 12 a 14 Tallow, . . . 10 a 121 Tea, ; . ; . .100 a 137 r""iea. Orleana, . 37 a N) .43166 Tobacco, ma'ftd. 10 a 50 TUB rAMIJ.vlW.SI'AI'Ot. The enp,r.l!,-lr. p.i,onVB, fum ttnj miim a he country, 1. tl L,,rt .WlHlcf m,tuyth u M rmU.e.. Uy 'l,ttf rm,,4 tuibow. ! I Kjti 1 ling from Urn Jk, . h, th, u-ean. aIhJ a.Nl.bming all muireata sod eU.-. t4 tl.a pa,. of mt Hi iuhli It Id Itia l.,r..l ... I .1 . I 1 . . .. ' .. inrl,r., iimnmm U( UI4II Ihegeiwral charaHrrc tlio Cmii.-r ia will known. It eolllinae Contain TmUm Xrrm;. II .... . 1 ! v. myl arlKliw on 8ci.ivii, Wwhanica, A?ticulture, Vi , 7i . 1 mmm'"Jt -w I'UbiicatMMia, HlHjie.iic, J he bilk Culture, llonHMtie Intelligence, llotlth, Kdii Catiiifl. Aonmuiiutiii. I !...., at.., ainj Miweliaiiy.Tln Market, HmiHtroua IWical A tll'lM A tlt kll ..ll.u. .ii I . iwi ,imiu;r viariiMHMJ 10 a KilllxTfai fuman Jinnnt- 'uruialiing altngfther as vaat, and we brieve, aa imxreling a variety a. can be Uod in any othr Journal Mwucd in the World. ' ' Our errangeoiente enable ua to draw from the whole ranae of the current Litrature of Kumi, and our Cor rwonndwiia at home embrace many of lU beat WriWra of the Cuuntry, , Tbiaipnned Fami!y paper iaftricUy neutral in pol tics and n-liwiun, and the uucuniDruniUinir all Quackery. , eHW t)K A STORY lljQ IV airoua U add intereat 10 the column of the Cou rier, we offer c premium of MM) fUU, G tl.. tm,mt tory that may be stmt ua before Die iirat of November next to be aubmiltod to the decision of the following gentlemen, well known in the Literature of our country. Juaeph R. Chand'cr, Robert Morris, Orenville Melleo, laiiimi urrmi, tt. To tlMi writers who may ennd ua Talee, which may not Uke the prize, but which we may wish to publuli. we shall aend an entira anl i,t tb i uun at VkiUiL phitt, by the celrbrated Wild, embracing Twenty of ui jirotniiH-ni witiuingeoT onr crty, aecompanicd try letter preaad.wcfiplu.na and IWical Illuatratume. The price of the Courier ia onle irX includinrr tha View of Fsirmount and Uirard Colfetre. tot PAR MO. NEY ANP NO I08TAGKL . M'MAKIN 6l HOLDEN, A'o. 70 Ik k Street, Opposite the Exchange, Pbilad. TO CLUBa For t20 we send Im copitiat.lhe Courier, for a yar, and the Wurkt of CapL Marrvatt and Mr. Bui wer, rmbraeing eighteen A'ovrft tf the -matt popular Work! of the W rr For a 10 Bill we tend Five copies of the Courier, with the Works either of Capt Marryatt or Mr. Bulwer. ' For a $5 Note, we acrid to any subscriber, tha CoO rier,or m year and the Taveirf y rievi 0 VkdMpkia, by Wild, eutire. Editors with hom wo exchange, at well aa others, will place ut under obligations by eopyiuir the above. To all who do so, wf shall not only feel gratified to send the Courier, bat we will, on their sending aa a copy of their paper containing it immediately forward them, by return mail, Twnof tke moat beautiful news, of Fair mount and Oirmri College, that have ever been got up. To those Editors to whom we promiaed the ifnum vtewe, which we published in the Courier, on their noticing the fact on a conv of their inner, wo will send Ukmo of Fairmimnt and uirard Cidlega inatead, at a trifling regard for tlioir polite compliance with our wianes. .6 NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby, given, that application will be made at the next General Aiwoinbly, to aboliab juries ot Hie tounty t-ourt or Kowan JACOB HOLDSIIOUSER, , J GOODMAN, DAVID FRALEY. September 20, 1838. tml THE Patrona of the Female School at Lexington, have tiie uleaaure to inform the public that they have secured the service of Slisa sab A. crriAKxa, for the next rear. Six or eicht advanced Punilt can beJakeov into tha School. The superior qualinca lionsof Miaa Stefrti, and her popularity aa an Instruc tress in the niftier brancnea or an Academic course, re- rommendeda her School intlhe strongest manner to those who wmIi their daughters instructed in a thorough course. The He hoot will commence on the 1st or uc tober and it ia very desirable that entrancea should be maun at that time or tory soon titer. The Terms will be such as are common 10 Institutions of the kind. September 20, JS39 : .1. 3L NOTICE. A LL persona Indebted to the Brtate of GEORGE - MONROE, deceased, either br Note or book ac count are requested to call end pay th same wilh.nit delay, and all those to whom the said Geort Monroe, dee'd. are indebted, are requested to present tlmir ao- counU within the time preacribed by Law, legally au . Mil. 1 J t : . loenucaieo, or wis nonce win ue pieaueo. in oar againai their recovery. ' JAMES OWENS, admr. Sept 18,1833. - ' - - THE Subscriber has been eugtged lor enwardaoften veara in theimnroved plan of BUSHING MILLS, nd other Machinery when worn, or heated. By hie kethod. Irona of sillier upright or boritnntal Gudgeon, as also the bush for the Spindle and Ink, run much lighter and .steadier than those on Die old plan. T: e great trouble ot wedging ana repau-ing me opiouie, Cranks, and Gudgeona are aaved when run on, or in these Bushes and Inka. An oeraoo wiahinfl- to procure machinery of thia kind can be supplied by making application to the Subacri- ber by letter, at Mncfcaeilie, Uavw eoonty, s. Kj, L" A. gilbert;1" September 20, 1839. . A-S" Tl.a iSiituwilisr UMiiitd rrr an nno wialiinir in formation on the subject, to Dr. AtaTiN.one of the Edi tors of the l.aroliniin. Yvfottc 8ac. raiTii? ..Wrikar will aktll at ruihlie Sale, at Lie reai I . . . . . - i n dence. 00 the main roaa letuing irora mown a c- . . . . . 1 .t7 .1 1 t .... ry, to eaiem, on monoay me 10m wwwr nvn iut tiitah!ai Prn. liivr hi(4 lloir. Cowi and Calvea, Faiming Utenaila, Household and Kitchen furniture, together with many oioer aniciea 100 womna JOHN SMITH. ' September 20, 1838. ' TO KENT, THE House and Lott situated on Main street, be tween the residence of Mr. Crawford, and Mr Ficher, will be rented until the 1st January next For terms apply at thia office. U ANA WAY fMHfi the Hubavribrrnn ih liiih of Au Ku4 laat, an imli-nuH apiirt nln to Hit Tanniiij IJlMIIM-M, B.IHrJ Juil.N lOW f. Kit. The Mid b v ia aiKiul Vil years and aix ohmiiIis old. about ba li-. i ii.iub inclxa hiy h, and had on. when he Iff), a bin ikn f fain rwinial.i,tnd a black hat aith a emill rim. The public la hewjl.y forewarned from hrU,niiji r eM)i!i). ing said boy, aa I will eiilite the law aauial all who do an. Any prrxm brmi'ing the said boy to me. thai) receive the above reward, Ut nn thank. JAMEH GOODMAN. Rowan, Sept ail. KJ1. 3t 'PHE Suhacriber bi'ga lm'ye to i - Kalubury al ita ticinily, IU inform the enur-i.aof IUI he has etrfiimfnenl the Utitclirriui boaineaa, and will be fnind it lb Maikt UiNwe av try Monday, Wed in aduy and Fri day iiioriiiiiya, with aa fund B.f ae tha Mnuutaina etn illi.rd. and will acll at Uie fidlowing prkea: .rn.qurt r. choice piece, I ) i hind-qiiirter.choict pieces, 51 , bv tl wfwlf quarter, 4 and 5 eonta. - ' A. C, McIXLUNa KaUbury. Sept 20, lMi 3t 4 hi. persona indebted to the Subscriber are reapect fully requested to come fteward. on or before the 244 day f Auguu next, and make payment. The Muiwrntmr wiu iwii gratified tbM notice is heeded, but must inform all Uk whom it may cincern, that af ter the day above mnntinn they moat settle with John II. llaruio, tq., or air. iHvtd Kerna. JEREMIAH M. BROWN, Saliabory, Sept 20, 1W. . 3l U ANA WAY from the Hubacnber on the 2h in-t. two indented appn-ntieea to the lilackabitlis B11- aineaa. named UYKIUK. MII.IJH and ALLISON MILLER, 1 wdl give one bushel of Cjal for Die an- prehenaion and delivery of said hoys to me, or one half bushel for either of them ; but will pay no other charges nor offer any thanks to those who may do it All per sons aro hereby forewarned against harbouring or em ploying uie saiu uoys, aa 1 am aetermmoa to enlorce the la law against any who may do. so. J. B. ELMS. It Davie county, Sept 20, 1838, NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given, that I will apply next General Assembly of the Hia to of N01 to the rth Car- olina, lor an Act to charter a Yadkin river, near Haifa mill. Sept 20, 1838. Bridce over the South JOSEPH HALL, tml UCl-. rTHE Yadkin and Catawba Auociatitm Jlaeet, will X begin at Salisbury , N. C. on Tuesday, the 0th of November next when the lollowing puraea will be run for. Fir it duy.A Piwt Stake 2 years old, one mile out lubscrlptton : (A0.00, To chaw the day prwinua to the Race. On the same day 8 year olda, loila heata, sub scription : f 100,00. To close the day previous to the Race. 'lil day. Two mile heats. Pur-e : 200,00 3d day. Mde heata. Purse: 150,00. 4'A day. Bast 3, in 5 mile heata. Purse: $100,00. And Uie entrance money of the previous days added. . BY THE PROPRIETORS. Salisbury, Supt 13th, 1838. hVVIA TUUIXG. HpIlE Subscriber wishes to inform his cualomera :juMljlie public generally, that he. atill carrie 8fone Cuttins Riisiiif ts, , and ia ever ready to execute, in a very superior mu nner, all descriptions of work in Ins line. Gold-Grinders, Mill-Stones, Window and Door nillt, Door-ttept and Tombatonee, ar execuied in a very rare aty le. Ilia grit for Mill-Stones ia very good. Mr. Philips also begs to inform lb public that he can execute Engravings of various kinds He will Engrave marble-elaba neatly, and granite tomb-at ones can be well executed if desired. Ilia chargea ahall alwaya be reasonable, end as accom tnudating at possiUe, Per his wishing to have work done in the above line, will do well to call at tlw reeidence,Hf Mr. Philips, seven inilea snuth of Salisbury. ENOCH E. PHILLIPS. r"AugusT24,1838. 7 If ' NOTICE! THE Subscribers, Adminisiratora of the Estate of Jok Furr, dee'd. will proceed to sell, on Tuesday,' the 2d. day of October, next, at the late residence of the dee'd., seVCII llfjtiwai, a woman and aix children ; tlie aaoie being property TeftTiy aaToTu divrstort-arrwrigst the Legntees. A reasonublo credit will be given to purchasers. ' "" y JAMES iYOUMd, yrrr ALLISON FURR, JA1,nra Cnbsrrua co., Aug. 80, 1838. ' 12:4t NEW WITCHES, aT37T5LLaR7 ASTP OUTLaa?. JOIIN C. PALMER baa just, returned from Philadel phia, with a very , , . Fine Asworlinrnt f lltaa atrwaatasi aa as thaa rC n ui ativ buwtu as iiviv) vi wh S entirely new fashion. A large 'f jLr1" f sawioiBtii i -p , " Superior RAZORS find KNIVES, lie can safely say thai his assortment is superior to any in the western part of the State. Call and see. $3" Watches and Clocks repaired aa usual, and warranted for twelve months. Salisbury; Nov. S,183TT TT NOTICE! IN pursuance of a decree of the Court of Equity for Cabarrus county, at August Term, 1838, I will sell at the late dwelling house of John Furr, deceased, on Tuesday the 2d of October next, one Tract of Land, on which (he widow of the dee'd. now lives, containing three hundred and six-ty-flye Acre, adjoining the lands nf Alexander Kiinmons, William L. Meek and others. Also, one other Tract, containing sixty tWO Acres, adjoining the lands of acob Coleman, Esq., Peter Earnhart, and others. The above Tracta of Land will be sold on a cre dit of twelve and eighteen months, the purchaser giving bond and security. , WM. BARRINGER, c. . . By R. CvCabson, dep. tf. Concord, August 18, 1839, 12:4t J its 1 The fidlow.na ia aa extraei from a fortheomlnff work of Dr. I'trtora, tin dwrovuror of the cikbrand Vgo- utiiw Arili liilhim 1'iiia. "IIxaitii, wealth, ami enjoyment, are the .three prime obfocUi of lite. The w jiruier are only sought at a means to obtain the latter. Man seeks ftr wealth at a nutans of eiijnynwnt But vain la soch purauit without the ooewioti of health. Without bodily vcr and atrengtii, neither the physical nur Uie mental nei ther the loner nor 0a outward man is capable ot any aehwveinent whHher of wealth or of enjoyment Mm ana in corpm aw so a sound mind in a sound bot!y ia the una qa rtos tii tbfolule requiiite for tny efficient eft ft in the attainment of human enda. The mind may be active, but if lite body be feeble, then ia Uie mind active to little purpose, '"fiujoymeut ia not there j end the fittest laid piausara rendomd sbortiva by the ahattercd conditio of our tenement of clay. But say Uiat a man coo Id obtain wealth tint he could acquire the gold of Opine, and biing borne all the Irea aurea of the mines of Uolcraida, yet without Jiealth, where would be hWhapptneas! ile would be misera ble in the uiidatof h.ajfoldand hia diamonda: he would pm away id wrcicliodootai and despair and be would exclaim with the wise man of old, "All ia vanity and vexation of spirit I" Ilia limbs are racked with pain. and he cammt rest ; hia appetite ia gono, and hs loalhes his tout; hia stomach is oppreaaed wiUi nausea, and be turnaaickeniiig tway at the bounties of a munificent Pro vidrnce. He would five all ha la worth nay, all the world.ifhe had it-for then. lor.butlieaUhyman'iapputits. Ploase five me." said a hunirrr wretch, toa wealthy. rR eble man" Please give me sixpence to buy me a morsul r.f find 1 am alinost turned 1" I would give a thousand dollars tor your tetits. id the rich man. as be banded tha hunirry ens a dollar. Of eo much importance kt turalth a to the 1 snjnynent of Itfo! But whereto, methinks I bote '.be reader ask, sub serves thia bomily oo so plain and backnied a subject t Do we not all know the value of health t Do we not all attend to it aa one of the chief) if not tha cbiefest concerns of our. mortal ex late nee 1 Do we not employ the means to attain and preserve it ! Do wa aot lay out money do we not foe physicians do we not follow their advice do wa not swallow their prescriptions t True moat true - gentle ra-dur.lhou dost all things, we dare sty, and more, bull, wa cannot believe our homily 00 health to be altogether unoecoaaery. Aa in morals, so in physio is it requisite to have M line 1 poo line, and precept upon precept." Men in health forgot that they may be sick ; and mea ia aickneaa do not al waya employ the most judicious means to attain health. Very true, Doctor men do not aa you aty, alwaya pursue the right road to health. Now, 1 know of some people who are alwtya dosing themselves wkh physic, tnd running to the doctors and apothecaries every day of their lives. Tbey Uke, I verily believe, a cart load ot drugs in a' year, and yet they are nut well after all. Do you Jtnow the reason 1 Why, yes, in my opinion, there are two rettnns. In the first place, they take tod much medicine, and in the second, they do not Uke the right kind. 1 used to make the aame mistake. But lately that is to say for two or three years past Pye hit upoo a better plan. 1 Uke Dr. Patera's Vegetable Biliuua fills, and 1 doriva more benefit from one dollar laid out in them, than I used in paying Btty in any Ibriner pursuit of health, besides sa ving a world of nausea and disgust in swallowing an en ormous quantity of medicines. Do you knowDr.Pctere! Very well. "And have you ever token hia medicine t" "I have; I were a blockhead else." " They tell me he is none of your quacka, who on dertake to mend and regulate the human machine, without so aioch aa knowing of what parte it consists, and how they are put together. They say be under stands anatomy and physiology, I think you call them; and is aa familiar with botany and cheiniatry aa 1 am with the road to mill." M You are right informed. Dr Peters is no empiric He does not undertake what he does not understand. He was regularly bred to the healing art He has spent years ia th acquisition of knowledge; be bta de voted himself to the study of the human frame, and the diseasea to which it la aubjet and now he ie applying hie sequwitions to tha relief of tuflcring humimiy.. He dots not put forth the absurd claim so often ad vanced by the inventors of patent nostrums namely, that of curing all diseaaea with a tingle prescription f Such a pretence he would deem shoot ss difficult to wallow, aa to Uke the nostrums of tlioae who put it forth. There is no such medicine. There is not and never was, a panacea for all diseases. The veorrtax-a iimois nixs pretend to no such miracle. But what is infinitely better, they eOect whatever tbey undertake. Thev keerrthw word of -promise to the stomach, sod the prima via which th-y make to the ear and eye. And that indeed s no sugni reoomtnenuauun. ut ire the complaint, to which these Pills are adapted few nor far between. The disorder! arising from a morbid atate of the Hie are, unfortunately, many, distressing and fatal. A large proportion of all the fevert, espe cially at the South and in the marahy districts, are owing to thia cause, from the distressing ague and fe ver, which almost shakes asunder life eod limb, to the fearful " Yellow lack," which seldom quits' his victim without asundoring soul and body at be tokea hia leave. Conversant from hia previous practice, with disease, in all iu formi, which originates of the disorder of Uie Bile, Dr. Peters wat firrt Ted to employ bis kuowledga and experience in the preparation of a medicine which should prove efficacious in thia large class of diseases, which should should relieve the aching and dixxy head, and restore the nauseated and loathing stomtch, at the aame time that it prevented those, more fatal effecU which are so apt to follow from their imprudent neglect For thia mimosa he Dre Dared, with much care and a jtiitt adaptation to the purpose, the Vegetable Biliout fills, which he W nappy 10 say, irom long experience and the abundant testimony of those who have employed them have answered, more than answered bit most sen- iriiina aincrtntiona. "It fa nut hn owD mem asseiiion inav yotisrsrwsii'M t r.- . . 1 upon to believe. . It is not the ipse dixit of tny aingle man tnougil ne waa aa groai aa uaiu 01 myyiam that you are to pin your faith upon. . Neither al though it is said in the sacred volume thttj? by jbe mouth of two or three witnesses shall all thinga be es- i.liLl.jm . - -- ,A twit ion. in m amall a niimlwr uuiwiteci aio jvw w w:w.w ... M...... only I "A cloud of witnesses" is before you. They are too numerous to be easily overlooked ; they are too intelligent W oe careiessiy uuani , nicy miw iw ictjiw Utile to be eligbtly regarded. , . Unliauino li n..nl.nonna iMatimnnv nf thnafl whnaa experience is the best of the truth they atrt Dr. I'eters naa inrown togemer in uie ioiiuwhi jmaoa, a few of the many hundreds of testimonials received from every quarter when his pills lit come intouse. They are left to speak for themselves. Tbey are the woiMa of those who ipetk what they do know, and testify what thev have teen and experienced." . Be careful and enquire for Petera' Vegetable Pills; they are sold in Salisbury by John Murtihy ; id Lexington k. I P A1.hr.. n,l in Pharlntt hv WilliamaaV Bovd. of whom they cm be had at the N. York Wholesale prices. f If It f t ' f f!... J M.t it M ii j a . , 1 ,.,!., rj 'pUN AWAY fiMit t!i anUrr.l.rr I n.as ItOi.'I.N, who att..wl.td el it y 1 the!; i hot Ua li..ml(i u!,i, tlf c. u- f fcf wltatevrr, ami it in he!i,;ted Le Hill , n- J yS) I d"tof to nmka hi way ,i U Hi((, ot I (J I W ,,,1'r,'l bright fi!i- m J.J lallo, sluot six fl i t IiimIiI a ai'i lnt.a. 7 fulir man. avt-rj shout 42 .ira: 4,.. ma fore tooth miming, or a wls i ti.iii hia t t tm th; haaa star on wia4 hiacliork bnrKit.ttii.ifd by a burn adu-n voonif, and the mark t tver rot nn one ( hi thumUa ! hs is very lutd of sin, ita, at4 M.t'8 drunk, i veryuutragiMHM, IJms baa woiktf m s 'l as yard fin 2(1 years, and ia a very ot4 Tanner ami tur ner. Ile is alios gwaj coaras Ma Maker, am.' carrtvd away Ins bails with hint. . I will give the above rewtrJ fs the anpft henaHii and ronflnenu nt In jail of Rol in, so that I g.H l.un tuani. Any p-wsun spprHnHMltn said nrm, will pleaas ad dres to me at Oxford, North l andina. JNO. a LITTIJJOHN. Oxlbrd. B.b Pept.,l38. 4 1 if NEW FASHIONS, tOtt 8l'AI.a tt iSL'JJMEU, . iioimci: 11. iti: aizd, 1 1 ESPECTFL' I.LY Il.fofiiui l.ia fr.vn.im arul tha I ntjl.lifi. that he still came mi Iha TA II Jill. I NO liUSlNKBS at his old stand on main street, next door to Ilia Apothecary Store, lie is aver reaay 10 execuie me oruer 01 ins euatoninrs in a ..-.1- . , . . . . yie sua maimer not aurjmawu rjy any workman I the western part of tha Slate, lie ia in tlx re. Iiilar receipt of tha latest LmkIoii and Nf w.York r'ASIHONS, ami prepared to accommodate the laataa it ika liiultt.Ukat.la at all linui. D7 Cutting gnrnienta of all kinds attended to orcmntlv t and Ilia latest I aaliioris fjmi-lii.d at all times to country tallies, and itstrwritons given in ..:.... ICIIIt ..... I 1 lAua . vuiiiii(a iraiiwHirT, on, 1, -ij,-. , ..TO TKAVELREKS. THE Stibscrihsr ukes this method of Informing his frtviuta and hia Ba-wiaa aaJ ll.a Jlui f eocrally, that he baa returned to hia old stand Mtlio " Town of Llncolnloa. Ha returna hia thinks for the liberal patrooaes hereto. fore extended to biro J and bopet by a cooluiuttioo of bit former attention to his business, to merit IU contin uance, WM. SLADIi fk September 0, IW TOWN PKOPKKTY , AND LAND fOK SAIJL . 1MIE Subscriber olTers tor Sale the followinir vahia ble property. Ivins? in the town of 8 i ATKaVILLC North Caroliua. Five adjoinins Iu la said town, 00 which is the "CAUIX HUl'bla". Alao, directly op- waa 1 tat aai i.l 1 f. alail aa lvaar aa 1 rtt swatt si in i nee tai at lw I s a-sass iwivi mm a as wviitiiiiii vir vaiatis f-tas aa Acres, on which there is a good Biacksiaith Shop. 100 AX1U1H of good Iind adjoining tha Towa J Iwvnty-four Acres 31 wnicn are onuur gooo cuiiivtiion, ami seven Acres of excellent mrodoto. The arable and meadow Jjenda ara anrloaMl. tha mat ia is timber. Alai. nair Ar.rea contiguous to Uie Methodist Chruch. The fiwr Acres, together wnn tne aoove 01 one ana ntii,ara ins property ot James r iiarnin. , L'.. n-mm .....I. tj, Will m II. .hia tTm -I Ik. - Village noHV r vv. sones, m u -Mgia ituhii or to James P, Harbin, opposite Eaglt Hotel, in lb ...... . . I . n , m . . u t. 1 II. IM Town or BUieeviue. , , , September 8, lKld 6t NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS" Cheap, thf ap, we ry XJri I Qf( PeeCcott, iVU 21j pjoce, brown Domestic, SO do. Kentucky Janes, " - 48 da Northern Linseya,. .. , 2tW Negro Blankets, . 1 15cws Fur Hats, , . , . ' 8(1 dox. Heal akia Caps, lJWMI Iha. Hemlock leather. fldox. flne Calf Skins, ' ' 2150 pair coarse and floe Brojrana, tt 4(1 do. Seal and Calf akin Boots fit) do. Carrvall lUuiee, 0 bhda. ilolassot, . ... . - . 10 do. Sugar, 60 oart tuW,-tocethff with a general assortment of all kinda of GOODS, just received and for Sal Wi wbolessJa or rettil, by -..z-.- I, 61 W. nlUKl'MY. Salisbtiry, Sept. d, 1888. Ct Ymato lcjiietiammcnV. INFORMS his frienda and tha puh. lift llial lia liaa laLan tha ITruiaa T.ir. m iivt - merly occupied by Uol. wm. r. Ivel Iv. in tha town of Mockaville. Diivie crmnty.-wttTi ihrvtevmof keerring-PRI VATE KN- TERTAINMKNT.. The House ia roomy and comfortable aud io the business part of the village. The subscriber pledges hit best exertion to ren der satisfaction to all who may call on him. Ilia TAB LE will-at all timet be supplied with the best tha country affords, and hia BAR stocked with tha choicest Liquors. ' Ilia Stables are ex ten- tive and safe, will be well eupplied with good fro. ender, and attended by a first rata Hostler. Mockaville, Feb. 2,1838. If SCULPTURING IWULDSHOUSEIl RESPECTFULLY informs hia friomlt and tha public, that ha ia still at his old business of STONE-CUTTING, annul imitsa Rmilk nf Rjilinhorv. nnd slfOIlt 1 a. Klilfl from the old Charleston Road, whore he it prepar- .a a t 1 a' 1 ed to accffftiWHiaw tnone wiMnins worn in nm itne . . a t I t Ile now has on hand ana lor ante, a goou tuppiy 01 M f f.ISTONF.S. of various sizes and prices, from anaworkmansnipi awo wiitiT oiui, irom . an. . . . v a ar at ja ja 1 m. . .a fff t . ' . . , nrfl t rutir elf I u r... 92 to f 2.00J UOOK SI irom vv to wkiu. STEPS 81.50 1 ROUGH BUILDING ROCKS from f5ty to seventy-five cetilajTOMB STONES from S10 to 613; GOLD (up than) GRINDERS $10 a pieco. The Suuscriber Hopes ty cioee aiiention to ousi. nesa, and his determination to furnish none but tho hunt article, and on reduced terma, to merit and roceivo a liberal portion of public patronage. ate. ' ." ' A 'SWA t0fS . aW- ' Uowan County, April ia, teoa. . , im COPAL Varnish, English Talent Japan Varnish, Cabinet Sizing, Japan used for painting, Var nith for Paintings and Drawings upon paper, &c, made, and will be kept constantly on hand for sale, wholesale or retail, by V C. CI. HARRISON. Stutosviile, Iredell co., N. C. 12:3t m

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